The Albany patriot. (Albany, Ga.) 1845-1866, July 21, 1866, Image 4

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United States Government. ":«! ' ' . Title EXECUTIVE. * Andrew Johnson, of Tenn., President. LaFavette S. Fosteimof Conn.. Acting Vice President. •THE CABINET. - Wm. H. Seward, ofNew York, Secretary ofState. H. McCulloch, of Indiana, Secretary ot the Treasury. ■ m Edwin M. Stanton, Qf Pennsylvania, Se cretary of War. Gideon Welles, of Connecticut, Secretary of the Navy. * James Marian, of Iowa, Secretary ot the ' Interior. James Sneed, of Kentucky, Attorney Gen eral. William Dennison, of Ohio, Postmaster General, TnE JUDICIABT. Salmon P. Chase, of Ohio, Chief Sustice. Nathan Cliflord, of Maine, Associate Jus tice. Samuel Nelson, of New York, Associate Justice. R. C. Grier, of Pennsylvania, Associate Justice. James M. Wayne, of Georgia, Associate Justice. David Davis, of Illinois, Associate Jus tice. , Noah Il.'Swayne, of Oliio, Associate Jus- tire. Samuel F. Miller, of Iowa, Associate Jus tice. ’ 5- GE0KG1A—STATE GOVERNMENT. EXECUTIVE IJKPARTSIEXT. Charles J. Jenkins, Governor. R. L. Hunter, Secretary Executive De partment. H J. G. Williams....... Z. D. Harrison, Messenger. • STATE HOUSE OFFICERS. N. C. Barnett, Secretary of State and Sur veyor General, J. T. Burns, Comptroller General. John Jones, Treasurer. J. G. Montgomery, Librarian. Jesse Horton, Captain State House Guard. judiciary. ■ Judges of the Supreme Court—‘Jos. H. Lumpkin, Iverson L, Harris, Dawgon A. Walker. , Clerk—C. W. Dubose. PENITENTIARY. W. C. Anderson, Principal Keeper; C. G. Talbird, Assistant Keeper; A. M. Nis- bet, Book Keeper.. T.UXATIC ASYLUM. Dr. T. F. Green, Supt. and Resident Phy sician ; Dr. T. O. Powell, Assistant Physi cian, DOUGHERTY COUNTY SUP’R COURT J udge R. H. Clark. Solicitor L. P. D. Warren. Sheriff ,...., J. W. Kemp. Clerk J. F. Cargile. Ordinary W, H. Wilder. * COUNTY COURT. Judge Thomas C. Spicer. Solicitor. Wm. Oliver. Clerk. J. F. Cargile. JUDGES INFERIOR COURT. John Jaokson, J. M. Mercer, N. P. Brin son, T. A. Cleaves, F. M.'Thompson, Clerk J. P. Cargile. TO THE CITIZENS OF GEORGIA. The termination of i» eanguinary contest, which for the past four years has pressed an impassable barrier to all social or commercial intercourse be tween the two great sections of our country, haring at length happily oloared away all obstacles to a renewal of these relations which formerly bound us together in a fraternal union; I take tho earliest opportunity afforded by- this* auspicious" event, to greet my Southern-friends, And to solicit from them a renewsl of that extensive business whieh for a quarter of a, been uninterrupted euvc by the great publie calamity to which I have adverted. It is .scarcely necessary, on the threshold of a business ro-union f should repeat the warning so often given to my -friends—to beware of all these spnrious and deleterious compounds which, under the specious and false titles of Imported Wines > Brandies; Holland Gin, Liquors, &c., have been equally destructive to the’bealth of our citizens as prejudicial, to the interests of the legitimate Im porter. ' * 7 JMany years of my past life hare b.eon expended in an open and candid attempt to expose these wholesale frauds; no time nor expense has been spared to accomplish this salutary purpose, and to place before my friends and the public generally ^ at the lowest market price, and in auoh quantities as might suit their convenience, a truly genuine imported article. Twenty-five years’ business transactions with the largest and. most respectable exporting houses in France and Great Britain have afforded mo unsur passed facilities for supplying oorhome market with Wines, Liquors, and Liqmures of the best and most approved brands in Europe, in addition to my own* distillery in Holland for, the ’manufacture of the Schiqdam Schnaps.” The latter, so.long tested and approved by the medical Faculties of the United States, West Indies and South America as an invaluable Therapeutic, a wholesome, pleasant, and perfectly safe beverage allclitautes and during all seasons, quickly exi s ted the cupidity ol the home manufacturers and ven ders of a spurious article under the samo name. I trust that I, have, after much toil and expense, surrounded all my importations with safeguards and directions which with ordinary circumspection will insure their delivery, as 1 receive them from Europe, to all my customers. I would, hqwever, ccoramehd in-all cases where it is possible, that orders be sent direct to my dep'ot, 22 -Beaver Street, New York, off that purchases be made of my accredited agents. In addition to a large stock of Wines, Brandies &c., in wood, I have a considerable supply of old tried foreign Wines, embracing vintages of many years past, bottled up before the commencement of the war, which I can especially recommend to all connoisseurs of these rare luxuries. In conclusion, I would specially call the early at tention of my Southern customers to the advantage to be derived by transmitting their orders .without loss of time, or calling personally at the depot, i order to insure the fulfilment of their orders out of the present large and well selected assortment. UDOLPHO WOLFE, 22 Beaver Street, New York. February 21,18oC. « 13-3m A. X JAMES H. HILL’S STORE! • WEST^SIDE MAIN ST. ' Yon can always’ find* the. Newest and most Fashionable Dress Goods Of ail kindi to be had in any of tho Northern mar ked. Our stock is selected with care and.Uste, sq that the moet fastidious can be suited. WHITE GOODS, (Of all., kinds) SWISS tTAOKONET, TABLET ON'S NAINSOOK, &C., &0. In qualities and quantity to meet the demands of any. Fanoy Goods and Notions) of all kinds; and In BOOTS AMD SHOES, Mur stock is complete, from the Brogan to the finest GLOVE KID. IN HATS AND CAPS, (Both Gentlemens’ and Ladies’,) 'we have a full and complete stock. amity.Groceries, of all kinds. And of the best quality. We have also a large lot ot^ BED BLANKETS. (White and Grey.) In fact,everything lobe found ina Encourage Home Industry! W E fcre now manufacturing at Albany,Georgia a variety of j ~ V Woolen CSoOds Twilled and Plain, Colored and White. WAREENTED PERFECT. —: A nd of the - :p:ro spegttjs OF THR NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER OF . ‘Wasb-ingtofn, X>. C. T niS journal, hating bean twice enlarged, Is one of the largest papers in the country, ft is print ed on finefins white and heavy paper, and contains In Urge and clear type, mom beading matter, in. the form of the latbsTuNews, general and spedal, together with editorial, reportorial and selected matter of interest and importance, than any paper -published south of New York. The Nationai* Intelligencer is devoted to News, Literature, the interest* of Religion, and Political affair*. It gives, during thd session of Congress, correct reports of the debates and proceeding of the two Houses,.as well as the laws and publio docu ments of each session, and at all times and every day the telegrsphiodespatches announcing*the la test intelligence from every quarter of our'own and other countries. The caper has been so long tablished, and is so widely known, as hardly to . _ quire any formal exposition of Us political charac ter and principles. As heretofore, it aims to be as its name imports, a National paper, maintaining the just Constitutional powers of tho General Govern ment on the one hand, and the reserved rights of the States on the other—confident that the Union can only be maintained, while the right* of each shall be respected by both andaol transcended by either. While the Intelligencer advocates what th#Editors conscientiously believe to be right and wise in the administration of publio affaire, it always strives to give ft fair and liberal support to those to whose ' hands is committed that administration; and as they hold an independent press to be one of the great’ safeguards of liberty, and therefore claim the right of csyUsing the. acts of tho Government with free- douJHy endeavor to discharge that duty with modenBlon, candor, and respect, ’ both -for then®- ■elves and those from whom they differ. TEHinS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Daily Edition, ono year.... $10 00 do six months... .. 5 00 do threo months«... 2 50 Tri-Weekly Edition, oneyear.................... 6 00 iContaining all the reading matter of tie Daily.} do do six months...... 8 00 do . do*three months ; ...» .160 To anyone transmitting us the names of ten sub scribers, accompanied with the money, we will send an additional copy gratis. , 9Q» Postmasters arq respectfully requested to act as agents. Address all communications to * Snow, Coyle &,Co., » (Sccoxiions to GALES & SEATON’;) Publishers National Intelligencer, Washington, D. C. , Jnn.9, 1866.- •: . 35- Southem Mutual Insurance Co, Athens Ga. JEFFERSON INSURANCE CO., ALREMARLE COUNTY, VA.. EUFAULA HOME INSURANCE CO., , EUFAULA, ALA. TRAVELER'S LIFE INSURANCE, HARTFORD, CONN. WOODVILLE INSURANCE CO.,‘ WOODVILLE, ALA. JAMES RIVER INSURANCE, H0WARDSV1LLE, VA. SOUTHERN INSURANCE & TRUST CO, SAVANNAH, GA; JOHN A. DAVIS, Agent. Call attention particularly to tho Traveler'! accidents of-all kinds, as well ns lives, and any ono become disabled and,preve'nted from at tending to their, dusioess, they are paid weekly compensations. Albany, Ga., April 11th, 1866: 23- A great variety of Duttons, Needles, Pins, Thread -A &c„ &c. L. K. WELCH & CO. Dec 3, 1865 39- be prepared by the let of Ms, to Cord ^^,7^ take Rolls for Costumers.* , ac ^ city and County. “Stand high for hon- Suitable, for all classes of Working‘People, which we Will sell at Reasonable Prices 'or exchange for Wool dr Cotton. We ask the aUentioiroC Merchants, Planters and others, assuring them that we are determined to make it to their interest to purchase our go^Is. We shall Wool and make 1 N. & A\ P. TIFT. Albfiny,March 31, 1866. * 22^ AXtBAISTY GRIST AND FXaOUR MILLS. TV Albany Steam Mills are now in operation. Making Good Meal and Flour. Customers will bp promptly attended to and freely dealt with. Our Customers svill not be* delayed.. The Grain will be weighed in and the Meal weighed oat, (which will require hut d few minutes) unless *he parties prefer to get the! Meal from their own Corn. Corn should be sent as free from cobs and dirt as possible. All the Corn, as Well as Wheat* that we grind, is fanned through the fan and the trash is not accounted for in'Meal. Watches, Jewelry, Diamonds; ^ Musical Instruments, Silverware, Bronaes, WORTH OTOE ONE MILEIQN DOLLARS, AU to be sold for FIVE DOLLARS each, without regard to value, And jiot to bo Paid For urn. TOO KNOW WHAT YOU AR TO RCI V !1 - 1,768 Gold and Silver Watches were distributed among tho patrons of‘Pabkiksoji &* Company du ring the month Of February, 1866. ^ Read comments by Ohe Press, speaking of the Qrrn in the most com plimentary- manner;— 14 A . most- industrious and prosparona house."—[Shippcnsbnrgh, Fa., Sentinel. " Give all.-who deal with them perfect satisfaction.” —[Dunkirk, N. Y-, Journal. —Enjoys a high rep utation for honorable dealing and the quality of Their goods "—[New Palls, N. Y.', Times. “ SCHOENFELD & ®aoas gnvtrp (SECOND DOOR TO WELCH^?’ Dace.. Ribbons, R ats ’ Flowers, Plumes, Sonlsgs cLi Hll .Nubias, Hoods, Bowen h*' SI, V of all colors »ndd®' scriptiou?, Boots Shoes, Hats & c I . READY MADE CLOTDIXq ■ Also, ’ Returnable to June Terra, 1866, of Dougherty Superior Court. DOUGHERTY SUPERIOR COURT, -. At CuambXB8, March 8, 1866. AU of which we propose to sell at the Very Lowest Market Prices, ALL WE ASK IS A CALL. ’ Raine, Hewett &/ Co. Albany,Nov. 25th, 1865. ' 38— LIBEL FOR DIVORCE. Louisa Mason James D. Mason. } O N bearing the above petition, and being satiated that Defendant is a non resident, it is hereby ordered that service of this petition be perfected by publication in the Albany Patriot once a month for four raontlSt requiring .said Defendant to bo and appear at the Superior Court to be held in and for said county of Dougherty on tho first Monday in June next, then and thereto show cause, if any he has, why the prayer of petitioner should not be granted. „ A true extract from the Minutes.. JOHN F. CARGILE, Clerk. Albany, March 7, I860. 1G—m- FOR MARINE FIRE INSURA.3STCE (Men Fire insurance Comp’y, N, Y. Security Insurance Company, N. Y, Atlantic Fire Insurance 'o,, N ,Y. Phrenix Ins. Co;, Hartford, Conn. Well Fire Ins. Co., Norwich, Conn. Total Capital $15,000,000. •Apply to niXES & HOJJBS, • . * “■ . Agents. Albany, Ga., March 3d, I860. 15—6m B. F. ROBERT, Civil Engineer AXD REAL ESTATE AGENT, .Albany, Ga. W ILL buy, sell, rent, and survey lands sit uated in any part of South Western Georgia, for parties desiring it. Orders left at Charles Yolker’s Storo will be promptly executed, . - . Albany, Ga., October 7,1865. 81 tf Put Money in thy Purse! !Road. to "Wealth. 5 AAA ACTIVE AND RELIALE AGENTS, Male or Female, aud of all ages, art wanted to canvass every City, Town, Village, Ham let, Workshop and Factory throughout the world, for the sale of our WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER-WARE, MUSI CAL BOXES, ALBUMS and other.Articles. Energetic persons of good habits and fair business tact can clearbver $25 per week in the coumry, and a much larger amount in thickly settled localities. 'Wo Capital Required! Samples of our Xrtictes, to the anionn^of $3, will be sent by mail for inspection, and if not perfectly satisfactory no charge! Send your address, if you are of an industrious turn, of mind and in quest of immediate wealth 1! Direct to PARKINSON & CO., Importers, 203 Broadway, New York. Feb. Vth, 1866. . 11- Administrator’s Sale. . Ill ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in August W next, before the Court House door in the town .^f Isabella, Worth county,' Ga., Lot of Land number 804r in the 7th district of said county. Stdd'as tho property of Thomas J. 8umher, deceased, for dis tribution. Terms on the day of sale. • - DANIEL L. SUJINER, Adm'r. Jana 16,1866. - SCOTT'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE! T HE Proprietor of this new Southern Monthly is now publishing Ian edition of two thousand copies. .Its list of contributors embraces a great deal of the best literary talent in* the South and West. Besides the two admirable series now in coarse of publicat ion— . . Decisive Battles of the Revolution, Adventures id South America, the March nupiber contain; the first of a serin by James Wood Davidson, of Columbia, 8. C., entitled How We Show Each Other: THE SCIENCE OF HUMAN NATURE. Thcro vriU also he an oeeaiilonal contribution on Literal are nnd Polities from the pen ofC. H Smith aline "Bill Arp.". " ’ Tho Prize Story will be commenced, id tho Anril number.. r r Teems: S5 per annum; CIqbs.of Ten will be furnished at $4 60 per copy; Cluba of Twenty, at the same Post Office, at Four Dollars. , Address , W. J ■ SCOTT March 10,l8C6.-[17-Im Atlanta, Ga. Southern Bank Notes Wanted E. Sj. janwey, at the Store Boom ocoupied by RAINE, HEWITT & CO., is paying the highest market price for Southern Bank, Gold and Silver. Albany, May 12th, 1866. 31— THE LONE STAA SALOON (Three doors below the Printing Office,) ' GA S AVING lust received n fresh supply of ALL KINDS OF THE BEST LIQUORS with the Northern market is stocked, such as Brandy, Whiskey, Wine, Champagne, (Jin, &c.. Stc I am'*now prepared to suit the palates of any body. I receive IQE regularly from Macon. . Also. 1 am in constant receipt of GOOD OLD ALE. CalL id see me. THOMAS II. CLARK. Albany, Go. Feb. 28,1866. 14—tf An Ordinance Be tf ordained by the Mayor and Membere of the City Council of Albany, anditis hereby ordained by the .authority aforesaid : THAT no licensed retailer of spirituous or fer mented liquors, or any other person whatever, shall either by himself or Agent, sell or barter any spir ituous or fermented liquors in ahy quantities what ever, on the Sabba III Dajyunters in cases of sickness or absolute necessity, Jo be judged of by tho Mayor; and upon a violation, of this Ordinance such person so offending shall be fined not mure than FIFTY DOLLARS. ApprovetfMay 19th, 1866. ~ ’ WRIGHT, Mayor. • Attest: J. F. Cauoi •May £6, 1866, iLiTCl’k of Council. Administrator’s Sale. sold on tho first Toe,day In August next, before the Court Home door iu- tae town of Isabella, Worth county, Ga., lot-of land number 109 In the I5th District of said county. Sold ns the property of James ISucfcelew, deceased, for tlieben efit ot the distributees. Terms on the dnv! ■ ° CELIA E. BUCKELEW, Adra’r de bonis non—^Will annexed. June 9, 1866, • . CEMENT'i! BARRELS «YDR4ULIC CEMENT.— For sale by NELSON TIFT, jjgy Apply at Bridge Building, or at II. John ston’s Ware-House. April 21,1866. 26^—w4y. CT Job Work executed at this oflice in good si ylc. Also, blanks se»- urnished of every description, N. & A. F. TIFT. Al^wny, March 31.1866. METALIC BURIAL LONG & THOMPSON’S, Under tlie Printing Oflice GN BROAD STREET, ALBANY, GEORGLV. esty and'fair* dealing.”—[Fishkill, N. Y. Journal. “ Honorable and fair .dealing men.”— : [Stapletdn, N. Y. Journal. ” One of the"oldest and most relia ble firms in. business.”—[Canajoharie N. Y. Radii. “ Keep their word and act honorably by taeir pat rons.” riWons N. Y. Pres9. ’ 500 Solid Gold Hunting Watches-...$300 to 750 500 Magio Cased Geld Watches...... *250 to 500 500 Ladies’ Enameled Watches........ '100 to 500 500 Diamond Cluster Dadics’ Seta... 300 to 700 1.000 Diamond Solitaire Rings... • 75 to 250 r 1,000 Uqavy Silver Hunting Watches. 75 to 15Q- 1.000 Open-face Silver Watches......;.. 20 to 75 1,000 Silver and Mahogany Musical lBoxes 100 to 500 1.000 Silver Dining Sets 75 tojJ60 1.500 Silver Tea Sets, complete ; 60 to^200 2.000 ^Tlver Ufits and Strivers 75 to»250 2,000 Seven Chambeif Revolvers ... , 75 ta 800 2.500 Tatent Single Barrel Pistols...... 25 to .75 2.000 Richly Framed Oil Paintings.... 1 76 to 350 2.500 Elegant Pearl Opera Glasses.... ; 25 to 75 3.000 Mammoth Photograpn Albums... . 15 to 50 .-3.QHQ Cluster Diamond Rings. .......... 25 to 100 3.000 Ladies’ Oval Bracelets../.;.. 15 to-60 3.500 Gold Chains of different designs .25 to 300 3.500 Gold Thimbles, chased.*. .6 to- 6Q 10,000 Signet and Plain Gold Rings.... 5 to 75 10,000'Gentlemen’s Scarf Pins.... .. 5 to 50 12,500 Brooches and Ear Dropsw . 6 to 86 12,*500 Gold Lockets, double glass 5 to 35 10.000 Gold Pens and Gold Holders...... 10 to ^75 10,000 Sets Studs and^SIecve Bntfons^. * 5 to *25 6,000 Silver Goblets and Driuk’g Cups , 5 to 50 6.000 Sets Tea, Table & Desert Forks 10 to 25 5.000 Sets Tea, Table & Desert Knives 10 to 25 2.500 Revolving Silver Castors 25 to 75 ' 2,500 Silver Cake and Fruit Baskets... '25 to 75 12.500 Wine Holders and other articles 6 to 75 To immediately dispose of the above magnificent stock, certificates namin^Jic articles stc placed in sealed envelopes and well mixed. Holders are e'*- titled to the articles named, on their certificate upon payment of $5 whether it be a beautiful Watch, or a Musical Bok worth $500, or a Plain Gold Ring, worth $5. The ret urn of any of our certificates en tities you to tho article named thereon, upon pay ment, irrespective oif its worth and as no article valued less than $5 is. named on any cerlficate, it will at once be seen that this is No Lottery, but a straight-forward S*;,*?^* legitimate transact ion, wliielt may aoapsi be participated ill even by the most faslidions! tfS?* Any one wishing to invest in ihe above en terprise can receive a sample package of‘ a Half- dozen certificates, naming some of the above arti cles, by sending n stamped envelope bearing therr address. Certificates net to bo paid for unless fully satisfactory. We do this that all may be convinced of our sincerity and the genuineness of ouf sale. Call on Or address, . f PARKINSON & CO.. 208 Broadway, N. Y. February 28, 1866^ ^ 14—3m * FINE ASSORTMENT of METALIC COFFINS J\ from the smallest to the largest sizes have just been received by us, and will- be kept always on hand. Persons, desiring Coffins of this kind can purchase them cheap by calling on LONG & THOMPSON. Albany, Feb. 28th, 18GC. . ^ 14—tf GENTS' FURNISHING G0 0& | At lozrest rates in ttia “ I order to establUh a repilar dent that we can sell cheaper than " F ""* in the cify. wc desire a trial (o c ™’,V.° U, 3 truth of the assertion. Messrs. W 5 J. T. HESTER, ns clerks, ore and wfll be pleaeed to see their old Albany, Jaw. 27tb. 1860 -6 leadl 1 GILBERT &HILSfi( Brag Store, my, Georgiy RAVING just received a large snpplj Drugs & Medicines,! are now prepared to fill ordera for tbeir| old customers and friends. - We Have On Hand QuiDine, Jlorphinc, Gam Opiam, Powd’ Opium, Epsom Saifs, ' Jiocbelle Salts, Glauber Salts, (.’operas, Bloc Stone, Spices, taster Oil, Masted OH, Kcrosioe Oil, Dougherty Inferior CouS%, AT cn.VMBES, April Jlh, 1866. Whereas, two vacancies having occurred in the number of Justices of-the Inferior Court of said ounty, by the death of E. S. Walker and the re moval of Milton C. Ball from tho limity of said county is ordered that an clccticn be held at the Court (louse in said county on Wednesday, the 2d day of next, to fill said vacancies. And whereas, there was no County Treasurer elected ot the l-eguluf time of holding election for County Officers: It is ordered that an election be held on Wednes day, tho 2d day of'May next, for a Couuty Treasu rer for Said county. J. JACKSON, J. I. C. t JAMES M. MERCER, J. I. C., N. P. BRINSON, J. I. C. A true extract from the minutes. JOHN F. CARCILE, Clerk. Albany, April 11. 1866.23—wtd THL Underwriters’ Agency Of New York, . CASH ASSETS, Three Million Dollars, ISSUE POLICIES -OF Fire & Marine Insurance Made payable in GOLD or'CURRENCY Negotiable and Bankable CERTIFICATES OF INSURANCE * * MI KSUXD ST THU ASSOCIATION. Y. Gr. Rust, .Agent, ALBANY, GA. Oc!ob«r 21. ituiGL 83-tf While Lcatf, Lamp Black, rmiy, CalwMl, Iliac Jlass, Blist. OrjR, I'ldYorlBg Exin Azomta, Sezodont, Pcrfcacrj, Palm Jltdictaj iintchcs, Ac., All Essences, Ticciurrs, &c„ usuafij btf i| Drng Store. Prescript ion* earefullr cobjm J 8®- Terms CA81L Albany, Ga., October 21, 18G5J NEW SKIET'FOR 1861 The Great Invention cf tbe | Hoop SYiirfs, J. W. BRADLEY'S Kew FatMtJI - — - . ELLIPTIC (or doul)Ic> SFRJDf0 SER| tmversal ClOlhCS V\ rlllgCl* ! This invention ccnsists 'if Dppui ° " j tic Pure Refined Steel Springs,' ingenious!,!! * THIS WRINGER has again taken the First Prc- ‘ tightly and firmly together, e4 S e u> edge, ium in the Great Fair of the American institute—toughest, moat flexible, elastic t»4 • .. has aRo taken the First Premium at the State paring ever used. They seluomW crirnW Fairs of Now York, Vermont, Pcnm.ylvnria, Ohio, j tho pi »S le ?P»*‘ngSv nnd consequently presemr Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky, loWa, Wis-[perfect and beautiful shape moi cousin. Connecticut River Valiey Fair, Champlain i us an y single spring skirt that Valley Fair, and nt mosff of the County and fasti- { made. . lute Fairs throughout the country. The wonderful flexibility and great no*! nnn non tt * *n n n pleasure to any lady wearing the Dnp.a Over 200,000 Xl&YB JdCGH ibolcli' k?kir: will be experienced ^arn'mlarly iD n. - . assemblies, operas, carriages, railroad cais,i And tjre now in uso in the United States, and teei pews, arm chairs, for promenade nndhwuei never heard of one that teas not liked . J a*.,he skirt can be folded when in The Universal is superior to all other Wringers, • small place as easily and conreniendy in having larqk rolls of solid India l’*ubbcr, so pro- j musliu dress, tteted by strong cogwhek’.ls tliai they cannot slip! A lady having enjoyed the pit or brenkloose from the shaft,- Its strong wood fiQine • great convenience of "wearing D"I*kt cannot be broken, and dt>es not rusi or soil the Eiecl Spring Skirt for a single day will near! clothes. Every Universal Wrtngor is Warranted. - * We select a feW test imonial»from persons widely known to the public, who speak from acmal expe rience, nnd are above suspicion of misstatement: j “ My family would as soon give-up the cooking stove as this Clothes Wringer. It canuot bo too highly recommended.”—£Solon Robinson.-. ••This is the first Wringer I have found, that would stand the services required of it.” [J. P. Huggins, Lovejoy’s Hotel. ‘‘We think llie Machine much more than pays for 4k?lf every year in the saving of garments. Wo think it important the wringer should be fitted with COGS.”—[Orange Judd, feditor of American Agri culturist. ‘‘I heartily commend it to economists'of time, money and contentment.”^—[The Rev. Dr. Bellows. - 3?IiTo~Es7 Large Wringer, “A” .....$!2 00 Medium “ “B” 10 00 Doty’s Washer, Family Size 14 00 • . “ Hotcl a ... 18 00 Merchants or good canvassers can make money rapidly selling them in every town. Exclusive sale guaranteed and liberal terms given to responsible persons who first apply. Desccnptive Circular and terms sent free.’ The celebrated DOT VS’ CLOTHES WASHER, which has just taken the first premium at the great Fair of the American Institute* is also Sold by the wards willingly dispense with their us*, h* 0 ! dren. Masses and Yeung Ladies they are all others. - The Hoops are covered with two pj twisted thread and will ..wear twice as bug single yarn covering'which is used on all stecVdioop skirts^ The three botlwnfousu skirt are also double steel, and twice cr prevent the t rods when dragging - &c, which they are constantly subject tt ^ in use. • All are made of the new and elegant coriflj and arc the best quality in every tho wearer the most graceful perfect siole, and are unquestionably tbs •sirable, comfortable and economical WESTS, BRADLEY 8c CARY, Invention, and* solo Manufacturer?, Vi and 79 & 81 Beadc Streets, New Yoit- , For sale in all first class Stores in throughout tho United States and ^ anf-l y.Ji ■de Cuba, Mexico, South America, “ 1 Indies. „ Inquire for the Duplex Elliptic l Spring Skirt. . if September 9th. 1865.—27 ' ^ PURE CdG-NAC BRANDY. TRY IT! genuine Bourbon Whiskey! SOMETHING REALLY GOOD! Sherry "W ine! Schiedam Schnapps, Port Wine Pure and Unadulterated!! For 6ale at „ " *' ’ • . in ,, L E-H. BACON & CO.'S. AUiany, March 28,1866. 21-2w TTnited States Internal-Beyenue’ Assistant Assessob’s Ovfice ; Albany, Ga., May 1st, 1866 f A LL persons required hy. the .Statue t„ take nul f\. Licensee are notiflcd that the old Licence, reretofore issued have expired Ihis day, end must be renewed at once, or, in default thereof thaw ally provided by .the Stetuto will be enforced P A. N. HINES, Albany, May 6, 1SC0, ' ' Ass ” ! Q °r- undersigned R. C. BROWNING, General Agent,. . No. 847 Broadway, N. T; LIVINGSTON HOUSE . .* Newton, Baker Countv, Oa., H AS been fitted up hy tho npdorsigned, and the traveling public are requested to call. II kind and poiild treatment, the best-fare that can be n^ineii and tnnderate charges will be-satisfactory, they have ail guaranteed it they call; - W. VV. LIVINGSTON Newton, Nov. 25, 1363. 38- Albany Chapter No, 15, A. Y, M. T IIF, regular con'vocations of this Chaplet are on the second and*fourth Friday nights in each month. The companions vriil please take notice and gov- era themselves accordingly. -' •-* D. W. C. SPENGEtl. ■ ■ Aldaxy, Aim;it. loth, lSOS.-tf. Secretary. Albany Lodge No. -24,'F A. M, fir 5 ’ first 1HE^regular meetings of this Lodg<i are on the Tho brethren will please take due notice and govern themselves accordingly. - We are now prepared to do ALL KIISTDS 0*1 JOB fOSl AT THIS ornef. Witli jWeatness and P' W.-C. SrENCER, Albany, April JSl!,; lfC.0.-tf, Secretary ' J+ - - j’rSc.(Su .v.-- ' - r • 500 Acres Valuable L npilE UNDERSIGNED off*”’ X first quality of pine ‘ a „« > the 11th District, originally. oounty. Said lots lies adjoining. v- proved. Titles indisputable. {to i ,T *: ‘ surplus cash on hand that they c raini^ u and profitably, would do well ’and give mo a call soon» or OW 11 ^ H* ® Georgia. * June 2d, 1806,