The Albany patriot. (Albany, Ga.) 1845-1866, February 24, 1866, Image 2

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AtBAHY, SATURDAY, PBQ. £4 lS6i ■ jj. J. Neville is orir authorised agent for the collection of subscriptions and other dues to the Patriot in Macon, Ga. SEW ADVERTISEMENTS. We would respectfully call the attention of our readers to the several new advertise ments in to-day’s paper. Br.YAii.Bnos. & Co-, are oflering the greatest inducements to secure good jewel ry and watches at *1 each. See their ad- vertisemeut in another column. . Don’t fail' to read the special notice of Udolpho Wolfe, headed “To the Citizens of Georgia.” If you want a first-rate Northern paper, why don’t you suhftri into the New York “Daily News V” See their card “To Adver tisers,” in another column. Mr. J5. P. Smith has lost his pocket-book, containing between 835 and 845 in moucy, besides notes. He mil pay a liberal reward for its recovery. . Coas. O’Hallett, Captain Commanding United StatcsForecs at this place,has issued Special Order, No. 1., forbidding.tlie sale of - spirituous liquors to any enlisted man of the United States Army, iu this city. Drs. Ccomwell & Cossellt, have foria- a co-partnership for the practice of med.- cinc. Office at old stand on Broad street. Sec legal advertisements. “RIl’H, RARE AXD R.U V.” A fnend in this city, received the append ed letter, instructing him to purchase a fat beef. It will be seen that the writer is in different as to the politics of the owner or the ox. All he wants is that lie Can procure^ his steersl.ip at 124 cents per. po.und. The quaint and jovial style qf the letter woulij lead many to suppose that it is not genuine; but as we know the author, we unhesitating ly pronounce' him capablo of inditing such an epistle. Our readers can rest assured that he is no Yankee. Here is the letter: “Deab Sh: :—I received the letter in re gard to the fat beef. If the beef is truly fat :ul d , if the steer or ox is a ,1 woh’t say what, but if he is now, and is disposed to be after lie is dead and clean kilt, a well just say a Royal ox, dead or alive, and is a good Anecdote for a very fastidious hun gry stomach—a. fat ox, not a stall fed ox not a nigger ox, or what a yaukee would call a Loyal Radical ox, but simply a good Georgia fat beef, without asking who he belonged to before the war or who’s lie is now—whether lie is a Loyal ox or a Royal ox, a yankee ox or a white man’s ox. Just whisper to him and know- of lion :fhc is truly a very fat ox. Tell him I don’t care for h:s politics, so lie is fat. Then, when you find him all right, offer 12j cents for him. If the proposition taltcs, then ship him and send bill, and I will remit immediately. Yours Truly LIST OF ACTS SIGHED. E¥ THE SOT LRNOR. „ . •1. An act to consolidate the offices ^ Secretary of State and^Sutveyor General, and to provide salaries for Gcberaf, State Treasurer and Secretary o State and State.’Librarian. „ 2: An act to make free persons of color competent witnesses at the Courts of tlih State in certain cases therein mentioned and to authorize the making and declaring the force of affidavits by them l i c -rtam cases. . 3. An act to change the place ot holdin„ the Superior and InferiorCouris, and Courts ofOrdnarv of Bartow county until a Court House is built. » 4. An act to authorize an advance 01 pay ment to be made to the Public Pnntorof the present session of the Legislature. 5 An act to authorize and require the Treasurer of this State to make certain ad vances and for other purposes. . 0. An act to establish the seal to ho used in the office of the Secretary of State. 7. An act to change the time when the Justices of the Inferior Court must draw jurors forthc Superior Courts. 8. An act to amend the charter of the City of Romo to authorize the Mayor and Citv Council to raise the fee for retail license, and«o prohibit the erection of wooden buil dings. 9. An act to authorize and empower the tub bhesahdoab. tetter. From Gapt. WeddeH-He saye that Secretary Whiles Idea—An Interesting Statement. A letter from Capt. Waddell, late of the Confederate cruiser Shenandoah, has been made public. The captain seems to feel hit ter disappointment over the result of the late war,... Ho says that the South lias play ed false tp her .causelie has very little re spect for her; he'does not believe that she was in earnestshe will'ncvcr again:take the field, etc. Regarding himself, besays: I EAUt j ul| s - M1 v . L", — — ruined man. I won’tgo to sea any more if I can help it. The feeling shown toward me „■ tho restriction placed on my wife is de cided. It is just the feeling I like, though the tyranny to her is humiliating to.the na ture of man. I liavo written her to release her bondsmen and inform the Government that she owes her allegiance to her husband As my case now stands, I do not think that the bond is worth the paper it is written on. In a court of law, I know it would fail. You have seen Mr. Welles’ report, I sup pose. He does me justice when he writes that I “ceased my depredations whel heard that Mr. Davis was a prisoner.” He wilful ly lies when he writes that I continued ‘'cruising against unarmed whale ships when oIir paper Has toME. We have just received a good supply of paper, and hereafter the “Patriot” will make its appearance on the usual days of publica tion—Wednesdays and Saturdays—in good time. As our paper arrived too late for Wednesday's issue there was no paper pub lished on that day. Rkpem-icaXs Pehtioxisg ix Beiialf of Mr., Stephens.—The Nashville Union | learns that a petition from some of the most SCOTT’S MONTHLY MAGAZINE. For February, is upon our table! It is edited by the Rev. W. J. Scott, of the Ga. Conference, and published by J. J. Toon, proprietor of the Franklin Printing House, Atlanta, Ga., at 85 per annum. Mr. Scott is a tallcntcd writer as well as speaker, and has a long list of contributors, comprising some of the best writers in the South. This literary monthly reflects great credit upon its author. Although it is not omoefislied with numerous engravings, its matter is conspicuous members of tho Republican party lia?been sent to the President urging the extension of amnesty to Hon. A. II. Stephens. This is a good sign. Ex-Peesidext Pierce’s Views ox Re- coxstcl'Ctiox.—Ex-President Pierre invited to a scat in the Democratic Conven tion of the State of New Hampshire, recent ly held for the purpose of nominating candi dates forthc State offices. Being called on for- a speech tho old gen- tleman responded briefly as follows: Our country lias passed through serious peril but I hope that we ale Judges of the Superior Courts "*,*'*$ ! fk'new® hat the ann'ies of the South had to hold special terms ior the trial »f cnm.- ‘ Tfae facts are thesc: nals and for other par poses. ^ „j| After reaching Behring’s Sea, I captured 10. An act.for the relief of securities »o brf^Susan recognisance m certain east**. \ ... .r . - , . ..T« « •— •- Whea Stephen A. Douglass Frist Began (• Dream of Ihe Presidency. Mr. Win. Welch, in the Home Diary, is responsible for the truth of the annexed: •• We have already mentioned the fact that in 1845 we resided at Springfield, the capi- tol of tho State of Illinois. We worked os a journaman printer in the office of the Illi nois State Register, the leading Democratic paper in tli.e State, and possessed rare oppor tunities to note the political combinations of the day. Thomas H. Benton was the reeog- cd leader of the Democracy of' the North west, find ho held his position so firmly that to displace him was no easy. task. At abuot this time, however, a combination was form ed against him, in his own party, and the Missouri Republican, the leading Whig pa per of Missouri, was taken in as an ally.— Douglas was then a v rising politician, and already had the Democracy of the State at his feet; he was chosen as the man to direct the combination, and to reap the harvest if successful. Tho facts came to my observa tion in this wise: I had charge of the job- room, and my companion consisted of a roll er boy only. One day Mr. Walker, editor df the Register, Mr. Campbell’' Secretary of State, and' Mr. Douglass, at that time a mem ber of Congress, entered the job room, and the three drew, up around the coal stove, which was giving out a cheerful warmth.— No notice was taken ’ of my presence, and from the general conversation I easily gath ered that the three were just from a private caucus. Messrs. Walker and Campbell were reasonably “jolly,” as was their wont; Douj WATCHES!^ THE GREATEST atone dollaep 75,000 Ay** 1 musical boxes, CHUNS LHl PENS. bracS^oT To be eoia for ONE unit*' prd to Mine, ,„ d „oi ^ ,L h lAE «Jek,„ koow ,^ 1 ,„ u ar „ „ > Country. * J BRACELETS. CA<rr^' , ^S f O0N S :& KIN EINOS, te/L- WORTS MdoV, > be sola for hyp One Certificate will n- thir, y fop So; P Ai n i r m2? A 4>15. All we ask. in ,OItIer ul V Address 1 triaL Host Office Box G788 lber,Jr February-24, I860. TO ADVEin'lSg A Supplement to Thi morns a*i other dny.andtweuiyiSo„LM^i< ?n^ n An"ac t 1 tV ? pcnnU < oertain person* to 1 AbigaJ.. his Vft cf^vned hat- Will be issued tic Railroad. | the 2d of Juno and from each I received the j „ G ent itm»n t do you believe the Republi- • Sfin brtincisco naners. Tuese DaDers pro- . i* j gh Sto amend an act assented to can can be relied inf Generals Lee C an^ Grm^conc!frrdng > thesiir-! C ' I _^^®j” 1 .^ : ’_ * • . . ,, o ,1 here Walker raised his clenched fist, and ■r a. .j»•r-—"«•p—rear.Ssiaars wji^issrss-jrt All the Railroad Trai.s , the oil J, the City Railroa,! S** 1 irwvnSio.-.. ’ Steamboat*, Foreign Steamer..,,-’ - ,s all Emigrant Ships, and in in London, Lirerpooi, Pan. o ‘"“l European cilies. and in the in nit the Principal Ciliea of ib.r’ < ^ Ihe Canadas, this will mite Ik..a!?** than that of any other baily Joa r ^° Lu ’* pox jn this Srate. enctved vigor. posing stone,—“by G—, Benton. shall bite _ , - the dust, and you shall-be the big man of Iwas made possessor of^laranewslj- ^e North-wJ, and in time President of , , emerging tVom the thick darkuess which at one time brooded over it. The ].resent time calls for the calm, dis passionate and patriotic exertions of all good men iu the work ol restoration, not merely j.j form, but a restoration of a community of 11 An act to enable tho Superior Court of the several counties in this State to raise * « as ...acre possessor o. a fund to pay off .he indebtedness of the sev- these the United States.’ cral counties in this State and for other pur- “i uted in the Arc J c Q cean on tlie 28th c f • We have no doubt but the aap^^ns of V °\7: An aet to legalize the issue of bills Juno, when ^ hud sueoeodedindestroj’ing nl °"f L .^ an( l'p,oni S .hat Ume' until I finally and bonds by the Mayor and Council oi the Arctic on ^lie 29th ofjunf 1 « ft . tho oflice - name was daily mention- city of Atlanta. -; #nd shi . fi . om somc of the whalcr3 eight in eonneet.on with that high stat.o l- resoletioxs. "I men onVhat very dav-.nen of intelligence, lhoso ^ No. 1. Resolution relative to adjourn- M tniinc a soldiers. It is not to be believed ol those d vs u i rcmember w th what b t- ment. , that those men would have taken service in “° 11 “ 9 2 In reference to the continuance of cases l)lu Shenandoah if they believed the war ownparty and withw hatsmeess Dou- agaiust the banks of this State. cfl ded. las did, ...deed, become the great leader ot '3 Authorizing tho Treasurer to make ccr- After leaving Behring’s Sea I fell in with *!* e no *^ tain advances. ° . _ no vessel unril l commuricated with the the North and East; he, too, aimed high tor 4 In reference to soiling the dclms of the ]3ri t ij*h bark Barracouta, from San Francis- n f Georgia Military Institute. co 2<1 August, fourteen days bound for Liv- ^ ^ m K the V ’ at - ™ 5. Requesting the revocation o_f the order t she infomied me of the capture of ADVERTISERS dow ,, , opportunity to make known tlAuJ* 1 ’ Ihe columns <f the NEW YOUtHm** of Ihe importance of its pateS* quence of the large order* .0 Ibe value of this JOURNAL u .l *. UM for ADVERTISING, ond ,k! be “^i business coimncnsuraie with t„, fail to 1 ecome acquainled wiilTi a«lv.Tnia*es to be derived fi oln , the COLUMNS of this PoriLAUJoto' ever rel iles to Commercial orFiauflj^ mailer whai may beU.e paiticuWbSI any party limy be engaged. K. B-—All Adverii* substantial and entertaining, and it is hand- L terests, fraternal feeling, and an equality We hope that this eftort of rights anior.g nil the States. I think I can discern gleams of light. The animal message of President J ol.nson was admirable; and in my judgment his stibsc- somely gotten up. at Southern Literature will not be, like most others have hcen, a failure for waut of support. Subscribe tor it. Willingham of the LaGrangc He- porter, m his last week's Issue, publishes a j 1 am please, 0 column of advice to the freed men of his rc., geei e.tts\ all men who desire the immedi- quent stej.s, looking to .restoration, have been g lided by wisdom, patriotism, and statesmanlike forecast. of the Secretary of War relative to branded uivis'anii a part of his cabinet; also of the tl * a . t S reat o3 . lce 'Y- 1 . 5 m re3ervc ) or •' l 9 ula ‘ enrernder of General Johnston’s. Smitl.’sand and unobtrusive citizen, then not two blocks stock in this State. • surrender of General Johnston’s, Smith’s and .. . G To instruct the Superior Courts to report ^i ai r ru der’s armies. The Baimcouta far- destitute widows, orphans, and disabled nished that newe the first time I had heard j^- A few davs since a young man call- soldiers. _ , : mrr ,, vr ~ P rt of the 111 r ,, ' 8ta,1 ‘’y cca3t<1 to cruise, and C(J UJ>on Eomc J a( fy friends and was ushered 7 In ic.. t. ‘ P ‘ ' steered for Capo Horn. into the parlorbv a servant girl. She asked pubic grennds and bui,dings. , TT _. | Before communicating will, the Barra- i lim ivha t name s r l.e should aT.nounce, and he, a thU 1,iesiai!Ut 0 1,10 Uni ‘ wSfing to take the ladies by surprise, re- ted States. 0 ltcl: Geo* gi ivt.-i V * u , ! ate restoration of the Southern States in their While everybody must admit j ?ivU ri ht , t and wWjoiathcir efforts in sav- innot read English, still we aie net 1 l la t ev er may be saved for the prosperi- gion. they cannot io-»« — , prepared to question their ability to read tire Reporter. The S.eam-Beat “White Rose” Suiift. On last Saturday night the Steamboat “White Rose” sunk at Checver’s Landing* about forty miles below this city. She struck against a rock .which broke her in two, and sunk almost immediately. She y be saved tor the prosper ty of our common country. Umfcr ar*y cir cumstances, it would he abject to despair of 'the KcivnW*?. - - • These a:c the views of a salesman.— Franklin Pierce is made of the right kind of metal. Ilis sentiments evince soundness of judgment. IIow much better would Ibrth-c whole country, ifevery^ man holding position in the Go\eminent, viewed the sii- ^ ^ . . Lower CalUornia, and then await the arrival *• | Ainrripn* ” ( \ friend 1 The crirl in'A„.l.nri,m-His Fveellonev tl.e Gov- am °“” 1°. u ; e of ofiiccrs I witiiesseda c . s f mann ° r possible, ohsorvef^'What kind 10 Autl’Oiisu.Jg ms J.xcciicncj,,tne terror which mortihed me. I was implored d«,l vnn mV IVvivitni- wH ernor, to borrow up.m the faith ahd credit to take the vessel to Australia; that to try nfon.-nt Wt recovering. -again plemcDt sluuld be distinct'^ m lr ^ Supplenienl.'' Supplement.' SSF Advertisers will be soppU tt ^ ber of the SupplenicnJ at tLe nit Lvusaud. F. GUSCETTI2431 Is ourauiboii.c I agmi forthc Head-Qrs. United States alb.anv, ga. Pb. All dealers in fcpirituoiu Linnoru lage of Albany ait> hereby fotbidd u away to any enlist d person in tb< »ny Intoxicating Drinks or Liquor lion, unless such soldier sliali iuvti for the same from bis Commanding OSai Any one found violating this order and Sued One Hundred Du'lais. CHARLES 0. D.U Capt. C&iu'dg I'fii.idSr; Feb. 21, ir»i:'. Pocket Book to O N SATURDAY, THE MS ISSl City of Albany, b, ed States, if not a withdrawal of troops, a j. en tQ (ji a p C Town, orguing and picturing surrenderor private | uu^i-ity, ni»«l * roRtora- tho horrors of captore, and all that sort of tion of the wilt ol ••habeas corpus. stuil*. I eal!c;l the officers and crew to the NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. uation as does Mr. Pierce. How much hap- had’aboutonc hundred passengers 03 b-rard |fcr f-r all would it bo, if the same,>- «* *. , «A ’turns of honor and lasticc dss.ingiushed tne —allot whom eserpei and^\.a.s | niemhejs of the Kationai Congress, with about 700 hales of cotton. We fear j There is a faint streak of light visible on that she will prove a total loss. I the horizon. Let us hope that it .heralds — — ■ ‘ j the coming of the great Sun of Peace, with man in Cin<£puati relinquished alt i ^ |^ s an d choicest blessiiies.—[Augusta claim to his wife for down and signed Chronicle, a paper to that effect.” •' mm m m 12 To appoint a committee_of three frrra quarter deck, and said calmly to them: “I the House and two from the Senate to take intend taking this ehip to Liverpool; I know . . , . • • /■ .1 •II.-VMV* VUI*KI_ »•••.! VMM/ VV> ( 1 UB IEI IUIU1UIUII Ul a n to consideration that portion of the Goy- t j lerc to be run, but that has been our fortlie p s: f»uryca ai. ernor’s Message which relates to the .State s assoc j a ^ e a n this time. We will be sought barrier to all social or interest m the Card lactory. alter in thc PaolL ; c anJ not in the Ailintic.” lhe , wo „ rC!lt 8ec 13. Authorizin: the ajipointment of a iinto the | ■ Mansion. . . ~ . .... They supported my views, ami then fol- Jotnt Committee to inquire into the present lowed a letter from the crew- *• 1 He was a sensible man. ^lany of u would like to dispose of our “ lrows * for ; much smaller sum.—Griffin Star. If, Mr. Star, you are a hen-pecked Bene dict, you should exercise the little discre tion hamraeredJnto you at school, and keep your own secret. THE NEGRO TROOPS AGAIN. The Atlanta Intelligencer says:— M We learn from thc Federal Union, that Gov. Jenkins has telegraphed thc President, im portuning him, in the name of the people, who are quiet and orderly, and need no mil itary restraint, of any kind, to remove. the negro troops'from the State. W c hope this is true. Thfcir presence is wholly uncalled •for, and is creating heart-burnings and blood abed wherever they -Zfo .cotnmunity feels itself safe with spell *a elenfeJfrrrrrvs midst, and we observe to be Richmond ISxavixpr Swressfd.—The Richmond Examiner has been suppressed by General Terry, United States Command ant at Richmond, as is said, under orders from Gen. Grant.-‘ “y A ISoutuer.v Man Speaks to the Ne groes.—On an anniversary celebration of thc issuance of thc Emancipation Proclama tion, at Vicksburg, the freedrc-: n ‘ invited Rev. Dr. Marshall and Hon. Walker Brooke, as old inastcrs^wd Southern men, in whom they had confidence, to address them. Thc Herald says: Dr. Marshall was absent, but Cot. Brooke addressed them in his usual powerful and eloquent strains. His advice to them was opportune, and thc words of encouragement were such as any Southern gentlemen ad dresses to his former servants. In a few words lie told them nov was the time, if ever, that the could prove that tVy were worthy of the freedom they hart received.— They must go to work like* white men, stay at their work like white men, and they would receive thc reward ot their labor like white If *hey were cheated and defrauded mnr-re»-—jwlrfiss as Wliltemt*. w could appeal to the Courts. If they did not wofk and earn an houest independ ence, they would bo thought of just as mean people were under the same circumstances; they would be derided and contemned. He hoped they would prove themselves worthy of their freedom. TO TUB tinZBNS OF GEORGIA. The tcriuiua’.ion of a sanguinary conlesi, which x p c?enicd an imf.assnble commercial intercourse be tween the two great sections of our oouulrv, having . . •. length happily cle.-ncd nvray all obstacles to a . . , , . y T* renewal of those rela* ions which formerly bound us ut of 110—saying they had confidence iu .... - . . , T *. u »• . ... together in a fi-Dtertial union,! »:ikc ihe earliest ty aRotded by Shis auspicious event, to Southern friends, and to .vol cit from them of that cxicns’TO business which for a u century has been uninteruipted save by . ^ . vv.»»\*Mvv wmo ■•uiuui u ttrffo uiiiu iiiiuiuj. * = public calamity io which I hnvo advcr.ed. tlicrercrnl banks of this Stato tomakca re- W as very -decided wfth some of thorn; 1 had 11 '* scarcely necessary, on the ihreslioll of n turn of their condition,, conformable to laws to U ll one officer I would be captain or die business re-union I should repeal tho warning so now existing, within ton «*; S. on the deck,and the vessel should go to’no. often giecu in my friend*—in beware of nil Iliese and 2 P.'.M.. a I'Ot.KKT CbtS, and $-15; also, a NOTE ta Stephen Butler to t-*. P. Sniith. paytLle 18!»7. Mr. Butler made his nurk name (• the Note autl it w»s witne-sed Smith; or 70 cents' worth of Be her papers not ieaie:nbeird. 1 reward for thc recovtry of the pocks I contents. Feb. 21, 1SG6. conditim ofth : Executiv 1*1 Requesting the Governor to intercede Ilu , an( j wcrc willing, nav, desired, to go with tl.e Pres’dint for the .restoration of with me wherever I thought best to take the OI ’■ >0^, 10 To autaoiize the Got irnfu to prosecute <)t | 1( -r port than Liverpool. So endec iny npurioua and dcleiertoua compound* stbicb, under the claim ot this State ior cotton lately se.z- trotl l,fc with coniniaints and sunniicatinn. tb C \ 7 y In‘‘relation 1 loThe Ca.-d Factory K-' fr0 ?' th0 bcl.aVed nobly Brandies. Holland Gin, Liquors &o.,t»ve'bccn cently in operation in thc I'enitc-nUa?y of, a "o -toofi^hnnly to U.eir decs.oa. * * * doairncir. lo ,b. b«l.b of our, a 8 troubles with complaints and §upplicatious the specious and false titles of Imported Wines. : Penitentiary of the legitimate lm J I ^ ’prejudicial to the iutccsi 18 In reference to a final settlement of the ‘ r TI«bsuenando>i, ; porter. State’s interest in the Cottop Card Factory. $™ tlC X ° f] L , V > Cr ^° l , ^° . M ' n H C4rs ^ ^ P^ 1 life have been expended Siiar? Work with the Fij.u«usters. days*^ from the line on the Pacific side to the Cape in 20 days; from thc C.*hio to the open and candid nitempt to expose these esale frauds; no time nor expense has been Cromwell & O FFER their professional smiwhi oTA~ / '“" 1 ' Albany *nd vicinity. February 24, ISiJG. Executor’s Nctia WILL 1 e sold on the first, Tu^ki within the usual hours of sale, befiw House in the town of Camilla, Mitch, ihe highest bidder, one lot of Land w hundred and fifty nc Tenth District of (original!)) Mj county. Sold as the property of M lale of Wcrth County, dec’ll.; for tit heirs and creditors of said dec'll. Terms on the day. Feb. 21, 18G6.—Id—40J The trial ol Major McGco, for cruel ty to Union prisoners, at Salisbury, North Carolina, is to begin at Raleigh, in a few days. some learn and also atluzirs. v»cn. crawiora nas ncen im crew died of disease when ueor. Liverpool.— at the lowest market time in limbo, aim this morning we otherwise nothing happened to mar our as might, suit th ir of the .arrest of his aojntant, Col. Keen, cmiso; no accident occurred during tho iinnortedar'i<-i<> Iso of Capt. Sinclair, ot tho “Liberal” cru i 8 e. I V , ; . f.remni. nliiri/n/t t i . v t <• , lwcntvfivc years army—tire fuller cl.arecfl with complicity Lc. ends my naval career—anti I am called V ° J,e “ rs ’ ' K ' ,ir,c,s ,r * BM<:lioM ^ ">« in the Bagdad affair, and the latter with viu- a “pirate!” I made New England suffer rcsp«l«ble niponing bouse, ti... noiitimlitv ’Inwa W<> i t .1.. ’ . !. t ° . * jrrance and Great Britain lid«n n.T»i.i^i ..._ j pa s #d fa' ililies for sapplying c ’Vinos, Liquors, nml Liqmures of tbe best and i r borne market with 850,000 iii gold, belonging, wo iielicye, to the firm of Siuith & Broihet-, a A Strxxge Commoxicatiox.—Thc fol- lowing letter WO,* received at the Philadel phia Press office, onr Monday evening: To the editor of the Press—Sir: The fol lowing communication (wltioh I give yon verbatum) was received at a private circle on Sunday evening, at itflfpast 9 ... “France is withOHtjmeji)p$»r! JVourevi)) > Sew York two yea.e alterwaid,and in,ti- gcMhe news in ten (10) days, fins is for a tuted legal proceedings to recovcrhis-treas- Gen. Bolter Compelled to Disgorge tbe $5G,GCQ In Gold. It will be rccolicfied by onr’ readers tliat among thc many liigli-liandcd acts of spoli ation and. confiscation which General Butior was gaiity ofin his reign at New Orleans 111 1802 and 1803, was his breaking open a bank-vault in. that city and taking from it sum which never found its way, ns it was alleged, into the Treasury Department, b«t remained in the capacious pockets -ofti|i> Gouci-nl Time Time passed on, and it so happened tl(at the returned merehant. caught the General in Through the mediumsbip »f J, B. Conklin, 412 Worth Sixth Street. Philadelphia, February 4,1600. SB Gen. Weltzcl has been, supetseded in <l c . mne a by any”honest thinking man. I *nnd of the Rio Grande District, and 'tain-omlercff t!io vessel to the British Gov- " that other changes have been made. Forth- ernment, and all avo unconditiotiallv rc- i" Korop., i„ .djition to my o*n er we leant that kiteProvqst Mut sltal is busy leased. Mv obstinacy made enemies aniono dl ?a»»ry In HolUu J for the manufacture »f th. arresting and disarming all suspicious par- some of tlie officers, but they now inwardly “««■>!• '"m Soltnops." StniTurthTwc'are told regret tl.cir aotionmtl^Cape Town affair. •'« al t t L ta g^. < »! {, ". fton > T °° Mueh C°V OD a*W_«flrea nod South America as „u in.alu,d,l', Ther^uUe!''' promptly and quite envctually. Wc should J w piove a lamice next * / * think that these gentlemen have learned by year, the only danger is that there will be 11,0 * spuuous article under the name name, a severe lesion thfit thc destinies ofthe.Un’t- ai over crop. It says: | 1 l, l sl ,lml 1 have » ed States—thc question of war or peace—are not in their control. They have been taught this in such a way as to stop decisively their fillibustering work. We shall have no more of it on the Rio Grande. *■ [X. Y. Times. Republican Principles Just N°w.— The Indianapolis Courier, says: Tim Rc- ;-L *--r" 1>lalnl y»*** And the! «>-* ^ or **+ v™** constable a hen cn an clcetipiuicring tjamp. He agrees With everybody he meet's, and ure. . After a severe litigation, in. Which* is in favor of whatever tho man he meets is Butler did his best to holtl on to the <;ovet-i in favor c£ * Th us,jthe Republican Conven ed spoil, be was compelled to disgorge, mtd tion of Connecticut passed, in* substance, pay over to Smith & Brother their money. • - ’ If all his victims it, New Orleatts and Vft-1 ♦ h * ,e * wo ginia could be equally successful, General j^ L^Resolved, ^wc heartily^ endorse Godey’s Lady’s The March niim. »o. C4 ^ l7 8 U t;u'iiuui,,iHm-nui. n . T «. : . . - v -. l»er of this old and weH-esta)>H«h2d book has 1 Butler woqld not now be in a condition to | J re ^5? e “ t ^°*J? S0 ? 'V s 10 t * ie beet, laid on our table. It has several fine- i l,lrt 'hye and go into tho cotton- Southern States into the Un.on aiMi ftAmnuintpe ■, »inaudfactunng business, which he is now 2. Resolved, That ws heartily endorse steel cn rat in 0 s, fitshton platej, cte.,Tjcaidc3 ( i 0 i n g ; n Ricjtntond, acecording to report. the cffbrts of the inajprtty *n- Congress to *qnantit,of Interesting reading matter. | [Cincinnati Enquirer. J keep them out, 1 .Iter imtoli toil and expense. The mania for greenbacks, and tlie high dlwHonrlHoh^raTM 1 ' 0 "* 5af '' s " ard ’ *" d price that cotton has been lately bringii”-, , - «t"h. onltuar, circumspqotion will wc fear will induce the planters of the South , „ '" r Jel " n '' “ 1 .Item from Kurop.. to put too much land in cotton next year.— | . "*» CM *' orBe ‘l The ordinary-calculations of prudence and , , recommend In all eases where sound reasoning should preutottish them J' 10 1'°»»ilile, that outers be amu direet to my depot* against such a policy. Why is it that cot- i Beaw Niw York, or tbat purchases be tonsclls^at sucu enormous prices as now ?—j uinile of »ny accredited agents. iiofa increases. With WtS amount “o^f SSBSS'i* a i"^r,^ d ..fe th .iy, W “«: ld ^ itm£ lbs war, whiob non espretutl, te.-nm^d,', aii Jant supplies oi' food and grain mm,£3' : "‘°v, witli a small price for the cotton, its proceeds' In 'V** ’ would be consumed in the purel’taseofS ’, “*2?*? ‘ aary Supplies. ■ ,' ,n,l °e of a>JS>outliera cuaiomer«,to it e advantage — " ,<# bederleed by irauanilnlng tfaeir orders *itW KOT-r*-- T1 . ; I 1 araers witliou' ZZua n vetoes the bill or culling personally al tl.. depot, In iuo present laige and well selected assortment. t3?” Alt ex-rebel otiieer died of starvation 1 in the streets of Mobile. starvation \ February 21, t80d BDOLl'HO WOLFK, ,22 Beaver Street, New Tork. GEORGIA—WORTH COCSIf W 1IBUEA8, Tl.otnss J. V«(l for Letters of AthninUir*!’* 1 . Oe. v'tc estate of Goofs? W, W - county, dcc«a?ea: • These nre. theiefure. to potty ~ the kindred and cretliiors of «nd appear at my office within 'k**i by l»w to show cause, if »nj ^ ’ letters should not be grant el Given under my hand and oE&u 5 ! the l9th day of February, | Feb. 24, 1S6G. GEORGIA—DOBaHEBirCJS S 1XTV Days after .Isle ■rP li “|j to tlie Court of Ortlinirj leihve to sell nil ih« reul e8, * ,e ., u Smith, Into of ««id C0UU«.*. dW” -, JAMES S.Wl** Feb. 21, ISCfi. ^ Pt lti: Lift to It s FOfl HI)«POStt FROM TIIE MOST RELIABLE Btf B EST French DranJy. Old Port Wine, Sberrj Scliietlum Schnapps, Cbsrw* 1800 X.. best Champagne, etc.. Store of zVlbany, No*. 4tn, ISC’- UVINOSTOH Newton, Baker H AS be- n filteJ »P '>y 1,1 traveling public *>e . bind oud polite trolmeni, u» " ni.taiued slid ntm'i-rale cteft^' * • In y Lave all B utnmirc« "AjfJjvt* Newton. Nov. H. H** 1 Cow Feas tan 1 25 shocks' Apply *‘ Albany, Oa. >«»• Co^\ e w44 3*