The Albany patriot. (Albany, Ga.) 1845-1866, April 18, 1866, Image 3

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tctfJa *•“ “ a "j^Vork orA<i«cr.i.lng wU>> , n t r.i S »°»‘ ,1<rat ,wo ,h .°r .‘“g ec f„fJobW.rk,Ad«ruring ‘ Hienan U now In need of ire Jo sincerely trust tbM those i.** 1 * . , forward nnd eet- ;,«redit. im ,„cJi.le'f «»“• ]{. u. HAIL. XeviitK is our authorized Hi collection of subscriptions and 1 t o the Patriot in'Macon, Ga. kT^mAEUTISKMENTS. I * n „k the attention of our read- ■**Vwcn,l new advertisements to lie <>f All,a,, y M fT‘ c 1 • 14 F & A. M., arc requested to S !"mvt regular meeting—which *! Friday evening, April 20tli. A glance is desired. butl^om that wc “puff” # eA " hell "'e do, it is more for id* f„r anV pecuniary aid we might Jig lienee, we feel confi- none (especially our advertising Jll eeeuse us of partiality, when ihat the Confectionery of Mr. C, \ n ;aM vare an ^ as go °^ var * rctieR Champagne, Ale and ,„ y other estahUshment in bto t akes, Candies, Nuts, etc. \ nn ,l (hat he can please the most as icgards price and quality.— »call, old, young, hig, little and y,m don't purchase southing it r'tkc lack i>t'“spondnlieks.” ^11 vi-tim Convention.—This 1k» in the city ofMneon on Fri- i 4bc2.ith iust., and will be com- ,f the leading Baptists of tlio State. ,„l,ns not met since Us scs- Uhatain 1«U. Tlio < omi ' , S 8es ‘ called l,yl!ev.P.TI.MK«l.I, H. I>. : nt of the Convention, and Macon ap- by lnm as the ]daee of meeting^ |B> nwlerstainl from good authority i-dinen on the different plauta- |t w,ukins admirably, and seem , to satisfies!, and determined on ato carry out their contracts This is certainly good news.— Ifbarthis state of tilings will not eon- • a disposition on tlje part of i/ens to erect hoftsesfor thoir lOgtinn, which is nothing more nor lindueement for them to quit the |»1 move to town, to live in vie? otto ft, ?y ra f d . ' - flowing m tup Lafay. c tto.(Ina.) Conner, a Republican organ• A Question-RioW to tiiw ' opposethc policy of Andrew Johnsonh the f~” 18sl ? n o^ioynl representatives from Ten- nessee, be kind enough to answer the fol- o'piLJT’^'Tt 14 la right to the point: president Johnson, of the United States ^Renr^,S? ra “ May " ar ^’- Ofth0 House o1 representatives, remained in tlieir seats a» loyal representatives from the State of of Session If, tlK-TCfuro, '.wtU.lon did'iiol^tnto Tminessee out of the Union, when and -how * °nt V If-Mr. Maynard was enti- scat in 1881, after Tennessee had seceded, why is he kept out in the cola now f” Cen. Butler at the Confessional. Gen. Butler, in acknowledging the receipt of divers ff beautiful presents,” being the leavings of a fair recently held in Philadel phia, under the supervision of the colored “ Indies” of that town, and sent to him as a icculiar mark of esteem, talks about their icing “rich and intrinsically valuable,” and says that they “ shall be laid up, with other treasures,” for his posterity. Now, with out wishing to lie considered meddlesome or curious, we. would like to know wherein Hen’s “other treasures” consist? Have they any reference, for instance, to spoons or bank notes? Let Butler'make a clean breast of it while he is about it, and enlight en tlio public a little upon this point. That is all.—N. A*. News. The Price of Confederate Currency. In- consequence of numerous enquiries daily as to the price of gold for Confederate notes during a certain period, we have, for the convcnico of our citizens) prepared a tar ble, showing actual sales from Jaifuary 1st,- 1861, to May 1st, 1865, which is very essen tial -to those who are now dgsirous of set tling debts contracted during the war. WHOLESALE HBTAIls El. ’WELCH, At the Old Stand, Comer Broad & Washington Sts., • ALBANY, OEOHOXA, /Vic# qf Gold for Confederate Note* from January 3»f # 1861, to Hay 1st, 1865. Nov 15- ..™.16 60 for 1 Deo 15... Jon 1.. k\n Kai.i.s kkom a Swoxd-Stoi; •tier that tin* Printers’ Devil of the Lunin Ne ws, accidentally fell out |rk win.liiw of the sm>ml-story ind sustained little, or no injury |:ntulate the “Devil” upon his feu- evenings since a “gentleman |5tc]>|K’d into the Grocery establish. »rs. Lost; Jc Thompson, and sec-' two balls of paper twine .lying the counter, proceeded to eonfis- •ropriate the said “contraband' bis own lwuefit and behoof, for , it seems, of malting falling w?ro is still at a loss to know o’ tred is dia Ise got.” 1861. Job 1 to May 1..... 5 pr July t to Oct 1 10 pr Oot 1 to Oct 15.....12 pr Oct 15 to Not 15. ..15 pr Pee 1.....'. ......20 pr .30 pr 1862. 20 pr Jon 16 -20 pr Feb 1....... 25 pr Feb 16 ......... 40 pr March 1 50 pr March 15.... .65 pr .April 1 75 pr April 15....... * 80 pr May 1 00 pr May 15... v ..... 05 pr .June 1................05 pr Junel5,.... M . 2 for 1 July l *2 fori July 16 2 for 1 Aug 1 « 2 20 for 1 Aug 15......... 2 20 for 1 Sept 1........... 2 50 for 1 Sept 15......— 2 50 for 1 Oct 1 2 60 for 1 Oct 15- 2 50 for 1 1863. Not 1 to Feb 1 3 ‘for 1 1863. Feb 1 to Mar 1,8 10 for 1 March 1........ 8 ZO tor 1 March 15 to May 15 5 for 1 May 15 6 Juno 1......... 6 50 for 1 June 7 60 for 1 July 1 -8 fori July 15..— ...10 Aug 3 ~14 Aug 15 15 Sept l ~14 fori Sept 15.........14 fori Octl ...13 fori Oct 15,. ..-12 60 for 1 Not 1 -18 for 1 Dec l’ m .,.i Deo 15- 21 1864.* Jan 1 21 Jan 15„ 20 Feb 1 20 Feb 15 ..21 March 1 26 Afcrch 15 m20 April 4.. 10 April 15.... 21 May 1 20 May 15- 18 June 1 to Ju ly 15- ..18 for July 15 to Aug 15„ 20 for Aug 15- 22 for Sept 1 20 50 for Scgt 15..... 22 50 for Oct l...~ 27 fog Oct 15 25 for Not 1 ...........26 50 for Not 15.........-28 • for Dec 1 ...82 for Dec 15 -85 for' Dev 31 -51 . for 1865. January 1 CO January 15..—55 February 1..—50 Kehruary 15...4G March 1 55 March 15.....—67 April 1 70 April 16 80 April 20 100 April 20, *»7 NOTICE Ip THE mmm i Just Received., A LARGE LOT OF WALL PAPERS •, ~ # Asm / WINDOW FIXTURES. L. E. WELCH & CO. ‘ Albany, March Sd, 1866. . 16—If N OW KECEIVreo OVEtt TWO HUNDRED CASES AND PACKAGES OF NEW GOODS. $20,000 STOCK. Reduction in Freight—Reduction in Prices! Buying largely from first hands, for Jobbing as W ®}1 as lie tail, 1 will be enabled to offer Goods at reduced prices. * My Stock will be the Largest and most Complete CTer offered in Southern Georgia. Buyers can ex pect to find at all times every article they need in my line. The long established reputation of the House and a determination to ituproYo and enlarge am a guarantee that when you boy Medicines you get tho best. NTBW GOODS WILL BE BECEIVED FROM. NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA ALMOST DAILY. Among the New Arrivals, besides a Large and Complete Stock of Medicines', are e WINDOW GLASS, WHITE LEAD AND OIL, VAR- - NISHSS, BRUSHES AND-PAINTEKS'MATE RIALS, DYE STUFFS, SPICES, SOAPS, PERFUMERY, COMBS, BRJJgHES, Great Variety of Toilet Articles, Thirty thousand CIGARS, from $28 to $180 per thousand. The finest LIQUORS, TOBACCO and CIQABS to be found in the Market. ^100 dozen Pocket Knives, PIPES, POCKET BOOKS, &o, &c. Extra induce ments offered to Country Merchants, Peddlers and others bnying to sell again. Physicians’ & Planters’ orders WILL’RECEIVE ESPECIAL ATTENTION. Prescriptions SaF.EPULLY FILLED. D®-C»ll end aee my Large Stook and examine priccs.*^pa Albany, March 7th, 1866. .16- ,200 April 27 -300 April 28 500 for 11 April 20 -800 ‘ ” April 80 1000 May 1 1200 Which was the la»t ac tual sale of Confederate Currency for 1 for 1 for 1 for 1 for 1 for T for 1 for 1 for 1 for 1 for 1 for 1 for 1 fori for 1 A LB AX V PltlCE CtRRESNT. Flour, per barrel,.. Corn, per bushel,... Corn Meal “ Cow Peats Pc; pTTENTIOX, KMCIIT3! ' •mg of the corps of Knights will '■ 4o rooms of ('apt. I. A. Illnes, a. m., on Saturday, 21st April. Uran the country who have en- t.Wj Ground Peas, ]>cr bushol,.. Bacon,per wimud,.' I-ard, “ l»y tlio barrel,. Buttur, “ Tallow, “ Beezwax, “ Soap, Turpentine, per lb. Salt, Liverpool! per sack,. Sugar, brown, per ib Sugar, refined,... - “ imos and who desire to do so, Coffee, Bio,.. • “ - irly requested to attend, an mat- Coffee, Java,. Jimrtance ho presented for X c i 1 ’ • * ion. [Mon of the corps. Nails,.. ) Committee Iron,..'.'. “•'fO.V. I ot- Powder,..." Arrangements. Shot, Cheese,.. St .♦12.50@1C.00 . 1.25(d) 1.50 to 1.50 . 1.25(5) 1.50 1.0 0 . ie@ • re 2<><S) 35@ 10 23 20® 25 .. 6.00 15@ 20 25@ 50 4 <> 55 to 1.50@ 2.50 T HE nndersigned will b» pleased to see bis friends and die public generally, at Tlx© Old StatLd Formerly occupied by Beers & Brinson, where ho will offer them A VARIETY OF OOODS, Consisting in part of ID3RJESS GOODS CALICOES. M Delanes, Jaconet Muslin, GiinfiJAM, Canton, iOpera, Red and White Flannels, r Tohacco”, 'smokiiic, haic5 ft.R, 8.7Sto 4.00 •Tobacco, perib, by the box... 50@ 1.7o KX liliiiivx, Candles,... Candles, sperm, per #»,• |Irii| of Jefferson Davis, "Ms tile President hecanso Osnahurgs. per yard, ijumslied, and says he has Sheeting,...." i,L; , ot Davis iu the only way Calicoes,.... .. Wil lie eonvietwk By this he Scgars, tier thousand, II, 'isident should hnve or- Svrun. cane, per gallon,.'..... ul by eonrt martial. Mr. Ste- Whiskey, 12|@ 10 85@ 1.00 25(5) 30 35® 40® 50 75 to 1.00 ^°! 1 *•')' 8H< 1> trial would he con- Brandy, 'it i - Vcr c . n , on .S h to kupw Wine,. -V 1,0 wo«IJ justify it by Vinegar, »nu la W , , - v megar.. •••••«•• • nr I,v that “necessity Coal Oil, ■ V—o .w.i> (1(v/r>n tbf. ' [AH. 1 payj ,ani hut he does not say. Eggs, per dozen, JJJWWttodmlg® tho point! ClniWns,.. He, r, S !’ : “' ,t T a i , ^ man who Slackeral, per’kttt, three doz. - *nut'on. Jeff. Dans'iand Codfish, per fc* ‘ e.w only he t rieil by jury,iaqd "Jfirtnet where the offence Crackers,'. 11 Pickles, i>cr jar,... Candics,per lh,. V * '• tnJ*!L ,nn, .l to he confronted Can Fruits, each, i. :, - :, i"st them, and to Oysters, Cove, per box, ' securities given to the ac- ~ BHaa *— 'defined in the Conslitu-' seesaarjr for conviction Mllcu, T ■r siriirities given’to the ac- Sardines, per box Sauces,'per bott e,.. • Nuts, per lb,. kl'llf j, l"finsh"icnt definitely Maoara fctoiwTtnT h ^ ,n 5’T*S^# Vermaeili.. . ohiecth^ tria ! « f Hnvis, S^ star d8,- per jar differ sev may not be Soda, perib, ‘Mow nonwr 1 y , e - ar5 -. .Solong Pepper, ground, per lb... . • ■ • and w l,m C lrC n. lr /t lnla t0 be Pepper, berry,... Pin state I s a “ b eileral troops Brooms, - , .I Wl’ritaotionagainst Lve, eo.i.e.itratcd, per UP^v 35 25 to »30 28.00® 180.00 ' 75® 1.00' , 4.00® 8.00 0.00@10.00 5.00® 8.00 1.00@ 1.25 j.1.50 20® 25 ’ 2.25. to 2.00 5.&0 20 20to 25 40 to 2.00 50 to 75 to 1.00 50 to 1.00 40 to 40 40. to Oto- 5 0_fb " JSt" a- C5 ft* , J'kr’lH'C. Pl'rnigfield Republican, e Ordinary of W’< “ ‘ slonging to i ofttaeS-V* wT’jlilcbdL MBW GOODS Satinette, KENTUCKY JEANS, Bradley’s Duplex Eliptio ^loop Skirt, GLOVES, HOSIEBT, COLLARS, Under Sleeves, Cotton Yarns, Cotton Cards, Hardware, - CUTLERY, WEEDIN& HOES THE Great Labor-Saving Machine ' -■< THB Universal Clothes Wringerj Tobacco, Soapj Soda, peaolxos, pears PXCKIaES, &c., &e. ggr The Illsheot Trice r : 'id tor Country Pro duce ' ROBERT A. REEKS, . Age**' Alb.ny, November 11, 1865. M- 3 ** ; FISHING- TACKLE! A fine Assortment of Hooks and: Lines And Ul kinds of Tackle just received by L. E. WELCH & CO. Albany, Msrch 8d, 1800. 15—tf WE HAVE NOW IN STORE, And are constantly replenishing the following GOODS, Which we expect to Mil: KA BALES Maeon Mills Sheeting, eJ\J 45 bales Flint BiTer Osnabnrgs, 20 •* Cotton Tarns, Nos. 8,*10 and 12, 100 bbls. Crashed, Powdered A. B. C. Sugar, 100 bags Bio Coffey 16 «« Jara do.,' 76 boxes Raisins—whole, 1-2 and 1-4*8, 44 eases Fresh Cots Oysters, 66 boxes Adamantine Candles, 16 44 Sperm do., , 20 44 Sterine do., 20 cases 1-4 boxes Sardines, 10 44 Green Corn, 10 44 Pine Apple, 20 baskets Heidsick Champaign, 20 boxes Indigo, 10 4 - Madder, 30 eases Concentrated Potash, 10 , 4 ‘ 44 Logwood, -100“ 41 Liquors, Brandy, Wines, Whiskey, and Schnapps, ,* 100 boxes Starch, 100 44 Soap—assorted, - « 600 bags. Shot—assorted, 100 kegs Powder, 1-4*8,1-2’s and whole kegs, 40 dox. Seivcs—'Iron and Brass, . 60 44 Planter's Hoes, 26 44 Leveret t’s Celebrated Axes, heary, * 50 boxes Candy, 50 dox. Brooms, 50 «« Painted I>ucl<css, 275 boxes Tobacco—assorted brands, and a« • low as anywhere in the United States, GOJjoxcs Soda, • 85 kegs ‘ 4f « 15 nests Juniper Tubs, 75 coils Rope, 50 bales Bagging, 1,000 441 Cotton Twine, 50 eases Army £rogans—No. 1 article, 200 Kegs Nails—assorted, 20 bags Pepper, 10 44 Spice, 60 doz. Spades and Long Handle Shovels, PURE COGNAC BRANDY. TRY IT! genuine Bourbon Whiskey! SOMETHING REALLY GOOD! Sherry W in.©! Schiedam Schnapps, Port w ine Pure and- Unadulterated 1!. For Bale at .* E. H. BACON &-CO.’S. Albany, Mtrch 28,1866. 21-2w JUST RECEIVED, - LONG & THOMPSON’S, (Under Iho Printing Office) •' A Large and Fresli supply of Family Groceries, m : : i: a I Fine and Superfine Extra Fine and FLOUR, Sugar, Coffee. Tea, Bacon, IlliSH POTATOES, ‘ .A^pples, Cliees©, Preserves, Pickles, Jellies, CATSUP, SAUCES, Wm OYSTERS, Mackerel, Confectioneries, Brandies, Wines, Champagne, &C. S &C.‘i * SPiCES.OF ALL KINDS, SODA, CANDLES, SOAP. TOTASH, FINE CHEWING AND SMOKING TOBACCO, ' STIPES, CIGARS, Snuff, &o.,.&o. . jpr All of whieh will be disposed of as cheap aa can ht at .the lowest market priee, and in such quantises “old by any other store in town. * : m LONG & THOMPSON,. * TO TUB CITIZENS OF GEORGIA. The termination of a sanguinary contest, whieh ior the past four years has presented an impassable barrier to all sohlal or commercial intercourse be tween the two great sections of enr country, having at length happily cleared away all obstacles to a of these relations which formerly bound us together in a fraternal union, I take the earliest opportunity afforded by this auspicious event, to greet my Soutliern'friends, and to solicit from them a renewal of that extensive business which for a quarter of a century has been uninterrupted save by the great public caUmity to which I have adverted. It is scarcely necessary, on the threshold of a business re-union I should repeat the warning so| often given lo my friends—to beware of all-these spurious and deleterious compounds which, under the specious and false titles of Imported Wines- Brandies, Holland Gin, Liquors, &c., have been equally destructive to the health of our citizens as prejudicial to the interests of the legitimate im porter. ' \ . Many years of my past life have been expended in an open and candid attempt to expose these wholesale frauds; no time nor expense, has been spared to accomplish this saintary purpose, and to ■place before my friends and thi publio generally, 300 doz. Pad Locks—assorted, 800 44 Pocket Cutlery, 4,000 gross Screws—assorted, 4,000 papers Cut Tacks; . Fifty doz. Jute Plow Lines, # 1,700 lbs. Shoe Thread, 800 gross Blacking—assorted, 95 doz Shoe Brashes, 25 “ Ilorse 44 15 44 Whitewash Brushes. 500 pounds Bagging Twine, 75 bbls. Plaster Paris, 10 44 Bourbon Whiskey, 24,000 Cigars, 100 5 and 10 Gallons Kegs, 879,000 lbs. American and English Iron—assorted 2,900 44 Cast Steel, 30,000 lbs. Flows—assorted, 4,000 feet Rubber Belting, from 2 to 16 inch, Ete., Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc. department. We arer now receiving and opening oar * as might suit their convenience, a truly genuiho imported article. ' Twenty-five years’ business transactions with the largest and most respectable exporting houses iu France and Great Britain have afforded (me unsur passed facilities for supplying our home market with Wines, Liquors, and Liqmnres of the best and most approved brands in Europe, in .addition to my own distillery ip Holland for the manufacture of the Schiedam Schuape.** The latter, so long tested and approved by the medical Faculties of the United States, West Indies and South America as an invaluable' Therapeutic, a. wholesome, pleasant, and perfectly safe beverage in all olimatcs and during all seasons, quickly exci ted the enpidity of the home manufacturers and ven ders of a spurious article under- x mat I have, after mnch toil and expense, surrounded all my importations with safeguards and directions which with ordinary circumspection will insure their delivery, as I receive them from Europe, to all my customers. I would, however^ ecommend in all cases where it is possible, that orders be sent direct to my depot, 22 Beaver Street, New York, or that purchases be made of my accredited agents. In addition to a large stock of Wines, Brandies &c., in wood.^I have a considerable supply of old tried foreign Wines, embracing vintages of many y*ear8 past, bottled up before the commencement the war, whieh I can especially recommend to all connoisseurs of these rare luxuries. In conclusion, I would specially call the early at tention of my Southern customers to the advantage to be derived by transmitting their orders without loss of time, or calling personally at the depot, order to insure the fulfilment of their Orders out the present large and well selected assortment. .UDOLPHO WOLFE, 22 Bearer Street, New York. February 21, I860. * 13-Sm NOTICE. ■Owners and Occnpants, .Q : Albany, March 3d, 1866. F the various houses and lots in this city, are hereby notified that the Health Committee aspect each house and lot in said city, com mencing on. the 16th inst, and any house or lot found i\ot in a healthy or clean condition will bo reported and the occupant or owner will be dealt with in terms of the la*. We hope aB will give this Blatter their attention, as the health of the entire city depends very much ifpon its cleanliness. By order of Mayor and Council. JOHN F. CARG1LE, Clerk. Albany, April 11,1866. - 23—2t ; -A. T JAMES H. HILL’S STORE I WEST SIDE TftATW ST. - You can alwaya find the Newest and i»Mt Fashionable Dress -Goods Of all kind,, to he had in any of (be Northern roar, ktts. Our stock is selected.ikitli care and taste, so that ibe most fastidious can be suited. WHITE GOODS, (Of all .kindi) ” SWISS, JAGKONET, TAHLETOITS KAHTSOOK, 4kC., AC. In qualities and quantity to meet the demanda of any. Fanoy Goods and Notions, ——■—: ^ ol all kinds; and ia >• " BOOTS AND SHOES, *Jur stock is complete, from the Brogan to the finest GLOVE KIIX IN HATS AND CA)PS, (Both Gentlemens’ and Ladies*,) we have a full.and complete stock. LOST NOTES. A LL PERSONS ARE HEREBY FOREWARNED J\ from trading (or JTour l'romisory Notes,"as One *^otc on Barnes^&Culbreth for One Hundred and Twenty-Five Dollars, ($125) to A. U.- McCant and nay able Dec.-25th, I860—note given about th< Jan., I860. One Note on Shackelford A Col, O TD13 TKXni. GTD OTT * given same time in JanuMfy, 1866, and due one XvXJlN vX . IV >■ after date, to A. H. McCant, for One Hundred Whicn embraces every variety of GOODS osnally kept by ns, and we expoct to offer inducements to dealers unsurpassed by any house Sontb or West.— We Teel confident of giving satisfaction to all who patronize us, and believe we can make it to their interest to trade in Maoon; thereby saving the te^ dionsness of a journey, and expense to the North or West. f J. B.ROSS & SOISI, Wholesale Grocers DRY GOQdS MERCHANTS, CORNER 2d AND CHERRY STS., .....GriX 18—Im ^ ----- - Twenty-Nine Dollars and ■dme cents. Two Notes, jono for Forty-Firo Dollars and the other foi j —,-Hrs find the other for Fifty Dollars, given first; day of Jnnu?iry, I8GC, and duo one dsy after date. Giron to George F. Rage by W. H. MCUahan. Notes lost by Macon - ••. . 1 . . 1 March li, I860. 1 April litb.iBou ; ■ Albany, April 11, 1850, A. 11. McCANT. 23— tw* Family Groceries,of all kihds, And ot th» best quality. We hare also a large lot if! BED BLA-NKET& (WhilenndGrey.) Infact .everything tohefonndi«a msmm, All of which ivo propose to sell at tha . Very Lowest Market Pricea. ALL WE ASK IS A CALL. Haine, Hewett & Ca. Albony, Nov. 25lh, 1865. 38-.. FOR SALE, A Steam Saw and Grist Mill, I N MITCHELL COUNTY, ONE MILE AND A Half from Camilla,'with Seven Hundred Acres oi well limbered Pine Land. There arc good houses upon the premises, and about Forty Acres of Fresli Laad cleared aud fenced. The Mill has & govid run of custom. DAVID C. BARROW, Athens, Ga. March 14.186« 18—2ia 53” Job Work executed at this office in good st yle. Also, blanks furnished of every description. GEORGIA—WORTH COUNTY. W HEREAS, IffiUnm Rouse applies for Letters of Gunrdiansaip of the person and property of Virginia and Calvin Rouse, orphans of Calvin i). House, deceased: These are, therefore, .to notify Hie kindred and creditors of said dee’eased to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, this February 24th, 1866. Feb. 28,1836. JAMES W. BOUSE. Ordinary. PATENT MEDICINES. A LL the OLD POPULAR PATENT MEDICNES /\ and ail the Famous New ones for sale at Nov. 4th. L. E. WELCH’S Drug Store . &c., &e.. . Dei: 2, 18G5 U E. WELCH &. CO. Kill •it-