The Albany patriot. (Albany, Ga.) 1845-1866, March 21, 1866, Image 2

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HBB ALBANY, WEDNESDAY, Mar. 1366. II. J. NF.Viti.i5 is our autjiorizcd. n „ciit for the collection of subscriptions Stud other dues to the Patriot hi Mricon, Ga, BY TELEGRAHH.' FROM NEW ORLEANS. Moratfi,-March if,—The > T ew Orleans Times positively averts that Mayor. Mon roe .willbo inaugurated ori Monday next, notwithstanding tile statement to the con trary. The military order will not inter fere. t'ort-Smr.tcr. . A'cowfispondenli writing from Charleston harbor gives the following animated -do: scription of that famous locality : ; In the center, in mid channel,''like A grim sentinel, stands Fort Sumter, bftjtren, broken and desolate. A shapeless pile ot earth, and sand and brick, it bears no likeness to its fbrpic- ="ir Whom the;lHfiinKfflr T,'Elt'S ITEMS* The ( 1 Savannah Railroad m m’s, i\ distance risVity, and train: three times a the patriot for sale \V«, arc offering tins office at jirivate sale, to any person wishing to make a good in- Testmjnt ih'-tha. printing and newspaper business, Wo have a good supply of ink fimj newspaper—enough* for six oY eight, months at least—together with all kinds of colored inks, bronzes, card-boards, and fine paper for job, work. Any person wishing to purthhsi* tviltfind it to their advantage to givo us an early chll,-eithqr personally or otherwise. Onrterms will be. CASH. The Next SrKf.^l’ho Buffalo Commer cial, (Rep.) in an ortido endorsing the Pres ident’s veto of the Freedmen's Bureau Bill, CONGRESS. -.;.y ':j£ 1\*AsniN*fiTON', March 17.—The House last night defeated the Roan Bill by » vote of 04 to. 79. This condemnation of the Secretary of the Treasury’s Financial Policy BUI would give him very largo power. It is supposed that it.wiU. be -revived and passed. ItB defeat Caused grcaFcxcitcment. • NEW YORK MARKETS. New Yoke, March 17.—Cotton declin ing, with sales of 400 bales At 40 to 41c. Gold I29J. clnmation of peace which is alone needed to throw around the StatcsfidJ’nnd final res toration of their federal rights. Such a step would at onoo put an pud to all doubts and Uncertainties which have been so industri ously thrown nronnd the problem of recon struction, and .would simplify tub question ■' - ' *—* sdietion, concerning of Congressional jurisdiction, ■which our national legislators arc having so taiuch unnecessary trouble. fA Northern Paper on the BHrean'BHI. We clip from the Boston Post the follow ing opinion of the measure jnst silenced by t.he veto of the President. We are pleased to see, also, that many of the leading Re publican journals at tbeNortii entertain the Same views: “Senator Trumbull's Freedmen’s Bureau Bill is an enormity which, he will find the American people unwjlling to endure. Ex travagant,* nneonstitntional, arbitrary and oppressive, it cannot stand tjie test of en forcement, and will he consigned to that Catalogue of extreme measures.which are generated hi party purposes. It is not dc- nigned for tile feiiiifit of negroes, but to maintain a hordo of office holders—of par tisan leecheshpoo the public treasury, at the enormous'expense of at least twelve million of dollars per annnm, drawn from the hard earnings of the labor of ! It is an attempt to practice a erne! imposition oil the honest people of the -Edited State's for the purpose* of sustaining a certain set of men in power nmier the guise of protection - to the freedmeii; an attempt so shameless litid ap|hm*qt tliat the warmest friends of those Who proppose if—the most zealous of the Republican papers—feel constrained to expose its iniquity and to eautiou Congrc? against its enactment info statute law.” WAsnixmov, Starch 18.—The reports from various quarters represent that St. Patrick’s Day passed off pleasantly and with out any outbreak. At Montreal the people turned out .en masse and paid their respects to the Governor General. The excitement in the provinces has greatly abated* The Secretary of the Treasury'transmited a communication to the House yesterday, showing an available bilance in the treasu ry of #123,400,000. . FROM EUROPE!, ' * ~ ThC Next Veto to be UxaVaujno.— Tho following statement relative to tlie measures proposed in Congress for the ad mission of Tennessee into the Union will att ract attention. It is made by the usually well informed Washington correspondent of the Baltimore Sim: “Tho majority report will undoubtedly be maintained*. The joint resolution which requires that Tennessee should acknowledge liersclf out of the Union, and to be a suppl wind ill ant for readmission upon the teruis which tain gross imposes, will command, no doubt, a.two-thirds vote iu both houses of Con gress. * Tcnnossce may assent to it and rat ify it.*' No rcpresei tili n' will Tennessee have Until fit** ratifies tliat decree. The 1’resident will have to act upon this* joint resolution just as certainly as lie had to act upon the hill admitting Texas. IHs veto will amount to nothing. The committee have counted the votes in both Houses upon llie measure.” ST. PATRICK’S DAY PEACEFUL. BALANCE IN TREASURY. th« C’qtifc SoutliCaboluhi rxy V . Where the new cross .‘rikev and the palmct to flag tirni and the division Hag ofireiv Riplai prbitdly.'flying in April and July of eighteen hundred and sixtv-three, only one single banner, and * that the red, white and blue, now waves. . Scarred an A cracked, its walls seem ready to fall. The face tdtVdfd Comming’s point is crashed And broken into a steep nul ot mingled sand^nd brick and shot and 84PM« ThoTace towffd Fort 3Io«ltrie by ,a solid work of interwoven palmetto logs. Yet the 8tractiu*e of. the t*>rt is scarred and cracked and broken above awl^around and behind these additional defenses. The case- inates v closcd and covered by immense frame- from will he run filter i-n.J - - - - week* o-oing to anil rcturinngfi-omAnder- soifs on the Shine days. ■ See the advertise- lnent of Superintendent* I^aiims, It is reported in tlie London press that 1 ' . . / • . .11.1 nnt ,1 ieortvnr niiv work of heavy beams, arid this again thick with earth, can be ciiteretil only ,by^avinvltng nassaovs, damp iimldripping with moisture. The cilsei ' ■ - ^ casemates once entered, it would hardly ■■■ ' Id New Yoke, March 18.—We have Liver pool dates to tho 7til. Sales of cotton for two days, amounted to 27,000 hales, 7b00of which were taken by speculators. Middling Uplands were quoted at 18|d. a 10d. Five Twenties, ,0^) Consols, 8BJ a 80J. seem possible that any linman being con have lived any length ot time within them. The guns were slimy and mouldy, and the carriages were sweating with a slimy raois- tnre. » ' Climbing ont through tlie stone port hole and through the more widely extending ono in the Palmetto logs, you could look ilowii around the liiisoof the fort* where the cease less tide had wbVen over cadi of the. stones a mantle-like, thick, -green,, wet floes, and see fragments of shell itiid hfoken holts.— You could look to. tlie right and see. where the wall liad crumbled and fallen into the sear You could look above riiid see tlie lqgs rent and gpshedj and the brick wail with great scars, and ragged cracks and wide seams, as though a little more of tlio storm of iron, and shot would have heat it down, beneath the surface of the sea. Ton would look to the left find see the closeil ports, the rough repairing, the broken parapet. In the' interior, the sandy earth was sup- tho English detectives did not discover any one of the Fenian armories in Ireland, but tlie information was' communicated b; traitors to the cause. One of them named Clarke, wiis murdered, it is supposed, by the Fenians, for his treachery. It is stated tliat Gon. Scott, who is atNpw Orleans, La., unhesitatingly endorses .all tliat President Johnson littered thins speech on the 22d.ult. lie expresses the hope that he will yet seetlieXorthaud the Sonthmorc firmly hound together than ever, and that .to ellect this, President Johnson has adopt ed the only -true anti propcrcourse- Ah extraordinary correspondence appears in the British Union Review, between .one hundred and ninety-eight cannon:' end eight clergymen of the Chuvclt’of England, and Cardinal Patrizi,of tlie Holy Office, inquir- “ ' ' " " - * Let Fs all Help One Another. a- : ^ " Lpt us all help one another And a heart of kindness show; As down time’s flowing river In the boat of life we row ; For though rough may be tlie weather, And the skv be overcasts If we only luiil together,. .... - ...'. v : c...* We cdh-brave the-stonn at last. •’> 13 xu rgivcuesS * in '; s '' c to Vo „. to. a friend Vourl r °PpbS r f Let ti^nll itelp oiio another . % ^ In misfortune’s wintry day, And he kinder still, as ever Earth’s best gifls.nre snatched away, When'bri’jjht fm ttuie gilds the mqrrow, . Hollow Jipqrts.'will fawn mol fling; •But wnen comes the night pi' sorrow, Only true hearts come thing. * mother, Conduit thatw^’ ^ of S ;toy„ urafcIr> ^ cc? a^| M his taneuar cxpedilionytbVrecallQf ' •>» -i^Avtma a^] ,0 .*»= ^ Mertcaa lli.Tt you are comin» *.„ fis con.l.? Let ns ail help one anothef, And do good where’er .We can— . ' Who withholds the hand of kindness Scarce deserves the name of mail • j For the one great laW of nature, - Wjiich was meant mnnkijid to bless Bids ns help a fellow-ereaf ure When we find him in distress.* 'i ing how far arrangements couUT h^tuade for admil" " ^ mitting them bodily into the Church of -Pin* wnly -was not ' favorable; * Rointt. The repl* last. Thursday las!,'-Col. Bowers, Adjutant Gen. on Gen., Grant’s staff, was killcd in- ptantiy by falling Between tlie cars, while attempting to. get-oil the train, just as it was starting from GarrisouVstation. on the Hudson River*Railroad.' -General Grant ordered liisremains.tojhe sent to West Point in care of Major Hill. ^ . w Tbc Poor ftettfeen East Point and Fair- barn on the Atlanta and ll'est Folnl Rail Road. I have been iii Albany and its vieinity.for some few days, soliciting aid for this suffer, ing community, and will just remark that we have, by much exertion, repaired Our f«iising, arid have done the best we could to supply ourselves with stock, so that we may raise a crop the present year, hut we are in Want of provisions, that we may stop work* eines and gabions*, and dotted here and there by dark holes which admitted us into tlie damp caverns. What had been the parade was now green rind' slimy with stagnant moisture, over which were scattered .pieces of an old exploded gun, scraps of ireti hoops, a few decayed barrel staves, iron and leaden shot scattered from schrapriel, and bits of soiled clothitig and broken bayonets. Front whe-tail flagstaffjn tlie centre si small Uuioir bauiier was waving. Anc this was rill that- remained of Fort Siimter. T. . ing for ilaily -wages and go on with the farm ported in its irregularity by numberless fas- ' ''ons,andd« Apalachicola lias received Ido,000 hales of cotton since May last, and exported 05,- ^45, hales—49,000 to; Noiv York, 11,000 to LitretWool and the remainder to New Of-' leans. 'Valuc of the cotton exported, $13,.f 000,000*. During the fll*eman’s. demonstrations in New Orleans, on Sunday, the band thirteen in nnmhef, which riccomprinied the proces sion- were arrested by the military for play ing the “Bonnie Bluo Flag.” The widow of Gen. Bowen, of the Confed erate firmy, who died at Yiekshnrg, during tho-war, is .teaching school at Raymond, Missouri. A_mtmbef of Mormon merchants, are in St. Lillis iaying in their miring stock of goods. They are accompanied by J. W. Y*oring, son of Brigliifin YbUng. ' oring, son of Brigliam YOUng. The President’s veto , of tlio Freednlcri's Bureau hill arrested the contemplated emi gration of large riumbera of Texans to for- PI TS. Pit. All who know anything about printers know that they hate the sight of “jii ” which is the name applied to type when it hceomes broken down and jnmtiled ttigetlief in one cirifnsed mass); arid it is frequently the cus tom for journeyman and apprentices to hide it way in odd places, where .the “ boss ” will not see it. In a Providmiec office, pot long rinee, a “jour” was in the habit of daily Carrying a lunch, and depositing it in a cer tain* drawer, against a time of need. One morning a foreman happened to go to jhe drawer,' and spying the “refreshments,” which chanced to bo a couple of pieces of “pie,” lie assiipied an angry tone, anil called orit loud enough to he heard by all— “ Whose pie is this ?” Of course lie was misunderstood; and as no body in a printing office ever owns any concealed pi, he received no answer. “ Very well; I will distribute it,” ho re turned, qnietly eating it. Shortly afterwards, the “jour”" went for hHhuieh, and of course “tound tlie Clip board bare*” . < “Who hooked . my pie?” lie angrily asked. “ I did,” returned tlie foreman. “ I found it in tlie drawer, and.asked whose ii was: and, as nobody owned it, I distributed it, as I always dispose of concealed pi.” “I thought you meant p-i instead of p-i-c,” returned the man, with a smile at the fore- mall's joke. -.--.* * work, and through tlie blcssdng. of our heav enly Father, again have a competency at home, and now, I avail myself of the'kind offer made me by tho editor of the- Albany Patriot-, to express my heartfelt acknowlcd incuts to the citizens of Albany and vicini ty around,for thevery liberal contributions to tlie suffering community which I repre sent. The following is a 'list of tlie names and tlie donations subscribed: C'ol. P. A. Vasai*, one barrel of syrup; Mr. B. O. Keaton, three barrels, two of syri up and one ot sugar, and nineteen sticks of- potatoes; Mrs. E. II. Hull, one barrel of syrup; J. W. May05 one barrel of symp‘; J. B. Whitehead, one barrel syrup; -Mrs. I*. A. Catcliings, one barrel of syrup.; John Thomas, one barrel of syrup; L. P. D. War ren, one . barrel syrup; W. W. Kendrick, twenty bushels corn; CM. Mayo", sixteen bushels corn ; P. F« Duncan, twenty bushels coni; E. C. Helms, six bushel corn; II. B. White, eight sacks potatoes; Long & The Colton Future. Speysers, Chapman & Co.’s Cotton Cir cular, of March 9lh, makes the following prognostication: * Notwithstanding a vast number of schemes have been presented to tlie capital ists of the North and West,, showing large and certain profits upon small investments in the culture of cotton, few' are found to ex amine tho statements; ami Still fewer to make tli.e Will e.ven on a small scale.' This apathy toward one section of the country from another, which is able to grant the de sired aid; will tell fearfully upon all ere an other year rolls Found, Unless ehc Smith shall he able to sell 1,200,000 to 1-,500,000 hales for a much greater consideration tliari 4,6Q0,- 000 Aiales would amount to in ordinary years, adding, of course, the depreciation of ibi- currency, together with the still greater* charge from inflated value. For We have not seen one reliable estimate, even from the most sanguine, place the hrep of 1800 over the figures we set down some three inciitlis ago, namely, J.SOOJOOO bales. Yt't manu factured go oils have been and still Amtimie eign countries. It is stated that Archbishop Purcell of Cincinnati, is to be iiiade a Cardinal. THE RECO.YSTRDCTiO.Y COMMITTEE. , The country wi'd stand "amazetj-at' tlie utter insignificance of the testimony, now • being published by this committee, to sut* Shill tint e the charges made and Opinions' preconceived of the continued hostility of tho people of the South “ to the government • tlf tlie United States. The National Intel ligencer, inaTeview of this testimony, pre sents the following lucid -judgment of the case:' . ., *_. . . ' . . ‘*Tho Oongressional cabal mus^ presume greatly npoii a lack of souse in the Nort hern people, it' itbe supposed that tlie develops pitulS' made by the puldislicd reports exliih- it any very strange Or hail state of things. .The very'worst is a suspicion that some ■Secret societies, exists in.Alahania, based up- on'old regimental Orgamzalioifs.' .Tliat if n or werelo arise with foreign power,.q hieh •Wnne wish, tliat small class Would, go W-ith • th* cnemyvthnt iftfc'”-— —-*■— of the late rebels one sack flour; Mrs. Celia Barksdale, two pieces meat; Mrs. Walker, one piece of meat; Mr. Graytoni ten bushels com,two sacks of peas, and one hundred pounds meat: Mr- V. N. Childers, six busliels of wheat; Capt. White, five sacks of com; Air. G. M. Rhodes,* fiVfj sacks potatoes; B. F. Sibley, fifty pounds meat; Lewis Parker, five dollars in provisons;'W. J. Willingham, ten sacks of corn and two of peris,; Rev. J. II. B. Sliaelt- elfbrd, $11; Benj. Wright, $12; Airs. t)u- pont, $5; AY. A. Willingham, $10; C, Hol land ; $6 ;T. IL Johnston, $5 • W. C. Yancey *2; S. W. Lee, $2;-?. Ballad, $2,50 ; J. J. Dickerson, $5; J, M. Cooper, $5; D. W. C. Spencer, $5. Air. James Preston one oft he largest peach growers ot Southern Ohio, informs the Gnl- 'Jipolis Journal that the crop for this year is ixoiic—-killed bv tlie recent cold iveather.— VVliat is said ol" tho peach crop iu Southern Ohio, may also'lie said of the crop in this section of the Stole, says the Ktiibenvillc Herald. Fears are also entertained for the smaller fruits. Similar reports come from Illinois alut -Missouri. to he crowded to the South. * Ilowftiid when they ard to ho jiaid for, the future alone can decide. But the fact that the goods arc Sent determines itself that pervades all branches of trade and industry throughout the country in the faithpfour assertion, that cotton must rind Will'* rule-extremely high during thC-Riiiumer and fall. .Our dispatch. Thompson, six cloth sacks; Smith d; Welch es from No\v Orleans, making up the total receipts for the week, have Hot come to hand. A Strange Letter. An elderly lady and gentleman Wore ri- " ' " * da men; that they are not on' " of themselves fi r Laving exist ori the part ~'''n»j_ynion on. m con- Any* one wishing to help this unfortunate people; can still liavc an opportunity of do ing so. . If in money, pay it to Rev. J. II. B. Shaekelford, AlbanjyGa.—jf in provision .deliver at tlie depot, instructing the ageii’ that it is for A. B, Fears, agent for poor, Atlanta, A B. FEARS. ■ dcinnation - w Into tho rebellion: that they aro' uot 'bTant- tant in professed love ntld praise of the nets bftho. Federal Govemtricnt; that without .the. presence of thertroops and Freedmen’s . Brircau acts of injustice would he done to. negroes and to Unionwhite men; that the People do not feeikind and frlendl3' towards Northern spoeulators trliocome among them; tliat some* of them disrelish the na- tnem; that sonu tionnl deb} ; that some fret agains't military fulo. AT« give hero the worat points ennn- ciatcdin the rc.ports, and against them-we couldur-ay as many things said in* favor <Jf. thhp’eoplc taken together. Moet of the ex pressions of witnesses are.matters of. h'eliet', a sort of statement Which would be rejected .in.courts of justice. We have no recitals of' brnetties from any* of the any of the Witnesses. It seems by the testimony; that the military, end the Freedmen’s Bnreau as it exists, are sufficient to preserve ix-afcc, order, and tlie usual enjoyment of right.” . ■ c?5?. Madame Murat, of TaUahnsseo, Fla., widow of the late Col. Arehille Alurat, and Ctstyousui to the Emperor of France, has Te.'ciye/l as a gill from Louis Napoleon a life an*>nit3- of60*,000 fraucs, in consideration of h«rlosses by tho'war!' 8 ’ ■ con9 ‘^ 0 '' at i o ri of ,t Delegation -of Young Ladles Visit the President. A delegation of young ladies recently bad ail interview with -the President, of which the Baltimore Sun says: Six of tho young ladies were froth Alcm- pliis, Tennessee, some of thenithe daughters of pcreonal friends . of the President; six from Georgia, and tli'c rtnriiuder from A'ir- jma and Maryland. Prbfbssof Brooks, on behalf .of. the young ladies, addressed the President iu a . neat little ■ speech, assuring him qt their high admiration for his elevated' wards that section of tlie country from which they camc^in his efforts for the rc«to- dirig a fow days ago in an.omnilms. Oppo- sket’lemsit a pleasant looking.j-oung lady, with a fine, uolile, cliubtiy, : * " bully of a boy in her lap. Conversation arose lie- S the parties. A steamship from Cha- partics. gres had just Srrivcd, and the good looking lady, With the \chubby juvenile, wished to know the no«-s, remarking that her Imubaml had hrei '' J . .. 1 . * - insaway fifteen months that day, and she was very anxions to ho;ir from liitn.— And then the good looking lady proceeded to indulge in along and pathetic disserta tion -on the discomfort and aniiSvanee of wives w!* n husbands'gw off aui-stay so long from their lioines. " * “True,, madam,” remarked the elderly gentleman, who had never known the pfide awl-pleasure of paternity; “but*, then, that on fine'fellow must be a great pleasure and cut r-omfort to you,” chucking at the saute time the jolly .little fellow under, the chin, who , r >. Aiowcd, and swelled and started at the. old >- gentleman’s spectacles; “a remarkable fine bo}*. 'What it|ay be tin hge, madam ?” - , “ Just three months,^ air,” replied the proud yonng mother. * “ Three months !V replied the elderly la dy; “three mouths! I thought you said your husband had becii away fifteen T ic good looking lady hlnslicd very deep ly, Jmt soon reco.vering tlie nromcnlary cnu- fusion, «*in(l rcniembei , 4«g herscltt, slip ejncu- laU*d, “ Oil, but be has 4 U’rit* once.” We don’t sec anything so very “strange” about this mutter—these little ptudgos of afe lion all .come through the mail: this one ouly liy tho wroug route. wauls that section of tlie countfmn. ^ * .. ixoiibl m- resentntives to e’igh ratio,, of'the Unioni The'President re! : ami th.*„,he says, “ thisnation Would eeivcil the young ladies most graciously, ,L 1,1 IC , of . H>e. sot essionists at the tftl-'HXr tltnill lire tlin 1inn/l aSi.^l.. IT.. taking tkoiu liy the hand singly. -He ex pressed Ins gratification at meeting them, anil sj.oke of the benignaut influence of wo- J1 , man („ calming the strife of,the hour. He ' U, i considered their presence here as a cheering tlll,11, l’*' evidence tliat it was not impossible to em inent firmly the bonds of tl;e Union. The young ladies then withdrew, mi ■ - * - witli^thc affability of the President. They returned in the evening train to Baltimore. . . Gen. Devins has been appointed 4o sue- coed Gen. Bennett in command at Charles ton, 8. C. Among the orders ho has issued is one evoking the order, previously issued for the closing lip of the city bar rooms.- 'Une revocation, however, is conditional. Bffciicr on Beer. They are having a temperance revival Brookiia, New York, and on the 25th tilt, the Rev. Henry -Ward Beecher addressed a meeting there,’in which he made a few re marks abrtut the “beverage whiclilnvigor- bnt doth not intoxicate.” . . Now, as to the question of beer, I do not know the mysteries of lager beer; I do not know whether I ever tasted it. now is it, brother Cnylcr ?. (Load laughter ns the speaker turned to tho pastor of LaFayettc Avcliue Church, who sat by his side.) But, one thing I know—that is the man without 1 ... „ - - .. upon this tcr.for 1-call j-.niv-information in this country is comparatively limited. But I- Imvr, .ah comparatively, l^mite^'Hut I-tnrro an ™ the first place that beer is' impression m tno nrst i>la _ nasty. (Laughter.*) I judge that merely hy the way a «,all’s hreatji "smells after lie has been drinking beer, -k\* I always fell when I sit by the* side of a man who has hcc-ff drinking beer that tlie days of my childliOTd are come hack and the swill bart-cl haajeen-stirrcrl 'with which I-fed tlie swine. (Roars of laughter and applause.) As. a result of beer drinkin men feel a certain kind of good nature: i effects are ohscuriiig, stupifying, hut seldom very stinnilsting. vj have had some o tiputy of seeing beef drinking in foi countries. In England, when I saw tlie mighty -cans ot'beer tliat every man drinks • wlieii.I saw the suppers for the oharity chill dren, the uioal being.for each a small piece of meat, a pieeq of livead and a mugof beer I Was simply horrified. Arr. Beecher ’ ate that" on to rehite tliat beer drinking, and smoking reached its climax la Bavaria, where lie had been credibly informed it was common for a mail to drink from two to four millons of beer in a single evening. (Exgiamatiou of surprise amhshonts of laughter) . GlVE PtHtTERS FaIu Pj.av. TllC follow- luuLyou are Cpmihe to nn - ■ Co ^cW ' Lmpernr Maxirnilufnfof call of the troops. France" 2 U, . e Pefiod J? tho protection ter her enmW. 18 * ® rat > , *cd to sssulcd in that grm ourco-operatienio sccnriiy mar W reiS As for iho' U. Slates, it in'can.. * ^ tbe P res <™« oni eT" t 1 , th6 American continent bddmW. , Frc «h fl. tuhrtlmn at.another idm-P-i? 1 * Io ' histpry, the Bliowed (hat it is no! high °^°“ r 80, tt bt will ricternnneotirwithflrairaa p' 5 c<l tarn arch only nt her own ^ Led to ^remember her ancient but 3 UmtctT States.. What von otn" 1 f r ,en(l8 lap £ WuVtT f ‘ i “ i ° r ’'«iOTlS. m i (FrenOhmen ngainst a-i " does not .beinw, hy au" <, ° n ' luesl ’ o”'.r^ A German Reformat Me.,., leller from a friend i„ China i ? ocnlly made by nsnreenn'ofTi 6 ' 1 !? b *'i China in the Ly <,r*n nSl Tl >< mode of treatment i s a f '"' e L J M ken the preceding f CTCr i , ,, foll “*>: | on that part ofthe body '^“f'^.hi It also secures a foil and 'w'fifilH lluis prorents tho dcscasr from P.Ws1 nal organs. This is said Ike by general orders; and is »i cure. o pen, NEW ADYEETISE1 STEAM TRATED fi*em my Pine Load I y<«« ? , nntrrokoa BAY MAUB COLT • S "f Proportioned, nilh Hjk nc A liberal Row aril K i!i hj lion wiicre siic'is.: -S ■ Albany, March 21,, Yorxc, America AVoxdees.—Wonder why mama keeps Bridget at home from church to Work all day, then says if is wick ed for me to build my rabbit house on Sun dav? Wonder wiiy our minister brought that pretty cam* with tlie yellow lion’s head on. rile top,-and then askeil riie for niv cent to put in the missionary box? Dou’t'l want a jt wsliarp just as well as he wanted a cane? Wonder what makes papa tell such nice stories,lovisitorsi-nhont his hiding the mas* tor’s rattan when, he went to school, and about his running- away from tlie school mistress when she was going to whip him. arid then shut • ■ - • -- - be id then shut ineup in a dark room ail dnv realise I triedjust oucC* tolic as smart nsh’e IVonder wliat made papa say that Wicl>e<I wold when Betsy upset the Ink all over his papers, and then slapped my ears because I said the sabio tiling when"my kite stifiii broke? J Wonder why' mama told Bridget the Ollier day to say that she was not at home when Tommy'Day’s mother rind lied wi ' vithotjt mj’ supper then puts me to evert* time I tell a lie ? A Oh, dear! there are lots of things 1 want to know. I Wish I was a man l ,. views on this impor tant question, the President thus definitely states Ills position: : Hq.who comestis ^representative, having tl,e_qualifications prescribed-by the Const)- tutmn to* fit him to take a scat- in either of the.deliberative bc^ks which eoristittlTe the National Legjslritur^: must necessarily, ae- coixhng to the intentoftho Constitution, bo a loyal man, willing to abide' bsyaiiii he do- votedto, the Union ami the Coftstitnt’on of AheState^^reapnot be for the Co istitm turn, he Mnnot he for the Union, i,e ca„„6t acknowledge obedience to all the laws, un less he,s loyal When the peoplesendX men, in good faith, they are entitled to rc|)- resentntion through tlieirt. 1 _ If, when Yon AW seorirgetk the rod is 5n tho linage ot a pretty woman, kiss it rcliro- ousfy. ° . ''\ >hat Fort f« tiiroat is* tlie best For a throat- t0 noto *' wU,1? A sora A ^vavc on which many a poor fellow has — r «IWI lull K.^.jearrma. way, » giorwavo of a lace- i cambric handkerchief. ’ f ’ to r pounding that mule,” said Gen- friret :. n *’ an I? a , ?ol,I!p - W nnmerci- 1 illy Wing tie beast. The soldic-.unac- quamfed with tho General, told him to mind li|s own'lmisness. “I tell yon again to stop lam General Sherman.”. “ ” carGEi "w b ( th n y r>'°7 nd Con ^i s 1‘Oftby Ordaiucd by Hie '■ An Ordinance EC it Ord; bany.and it the sum", Than, lax of (wcnty.five , CWsl? I each hale of Colion stor.d in thecitrof ami that lli? same he coUrrted |.» i| K J c , ‘ «txw4*f sail), cily npoi the sbipir.eiit of from the sercml. bouses in said rile; And he it further enncled, That’it duty elf the ulars'.al In ssso-s said ' ii the'time of its ihipmch! and keep « .-■nine, nliirh aSsra merit he sh II turn , collector,*wtio sin,II he cliorgc.ible IbcrefoT the lailureofJhc shippers ol said rollon in lax, tlie Marshal shall .*ei Z< . „nd soil «ai,| ■ilil slwll It I reiwlilj s much tWpf as rial! pay smid tax. Approved Jdonarv l£Hh, ]85fi. _> _ ' G J. \\ RIG ABcdt: Jons F. Cargo.F., y ;CI h ol Council. March 2I» 1866. KIGllT.S An Ordinance. "An Ordinance. Bn it Ordained by the Muyor and City AJlmny/lhat from and irfter the pas-^gp dinance, That -the Draymen in said Charge for each full load of Tuo Horse Dmyy seventy-five (75) cents; and for each I of Otie IXoT-e Wagon or Dray, forty (Id) for'ca^.h and every bale of Cottoo hauli tho sum o^twenty-fivc ceots per bale. All Ordinances or part's of Uidmaiirfs.' against tins Ordinance,, are hereby repeal ■ Appfm*ed.M«rrt,7lt,,l^ ^ ^ AVrist: Jpfti? F. OXunrL’K, .* 1 Clerk'of Council. Albany, Marclu 21.1866. * *vi- ^ vertise\ an<i never to sponge upon the printers-in any manner whatever. It is printer’s ink tint makes nine-tenthsDf-your fortune; it takes money to buy mk,type, paper, and yet, afi ter nil this, few arc the thanks * ’ ' l^yeftjont,” saift fho'sM.iTer.' T^Everv'imin wlio coYiesalong hero *witli an htd Vrrtwn — , coat ana a stovo pipe hat eTai'ma to ho Con' •••“H’tl(J .bands Ail ”R iD S V’ Application to Sell § I*CY' Days'afior J-itc nrphcitii" . to the Court of (Jrdinnry <f J r JJ* reh i c.c. i he great American.. •* requircrl to patro rcwarJccl is; its.piv blc and impretenuing tlie gazette takes. It is next to inqiossiblij " etc. The g^merica^SSSS; H cbstcr, was “ irnghty near righfi? when be trtnarked of the press, “small is-t’lc Mini liieli he without putting into it somethiim Hmtlis worth the subscription price.” ° . 8®” It is said that A. B. Wilson i„ irin ventor of the sewing maehmo which made ‘ dima mtufcnaire left No-.t’i f ftcen year.? ago forlorn and ^ his n.a^k an<l clinnor i,:o t* i. y» witu his asfbrtion that Spa • Ol tno i'resirtcut. They Fort Ii. hdalth 1ms suffered his r.aok and din,mr A,. * V i '"*‘ui>y, with tight around the neck li-vo l.o.n ,i;-o , Aadallkmd enmg train to Baltimore, eonsidcrally from his Jong imprisonment, sraredv a dime in ids po ckc, ’ Jj^uUn.Ie remedy, in case „°f T- '" n '"' !l 1 t i , -pain was the only Enro- an Ijowcr that might *> . .. rcca anably eiainr .a. rention m America. ht oliu: tleccaiDcd MrroU 21.1FGG. A fi’po Assortment of. Pfooks and Anil all kinds of Tackle y, J.'r.rjll 3d, 18CG. * A*k wiiSii&Lfcfflri-, IBP .,•? V’ • .jtrMpkj\ v _ Bo il Ordtinpif by tlio Mayor and Council o ci'y of A bannund it is hereby Ordained byU. tlmrily of Ih^'same, flint fhe’following*M! | rat* of Isiceneee fur the year ^66: Rptnilorft of Spintuous l.iqnarp Vender of Lottery Ti, kets and Gilt / ciaiton»; Express (-'ompahy Agencies, e.tch.... V- ndue Masters B ilianl TabJea...*. .w» B iwiing Alkya, Transient °f G«oda, \V ares ttod - Merchandise, each, first w.ceh •. Each week.thereafter. Pedlers., Iluckcsters, Oike a*«d Fruft Stands on tiie street:*. Insurance Company Agencies*, «^ch Bank Agencies, each 1 Omnibus, four-horse .... Omnibus or Hack, two-horse Two Horse Dray or Wagon, each One Dorse “ ’ “ “ ...i.... Daguerrean Artists. * Drrt'ytnon shall be allowed tu dm rye; For ea h and every b»ad by Dray or Wag^n, T^o ilors*»s...... For each at.d every load by Dray or \Va;;oo, One Morse.. ... For each bale,of Cotton bv Drxyuieu..'.... Approved January 10,1866. Attest: J.' F. Caroils, G. J. Wmbt, j CPk ot Council, March 21,1866. will bjfl . t. E. WELCH ‘^1 - - Albany, starch 8d, 18C0. PISSING TAO^V tSwrL-