The Albany patriot. (Albany, Ga.) 1845-1866, November 03, 1866, Image 4

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wp&mmi. !*S*i United States % EXECUTIVE. Andrew-John son, of Tenn. LaFayettc S. Foster, of C Vice President. THE lifvo' ■Win. H. Scw»r-* 01 , of State.' CHIU.S& FEVER York, Secretary of Indiana, Secretary ol lowin'Jlfstanton, of Pennsylvania, Se cretary of War. . Gideon Welles, of Connecticut, Secretary of the Navy. _ ... James Harlan, of Iowa, Secretary ot the Interior. , _ . James Sneed, of Kentucky, Attorney Gcn- cral. William Dennison, of Ohio, Postmaster- General. HIE JVDtOIABT. Salmon P. Chase, of Ohio, Chief Sustice. Nathan Clifiord, of Maine, Associate J us- tice. I 2 . ■ , 1 . Samuel Nelson, of New Aork, Associate Justice. , . H, C. Grier, o'f Pennsylvania, Associate Justice. . James M. Wayne, of Georgia, Associate Justice. David Davis, of Illinois, Associate Jus tice. (Vacancy.) Noah H. Sw'ayne, of Ohio, Associate Jus tice. ' . Samuel F. Miller, of Iowa, Associate Jus tice. GEORGIA—ST.ITEKOVEUSMEXT, EXECUTIVE HEPAKTMENT. Charles J. Jenkins, Governor. R, L. Hunter, Secretary Executive De partment. II J. G. Williams, Z. D. Harrison, Messenger. STATE 110V8E OFFICERS. N. C. Barnett, Secretary of State and Sur- vevor General. J. T. Burns, Comptroller General. John Jones,Tre:isurer. J. G. Montgomery, Librarian. Jesse Horton, Captain State House Guard. - JUDICIARY. Judge? of the Supreme Court—Jos. II. Lumpkin, Iverson L. Harris, Dawsou A Walker. Clerk—C. W. Dubose^ PEN ITEAtFaHY. W. Ot Anderson, Principal Keeper; C. G.Talbird, Assistant Keeper; A. M. Nis- het, Book Keeper. LUNATIC. ASYLUM. Dr. T. F. Green, Supt. and Resident Phy sician ; Dr. T. O. Powell, Assistant Physi cian. DOUGHERTY COUSTF SCP’R COURT. Judge .- R. H. Clark. Solicitor.... L. P. D. Warren. Sheriff J. W. Kemp. Clerk. J. F. Cargile. Ordinary ,W, II. Wilder. COUNTY COURT. Judge....'.-. Thomas C. Spicer. Clerk!'V.'.V..:'. .77.7...... J. F. CargihL • JUDOES INFERIOR Col Kr. John Jackson, J. M. Mercer, X. P. Brin- ton, T. A. Cleaves, F. M. Thompson. Clerk. ... I. F. Cargilc. swsbjbb upon tho Stomach, JIver,*ru\ /Soweto fconHlnla* bo Arsenic, Calomel, Ulna Man, or any other Mineral for tbcM pnlt S ISO, wtthoat -lfc. al l of CalomA Bint Um. or eay othorMlorralyUirT »m to™t^ most obitlnato cmm of CIIILLS ASP . FbVKK, nSlR ACUU. VEKIpnlCALllEADACnE, LEU- • never known them to foil to cure when the direction* were followed, and unhesitatingly recommend them to PB JUos. f T^H WATTS. Ts-Oov. of Alabama. \ ** * T. J.Jl’DGE, Supreme Court of Al^_ VTx. O. WALLER. Sheriff Montfr-»mcry Co., Ala. llox. ALEX. H. CLIT1IEEALL, Montgomery, At*. CouJAd. II. WEAVER, “ • • CRAWFORD B1B1V 4 . _ JIaj. K. A. 1IAXKS, Com. Merchant, N O., La. *• q, Mr.vor WetutPi>ka, Ata. •» Cl* AAV KOI* D BIBO, _Jaj. K A. BANKS, Com. . . _ GF.a MASON. Feq, Mayor Weiutm-ka, Ala. MIKE L. WOODS, Att’jr at Law.StwO B dway, N.T u.tiiui £>cC. Grauff Lodge Ala., F. & A. Masons. BL0UHT & MAIF, Sole Proprietors, Montgom’ry, Ala, Wholesale Depots, Harrel, IUstcyft Tompkins. 141 Chambers st., N. Y S 'V. Mordun. X. Y., Edward Wilder & Co., .Louisville. Ky., F. 4 Hart & Co., N. O. I.a., Blount S: Hale. Montgomery. Alabama. PS' SOLD BY—L. F.. Weleb. E. II. Bacon & Co. Gilbert & Ilillsman, nnd nil Druggists generally. Albany. Hi. July 28. 1S&1. I- ( ’in BELL IN EQUITY IX DOUGHERTY SUPERIOR COURT TO JUNE TEEN, 1860. J. JIdlsman, Executor of Sara dec d, VS. Zach- c.riah Slaton, Robert X. Ely Morrell^ Robert ■X. -Ely* Guardian ad litem oj • tchildrcn of J. JIHls- vian, of Douyherty County, Lacy Ann Cothran and children, of Spalding ypiinty, Sarah 1‘oundsandchil- dnn of Isaac Pounds, of Clay County, Luaj Ann Jin ins, of Mississippi, Emma llayncs, of Schley Coun ty, liuncclt Green, of Monroe County: - I T Appearing to the Court upon'the statementof Complainants, (bat some of theabovo named De- icudants reside boyoud tho State of 1 Georgia, and that (be residence of some 'of tbe others are un known,'and cannot, therefore be personally served with a copy of said Bill—It is therefore Ordered that service of the -same be perfected by publication in tfce Albany Patriot, a public Giizette of said State, once a month for three months previous to the next Term of this Court;—and that each of said Defen dants do then and there appear, aud plead answer or demur to said Bill, or in default thereof the same will be-Liken as peo confeuo. _ 7 A true extract from the Minutes of Dougherty Superior Oourt, dune Term. 1860. JOHN F. CARGILE* Clerk. June 9th, I860. 85—m3m AtBANY, GA-, woom iMfoai. Encourage Home Industry ! W E ore now manufaetpring at Albany, Georgia a variety of ‘ Wopi©n<3.90d.s Twilled and Pfuifl, Colored ai:ci While. • WAREfiNTE1> PERFECT ■ —And of the . '' 9 \ Mitchell Sheriff Sale. -wy#n!jL be sold before the Court House door, ii the town of Camilla, Mitchell coimty, first Tuesday propeity to-wit: FIUE-FR00F VVAHE11UUSE ONLY S20,00! NEWFIEM! RUST &JOH NST ON. T HE UNDERSIGNED respectfully beg to nounce to the PLANTERS and MERCHANTS of Dougherty and adjacent Counties, that they have this day formed a co-partnership under the firm name and style of KtTST & JOlflSSYON, to engage in the WAREHOUSE and COMMISSION business, occupying the Fll’ii-Pi’OoS Warehouse of Sims & Rust, aiAl confidently trust they will continue to receive that generous support and pa- I tronngc heretofore exteuded to each of them. Y. G. RUST. T. H. JOHNSTON, Albany, Ga , June 1st, 1806: 36-wOm ih'e- November next, the following Lot of land number three hundred and seventy- triot, all of said county. Levied oii as the property of James Maples, to satisfy two fi fas, issued from tho Superior Court of said county M. N. Scott, vs. said James Maples, and sundry other fi fas, vs. said Maples, now in my hands. Propeity pointed out by r.iaintilFs Attorney. H. SlUTU, Sh’tf Sept. 29,1806. ‘ V - , - ; - • - ' PROCLAMATION! Extraordinary Inducement* To Persons Wanting SEWING MACHINES'. THE WILSON SEWING MACHINE HANCFACTUIUNG COMPANY* irs now offering to tho Public, WILSONT’S JVEIT FAMILY MACHINES FOR ONLY TWENTY DOLLARS'. ■ First-Class Sewing Machine in thA ails for less than $55. We prtv* -1 a»NX to the Public with sU tlij/im- st emu well be combined in sowing mt labor and pains have Xeu l»s- i Machlue to bring It intj/Lhe verr iu the scale of Sewing MS£h»»*«** ** tat h* ll»e beat iodgee t any Machine^ Wilwn's Ctl^raltJ Stjmg AU Kinds Sncing squally as wet! as anyjRhotVichinc in tlie market' It will STircn, Hej Bbaid, C BARNETT & CO., COTTON FACTORS, Grocers and General Com. Merchants, APALACHICOLA, FLA., A COLTJMBCS, GA. Suitable for all classes of Working People, which we will sell at Reasonable Prices or exchange for Wool or Cotton. • . . „ We ask theattentioiv of Merchants^ Plante^ and others, assuring them that- we are determined to make it to their Interest to purchase our goods. We shall be prepared by the 1st of May-to Card Wool and make Rolls for Customers. N. & A. F. TIFT. Albany,March 31, 1866. 22- A.L13ANY GRIST AND FIsOlJR JSSIMsSa The Albany Steam Mills are now in operation, Making Good Meal and Plour. Customers will b? promptly attended to and freely dealt with. Our Customers will not be delayed The Grain will be weighed in and the Meal weighed i,ut, (which will require hut a few minutes) unles? he parlies prefer to get the Meal from their own Corn. Com should be sent as free from cobs and dirt as possible. All thd* Corn, as well as Wheat, that we grind, is hi lined through the fan ajid the trash is not accounted for in Meat. N. &’A. F. TJFT. Albany, March 31,1866. • 22- GEORGIA—miclicll County. /~vii the first jron4ay in January next C. C. and Wm. Laurence, .Administrators on estate of Aflen Lawrence, late of said county, deceased, will apply to‘the Court of Ordinary for leave to sell all the real estate belonging to said estate. JOHN W. PEARCE, CTk Court Ordinary Oct .6, 1866 52— Dougherty Superior yi J. E. & UoEACK Tuoi 6 , TCrB ' Ma f vt - ’ ( N.VrUAXIEL L. BAKSA8D. J It appearing to tlie Court hr n. S J Thompson ami' Horace Thomas!* hrm name and stjle of J. K I ?,”' t»nr ( ,, A that by deed of tnortgairo 7,7Ti ’ 1 ' February,eighteen hundr^audfia” L. Barnard conveyed to land numbers one hundred ana !.; ' dred and ten, (110), one and one hundred and IhinyS? J,,, mg and being in the first (l7n’n ( ^53l ty of Dougherty, and Sat! of Geol- pose of securing the payment oUl.l?’ t »lb J isorv notes,all daledVn"be t undredandfil ly . nioe “^J«i)j: Py Jennings or Vemer^n^d^y , eighteen hundred GEORGIA—Worth Couiily. S IXTY days after date hereof application will be made to the Ordinary of said county for leave to sell all the real estate of James .Holes, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. G. D. WHITEFIELD, Adm’r of James Noles, dec'd. Oct C, I860 62- PROSPECTUS OF THE NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER OF "Washington, D. C. fnHIS journal, having been tw ee enlarged, is one I of th * largest papers in the country. It ia print- JL> ed on fiue^ne white and heart/paper, and contains in large and clear type, more kb a i*ixu mattku, in the form of the lavkst sews, general and special, together'with-editorial, reporiorial and selected matter of interest and importance, than any papr* published soath of New York. The National !•. devoted to News. . Literature, tho interest* of iteligion, ind Political affairs. It give*, during the session of Congress, - correct report* of the debates and proceedingof the , two Honse*, a* well as (he laws and public docu ments of each session, and at all times and every day the telegraphic despatches announcing the la* test intelligence from.every quarter of our own and other countries The paper baa.been-so lung es tablished, and is so widely known, ns hardly to re quire any formal exposition.of its political charac tor and principles. As heretofore, it aims to be ai its name imports, a National paper, maintaining tbe Just Constitutional powers of the General Govern ment on the one ham!, and (he reserved rights of the Stales 011 the other—confident that the Union pan only bo maintained while thero;A/«of each shall . be respected by both and no transcended l>y either. While the Iutelligencer advocates what the Editors conscientiously believe to be right and wise in the administration of public affairs, it always strives to give a fair and liberal support jto those to whose bands is committed that administration; and as they bold an independent-press to b.o one of the great safeguards of liberty, and therefore claim the right of-criticising the Acts of the Government with *freo dom, they endeavor to discharge that duty, with ' moderation, candor, and respect, both for them- • and those from whom they differ. TERJiS OF SIlBSCIItfPTJON. Daily Edition, one year...;...*...4................ $10 00 do six months....:.... 6 00 do three months..............'.'. *2 o0 • Tri-Weekly Edition, oncyear.... 0 00 (Containing all the reading matter of the. Daily.] do do aix months...^..3 00 do do three months 1 60 To anyone transmitting us the names of tcVi sub* aerlption accompanied with the money, wo will aend • b» additional copy gratis.' Postmasters arc respectfully requested to net *s agents. 4' „ Address allcommutitcatioDS to Snow, Coyle & Co, (Snccrssons to QALES & SEATON.) * - Publishers National Intelligencer, Washington, D.C- Ju no'),. 1866. "85- gilk, end DXU'iuun Be.^ Spool Cotlo, * directly from tlie: _ } at tbe unprecedented riumute. TiffsMuclilue Htchisi Conn, Bind, 1 Thread, P ROMPT attention given to all Consignments and Shipments of Cotton to New York,’New Orleans and Liverpool. Liberal advances mads on consignments. Forwarding & Receiving Rouse, APALACHICOLA, PL A. PVEAR SIR:—Wc respectfully call your atten |J/ tion to the fact, that we have established ti ou3 fc at Apalachicola. Fla., for the purpose of do ing a General Commission and Forwarding business Having established relations with some of the best houses in foreign and domestic ports, we are pre pared to offer unusual advantages to shippers of cot ton and other produce. Special attention will be given to all cotton sent usfor sale, either in our or any foreign market. In addition to our Commission business, we will keep constbntly ol* hand a.largc stock of GROCERIES, which'Wiitbe offered to merchants and planters at prices in the Northern and Western markets, mere ly adding cost of transportation. We will be prepared to accommodate onr friends with advances on cotton cent us for shipment or sale, and to furnish them with bagging and rope for the coming crop and during the entire season. N. B.—Our house in Columbus, Ga., will be con tinued at the old stand, comer St. Clair and Broad Suects. - * . , u' t BARNETT * CO. Jnne ICth, 18CG. 3G-tf. Postponed Administrator’s Sale. U NDER an order of tho Court of Ordinary of Worth-county, will be sold At the Court House in Isabella, on the first Tuesday in December next, the land belonging to the estate of Win. F. Wellons, late of said county, deceased, it being 166 acres; tho balance.of lot number 159 in the 14th district; the Widow’s Dower having been laid' off on the north side of said lot. Sold for the benefft of the heirs and creditors of said estate. * JOEL JOINER, Adm’r of Wm. F. Wellons. Oct C, I860. 62- NOTICE. TWO months after dntcnpplication will be made the Court of Ordinary of Mitchell county, for leave to sell all the Uudsbelonging to the estate of D. A. Bostick, deceased. * JEoSE POLLUCK, Adm’r. Oct 6, I860 62— of J jnuary, eighteen hundred a„Z„ , - of lour thousand five hundred »ndi^ , ’ J t * ll *3 second'due on the first day ofji™ jAll M dred and, fo r the tivo hundred.and nighty.dull„i_Jj , 1 r > tuHd notes duo on the first day of J he 8 hundred and aixty-two. fa, the s >r. dollars—tlie twnlast mentioned ate still due and unpaid, and aliich. !, for a Vshmbleconsideratloo ; f* course of trade, has been iratKWi ! ll, -« William P. Jennings id t| ie said J v Thompson. ’ “• l od QJ It ia ordered that the said N’nhtmJ, „ J jmy into this Court by the first d aTl V.r tljereof, the principal, in!eresu„dfon two last mentioned notes, nr show m ■ hue, to the contrary, or that in defil.Jal’U closure he granted to the said j p 1 I liotnpson ul said mraigaue, and tl» demption of tlie said. Nul.ianie] L fa!'"? 1 he lorever barred, and lliotisenice hfa V perfected on said Nathaniel I,. Barnard ** HINES & FOR MARINE AND ; FIRE INSURANCE Cioten Fire Insurance Comp'y, H. Y. Security Insurance Company, H, Y„ Atlantic lire Inurnt I.T., Pknix Ins. Co., Hartford, Conn., Norwich Fire Ins. Co., Norwich, Conn, Total Capital $15,000,000. Apply to MIXES & HOBBS, Agents. Albany, Ga., March 8d, 1866. 15—Gm Administrator’s Sale. B Y virtue of an order of tho Court of Ordinary of Decatur county, will be sold on the first Tuesday in December next, before the Court liuuse door in tbe city of Albany, Dougherty county, with in the legal hours of sale, the following city lots in the city of Albany, Dougherty county, to-wit:— Lots numbers eighteen, (18) twenty ^20) and eleven (11) on Flint .Street, numbers thiricc.n (13) and fif teen (15) on Society Street, and a part of number eight (8) on Broad Street. Sold asthe property of Robert J. Norton, deceased, for the benefit of tho creditors. Terms on day of sale. M. H. NORTON, Adm’r. October Cth, 1F6G. 52-40d law. June 5th, 1866. A true extract fro.n |], e mill , Siipertoryootl,' Jnne Term 1806. Albany, July 28th, 183® P ' Dougherty Superior I Jase Term, ls«7| Joseph S. Smith, ^ RULBi ) Elastic Loclc-StitcU, cut at frequent int*n sot be worked or pu Wilson’s NEW $20 MACHINE Does away «cil\ our old tfyle of Treadle Machines, It Is as Urge u the old Machine, and Sa so. adapted that it will stand upon any work-table, mud remain firm without fastening. * IT FEEDS WE WORK ITSELF, , V»d relieves the hands almost entirely, which dr/ •s the necessity of using a Maud and treadled .to allow the operator tho use of their han«v t guioVhe work. KSf All thoee who have opiated who* bavMtcide«l that re wing m by tho foeVaro highly iujnrioiu should not Ucmscd more Uwu one< With WlUOSV IMTBOVED MACH can ait erect, i^a preventing pa Bead and chest, v ’ ‘ of llachines. In order to t the civilized world, \ following Unprecedente »in tlio back. Jnducen by Draft, foetal a (which they can * of the Wxlson S fclUNES-ON TOmL sad attheendcwuiattime, if theyfl Is not, in ev^yrespet-t, jnat a Ithe Machine two will tu, wiGryoar address and Twenty DotuV and ’ ^forward you a Machine by return Express. _ ions accompany each Machine, from w\tch tMmott inexperienced wffj find no dittcalty\a EACH MACHINE’ Warranted for Vive Tears! Hew Stock of Family Groceries! J. W. FLINT & CO.. AT TUB OLD STAXD Ok * H AS now on hand and-are constantly receiving, a large and fresh supply of Family Groceries, which they will sell to tho public at ns reasonab.t rates as they can possibly afford. Their stock con sists in part of the following named articles: Bacon, Lnrd^Flour. Sugar,Coffee,Butter. Cheese, Crackers. Pickles, Sauces- and Catsups ; also. Can dies, Nut®, Raisins. Preserved Fruit# in Cans, &c , &c., toget her wil b a large qnant ity of fifi uc Gllttw- itiR and Sinokiit? Tobacco, nnd Cigars of the best brands. Also, Wines and Liquors by tho bottle,'gallon or barrcll, with the bestofChnm- pnf’ne. Ale and Porter;. Buckets, Brooms, Seives, Tin Ware, and many articles too numerous to lion. The highest market price will be paid for nil kinds Df COUNTRY PRODUCE, either in CASH or barter. Our oity and country friends will find ft decidedly to their interest to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere, as wo intend to sell as LOW as tho LOWEST. ^ J; W. FLINT & CO. .Albany, Janc-2. 1866. 34-Gm Jto ENTS WANTED rn On Commiwdon, or to work for s regular Salary. We will send Private Term* to Agenta,witb Machtos to thoee who desire on Agency. ^ Address all Ordcra— ^WILSON SEWTNO MACHINE Albany Lodge No. 24, F A. M. 3 [1HE regular meetings of . .thiij Lotlg*? qre on the st and third Friday nights in eftbh'month. - ' ^.5* Tho - brethren will pleaso tokc due notice and govern themselves accordingly. THE LOiNE STAR iSALOOxN, (Three doors below the Printing Office,) .A. LB A.HST Y, GrA. TTAVINO jnst received u fresh supply of ALL H KINDS OF THE BE^T LIQUORS with irnicK the Northern market is stocked, such as Brandy. Whiskey, Wine, Champagne, Gin, Ac.. &c I am BOW prepared to suit the palates of any body. I receive TOE regularly from Macon. Also, I !■ to constant receipt of GOOD OLD ALE. Call and sea me. THOMAS II. CLARK. Albany, Ga. Feb. 23, 186<L M-tf L rtrielv of Buttons, Needles, pins Tiire&d &c. U VVELCil & CO. 4, t>- W. C. SPENCER, Secretary Albany, April l$th, 28C5^tf. Albany Chapter No. 15, A. % M. T HE regular cnnvocnlions of.thls Chaptei arc on the second and fourth Friday niglits in each month. The companions will please take notice and - ern themselves accordingly. D. \V. C. SPENCER. Secretary Albany, Arnit 13th, 18G5.-tf We are aow prepared to do ALL ICINDS OB JO.B WORK AT THIS OFFICE, With Neatness and Dispatch Georgia—Mitchell County. S IXTY days after date, applcaticn will he made to the C.mrt of ordiuary, of said omity, for leaVe to sell one Hundred ami twenty-five (126) acres of Land, it. being the hall *»f!ot of land No. one hun dred and eixiy-seven, (167) in icnib district! of said County, aB the property of William R. Wilson, de ceased. MICHAEL WILSON, AdmV | Pep*. $rh, Ue«. GEORGIA, poii^hcrly Uoitiily. Special Bailiff’s Sale. WILL be sold before ihe Court House door 11 city of Albany Georgia, on ihe first Tuesday i.. cembcr next, between the usuhl hours of sale, tho following property to-wit: Three (3) mules—a bay a roan, and a mouse colored one—one bay horse ono bay mare, and one four horse wagon. I on as (he property of John Roe. by virtue of ensued from the County Court of said county. Uenrv P. Hammett, vs. said John Roe. Property pointc. out by Plaintiff’s Attorney. JAS. J. MAYO Dei. 18th. ’66 Spoaisl Bailiff p.’c, GECKtilA—Dougberty t'ouuty. To all whom it may Concern, B URRELL J. Johnson having in proper form ap plied to me for letters of Administration de bo ms non on the estate of Robert Johnson, late of said county, this is to cite all and singular the cred itors and next of kin to Robert Johnson, to be and appear at my office within the time priscribed by law nnd show cause if any they can, why letters of Administration de bonis non should -not be granted to B J. Johnson on Robert Johnson’s estate. Witness, my hand and official signature. W* 11. WALDER. Ordinary. Oct 6th, 18G6 62- Underwriters’ Agency Op New York, * CASH ASSETS, Three Million Dollars, ISSUE POLICIES or Fire & Marine Insurance MHf payable in GOLD or CURRENCY Negotiable and Bankable CERTIFICATES OF INSURANCE AXE MU ID IT Tin AUOC1ATIOK. Y. Gr. Rust, Agent, ALBANY, GA. - October 21, 1805. 33-tf GEORGIA—mitclicll Conuty. A LL personsdndebted to the estate of Algiers Piukron. late of said county, are hereby noti- awt to set lo the same without delay, and those having claims against said estate will present them 'u!y authenticated within the time prescribed by w, or this notice will be placed in bar of their •cotery. NANCY A. PlCKRON, Admr'x. Oct «, 1866 52— 1TOTICB. TWO months after the date of this notice I shall pply to the Court of Ordinary of Mitchell county, for leave to sell lot of land number 342, and 72 acres off the west side of lot number364, nil in 1 Ills district of Mitchell county, ns the properfy of Wm, B, Ford, late of said county, deceased. JOHN V. GR1NER, Adm’r. Oct C, 18C6 52— THE TOMLIHSQH, DEMAREST CO, 630 Broadway, N. Y., Have associated with them MR. W. W/WOODRUFF, Formerly and Extensive Dealer in CARRIAGES & BUGGIES AT GRIFFIN AND ATLANTA, GA F IR the purpose of supplying Merchants and Plaatcrs at the South,-by wholesale or retail with any stylo of Carriages, Buggies or Plantation Wagons. Mr. WOODRUFF’S long experience in the ear rings business will enable us to give satisfaction, i supplying good substantial work, such .a* the cour try demands, nt ns low prices ns can possibly be furnished for CASH. Wo will keep constantly on hand LIGHT CONCORD BUGGIES the seme as formerly sold by Mr. Woodruff, and whish became eo universally popular all through the South, as the best Huggy in use. * Wo also furnish Iron Axle. Plantation Wagons, of the very best'makc iu America, for 2, 4 or 6 horses. M ’ c Wo invite all .adilrdto. 7. ra>*3 Tomlinson, Dnmarcst Co., ' 020 linoADWAY, New Yori June 23, 1866. 37-1 ) want any article in our line to nsroTiaiEL TWO months after the date of this notice I shall apply to the Court of Ordinary of Mitchell county for leave to sell nil the lends belonging to the es tate of Thomas Cumbie, deceased. SIMEON BECK, Adm’r. Oct 6, I860 62— Geoucs U. Cukeyeb, Ad mi ntsT rator’ on the Esrstei Clieever, deceased. It appea ring to the Court by the pethioa, Smith, »h-»t on the seventh clav ofJi!| hundred - amd fifty-eight, 'Witiiam W.ClL deed of morigujee^conveyed to s»id Jcwri? all that city lot or parrel ol land in thi c W J ny, county of. Dougherty, ;md JJ known in lire plan ol said city asthjtr«T lots numbers forty-nx (46) and 6-ry cLli 3 Commerce street, descril td as follows: q! ing at a point on the Western line dfhJ forty-eight, thirty fi^t-frwn tlie Nnrili said lot torty-eight, thrurc di e En^t ii, hue of «*aid • lot number forty six; oce fiv*e ( 105)'feet thence due South,osiLfEffl lot forty-six, (46,); H.\ty feel theme 1l»** Western Jiucof lot forty-eight;pmk five feet thence due North, to the startingp*. sixty feet fronting on J.u ksin -treet.bvu and five feet buck, for the securing in ana, not**, made by Kiid IV i I limn W/cWm.M the sevent h irfy of July, t ightceu hucdiriw etght, payable t(» Jo-eph IS. Smith orbn*n;J twelve months alter dale, forth? mdtiiq dred dollars, with intere.-! Ir<»nd<t?;ti i# now due and unpaid; <tnd i! furliwfli now, W’m. W.Chcvverhus depnh'tfrTI that George l!. Cheeyer huy benhtaji, Adininistrulor on -the c.-ture at itith Chee ver,. dccea.-f rf. Il is, ordered linn said George If ( iitim.-ara.tnr as aforesaid, do pay into ihsCol fiiro vhe fir.-f duy V.f the next Teun iliw'.'V cipal, interests ai»d rusfj*, due on i-aid stf.^ caie-e, if any he has, to the country, wii thereof lorecloseure be granted to tlieisjdJt 57mith, of foiid mortgage, and the «qa : ty cfd ti«»n of said George H. Cheevrr.AdoWl uferesaid, therein he forever burred.and wj of ili'g.Rule be perfected on faidGr- rgfff j Adm>nialrutffr,]is ah re.*mi(I, a»cr»eci:*gt«i HINES & 110QBd,Pi'& June 61I1,3866. A.true extract from the Minntesof# Superior Court, June Term, 1866. John F. CiEcitt^ Albany, July 28i|i. 1866. GEOKGIA-iTIiK hell County. O N the first Monday fn November next Tluftnns Maples will apply to the Court of Ordinary of Mitchell county, for letters of Administration on the estate o'Councel W. Dawson, late of said coun ty. deceased. H. C. DASHER, Ordinary. Oct 6, 1866 52— ; • * 120&&CS I A—mitr.IioSI County. Q N the first Monday in November next Simeon Beck will apply to tho Court of Ordinary of sma county for letters of Guardianship of tho mi nor ohi.drcn, orphans of Thomas Cambio, deceased, II. G. DASHER, Ordinary. Oct C. 1868 62— CEOUUIA—IMiicbeli Coital} 1 . S IXTY enys after date application will be made to tho Court of Ordinary of said county, for leave to sell 175 acres of lot of land number 381; also 90 acres of lot number 382, also 125 acres of lot number 358, all improved, and lying in tho 11th district of said county. Also, onorthird interest in three houses and lots in tho town~ of Bainbridge, known as theJiousos and lota formerly, belonging to Stephen Swain, deceased. Sold as the v property of Nathan Maples, deceased, for benefit of heirs and creditors. ISRAEL MAPLES, Adra’1 OoUk 1866 52- . GEORGIA—Mitchell County.. A LL persons indebted to Nathan Maples, dec’d, are hereby notified to come forward and-make payment—and those having claims against said de ceased, are requested to present then* in*.terms of ^e law. ISRAEL MAKERS, Adm’r. Oct G, I860 - 5 Administrators Sale,- TT7ILLW sold before the Court Ilpuso door m yy Isabella, Worth county; Ga. k on the first Tucs- » » dav in October next, within the legal liours day i of sal.,lot of land number (1C4) one hundred nnd sixty-four, in tho fourlccmh (Id) Dlstiict of said oonnty; sold-ns tlie-property of Chnpil JI. brown, decoased, for the bouefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. 1!. T..COLLIER, Adm’r. Augnat 25, ’CQ M. E. BltOWN, Adm’rx. Mice to Debtors and Creditors, 1 LL persons indebted to the estate of E H Hie -an, deceased, are notified that, they mus , set . ’ l " d “ ll P ers ens having * present them within ihly will be barred. eliams against the time prescribed by law, JOHN F: CAROtLE.' Jam r estate E. II nicnan.d.e'd. July 7th, IMS. Administrator’s Sale. WILL bo sold before the Court Ilouso door in tho lo-vn of Cntnilln, Xlitclicll county, Ga., on tho fird Tocsday in December nest, Lot ot land No. two hundred and sevenly-eight, (278) 10th district of sa.d county, contnining two hundred nnd fifty acres. Sold ns the property of Sarah McLfod, de ceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors.— terms made known on Hie day of sate. JOHN IIAMELTON, Adm’r 62- Dougherty Superior June Tcra,q Joseph S. Smith, | WtBf. vs.' [ fof«| Ebbxezeh II. Swixxet. ) It appearing tn the Court, by tbe - pit S. Smirii.lliHt by deed o! mortff’.f the eighteenth day of May, rijbw® » s * filty-niue, Ebeneler II..Swinnoy conwpl S. Smith, thitl loljcr parcel of land, ami .betngiti the r.ilv or Albany, conn') «nd Stale of Geor&jbi, and know n 1 jflj i the piuri of said city as lot nuin'*f JrJJ State Street, containing oi.e acre, i»** y the.purpose of securing tbe paymeot ■ J promisory note, made by the Rud.Bb^*^ ney, payable, to tin? order of wiid dated on the oigijtec.nth day of M*. v » e dred and firty-nine, and due two yn^® the sum of.two hundred and fony d"»**j ty-five cents, and >vhich said J »‘d.‘ * • q It ia ordered that said hbenrztfj 1 pay into this Ciuul by the fir^t day ot * L thereof, the principal^interest andcu note, or show cause, if aiy he lias w . J nr that ipMefault Urcrcof forecl^nt* G id Joseph S; Smith of wid equity of redemption,of the said .jey therein be tbrevor .barred tl.ip Rule be perfected on said according to law. . HIXSh » June 5th, im* r J A true oxtract from the rainot«<» periorCourt. - Jons f t Albany-July 28 th,'1866 Oct C, 1806 GEORGIA—Baker County* I N compliance wirh the will of James Chance. late of said county, deceased, will bcsold before the Court House (lopr in said county, on the first Tuesday m Dcoembca next, one thousand acres of laiuL in the 8t^ district of said, county, known as t m Lnance PInoe, two miles below Ncwlon, on Flint Utver. Terms made known on the day of sole. _ F. D, KJSA, Executor if femes Chance, dec’d. «- i Administrators^ T) Y virtue of an order from l‘ (C * 4 1) ry of Dougherty couniy, q, first Tuesday iu November next,* door- in said county, between —**1^ tho tract of lnndln said couB JXf l God win. resided at the time of nine hundred and fifty (9o0) « same being well improved * n4 .-j* . cultivation. Terms on t he. d»y ^ , MELVINJ^ • September 15,18C0 OEOROIA—Worth WUERBA9, (faMfcfbi* ‘Pj; 1 7, Ik! manent letters of Administr* Francis M.” Tison, late of These aro therefoi e to notiy ^d » kindrnd and creditors of *** tin>e pr^i appear at my office within * ^ 1 law to show cause if any ta j tees should not be granted to ^ ^ Given under my^hand wd. ® oCS fi» Sep. 15, 06 GEORG7A-’lVorlhC«“"L », isos EOR6IA—n® rl jtotsXj WHKUEAS, Join T»jl«' i r p a J ' Guardinnsliip of the P' r -°. h J. l‘*i n A. Lawson, orphx" a .Srt!lP“,,l These are thereforo »• kindred nnd creditors of.» be ,i,erJ appear nt my lllt j law, to show cause ,fa ” J , [0 the »Pf!r levs Bliould not be K , ’ an ffi ial sif»f"?( under my hand and o j,pl. Term, 1860. September 22d, 1® M