The Albany patriot. (Albany, Ga.) 1845-1866, August 11, 1866, Image 3

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PATRIOT. - . „,,_The exercises of my N uro c<l o,' MONDAY, 3.4 ^perwo-tb,* 510 ^. ac ® fU rTD MOORE,Principal. y ou - T , s oa Coilon. v r3 . tc ,,li<Mi is MlUxlto the repeal impo s i n 3 a c '^y *** of 25 ’ „ cotton brought juto the city .Cotton in store on that CROP ITEMS. iSrrc’f " r "'" ^ s ™ c ■»a«aaBaaB8&E:a 2 jM f**?7 ln 0>e seasoii. There is a At ouderful comeout in tyheat. It-multiplies and replenishes the earth with extraonlina- the wheat ®F a " gram heads arc Ion’.and ^“"Sh.the stalks are thin, the graios ti the vcr T *3? lined.- may be brought to city 'noiluiuE. v gening last, a difficulty oc^ sMr. Robert A. Lernax of v ,nd F. M. Tison of Worth jioh Tison was instantly killed. ’ . rt whtoh lead to this, unfor- e these: Tison, in company' j friends, had been to Albauy on [rUtehere ho became intoxicated^ Isnin? home, in company with Ythiv stopped at tho store of j,>ni) Tison boAight a box of sae- „proffered to treat the crowd tifkanx would erod'd him.— ,' r; i,liid that he uid not do aejed nut that he (Tison) had not |,ih.' sardines. This seems to Jtisoa mad, and he immediately L onlines, and remarked that Inhumed rascal, and that he l him oat of sight, Ac. Af- r words being passed, Tison Lti! laggy and started home.— Jy*-?V'.d hut a short distance,' bo- turn back and make !i:it he liad said, llis siade him ftom doing so, LliWia not, and mnncdiatcly 111, -tore amt comuieneed curs- c.Wrt» h'o pistol and freed id &4 tnravljl touching the. r h i; ear of Lentax. T.emax r are with a demble-barrell ,agh the window of his store, i tdiei cflvvt in the right ffia" him almost instantly. M-an tolar regretted, but »i- the first law of nature, rtlj justitial.le in com p average crop[ but the fraction. Inokipg is pinch smaller‘ tlian ”be!v.^•'itfcbcen eredited two months since, fii™ C ™R 13 magnificent. AJl reports tyom all quarters concerning it arc highly T ‘ er0<:au ”» A«»toe ^ the * al Jd with such a corn ccop, , tnoi's—\V« rygrer very much to “•y 8Uch nnfavorablc accounts of the crops and cspecmlly from-the hills. Ownia tallK! uncommonly wot spring, OT^eqitoftj dry summer, the crops have JHanters wear the most doleful faoes.and predict that not a fourth of what was antich pated wilL bo realized. NEW BOOKS! ! PRISOULIFEW JOTFRarfdS DAVIS—It; Dr. J. J. Craven, U.S. H. . 1 ■ EtCTERS F°LLY-By Mrs. nenry Wood. gTOVTOM«0y8 EXPLORATIONS TO -TIIE NF.WGRANADA—RyProf. Holton. LIFE OP •• STONEWALL ” JACKSON-By John Ellen Cooke. . Footed WAf * ® TIIE BHBELUOS-B, H. 8. Ju»l roeeieed end for aaleby ' t E. WEUB & CTO. Angus* 4ti,*T8ua. Health! Comfort! Pleasure! $W of Family Groceries! J- W. FLINT & CO., In many instances, owing to planters have had to thrtiw out 1 the. grass, - —- from ft-third tontaU ofwhat was plantcdi Iw Hinds and Warren we ar e told there' will J3o bare- iy^nnsb made for bread. - Tho wily part of the country front which the reports arc in any way favorable is Issa quena, and the countrydust above and be low. There it is said tbp orops aro pretty* good, and if the worm doesn’t make its ap- •. .. _ - ap pearance, as.good a crop will be made as could be expected—vie July 26. iTanil • 1 n? elliganccfli* U t! Sit rman’s March »:iiint'vig tl^. d'.'Sohitioir i :t*v spreads hi its hostile woiitrv, even under tlic -t hi s ieiithnis leaders ttin^people. through, whose ■u.m-li of Shertiiau car- calrimities of tire and tVeriinwand abominations *“‘uin sui h masses of men cn- sbromh'iiimal by their con- ebitter dciiunfe'ytjtions which ins invoked, while smart- [tn'ataiius. upon the North- on the contrary, of- i 'ii'ir patience and .their si- Imve ive thus felt as ns of tile t rophies so y, brought 'iitorious troops, have' n ai ion, dd in these reflection, by hi to our notice. us, no» lung since, a i'11 watch, witha fine moiri-h ornaments, that 'ddambiR, South t’nrolina, ' o': ;s rushed into a fine ■' i 1 s ed, and in a cligmber, r'jblv hud just in terror chain were lying upon l tll ', r wtalilfaiomift m«J loan ^"'«1« it C'Oja N<*.' 502 *! tiiaaveiiuc, iivfhis city, Amm's trumpet, some fiiot ilength, of solid stiver, •“Hewing inscriptipiis mui'jKuuleut I-'iro Engine '"‘IT, Dvcemher 21, 1836, 18. 1837; William ®«T, 17.1838; William . I. Mackey, -’'i 'lui M. Kcn/.ie, l)e- 5 • Mackey, December '''to the Independent “J* ®f flolumbia, South jJ" R. (I. Company, of -Tolina, November 10, '’fit in pawn at Messrs. ■i .'’ ‘""nt by one ofSher- 'U" bada Miiru' ‘"'d' 'the reb< Is con i' 0 "'in the streets ofCo- r ; f r? j* “«» ickybitrg Herald, A private letter from, onr Sumter corres pondent says r “We have had some very re freshing showers, which, if too late for much ofthc early planted corn, will yet lie ‘ofgreat service to the rice, late earn," Jieas and potato crop. 'Die cottoii likewise, will -be greatly benefited, and altogether the prospect is mnch better than it was a week- ngo, AU of wliicbis vcry- gratifying, for greenbacks are distressingly scarce, and every one is looking for the harvest to re vive-the biasness of tho country.—Charles ton Courier, 2d. It is stated that the crops in Southwest ern Virginia arc- of the most promising character. The oat ami ha? crops, uow harvested are splendid, and tho com crop promises to yield a most bountiful harvest. There will, it is lielieved, be almost enough produced, to feed tho entire State. The wheat turned out better than was expected, and realised about half a crop. ISf* Tiierc is top much idleness in this country. It is breeding vice and immorali ty^ It is filling our jails with criminals!— Crime lias been on the gradual increase- for six months. This comes of idleness; anil idleness comes in n great measure of that abominable idea tU*»t at white WS.n.cannot lie it-gentleman and work. lie must get moil- ev, for that is indispensable. But liow?— That’s it. Young men have not the dispo sition to work, and, by patient economy, se cure a basis for bysiiiess operations, ’fils'): must have it now. Thissnggcsts expedients. These lead to temptation, and temptation leadsto i-riini'. Hence wo liave murders, ttitrsc thefts and breach,esnf trust. Wliy should a young irmn fonsidci; it de grading or even undignified to work?— Presideii^jdiinwn, purcliascd his present residence niEast'3'i'nucssce with the pro ceeds of Ids labor as a tailor. One of the wealthiest bankers fn N*cvv York commpnc- e-l the world as a gnrdeijcs, ci'llijig to- the huckster the products of his own labor.— Oen. Pat. Cleburne, at one time at the iwad of tlic Arkansas bar, subsequently the ru- riug spirit in a powerftlf army, began life as a day laborer. Judge Reagan, 1’ostuinstor General of tlic late Cwnlideratc Statcs, was Slice a wood-chopper on the batiks of the Mississippi The woflhlibftiJl of such ex amples. Hnt wlivse can we jioiut to a suc cessful man who spent his ■ arlv youth in. liuntirg'business wbiob he considered to be more genteel than manual hibor? Who Ins ever hi'ard of a iwtii »nce«cding who. spent his'ea.rly manhood “waiting for somc- SiTng to.t,:irn Uf*T . Young man if you would succeed, go. to work Ifyout cannot obtain a clcrksliip. ; take something else.. You had better be rolling barrels, of plowing, or building fen ces, or chopping cord wood, on carrying the hoe, than doing nothing Quit depending niton vonr friends. Strike out fur voiirselt:. - * -• — ■--* lessons— *r xua OLD STAS D «» H AS uow oo lukoil and are constantly reviving, o Urce and .Crush supply of Family Grrocex’ies, which they will sell to thh putilio st ss reasonsb.i rates ss they esn possibly sflbnl. Their stock con ■“•i 1 in P*rt of Ike following named nrlieles j Bacon, Lsrd, Flour. Sugar,Octree, Butter, Cheese, Criekera. Pick-fes, Sauces and Catsups; alio. Can dies, Nuts, Itaisins, Preserved Fruits in Cans, itc., Actogether with a iargs quantity tf (7ueCHew- ing suid Smoking Tobacco, and. Cigara of the beat brands. Also, Wises And Licuiors by iho bottle, gallon or barratl, with fhe hestofChnra- tgtML Ale wd Purlari-Busketa, Broomsi Seiros. at w arc, awl many ankle* too aumssoua to men- on. * The highrst market price-will be paid for all kinds o< COUNTRY PROWJCB. sit her in CASH or barter. Our mty and eot»lry friends will find itdeeidrdly lo their Intere-tt to giro ns a cull before porchdslng elsewhere, as wa mUwt to; sett •* LOW ns the LOWEST. J. W. FLINT & GO. Albany, Jane 2. I860; Gl-Gm The Summer of 1866. INDIAN'. SPRINGS, GEORGIA. T IIE undersigned, proprietor of the ELDER II 0 US fi, ivt'the above named celebrated watering place, begs invite all in search of health,'comfort or pleasuie, 'during tho ensuing- warm season, to give him a calT. . An experience of several years gives confidence that the necessities and tastes of ail can be insured. The buildings are located near the Spring, with ahady and%>leasant walks leading -thereto. The general accommodations are we\J adapted to theuse. of families or invalids. For the. information of all, the prices for Board aye stated as follows: TWO DOLLARS. Single Day. TWELVE DOLLARS. Per Week. FORTY DOLLARS, PenMenth. ~- I have also a first class passenger coach*, of suffi cient accommodate fourteen passengers each trip. The teams said coach is under the man agement of Mr. CHARLES FOSTER—ran old and experienced driver—who will waU*Qpon visitors upon the arrival of the trains at-Forsyth, daily 1 Thankful fbr past favors, the proprietor of the ® wi**“ im * ELDER HOUSE will be pfeosed to gfeefthlsfriefidii ous of spendinj comfortably as is possible, an< who may be desirous of spending the warm season id-in a health; t healthy lo W. A. ELDER. 40—4 w fy ■ Cc'-OS E j . ■ >>. ^ - UAUlCHAHiPlUS ■>j ..^.''ftorA .v". CHILLS ^ FEVER i-.CFRT.Miv c.^) V•; An Old Song, set to a New-Tune.; r.ii Wr 18003 j* ! % AGENTS WANTED FOB The Life and Cainptugns of GEN. ST0KEWALL JACKSON, Br Pbof. R. L. DAnxxr. D. D-.,orV.%. THE Standard Diograpliy of .the. Immortal II The only edition authorised by his widow. The au thor a personal friend and of Staff of^the Chris tian Soldier. We want ah Agent in every county,. Send for circulars and.seo ouc terms. Address NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO.. 214 Seventh St., Richmond. Yn. July 21,18G0. - 4l-4w Albany Male & Female Academy. H AVING pnrch&scd the controUing interest in the above named property. wWr n view to re suming jpy professiou (followed for twenty-five years) ( would hereby respectfully inform the pub lic ot my nu?nose k ou the 1st of October next, in the aforesaid institution, to open a school fully adapted to the wants of the citizens of Albany and the com- lOnnity at large. M.. T.. CAMPBELL. July 7th, 1»0«, • SiUSm* U. a J. R* OFFICE, \ AiDAXY, Oa., June 28th. 1806 N OTICE is hereby given that tnv annual list for 1865. will be closed on-tha-TI^RVIl of next month, and all persons who, after U»«t Jate, have not returned t-hoir* Income Tax foe- 1805, wilt be subject to pcuallj as defaulters. A- 71. HINES, Aa't. Assessor, , Ja^is 80th, 1800. ' . 88— Zylobalsamum. L LEN ? S2ylobalsamum. Allen’s H tlr Restorer, Dougherty Superior Court. * Jane Term, 1866. Jo3Ern S, Smith, y RULE NISI, e*. V To Foreclot« Gko&oe H. Cheever, ) Mortgage. Admuitstrator tm the Estate of VV* VV. Cheever, deceased. It appearing tut he Court by the petition of Joseph JS. Smith, »hat on I lie seventh day of July, eighteen hundred and fifty-eight, William W. Cheever, by deed of mortgage, conveyed to said Joseph S. Smith all that city Tot or parrel of land in the city of Alba ny, county of Dougherty, and State of Georgia, kmm r>in the phut of said city as Htal'part of city lots numbers forty-six (-46) and forty eight (48) on Commerce st reel, descriU d as follows: Ct irmnenc- ing at a. powt oalbe WcsJem line oflot number forty-eight, thirty feel from the Northwest corner of said lot forty-eight, thence due East to the Eastern fine of said Jot number forty-six one hundred abd five (10&), feet thetKte due Soutli,on the East lino ot lot forty-six, (46,); sixty feet thence due West, to the Western line of lot forty-eight; one huadicdand five feel Htencedue-Norths to the starting point, being sixty feet fronting on Jackson street,, by one hnndrttl and fire fort v &ir tlm securing to payment cf a note, made bjr said Wilttam W. Cheever.* dated on ,U>e* seventh day of July, eighteen hundred and fifty- eight, payable to Joseph S. Smith or bearer, and due twelve moi ths after aale, for the Sum of three hun dred dollar?, with interest from date; winch euid note ia now due aaid unpaid; and it fnrriter appearing Uiat now, Wm. VV. Cheever has" 'depa»ted this life, and iIihI George Jf. Cheever has been duly appointed Administrator on. the estate o£ said Wil^uu VV. Clieever, deceased. It is orderidthal saidGetirgo II. Cheever, Ad. mimstrafor ms aforesaid, do pay into this Court, be fore the first day of the next T-erm thereof the prin cipal, interests and costs, due on said note, or show cause, if any he has, to the' contrary, ns in default thereof foreclose lire be granted to toe said Joseph 8. Smith, of said uiert^age, and the equity of redemp tion . of said George II. Cheever, Administrator as ufrresaid,therein le furever barred'and lliat service of ill's Rule be perfected on said George W. Ckeevei Administrator, as aforesaid, accorc iug lo law. HINES & HOBBS, Prff*. Atl>. June 6th, 1866. ... A true extract from the Minutes of Dougherty Superior Court, Juue Term, 1866. John F. Cargh-f., Clprk- Alba nv. Jnly 28«h". 1866. —»n4m. lubstance. Tho prat sdrantage tlio I'ropri >*r those Tills Is-that, without tbo aid of Calomel,' * Kfne Mas.% or any other Minerals they will core tho' • most ohflUoate czsl* of C111I.LS AND FEYETt, JHTMD AGUE, I'EItlODICAL HEADACHE, NF.U- * lTALGIA. and alt affections of a Tike character. Fol- torr tho directions, awl yon'Kill find thoy-will <V> all • that Is eTafnied for them; Try ono bos, and Uielr v owa merit* will recSmincad them erer afterieards.. . tST Vtphavo usett iinllighn*'* 1‘Ms, and h%vo nover known them to fail to euro when the directions . wore followed, awl anhesttatlngly recommend them to*. pahUeCavor. ^ - Hox. T. II. tVATTS, Ex-Oor. of Alabama.“ 44 T. J. JCDG E, JiulRO Soriremo Court of Ala> • * KOBEUT DOUGUEETY', Judder Cth Circuit of Alabama. . • Wm. O. WALLER. Sheriff Montgomery Co., Ala,. llox ALEX B. t'LITIIEEALL, SIontsomcry, Ala. Ct»U J A3. U.-WEAVEB, , - , ’ - , . - OLtWEDUD BIBB, - “ Maj. E. A. It.VNKS, Corn. Merchant, N. O., Ln. ^ . OEft MASON, , Mayor Wetumpka, Ala. v •. . M1KE L. wpODS, Atcy at Law,200 B'dway.N.T , DANIEL SAYRE, Grand Sec. Grand Lodge, Ala., F.t& A. Masons. ‘ • ;* BL0UNr& HALE, Sole Proprietors, Montgom’ry, Ala, Wholesale Depots, Uarral, Risley & Tompkins, 141 Chambers st., N. Y., S. W. Morsdun, N. Y., Edward Wilder & Cbi r Louisville, Ivy., E. J. JIart & Co., N.O. La., Blount & Hale, Montgomery, Alabama, jpar SOLD BY—L E. Welch, E. If. Bacon & Ce. liUbert & llillsman, and nil Druggists generally. Albany, Ga., July 28, I860, • 42—6m Learn at once tlie greatest of'all lessons that ofTself-reliaiiee. Have a head, a will, A purpose of yonr. own. Go to work iwid« wr.tdt your- opportunity. The soil upon which, vou huve been reared never refuses a competence to tlwse who are willing to dicr. Then,if ton can do no better, dig. It will pay. Nor is there anything ttiahg vulgar in it. It is lipnorable, if yoi to W/ig «nd waf . opportunltyi Hut don t stand idle and “wait fijr somethin-tjo ; Wrn, _ [{Atlanta Neiy Era.' A ParadlscTs «U Mounulns. )Ire. Eloiw Hunt, ofHi'mor’s Ruu.Penn. writes thus: ' My home has Wn fi»r. sixyeR» «WJ Uu» rnekv hasin, shut in on every side hytlin Alleglianies, without a meglihor, or-clmrali or a school, seeing, np.hlunair faee fcr wcobs —aye, even for months somctini^—except ihoBcofhusband and cMU. btvn« thus I have come to love in a strange, all-absorb- _ Clock’s lloir Restorer, Prof. Wood.’s Ityir Re storer. Sterling*s Ambrosia Tor the Hair, Burnett’: Coacoine fvr ihojlair, Lyon’s Kaihairon, Bachelor’: Hair Dye—£o»-cijc next to Express Office, b»- Albany, May 13} i860. OHSTLY S‘20,00! PROCLAMATION! Extraordinary Inducements t To Persons Wsnttog - SEWING MACHINES! IDE WILSON SEWIHS HACH1KE MANUFACTURING COMTANY are now offering to the rublic,. •wxXiSoasr’Se aCBW VA3IILY MAX!HIKES FOR ONLY TWENTY DOLLARS; *• At spring approaches Ants and Iloachu ' ? From their holes comeout, And Mice and Mute ily shp nioiit” . ** 18 years csiablislicd iu N. Y. City.** “Only Infallible remedies known.’’* 11 Free from Poisons.” • “Not dangerous to t he IIutnatiFaroily.^ J<*Ratscoirio odt o*'their holes to dle»” . . ' “Costar’s” Eat, Eoacli, &c., Exteris, Is a paste—-used for Hats, Mice, Hoachex, Black and ded Ants, Ac., &c.,&c., Ac.- “Oostar’s” Bed-Bug Exterminator Is.a liquid or wash—used lo destroy} and also as a preventive for Bed-Bugs, &q. « ^ Costard Electric Powder for Insects I* for Moths, ilusquitocs,' FHas, Bed-Bvgs, . Insects on Plants, Fowls, Animals,. &c. - BbwaukIU of all worthless Itnitaflo^,’ iggySSee that «‘€os>.v»*s J ’ name is on each Box/ i little and Flask, before you buy. Address, HENRY R. COSTAR, 482 Broadway, N Y. ^ Albany, Ga., by all Druggists and Jt,tlUl8r,; . 1866. . Ixcixasi or Bats.—The Farmer^ GaYette (Enk- lish) asserts and proves that qne pair of Rats will have a progeny and desccndautsno less tlnmGol,050 in three years. Now, unless this iyunsense family, can be kept down, they would consume more food ' than would sustain 65,000 human beings. . y : tST" “Coatin’a ” advertisement above. Rats versus Birds.—Whoever engages iff shoot ing small birds iff a cruel man v whoever aids in et« terminating rats is a benefactor. We should liko' some one to give u? the benefit of*, their experience In driving out these pests. We uccd something be-, sides dogs, cats, ami traps far this buaioessw—Sctctt- t\fic American, N.YL.\ JC^*S&o “CosTAttV’ advertisement above ; _ 1866. Dougherty Superior Court. June Ttrm, 1866. J. R. & UoztAcx Tnosirsox, t RULE NISI ■ ts. -' . V • - fo forclose Nathaniel 1^. Barxard. J . . Mortgage * It appearing to the Conrt by the petition of L E. Thompson and Horace Thompson, partners'} nsing firm name and style of J. E. & Horace Thompson, that by deed of mortgage, dated on the first day of I’chnury,t ighteen hundred and fifty-nine, Nathaniel L. Barnard conveyed to WilliHin P. Jennings, mis of land uUtnbetwone hundred and nine, (109). one hun- * :c hundred and thirty, (130,) 3ADWAFS EEADY RELIEF. iy of.Dougherty,, a ml Slate of Georgia, for the pur- aud one hundred aud, (131,) cjluMted, ly- (1st.) District ofthc coi M ARSHALL’S *Catholicon. Nelmbolt’s Buchu. Jayne’s Expectorant, Ayre’a Ague Cure, AyreV <y PecloraJ, South American. Few. and. A^qe . Albany, May 10, I860. 1ACON & CO , Druggists 82— MEDICAMEN TUM! X^tVNSTOCK’S Vermjfiige, Seidlilz. Powdcr ( vS»-- fw da powders. Perry Davis’ Pain Killer, a«ul n host of other popular. Patent Medicines—for sale next to the Bxrresa Office, by •E. II. BACON. & CO...Druggi*t«. Albany. May lt>, I860.. 32 TO NOTICE CITY TAX PAYERS. T HE Books hr the collection of Ciljr Taxfia far tbe rrar.ldCii, rw— oo. open, and nill be k.po open for SIXTY BAYS from Ibis dole, closing on ibe 24s! September *lHWi. Exeeations nill be issned oninst *11 persons who foil lo p*y their taxes by 1 ho; time. 4* E. CA RG11.1’, Clerk and Ireastirar. Albany^ July 21st, 41—OOd bid spectacles m a ^.likewise I7 a co\v ,l1 ' nn! "4 upon each 1 'ft. ut ancient thosepriiusbanil*«<t dtikl Livnig have come to love in a Ft it. nee, a in-way, all that nature Iras thrown a, m l me. liarth, with its yartcU growth M trees I'fr.i.nejr. thp ^•nUentiy place • heloiigtng as the J , V r " m >a ; It is the ‘ V Wl " < ' l, wiM 1,0 to surren- p i h ta J™, * ^ 0Ia P 0, J*alip , i fga, Xc oV l Y itwerip, I s,: ' 1 vaW—o IIo . tte ' ila set IfMier to ht v^ n ™ ,U!, nwt- r* s 'i<e , hS- 0 and shrubs, ijants and mosses, rocks and wa Jr the chm.lF, blue sky atul stars, cvcry- UtlnJis bcautifnl to me; even the dead leaves the old decayed trees and hare rocks arcbeioved. Think then, how inexjtressi-. hh- dear 'the living trees aud? flavors and Th!iveTametVout sir vards (Von, the BAHNETT & OOv, . ' OOUT.OK FACTO.B.g, ters.anriteeMtpJBidiants,, Apalachicola, qoj,SMUue, g.i. -FVROtnrPatientloo, atret* to atl Co^gnments ly and Shipments.oAtioUon 'to'-Now .York, New Orleans and Lirerpuol. Libers! ndranf.M-tnad? cm consignments.. . fT 5, J -*» pwe.of securing the |»yninnt o* three certain prom- idory notes, all dated on. the first day of January. eigWiepn hundred and. fiUy-nioe—mailo by the raid -Nathaniel L.’Barnard, payable to the raid William i*. Jennings or bearer—the first-due on the first day of January, eighteen hnnlrcd and sixty, for the sum of tour thousand live hood ed ai:d sixty dollars^. The second due cm the firstdaVof Jniiu iry,eighteen bun* dred aud sixty-one, for the stun of lour thousand, two hundred and eighty dollars—and the third of notes duo bn fhe first day of Jinuary, eighteen hundred and *i»t*r-two, for the sum of: tour thousand dollars—the two last mentioned of which said notes are still due and unpaid, and which* s. id notes and oiorig ge, fo? a valuable consideration in li e usual conrstof 'tiad.% has been transferred Uy Hm said William P. Jennings to the said J*. E. end Horace Thcmpson. Ji is ordered that the said Nalliauiel I*. Barnard do p?iy into this Court by the fir?t day of the next Term thereof, the principal,, interest and cost, due on raid two last mentioned notes, r allow rause, if any lie has, to the coul rare, or that in default thereof lore closure be granted to the said J. E. and Horace Thompson ul raid ip^rlgagg, and the equity of re- jdemptign of the said' Nathaniel L Barn-irJ therein be lorever burred, and that service of title* Rule be perfected on said Nathaniel L, Barnard, ar.rording lo law- 1HNES & HOBBS, ► June 5th, 1866. PHT’s Att’ys- A true extract from the minutes of Dougherty Snperios Court, June Term 1866. - : A v Jour F. Cacgilb, Cleik. Albany, July 28th, 1866, ‘ ’ * . :fNivrs“ p th & it he. W °*ecof v^* tlleiua;. ^.CoMtuS 0 ? 91 '" Mb, lli'Ui J" | tloor, tlrat Urap.alrav.e the waters to eatelw bits of meat I'rom my fingers- ilic ^ , ants make tjH'ir nests m sight ot the hWM an<V sometimes the male btv.I '=- seen .Irmn ming on an old^ a few »d" up the mountain si<lo. 1 ^/nmer the rountl nty doors, And m au . humming go on their visits! to iHe (mwer.-,. s from the world have sanl e. ‘‘1I.1W call you exist in this dreary Thoir eyes c:um<.t see as mine, _ they liear any of the phtasanj. voices I he,w, ah<f so l simply tell them wiiaf Uiey hend: “It is my necessity.” My place so.lonelydo others, is so pl ea “ n * to me that I have named it 1 ara ^‘* >, * . hero I will teach my sou a love of t , purity ami-beauty: Forwarding & Recewing House,, APALACHICOLA. F^A.. TAEAR SlRjr^We respectfully call, your, alien. I I lion to the fact, thnt wo.hare established a imns a at Apalachicola, Fla., for tho purpose of do- in" a General Commission and Forwarding business Haring established .elstions with some ortho best bohsbun foreign and domestic ports, we are pwt pared to offer unusual advantages to fh.ppctM.f oot- ton and other produce. Special, attention, wall, bo given to all cotton sent us for.saic.ellhcrin our own »tr nnv foreign fnarkef. ' . ^ In addition to our Commission business, wo will Peepeonsthutlj- oc.hnnd a large stock of <3- 3R/0 C IB IR/XIDlS, , •' i -ill be offered to merchants and planters at ' rathe Sort b.rn 1 anJWestern markets, mere- fi'nddingcostof transpovtaiion. - . , ^We wm bo prepared la.scoommodate our.-friends „h cotton sent us for shipment, or ' * d t0 furinsh them with bagging and ropo sale, and bo t mn d'during tlie endre season, (orthecom.ngcrtra ' Co , am j u6i Oa.‘wilV be cou- ^•JaTd.o o'd sam'1, cornet St. Clair and Broad Dougherty Superior Court. June Tcroi, I860. Joseph- S. Ssiitu, a ) RUI.E KIGI - tii. [■ To forrcloie Enutgxj*. H. Swixxet. Ji ‘ Morl^t. I;.appearing toV|io Court, by the petition of Jo seph S. Sipitb, tint by deed of mortgaga, dalcd on the eighteenth day of May,,ei{htnea. hundred and KOy-nttte, Ebene^r If. Hainncy conveyed,to.Joseph S.tiioVh, that loUw-pirce! of hmd, situated, lying ’«n4.hei"8( I t | h*« i, J'°f Albany, County of Dotigheny and Stale of Georgia, Bud known, and dklinguiilied in tlie phm.ofsaid lobnuiuber eighty-loo, cn State Street) containing otic acre, more or lees, for the purpose of seeming the payment, ufr uncertain. tlie o.d:sta Sweets. Juua Ifitb. 1866. BAIllfEVT &CO. the said Ebcnezer II: 8 win.- . orJer of *sald J«6eph 8. Emub, “COSTAR’S u RAT EXTERMINATOR isvimple-/ safe, and sore—the most perfect RAT-i Scat ion meet ing yeg have ever attended. Every RAT that caw . get It, properly prepared, 1 will oat it, and every one that cats It wilt die, generally at some place as dis tant as passible from where, it was token.—Buis Shore (MicA.) Mirror. See “ CosTAB’ff ” advertisement above. c AjOt HOUSEKEEPERS troubled with vermin need bo sa no longer, If they use “Costar’s ’’ Exterminator. We* have used it to our satisfadlion; and if it con •: $5, wo would> have it. Wo hoxo tri^d poisons, lut they effected nothing ; but “Costar’s” article knookff the breath:out of Rats, Mice, Roaches,'Ants, and * Bed-Bugs, quicker than we can write U.; It is in great demand all over the eoantry.—-Medina {Ohio) . ,y- Gazciie. . . - g^ See “Costar’s” advertisement above. • Sold in Albany, Ga., by E. II. Bacox & Co., and all Druggists nhd dealers. April 25,1866. 27—8oi HEWSOOSS t Wilson’s ■** NEW $20 MACHINE Pees away with our old "style of treadle Madina. & ' butarseastheoldMacblTM, Mkdto so nAnpted it it will atand upon any work-table, aud remain Ann without fastening. L ir FEEDS THE WORK ITSELF, M.icirixi: Warranted for rive Years.?. • Agents wanted- OnCotnniiiiitoo, ortowprkfora ngnbr SJ»T. We will send Private Terms to AgeutSpWiUi Macbiae to those wbo desire an Agency.- . Address all Orders— * jriLSOX SETTTXG MACHINE • ,rAA*rv4/<TFrnTVfi Notice to Debtors and Creditors. te Ueuie LL persons indebted to the estatoofE. H. Ilio* nan, deceased, are notified that they most set.- te same immediately—and all persons having clfain*against.said estato must present them wiihin tho4iiR0 presc>-ibcd by law, or they will be barred: JOHN F. CAUGILK. . « Adm’r on eslate E. II. Hicuan, dpc’d. 18«6. . July 7lh, .30- FIRE-PROOF WAREHOUSE the eighteenth clay of May, eighteen hnr- fidy-nrrie. oud due two years after date, fur hi i mi red and forty doliars-anu-seven- * which said note is now due and uii that saiJ Cbenczer II, Sw it by the. tirat day of the next dpaf, interest and cosfs due on.' said note, or show cause, it acy. he lifts, (o'?lie contrary, <>r that iu debtult thereof foreclosure be graiUtd in the said Joseph 8. Sniisli of said.nujr?gage, aud the equity of redemption of llw raid Ehenca*r Ui.8wiu- uey^therein he lorever barred; nud that service of this Rule he perfected on said Ehenezer H. Swinney according to law. IilNE3'& HOBBiJ, Juqe 5th, 1866. FUff’s At’tys A true extractfrooa tne nunotes of Dougherty Su- nerior.Court. Johii F. CagGHrE, Cierk Albucy July 38th, 1 NEW.FIRM! RUST &JOHNSTON. ;ie uxjjeRsigxf.d. rcspeclfiTly heg to on nonneeto tho PL^N-TEUS-anJ MERCHANTS tougherty and adjacent Counties,*that they have this-day formed a co-pnrtneiship uuder the firm namp and style of KUST A JOIHi§TO!I, to engage in the WAREHOUSE and COMMISSION business, occupying the Fire-Proof W'archous© of Si vu & ltcst, and confidently trust they will continue to receive that generous support and pa tronage heretofore extended to each o£ Giera. T HE undersigned will’ bo pleased to see his friends and the public generally, nt Y - Tlx© Old Stand, Formerly occupied) by -Beers & Brinson, where ho • .i,' ;, -' will , 0 ?? r i I, ^r- C > M. A .VARIETY OP flOo'tJS, Consisting in parf of * . DRESS GOODSI OAI^ICOBS. y Iff Delanes, Jaconet Muslin; Canton," Ooera,. Red • and White . - / Flamieis, casshtetti), Satinette. T KENTUCKY JEANS, Bradleys Duplex Eliptio Hoop Skirt, CH.OVES, ! II OS It; R A', COLLARS, Under Sleeves, Cottoif Yarns, Cotton Cards, Hardware,5^ifp JCRTLERY, weeding hops " . THU . Great. Labor-Saving Machine, Universal Clothes Wringer Tobacco, Soap. Soda> STARCH,, Pears PICKI.ES, &0./&C. g^yThe Highest Pries’- paid for Country Pro duce RO B ERTA.. BEERS, Agent. Albany, November 11, 1865* 86-3n* Sarsaparilla.. A YRES, Sand’s, Dr. John Bull’s and Old. Dr. Townsend’s Sarsaparilla—for sale by It. H. *■<** TYror,