The Albany patriot. (Albany, Ga.) 1845-1866, July 14, 1866, Image 4

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United States .Government. THE EXECUTIVE.' Andrew Johnson, of Tenn.', President. . LnKayctteS. Farter, of Conn., Acting Vice President. thr cabinet. "Win. H. Seward, of If ew-Tork, Secretary of State. H. McCulloch, of Indiana, Secretary ot the Tjeasury." Edwin M> Stanton, of. Pennsylvania, Se cretary of War! - Gideon "Welles, of Connecticut, (Secretary ofihelVayy. James Harlan, of Iowir, Secretary of the Interior: " ■ ■ James Sneed, ofKentueky, Attorney Gen eral. •" ' ' William Dennison, of Ohio, Postmaster- peneraL .. . -*' THE JUDICIARY. Salmon P. Chase, of Ohio, Chief Sustice. Nathan Clift tird, of Maine, Associate Jus- tice. * : . 1 Samuel Nelson, of New Yorfc, Associate - Justice. • ' # . R. C. Grier, of Pennsylvania* Associate Justice.. " ** James M. Wayne, of Georgia, Associate Justice. **'• David Davis, of Illinois, Associate* Jus tice. (Vacancy.) Noah’H. Swayne, of Ohio, Associate J us- » tice. . ' Samuel F. Miller, of Iowa, Associate Jus tice.*’ \"* ' ' ’ ‘ GEORGIA—STATE GOVERNMENT, . * ’ EXECUTIVE PEPARTMEST. Charles J. Jenkins, Governor.. R. L. Hunter, Secretary Executive De partment. f H J. G. Williams, Z. D. Harrison, Messenger, STATE HOU8B OFFICERS. • N. C. Barnett, Secretary of State and Sur veyor General *'" Vl ’" - J.T. Burns, Comptroller general. John Jones,Tfeasurejr< •f.X*. Mbhtgoraery' Librarian. Jesse Horton.' £qp£urtState House G uard. ’ '*:* ■ ’ * judiciary.-* \ * ■ Judges of the Supreme Court—Jos. II. Lumplcin, Iverson L. Harris, Dawson A. . Walker. ' 'CiMMl W, Dubose. PENITENTIARY. W. C. Anderson, Principal Keeper; C. G.'Talbird, Assistant Keeper ; A. M. Nisi “ b^t, Book Keeper. . LUNATIC ASYLUM. . Dr. T, F, Green, Snpt. and liesident Phv- • sician; Dr. T. O. Powell, Assistant Physi cian. DjpCRERTr COUNTY SUP’R COURT Judge .......* .R. n. Clark. Solicitor^............. :L. P. D. Warren. Sheriff. . J. W. Kemp. Clerk. J. F. Cargile. ^Ordinary .W. H. Wilder. ^ - COUNTY COURT. JudgeTr. . :*ri->.:,'..,,Thbmas Q. Spicer. Solicitor '. .7,^.. W m/ Oliver.' Clerk . J. F. Cargilc. / JUDGES INFERIOR COURT. John Jackson, J. M. fiercer, N. P. Brin son, T, A- Cleaves, F. M. Thompson. Clerk *. ••'•••• J* F. Cargilc. TO THE CITIZENS OP GEORpIA. The termination of a sanguinary contest, which for the past four jfrars has presented an impassible barrier to all social or commercial interboursO'bc- tween the tiro great sections of our country, having at length happily cleared away all obstacles to a' renewal of these relations which formerly bound ns together in'a fraternal uniop, I take tiffe earliest opportunity afforded by this auspicious event, to greet my^outhern friends, and to solicit from them a renewal of that extensive business which for a quarter of a century has been uninterrupted save by the great public calamity to which I have adverted*. It is. scarpel/ necessary, on the threshold of a business 're-union I should repeat the warning so often given to my friends—to beware of- all'these spurious and deleterious compounds which, under the specious and false title's of Imported Wines f Brandies, Holland Gin, Liquors, t\s., have been equally destructive tojthe health - of our citizens as prejudicial to the interests of the legitimate Im- portejyfv —' • Many years of my past life have been expended in an open and candid attempt to expose these wholesale frauds; no time nor expense has been sparccP to accomplish this salutary'purpose, and to place before my 'friends and the public generally f at the lowest market price, and in suck quantities as might suit their convenience,’ a. truly genuine imported article. Twenty-five years’ business transactions with tl»o largest and most respectable exporting houses in France and Great Britain have afforded me unsur passed facilities for supplying our home market with Wines, Liquors, and Liqmures of the best and most approved brands in European addition to my own distillery in Holland lor the manufacture of the «* Schiedam Schnaps’. The lattcr, io long tested and approved by the medical Faculties of the United Stales, West Indies and South America as an invaluable Therapeutic, a wholesome, pleasant, and perfectly safe beverage in alleiini&tCKi and during all seasons, quickly exci ted the cupidity of the home manufacturers and ven ders ef a spurious article under the samo name. I trust that I have, after much toil and expense, surrounded all my importations with safeguards and directions which with ordinary circumspection tfill insure their delivery, a? 1 receive them from Europe, to all joy customers. I would, however, ecommend in ail cases where it is possible, that orders be sent direct to my depot, 22 Beaver Strefet, New York, or that purchases be made of my accredited agents. In addition to a large stock of \Tines, Brandies &c., in wood, 1 have a considerable supply of old tried foreign Wines, embracing vintages of many years past, bottled up before the commencement of the'war, which I can especially recommend to all counoisseurs of these rare luxuries In conclusion, I would specially call the early at tention of my Southern customers to the advantage Jo be ’derived by transmitting (heir orders Vfiib$nt loss of time, or calling personally at the depot, in order to insure the*folfilment of their ordeTs-out of the present large and well selected assortment. * UDOLPIIO WOLFE, 22 Beaver Street, New York. February 2\, ; A. T .. a; "' ; JAMES H. HILL’S STORE! WEST SIDE MAIN ST. Yoa can always find the Newysf and most Fashionable Dress Goods Of till kind*, to be had in any of the Nortliern mar kets'. Our stock is selected with care and taste, so that the most fustidiouc can be suited. WHITE GQOPS; ' cor all kinds) SWISS JACKONET, - TAKLEToirg ^41110055. &c„ &c. In qualities and quantity to meet the demands of any. Fancy Goojis and. Notions, 4 ol all kinds; and in BOOTS AND SHOES, •Jar stock is complete, frpm the Brogan to the finest GLOVE KID. IN HATS AND CAPS, •(Goth Gentlemens* and Ladies*,) we hove a full and complete stor^. Family Groceries, of all kinds. And of the best quality. We have also a large lotol BED BLANKETS. (While and Grey.) In fact,everything lobe found ina ALBANT, OjES ifoorngMyoai. Encourage Homo Industry! are now manufacturing at AIbany, Georgia Tv a variety of Woolen GoOds - Twilled and Plain, Colored and White. WAKEENTED PERFECT. ———And of the- * s* \ Suable for all classes of Working People, which we will sell ot Reasonable Prices or exchange for Wool or Cotton^ . We ask the Attention of Merchants, Planters and others, assuring them* tjiat we-are determined to make it to their interest to purchase ppf gppds. We glutll bq prepared by the 1st of May to Card Wool und make Rolls for Customers. N. & A. F. T1 FT ^ Albany, March 31,18G6. ■ —““ • - . K»i ALBANY GRJST 4-NB- Watches, Jewelry, Diamonds, Musical Instruments, Silverware, Bronzes, &o., VObTH OVOR . . OIJP MIEt-ION DOLLARS. All to bo sold for' FEVE POLLARS caoh, -.itbout ■ regard to vnlup. And nor to bo Paid For UNTIL YOU SNOW'WIIAT YQP AR TO I.CIY!} 1,753 Gold and Silver Watches were distributed among the patrons of ParXiksoxJ& CoIipant du ring the month of February, 1866. Read comments by The Fftfss. speaking of the firm in tbe'mostjcom- plimentary" manner’“ A most industrious* and prosperous hoiisp-”—fShippeusburgh, Fa., Sentinel. Give all who deal With fKemperfect satisfnetfou.” --[Dunkirk,.N. Y. # , Journal. ‘‘Enjoys a.Jiigh rep utation 'fax. U onora ble dealing and the qutfUf tbcir.good8.”—[New Paltx. N. Y’., Times. “ fectly reliable and will do all they promise.”— ack, N. Y 4 City and County. “Stand high'for hi NEW DRV Customers will be promptly attended to apd freely dealt with. Our Customers will not be delayed, The Graiu will be weighed in and the Sreal wi out, (which will retire hut ft. few minptpg) unless 1 he parties prefer Jo get the Meal from their own Corn. Corn ’Should be sent as free from cobs and dirt as possible. All the Corn, as well as Wheat, that we pfind, js funned through the fan and the trash is not accounted for in Meal. N, &. A. F. TIFT. l!r»nv. March 31.18GG. ^ .22 DIVORCE, All of which we'propose Jo sell at the Y(jry Lowest Market Prices. ALL WE ASK IS A CALL. Raine, Hewett 8c Co. PROSPECTUS RATIONAL INTELLIGENCER ? F Washington, DD. C. T HIS journal, having been twice enlarged, is one of the largest papers in the country. It is print ed on fintfine white and heavy papfr, and contains in large*and clear type, more readixo mAtteb; in the form of the latrst news, general and special, togefliei'’with' edit0rial, reportorial and selected matter of interest and importance,''fB*q T *Xhy" paper' published south of New York. *' Tl»e National 'ntelligknokr i« devoted to News, literature,'the interests of Religion, and Political affairs. 1 It gives.* ddrihe; the eefsion ot‘Congress’,' correct reports of the debates and proceeding of the two Houaed.'tfa well as the laws and public docu ments of each ee#sion^ and at all. times and every day the telegraphio despatches announcing the la test intelligence from every quarter tif onr own and other countries. The paper has been so long es tablished* and,is so widely kpoyn, xs hardly to re quire any formal expbsiftdn x>f its*political charac ter and principles. As heretofore* it aims to be as ICS naftftjimpprts; a Nationalsaper, maintaining the jnst Constitutional powers-ort he General Govern ment on the one hand, and the reserved rights of the States on the other—confident that th^Union dan only be maintained while the right* of each shall be respected by both andnoi ti^pacohded by etih'er. While the Intelligeh^jcr advdpAtcs what the Editors cbfiftcientiqusly believe to he right and vise in the administration of publio affairs, it always strives to give a fair and liberal support to those to whose hands is committed that administration; and as they hold an independent press to be one of the great . BftfcgutrdjMir Ijtyniy, and therefore claim the right criticising the act* oMe Government with free dom, they end^avor ft) discharge that duty with moderation, candor, and respect, both for them selves and those from whom they differ. TBJWI8 OF SUBSCRIPTION. . ’ Uftfly Edition, one year $10 00 * db- aix months ; 5 0l» do three months.. 2 60 M-Weekly Editioit, onwye|r.... i ....':;i; i i i ..«, 6 00 * Wridaiataf off Mfrsadtng matter of-ike Daily.1 s do do six months 8 00 - do do tbree-mentbsi..... .b....*... 1 50 To any one transmitting us the names of ten sub scribers, acoompanied with the money, we will send an* additjgjiaj copy-gratis, «a-Postmastera arc’respwtfully requested to net as agents. rr ^ Ayddress all communications to SnpWjCQylo &, Co., ' (StfccKssoits to GALES & SEATON,) Publishers National Intelligencer, Washington, D. C. •June 9, 1866. , .85r- Southern Mutual Insurance Co., Athens Ga. JEFFERSON INSURANCE CO., ALREMARLljl pOUNTY, VA.. •EUFAYPA HOME INSURANCE CO., F.UFAULA, ALA. TRAVELER’S LIFE INSURANCE, HARTFORD, CONN. Vi'OODVILLE "INSURANCE CO., 1VOODVILLE, ALA. JAMES RIVER INSURANCE, ’ v ?!OWARDSVJLLE, VA* SOUTHERN INSURANCE & TRUST CO., ’ .JAVANNAII, CA: JOIIT A. DAVIS, Agent. ^^•Call nltention pnrticularly to the Traveler's Ineurance Company. This Company ins urea against accidents of all kinds, as well ns lives; and should any one become disabled and prevented from at tending to their dusineas, they are paid weekly compensations. Albany, Gal^ April 11th", 1866: — * 23- •, Nov. 25lh,-18G5. ^8— F01 MARINE itihe nsrsxjrt^YTsfCE Croteri Fire Comp'y, N. Y. Security Insurance Company, l !„ Atlanlic.Fire Insurance o., ILK.,, RKronix Ins, Co,, Hartford, Conn Korwich Fire Ins, Co,, Norwich, Conn, Total Capital $15,000,000 Appl^te Albany, Ga.. Jifarch Sd. 18G0, HINES & IIOIIBS, Agents. A great Variety of Duttons, Needles, Pins, Thread &c., &c. L. K. WELCH & CO. Dec 2, 1865 39 r B. F. ROBERT, Civil Engineer, Alin REAL ESTATE AGENT, -Albany, Ga.. W ILL bny, sell, rent, and survey Inqdssit* uat^l in any part of Spath Western Georgia, £of parties desiring itc* * Orders left at Charles Volker’s Store will be promptly executed, * v Albany, Ga:, October 7,1865. f,l tf Put Money in thy Purse! Koaci to "W ealth. 5 HA A ACTIVE AND BELU^E AGENTS, *V/\Jl j ‘ Male or Female, and of all ages, niii/tcd to cnnvnss every City, Town, Village, [L let. Workshop and Fuctory throughout' the world, for the sale of oqr WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER-WARE, MUSI- CAL BONES, ALBUMS and other Articles. Energetic persops of good habits and fair business tact cam clear over $2o per week, in the conn ry. and much larger amount in thickly settled localities. Wo Capital Required! Samples of our Articles, to the amount of $3, will be sent by mail for inspection, and if not perfectly satisfactory no charge! ^ Send your address, if yon are of an industrious turn of mind and in quest of immediate wealth 1! Direct to PARKINSON Cc CO., Importers, ", ‘203 Broadway, New York. Feb. 14th, 1806. U— ^ Administrator’s Sale. 11/ ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in Aftgnst yfj next, before the Coort House door in the town Cdunty, Ga^ (Lot of Land number ,®04, in the 7th district of said county.- Sold as the Wperiy of Thomas J. Sumner,«deceased, for dis tribution. ' Term* on the day of sale. - I !■« : DANIEL l. fiiiMMnn Jpne 16,1866. JCj* Tf JANNBV, ftt the Store Boori occupied * CO., is paying tliohighcBt market price for Southern Bank, Gold’ and Silver. Albany, May 12th, 1866. ' 81— MAGAZINE! rpHE Proprietor of this new Southern Monthly Is X. no,r publishing an edition^ of ta-o thousand copies. Its list of contribulora embraces a great deal of the best litenmr I .lent in lbs South ond West. Beside, the two' admirable series mow in eonrse of publication—'' - - ■" Decisive BatHes of the Revolution,- ft . -r-KPXt Ailvcntnves ftii riomia *Amarten* - tbe March number contains the first of a series by James Wood Davidson, of Columbia, 8. C., entitled How Wo Know Eaqh Other THE SCnurCE OP irtTJMN NATURE. There will also be an occasional contribution on Literature and politics from the pen of C. H. Smith ' aline “Bill Arp.’^ •» V .. - ’ nnm'bei» Ot April "TMite: $5 jier snunirt; ClnLs of ifen wlll be furnished at SI 60 per copy; Clubs of Twenty. »t tbe seme Poet Office, at Four Boilers. Address / ’ W. J. SCOTT. . AUanotci TUB LONE STAR SALOON, (Three cCoors below thp.rrintjqg Office,) ^.ZjT3^JSnr a a A. H AVING jnst received n fresh supply of ALL &1NDS OF THE BEST LlQUOllS with wmen the Northern, market is stocked, such ai Brandy, Whiskey, Wine, Clmmpngne, Gin, ^c.. &c I am now prepared to suit the palates of any body. Xreceive J G-13 regularly from Macon.' Also, I am in constant receipt of GOOD OLD -ALE. Call and see me. THOMAS II. CLARK. Albany, Ga. Fob. 28, 1866. . 14—-tj Ant ordtina^qe, Be it ordained ly the If ay nr and Members, of-the.City Council of Albany, and it is hereby ordained by the authorityaforesaid* • THaT no licenscd'retftiler of spirituous ■or fgr? men ted liquors, or any other person whs lever, shall either by himself or Agent, sell or barter any spir ituous or fermented liquors in any quantities what ever. On tlic Snbbath Day, unless in cases of sickness or absolute necessity, to be judged of by the Mayor; and upon a violation of this Ordinance such person so offendiug sliaH bts fined * not more than FIFTY DOLLARS. Approved May 19th, 18CU. G. J. WRIGHT, Mayor. Attest: J. F. Caugilk, Cl’k of Council. May 26, 1866. ‘ " S3—Gw (tyJob Work ezecuteqbat this office in Sjood si yje.. Also, blanks Administrator’s Sale. \ WILL be eold.on the first Toesdny in AngdstJ Urnislied of every rlescrinitifln. <X*. before the Court House door in tbo town ofC=^- f -j . i Udtbollli; Worth cnnnljr, fl, i ot oflnnd number 109 in tbo I6tb District of said county. Sold ns the properly of Jsmos RueVelew, dccessed. for tbeben- efit oi thO distributees: Tei‘ms on the day. - ’ v * ' : • CELIA E. BUCKBLEW; , T * Aam’rdebonis’fadn—Will annexed. p-Jane 9,1J866, ’ •» - • • • ga#- "XCEMiEISrT! iitdRaclic ceiieNt _ Foreale by T^A^^iiELSON TIFT- The Albany Steam Mills are now in opoi Good Meal and Fl0uiv Returnable th J une Term, 1866, Dougherty Superior Court. broab (SECOND ROOR XO ^ II«o just received s b . SbX^S,i5 Hjbbonii Plomes, k ^biss, Ho ^iptiost ^ L READY MADE ( A1 ». Boots RENTS’ Ftin XlSHlS5 . r At l° wes , rate, inthij]> . w, A o ff Irot‘ ii-jWTW^nbli,b»,et 0,e ^ 'dORt tbat wo enn sell t fe"' (B 'be 01 (y, ije desire j ,J7'V-» trntli of ifie oeserlion. J. T. HESTER, , K derkS ’. _ nod will be pleased Albany. Jan. 27th. 1866*5 U| S| GILBERT & HI .. Drug XaIBBli FOR Louisa Mason James D. Mason. DOUGHERTY SUPERIOR COURT, 1 At Chambers', March 3, 1866. / O N hearing tho above petition, and being satisfied that Dcteq-^an^ fa a j^on resident, it is hereby ordered that service of this petition be perfected by publication in the Albany Patriot once a month for four months, requiring said'Defendant* to he-and appear at the Superior Court lo be held in and for said county of Dougherty on the first Monday iu June next, t hen and ther.e to show cause,* if any he wbjf' the prayer of petitioner should not l»e granted. A true extract from the Minntc.s. JOHN F. C.\RG1LE, Clerk. Albabr, March 7, i860. 16—mlm METAUC BPIAL CASES LONG & THOMPSON’S, Under the Printing Ofilce ON BROAD. STREET, ALBANY, GEORGIA. A FINE ASSORTMENT of METALIC COFFINS from the smallest to thclargeri sizes have just been received by us. and will l»e always oa t hand. Persons desiring Cofiins of this kind can purchase them cheap by calling on V LONG & TLIQMrSON. Albany, Feb. 2£lh, 1866. 14—tf de flvms.tti business.”-— [Cnnajohnrie N. Y. “ Keep their word and agi honorably by tapirpat- roqs.”; [Lyons N.T. Press.* • ' '**'• f 500 Solid'Gold Huntiug Watchcs....,$300,to 750 500 Magio C»sed Geld Watches.....: 250 to 500 500 Ladies' Enameled Watches........ 100 to 500 600 Diamftpd Cfusfer Dailies’ Sets..*. 300 to;700 1,000 Diamond Solitaire Rings 75 to 250 1,000-lIeayy Silver Hunting Watches. -7& to'150 1,000 Open-face Silver Watches.- 2$t?.- 75 1.000 Silver ?uid Mahogany Musical ’ ilbxcs.......'. . JOQ 1.000 Silver Dining Sets......'.'.*.... .V.y.. 75 to 350 1.500 Silver Tea Sets, complete 60 to200 -^.OOQ Silvcr Urns and Salvers 75 to*250 2,Wfl ReVpAVerff^.M' 1 WI1300 '2,£,QA V# ,ent ffetols... r . 25 to 76 2, (KK) Richly Framed Ofr pa in tings..'.. 75 to 350‘ 2.500 Elegant Pearl Opera Glasses 26 to 76 3,0tU|P Mam-ffOth Photograpn Albums.., 15 to 50 3j)(iQ Cluster Diamond-Rings. 25 to 100 3, Q00 Ladies’ Oval Bracelets.-........;.; \6 to 50 ! 3.500 Gold Chains of differcot ilesig25 to 3001 * 3.500 Gold Thimbles, phased.. t ......... 6 to 50‘pw 10 a 000 Signet and Plain Gold King’s..*.’. »5 t.d 75 j jjril 10.000 Gentlemen’s ScaijfPinr.....6 tp 12,5<X) Brooches and l*JSfr Drops......... i. 6 ip 3^ 12,500 Go’d Lockets, double glass.....'" - 5 to 85! nre now prepared to fiH ordn- 10,000 Gold Pens and Gold Holders...... 10 to 76 S * 10.000 Sets Studs and Sleeve Buttons.., 6. ^o 25 -pIdp^toniei»' and friends. 5,000 Silver Goblets and Drink’g Cypa. &lo 5.Qi $1 Z5IO 75 2.500 Silver Uake and Frwit Hosket,— 25 to, 75 1 12,600 Wine Holders and other articles 6 to 75 OpiUICj To immediately dispose of the above magnificent"; POWiP OpiUUl^ stock, certificates naming the articles are placed in KpsoiB ISaliS* Stoj yilbany x AVING josf received, lirj,, & Medici 5?000 Sets Tea, Table & DeserfFq^lts 10 to i \V\'. XIo,V^ On >t-. 5.000 Sets Tea. Table & Deserf Knives 10 to 25 ' fJnfnfnY* * SpNs T ^ vntei I-aOB 1 jm ,ixed. Il„lder 3 n reen- : E{0 il lcl;c SaIts rued on tbmrcertincate upon ; , payincut of $5 wlie her it be a beautiful Wntplr, ©r ; aullS) Musical Box worth $500, or a Plain Gold-Ring, * ©Rf TAS* orih $5. The return of any of our certificates eu-! Bine 8t0nP« titles you to the article named thereon, upon pay-1 SpiCfFt ment, irrespective of its worth and ns no article 1 {';)${(,|* ftjj valued less than $5 is named on any ccrtficate, it : ■ {-...-a uTll ft t once be seen that this is J i- SC€ .® ^ Wq lottery, but a straiRiit-fonrard ’ * Dougherty Inferior Court, 4TCIIAMBES, April 4th, 18C6. Whereas, two vacancies having .occurred in the number of Justices of the Inferior Court of said counjJ, by th ( 9.death of E. 8.' Walker and the re moval of C. RoJil, frorn the limity of said county: . ” \ It is Qj-dered that an election 1;$ held at the Court House in said county on Wednritthiy, the 2d d;»y ot May next, to fill said vjuyan^i.e!*. Aqd whereas, there wojs no County Treasi elected at the rcgul^ time of holding election County Officers": ’."!*• U i# Qfdered that an election be held on lVcdncs- day. the 2d day of May next, for a County Treasu rer for said count}'. J- JACKSON, J. I 0., - James m. merceii, j. i. c. N. 1*. BRINSON, J. I. U. A lro<s,cilri|«l. ftom the inifljiles. ’ JOlUt K. CARCILE, Clerk. Albany, ^pril 11. 18H0. 23—will THL Underwriters* Agency • .Of New York, CASH ASSETS, Three Million Dollars, ISSUE POLICIES OF Fire & Marine Insurance v Made payable in GOLD or CURRENCY Negotiable and Bankable CERTIFICATES OF INSURANCE * m nsexn *t th» auociatiom. 1C. Or. Hust, -A-genf, ALBANY, OA. Qpjqjier.Rl, 1865. , • E3-lf PURE COGNAC BRANDY. > TRY I,TL genuine Bpurijon YA friskey I ! SOMETHING- REAI.LY GO()Dl S ji © i* r Yi NY *i e. \ * • Port ■ Wiae Pure nnd Unadulterated*!! For sale at • ■I' ,, , . K. II. BACON & CO.'S. Albany, Marfli 28,1866. . 2I-2w ston’a-Warc-JIouse. ! April 21y 1866. United States Internal Revenue^ A^jisTra-i-As.EssoB’s‘OmcB,"'V'' ... AUjfmy, l)a., .May ] 8 , ,HTjG f A LL persona reqnirou by ibo Stutuc to lake oal '/X Licenses are noliflod'that tl, e old Licenses heretofore issued kayo expired Ibis day. .na^S be renewed,nt onee, or, in default thereof, the nen- alfy proyldetl*by the Statute will be enforced. 5 •'" T - A. N. HINES; Albauy, JI,y 5, 18C3. fiR'urt niue .Tils I Hlist. (tj I'fcnertiji L ftiritem I Paitm W JlHcltt, Ac., The treat lovcnlirst/fca Vf. BRADLEY S New I Universal Clothes Wringer | i This invention < 1 . tic Pitre ilpfi.n»fd S Muii'rj, uiu Mrui^iii-iurwnrt. „ 7 icgiIiinnte 'I rtiutiaetton, niny lOHei Neaps, he participated in even by (lie imnl; All Ksscnc?*. Tiflcinr^, L., i (Drug store. Pre.-»cripfioM c«r»fol!*ij E35T- Any on,? wishing to invent in the above on-! E&C Terms* CASH, ter prise can rec.?iye n sample package of a Half-1 Albany. Ga., October 21, Iffii dozen c.ejrtificates, namiogVome of the .nbflvc arti-| " — elest, by sending a stamped envelope benring their 1 "NT*FAfty RTTTPT address. - Certificates not to be paid for unless fully ! is »ALi.J.±t 1 satisfactory. We do this tltat ah’may be convinced ! f bur sincerity und the genuineness oi* our sale. j Call on or addross, PARKINSON & CQ.. I U Q 208 Broadway. N. Y. ‘ Fcbriiarj 28, 1866. 14—2n ELLIPTIC (or double) SFEIM^ of Duplex hi e ilefin^d 8ieel Springn. iiipw TIHi WRINGER to a^ain taken the First Pee.- qnd »< miuni in the Great Fair of the American Institute— W« toughest, most flexible. eUsii* it has also takcirlhc First Premium at the State Spring ever use;. They seldombrnd Fairs' of New York, Vermont, Pennsylvania, Ohio, spring?, and e*n*c*, W n!j In-Hurfa,, Iliinqis, Kentucky, loWa, Wis- pei feci and bleat.tilul slmpc morribrnij consjn;, Connecticut‘River Valley Fa*ir, Champlain RS *ny single spring skirt iLsi eta Valley Fair, nnd at mopt of the County'and lnsti- tukc Fairs throughout tha countryl | The wondvifful flexibiaiy aai ^ Ovc* 200,000 Hava Bm. $M{ ; And arc now in, use ia tj*e United States, aqd ar pews, at to chairs, t'«»r prometiaik. it n«*«r heard of one that tro* not liked . • 't-as ifi e skirt can l»o folded when i The Universal is superior to nil other. Wci«rer.^ small chiee>as casilv und c«ur<ni ift having i-Ai.itK rolls (jf soli.^lndi.i Rubber, So pro- muslin if ess." ^ KcJ,«d. V. eor.wBr.U9 t hat they cannot slip Ada% having enjoyed the pl« breakloosCfrom the shaft. Its strong-yyood frame great couxcij-i^jieo id' wearing il- cannot be broken, and does net run or soil lifts Steel Sprint Skirt, for a single d*jr3i clothes. Every Univevgal W^iger. Ls Wi VJ , r Q s w mingl v dispen«e with tbriT| We select, a felV testimonials from person? widely dren. Mis*cs and’houiig JciJic: tiejV known to the public, who speak from actual ox pc- nllotiiers^ rienee, nntl are above suspicion of misstatement r j - The Hoops tiro covered wiib t “ .My fiitnily would as soon give up the cooking fw:«t>d thread and will wr| ivk stove ns this CtoTifns WniSQKu. It cannot bq too ringfe vnvtLcaxcrwe vlik'i » highly recommended/ —[Solon Robinson. steel hoop skirts. The three bom** “This is the first Wringer I. hayc fpynd that skirt are'also double steel, ond triced Sfroqldjstand the services required of it.’’ , fred lo prevfnt tJ ie rovejing , u .“wffKiqS^Loxejoy’a.lf^^ j rods when dragging, down stairs,^ ., c H,e Machine mu^Ij more Thau pays fo£ ^c , wluch they «re uenstantly ifseirevery year in tJ.c savjpg of garment*/ We in use.’ < ' - Pi'irV” l T , M r L n F rshoula hc whh - f Ml •l' e nmdeoflhe new nnd c. It -*r* ( r,, ” Se Ju i d * Ed,lor of American Agri- 1 nn d are Vie best quality in c '.jVV' a .. . . ! the wearer the most graceful * n dl^ “1 heartily commend it to economists of time, I P ihle and are unnuesiionsbly theS m®«* and qqnrentirtent.’V-fTlie Rev, Dr.-Bellows.!,aedecnoomio!* pFff>“ps~ I W.ESTS. BRAKES a 0A«T.W A -.l-L i, A Jb Sk . Jnve.i.ion, an6 sole MannfatuBO*, ‘*argi;.Wringer, *• A” 00 and 7!» & 81 lteade Streets. Nev Me«lium “ “ B ” l0 001 For sale in all first class Doty’s Washer, Family Size 14 00 throughout the United States a* 11 * . ** “ “ r . J8 00 do Cql? a 7 >Iexico, South Americ*,* Mercha.nls.qr,. goad; canvasser^, qdn make*monev Indli^. ' A|| n «„n„ —u--- * „ . . ' * Inquire for the Duplex EBr] Spring Skirt. * September Oth 1865.—2T pidly selling,'ll;em in every town. Erclnsi,vq «4e gnarant^ea nnd. liberal terms given-to responsible persons who first npply. Desocfictiva Ui.culnr nnd leans sent freq. The grlehrntcd DOTYS.’ (JLQjnES WASJJEU which has just taken the first premium at the grant' Fair of the AtnoritSin Institute, is slso sold by the undersigned. R. C. BROWNING. Geneva! Agent, No. 847*. Broadway, N..Y., LIVINGSTON HOTJSE, ALL KIJSU»< Newton, Bakef^ConntA;, Ga., CJAS l*«„ fitted up by the nSdeTsigned, and'tli. i- j ' Public are requested to-rail. If kind aud pnlitf treatment, the 1 best iher that ean be -r ..blamed und moderate charges wiirhe satisfactory, h' t V U they have all guaranteed it they eali. . . - ,1 I I TV '• U'. W. LIVINGSTON. ^ Newton, Nay. 25, 130 J. » s8 _ Albany Chapter No. 15, A.'Y.-M t T HE regular convocations of this Choptei;arc the second and fourth Friday nights in er month. - • . The companions will plqggs tak„ not j ce aP dV criL l hcmselv.ea accordingly/ - AT Tins OfF'W D. W. q. SI*ENC Ainar^, Arnit 18th, 18C5.-lf, Albany Lodge Ho. 24, F 'A. M. fllllE .regular meetings of JL Hits Lodge are on.the* first and third Friday nights in each month. The 'brethren will please . take due notice and govern . i H^eiflselves accordingly. ' . At W. c. SrENCER, ApriV13th, 1865.4f. Witii Neatness 500 Acres Val rrUIE UNDERSIGNED ^'”^ first .quality of P» n ® ^ 'j^cr > the 11th District, ongm^.j^, ,n< county. Said lota lies ^„ T proved. Titles indispu 1 ^ 1 ®- surplus cash on hand t 0 fi J nnd profitably, would do * i.irc?3W- rf - and give mea call sooD» ora f a Georgia. * June 2(^1860^ ' ‘ ‘