The Albany patriot. (Albany, Ga.) 1845-1866, November 17, 1866, Image 1

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mum ■ - i^- jjsTATE E. EC;, mu i* SiHT THE PSOPJiE &VIE, paw , )t a every Salnrday illorulii;; ^uS BBOAO ST-—AT THE OLD STAND, b ,im o Advertldnj S inserted tit the rate of One Dollar f 1 ,w°P‘ rs ‘l a ' ire of „ Ei S ht Lines,.for the W" ;„J Seventy-fire Gents for each ■ • artkm. • kn “ *» ° vcuis ior l^ai iisert* 011 —payotfelc in advance. “ . fciiriof to sdrer^M longer than three U Jo so at'he following rates: |3 moa S6UU 12 00 h MrM :;' 18 00 [l8“ K! 24 00 80 OO ~...JS5 00 |40 00 ta»" s 45 00 [n 4 *"’ ...Jso 00 [n** 3 00 M2 00 $20 00 20 OOj SO 00 28 00 40 00 86 00| 60 00 44 001 60 00 60 00| 70 00 65 001 75 00 CO] 80 00 65 ... __ „ 70 00 85 00 75 00 90 00 SPECIAL Bi5j3anctmcnt3 IP . _ NOTICE. : of candidates for office. $10, es to be charged for at regular ad- ( rites—be paid in advance. oi eight linen, of brevier, make one 'Uftriisemenis that make over eight lines iieen lines, counted as tiro squares, rs will mark on their advertisements of squares they wish them to occupy, naans for individual benefit, will bo ;;j per square for each insertion. M d 1’nlWsional thirds peryear $20 00. wife, payable in advance $20 00. f^al Ailvcrlincmentii. *rc our rates for legal advertise- fcfilei per !ery of eight lines or less..$ 3 00 liiierirage Fi. Fa. sales, per levy...- 5 00 Sales per levy 00 icrs of Adiitiuistralion 4 00 .;•» ofOii;*rdinuship..4'00 siicu ofdismissioa from Admin-* - 0 00 s.. in lot- dismission trora Guar- ../....4 4)0 sii Lauu ...6 00 jn>iioriaadCreditors...... 4 00 ■ln4 (erupt Drs. CrnDwelf & Connaily Tffico’ - hC Ci,il ' 0S February 24, I860. ALBANY, GEORGIA. yOVKMBKK 17. 1866. 83, iisr ajdva^pe <**> Broad St. 13—tf GEORGIA—Mitchell Coanty. W. D ?I, “ D '- K “' on »PP>*e» ‘0 me for n* Jf - lettfer8 °* Dismission from the estate of Wn« G. Gary, late of eaid connty. dece.4d -° f ^ i- A » a se are- therefore ta cito and admonish all ner- spns concerned, to be and appear at my cScc W hJ. hew ha..* by Uw * t0 » h »w cause, if an, they have, why said letters should not bo granted tSSSST-r** «*«“turefthis2d Julyl^jsk a-C.DASu E B,Onry GEORGIA—Irwin County. lei?er!, E , n VS ' M - Ies / itI *' r * 1J epplies to mo for iti.r or^ 13 ”" w- 011 fron ‘ ,h ' Administration «f the estalo of Perry F.isgerakl, deceased. ' her ' forc 10 ci, ° admonish nil con certed, to be and appear at my office within iho have Pv^eertbed hy law, and show cause, ifanythey applicant! lell « ra ^ould not be granted to .aid _aiTen under my hand and official- signature at office, this June 4th, ISU6. 8 L. M. COLBERTn, Ordinary. 36- ' A Ord ^W 1 * m * ae ,0 ,be Court of „n b ,7 J ofBak f r county, at the first rcgolir noMc. ?„l r , he ex P lr,ltlon of,two months from Ibij ^.a?.orATwhhe en : l ‘ olan< i 3 District So.,th d ** fa8e d, laic of Edgefield sssjk* c * roh “- October 20. I860 ’ *' Georgia, IForli County 1 ,, “fi'i'catton wilt bo made to — the Ordinary of said county for leave to «el! ill. real estate of Alexander S. Lippi,,! deceased Vo 0 for .,e aeneti. of,he hdrten^rvdSlaidQj ceased. FANNEYE.LIPPITT.Adm'rx Juno 10th, 1866. GEORGIA—Irwin County. WHEREAS,J.m,. Poulk npp'ies to raefor letters T«^“n 8 T ? fr i 011 ’ ‘‘' !l!:iuU,r '“ ioa on 'he estate or James Boykin, late of said county, deceased, '. h . er f fo, ; e "“<1 admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at luy office within the time pre- bl I r ’‘® ^ow cause, if any they ean, why paid letters of discus,, ou should not be granted to applicant. Given under my hand and official sin- nature at office L. M. COLBEKTU, Ord 8 August 4, 1866. * 42*- - 3 00 . opcriy, ten days... ..:3 00 wa. t.xif days......... .........5 00 exc the above rates will be requiretlin S?LC 1 A L NOTICE. ■ tfluJbj Administrators, Executors or **—7 required by law to. .be JbfildLon l£e in each iu »mh, between the hours of av.n and taree in the aAernoott, al i? iu lue county in'which the proper- Notic»i<f tliese sales must be given ie;ie forty days previous, resale of personal property must be ugh a public gazette ten ; day Ivl: debtors !»*id creditors of an estate will be made to the Court I:./, leave t > sell Land must be publish- R'fcr letters of Administration, Guardian- n«3 t ts published thirty days—for dis- l" w d'luiiuisi ration, monthly six months— iu tluardtiioship forty days. GEORGIA—Worth County, ~ T IIESE arc to notiTy all and singular the kindred and creditors and all others concerned, to be* jud appear at;my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why Abel Administrator de bonis non on the osute of David C obb, dec d, should not be dismissed from pis said trust. Given uuder my hand and official signature, July 5. 1860. t , .. ,0-,- JAMES W. ROUSE, Ordinary. July 14, 1806. 40 _ W S'J'ATE OE GEORGIA—VV’orlb County* HEUEAS, Wm. 0. Yaney, Adm> with the Will annexed on the estate of S. W. Yancy, dee d, represents to the Court iu.his petition duly .fileil and entered on the record, that he has fully administered S. \V. Vancy's estate. J ^ is. vherefrti e, to cite all persons concerned, Kin-lred and credifors. to show cause, if any they cau, why said Administrator should nnr. !.«» rt;«- NUMBER 58. I!:i,tCr Coni!!,-. T 'o°,^ 0 ,":Vo“aW r = "c^rciV,^; 1 ! lnn^o , i| T ° P 1CJ ’ 6 "* "«& bIoZ' i"S'° ,1 | e eeui, of Jovial, Winchester Iafo of wfd County deceased, for the benefit of lh<r*heirg and Credtiors of said Estate. October 13th f8«C. Oct.20,1866 ■ J ' FSCHKMJB, Adm’ KfltieeFor Leave A PPLIOATinv ^!f Wlieation will he made to October 20, 1866 GEORGIA, WcrtH County. »}«!>• »»a. , i /fi a• --v wiRDe mnue hc O.d.nary of said county, for lcarc to sell D , ^: S Pr(S V it Iho 15th proper,y of s — Sep,ember 22d, 1806^ “' niLL ’ d# b ° D!a nott - Georsia, Irwin Coanfy. ~ lctt''!Vor , ' | S i - A ' P -. Clet " on,s “PPJies lo me for !K^^s±5:"xsr.s "z'z* tT:, * appear a't ruv »« l,LW y °® c# » , " ,,n limo prescribed by law, to show cause, tfany tbey Pare, why said let- Lad n °' bC sr “" ,e, i iVm " >»n<fe> mV hand and otnem! signature of office. L. M COLIIKIITH October 20th,'05 ■ ' * Ordinary, Georgia, Irwin ('.ouniy. WCkmenta applies to i .. J.*r applies to me for letters of .llsmissioa from liuardianship of trson and property of l)«„i c l Branch. These he person and property or Daniel Branch. These fire therefore lo cite and admonish, alt and sinmlor to bound appear al ray office v ithin the time nr/ scribed by law. lo show cause if any they hare. !vhy Mid letters of dismission should not bh granted — Utren limitr ray band and official signature October 20, 66 L. M. COLBEllTII, Ordin GEOKGI4, Dougherty Comity Speoial Uailifi’s Sale; sold before the Court Boose door ' in the city of Albany Georgia, on the first Tuesday! in De cember next, between. the usual hours of sale, the following property to-wit: Three (3) mules—a bay, aroan, nd^rnMmgLa <rae/-one..|*fd,on£ >" as , « p^e,,; Jttewi'r'iS; ”i’ ,oh “ Boe - Property, pointed fi“ ln ,!r * A,,orns J- JAS. jTslAYO, ■ -«.»*•;* ' Spfieial Baihn D/C. Georgia; Wof Ih ’ . AVhereas, WiUiam'CL. LavendePepplies io me for letlorsof Adqimjstratiop.witb the will annexed, oh the estate Of John Long, of said county deceased These are tfiereforo to notify alt and singular the kllldrptl nn.l *.e«.l;.^_., 1 1 . . .. b . - —..-.w >u uvutjr mi auu Kingit kjutired and creditors qfsait^ deceased, to be and appear it my office wltlnn the lime prescril u ld not ,be muted t«' the, npplieaut. Given tin'. "‘ritisdNtape of Jeffersoniuvis—By Dr. J. J. Craven. U.-S- 1 H. r ELSTBKS FGLLYnwBy Mrs. Henry Wood, i LAND AT LAST—By Edmund Yates. ' -'GUY DKVEGi.LL—Bj J/S. Le’Fann'. ' ' . ~^V^^I^-4^B3U>L0KAZI^IB-T so. :tilb NEW GRA-N4DA—Br Prof. Holthfi. 1 '" 1 " J^IFE OF •rBTGNEWALL ” JACKSON—By John Esten Cooke. . , , - . , ' THE WAR OF THE REBELLION—Uy B. S. Foote. i-.i-i l! - «i»t Just- roeviveil and for sale bv-. . , T.. JS. X7SX.CS .[Fo * 00. 43— . -o uppiwuui- - uivea ttn- JAifES te./ROUSfi, O.-U’y -Nbyember 8d,,18ft6 ! .,(!?,it Georgia, Miiebcll t'ounly; - i rpiURTy -Dapsafter date I trill proceed to tip- X PO'ttl an administrator tytlli. the. wiH nnnexrd, on the estate or James Pattllo, late of said county nud all persons nt^ hereby notified ib fife “'their ob jections^ if any they have, in nty office.ias tha law - Vov - B>. 7866. (.'! Ordinary Angus*. 4th, I8i56. ~~ it’OTIOITS! RITING. DESKS, Work Doxqs, D^ps^itigCases, 'Bluf C.asos, Ortrd cases, Traveling Satchels, (xEOSCifA--Mitchell founty. Q N the first Mondny w ln January next C: C. and AVm. La^renoc, • Administrators on- estate ‘of u Lawrence, late of said county, deceased, will tc-'tne Court ftfOriltinrv fiV Innva c/n - • jxiui caws, v nru uaser, iraveling oairne s, Jewcl^llvxe8. Toilet Boxes, Photograph - AH>Ums from $1 to $30 each. James liodgeis.unci Wpsten- hb1m8 Pocket Knives, Razors and Scissors. Combs, Brushes, Pocket Books. Pipes, Fine Toys: &c., &c. - JWaT’ Better stock than over offered here.* Call and sec, at the • ALBANY BOOK STORE. Musical Instruments V 1 00D Stock.always bn hand, and aiiy Miisic or f Instrument ordered for, customers. Jet Iff, ^ ' t. E. WELCH & CO. —... -•--vu, a.wkt i,uuiiiy, ueceascu, will ipply to the Court OfOrditiary f&• leave to sell all the real estate belonging tosiiid estate. 1 _)V JQ}?, w * DE4IRCE, Cl-k Court Ordinary Oct^iiqo ^ fit . J, why said Administrator should „ c u .o- chargud from his ad mi a ist ration, and receive letters of Dismission on the first Monday iu February next. This July -111, 1806, 3 . , J* W. ROUSE, Ordinary. July 21, 1866. GEORGIA—DOUGHERTY COUNTY. W IILULA.*5, Melvina M. Godwin, Administratrix of 1 homas G. Godwin, represents to the Court m her petition duly filed and entered on record, that she ha’s fully administered Thomas G. Godwin's Tilts' Ik therefore fo cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cmisc, if any they ^tif fiirrcliHiire of Mortgages must be can, why said Administratrix should not be dis laoatMy for four mouths—for establishing! charged from her Administration, and receive letters NbM'ae full space of three months—for j Pf Distnisston on the^second Monday in February, Executors or Administrators* . ”** ^V* II* WILDER, Ordinary. - - J August 4,1866 4;{» 11 Executors or Administrators. 0 given by the deceased, the mouths. t l^CUAAD HuCBS . ES Si HOBBS, fOSNEYS AT LAW, V 8LU4SY, *SA. rfiflicvin Itaattlierty and live anrronnd- fcil,p'”; in lie s "Pfrinr Cmlfls ot ilfie I ,1 '- Elates Circuit Conn at Savan- ■m* li*"™ 1 10 i" Suuth-VVeat 33— jjq,., "*^ , c end the Circuit Cuartk cj.'-i or 'he Suteof Georgia.’ e ” sivenlu lIld P urc base and 14 iqa-c GGOKGIA—Ucrlli r.ouaty* WilEllKAS, Sarah C. Shine and S. P. Jones, ap plies to me for letters of dismission from adminis tration ou the estate of A. J. Shine, late of said county.deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish, all and singular, t)ic kindred aud redit- ors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law to show cause tf any iliey have, why said letters of dismission should not be grunted to the applicants. Given under my hand aud seal, September the 12th. 1866. J. W. ROUSE, Ordinary. September. 15, 1866, —1' IiAHD for sale, WILL be sold at administrator's sale, on the 1st Tuesday in November next, before the Court House <Joor iu Albany, one lot of laud, number (866) three hundred and sixty-three, in the 5th District of orig inally Irwin, now Berrien county. * Also, on the 1st. Tuesday in December, will be L. P. D. WARRES. llG HT&* warren, |°rneys at law, I OA. !■ ■■■ _ - - Also, on the 1st. Tuesday iu December, will be B*P , *etice in i| IH several Courts^of-La wand 8 ^ d » (IDO) one hundred acres of land, in the third i5 ^>c and the Circuit Cunrte ip i8trict * now ? }k ?.otVtV’ known as-the West..half of lot,number (258) two hundred and fifty-three, in said District. Sold • as the property of R. L. Tomlinson, of Dongherfy-county, dcc'd, for the benefit of the heirs and vreditor? o’f paid deceased. GIDEON BROWN, Adm’r. September 15,1866. Administrator’s Sale. WILL be sold before 4he Court House door in the town of Camilla, Mitchell county. Go., oh the firfli Tuesday in December next, Ixot of land No. two hundred aud seventy-eight, (278) l«th district of said county, containing two hundred and fifty adres. Sold as the properly of Sarah McLeod, de- ’ ceased,*fbr the benefit of the heirs and creditors.— Terms made known-on the day of sale. . - JOHN HAMELTON, Adm’r, Georgia, Irwin County. G EOROE YOU NO applies l, me for letters or adnuuut rat ton on live estate of R. M. Griffin UvceaseJ- These are liiervfurc to cite anil admonish “ Vr r gl " ,r ' ln , h? al "'y office with in the time preserihed h, law. )o „!*„„■ clulJe ; if Iltey have why a:,id letter, s !, oa |d be granted Gtven under my hand and official signature October 20th, GO L. M. COLBEKTU, (jfd’y €«or«la^>Ituifa ivhiv^' \\!IER^.\S, ,D, J. Funn,'applies- to for letter A ofdismission from administratiou. oa-thejestate-Af nillis J. Bane, deceased. . These are therefore to cite hud admonish; alknd singular, the hetts and creditors pf said deceased, to be and -appear at my office within the tune prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, Why said' Willis'j: Bane should not be relieved from.said administration. Given under my hand and official signature at office. *•' : L. M/COLBERTfi, Ordinary. octobcr.2Cth 06 . f -L/V/, V JtW ,» L EDGERS,'Journals, Day Books, Records, Time \ Books, Letter Books, Copy Books, Pasit, Memo - randans and Dairies, &c , ; Any style. Blank made to 6rder. ' L^E. ‘WELCH ; &. Cf>. r the Patriot.] LINES (Dedicated to Miss Tgrcsa Collins.) . ; r '\ I have a fair and gentle friend, . With eyeapf aoflrceruleaii blue*. . ■ In her doth all things lovely blqnd— So kind is she, so pure, sotrum * : V.- v r When gazingW that placid faWff^ - Swevfc thoughts of angels oft arise, i * So ciu'ch of heaven de 1 trace IR those dark orbs—those melting eyes. 1 Mer voice, it hath a magic tone, • J In dulcet strains it greets the ear;: . Cheered oft I've been^. when sick and lone, By accents from those lips sb dear. . - • -i iier form it is of fiairy mould, - ^ t swaying, gracefoi. frail and light ; ’ - Oh !,we the half, will ne’er be told, ' ,v *' . For earth she seems, all, U1 too bright. Sweet friend, no sorrow hast thou known, - ‘ . No dark clouds shade’thy inner life ; . : ' 0 er Giy path, bright flowers be stroirn. And thou a stranger be to strife. Unlike the one, who sings of thee, ^ No sadness o’er thy life has passed; . I, tqo, was once, as careless, free, ’ - - o But shadows, note, my life o’er cast. • Fate ha? in store dark hours for. all, ' , Clouds olten chase sunshine away. But angels stand and sweetly call* - ‘ ‘ ^ n( i point us to a brighter day. Oh I may we aU, vheo life is o’er, ,• Each other greet, on heavebly uhore,, Aad into realms, ethereal soar, Atxd meat to part ho tnorc no more. A used in.iliis section. Large Stock, embracing all. ibe Text Book **■*- L. E. WELCH & CC. W^k.]E^I?jTDSrTElID OLD ami SILVER WATtiHES, Gold-Chains Administrator’s Sale. T>Y older t.f tlic Court-of Ordinary of Trailin' J-fieotitny, will ie sold on the first T„e«hy i„ lie l‘Millll4>r ni.vl I.n-I.r.* ll.. 4* .* ■ ■ . ' . * Postponed Adnifnlstralor’s Sale. U NDER an order of the Court of Ordinary of Worth county, will be soldattbe Court House in Isabella, oq the.first Tuesday-in Dtjccmber next, the landbelttn&fhg to the estate of Wm. F. WellOns, late <»fsai<l county, deceased, it being 166 acres; the balance of lot number 151) in tluj 1 Jth distr^et; 1 lie Widow’s DoweV having been .laid ' off bn the north side of said lot. Sold fCr the benefit* of- the heirs and creditors of srjid estate^ ' ' «.u utuvux* •vnioiinoi' «>om vsiiains \Jf Keys and. Charms, Diamond Rings, Gold Set ’ Plain Rings, Brooches, Ear Rings', Fine Se»s of abd Plain Rings, Brooches, Rnr Rings', JewolryrGbld and Silver Thimbles. O. Id and Silver Spectacles, Gold Collar Buttons, Sleeve .But tops and Sludx, Solid Silver aud Plated Ware, always «rar. -ranted a* represented, .Ot 18. L. E. WEtX’fl rco. ce.tiLer m-xt, Leture llte Couit ll.ntse J,«r' in tli*- Imvn t.f Camilla,,lut'ita the usiul li.ntis of w ',. |„ or Ixnd mnither * veniy-Jivp. (7a) in the loth OU- jnel of ungt. ally Karlv, m, coanty, I* lorgtng to the .■-It.le of j (iemion. fiert -twd K.iltl for the h -nefit of the licir-< ooJ rrediivr, or .aid deretued. I erttu made known on the day of sole J. M. ni.KL.AND, Adm'r* (Jet 0, 1.8(56. JOEL JOINER, -Adm’f Atf Wfii.'F: Wellois.' ,62-h Grover IJakei*’® SEWING MACHINES, A T Manufactures price^simnly freight added, at Albany Book St ore: '. » * fTANDARD, Misceliancous Books, and N Georgia, Doushcriy Coauty t . ,WUi^ltEA3. John F,(}urney, ot the county/of Twiggs, in said Stat^, applies to me for letters of S *. - - . . S°, ok * of *fe c Day—always on hand. Any Book Executors Sals. A CiRERABLE-toan nrdt r from liiii i\ clii.ii • - - , - —r.-r- ....r. w .. ot fw. ,Mr .V •» auu fi r 1 lie county of l)«iiigliortv, \vill Jm? Kidd bf lore flip Court ffuii-e in Albany, on the lira! Tii^d-iy in Di*cf mlw r next, ui'liin the !e-»a« hours otitic lot of laud nuu-ber three hundred iTud eighty-eight, (3*8) ip mi id ronniy.’ Soil »s the prop- erJ v ol tiice.-iaie of A<l-<tn Rrinson am) Mathew Brin son, lab* oi km id ioiiui y dere^iM <1. 8old for a d. vis ion, »ud lui the Ik*io.fiJ . f^ai I e*uio*. r. ii. liODGKS, I’sci 'r of Adaiu Brinson. N. l». ciuws'jy . „ ' Kxec’r of Mat;‘»e<(r Jrinson. Albany, Oct. her 20, 1866 40* j no-. .inplies I - r rur-Tin administration de bonis non, ori this estate oY Amos Ball late of Dougherty county deceased, p Ac r These arc. ihyr.ctbru 19 cite and admonish,.all And sfingtilat 4 , the kuidfed and creditors of said deccns. dd % %9 he and appear at iny<(©flico withiu the rime prescribed bylaw, lo show.cause, if any they.-lmve. why saidiettcY&'should nof ffio'-gFanted. Given un der tny hand and offioial signature!«t‘ office* bnny. 7th November,. 1806^ ^ . W. JI.;WLILDER*,' ‘ hov l(! * • • Ordinary Published ordered lor customers. OcHS^lSCG f 7 f L E >YELCH.A.,CQ. f “HllfST GO.” A colnmoh word,- and yet how full of meaning ! The school bell is rinsriiicr, save tUe.tmoeODt-littlc prattle at play, fmuat go. ijio hour lor labor hus corttc.-says the man ot toil, and J must go. A dying parishiiior has sent lot* me, says the clergyman, and I must go. Another weary cheerleSS, thank- J9^s day calls tne to the sanetnm says theed- iu>r, and 1 must go. I havcwi weighty case oti.imnd to-day, demanding all myAttontioiiT says the hi>voc, and I must go!—ds the uni-* v vrsabtnotto of the age is heard, echoed and re-cchoed on every side, by old and voumr, ntloraWe. ricU “ nCl P ° 0, '> W . ^^I^itave succepile-i In oLtnining the servieca pf Administrator’s Saio, GEORGIA—Worth County. ^gY virtue^of an order (rrantej bytho Hosomhle - . ■ —-v. uj mu ivor.oruntc j. Loan orOruinary or sot-J county, will be solj public ont-cry between llte ttsutil hours or sole, before the Court House in tho town ocjsnbeliii. on th4 first Tuesday in December next, lot of land Georgia, Dougherty UouaSy WHEREAS,.-Iuhn U. Hill appliea-tQfne for,Idlers of adinihisf ration on tlie estate of John II. Dunforth Ute of said counlyj deceased- r ■' ; : * Theso > ihoreforo to citennfl admonish, all.and ■singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceas ed, to henna appear at my office within the time pic* Li«y, fo ^howAniisaifany they bare, why said letters should hot be granted. Giveu under my hand and efficial signature at office, in Albunj, November 7th..I860, r T W. 11. WILDE11, ov .1". u , Ordinary^ ;■ Administrator’s Sale. - *'• [7 mine of. an order bnhc Court of Ordindry t.of Dfcalur couply,,wiU be sold tin Ike find stray in Dcc'enibcr next, before llte Cpurt House i )>«<w S« **>• oily of Albany, Doogberlv connty, wiih. srV r d r cD,yfiTe ’ seventh (itb) district of said county, knowu ns the iu llicci:;- of Ubnnv, Dou„:.erlv couBtv to-wit- Restdenec property ol tbo ale George Green. Sai. Lolsnnrabers eigl.tjen, (18) twenty ("of’and elev'eT made for the payment of debts, and tfte property |G1) Flto.s,L,. “T, ” „ 6 Vfc * \ ,v / *«vuiy nnu eleven ' right (ffr on Broad Street. Sold ns tbtf property of ^1865. notige7 °^ e i IMS 8JaBOaa- ^ : | «!gJlW«"'Broad Street: SoU .itW Imp. " • 18v * '* ft- I Robert J. Norton, deceased, fdr'tbe bcn«St”'of tie ' — 1 creditors. Terms on day of sale. _ _ - Sr h: stirion, Xamv. ■^*SoutlT-\v Frnefioe law wtarflheConris T ,,J \r' m Irwin of tlieSouth- F"tt£e p f 0, , ,h * Urun,wick . and most r„hin. o" la Circuits, r fcbm Street, opposite the Express ■ k -'pril28,I8C6. GGOUGIA—JIHchell ronniy. S IXTY ea'ya after dale application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of said coanty, for leave 10 soil 170 acres of lot'of land number 881s also 90 acres of lot number 382, also 125' acres of lot number 358, all improved, and lyingin the 11th district of said county. Also, onc-tbi.-d inlSresi in three houses and lots in the town .of, Rainbridge, known a, the houses and lots formerly bciongit.g to Stephen Swain, deceased. Sold as Iho-propcrly of Nathan Maples, deceased, for benefit of heirs and creditors. • ■ ISRAEL MAPLES, Adm' Oct 6, 1866 . ,. -fio 62- GEORGIA—iHiicbeil ronniy. & PETESsT Ltr,. *-ui27Rl3| MERCHANTS GEORGIA—Bakertonoly. J 'N eomiflianco Willi-Iho will of James Chalice, late of mid coucty, .deceased,' will be sold before e Court Ilouae door in said county, on • the first •Tuesday in Decembca neit, one thousand, acres of land, iu Iho 8tfi district of said county, known aa the .Cnpnce Place, two miles below Newton, on Flint River. Terms made known on ih# day of sale. F. D, KEA, • Exoeutor of James Chance, dec’d. •st 6, is6« i-aHEr: ’ t * . hW. ^ LL persons indebted In Nathan,Maples, dcc'd. are hereby notified to come forward and tn,ke payment—and those baring cliltfttagainst said do- eeased. Mis; requested to present them in terms of tb« law. . ISRAEL MAPLES, AdniV. Oct 0, 1860 62— ga. nSTOTIO^l, r »lj n! , * l, «'he lo^ Eronnd ' «»a- 1 ’.^'tilled i„. lowe >t market prices. TWO months after ll,e dale of this notice I shall mfilv to the Court of Ordinary of Mitchell coanty. NOTICE. TWO months aftordatexppliootlon will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Mitchell county, for leave to sell all the lands belonging to the estate of I). -V. Bostick, deceased.- ' JESSE' POLLUCK, Adm’r. RMijUnny*- — -- October Gfh, lf66. 62-40d Gttflklai nircReli i'oBaty; r~~; t A . ll P? rs » ns indebted to the estate of Alexander tCik D, Pncjtett. lxifo of said couiity, are hereby notified lo settfothe same vrlthoht delay, and those havipgelaims.ngninst shld estatp: will present (Sera duly authenticated within, llte time treserlbeiF by law, or this notice will he placed in bar of their re eovery, tiov * ' LYD£a a 1'L'URETT, 4dmr’x .. .....v euvcAui'i in uiiuiiiiiug me services oi Ap Experienced and Reliable Jeweler, and am prepared to receive Watches and Jewelry for Repairs. We hold ourselves respousible f — good work, and guarantee satisfaction. P«M a rW # . L. E. WELCilth CO. 70 - robs & Amos, >« 5HH.BERBY STRJEET ... - JOttAr L. JOSES’ OLD STAND— ' ^mSbSM BEiLKKS IV, , O-LQTHIITG ...h,".' an or i . kf| - Gents’ Tarnishing Goods. Trniiks, •Valise?, Satchels, Umbrellas, And everything ueuaily found in a - ' FIRST CLASS CLOTHI.IG DOUSE. e Nov 10, 2s3m , ,., - tJ( r7»jpi®^|^i7rT. •f .WJLi PAY THE.HIGHEST PRICE FOR I7-EI1E0 . X*EACUEy, pealed and 11 r.pealed. Vov in a. - - - J ' -N-'SEYJIOBB,. Nov JO ,8t. . Cherry Street. V. n. BO»st«tU B. n. Biu<j 0 s -• 1 .*' (Late of Cplunibus, Georgia.) 1 s.’i * > HULL & BJR1GGS, COyt.toix F0.ct'or^ • ,.1 '.y - KSf. ££> . .wr , count less sliming ara-waning to welcome me; I„iu s 't : ^"£1 iarttwell till wemaet in hearcD! Thesnow- 7''““•“/imntek'ssnerveless bv.'.herside*' a huiiIcolAuehiible Bivettti'css and beatify rests UtrotiT ^ !lu y“ ,arb,t ;- ,ike aad she js gone, gone lorevcr | • . Ubtnlc-render, like hee, when the last of-. fu r llf u-il- COn?e ’ ma J y 0,1 bear the weleoiu- . ,tt|g ot u lnspenrig angels, and like her rc- ' spoud ‘I must go!’ . . Georgia; Douslicrty Coimij’. WHEREAS: F. K. Lewis applies lo t , . . „ Lewis applies to me for letters of admistnation on the estate of Alexander Ilcrring- ton, i.te of said coanty dehcsed. ' • ’ r- These pro.lherefofo to oito and admonish, all and ■■""'liar, the kindred and cfeditors of oaid deceased t« ho and appeap at myofflee, within the time pre scribed by biw.'to'eb'ow cause, if any ihe>'h«Te, why saidMjg64 shouiii net hegranted. Given M'J der my hand and-otficini ■ — • apply to the Court of Ordinary ol Mttcueu county, for leave to sell lot of land number 342, and 72 ■ ---s off the west side of lot number .,64, all in lllli •ict of Mitohell county, as the propfrfy of Mm. '.US' 1 (acres uu IHO pwn *• - district of Mitchell county, r - B. Fol d, late of said county, deceased * . ’ T/HIV f filUVF Oct 0,; 1866 JOHN C. GR1NER, Adn GEORGIA—Mitchell County. Q N Iho first Monday m November next Simeon Beck will apply to the Court cf Ordinary of Kftin county for letters of Guardianship of the mi nor children, orphans of Thomas Cmnhic, deceased. II. C. DASHER, Ordinary. Oct 6; 1866 52— ES&fiSyjlteMiwA J0 ” 5 nAME M0N.Adm- r , shall conuty Georgia, IHiicbeil loanty. *— * ' ' o the estale.of Sarah Mc- A LL persons i a • • - , indebted to „ 40 a, late of eaid county deceased, arc hereby notified lo settle the seme without delay, and those having claims against said estate Will present them duly authenticated within the time ireecrtbed by law or this notice will be placed in b tr of Ibt-ir re covery .Nov 3d i»"N HAM 1 DO piaccu in u »r ui mririu- JOHN HAMILTON, Admr. Oti 6, 1999 GEORGIA—Worth County. S IXTY days nfler date hereof application will be made to the Ordinary of said county for leave to sell all the real estate of James Noles, deceased, for the benefit of tho heirs and creditors of said deceased. ifl. D* WHITEFIHLB. AdotV of James Noles, dec’d.. Sciiftl signature, at office ■ in Al- banyritHNttvemlier, I860: ■ W/fl. WILBtJU 1 noTlO ;... hi Qwtinaiy. WotioeToDeibtOTBandCredra Gcorirfaf Worth County. M • ; LL persons indebted to llitr*iist.sle of Alex.B, U***PPiUwJate of Worth coanty deceased, are no- sd to conie forward and make immediate settle-, id -those having, claims against said estate 1l them 1TI Ipvntu nftlin 1.111. so .1. • ug.-iinst SOM estate will present ihem in terms of the law, or they will be barred. FAXNEY E. LIPPITT. Adm’rx. 11OV 10. ,4/A.l ' Hotice to Debtors and Creditors. A LL persons indebted to the cstale of E. n.IIie- nan, deceaeed; are notified that they must set- ’ —. -J uv.iiivu Iimmicj uiusrscl- •lle tne same immediately—and all persons having Cliaros against said estate must present them withih tho time prescribed by law, oe.lhey will be' barred JOHN P. GARG1LE, ' t , JlieEan.dec’d.- July Jth, 1888. j'x'i ‘ svbbbip apples, Oraiises, I*otaioes, Onions, ami CAB B -'A. Gr 15 S £ 10CNTliY.DE.lLEUS wanting any:oftlm Jbnve- / wtl find p to t'ieir advantage loorder,fcom tit. 1 will make it a spccTaiuy>f m y business this season to supply, the .hoc, Chea^. hpy.'ug made arrungements lo gqt. rbo 3e goods selected tor mo in the North and West.'* A-L dress your orders, with cash enclosed., oi-oitv rfer. •nee, to : ; :.iVt aBNRV.'llOR^B,- . °“rf' : Jlaeon, Ga.’ tQTIGBr. Feed,- Sale and Livery. Stable. Ju^t Opened, Corner of Broad a n.d t . .J sflwo nS j A T. B A N V . O ]■: o RGT A ' stock: Boarded, and Sold on Cera mission. c. . .. Ejr GAUDX£n & kirkmaN. Sept 15,- 1865 - 3ia T AM STILL BUYING lull Trices. W 6 O a, and paying No? 10 St J. A'- SEYMOUR, Chcrt-y Street- * . ’ ws* 11 ' H'-iiiaus uiiro- expressiyo phi-asc into scopes of gi eatoi length aud of moi-e than ordinarv id- • torest; but baying olher thoablits and oth-' er duties to look after, wo too, “must go” auu be content with Sketching one or two! its-getting late says the lover to tlio lov ed one,and i-muat go: must bid farewell for, to those charmed, blissful hours oucc mofc to mingle with the perplexities of a busy world. Iheu clasping her fondly to bis bossom, and passionately pressing -those bps to his own, he is gone till those happy days return, or R erchahee that ho ntay lead the gentle charmer of his life it will mg-captinoto theliymcheal altar. One short year rolls round nncl how changed the scene. Again, as then, it lV uigiu. Await paje being, of emaciated and lying ou her dying couch,— ihe long, weary days and weary mr-lits have passed away. Her hours of a“f.Uh are no more. Ihe ii»irtir>„s ..- ate no.more. The insidious destroyin'has done, ,1ns work. Friends near anT dear -but rl «~ a ten ' k '‘' bends over —iHit.Uicsycuuoot arrest the-hand ofdis-' K Sew Lodge in ('oanterfeiting , On? of tho Treasury detectives yesterday j*n 1 \? surer . Spinner a counted .C.t lifty ddllar United States note which lie huT ? ?± ,fRjn Pei*rmanee of his.duties. Tho v.gnctt ofthenote,"the hiad rra, e w UderIIam, , lt0 "’ tb o'fir8t Secretary, .ofths Treasury, which is the same as that on thotwo dolhu-Umted States notes, istery Hard to counterfeit; but. this difficulty Was got over by substituting a vignette Soma-. ,tw o dollar note.and so nicely placed on, that v.erj fete would be able to detect it. The remainder-pf..the note is exceetlirigly well executed, and but for the fact of a genuine A-ignotfe being pasted thereon, would easily deceive'the most wary ; It is understood " tliacthis,has-been jlohetoa'consiuerablo ex tent cf late, ns unmbor of genuine two dollar note, bearing counterfeit, vi"nctt have been received at the Uedemtiou IJevi- siOi, The removal ofthe vignettes is aceon.- < phshed by known as the spliuin pro- V IJvyri:!. I) Hours the celehrated me dium, has written letters to itis friends in Aorjijch stating , that a very wealthy lady arnol Lyou ig England, has adopted him and made him her sole heir on condition of his taking her-name. This he consented to do and signs himself Daniel D. Home Lyon. £S7” JI.un.LE has been discovered near Zanesville Ohio. • The vein is thirty feet thick, aud is said to rival Italian marble in As fineness and delieacy-