The Albany patriot. (Albany, Ga.) 1845-1866, March 14, 1866, Image 2

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Snni4acclilj) patriot. ALBANY, WEDNESDAY, MareU 14,1866. CS?“ II. J. NeviLle is our authorised, agent for tlio collection of subscriptions and otlicr dues to the l’atriot in Macon, Oa. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. David C. Marrow, of Athens, tin., is offer. „ ing for sale a Steam Saw ami Grist Mill, together with seven hand red acres of well timbered pinh* land, with good inmsrs on the premises—touted near Camilla, MitclicU county, <5e0‘ t J. B, Ross'& Sox, Wholosale mid Retail , Dealers in Dry Goods arid Groceries, corner of Cherry and Second" streets, Macon, G.r, aro now receiving ^largc and veil selected assortment ttf everything usually kept in a _ first-class wholesale house, all of whffin they offer fo» safe at the most reasonable prices'. They are now opening their largo stock' ot Spring Goods, consisting of everything usually kept by them, and are offering the. greatest inducements to merei-.ants and pur chasers generally. See their advertisement in to*<fay’s issue; • ' « ' - ' sio-sa — An advertisement of the Netv 1 orb iul'd Dravulcncc-ejreafTiift Enterprise ap- appears in to-day’s Patriot. Recording to the tone of their advertisement they are do- ifob business oh a liberal system. AYo in vito the attention of all to their card, and es pecial? those who transact business in the jewelry line. They want agents in every tov ti for the rale of their jewelry, and offer rare inducements to others whose stocks are exhausted. J^’ A.Yc perceive that. Georgia six pec rents arc now quot sd in New York at 98. higher'than any Southern State. Good fi- ,ianeiu rs ^y that they will be at pdr in less than » month.—[Allan .ta Intelligencer. These bonus are quot ed in Macon at 80 a SS}. J Tt is proper that Our readers should understand that these qu otations are for the bonds without the past due coupon?, while the New York quotations are with the past jApe coppy ns-attached. A Northern RcpnMican If liter ca Negro 7" Suffrage,- A Northern correspondent oftheChiea; ‘ZJtf PrefessowNott, of Mobile; publish cd a letter in . the National IntelligenaMR Avhiclt contains some wholesome truths.— The peopl^of this section, who understand the conditym of the negrb; Twill fit! ly appro-' elate the wisdom of Professor Nott’s' sug gestions:-. - ) ' “ I acknowledge th;it it is rintcH easier to. find fault and start difficulties thimilo sug gest remedies, and,"if yoti shfinld call upon me for aid,-1 most say that; while I am wil ling to assist to the utmost ot’my ability,my advice can be comprised in very few woi ’ ft is this: “Remove vonr bureau and States troops, (particularly blacks)’ as speed ily as possible from our soil, and leave the relations between the races to regulate them ‘‘The. white people of the South are of the same flesh and blood as those of the North; profess the same, religion, arid are actuated by the same feeliifcjs, iriipulses and interests; they, too, nre-a proud people, jealous of dic tation and foreign interference. In due time the negroes will be educated, their poor will be. provided for, and they will, in every respect, lieas well eared for by us as by Von—but never ‘on compulsion.’ “As long as your agents, remain among i New Yogi;, Ala tkn has arrived 71 4* us the negroes are buoyed up by false lidpes, and deluded by false, promises- of wicked and designing inen,. who create prejudices against their old masters that never Existed before, and thus prevent them front going hack to honest labor lor fair compensation. T snv that all this is drine by bad men under the cloak of your lultican, without your knowledge. ' - .. . ’ • • “If the whites and blacks be left alone face to fare, they will soon Understand each other, and come to proper terms under the law of necessity. The planters ofthe South need labor for their fields, and niqst'and will have it from some quarter. Thu negroes who are now. free to make contracts, want employment, and must work or starv e. These are plain principles of political econo my, which accord with humanity.'. - ’ j- “Tim negroes now refuse to make contracts for the coming year, and, when asked for reasons, say they have been informed that the lands are to lie. divided among them, and that they will lie branded and returned to slavery if they make contracts with the slave owners. • “Now, who has spread inch notions among them we know not, hut such are the facts, and as long as your bureau remains, these outrages upon humanity will be com mitted. “After removing votti' Bureau and the (From The Courier des iltatus 1 1 nis. i The iiomcn of the'Souili. For some days past The Tribune, which generally possesses the virtue of self-respect, not knowing, doubtless^Jiow else to give Vent to its ill humor at the turn of affairs, lias lavished insults upon the women of the South. It seems to uri^that a thousand rea sons, riot to inentioiAtlie simple oneof pro priety, should restrain a Northern journal from mich attacks. .-.The .Tribune’Bliould .re member, too, the heroism displayed 'by the- Ipnfedym’te women for their cause. AV heth- T'this cause were good or bad, the Southern woinen have sustained it nobly, and with a. force of character Which recalls the ancient .women of Sparta, and Which has (‘.very where commanded respect and admiration. Not satisfied with attacking the Southern women, The" Tribune institutes between them audnlie women of the North a compar ison as odious as it is unjnst, '.‘‘Our women,” says Mr. Greeley’s news paper, “are everywhere a most cultivated class; tlie women tif flic Sotith arc more illit- efttte than the men.” - ’ AVe dispute the truth of this assertion.*— There are at the South, as at the North, ed ucated women and ignorant women, well bred and ill bred, vulgar women. But wc do not believe that trie proportion is so un favorable to tlio South. The ladies, of Charleston, of New Orleans and of Ricli- moiftl have shone in all the European saloons where they have appeared, as brilliantly as those of New York and Boston. That the Southern women arc less literary than their .husbands is very possible, hut we do not consider this snfifty as a reproach. AVe do not like learned women; we are repelled, bv women Versed in Latin and philosophy, and, unlike Mr. Greeley, take the part oDIIenri- ette against'Aiffande. A woman' rimy he educated, certainly, lmt let her never become a pedant; and, above all, let her tlcyhr pa rade her learning, AVe do not scf at the South such physical and philosqnliical la dies ; we see only too many of them at the North; and what these gain in, science, if j bales-at 41 to 42 science that may he called which'conhjstsju a great number of ideas, affnost al ways eon* fused and superficially tindt'i'stood; juried to BY. TEEEGUAP1I. FOREIGN NEWS. ‘ AVL OF THE CITY OF BOSTON. cli ii .—‘Tlio City of Bos- jh European advices to * The T.iverpoolefittcrtt market had advanc ed 4<L; sales, fbnr ^ays, 55,000 bales, tlie ft. -'Five Twwties 71 a Russel, wS&lff be NOTICE WE HAVE NOW IN And are cSnatsnlly replenish! efroo: 30 BAI.ES Arncoti ififls Sliecl 45 bale's flint liiver Osno 20 “ Cotton Yary, Nos. 100 bbls. Crushed. Powdered force: ij» Ireland ited. vernment bad seized two ir Chili. ' Which wc expect to sell irre’sts were plentiful in Ire-' : * FROM WASHINGTON. \VAsriixGTp:f,j!lareli It).—The Cotnmif- tce of Ways and Merins, have agrecc to tyo- port a very considerable’^reduction of the internal revenne taxation, and especially, to repeal the 0 cents- per toil now' levied.on freights. A\ r AsniXGToxj - March 11.—The Brittsh Minister has been assured by the Govern ment that no violation of the neutrality laws by the Fenians, will !>o permitted. The Canadians arc apprehensive and greatly alarmed about an invasion. - t NEAV YORK MAHJprm" —' New Yo:;;;, March 12.—Potton is firm find advanced one ceuC/Bales to-day 1,800 treops, T see blit one duty uaingtiir von to perform, ami that is to assist us infccri’iil d clothing colored naupei s. The old, the il children, the vvoVth- olotliing foloretl inn, tlie women' s vagrant?, will ibnii a lnirii 1 nn.nhle tc carry. As Iona u that wc*. as women TlepuLliean writes a long 3fnoon, •' - - , , t o jjuJ ch’.luron were jiropeity, and tire unjm>- ^luc-tive c-liiM was one day to become si pro fitable pi*>ducer, the owners could nffgrd to on “the state of the negro question Ih the South.” He says : “While I doubt the right, of Congress jhl feet! women and cliildrei 4 . tllfft <*ohNtitute interfere in this matter (negro snflmge) at i one half ofthis population. Ali this is now nil, I have no hesitation in saving that the! changed, and tlie capital of tlie is no -iiestbwal'df suffrage upon the negro at this longer adequate to jn-ovide forsudiftii enor- time .,V\rould result in nn unmitigated evil to mous charity. Ko large farmer in Ohio or Sout^eVit society and the country at large.] Pennsylvania would consent to take ten or The assertion of Gen. Sehurtz that it would j twenty negro families, pay them wages, find result in ti war of races is no exaggeration ,j liietn in houses, and feed and clothes for . amtwohld be a siificient reason for with- their labor Nor can we. Of all peasantry • holding it, even if the Yegroes, as a class,i i*i the world, the Mucks, <m such terms would 1 could l>e depended upon to vote intelligent-' make the hardest bargahi.” ly and independent!y<” j x Tliis accords with -the opinion expressed j < *- ! - T - t’ 1 ’ 1^0*.—Hr. Chunming's pro* .hy the President, who sahl, in a eon versa-1 d.etiou that i?k- nurl.l tvIU c-omv to grlof h> tiog witlrMr. Slohnis, that negro suffrage j 1 .so7, is irreverentlv commented upcii by- at tliijjime wonUl-havo the affect *>f eqitsing! t , K , Augusta Cnustil.itionalist, it Wtv.i a war or races m the hontli. The writer ^ , . , ’ . A continues,' 4 “i» e are tirmlv persuaded that this will The ballot is a poor man's for. ig- !. >rov , c to *«’ “»• gJ" m<‘l little wool noranee, vieo ami prejudice, even" in the | oi : ...g headed worl.Las voit may, hand, of enlightened men; in the hands of ; Drai-tUs fall^ mto the apron of the m- thc negroes, ""it could scarcely overwhelm E*Td.t r,1Cr ', i- ?-*' «»»& »’*«>«» the three "such dragons, defended by double | ‘'. ml ,>f »’‘ 'vot-hl is tm"y bosh and tndigcs- —thriFnumbcrs. tnder the present aspect V'" 1 ," A ^ *'b ta the onrtn ofrevatt Jrfaffidrs, it would be anything but kindness I ,,eal , of tl,L ‘ ’“PA'*!"? rolupon ofour fellow Aogive them by national intenerende. Aside l^. ut ?" s ’ a ’ ul 1>1-Kunming w,l do well { from the’increased jealousy and violence 1 ,el °ff° a > tt.iicrctne esta dishment \which would be engendered on the part ot ! ” r sanitary <;om,mss.on, before lie dons Ins rliites, and the necessity which would|‘Nh' >e on t ie judgment day of 185i 1 - he increase of the national ^ n . r , mo,K ’- v 0,1 the, and i think it sale. at oiibc arise for the armet^force to preseiwe order and siipt«*e on^bredksjjt js almost certain that a few * - with plenty of nutucy, could not coutroi every negro vote; even in the interest Of the Sontberg policy. -No igno rant farm ilcgro,• f orking for ten dollars ]»er mouth, would fail to sell his vote for two * dollars and a whble.da^sfrolic.” . \ The. writer iicreagaiu touches appoint ^which the President, in one of his eon versa- A AV tjox Co FOUR tliK liECONSTnrc- -The .Staunton Spectator •Mr. John V. Lewis of Rockingham, was summoned to give testimony before the ve- eonr-truction Committee of Congress in re- fereuce to the loyalty of the peojile of the Souih. AVe undersmud that a portion of ’trdn^es'prcsscd nearly tlie same opinion.— \ t es^imony was as follows: AY hen asked I,*.,*.., llinl f I... ....In. ... m.l I 1... *’l [ I lift tlA/l* iltl 1.x li'o nnct tl- l/.a.Al 74 1... They wore that the negro voter would he more likely to bo influenced by hiaemploy er than by strangers who were at a 'distance from him. . ' .. ■ v *Gie Richmond AYliig Says of all this t, *A a have been.inclined to tjiink from' ilii first that iri their attempt to force negro suf frage upon; the South, the radical politicians of tlie Sumner .school were' setting a trap iu * which thevlhcmselves would ultimately be caught. 'Tliey would be in the position of the engineer “hoisted by bis owtl petard.” SIS Signs of a Soeocssfnl Parntcr. 1. AA'lien lights are seen’burning in iiis T house before day-break, in winter especinlly, 1 it shows that (to him) the day 1 will never break on the breaking-in of tiic wintefi 'of it lie and drip tiutii all the anj adversity, . ts__,.> jXIreWhen yon see., ltim drive his work ... Stead of his work driving kipi, it shows that h(i will never lie djiven from, good resolu tions, and that hi^wiU^eertairilv work iris way to prosperity.^ u- N 3 - Ay hen hg^nas a’ house repamte from ’-the main bmtdiivu purposclv.lbr aahes, and . .an iron or tin jcsaul^tO' tra'ii.qioytlieni, it Knows that b« never burlt'his dwelling for a funeral pyre fbr his family, atul perhaps himself. A. .... - ■ ■ | 4. Wltcn Iriisdiag P en is boarded oTuJjide • and i)bii£isiioar6TOMtt'-te4t^(>bi^TorG[ic “ whole'hpg or nonoeMn keopfnjtplenty .in- aide his houseftind. imvettyojrtfM j ys j 5. AA’lien his sled is sufcly housed in —' mer,'nnd his farhiiag.impletcnts covet-i _ ... both . winteVarid suminer, it piatrilv.VDrriws •V-t .la. iSi-'i.- TbJ?** .} that lie will have a .good house oven •' '>ead in tlie summer, oi’ early manhood the winter ofohlagiv- gothitiou of tiie original reeiprocitv' treatv, Jn^ahcoraing.fq Scriptiire, which sayMbatl , ? 10 ''‘’"' “ ’ ’ f. » mereifiil man is merciful to Iris beast's.”. : j - . S®* Poor-Candle said he dreamed that hehad an angel liy Iris side,’ and upon wiik- , n P >T ton11(I it was Iiobddv hut his wife , if the people in his part wore loyal,” he replied,:“Y c^,. as loyal as the meniliL.s of the Iieeonstrueiion Cpinmittee.” His interoga- tor then asked “If it would lie safe ibr a -N'ortlrorrt man to travel through his see- tionf” He replied, “I’erfectlv safe,, unless there should happen to he a Yankee soldier there, who might knock him oa the liead-to rob him.” Reoii'E roi: Stigpro Co'isned} ! r.Kr.—A ebrrespondeut of tlie Saviuitiah Republican gives tin? following reeijw torinaking conied beef: “fo soon after.lmtchering the beef as is cOaveinen;, nit il into such si/.vil pieces as you desire, and sprinkle with salt,, add. let It lie and drip until all the animal 1 heat f- gone. .. For 190 lf>s., take 7 lbs. omit, 2 o:_ of saltpetre, (|M>muied finely,) mid 2 lbs. of brown sugar, all well mixed. Sprinkle this compound thinly over tlie bottom, ofaho barrel, hml piit down a Ir^vercif beef. Over this sprinkle tho e<vii'.K>;i:f.l again, then .put anotlnuNayer of beet, aiid eontinue so todo until t!^barrel is tilled, nttowing- a Wgi* aintiuiiinf ;ho'mi.xfure of salt, saltpetre, etc. to sprnlkle over tlie top lover. ■ Put heavy weights on thy top of Hie beef, anil be siu;e al waysjto.keep the to*} layer coveredrritfi Br.:tikii AmkuiuaS' Ix'ohi'kxoexce;—A’ sigiritieaut fact developed hi ,fl K . reeeiit lie- gutratious’for a reeiprocitv treaty between A ejiininittee orCoiigress anil eertijm delo- jates;ft'<en-tbe British-North American pro- ys,.tiiat llio eoloiries, through these B,/reafed.d:r ’ : 5 * wre ftleIogares,,<reated.direet!y with theGovci n- luyiii. and net t>y tin- intervention of the I>ritish_authorities, as.fouaeilv, 'In the rie- goiiation of the original reeiprocitv treatv t he commissioner was appointed ih'reetiv liv the Home Government,' aridnvas a Bniis’u functionary. Tlie concession to the colonies oi the right to (hoSso'their own representa tives, and to treat with us without that for- n,a ‘ mediation, is very much like a virtual reeuguitior, ol’tiieii’independent'g, gress: It appcars.that he \\'as'opposed bv a flinch younger man, who had never “been to the wars,” aud it was the want (^‘Revolution ary” to tell the people of the hardships lie had endured. s-f < Says he: “Fellow citizens, T have fought and bled for my cou'try—I-helped whip the .British I'll Vote for the Other Maif Tlie followjng story isitold of a Revolu- euormons pretensioip lose, iu grace And at- j tionary soldier, who was; running for Con traction. AVe say this without intending ’’ any injustice to those charming Northern women who avoid the grotesque and ridicu lous, and resemble in this their sisters of the South. „ ■ Let ns permit Tiie Tribune insist upon the “gross ignorance” of the.Confederate women, and to refer to this ignorance., their energy and constancy during the war.' AA’e attribute the great qualities of which.the I and Indians. "T have slept on tile field of Southern women have given noble example [ battle with ito other covering than thecano- to a higher origin. Ignorance, The TlTliiiEcn -of hyuvene I have walked over fm«-« has said, it a hundred times, (an engender j ground tiii-eyerxfoot step wes-marked with only vieqand meanness—and, if the Confer!- j blood.” • ■ i, — e>atc Woinen have been heroic, it is because ( Just about tlfft't'tqne, one of the “sover- thev had faith iu their causes There are no cigns” svho had become very much affected occasions in history when women, whose by this tale of woo,-walks up in front of the mission inordinary times is to make the good j speaker, wipingthe tears from his eves with wife, the tender mother, and to polish man-: the extremity of Iris coat tail, and hitenipt- ners bv»t!ic charm and grace which she ‘ ing him says: : brings into all social relations, may rice “Did you flay tlc^ you ha'd fought the above herself and give examples of the high-1 British and the lnjines a’ est virtues. These occasions occur when | “Yes,” responded-tile Revolutionary, the sacred scii of her country, amt with it I “Did von say that you had slept on the (or through it) the domestic hearth and the J ground while seryitig your country without family are tlircatened with invasion, These I any kiver?” Iiigfl virtues tlie women of the South have! “Yes sir, I did.” practiced without orientation, witliout then-1 “Did volt say you had firilowed- thc "ene- * ieal parade. j my of youreouniry^ river Frozen ground till They have borne ail privations, thov have : l ’ vl ’ff footstep was covered with'blood?'' defied all outrages bv their |>i*oud anil im- : ’ ‘ es, exultinglv. replied tlie speaker, passable attitude. Soldiers, drunken with; “'Yell,'.tken,” says tile tearful “aover- blood, could outrage their bodies, but their 1 :!S 'l l ‘ e'avi' a sigh ot-painful emotion, victims remained as pure as those Christian ! " ^ 1(1 hlameiljif 1 don’t think you’ve done virgins whrisc memories the embraces of tin* I enough for your couufrv, and I’ll vqto* for executioner could not defile. All that js : the other man !” ^ . - precious to women—dress jewels, the luxn* ' _ „ 11 —,, — ries oj^home—all these the Southern Women 1 bseVniiTte^," nt ,, U 1 ',"o U * 1 ffcgcslcr * ., ,. , . says lice papers b*ve tin Uem nham (be capture of gave (ip—t,icy ilul not even recoil lufore j * *i'd man in Pennsylvania. Ifa*bn4 no bacuaur. sacrifices still more painful—they did not j noclolhinjt. C-mtd•rememher notliinf, kn'minaib- feac to break tiieir hearts hv sending forth j '“a. except tlieono word, ••draft)" nnd bis jeson their sons to do battle for a cause, sacred in 1 ” a .' 11 growib of about tbreo incites of tbeir'cves, like that Macedonian mother who 1 oa - rccor,i , , • t i . , , • t . , ot a man being harassed by tile draft, snowed a shield to her son and simply said— - - , j return with i!—or it—do thy duty, or die,— £3T Harper s - Weekly stales Mint if Congress Dp not expect suili .trials from ignorant ■ 4oes not modify Mio tnxos—soiric fip»en in number ‘women, from sonls without elevation!. i ’ 1 '“ ijjs*n those publishing boobs InYfifirttuiin- the hearths I T.' v : „ n, r ® l ! oolt r"Hisldttg business of the embitter and dishonor its pen’ ill sustainin'/ an indefensible pnracox. 'i’Ue North, flfe. the South, has its contingent of good, grace- fill, educated and elegant bred women; it lias, perhaps, a huger number of that elasa who so little deserve the name of women) >pd tor whom certain announcements .are liade in the journals; it possesses, afsa, a greater share of learned and pedantic ladies —-hilt of these, anil not New Orleans become envious ot Boston ? As for good and well- breit society, it iatbe same everywhere; and TheTri nine may be sure tliat'a.woman of thewortd, coming from Boston, would not .feel out of place iri New Orlenns, nor would tlie contrary he trite. Ineahumriating the Sguthi'1'11 women, Mr. Greeley has simply proved that he does not know them, and that heknows still less’ the eommon laws of jtrapuety. , - W ■ Caei.ux’r Staxd the Test.—AA T e allud- ed to the eilitor of the Alexandria Htate Journal, the other, day, as ourt“eolored” friend. To.onrgreat iiirprise it 1 l*as -made hlmfiirious. Ifcie is a man pi' n e . gro equality dajv'after day, arid vet lm con-' degrading to he called a" trigger.— Thia; Ipreilriv iilustratvs the siricercty of these radicals. AVe can't see anv harm in being ealifd a nigger, if thev tire'as <* 0 „d . fChariottesviffu Chrau^Pe, The Georgia’ Baptist Convention wil] i uf ' c “s“m''. td UI ' J ,01 ’ 0 '’' 1 ' convene in--AftconFriday heiore the I !<'virvh .t 1 dl:iv in A ,rj. •• AaLJi'• >3&G£mmSt, I- J Wjrcb 11, 18GG nccessiiy of repealing all (nxc-s on knowledge, direct or indirect. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. of the Sonth, while mothers had each day | ^l.w m.I^bMpe^lnW I .j n ?be'‘bo.kI bi-sh tears to wipe »»(■;, vet bravely bore j ■» E.iS.nj, t!m dntr.rn ihcir imjor-ntlon tneir pru.% now wore tlu* women ot the ; to print tier**. Cogress wo.TrW,' will see North employed? Tn developing a costly ~ Iuxnry r.^unst whicli The Tribune itseff cried out, calling attention to its seiindalous extent, feminine prodigality became more and mo Pc unrestrained. AVe know to what disastrous results this^tato of atfairshas letL 8ome Indies, it is true, likcAfiss Anna Dick enson,' gave tiresome lecttires to promiscuous audiences, others clamored-for pretended jvohian’s rights, .Uhl exposed themselves to tIto derision v,f the p.ulie; and others still on* rolled themselves under the banner of misce- frenntion. It is anionic these classes oi \Vo- mon, who defy good sense and modestv iq miblic exhiltitions, that The Tribtmc jinds its ideal. I^et this joiwnal, then, cease to insult these conquered women,of whom,the defeat has not diminished the great net.«; let it cease to Metropolitan Enterprise. GKEAT GIFT SALE OF THE- New York and Provideaoe J6'veloFte Association.. Capitni....e...... —5i.nt)(),ooft. BEfiOT, 197 BUOJtptyAV. A X Iinifliuri. Block of Pianos, WntcW.,. Jewetrr. /TL nan tunc.v Oonda. all to be Bold for ONE Uif£. X-ul Mcb, w.ibo.u in value, nnd nut to ho paid fur unlit you SCO wlml you will rntoire. 'Mote, and its vniuc. Certificates, miming I1B , nll|r •ro placed io sealed .nvelopos and well miitil. One of tbess envelopes will be sent by mail to ,„y nd . ''■ a . re ? eip ~-° rcen,8:1-110 *'*■ S1 * “levra for * ^ r * ror * 10: “° a 000 1 '“- On receipt of tlie CertiRenteyou will see what von arc going to bare. „ n d then it Us nt yonr ontio/m pqy lb. doltar nnd taka the article or hot. Purchn- TS 0b !? in , a . OoWWAt.1.; Diamond Wngi 8 * u" 0 ’p 0 't",' g >U ? 1 ."“ e ' or on > “fiof Jewelry o*n our liai, for $1, nnd iu no enso enn ihpv gai i«, t than Ono Do\lnr’s worth, ns there are no blanks. Agents are wanted in every town in the conniVv • E* fu " ,i3,s *Hdp«r,icu! • A*Wrcs^.. x .a*" • ' A Steam Saw and Ohst jpf i and / ^areals ! aboijtAPoriy Acv liie Mill hag gOD^Jiouses orFYeSTi- ^ good 100 bags Kio Coffee,.^' 15. Java* do., L ( 75 boxes Raisins—-trlltfit#, 1-2' und,l-4 ^ 44 cases fir'cshCovc Oysters, 55 boxes Adamantine Candies, J5 •* . 8perm do., "V 20 <• Sterino de., ^ ■ V. .20 cases 1-4 bo'ics Sardines, f 10 “ Green Corn, / 10 “ Tine Apple, * ‘^20 basktls Iloidsick Champrf?g«, 2<3 1>&±cs Indigo, 10 *• M.adder, 30 oases Concentrated Potash, 10 *• ** Logwood, 100 “ Liquors, Brandy, Wines, Whiskey, aud Schnapps 100 boxes Starch, 100 “• .Soap— assorted, 500 bags Shot—assortcti, % _ 100 kegs Pettier, l-4*s, 1-2’s rtnd whole kegs, 40 dot. SeirC3-^=lron nnd BrasW, 50 **- -Planter’s lb>es, 20 4* Lcverctt’sCt1e>tmted Axes, beiity, 50 boxes Candy, 50 doz. Brooms, — T 50 “ p i *» .AC’SS. 275 ^oxes Tobacco—aborted brands, am! as low as anywhere in the United Stales. . 50 boxes Soda, 85 kegs ‘‘ 15ncsrts.Tun ? pi? Tubs, 7,5 ceils Hope, 50 bales lagging. 1,000 “ Cottcn Twin-o, • 50 cases Army Brogans—?fo. 1 article, CALF SKINS, LASTS, , ' j . ’ V C> SCORES. .. \ f y Ji ‘\ Asels, Saddles, DEOATCR March 10, 18G0. * sirnlSif T life Proprietor cfibi, nt _ K no* publisbing « n tdu; - copies, its li sl of co „| rib “ '‘ 0 » ott, 'final 0< the .best lilcrarv ,1? '“"Hi 'Vest. Besides the two*.,?, ™ 1 ""I eourse of publication— , Decisive Battles of the J;. e , • v AND {Adventure* iu SoiI|Ii the JInrcli namber contain, „ A '“ James Wood Dav'ifi too . of Col^ 1 How We Know Each ( ■niK SCIENCE OI’n niv . J uEss; alias “ Pill Avp.” 0ni ,,ie ^ J? * Prize Story will I, e c number. /Tkems: $5 per nnmini* r’„i furnished at -$ t SOpereonv" m of tbcsnmc Post Office, ot FouVri , Address rour h»llir». MarclilO, 18GG [17-I m ^ Ovdinaiiee.* Be it ordained by the S1 1T .,. , Albany, That on and running between tbs Kid.l lbSY , Talbott & Ce.’s GWry StWerft.*" Street, Is hereby placed under il, CM ‘ ordinances and regul.ilions as all j^ publi^alloy» in tlti^-city.' Jotix F. C.\rf;ri.K. “ „Clcrk.of Counci!. Albany, March. 10,180G. TWO MULES-STOl] O N WEDF.ESDAV Mfftiti -i the subseril-rr. one mcJb,,,, ‘ j ored 1IOUSK Ml*LN. wi>h vnvl nud lUnjiln, thick set. "rsi<! in ^00,1 I d lighl )v"’ !»<•'*-• v'lS, abovt i*.w nmlt. A libernl y%4*4,2v] one or both. \ w ■ ... noritM Miichell Co., Ga., March It 1 , iXc»; e conuncncKj: Application te Sell j S IXTY Days afler/atT am, to the Court o£0,-,li:i7«ry of •,n ! »i )J i' i leave to sell all rtie renl | Me of Win. fC Wilson, ilcceas; ! lots of knid'^-numbers no: kno j Ih^ Tenth./Disrfic: of Mifcho’l istcad of the dcco.ised i j and nl^o on| i*eHlument of lan.-I i March 5rli, IS»>0. frjj \j‘( ( ^ j March 1# 1 [ 17-0 d* cj eo ”£<jnr,%—" oii x h Cf > r \ j v. HSRBA.S, Ger.rse vMt'M 200 Kegs Nails-assorted,'W i*«crs ..f oiiardi: 20 bags Pepper, 10 “ Spice, 50 doz. Spad/js ami Long Handle Shovels, 400 irhles, Sole and Upper Lcaf?ier, 300 do'r« Pad Locks-*-a.ssorfed, 300 “ Pocket Cutlery, .4,000 gross Screws—assorted, 4,000 papers Cut Tacks, pr«£erf/$f JCUza be: I | of M. (5. Ytjifiig. dec on sett: f I singular the^cindretl nnd cn-Jitw-? .if j to be and appear nr niv office \rithii . 1 scribed fty^hixt to show‘cause, if u«j i ‘ said tetler.ft-ehouliTdo: he granietl. | Given und^r my hand and seal, this f ’ j March 10, 1«C« — [17-3;'d ! ©£OJS»*A~'VOKTH COUNTY. PAVING fttliy H a duties a i;--: i • .f the Fifty doz. Jute Plow Lines, f™; ¥ .JV*; „ , shotvr cause vpfy I should n v? ' -» • , trust, this.M^vch '>lh 18f,v 1,700 lbs. Shoe Thread, KldZACKTII M ■ . ’-V*" ; ; l v • by her ‘Attorney al Lair, 17. if] 300 gross Blacking—assorted, j March 10, 18150. , t>5. do/. Shoe Brushes, 15 “ Whitewash Brushes, m MATHS . . Ji^rn^'TN'sirRAS 500 .pounjls Bagging Twii^e, f 7abbts. Binstcc Baris, !-•••. I .m/i 10 *• 1'ou b:il 'Yiilskey, 24,000 Cigars. J00 5 nnj 10Gi'Ayya Keg*. .370,000 lbs. American nnd English Iron—assorted | 2,900 •• Cast Eteel, 30.000 lbs Flows —assorted, 4,000 feet Kublier liciting, from 2 to lo'incb, Etc., Etc. Hi?-. Etc., Etc. Atlantic Fire Insurance ^ PhiBiiix Ins, Co/t! IU . w, i Total G.apitaV$i6,C$ Apply to " IliOTtg Aibany,<Ift., March 8d, 18uC. J D aTARTMENT. Wc arc now reviving and opening SPRING S^OCjS Whicfi, mbr#ccs v*dstfy' W GOODS a.fiall, kept by ns, and wo v f pcct io offer iniucemcnls to deateps uns„rpas-,d b, any hoose South or WcsU- "’efcel confident of gjving satisfaction to nil who pntroniso as, and believe wo can maho i, t0 their intcres. to in Jlscon; thereby saving the lev dmusaesa o/^ra^.^ ^ (# ^ #r • ‘ ' - : J. Bi'Ross <Sp Wholosale -Giroeers d.vyid c. n.vRnow • Allmn*. Go —-ir. Sui’irijCal ii: McdioD’' »«ic* on KfQfi' 5 s ‘" s ; DSZ. GOOdSV in^OHAHTS, ‘CoWsdA^BfcujB^YSTsl February 5.1,,ISCti. 'larch I i, 1S6U. mMs-c r r j).” ' ra. IS—1m . JTixst; KLeoeiV* A LARGE LOT OF , wAllpap^ A'"' i WINDOW Albany, March SJ, 1806. FISEING TACJi A fine Assort^l <f ‘ooks anffl .kinds of TacHcjn^i^j E ti Albany,Nov, 4th, lSd *e-