The Albany patriot. (Albany, Ga.) 1845-1866, August 25, 1866, Image 3

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Column. ^S^GEOTBsi 7 1% 1866.' XoticB.—The exercises of my resumed 00 MONDAY, 3d Of gi-HOOl (cbeoi 'f‘ n SlJ^^^ion per BrtWl 1 , *5 to *6, ac- II. I>. MOOREj Principal. Aug'’* n » 1M 5- . 44 " 3w Mfcorers Wanted. : - to ten good house-joiners can NEW BOOKS! j.^™n I ; I !jV!t JEFFERS0NI>AVIS - I,ytt - ^STERS F0, ->-Y-Ry Mrs. Henry Wood. 1 - ' nnv U r.^T, LAST —By Edmund Yales. J EIU!I ' r —By J. S. to Fann. ZAMBESI. T0I l’ S H*S?**W»ra TO THE tfJ5.S5AH, 4,> A—ByProt.Holtoii. , - Eaten Cooke. ST ° SEWALL ” J-VCKSOS-B, John FoIte E WAR 0F T!IE KEBKLLICW—By H. s. • Just roccived and by - , . ■ L - E. WELCH & OO. Angus*. 4 th, 1866.* 43 _ nermsnent employment and; good “ * b car iy application to F. Jl.Tiiojrr- ««'*, Albany, Oo. None need apply but tlVbo can <1« good Work—ami must ’ ■ j ieady liabita. White men preferred. jonr. * Jte»- «°Py in loc - coL 8 ‘- d J- and ^nan** 8 ,IBee eoEtc ^ M ' fjr U E. Welch & Co,, are receiving an jaiouf, supply of New Rooks. Their slicing always crowded with the best Al most popular works of the day, we shrill Renter into detailed dcseriptions of any pjrricular ones, blit tvillaimply say to the Eje, one and ail, that Whenever they wish' uUliiW, 6llt 'h ; *s good books, stationery, Jey artieles, watches, jewelry, «fcc., that jejeanalwajs be supplied with the best bycalling at the Albany Rook Store. New Stock of Family Groceries! j. W. FLINT' *' CO., AT THE O^D 8TAXD Ok Health ! Comfort! Pleasure! The Summer of 1866. . \ (toon Cr.or.—Wo understand that f*n. A. If- Lawton, of this county, can boast rfjscood a crop of corn end cotton as any (dior planter in South-Western Georgia— j, bet we a re told that it cannot bo excelled, jbe General managed to keep ' bis “old binds” and its seems that they have •been, ■jfiitlifnl to him as when slaves. Mr. if Islington Culpepper, (the overseer) de- yms great praise lor the maimer in which plus niinluetcd^ho business,, am] we do Wlhesitate in pronouncing Inin a good man ner and an excellent firmer. We congrat- ^leiien. I.. upon having secured Iris ser ins for the present year! . - Lines to “ A Friend, ” \Vf» tfiay asked to write more cheerfully BY MKI.OIIIA. ■ "■ 1• . ' ' ' Yon bid me write in gayer strain, Yon bid me be ot ligliter mood, Your mandate is, :0|F, ill vair rrJEad H AS now on hand and nro constantly receiving, a largo and fresh supply of .. . Family Groceries, which they will sclllo the public at as reosonab.c *?.» ns t * lcycan Possibly afford.. Their stock con sists in.part of the following named articles: , _^ a , con ’ ***$» Flour. Sugar,Coffee, Butter, Cheese, Crackers. Pickles, Sauces and Catsups; also, Can dies, Nuts, Raisins, Preserved Fruitaia Cans, &c r :&e., together with alargti quantity of Fiuc Clieiv- ■ys ; y ,rt Smoking Tobacco, and Cigars pf the best brands. Also, Wines and Liquors by the bottle, gallon or barrcll, with the bestofChara- pagne. Ale and Porter; Buckets, Brooms, Seives, Tin >\ arc, and many articles too numerous to men- INDm SPRINGS, GEORGIA. T IIE undersigned, proprietor of lire E L D E 1» H O U S E« at the above named celebrated watering place, begs leave to invitejill in search of health, comfort or pleasure, during the ensuing —ttrm season, to give him a call. An experience of several years gives confidence that the necessities and tastes of all can be insured. Tlie buildings arc located near Hie Spring, with shady and pleasant walks leading thereto. Tito general accommodations are weU adapted to the use of families or invalids. For the information of all, tho prices for Board arc-stated as Callows: - TWO' DOLLARS, Single Day. ' TWELVE DOLLARS. Per Week. FORTY DOLLARS, Per Month. . I have also a first class pdhsengcr coach, of suffi cient capacity to accommodate fourteen ’ passengers each drip.' Tho teams and coach is under the- man agement of Mr. CHARLES FOSTER—an: old and experienced driver—who will wait upon visitors upon tho arrival of the trains at Forsyth, daily. ' Thankful for past favors, the proprietor of the ELDER HOUSE will bo pleased to greet his friends who may be desirous of spending the warm season as oomfortably as is possible, and in a healthy lo cation. W. A. ELDER. July 14,I860. ■». 40—4w Thf ,highest market price will he paid for all kinds Of COUNTRY PRODUCE, eitherin CASH or barter. Onr city nnd country friends will find itdeeidediy to tbeir interest to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere, as we intend to sell as LOW ns the LOWEST. J. W. FLINT & CO. Albany, June 2, 1806. 34-Gin AGENTS WANTED FOR T/*c Life and Campaigns of GEN. STONEWALL JACKSON, Bt Psov. R. L. Dauxiv, D. D.,o»Va. THE Standard Biography of the Immortal Hero. The only edition authorised by his widow. The au- t her a personal friend and Chief of Staff oftheChris- lian Soldier. We want an Agent in every county. Sendfor circulars and seo our terms. Address NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO.. 214 Seventh St., Richmond. Va. July 21,1886. . 41-4w IV vain, 1 mast evcrXadly brood. / Jlronil over sorrbw, sickness, loss For it lias been my lot to bear 1 All. all of these ; ami tempest-tossed y, '-.irt is wrecked and stranded hero m ,,'Vr the heart lias passed, Ai* snnsliillt* will again > cast, reft. pongierty^Siiperior Court. Jane Tern, I86G. ’ Josern S. Smith, ) RULE NISI, _ V*. I l - To Foreclose Oeosge H. CnKT.vr.n, J Mortgage. Administrator on tho Estate uf >V. \V. Cheever, deceased. It appearing to the Court hv the petition of Joseph 8. Smith, that on tho seventh dav of July, eighteen hundred and fifty-eight, William W. Cheever, by deed or mortgage, conveyed to said Joseph S. Smith all that city lot nr parrel of land in the city of Alba ny, county of Dougherty, end State of Georgia known in tho plan or said- city as that part of ctlv lots numbers forly-six (46) and forty eight (48) on Commerce st reel, described as follows: Commenc- ft t a point, oh the Western line of lot nuniber thirty f—'t from iheTi.inkwest corner ol mm* CHILLS & fever; ,1 certain Oaiuqk ak's Piltr a^o comp«w«lsimnlv of Firwrta- . . We Medicine*. ’•They are Cathartic. 'Pill*, acting' .. "pon the Stomach, Liver, and Jtoieels ; containing Arsenic, Calomel, Bine Mass, or any ether Mineral -• rilla is that, without tho a._ Bine Mas?,'or any other Minerals, they will care tho most obstinate cases -of CHILLS AND FEVER. DUMB AGUE, PERIODICAL HEAD ACIDS, NED- An Old Song,’ set to a New Tune. Kr I8663 -CO «• As spring approaches Ants and Roaches From their holes come out. And fifice and RutSy In spite of cats, __ Gaily skip about r ,r that is claimed for them. - Try one box, and their ova merits will recommend them ever afterwards. tsryto have nsed tlallighan’a Fill*, and bavo never known them to DUl to cure when the directions were followed, tnd unhesitatingly recommend them to ” public favor. ; “l 1 -1- ! I jr* TTS - Ev-Cov. nr AUttma = • 2 T. J. JUDGE, Judge Supreme Court of Ala^. “ EOBERT DODOUEUTY, Judge 9th Circuit ' of Alabama. •Wk. O. WALLER, Sheriff Montgomery Co- Ala. How. ALEX. R CLITIIEKALL, Montgomery, Ala.' Cou J AS. II, WEAVER, > - CRAWFORD BIBll, « Maj.E.A. *• - » DANlEL-SAYRE,~Qnuul Sec. Grand Lodge, Ala., F. & A. Masons. mmr& hale, Soje Proprietors, Montgom’ry, Ala, Wholesale I^cpots, , f Harral, Risfar& Tompkins* 141 Chambers st., N.T. S. W. Morsdun, N. Y., Edvard Wilder & Cor, Louisville, Ky., E. J. Hart & Co., N. 0. La.,. Bloknt & Hale, Montgomery, Alabama. 8©-SOLD-BY—L. E. Welch, E. H. Bacon & Co. Gilbert & Ilillsman, nnd all Druggists generally. Albany, Ga., July 28,1SCG. 42— Gm ONLY S20,00! Albany Male & Female Academy. H AVING purchased the controlling interest in the above named property, with a view to're suming my profession (followed for-twenty-five years) I would hereby respectfully inform the j-«b- lio ot my purpose; on tho 1st of October next, in the aforesaid institution, to open a school fully adapted to the wanta-of the citizen* of Albany and the com munity at large. • ALT. CAMPBELL. July 7th, 1P6G. « 80-3m* To the heart by grief Dt* All lone, all’drear, and desolate,.^. ?' I si-Lcli my weary life away, Ami iike a’bird without a mate r - , j sail! y pine from day to day. Kr.mi mu have passed tlie lov,d of earth, M_v i.lnls one by one departed, llirli dark and lone, n left my licartb, Anti I, alas! left broken hearted,— Mr grief was fi'aiitic,-tvild, and deep, l I.i,l me froin tlie world au ny, 1 only longed tin tlltf, and sleep, In tlie grave where my darlings lay. I yd,led to this wild despair,' Until my health and strength gay e way Fur I was frail, and heavy care Told on my frame from day to day. At last, all faint my conch I sought An l tlirpw me there, resigned to die,' Tlie world was' dark, I ear’d for nought, I only lived to weep and sigh. Month after month my roottfl kept, Pale grew my cheek, and dim jnycye, For day and night, I sat and wept, And pray’d to God to let me die. Time brought at last its healing balm. And pour’d it o’er my wounded heart It soothed my breast, I grew more calm And felt less keen, affliction’s dart. Kind friends are left to cheormypntb, They fondly shield me from all care, For their dear sake’s I’ll sing and laugh, K’ en if my heart is in despair. God bless my dearly cherished friends May o’er tneirlives no darkness Tower no theirs the bliss that never ends, round in Elysian’s happy bower. X iS ’, '' oarc nt, kindest, best, of friends, bid not again my strain be goy, ' °m, ,:n ™ c,s ever, ever lends The notes 1‘breatlic into ray lay. A Beautiful Woman , no day last winter, a boy froth the sontli, ou a visit to the city, was taking li]lr r8 T !8SO " ' ,n t ''o ar t of “sliding down " aon ' le suddenly found his feet in <k«r *2° cll ’ s0 ““toot with a lady’s silk lie N ' lr l lr|sc ' | l, mortified, and confused, JS»S front his sled, and, cap in band, “JJoentod an earnest appjog v. . lon-ifK your pardon, Ilia’S U. S. J. R. OITICB, \ ActtAST, Ga., June 28th, 18G6. / N OTICE is hereby given that mv annual list for 1805, closed on the TERTI1 of next x ■ * an<t.aB jieraons who, after that J.te, have not relomru d.cir Income Tax for 1805, will be Lieut to oenalif u defaulters. Jyecttope o. HINES, As’t. Assessor. June 30th, 186G. 8S ~ said lot loriy-eight,-thence due East to the Eastern line of said lot number forty six ; one hundred and live (105) Teet thence due South, on the East line of lot forty-six, (46,); sixty feet thence duo West, to the Western line of lot forty-eight; one hundred and five.feet thence due North; to the starting point, being sixty feet fronting oh Jackson street, hmidred and five feet back, for the securing to- Daymen! of a note, made by eaid Williara W. Cheever. dated on the seventh day of July, eighteen hundred and fifty- eight, payable to Joseph S. Smith or bearer, and due twelve months after date, for the sum of three hun dred dollars, with interest from date; which said note is nmv due and unpaid; aim it further appearing that noWj-Wm. W.Cheever has departed this life, and that GeoTge H. Cheever ba« been duly appointed Administrator on the estate of said William W; Cheever, deceased; It .is ordered that PStidGeoreo H. Cfieever, Ad-' miiustrator as aforesaid, do pay into this Court, be fore the first day of the next 'Perm tlfereof, the prin cipal*, interest* Lnd cost*, due on said note, or show muse, if any he ha«, to the contrary,as in default thereof forecloseure be granted to the said Joseph fc*. Smitb,*of said mortgage, and the equity of redemp tion of said George H. Cheever, Administrator as aforesaid, the ein be forever barred, and that service of this Rule b * perfected on said George W. Cheever Administrator. as aforesaid, aecnrt! iiig to law. HINES & IlOBBS, Pi’fts. AU’ys. June 6th, 1866. • A true extract from tlie Minutes of Dougherty Superitq Court, June Term, 1866. — - John P. Cargilk, Clerk* Albany; July 28ih. 1866. »nim Zylobalsamiim. A LLEN’S Zylobal8amum, Allen’s Iliir Restorer, Clock’s Itair Restorer, Prof. Wood's Hair Re- sloreff Sterling’s Ambrosia Cor the Hair, Burnett’s Coacoinc for the Hair, Lyon’s Kaljiniron, Bachelor's Bair Dye—for sale next to Express Office, by E .11. BACON & CO.“, Druggists. Albany, May 19, 18CG. - . 82-* KADWAY’S READY RELIEF. M ARSHALL’S Catholicon, Ilelmbolt’s Buchu, Jayne’s Expectorant, Ayre’a AguoCuro; Ayre’a Cherry Pectoral, South Araerisan Fever and Ague Cure, Mexican Mustang Liminient—for sale by . E. H. BACON & CO, Druggists* Albany, May 19, 1866. f 82-^- Dougherty Superior Court.' Jane Term, 18CS. J. E. & ilowAfi Thompson, j . RULE NISI vs. V to for close Natuaxiel L. Barxabd. J Mortgage • Xr ^nopwing to the Court by the petition of J. E TLat*. *«on Horace Thompson, partners, using firm'naineana J *E-& Horace Th-impson thntbvdccd of raorlgaaJ, ,,al ^ “ n tl . ,e Kebmary, eighteen hundred and nu> h. Barnard conveyed to William P. Jennings, lc f s ot hind numbers one hundred and nine, (109), one. hun dred and ten, (110), one hundred and thirty, (130.) and one hundred aud-thirlv-one, (1310 situated,ly ing and being in tbe first (1st.) District of the coun ty of Dbugherty, and State of Gt?orgia, for the pur- pore of securing the payment o? three certain prom isory note*, all dated pn the first day of January eighteen hundred And tidy-nine—made by thr ? Natluuiiel L. Barnard, payable to the said Wi “18 years established in N. Y. City.” “ Only infallible remedies known.’.’ “Free from Poisons.” “Not dangerous to the Human Family, j “ Bats conic out of tbeir holes to die.” Oostar’s” Rat, Roach, &c., Ester’s, astc—used for Rats, Slice, Roaches, and Red Anis, &c., &c.» &c., &c. Oostar’s” Bed-Bug Exterminator IsaJiquid or wnsb^—used to destroy, and also as a preventive for Bed-Bugs, &c. f~-— Oostar’s Electric Powder for Insects Is for Sloths, Slusjuitocs, Fleas, Bed-Buy&, ■ . Insects on Plants Voxels, Animals, &c. • jjgy*! ! f BfWAWClTT orhfrworthtcasl«»JhU*lto»k^ S c ° that “ Costar’s ’’ name is on cach'Box, Bottle nnd Flask, before yon buy. Address,. HENRY R. COSTAR, • * 482 Broadway, N. Y. gSy-Sold in Albany, Ga., by all Druggists and Retailers* I860. Increase of Rats.—The Farmer’*.Gazette (Eng 5 - lish) asserts and proves that ono pair of ^ats will have a progeny and descendants no lcsslhan 651,060 in three-years. Now, unless this iinmscqse family can be kept down/lbey would-consume more food than would sustain 65,000 human beings. See ‘/ Costae’s ”• advertisement above. Rats versus Birds.—Whoever engages in shoot ing, small birds is a cruel man; whoever aids in ex terminating rata is a benefactor. Wo’shouldlikc some ono to give us tho benefit of their experience in driving out these pests. We need something be sides dogs, cats, and traps for this business.—Scien tific American, N. T. i ~ Coj?rAR’s’*advertiscment above PROCLAMATION! Extraordinary Inducements To ronoDO Wanting _ - - SEWING MACHINES! HIE WILSON :SEWING MAQKINE MANUFACTURING COMPANY aro now offering to tbo Public, . “WILSOIT’S NEW FAMILY MACHINES FOR ONLY. TWENTY DOLLARS-: ME3DiCA.M;35TSrTTJ3S£ ! E ANSTOCK’S Vermifuge, Snidliti Powders, So da Powdera, Pnrry Davis’ Pain Killer, and a ofOlhor popular Patent Medieihes—for salt next to the Exprees Otfiee, bj E. H. BACON & CO., Druggists. Albany. May 19.1886. P Uric 11 aiu very i mind’” exclaimed tlio lady, “there than I™ q”” aq<l y° U ' W ° r " C Ra ''I the hoy, as hia. I'llio,,,,}., ' Vlt l tears,-“your dross is ruined. r «Wi; g JoSess.'» VCry ansry witU me h ” cxciaiuwj tiic heldoat'a S Mt i Jf 8 i id 1,cr 1,eau > a ® S,1C ' 10t «'atcr i„ her hand: you." m(> > or I will scald ba ecai.i J[ onr Water,’’said lie, “I’d lnylifi; ! Wihiof" lo ^ mn cv , cr y cla Y in j«of Irclamf'^v “.‘P^Wngof themiser- Wfgra-es’nT/Ji 1 .‘ er C «P "f misery has “’lowing and is not yet ful BARNETT &. GO, COTTON FACTORS, Grocers and General Com. Merchants, APALACHICOLA, FLA., & COLUMBUS, GA. iROMPT attention given to oil Consignments nnd Shipments of Cotton to Now York, New cans and Liverpool. Liberal advances made on -CQUsigamcnts. iff & Receivinjr; House pn . APAIAO HIOOLA. FE.A. t-yEAR SIRWe respectfully call your ntten- I ) lion to tho fact, that wo have established a hShs» at Apalachicola, Fla., for the Mwjhfdu- ing a GenerolCommistnon and Forwardiflgbusiness. nfving established relations with somo of tlio best hollars in foreign and dAmestio ports, we nrn pre pared to ofTer unusual advantages ,0 f h ’ jlF“ ra ton and oilier produce. Special attention will bo given to all cotton sent us for sale, either In our own °^ a „ g n n to omCommisslon business, wc will keep constlmtly oo hand a large stock of <3- :r, o o ini ibs> witb adv*nces-on cotton sen . * i. . Ann le by the said illiam Pfenning* or liearcr—the first due on tho first day of January, eighteen hundred and sixty, for the sum of lour thousand five hundred and sixty dollars. The second due ou the first day oPJaimary,eighteen hun dred and sixty-onp, for the sum of lour thousand, two hundred aud eighty dollars—and the third of said notes dan on the firtt day of January, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, for the snin of lour thousand dollars—the two last mf'iitioned of which said notes are still due and unpaid, and which s. fd notes and mortgige, for a valuable consider-ti-m in the usual course of trod*, has bet*u transferred by the said William P. Jenniiigs to the said'J. D. and Horace Thompson. w ‘ ft is ordered that the said Nathaniel L. Barnard do pay into this Court by tlie first day of tlie next Term thereof, the principal, interest and cost, due on said twblast mentioned notes, or show cause, if any Jie ha*, to the contrary, or that in default thereof loro closnUe be granted to the said J: E. and XTorace Thompson ol.said mortgage, and the-equity of re demption, of Uic said Nathaniel L Barnard thereih be forever Jtarred, and-that service of this Rule be R rfected on said Nathaniel 1.. Barnard, according to (v. HINES & HOBBS, Jutie 6th, 1866. Pl’ff’s AU’ys,, • A- trpe extract from the minutes of Duttgherty Superior Court,-June Terra 186*1. * Johh~F. Cabgilb, Clerk. Albany, July ~28th, 1886. . a not be worked ot pulled apart.. * Wilson’s' y. HEW $30 MACHINE Doe, mmy Kith nr Ml of TreeM. Madina. It bu tana u the old Yttehlo., anA I. ao adapted Su“iffJ£dS»aiy work-table, and remain firm without fastening. IT FEEDS THE WORK 1TSELT, Dougherty Superior Court, June Term, 1SGG. Joseph S. Smith, 1 RULE NISI vs. V Jb Foreclose •Bdenezeu n. Swissey. j Mortgage. f aU, anJlo.furm»hUU - - aeaaon. for the coming crop ancl nurii w h —(l,ir house in ColumSus, oa., will no ou. linued t Si reel*. June 16lh, 1853, BARNETT A. CO United States Internal Revenue A8M8 ir n f r.aTMay } a LL person, required-hy ^ Slatn. lo «•*•* A Thave expired this day, and most heretofore issued h i n defauit thereof, ihe pen- be renewed at >nee,^o , enforced, ally provided by the Statute w ^ ^ JHNK8 Albany,- May 6, 1866. Assistant Assessor, The Price of Confederate Cerreicy. In consequence of numerous enquiries daily as to the price of gold for. Confederat e notes daring a certain period, we have, for the convenice of our citizens, prepared a ta ble, showing actyal salos front January 1st, _ 1861, to May. 1st, 1865, which is very essen tial to -those who are now dcsirons of set tling debts contracted during the war. • ... Price of Gold for Confederate Nolee from January lit; 186V,% May lrf, 1865. 1861. Jan 1 to May I,...- 6 pr July t to Oct 1 ......10 pr Oct Is to Oct 15.....12 pr Nov 15.. Dec I....*.; 20 Dec 15 21 1804. Oct Nov 15. .~15 pr Jan 1.... 21 Dec 1 ...20 pr Dec 15.. 30 pr 1802. Jan 1 20 pr Jan 16....,.,... ,20 pr Feb * ' Jan 15 20 Feb 1....:.; 20 Feb 15 2t March 1.., 26 March Y5.73hk.2D. 1 .25 pr April 4....r.’.....19 , c ’ ^ % —:i l r. . .;21 Feb 15 .'. 40 pr March ..50 pr Marcli 15......... «5 pr April 1..................75 pr April 80 pr May 1;..... ..00 pr May 15......... ...95 pr June 1 95 pr Aug 15...'..;... 2 20 for 1 Septl..2 50 for 1 Sept 15 2 50 for 1 Oct 1. ... 2 50 for 1 Oct 16~... .1*2 50 for 1 1863. _ , Nov 1 to Feb 1 3 _£fot 1 March 1...:.... 325 for 1 March 15 to May 15 5 for 1 May 15.. G for^l Juno 1 6 50 for 1 Juno 15........ 7 50 for i .Tuly 3 8 'for 1 July 15 10 Tori Aug. 3 14 fori for 1 Aug 15. Y 16 Septl '..14 Sept 15.........14 Oct 1 18 for 1 Oct 15 : 12 50 for 1 Nov 1...:; 13 for 1 15 50 for 1 20- for h fort for 1 fori*- fori fori fori dot 1 for l for 1 fori fori fori April-15. May 1 20 May 15 .18 “ me, I to Ju-" ly 15....: 18 July 15 to 7 T ; Aug 15..ri....20 for l v.;.....:..2022 fori Nov 1 20 50 far 1 Nor 15.a. ~28 for l Dec 1 ..32 ftrl Dec 15,.35 fori Dec 3K.....-.....51 for 1 1865.< Tannary 1—....6Q January I5.T.«5&" for l Feb 1 to Mar 1,3 10 for 1 February 1.....60 fbr“l February 15...46 - for 1 March 1 ....«..p55 - Tor 1 March 15 _57 fori April 1 „...70 for-1 April 10 80^ for 1 April 20. 100” fori April 26 ..200 for 1 April 27. .....*800 fori April 28 .500 fori* for 1 April 29 .800 for 1 April 30...;..1000, fori for 1 May 1.........1200 _ for 1 lVhiclrwa9 thejast ac tual salp of Confederate Currency. ALBANY PRICE CURRENNT. ±866. COSTAR’S ” RAT‘EXTERMINATOR is simple, safe, and sure—the most perfect RAT-ification meet ing we have ever 'attended. Every RAT that can get it, properly prepared, will eat it, and every one that eats it will die, generally at some place as dis tant! as possible from where .it was taken.—ZrizArc Shore (Mich.) Mirror. jpgr See “CostarV’ advertisement above. HOUSEKEEPERS troubled with, vermin need be so no longer, if they use “ Costab’s ” Exterminator. We have'uscd it to our satisfaction; and if it cost $o, wo would have it. We have tried poisons, l ut they effected nothing: but “Costar’s” article knocks, the breath out of Kats, Mice, Roaches, Ants, and Bed-Bugs, quicker than we can write it- It is in great demand all fiver-the-country.—Medina {Ohio) Gazette. JCfigT Sec “Costab*s’* advertisement above. Sold in -Albany, Ga., by E. H. Bacon' & Co., and an Druggies and dealers. April 25,1866. 27—3m _ Flonij per barrel,.;. Com.pcr bushel Corn Meal Cow Peas, .^12.50(3)10.00 • . 1.25® 1.50 to 1.50 . : l'.25@ 1.50 • 1.0*0 NEW GOODE * BACBf xacjusb Warranted for Five Years! -.-JUdrMsaU Orders— WILSON SEWING MACHINE i j vinjzrTrurvo fin.. T IE undersigned will be pleased (o see' his friends and tbe publio generally, -at « THe Old Stand, Formerly occupied by Beers & Brinspn, where he will offer them A VARIETY OF GOobs, Consisting in part of DRESS GOODS: CAI.ICOBS. M Delanes, Jaconet Muslin, ■ fiWEAEv* CTanton, Oucra, Red and White Flannels, O^LSSIJSf-ETTE, Satlnette. KENTUCKY JEANS, Bradley’s Duplex Eliptio Hoop Skirt, - I GLOVES, - HOSIERY, COLLARS, Under Sleeves, Cotton Yarns, Cotton Cards, Hardware, CTJTLIERY, WEEDIlSra HOF& FIRE-PROOF WAREHOUSE 1 being and State of Georgia, and known and distinguithed in tlie plan of said city as lot number eighty-two,*on State Street, containing one aero, more or less, for the purpo«u!of seewrius 4he payment of a certain promisory - ncy, payable to the orJer or aald Juseph S. Smiib, ilaie’d cm the eighteenth Jay of May, eighteen linn-, ilreil ami fifty-nTne. and due two years alter date, (or the sum of two hundred and foriy-dollars and seven ty-five ccuta, and which said note is now due and nti- '“iti, or dereil that said Ebcnezer |1. Sivinney do pay into this Court by tiie first day of tlie next Term thereof, the principal, interesl and costs duo oil said -note, of show cause, it any he has, in Ihe contrary, nr that in default thereof forcciosnra be granlid ip Ihe said Joseph S. Smith of said mortgage, ami the pcpiily of redemption oftiie said Ehenezer IJ. Nwin- nev therein bo lorever barred, and that s'erviuo Id this Role be perfected 09 said Ehenezer H. Swinney according to law. 111NF.S & HOBBS, June 5th, 186«. IM fT.S Al !ys A true extract from tlie minutes of Dougherty 811- ncrinr Court. J«“» F- C*i:gilz, Clerk Albany July 38tli, 1866 mlm NEWFIRM! BUS T-A JOHNSTON. mil JL ? ol Do HE UNDERSIGNED respectfully beg to an nounce to tlie PLANTERS anA MERC HANTS 'ongljerty nnd adjacent Counties, that they have this day formed a co-partnership under the firm name and style of KUST & JOHNSTON, to engage in the WAREHOUSE and .COM MISSION business* occupying the Fire-Proof W: of Sims & .Host, and confidently trust they will continue to receive that generous support and pa tronage heretofore extended to each-of them. » Y. U. RUST. gjRfS§EI|y <: - T. 11. JOHNSTON, Albany, Ga., June 1st, I860. > 36-wCm Ground Pens, per bushel,..... Bacon, per pound, Lard, “ by tin,- barrel,..., Butter, Tallow, “........'. Beeswax; “... S6ap,Turpentine, per lb Salt, Liverpool, per sack, Sugar, brown, per lb ; Sugar, refined, . ..i Coilee, Itio, . ... .. ... Coffee, Java, .“ . . .. Tea,, Tobacco, per lb, by the hox. Nails, “.... Iron,. Powder,,. , ,i ,. Shot,.,... * .,.. Cheese, ‘*7........ Candles, Candles, sperm, per lb,....... Osnaburgs, per yard,. . . ..... Sheeting,.............. Calicoes,....'.. ....-.p Segars, per thousand,........25.00® 180.00 Syrap, cane, per gallon,.-. 75@ 1.00 whiskey, 3.50@ 8.00 Brandy, ,v.. W*ne r ...; ^,... Vinegar, “........... Cp»l Oil,. .-...^ Eggs, per dozen,., ..... Cliickens,. - Maclceral, per kitt, three doz. Codfish; per lb, Crackers,.“ ..... '.. Pickles, per.jar,.....' Candies, per lb,. ... Can Fruits, each, Oysters, Cove, per hox,.:... Sardines,per box, f.,.. Saticcs, per bottle,.. Nuts, per.-lb,.........V. i... Macaroni, per lb,............ Vermacill,..... Mustards, per jar. Soda, per lb, 10@ 18 . 30@ 35 8 a JO 25 20@ 25 475a 5.00 15@ 20 25® 30 4Q 55 to 00 1.50® 2.50 .75 to 4.00 50® 1.75 ■ 14® 15 12J@ 16 85@ 1.00 25@ . 30 35® 40 40@ 50 75 to 1.00 25 to 6.00@16.00 5.00@ 8.00 1.00@ 1.25 125a 1.60 20® 25 -2.25 to 2,50 5.00 20 20to 25 40 to 2.00 60to 75 75 to 1.00 fiOtol.OO 40 to 50 : 40 to 50 -40 to 75 ' - 60 Pepper, ground, per lb Pepper, berry,....“ Brooms. oa6h,...’ Lye, concentrated, per box,.. ■Fresh Meats, per lb, 25 to 60 20 to 25 75 to r.oo 40 to 60 50 to 75 40 to 50 8 to 12$ A Fatal Drinking Wager A foolish wager was made at a winc-6hop' in Paris which death. At a breakfast, where the coversation turned' 011 the quantity of drink which a person could take,.a bricklayer, named Florentine, mado a bet tliat lie would drink twelve glasses of tvine while the clock .of tlie -Tuilcries was Striking twelve. He drankthree glasses be. fore the clock bad struck three’times. .At the next glass he stopped to breathe. At, the seven! li lie began to drink more slowly, but, making an effort, lie drank off tho eighth glass, lie then turned very pale and breathed with dilucnlty. Hit friends wished to slop tlio wager, but lie said lie would-go'on, come what might, and swal- Jowed-the ninth gins‘. lie had hardly emp tied tiic glass, rwlien he fell down .senseless, A surgeon was’ sent for, but, in spite of all his efforts, the foolish mail died in three hours. " Great Labor-Saving Machinej ' '”7 . . THE * . Universal Clothes Wringer Tobacco, Soap, Soda, ^•;$TARGBg Feaolies, Pears, &c„ &c. : ■ CEMENT! ; nARItELS ImJRAULTG CfiMUNT.— OU For sale by NELSON TIFT. J66F* Apply at Bridge Building, or atT. II. John stou’s Ware-House. . April 21, 1866, ROBERTA. BEERS, Agent, Albany, November 11* 1805. 36-3m Sarsaparilla. RES, Sand’s, Dr. John Bull’s and Old Dr. Townsend’s Sarsaparilla—for sale by E. H. BACON *' Druggists. Albany, May 19, 186C. 32— PURE COGNAC BRANDT. • •• ; TRY IT! genuine Bourbon Whiskey! SOMETHIN^ REALLY HOOD! Sherry W in 'e ! Schiedam Schnapps, Port Wine Pure - and Unadulternted I-! Fur sale at E. II. BACON & CO.’S. Albany, March 28,1866. 21-2\v Hotice to Debtors und Creditors. A u LL persons indebted to the estate of E. H. Hie" f\ nan, deceased, are notified that they must.set* tie the same immediately—and all persons having chains against said estate must present them within the time prescribed by law, or ihey will be barred* JOHN F. OARGILE. Adm’r on estate E* II. Ilienan, dcc’d. July 7 th, 1800. 39-