The Albany patriot. (Albany, Ga.) 1845-1866, August 11, 1866, Image 4

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United States Government. ' the executive. Andrew Johnson,'of Term., President. LaFayctte S. 1'oater, of Conn., Acting Vice President. the‘Cabinet. We H. Seward, of New York, Secretary of StatK H. VJeCnUocl). of Indiana, Secretary ot the Treasury. Edwin M. Stanton, of Pennsylvania, Se cretary of War. w j. „V . ♦ Gideon Welles, of Connecticut, Secretary of the Navy. i James Ilarlan, of Iowa, Secretary ot the Interior, J ames Sneed, of Kentucky, Attorney Gen eral. “ William Dennison, of Ohio, Postmaster- General. TrfB Jt'DIGIART. Salmon P. Chase, of Ohio, Chief Sustice. Nathan Cliftord, of Maine, Associate Jus tice. s . Samuel Nelson^ of Now York, Associate Justice. ' It. C. Grier, of Pennsylvania, Associate Justice._ , ,• _ H James M. Wayne," of Georgia, Associate Justice. "* * David Davis, of Illinois, Associate Jus tice. - oah IL Swayne, of Ohio, Associate Jus- tiCC. -r , '\ ' * ‘Samuel F. Miller, of Iowa,’ Assbciatc Jus tice. GEORGIA-STATE GOVERNMENT. EXECUTIVE DEPAITZMEXT. Charles J. Jphkins, Governor. It, L. Hunter,. Secretary Executive De partment. s H J. <jr. Williams........ Z. D. Harrifeon, Messenger. * * STATE HOUSE OFFICERS. X. C. Barnett,’Secretary of State nnJSiuv veyor General. .; J. T, Burns, Comptroller General. John. Jones, Treasurer J. G. Montgomery, Librarian. Jesse Horton, Captain State House Guard. JUDICIARY, Judges of the Supreme Court—Jos. H. Lumpkin, Iverson 'll Harris, Dawson A. Walker. Clerk—C, W. Dubose. * PENITENTIARY. W. C. Anderson, -Principal Keeper; G.Talbird, Assistant Keeper; A. il Nls* bet, Book Keeper. LUNATIC ASYLUM. Dr. Tv F. Green, Supt. ai;d Resident Phy sician ; Dr. T. 0. Powell, Assistant Physi cian. DOUGHERTY COUNTY SUP’R . COURT, Mge. R.H.Clark. Solicitor.. v . L. I*. D. Warren. Sheriff, j . .t^^ ..J. W. Kemp. Clerk ... J. F. Cargilc. Ordinary: W. H. Wilder. COUNTY COURT. Judge Thomas C. Spicer. Solicitor...................Wm. Oliver. Clerk J. F’ Cargilc. JUDGES INFERIOR COURT. John Jackson, J. M. Mercer t N. P. Brin son, T. A. Cleaves, F. M. Thomnscm. Clerk.:....... J. F. Cargile. TO THE CITIZENS OF GEORGIA. * The termination of ‘a sanguinary contest, which for the past four years has presented an impassable barrier to all social or commercial intercourse be tween the two groat sections of oar country, having ldngth happily cleared jjway all obstacle to a renewal of these relations which.formerly bound us together in a fraternal'union,"I take the earliest opportunity afforded bjr this auspicious event, to greet my Southern friends, affd lo solicit from them renewal of that extensive business which for a quarter of acentury liasbeen uninterrupted save by the great public calamity* to which I hate adverted- Itli scarcely necessary,, on the threshold of a business rc-union I should repeat the warning so often given to : my friends—to beware of all these spurious and'deleterious Compounds which, under, tho specious and false titles of Imported Wines^ Brandies, Holland. Gin, Liquors, &c., have been qually deafractire U) the health of our citizens as prejtidrcial to the interests of the legitimate Im porter. ■ '• ^ ‘ . ‘ \ Many years of my past life have-been expended in an open and candid attempt to. expose these wholesalo frauds; no time nor. expense has been spared 4o accomplish this salutary purpose, aud to place before .ray friends and the pulflio generally j at the lowest market price, and in such* quantities as might suit their convenience, a truly genuine imported article. - . Twenty-five years* business transactions with the largest and most respectable exporting houses France and Great Britain hare afforded me unst passed facilities for supplying our home market with Wines, Liqtibrs, and Liqmures of the best and most pproved brands In Europe, in addition to my own distillery in Holland for the manufacture of the Schiedam Schnaps.” - The latter, so long tested and approved by the medical Faculties of the United States,* West Indies and South America as an invaluable Therapeutic, a wholesome, pleasant, and perfectly safe beverage all climates and during all seasons, quickly cxc i ted the cupidity of the home manufacturers and ven dcra of a spurious article under the samo name. I trust that 1 have, after much toil and expense, surrounded all my importations with safeguards and directions which with ordinary circumspection will insure their delivery, as I receive them from Europe, to all my customers. I would, however, ccommend iu all* cases where it is possible, that orders be sent direct to my depot, 22 Beaver Street, New )’ork, or that purchases be made of my accredited agents. la addition to a large st^k of .Wines, Brandies &c., in wood, l have a considerable supply of old tried foreign Wines, embracing vintages of many years past, bottled up before the commencement of tho war, which I j:an especially recommend to all counoisseurs of these rare luxuries. „ a. # , In conclusion,. I would specially call the early at tention of my Southern customers to the advantage to be derived by transmitting their orders without loss of time, or calling personally at the depot, in order to insure the fulfilment of their orders out of the present large and well selected assortment. -• . * UDOLPU6 WOLFE. 22 Beaver Street, New York. February 21, 18o6. l&dlm jjgfrgjg -7- A. T JAMES H. STORE i • .• WEST SIDE. ipJET ST. Yon ,can always find thq Newest and most Fashionable . Dress Goods Of all kinds.tobe had iaaity of Ihe Northern mar. tiers. Our stock is selected with care aud_tasle, so that ibe most fastidious can be suijed. ' ** WJEIITJ3 OO’ODDS, (Of all kiwis) SWISS JiYCK^TSTET, TARLETOITS NAINSOOK, &C., &C. % ki qualities and quantity to meet the demands of any. Fancy Goods and Notions? ol all kinds; acd in BOOTS AND SHOES, Oar stock is complete, from the Brogan to the finest GLOVE KIO. IN HATS AND CAPS, Encourage Honxe Industry) txrB-am now mannfaciatiiig at_Albanjs Georgia .1? a variety of, Twillednnd Plain, "Colored and While. -* . WABEENTED T PiSKFEtlT, . And of the—-— (Both Gentlemens.’ and ladies’,) we have a full and complete stock. Family Groceries, of all kinds, And of the bes! quality. We have also a large lotol BED BLANKETS. (While and Grey.) In fact,everything lobe found ina Suitable for all classes of Working People, which we will sell at Reosonablcr Prices or exchange for Wool or Colton: " ' . * AVe ask the attention of-Merchants, Planters and others, assuring them that .we are determined to make it to their intereaUo purchase our gootfa; We slmll be prepared by the 1st of May to Card Wool and make Roils for Oustiimers. N. &. A. F. TIFT. Albany,March 31,,1866. 22-. ALBANY .GEIST . A ND " Fiaeum HiUaS. The Albany Steam Mills are now in ojSration,’ MainGg Good Meal and Flour. Customers will be promptly attended to and freely dealt with. Our Customers w.ill oof be delayed. The Grain will be weighed in and the Meal weighed out, (which will require but ariew minutes) uuless he parlies prefer to get the Meal- from their own Corn. Corn should be sent as free from cobs and dirt as possible. All the Com, as well as Wheat, that we grind, is fanned tl»rough~*he fan and the trash is not uncounted for in Meal. fL & A. F. TIFT. Albany, March 31,18fi6. 22- Watches, Jewelry, Diamonds, . ■ . i Musical Instruments,. Silverware, - Bronzes, &o., . • "IVOKTIt OVOR OJs T E AfTT .T .toyr DOLLARS, Ail to bo sold for FIVE DOLBAES cadi, .Hbout . * regard tq value, And not to bo Paid " .. UNTIL YOU KNOW WMT' YOC AU TO 7. RCiY !! - • " v : 1,758 Gold and Silver Watches wero distributed among the patrons Of Parkinson & Company du ring tho month, of February, 1866. Read comments by ihe Press, speaking of the firm in the,most com- pHmentary* manner:—“A most - induStriotfr* and prosperous house. ,, -—[$hippcnsburgh,Pa.* Sentinel. •‘Give all who' deal with them perfect satisfaction^ —[Dunkirk, N. Y-, Journal.* “ Enjoys a high rep utation for honorable dealing and tho quality of their goods ”—[NcirPaltz, N. Y„ Times, p Per- SCHOENFELD broas ST] (secosd doqr to wp,*! & Bii PROSPECTUS -•©Vibe '-V ‘ NATIOKAL INTELLIGENCER ; " ' .O f IX o. T All of which we propose to sell at the Very Lowest Market Prices. ALL bWE ASK IS A CALL. -7 ¥ Raine, Hewott & Co. AUwny, Nov. 25lh, 1865. 38— METALIC BURIAL CASES AT ' ‘ 7*'- LONG & THOMPSON’S, Under the'Txinting Office ON BROAD STREET, ALBANY, GEORGIA. A FINE ASSORTMENT of METALIC COFFINS from‘ihe smallest to the largest sizes have just been received by us, and will be kept always on hand. Persons desiriug Coffins of this kind can purchase ibeui cheap by calling on LONG & THOMPSON. Albany. Feb. 281b, 1800. 14-tf •Dec 2, 1.8G5 HIS journal, having'bcch twice enlarged, is one of Che Inrgett.papers in the country. It is print- «ed on fi ntfiae wkiie and heavy paper, and contains In large ahd clear type, more kuadino matted, in 'ihe. form of the latest news, general and special, together with editorial, reportorial -and. selected matter of'interest, and importance, fhttti any "" (published south of New York. ^ho National Intelligencer is devoted to News, Literature, the interests of Religion, nod Political affairs. It gives, during tho session of Congress, ebrirect reports of the debates and proceeding of the -Houses, as well as the laws -and public docu- tnen^i of each session, and at all times and every day the telegraphlo despatches announcing the la- acstnntelligencc from every quarter of our own and otlte’r'fcdublries. The paper has boon so long <es- tabiished, and is so widely known, as hardly to re quire any format exposition of«ts political charac- 4or and principles. As heretofore, R aims to be as ^ts name imports, a National paper, maintaining the just Constitutional powers of the General Govern ment on ihe qne hand,-and 'the reserved Tights of *he States on tfcC-ether—^confident that the Union tan only4)| maintained while the riglitrefieach shall bo respected by both and not transcended by cither. While (be Intelligencer advocates what the Editors conscientiously bcEoveto be right and wise in the administration of .public affairs. It always strives to give a fair and libenA support to those to‘whose Viands is committed that administration; and as they an independent press to be orfe of the great . 'Safeguards Of liberty, and therefore claim the right yif oritiomin&lhe acts of thc.Goveraraent wiiij free dom,- they ende^vof to discharge that duty with moderation, candor, and respect, both for (hem- .velvcs and those from whom they differ. TEItnS OF SFBSCKII’TIO^ .•Dally Edition, one year-.$10 00 slx.months.*....... ........6 00 do 7 three raont^a... 2 50 ^Tri-Weekly Edition, onbyear..... . 0 00 • 'iCuntainins all the readfvg matter of the Daily.] - "do .. -do six 'monthstii.i.8 00 .. Sio • c 4TO th^nem«hths V v..‘. ..., l go 4j To ‘any one trans:sitting us the names o*f ten snb- wcribers, accompanied wM ^katnoney, we will send 'Post masters 0 :i rc rc.ipectfully^ requested to Atci as agents. >. Addrea^aUccmnninicatiorrsto . . .. /Snow, Coyle &. COi, • (Successors to GAMES'* SEATON,)^ ^blishers National IntelligcucerV Washington, D. G •vJuue 85r- Southern Mutual Insurance Co. JEFFERSON INSURANCE CO., ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VA./ EUFAULA HOME INSURANCE CO., EUFAULA, ALA. TRAVELER’S LIFE INSURANCE, HARTFORD, CONN. WOODVILLE INSURANCE CO^ ' (WOODVILLE, ALA. JAMES RIVER INSURANCE, ' HOWAUDSV1LLE, VA. SOUTHERN-INSURANCE & TRUST CO., - ’ SAVANNAH, GA; JOHN A. DAVIS, Agent. Call attention particularly to the Traveler’s Insurance Company. This Company iiisuresagainst accideuts of all kinds, ns-well as lives, and should any one become disabled arid prevented from at tending to 'their dusiness, they are paid weekly compensations. Albany, Ga., April 11th, 18G0: - K 28-. FOR MARINE AND * ' ‘ "FIRE INSURANCE Croten Fire Insurance Comp’y, N. V. Security Insurance Company,.H. !] itlantic Fire insurance o., fl .Y, teix Ins. Co,,. Hartford, Conn HorwictTFire Ins, Co,, Norwich, Conn Total Capital $15,000,000 Apply to ' Iiines & uobcs, , Agents. Albany, Ga„ Mnich 8d, 18(»6. 15—flin great variety df Buitous, Needles, Pins, Thread L. K. VVCLCJJ & CO. '39- B. F. ROBERT, Civil 3S3xa.gt3JO.eeif, REAL ESTATE AGENT, .Albany, Ga. “\)£71LL buy, sell, reut. anil survey lands sit ▼ J acted in any part of South Wcstcfu Georgia, for parties desiring it. - . Orders left wt Charges Velkec’s^Storc will be promptly executed, Albany, $•-, October 7,18C5. . ‘tf ; -Administrato^a Sale.* 1 ' llV7 VLL be'sold On t heli rs t Tuesday, in 'AtiguSt' YY next, befordthe Court Houso door in the town ef Isabella, W’orth ’county,' Qa„ Lot of Land numbei' -ll^uUoa. Xfirois' on the Jay of7lo. DANtEL't. SUMNEE, A'dm’r". .Jon. 10,1SW. .. .— - - a-* Put Money in thy Purse Hoad, to ~W"ealtb. - rvAr\ ACTIVE AND UEf.IALE AGENTS, * Male or Female,' and of all ages. *u wauled to canvass every City, Town, Village, Ilam let, Workshop and Factory throughout tho world, for tlie sale of our WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER-WARE, MUSI CAL BOXES, ALBUMS and other Articles. Energetic persons of good habits and fair business tact cau clear over $2.'> per wpek in the coun'ry, and a much larger amouut iu thickly sell led localities. No Capital Required! Samples of our Articles, to the amount of S3, will he sent, by mail for iuspcction, and if uot perfectly satisfactory<no charge! Seuti your address, if yon are of an industrious turn of mind and in quest of immediate wealth 1! Direct to - PARKINSON & CO., Importers, 203 Broadway, New York. Feb. 14th, ” i»onS'oi5;5;»»fc „ ■ Laces, Ribbon, ' Flowers, Plumes Som. **’ - * . scri ptiotu Boots Shoes, Hats i READYMADE) ' Also, A EsAISSS ra Underwriters’ Agency Of New Yoke, CASH ASSETS, Three Million Dollars, . ISSUE POLICIES OF Fire & Marine Insurance Made payable in GOLD or CURRENCY Negotiable and Bankable CERTIFICATES OF INSURANCE. A*X ISSUED BV THIS ASSOCIATION. Honorable and .fair dealing xneri,”—(StapletcIn, N. Y. Journal. “One of the oldest and most relia ble firms 1 -in business.”—[Caanjobaric N. Y. Radik ‘ Keep tlfcir word and act honorably by tacir pat- r ° m &00‘ yo?id Gold Hunfing\falches....;S300 to 750 500 Magic Cased Gold y/atebes 250 to'500 600 Ladies’ E.namoled Watches..'....^ 100 to 500 500 Diamond Cluster JUadtes’-Sets',.. 300 to 700 1.000 Diamond Solitaire Kings.........' 250 1.000 Heavy Silver Hunting Watches. . 75 Xo 150 1,000 Open-face Silver AVatchcs......... 20 to 75- 1,000 Silver and Mahogany Musical - Bosqs •••••».• ••••••• 100 to 500 1.000 Silver Diuing Sets 75 to 350 1.500 Silver Tea Sets, complete-;..,.... 50 to 20^ 2.000 Silver Urns and Salvers...;..;..« 76 to 250 2,000 Seven Chamber Revolvers-....... 75 to 300 ^SOOJ’ateut Single Barrel Pistols...— 26-to- 75 2.000 Richly Framed Oil Pa idlings.... 76 to 350 2.500 Elegant Pearl Opera Glasses...- *25 to 75 3.000 Mammoth Photogrnpn Albums... 15 to 50 3.000 Cluster Diamond Rings. 25 to 100 8.000 Ladies’ Ovpl Bracelets., 15 to 50 8.500 Gold Chains of different designs 25 to 300 3,5!)0 Gold Thimbles, oha3'cd; 5 to 50 10,000 Signet and Plain Gold Rings...,* 5 to 10,000 Gcutleracn’a Scurf Pins............ 5 to 50 12,500 Brooches and Ear Drops.....,.,— 5 to 86 12,500 Gold Lockets, double glass...... 5 to 35 10,000 Gold Pens and Gold Holders...... 10 to 75 10,000 Sets Studs and^leeve Buttons... 5 to 5.000 Silver Goblets and Drink’g Cups 5 to 50 5.000 S?ts Tea, Table & Desert Forks 10 to 25 6.000 Sets Tea; Table.& Desert Knives 10 to 2.500 Revolving Silver Castors......... -25 to 2.500 Silver Cake and Fruit-Baskets... 25 to 12.500 Wine Holders an dither articles 6 to To Imtuediaiely dispose of the above magnificent stock, certificates naming the articles arc placcd'iu sealed envelopes and welt mixed. . Holders are titled to the articles named on their,Certificate upon payment of $3 whe'her it ben beautiful Watch, ot* a.Musical Box worth $500, or a Tiain Gold Ring; worth $3. The return of any of our certificates en titles you to tho article nnmed thereon, upon pay ment, irrespective of its worth and as no article valued legs ihan $5 is named on any certficate, it will at once be seen that this is No Lottery, buta stmighMorward lesilimale T ra>i*ucl£oit, whir it may ha pariicipattd iu tvtiu by the uita.t fastidious! 't • Any one wishing to invest in the above en terprise can receive a sample package of a Half- doteu certificates, naming sonic of the above arti- by sen ding-a stamped envelope bearirtf^their address. Certificates not to be paid fpr unless fully lisfnetory. Wc do this that all may be couvinced ’ our siuaci-ity and tho genuineness ofuiur salo. «* Call ou or address, PARKINSON & CO., * 208 Broadway, N. Y. February 28, I860. * 14—Cm Universal clothes Wringer I THIS WRtNGElt has again taken the First Pre mium iu the Great Fair of the Americnn Institute— it has also taken the First Premium at the Slot Hairs of New York, Vermont, Pennsylvania, OkiQ, Michigan. Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky, ioWo, Wis consin, Connecticut RiveWfUailcy Fair, Cham, Valley Fair, and at most Couuty and 1 lute Fairs throughout the country. - CENTS’ FURXISuivq { Ab wo^i^rr~r- f we offer our Goods at the 1™ . " WI I<1 order to establish a re^&^i dent that we ean sell , [ t M* iu-tho city, we desire a iSj truth Afth. ,‘ nai WeontiJ Y. G-. "-Rust, Agent, ALBANY, GA. October 21, 1865. T8B TOMLINSON, OEMARESI CO,, • 690 Broadway, N. Y., Have aasociated.with them MR, W.' W. WOODRUFF, Formerly and Extensive Dealer in CARRIAGES &. BUGGIES, An Ordlnaiioe. SEOTTS MDHTHLY MAGAZINE I fflHE Proprietor of this 'new Southern Monthly is now publishing au edition Of two thousand copies, its li*t of contributors embraces a great deal ol the beat'- literary talent in the South and West; Besides tlie two admirable series now in course of publication-*- * * Decisive Battles of the Revolution, . Adventures in Sunth America, the March number contains the firatof a series by James Wood llatidson, af Columbia, S. C., eutillcd How We Enow Each Other: *—oa THE SCIENCE OE HUMAN NAiaJBK There will also be an occhsional contribution Literature and Politics from th’o pen of C. II. Smith alias “’Pill Arp.” • '• •' The l’riio Story will be commenced in tli, Ap'ril number. . — ; Tkrms: $5 per annum; Clubs of .Ten will be furnished at $150 per copy; Clubs of Twenty, at the same l*ostOmce, at Four Dollars. ’ ~ J* 4 ' *' VV. J.. SCOTT, * . Atlautf.-Go. " Be it ordained by the J fay or and Member*'of the City Council of Albany, audit t* hereby ordained by the authority ‘aforesaid : THAT no licensed retailer of spirituous o r f° r ” mented liquors, or any other person whatever, sh U. either by himself or Agent, sell or barter any spi - ituous or ferjnented liquors in any quantities what-, ever, crn^Itc Suhbalh Dny, unless in cas 8 of sickness or absolute necessity, tq be judged of by the Mayer; and upon a violation of thiiOrilinance such person so offending shall be fined not more than FIFTY DOLLARS. Approved May lfith, I860. Q. J* WKigrj’Mdayor. Attest: J. F. Cxuatut, Cl’k of CounciL * May20, T860. • . 88—8w Address Mnreli 10, I860.—ClT-fm PURE COGNAC BRANDY. TRY IT! " genuine Bourbon. Whiskey! SOMETHING REALLY GOOD! Slierr y ~W in e ! Schiedam Schnapps, Tort Wine Pure and - Unadulterated! 1 . For sale at " • E. II. BACON" i COi’S. Albany, March 28, Ififlfi.. “■ ' 'Southern Bank Notes Wanted. • *■’ j ABWTEY, at Ole Store Room occupied | prope . ty ofJame8 Buckelew,'deceascdTfo’r tHo bon- •byRAlNE, HEWITT & CO., is paying tlte highest efit ot the distributees. Terms on the day. . . ■ . . .w .. — • rp.r.t t v'i'i i?w Administrator’s Sale. WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in August next, before the Court House door in the town of Isabella. Worth counly, Ga., lot of land number 10'J in the 15th District of said counly. Fold ns Ihe > .. CELIA E. BUCKELEW, . 'Adm’r’de bc^is non—Will annexed. Jun^ 9, 1800. - V Zo*~ United States Internal 'Bevenue' Assistant .Vktessoe’s Obi Albany, Ga., May 1st, A LL persons requircil by the Statue to take‘dot Licenses arc nqliilcil that, the old Licenses heretofore issued have eipired Ibis day, and must »85£~ he renewed at once, or. in default thereof, the pen alty provided by the tjudute will be enforred. "A. N* II INKS, ....... . - ^Amiataat Assessor. Albaay,' May'6, I960. 80 GILBERT & HILS1 ' Druar StoiJ •Albany, Georj RAVING just received a large sa^ ] Drugs & Sp'lsTorrJ H Lite lt!|^ rnlly, • aloBfl, j I lec Sh i, _ Wist. CmiJ IlsvorisjtJ AWWl, SuZoJck, tnlwn, I'atfci mt&l Mjlfiri. 4c., AT GRli rn AND ATUKTA, GA ; I jVOlt the purpose of supplying Mcrcbuuts and * Blasters at the South, by wholesale or retail •wfih any style of Cariiagca, Buggies or Blunt at iq Wqgqns. . ;• , • Mr. WOODRUFF’S long oxperienco iri the car riage business will enable us to giro satisfaction, iu supplying good substantial *.#ork, such’ks the coun try demands, nt,vis low prices ns enn possibly be furnished for CASH.—We will keep constantly on hand ( LIGHT CONCORD BUGGIES the same as formerly sold by Mr. which became so universally the South, y tho best Buggy, . •W.e a 1 8 o f u r ni s h w . , Iron Axle Plantation Wagon's, of tho very boat iuako la America, for . 2, 4 or 0 horses. , ' I"' v _b'j ■ IVo invito all who want any artiolo la our line to address, TomllitMiu, Domsivcpt Co.. 7 ?20 Rroauwat, New Yobk. -Juno 28, 18CG. ' . ' . - • 87-12m Over 200,000 Have Been Sold, And are use in the United States, and are never heard of one that tea* not liked Tho Universal is superior to all other Wringers, in having large rolls of solid India Rubber, so pro tected by strong cogwheels that they cannot slip or break loose from the shaft. Its string-wood fVainc cannot be .broken, and does not rt?«' l or soil the clothe*. Every Universal Wringer is Warranted. .We select a feW testimonials from persons widely known to the public, - who speck from*actual oxje Tiencc, and ara above suspicion of misstatement: My family would as soon give up fhe cooking stove as this Clothes Wringer. It caunot be toa highly rccomtnendcd.”—[Solon Robinson, ♦•This is the' first Wringer, I have fohhd ’ that would stand the services required of it.” [*1. 1”. Upggins, Lovejoy’s Hotel. “ We,think the Mnchino much more than pays for itself every year iu’ the saving of. gat-meut's. W’e think it important the wringer should bfc fitted with COGS.”—[Orange Judd, Editor of AmericanaVgri- ulturist. ’. • “{.heartily commend it to economists of*time, money aud contentment.”—'[Tue* Re*. Dr. Bellows. prices: : Large Wringer, $ 1 .2 00 Medium “ “B”- 10 00 Doty's Washer, Family Size *... ; 14 00 “ Hotel “ ...i 18 00 Merchants or, good canvassers can make money rapidly selling them in every towu. ’Exclusive sale guaranteed aud liberal tertbs given to responsible persons who first apply. Desccn^tive Circular and terms sent free. . ■ „ - ^ .The celebrated DOTYS’ CLOTHES WASHER, which has just, tnkert tlid first premium at tfie great ^Fair of the American Institute, is also sold by the' undersigned. . •- .'»* , j • p.. C. BROWNING, .General, Agent,. No.' 8*i7 Broadway, N. V« are nnw prepared to fill orders for fc| old customers and friends. We Have On Hanjl Qiiiiiine, - illorpiiinr, Ifmu Cjiiuir, Voifd’ Ot»Tuk>, Epsom Nalls. Roctollc-Sails, Slaubrr Sails, (ioperas; Blue Stone, Spices, faster OH, - l.ftiSCfd till, lierosine Gil, Toilet Soaps, All Essences. Tinclurcs. Sc..csiiCjll Krug Sfore. rrtscripiicnsWtriikMJ |K9*Tarmi CASH. Albany, Ga-.-Ociulrcr 21.184 d HEW SKIET Fflsl TUc Great InvesiionMitVsl Hoop SKitj J. W. BRADLEY'S New Patrtlf ELLIPTIC (or double) SPRRwi Tliis invention consists of Duplex (wti tic Porq Refined Steel Springs, iojesic^ tightly and firmly, togeilur, edge i« I ha toughest, most flexible, elastic ri Spring ever used. They Eel (loo beidtl the single springs, amt consequentlyjw perfect and beautiful shupe uioreik*at»ij as any single spring skirt that eierlwi made. The wonderful flexibility and grain pleasure to any Indy wearing'the Kfl Ski$t will bq experienced pariien!.irlj’J assemblies, opdms, carriages, railrodw pews, arm chairs, for promenade idlij os the skirt can be folded when in small place as easily and conveniently *i mruslin dress. j i A lady having enjoyed tlie p!oa.'crt,W( great convenience of wearing ite Rw Sjcri Spring-Skirt for a-singbdtyfw'l wards willingly dispense with tbtirc* | dren. Misses and Youug Ladies they s-^ 1 all others.. . , The IIoops are covered wsh.t«». twisted thveud and will wear tww st J single yarn covering _ steel boop skirts. The three lottwfj skirt are also jflouble sfeol. rnd t.***J ered to prevent the covering rods when dragging down Etaii^^j which they arc constantly ^ ia use * i All are made of the new and el??® and are the best quality in ctw/r the wearqtj ; the most graceful siblc, and are unquestionably tl* 1 ^ ■irablei comfortable and economical^ WESTS, BRADLEY & CARY,F»£ Invention, and sole Manufactur**;’ and 70 & St lleade Streets, For sale in all. first class Storey Cuba, Mexico, South Atneric*? ladies. . , -baI ^•Inquire for the Duplex i Spring Slfi^t. September Oth. ,18G ; ».- We arc now prefab B ’1 £J LIVINGSTON HOUSE, Newtoii, Baker Clonixtv, Ga., XiAS hc-n filtcJ up by tho undii'aigned.'lnd lira . Mr 'SSahMr ,„.a I.. T public"jin TequeslfU tn call. . h' - populc.r all ib'touRh ru nd - an f <r f ,t,nCI “’ ,l10 l ' c * t , * t " that <"»» bl " . & L*. 8 nblaiiwd and moderate charges will be satisfactory. they have all guamulecd il they call. . „ AV. Vv. LIVINGSTON. . Newton, Nov. 25, 1883. - . 3S-. ALL Xjaiid for Sale. A: OOOD AND WELL IMrr.OVI •T10N, 12 miles North Pa' S'l-Sw." nig 202J acres;- a good framed 1 -— : containing 5 l ooms, good 1 framed kilclicn, and unnecessary dnl bouses • float) "T.I.L OK WATLU—110 aj) rs *„, : -if is a healthy location, l'nr. "furlher particulars' addressj hemndcysigiied at Albany, Ga. -- D. AI l-.ET Albany Chapter No. 15, A. Y.M. T HE regular cotiTocatioiis of this Clmptci nro on th<y second aud fourth Friday nights in each month. The companions will please take notici and gov- ern I]icuisclvc3 accordingly. ' . D t '\y. C. SPENCER. Secretary. Aj-baxt, Anrn, 13th, lS85.-tf : Albany Lodge No..2f, 'F A. M. E.lfNDERSfeWP^; -it quality of f in “ a. - "istrict. ons 10 --* lid lots la 3 a 03 d Job Work executed at tins office in good style. Also, blai^s ' • : - .'Jp-'wi urnished of every description. ' ' Albany, April I3ti.ji8fc5.77 J O B "’i AT THIS omen Witli Neatness