The Albany patriot. (Albany, Ga.) 1845-1866, October 27, 1866, Image 4

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United States Government toe executive. ► ■ ■ Andrew Johnson, of Twin., President. LaFayettc S. Foster, of Conn., .Acting, ficc president. I HE OAB1XKT.. • Wm. IL Seward, of Nc>v York, Secretary >f* State. . » 11. McCulloch, of Indiana, Secretary, ol he Treasury. ' Edwin M. Stanton, of Pennsylvania, Se cretary of War. Gideon Welles, of Connecticut, Secretary of the Navy. .lames Harlan, of Iowa, Secretary ot thi Interior. * James Sneed, of Kentucky, Attorney Gen eral. 5. William Dennison, of Ohio, Postmaster- Goneral, , ' t* ' / \ - T r rnp judiciary. Salmon P. Chase, of Ohio, Chief Sustiee. Nathan Clifford, of Maine, Associate'Jiuh lice. ’ . Samuel Nelson, of New York; Associate Justice. : IJ. Grier, of Pennsylvania, Associate Justice. James M. Wayne, of Georgia, Associate Justice. . % : David Davis, of Illinois, Associate - Jus tice. * : t ■ * (Vacancy.) Noah II. Swayne,-of.Ohio, Associate Jus tice. " . Samuel F. Miller, of Iowa, Associate Jus- r usi ., N liALLlCH*N$P|ilS CHILLS & FEVER ■ v/’ CERTAIN *<1 simply otTeffUa. GEORGIA—8TATE GOVERNMEAT. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. Charles .1. Jenkins, Governor. 1{. I,. Iluntvirj Secretory Executive Pc- part incut. Ji .1. C. Williams,..., ......... Z. 1). Harrison, Messenger. STATE HOUSE OFFICERS. X. C. Harnett, Secretary of State and Sur veyor General. j. T, Bums, Comptroller General. John Jones,Treasurer. .1. G. Montgomery, Lthranan. J esse Horton, Captain State' House Guard. JUDICIARY. ’ J udges of the Supreme Court—Jos. II. I.umpUin. Ivi'rsou il Harris, ’Dawson A. Walker. CM—C. W. Dubose,. PENITENTIARY. W. C. Anderson, Prineipal Keeper; C. G. Tnlbird, Assistant Keeper; A. M. Kin-, bet, Book Keeper. • LUNATIC ASYLUM. Dr. T, F< Greco, Snpt. and Resident Phy sician ; Dr. T. 0. Powell, Assistant Physi cian. DOUGHERTY COUNTY SCP’It COURT. Judge...... . R. H. Clark. Solicitor lit P. j). Warren. Sheriff.., ,J. W, Kemp. Clerk,,,Z. J. F. Cargile. j Or liuary,...; ,W; H: Wilder. COUNTY COURT. . Judge........ . .Thomas C. Spicer. Solicitor i ^....... Win. Oliver. Clerk J. F, C’nrgilc. JUDGES INPERIOR COURT. Jolui Jackson, J. M. Mercer, X. P. Brin son. T. At Cleaves, F. M. Thompson. Clerk Vj J. F. Cargile. DUMB AGUE, PERIODICAL HEADACHE, NEU RALGIA, and all affactlona of a like character. Pol-, low the directions, and youwlll find thej wl 11 d" that Is claimed for them. Try one box, and thelr.own merit* will recommend them am afterwards. er We have used iiaUigharnfa Fills,.nAham Haver known them to fell to care when the directions were followed, and unhesitatingly recommend them to public f»Tor.» Box. T. II. WATTS, Ex-Gov. of Alabama. • * T..I. JUDGE. JrolTOSoprtir.. Court of All. « ROBERT DOUGHERTY, Judge 9th Circuit of Alabama. _ Wm. O. WALLER, Sheriff Montgomery Co„ Ala. IIox. ALEX. IL CL1TIIERALL, Montgomery, Ala. Cut JAill. WEAVER, “ * - CRAWFORD BIBB, “ ' , M*J. R A. BANKS, Cora. Merchant, N O^ La. Oi:a MASON. Ewj, Mayor Wctumpka, Ala. MIKE L. WOODS. Atfjr at Law, 200 B’dway, N.T DANI EL SAY UK, Grand Sec. Grand Lodge Ala., F. & A. Masons. BL0UNT & HALF, Sole Proprietors, Montgom’ry, Ala* Wholesale Depots, TIarral. Rislcy & Tompkins. 141 Chambers st., N. Y S. W. Mor-dun. N. Y.. Edward Wilder & Co., Louisville. Kj., K. J. JIart & Co., N. 0. La., Blount & Hale, Montgomery. Alabama. * SOLD BY—L. E. Welch. E. H. Bacon & Co. Gilbert & HUlsmnn, nnd all Druggists generally. Albany, Gn., July 28,18CG. 42—Gm BILL IN EQUITY IN DODGKEHTY SUPERIOR COURT. 70 JTTJTB TERM, 1886. f. Ildlsman, Executor of Sara dec'd, VS. Zach- ariah Sfa ton, Robert X. Elg Morrell, Robert JV? Ely, Guardian ad litem oj • * children of J. JliUs man, of Dougherty ’County, Lucy. -.-Inn Cothran and children,‘of Spalding County, Sarah Rounds and chil dren of Isaac Pounds, of Clay County, Lucy Ann Rains, of Mississippi, Emma Haynes, of Schley Coun ty, Buricell Green, of Monroe County. I T-appearing to the Court upon the statement of Complainants, that some of the above uanied De- -endnnts reside beyond the State .of, Georgia, and that the residence of some of. the others are un known, and cannot therefore be personally served with a copy of said Bill—-It Is therefore ordered liat service of the same he perfected by publication in the Albany Patriot, a public Gazette of said State, once a month for three months previous to the next Term of this Courtand that each of said Defen dants do then and there appear, aud plead answer or demur to said Bill, or,in default thereof the same will he t iken. as pco confesso. At rue extract fromt be Minutes of Dougherty Superior Oourt, June Term. 1866. ALBANY, GA., WOOLEN' rMTQHlT Encourage Home Industry ! W E are now manufacturing at Albany,Georgia a variety of wbblen Goods Twilled find Plain, .Colored and White. 'WARFENTED -PERFECT, And ot the— Dougherty Superior Court It appearing to the Court by the netitif, , Thompson ami Horace Thompson, Dan! 0 ofJ -E. firm name and style of J. E. & H orar » SP*’ °*ins i that by deed of mortgage, dated on the n T/®". h ebruary, eighteen hundred and fifty-nine • L. Barnard conveyed to William P. Jennin • "“ el land numbers one hundred and nine nnm Jane 9th, 1866. JOHN F. CARGILE, Clerk. 85—m‘)m FIRE-PROOF WAREHOUSE Mitchell Sheriff Sale. W ILL he sold before the Cotsft House door, m i t the town of Camilla, Mitchell county, ou the JnilC Term, first Tuesday in November next, the following J. E. & Horace Thompson, a property to-wit: t>«.~ L Lot of land number three hundred and seventy- Nathaniel L. Barnard. J three, (378) in thtrllth District, and lots of land ' - • - - numbers thirty seven, (37) thirty-eight, (38) thirty nine, (39) forty, (40) and four, (4) in the 12th Dis trict, all of said county. Levied on as the property of James Maples, to satisfy two fi fas, issued from the Superior Court of said county; M. N. Scott,vs. said James Maples, and sundry other fi fas, vs. said Maples, now in my hands. Property pointed out by Plaintiff’s Attorney. II. SMITH, Sh’ff Sept. 29, I860. ' ' - - * NEW FIEM1 St U S T & JO H N S T ON; Suitable for all classes of Working People, which we will sell at Reasonable Prices or exchange for Wool or Cotton. . jrl. We ask the attention of Merchants,, Planters and others, assuring them that *>we are determined to make it to their interest to purchase our goods. We shall be ptepnrcd hy (ta 1 st of May to Card Wool and make Rolls for Customers. : \ '. * ^ - 4 I N. %A. P. TIFT.: Albany, March 31, 1866. 22- Y tStUXfeT GEORGIA—Uitchcll County. O N the first Monday in‘January next C. C. and Wm. Lawrence, Administrators on .estate of Allen Lawrence, late of said county, deceased, will apply to t he Court of Ordinary for leave to sell all the real estate belonging to said estate. JOHN W. PEARCE, Cl’k Court Ordinary Oct 6, JL86G . 52—> mil ONXilT S20,00! HE UNDERSIGNED respectfully beg to an nonnee to ibe PLANTERS and MERCHANTS glierty and adjacent O >mjties;lhat they have ibis day formed a co-partnership under tlie firm name and style of RUST & JOII.USVOIV, to ecgnge-in the WAREHOUSE and COMMISSION business, occupying tRe Pirn-Proof Warehouse of Sims & Bust, and confidently trust they will continue to receive that generous support npd pa tronage heretofore extended to each of theuL g. RUST. A f T. JI: JOHNSTON, Albany. Ga , June 1st, .186p, 1 36-wCm GEORGIA—Worth County. Qt IXTY days after date hereof application y ^ made to the Ordinary of siaid county for leave to sell all the real cstate of James Nbte£ deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and. creditors of said deceased. G. D. WHITEFIELD, Adm’r of James Noles, dec’d. Oct C, 18C6, ^ 52- Postponed Administrator’s Sale. BARNETT &. GOi, c o,rr o ft pa c t o k s’sv'VT PROCLAMATION! Extraordinary Inducement» To Perrons Wanting SEWING MACHINES! THE WILSON SEWINS MACHINE MANUFACTURING COMPANY are now offering to tlio Public, WILSON’S NEW EAMILY MACHINES FOR ONLY TWENTY DOLLARS: Ot U 111. only Firat-Ctaw Re wins MccWno lnlfe proveXeffU that can well lift c.mibmea in a Xvipn MachitX Great labor and paint have yreu be stowed o\tbis Machine to bring it inbwlhe vcujr blgheat cintaa in the acale of Sewing la ackuowlcd^d by the beat judgea any Machuio Wilson’s CtlJfaalol Styds Naciiine baa thc^racit^Sr doing f All Kinds oJS^miiy Srtcing •anally as well is any^Rlic^Tarliino in the markeL' It will Stitch, Hi Bxaid, Gvrmn SAME ttxe, and _ nnd Siiipments of Cotton to New York. New- Frlefttrs and Liverpool. Liberal advances m.\de ly of Douglietiy, anil Slate oT ceeraia 1 fol'lL' 000- pose of securing the piynient o' three certli. P ” , ‘ isory notes, all dated on the first dav oi l pro ®- eighteen hundred and filty-nine-made Nathaniel L. Barnard, payable to the P. Jennings or bearer_the first due ou the S ?* of Jjnuary, eighteen handled and sixty l.ura ^ of lonr thousand five hundred and sixtv dofi., ° second due on the firstdayof January’eiehi;.' , The dred and sixty-one, for the sum of 1^, I '""- two hundred and eighiy dollnis-.and ihl n'i'^- said, notes due on the first day orJsmiarv.ii hundred and sixty-two, for the sum of Inor’itZ , dollars—the two last mentioned of which fa S *“™ are still dueand unpaid,and which aid mortgage, for a valuable consideration in ™ coarse of trad -, has been transferred I™ “! William P. Jeiinliigs to the said J. H ttkl Thompson. 1,1 Hon « PROSPECTUS OF TJIE NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER O F ■Washington, D. C. T HIS journal, having been culargcJ, ia one of the largest papers inthe country. It is print ed on Unefnevihits andheact/paper, nnd couinius In large and clear type. Moa* ubadixo matter, in the form of the latest xewh, general and special, to^el her with -editorial, reportorinl nnd selected matter of iufereat nn<l importance, lh»n any paper published soilk.ofNew Yoljf. The National IxtELLiaKECEtti" devoted to News. Literature, the interests' of Religion, »nd Political affairs. It gives, during the session of Congress, correct vrpovts of the.debates and proceediugol' the two Houses, as well ns the laws atid public doi«- ments of each .session; and ot all times and eytry day the telegraphic despatches announcing the la test intelligence from every quarter of„our own nnd other countries . The paper has beetr so .Tyng «s tahlished, and is‘so .widely known, as hardly to re quire any formal exposition of its.polhicnl charac ter and principles. • As heretofore, it aims to. be as its name import?, a .Y</{<onal paper.raaiptniningthe just Constitutional powers of the General Govern- lueot on the onohand, and the reserved rights or the States ou 'the o'.her—confident tlmt the Union j can only bo maiatain 6d while the rights of eachxlmll i he respected by both and no transcended by either. While <he Intelligencer advocates what the Editor*' •Conscientiously heiitveto-beright and.wise In the administration of public affairs, it always strives to givfe a fair and.liberal'support fo those to whose bands is committed ihttl administration; and as they hold an indepeodowt press to be one of the great •afegnards of Utarty, nnd therefore claim the right of cnticising the act»,of tbo Government with free dom, they endeavor to discharge that duty with moderation, candor, and respect, both for them selves apd those from whom they differ. TEiDiS OP SUBSCitfPTIO.T. Dully Edition, one year......;..$10 W do . six months 5 00 do * . three months '2-50 teffireetly from the fl I at the iinprecedcntt inute. This Machin< Elastic Eock-Stiich, t st frequent inter it be worked or pu Wilson’s ^, NEW 820 MACHINE Does away with our old style of Treadle Machines. It Is as large as the old Machine, a that it will stand upon «r firm without fastening. IT FEEDS THE }VORK ITSELF, 1 relieves the hands almost entirely, which oYV \t«i the necessity of using a stand and treadle. to allow the operator the use ottlieir ban*y \tho work. C5T All those who have opyated e Machines, will appreciate this Un it. an well as all the ecimtifle Ph/Wclana, . who hawVjccided that sewing macliines/iroiiencd by the fe^aro highly injurious to ftpaka. and should not hStascd more than one or twdhoursaday. Wth WttsoSVlMimovRD MACHifcfthe operator i sit erect, tkns preventing pq/s in the tack. Grocers and General Com; Merchants BALACIIIUOLA, FI.A., & COLUMBUS, GA. . i * K ROMPT->. a|fftAtion given- to .’all Consigtiiuents « ' “ ” ta consignraeijls.'.. tedin| House, APAtA,C»ipOIj.A^ FLA, XEAU SIR:—Wc respectfully call your atten- j lion to the fncL that we have established a us^at Apalachicola. Fla., fbr the" pUrpo?e pf do- jj a General Commission and forwarding husipcss. Having established relations with some of the best houses in foreign and domestic ports, we are pre pared to offer nnusualadfantAgeVto shippers of cot- jton and other produce. Special attention will bo ! given to all cotton sent us for sale, either in our own or any foreign market. In addition to our Commission business, we will keep constlintly on hand a large slock of GROCERIES, which will be offered to merchants and planters ht prices in tha Northern and Western markets, mere ly adding cost of transportation., rrf. r » -i Wc will be prepaVed'to* ’JlCdom^dJale'our friends with advances on cottou sent «s‘ fur shipment or wale,*aYvl to fiirnislf them with “bagging nnd ropo j for the coming crop and during ilia' entice season, j N. B.—Our house in Columbus, Ga { , will be con tinued at the old stand, corner St. Clair and Broad r Aififreats. BARNETT & CO. June 16th. 1866. 3tt-lf. FSuGim miidEsS. Tlie Albany Steiun Mills are now in operation, Making Good Meal and Flour. Customers will he promptly attended to and freely dealt,with. r Our Cq^omers will not be delayed. The Grain will be weighed in and tlie Meal weighed otiV, (which will require hut a few minutes) unless tlie parlies prefer to get the Meal from their own Caro, ; Corn should be sent as free from cobs and (Jirl us possible. All the Corn, as wel} as Wheat, that pve grind, is fanned through the fan and the. Hash is not accounted for in Meal. "•* N. & A*. F. TIFT. Albany, Marph 31»1366. lifejL* ■ v; FORMARINE Mir 'INSUR ANOl ^ KUO ; T’l Croten Rie Insurance Couip'y, H.Y. Security Insurance Company, l Y„ Atlantic ..pre/tararG i^M. r Phisnix Ins, Co„ Hartford, Conn,, Norwich Tire Ins. Co., Norwich, Conn, Total Capital $15,000,000. : ‘Apply to '- !iT<j ; mSES& HOBBS, Agents. Albany, Ga., March 8d, 1806. 15—Gm X TNBEB an oul.r of thv Court of Ordinary of It i, ordered lhat Ihe said Nathaniel I Ea m J Worth county, will be cold nt Iho Court Mouse into „, is CoBrt fc , he fi ' ; in isahella, on the first Tuesday in December next,. i lue n «« leruj the land belonging to the .crate of Wm. F. Wellons, I £ e „ r ?" f ; '1"'^ t" 1 f0S1 ’ ,!af 1 '« «3 Ute of snid county, deceased, it being 100 acres; « r «how reuse, i( tn , ^ the balance of lot number 159 in the 14th district;' ^he contrary, or HmMjh.default thereof lore, the Widow’s Dower having been laid off on the f.!. osure S. ran !. to the said J. E. and IlorHPa north side of said 1 heirs and oreditors and Horace north side of said lot. Sold for the benefit of the J hwnpson ol said mortgage, and the equity of re* s of said estate. demption of the said Nat.far ut 1 ■ 5 JOEL JOINER, Adm'r ofWm. F. Wellons. 52- , • lotifaniel L Barn^d therein be forever barred, and that service of this Raleb* perfected on said Nathaniel L. Barnsnl. acco'din»t! law. HINES & llORIis ” 6 June 6lh, 1866. I’Pff’, rvit’jE A true extract fro.r Ihe minnies of DuiHim. Superior Court, June Terra 186S. ” " Johr F. Cabgile, Clerk Albany, July 28th, 1836. Dougherty Superior Court. June Term, 1866. Joseph S. Smith, V RULE NISI - v - * ■,*■{'/'. To Foreclose Decatur county, will be sold on the first George H. Chester, . J Mortgage Tuesday in December next, before tlie Court House! Admhitstrator on the Estate ol W. W Qct 6, 18G6. UOTICB.^ TWO months after date application will be made, to the Court of Ordinary of Mitchell, county, for ; leave to sell all the lands belonging to the estate of D. A. Bostick, deceased. - JESSE. TOLLUCK, Adm’r. Oct 6, 18G6 62— j;; Administrator’s Sale. B Y virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary ofL - - door in the city of Albany, Dougherty county, with- ' t the legal hours of sale, the following city lots CheeVcr, deceased. ne legal noura of ante, the city lots „ nppParin „ , ol | ie Court by tl.e petition „r w ?• *&<+«** lh f r>*8t«r , : rJ " | y-^ ® “&!2^ si* eight (8) on Broad Street. Sold nsthe property of . - r r»_ t Bober} j. Nortoo, deeease.1, for the beoefit of the "T- of P 0 ''g ,,er ?J- '; n ' 1 creditors. Terms on d»v of sale. , known in the plan ofea.d city af II • ■ .1 > j. .. 1 liYtfc nntiihArs>7i(ii uni li.r* Stale .J fi, October Gth, It 66. GHOHGI.1—Daughcrly ( ounly. j TJ To all whom it may Concern. B URRELL J. Johnson having in proper form ap plied to rue for letters of Administration btaffand cliest, i of Machines. In order to ini the civilized world, following Unprecedented To any one act Vy Draft, Portal. (which they can; of tho Wosos l r the old stylo iducements: Dollars, either Gznreaa, prepaid, » win forward one Jkfqr two weeks, ted «ttho and iythat time, tf tbcYiyl theMachind Unot,inevgfreapect. jnrt as v^ept^ .they c a it to oa, paid tl we v/forward yo« a Machine by ratnrn vur/cbona accompany each Machine, from *\tt f most Inexperienced will find no difflcultyVn ’ ‘ lose. r . EACH JIACaijtE 1 Warranted for Vivo Years! Hew Stock of Family. Groceries! 10 b - l O " . ^ AT THE Otl) STAND Ok. ,, J I)i3 ^ H AS now on hand and are constantly receiving, a la -ge and fresh supply of Family Groceries, which they will soil to ihe public at ns reasonab.e rale: as they can possibly afford. Their stock con sists in purl of the following named articles; Bacou. Lard, Flour# Sugar,Coffee. Rutter. Cheese^ Crackers. Vickies, Sauces and Catsups; also. Can dies, Nuts. Raisins, Preserved Fruiis in Cana, l &e.« - Sic., toget her with a large quantity of S?ssiO <3ieW- litgtiud Sinoliins Tobnffo. ami Cigars of the best brands. Also; Wlp'ds* and Liquors by t jheboflle. gallon or barrel), with the bestof Cham- le. Ale and Porter; Buckets, Brooms, Seivea, Ware, aud. many articles too nuincrous to men- The highest 'market price will be paid for nil kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE, eitherin CASH or barter. Our city and country friends will'find it deoMedly to their interest to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere, ns wo -.intend''(0 : sell ‘AS LOW ita tlie* LOWEST. ^ ur tcriuv a eS** Albany, June 2. : 1RGG. tioft. - - Underwnters’ Agency I jf Or Niw Yoax, ~ CASJH ASSETS,T O Three Million ' Dollars, \lssu£ rou6iE$2>rj * ?T Fire & Marine Insurance Made payable In GOLD or CURRENCY U f " — ‘ Negotiable and Bankable ^CERTIFICATES OF 1KSUKANCB 93C&) ..oi ■«». .tjou^oawqratw.. . ■ *£, ,Gr. Hust, Argent, ALBAjjnrr^AT?” October 21, 18G5. 4 ‘ 83 lhat part of city Jots numbers forty-six (46) and fi-r'y(48),i, . Cou.merce street, described is follows; r Ctn tr.fir. * ing at a D. int on the Western line of let nun-br j torty-eigln, thirty feet from the Nvrilv\e>: corner;! ! said lot lidsy-cight, thcuce due Eatt lo the EaMrrn hue of said lot number ferty siv; one hordridaotl de bo Ibcftce.due Sooth,on the Ea>t the estate of ltoben Johasoa, late of •- <V VlVt.le said county, this is to citeall nnd singularthe cred- Western Uneofhh. farty-right, one hwndtedvrd it or s and next of kin to Robert Johnson, to be and ihence due North, to Ihe etaituip paint, bring appear at my office within the time priscribed by ® !X, y feel Irunting on Jackson street, by one hundred law aud show cause if any they can, why letters of and five* feet back, fur the securing to o.tyjnen» H* Administration de bonis non should not be granted not«*, made by Willisro W. Cheever. d>udr-a to B J. Johnson on Robert Johnson’s estate. .the seventh day of July, eighteen hundred ard fifty- Witness,my hand and official signature. I eight, payable to Ju-e’ph S. StriHior beat rr, and du» W* U- WILDER. Ordinary. J twelve months allot date, fur tie sum nl «!,ree hm- Oct Gth, 18GG 62- j dred dollars, with ’intore.-l IrotQ&ite; .which t*iJ rite — ; — — is now dueand unpaid; and if further fionoitriun U , GEQRCIA—Jlitclicll Couuly. ! pf)VC| \Vm, W.Gheever deputed .his U>,wl I LL persons indebted to the estate of Algiers j| m t <jeurge II. Cheever haebeen diiiv «npi.»/d J\_ l’ickron. late of said county, arc hereby noli-. Admiaiatifitor on the CriatC Oi raid Willi util', ned to settle the same without delay, and those haviag clnitiiB ag.inxt nU cslale will preseni them „ is 01 . der(i(1 gfa, n M. ““ tl", by mim.-trator as alt.tfssid. tlo ,7y inf, .1,,, 1. law, or this notice will be placed in bar of their r c . , .i recovery. NANCY A. 1-iCKllON, Admr’x. f'ue llie fir.t iky of the nPXl l turn I 1 '™ . f"- Oct fi, 18C6 62 cipal, interests and rests,due;on said n-to, or ?n-w • ■ - t cause, if any he bn?, to the] Wtr»n\ as in t'cluA *1^7* pypi LJ"l thereof foreehiscnre be grai/t d to the sniu jn-n-ii -L-v—/-OJ. . j Smith, of said mortgage, aiid the i qi^tv of redon.p* TWO months after tl.e date of this notice I shall lion nf . snii i (i corge H; Cleevor, Ac’mimVtrai, apply to the Conn of Onlinary of Mitcliell coanty. ’ afl resgjd.therein he forcverliorred. and lhat ttt foy leave to sell lot of lan^uurabor ««, h»d ?2 of this Rule be perfected on aid Ge. me WX|.( t vri acres off the west sole of lot number3h-l, all m Oth A( t in i I1 i s trat 0 r,i s aforesaidaceoo'ino ,„ district of Mitchell county, as the nroperfy of Wm. mviru vWnnnit< 7,n«- B, l'orJ, lute or said ooomy, deceased. , . .olS”*- WW™. AUja JOHN C. OWNER, Adm'r. | Jullc «*. l8t6 ' out C, 18f.c THE TOMIIHSOH, BEMMEST" tfl, -OJlOtBroadNvavirN. Y., * Have associated with them v ’ M R, r W 1 . W ODD iU FF Formerly nnd Extensive Dealer la.' CARRIAGES & BUGGIES, * AGENTS lTA.yTX!2>; r , T - ? On Oommlaiiloii, or to work foe a regular tSshry. - WavrtQ send Privat* Terms to AuentawlUi Macliina to tbo** who desire an Agency.f y . ' Addrare all Orders— z WILSON SEWING JZACH1NB MANUFACTURING CO.,, , .1 ■ Cleveland, Ohio, ~ ‘ ®®:Albajiy' Lodge No. 24, F A. M. Ar. lift sir nmlitliH S fift ■ . . ■. ‘• • • - - do . ~ do .six mouths......T .J- 8 00 do . do three, montha....... 1 00 To any ono ^aRsmltting us the names of ten sub script ion accompanied’with the money,-we will send nj additional copy, gratis.. : XS^ m Postmasters arc respectfully requested to act as agents.- ' • Address all communications fo Snow, Coyle&. Co, (Srccsssons to .GALES & .SEATON,) Publishers Nalionallutelligcnccr, Washington, D. C Jane 9, I860. nnilE regular meetings of I ,thif Lodge-are-on the first.and third Fridtiy Wights'''i in enoh month. The brethren will please take due notice, and govern , themselves accordingly. D-W. C. SPENCER, Secretary' Albany, April 13th, ]8C5.-tf. , THE LONE S r rAR SALOON, (Three doors belovJkc Printing Office,) .ALBAJSTY, GS-A. TTTAVING just received it fresh supply of ALI. H KINDS OF THE BEST LIQUORS with wbuh) Iho Northern market i, stockeil. such ns Brandy, Whiskey. Wine, Chnmf.ngne, Gin. lie.. He ' J unt non prepared to suit the polities of tiny body. I reoeive TOE regularly from Mjieon. Also, I Albany Chapter No. 15, A, Y. M. T HE regain* convocations of this Chaplet are on the second and fourth .Friday n : «l'ts in each month. ■* ' • * The companions will please take mtice add ; ern ihemsehes accordingly. -. D.-W. C. SPENCER. Secretary Albany, Armx. 13th, 18C5.-tf Wc arc-aow ;prepared to do ALL KINDS Oh JOB WORK AT Tni3 OFFICE. ■ y rs V-t?. ■ With Neatness and Dispatoh GEORGIA. Datigiicrly Comity. Special Bailiffs Sale. LL be voltl heforo Ihe Court House door in ... HOTIGB. TWO months after the date of this notice I shall pply to the Court of Ordinary of Mitchell county tor leave to sell all the lands belonging to the es tate of Thomas Cumbtc, deceased. . SIMEON BECK, Adm’r. Oct 6. 18GG 62— 5»I^OKGIA—Nlilclu ll County. WN the first Monday in November next Thomas A true extract from tip Minutes of Dnuglfrty Superior Court* June Tern, 1866. JiilK F. Cargile,-Clerk’ Albany, July 28th. II06. • ,n4m Dougherty superior Court, Jncc Terra, IS55. Joseph S. Smi^, ' \ RULE NISI _ > To Foreclose Er;:nezer IL Swanky. J Mortgage. It appearing to tf? Court, by the petition of J"- -52- UEOKG1A—Mitelicll CotiiMy Q K ihe'firct Monday in November next Simeon Beck will apply to the Court of Ordinary of mid county for letters of Gua/dianship: of the mi- •r.chi.drcn, orphans of Thomas Cumbie, deceased. } IT. 0. DASHER, Ordinary. Oct 6, 18G6 62— GtiOUGli—Kitchell County. S IXTY cays after data application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of said county, fo ienve to sell 175 acres oflbt of land number 881 aU.o 9.) acres of jot number 88 ‘ lot number 358, all improved, di: trict of said county. Also, thtce hotlSes and lots in the known as the houses and lots formerly belonging 1 the said J< nd State of Gcorc/i. and known and distinguitliH in the plan of saitfcity as lot niniii>er eigliiy-i\vo,Cn State,IStrectf constning or.e acre, more or Ipss. fi* f the‘purpose ofsenring the payment of a crrtaiu promisory noie, jfide by llie.eaid Ebenezer II. Sain* ney. payable to tk «»nler of said Joseph S. wni'K , dated on the nimeenth day of May, eighteen l*nr- dred and fiftv-nr. aud duo two years alter elute,f‘» f the. sum of twoPndred and forty dollars and s-eveti- t\ -five cents, ai which said note is now due and on paid. J It is ordereqhat said Ebenezer H. Swinncy « . .. ■ 1.1ri,1... .I.. £ . _r .t 'I'unTl AT GtfjrFIX AXD ATLANTA, <SA F m tha purpose of supplying Merchants and* Plttafers at the South, by wholesale or retail wiin any' style of Carriage?, Buggies or Plantation Wagons.’ ‘ \ . Mr.-WOODRUFF'S long experience in the car riage business will enable ui to give satisfaction, in supplying good substantial work, such as.t)incoun try demands, at ns low prices as, can, possibly, be furnished for CASH. We tfcill keep constantly on hand I • ri LIGHT CONCORD BUGGIES the same ns formerly sold by Mr. Woodruff/ and £ wh)ch bjpcpj&e so umveraally popular all through the South, ns the best Buggy in use. Nil -. ' yf s <>,. tu r n j s h > ‘ * v Iron; Axle Plantation Wagonsj ost make in America, for 2, 4 or 6 Oct 6, 1866 GEORGIA—.llltcbcll Coanty. E ’LL persons indebted to Nathan Maples, dec’d, i\* are hereby notified to corte forward and make payment—and those having claims against said de ceased, are requested to present them in terms of the law. ISRAEL MAPLES, . Adm’r. d^ct t>, 18GG 52- horses. Wqjnylte all who want any article in our line- to address, ' '* Toinliiisoji, .Ronisii’cst Co., 020 Bno.u>way, New York.. Juno 23, 18G6. 37-12m ir ?J am ta ooustont rseeipt of GOOD OLD ALE. Call and see me. THOMAS IL CLARK. Albany. Ga. Feb. 28, 1SG6. 14-tl Georgia—Mitchell Coanty. S IXTY days artei: tUta, npplcn to the Court of ordinary, of * to sell one Hundred nnd twenty-five (12o) acres of Lnnd, i; bt,ing iho hafl of lot oF land No. ’ WILL'be sold before the Court House door in 'the city of Albany Georgia, on the first Tuesday in De cember next, between the usual .hours of sale, the •n -will be made following property to-wit: Three (3) mules—a bay, 1 ounty, for leave a roan, and a mouse colored one—one bay horse, » hnn m A great v irlelv of Duttons. Needles. Pips. Thread County, i s the property fifcr., 4to. t, K. WKU’H At CO. . ceised. dred and sixty-seven-, (167) in tenth distric of sni l >*? ueJ f '‘ om County Co rly of William R. Wil on, de -, 1*. Hammett, vs. said John - fifcc-, 4to. Jane V 1*65 MICHAEL WILSON,’ Adm’r bay innre, and ono four horse wagon. Levied the property of John Roe. by virtue of a fi fa " urt of said county. Henry . , - , Ro °- Troperly pointed [out by Plaintiff's Attorney. JAS. J. MAYO, Oct. 13th, ’GO Special Bailiff D. C. Notice to Debtors and Creditors, K Administrator’s Bale, ILL be sold t bcfor* the Conrt House door in Isabella, W’orth county, Ga., on tho first Tues day in October next, wirhin ttie'legal hours of sale, lot of lnnd number (164) one - hundred and sixty-four, jn the fourteenth (14) Dislrict of said of Chapel II. Drown! j melvina m. guuo.-^ of snid dcccastd. B. T. COLLIER, Adm’r. Scptenf 15,1866 AJmr x of T. Apgust 25, ’ini | M. E.•BROWN, AUm’rx. Administrator’s Sale. WILL be sold before Ihe Conrt Iloiise doar in the d&wn of Camilla, Mitchell county, Ga.,. on the first Tuesday in December next, Lot of hind No. two hundred and seventy-eight, (278) 10th district of said county, containing two hundred and fifty acres. Sold ns the property of Sarah McLeod, de ceased, for-the benefit of the heirs* and' credit or a,- Terms made known on the day of sale. ' JOHN IIAMELTON, Adm’r. Oct G, 18GG • - • 52- HINES £ HOBBS, Prff’sArtp A trnewitet from the minutes of Dougherty S* periorCouf Jonx F.Cargile,Ciff* Albany jy 28th, 1863-■ ml in B Y Virt of an order from the Court ofOrhn* ry oftugherty. county, will. be-soM. °f first Tuesa in November next, at the Court Hob* door in sapounty, between' the legal sale houri* the tract olnd in said county whereon Thomas & Godwin rdod at the time of his death, conummg ninc hundJ and’fifty (950) acres, more or less, to same b'HnJell improved and in a high fitate cultivation Terms on the day of sale. MELVIN A M. GODWIN- LL persons indebted to the estate of E. H'llie- an, deceased, are notified that they must set- fame immediately—and nil persons having cliamsMigainst said estate must present them within the time prescribed by law. or they will be barred . JOHN P. CARGILE* Adm’r estate E. II IIicnan,deo’d. July 7th, 1866, 39. GEORGIA—Baker County, I N compliance with the will of Jnmes Chance! late of BaiJ cocnty, deceased, will be sola before ihe Court House (’oor in said county, on Ihe’first Tuesday in Dccen bea nexl, one thousand acres of land, In Ihe Sllb cistrlct of said counly, known a6 Iho Cnanoe T'lace, two miles below Newton, on Flint law, Rive.-. Terms made known on the day of sale. F. i>, KEA. Executor of Junes Chance, deo'd. Oct 6,1866 GEO III—Worth County.. WHEfS, Sarah Tison applies to roe manentwrs of Administration on the M**' F.rancis|Tison, late of s.nid county, deed. These* therefore to-notify all and singu** 1 . kindrmJd creditors of'said deceased to ® ^ appearfiy office within tho time presen ^ law to fr causo if any they have, why. ters sli not be granted to the applicant ^ Ir hand nnd official signal*' JAMES W. ROUSE, Orditfg; . SegjAO IA—Worth CoKMty. .8, John Taylor applies to me f« of Glianship of the person and property tha AW*on, orphan of Hugh II. I*®? 8 ® L. the Twre therefore to notify all and sing ^ Jir j kiodpad creditors of said deceased, j j, T ay office within tho time pres® iw cause if any they have, why 5 gj V( B l Mot be granted to the a PP^ lca ” ' j C mt 1 rial, 1866