The Albany patriot. (Albany, Ga.) 1845-1866, September 15, 1866, Image 4

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-—• m United States Government. Tins exkcuttyk. Andrew Johnson, of Tenn., PrcsulenL ■ LaFaycUe S. Foster, of Conn., Aoting Vice President,^ - ■n*E CAIIINKT. Wm. II. Seward', of Ncrv Pork, Secretary of State. H. McCulloch, of Indiana, Secretary ol the' Treasury. EdwVh M. Stanton, of Pennsylvania, crctary of War,' Gideon Welles, of Connecticut, Secretary of the Navy. . . • James Harlan, of Iowa, Scorcfiury ot the Interior. - " James Sneed 1 , of Kentucky, Attorney Gen- craV- William Dennison, of Ohio, Postmaster^ General. niS JCMCIABT. Salmon P. Chase, of Ohio, Cliiof Satire, Nathan .Clifldrd-, of Maine, Associate Jus- ticc. * -. Samnel Nelson, of New "Vork, Associate Justice. ■ R. C. Grier, of Pennsylvania, Associate Justice. James M. Wayne, of Georgia, Associate Justice. _ - David Davis, of Illinois, Associate Jus tice. (Vacancy.) . Noah H, Si waync, of Ohio, Associate Jus ticc, • • Samuel,F. Miller, of Iowa, Associate Jus tice. GEORGIA—STATE GOFERXMEXT. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, Charles J. Jenkins, Governor; It. L; Hunter, Secretary Executive Dcff partmont. n J. G. Williams, Z. D. Harrison, Messenger. ’ • STATE HOUSE OFFICERS. : N. C. Barnett, Secretary of State and Sur veyor General. J. T. Burns, Comptroller General. John Jones, Treasurer. J. G. Montgomery, Librarian. Jesse Ilortan, Captain State House Guard. JUDICIARY. Judges of the Supremo Court—Jos. H. XnrapVm, Iverson L. Harris, Dawson A. Walker# Clerk—C. W. Dubose. PENITENTIARY, W. C.‘Anderson, Principal Keeper; C. G. Talbird! Assistant Keeper; A. SL Nis- bet, Book Keeper. LUNATIC ASYLUM, • Dr. T. F. Green,' Supt. and Resident Phy sician; Dr. T. O. Powell, Assistant .Physi cian. DOUGHERTY COIL'.TY SUP’R COURT. Judgo........ v i *.R. n. Clark. Solicitor ‘. L. P. D. Warren. Sheriff J. W. Kemp. Clerk...; J. F. Cargile. Ordinary , ,W. II. Wilder. COUNTY COURT. Judge .Thomas. C. Spicer. Solicitor Wm Oliver. Clerk > J. F. Cargile. A'DOES INFERIOR COURT. . John Jackson, J. M. Mercer, N. P. Brin son, T. AfcCleaves, F. M. Thompson. ClerkT M. F. Cargile. TO THE CITIZENS OF GEORGIA. The termination of a sanguinary contest. which for the past four years ha* protested an ImpaaaaMo barrier to all social or eowototvlal iateroouree ho* tween ihe t»q (treat oeetlene of onr oountry, hltrlwg length happily olenrcd away all oliMarlrelnk renowaloftheserelatlonawhichIWreaorly he»»4 wc together in a fraternal wwlwu,'l taho the wwrltra, pponunliy afforded by thla anapWtow* event, «* graet my Southern friends, and to nulteit from theta a renewal «f that exte«aivels»*l»e*a vthhA IM It quarter af a century has Veen nnintempted eave t\J the grant pnNle cahoally A* vthleh t have ndrarted, It ta eenraety nareeaargv «n the threshold of n hurine** revalue l>honM ve|enA the Vtorolo* oo often glren to my, Meode—to he wore ot nil throe apnrloua and deleterions oontponnda vthtoh, under the epeetona and fate* title ot imporird Wines Drondira, Holland Oln, Uqnora, Se ^haae been equally deetruetlre to the health af onr etUaeaa a* prejudicial to the lateraeta' of the legtlimaia Im porter. Many yean of my past life hare bran expended in an open and candid attempt to expoeo these wholesale fraud*; no time nor exponso ha* boon spared to accomplish this salutary purpose, and to place before tny friends and the public generally, at the lowest market price, and i w such quantities a* might suit their cqjtvenience, a tn^y genuine imported article. Twenty-five years’ business transactions with tho largest and most rcspectahlo exporting houses in France and dreat Britain haro afforded jpe unsur passed faoiiitios for supplying onr homo market with Wines, Liquors, and Liqmurcs of tho best and most npproved brands in Europe, in addition to my own distillory in Holland for t’10 manufacture of the Schiedam Schnaps.” The latter, so long tested and approved by the medical Faculties of the United States, West Indies and South America as an invaluable Therapeutic, a wholesome, pleasant, and perfectly safo beverage in nil climates and daring all seasons, quickly exci ted the cupidity of the home manufacturers and ven dera of a spurious article under the same name. I trust tliat.I hare, after much toil and expense, surrounded all my Importations with safeguards and directions which pith ordinary circumspection will insure their delivery, as I receive them from Europe, to all my customers. > . I would, however, Vecommend in ajl coses where it is possible, that orders be sent direct to my depot* 22 Beaver Street, New York, or that purchases be made of my accredited agent's. In addition to a large stock of Wines, Brandies See., in wood, 1 have a considerable supply of old tried foreign Wines, embracing vintages of many years past, bottled up before the commencement of the war, which I can especially recommend to all. connoisseurs of these rare luxuries. In conclusion, I woold^pccially call, the early at tention of my Southern customers'to the advantage to be derived by transmitting their orders without loss of time, or caliiug personally at tffe depot, in order insure the fulfilment of tlieir orders out of the present Urge and well/elected assortment. UDOLPIIO WOLFE, 22 Beaver Street, New York. February 21, 18o0. 13-Cm ^ T JAMES H. HILL’S STORE! WEST SIDE MAIN St. Ystt mb alvray* find the Netvrat and most Fashionable Dre# Goods * *- Of kU hind*, to Whad In »ny of tho Nnsthem mar- trite. Her Muck la aolooted with care aud lisle, so tint the Burnt fastidious can bo tailed. WHITE GOODS, (Of all kinds) • SWISS JAOEONET, TARLETOITS NAINSOOK. &C., AC, In qualities and quantity to meet the demands of any. Pandy Goods and Notions? ol all JttkU; and in BOOTS AND SHOES, •Jur stock is complete, from the Brogan to the finest ' GLOVE KID. IN HATS AND CAPS,, (Both Gentlemens’ and Ladies',) wc have a full and complete stock. Family Groceries, of all kinds, And of the beat quality. Wc have also a large lotol BED BLANKETS. (Whiteand Grey.) Infact,everything tobefound in& A-LBA-'ISTY, OA, WOOHSN Encourage Home Industry! W Eevo now manufacturing at Albany,Georgia a variety of* Woolega G-oOds Twilled and Plain, Colored and White. WABBPNTED PERFECT.^ And of Watches, Jewelry, Diamonds, Musical Instruments, Silverware,' Bronzes, &©., WOH Til OVOB All of. which we propose to sell at the Very Lowest Market Prices, ALL WE ASK IS A GALL. Raine, Hewett & Co. Albany. N(#25lh, 18d5. ■ 38- PROSPECTUS . OF THE . • NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER . • * "OJ ■Washington, D. C. Southern Mutual Insurance Go. Athens, Ga. JEFFERSON INSURANCE CO., / ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VA.. EUFAULA HOME INSURANCE CD., ‘ \ EUFAULA, ALA. TRAVELER’S LIFE INSURANCE, • ' \ ^ - HARTFORD, CONN. WOODVILLE INSURANCE CO., . * WOODVILLE, ALA. JAMES RIVER INSURANCE, HOWARDSV1LLE, VA. SOUTHERN INSURANCE & TRUST CO., T HIS journal, having boon twice enlarged, is one pf the largest papers in ‘he country. It is print ed on fine/me while and heavy paper, and contains tn largo and clear type, moke veadlnq mattin the form of the’latest news, 'general and special, together with editorial, reportorial and selected matter of interest and importance, than, any paper published soath of New York. The National Intelligencer is devoted to Nows, Literature, the interests of Religion, And Political affairs. It gives* daring tho session of Congress, correct reports* of the debates and proceedingof the 4go Houses, as welVas the laws and pnblio docn- * mots' of each session; and aljril times and every *• d^tho telegraphic despatches announcing tins la test intelligence from every qnhrter of our own and JMher countries. The paper has Lccn so long <ts- .. "tabHahod, and is so widely known, as hardly tc ro- qnire any formal exposition of its political charac ter and principles. As heretofore, it aims to be as its name imports, a National paper, maintaining the just'Constitutional powers of the General Govern ment on theoqehand, and tho reaervotPrJghts of the States on tho Other-*—confident that the U.nion can only be maintained while the right* ot Ach shall be respected by both and not transcended by cither. While the Intelligencer advocates what the Editors conscientiously believe^to be right and wiBe in the administration of public affairs, it always strives to givo a fair aud liberal'support to those to whose liands’is committed that administration; and os they Void an independent press to be one of tho great safeguards of liberty, and therefore claim the right of criticising the acts of tho Government with free dom, they endeavor to disoharge that duty with moderation, candor, And respect, both for them selves and those frora^rbom they differ. TERMS 6V SfIBSCKIPTlOlV. Dally Edition, one year $10 ©O' do aix months ................ 6 00 .. do three months..* 2 50 Xrl-WeeUj Edition, one year - G 00 {Containing all the reading matter of the Daily J do 'do six months...... 3 00 doi ’ do three months...... 150 To any ono transmitting us the names of ten sub- • script ion accompanied with the money, wo will send uj additional copy gratis. * N HQ. Postmasters nro respectfully requested to act as agents. Address: all communications to Snow, Coyle & Co., . (Successors to GALES A SEATON,) Publishers National Intelligencer, Washington, D; C Juno 9, I860. V 35-: SAVANNAH, GA: O Jonn A. DAVIS, Agent. Call at Mention particularly to the Traveler 1 Insurakee Company. This Company insures against accideuts of all kinds, ns well as lives, and should any one become disabled and prevented tending to their dusiness, they are paid weekly compensations. Albany, Go., April 11th, 18GG: 23- SCOTT’S MONTHLY MAGAZINE T HE Proprietor of this new Southem’Monthly is now publishing an edition *of two thousand copies. Its list of contributors -embraces a great deal of the best literary talent in the South and We* Besides tho two admirable scries now in course of publication— £ Suitable for all classes of Working People, which we will sell at Reasqnxbie Prices or exchange for Won! or Cutton. ' We aak the attention of Merchants, Planters and others, assuring them that we are determined to. make it to their, ioterest to purchase our goods. We shall be prepared by the 1st of May to Card Woo) and make Roils for Customers. N. & A. F. TIFT. • Albany, March 31,186G. 22- •' ALBANY GRIST * AND . FLOUR miiliS. The Albany Steam Mills are now in operation, Making Good Meal and Flour. Customers will he promptly attended to and freely dealt with. Our Customers will not be delayed, The Grain will be weighed in and the Meal weighed uut, (which will require bnt a lew minutes) unless the parties prefer to get tli^Meal .from their own Corn. Corn shoqid be seqt ad free from cobs and dirt as possible. All the. Coro, as well as Wheat, that vie grind, is fanned through the fan and the trash is not accounted for in Meal. Nt& A. F. TIFT. Albany, March 31,1866. 22- ONE MILLION DOLLARS. AU to he sold, for FIVE DOLLARS each, without regard to value, * And not to bo Paid For until you mow wiiat you ar to RCIYI! 1,753 Gold and Silver Watohcs were distributed among the patrons of PattKixsoH & Company du ring the month of February, L86S. Read comments by the Press, speaking of the firm'in the most com plimentary manner;—“A most industrious and prosperous hou8e. ,, -^[Shippenshurgh, Pa., Sentinel, >« Give all whp dell with them perfect satisfaction.” —[Dunkirk, If. Y., Journal- "Enjoys a high rep utation for honorable dealing and the quality of their goods ’’—[New Paltz, N. Y., J’imes. “ Per- METALIC BURIAL CASES AT LONG & ^^JgOMPSON’S trndfcftho J*rtu^“ s ° ffiC " ON BROAD STHet-t. A fBANY, GEORGIA. FOR MARINE AXD fire i>tst?r^.n:ge Croten Fire Insurance Comp'yJ.t Security Insurance Company, Nr Y, intic .'file Irurnte Phrenix Ins'. Co., Hartford) Conn. Norwich Firejns.^ Co, r ,Norwich, Conn, , Tot^l Capital $15,000,000 Apply to ’ . III.VES 4 ROBBS, Agents. Albany, Ga., March 3d, 18GG. |5—6m SUTLER & PETEN, COMMISSION MERCHANTS ATLANTA, GA. $ Aclrciiturca in tiontli America, the Mareb number contains the first of a series by James Wood Davidson, of Columbia, S. C., entitled t How We Enow Each Other: TIIE SCIEXCE OF HUMAN NATURE. There will also be an occasional Oontribut inn on Literature and Politics frqjp the pen ofC. H. Smith, alia* “ Bill Arp.” • The Trixe Story will be commenced in the April number. Terms; $5 jper annum; ClabE of Ten will be furnished at $4 50 per oqpy; Clubs of Twenty, at the same Post Office, at Four Dollars. . • Address W. J. SCOTT. March 10, 18G6.—fl7—Im Atlanta, Ga. Put RToney in -thy Purse Hoad to "W"ealth.. 5 AAA ACT1V B A ^D RELIALE AGENTS, )UUU BlWle or Female, and of all ages, arc waited to canvass evftry City, Town, Village, Ham let, Workshop and Factory throughout the world, for the sale of-our WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER-WARE, MUSI- CAL BOXES, ALBUMS andotticr Articles. Energetic persons of good habi'*fe and fair business tact can. clear over $25 per week in the coun ry, and a much larger amount in thickly settled localities. No Capital Required! mples of our Articles, to the amount of . be sent by mail for inspection, and if not perfectly satisfactory no charge! 1 • Send your address, if you are of qn industrious turn of mind and in 4**est of immediate wealth 1! Direct to PARKINSON & CO., Importetw. 203 Broadway* New York. Feb; 14th, 18GG. 11— B. F. ROB BBT, Ol-yll Engineer, % ‘ Arfll BEAT. ESTATE AGENT, -Albany, Ga. W LL bny, sell, rent, and survey.landssfl- aated in any part of South Webern Georgia, fat* parties desiring it. Orders lefl at Charles Volker’s .Store will promptly executed, • Albany, Ga., October 7,1865. 81—I NOTICE TO--CITY- TAX PAYERS. T HE Books frr1.1io collection of City Taxcs for (he year.1806, arc now opon, and will bo kept open for SIXTY DAY8 from this date, closing on the 24st September 1866. • Executions will be issued against all persons who fail to pa/ their-taxes by that time. J. F. CARGILE, r Albany, July 21st, I860. ri ENERAL Agents fojtho CU/ Flour Mills of At- \Jflanta. Flour of all gradoa fircsli groaA, con stantly on hand forsalo at the lowest market prices. Orders proudly attended to* August 11, 1800 03°Wob Worlt executed at this office in good si \Ie. Also, blanks iSMshed of every description. THE LONE STAR SALOON, • (Three doom below Uiu Trinting Office,) ALBANY, GA I I AyiNG jast. received a fresh supply of ALL II KINDS OF THE BEST LltjUORS with which the Northern market is stocked, such as Brandy; Whiskcy.-Wine, Champagne, Gin, &c.. See I nia now prepared to suit the pidatesof any bady. I receivo I C.I3 regularly from Macon. Also, I am in constant receipt of GOOD OLD ALE.- Call and cco me. ’ THOMAS H. CLARK. . Albany, Ga. Feb. 28, 1800. H—tf PURE COGNAC BRANDY. TRY IT! » genuine Bourton Whiskey SOMETHING RHAI.I.Y GOOD! S*b.erry • Wine! Schiedam Schnapps, * • Port Wine Pure aixd Unadulterated! I For ealo at _ ^ , E. II. BACOJT St GO.’S. Albany, MarcbJ18; 1866. 2l-2w Notice to Debtors and Creditors, A LL persons indebted to tho estate of R. H.Hic- nan, deceased, are notified that they mustset- tlcthe same immediately—and all persons having cliams against said estate must present them within the time prescribed by#aw, or they will be barred JOHN F. CARGILE, • Adm’r on estate E, n. Hienao, dcc’d. July 7 th, 18CG. 3o« A FINE ASSORTMENT of METALIC COFFINS t\ from the smallest to the largest sizes have just been received by us, and will be kept always on hand. Persons desiring Coffins of this kind can purchase them cheap by calling on •* * LONG & THOMPSON. Albany,*Feb. 28th, 18G6. 14— If THE Underwriters’ Agency Of New YoxX, , CASH- ASSETS, Three Million Hollars, ISSUE POLICIES OF Fire *& Marine Insurance e Made payable in GOLD or CURRENCT - Negotiable and Bankable CERTIFICATES OF INSURANCE M. murp nr.this associatioh. Hiast, -A-gent, ALBANY, GA. October 21, 18G5. •’ 33-tf THE TOMLINSON, OEMAREST CD 630 Broadway, N. Y-, • H.T0aM«>aw|' wUhtllWB ' MR. W\JT*SoODRUFF Formerly nnd isLcensfve Deader in CARRIAGES & BUGGIES, AT^iRIFFIA A5i» ATLANTA, GA, I 710R the purpose of supplying Merchants and ; Plaaters at the South, by wholesale or retail with any stylo of Carriages, Buggies or Plantation Wagons# Mr, WOODRUFF’S long experience in iho car riage business will enable us to give satisfaction, in supplying good substantial Vork, such as the coun try demands, at as low prices aa can posslbl/ furnished for CASH* Wo will keep constantly LIGHT CONCORD BUGGIES the same as formerly sold by Mr. Woodruff, and which became so universally popular all through the South, as tho bejt Buggy in use, • Wo %lso furnish Iron Axle Plantation Wagons; of tho very best make in Amorioa, for 2, 4 or 6 hones. address, T!ll! 111 wI *° want "tioie in our Tomlinson, Dcmnrcst Co,' 620 BnoADwAv, Nxw Yonk. Juno 23, # 1800, •' - - ■ 37-I2m Notice to Debtors & Cred’rs A LL persons indoblod to iho ostato of John W ,/\_ Mltchell, Into of Won), county, Jeccstcd. aro required to mako immodialo payment, and those having demands against thoesiate will Vendor them tn .. n. l— .1.—,. ' • G. W. SUMNER in as tho law directs. Sep 8, i860 • 40* Adn^’r. Zylobalsaruum. A % E n3?f' l0b n a ". mUm ' A1 '“’s Hair Restorer, eiockVHam.Restorer, Prof. Wood’s Hair Ito- storer, Sterling’s Ambrosia for tho Hair. Burnrtl’ Coacoino for lira Ilair, Lyon’s Kathairon. Bachelor’ Hair Dye—for sale next to Express Office, by i E. Ik BACON & CO., Drufffnsta Albany, May 19, 1800. f * ^ugg.sts, lingJ _ honorable and fair dealing men.”—[Stapletdn, Y. Journal. “ One of the oldest and most relia ble firms in business.”—[Canajoharic N. Y. Radii. »«Keep their word and act hononvbl rons.” [Lyons N. Y. Prfcss. 500 Solid Gold Hunting Waiches.....$300 to 750 500 Magic Cosed Gold Watches...... 250 to 500 500 Ladies’ Enameled Watches 100 to 500 600 Diamond Cluster Dadieb’ Sets... 800 to 700 1.000 Diamond Solitaire Rings......... 75 to 250 1.000 Heavy Silver Hunting Watolics. • 75 to ^50 1,000 Open-face.Silver Watches... 20 to 75 1,000 Silver and Mahogany Musical Boxes Hi ■ 100 to 500 1.000 Silver Dining Sets 75 to 350 1.500 Silver Tea Sett, complete.... 60 to 200 2.000 Silver Urns and Salvers......... M 75 to 250. 2,000 3even Chamber Revolvers- 75 to 30Q 2,600 Patent Single Barrel Pistols...-. 25 to 75 2.000 Richly Framed Oil Paintings.... 75 to S50 2,500 r Elegant Pearl Opera Glasses...- 25 16 75 3.000 Mammoth Photograpn Albums.,. 15 to 50 3.000 Cluster Diamond Ririgp 25 to 100 3.000 Ladies’ Oval Bracelets... fl... 15 to- 50 3.500 Gold Cha ins of different designs 25 to 300 8.500 Gold Thimbles, chased......*.—. 6 to 60 10,000 Sigqet and Plain Gold Rings 5 to • 75 10,000 Gentlemen’s Scarf Fins...... 6 to 50 12,500 Brooches and Ear Dfops - 5 to 36 12,500 Gold Lockets, double glass...... 6 to 35 10.000 Gold Pens and Gold Holders 10 to 75 10,000 Sets Studs and Sleeve Buttons... 5 to 2§ 5.000 Silver Goblets and Drink’g Gups 5 to 50 5.000 Sets Tea, Table & Desert Forks 10 to 25 5.000 Sets Tea, Table & Desert Knives • 10 tc* 25 2.500 Revolving Silver Castors. ,,, 25 to 76 2.500 Silver Cake end Baskets... 25 tq T 12.500 W|qe Holders and other articles 5 to 7 To ip^mediately dispose of the abort magnificent stock, certificates naming the articles are placed in sealed envelopes and well mixed. Holders are en titled to the articles named o^ their certificate upon payment of $5 whether it be a beautiful Watch, or a Musical Box worth $500, or a Plain Gold Ring; wojth.$5. The return of any . of our certificates ep- titIes ;j you to the.article named thernon; upon paj meat, irrespective of its Worth’ ana as no artiel NEW DRY GOODSSTOt SCHOEOTB.D ft BUMS BOOR TO WELCH’S b s ; 0 , lacgf. Klbbom, Hat. - acriptions, « Boots Shoes, Hats & READY HADE ClW Also, U| A EiAIE©IS OF. GENTS’FURKBUrS’G G00J.I At lowestcsus in this | order to establish n regular tnd. r dent that we can bcU cheaper than n,, in the city, vro desire a trial to ...J *—■ truth of the assertion. Messrs Vi ll 'r rTiEfl J. T. HESTER, as clerks, aro vriti ^ and will be pleased to see their old frilr*'! Albany, Jan. 27th;1866.-6 ns ^ i ■ GILBERT &HILSJ Drug Store, jilbanq, Georgia \ JJAVING just received a Urge upplj Drags & aranow prepared to fill urdets for their| old customers and friends. We JHave On Hand' ' Sp’tsTnri my- icle will at once be seep that th‘ No Lottery, but a straight-forward legitimate Transaction, which may* be participated in even by the most fastidious; * Apy one wishing to invest in the above en terprise) can receive a sample package of a Half- dozen certificates, naming some of (he gbave arti cles, by ^ WijNI envelope bearing their address. Certificates not to be paid for unless fully satisfactory. We do this that all may be convinced - our sincerity and the genuineness of our sale. Call on or address. ** PARKINSON & CO., . 7 208^r W V®j.N.Y. February 28, I860. “ 14—3m ' Universal Clothes Wringer THIS WRtNGER has again taken the first Pre mium in the Great Fair of the American'Institute— it has also taken the First' Premyim at tlie State Fairs of New York, Vermont, Pennsylvania, Ohio, WfiileLtjJ, tamp Black. ,p«ur, • Calomel, Qpiplac, Morphine, Gun Opium, Powd* Opium, Epsom Salts, Rochelle Saits, filauber Salts, Blist. hn’ie, Oopcras, FiarorlnjE Blue-Stone, Azamu, . Spices, . Sozodoni, Casttr Oil, ‘ Pcrfcmfry, Linseed Oil, Patcal Jiei Kerosinc Oil, Matcta, Toilet Soaps, Ac;, All Essences, Tinctures, &c., sswllyk Drug Stole. Prescriptions carefully cen Terms CASH. Albany, Go-* October 21, ISC4 lute Fairs throughout the country. Over 200,OQP Have Been Sold, . . . ' % j jwsemonca, vi'cms, cumogw, »—•> And are now in use in the United States, and we ar m chairs, for promenade 1 . that vat not liked 1 a* ihe »kirt o»n be folded vrben in NEW £EIRT FOR 181 The Great Inroulioa HOOP SKilT J. W. BRADLEY’S New Potato ELLIPTIC (or doable) SPRIK3S1 This invention conjistsof Duplex (crti tio Pure Refined Steel Springs, ingeuioudjM tightly and firmly together, edge to rifti the toughest, most flexible, elastic mw Spring ever us id. They seU^n bend orhr ^ho single springs, and centt$ientljp perfect and beautiful shape more ibm tiisi Of any single spring skirt ihnt ercrhuri made. ; . . , 1 * The iroxiderfhl flexibility and gmt w pleasure to. any lady wearing the D«jw| Skirt wil\ heeiperiencedparticularljur - assemblies, operas, carriages, railroti* never heard of 0*4 that %cae not liked » | as the skirt can The Universal is superior to all other Wringers, 8m& u D lace as.easily and convenient!; *1 in having labok rolls Of solid India Rubber, so prd,- ^ ™“ tected by r.rong co^thbbls that they cannot slip or break loose.from the ehaft. Its strong wood frame cannot be broken, nnd does not ruei or eoil the clothe*. Every Universal Wringer is Warranted. We select a feW testimonials from persons widely fcnowu to the public, who speak from actual expe rience, and are above suspicion of misstatemenf: “ My family would as soon give up the cooking stove as this Clothes We in gee. It c&nnot be too highly recommended.”—[Solon Robinson. * “This is the first Wringer I have found* that would stand the services required of it.” [J. P. Huggins, Lovqoy’s Hotel. *'We think the Machine muoh more than pays for itself every year In the saving of garments. “ [Orange Judd, Editor of American Agri culturist. ' • a>I heartily commend it to economists of time, money and contentment.”—[The Rev. Dr. Bellows. PRICES. . Large Wringer* ** A ”.....................; ....$12 (MX Medium *« “ B * 10 00 Doty's Wo9her, Family Sizo...; - 14 00 “ “ Hotel “ -t 18 00 Merchants or good canvassers can make money rapidly selling them in every town. Exclusive salo guaranteed and liberal terms given to rcsp6nsib!o persons who first apply. Desccnptive Circular and terms sentfreo.- ■ The celebrated DOTYS* CLOTHES WASHER, which has just taken the first premium at the great Fair of the American Institute, is also sold by the small place 1 inustin d*esa» A lady having enjoyed the pleasure^* •eat convenience of wearing the W! SpringtSkirt for a single d*; wards willingly dispense with their ass. 7 dren. Misses and. Ladies the; all others. ,■ The Hoops ore covered with two W| twisted thread and will .wear ,w1 ft 13 single yarn covering whRh is * steel hoop shirts. The three skirt are also double steel, and twiceew erod to prevent the covering froawtt rods when dragging down stairs, See , which they are constantly J in use. - * AU are made of the new and eleg and are the best quality in ’JL« the Wearer the iao^ graceful ana PfrJ] sible, and arc unquestionably the upwji sirable, comfortable and economic*!* H WESTS, BRADLEY & CARY, WJ Invention, and sole Manufactortn* j and 79 &81 Readc Streets, For sahfin all first class Slori f5j throughout Uto United States and de Cuba, Mexico, South Amen* Indlc8 * , mtakF $9* Inquire for the Duplex Spring Skirt. September Oth, I860.—27 We are now prepared w* 1 uudereigned. B.-C. BROWNING, General Agent, 1 No. 847 Broadway, N. Y. LIVINGSTON HOUSE, Newton, Baker Conntv, Ga., H AS been fitted np by the undenigned, and tiie traveling public era requested to call. If kind and polite treatment, the best fare that can be obtained and moderate charges will be gatiiftclory, they-have all guaranteed if they call. v . » ' W. W. LIVINGSTON, • Newton,Nov. 35,1865,. Albany Chapter No. .15, A. Y. M. mnE ragukr cenvo«atfons of Ibis Chopter nrd*on JL the second end fourth Friday nights in each month. • The companions will ploaso take notice and gJv- ern themselves accordingly. • h. jy. c. spencer; ALB*HT,APBii.l3th, 18C5-tf Secretary. Albany Lodge No. 24, F AiM. npIIE regular meetings of JL this* Lodge are on tho first and 4ird Friday nights in eaoh month. Tho brethren will please take duo notice and govern themselves accordingly. D- W. C. SPENCER, Albany, April 13th, 18G5.ratf, Secrolary ■ ’ V ALL KINDS ( JOB f.Oj at this OFFICII. With Neatnew^* peorgia—Mitchell Co^Y. (> , to sell one Hundreds!™.-. ^ Laud, itbtiru; tl«e han “ fl ?|i, ■li ed and slaty-seven, County, as the P r0 P c j[° ceased. Bept. 8th, 1800. Airr ,yo, ^ # Dec 3, 1805 • «'