The Albany patriot. (Albany, Ga.) 1845-1866, October 06, 1866, Image 4

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n J II United States Government, ; THE EXECUTIVE. .... Amlro'V Jtiliiisuii, ol'Teiin., l’resiilcnt. "ifiFnyctte S. Foster, of Cornu, Acting V fog Frcsiilont.. • V - v TIIE CABINET. m : a Seward, of New York,Secretary of State. II. McGullocli, of lmliana, Secretary ' Edwin JlfStanton, of Pennsylvauin, Se cretary of.-War..- * • -.Gideon Welles, of Connecticut, Secretary . oftho’Navy. ... - ‘ .... James Harlan, of Iowa, Secretary ol the ' ^Jaifies Sneed, of If entneky, Attorney Gen '■William Dennison, of Oliio,.rostinaster- GeneraL ~ tTIlE JUIJCTABV, Salmon P. Chase, of Ohio, Chief Snstice. Nathan Ciittord, of Maine, Associate Jus tice. ; — ‘ ;icc, . SanuioffNclson, of New York, Associate Justice ; ust ice. .. • , K. C. Grier, • of Pennsylvania, Assoeiato Justice. ' lustice. . James 3L'Wayne, of Georgia, Associate Justice, , David Davis, of Illinois, Assoeiato Jus tice, (Vacancy.) . Noah Hi Swayne, of Ohio, Associate Jno tice.. . . ’ • • . ' ' Samuel F. Miller, of Iowa, Associate Jus tice. GEOIiGI.I—STATE (iOVERMlEAT. EXECUTIVE nSrAUTMEXT. Charles J: Jenkiiw, Goycmnr. R. j,. Hunter, Secretary Executive Dc- liartment. II J. G. Williams, Z. Dfllatj-ison, Messenger. STATE HOUSE OEUUKKS. N.C. Barnett, Seei'etary of State and Sur veyor General. ., J. T. Burns, Comptroller General. John Jones, Treasurer. ' J, (J. Montgomery, Librarian. Jesse Horton, Captain Stifle House Guard. JcnjciAitY. . Judges of the Supreme Court—Jos. n. Lumpkin, Iverson L. Harris, Dawson A. Walker. Clerk—C. W. Dubose. rK-VITHNUAUV. W. C. Anderson, Principal Keeper; C. G. Talhinl, Assistant Keeper; A, M-. Nis- bet, Book Keepc. . LUNATIC ASVLUW, Dr. T. F. Green, Supt. anil Resident.Phy eician; Dr. T. O. Powell, Assistant Physi cian. DOUGHERTY COliXTF SCP’R COURT, Judge. .li. II. Clark. 'Solicitor.... - L. P. D. Warren. Sheriff. J. W. Kemp. Clerk. J. F, Cargiie. Ordinary.. W, H. Wilder. . COUNTY’ COUKT. Judge Thomas C. Spicer. Solicitor Win. Oliver. Clerk.... J.F.Cargile. -juiiaes jt.\tEuu>i: court. John Jackson, J. M. Mercer, X. P. Briu- »on, T. A, Cleaves, F. M. Thompson. , Clerki,y, J. F. Cargiie. TUS NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER ■Wasliinffton, D. C. T IIIST journal, linking been enlarged, is om of tli 3 la ryes! /taper* in I It* country. Jt Is print ctl orF&u&fiiit white 0,1(1 heavy paper, nncT contain.- In Urge and cl^ur t>'pe, morb rk viuxg matted, in • the form of tbo latest news* general and special logo!her wirU .editorial, reportorial and selected mutter of interest And importance, -than any p.»ptr li oflxcw York*. - The NATlfOMAb. Ixtblmokncei: i» devoted to New? Literature, tUp intcrctlVof.llcli^too, »nd 1’oliiicn? RlF.iirs. It gives, during the session of> Congress. • oorreetrepovrs of the debates nud propeedingof th-. two House*,, as w.ell a s'the laws and public d. cu meats of each session, and at all times and every day the telegraphic despatches announcing the la* test intelligence froia every quarter of our own and other countries The-pn per hasr been so lung es iablished, and is so widely known, as hardly to re quire any formal cspoHUion of its political cha ac tor and principles. As heretofore,.it aims to b • as |l* name imports, a National paper, maintaining the JuslConstitutional powers of itn» General Govern ment on the one hand, altd the Teservcd rights of the Stales On the other—confident that the fnion ’ fian-only be maintained while tlic right* of each shall be respected by both and tfo. tmusocuded by either. "While /he- Intelligencer advocates what the Editors coiiriiicntioiisly believe to be right an.1 wiso iu the administration of public affairs, it. always strives 1) give a fair and liberal support <6 those to whose 'mmlstratidn; and ns they Uands jscommitted thata«hni_ r -»v. •"Hold an. independent press totbc one of the great •nfcguArds of liberty, nhd therefore claim the right *f criticising the acts of the Government with dree- . dom, they endeavor to discharger that duty with moderation, candor, and rcspe.ct, both for them selves and thpse from wh.vtn they differ. TBaaS OF SUBSt’UPTION. Pally Edition; one year ...j . r ;. $10 fid d.o» 'six months..,:..... ........ 6 00 do three momhs....., MS +*—«.*'. 2 60 Tri-Wcekty Edition^ onoyoar 6 00 [Containing all the reading mailer of the Daily. 1 . • do do six rhombs ...V 3 00 do do three mouths 160 To any one transmitting us the of ten arib- acription ao-JoiniKmied with the snotiey, wo will send uj additional copy gratis. • - _ 1 - B£5u Postmasters arc respectfally- rcnucstcd to act as ag<*:itH. Adilfe-^ all communications-to / Snow, Coyls & Co, ('Specr.ssoHs to GALES $ SEATON,) . Publishers National Intelligencer, Washington, I). C Juno 9, lSG.o. 33- Ba THE LON^ STAR 8AL00N, (Three doors below the 1’iinliug‘Onice',) *^"y*AVrNO jnBt received u fresh supply of ALL rl KINDS OP THE BEST LIQUORS with which the Northern market is stocked, * itch ns brandy. Whiskey, Wine, Champagne,.Gin, &c.. kc I am now prepared to sttit the palates of any body. J receive J Q J«y regularly from Maoau. Also, 1 am in connaut receipt of GOOD OLD ALE. Call »ud see me. THOMAS II. CLARK. Albany, Oa. Feb. 28, 1800. 14—tf 0*it.xona«’8rituare coiuiw»sed oimply of IVjjrto- te Medicine*. Thry are Cat ha Hie Pills, acUn« pop theftomach, . o Stomach, „o Arsrnle, Calomel, --- — substance. The great advantage r. iuiu ,>vuTM , n •met. Bine Mam, or'anr oU.ei great odrantaga the Proprietors claim for those Fills. Is that, without the aid of Calomel, Bine Mass, or any other Minerals, they will core the 8S&K88& SoSigl'^iiA^n^S r.ALGJA. and all affections of a Uko character. FuN- 1 _- I Jl ...1 von vllI tlid. .-i 11 Ja nil and have direction •inmcnd them t r,"T. Yl. WATTB,"Ex-Gov, «»f Alabama. llE, Jui* ~ never known them to fall were folio public favi of Alabama.-' . _ - . W*. O. ’WALLKH. Bherifr Montgomery Co* Ala. lion. ALEX. B. PL1TIIEKALL, Montgomery, Ala. r CuL J.tS. II. WKA.VEK* “ •. “ x - "4BR, CK^WKOBD 111X11 Maj. K. A. JtANKS, Com. Merchant, N 0*1 DANIEL Sa VRI^. Orn d See. Grand Lodge. ■Ala., F. & A. Masons. KAL£ ? . Sole Proprietors, Montgom’ry, Ala, Wholesale JDcpots, flurral, Rislcy.t Tompkins. 141 Chambers st., N. Y. g IV. Moradun, N. Y., Edward Wilder & Co., Louisvillo. Ky., E. .t. Hart & Co.. N. t>. La., Illount & Hale, Montgomery, Alabama. SOr.ft.llY—L. E. Welch, E. II. Bacon & Co. Gilbert & Ilillsipi\n, >nid nil 1 ruggists generally. Albany, Gaii'Jiily 28, 180B. 422-tim OjNXTT ^20,00! PROCLAMATION! Extraordinary Inducements To Persons Wanting SEWING MACHINES! THE WILSON SEWINS MACHINE manufacturing company ore now offering to the Public, WILSON’S JfEW FAMILY MACUIXES FOR ONLY TWENTY DOLLARS: . .Wilson’s NEW 020 MACHINE Does atbay with our old style of Treadle Machines. It la ms largo aX tho old Machine, and la ao 'adapted that it will stand upon any work-table, and remain firm without fastening. IT FEEDS THE WORK ITSELF, relieves tbo hands almost entirely, which &/ VAtes the necessity of using a stand aud trea«ll< ord\ to allow the operator the use of tin cnloMha work, dr All thoso who ht< 0 Machines, will appreciate this f t im- I highly injurious to fcjffiaks. and moald not uqnaed more than one or Uvuourouday. ' With WiuoxV Impsoveo MAcmsyy the oin-rator * SMiUnd^nHp'preventing iu tlie back, - of Machines. , In^co onr^Iacliino thronghont the civilized world, ■ following Unprecedent t to l : tho inducements: Dollars, either our risk’d^ y Express, prepaid. _ Juuhim and at the endoy that time, if theyRUi the tfachiho It not, In evqy respect, just as we 7kpreseiit«d it. they c At to os, paid t > will refund th^S t this advertisement ont and «\nd it to wBXyoar address and Twe.vtt DoulAs, and •gwJt forward you a Machine by return lixV— “ ^accompany each Machine, from ^ inexperienced will find uo dilllcultyN, gits 1 BACH MACHINE Warranted - for "Five Toars 1 On Commission, or to work for * iwcnlar SaUrv. We will send Private Terms to Agents, with Machine to those Who desire an Agency. .A. T JAMES H. HILL’S STORE t . WEST SIDE MAIN ST. ' Yon always find tlio Newest and inout Fashionable Dress Goods f If aU kinds*, to he bad in any of tlio Northern mar- k«ia. Out stock la selected with care aud lasle, so • isut the tnusl fasiiJious can be'uuitcd. WHITE GOODS, (Of all kiuds) SWISS JA-OKOjSTET, TAIUiUTON'S NAINSOOK, &C„ &C. In quulitlvs and qnanlil}- to meet the demands ofsny. Fanoy Goods and Notions, ol all kindd; ard in BOOTS AND SHOES, •iur stock ia complete, from the Brogan iolhe fluent GLOVE IfID. IN IIATS ANB CAPS, (Doth Gcntletnens- and Ladies*,) jve have a full and complete nltx k. Family Groceries,of all kinds ^.L13^.ISrY, ga., W00L1H Enoourage Home Industry! inul now munufacluring at Albany, Georgia of Woolen GVoOds Twilled and Plain, Colored and White. WAREENTED. perfect,' VI - -And of -9 Suitable for all elassea of Working People, which we will sell at Reaaouable Prices or exchange foi Wool or Cotton; Wo ask the Attention of Merchants, Planters and others, assuring them that wo are determined to -make it to their intefesl to purchase oor goods. We shah be prepart'd by the. 1st of. May to Card Wool uhdinake Rolls for Custiimers. N. &. A. F. TIFT. Albany, March 31, I8G6. 22- Dougherty Superior Court. Jane Term, 1866, Joseph S- Smith, ) RULE NISI, ** ¥*. To Foreclose Gkoboe II. Che ever, J Mortgage, Admintstrator on the Estate of VV'. VV. • Clieeyer, deceased. It appenrlngf tothc Court by.the petition of Joseph S. Smith, that on the seventh dav of July, eighteen ... hundred and fifty-eight, William W. dheever, b; deed of mortgage, conveyed to said Joseph !S. Smith ail tliat city Tot or parcel of land in the city of Alba, ny, county of Dougherty, find State of Georgia, known in the plan ofsaid city as that part of ctly * lots numbers forty-six (46) arid f.irly-eight (48) on Cotninerpc »t reel, described as follows: Commenc ing at a point on tho Western line of.lot number forty-eight, thirty feet from xhe North west corner of ALBANY GRIST AND And of the best quality. We have also a large lot ol BED BLANKETS. (White and Grey.) In fact,every thing to be found ins AH of which wc propose to sell at the Very Lowest Market Prices ALL WE ASK IS A CALL. Raioe, Hewott & Uo. Albany, Nov. 25th, 1865. PURE COGNAC BRANDY. try rrt genuine Bourbon Whiskey SOMETHING REAU.Y 0001)1 Sherr’y "Wine ! ScLiedam Schnapps, ?ort Wine TJnadultex^ated.! I Pure mid For Kilc at E. II. BACON & CO.’S. Alliany, March 28, J8G6. 21->2\v We are now prepared to do -AX1L1 Kiisrx)s oiv JOB. ¥ 0 ILK AT THIS OFFICE,- With Neatness and Dispatch BARNETT & O O., COTTON TAOraSSi Grocersflfid General Com! Marohants APALACHICOLA, FL.Vjft COI.CMUUS,-CA. i: Minn «U Ordcrt- .trjxsox■ sEWTNef UTAcnrxn SLANVifjLCTonisa co., Cleveland, Ohio. Southerir Mutual Insurance Co., Alhuus Ga.' JEFFERSON ISSUItANeE CO., ALRBMAK’le COUNTY, VA.. EBFAUIA HOME INEURASCB CO., , . . EUFAUL i, ALA. TRAVELER'S LIFE INSURANCE, IIAI'TFOIIP, CONN. nopcviLLE ixsuRANc-; co., ;-a J-. woodville, ala. JAMRS river insurance,- - noWARDSVILLE, V.V. - SOUTHERN INSURANCE & TRUST CiX, jrons A. DAVIS, Agojlll.' x nnii ShipmonU) of Cutmn to Now York. New Orleans nml Llrei-pool. .Liberal lusruucos nmdo consignments. ‘ & Receiving House, APAT,AGIIICOI.A. Fi;^ r fJ call yoHr ntten- IhU fact, that we Imvo cstabliahcd huus»at Apalachicola. Fla., for the purpose of«lo- ing a GcncratCoqunissioaiand For warding business Having established rclatiqns with.some of the best houses itt foreign nod domestic poris. we are pro- jfij “ “ Jfccot- parcil to offiyr unnsnal ad vantages lo shippers ion and other produce. Special attention will ho given to all cotton sent us for sale, cither in our own any foreign marker.' , In addition to our Commission business, we will keep cousthntly oil hand u)arge stock of great variety of Bullous. Pins, Thread &c. L. K. WELCH & CO. Call attention particularly to the Traveler’s insurance CompaUy. This Company iusuresagainst accideuis of all kinds, as well as lives, and should any one become disabled and prevented from «U- tending to their diisiuess, they , uc p u id weekly compeusniions. v Albany, Ga., April lltli, 1S0B; GH/OOESIJlS, which will bo offered to tnerdianis and planters at pi wes in the No**hern awl Western markets, w«>«- ly adding cost of transportation. ’ \Vc .will be prepared to accommodate our fricmlft sale, and to furnish them with bagging and rope for the coining ccop and during the cVtU’^ sensoja Ip. 1J.—Our house iti Columbus, Ga., wi+1 be .con tinued at .the oldstfind, corner St.. Clair and Broad Streets. - e-*--* _ r* ■* ** v? *** -- The Albany Steam Mills are now in operation, Making Good'Meal and Hour. Customers will be promptly attended Uxand freely dealt v/ilh. Our Cu^toiuers will, not be delayed. The Gram will be weighed in and the Meal weighed out, (which will require but a few minutes? unless ’he panics prefer to get the Meal from their own (kirn. Corn should be sent as fret^ from cobs and dirt as possible. All f(ie Corn, as well as Wheat that we grind, is fumed through the fan and I lie trash is not accounted fur in Meal. T¥. & A. F. TIFT. Albany, March 31,1866. .. 22- ■m id lot lorty-eighf, thence due East to tiro Eastern line ofsajd lot number forty-six; one hundred and five (105) feet,thence due Southron the Efist line ol lot forty-six, (46,); sixty feet thrnce duo West; to the.Western line of lot forty-eight; one hundred and five feet llience dne North, to the starting-point, being sixty feet fronting on Jackson street,‘ by one hundred artd five feet back, foCtfie teecuring to a note, made by said William W. Cheever, d&ted on the seventh day of July, eighteen hundred and fifly- «Mght, payable to Joseph N. Smfth or bearer, and due twelve months alter date,‘ for the sum of three hun dred dollars, with intere^ Irotn date; which **aid iwte is no\y due aud unpaid; and it further appearing ihtr now, Wm. W.CheeVer has departed this life;and that George H. Chcever has been duly appointed Administrator 6ri the estate of said 'William W. Cheevei*, deceased. It is ordered that said George II Cheoter, Ad ministrator as aforesaid^ dp pay foto this Court, be fore the first day of the next 'J erm thereof, the prin cipal, interests and costs, due,on said nbte^or show if any ho-(i:u*, to the coTitra ry, as in default FOE MARINE FI’IlIU iNSUIT^LlsrCE Croten Fire Insurance Comp'y, N. Y. Security insurance Cempany, N. ¥„ Atlantic liie lirmm r M II Phcenix Ins, C'i,. Hartford, Conn Norwich Fire Ins, Ce n Norwich, Conn, Total Capital $15,000,000. A PP.ljc *.P yiNES & IIOBBS, / Agents. Albany, Ga., March 8d, 18G6. J5—6m Underwriters* Agency Of New Yoxx, CASH ASSETS, Three Mill 1,05 f)ollars^ ISSUE POLICIES OF Fire & Marine Insurance - Mad. payable in GOLD or CURRENCY Negotiable and Bankable CkRTL^CATES of insurance ASK MU ZD BY THIS ASSOCIATION. Y. Gr. -A-gent, ALBANY, GA. October 21, 18115. JlS-tf THE TBMLISSOH, DEMAREST CO, 1 ouijt 030 Broadway, N. Y., Hare aasoeialqd with t Item ' ME. W. W. WOODRUFF, Formerly and Extensive Dealer in CARRIAGES &, EUGGIES, tht-renr loverhx.e«re be granted to the said Joseph S. Smitji, of said mortgage, and the equity oi redetnp- liqj of veiid George H. Cheever, Administrator as aforesaid, therein l>« forever barred, and that service uf this Itnle be perfectcl un said George W. Clieevcr Administrator, as aforesaid, acenrcing lirlaw. HINES & IIOBBS, in’iii. Att’vs, Jone 61I1, ISM. • A true extract from the Jlinutea of Dougherty Snperior Court, June Terni, 18«i. * Jons F. Cargile, Cterk Albany, July 28ih. WH6. mtm. Dough§rty Superior Court. ' ! T, } Jane Term, 1863. J. E. & Horace Thompson, V RULE NISI «• j- to forclose. Nathaniel L. Barnard. J, Mortgage It appearing to the Court by llir.prtltion of L E. Thompson and Horace Thompson, partners, ur>in«< firm n&uie und style of J. K. & Horace 'Flu mpMuv 1 hat by deed of mortgage, dated on the flr«-t dav of • eb^uary.* p.ditpen hnndrrd am! fiftv-nine, Nalltaidel I*, llamard ronvex ed to Wllliam P. Jennings, inis of hind numbers one hundred nml nine, (LOU), one hun dred and leu, (I JO), one hundred aud flurry, (130.) ind one hundred aud'tlurty-one, (J31,) tiriiated, ly mg and being rn the first (ksi.) District of Uie co«tt- •yof D nigh?rry, aud Stay* o( Gertrgia, for the p*ir- i)o*e of securing the payment o' ihree f ertaim proin- isory notes, all dated on the first day of-J^ntimry. ••ighleon hundred and fitly-ninc— made bv Wie said Nathaniel L. Barnard, jay a Lie to the said William P, Jeouings or beater - t!ie first due on the first dav ol January, eighteen him !.ed and Mxly, for the of Jour tlmusaud five hundred ai:3 sixty dollars. The second due ou the first day of Januaiy, eighteen huu- •Ired aud sixty-one, for thfi. *ntp of louniiMiisan tno hundred aud eighty dollus—and*the Uiirdpl said notes due on the first day of J-inuarv, eighteen hundred agd sixty-two. for the sum of four thousand dol'kra—the two last mentioned of which •ttid notes •ire still due aud unpaid, and which s. id notes and •nortg ge, for a VabrnWeco^Lderatinj in the liViial course «if trail*, btx;j becy, inin.sfcrrcd by j! e c«iJ William P. Jeimingi to rhesaiJ J. K. uud Hcraci Tlaanp^on. It is ordt-red that the said Nathaniel Barnard do P'y ,nt .° ’his Court-by fbe tir-t day ofUe next Term thfireo,, the prinripa’, liUe/ost and cost, due «.n <aid two last mentioned notes, .»r show eause^ if anv he has, to the contrary, nr that in <l* > faoIt thereof fore • 1 ».-•(’n» tie granleth to the e«i«J J. IS. an/l 1 liom|tson of said mortgage, and the {quitv of*re demption « f t .esaid Nat.mtriet L Barnard' therein ,e ; ,,r ^er barret^, and that service or this Rule be niel L, Ba^na^l. aeeo.dnig HINES # HOBBS*, ’ . 'j PrtF’s Au’ys- . A true extract from the minutes of D-moherlv Superior Cyjjtt, Auiie Term 1866. * John F. Ca»gii.R, Cl^rk- NEW DRY SCEOBKpjjjj. BROAD i (SECOND DOOR to J Have just received - Assortment of . JUw “^, s 'Wool» e Nffi Mcrin La«c,, Klbbln^«^ Boots SI A -gexts- PURI{ISHix _ in the city, we iTcsTre truth of tlic assertion J. X HESTER, as clerkly ?'«■!, aud wtlMut pleased to s» 5 ,l4 >1 Albany, Jan. 27th, GILBERT & HlL§i Stoj Jflbany, (? Co J J^AVINGjust received, | lr . ti J Drugs & .Medici are now prepared to fib ^ ^ u’d customers and friends. We Have On H# «s Gam Opium, Fawd* Opium, Kpsom Salts, liorhellc Salts, GlanDer Salts, ('operas, Blae Stauc, Apices, I'asidrCH, Linseed Oil, Kcrosiuc Oil, Toilet Soaps, «$! fulcatl, Blue Jlis,l Blisi. ftfiJ Uav;ti»a *?aou. I'erfsoetT.I Paint u Malrttin te AU lUsences, Tinctures, Kc‘„ tsalk] Btore. Fiu^cripiions cartful!^ Lfernis CASH. Albany, Ga., October*2h ISCi SCOT-FS -MOtlil TfflHE Proprietor of this r •A'.. 1 »Sakai now publishing an ctUiiii) ftfej cupiea.' "If« Jisl of ci*nLrit>ui««rs deal of the best literary talent hi Wiwf. - Besides the two admirable * course of publication— Decisive Battles of tie Sea MW. June 5th, 1806. Albany, July 28th, 18S6. Dougherty Superior Court. Jane Term, 1SS6. Josxru S. Smith, . » RUIiS Srjgi ,, re. > To Turecleii Enr.xK7.-if II. SwiXxr.Y. j ilon a o S e. It hi,pearing to tiie Court, hy the petition ol J sept, S. Smilli, that by deed of, dal id or the eighteenrii day of Mty, eijhteru ' ' ine rijjitieenlli cay ol Mtv, eijhteru hundred end it tty—lit, :o, Hhenezrr IVNu'iiiiiev.conveyed to Jo-erli ftiiqlh, IhntJotorp.rcol.-r land, s'rtu^f, lyio.. and '>eiogtn-tli« cily of Albanv. cotiniv of • There vriU also he an 'occasionalesti Li teval ui e aiul ’Politics from the pea ofCl .alias “-Bill Ait*.I’. . j The Prizc ^tor/nill be comment 1 I^ Tkbms; $.’» p^r annum; Clnbs furnished at $4*61) per copy; .Cli*!asl fhe diune PostOJflce, at Four Dolhr ^Address j B March 10, I860.—flT-Im , 0 - . ’ ,ie ci, y of Albany, count v of Doiixherly and Stall-ol Georgia, and km *. -.J3EBt3*. » in the plan of said city as I Sint« Sirrct, c.oiiijuning oj,_ _, j he purposeuf.securing the pavnieot of _ prouusnry note, made by the «iid Eue-nezer IJ. Svvin- noy, rayabie to the order of mi id J«»sep!» S. Smith dated on the (rigut,H^* day of Mhv, eighteen hnr dred a ml hi ty-nine, p*' due two year.-a'trr dale,f..c r h V« ,,n ° two h ” n,, rt*d »»•<! forty dollars and sevi-n- t p*ij tWULvvkich said note ^ novijdue^nd i li ie or tcre,! (hut said Rhone, r II. Swinney do I, i y "' e fir<t ,l: 7 nl "0*1 Term ...o; ,’,- 't*- ! 1 " 1 1>» 1 , ii«tero»l Mad„,, ls dueon said ni te, o, show cau^^ il any he has to the contrary orflmt mdetaoU thereof lorecloMire be granted m the sold Joseph S. hnoil, of said mortgage, and tiie equity „f redemption of Ilie said Ubeia z r ll. Swi lllel ■- * •—* - . AX GRIFFIN AND AT LA AX A, GA. FJOR I ho puimose of snp A? rUalera at the South, ijiptr Merchant an* —i*, . . jy wholesale nr retail \Vngooa Jr 3,,I ° uf Carriages, Buggies or Plantation ^.r tfOODRUEraiongorpor^ In the car nage.businesswillenable ue to give satisfaclion, in, - suppling good substantial work, such os tbecouiv try demands, at ns tow prices ns can bossiblv he furirisbed for GASH. & S * E will keep constantly on LIGHT CONCORD BUGGIES 11.0 same as formerly sold by Mr. Woodruff. 0 nd winch became so umyersally popular all throu-h thv boRth, ns the best Buggy in- use. ° .il Iso. f a.r.n i SSSS!! i lL be ':' reV T Ur r«k ami that service o( 11 ,s R , uIe hp Ptrleclvdon «nd J<alienezer II -Hwirinev accnnhng in law. MNIiS Ofc HOBBs, J , *‘*,t* PI'ITa Al’tys ,r Y. eex ' n * ct ,ro r n theminntes a Dougherty Su- LIVINGSTON HOUSE, Newton, Balter <aOT,ntv. Ga., iT A t™i e r n !’ p by thc undesigned, aod the jT’J-iteVliug pBbtic.iyt, requested to call If kuid.and polite treatment, the best b,r> th, I rari-I» ■ dained und moderate charges will ho sal sfdciorv they have aU guaranteed il they call. • y ’ Neq’ion.Nov. 25, 1865."-' • Iron Axle -Pl3,iit3itioii Wagons, 2S®j$? bMt niak<! la America, for "il 0 r 6 address*,''* 0 "" '' l '° K:ln, 3r ' ic, ° in (o, Vaiuiiii.oH, Demarext Cr>„ T oo 1C „ . 6J0 Buoahwav, New. Yo '„’ K . June 27, 1800. a- June 16th, 1S£6. barhevt 4 CO. 30—If. Sarsaparilla. A VRES, Sand's, l>e. John Hull's arid Old Dr Towusead s Sarsaparilla—for sale by >1. If. BACON & CO., Druggist. Albany, May 10, ISM. ’ ^ , Ufa. to Debtors and Cieditajs, A LL persons Indebted to Hio'estatVof E ‘ H lti« “<!»«!<! >M 'bey mns, set' tie tho same immediately—anil alb eliams against said estate * 1 ns having JOnW W ‘" tmrrcd. JOHN l. CARGILE. . • Adm’r on estate E. II Hic„._ Jnlytth, 18UC. ' I1I eaan Albany Chapter No. 15, A. f. M «ov. ' ik W. c. SPENCER, Secretary. Ar.nasr, Arnii,13th, 18f».,tf Albany Lodge No. 24, F A. M. fTWE regular meat* JL ‘his Lodgjj firsCr Advcitl:ii'( K in sioitih Awl the March uumbtflcontains the irsttfl James Wood Davidson, of Columbia & J How We Know Each (I tllE SCIENCE OF HU3IAXH kiinvu^iiailB^,^ JSliJj,-IN mw l..t number eigtUy-luu, r.ri TN DOTfGHKRTY SUHSW .e acre, ^juro. nr less, for “ • - ™ — A TO JUWC J. IHlhman, Executor, ariah Slaton, Robert l AT Fty, l G'stdrdian \ ail i man, of Dougherty County, hq J ■ children, of Spalding County, dren </f Isaac \Tuunds, of City Rains; of 31jsf.issif pi, Emma U S .<J* S, *9 ty, BuricellGreen,‘of JlbnroeCwk^] 'T nnpcnriDff to tbo'Court.upon'Ml Gomp'liunftfftiJ’th.M some of fondant s'reside beyond the State that the residence of some of t««J^ knawu, and cannot- therefore be |jritl» n copy of said ;)flll—It is ’“v that service of tlio^snme be pcrfiM^i in-the Albany Patriot, a p , »bUcl?^ once a month for three months Term of tins Court ;-r*and thate^w’J rerm of t'.ris Courtana danls do thco ahd there >Pf!F^!d3 or demur to said Bill, or in will be taken as pco confess?. _ ip J^Trpo extract from the 1 Superior 058rt, June Term, June Oth, 18GG, Put Money in thy Hoad to "W^eafl ancj third, Friday lughts in cnch laonlh. . The. bi-otliron will plenso lake due notice nnd govern t hemsqtvej accordingly. AGILE. «n, dcc’d. f S9- J »• W., Albany, April 13th, 1805,-tf. &««relar.v 5,000 JSSr-Ss wanted-to canvass eveiy City, 10 % let, \Yorkshop and Factory throug for Ihe sale of our ' WATCHES, JEWELRY, SI LTE "..,, CAL BOXES, ALBUMS Energetic persons.of good k*W* L,# tact can clear over $25 I»f »*^3| much larger amount in ** ,IC - - * ' 7 No Capital 3eq>J Samples of oijr Articles, f°^ |f ^ be sent by mail for inspection - satisfactory no charge! 0 fss¥ Send your address; if I°?f rn. i^uGnd. tuul in QUCSt of t® fflC turn, ol-mind- and in quest o Direct to. r - pq., PARKINSON AC sJ , Fob. 1-Hh, 1866. * ^ Xj o §j£M NDER SET OF i'ALSEy'.^J , „ Pereha Plate—two oft** ( Any person ftnding them. an .a, IP l^rcho l'iiite—two of l}> ‘j Any person ftnding them. *“ „(jd.* I this office will be suimhly «««“ .1 Albany, Sept 15, I860- I