The Albany patriot. (Albany, Ga.) 1845-1866, September 15, 1866, Image 3

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gmSw patriot. u Jl Column. A Modest Man in a Predicament. retJfi-S' Lo "S , inn i* noted all over the ^g^SEPTEMRERl^iSGG. ^^Tnerrinftntjsabella, Ga., had 0 froro liis store in that town, on Li# stolen lie offers a reward of r night l“ st ' niftir tbe rc «for the money atnl thief, with proof Uvirt I *r\Yo desire to call the attention of IP" .. ,1,0 advertisement in today’s **f Messrs. Bl ' ll > ' Vil ° y * C * ri3tian , 0 ,.' f ( 0 rs nml General Commission ‘ ‘ Savannah, Ga. Tlicy make libc- r wives on consignments, and givepar- *‘ d attention to the purchase of all kinds sn ,i tacrchaudise. This isan old •^aUeiinn-' r Messrs. Gardner- & Kirkman, have , for the aerommodatiori ofjtho It^jm a l’ eci1 > Saltf 3,1(1 Livci 7 Stable, ’ f pa,ad ami Jackson streets. They ■ pajiued to hoard stock, and sell on * Since oar last issue we have had sev. rains, some pretty heavy ones, j] ;l sky is still shat out l>y dark, low- rttan's, which threaten at any moment (forth upon us in mighty torrents, 1*1 only by Noah’s shower. It'lias been r for about a month almost eve- C, n j ff ere it not for that ‘token’ of a /promise, we should certainly begin k,l«t us for a canoe, to paddle out i it is we are calm and serene, tho’ r d»mp and sometimes molcy.. r J. Grimes lias moved his boot a.nd Lop upstairs in McGuire’s brick block juDr. Jennings ollicei ■ Mr. JI. T. Campbell, Principal of k Albany Male and Female Academy, his school tho 1st Monday r licit. See his advertisement in. '• paper. “Adams, Jones & Ileynolds, at tho f! Nan is it I Joss, are gentlemen L,Winits capacities, and every way, I). They are engaged- in tlie Ware licjlicn, nl Commision business, and ■Air solkits a share of tho public hour yesterday morning Mr. L. was making aSv&Ulft residence on Pratte .nvepuo ana Walnut street ho was standing in front oflnsnurrorwith only one garmented “Vr 1 ; 1 rather sI,ort one—End had latV Preparatory to mowing his Was Etart!cd by: a Ihrill cX,T i f d ^’ lu ? Ser « ant S iri » lug. wife ^!^ftbnn U 5 lI ? at Biddy waS on Are. Mr. ed nrinil? admi ™ble presence of mind, sies- ton of t i rr . 0 ' a i ho b - ed > a »A reaching the oZl thlL ” rah 2 two jumps,' 'soon envcl- oiinr da !“ s , el ,n tllc folds ° f tbe quilt, and smothered tho flames before the girt was seriously injured. - Mr. L. was thus engaged some dozen ladies fromadjoin- U' C, '3 < ~ nn S tbosoreaulh of thogirt rus hed m to see, what was tho matter:— .??? "** v §? In tlme t° see the tall iorm of recti'’ 0 " 31 ? 3 °\ Cr the § !rI * and.instead of retreating when they noticed his Gerorcia costume, they stood looking at him withad- mmng eyes. Tom looked around and saw the W‘es, and. remembering that he had noUimshed lug toilet, went Up staii-s a lit- j ” IlC ca,ae down - ladies tiW-red and at every titter .Mr. L. aeceiera- ted Ins speed, and when he reached his room he was covered with a profuse perspi- ration. lie says it was the most emharrais- lqg possition ho was placed in, and hopes never to be caught in such a fix again. [St. Louis Democrat. Ani.kiison & Son, of Macon, |Cwrs find General Commission ■save removed from their old »4»Xew One, on Poplar street. e tc f it niul Third, where they are ptcstore, buy or sell cotton on com- •V-o agents for .I'ratt’s Cotton oT.cs, Ac.—Gagging and Hope Set tliwr advertisement, rUu; on,-Lawton & C'o., Brown lyiwt, Macoiij Ga., wholesale dealers dilhy, Oat*^ Bacon. Flour, Sugar, JSvk.itd and Leather. They will ** futon, Bacon, Flour, &e., in coiicignimnt. See advertisement. I'h wonld call the attention of the ■specially persons passing through I* the "Gem” Photograph Gallery ! Ji Jtallory, Arcade‘Building, I'bfiiiic, Macon, On. Their pictures -efinc-st style and finish, and at low |Seetbeir advertiscniont, ■Thieves in this section of country pW imiin, nilfl rapidly on the in ! l*y take whatever suits their I'wst regard to size or value—from ptmnle to a bar of sweet soap or Ippcr.tivine—from the contents of *■' drawer down to a box 01 is—they .will st eal a ‘spotted then borrow somebody’s great l 1 * s,, S ar kettle to serve it up in, i 5°od work goes rapidly on. It l 3« ago than AVednesday night f '='‘ sc *nted’ villian slipped into JT of '' r - Thomas II. Clarke, by I'/’ aa ‘l relieved him of what sur- s l‘* a '« the drawer. That ' r / :iSt C 'b' c kcn but one fell into I " i and was drowned, and fear- . blunde r of our feathered prop- 3 ’neet with a disagreeable H, 'fstence we concluded to t ■* 01 niuic’ out for the purpose l*.*** a little, when it too, ,, A\ u undoubtedly got Riit-l- ^ lbe I >ass *ug breezes of an 1,10 following day.— - ^ little ‘dominie’ went too C0 ? kin S> and in Banner ^ nuisancG * n AT THE lAST. Tho stream Is calmest when it nears the tide, And flowers the sweetest nt tho eventide. And birds most musical at tho close of day, . And saints divincst when they pass away. Morn:ng'i?ovely, hut a holier charm hies folded in evening's robes of balm; • An4 weary man mast eVer lore bar best, For morning calico toil, but night to rest. She conies from heaTen, and on her wings dtftb bear A holy fragrance, lilce the breath of prayer; Footsteps of angels follow in her trace To shut the weary eye of day in peace. All things are hashed before her as she throws O’er earth and sky her mantle of repose; ’ There i^a calm, a beauty, and a power, That Morning knows not, in thb Evening luar. “Until the Evening?' we must weep and toil, Plow life's stern furrow, dig the weedy soil, Tread with sad feet the rough and thorny, way, And bear ^he heat and burden of the day. *)h! when our snn ^getting, may we glide, Like Summer evening, down the golden tide; And leave behind us, as .wc pass away, Sweet starrjr twilight 'round our sleeping clay. ■ Tribute of Respect to tbe Memory of JAMES MATH3KEY. i Alb ax y'Lodge, £o. 24, F. & A. M. \ September, 11th, 180G. f Whereas, In the mysterious dispensation of Ills Providenbe, it has pleased the Supremo Architect of the Universe to remove from this Lodge on earth to the Grand Lodge above, our esteemed and highly respected brother, Jambs Mathexey, and as it be- comcs our duty*to submit to the will of God in all things—therefore be it , • Resolved, That fn the death of ohr beloved friend and brother, which occurred at his residence in AV bany, on the 20th day of August last, wc have sus tained as a Lodge a great and irreparable loss.— Though this dispensation of Providence may seem to us dark amfcmyeterious, yet wc will bow submis sively to tho will of iflin wlio docth all things well, devoutly hoping that this apparent calamity may bo a blessing in disguise, drawing us more closely together as p band of brothers—at the same time teachingais bow to live and how tc die. Resolved, That though we meet our brother no more in this imperfect Lodge pnftarth, wo will strive by an nmiablo life and an unfeigned piety towards God to meet him in that Celestial Lodgo above. Resolved, That we tetader our cordial and heart felt sympathy to the family, of our deceased brother,' and would point them to that God who has promis ed to be a husband to the widow and a father to the fatherless. Rexdlved, That a copy of these resolutions be fur nished by tbe Secretary to the widow oftbefleceas- ed, andthat they be published in the Albany Patriot. •ARRIVAL 0 F f ait apon the no Arsenic, Ostomet. Blue for IlM Pills U that, wlthool tbo AOUE,.PEKKIDiCAI. HEADACnE, RALGIA, anil tU affections of a like character. FoI*1 iW, ho , d i toc ^ 08 \? nd y° u wlU they will Ao all thatU claimed for them. Try one box, and their own _ merits will recommend them ever afterwards. ” . ’ # We have ased Galliohan’M Fills, awl Wv* * v -~ ♦- • when tho directions H WATTS, Ex-Gov. of i f. JUDGE, Jnfigo Hnpreim BEET DOUGUEETY, Ji IMPORTANT to the TRADE. WE^ARE 3UST RECEIVING AND OPENING OUR STOCK OF M EOBE11T Col. JAS. II. WEAVER, pnaorj, aa. - CRAWFOED BIBB, “ . •** . Mai. E. A. BANKS, Com. Merchant, N. ft, Laf .Mayor Wetumpks, Ala. , UIKE U WOODS, AtVy at Law,2ft0 B’dway.N.T DANIEL SAT^E, Grand Bee. Grand Lodge, Ala., F. & A. Masons. BIWMT & MALE, Sole Proprietors, Montgom’ry, Ala, Wholesale Ifcpols, . IlnrTftl, Risloy & Tompkins, 141 Chambers st., N.T. S..W. Morsdun, N. Y., Edward Wilder & Co., Louisville, Ky.,-E. J. Hart & Co., N.O. La., Blount & Halo, Montgomery, Alabama. JTSOLD BY—L. E. Welch, E. n. Bacon & Co. Gilbert & Ilillsraan, and all Druggists generally. Albany, Ga., July 28, I860. 42—Ora FAIL AUD WINTER GOODS Embracing everything usually kept in a fiivt-clais House. The attention of Merchants and Planters ia directed lo our well se*“ied Stock. Our line. f Is everything that C^ UU | D0 desired, and we intend to keep the stock uplo Ha present standard. Wc have not space to specify, but believe wc can fill all orders complete. Our HOSIERY, GLOVE, — A N D — YANKEE NOTION DEPARTMENT Is amply supplied. We have also a splendid stock of ENGLISH, FRENCH AND AMERICAN CASSIMERES AND BROADCLOTHS. Also, a fine lot of liHSHE LI-ISTE^S. IS, J»4,14 and 10 4 BlBAOBfiS DOKESTIOS. - We liave also, a splendid assortment of CLOTHING, Well adapted lo our Country Trade. Our Stock of BOOTS AND SHOES la unsurpassedhy any House South of Baltimore— embracing abont 400 cane. Men’s Women's and Children’s Boots and Shoes’in every variWJT Also, fine lot of Men’s and :Boys’ Hats. Indeed, we might say that we liave almost everything J. M. MERCER, P. M. THOMPSON. ED. RICHARDSON. Committee., NEW. BOOKS! PRI80N LIFE OF JEFFERSON DAVIS—By Dr. J. J. Craven, U. S. II. ELSTEKS FOLLY—By Mrs. Henry Wood. LAND AT LAST—JJy Edmund Yates. • OOY DEVBBELL—By J. 8. Le F»nn. LIVINGSTON'S EXPLORATIONS TO TIIE •ZAMBESI. _ NEW GRANADA—By Ptflf- Holton. LIFE OF ** STONEWALIr” JACKSON—By John ^THE^'wAil OF THB REBELLION—By H. S. 1*. s. August 4 th, 1806. WELOB Sc GO. to Stock of Family nuisance in tlie wi. r J? S l Ue ’ l,1 °y dropped him 'to at i'i ' 116 ° ther ‘ r,Jtcas ’ whibh • i,, ioe 1 , t ;r„ momu, ‘ tiobci “ read - i correspond- l"'enoUe°“ ! Vy ’ 0l)SCI wcr, thus if i and E en croii8 exertions “«ri county tor the suffering of f«tcn,led w ( |. 3 '® kenhcld and T'*I for 11,u E Jn°°^ b ® 1( t acon- R Wlc, 8t , a,no Pniqiose’ and , W l'‘ihlicitv^ kU,pro P are . ip!a!a£j?sjssR jr. W. FLINT & CO. AT THE OLD STAXD OV B AS now on hand and nr6 constantly receiving, a Urge and fresh eupply of Family Groceries, which they rill sell to tho public at as tk*onatte rates as they can possibly afford. Their slock con slsts in part of the following named articles: Bacon! Lnrd.FIour. Sugar,Coffee,Butter,Cltcese, Cracker,, rioklos, Sauoes and Catsups; also, Can dies, Nuts, Raisins, Preserved Fruits in Cans, J*o., Sic., together wilhalargc quantity of FllieCIlctV- .< fininkiim Tobacco, and Cigars ing and SmokliiS Tobacco, - of the best brands. * Also, Wines »n.l { the bottlo, gallon or barrell, with the bcst#Ctiapi pagne. Ale and rorter; Buckets, Brooms, belve ’; 6R0CMES. ■EXTITH exceeding large additions to our Grocery » “ Department, we can now compete with any section. Wc have: loo hales of.India Bagging, . 300 coils Rope, _ 10,000 lbs. Arrow Tie, 6 bales Bagging Twine, 160 bbls. Flour, assorted brands, 76 bales Mspon Sheeting, 10 bales Augusta Shirting-, 20 bates'Yarns, 40 bales Osuabuript. 250,000 lhs.of Iron sjid Steel. fit 200 kegs Nails, .assorted, 150 pkgs. Macketcl in bbls., half Mils, lib # bbls. and kits. .100 lbs.Bine Fish, 1SQ barrels Sugars, Assorted. 600boxes Tobacco, all grades and qualities, 75 hags Coffee, 75kega Soda, . . ■ 75 boxes Sods ', 600 bags Shot, 75 kegs—1—.,!•? and wliolc kega Powdei 300 M.’Gun Capo, 23 kegs 6,6,7,8,10,12, 14and 20 Inches Rubber Belting, 40 hoses Cheese, 20 boxes Herrings, 40 dox. seives, . 60 dox Brooms,. Schnapps, Pickles. I. i.and gaL jars . Candy, Sardines, Starch, Soaps, Tea, Crackers, Pirns Apples in case, Raisins, Indigo, Madder, . .Castor Oil in Cases, '. - ~ Cases.Liquors, assorted, Russ’ Preparations, assorted, &c., At-c., &c., &c.- Dealers are respectfully requested to give us call, and w* f« ] confident, we can make it to their interest to examine our goodsand prices. Tm'iy’arc^nnd many artioles too numerous to men- h0 Ttie highest market price -will of COUNTRY PRODUCE, eitherm CASIIor barter. Our city and country friends will find it decided1 y tnlUftW interest to give u. a call before^urc^as.nK LOWEST. Albany, June 2, 18GG. J. W. FLINT & Sp. 3l_Cm J. B. BOSS & SON, Wholesale Grocery and Dry Goods Dealers, 55 SECOND AND 96 COERDY STS., —"M A. C O 3ST, Gr E O - VSc^cmber Sll», 1866. 3l “' — THE iETNA Portland •' ■ -k-=&3=- Flre: /ETNA INSURANCE COMPANY HARTFORD CQNN. ASSETS, JULY 1, I860. Gash tin hand in bank and with Agts. $257,320 09 United States Stock... 812,2H 25 Real estate, unincumbered 90,359 05 Stato Stocks .! 497,090 00 New York Bank Stocks 734,170 00 OISHLY S20»00! PROCLAMATION! Extraordinary Inducements } i To rersons Wanting SEWING MACHINESl THE WILSON SEWING MACHINE MANUFACTURING COMPANY ere now ottering to the FabOft ■WXLSOIT’S NEW FAMILY MACHINES FOR ONLY TWENTY DOLLARS*. It is the oolr First-Class Sewing 1 Hartford Bank Stooks... 270,810 00 Miscellaneous Bank Stocks 129,000 00 BaE'roadStockfc etc 273,067 00 Mortgag»Bonds, City, Conhty & R. It. 1,011,136 GO TOTAL ................. 84,075,830 53 . LIABILITIES. Losses Jhadjoated and net due.........$221,230 35 Wet, $3,864,694 20. INCOME tor last year (net)...J.82,933,399 94 Or a daily income of eay $9,300. Losses and Expenses for same timo ......82,541,294 30 Total Losses paid in 47 yeara..’..819,127,410 06 Via.;. Fire, $17,243,000 99 Inland, $1,884,409 07, Governm'nl and State Taxes paid8179,178 34 Xj O S'S By Portland Fi^e, July 4th. ^ The total amount covered by JEtna Policies on property destroyed or damaged is $300,854, ^>n which salvage will be about 6 per ceut. Our total loss will not vavy much from $200,000, and is being promptly adjusted and paid. This sum is 5 per cent, upon the assets, a figure but slightly ex* ceoding our government and State taxes paid last year, or a proportion equkl to a.$5000 los^ for a company of $100,000assets. • The necessity for insurance and the value of wealthy, strong corporations, is forcibly illustrated by'this fire. Several weak Instfraneo Companies arc destroy’d. Portland has a-population of 85,000; was handsomely built, mostly fine brick - qp- stone structures—protected aqd screened with upwards of 8000 shade trees—bounded on three sides by wa ter—Indeed, literally, almost rising from tbe ocean —and with a good steam fire department—yet it has $10,000,000 of property consumed in a few hours—upon a holiday wlien its people are least oc cupied—from the very insignificant cause of a con temptible fire cracker. Remember the trifling origin of fires that swtffep away in'a few hours the earnings-of years. Con sider your best interests and give the ./Etna Age^. a call if you heed proper Insurance securityl Pol icies issued at.fair Arms. G. RUST Agent. Albany, Oa., July 28th, 186G. 42-iw i, and can not bo worked or pulled »i«rL Wilson’s NEW $20 MACHINE Dots away toM our old style of Treadle MacMna. It la m largo aa tho old Hachlna, ia eo adapted that it will stand upbn any work-table, and remain Arm without fastening. -IT FEEDS THE WORK ITSELF, Dougherty Superior Court. Jane Term, WW. Joseph S. Smith, ) RULE NISI, - vr. t-Q -2b Foreclou Geokgh H. Chester, j Mortgage. ; y" Administrator o»the Estate of W. Wi- Cheover,'deceased. It appearin'; to tlie Courtbv the petition of Joseph > S. Smith! that on the seventh'dav of July, eighteen - hundred and.fifty-eight, William W. Cheever, by deed of mortgage, conveyed to said Joseph S. Smith ail that mty lot or parcel of land in the city of Alba, by. county of Dougherty, and State of. Georgia, known In the plantf said city as that part of cttjr lots numbers forty-six (46) and forty-eight (48) On Cummcrco street, described as follows: Cotnmeoc-, ingatapoinl on .the Western lino oflot nnmbcr forty-eight, thirty feet, from th£ Northwest corner of said lot lorty-oight, thence dne East to the Eastern line 6f said lot number forty-six; one hundred and . Eve (105).fect thcnco due South, bn the East One ot lot forty-sixi (46,); sixty feet thence (hw West, to . the Western line of lot forty-eight; one bendredand five feet thence due North, to the starting point, being "* sixtv feet fronting on Jackson street, by one hundred and five feet back, for the seouring to payment ot a note, made by said .William W. Cheever, dated On the' seventh day of July,'eighteen hundred and fifty- etghi, payable, to Joseph S. Smith or bcarer,xoII doe twelve months after date, for tho sum or three hun dred dollars, with interest from date ; vyhich said note is now due and Unpaid -,and it further'appearing that now, Wm. w. Cheever has departed this life, and that George U.-Cheever has been duly appointed * Administrator on the estate of said Wiilfam W. t)heever, deceased. It is ordered that sahl Geurgo H. Cheever, Ad ministrator as aforesaid,-do pay into litis Court, be- Tore the first day of tho next Term thereof, the prin cipal, interests and costs, due on said jiote, or show cause, if any he lms, to the. contrary, as in default thereof forecloseure be granted to the said Joseph 3. Smith, of said mortgage, and the equity- of redemp tion of said George -H, Cheever, Administrator a» aforesaid, therein be forever barred, and that service pf this Rule be perfected on saii(George W. Chqpvcr Administrator,as aforesaid, according to law. H1NE3 & HOBBS, 1’1’fik. Att’vx. Juno 6th, 1866. A true extract from the Minutes of Doogbertjc Superior Court, Juno Term, 1866. John F. Cargils. Clerk* Allnny, Jnly 28th. 18Gfl. ,n4m Dougherty Superior Court. Jntffi Term, 1860. E. & Hobacb Tuompson, ) RULE NISI »». } to fordou. Natiiaxiel L. Babiiaud. J Mortgage Id appearing to the Coort by the petition of J. E. Thompson ana Horace Thompson, partners, t * firm name and style of J. E. it Horace Thompeoa^ that by deed of mortgage, dated on thie^irst day of Jiondrt NEW GOOES * JBACXr MAVU1SJB . Warranted for. Five YoarS! • "AGENTS WANTED * On Communion, or to work for • rcRulai Salary. We will lend Private Torma to AgenW,wttli Macbln* tothoae who dtsire on Ageacy- # • \ Address oH Orders— • ^wizsoir sfit nr a NACJmfB ’’ iFjvnrjfU'frifivfl fin.. FIRE-PROOF WAREHODSE T HE unJtreigned wiU^>® pleased to‘ see Ills friends and the public generally, at TU© Old. Stand, Formerly occupied bj Beers & Brinson, where ho will offer them A VARIETY OF GOODS, Consisting in part of ^ DRESS aoous CAI.ICOEIS. M Delanes, Jaconet Muslin, GIHGHAHL Canton,'lOuara, Red and White -• Flar*nels„ CASqmETTE, Satlnette. KENTUCKY JEANS, Bradley’s Duplex Eliptio Hoop Skirt, GLOVES, HOSIERY, COLLARS, Under Sleeves, Cotton Yarns, Cotton Cards, Hardware, a ci/tuaij,ci^iiiccu.uuuunw.aiiu uiijr-unj^, naiuailia - L. Barnard conveyed to William P. Jennings, iota of ■ land numberaone hundred and nine, (109), one hun dred and ten, (liO), one hundred and Thirty, (130) and one hundred and thirty-one, (Lit,) situated,ly- - ing and being in tho first (1 at.) District of the coun- * ty of Douglierty, and State of Georgia, for the pm-g^ pose qf securing tbe payment ot three certain prov isory notes, all dated on the first day of January. . I eighteen hundred and fifty-nine—made by the ami Nathaniel L. Barnard, payable to. tbe eaid William P, Jennings or bearer—the first due on the first day * of January, eighteen hundred and sixty, Tor the sum of tour thousaud five hundred and - sixty doBarsTThe second due on the first dayof January,eighteen hun dred and sixty-one, for the sum of four thousand, two hundred and'eighty dollars—and tbe third of eaid notes duo on the first day of January, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, for the sum of lour thousand dollars—the two last mentioned of which said notes are still due and unpaid, and which said notes and mortgige, for a valuable consideration in the usual course of trad.', -lias been transferred tty tlie said William P. Jennings lo tbe said J. E. and Horace Thompson. It is ordered that the said Nathaniel DBlrnard da pay into this CLgCt by tbe first day of the nextTerm thereof, the principal, interest and cast, dne oa said twoVhst mentioned notes, or show cause, if eny fie has, to tbe contrary, or that in default thereof fore- dlosure be granted to the -said J. E. and Horace Thompson of said mortgage, and the equity of re demption of Bio said Nathaniel L Barnard therein be forever barred, and that service bf^his Rule be icrfected on said Nathaniel 1L Barnard, according to w. HINES & HOBBS,- June 6th, 1866. - Pl’fr 7 s Att’ys. A true extract from the minutes of Dougherty Superior Court, Jane Term 1866. T Joint F. Cargilc, Clerk. Albany, Jnly 28lh, I8S6. NEW FIRM! RUST&JOHNSTON. fDERSIGNED respectfully beg to an- 5 to tbo PLANTERS an(yiEBOHAHTS ty and adjacent Co unties* halt mnE UNDERSIGNED r< _| nonnee to tbo PLANT ofbougherty and adjacent this d*y formed. nano and style to engage In the v — ; business, occupying tbe PI re*Proof Warehouse of Sims & Rust,-and confidently trust they - will continue to receive that genorons support and- pa- tronacc heretofore extended to each of them. N Y. G. RUST. T. H. JOHNSTON, Albany, Ga., June let. 1866. GG-v/Cm RADWAY’S READY RELIEF. M ARSHALL’S Catholicon, IIcImboU’6 Buchu; Jayne’s Expectorant, Ayrc’s Ague Cure, Ayre’s Clierry Pectoral, South American Pcver and Ague Curo. Mexican 'Mustang Linnmcnt—for sale by * E. II. BACON & CO , Druggists* ■ Albany, May 19, lbGG. • 32— CTJTLEBY, WEEDING- HOES THE Great Labor-Saving Machine THE Universal Clothes Wringer Tobacco, Soap, Soda, STARCH, • -a Peaches, Pears PICKLES, &c., &c. The Highest Price paid for Country Pro duco ROBERT Aw BEERS, Ml ilf i k|A| imMlfclit Agrnf, Albany, November 11, 18G5. 3G-3m BARNETT. & OO, COTTeON FACTORS, Gioeers and Generaliom. Merchants, APALACHICOLA, FLA., & COLUMBUS, GA. P ROMPT attention given t<r all Consignment} arid Shipments of Cotcon,.to .New York,' Heir *, Orleans and LiverpooL Liberal advances ininliRn , consignments, - ^ - w-ji’ ^ ^ ^ ™ offlaiding & Receiving House r " APALACHICOLA, FLA. pvEAR SIR:—We raspealfully call'your atten- i j lion to tho fact, that we hero. established » ouah atMpeleobieoIa, Fla.,* for tho purpose of do ing a Goueral Commission and Forwarding business. Having established xolatloos with some of the best houses in.forcigu and domestio ports, we ore pre pared to offer unusual advanfhges to shipners of cot ton and other produce. Special attention will be - • given to ell cotton sent us tor sate, either in ear own or any foreign market. In addition to our Commission business, wo will keep eonstbutiy on bond .largo clock of' GBOCBE/IES, which will bo offered to merchants and planters at prices in the rfortbern and Western markets, mere ly adding cost of transportation. - . Wo will bo prepared to accommodate onr friends with advances on cotton sent us for ehipmont or sale, and to furnish thorn with bagging and rope for the coming crop and during the entire season. N..B.—Our house in Columbus, Ga, Will bo con tinued at the old stand, corner St. Clair and Broad Streets. , . t i oti BARNETT Sc CO. Juno 16th, 1860. 86~tf. BILL IN EQUITY IN DOUGHERTY SUEERIOR.COURT TO JUNE TERM, 1806. J. ffillsman, Executor of Sarah Ely, dec’d, VS. Each* ariah Sla'^n, Robert N. Ely, Susan Morrell, Robert N. Ely, Guardian ad litem of the children of J. J1M+' ' . man, of Dougherty County, Lucy Ann Cothran and children, of ^aldmy County, Sarah Pounds andchil- dren of Isaac Pounds, of Clay County, Lucy Ann ' Rains, of Mississippi, Emma, of Schley Coun- ■ ty, Bunccll Green, of Monroe County. r eappearing to-the Court upon the statement of Complainants, that some of tho above named Do- - fendants reside bejrona .tUo.Slate-of Georgia, and that the residence of some of the .others are un known, and cannot therefore be 'personally servod with a cdfy of said Bill—It ia .therefore ordered that service of the same be perfected by publication in the Albany Patriot, a publi.c Gazette of said State, once a month for three months previous to the nqxt Term of thi$ Court;—and that each of said Defen dants do then and there appear, and plead answer or demur to said Bill, or in default thereof the same - will be taken ss pea confesso. - , t . A true extract from the Minutes of Dougherty Superior Court, June Tcruif'1866. JOHN F. CAKOILE, Clerk. .Tmiwi m h iftfifl , .