The Albany patriot. (Albany, Ga.) 1845-1866, July 21, 1866, Image 3

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WEEKLY PAT-RIOT. "local Column. ALBANYi GEO., JULY 21,1866, —jftllBY I. HCTltLE ihoriied Agent for tin collodion of Sob- |) (inf t« Ika Pivmnv Hanna i— »nJ other due. to the Patmot Otoi in OINXY S^OjQO! K rip'io“ s >l»eon. On- tho New Advertisements in Ctthbkw, Ga—We ' through our exchanges thdl a glorious has been going on in Cnthbert for tiitie. We think that one is greatly ^ horn. It would doubtless bo pro- -..ire of much good. . • fflllT DOES IT MEAD ! . leam that the freedmen of lljis- and those living near -by, are hav- • V'nightly drills in what is known ns CatHiTs llano, about one mile from the Wo see no necessity * for such a •ort-cducr, and would like to he cnliglit* ,1 on the subject. Would it not he 1 i;,r our citizens to inquire into the mat- r jn ,l ascertain tlieir motives for these jjjl,; There Is no dqpbt in our opinion unprincipled white man is at tho trad of it, Whoso business it is to create, if sihlc,disturbances betweenthe two races, any rate, we think it ndvjs^ljIc™^or" our jjons to iiKjuirc into the master, and he jirinn il, if necessary, to meet any emer- jer that may arise in.future, Ilannira.K 1—Vestcrday while TFS' were rrhssy at tlie case, feeling tliat wo were rrfco with the world and tho rest of man* jjJ »c heard our lititno called, and upon »|airv were told that our friends, (as \vo ,i],Uj Long & Thompson, wished te see Vlaw. Well, not knowing what might Impcii, ivc at once armed ourself with the wtiug stick,'’ and went down, and to ;nat astonishment, as wo approached lack door, “Frank” stepped out direct- afront of us and slid, “Drink!” Being lekrthirsty we did so without asking any :d found it to l>c a glass of tlie 1st old •*!.' * n.loii Stout” that wehavetast- f-r 11 these many days. Wo advise all be are fen 1 of tlie crater, to give tiic-ji a .HaulMir word for it, you will find it auVroue. hbu7 MEET INC.* •Albany, Ga., July IS, 180C. I V an adjourned meeting of the citizens gUn.’lierty county held at tlie Court nrcci Wednesday the 13th inst., t.ocdeet tat-in represent Dougherty County in W.Y.mgivssiunal District Convention Hell at Americas on the 1st A.ignst ittmomi lisle delegates to t hoCanstitu- i:l t iii'in Convention «rPliila<lel]iliknnr ■lull Angust 1806, the meeting was or- iA’i liy calling lion. Thomas C. Spicer f’t l.air, mid the appointment- of John CatyriV a- Secretary. The object of the Mint haling been briefly explained by kHon. 1). 1*. 11 ill, a motion was made and "d tint I Vmghcrty comity lie ropresent- Mlic iipproaching Convention, and that |iMgatrs lie st lcct?8 by this county to Aincneiis at the time spwifled. ■ : im11 a Committee consisting of*W. Wilder, IV I’. Hill, and V. N\ Childers, a appointed to rejKirt tho names of IV.iiuiittiv retorted the names oftlic ing ritizens as suitable Jicrsons to eat this county at Atnericns, to-wit: Warren, John A. Davis, 11. X’. lily, K'Vri.dit, V. X. Childers, and P. d. [*’• Tire report was unhniinonsly JgM P : r '' "‘i, these proceed’tigs were order- J'“'*|m1ili>bed in the Albany Patriot |ceiji-c:i;|.jr tlie;: adjourned. THOMAS C. SPICER, Chm’n. r. Cakhii.k, See’v. , Df Prussian “ Needle” Can. on which was referred to a ia the German War uews will spnAnbiliiy ha frequently mentioned r J tne coarse of tho present European lOcw wards in description of its plan PROCLAMATION! • Extraordinary Inducements ! . To ririOM Ttantiac SEWING MACHINES 1 IHE WILSON SEWING MACHINE Manufacturing company \ , ' ere now offering to the PubUe, \ ’ WILSOUT’S NEW FAMILY MACHINES FOR ONLY TWENTY DOLLARS: t frequent intervale of cTeryVj n be worked or pul* ’ * Wilson’s NEW $20 MACHINE Does away wiA o*r old style cf Treadle Machines. It l« aa large aattfMlMlNchlno. end ia so adapted that it will stand upon auj work-table, and remain firm without fastening. IT FEEDS THE WORK ITSELf, I entirely. The Price of Confederate Currency. In consequence of numerous enquiries daily as to the price of gold for Confederate notes during a certain period, we have, for the convcnicg of our oitixens, prepared a ta ble, showing actual sales from. January 1st, 1861, to Hay 1st, 1865, which is very essen tial to- those who are now desirous of set tling debts contracted daring tho war.'' Priei of Gold for Confederate Kolufnm January I*/, 1801, to May Ul, 18051 ’ 1861. Jan 1 to May 1 6 pr July S to Oct 1 10 pr Oct la to Oct 15 .12 p r Oct 16 to Nov 15. ,.16 pr Dso 1......... „..„....20 pr Jan 1 1802. .80 pr 20 pr ..-20 pr Doo 1 -...20 Don 16 .....21 1864. Jan 1... 21 Jan 15- —20 Fob 1—- Fob 15 -21 March 1- ..tit) March 15 -20 .25 pr April 4 .'—19 Feb 15 >...4Q pr March 1 50 pr March 15 05 pr April 1 >......76 pr April 15 80 pr Mayl..... „90 pr May 15 .......95 pj June 1 .....,...,95 pr June 15.,.-,,.,. 2 for 1 Julyl 2 fori Jnljr 15 2 for 1 Aug K „•> 2 20 fori Aug 15 2 20 for 1 Sept 1 ^2 50 for 1 Sept 15.. n .„. 2 50 for 1 Oct 1 2 50 for 1 Oct 15- 2 50 for 1 1858. Nor-1 to- Feb P 3 for 1 1808. Feb 1 to Mar 1,3 10 for 1 March 1 > 8 25 for 1 March 15 to May 15...... 5 for 1 May 15 0 , for 1 •June IV....... 6 50 for 1 -Tune 15i...'..« 7 50 for 1 Julyl 8 fori July„10 . for 1 \ug 3.........>14 fori Aug 15 15 fori Sept 1 >U fori Sept 15 14 fori Octl .* 13 fori Oct 15 ..12 50 for 1 Nor 1 _13 for 1 EACH MACHINE Warranted for Five Years! AOEStS fTAXrren On Cbnunireioo. or taWork for # regular Salary. Address all Orders— WILSON SEWING MAC JUNE notice to Debtors and i LL per!«on3 indebted 10 the e*(ate of B. 11. Hie- unn, Ucecu!*etl. arc notified tliat they qjust set tic lac same immediately—ami till pez**ous haring claims again-it said e.siatc must pre.->cnt them within the time prescribed by law; or they will he barred. JOHN F. (UU'IILR. A<lr>t>oa estate E. H. llienun, dec’d. ^Tuly rth, I8:ib. * 3;*- OEOR&2JX—Doughorty County. r|>I10M.\S C. SPfCEll having applied for Pro- bate of the last Will of .Sarah as Executor tc the eame. nnd having in his application stated Ibai Nancy SjJcer. Julia Pace, nud »7. Chccr^r Pace, oi the county of Dougherty, and State of Georgia, Coleman B. Fcrrcl? ami Miehvlbury Ferrell, of the Slate of Alabama, Tlio^as II. Spicer nn»l Julia Al ston, of the State of Mississippi, Fdonorn Spicer, aud Ereliao Spicer, of the State of Florida, are the Legatees in said Will, am! you are hereby citcjgo be and appear at the Ordinary’s office at the Court House of Dongherly coi4f»y. Georgia, on tho SE COND MONDAr in September next, ns s iid Will of Sarah Spiccv will then be offe cd for Probate in solemn form, nnd ualcw good cause is ehown to the contrary, cJnti.tcJ lo record. ^ ? _ Ordinary Dougherty Couuty, Ga. July Tib, I860. 39 * . rijjtian of its plan r' 1 “''l , !ra will not bo out of place. I-rarlri.ijc usej in the “Xooille” enn j * j’* siiif furil-boarJ, the hull, powik-r, p'l'iusivo conipbsition, being contained V'uu-1 tin; s.tino cvliijder. Itsgrcat pe- tjl'j ls Uiat tlie detonating powder is V '•"[’•'■ilinlely in rear of tlie base of tho lUu between it and tlie powder. Tho lAf “l *ki* is tliut, wlien the powder 7Ht!ut portion next the bail, in f" Mnbustion is first perfected exert* - °. rwf lI ls-!i the projectile, the powder ais0 exerting its influence, as it he- a most siinultaneonaiy ignited.- Un- ' I' r «tnt system, in which that part \»iWilev next to the breceh of the gun the powder 1s lwl ' mm S" n with the A e 1( . "j" ‘! >n of only partial comhus- Fumed J . slve force of tlie powder first |twZT i? - a,1 . w l ,,: ‘ tc t° fzpell the ball !< £s timl “ ‘, U front '"-fore the whole bait-. „v to „' , S cora6 entirely ignited. Ionian,! n e ! J r , gUn a »t1‘e Powder is T'oobtain iuruf t<,t,lc b est effect, and pi,- M.,1 • ,ul 'est lorcc at the same “redirection. f flic trb-mrT'',"^»ahreceh-leader; and h iuWst .bl rV Rtout “nbedle” k parallel with • '. > lso of thocar- i 'barge by the hln™’ iut ,° tho deto- , 10 * n, l ignition of 1 ,,’ Ca " sin ? the ox- h'Tdie-Xccdl. * i!* 0 oartridgcs. In itsoannot bosur- ? "y'Sei* said te be N whether it will b however, | “"purity the neJ! k.foood to bear T? »« uriivc canvmS n y J? n gb treat- r'l.und sharnriX’"' rrnasutn r,*bhthu gencriuiy, are P'brmish linc wt,!'' 0 - wea Pon, a>-d L^r* »wi i-iihs’-,,- n l .t can he tisod |I r*ectire, ^ oa > k most, prove . NOT ion:- U VPEIt «n uriler of the Court of OrJmary of Worth county, will he «olU nnlia Coun House In mnbollm on li.o 6rst Tuoslay In. -August n,xl. I lie land belonging to llio oftnle of W m. j . Wellons, late of said county, deceased.« being 160 seres, .. ■ , .»i.., «.«mh., l.-.n m the 14th district | April 15.....-....21 May 1 20 May 15„. 18 June 1 to Ju ly 15- 18 July 15 to Aug 16.. 20 for 1 Aug 15.. 22 for 1 Sept 1 20 50 for 1 Segt 15 22 50 for 1 Octl. .......27 fori Oct 15.....* ...^5 for 1 Not 1 20 60 for 1 Not 16......... „28 for 1 Dec 1 32 Deo 16 wJJo Dec 31 »5l 1865. January 1 CO January 15 55 February 1...JK) February 15... 40 March 1 55 March 15 ..57 April 1 .....70 April 16.......a 80 April 20 100 April 26......«2Q0 April 2* >300 April 28 >500 April 29 >800 April 80 1000 May 1 1200 Whioh was l he last ac tual sale of Confederate Currency. FIRE-PROOE WAREHOUSE NEV FIRM! RUST* JOHNSTON. $25 REWARD. S HEREBY forewarn nil persons from giving em ployment to ANDERSON’ LEE, (a Freedman) o has violated his contract by leaving my premi- ses without just cause or provocation. Tho follow ing is his description : Ho is about 21 yearn Did, 5 FTIHE UNDERSIGNED respectfully beg to an- I nounco to Jhe PLANTERS and MERCHANTS oTDoagherty and adjacent Counties, that they hare this day formed a co-partncrshi* under the firm name and style of.BUST A JOHNSTON, to engage in the WAREHOUSE and COMMISSION business, occupying die Fire*Proof Warehouse of Sues & Rost, and confidently trust they will continue to reeeiTe that generous support and pa tronage heretofore extended to each of them. Y. G. RUST. T. H. JOHNSTON, Albany, Oa.,-June 1st,4866. 80-wGm feet 4 inches high,'round face, has very"small ears, three slight scratches over his right eye, very in telligent, color, very dark, I, will pay the above reward for hit delivery to me In Albany, Ga^^ ‘June 23, 1866. “ ' lw B&- Macon Telegraph nnd Journal It Messenger, Will please copy weekly for four weeka, and send bill to this office for collection. JUST RECEIVED, -'another „ MW LOT GOODS for 1 for 1 for 1 for 1 for 1 for 1 for i Ur 1 ' for 1 for 1 for 1 for 1 for 1 for 1 for 1 for 1 for 1 for 1 for 1 Zylob alsamu m. A LLEN’S Zylobolsamum, Allen’s Hair Restorer, Clock’s Hair Restorer, Prof. Wood’s Hair Re storer, Sterling’s Ambrosia for the Hair, Burnett’s Coocoine for tho Hair, Lyon’s Kathairon, Bachelor’s Hair Dye—for rale next to Express Office, by E. II. BACON & CO., Druggists. RADWATS READY RELIEF. M ARSHALL’S Catholicon, Ilclnybolt’a Bncbu, Jayne’s Expectorant, Ayre’s Ague Cure, Ayro’s Cherry Pectoral, South American Fever and Ague Cure, Mexican Mustang Linameot—far sale by R. H. BACON & CO, Druggists* ' Albany, May 19, 1866. 32— MEDICAMENTTTM! TIANSTOCK’S Vermifuge, Scidlitz Powders, So- Jt/ da Powders, Perry Davis’ Pain Killer, and a boat of other popular Patent Medicines—for sale next to the Express Office, by * E. H. BACON & COi, Druggists. Albany. May 19, 1886. >’ 32 A LE AST PRICE CCttRESXT. $12.50® 10.00 1.25(5)' 1.50 to 1.60 1.25@-1.50 i:o, 16@ 2 10(,7) 18 S0@ .35 Flonr, ]kt barrel,.... Corn, per bushel, Com Meal “ — Cow Peas, Grouml Peas, per bushel, w ... Bacon, per pound,.., Lard, “ by the barrel,.... Butter, “ Tallow, “ 8 a 10 Beeswax, “.... 25 Soap, Turpentine, per ft) 20@ 25 Salt, Liverpool, per sack, 475a 5.00 Sugar, brown, per lb 13@ Sugar, refined,, .. 25@ Cotlee, Uio, “ Coffee, Java, ..... 55 to 60 Tea, “ -2.50 3.75 to 4.00 50@ |. 14® ‘ 12i® Tobaeeo, smoking, hale 5 lbs, Tobacco, per lb, by the box... Nails, “ Iron,.. Poivdor,... 1 * 85(fi) 1.00 Shot...... .** 25(e) Criecse" 3h@ 40 Candles, 40@ Candles, K)>crm, per lb, 75 to 1.00 Osnalmrgs, per yard, 32@33 Sheeting,...." 30 Calicoes,....“ 25 to Segars, per thousand, 23.00(<iil 80.00 iyrtip, eaue, per gallon Whiskey, “ Brandy,’..-, “ Wine, “. Vinegar, “ Coal Oil, .“ Eggs, per dozen, Chickens,. Mackeral, per kitt, three doz. Cwlflsh, per Ih, Craekera,." Pickles, per jar, *....,. Candies, per lb, Can Fruits, each, Oysters, Cove, per box,..... Sardines,per box,. Sauces, per bottle, Nuts, per H>, Macaroni, per lb Vermacill,..“ -. Mustards, per jar So<l:i, per lb, Pepper, ground, per lb.. Pepper, berry, 4* Brooms, each, Lye, concentrated, per box,.. 40 to Fresit Meats, per ib, 8 to 12A ew Stock of Family Groceries! j. w. FXniisrT & co., H AS now on hand and are constantly receiving, a largo and fresh supply of Family Groceries, which they will sell to the putflio at ns reasonable rntes as they can possibly afford. Their stock con sists in part of the following named amides: Bacon, Lard, Flour. Sugar, Coffee, But ter. Cheese, Crackers. J’icklcs, Sauces and Catsups; also, Can dies, Nuts, Raisins, Preserved Fruits in Cans, &c., Ac., toget her with niarge quantity of Flue Chew ing aud Smoking Tobacco* and Cigar of tho best brands. Also* Wines and Liquors by the bottle, gallon or barrcll, with tho bestof Cham pagne, Ale and Porter; Duckets, Brooms, Selves, Tin Ware, and many articles too numerous to men tion. . \ - The highest market price will be paid for allkinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE, eitherin CASH or barter. Our city and country-friends will find itdocidedly u their interest to giro U3 beforo purebasin dsewhere, as wo intend to sell as LOW as tt LOWEST. J. W. FLINT & QO. Albany* Juno 2, 18GG. - * 34-6m 75(3 1.00 3.50® 8.00 0.00(^16.00 5.00(a) 8.00 1.00@ 1.25 125a 1.50 20 r$ 25 2.25 to 2.50 5.00 • 20 20 to 25 40 to 2.00 50 to 75 75 to 1.00 50 to 1.00 40 to 50 40 to 50 40 to 75 50 50 25 to 50 20 to 25 75 to 1.0U 40 to 5(1 50 to 75 the balance of lot number li>9 the Widow’s Dower having h. north «iil« or v»i<l lot- SoW f« r b ' uefit uf Jhe “ *ni.I estate. JOEL JOl.N-r.It, AtUl’rof Wnx-F. Wtllons. tho Widow". Dower hiving heto lxiJ off on I lie north tiilo or void lot. Sold for I heirs and creditora.oCjaid estate. ^ June 80,18C6. Worth Superior Court, AT C1IAJIBEB3, AVBH. .I6U1, I860. J T is ordered that the Superior Court of Worth eonnly b» and i» hereby adjourned until^ lh« IIBD Monday In July next. Jurors for I he .April Term awe ordered lo oervo et Iho Adjourned Turin. ParTlea, Council, end Witnesses, will ake due no tice and govorn themselves aceordingly, A tnxe extrect from llie Minutes. April 19,1806 A true extra L. UUbT. Clerk. Jane 1B, 1866. -• • u - _ GEORGIA— Eoashcrly County. - illf J«no 23, 1800. Svbwf t" bow cause, U any they " h ^* his said trust • Given under my irnnn .ignaturs, J W, ROUSE, Ordinary. July 14, I860. ’ BARNETT .& O O., C OTT O N ■■ P ACT 0 B S, Grocers and General Com. Merchants, APALACHICOLA, FLA., & COLUMBUS, GA. E ROMPT attention given to all Consignmei and Shipments of Cotton to New York, New Orleans and Liverpool. Liberal advances made consignments. Forwarding & Receiving House, APALACHICOLA, FLA, nvEAK SIB:—Wo respectfully^oall yonr atlen- II tion to the feet, that we have established a .one* at Apalachicola. Fla*., for the purpose of do ing a General Commission and Forwarding business Having sstablished relations with some ot the best houses in foreign nnd domestie ports, we are pre pared to offer unusual advantages to shippers of ool- ton and other produce. • Special attention will be given to all cotton sent us for tale, cither in oar own or nay foreign market. In addition to our Commission business, we will keep eonelhntly on hand n largo clock of G-IK, O O lEVEfc IE S which win be offered to raerehanU and.planters at prices in the Northern and Western eaukete, tr — jy adding cost of transportation. We will be prepared to accommodate our friends with advisees on cotton sent us for shipment or sale, and to Ornish them with tagging and rope for tb® coming crop and daring the entire season,- N. B.-r-Our house in Columbus, On., will be con tinued at tho old aland, corner SL Clair and Broad SlrcetS ' IUR1ECT&CO. .Juno 16th. I860. 83 -tf- Albany,~May 19, 1866. 82- 8000 £*138. %, by ••• • • • Cr L. E. WELCH, Wholesale & Retail Druggist, INDIAN SPRING HOTEL, Dr. H MAY Gth, I860. Win, H. Whitehead '■ha 9 100 Bottles Quinine, 160' Monphinc, 000lbs. Epspm Salts, 2 Barrels Castor Ofl,- 100 lbs. Balsom Copaiva, 75 lbs. Sprits Nitre, 200 lbs. Sulphur, 200 lbs. Alum, . F00 lbs. Copperas, 500 lbs. Sodw, 10C0 lbs'. Soaps, Assorted, 40 Dozen Ale and Porter, .. ’ 2000 lbs. White Lead, and as sorted Paints, 3 Barrels Kerosene Oil,’ Linseed Oil, Train Oil, Machine Oil, Lamp Oil, Neatsfoot Oil, Olive Oil, Spirits Turpentine, Varnish, Brushes. Sand Pa pers, and complete stock Painters’ Mate rials. Pepper, Spices, Starch, Potash, Can dles, Snuff, Tobacco, Cigars, Fine Liquors, warranted pnre. Window Glass,. Lamp Chimneys, &c., &c. • My stock of Plantation, Family aud Prescription medicines, is large and com plcte., Inducements offered to those buying to sell again. Proscriptions filled, with, care L. E. WELCH, Cor. Brood & Washington Sts, Albany, Go. April 21, 1861. 20— WHOLESALE and- RETAIL *0 An Old Song, set to a New Tune. (^10660-CO - ' . And J[ice and HaU, in spite ofreats, gaily skip about*’' 1 L. LI. WELCH, At the Old Stand, Comer Broad & Washington Sts., AIBANY, GEORGIA. " 18 years established in «. Y. City.” “ Only infallible remedies' known.!’ “Free frosnPotsons.” “Not dangerous to tho Human Family. | “ Rots oomb out of their holes Lrdie.” “Costar's” Rat, Roacfi, &c., Exter’s, Is a paste—used for Rats, Mice, Roacku, Block and Red Ante, &c., Ac., &c., 4o. ‘‘Costar's” Bed-Bug Exterminator Is a liquid or wash—used to destroy, and also as a preventive for Bed-Rugs, &c. Costar’s Electric Powder for bisects la for Jloths, JIusquitoe*, Fleas, Bed-Bugs, ■ Insects on Plants, Fowlt. Animals, &o. gST* !! Beware ! !! ofaty worthless imitation^ JWT Sec that «• CostaiUs ” name is on each Box, Bottle and Flask, before yon buy. r Address. ‘ HENRY R. COSTAR, 482 Broadway; N. Y. ►Sold in Albany, Go., by f all Druggists and Retailers. - 1866.; i Increase or Rats.—The Fanner’s Gazette (Eng lish) asserts and proves tliat qpe pair of Rats will hnvo a progeny and descendants no less than 651,050 in three years. Now, unless this immsense fnmtly can be kept down, they would consume more food than would sustain 65,00(Lhuman beings. 9QT See “ Costar’s ” advertisement above. Rats versus Bim—Whoever engages in shoot ing small birds is a cruel man; whoever aids in ex terminating rats is a benefactor. We should like some one to give ns the benefit of their experience in driving out,theso pests. We need something be sides dogs, cats, and traps for this business.—-Scien tific'American, IP. T. . VST See "O&stab’s” advertisement above 1866. “COSTAR’S” RAT EXTERMINATOR is simple, safe, nnd sure—the most perfect RAT-ification meet ing we have ever attended. *£vcry .RAT that can get it, property prepared, will eat it k and every one that eats it will die, generally at some place as dis tant as possible from where it was taken.—Lake Shore (Hieh.) Mirror. S& m See “Costar’s” advertisement above. HOUSEKEEPERS troubled with vermin need bo so no longer, if they use “Costab’s” Exterminator. We have used it to our satisfaction; and if it coat $5, we wonld have it. We have tried poisons, lufc they effected nothing; but “Costar's” article knocks the breath oat of Rats, Mice, Roaohes, Ants, and Bed-Bugs, quicker than wc can Write'iU' Jt is ia great demand all over tho country.— ? 3ledinq (Ohio) G air tic. - jg&~ See “CosT4R 4 a” advertisement above. Sold in Albany, Go.,, by E. H. Bacon & Co., and • all Druggists aud dealers. •April 25,1800. 27—8m AVINO LEASED THIS LONG and FAVORABLY KNOWN HOUSE of Ehtertainment, located nearer and more convenient to the water than any other public House at the Indian Spring; it is now repaired, faro* * with NEW BEDDING and FURNITURE, and be opened for the reception of visitors on the -1st JnyofJune. The table will be supplied with the best the country affords, served up by experienced Cooks; and tbe Bar with Choice Liquogsand Wines, and with Cigais made to order, of superior brands, by Lipmau and Hogan. The services of MR. L. L. GODDARD/ a gentle men of much experience in similar establishments, lias bocn engaged; under his. superintendence the business of tho House will bo conducted. A superior BAND OF MUSIC will he in atten dance at tho excellent and commodious BALL ROOM attached to this House. Terms of Board, $15 per week, or $45 per month. STAG ESjmnniog DAILY to and from Forsyth, connecting with arrival of cars of M. & W. Rail- Road at that place. A Daily *Jaii is now established and received here, g ' June 2d, 1866. S4-'lm. 7^r*r A-TTENTIOIST! I E- H. BACON & CO., Druggists and Apothecaries, (Next te the Express Office,) ALBANY GEORGIA. O FFER to their friends and the public, MEDI CINES, OFFICINAL and PATENTED. Pills, Powders, •Plasters, Paints, Oils, Vox- * nishes, Dye-Staffs, Paint Brushes, Whitewash Brashes, Sadi Tools, Scrub Broshes, Hair and Clothes Brushes, Perfumery, Toilet Soaps, : Toilet Powders, Puffs, Puff Boxes, Preparations for the Hair and Complexion, •Us. • - Lerosene Oil!! KEROSENE LAMPS, - ® KEROSENE LAMP CHIMNEYS, KEROSENE LAMP SHADES ■ AND FIXTURES. No 1 ARTICLE LIQUORS and WINES ttmrmt-iTffflTgi-frTt, IPETIBIPOSIESk X)wc Stock ia all Wow, and procured Prom tho most reliable Wholesale and Jabbing Haul#, in Xho eonnliy, open terms which enable no to" Sell at LowL’igrires N OW RECEIVING OVER - TWO^fitJNDRPf (Tasks and packages of new goods. $20,000. STOCK. Reduction in Freight—Reduction m Prices! Buying largely from first hands, for Jobbing as well os Retail, I will be enabled to offer Goods at reduced prices. # My Stock will be the Largest and most Complete ever offered in Sontharn Georgia. -Bayers can ex pect to find at all times every article they need in my line. The long established reputation of the House and a determination to improve aud enlarge are a guarantee that when you buy Medicines you get the best. * . - - NBW GOODS WILL BE RECEIVED FROM NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA ALMOST DAILY. Among (he Now Arrirnla, besides a Largo nnd Complete Stock of .Medicines, ore WINDOW GLASS. WHITE LEAD AND OIL, VAR NISHES, BRUSHES AND PAINTERS* MATE-* RIALS. DYE STUFFS, SPICES. SOAPS, PERFUMERY, COMBS, BRUSHES, Great Variety of Toilet Articles, ..CEMENT! barrels bydrauli^cement.- Apply at Bridge Building, or at?, p. John ^ApriiaUW^ * ^ 26-wlw. At Oil tours, day or night, (except on Sundays du- xing .the hours of religious service) ] Call* next to the Express Office an! see for yourselves. Albany, April 25, 1866, 27—Sm Thirty thousand CIGARS, from $28 to $180 per thousand. ' The finest LIQUORS, TOBACCO and CIGARS-to be found in the Market. 100 dozen Pocket Knives, PIPES, POCKET BOOKS, &o, &o. Extra indace- ion{# pffored to Country Merchants, Peddlers and others bn,ing to soil again. Physicians’ & Planters’ orders WILL RECEIVE ESPBCIAL ATTENTION. ^Prescriptions CAREFULLY FILLED. I®*Call and seo my Large Stock and examine prices. Alban,, March 7th, 1806. ■ ~16-l-tf NSWOUffiDR T nE undersigned. will be pleased to see his friends and the pablic generally, at Tin© Old Stand, F&mcrly occupied by Beery & Brinson, where he will offer them A VARIETY OE^OODS, Consisting in parL ot DRESS GtDODSS CALICOES. M Delanes, Jaconet Muslin, Canton,TOnera, Red and White Flannels, OASS33TBTTB, Satlnettej KENTUCKY JEANS, Bradley’s Duplex Eliptio Hoop Skirt, GLOVES, - HOSIERY, COI Under Sleeves/Cotton Yams, Cotton Cards, Hardware, CtTTLEEY, ■WEEDING HOFS.- ' ’ TIIC ’ \ ' ^ , Great Labor-Saving Machine, V.. --VV , IHE Universal Clothes .Wringer Tobacco, Soap, Soda, ST^JRCEC, • DISSOLUTION. T HE partnership heretofore existing between E. T. JONESaml J. M. CDTLIFF, under iho firin asms of Jones & Cutliff, is this day dissolred. Mr. Catliffls nutbomedto aettlo.the bosiness. May 1st. 1866, E. T. JONES, ~ J. M. CUTLIFF." 20—lw IV otloei . v H AVING bought the'intercst of E. T. Jones, I propose lo continue tlio DRY GOODS- UUSI- S, and would bo pleased to see my old friends and .customers. Terms—STRICTLY CASH. „ J. M. CUTLIFF. Albany, 29—iw, Pearsi ; PICKLES. &c., &c. SSF lbs Higitcst Price paid for Country Pro dnos - ROBERT A. BEERS, Agent. Albany, November 11, i«J65. 36-Srp. Sarsaparilla. I TTtl'.S, Sand's, Dr. John Bull's and Old Dr.