The Albany patriot. (Albany, Ga.) 1845-1866, March 07, 1866, Image 2

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J|rari4 latrnrt. Albany, wedhesdaV, jja*. 7 - JS” H. J. Neville is out authorised •gent for the collection of subscriptions end other dues to the Patriot in Macon, Ga u—u—A—■ utuq Atonfpt acting tix denag never support a maa-wbo has jrfoteti him- A self a traitor to aU sections. To us, itmat- concludes ins ten little whether we are sustained in our No. 2, withtheTolIta course—but if our people are. true to them- ofthe battle,Goti selves, they will drop “Andy,” as Benton When Gen? Loi HERTS. Sirs. Louisa Masofc -bafc'filed » fi 7 divorce in the office Of the Clark of the Su perior Court of Dougherty county. Samuel Kimball has lost several note*, for a description of which consult the new ad* yertising columns. . . * L. E. \7elch is contantly receiving *om New York and Philadelphia, DfUgs, Medr cines, Pprftimery, Dye $tqfl* Oil* Famishes, Lights of aU fifoc* TflbftPPP, gars, Pipes, Soap, Ac., all of which he will dispose qfcby wholesqfo or retail, as eh as any other establishment in Georgia. Bead the citation of the Ordinary of Baker county. - ■- .. m , Bead the five legal ‘'ids’* from Worth county. * Hasdwabk, Ac.—Charley Volker haa just received a large stookof Hardware,Tin ware, Glassware, Hollow and Wooden Ware, Cut lery,^Carpenter’s Tools, Cooking Stoves, Klye’s celebrated double-water-proof percus sion Caps, Ac, Mr. Volker is prepared to do all kinds of Tin work in the most approv ed and substantial style. He invites the pnblie to examine his stock and ascertain bis prices before purchasing elsewhere. Atlanta Intillegwieet iscenoes 'of the-War, grilling incident blasphemy of Mr. Stunner, in likening the by pointedly arid, like a hot; potato.. Let uglFederal left, itsj (advanced upon the was'carried, but ‘"ttSfi Sxvxaa Rn.oM.-The disgusting tomake men theih holy; How absurdly they act, who seek enjoyment in sin, when but for gift there would he nothing typical negro to Him who' was God on the Cross, before the Senate of a Christian na- but -enjoyment; ’**’“’** w na;<to’’iMStSi®’)?’* **®* ta ^ “ maid, “a viour of the world, and the people of the Crne 1 A UtPEEbohs CRAWFORD iSi•» «aw, or thiy mu ^ - - And tne xiouse, uo -j. —. —* nor, place themselves in the situation of Pontius Pilate, with the negro for tho Sa- ■ ~~ ■ - MUAgd- 1 ie oft ly.sii go lurthi United StateB for Parrabjts? - him-pir, Sumner] to in the next breath to say that what, with “ ‘ ‘ of the United States aqd ,I— , . . ^tha'enfirnv'fieing•hft&ilyreinfbroedirallied, leave Mr, Johnson to the tender mercies of aniinturm dmveour portion of. the line his friends, end, God granting, they will brigsdat from the'.positioii, as fink him sodeepIK&the gnlfof political ob-' other brigades on our ng^andleft. Ag^ tivion that the angfiof the reaurection wfll w« c “^? l cSidaSK«*BnUbr u*nearlyall n^heabfotofindjig^ foTrhe Zth?St^thenegrt^d [From the EofsoUDSUr Newa. March #.] <^em like the mighty been crucified between-two thieves, and that ALARAM* BEfENCE LAWS. ^ ‘flhe^S^a ^ ^ ST. by thisproposedamendment, the stone Fpr the information of .many in this see- rifing frojTtheir had bwn rpUed aw»v from , t ** e t ^°°. r tion who haye not seen the Revenue Laws, Tmar The Line lulls in tMr^ear sepulchre, and he had ascended to ait on the MpStaed by theLogislature and npprovjS ^Syohet* and pourimj throne of the Ahmghtjr and judge the on the 22d of February, we nmke a bnef J^^ri^iforcoments down thmr-Mid- world.—INational Inf - statement of ti» principal provisions of the -""gfope. Now, When we should have been- ^iands are to he taxed according tovalue, ^s?^J to^sehdffit *tSflSmrabriSke theft to be ascertained by the assessors from the awofda noon the rock* and many of therneh best information attainable, .at one-fourth of »*, q 1 ^ dead apdwounded comrades Is 1 - one percent. Lands of.non-residents not noby thousands and it.aeomedli 1 to be taxed higher than those of refidents ” J. of the State.'Landed property of the Unit- 1, virgin ’on to fif e to .tho old i I should Bay:”— ESP At the celebration of ft marria; large number'of yonng ladies present, minister said, “those . wishing to he joined stand up,’ arose! STATUS OF TUB . REBEL STATES, The Supreme Court ofthe United States is recently confirmed the correctness of resident Johnson’s position in regard to _iestatus ofthe rebel Staten-jnie point qoharidtosftve the shattered rcift- Was, whether the courts, as before the war, from destruction. But aid dirt not Would take upithose eases from «4d States J .IVimm ln!^ aalrlA tto AnnhannonOft States, of the State OF ofanyoenuly, city man—a sonwy mum •m™.. e«H- dr'town ttiereof, or of the. State Bsuk^snd ^before tjhejdgggrm^nt O^^ 11 ^'' tk rebelUonj and,thejrebe!lipn bwg» , man—• »<fitt«fy man'tiirewliim: wliichhadbeen,laid aside te.ooneequeuce of its branches, to be .exempt town tajationf iffiuded, sought to my its preesedl-'tlletionrt 'decid also houses of worship, and the property^^of onW a r d progress. I kemember, u if it wdj» Chief Justice Chase alone dissenting, literary, smentifio and benevriMtmstitu- 3^ yes^y.^ej^W^ a»d Bou^rej far, therabrtsjia the judicial department of ttops; also tool* of any kmd^edirfany 00- 0 f the strange*" None knew, huh, but ^ General Government is concerned, from cupation to the .value of *1001 also insane u fhrVtkMCNy? -fio sioW: the ooHapse of the rebellion the States in- personsand their prepay to the vane of throug^e^ful^fnl'lyith steady step volv^iiiTrmwme their former rqlaflpns as ftlOOO; also crippled and dumblcdsoldierf ^ ^ uftcd BWOT a seemed to say-to the members ofthe Union. Thus the head of whose pro^rty d^ not exceed A900,fa^ advancing foe “ tone,.fer. shaltthouj come the ExecutiveDepartment, by the highest ill tax, algp l^n^B dflna^©d y Congress no farther.^ Raid RPthmg, but lii® authority in the land, the Court of last re> 0 god-Hke example 1 feveryman sort, is borne out in fojs judgment that ssces. ithetaceoi non is a nullity, that the rebellion did not . ^ nullity, th! .—, ,nnuI " cany the offending States oat ^the Union, .. Tux Kidd . Hotv^-—Hore widely known as the “ Albany House,” has, under the su perior management of Capt. Kidd, taken the J!**’ *.*1. nmnni. J.I tins RMttOD of first rank among the hotels of this section o' the State. His table always contains the best our market affords, his bedding is clean, and his bar contains the best of Whiskey, Brandy, Wine, Champagne, Ale and Porter. Mr Kidd is a good landlord; he attends to his own business, and the man wh° does this - deserves the coiifldence and patronage of the traveling 1 ublio. to railroads. Poll tax on all males between the 18 and 50, except persons between 21, whose wages go to parents or n as the case may be, $2. .-. - • bay? On the following property, one fourth «ff the Theenemj came' on like a tornado srsr„toS , i ! g'iffiiSSSS bridges; ftock of good* wares and tbe Sqppomo Cour^of the executive ^ ... gL^“X4ah^ ~ DAILY CE0RG1A CITIZEN. The first number (new series) of this ex cellently printed and ably conducted paper, peached us yesterday evening. Dr. L. F. w. Andrews, its original proprietor and thi editor, is again occupying those positions. The Doctor is one of the oldest, ablest and readiest newspaper editors in {.ftp St^fe.— Success should attend his efforts, as ho has the peculi&r “nack” of throwing his whole soul into anything he undertakes. If ability, • perseverence and industry, are the chief re quirements of an editor, Dr. Andrews mnst i ^ b® placed in the first rank. The “Citizen” is published eveiy evening, (Sundays-eX- \ w ’cepted) at $10 per annum. "7 cin be seen at our office. . . “ *h° “ but thatin attempting to get oat by force of far upand down arms “they placed themselves in a condition - 1 -—their'vitality was impaired, not extin- and merchandize, Maid, T, 1«§* erint admtiU,—apffc, bj* deceaa*^™*** “ "flr*} 1 * in the holy bonds of matnmony, wiU please stand up,’* and nearly all the yonng ladies HEW ADVERTISEMENTS. WHOLESALE i^ARD-—r RETAIL mmmmm I* bk WKIiCH; At the Old Stand, AI.BAHTT, esonazA, time during the year,) including pnerchan- aiid judicial branches of the General £}oy ; ernment. But what is the position of Con- dise kept or, hand to fie dtalt <mt to labotor, Aou’S^r 8 "* 8 ’ the le 8»Iative department ? uxac AE{?u vii iiauu iv w utuip VMH fG horses and mules not nsedftr agricultural ,r. n , n -iai ttn line like an electric neat cattle over five head; house- * elpctnc purposes; neat cattle over nve Head; nouse- hold furniture, or libraries, over $30P in value; and all other property nof ^2 taxed; soldiers* On the following, onedialf of one per cent. ad valorem; Vehicles not nsed for agricul tural purposes; jewelry, plate, Ac (stud horses’ jacks and race bories; watches and No body as they lay npbii the, trampled earth aqd ,tossed up their bloody ' ' otiURon the broad earth oould have^withtjood the terril p°“ t i.“ on ir. ]? a ¥_“ d _ 8 ; ,vcni creait «; S^^e&in^tdy, gold chains; money hoarded or kept oq de- ital stock invested in incorporated compa nies, railroads CKcepted* * * confusion tojfche.-!. ^ On gross amount of auction sales, except those of administratora, Ac., by order <rff^ of the grave! .'Tl,e court, two per cent, ad valorem; on cargo sales of goods of direct importation from foreign countries, one-fourth of one per 0164 — .7 Mjuehuly enemies, we now - mpt=v as friends. 7 We would not detract one On gross amount of commisrions of any Onevpry pack of plajl.g card* fifty imperfect sketoh, leaned one flower to The continual puffing in which the papers of the fkrtitli are indulging towarda President Johnson is disgusting in the ex treme. Whyshould wefawnpn a man who . struck 11s a more deadly blow than we have ever received from a srsioS’-PtmE Yankee? )T -Like Air. Lincoln, the poverty of his early days branded him as an outcast, and, as' a natural consequence, his hatred to the rid, slaveholders grew more intense as he ad vanced in. years, He has never, doling a period of thirty years’ public service, favor ed the South or her institutions. When in . Congress, from 184^ to 1853, he mounted ' the hobby of giving homesteads to the homeless.' While a. candidate before the - people of the Greenville District, he said he wquld lay .before Congress shill,' nullifying the three-fifth clause in the Constitution—& piece of absurdity—hud then, he said, East Tennessee would be entitled to one Of more extra members of Congress. Again, he was elected Governor of the State, and in recom- '■ phase for this high 'honor, he opened the doors of the Penitentiary aniff set at liberty mboqt one hundred desperadoes, cat-throats and horse thieves The people ef Tennes see, still hood-winked by his masterly wirc- . . pulling atld demagogism, acting: through 7 their Legislature, sent him to the United States Senate. • He had scarcely wanned Ms seat before he “locked horns” with Jefi’ fenran Davis, who reminded hifjj that Tear . ; ' nessee wae h?Tetofqre represented ' 1 " ' - * hdtiOMdh'Jdyby gentlemen, fiutmush-room politicians sprung up-ip t^r plftBes- Mr. - Davis phintedly informed Andrew Johnson . thsthe was ho gentleinan, and he pocketed the affront with- all the'gusto fif an arrant * coward. In 1860 Me. J. stumped Tennes- •aa and adjacent States for Breckinridge ^ and Lane.' He denounced'Douglass and Bell with more venom than he.did Lincoln, ud on more than one Occasion declared that v - Mr. Breckinridge was the only, candidate ^ before theSoutherh people fi>r the Presiden- py, and if they voted for either Douglass or 'JteD, they were as much :the enemies ofthe South as were the supportefs of Lincoln.— ■ -- -Four years afterward!) he ran.on the same . /ticket with the Northern dofmgogae ~ \ Vice Presidency, npd a bull%l frQm J/ W. Booth’s pistot placed .hjm in petition ho wir flcpopioa, - v. * ’ : ’ • If he has been lenient towards the masses of the people of the Seuthern States, he he* displayed a coivardly l"indij‘tiv(!ness in keep- ing Mr. I)qyieinpri*<))> ; Nay 1 ho even had hlm.shaclded, as a mqtderey and felqn !-r- And why ? Because he (W^jl^ayis) read his ’ character qorreetly a few yp^ss'previous. The ^Patriot,”- while uh4§Fjciir control, " can nrver he branded as a blatent, time- •iai*ftrring*beet. It shall neyer st<jqp tojaud «a,.«» On pistols or revolvers notin the hands Si ' . <t«!tty«DBtg—Gen. ±W J, of regular dealer* for sal* ft? ebOh; on bowie assdeiat^ns ^^^0^ ta^flh! Tninmni vo Cos- United States, two p.p cent.; on gross re- VEDiitaTBS.—GcpemlJffipker m his testa dred inhabitants and in the country, $100 $t5Tho^t^fortransceafpei«on*$5<mta<ft Imest ; We hundred dollars ofthe a restaurant, or eating house, $25 (' lo keep mept, In ancieut lager beer saloons, $25 to $100; to peddle, have never been ab keep for-everl” rang load r, and aq. fij» mart opr A Bra Gonspibact.—The National Intel ligencer says .inffirmation from the State N OW RECEIVING OVER TWQ HUNDRED -CASES AND PACKAGES OF NEW GOODS. ’otter,, reveals the existence of a spread conspiracy ip Canada and Eu- . with an object of affecting the finance the’ United States Government. The fibs $20,000 STOCK. RedBctSon’lflPbight^Rediictio]r is Pricesl . Fai r N 0 ^ is2242aate»*.w lit. 1868 W m} fc *“ 4 »»4«Sf tiswh 7U., IMt—ran, - *•»!] .hTfiS'iSyh «n« hundred end fiu. C ^ ^ No. one hundred end ■Uei 14th District, originallv Dool. n, ' li *'a (Thudower is not included’ij’n* “ $tid«th.»opert,„fwmM'i •tid county, deeeeeed. r?J: * JOELJi March 7,1866. Notice. for leere to eel) nil the lendJtStoh? 1 S IXTT DAYS A | cat)gpto th.O ofG. W. Rouse, lalt of said ■ 5th; I860. 'J.«bV March Tib, 1CC8. Admro, ®-*.S AdministratoSl mssm* - Wpr<h eouetr, B No. aereotr-four (74) in the L_ Turms oh the day of sale. March 7th, 1806.—(16dd' * * roR FIRE. INSURE The Federal troops ject seems to be, if possible, to create a pan to in ' leaving their dead Ej»t where was the stranger?. Ala* the the European markets in reference to American securities, »nd, as a conjeanenoe, forcing homo oar bonds now held there.— The hope seems to bcplieihhcd that they may in this manner bring about a financial crisis in the United State* and prostrate the commercial interests of the country.— The .principal Canadian agent is a man .named Vernon, and the first movement to wards the desired result exhibits itselfin a work, the proof-sheets of which are in the hands of the Department. Its tenor may be inferred from the following heading “Repudiation of the National Debt Inevita- Buying largely from first bands, for Jobbing as veil as Retail, I will be enabled to offer Goods at reduced prices. ‘ My Stock will be the Largest and most Complete offered in Southern Georgia. Buyers san ex pect to fiml^at all times every article they need in my line. The long established reputation of the House and a determination to improve and enlarge are a guarantee that when you buy SIedipigc9 you the •erfect sketdh, I cau a<Jd one flower to ble-^-lmpu&pibla. to piy thm .Infer—t and chaplet of ft &tyep Jmcfa fame. L fihall Support the Government-rThe Farmer, Ar- myfl^ampljrWtwa^t ' And that hero ti^tod^Jorer, Slaveg to ^SRoddJr’ and ceijpts of railroads,^ one half of’one per cent! . niony before tho Cortnmtteeof Copgress on a I* 10 ? 1 * 8 ™*—left by will, one- the conduct of t^oTwi^paya the fpllowixig half of one per cent.; to retail spirituous li- tribate ^ t k e Confedorato troops! quors for one year, m a city or town, havine * ' „ « *^7, ™ more than one thousand add less toon five , 0ur j^'Uei-y had-«lw f y 8 been supenor thousand inhabitant* $200; -having more to that of the Confederate, as was also qwr than five hundred and less thin a thousand. mfan try, .,*n.: .n;— . . reasons] ThE'Dkvil’s Monet.—A lawyer in Bal timore tells the following:' “Many years ago I wss making a deposit the bank, when the teller threw out a $8 ite as unhaafa get tbs best. NEW €3-0OOS -WILL BE RSOKIVED FROM NEW TORE AND FQILADELPIIIA-ALMOST DAILY. Amoug th. No* Arrieulo, borides • Large end Ceaptete Siocl; of Medlsiuei. are , . WINDOW GLASS, WHITE LEAD ASD OIL, VAB- NISHtS,.BRUSHES JtND PAINTERS' HAIS- R1ALS, DTE STUFFS. gVICES. SOAPS, PERFUMgRT, CQMBS, BRUSHES, Croien Fife insurance U Adriatic Fire insurance i Security Insurance Compel Fire Phrenix Jtas. Co., Hart Norwich Fire Ins, Ul|l Total Capital $15,1 Apply’!® - - ' • ' HiStiVti ' Albany, Go., March rd. 1 Crcept in- discipline, and that for note sa qnbaakable. I offered it to a broker bat he prononneed it. almost vslueles* I will give yoq a lottery ticket for it, he said, he dealt in lottery tickets) Having no eon- idence in lotteries, I refused to take one, but as I was leaving the door, his urgency prevailed, and I took the ticket in exchange Great Variety of Toilet Article^ atist Reoeii A LARGE LOT OF Thirty thousand CIGARS, ft-ora $28 to $180 p«r thousand. The finest LIQUORS. TOBACCO and CIGARS to be found in the Market. WALL PAD! 100 dozen Pocket Knives, WINDOW : or the bill, and thought no more of the mat- io broker one day, he told ablmto rival it.” for each wagon in a connty, $2001on-n horse* General Meade sMkc-hftte wavie and $100; on foot $50. ' ------ gaUant advance",tfi«POtmfed|rat«» at .Upon the annual gain* OF incombs of ever lr “' ry person in the State, and upon all salaries, derful smnt-^-nothingjCOttldhavebeen more and fees of puhlio offioera, over five hnndnd .T~ a 3r Pleasanton, de- dollar* one per cent. scnbrng the disgtaceft^ruqmng awuy ofthp General returns of taxes may be made to Mventh Chancenoravtil* the county assessors at- their appointments, *f°°. unt8 . r ?• «^J^W>Bahmed effect upon, or at their offices by the ISthqf fiay follow, ‘J® “pagination of^sound of musketry, fog.' Taxes may fie paid at the appoint- the I? 11 * “L* 01 and ti.*fouu ments ofthe tax collector* oral any time “JS* * ti>«*Hcal before the 15th of December in each year, effec * Stonewall JagktfnchMd produce bet ter. Meeting the me that my ticket bad drawn a prize of seve ral hundred dollars. I took the money and invested Hby itself. It hx» n-'w grown to be a considerable sum, hqt ft is never touch ed by me except for charitable purposes.— I look upon it as the devii*B money, and fan cy that sopm day hwnriU call ftrft, I have PIPES, POCKET BOOKS, &e, &e. Extra induco- its offered to Country Merchants, Peddlers and others buying to sell again. Albany. March 8d; 1806. t aken very goodcare to keep it by itself, so “ s remainder of my tharit shall not taint thcr possessions." Physicians’ & Planters’ orders WILL RECEIVE ESPECI AL ATTENTION. 3?i»esoriptioiis OaEefULLT FILLED. g@-CeII ead ate. mj FISHING TAC A RsediawtBesi *f Hooks and Larg* Stack end examine prices.IS* Albany, March 7lh, 1856. Aqd ail Ijftdj of Tackle just recent! 1; - ur Albany, March 3d,.lS(ia, '• ter than any other mm I. have ever seeh on Romaace In a Seaalar's Lift, the baHlefield. Yeu-oould toU oft Frazer’s Magazine tell, the followlng^ ry, but does not mention the name of its - "' ■ hero; who is Senator Lane, of Kansas: hTW® copy tho following good iUustrqe Planting RTTHR Moon.—Tho Haxfohurst (Miss.) Copiahan enlightens us- thus upon this abstruse subject: There are a greqt many who ridicule the idea Of planting by the moon; but expe- nenoe is wiser than science, and many of the most successful gardeners observe rigid- LIBEL FOR DIVORCE. Louisa Mason 1 Ee *- , r?» b, « ,o Qen - JamesD; Mason. J co 0 u u ^ er,y Sup * rior DOCGHERTT SUPERIOR COURT 1 At Casxasaa. March 8. I860. ’ G. S. SEYMOUB,! Surgical & Mechanic Office on Broad J OYER JONES & CUTLDTjl OEQWft J February Sd. I860. coming interested in the movement for mak- 1 mond Times: fog. Kansas a free State, left fiis wife and re paired to that territory, intending to return rpoq, IfocQiqing, however, identified with of Kansa* the Senator Stayed y very tong. His wife at length de- manded his return. He wrote back that it :5r“" ? -WaatttinOmiMn tJi rerun. Hi. mlA, a “ a wauimpfissihlc to. return. ^^tod^Vtigur^t woianne* uui on* \ Txrpgpntincr in WehaveseeninbrifiU circnlation a car icature which Wfijtmnkis worthy of a wider tame. It; represents Mr. Johnson standing on tjie threshold i^ttf c eAn«tiletfon;|» jtt- titudo and expression denoting extreme anxi. ges of the moon. An old friend, in whose judgment we have faith, assures us that all vegetables of the vine kind, as bean* pea* potatoes, &o., bear more luxuriantly if plan ted fo the first three or fopr days after full moon; and that corn planted on the decline of the moon will make heavier ears than if planted at any other time. Let our garden ers and planters remember thi* and make the experiment. ^ ‘V »^T P* ,i,io »- »»d being satisfied AH Jgrsons SavtagD A GAINST the cataU af Ei#»3 J\ Worth connty, dat’d. abiP 1 unaerslg appear at the Superior Court to bo bold in and for •aid county of Doughertj on tho firat Monday in next, then and there to ahow canae. If any ho igned duly authenticated, to aaid eatnte will please mete u thereof. February IT. 186(1.-12 hi* ( »ky ‘ho prayer of peUtioner ahould.not be A true extract from t' o Minute... JeHNF.pAKgi^Ciwk T WO MONTHS niter thw • i Albany, March 7.1800. 0* “Is anybody waiting upon von?” a' little, and then wrqfo, d« less he returned by a stated time, ike wot tift for S fliToroe. The; Senator lnade no rpply, but gave a glowing account of the patriotic movement in which he bore an im portant part. NOTICE. — radetotheCuartofOriin'T" Ga , (at tho firat regular term * r *5 two muMlts frwR tliia nplireJ htt.'atafetaingto'tatg.teel Wg be in and creditors ol,««d <1*^ implt and the Constitui leqtly to that'his wife had filed a from a lawyer, offering to with qhother SSSSSffiSJSfSt?- and “Dear Sir: Yours is at fofod. Mjr.wife r ?"S-^ofitti5tf^^S?«!s!^ says she wtil noj stand my longabsence. If —- I were die, I would nqt stand itseither. I . Somrtmdy'might^tolet lfotfltig boy know shall qfipr qo opposition to her suit. Senator .returned to Washington ah Senator of the free-State of Kansa* visited hU <dd home in Inffian* and-foqndl^i n' ^foWtifog ^tMteufisome, and surrounded fir adtmrers.^ With the rest he vitited-hhr from' fifoS-to limp, became pres»- lover, and wqfirftmairied W expostulating A lyja on- the forehead signifies., miration for. intellect. On thfi cheek. ;b «Suty-.- %‘h®“ose, {hqt the,an awkward ffltd. Qn the chin, that he appre- ciates 'TqrasIise Lost.” On the hand, that he ha? Blighted the ladyi On the lipS^L fihort kiq* tnat he U.scared^ordoh’t by the Turks,-and: ‘ " the fact oftlie diurnal revolution ofthe earth, giving every s ' 11 i ' ”idi( ; - vaifoti^rflai^idft*diffi ? rta»t,'i*aUbe- i:.articfo. A long on^Pqradtse. Re- cma^r apparent that'exqry moipciit U Suq- *■{: BANK NOTE PRICE CURRENT. Bank of the State of Geoqri*..^.. e'o Marine Bank of Geoma.."in Bank of Savannah r. 40 Central Railroad Bankr....!; A.VS.. 92 Georgia Railroad Bank.. ’92 Farmers’ and Mechanics’ Bank in Merchants’ and Planters’ Bank. ! !’**" ' | City Bank of Augnsta ....... SSi i j I!!! Im Mechanic’s Bank o^Augusta; J *' o Bank of Augusta.., ,,-f.. H'J Bank-of Middle Geoiaw^v'..! '* •' | V" 1 *- for tho following deaerihed note* to-wit: one. qeto oa Win. I. Vaao* payable lo 1. B. slob—principal $514.40; dated May 8th. 1862. in Inlewat from January-lat.1862: 'credited bv D n» S9fl TWlm of awadit w.l t% * Janoaty TTih, 1666. -3-2® fitlXTY days ailer d»;e« HI totheOrdina ,$3®oe WO. Date of eredit not recollected. One for|J69.87-payable to L. E; Welch: dated Oat tor $2ia.l0—payable to E- Weloh; dated 1® 62 = signed by E. T. Joacs. : One for $2,666.67—payable 108. Kimball: dated Jaly 28th, 1662; due la* January, IgM, with | n u , sfrjv«t!S‘ irAW£i5SKSrl;fi®S£S: TS- '■ "SF tfc»VlR»Sg«Sa&; to the Oniinir? nf Worth een§ ftbfisy of JaetFuy.lB^jjjjj 'januity Hth, 1856^-3-60d_ MITCDELL SfiEBIFM WILL bo aoldon the firat 7“ ^ f before tho Court Home door ft tJJ !SJ5SiSrtbS’»4 Banlc'ofAthens... on Bank of Fulton. S ■ ~ ‘' 5,80 Onion Bank of South Carqfjnq. ’ * doraed li? aaidToVjS ti* •® j A» J. 9ownfi, and en. .daCad and due some time Hardwiok. .' . Elmbsll; dated snd ; aigned bygllowell Fehruaty 28lh, 1806. SuiSUSSsS-””:":""*? T HE regular ooftvosatiau’ij .tfio aeeosif sad fiurli. 11 ”The oompaqlons wfflffoW? Bank of Selma!’ ' * ‘ \V * * *"®° Bank rftheEmpire State: ‘i S SoutfoWestorn^Railroad. Bank Jg Other Banks ofSoqth Cafojjp^',^ t ’o4Q lioatioQ ^9 Sell Land, 16-2* *rn themselves M sir.- jl-S *: i tqtjpf lames Buekelerr.dt |. jSH ’- . , CELIA E. BUCKELBW, Mat h 7 186* ” “® hoqls non—Will annexed. ' PBESCMI^. IPECIALaltenlio^v 1 iSB TN8FECIAL alter we a^a