The Albany patriot. (Albany, Ga.) 1845-1866, October 27, 1866, Image 3

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Hitt PATltW •^fOoSrn. To advertisers. Patriot ib the best advcr- i„ South-western Georgia.— t i'aying circulation of any -Bullin' 11 Terms of advertis- '“’-Jjsonable as axy—but must be ,s AuvaWK, on, ox DnuAsa P' irk neatly executed, ut Macox P *°yf t are now prepared, with a fine V-red Inks, Bronzes, Paper, Card- “j Se B-c’ais, T yp« anaBorde,,in S8. *<► *™ , Kixn of Work, in any Colob on |,st in j at prices to suit everybody— ^anility nnd quantity. " • 'Tyjiirs, Frails and Vegetables ■r * it Ike attention of our readers to the lament* of Henry Horne, by which I gibe wen that- that old established Ma- Ijdihat* k®* * flloico 8toc h in hi,* line, . jj-ared to fill all* orders for choice T Wines, Liquors, Tobacco, Fruits, ■tioBaries, and Vcgctablcs. Give him . j| rtsrs . Gilbert & Vasor, both prorn- gentlemen of onrCity, are doing i together in the Dry Goods, and Inline—also the Cotton; & Comission They " ill also receive consign- C»fall kinds of Produce. Their ad- rat " ill appear soon, when yon can In lor yourselves what they are doing, trull sell as low as anybody. -We would ask the attention of our Hio the ('anl of J. II. Ilill. He is still ft«#lat kis old stand, ready to sell 1 a low as anybody. rlicjd the advertisement of Harde ItSpuks,of Macon. They are still on tilllirir old stand, ready to serve their hand the public at large. s.smts! s sratleinaii has just returned from L York with a >plen lid assortment of Li silver Watches of the best make, & L-unl as represented, also, jewelry of Irde^riptiou—in a word, anything you He has a spendid lot of Pistols pkV-sl Manufactories—also walking lithe latest styles. A large assort- Ldfciral Instruments, Fancy Articles k’lfirid to h ive orders promptly Si nit EM. with any articles desired in ».k tin-best iii.niuiiu-tun.-re iu New *t«read hisailvcrtiscnent in to-days I ul then call and examine his large Itnlicn a man advertises liberally he rr! to sell CitKAf, call tm Mr. Straus. r Rerent experiments iiiKngland, by iartillery, have proved conelnsiyt- I I'Uijirtiles tlimwu 1>V the 9-iludl btir.,11 Woolwich rifle "in will pierce ■refany :iflo:t. Oi-TT UABYr 1 To Bondholders of the State of Georgia. ' EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. 1 Miu.MX3svn.LE, Ga., 13th Oct., 1866. f In-conformity with an act ofthe General Assembly, approved 12th March, 1866, numbered 10. It is ordered, 1st. That all bonds and coupons of the btate of Georgia now duo, atid winch were not issued in aid of the late war* whereto- cver made payable, may be funded on pre sentation at the Treasury of the State, in Mortgage Bonds of the State, bearing seven per cent, interest from the 1st day of July, 1866, .that being the day of their date. 2ndly. That all coupons payable in New York, or in London, now due, and embraced in descriptive list furnished the agency by the Treasurer, mi^be funded, in bonds des cribed above, on presentation at the Nation al Bank of the Republic, New York. Srdly. That all coupons funded in New York be marked PAID and returned »o the Treasury with a descriptive list of bonds is sued in funding them. 4thly. That, the Treasurers endorse, or cause to be endorsed on each bond funded, the name of the person presenting it. and that a registry of all bonds issued in the funding process be kept in the Treasurer’s office. Sthly. No interest is allowed on bonds or coupons alter maturity. C'UABLES J. JkNKIXS, Governor. TKEASUKY OF GEORGIA, ) MlLLRIKiETILLR, 13th Oct. 1866. ) Holders ofoverdne Bonds and coupons of the Slate of Georgia are hereby uotified, that iu accordance with the above order, they can receive for them, on presentation at this de partment, new bonds ofthe State, dated 1st July, I860, duo twenty years from date, bearing interest at 7 per cent |>cr annum, pay able semi-annually; in Jannart' and July and secured by mortgage on the Western and Atlantic ICailroad. The Bonds being in sizes of 8500 and 81000, holders must present their Bonds and cou|H)tiH in multiplies ot these sums or make up their deficiency in currency. No provision for payment ofinterest after maturity of Bonds or coupons having been made by the Legislature it cannot of course be allowed at this department. Persons sending Bonds in under the above order are requested to write their namesjeg- ibly on the margin to guard against mistakes in their entry on the records, as ordered above J.vo. Jones, ut. Treasurer. Oct. 20tb, 1866. ARRIVAL OF F ALL ^USTID BOOBB. IMPORTANT to lie TRADE. DRUBS 1 NOW RECEIVING. — A STILL — COTTON LAND FOR SALE. »UU»y, (la., on Mouday, 3th instant, f Jt«» and 7 mom 1m, Mid. Ilixes T Rev. 11 ns at F. lion, tf Decatur |*lroMpert daughter of Col. Ucn.tno K. bwrlj of Macon. M* 1 the doeert.«cd U£t-a 8*1350 cirfa oCaA- lirinJi, would be a poor echo ofthe na&ifea- ■dTvfnt, a hcl» f like spring zephyr, *oollic of Ur agonized and denotte iint- "^•imI brothers and only Arte^ How ^Mlsred, the yilrnt 9 litmle of theioiucs. ritli bor picscnce, can beat atest.— I*i#iaew her in childhood, in her ejs'ef t »l*«n u»ture*s beauties* were un filing ■ life, make willing t-ibuiej the Pier cbri'tUn character. Always w'rnljr N^th* rbnrt'1 1 of her Father, ahe iunriy J*** Shamil to acknowledge lo men he<le* '»Ur &tTionr. and endeavoring, bytbe 1 «f «H the riilues that adorn saintfi JibowiobcrangeJ aimers who bed ■'to tke wouid follow them to ber Fall F'ktretfcewieked ceas « from troubling V w rest.” | ,, *lte niomhs a bride, she haa left all l! hfe endurable—a devoted bual babe, only a few days old, now fare' tender care and protecting loti 1 ‘ tli0 imiirn your absence, who F* jour unselfish care for all JV* w,u ,r J to guard your infant daugb- I i 10a, « far us to'go/ »»F P ,u,n «* flutter o’er our splrlu in tbeir ^tweh the bosom of your Father and i ’ •rewell, Fannie !—but not forever.— forgotten, and when Ufa with od ‘■'•riiijr, »h« you will be with us and Wil then, Good-bye. L: v ’ October 20th I860 ALBANY PRICE tTRREiYNT. Flour, per barrel,. Corn, ul»r bushel, Corn Meal Cow Peas, “ Grunin 1 .1’eas, iter bushel,... .. Bacon, per pouml, Lard, “ by the barrel,.... Butter, “ Tallow, “ Beeswax, “ Soap, Turpentine, per lb Salt, Liverpool, per sack, Sugar, brown, per lb Sugar, refined, Coflee, Rio, .“ Joffee, Java, “ Tea,,..i “ I'-Jtaau), smoking, bale 5 lbs, Tobacco, per lb, by the box.., Nails, “ Iron, “ Powder,...“ Shot, “ .-Ixmc,.. ..“....-sj Caiulles,...“ Candles, s|icmi, per ft>, Osnaburgs, jkt yard, -.. Sheeting*.... “ Calicoes, .8l2.50@d6.00 1.25® 1.50 to 1.50 1.25® 1.50 l-Oo 26® 28 16® 18 •30® 35 8 a 10 25 20® 25 475a 5.00 15@ 20 25® SO 40 55 to 60 1.50® 2.50 3.75 to 4.00 50® 1.75 14® 15 12*@> 16 85® 1.00 25® 30 35® 40 40® 50 WE ARB JUST RECEIVING AND OPENING OUR STOCK OF FAIL AND WINTER GOODS, Embracing everythin" nsually kept in a firrt-claes House. The attention of Merchants and Planters is directed Jo our well sclecied Stock. Oar line of BHISS {?00BS Is everything that could be desirr4«and we intend to keep the stock up to itu present standard. We have not space to «peci r y, but belkfe wc can fill all orders complete- Our HOSIERY, GLOVE, — AND — YANKEE NOTION DEPARTMENT L amply supplied. We hutre also a splendid stock of ENGLISH, FRENCH AND AMERICAN CASSlMERES AND BROADCLOTHS. . A l/o, a fine iut of irisi-i lustehsts. 7-8,1-4,.1-8 and 10.4 BLGAOKBS SOKSITIOI. We Ure also, a .piendid awortment of CLOTHING, Well adapted lo onr Coui.tty Tiade. Our Stock of BOOTS AND SHOES fa nnscrpasxrd by any House Pouth of Baltimore— embracing about 400 ram Men’s Women’s and Children’s Boots and Shoes in evrry variety. Also, a fine lit of Hen’s and Boys’ Hats. Indeed, we might ray that we have almost everything LARGER STOCK OIF PURE DRUGS, Chemicals, Patent -Medicines, Dye Still's, Painty Oils, Glass, Varnishes, And Painter's Material. Lamps and Lamp Fixtures, Pure Imported and Domestic LIQUORS. Tobacco and Cigars, PIPES, Family Spices and Soaps, Combs, Brushes, Perfumery, and Toilet Articles Fresh Garden Seeds, &c. L. E. WELCH, Druggist. At the Old Stand, Welch’s Corner, Albany, Ga. October 18, 18(*G tf T iIE Subscriber offers for sale his Plantation in Calhoun County, Ga., containing S98S acres in mo Settlements adjoining each other, and bound ing the towu of Morgan ou two, sides; they extend up and down the Pacbitla creek for several mites, and across to the Ichaway Nocbaway. There is about 14,OOacrcs of cleared land, of this there is about 3,00 acres of good Ifammock, several hundred fresh,and at least 4,00 acres of good Hammock land to clear, a pert deadened with a large quanti ty of excellent Oak and Hlokory timber; on the upland there is a vast amount of Fintu for sawing lr desired. Each settlement has good comfortable houses, and a Gin House and Serew on each. There is about 4,00 acres in Cotton, 4,00 in Cora. 4,00 in Oats and Eyo. 1 Two sores in a beautiful \ tneyard with over 8,00 heart posts well set and the vines now bearing. These places are among the most healthy in' South-Western Georgia—well watered, fencesin fine repsir, and about 1,000 acres in three woods pastures fot raising stock. A bargain can be bought in the above either with, or with out the growing crop, stock and - provisions. Cal, and see l)r. W. H. Cheney, of Morgan, Georglal will show the above land Ac., to any one who may desire to purchase, or can confer with the Subscri ber by directing to Home, Georgia- F. W. CHENEY. August 4th, 1800. 43— SLOAN, STUBBS & STEGALL, oottcmsTfactors, General Forwarding and dtommisBtcm iHerdjants,* No. 4, Stoddard’s Lower Range, BAN STRUCT, 8AVAMKAH, OA. HTbsses. Yasox A Daais, are our. authorized 1VII agents. They will make Libwat Caah Advances on Consignment* of ' - Cotton to TTs. They will also obtain Permits and Pay Internal Revenue Duty for Planters. Reference by Pcrmiuk)* .* * Messrs. Rust & Johnston, v C. W. Rawson, Esq., L. S. McGuire, Esq.' ' H. J. Cook, Esq. Judge John Jackson,. Messrs Stroxer & Smith. Albany, Ga", October 13,-1866. bin* LAND 75 to 1.00 H2@:i3 JO 25 to 30 Segara, per thousand,........25.0iVcCl80.00 flrrap, eauc, per gallon, tVlitskcy, 3rantly, “ Wine,., Vinegar,...... Coal OB,, Jlackera*', per iritt, three* do*.- Codfish, per lb, Cracker*,. ' icklen, per jar, . dies, per lb, i Fruits, each, store, Cove, per box,. dines,per box,. ccf. per bottle,. ...«.»<• P 6 .^---; — ini, per lb, itardsy^jver jar.. *. t ...... BOOKS! oda, per -epper, VppcrSBPpVI Iroonis, each,.. nil, per lb.. Kt E s!V EF, ' liK30X BAV,S —B/ Dr. pi-AsT t l Bj vlf r ‘- ,, «nr w <x>4- fouv^Jj-S-UFann. |l UN s EXl'LOnATlONS TO THE * L'- WALL JACKSON-ByJahn 1 E ° F TI1E KEBELLION—Dy H." 8. l' Hti »<4.n4ti*r. t i eht LsiSt,* ^*aoH * OO. rbixo^sT C»»«A K£n I,il « Boxml* wli’* 1 ng Ss'cheis. K*««h. Album. ye, concentrated, per box,. / 75® 3.50® 8.00 11.00® 10.00 5.00® 6.00 1.00@ 1.25 125a 1.50 20® 2.25 to 2.50 5.00 20 20to 25 40 to 2.00 50 to 75 75 to 1.00 50 to LOO 40 to SO 40 to r»o 40 to 75 50 50 25 to 50 20 to gS 75 to 1.00 40to 50 50to 75 40 to 8 to 12} :«rKla, irwiM Ctwiy. . VHEBEAS, D. J. Fenn. appllea to ate fttJgM*** li,mission from administration on the esfioe of i;, j. llano, deceased. These are theraforeto and admonish, all and .isgul.r, the helrs aud tixors of said deceased, lo fcc and appear at my within ffce time preseribed by law, to s*ow tfnnv they hAve, v.kj sold Willis J. z»»ne J not be removed from nMl wtataMt/ali®*. ■ under toy bend officiel siguel^re ui 7 L/M. COLBERTH, cr *J0th 66 ; 3§r QT xopi. Sale and Livery Stable, Just Opened, Joraer of Broad and , JscksonStreeiSi IhanY. GEORGIA. l Boudad, and Do Id on Commlaalan. By 6ABHNKR A KIBKMAN- 8|5, 1865 ta LUNQUEST & MALLORTS W PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY WANTED I “Wanted to Lease! F ROM Two to Five Thousand Acres of best cul- tivatnblc Cotton growing Lands, adjoining, or as nearly in ono body os can be had, in regularly organised, stocked and equipped plantations, all ready for next year’s planting. Those Lands pre ferred in Douohbbty, Bakkr, Mitciikll. or some of the adjoining counties—or somewhere in what is known ns the “Cotton Belt,” across the Chattahoo* chee, in the State of Alabama. The parties desires to lease these Lands, with all tlieStoek, Mules, Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Hogs, Wag ons, and everything pertaining to well organised and equipped plantations, with the view cud privilege of purchasing the whole at the end of the ensuing year. Or, they will purchase xow, if the prices are made right, and one and two. years given for the payment of everything, except the provisions, which shall be jCash. * Being practical and experienced Planters, with an j indomitable energy, they have resolved upop Src- CEss. and will have nothing less. Iaorder to make this a certainty, they must arrange toget possession J on or before the first day of December, next. ABCADE BUILDING, COTTON AVENUE, j ' 1 MACON. GEORGIA. CHEAPEST OAXAERZXHtheOXTT. Pet; session preferred at once. gQF* For Time, they will pay an equivolent in the end to the Cash Now. Apply to, or nddres^ at oxce, r 1 ifti'Cnv S TRANGERS Visitixo Macon arc invjied lo call and examine our ele gant Carte dk Yisites, softly toned Ivorytyhes, 1 delccately tinted Pokce- laixes, and those pretty' little 0«m Photograph]* The latter only $^,o0 per. doxen. Strangers visitiog the city can have Photographs finished in time for the evening train, by ealling at the Gallery at any time before 11 o’clock, a. m. Particular attention given to copying and enlarge ing Pictures. Copies sent by mail or Express, will receive prompt attention. Life-sixe Portraits, ele gantly colored, $73. J. M. Luxorest. : j Lee Malloky. September 16, 1866 2m ure**, AT . A. JACKSON RODGERS. Sept 22 I860 lm Eufaula New 3 copy on Mr. Rodgers, at Griffin. W. J. LAWTO.V, J. L. EUMC.VDSOX, B. F. LAWTON. THE subscriber will open school in. this Inst it u* Vi on the first Monday in October next, assisted by Mrs. Irene Westbrook, a graduate.of one of our best Southero Female Colleges. The scholastic year will consist of nine months, vith an intermission of s-week at Christinas. AH the branches of a lib eral education taught. I’or advanced English Branches, - . - $60. Primary, - - . - - _ - $J0 r Ancient Languageaand French, each, - $20. Incidental Expenses, • $5. Music, at Professors charges. Payments, one halt required in advance; t^p balance at the middle of the session. A few boys can obtain board in the subscriber's family, at $200— exclusive of washing and lights. For further particulars apply to M. T. CAMPBELL. Sept 15, 1866 4t Albany Ga. JOHN D. ACKIXS, J. L. DUgllAU, - W. C. SEALE. ATKINS, DUNHAM &C0, Cotton Factors, Commission and Forwarding IM^EIRCJZEI-AJSrrFS, APALACHICOLA, FLO BED A. IQT Agents for the.Now Orleans Line of Steam ships. October 13,1866. '• 6m.* L. if. Merritt, McKinnellfi Co. Atkina, Dunham £ Co New Orleans, ( G. G. McKinntH, Y John D. Atkins, \ Thos. H. Smith, V J. L. Dunham, Haxelhur&t, Miss.) W. C. Deale, Apalachicola, Fla] Merriil, Dunham, McKinnell S Co,, COTTON FACTORS, COMMISSION & FORWARDING MERCHANTS, Ho. 47, CAHONDELET STREET, CE> jyHt&aimsSa J. L. Dunham, of the above firm was an old and reliable citizen of this, place—latterly of Apn- lacliieola, FIs., of the firm of Atkins, Dunham & Co October 13, 1866. w6n»* WILKINSON, WILSON & 00., COTTON FACTORS . —AND— , : ; ■ General ■ Commission Merchants. Agents for the purchase and sale of all kinds of Cotton Domestics, i6-‘ ’ v 1 Liberal Advances made «n-Consignments. Office No. 8 Stoddaud's Lower Range, . BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA U. B. Wilkinson, of Newnan. Ga. B. J. Wilson, formerly of OkcefuskeeCotton Mills, Alabama. V. H. Wood, ofthe late firm J. \V. Rabun. & Co;, • 71 Savannah. Oct 6, 1866 52—2m LAWTON. LAWTOM CO Brown House Street, -n 71 ri 11 1 n t l ci Macon, Georgia. U, ZAGHAlllAS, W HOLESALE Dealers in Bagging, Rope, r— “ ■ ~ ■ — — “ Cora, Her, Oats, Bacon, Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Leather, Mackerel, &c„ &o. Having removed to our Commodious Store on Fourth street, and having ample storage room, wel have conctuded lo accept Consignments of Cotton, j Bacon, Flour, Ac., &C-. in bulk, Cash 01 tiers ; promptly attended to. Lawton, LAwrox & Co. Maeon, Sept. 15, 1866 3m i. U. AXiiEKsox, Loris r. as pee son, j. t. walkeu. | OF SAVAHlfAH, GSOROZA, SlTCCERSOn TO JONES & CUTLIFF, REMOV AL- j J. H. ANDERSON & SON,! Grocers and Commission Merch’ts, A T ,p a ~kt~v M a c o n , G- a ., a iVK removed from their old stand lo their NEW STORK011 Poplar street, between Second bird streets, where they keep constantly on O-JL. i largo and complete stock of GROCERIES, * i pL/ cxrr>m!ii»»large addition* lowiifirocerjr • • IX'irntniciit. a? rat* Mow c*Ht«p e with any MtlMt. We have; ' • ^ . lOU biles of India Bagging, 3<>0 o.ilri . , . . * ^ lOjnou.lfaL- ArswTif. 5 half* Ragging Twin**, • J 50 bbls. Flour, •rted brando, 75 halva Macon Sheeting, 10 lialeit Augusta Shirting,. .. . SOtaleti Y ? ra«, . .. - 40b.taUsiit.burp,. 250,000 Ibs.of Iran anti Strel. ' , 200 kegs Kails, assorted, _ 150 pkgs. Mackeirl In bbla., balf bbls, Itb bbls. and kit*. 100 lbs. Blue Fisii, 150 barrels Sugar*, Assorted. 500 boxes Tobaero, all grades and qaalitirs, 75 bags Coff-e, - I 75keg* Soda, 75 boxes Sods, * e. 500 bags Shot, u 75 kegs—1—,141 and urbole kegs Powder, 200 UHJtin Csps, - 33 kegs 5,6,7, 8,10,13,114 and 20 (nebe* Robber Betting, 40 boxes Cheese, - • 90boxes Herrings, 40 dux. seirrs, eod.aOroatns, Behntpps, Pickles, J,and gal. jars. Gtadr,-Sardines, Starch, 8osp# t Tea, Crackers, Pine Apples in e«se, Raisin,, Indigo, Madder, Castor Oil in Case*. Cases Liquors, assorted, Ross’ Preparations, assorted, 1 ij-fsfVef &c., 3tc., &c., 4c. l J .Dealers -are respectfully requested to give us a call, aud we feel eopfident we esn make it to llteir intetestto.exsnuae our gaadsjad prices. J. B. BOSS 4k SON, ^Fholannlo Grocery and Dtj Goods Dealers, ■55 SECOND AND.% CUERRY STS., -AC O N; f/BO,- September fitl*, 1868. hand PROVISIONS, and PLANTATION SUPPLIES. Agents for Pratt’s COTTON GINS, and IRON TIES—BAGGING and ROPE, always ou hand. We Fulicit consignments of Produce and Cotton, and are prepared to receive and sell Cotton for f Planters. Commission or Storage, 50 eents per bale—Selling 1J percent. Macon, Sept 15,1866. 3m The Radicals May Howl!! BUT THAT WILL NOT PREVENT MEGRATH* PATTERSON & 00. j F ROM Offering to the people of South-Western Georgia, their Fall Stock of Staple aai Fancy Groceries, Fine Liquors and choice Wines, .etc. It consists in part as tollove.: . 150 bbls AaiBsnd C, Crushed end Powder’d Sugars 2 hbds and 5 bbls Muscovado Sugars. « 15 sacks Bio Coffee. 6 Java Coffee Ji bbls. and 50 sacks and half sacks Flour. 6 bbls Cuba Molasses. 6 bbls Sugar House Syrup, 200kchoice Hams. H AYE OJJST RECEIVED A LARGE, Complete . and beautiful aMortmant of - LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, | SILKS, MEKINOES, WOOL DeLANES, EM PRESS CLOTH, EMHROIDERIBS, LACES, RIBONS, HATS, ARTIFICIAL BLOWERS, BONNETS AND HOODS, HOSIERY A N D S11 O E S, DRESS TRIMMINGS—all coloks, AND OP EVERY DESCRiniONS. Balmoral and Hoop Skirts, - &C., &C., &C-. A General Assortment of Saw Mackerel, in barrels, b.lf barrel*, quarter ®°°tS, Shoes, Hats and Caps, '"irnKue Groccrtca, our Stock cannot be exeened. i READY, HADE CLOTHING. SSWr,Furnishing Goods.- Fine Cloths and Cassimeres, SHIRTS, COLLARS AND CRAVATS. Ejmok«. We offer Ten Barrels of Georgia Corn Whiskey, at $2,50 to $2.75 per gallon, and good Bourbon at $ $2,50* jmdfpcune Bourbon for$3><o $4. We also offer a large stock of Fiiif Wines and Liquors, ood ax we buy and tell only row CASH, we off BARGAINS. f . Megrath, Patterson & Go. orrosiTB larier bousb Sep 20. 68 tags, *x>t a r..ntLL, oeo.w.wtlkt, iiekbtb. ciinisiiAX BEM., WILEY & CHRISTIAN, COTTON FACTOES General Commission Merchants, ; lAVAllllAH, OEOROtA, ; S PECIAL Attention given to orders fer purchase of all diseriptions of Produce and Merchandise, and liberal advances made on consignments to us, or friends, in Boston. New York, Philadelphia, JJal-* timore and Liverpool, fctoptetabvr 15, 18GG ‘ Together with everything usually kept in a firet- ebu Dry Goods anil Clothing Establishment, all of which I will sell at Savannah Cxati l’atoss. ter Give me a CaU, and I will guarantee satis, faction. e. zvCHIRMS. South side of Broad Street, at Jones 4 Ottilia's Old Stand, Albany. Ga. • SoptetuberSih, 1866. Sin. BOOT mo SHOE MAHUFACTORy, J* Giumes, Is nop- .jtjejtiiroil tojnpkc to order Geutleuiens’ fine Boots and Shoes, out of the.finest and best French .Cftlf-akiu—also, '.French MorQc«4> Shoes for Ladies. A',1 work war give satisfac tion. flUpairing done promptly. Call at South Side Broad Street, up-stnirs in McGuire’s brick block, Jennings* office. Albany, Ga., August 25th, '■ °ss. -A-TXj-A-ISrTJL ©®saisaisiE©n^3i. ©®Ea2ji2@3So Business and Financial Counting Rooms. bahezms,oomaazsszoir. AXn ; ' v'!', Fvei'v Urancli of Trade, TAUGHT BY Competent and Fraotical {Business M!eii. : Located on Alabama Street, bet. Pryor and Loyd, ATLANTA. GEORGIA. DOUBLE ENTRY liOOK-KEEma, Pcnsmanslrip. . MERCAHTUB CALCULATIONS, STn AND COMMERCIAL LAW,-’ >; & Ixitb Schollarship, ——$100, Stationery Included. For particulars, address, ■> - G. WALTON KNlOllT, Sep 29 3swlm Box 2C5, Atlanta, Georgia."• J. N. SEYMOUR, Clxerrir Street -SJIACOIT, OEO. ; DEALS LARGELY IN GROCERIES and PROVISIONS, Which he Sells at WHOLESA LE and RETAIL. He ba$ on hand— BACON, LARD, FLOVR, CORN, WHEAT, RYE, WHITE and BLACK OATS. SUGAR, COFFEE, SOAP, STARCH . Candles, candy, molasses; salt, MACKEREL ’’LIQUORS, OYSTRHS,— SARDINES, TEAS, POWDER, SHOT, LEAD. PERCUSSION CAPS, NAII.S BAGGINC, ROPE, and TWINE. He- also keeps a large supply of CItE WING TOBACCO, of»U grades; various brands of Cigars, • Lorillard’s Scotch and Mnccoboy Snuff, nnd many other articles iu.his line, which are lobe had ou SeMMatU Term.. J. N. SEYMOUR, Sep 20 3sqw8m Cherry Street, Macon, Ga - AGENTS WAfft|0 The Life and Campaigns oj Gen. (Stonewall) Jackson. ~ ; By Prof. K. L. Dabney, D. D., of Y«. f |>HE Standard Biography of the Immortal Hero. • ■ The only edition authorized by hia widow, and published for her pecuniary benefit. The author > personal friend and C/ue/of Staff tf the Christ!* Soldier. W.o want nn Agent in every county.— Send far ciixylara and see our terms, and what, the Press says .of Jhe work. . - Address NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO.. Corner 7th and Main Sts., Richmond, V». Ojt 0,1866 52-4w Adams, Jones & Reynolds. • v i- Ware-Hotise & Commis. Merch’ts, (AT Otu STASU OV IIABUlri & BOSS,) AX aeon, * ■ Ureoreria* -T>espe.ctfgi*ly U&r inform t heir friendsJ and the pul lie gcnfcrally| they are now pre*j give their powoual attention to the STORAQB AND 8ALB OP COTTON, or to any business entrusted to them. The old friends of llavvis & Ross nnd of Adams & Reynolds. will« we hope, extend to us the liberal patronege heretofore given to the above named houses. Particular attention will be given by us to the purchase of PLANTATION SUPPLIES, when ordered. A. B. ADAMS, ^ Lato firm of 1\ REYNOLDS, D. B. JONES. Macon, Sept 15, I SOU. j A Reynold*. L E. WELCH 4.