The Albany patriot. (Albany, Ga.) 1845-1866, August 25, 1866, Image 4

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NS#*?* 4 United States Government. • thi: uxKcriivj:. .• , 1 Andrew Johnson, of Tenii., President. TO THE CITIZEN OF GEORGIA, Tho termination of ft sanguinary contest, which foribe pastr four years has presented «n impassable barrier to ail social or commercial intercourse bc- LaFttyette S. Foster, of Conn., .Acting tween tbe two great sections of our country, having Vice President. ' Wm. H. Seward,'ofN^eW Yoric,.Secretary ofState- ?• - ‘ill. H; McCnllocli, of Indiana, Secretary ot the Treasury. ■ #- . Edwiii.Mv Stanton, of Pennsylvania, Se cretary of War. - . Gideon Welles, of Connecticut, Secretary of thus'‘Navy. ' James Harlan, of Iowa, Secretary of the Interior. • 3 ames Sneed, of Kentucky, Attofhoy Gen eral. ... - . WilHajn Dennison, of Ohio,^Postmaster- General. ’ ■ ’ '" ~ '• at length happily cleared away all ‘obstacles to a renewal Cf these relations which formerly boiiiyl us tbgeiher in a fraternal union, I take the earliest, opportunity afforded by .this auspicious event; to greet my Southern friends, nnd to solicit from them a renewal of that extensive business which for n quarter of a century has been uninterrupted save by tiio gi^at* public calamity .to which I have adverted. It is scarcely ’necessary, on the threshold of a business re-union I should-repeat tho'wanting so often giveii to nty friends—to beware of all thests spurious and deleterious compounds; which, under >. TUB’JUDICIARY. Salmon P. Cfiase, of Ohio, Chief Sustice. Nathan Clifton!, of Maine, Associate J us-, tice. *■ . ‘ ' Samuel Nelson, of New York, Associate Justice.’ *■'. - v K. C. Qrier, of Pennsylvania;. Associate 'Justice; . ' • • • \ James M. Wayne, t>f Georgia, Associate justice. * David Davis, ofTllmois, Associate. JwS- * nee. ; —.. —— ^Vacancy.) Noah II. Swayne, of Ohio, Associate J tta- tice. Samuel F; Miltr, of loiva, Associate Jus tice. ’ , ’ . ‘ ‘ GEOUGU—STATS G0VERX1IEXT. EXECUTIVE IlEr.VKT5IE.Nr. Charles J. Jenkins, Governor. It; L. Hunter, Secretary Executive De partment.. - . .. ' • II J. G. Williams...... Z. D. Harrison, Messenger. STATB TIOUSE'ttyPICEttS. N-. C. Barnott, Score tar.y of State and Sur veyor General. ; J. T. Burns, Comptroller General. ‘ John Jones, Treasurer. ' J. G. Montgomery; Librarian. J esse Horton, Captain State House Guard. vumetAttv. . Judgesof the Supreme Court—Jos. H. Lumpkin, Iverson L. Harris, Dawson A. Walker. ' . Clerk—C. W. Dubose. PENITENTIARY. 1 XS, C. Anderson, Principal Keeper; C. G. Talhird, Assistant.Keeper; A. M. Nis- tiet, Book Keeper. ' • . lUxatic ASYLUM. Dr. T. F. Green, Supt. and Resident Phy sician; Dr./T.'O. Powell, Assistant Physi* JAMES H. HILL’S STORE! WEST SIDE MAIN ST. . \'6u can always find tho- MWest and most Fashionable. Dress Goods tho specious ami falYo titles of Imported Wities^ Brandies, Holland Gin,‘‘Liquors,". &c.y bare .been Of all kinds, to be had in any of the Northern mar kets. Our stock te.selected with chre andtaste,' so tjmt the most fustuUous can sailed. DOCGUERTE COIIKTV SEP’R COtJRT. Judge;.... Solicitor . . .lLIL Clark. Sheriff.... ,v. Clerk. L. P. D, Warren. j. W. Kemp. ■. 3. J 1 . Cargile. Ordinary ,.,.......... . .W. II, Wilder. CPUOTY-COUBT. '..A ' •Judge ; a........ .Thomas C, Spicof. Solicitor.'. —... .. .XVm. Oliver. Clerk j; F. Cargile. • ’ '‘JUIKIKS INFERIOR COURT. John Jackson, J. M. Mercer, N."P. Ilrin- 'aon, T. A. Cleaves, E. M. Thompson.. Clerk.; J. -F. Cargile. qually destructive to the health of our citicens as prejudicial To .tho .interests Of ’the legitimate,Im porter. Many years of my past’life have been expelled in \an* open and candid attempt to expose these .wholesale ttatidaVho time nor expense has been spared to accomplish this salutary purpose, and-to place before my friends and the public generally, at the lowest market price, and in sdcU quantities os might suit, their convenience, a truly gcuuino imported'article. Twenty-fire years’ business transactions with tho largest and most respectable exporting houses' iu France nn<l nfTuideil nie’unsur passed facilities for supplying our home market with Wines, Liquors, nndjjiqmurcs of the best and uiosi approved brands in Europe, lir addition to toy own distillery in Holland for Vie manufacture of .the Schiedam Solinaps.” Tiio latter, sd long tested and approved by Ike. medical Faculties of. the United States, West ludies and SoutkrAmeriea ah an invaluable ’Therapeutic, a wholesome, pleasant, and perfectly safe beverage in all Climates and during all seasons, .quickly cx< i ted the cupidity ol. the home manufacturers and ven ders of a aptfrUm* article under the same name. I trust that I have, after much toil and expense, surrounded np my importations with safeguards and directions which.with ordinary circumspection will insure their delivery, as 1 receive them from Europe., to all my customers. f would, hdWcvcr, ecqmracnd in all*’Castes wfttefe it is possible, 1bat oi dcne < b'o sont direet fo my depot 22 Heaver Street, New York, or that purchises"be made of my accredited agents. In addition to a litfge -stock of' Wines, Brandies &c., in wood,' f have a considerable supply of -old tried foreign Wines, embracing Vintages of many years past, bottled up before tbe commencement of Vho war, Which 1 can 'especially recommend to all counoissenrS ’6f the^o Vare Jftxuries., * Jn conclusion, I would specially cart tlfe early at- iention of ro^r Southern customers to the advantage to-be derived by transmitting their orders without loss of time, or calling personally at the depot, i order to insure the fulfilment of their orders out of tbe present large and well selected a’ss'srtment. 'UDOiPJIO WOLFE, 22 Beaver Street, New York. February 21, l8ofi. 13-3m WHITE a^JODS, (Gr all kinds) ■; SAVISS JA-GKOISTET, TARttefonre Nainsook, Ac., &c. In qualities and quantity to meet the demapda of any. Fancy Goods and Notions BOOTS AMD SHOES, •ior stock is complete, from tile Brogan lathe ficest (Both Gentleinens’ and Ixadies*,) We have a full and complete stock. PEOSPEpTUS ’ Of the NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER , r>. c. Southern Mutual Inaurauoe Oo Allictas Ga. JF.FFER30i; ISSUUAXCE CO., . AtftEMiKLB COUSTV, VA„ FUFAULA HOME INSURANCE CO., . EL'FAULA, AW . VKAVttaS’S I.IFE IXSIIBAjiCH, ' HABTFOae.tOXN. WoodvillE iksobasce co„ VVOODVrEtS, At.V. JAMES RIVER INSURANCE, ' HOWAKDSYi’&i&VA. SOUTHERN INSURANCE & TRUST C0-, f tlS journal, baring beotatwice enlargrfi, h ono of tlie largest paper m in the country. ; It Is print ed on fiiie/ine wAtVe and heavy paper, nnd contains tn large and clear type, hors RKAiirsa mattkh, In Vhe foVm ol Hie tA rKST NKWs, general nnd special, together with teditoriaV rcportorial and selected matter onfitwest and importance, than any paper published so ath of New York. The N\tioxai; IxTELLtoEACFji is devoted jo News, LiterjUure. theuHerests of Religion, ind. Political affairs. It gives, daring tire ettSsioft Cf Congress, j8^*Call attention particularly to the Traveler’s Jnsuraifee Company. Tjiis Company insuresagairtst accideuts of all kinds, as well As lives, and should any one become.'di'sahled and prevented, frdrn at tending in their dusincss, they are paid weekly compensations. Albany, Go., Apyll Uth, 1800r * 23- oorrect reports of the debates and procecdingofifie two Houses, as Well as the. laws and public docu ments of each session, and nt all times and .every day the telegraphic dc^ntdlictrtfilhounciag the la test intelligence from every quarter of our oWri and- other countries. . The paper has been so long, esr tab!ished, and.ia so widely known, asliardly tp> ro- Vpiifc any formal exposition of its political charac ter and principles. As heretofore, it'aims to be as its namo impGrrs.'a National paper, maintaining itic •fust Goustiiutlpnal powers of the General Govern ment on the ono hand, and tho reserved right* of >h« States otr tho other—confident that Hie. Union ;.«an only be jnaiutained while the rights of each s’ ** -bo respected by 156 tfi and no lira ^.s c c nJcd by eii tVhile the Intelligencer advocates what the Editors conscientiously believe to be right and vriiwip .tho edministration of public affairs, it always Strives SAVANNAH, GA> Sons A. DAFWi Agent. .A. T -ot all kinds \ and in GLOVE Kill. IN HATS AND CAPS; Family Groceries, of all kinds And 61 the best quality. We have also a large lot ol BED BLANKETS. (WhitejOid Grey.) In fact ,ev*ty thing tobe found Ina JVriBANY, mows Watches, Jewelry, Dlamonils,jNEW DRY BOO^ Encourage Home Industry! W E ore no\y manufacturing at Albany, Georgia • a variety of Woolen c^Gbd.s Twilled and Plain, Colored and White. WA IlEENTBlt) - EERFEGfr.' _ ——“.And of the - 51 x V'iF D^E MILLION DOLIABS, AiitolSS sold Tor FIVE DOLLARS each, trithtmt V* . rifgsrii to value, And not to bo Paid For UNTIL YOU KNOW. WUAT YOU AS TO RCIV !! ■’ . Suitable for all classes of Working People, \vhiclw We will selL at Iteakohablc. Prices or exchange for Wool or Cotton. m We ask the attention of Merchants, Planters and others, assuring .thetn that we. are determined to make it to their interest to purchase our goods. We shall be prepsfrcd'by flto 1st of May to Card Wool and make Rolls for Customers: N. & A, F. TIFT. Albany,March 31, 1886. 22- 1,7^3 Gold nnd Silver Watches wero AUsjnbuted among the patrons of rAiiKiNSOjr & Company uu- ‘Ying t he ffionth of February,18<j6. Read comments ' f tho Press, speaking of thb'firnrin the most com- r .imentary manner:—‘‘A most industrious and prosperous liouse.”—TShippchsburgh, Pa., Scntruel. “Give all who deal with them perfect satisfaction.” —[Dunkirk, Nt Y.> Journal. Enjoys a high rep utation for ho'norablq dealing and . the quality of their goods*’—[New Phltz,^N. Y.-, Times. , '^I’er- fectly roliablo axrd will do all they promise.”—[Ny- aok,%. " A.LBA.2ST Y GRIST ‘ AND . Y, City and County. “Stand high for h.op- esty and fair dealing.”—[FishkiU, N. Y. JournaL “ Honorable and. fair dealing' men.”—[Stapletdn, N.- Y. Journal. “ One of the oldest and fnbst relia ble business.’*—[Cnnajoharie NJ Y. Radii. The- Albany Steam Mills are now tn operation, Making Good Meal' and Flour. Customers will be promptly attended to and freely dealt with* Our Customers will ftot he delayed, Tho‘Grain will be Weighed in and the Meal weighed out, (which will require tiut a few minutes) unless tfie parties prefer to get the Meal from their own Corn. Corn should be sent as freeTfotn cobs ary.1 dirt as possible. A11 the Coru.fis well as Whe$t, that we griud^ fainted through "the fan and the trash is not accounted for in Meal. N. &. A. f*. TIFT. Albrey, March 31,186A .21 rons.' 1 . [Lyons , 500 Solid Gold Hunting Watches $300 to 750 600 Magic Cased Gold. Watches...... 2501o 500 600 LadieSMSnameled Watches........ 100 to 500 600 Diamond Cluster Dadies’ Sets... 300 to 700 1-.000 Digjnond Solitaire Rings.... 75 to 250 1,000 fTeavy. Silver Hunting Watches. 75 to 150 1.000 Open-face Silver Watches... 20 toe 75 1,GOO Silver and Mahogany Musical Boxes 100 to 600 .1,000 Silver.Dining Sets • fottittSO l,600.Silver T'ca Sefs, complete.......,/ • 50 to 200 2.000 Silver Unis and Salvers............ 75 to 250 2,000 3evcn Chamber Revolvers........ 75 to 300 2.500 patent Single Barrel Pistols*..*.. 25 Vo .75 2.000 Richly Framed Oil Paintings.... 75 to 350 2i500 Elegant Pearl Opera Glasses..... -25 tc 75 3.000 Mammoth Photograpn AlbutoSu. 15 to' 60 8.000 Cluster Diamond Rings. .......... 25 td iOO 3.000 Ladies’ Oval Bracelets...T5 to 50 3.500 Gold Chains of different designs B5 to 800 8.500 Gold Thjnjblos, chased,*.. ‘ 5 to 60 METALIO BURIAL CASES riAll of which we propose to 6e!Iat the Very Lowest ;Market prices. ALL WE ASK IS A CALL.' LONG & THOMPSON’S v—Uofier tlie PriEtlng Office ON BROAD STREET, ALBANY, GEORGIA. A FINE ASSORTMENT of METAUC CrfFFINS from tbe smallest to the largest sizes have just Raine, Hewott & Co. Al’^oey, Nov. 25lb, 18t}5. 38- been received by. us, and will Tie kipt always on hand. Persons desiring Coffins of this kind can purchase them cheap by calling on LONG & THOMPSON. Albany; Feb. 23th„ 1888. - 14—tf FOB MARINE FIRE iNSURJLlSKCftfc ill ranca tompany^ Nv l| Atlantic Fife Insurance h N.Y,, Phffinix Ins. Co f , Hartford^ fan Norwich Fire-ins, Cfl^ Harwich, Conn. Total Capital $15,000,000. - HINES & HOBBS, .■ ^ Agctfln. Albany, GA., March 8d^ 18CA.. 15—fun Put Money in thy Purse! A great variety of Bultoift, Needles, Pins, Thread «tc.> &r. ‘ L. K. WELCH & CO. Dec 3, 1805 . 39- s. V-. ROBERT, plvil Engineer, BEAL ESTATES AGENT, Ga; LL‘buyj sell, rent,, and survey lnnd«sit uatml iL any part'of South Westcrfl Georgia, administration pt public affairs, it alwayr Strives ,to giro A fair au<J liberal support to those >o whose 1 liands is committed lliat admimatralitm; and qs ibey Yold am independent press, to be, one of. tho grei^ •afcmwda pf liberty, and tlicrCftfrc.claim the right jHfbriticisihg the acls of the Governmcnt.witli free- “ dom, they endeavor to discharge that duty with moderation,.candor^and respect, both for them- •elvcs.and llioso from whom they differ. ■, ' • . TERMS OF StJBSCItlPTfO^; Daily Tuition,'or.e year....; $10 00 . do — hix months... dp.. ,’three .months tri-Weekty Edition, one year ..“ 6 00 iCoiitainins all the reading matter vjHhe Daiiy.] do do months... 3 d» do. three months..'.;., .l....... 150 TVaV’y ciTe ti'Ansmilrin^ Us the nnmes of fen snh- berifiers,’accompanied wiih.tlio money, we will send , 'an*additional copy gratis. t ' ■ \ iPosthuAterigyie vcspecU'uUy requested to act us agents. . v > Address all communication's to - Snow, Coyle &, Co., (Scccfissons to GALES & SLATON,) Publishers NationalInt^IlTgcncbr, Washington, D. C .lunch, I860. 35- • for pArflcs desiring hv Orders left at Uharles -Yfllker’s Store* will "to promptly execqtedr Albany, Ga., : October 7,1805. rjlIIE Proprietor of this new Southern Monthly is JL now publishing an edition of (Vo thousatrd copies. Its list of contributors embraces.a grtfl' dcaPof tho Bbst lUerary talen( in lh«-Sohth and Resides tho two admirable serji course of publication— Decisive Battles of the Revolution, August the to\vb : Administrator’s Sale. ^\\7 ILL be sold on the first. Tuesday „ _yy bUxt, befoi't* t he Com t House doo: of Isabella, Worth county, Gn., Lot of Land number 804, in tho 7th district of said county. Sold property of Thomas J/Sumner, deceased, for dis tribution. Terms on tbe day of Kale. DANIEL L. SUMNER, Adm’r; Juno 16, I860. • 3(’»*— Southern Bank Notes Wanted. E; L. janhgv, a't tlie Store Room occupied by RAINE, JIEVflTTT & CO., is paying the highest* market price for Southern Bank, Gold and Silver. Albany, May 12th, 18<i6. 31— 31—If MAGAZINE i ACtWE AK& itELIALB AGENTS, _ Male or Female andiof all i»gc>. arc ivaiTted to canvass every City, Town^ Village, Ham let, Workshop and Factory throughout the world, for the sale of our ' WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVERWARE, MUSI GAL BONES; ALBUMS nnd oilier Artiolvs. Energetic persons of good Irtibitk tthff fhlr business tact caiLclear over $25 per wceii'in'Hje oopn ry, and a muchTnirgcr .amount fit thickly settledrlocalilies. No Capital Required! Samples of our Articles, to the amount of $8, will be mail for inspectioil, and if not perfectly aatisfRsCi.ry no ctiafg'ef . ‘ ■Send your address, if- you are of an iAilustrious turn of mind and, in quest of immediate wealth 1! DJrcifito - * . \ PARKILTSOI? & GO., Importers, . J ’ 203 Broadway, New York. * Feb. 14th, 1866. ..... . 1.K- An Orainance Be it-ordained by. the Staffor arid Members of She City Council auth&Htya fori and it it hereby or’daiitid b]/ (he mented liquors, 4t any other person whatever, shall either by himself or-Agent, sell or, barter any spir it nous or fermented liquors in any quantities wliftt- ever, t>A llte Sabbntli - unless in case's of shuttles* or absolute necessity, lobe judged of by the Mayor; and upon a violation of this Ordinance Ail veil Iji res (u S6atli Amerien, the March “number contains the ! firdt of a Series by J Hines Wood Davidson, of CbVnmbia, S, a, entitled such person so offending shall »be fined not nforo than FIFTY DOLLARS. Approvjpjd May lflfkyI860. Wright, Mdy or. Attdstr: J. F. Candit*, Cl'k *3f CouneiU May 26, 1866. * 83—Rw FIRK-FHOOK WAHEHOUSE HoW We Know Each O(her t Mie SciRxrROK. nmAASr jf aWre. There-vtill also be an occasional co^ribulion bn T Politics from til® pen nf C. II. Smith,' ■Literalure nnd Pc alias-** Pil] Arp/’ Tlu* ri;izTi “lory will-be commenced in tho April : $3 ,wr flnbum: Clubs of Ton >-in bi fm-msbe-d nt bj 1 50 per copy; Ctubs of T*oilty, : he snfne Post Office, nt Four DoRafcf. Addrcs? W. J. SCOTT; March 10, I860.—fi7-Im * At\anU, Ga. RUST&JOHNSTON riH UNDERSIGNED - respectfully beg to nn nouucc to tbe PLANTERS nnd MElYCHANTL ougherfy and adjacent Goiitfties, that (hey have this doy former! a co-partnership under the firm name nnd -stylo of ItBJST.Ac JOHKSTO^, Administrator s Sale. WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in August next,.before the Court House‘door, in the town of Isabella, Worth county, Ga., lot ofland number 100 l in the 16th District of said county. Sold ns the property of James Bucketew, deceased, for the ben- ' efit ol the diaeeibrtees. on the day.- cblta j:. buokelkw, • Ailm'r dc bonis non—Will .nneicJ. June 0, J80ti, ' 3j*_ <o engngo in the WAREHOUSE nnd COMMISSION business, ocsirpying ilio Fire-Proof lVnrcbouso of Sitts & Bust, nr.d' confidently, trust they wifi continue to receive that generous support' nnd pn- troitage‘bbretoforo extended to'eticlt bf-tiiem.-. . . Y. G. BUST. V ;• I. JL JOHNSTON, Albany, Ga,, June 1st, lStiti. . * SarsapariUa V YRUS, Sand's, Dp. Jpim It i) I I’m ntui Old 'Dr Townsend’s Sarsapapilla—for’sale by - I*. H, BAUOS itOO-j-BrnEKisls -A’bsny, May 19, J80C, ’ sS- l*H'i Underwriters’ Agency . Of New York, CASHASSETS, Three Million Dollars, ISSUE POLICIES OF Fire. & Marine Insnrance Made payable in GOLD or. CURRENCY Nejodable and Bankable- CERTIFICATES OF INSURANCE Ml usmto BT THIS AWOOATtOW. Y. G. Hust^ Argent Alb Art t, gA. Otstobw21, lRCS. SS-tf THE TOMLINSON,'DEMAREST CD,. <*3-0 Broadway, N. Y. Have* associated with tfiem MR. :w: W. WOODRUFF FSriBevTy ttndEjlensivn’Otsalerih O ARBI AGES & BUGGIES, AT jGBirFIN AIV'i> ATLASTd, CA, Jj\OR the purpose of supplyfrtgy Merchants aqd -Plantation with’ any 'style •f.Camages,-JWggic! llri wV)Or?RUFF' , S ion^experionco in ‘tlie rjnge busmess Will tenable us to give BatisfaeMOb.'lb supplying good, such os the coun try demands, at ns low prices as can possibly be furnished for CASH. We will keen constantly on hand* ; . . LIGHT CONCORD BUGGIES the same as formerly sold Ly Mr. Woodruff,-and which became so universally' popular all through the South, as tho best Buggy, in use. W* *a l s o Txrr n i s U Iron Isle Plantation Wagon's, of fhe very best make in America, for 2 r d^or horses. ' . # Wo invito nil who want any article in our lino tb address, Tomlinson,. Demurest Co., . . -llHbXmY&Y, Nkw YoifK. Tune 23,T86G. - . 37-12m IDand. foi' Sale. A gogd aNd b ull improved plasta- GN, 12 miles North Fist of Albany,c Musical Instruments, Silverware, Bronzes^ &o^ . WORTH OVOR GENTS’ FUKXlsnixt; G At Ibvcst rates in this order to establish a regular lrad“ dent that wc can sell cheaper IW,, in the city, we desire a Irial ” •trfith 0f the assertion. Messrs-W u J 3. T. HESTER, as clerks arl,'; “frilS {jo 7# 5 to 50 5 to 86 6 to ^35 10 to 75 3 to 23 5 to 50 10,000 Signet and Plain Gold Bings.... 10,000 Gentlemen’s Scarf Fins.L»... 12,500 Brooches and Ear Drojis.........<. 12,500 Gold Lockets, double glass. 10,000 Gold Pens and Gold Holders 10,000 Sets Studs and Qleevc Buttons... 5,000 SilveY Gq>1c13 and Drink’.g Cups 5,000 .Sets Tea,. Table & Desert Forks 10 to 23 5,000 Sets Tea, Table & Desert KnfvCs 10 to 25 2,500 Revolving Silver Castors..'....... 25 Jo 75 2.500 Silver Cake and Print Baskets..> 2^ to *5 12.500 Wine Holders nnd other articles 6 fo 73 To immediately dispose of the above torighificcnt stock, ccriificateonaming the articles are. placed in sealed envelopes and Veil mixed. Hol3er8 afe en titled to the articles named oq their certificate upon paymeut of $5 whether it be a beautiful Watch; or a Musical Box worth $500, or a l’bun Gold Riftg v worth $5. Tlie return df any tefrrnr certificates- en titles you to tbe article named thereon, upon pay ment, irrespective of Tfs Worth and as no artielw valued less than $5 is named on any cerlficate, it will at once be seen that this is Mo Lottery, but a Ntrai&lit-lorward l«gitiu)ulo /fl'rsuiaactioKiy which maw Jw participated in cvcu by the itlon fastidious! Any one wishing to invest in the above en terprise can receive a sample package of » Half' dozen certificates, naming some of the above arti cles, by sending a stamped envelope bearing their address. Certificates not to be paid for unless fully satisfactory. ,We do this that fill may be convinced sincerity and tbe genuineness cf one sale. Cart on or address, * * PARKINSON & 1, 208 Broadway-, H., Y.* February 28, I860. * ' Uafversal Clothes Wringer- TIHJJ WKirCOEU has again taken the First Pre mium in the Great Fair of the American.Institute— it hss alsg taken the First Premium «t A he St ale Fftire of New. Yorks, Vermont, Pftttrtsylvatriit, .’Ohio, Michigan', fa<rtana, Illinois, Kentucky, - loAVa, -Wis consin, Connecticut River Vallby Fair, Champlain Valley Fair, and at'most of the County and Ingti ttfte Fairs throughout the country. SOHOENPELD & SB.OAS STtofc. (SECOND DOOR TO - ff Elc ^ ' AasAistg Havn-jnst received »l»r- Jl , Assortme'fat of Le'di-lf’ n ™ pl ' l( . >y i Merinoes,W.„l'D.&«^*! tarn, Rlbbous, — ’ ’ Sboee, ' ilf 0 ? J def' BtriptlObg; Boots Shoes, Hats £ ^ j ‘ EEAl)Y‘— ^ Also, clerks, are witli n and pleased to stfe ther '- 1 * Albany, Jan. 27th, 1800,-6 GILBERT & HILSlij T>rtig Store, Jllbany, Georgia ■^jAVlNGjtist received a large supply firilgs & Medici® ore now prepared to fill orders for old’costoTners and friends.* We Ht»ve On Hay" Qnininc, Morphine, (jam Opium, Powd’ Opium, Epsom Saits, Rochelle Saits, (Jlanber Saits, Copcras, Blue Stone,' Spices, ■ Caster Oilt. Linseed Oil, |nM Kcrosinc Oil, ^ Toilet Soaps. While tcad, Latup Clack, fatly, Calomel, [Wst- Cerair, Azumcih Sozodonl, {•erfamerf, ratfBt illfiltlM,! Matches, 1 Ac., All ^ssencea, Ticcrnres, &e., usua!!, 1m rug Store. Prescriptions carefullv coni I rescriptions carefully cemi OCO icr.Ka CASH. AVnxij, Ga., October 2L,lSW. NEW SKIRT FOR The Creat Inrchtion of the Ipl , Over 200,000; Have Been. Sold,. And are-ftow fa. fiso hj- fhe ’United Statte?,.Yihd \ce never heard of ortt that was not liked* * The Universal is superior to alb other Wringers, in having largk rolls of solid India Rubber, so pro tected by strong cogwheels that, they cannot slip or break loose front Ike shaft. Its strong wood frame cannot be broken, nnd doos not rusi or .soil*the .clothes. Every Universal Wringer is Warranted. Wfc select li feW testimonials from persons widely known to the public, who speak from actual expe rience, and are above suspicion Jtmisstatement: * 4 My family would as Boon give up the cooking stove as-this Clothes Wbinqer. cannot be too highly recommended.”— [Solan Robinson. “Tbis ia tiio first Wxiuger I have lbund that >ould stand the services required of it.” *[J. P. Huggins, Lovejoy’fc Hotel: . 41 We think the Machine much more than pays for itself every year in the saving of garments. W* think it important the wringer should lie fitted witu COGSv”—.[Orange Judd, Editor of American Agri culturist. “Ihcarlily commend it to economists of time. J. W. BHATJLBY’S'Jfsw Patwtti ELLIPTIC (Or double) SPRING SXRj This invention consists of Duplex (or ty. tie Piti'a Refined- Steel-^pri rtgs, fiigcniousiv h tightly and 1 fivntty together, edge, to. edge,e the toughest,* molt, flexible, elastic and di Spring, ever used. They soldcrm buiul orttfrttEfl the single springs, anti consequcctlj pVf^rtw perfect and beautiful shape mcretliaatvictuiq as any single spring skirt that ever has or er‘ tLade. ; The 'tvonderftil flexibility and great c pleasure'll hny'hity VehriVg tVe Duplet l Skirt will be experienced particnlarly taitlltt' a85cmblics,bgeras, carriages; railroad cars, e pewa^nrintehkirs, for promenade and honse 4t as the skirt can be folded when infuse tr" - small place as easily and conveniently s muslin dress. A lady having enjoyed the pleasure, ccmfort ri great convenience of‘wearing the Buplfi Steel Spring Skirt fora’shigle day. vill aewr^J wards wDlingly dispense with tin dren. Mieses and Young.Ladits they all-others. _ iPKIOES Lar^e Wringer, “ A ,.$n.2do 10 00 Doty’s Washcr,.Fun»(ly Site. „,14 00 “ ” •* Hotel* ,18 00 Merchants, or good canvassers can make money rapidly sbllitt^'tliem in every town. Exclusivo sale guaranteed and* liberal terms, given to responsible persoas-wlra first apply. Descriptive Circular turd, terms sent frqe. ' The celebrated DOTYS’ CLOTHES* WAsirSR, which lias jilst taken - the first.premium at tiio great Fair off the Americau Institute, is also^sold by the undersigned.’ f. R. C v BROWNING, Geaerab Agent, ; , , ; * Ne. 347 Broadway, N. Y, WESTS, BRADLEY & CAM, Vropnt" Invention, and sole Manufactnrers, ' AtiJ 70 & 8l ReadO Streets, New York’. For sale in all first class Stores | if LIYINGSTOH HOUSE, Newton, Baker <Jonntv, - ' 6Pa„ H AS hern fitted lip by the undersigned, and the traveling public lire .requested It- kind and polite trcatmetil, die host film that can be obiained-aiid-moddrWe-charges will be satisfaclory, they have all guaranteed iMhey rail. —. XV. LIVINGSTON. Newton, Nov. 25, 1865. Albany Chapter No. 15, A, Y.’M. T I1L regular' couiTovsitions cf this-CImptei are on month* 0 * CC ° nd *^ ,ia - f ° Url,i ¥rid,l y “ights in each The companions will please tdiic notice anu gov- ern tLemselves aCoovdingty. . .J>. W. 0: SPENCER. Albany, Arnlr; ISth, iSC5.-tf Secretary. Tlie -Hoops- »re corereA with ttro ply Mpr-- 1 — 1 rw - r *— twisted tjircad and will , wear twice jv single yarn covering which is used on sH » st'cel iroop.skirts. Tbe Hirce bottom rods*® skirt arc also double steel, and tv#c ord‘-ablt eq cred-to.'prevcJU the covering fromweariniwi •fod^Wlien dragging down stairs, stone &c , which they, arc constancy subjeel t? itf-nse. \ v,j All arc made of the new and elegant conlN|| and are the best quality in every part, ^ -Uift wearer*the most graceful and perfect sw! monry uad con,an,raou,.-- L Tho RevTDr; DdW; \w.R»r« tyu \tvt v?.v a-nanv PT.inmt** in* this c*7»n tlironghout tiio United States and Canr.^ de^alkH.! Mexico,;Si»uth America, ^ Indies. . gi^Inquiro for the Duplex Elliptic r 1 Spring Skirt. •September 9th. 1865.—37 I We are now prepared to de Aijl kustds of. J ’• •AT 5HtS OSTWK AVELi. OF AVATEU—110 acres offrerb r'.'ar,.'! l.tni! r-it is a healthy location. For further particulars address the undersigued at Albany, (la. * v . • D. ABBETT. June 30,1866. 38-4 w (CT Job Work exeoutod at »S« Uffice in Rood si vie. Also, blatiks urnished of^ liescription. Albany Lodge No. 24, F A. M. rpHE regular meetings of Jt. this liOdgo are'on the first and third Friday nights in each month. The brethren will please take dud notice and govern themselvos accordingly. With Ifrefttness *• w. C. SUERCER. Albany, April ICtli, 1EC5.-If, Secretary 500 Acres Va!u first quality of pine land,N<^- Mill UNDER,SIGNED offers .aoa 4UIMJ.J- w. . -.1. n o 1th 'District, originally d county. Said lots lies adjckningt proved. Titles indisputable surplus cash on hand that they va* ^ and profitably, would do well * e jtO| «ntl wive, me it:(Ulll SOOn.W ftdurds ^ j 6^ I and giyc me a call soon, or Gcorgiih 2pI; . dune 2d, 1-666;