The Albany patriot. (Albany, Ga.) 1845-1866, May 19, 1866, Image 4

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Alcctlng of Mrs. Jefferson Davis, and her '» Husband. The correspondent ofthoNow ."iorkHcr. ■ hid, writing from Fortress Monroe on the. 3d, says: ... Mrs. Jefferson TJavis arrived hero this morning. Her youngest child, a sprightly girl twenty months old, a colored man-ser vant, possessing the stalwart form and fierce mustache ofa Russian grenadier, four tranks of immensely large proportions, and a tfav- clling basket, of the largest pattern; bore her company. Upon landing Bke went to 'the Hygeia Hotel, adjacent to the wharf, and .without stopping to change her travel ling dress, tjr even removing her bonnet, bretdriasted and then sent a message inside the llrt, announcing her arrival and the permission from President Johnson she bore with her to visit her husband. Meantime - the news of her presence at the hotel spread rapidly, and a routine of anxious persons soon gathered about to get a'lOok at her.;— "With admirablo impErturbability, not to say an agreeable equanunity of temper—proba bly thoresult, to some'extent, of past similar experience—she submitted to thp painful ne cessity of being gazed at. Time, that old and stern teacher of wisdom, and unerring revclator of the mutabilities ofearthly dy nasties and hopes, has very sensibly chang ed her front.the haughty and defiant vrapiaq she was a year ago.: Her tone is more sub dued, her manners more quiet antireserved, and she does not seek Jo shine as resplen- ' dently in flashing diamonds and costly laces. She has a much older look—the look of a woman who has long borne the bnrdcn of a - griefand waged war with conflicting donbts and hopes. But’ a poor student of physiog nomy is he who does not still read in that face and penetrative glance of those eyes a power of will and determination as strong and pertinacious as*iife itself ...... At half-past eight o’Mock Lieut. Fessen den, Fifth United States Artillery, waited upon her to escort her inside tho tort. Her child accompanied them. She was taken to General Miles’ headquarters, who .received her with eveiy politeness and consideration duo her position. Under other eircumstan- • ces she might have striven more sedulously, perhaps, to evoke the most favorable iin- pression possible upon the custodian of her husband, but her grejt anxiety was to pro ceed at once to her husband’s place of con finement and see him. She wanted to see how he had borne his imprisonment, wheth er ho was sick or well, and learn all. about him. She was not long kept in anxiety.—i Mr. Davis had been apprised of her coming. Within fifteen minutes from the time ofher admission to' the fort she was with him in Carroll Hall- Lieut. Fessenden still bore her companp. She has remained with Mr. Davis all day, and took her dinner witn him. An officer has beon constantly in the room. Their meeting was'a tender and affecting one, as such, a mreting must naturally be af ter such a protracted separation, and partic ularly qnder the circumstances attending their separation. And we Kt the curtain drop over their talks ofthe past, their reali zations of the present and hopes for the fu ture.! She confesses finding Mr. Davis in bettor health tliau she had expected; hut still avers that he is much feebler than when, brought herj> —Sho is evdry way satisfied %-ith the ^featment he lure received, and ac knowledges that everything, saving his res toration to,liberty, has'heen done for him that could be. To Dr. Cooper, his m'edical • attendant and adviser, she is specially thank ful, and gives the unqualified credit of keep ing him as well and cheerful as-he is. It is not known yet whether she wil^ stay at Dr. Cooper’s during her sojourn here or at the Hygeia Hotel. It is also not known yet liow long she will remain here. Mrs. Davis left Montreal on Monday at 3 p. mi She has traveled night and day to -getherq. ‘ A Novel Ship. . £ Wo read in tilts Baltimore Sun, of the 21, the following description of a marine novel ty 1 : ' At the ship-yard of Messrs. Brewster & Pot tor, Cautoil, there is to be seen a real _• novelty-in the way of marine architecture, ftjl a working model of a “ revolving ves sel,” - so called, tho, “hull" of which is soeon- 'structed as to bear the appearanee of an im mense hogs-hcad, rather than thakgpf any- ■ thing’ designed to bo propelled in tne water. It. is rather difilcult to describe, from its sin- gular peculiarities. The model is a cylinder . twelve feet in diametpr eleven feet width.of beam. TUroimuthis cylinder is a/shSft; acting as an axle, upon which the vessel rolls Sn the water, making hut little displacement; stud it is contended that it will even ' pass r over bars Where, thero is little or no water. ’ Outside’of the .cylinder or “hull” are placed . different points, “which are to he protected by four keels going around. The ’ machinery is attached to the shaft inside-of the cylinder; where, .also, are to be plftced .; cabins, etc. . ; “--■•TheMdea of this vessehis that-instead - ,of displacing or running through the water slie rolls over it, making a plane of a - liquid sur face. ■Jha model has already been .tricd'iii the river, and to those interested, its opera- * tions were deemed satisfactory. The inven tor of this novel conception, is Mr. George T. Snyder, of Pennsylvania, who has obtain ed a patent, and he appears sanguine of its . Vuccess. To test its ultimate utility, ajoirit . stock association is now forming to build a peffect boat, forty feet in diameter, with a • 'corresponding width of beam, which, it is supposed, will he capable of attaining a - great speed and carry a large number of ■ .passengers, with freight. It may be added . that tho principle has rcceivcd the approval ‘of many engineers and shipwrights. At tiny ‘rtfte, the “revolving vessel” is a curiosity, in A Stoles Bible.—Tire Crisis, published 'at Columbus, Ohio,; says the holder ot an Oxford (English) edition of, the Bilile, a TO TOE CITIZENS OF GEORGIA. Tire termination of a sanguinary contest, which for the past four years has presented an impassable barrier to alt social or commercial intercourse be tween the two great sections of onf country, having at length happily ’cleared away- all obstacles to a rcnewal of these relations which formerly bound us together in n fraternal union, I • tnko the earliest opportunity afforded by this auspicious event, .to- greet my Southern friends, and to solicit from them renewal of that extensive business which for a quarter of a century has been uninterrupted*.save by the great public calnmity to which I have adverted. ’.flTis scarcely necessary, ou the threshold of a business re-union I should repeat the warning so often given to my 'friends—to beware of all these spurious and deleterious compounds which, under the specious and - false titles, or Imported ISines, limn dies, Holland Gin,' Liquors, Sec., have been equally destructive to the health of oar citizens fS 1 prejudicial to tho interests of the legitimate Im porter. , ■ Many .years of, my past lifts have been -expended in an open aq£ candid attempt to expose tffese wholesale'frauds; no timo nor expense has been spared to accomplish this salutary purpose, and tq place before my friends and the public generally, at the lowest market price, and in such quantities as might suij their convenience, a truly genuino imported article. Twenty-fire years’ business transactions with tlic largest an J most respectable exporting houses in Prance and Great BfltaiiThave afforded me unsur passed facilities for supplying our home market with Wines, Liquors, and Liqmures of the beat and most approved brands in Europe, In addition to my own distillery in Holland for the manufacture of the Schiedam Schnaps.”^ •; The latter, so long tested and approved by the medical Faculties.of the Uqited States, West Indies and South'America as an invaluable Therapeutic, a wholesome, pleasant, and perfectly safe beverage in all climates and during all •easens,.quickly exci ted the oupldity of the home manufacturers and ven ders of a spurious article under tho samo name, X trust that I Bate, after much toil and expense, surrounded all my importations with safeguards and directions whiclt with ordinary circumspection will insure their delivery, as 1 receive them from Europe, to all my customers. I would, however, ecommend in all cases where it is possible, that orders be sent direct to my depot, 22 Bearer Street, Ne* York, or that purchases be do of my accredited agents. In addition to a large stock of Wines, Brandies e., in wood, I have a considerable supply of old. riqd foreign* Wines, embracing vintages of many years past, bottled- up before the commencement of the war, which I can especially recommend to all connoisseurs of these rare luxuries.' In conclusion, I .would specially call the early At tention of my Southern customers to the advantage to be dcrited-by transmitting their orders without loss of time, or calling personally at the depot, in order to insure the fulfilment of their orders out of the present large and well selected assortment. v . UDOLPIIO WOLFE, 22 Beaver Street, New York. FebAtary 21 jlfaW. ' 13-3m AT . : v JAMES H. HILL’S STORE! WEST SIDE MAIN ST. ‘ Yon can always find tho Newest and most Fashionable • Dress Goods Of all kinds, to be had in any of IBs Northern mar kets. Onr stock is selected with care aud taste, so that ihe most fastidious can be suited. * ■ WHITE GOODS, (Of ail kinds) Swiss, jackonet, TAELETON'S NAINSOOK. 8tC.,'&C. - ’ In qualities and quantity to meet the demands of any. Fanoy Goochs aud" Notions] ol all kinds; and in BOOTS AND SHOES, Mur~stock is complete, from the Brogan to the finest GLOVE KIX>. IN HATS AND CAPS, (Both Gentlemens’ and Ladies*,) we have a full and •complete’ stock. Family Groceries, of all kinds, And of the best quality. We have also a large lot oi « • . BED BLANKETS. (Whiteaml Grey.) In fact,Everything tobe found in a ALBANY, <3A„ WOOIEN M6I0& Encourage Home Industry! W E are now manufacturing at Albany, Georgia a variety of Woolen Models Twilled and Plain, - Colored and 'While. WAREENTED ^PERFECT; •And of the ■ . „ Suitable for all classes of VVorking People^ which we will, sell at Reasonable Prices or exchange for Wool .or Cotton. , We ask the.attention of Merchants, Planters and 'others, assuring, them that we are determined to make it to their interest to purchase our goods. - We shall be prepared by the 1st .of -May to Cord Wool and make Rolls for Customers. • ■ f ' • N. & A. F. TIFT. Albany,March 31,1866. / : 22- A.X.BA.2STY GRIST ’ and - . The Albany Steam -Mills are now id operation, Making Good Meal and Flour. Customers will he promptly attended to and freely dealt with.- Our Customers, will not be delayed. Tfie Grain will be weighed in and thfc Meal weighed out, (which will require'but a few minutes) unless he parties prefer to get the Meal from their own Corn. Com should be sent as free from cobs and dirt as possible. All. the Corn, aa well as Wheat, that we grind, is fanned through the fan and the trash is hot accounted for in Meal. N. & A. F. TIPtT. Albany. March 31.1*6*. . . g3- Watches, Jewelry, Diamonds, •Musical Instruments, Silverware, Bronzes, &o., VVOBTH OVOR ONE MILLION DOLLARS, Ail to be sold for FIVE DOLLARS cacli, without regard to value, Ami not to foe Paid For . UKTIL YOU MOW WHAT YOU ARE TO ' - llEGEIYE!! 1 ’ LIBEL FOR DIVORCE. LouisaMason James D. Mason. Southern Mutual Insurance Co., S - Athens Ga. JEFFERSON INSURANCE CO., . ALBEMARLE COUXTY, VA.. EUFAULffHOME INSURANCE CO., EUFAULA, ALA. TRAVELER'S LIFE INSURANCE, . i ' HARTFORD,^OSN.. 1YOODVILLE INSURANCE CO., ’ WOODVILLE, ALA. .iSts RIVER INSURANCE, HOWARCSVILLK, VA. !OUTH®f INSURANCE & TRUST CO., * SAVANNAH, GA: JOHN A. DAVIS, Agent. gQy^Call attention particularly to the Traveler*a Insurance Company. This Company insuresagaimft accideuts of all kinds; as well as lives, niid should any orUTbecome disabled and prevented from at tending to their dusiness, they are paid weekly compensations. Albany, Ga., April 11th, 18GG: . ' 23- All of which we propose to sell at the Very Lowest Market Prices ALL WE ASK IS A CALL. ' Raine,-Hewett & Co. , Albany, Nov. 25th, 1865. 38— FOE MARINE AND v FIRE INSURANCE Iroien Rrs Insurance Comp'y, IT, Securitylns’urance Company, H. K„ intic Fire-.Insurance Co., & V., Plip Insr-jiflHHartford, Conn., Norwich Fire ins. Co., Norwich, Conn, Total Capital $15,000,000. Apply to HINES &. HOBBS, • * Agpnts. ' Albany, Ga., March 8d, 18GC. 15—6m S Nhe lha red I Dec 2, 1865 l^nfisorgk,. for parties' desiring it. , * •. . Orders left at Charles Volkeria Store will be promptly.executcd, Albany, Ga.'i October 7, I860. w tf ' This Bible wns])rescnted to the oresent liol N tli?r by Cne of General .Shermun’s army. IIow About tiik J'— : What, lias l»e- 'coinc of all the blowing about the‘ohl Ditg ‘ow. tltc ,J>ixrC of' the Abolitionists?—Xot"a / syllabic* in its praise do ve hear of late.— AVhat win ho the matter? Oh, yes the‘old 'flag’ has too many stars on it to suit the Returnable to Jane Term, 1866, Dougherty Superior Court. DOUGHKUTY SUPERIOR COURT, t At CttAeiBF.ns, Margh 3, 18G6. / N hearing the above petition, nnu being satisfied ' that Defendant is n non resident, it is hereby that service of this petition be perfected by publication in the Albany Patriot once n month for four mouths, requiring said Defendant to bo and appear at the Superior Court to be held in and for said county of Dougherty on the first Monday in June next, then aud show cause, if any he has, why the prayer of petitioner should uot be granted. • • > A true extract from the Minuses. • JOHN F. CAUGILE, Clerk. Albany, March 7, i860. fti—iu4m MBTALIC BURIAL CASES LONG & THOMPSON’S, ——Under the Printing Office— r ON BROAD STREET, ALBANY, GEORGIA. FINE ASSORTMENT of META LI C COFFINS from the smallest to the largest sizes have just ‘ ‘ " ‘ ' be kept ‘ purchase them cheap by calling A' been received by us^nnd will hand. Versons desiring Coffin B. P. ROBERT, Civil Engineer Aim REAL ESTATE AGENT, A^lbariy, Ga. "TYTILL buy, sell, rent, and survey lands sit- W ■nated in any part of South Weste Put Money in thy Purse! Road to Wealtli: ~ AAA ACTIVE AND RELTAT.E AGEN1 Male or Female, and qf all ages. » wanted lo canvas*every City, Town, Village, Ham let, Workshop and Factory throughout the world, for the sale of onr WATCHES, JEWELRY. 8ILVER-WARK, MUSI ' CAL BOXES, ALBUMS and other Articles. Energetic persons of good habits and fair business tact can dear over $25 per week in the conn ry; and a much, larger amount in thickly settled localities. * No Capital Required! Samples of our Articles, to the amount of $fr, will be sent by mail for inspection, and if not perfectly sati?factory do chnrg^ ! ' ; • Send your address, if you are of an industrious turn of mind and in quest of fiimtcdiato wualdi 1! Direct to ./ » *..♦ ' PARKINSON & CO., Importers. . *203 Broad way* New York Feb. 14tb, 1866. ‘ H- scorn IfiTHlY Mtfitzii! T HE Proprietor of Ibis net* Southern Monthly is .now publishing an edition of twq thousand copies. Its list of contributors* embraces iv great ^leal of the best .literary talont in the SJbuth and West. Besides the two admirable scries no course of publication— • : y ' Decisive Battles of the Revelation, THE LOSE STAR SALOON (Tlirco doors below the.Printing Office,) A.LBA.TSTY, GhA. ¥ 1-AVING just received u fre*sh supply of v ALL H KINDS OF THB* BEST L1QU(»8 with wbiffh tho.: Northern market it slocked, suoh a> Brandy, Whiskey, Wine. Champagne,,Gin, &c... &c I amfiow prepared to suit the palates of anybody, receive ‘X’ <5 E regMlarly from Macon. Also, 1 nm in constant receipt of GOOD-OLD ALE. Call and see me. . THOMAS H. CLARK. Albany, Ga. Feb v 28, 1866. ; , 14—If Adventurer iai Soutla Aincricsvy the Marcli number contain* the firsfof a series by James Wood Davidson, of-Columbia, S. C., entitled How We.Know Each Other: 1,763 Gold and Silver Watches were* distributed among the patrons of Parkinson & Coin*any du ring tho month of February, 1866. Rcadcomincnts by the Pres3, spiking of the firm in the most com plimentary manner:—“.A most industrious and pvosperoushousc.”—[Shippensburgh, Pa., Sentinel. •* Give all who^deal with them perfect satisfaction.” —[Dunkirk; N. Y., Journal. “Enjoys a high rep utation for honorable dealing and the qunlify.of their goods.”—-[New Paltz, N. Y., Times. “Per fectly roliable and will do all they promise.”—[Ny- ack, N. Y'.City and County. /‘Stand highdor hon esty and fair dealing.”—[Fislikill, N. Y, JournaL. “Honorable and fair dealing men/'~^[Stap!etdn, N. Y. JournaL “ One of the oldest and most relia ble firms in business.”—[Canajobaric N.-Y. Jtadii. Keep-their word and act honorably by.'taelr pat rons.” [Lyons N. Y. Press. , . 500 Solid Gold Hunting, Wat circs.....§300 to 760 500'MagiaCased Gold Watches...... 230 to.600 600 Ladies’ Enameled Watches 100 to 600 600 Diamond Cluster Dadies’ Sets... 800 to 700 * 1.000 Diamond Solitaire Kings}..;..... 75 to 250 1,000 Heavy Silver Hunting Watches. 76 to 160 1,000 Open»factr Silver Watches.^...,.'. 20 to '75 • 1,000 Silver and Mahogany Musical . Boxes A....:....,-100 to 500 1.000 Silver Dining Sets 75 to'BoO ' 1,600 Silver Tea Sets, complete 60 to 200 2,< 00 Silver Urns and Salvers., 76 to 250 2.000 3even.Chamber Revolvers........ 75 tq 300 2*600 Patent Single Barrel Pistols...-. 25 to , 75 2.000 Richly Framed Oil Paintings...-. 75 to 350 2.600 Elegant Pearl Opera Glasses...- 25 to 75 3.000 Mammoth Photograpn Albums... 15 to .50 3.000 Cluster Diamond Rings ' 25 to 100 8.000 Ladies’ Oval Bracelets 15 to 60 8.500 Gold Chains of different desigus 25 to 300 3.500 Gold Thimbles, chased. " 5 ta 60 10,000 Signet and Plain Gold Rings;... * 5 Ip Gentlemen’s Scarf Pins; 5 to 50, 12,5»)0 Brooches and Ear Drops.........^. 5 to 3G 12,500 Gold Lockets, double glass...... 6 to 35 10,000 Gold Pens and Gold Holders 10 to *75 10,000 Sets Studs and Sleeve Buttons... 5 t0‘ 23 6,OOO'Silver Goblets and Driifk’gjyaps ' 5 t,o 50 6.000 Sets Tea, Table & Desert Forks lit to 25 5.000 Set8^rca, Table & Desert Knives 10 to 23 2.500 Kcvolving Silver Castors 25 to 75 2.5Q0 Silver Cake and Fruit Baskets... 25 to 75 12.500 Wine Holders and other articles 5 to 75 To imrncdiateiydispose of the above magnificent stock, certificates naming the articles are placed in scaled envelopes and well mixed. Holders are en titled to the articles named oiMheircertificate upon payment of $5 whe.ber it be a beautiful Watch, or a Musical Box worth* $500, or a Plain Gold Ring, worth $3. The return of any of our certificates en titles you to the article named thereon, upon pay ment, irrespective of its worth and ns 110 article valued less than $3 is'named on any cerificate, it will at opce be seen that this is No Lottery, bnl a straight-forward IrghKmsittt /ffra mart foie, whirli may !>c participated isi even by the most fastidious! g@T Any one wishing to invest* in -the above en- rprise can receive a sample package of a Ilalf- dpzcn. certificates, naming some of the above tnttj* cles, by sending a stamped envelope bearing their address. Certificates uot to be paid for unless fully . satisfactory. * We do this that all may be convinced’ ‘ncerity and the ^enuiueness of our sale. NEW DRY schoenpeld^ BROAIv STRrtw (SECOND DOOR % WELC^’ , Merinos, . ' Cloth, Embrohu^ taccs, Ribbon,, n.,™ Flowers Plumes, Sontog,^ *''' Bhoo,, Drenr^ •"«»( - of » u color, , oa d f' Bcnptioos Boots Shoes, Hats & HEADY MADE CiOTIIiXg 1 A .i&AI2©IB >1 <3EXTS’.FTJJtXLSiIL\G C ' ; At lowest rates Inibi, m,tv.i As wo intend remaining SnEiit. ■ e offer our Goods at the , ordeg to establish a reguhr tn d ? tk ' l “ nt that we con, sell choaWr _ tho city,- wo desire a tnsl truth of the nsscrlion.. Messrs wTi"? 4 ! J. T. IIRSTER, as clerks, Be «nd will be pleased to see tiieiroH fn -' ~ Albany. Jan. 2~th.18li6.-ti W GILBERT &HlLSt Stbre,. ••Albany, Georggj JgAVING just received a large safflj Drugs & ore now prepared to fill orders for tbcirB old customecs and friends. We Have On Hand' «ninlr.e, ■> Sp’ls Tarp, ttlorpkhsr, . — - Gum Opfriia, ”, Powti’ Ci'itinf, Kpsqm Nalls, iiocliflft Salts, Glauber Sails, toperas, kind can Albany. Feb, ffltli, 18GG. LONG & THOMPSON. M—tf Blue Stone, Sprees,' - raster Oil, Linseed Oil, Kerosine Oil, Toilet Soaps, Call ( addvc February 28, 18G6I PARKINSON & CO., 20t) Broadway, N. Yi. 14—8m Dougherty Inferior Court, CIIAMLES, April dth, 1806. iVbcreas. Hro vacancies having occnrred in the number of Justices of the Infcido^ Court of .said iour.ty, by the death of K. S. Walker and the re moval of Milton C. Ball from, the limity of said county: It is ordered that an election be held at the Court House iu said county on. Vtednesday, the 2d‘ day of May next, to fill said vacuities. And whereas, th^re was no County Treasurer elected at the regular tiulo of holding election for County Officers: • It is ordered that an election be held on Wednes day, the 2d day of May next, for a^ounty Trcasu- er for said county. / J.AAUKSON.JM C.. • James m. mercer, j. i. c., # N.'P. BIUNSON, J.'I. 0, . A true extract from the minutes. “ JOHN F^UaRCLLF. Clerk. Albany, April 11. 18W. 2:i—whl UlfUlJ, Baffin Black, roily, ’ Eakigri, ' nine .Hass, ijlist. ( eriii, ] Flavorlt; AZDEfa, • SOZO.OLt, P<r foicrry, fafent ilieiitii Ji.ltcll,-!, Ac., Universal Clothes Wringer ! . THIS WRI$#nil hoe again taken the First Pre mium in the Grent Fiyrtof the American Institute— ft..has also taken the First Preuriutn at ihe State Fairs of New York, Vermont, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky, loWa, Wis consin, Connecticut River Valley Fair; Uhamplai Valley Fair, and at most of the County and Insti tute Fairs throughout the country. Over. 200,000 Have Been Sold, And aro now in use in the United States, and never heard of one that rra-r not liked \ „ The Universal is silpevior to all other Wringers, in having ur.aS rolls of solid India Rubber, so pro tected by s’rong coowhkkls that they cannot slip or break loose from the shaft. . Itg strong wood.frame cannot be broken, and docs' not tv si or soil ihe clothes. Every Universal Wringer is Warranted. * We select a feW testimonials from persons widely known to the public, who speak from actual expe rience. and are above suspicion of misstatement-: My family would as soon give up the cooking stove as this Clothks Wkixgkji, It cunttot be too highly recommended.”—[Solon Robinson. “This is the first Wnhger I have found tli-tt would stand the'services required of It.” ' [J. I\ lluggins, Lovejoy’s Ho*.I. 41 We think the Machin»much movothan pays for itself every year in^hc saving of garments. • • - • . ■ JAMES II. CARTER. THE SCIENCE OF IIUMAN NATURE. There will also bclin occasional contribution' on Literature and Politicsfronfthepen ofC. n. Smith, alia; *> Rill Arp.” The Prize Story will be commenced in the A^ril number. . Terms : $3 per annum; Clubs of Ten will be furnished- at Sf 50 per c«iy; Clubs of Twenty, at the same Post Office, at Four Dollars. Address W; J. SCOTT, March 10, 1866.—£l7-Tm ** Atlanta, Ga. KRXSETA MCLRA. KENNETH MEA &■ GO., Commission Merchants, 202 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA., «“R ,,as ».“ n i ,u i. - .. PIU , "i 0 TkY virtue oinn order fi-omibeUtfurlDf Ordiirery. Iircscnt views Ot the Abolitionists! It, J) will be sold on. the first Tuesday in June tiext, litis stars for^very Southern as well as every at the Court House in said county, between tile !e~ State. The ‘old fiaq’ recognized hours of sale, tho ffact of land in said county 1 States as in the 'Union, while ’ w l» cr «on Solomon Richardson resided nt the time of ~ - - -ire nnt his death, known as lot.number 219, ju the 7th dis- V trict of said county, containing two hundred and f - r atter.—« acres (more or less) improved land. 'Hurrah for the‘old flag. • ' O. C. GURLHYj Adni'r. Administrator’s Sale- U CORGI A—BAKEIl COUNTY. \\ REFERENCES. Kenneth McLea & Sons. Greenock, Scotland.— J. Thompson, Bank of .Scotland^. Or otyiockv ’Sect- land;' SinclahvHamiltdn & Co., Londoa; Gordon,. Bruce & ^IcAulHF, Liverpool and Now York. Advances made on consignments to Liverpool and New York, Cotton and other produce received and sold on commission or forwarded. Orders from the inlcrinr for goods promtly executed, both ft Sevan nhandNev^^k. ^ * hxtf constantly receiving large consignments 6t flams, Bacon, Shoulders. Butter, Lard, Flour, &c., &<?., on consigmnent,-wlrichiwill be sold at f thc low- (Market Rates. * J*nuary.8th, I860, j . 43-Sm* CEMENT!. 1URUF.U3 •IIYDRAilLTO -OBMEVT.— •frW.Fir'quleby XIXSOX .TIFT. Apply nt Brl'lgt Euilding, or nt T, II. John- Eton’s Ware-Hmif-e. v^.- 20—w-i v . Underwriters’ Agency Of New York, * CSVSH ASSETS, Three Million Dollars, ISSUE POLICIES OF Fire & Marine Insurance * Made payable, in GOLD or CURRENCY Negofiable and Bankable CERTIFICATES OF INS&RANCB . * ARE ISSUED BY THIS 'ASSOCIATION. ir. Gr. Bus v l ALMIJI, ga. ■ OetnW 21. 18115: . V - Ail 1. sq-tf PURE COGNAC BRANDY- TRY IT! * •" genuine. Bourbon Whiskey! KOMETIIIN’G.REAt.I.Y 00()I)! S li © i^,p y . vW in© ! Schiedam Schnapps, ■■ Port Wine Pure and Unadulterated!!. 4 For nulo at V ft yr-ivv ■■■& e. it. bacon & co.-s. Alhany, M.1 reh 28, 1 Sfid. 21 -2 w Jhink it important tfie wiingershould be fitted with COGS.”—[Orange Judd, Editor of American Agri culturist. > “I hetj^tily commend it-to economists of time, money and coulcntiuent:’.’—[The Rev. "Dr. Bellows. p.iii c £ ^, Large Wringer, “ A ..,...$12J Medium “ “ 11 U....... 10*' Doty's Washer, Family Sue 14 00 4 “ Hotel 18 00 Merchants or good canvassers can mal^c money rapidly selling them in. every town. . Exclusive sale guaranteed and liberal terms given to responsible persons who first apply. Desccnptive Cliculat and .terimr sent free. • - * * ' Tho cclebratetl DOTYS’ CLOTHES ' WASHER, whioh has just taken the first premium at (tie great Fair of the American Institute, is also sold-by the undersigned. .'.'V.,' B. Cv BROWN0*0, General Agenf, ^ . ^ * ' " * No. 847 Broadway, N# Y. LIVINGSTON HOUSE, Newton, Balvor * Covntv,; Ga,, H AS hern fitted up l»y tho .nnderpigned, qnd thE pubhe^.a re . requested, to an II. If kindand polifb trcatinet!t,.ihe host tarv that cgn be .obtained a yd innilerate charges will be satisfactory, they .lmye,all guaranteed il they call.'' ‘ %T -* ' VV. W. UVINGbTON. Nevrton.Nov. 25; 1865; *• - 38- All Essences, Tinctures, he., usually b Drug Store, prescriptions carefully0 Terms CASH. Albany,* Ga., October 21,'1865. NEW SKIRT FOB 1 Tiic Great IsFCBtion of ^oop ss-iiira J. W.'BRADLHY’S New PatatJB ELLIPTIC (or double) SPHD^B This invention consists of Duplex (*i tic J'ui-e Refined Steel Springs, jugcuineljil tightly and firmly together, edge to<4$J the toughest, most tiexible,%l.Ustic Spring, ever used. They seldom bend tliQ single springs, anil consequently perfect and beaurifal sliape moreiim: as any single spring skitf^bat everluj The wrinderrul flexibilitywnd great pleasure to any.lady weaving the *Duplex Skirt will Be expevic need particularly in ill assemblies^ operas, carriages, railroad r* pews, arm chairs, for ■promenade and a^the bkirt can be folded wLer. in use small place as easily and oouvenieutly muslin dress. A lady haying enjoyed the plca< great convenience of. wearing the 1*“! Steel Spviug Skirt for a single day viB wartls wil.Iihgly dispense with tbeir tw-jj dreo. Misses and Young Ladiis tie; ar"* fill others. _ •The Hoops are covered with lv« W1 twisted thread and will.wear tvite»**r single yarn coverlug which is u»ed steel hoop skirts. The three bottom skirt are also .double steel, and twic« or ered to prevent tho covering frot»i««l rods when dragging down stairs, &c , w^ySh they are constantly in nse. / _ « All nrtv made of the new and nnd arQ tlm best quality in eveiy F the weaver the most graceful and pc'ft sible, and ate unquestionably the ('*2 sivable, comfortable and economical^ WF.STS, BRADLEY & CAUL W Invention, and pole'Manufacture^ . ami 70 & 81 Kendo Streets, New Vo*J For sale in.all first class throughout the United States dc Cuba, Mexico,'South America, Indies.'. ftgT*Inquire for fte Duplex Ewlr *J Spring Skirt. - 4- ; 1 September Oth. 18^,—21 United States Internal Revenue* Assistast AsaEssOK.** Office, f Allmny, (5a., Jl.iy lit, 18«G. | A UU persons rcqniie.l by the Stntucao toko oat • Licenses are noiilleil ilmt the old Licenses herctoforj issued-hove expired this day, and must he renfHTod ot 'once, oik in default thereof, Ihe pen alty provided by Hie Statute will be enforced. A. N. IIINKS, ' Assistant Assessor. Albany, May ■>, 18Gb., Albany Chapter No. 15, A. i A Steam Saw I N MITCHELL COUNTY, Oil? ! ll.'U frotn Osmilla, vrdb8rt«5B Of well timbeved rine Land. *“ jj upon the-premises, and about r ; Laud cleared and fenced. The » qf custop.! .>a. DAVB , ft * 14. isoo -J. T llFs regular convocations of. this Clin the second and JgUrlh Friday ; month. • ’^:i4gS^lmwP -The companions will plcso take notice’nad »ov- era themselves accordingly. • " ;J. ' ... W. C. SFENCER. . , ' Secretary. Aluaxy, Arntr. 1.1th, 1805.-tf Albany Locfge No. 24, F A. M. qiHK regular inertings of this- I.oclgo are on the first and third Friday nights iu each month. The brethren will please * take duo notice and govern them'selvcs accordingly. D-W.C. CLL KIND 8 owl*-"**- JOB -1° this OFFI* Albany, April lSllt, 18(io.-lf. reatc 2SS^ dI HI ■