The Albany patriot. (Albany, Ga.) 1845-1866, April 14, 1866, Image 4

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mm Shoe Findings, Soje l^enliier, Hp°) wy»« CALFSKINS, - j * ‘ LASTS, ~ • ~ - STOKES. • • FELLOES, „ • • SPBISgg, Afeels, Saddles, Hanjess, &.O., , Just reccivetjby ..iOUNrlJPI^OW & SON, Phoenix BnlltUug*, DECATUR STREET,... ATLANTA, GEORGIA. March So, I860. t*—>•* ALBANY, GtJ£., WOOOT Encourage Home \ E ore now manufacturing at Albany,Georgia /OR MARINE AH1> FIRE INSURANCE variety of ** ,- '' , Woolen GpOds Twilled uml Plain,* Colored and White. WAREENTEU PERFECT, And of lli __ ' 9 Men Fire insurance Cuty P Idiiaiiaiirfi insurance Co,, H, L Security insurance Company, 8,1 Atlantic Fire Insurance Co,, 8, % Phoenix Ins, Co,, Hartford, Conn. Harwich Fire Ins, Co,, HofwIcJh Conn, Total Capital $16,000,000, Suitable for all classes Q.f WoVkiqg People, which we will sell al Reasonable Prices or exchange for Wool or Colton. ^ Hie attention of Mejphants; Planters nnfi other?, assuring tlicqj tlwt we are determined to make it to thejj; interest In purchase our good?. We shall be prepared by the lalol May to Card Wool and la-ike Rolls for Customers. . N. &. A. F. TIFT. Albany, March 31, lfCG. '* 2! Apply to UIXES& HOBBS, * r ' • Agents. : Albany, Gn., March 34, {866. 15—Cm Pat Money in fty Purse Hqad tq W ealtt^ rr ACTIVE AND RE LI ALE AGENTS, .MJUU Male or FemaU, and of all ages. are SZu&raranaa every Cfty, To«d. Village, Ham let, Workshop and EnCtorJ- thRotiglioat ill* WATC,lEa, 0 JKWSWV. SILVER-WARF. MC6I- CAL BOXES, ALB,J.\|S om{ ot{tej Artless. bmKB'wion of'»»o4'*»Ml» and fair business can‘elWf oVcr $25 per week in the conn ry, and m much larger amount in thickly settled localities. No Capital B-equired! Samples of our Articles, to the amount of SS. still he sent by maif Tor iinspection; 'aUd tf not perfectly -*gS&n£2£-k of an indu-Mous turn ttr miu4 and in ijuesi or immediate weallh 1. Uir ° Cl 'pARKINSON & CO., Importer?, .... . gU'J Broadway, New York. Fe]i. 14ll>. ,§Cf,. - -<*• ’ ' ' ' GEORGIA—Dougherty ,'ouuty. tIT t,b'rEAS, Margaret'Nelms applies VV Letters of Administration Oa llie iMOfi Jesse Nelms, lath «Y said cnunly, deceased. These are therefore lo cite and admonish nil and siniular rite kindred tindorWirohs of said,dtit;.d v to bo WWWat'Kftty <«*• • ArtlMn, 'U»« R8¥» aeribM by laW.-'lo shoir'cause if any ihcy can, why Midleltcrs i^nldnot he prattled. Given under nVlTafi^ Slat March, I860. * * W. tt.ttA«®R , ....... Ojrd>*“ April IT, 18«B, • r: , ~ 3f GEORGIA -DOUGHERTY COUNTY. W HEREAS, Edmund Richar Json-appfcs. la, me fur,Letters of Administration on the halite of George U. King, late OfSdtd dOUnlv; J&d: These are, therefore, to cife htul U'.Hiiolo.n sh aqil GEORGIA—lSAKERCOUSTY. \*| WHEREAS, W. E. Phillips •p1«Bl>» 0 '"Y phih terso.f administration ou tfid estate^_«»• “ Bl ?i“ therefore; to cite and admonish all trsz'&zs*,': ttsss&X ««.« ucrsuua luuyutuvi. ■» r * , X & ^Sffitmrasho" be gran : ^‘^^d^ official.jg^hv,. March 1st, I860. ’Match 71b, i860.—[30d. ALBANY GRIST AND FLOUR MILLS. W. W. JORDAN, •Ordiunry., Administrator’s Sal©. W ILL BE SOLD Gli THE-FIRST TUEsAfY IN xi t • tfoiVem «iiA Oonrt'Hbuse door ftt May •haxt. the .CoitrwHjmae door at Kahella, Worlh eounly, CtwHmt oT 129, one half interest in Lot No. 12^ on tLecast side of Lots No. 2aaud2lj—oUmthe MJh Disfrict of Worth county. Ga, Sold as the property of James 1*. Cox, late of said county, deceased, tor the benefit ofito (tyirs and creditors. Terms on the day of shle. MARA , March 7th, 18M.^f4G-td 1 ' 1 '" r w Administrator^ Sal©. ILL be sold before the Court House door in . .. .< \lav nail. Universal; Clotliq| Wringer! THIS WRIXGEll has again taken Ihe First lA-e- inm in the Great Fair of the Amertean Ins 1 Role it has also taken the First, Premium at the State Ft firs of New York,-Vermont, Pennsylvania,' Ohm, MfehiEMh Waielics, Jewelry, Diamonds,]MEW DRY Musical Instrumeujs, Silverware, -Bronzes, &o. WORTH OYOH Isabella, on- the first Monday in May n **t. one hundred .and sixty-six ncces at',1«F a -1 1 , t*. Aotiinn MfilM 111 t IlC land No. one hundred and fifty-nine (1W) itt the l-lih District, originally Dooly, now Worth county. (The dower is not includcd-in the above land.)—- Sold as the property of William F. Weilvmis, late of said county, deceased, March 7, 18GG. Valley* Fair, and at most pf U.eCmtuty and Insti tute Fairs Ihronghaut the country. Over 200,000 Have Been Sold, And are now In use in the United Stales, and we '^Tho^Ultivcrsal is superior to.all-other AVrmgors, in having la non rollsof solid lndw, so pro- Ledbf s-roug tao.wn.exs .fcal they cannot sl.p iSlA fAe.*U l'»*'«''s7 r 0J s< STe cannot he broken, and does not /“« ® r ““ clothes. Every Unirersal Wringer is W arranted. Wc select u feAY lestimouialstrom persons widely known to the public, wlio speak from actual oxpe- rience, and are above suspicion of misstatement* “ My family would as soon give Up tbo cooking stove as this Ciotiiss Wiu.Nuan. It cannot be too highly recommended.”—[Solon Robinson. ••litis is the first Wringer I have,found that would stand tho semccs required of it.’ - [,1. V. Huggins, Lovejoy s IloteL “ We tliink llie Mnehino much more titan pays for itself every year in the saving of garments. We think it important tho wringer should be fitted with COGS.”—[Orange Judd, Editor i>f -American Agri- ‘"’'"heartily eotnntend it to economists of time, y and contentment.”—ffhe Rev. l>r. Lerlotts. ONE MILLION DOLLARS, All to be sold for FIVE DOLLARS each, without regard to value, And not Co be PaW For until you know what you are to , RECEIVE!! 1 »Ht8 money t rjlWO MONTHS afterdato applic ation \j;HI In* ‘The Albany. Steam Mills are now in operation, Making Cfood Meal and FIour Customers will ty promptly attended to and freely dealt with. Our Customers will not be delayed. The GnuH will Vewcigl»cd in and the ft^l weighed nt, (which w\U require but a few minutes) unless Sie parties prefer to get the M«al from their own Corn. Corn should be sent as fret? from cobs and £ri as poaaHib. All the Corn, as well aa VVheat, 'tint we grind, is fanned'through lie fan and the trash Is not accounted for in Meal; N-AA-.y-T'YT- Albany, March SI. 1866. 3i made lo t[ie Court or Ortlina ry of Baker crmniy. Ga , (at ilk' first, tcfwjfir term a Her expiratiun ol two month, from this nhliee.) for leave lo sell the la lids belonging to the estate ot 8oloi».n Richardson, late of said county, deceased. For Hie benem of tlx heirs and creditor, oi sunldmAL q CUIU.F.Y’, Junoary 17th, 1864. -3—2in ■ l Adm r. GEORGIA—I)*VSiUUT C««ty. a* *i ipril - ■hat KJIXTY days after date application will Lie made 5o! tu the OUdinxry «f Wort li'counter, Ga;, for leave In sell the real estate belonging to llie estate of Josi- alt W. Hill, dee’d. hf Worth county, Ga.,thts tho 8th day of >jti'uary, 180ft. 1 AMINDA M. HI LI. Administratrix. January 17th, 1856.—3-604 ■ PRICES. Largo Wviagcr, “A” Medium “ “ B s - J2 nn Doly’a Washer, Femily Site — ” JJJ *• Hotel “ 18 00 Merchiijito or good qapvassers can make money rapidly selling them in every town.. Exclusive sale guaranteed and liberal terms given to responsible persons who first apply. Dcsccriativb Cit n. n d terms sent free. , ’ _-L_ The celebrated DOTY S’ CLOTHES Y\ ASIlElt, vbici. ho^j.Vr st Eikcn the first tp-emium at the great Fair of the American Institute, is also sold by the undersigned. r : appearing to Court that the Causeway known as the Gwinnett Turnpike, across Chick- nsawliatcljeQ Creek, is not beiuc k?P l 5 « repair by thyt«*d hands of cirhir/ Ultt» <W* county, and it having been purchased ttud become gfetioe. S IXTY DAYS AFTER DATE I ahall make appli cation to the C> art of Ordinary^ Worth comity for laave to aell all tl,e land, belonging to the estate of O. YY. Rouso, late of said, county, dee d. March fifh, 1896. JAMES W. ROUSE, Adm’r of G. W. House, deoM- March 7th, ICCO. 10-604. the sole prope- ly of lIds county. \is $>urt tha It Is Uyvr qrd<jrn);bv this (?<jdrt tlio,!, t,ae Clerk of this Cotfrradvertise Vl^.Wi^.to be offered mr sale to the highest bidder ou Wednesday llie second (2d) day'of’Mliy next, with the understanding that the purchaser proceed immediately to put the same in good order fer cvassjnge and keep the same i&gn&k repair; witli the p'nvil(bj. charging llie lawfr 1 toll for the same, 7 joiin Jackson, j. i. c. N. 1*. DHINSON, J. 1. C. JAS. M. MERGER, J. LC. A true extract from the Minutes. JOHN F. CAUG1LE, Clerk. April 11.18CG. 23—’•nls Administrator’s Sal.©. rdcr fron the U NDER virtue of an order Honorable the Court of Ordiunry of Dougherty cotmtVj Ga., will be sold Veforq. Uiq Court llQu v * i t^ior iff said county, on the first Ttmgday in June ue’xt, between tho legal hours of sal^ the bouse and lots ia the city of Albany in said county, be longing to tbq estate of S. S. Crawford, deceased, known^i loU nfiJfrVcrs (01) sixty-one, aud (GT isixty-tiiree, on Flint street, aud lYrfiubers (02) si f \- ty-two, and (04) sixty-four, on North street ia Administrator's Sale. 11. C. BROWNING. General Agent, No. 347 Broadway, N. Y. Great ImjiroTcmcnt In Sewing Machines \ BSMP1H.3I: Shuttle Machine I Patented February 14th, I860. SALESROOM 530 VJU0ADWA\', X- 200 WASHINGTON STREET, BOSTON. THIS MACHINE is constructed on entirely now „ v,- *xr principles of meclmuisin, possessing many rare and W ILL BE SOLD ON THE FIRST TUESDAY IN | £ aluilb i e improvements, having been examined, V$ May next, before the Court blouse door uj j ,j t|| Q|OSt profound exports, and pronoiiuccd to be lsubplsjv.Worth copiitv. Georgia, Lot of Lnud Nou ^c^^y-^iur (74),in tkfi. ?ifl«entk District of lunty. as the property of James r. Buekuew, said county, ns the property deceased, for distribution. Terxgfl. v.n the duy-^ itak*. CELlAE. BUCKELEW, March 7tli, 1806.—[IG-ttt* * Adnfrx. MITHIEixL SltBRH^F S*tB. WILL be.^Qj^SP the first Tuesday in April next, before the Court House door in Caa^Uo, the f«**Jo\g- ine properly, lo-wil ? One lot of land lying and being in the Tenth Diflt^ OS Mitchell Couuly, Ga. Levic J up as the vrbttkrly of J. C. Morgan, Justice Court mas forecast—A. J. McLewdvrf. J.*C. ^y«;gati. Levy made aud returned to me by S. Qi SlMl 1 it’y and L’r.urKCTtox Comuinkd. 4 n straight needle, perpendicular^ action, nk^Uie “Lock or Shuttle 8tit.qti,” which will ‘.N,etther Rip nor Rave*’ and it is "alike on both sides; performs perfect sewing on every description of material, from Leather lo.t he finest Nnnsook Mus lin. with cotton, linen or sil& VhXWL hom the courses! to the fjnqst ifp«j;ber.^ Hikviuz neither “Cam tior. aOg Wh February 28th, 18GG. liiese me, iiituvtvit,, — v , . •, aincular llie kiuJrcd'Aod crcUiti.n, ot Mid dccoaacl tuba and appear at wy office wiilun the time pro scribed by law to allow cnu4c, Hiex Iimc, why •aid letters of administration should not be ^rallied. Given under my hand mid official signature at office lliis 10H. day of Marcli. 1866. omcc, mu l w. 11. WILDER, Ordinary. Albany, March 17. ,886^ 2!—^! r of a for lUe wuvfl, wt heics.and creditors of SJiid estate. Terms tuntle knowu on the day of sale. JOTi-X ?. l.UKJILK, Adm'r S. S. Crawford, deceased. m. • 23—lOd A^ril Ilth, 18tiJ: Having neither “Cam tior. Jog Wheel,” and tl^q. least possible frictiou, it runs os smooth as-gktt, and is * ‘ * EMPU.VXW.VMrT A EOJ4XLE8* MA.Q^N^!. It requires firty percent, less pcower to driva than any oilier Mnoliihje in the market. A girl twelve years old can work It suditj, without fa tigue or injury to liealth. ** ' ‘ Its strength and* “ Woudf.^ful Simplicity” of con slruction rendets, U, rjffipu!-' uapossible to get out- Grovesteen & Co., Piano FQrtG 499 Broadway, new V ORE. T im attention of llie 1’ijfjliri “lid the In vil iled to our Nkw >'cale 7 OUTAV+: ROSE WOOD l’L-YNO FORTES, iviucli r or volume and order and is gua-.-autoed by tlie Company to givo entire satisfaction. Wc respect fully invite all tlmsc who may desire to supply themselves with a atlperior article, come and examine this ■.‘.'ViJJliX'lHed Maohmo.” One hulJ hour's Hslruclim. w sufficient to enut.ts any verson to work t/os Undone to their entire 'e Jtch" r will he liberally SCHOENPELD & w. broad static (SECOND DOOR TO w5J _ iXE-ISLsj^. * Have just received alar." 8 Assortment of Laffitl'’ Mcriaocs, Wool DcUte^ Cloth, Eabr<; ”^St!SSStS-r . - «riptioas, Boct£&' SliooSj Hats 4 READY MADE CLOIfljy, « „ A Iso, • 1,753 Geld *nd Silver Watches were distributed among the patrons pf Pakkissom & Company du ring t he month.Qf- February, 18GG. Read comments by tlio Press, speaking oflhc firm in the most com plimentary manner;—“A most industrious and prosperous house.”—^Sliippcnshtirgh, Pa., 8cntinel. “ Givo nil who deal with them perfect satisfaction.” —[Dunkirk, N. Y., Journal. •*Enjoysu high rep utation *for honorable dealing aud the quality of their goods.”—[New Paltz, N. Y. t Times. *> Per fectly- roliaWc aud vy.Hl do all th’ey pxemise.”—[Ny- ack, N. \\ City and CQ.uhty; “Stand high for hon esty and fair dealing.”—[Fishkill, N. Y. Journal. Honorable aud fair dealing men.”—(Stapletdo, ... Y. Journal. “ Ouc of the oldest a ad most relia ble firms in business.”—[Cnnnjphnrie N. Y." Radii. “Keep tlieir word and apt honorably by taelr pat- jons.” [Lyons N. Y. Press. 500 Solid Gold Hunting Watches $300 to 750 . „ , r —— - ...m 16o 500 Mogio Cased Geld Welches 250 to 500 : ““if 1 ! MmUna,- Messrs, v 500 Ladies’ Enameled Watches 100 to 500 ■ J - HLbTfclt. as phxv^ 0 — .' 600 Diamond Cluster Dndies* Sets GEXTS’ PCRXisniKG At lowest rate, io thi! osObv to establish a i-ccuUm! .““‘s c “.“ “ U 'taper ,U ’J trial ta.- IlESTElt, as clerks, are 1.000 Diamond Suliluirc Rings 75 to 250 1.000 Heavy Silver Hunting Watches- ,75 to 1 1,000 Open-face Silver W’atcheaxM 20 to 1,000 Silver and 3iahogany Musical Boxes 100% 600 1,000 Silver Dining Sets 75 to 350 1,500 Silver Tea Sets,-complete 50 to 200 300 to 700 I " n 2,Y iU he pleased i„ see th'iS- Albany, J,n. 27th. I8C6.J 011 Stoix 2,000 Silver Urns and-Salvers.......... 75 to 250 R W \ TV 2,*000 3evcn Chamber Revolvers. 75 to 300 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 2,500 Potent Single Barrel Pistols..... 25 to 75 2.000 Richly Framed Oil Paintings.... 75 ta850 2.500 Elegant Pearl Opera Glasses.... 25 to 75 8.000 Mammoth Photograpn Albums... 15 to 50 3.000 Cluster Djamqnd Rinfa.. AWAVWV , 26 to 100 3,000 Ladies’ Oval Bracelets f5 to 8.500 Gold Chains of different designs 25 to 30(L 3.500 Gold Thimbles, chased............ 6 to kChOQO SSgaoi and Plain Gold Riogs^.. 10.000 Cattlemen’s Scarf Pins 12,500 Brooches and Ear Drops Jllbany, Gcor^ Eta M 6 to 60, 6.lo. 36. 6 to 36 1 ,i 10 lo 75, ,,c BO » P«“P6«iA h> Si' u&y t, 6.m 50 oW enstomor, and friends, Gold Pens and Gold Hoi 10,000 Sets Studs aud Sleeve Buttons.., 6.000 Silver Goblets and Urwk’g Cgps, 6. 5.000 Sets Tea, Table & Desert Forts 10 to 25 j \\r_ T t.v c\ . 5.000 Sets Tea. Table & Desert Knives 10 to 25 * >v ° 1 iav ° 2,500 Revolving Silver Custors 25 to 75 QuinillCy 2,500 Silver Cake and Fruit Baskets... 25 to 75 jHor[tkinP^ dl, S sealed envelopes and well mixed. Holders arc en-‘ tpSOW Nulls, titled to tho articles named on tlieir certificate upon Rochelle NallS, payment of $5 wlie.hor it be a beautiful Watch,;er Glanbor Salts. _ «— - ||, or a Plain Gold Ring, I’OpCraSy , r... ..v I>] ae SletiC, Musical Box worth So. The return of titles V' i X ou *° Hie reticle named, thereon, u^^n. lmy- V 1 ;; ment, iyjcspeciive of its worth and as no article Fully, • altmtl. Clue Mm BUM. Cti Flavor® Azuiwi, Swim, tuiiaui Patou 1 Matete, &c., ( All Essences, Tinctures, &c., us«llr ! Drug^Sf.ore. l'repcripiions car<J.B, any cert fieiH.c t it C&SUf Cilj, t Linseed Oil, No Lottery, but a NtraI?lit-foi*wnrd KeroslQC Oil, IcsMiiimtc 'i raiiMiction, which may Toilet Scans, tyt participated in even by flic most fastidious! 0oy~ Any one wishio# javest m the above enr terprisCvCau receive n sample package of a Half- dozen certificates, naming some of the above arti- qljjs, by seeding a. stamped envelope bearing their TVTPIAT QTTTDT PHU aifilrfcss. Certificates. ,*o. to bo paid for unles.^fully ! OILIXll X v/ii satisfactory. We do this that all may be convinced * ti.?, Pm.i ?« «, ... of our sincerity aud the genuineness of our sale. 1 JHc urCul I.,VCnilOIl Of 111 Call ou or address. _ . J. W. BR^OLUTS New Terms CASn Albany, Ga., October 21,181*4 Aof.x'^s wanted fun. *11 Towns in the United hies, where Agents are not already established, for Cxba, M , Central andSoith A tunica, METALIC BUHLUj GASES ■pur'uy .if umo aro ty »nv hitiierto dHi' CC ! whom a, Uborol Ujisotutl will he given. • Thoy conlain all d» nw»l.'rn -ttn-l ' r?TIM!H A OE0RG1A—Baker Comity. Unlinary'a OtEcP. ' ipliod to tile Court of Onlmary fin II. D. lltnlaon .ppHpato llie l^etMa of Guirdiamtlitp offhA persona ^ikI property ••** * * minors of K. 11 of Hampton ai'id Sarah (’lirtt CUrtt", Isle of t'dluuibia comity, dec d. Tliia is to cite alt persons Interested to file tlieir jgiastr;oif£Kfs,i^s.sS be granted llie applicant. . «.iven under u»y Imnd and official sij .24th4ay of March, I8«L ' ;Q , IihikI and official sij»uhloco. thw JORDAN, March 28. 1866/ L0;FG, ^ THOMPSON’S, Under tie Printing Office ON BROAD STREET, ALBANY, GEOIIGI.C pnivoiuviiiii, Froiic|i,Or.imi Action, llarp Pcdalrf \Frame, Ovcr-Strung lias.., &c.,'and'eae)iiiistriiin<>, I bcina made nndrr the personal sriph FINE ASSORTMENT of METALIC COFFINS of Ml j. If. CROVF.STEF.Ni wl«> rtaa'had a practica experience tit over 35 years in tlieiriluaiiutacture, A. from"the smallest Ui the htrgip^oiifla have jnsi, IkKKRKTA aeLKA. JA.1KS II. CAKTKR. KENNETH M’LEA & CO, Commission^ Iflierclxaats, aoa BAY STBKKT, SAVANNAH, OA., REFERENCES. Kenneth McLen & Sons. Greenock, Scotland.— J Thompson, Rank »f Scotland, Greenock, >col- UndrSiiiolair. ITiinilton A Op.. LondoB? Ifordon, Bruce A MoAqiifT. I.ivctpool and Nhw Y ork. 4- by us. nnjk will be kept alway Versons desiring Coffins of this kiud purchase them cheap by calling lu'ly warnttited in every particular. The tt Grovesteen Piano Fortes ” received °f nsprit vx«r all olhers ai tlic oolcbralod \\orld’s Fair. Where were exliihili'il inslrnment? from t,»e liesl ma kers of lAriid-n, l/aiis, Urrwny, I'hiladelphia, Bah ‘liiiiore, Boston, ami New York: and also at tl T. i. ShiiRTUl'R & CO. A. A Co. PXINCIFAI. AOBWCIES ESTABLISHED. Philadelphia, Sarmiento McGratli A Co.; Pitts burgh, Ernest Axthelm; Baltimore, Thomas Shanks; Wnshinglou, D C., J Karr; whVeliki-t. \a.:^te 1 i A Bro. Septxiubcr 60Ui. 1865. Albany, Feb. 28th. 18.16, LONG A THOMPSON. Dcugherty Inferior Court, ' AT CIIAMRE9, April 1th, 1866. Whereas, two vacancies having oecnrrcd in the number of Justices of tlie Inferior Court of said [county, by the death of E. S. tViilkcr. agil *rlR- r p" ^’Advances mail* on conbigumdiilHo Liverpool and V.rY.irk, Cut I on and oilier produce received and r > , n mt-.ionorfnrwaruuiL (irdors from llie ntt ott'commmsion or forwarded, Ordtrtl inleridv for'gdods pVomtlyhxpcnfed, hota tn ; wshiind New loiki ». An constantly receiving large consignments or flams. Bacon, Shoulders. Hittlcr, LiSrd. FJ'd'r. As 'on cnnsignmcnl, which will bo sold al the low; ■*Market Rates. ■_ ' January 8tb, 1806 r StflTP^ PTEI IM6«t! FFIUE Proprietor of.tbia new Southern Monthly i* /| M - pttV&b*&g! kn 'erlition of two Uiouaaud -~j if. Tkmrihiitnra Embraces ft great niov.l of Milton C. Bdt f f°“u Uie totty of said ,C °n*‘i3 ordered llisl an election bp held al the Court .House in said county. Oft. Wednesday, tho 24, day of May next, B> vacancies. , And whereas, t)ierc. was tjo Co^fy Trcasnypv, elected ah tlie regular lime of holding election for 'County Officers; It m ordered that an election lie held on Wednes day. the 2d day of May next, for a County Treasu rer for tauT count J. ’ 1 • -!• * • J. JACKSOKi J» L C„ James m. mercer, J- i.c. N. P. BRINSON, J. I. O. A trne extract.from the wtnalea. - JOHN F. CAifCILE. Clerk. Ailmny. April ,,. 1800. 23 wtd i[, fj,t oY eoniribiitors 'ohibracos n oi tho best literary inlont ip the Bp^lt and i Besides the two .admirable senes now In West. Besides epurse of publiention— ... Adventures In South Amcrlea» t tho Mareh nnmbcr contains tho «rst of a series by . James Wood Davidson, oijcjjljtnilim, 8, C., entitled How We KiyiWrEa<% Other; TIME SCIENCBflF HL T Jlp\N N .\TURE- Tliero will also bo an occasional contribution on Metropolitan Enterprise, GREAT GIFT SALE PARKINSON & CO.. 208 Broadway, N. Y. February 28, 18CG. - I*4»—Siq, J" JUliikiFTIC (or double, SPRitf j This invention consists of Duplex J tie k’ure Refined Steel Springs, ingenit Newton, BxihXei/ Gountv, Ga., '‘t’ 1 " 1 / n,lJ inn'i.v LIVINGSTON HOUSE, . tin fifxiUW. til: • u^ed, Tli. H AS heon filled up l,y the tmde , >igiip«l, *ml the & 5 r "!St v travelipg public* are renuestfd to call. If• siugU *.**. ...... kind and polite irtatinent, the bt«t lar* that cun be perlect atiul hcuusdui raon obtained and uliaterate cliargrjt will be. satisfactory, ^ bin g ,c 8 i'‘ ,n 8 s 111 1 ■' tin y have all guaranteed i, they «JJ£ j W00llerful m j no pleasure to uuy lady Wearing i at> ~ Skirt will bcexpcriuncc'l pariiculiriji __ 1— „ - . ! nsscmMici!, opci^*, cari iH] Albany Chapter No. 15, A. Y. M. Sui*H. : r«n be 1 “oiL" w. \V. LIVINGSTON. •New»on, Nov. 25, 18^ American Institute lor-five successive years, the gold and silver medals Irom hjlli of which can be secuul ,ur ware-najtp- By the introduelion.of improvements we make a .till inore jierfect Riano Forte, and by manufacturing largelv.-with a strictly cash systqiq, qtmlded to offer tliesc inslrnment's at*a price which will pre clude all competition. Prices—No. 1, Seven Oqinv.q, rpund corners, RosewiHfd fduin c.j»fio No. 2. Seven Octave, found efirnere, R(»-ewo<aI heavy moulding &300. N»». 3. Seven Ucm^e, ro»nd corners, RoscwotmI Ijohw XIV style 8326. T«r»ii»— N«t Ca-bli in CHri-4»i»l FiiikN. DESChirriVE CIRCULARS SENT FREE* “A&C.” New,|Yorb and Providence Joivolor'd Association, A Capital iTs SI,000,000. • siuall place rKMI^rcgular QQnxqcalions of this (Thaptei aro on muslin dre: X thn ucond aud fourth Friday liiglits in each A lady, having enjoyed the ph month. I g reu t convenience i»f wearing The ctv}npftnjqtu»- wil) please take.qptjtcq and ^oy- Stcel Spring Slyj t for a single ■n thciaseUcs uccoidingly,- i w Anls willingly dispense with their I). R. C. SPENCLK. dren. Misses uud \ ouug LaUks ,l “' Secretary. a ij ol Ucrs. Albast, Aran. 13th, 1805.-tjf. | »j»j ie Hoops arc covered wnk — *—— '. twisted thread and will wc: WATCHES!■>. WATCHES! - j skirt are also double sled, «dJ Kerosinc Oil!. I(ei;o8inc Oil! Kcrosine. Oil! DKl'OX/l'JI BROADWAY. N Immense f^tock of Tianos, Watclie** Jewelry, i mol Faucy tfiauls, all to'be sohlfbrGNE l>()L- »,iki1 to value, nnunot to. he THE GREATEST IK-bUCKMJiNfS TO SECCftB- ered to vrevent the ?ovcrnig r£d3,x$)iicn dragging down stairs, GOOD JEWELRY AND WA&gUEifc ATONE DOLLAR EACH. At the Drug Storo of E, II. BACON* & CO., \fiashihgton St., Albany, Ga. y nderwriters’ Agency Or N>w Vo*t, CASH ASSETS^. Three M.illion Pollars^ r issue polices or- Fire & bferme Insurance Usds j.yihlc la GOLD or. CURRENCY. Kcrosine r-r Kerosine Lamps KEROSlSEIuViJS.aihADBS, KBROSINS-WMr OHIMNEI‘3. And. n fulh spvortnept of Kcrosine Lump Flxtores, at the Drug Store of * 6 . E. n. BACON A CO., - next to Express Offioo, Albany, Ga. Liratltthrd'shd PdBtlcXfrom the pen Smith, alia. •• Bill Arp.” , , .. , „ ‘.Th. Frit. Story wjll^be ccmincnced, in tho April **T«aM»: $6 per annum; Clubs of Ten, nill be furnished, at S» CldhAofVwenty, at - »« t'o*l Office, a'CFour Dol.aB. Address v W. J, SCO^X. MsrvJi ltf/1800—[17-Im Alianta, Ga. Application to Sell Iiand- cTlXTY-bAYS AFTER- date application will be JN tirade «4 4e Ordinary of Worth county, Ga., rarleaveto’setl the real estate belonging lb tlie os, • tat. Of lames Unckeluw, deceased. - “ CEL, A E. BUCKELEW, Adm'rx dc bonis non—Will annexed. Maevb 7,186^ ■ • 16 - fiUd Negotiable and BankaUe chrt;i^ic^tes ok insurancb arc mvw> IT A*M^T*°*». Y. Gf. Hast,, Ah-gent,. ALBAH^L Octobov,Sdv W?.-.. G. S. SEYMOUBj Mi Bi> Surincal & Mechanical Dontist S ou Broad Street, JS & CUTLIFK.S STORE, ALBANY-, GEOllCLY. February 3d t 18G3. each, yut),' w paid fi,r Uhstffyou so© what yon will receive. . Curtificntcs, naming encli n^i^o. and its v^u,o, arc placed in scaled envelopes aud well tnixcl. Orro of these envelopes will be sent by mail to any nd* dress rn reeej^l.QfVifitqenls; five for $1; eleven for $2; thirty for§5; sixty-to. tqv,.^0; aud ouc lu^r dred for $1*5. - Ou receipt of tho Certificate you wiRjSjy; w v lm| yon nr*‘ gpit44ta,%^A *i«l then it is at your option to nay fbc dbltar aud fake tho article or not. Purclia- Tters may thus obtain a Gold Watch,*’.mamoad Ring, a Piano, Sewing Machine, or any sot of Jewelry on our list, for $1; and in no case can they got let* than Oup JDiA}*Fs woi Ji, as there are no blanks.^ Agents are wauled in every town in tfio couu'ijt ; every'person can make ten dollars a day. selling cur Certificates iu tho greatest sale of Jewelry ever known. ' - . \ Send 425 cents for a Certificate,^ which will inform you what yot^ciu^o^ain far $1. At the'snrae time got our circular.Jccmtamiug full I^ts aud pnrticu UW.tOso. Terms to Agents. *’ a 'Address * JLlMluL HUTCHINSON & CO., ’ 107 Broadways Y. March 14, 1860. . ISs- Call and See the Fino Assort ment of mOILET SOAPS, POJJADES, COLOGNE?, EX- I tracts for Handkerchiefs, Flaroring Extracts, llair Urustics. Tootii Brushes, Ckith Brlts!fei4"ttl^l, Wash. Brushes. Combs. Just opened at the Drug Store of E H. BACON&Cq, Albany, Maroli 17* 1806. ' iWiw, - Albany Lodge No. 24, F A.. hL fTlll E regular meetings of g ’ this Lodge are on the first Mui" third Friday ulghts in each month. > , Tho brethren wjil plcnso take due notic».‘i;£LgoV£DL tltctaselvcs accordingly. THE LUMBARSAL00& (Three doors below B AVlNO-just rcoelf»4,n fresh supply of ALL Klfijis ms t.l,H — ■ - D- W. C. SPENCER, Secretary. Albany, ApvjUSib, 18(kk-^V Nd%5c to Cily, Tax jfa ■ I, au-.-o * yen BEST _LIOUOR8 Sfl.^ tfio-’fioelhern linrket 'i» , sldMthD;'iuiblt”... Brandy, YVhiskcy, Wind. Cliampagiic, Gin, &0.. A0 -1 mu now prepared to suit the -palates of any body. 1 receive T G i3i r FS'. , .'* r >y lYoin'Maoon. Also.1 am in cohstaut reeeiprof GGOfl btu ALE. Cali and .see mb. TIIGMAS II. GLARK. Albany, Ga. Fob. 28; I860.' . - - Il_u FYVlIiitiiV&s. 6 r llio assess,r A fur the year 1866 will 'i'.'nlfky «f Auril until the 1 at day «f may next. Air pep !•_** fonsconeeriied' will tales notice and promptly render '. wilhgl the time specified, a list of tlieir tuxa bio penperty ivithin the city, and alt persons failin; urrel'u.-itiu 10 do so wtli tie d.mble taxed. JOUN FCARClUl, L’h rk-ufCimneil. Albany, March 31,1SGG. - 22.1m - *x* - - T ja &c , which they ; 1 coustaully 75,OQO Watcher MUSICAL LIOXKS. CHAINS, SETS OF JEWELRY. ! '! M f-, al,a PENS^ BRACELETS, CASTORS, QOS'-. LETS, SPOONS, FORKS, NAP KIN RIN'G£ &c., &e. f WORTH $600,000, To be soW fur ONE DOLLAR cacH, without gnrd to value, aud hot to bq. wait! for Hpjjfe you, know Wl»at yoiyir© to get. Sehd 25 cent*, for a (sor«ificate. whieU will inform you what you can have * for SI, and at the same time get our Circuhu con taining full list and particular*, also terms to Agents, which we want in every Regiment aud.To.wn iu tho Country. , ... - ' * One Certif^ntc wtH cost 25c.; five for SI; twelve r §2; thirty for S5; one hundred, with premium Gold Pen and massive Gold Holder and Pencil for $15. All we ask U otto trial. ‘ Ad(l r ^ _ ru.yan:cros! &.co., 68 Liberty Street, N. Y. City. Host. Ofiico liox 6788, February 24, I860. e madp..q£thc n ,),e best qualify i« •er the . P; airnblc. comfortable anded*^* WESTS; BiiVDitKV ^ C' 8 * 1 Inw.fikm, and solg Mannfartu” amL79 & 81 Reaiic Streets, M* 1 For sale in all first c b‘s s ^ thronghout tin luruugiiuui iiig . dc Cuba, Mexico, So&fh -V” 0 ?? Indies. „ Inquire for the DupR* Spring Skirt. 0 , September 9th 186a.— • 1 ALL PERS05S li 1 E itXI.U 1COO IO , forward and settle by foiling so to do, by the *-«»!» their account iq the I»“ ndj ' w collection. A^brirvy, Nov. 2->. 18W. £■ Iron in the JSlo»4l f rjXllE PERUVIAN SYRUP supplies Ike Blond with its Life Element, Iron, mtasing strengtli, vigor, and new lifeintn tlie winds system. For Dys pepsia, Dropsy, Chronic Diarrlufl*, Bemate Weaknesses, etc., ir-isa spi-cilk. Thotisawii ligye iwen clrangmi by tin- use t,l this'imin west, sickly, sufcriau r.rptlntps. In, sjmt^g, healthy, up4 liitppy metsand women. A ffiKpagp 'patn^let sent free. Price,9, per bottle;or6 for $5.- JU Ry .DMiSMURE. J6 Dey Bltect, N. Y- iCT Sold by .Druggists generally.’ -Octu'iKr 28,1S6A A 31-3 it Dr. H. Ander T sj Iodine Ax Isvalitadle Discovehy—A PhU, tiBAnx OF IuDlKE IS KAClt OBNCE OF WATftKralltSSllLVip. xe&dt&O* W e .VAAtth lvlN^ 5 JOB 1 at ties and Hereditary Diseased, aro .cured fiy iis use., as thous ands can testify. • Circulars §cnt free. Price', $1 per bolile, or G for S-^* DR. }i: ANDERS & CO f , Physicians and Chemists, 428 Broadway, N. Y. II f Suit] l>v Dnu;git*ts g*»ncTaHy.- . October 28; 1865 1 34-3iu a great vsrieiyof^t A&r., Ae- Dec i, ,865 SttJ' .a; * !