The Albany patriot. (Albany, Ga.) 1845-1866, June 30, 1866, Image 3

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WEEKLY PATRIOT. Column- ^JUKE 30,18C67 r j.ltKVitm ‘ 0 , for the collection of Sub- " r ‘ , b ' cr °au« to the P*W« °" ,CK 50 A Note from General FUztugh Lee. iSf CnM0SD ’ Va., .Tune IT, 1860. - n IDispatch In your w advertisements in to- f>r*p fr - CRAM) P1X0BAJM Rt exhibition of Dr. Beale's cele- paaomma will bo given at Tor's It is highly spoken of by exchanges, and so far as we are Cl judging.- think it will be some; j or t?)V of the consideration and * C „t our "citizens generally. This „jving ns it docs a description of Falls, the Mammoth Cave,xfec.v&c. Lafabeauty and fiuish,anythni 3 Jj„l ever introduced in this country. „1 see f» r yourselves—we liavofto lS satisfaction willljegiyen. insecure good seats, an early at- K is requested. lit h at itence—“First in war.' firsTln peace, and first in the hearts of his eomury- This tentencc originated with “neither” ? f 3 ““distinguished men, and first occurs’ in the ^solutions announcing to Congress the death oH\ uslnngton, offered on the°l?ih Jh™feV 79 5r by then a member from tlm State of Virginia! tautar* , Ll ] ( e of Washington,” Chief JuS- tice Marshailstatcs tliat the resolutions in wuestton . were prepared by Gen. Henry !C f «¥» being in his scat, had request- ect.I mlge Marshall to present them for him. ihe same sentence is also found in the !!P, 0a ^ 0 almraeter of Washington, delivered by Tien. Henry Lee, who had been selected bv the Virginia delegation for that purpose the only change being the substi tution of “countrymen” for “folio w-oitizens.” General Henry Lee ’ivas the father of itonert Jt. Lee, who was somowhat - distin guished in one or two of the actions result ing from the efforts,ofthe United States au thorities to suppress the late “rebellion” against tho best government the world ever saw. Very respectfully, Your ob’t scrV’t, FrrznucH Lee. Tliis letter calls for ho coitiment. We i',.- 11 VV In ” u ^ tile orator on the occasion pi Washington’s death when we wrote the The Price of Confederate Carrcncy. Tn consequence of numerous ..enquiries dally as to the price of gold for Confederate during a certain period, wo have, for Wejiice of-onr citizen's, prepared a ta- ilc, showing actual salcs froin January 1st, 8.G1, to May lst,l8D5, wlnclfts very essen tial to those who are now'dcsirous of set- Lts contracted-during the war. Price of Gold for Confederate Note* from January J,t f 1801, to Man lit. 1865.' -''- “ * - ' *7 ■■ . -1861. Jan 1 to May 1 5 pr FIRE-PROOF WAREHOUSE . ——— July t to Oct 1......10 «r Oct 1. to Oet'lS„..lZyr Nov 15 15 60 for 1 Deo 1 ...20 - fori Deo 15_ :.2t for 1 1864. Oct 16 to Nov 15. ,_16 pr Jan 1 21 for 1 Deo l i 20 pr Jan ir .30 pr Dec 15. Jan Jan 15. Feb 1 Feb. 15'..i..„ March I........ March 15...... April 1......... April 15 Mat ..20 pr -20 pr .'.25 pr 15„... 20 Feb* 1..... ..20 F«b 15 March 1....;.—20 March 15........20 April 4„.. ’’ *" 40 pr April 15........-.21 ..50 pr ......05 pr May 1—*...i20 May 15. *..18 ..75 pr Juno 1 to Ju- 80 pr May 15— 95 pr Juno l.«...,U...i 95 pr June 15........ 2 " July 1.......... 2 July 15 ..' 2 for 1 Aug 1 2 20 for 1 Aug 15 2 20 fori 8opt J .3 60 fori Sept 15. 2 50 fori Oct 1 2 50 for 1 Oct 15. 2 50 fori 1803. Sot 1 to Feb 1 3 fori 1803. Feb 1 to Mar 1,8 10 for 1 ,..90 pr J u t y 15 to fine IRISH POTATOES.’ ijrJ under many obligations to Mrs. 'IrAiJi-S 0 *" t,lis c 'dyv f° r 11 basket of ij,.', Irish potatoes we have seea/tl’.is .. .. „„ „ roHJ ule - Wt have often hpard it remarked paragraph to which General Fitzhu^h Lee rcI Y V«** r 3 .2*> for l l^ rouUnotbe snecessfutty raised ™fe t s.^[Kspat P h, J ° *• - ■ -- Atinutf, hut we think this is a mis; We congratulate Mrs. MoAlpin. up- raised the “largest” that we Lrerseen in this or any other market. Coed Effects of no Borcaa. lurnsnondcnt of the Mew York Times, from Newton, Baker connty, Ga., §}fith, savs: llltl.e renders of the Times—if all the If,he N’ortli—could seu-ibr themselves iiartililo dffference in the conduct, in- rrosperity, health and material Ji’tUc negroes in thns-rnral district jrr, her, Ilougherty, Mitchell and ^counties, through which I Ijavepass- jjju the last few days, and where the Kind inter!, rcncc ot’the Frcedmen’s asindC.ipt. Bryants have heob scl- t all, coatpared with their con st!,,- vicinity, or rather within easy ,1 the cities and towns where the' S.iurisli, abstract philanthropy, isnrymueh like. bachelor’s fwives and old maid*’ managClnent. Iren, tv,oil,I confess its error and he- glstitd to let well enough alone. |!ttii Coach for Common Roads. Frenth Minister of Public Works has medal to Albaret «fc Co., of» steam coach to run. on or- mli. Tills coach lately descended fed,mi to tho railway "terminus at fflive miles an hour, a,1 d afterwards lt!» same Itil! in eight minutes with flit ,• teas.. The trial was repeal- mat-li success that it is now as- rdtlie engine can draw a weight of W Inns on an ordinary read at the ram three to four mildCan hour. Iron tho National Intelllgenoer, • Ml Millers—Gettysburg. i>!> !!’. Ikieheldcr, formorlv princi- irlVnasylvania Military Institute, ltdi-ttvslmrg Iit-forivtue killed in ere all buried. For twelve weeks kI "ter the.field, Sketching the to- ivufevery acre of its twenty-five «i!is. He visited the thousands of is in hospitals, taking notes of their ^tof the battle, lie weiTt to their- v I'ulnniae, visitiilg, and holding iiim with the oflieers 5f every ragi- 1 lnttrry of the army. On Ids in- twenty-!iiroc generals and large f5e!,I, line, and staff oflieers cn- ,'diebattle have yisited him in the P'h.'.ty.'burg to point out, wbile yet rv, the part taken by their uiiemds.. lb; has already pub- ■letrical drawing of tile field, i-ition of every regiment of '®'”i ui"l his forthcoming history of '; : ‘s rapidly ’progressing, This is , “roughly illustrated with topo- lwood-cuts, and. steel por- . j L ' ka ;,i" contemplation a series of Wliaintiugs, desigaed and arranged Mllnunthe data yrliich has been Fhl with great cnrm'aiul painted by Jrr artists to he fomnlin the country. r,,i " 'h consist of four paintings ” *'v* and six incites long ettch.— , represent Wednesday’s en- r ; ;- flic tef’rifiobatjio of Thursday i - 'u tl*e second; the engage-' - . "girt wing of this army on Fri- ■«fth™ 3 th ° ‘''H white tlte final rc- Lj "^Pnat charge on Frida v will he li t i r ,0,1 rth. This last will he , lnvintcd, and has already been ^ r - James Walker, who I ’ uie head of his profession jp Ame- I®” scene-painter. Mf. Walker v B , , 0 * Ids.time on practical stu- , “‘■I' -hoth through Ahe I" ’ . v,, 1 ’ winch has just closed. |i|., ' as "‘yen us that admirable paiiit- li a °f Chepultepce, which t'.helo. n ?. tc . win S <, f fdo Capitol,' ' lii, 01 c C t IS ,,ow engaged on* his J,, Lookout Mountain, or Ki^Uiy'wm. 8 thC C!0uds ’” wh '° h i»,!Si^'^Wer’s invitation, a large 4 t la.mvTs ,0 . 0k P ,ace at frettys-’ Soil-- **!"• who were engaged on portion ° f the field ^ out to [*« Iluncock n ” S f' 1 , 030 present were Lnnanl ilh’olw?| r, Y’ r 1Iun 'P*‘ r oy8. Gih- r°fotht'roffieell’ M o g,, ?’ a ?i a ! ar b ,c ' w ' ^rawfiml ani i s ’ Wiliams, ln d rniov eit^,.. were also Were sii nt " 8 ° f d '8rlnction.— Uie liatt^ w rc eapitnl3ting the “ ’"storicai nicture J!‘ ay safc, y sa y ■ 1Ul 'lcr more ,^’ ai evcr com, „ 1 That ii r Walt ra c’ e auspices; an4 > «U t truthfiftpess so pleas- Gcneral Grant at St. Lonls. Lieutenant General Grant and wife were entertained at a soiree and banquet at, the. Southern Hotel, St. Louis,.on Tuesday night. The affair was quite select, only about one hundred and fifty persons being present.— The supper was very sumptuous, and cvery- thing passed off satisfactorily. Another ep isode of the General’s stay in St. Louis was the suit- brought by him against J. W. White, for unlawful detainer, which he ex pected would be-tried at the presont term of the Circuit Court, but which was post poned until October. The General was ex pected to be in Louisville on Satjurftpy last. [Matiitfnal Intelligencer. Indictment of George HI. Gayle. - The United States District Court grand jury for the Southern District of Alabama, Judge Busteed’s district,-lias found a bill of indictment against Georgo M. Gayle, on the joint clytrge of murder and conspiracy to overthrow the United States Government. May 15...... •> for 1 May 15 6 for 1 June 1 G 50 for 1 June 15...'.....‘_7 60 for July 1 8 for 1 July 15.. 10 for 1 Aug 3 .—14. % for 1 Au&15 15 for 1 Septl „11 fori Sept 15.-. ;;14 - for i Octl ..13 fori # Oct 15 ;..—l2 5Q for I Not 1 „18 for 1 • : ftor 1 for 1 for 1 fori for 1 . for i for 1 for I for 1 f 11I1E UNDERSIGNED respectfully beffto an- x nounco to (lie PLANTBUS and MERlatANTS of Dougherty and adjacent Counties; that they have this day/formed a- co-partnership* under tho firm name.and style of ItUST & JOHNSTON, to efcgoge in the WAREHOUSE and COMMISSION business, occupying the Fire-Proof Warehouse of Si^s & Rc8t, and confidently tnwt they will continue to receWe that" generous snpport and pa tronage heretofore extended to each of them. Y. G. RUST. T. H. JOHNSTON, Albany, Ga., June 1st, 1866. * 3G-wGm lj 15 .....18 for 1 Aug 15^,.;:.20 - .fori. . Aug 15-.. ..22 for 1 for 1 Septl .' 20 50 for 1 for 1 Segt 15.:....:...22 50 fori - * Octl....... 27 for 1 Oct 15 ..—25 foirl Not 1 .V...20 50 for 1 Not 15 ..—28 Deo T ?.;82 Deo 15 85 Doc 81....;.—51' 1865. Jannary 1....1.C0 January 15 55 February 1..—50 February 15...40 March 1 55 March 15..;... M 57 April 1 -...70 April 16....r..^80 for l for 1 fot'T fori forT for 1 for 1 fcrl for 1 for‘,1 for 1 fori April 20..-O-100 -fori April 20,...„.200 for I April 27-i 300 for 1 April 28 ..500 , for 1 April 29 „80Q April 30 1000 Mayl 1200 fori Which was the lost tual sale of Confederate Currency. UST&JOHNSTON. MILliHERV 111 ORESS-MflljJUG. MRS. R- M. FERRELL (late of stoyncEiio, fla.) fTlAfeES- this method of informing the Ladies oT I the City of Albany and vicinity, tbnt slio has opened a MILLINERY ESTABLISHMENT b the house formerly occupied by Sirs. Collins as a p’ri- vato boarding house, whero she is prepared to do oil kinds of neejllo work and dress-makrng. on rea sonable terms. • She trusts that by strict attention to business, to receive from the ladiea of Albany a liberal share of their pntronage, ,, Albany, May 12th, I860. 31—tf Zylotjalseimum. A LLEN’S Zyiobalsammn, Allen’s Hair Restorer, Clock’s Hair Restorer, Prof. Wood’s Hair Re storer, Sterling’s Ambrosia for the Hair, Burnett’s Coacoinc for the Hair, Lyon’s Kathairon, Bachelor’s Hair Dye-~-for .sal* next to Express Office, by . ~ B. H. BACON & CO. - , Druggists. 1 ."Albany, May 19, i860. 82- JUST RECEIVED, ANOTHER Jiff LOT GOODS 8000; XilbS. 1 . * BY r- - L. e. w e l c H 5 Wholesale 1 belief. M ARSHALL’S Catholicon, Hclmbolt’s Buchu, . Jay no’s Expectorant, Ayre’s Ague Cure, Ayfe’s Uiierry Pectoral, South American Fever and Ague Cure,. Mexican Mustang Linnment—for sale by UTIL BACON & CO, Druggists* ayL9, 1806.- MEDIOAMENTUM ! TjIANSTOCK’S Vermifuge, Seidlitx Iwrders, Sa- tj da Powders, Perry Davis’ Pain ^Killer, and a host of other popular Patent Medicines—for sale next to tho Express Office, by j E. H. BACON & O)., Druggists. Albany, May 19, 1866. ^ Hew Stock of Family Groceries ALBANY PRICE CTRRE.YYT. Flour, per bnri-oi,, $12.50® 16.00 Corn, pur bushel, ■ 1.25(a) 1.50 Corn Meal Cow Peas, “ Ground Peas, per bushel, Bacon,qjer pound, Lard, • “ by tin; barrel,. f., Butter, Tallow, “ Beeswax, “ Soap, Turpeiltine, per ib Gayle has been arrested and held to an- Salt, Liverpool, per sack,.. swer in tiic sum of fifteen thousand dollars, lie will be remembered as the man win. nd- jvertised in the Selma papers for contribu tions tba fund of $1,000,000 to procure the assassination of Mr. Lincoln, and who was brought here under arrest hist summer, but finally released and allowed to return. .[National Intelligencer.* Tbe President and iitc Constitutional Amendment. The Congressional majority having adop ted the Constitutional amendment .by a pro- tended two-thirds ot Congress, are in doubt whether to send it to the President for his signature. Speaker Colfax says it is not ne cessary, tint that the amendment goes to the States without the President’s concurrence. The Albany Evening Journal differs. and. say’s: ’ ■ At all events, precedent and tradition .fa vor the transmission, from thne immemo rial, it has been customary to ask Presiden tial endorsement-fir tho acts of Congress.— Ncr can we sec any reason why, with a well assured two-thirds vote, pains should be ta ken to nepart from the practico now, under circumstances which would make such a course tantamount to declaration of want of confidence in the Executive. Hun the proposed amendment received the votes of two-thirds of both houses ? Does it not require still the assent of the Presi dent ? Will it receive the approval of tliree- fburths of. the States V It seems to ns that the authors of this Scheme just begin to re alize their difiicuities.—Albany Argus. Dark Side of Fcnlanlsm. The dark side of the Fenian picture is now coming to view. In Canada tiie trial ofthe Fenian prisoners will toon occnr, and there is cause to apprehend that the unfortunate men will be severely dealt with. JTlie press and the people of Canada are clamorous for the hanging of the prisoners, and it is not unlikely that a part of them, at least, will suffer the extreme penalty of the law.— But the misfortunes ofthe Fenian movement are not conGned to the men who are now ly ing in Canadian prisons awaiting trial for their lives. Their friends ill the United •States and the friends of those who were killed in the Fort Erie raid, are in sorrow, and mourning. There is A- much larger class however, wLo are sensibly attectcd by the failure of tho • movement. There are thousands of patriotic Irishmen who contn- bntad all the money they coiiid scrape to gether, to the Fenian fund, while some went so far ns to sell their homesteads and convert tho savings of yeajs intoimnds of tho lnsh Republic. In yesterday's Sun.wo published three or four instances of the latter hind, which occured in Brooklyn, and no doubt to 1.50 1.25@ 1.50 1.06 10® -20 16® 18 30® 35 8 a 10 - 25 20® 47oa 5.00 .15® _25@ Sugar, brown, per ib Sugar, refined/.... “ Coffee, Rio,......“ Coffee, Java,. .o .. “ 55 to Tea, 1.50® 2.50 Tobacco, smoking, bale 5 lbs, 3.75 to 4.00 Tobacco, per lb, by the box... 50® 1.75 Nails, . 14@ Iron, “ ,12i@ Powder,... “ ’..... 85® 1.00 Shot,. * 23® Cheese,.....“ 35@ Candles, 40® Candles, sperm, per ib, 73 to 1.00 Osnaburgs, per yard,, 32®33 Sheeting,...;“ 30 Calicoes, “ 25 to Scgars, per thousand, 180.00 Svrup, cane, per gallon,... ... 75@ 1.00 t^’hiskev, Brandy, “ Wine," “ Vinegar, “ Coal Oil, Eggs, per dozen* Chickens,. Mackeral, per kitt, tliree doz. Codfish, per lb, Crackers,.: Pickles, per jar, ........ Candies, per Ib, Can Fraits, each,. Oysters, Cove, per box,.. v . Sardines, per box, Sauces, per bottle,.. N uts, jier ib,...,/ Macaroni, per ib V ermacili, W. FX/IjSTT <& CO., AT THE OLD^STAW-or-^ H AS now on hand and are constantly receiving, a large and fresh supply of Family Groceries, which they will sell to the public at. as reasonable rates as they can possibly afford. Their.stock con sists in part of the following named articles Bacon, ,Lard v Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Butter, Cheese* Crackers. I’iekles, Sauoes and Catsups; nlso, Can dies, Nuts, Raisins, Preserved Fruits in Cans, &c. &c.,togctberwithalarge quantity of FiucCIlttW* iiiST und SinbUingT Tobuvcb, and Cigars of the best brands. Also, Mines and Liquors by tbe bottle, gallon or barre’l, with tho beatof Cham pagne, Ale and Porter; Buckets, Brooms, Seivcs, Tin Ware, and'many articles too "numerous to tion. , , ' The highest market price will bepaid for all of COUNTRY PRODUCE, dithc/in CASH or barter. -Our city and country friends will find it decidedly to their interest to givo us a call before purchasing elsewhere, as vre intend to sell as LOW - as tb LOWEST. J. W. FLINT & CO. Albany, June 2, 1866. * 34-Gm Ah’Old Song, set to a New Tune. ' CO-1860; -CO 100 Bottles Quinine, . T ; 160 *• Morphine, ‘ J ’ 600 lbs. Epsom Salts, • 2 Barrels Castor Oil, —_ - ' • , 100 lbs. BalSem Copaiva, 75 lbs. Spirits Nitre, 200 lbs. Sulpbpr, 200 lbs. Alum, , 800. lbs. Copperas, 500 lbs. Soda, 10C0 lbs. Soaps, Assorted,- ” 40 Dozen Ale and Porter, 2000 lbs. White Lead, and as- - sorted Paints,* 3 Barrels Kerosene Oil, Linseed Oil, Train * Oil, Machine Oil, Lamp Oil, Neatsfoot Oil, Olive Oil, Spirits Turpentine, Varnish, Brushes. Sand Pa pers, and complete stock Painters* Mate rials. Pepper, Spices, Starch, Potash, Cau dles, Snuff, Tobacco, Cigars, Fine Liquors,' warranted pure, Wjnaow Glass, Lamp _-»rr»Btcd pure. Tf Chimneys, &c., &c. My etock of Plantation, Family, and Prescription Medicine*, is large and com* pieInducementa offered to those buying to sell , again. „ >. c ' Prescriptions filled, with. care. WELCH, Cor. Broad & Washington Bis, Albany, Ga. April 21, 1861. 26— 41 18 years established in N. V. City.” •• Only infallible remedies koiirOi w . ;.** ' Free.from Poisons.*' “Not dangerous to the Human Family. ^ “ Rats come out of their holes to die.” 'Oostar’s” Ratj Roach, &o., Ester’s, Is a paste—used for Rats, Mice, Reaches, Black and Red Ants, &c., &c., &c., &c. “Oostar’s” Bed-Bug Exterminator Is a liquid or wash—used to destroy, knd also aa a preventive for Bed-Bug*, &c. Oostar’s Electric Powder for insects Is for Moths, Mosquitoes, Fleas, JBed-Bug*, Insects on Blanks, Fotclt, Animals, &o. Srt 1! Beware ! ! I of all worthless Imitation^ th r at “ CosxAk’s ” name is oh each Box, Bottle and Flask, before you buy. Address, HENRY R. COSTAR,, 482 Broadway, N. V. jSy-Sold in-Athany, Qb., Isy »U Druggists naff EcUilers. • : . '1866. Increase or Rats.—The Fanner^ Gazette (Eng lish) asserts and proves that one pair of Rato will have a-progeny and descendants no less than 651,05Q in three years. Now, unless this idmsense family can be kept down, they would consume more food than would sustain 65,000 human beings. • , See “ Costar’s” advertisement above. * Rats versus Biros.—Whoever engages in shoot* ing small birds is a cruel man; whoever aids in ex* terminating rats is a benefactor. We should like someone to give us llic benefit of'their experience in driving ont these pests. We need-something be sides dogs, cats, and traps for this business.—Sewn- tific American, N. Y. ££3“Seo .«* Costar’s” advertisement above. WHOLESALE confiding men, but at the same time it is for tunate that-the case is no worse. It our Government liad been less promt in enforc ing tlm neutrality Iayrt/ihe evil consequen ces of the jpvasion might have assumed : ^router proportions^-—Now York Sun. JIustards, per jar Soda, per lb Pepper, ground, per ib Pepper, berry,.. Brooms, each, Lye, concentrated, per box,.. Fresh Meats, per tb, 3.50® 8.00 C.00@16.00 5.00® 8.00 1.00@ 3.23 125$ 1.50 20® 2.25 to 2.50 • 5.00 20 20 to 25 40 to 2.00 50 to 75 75 to 1.00 50’to 1.00 40 to SO 40 to 50 40 to 75 50 60 25 to 30 20 to 25 75 to 1.00 40 to 50 50 to 75 40 to 50 8 to 12J INDIAN SPRING HOTEL, MAY 6th, 1863. Dr. Wm, * Hi Whitehead ' e AVINTGi LEASED THIS LONG fm3 FAVORABLY KNOWN HOUSE of Ehtertalnment, located nearer and. more convenient in the water than any other public House ot the Indian Spring; it is how repaired, furnished with NEW BEDDING and FURNITURE, and will be opened for the reception of visitors on tho lsT day of June. The table will be supplied with the best the country affords, served up by experienced Cooks; and the Bar with Choice Liquors and Wines, and with Cigars made to order, of superior brands, by Lipman and Hogan. . The services of MR. L. L. GODDARD, a gcntlc- sn of much experience in similar establishments, has been engaged; under liis' superintendence the business of the House will he conducted. A suprrior BAND OF MUSIC will be in atten dance at the excellent and commodious. BALL ROOM attached to this Honso. Terms of Board, $16 per week, or $45 per'month. STAGES running DAILY to and from Forsyth, connecting with arrival of cars of M.” & W. Rail- Road at that place. A Daily Mail is now established and received We. June 2d, 1866. 34-1 m. BARNETT & CO, COTTON FACTORS,. Giocers and General Com. Merchants, APALACHICOLA, FLA., A COLUMBUS, GA. iROMPT attention given to all Consignments and Shinments Cotton B> New York, New Liberal advances made on Orleans and Liverpool, consignments. Forwarding & Receiving Rouse, APALACHICOLA, FLA. S EAR SIR:—We respectfully ©all your atton-, lion to tbo facty that we hare established a • at Apalacbioola, Fla„ for the purpose of do ing a General Commission and Forwarding buriness. Having established relations with some of the best bouses in foreign and domestic ports, we are pre pared to offer unusual advantages to shippers of cot ton and other produce. ' Speciifl attention will be given to all cotton sent ns for sale, either in our own or any foreign market. In addition to our Commission business, we will keep consthntly on hand a large stock of . <3- O O IS! S/ X E3 S . —“ .1,„. T.iOnli P which will bo offered to pierchanta and planters at *= ,rilf Admitted to ! price8 in Uio Northern »nd WMtcrn m.rkoW, mcre- .ilb fttlvanoM an cotton scot; us for shipment sale, nml to furnish theiit -with bagging nnd ropo far tlie coming crop nod during the en.iro season. ' N. B.—ftur iiouse in Coiurobus,'Oa., will ho con tinued at tho oldstaud, corner 8t. Clair and Broad -StrooU. * BAR5 ETT & CO. Juno 16th, 1800/ 30-tf. USB "S>prices in the Northern ana iresr lms been snmmanly namtttea to r a(Wing C06t 0 f transportation, ee in all the courts, Wlthgut any rVe w iU bo prepared to aceommodato onr friends itorv Iiractice or examination. Die „iih advanoes an colion sent US for shipment or Confederate sympathies of the Eng- • smoothed tho way for him m a man at creates much comment among tlie s of # diffcrcnt views o» the Araencan i as — • ’ Wilkes Boitmi.—^llioNatchcz Dcmo- ' i a letter from Berlin, received ^bv a n-of that city, states positwelythat Ikes Booth, who killed President n Berlin, playing an engagement ,e theatres in that city, It adds s "rcat surpnso that there .cl? credit attached m tins tliejitory of hi* deaths Xancoli at one ot that he < should ? coun* L ’Southern Bank Notes r Wanted. J). K,. *AKMBY, 5t the Store Room occupied by r.AINE, HUWITT & CO., is paying the highest Uiarkct price for Southern Bank, Oold and Silvi Albany, May 12lh, 1866. * RETAIL L. E. W^LCH, At the Old Stand, Comer Broad & WasLingtonEts., ALBAKl, GEORGIA., ATTENTION!! E H. BACON & CO., and Apothecaries, (Next to the Express Office,) ALBANY......... .........GEORGIA* /^VFFER to their friends and the public, MEDI- f CINES, OFFICINAL and PATENTED. Pills, Powdersl Plasters, Paints, Oils, Var-“ nishes, Dye-Stuffs, PaintErush^q, Whitewash Brushes, Sash Tools, Scrub Brushes/ Hair an<l Clothes Brushes, Perfumery, Toilet Soaps, Toilet Powders; .Puffs, Puff_Boxe9, Preparations for . tlie TIair and Complexion, also, , Herosene oil!! KEROSENE LAMPS, • KEROSENE LAMP OHIMKEYS, KEROSENE LAMP SHADES' AND FIXTURES. a No- i Art £c l e LIQUORs”aittd WINES ; ——rt Our Stock is all New,- • and procured firom the most reliable Wholesale and Jobbing Houses hi the country, upon -term* which enable us to. 7 # J Sell at Xiow Figures Prescriptions Carefully Compounded At all hours, day .or night u (except on Sundays du- Ying tbe hours of religious service) Call next to the Express Office and’see fqr ourselves, April 25, ' 27-^3m N OW RECEIVING) OVER TWO HUNDRED CASES AND PACKAGES OF NEW GOODS, SZOOOOSTQCX Beduction^in^Freight—Reduction in Prices! . Buying largely from first hands, for Jobbing well as Retail, I will be enabled to offer Goods reduced prices. My Stock will be the Largest and most Complete ever offered in Southern Georgia.~ Buyers can ex> •pec*, to .find at all times every article they need ir my line. The long • established reputation of the House and a determination to improve and enlarge are a guarantee that when you buy Medicines yon get tho best. ©r NEW GOODS WILL BE RECEIVED FROM NEW YORK AND ' PHILADELPHIA ALMOST DAILY. Among tho New Arrivals, besides a Large and Complete Stoek of Medicines, are WINDOW GLASS, WillTELEAD AND OIL, VAR NISHES. BRUSHES AND POINTERS’ MATE RIALS, DYE STUFFS, SPICES,-SOAPS, PERFUMERY, COMBS, BRUSHES, Great Variety of Toilet Articles, “ A* spring approaches Ants atulRoaches. .I* ‘ ■ Frdrn their holes come out, , And Mice and RhU, In spilt of cats, Gaily, skip abvui,” ,1866. •‘COSTAR'S-” RAT EXTERMINATOR is Simple, safe, and sure—the most pcrfccGR AT-ification meet ing we have ever attended. Every RAT that can get it, properly prepaid, will eat it, and qvery one that eats it will die, generally at some place tfs dis- . tant as possible from where it was taken.—Lake Shore (Mich.) Mirror. • - See “Costab’s^. advertisement above. **} HOUSEKEEPERS troubled with vermin need he so no longer, if they use w Costab’s” Ex’tcrminator. Wor hove used it to out satisfaction; and if it cost $5, we would have it* We-have tried poisons, lut . they effected nothing; but “CqMarls” article knooka the breath out of Rats, Miee, Roaches, Ants, and J ”vd-Bngs k quicker than .wo can write it. _ It is In eat dejhand all over the country.—Medina (Ohio)- Gazette. V jgQT Seo “Costab’s” advertisement qbove. . .2 Sold in Albany, Ga*. by E. H. Bacon & Co., x^d all Droggitts and dealers. ^ April 25,1806. ' _27-^3m NEW .. mHE undersigimd^will be pleased to flee bit "B •friends and t£s public generally, at TRe ’ Old Stand., Formerly occupied by Beers % Brinson/where he * will offer them .* A VARrET^O^v&Oiaij^-. ’ Cousisting in part of t DRESS GOODS! CALICOES. M Delanes, Jaconet Muslin, Caaton^LGoera, Red and White V-.;a^.l»xx^a.©l4sr^- ?.\- Satinette. KENTUCKY JEANS, Bradley’s Duplex, Biiptio, HoopSkirt, GLOVES, IIOSIKRY, COLLARS, Under Sleeves, Cotton. Yarns, Cotton i thousand. The finest LIQUORS, TOBAC CIGARS tb be found in the Market. 100 dozen Pocket Knives, PIPES, POCKET BOOKS* &o, &o. Extra induce ments offered to Country Merchants, Peddlers and others buying tb sell again. V Physicians’ & Planters’orders ' will receiye'especial attention. iPrescriptions CAREBULLY FILLED. 8££*Call and see my Large Stock and examine jirices.-^a Albany, March 7th, 1866, . . 16--tf |. T , - DISSOLUTION. T he parlnevsliip licrelofore existing between E. T. JONES and j. M.CUTLTFF, under the firm name nf€utYiff, Is this day dissolved. Sir. Cutliff is authorized to settle the business. . ’ E. T. JONES, . . .v ’ ’ ~ J. M. CUTLIFF. JUy 1st. 1806. ”g?_4' . DC O t 1 O TTAVING bought the interest of E. T. Jones, propose to continue the DRY GOODS BUSI NESS, and would be pleased to see my old* friends 1 and customers. Terms—STRICTLY CASH, ' J. M. CUTLIFF. Albany, May 1st, 1866^ ?9—4w CUTLERY, "WEEDI3STO HOFS. . ' THE : Great Labor-Saving Machine! ' THE - '* Universal Clothes Wringer, Tobacco, Soap, Soda, STAIiCH, penclios, F’eAors - PIOKLES, &c., &o. " E£3-The' Highest Price paid for Country Pro ROBERT A, BEERS, " r « ' . Apenf, . Albany, November 11, 1865. -BS-Sm Sarsa] A YRES, Sand’o, Dr. John Bull's and Old . Dir. Townseud’a Sarsaparilla—for sale by E. H. BACON & CO., Druggist,. : Albany, May 19, 1866. 32—^ : '. .. .' '•>*•-.■» ... . d. - - - ’