The Albany patriot. (Albany, Ga.) 1845-1866, November 24, 1866, Image 1

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I every i«i«r*ay Horning. "' rt 0iP8T.-AT THE OLD STAND. Advertising. «inserted at tbe.rnte of One Dollar r 7it /» *1"*” #f . E1 ® h ‘ Ub «*> *w U>» SMenty-4vo Craw for eseh '’“jLei,. -poyabla ta adTanco. fjuiritt' . t, advertise longer than three (8 mot C ans.i W 1W|*12 Oij'i year BO 00 12 00 20 00, 30 00 18 00 28 001 40 00 24 (XI 30 00| 60 00 SO 06 44 001 60 00 35 00 50 00| 70 00 40 00 5ft 001 75 00 45 00 65 00| 80 00 50 00 70 001 85 00 55 00 73 00 00 00 *VrKC1A 1. NOTICE. ofcanlidsles for office, $10, charged for at regular ad- * *he paid in advance. * e (liuci, of bretier, male one RLiiencnta that make orer eight linen Vitw» ii««. counted «=> »wo eqoaree. ‘ ,,1) Blr \ on their advertisements the* nidi them to occupy, 'itiua. for indi«ida*l benee,, will be n,r sosare Tor each insertion. J Provisional Cards per year $20 00. • cite, payable in advance $20 00. Ilatjal Adrcrllncmeuln. ' > ate our rate* for legal adrertisc- Ihle' per levy of eight lines or Ieaa_$S 00 I lamer Ft Fa. aalea, per levy— 5 60 CTiCiei per levy 5 00 of Ailniimsiration... -. ...*..4 00 jglgner* of 0u*rtlunMi!p.„... f ..'..i...4 00 ■^ViaiivQof dismission from Admin GEORGIA—MItekell Coast;. i Jr.. . ' ac * ,on applies to me for G'6ati*ta? ofDuiinlsaionfrom the estate of Wa. l* 1 ® **M county, deceased. " d «*“<>«>>>■ all p«r- eonn ooneerned, to he and appear at ay office with- «tey have, why said letters sh’ouldnot ^fnaHSf. Rl f * “ “J h “ d atnlnlBelal.ignaiure th'i.^ July, 1800. H. C. DASHER, Ord’y 39— July 7th, 1866. GEORGIA—Irwla Cosst;. .itogerald applies to me for letters of Drsmiasion from the Administration of the estate of Perry Fttsgerald, deceased. ..~l^®,* r S ,h ' r ! fpre 14 cil * “ d ndmonish all cou- wrned, to be and appear at my offiee within the time prescribed by law, andahow cause, if tiny they Ceorgf*; Worth County. d »' e application will be made to * 00 “,'» f° r leave l.s.ll th. appHcan? *’*'* I * Ue ” ’ '*°“ ,d *>• granted to said Given under my hand and official signature at office, this Juno dth, 1806. * June ICih, I860. • L. M. COLBEUTIl, Ordinary. GEORGIA—Irwii CoHRl.v. -r n- 11 E . RE . AS - J »t»es Pouli app'ies to me for let ters or Dismission from administration on the estate of James Boykin, late of said county, deceased. These are therefore to ci.e and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, lobe and appear at tny office within the time pre- acribetfliy law, to show cause, if any they ean, why said letters of dismission should not he granted to applicant. Giron under my hahd and official sig- nature at office. t. u ivh dwohh « ■ August 4, I860. L. M. COLBERTH, Ord.‘ • * A 43*- — ion 10.- diNtuirtion from Guar- 4 00 ...•UUad - 00 fektrthxi•'•'editor*... .............••*•4 00 UfRiyMK - h.3' 00 ipabblc property, ten day* 3 00 L ,txij day* —.5 00 ik tbove rate* will be required In ’(■untie*. IPEClAL NOTICE. fTlIIESE are to notify all and singular IheVIndred -X ®®d creditors and all others concerned, to be uud appear at jny office wUhiw th«r tW prescribed fcjp'M#? to. show cause, if any they hare, why Abel 0°a on the estate be dismissed from of David Cobh, dee’d, should net w » u.p.tu« wu n om his said trust. Given under my hand and official signature,‘July 5. 1830. July 14, 1866. JAMES W. BOUSE, Ordinary. STATE OF EEOIUilA—WortkCmiy. ^^I!ERE.\8, Wm. C. Vancy, Adtu'r with the Will annexed on tbe estate of S. W. Vancy. dcc’d, represents to the Court in his petition duly ■. . .... r. . hied and entered pn the record, that he ha* full; IfUadbr Administrators, Executors or administered 8. W. Yancy’s estate. p#m^uir«d by^law to be : hM on *ba This is. therefore, lb citr^l p»iumt concerned. JIJOBGIA; Biker Cavnlf, d «« application wHl be made emint. * B Ronor *ltl 8 Court of Ordinary of said STwi&raJF *? «n the improved latfd b«Cg. Creditors of said Eataie. ’ Oct. 20 1866 MART J. WINCHESTER, Adm'rx *60 Sell Land. A* #? *^** ,# Ul * Coave of A SftSlfiSErSs- * l the . fir ? t nafiM “*o»*ns irom tins esuSS ! lMlUBds •«>•»*<»* ‘® Ut. A..g, Whlto, deceased, lata of EdgeBeld C * rolina ' f rj h ' w b mTP*Ii h * b ' ire A. J, WHITE, Adm rz. of aatd estate. October 20, 1866 Li { piU - d «“»« d - Sold for the benefit of the hairs and creditors of said de- ceased. October. 20,18C6 PANNBT B. L1PP1TT, Adm’t GEORGIA, Worth Connty. , I **T •J*y»*R«rdate application will bo made Em J** e Ord.omry of laid county, for leave to tell DUfriot ^w“^ r (M) in the ls'h n$?t2i7£l,?S3i£ ht pr4pert3r September 22d, 186« J ' ^ UU ' L ’ d ' b0Di ‘ 0<m - Georgia, Irwin tounly. IeuH2. E r E ‘) S ’- *" P -. C,emenl * applies to me for of administration on the estate of John W. oud cr^h?, C rW d '-1 *“ J jinsnl.f, the kindred and creditors ofsaid deceased, are noiiSedlo be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by Uw, to show cause, ifany they hare, »by , X »id lei i°“ ld B . a * b « P'nt'J Oiren under my band sndofficislsignsturs of office. L. M. COLBERTH October 20th, ’6b Srtiwy Georgia, Irwla ( •■nty. ~ W 1 , IEREaS ' A - p ; Clements applies to me for letters of dismission from Guardianship of tne person and properly of Daniel Brauch. These •re therefore to cue and admonish, all and singular “J oppoav at my office within the lime pre- scribed by law, to show causo if an* they Lave. sortuea uy law, to sbow causo if an. they haye. why said letters of dismission should uot b<f granted.-^ Given under my baud and official signature. October 20,66 L. M. COLBERTH, Ordinary: Georgia, Irwla Coanly. O E0RGE YOUNG applies to me for letters of administration on the estate of R. M. Griffin. . . 7. ."•* •H.i.ivipivfiioinu nuiuoiilhu *11 and singular, to be and appear at my office with in the lime prescribed by law, to show cause, if nny r ' , . . "a, . m mis ta, uicmure,.l<l CIIVMI persons concerned, in iue Uuie prescnocu by WW. to fhna miim :r C,.Mt*aiantit. between the Ijour* of kindred and creditors, 1o show canse, if any they j ' h 'J why .aid letters should uot bo granted 7 |.»u»a .ad three^iu tho afternoon, a* can, why said Administrator should nor be dis- j c, »«“ ““dor toy hand and official signal tire* “JVi! *«T«S must h?Whms ***«.'*«*.'•'’ administration, and receive letters October 20th, 00 L. M. COLBERTH, Ord'y. Nat,.. .,f these sales must bo gt.en „ r Dismission on tho first Monday in February' S hSustefwtrd^s prejiows. next. This July lfl, I860. I' 11 ' “ b * , b * J. W. ROUSE, Ordinary., through a public gasetto ten! J n ly-|, i860. 1 ail. o sale day. % _ . * r *“ " l,,e “ USt |. OBOnOrA-DOUGIIERTf OOUXTY. “■ r . •Jitauls he made to the Court'* WliEUEAi Melrlna M. Godwin. Administratrix blkiantosell Land must he publish- «f Ihotuas <i. Godwin, represents to the Court m I , ■ IlFF Tie! It 1AII fillip nl»(l nml on I orotl nn ...n.,) t1.,,i ffcrletters of Administration, Guardian-1 j|j, c _i‘ A :ls * be pjbUwlied thirty day*—for •luiiuistercd Thomas G. Godwin’s rxioni uuiruiauvnip ivi'ijr «wja.. . , . . , , . . »l»OW CAUSe, if *nj *h®y UisrsclMttrtof Jfortgmges must be 0 ? D - wl !J “ ,d Ad "' iB l« t . r *' r '? ••■«“' d "»! »? I wathl* for four months—-for establisbiug «h»>8«d *romber Aduttnislratton and receive letters frtk. mil of three months—for ofDSmhelon on Die ttjeoed Mondey in February, >1" host Etecutor. or Administrator^ : 18 ®‘- . w - H - WILDER, Ordinary^ bee* given by the deceased,'the August 4, I860 |tf'hree momlis. : . .{h v ' ; Administrator’s Sale. B Y order or tite Court of Ordinary or Troupe county, will he sit'd on the first Tuesday in De- eetnber next, betore the Court House door io the town itfCamilla,during the usual huuia of sale. In " f . ,i *" d niter seventy-live, (7i) in the loth Dis- tnct of originally Early, now Mittdtell lorgmg to tho estate of J. J. Hendon, deceased bold for |he b ‘netii oi the heir* and creditors of said deceased. Terms made known on the day «f sale. Ori. 20, J. M. BKELAND, Atlm’t* j GEORGIA-Worth C oanly. nicmitD uuefis WHEREAS, Sarah C. 8hine and 8. P. Jones, ap- . , plies to tne for letters of dismission from adminis- & HOBBS ' tration on tho estqje of A. J. Shine, late of said hRw— 1 . county deceased. These are therefore lo cite and vlfl E Y S AT Ti A VV ■ •d n, °°*®**t »B *0^ amgular, the kindred and rrdit- i* niH( , __ r *, on of said deceased. »o be and appear at my office. tiWSl, GA. ' - I within the time prescribed by law to show cause if ! IFtf-ifeiuTViuwhefiy and Ihe surround- any they have, why said letters of dismission should ■IWm. • ** Given under my b. I860. , ROUSE;Ordinary, September 15, 1SCG, • — | wiiuiu me tiviiG yrsaui iouu uj mu ’JtiKirei* Wuigheviy and ll»e ourmund- any they have, why said letters of lbt™»».i,i :iie Superior.Court* ot flte oo. bs granted to the applicant. 7 b«ef Suto. Circuit Court at Sayan-! hand and seal, September the 1 it lo bn.ineM in Soutb-Weri J. W. UG t IniaiaeM in Soulb-Weri r, in tpecial agreemenl. . ,IS65. 33— l. r. D. wattRE*. j HT t WAJtaBW, Phneys at law, ll »UY, OA . ItAND FOR SAUS, f !* 'j 18 wverul Courts of Law and Uircnii Coat ,Bd >*• «rt»6 Coarts »r the S.ate of Georgia. ‘ H' venlu *1* purcltaae and t It. Ifihfi. * —37 ■ llAW NOTICE. ’ ‘tlwtk w pr,tli ” 1,w *»«11 tlieConrls flZ'"™' in Irwin oflheSuttlh- &«rr ick ’* n ^ ,t B*aStreet, opposite the Express ’*M>28,1S66. 2S _ ■H.V. 14-^lf HERRING’S ^ * peter^ " ^merchants tianta, ga. Mm »«f At ^KAWLTON.Adm.r WILL be sold st administrator's sale, oa the 1st Tuesday in November next, before the Court House door in Aibsny, one 1st of laud, ®umber (663) throe hundred mud sixly-tbrae, in theotWHstrict of orig inally Irwin, now Berrien coanly. Also, on the IsL Tuesday in December, wHi be , (100) oneltundred acres of land, in the third r|et of originally Monroe, now Pike county. District or origtnatiy ntouroe, now t-tw •until;,, known as tin West hsir or lot number (2i3) tttff hundred and *fl,-three, in said District. Sold: aa lb, properly of-R. L. Tomlinson, of Dougherty county, deo'd.fer lhe benefit or Ihe heirs and creditors of said deceased. -f, , GIDEON BROWN, Adm>. ’ September 15,1866. , , J .j j Administrator’s Sale. 'WILL bo sold before Ihe Court House door In the town of Camilla, MiicbcV Tuesday in December next, Lot of land hundred and seven! v-eigbt, (278) 10th district 6# said county, containluf l*<T hundred and fifty »ld as the properly of 8«r*h VeUod^ - ceased, for the bcuefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms i Perms made known on the day of sale. • JOHN HAMELTON, Adm’r. Oot 6. l6G6 : *»- CG9RGIA—Baker Coanly. TN compliance with the will of James Chance. I late of said county, deceased, will be sold berora the Court House door in said county, an the Brat Tuesday in Deccmbea nest, one thousand acres of land, in Ihe 8th district of said county, Taawau the C nance Place, two miles below Newton, on flint River. Termaunade known on thc^day Executor ef James Chance, dee'd. Oct 6.1866 UlTOTICE. til TWO months after the date of this notice I shall apply to tho Court of Ordinary of-MtloheJl county, for leave to soli lot of land number 3*-,, and17- aores off the west side of lot number.64^.tall tn 1 111. district of Mitohell county, as 'bo p.-oporfy of Wt B, Ford, late of sai.1 county, c d EBr ^ Oct 6, 1866 52 Georgia, IHMefcell dMras^frrhorabr A 17^"'utVof aald county deceased, are nereoy .~t >n’.cttle the same without delay, and those noufied to settle the c*"** _:n nreeent them 5M! n A.K , lLd , eiSd U, wIthDt the time _ pcisoribed by duly authenlioat^d wl'L- ^ thejr uot let viti — ..... -.^v* aa— law, or this eo very No*. JOHN HAMILTON, Adtar. Eaceoutor’s Sale. A GREEADLK tosn order front the Court of Or- t ohtary in ami f«,r the county of Dougherty, will be auid bf lore the Court House dotr in Albany, on tlie firs' 1 ureday 11 December next, wilhin the ‘egal hours of sale, lot ol laud nun,Iter three hundred and eighty-eight, (388) in said county. Sold as Ihe prop erly ol tile estate of Adatn Brinson and Mathew* Brin* son, late of said euiiuiy deceased. Sold for a divis ion, slid lor the benefit of said estates. F. G. HODGES, Bxer'r of Adam Brinson. • N. P. BRINSON Exeu'r of Mathew Jrintton. Albany, Orl.beriO, 1866 do*' Administrator’s Sale. GEORGIA—Worth County. B Y virtue of an order granted bylbe Honorable c — ' - *• _ Court of Orainary of said connty. will be sold »* public out-cry between usual hours of eale, before Ihe Court Housedog in ihe town oflsnbclla, on the first Tuesday in December next, lot of land uumber three hundred snd twenty-five. (825) in the seventh (7th) district of saul county, known os the Residence Property of the late George Green. Sate made for the payment of debts, and the property sold subject to Widow's Dower. Terms on the day of sale. SESSOM8 FAIKCLOTH, Adm’r Oct G, 1806 *•» 52— (sfiOfUifl—Mitchell C’oQBly. S IXTY esys after dote application will be made to the Court of Ordinary ofsaid eouaty. Cor leave to sell 175 acres of lot of land number 381; also 90 seres of lot number 382, also 125 acres of lot uumber 358, all improved, and lying in the 11th T-taira interest in district of said codot j. Also, one- three houses and lota in the town of Bainbridge, known as thehonses and lots formerly belonging to Stephen Swain, deceased. Sold as the property of Nathan Msbleo;deceased, for benefit of heirs «nd creditors. ISRAEL MAPLES. Adm’r Get 6,1866 52- «R*BCM—9Htcbe!l Corn;. A LL persons indaidoAtoNathan Maples, dcc’d, /\ are hereby ^notified to com# forward and make payment—and (hose having claims against said de ceased, are 1 requested to present them in terms of tha law. ISRAEL MAPLES, Adm* Oct 6,1806 62— NOTICE. TWO months after dote application will bo made of Mitchell county,' fof ta Hie Court of Ordinaiy^.... _ Wf ... leave io sell all the lands belonging io the estate of D. A. Bostick, deceased. JESSE POLLUCK, Adm’r. Oct C, 18C6 52— bEORGIA-Vitchcll Cotftdf. Q N the first Monday in November next Simeon Beck will apply to the Court of Ordinary of earn county for letters of Guardianship of ihe mi nor children, orphans of Thomas Cumbie, deceased. H. C. DASHER, Ordinary. Oct 6, 1866 52— UeORCIA-Worth Connty. S IXTY days after date hereof application will b. made to the Ordinary of said county for leave lo toll all the real estate of James Nolce, deceased, for tho benefit of th. heirs and erediters of said deceased. G. V WHITEF1ELD Adm r of Jame* Nolea, dee'd. 0.16,-1866 6-- GEORGIA, Dongberty County. Speoial Bailiffs Sale. WILL be lold before Ike Conn House door in lie citj of Albany Georgia, on tho first Tuesday ia De cember next, between the usual hours of sale, tho following property to-wit: Three (3) mules—a bar, *™*“' “<•“» colored one—one bay hone, one bay mare, and one Jour horse wagon. Levied on as the property of John Roe, by virtue of a fi fa Usaed from the County Court of said county. Henry Fe ^MmnietA, w. said John Roe. Property pointed 2 ° B A b 7 Attornoy. JA^. WfitYO, Oot. 18th. ’66 Special Bailiff D. C. Ge*rgla,»orlfcl’onnty. 1 J*““•“’ William G. Lavender applies to me for eUeraof Adtmniatration, with the will ennexed. on the estate of John Long, pfsaid county deceased.— These are therefore to notify all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to bo and eppear at my office within the time prescribed by Uw, to show cause if any they hare, why said letters should not be granted to the applicant. Given un- “ aI "l ad3 official signature, this 0. tober 20, V .. JAMES W. ROUSE. Ord'y Norember 3d, 1866 * j Georgia, Mitchell County. ■ • J fTUHRTY Days after date I will proceed to ep- 1 x point an administrator with tho will annexed, on the estate of James Patillo, late of said county, anu all person* are hereby notified to file their ob- .lections, irony they have,'in my office, as the law direcla. Given under my hand offioUlly. thU Nor. 8 'k 1*86. H. C. DASHER, Nor. 10, 1866. Ordinary. G LORGVA—MUcliell ionnty. the first Monday In January next C. C. and Wm. Lawrence, Administrators on estate of ATieu Lawrence, Uleofaaid county, deceased, will apply to the Court of Ordinary for leave to sell sill, the real estate belonging tosaid estate. JOHN W. PEARCE, Cl’k Court Ordinary. Oet 6, 1806 go— Georgia, Irwin Connty. WHEREAS. D. J. Fenn, applies to me for letters of dismission from administration oa the estate of Willis J. Bane, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish, all and singular, the heirs and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, ifany they hare, why said Willis J. Bane should not be reliered from said administration. Given under my hand and official signature at office. L. M. COLBERTH, Ordinary. October 20th C6 Pastponrd Administrator's Sale. TTNDER an order of the Court of Ordinary of qJ Worth coumy, will he sold at the Court House in Isabella, on il»e first Tuesdry iu December next, the land belonging to the estate*of Wm. F. Wellons, late of said conruty, deceased, it being 166 acres; the balance of lot number 159 in 1 he 14th district; the Widow’s D<)wer having been laid off on the norih side of said lot. Sold for ihe benefit of the heirs and creditors of said estate. JOEL JOINER, Adm’r of Wm. F. Wellons. Oct C, 1866. 52 - Georgia,’Dougherty County. WHEREAS, John F. Burney, of the* county of Twiggs, in said Slate, applies lo me for letters of administration dc bonis non, on ihe estate of Amos Ball late of Dougherty county deceased. These are therefore to eite and admonish, all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceas ed, to heitnd appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show causo, if any they have, why said letters should not bo grauted. Given un der my hand and official signature at office, in Al> bany, 7lh November, 1866, W. If. WILDER, -.‘AovlO * Ordinary Georgia, Doughrrty County. WHEREAS, John R. Hill applies tome for letters of administration on. the estate of John H. Dauforth la ; e of said county, deceased* These are therefore to cite and admonish, all and •ingular, the kindred and creditor* ofsaid deceas ed, to be and appear at my office within the time pre scribed by law, to show cause ifany they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my band and official signature at office, in Albant, November 7th, 1866. W. H. WILDER, n#vl9 F * u Ordinary. ^ Administrator’s Sale. T)Y tirtua of 'an order of the Court of Ordinary if of Decotnr comity, will be sold on the first Tuesday in December next, before the Court House door in tho city of Albany, Dougherty county, with* in the legal hours of sale, the following city lots in Ihe city of Albany, Dougherty county, to-wit :— Loti numbers eighteen, (18) twenty (20) and eleven (11) on Flint Street, numbers thirteen (13) and fif teen (15) on Society Street, and a part or number eight (8) pn Broad Street. Sold as the property of Robert J,.Norton, deceased, for'the benefit of the creditors." Terms os day of sale. M. H. NORTON, Adra’r. October 6th, 1866. 62-40d Georgia, Niicbell Coanly. . A LL persons indebted to the estate of Alexander D. Puckett, late of said county, are hereby notified to settletVe same without delay, and those, having claims against said estate will present them ' duly authenticated within the fitpe prescribed by law, or thirnotice wilt be placed in bar of tbeir re covevy. nov 8 LYDIA A PUCKETT, Admr’x Georgia. Dougherty County. WHEREAS. F. K. Lewi, applies to me for loiters of admistration on the estate of Alexander Herring- • ton, l«n ofsaid coanly deceased. Thera are therefore lo cile aud admonish, all aud singular, the kindred und ereditoraof euiddeceased to,he and unpear at mj offiee, wilhin Ihe lime pre scribed by law, to show, cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given un der my bend and official signature, at office in Al bany, 7th November, 1806. W. 11. WILDER, nov 10 * . , Ordinary. Notice to Debtors and Credrs Georgia, Worth County. A LL persons indebted to the estate of Alex. S. Lippitt, late of Worih county deceased, are no tified to come forward and make immediate settle ment, and those having claims against said estate will, present them in 1evms of llie law, or they will be barred. EANNKY E. LIPPITT, Adm’rx. nov 10 40d Notice to Debtors and Creditors, A LL persons indebted lo Ihe estate of E. H. Ilie- xY nan, deceased, are notified that they must set- lie ihe same immediately—aud all persons having cliama against said estate must present them wilhin the time prescribed by Uw, or they will be barred JOHN F. CARGILE, - • Adra’r estate B. H. Hicnan,dco'd- PBISON LIFE OF JEFFERSON DAVIS—By Dr. EtSTERS FOLLY—By Mra. Henry Wood. LAND AT LAST—By Edmund Yates. GUY DEVERELL—By J. S. Le Fann. UUi DEVERELL—By J. S. Lb Fann. LIVINGSTONS EXPLORATIONS TO THE NEW GRANADA—By Prof. Holton. LIFE OF “STONEWALL” JACKSON—By John THE WAR OF.THE REBELLION—By H. S. Just rooelved aud for sale by X. XL August 4th, 1866. WELCH & OO. TTOTXOTsTS! RIT1NG DESKS, Work Boxes, Dressing Cases, Elui Cases, Card cases, Traveling Satchels, Musical Instruments SWOT "mj* OOD Slock always on hand, aud any Music or jr Instrument ordered for customers. Oct 13, ’66, L. E. WELCH & CO, BLANK BOOKS ! • EDGERS, Journals, Day Books, Records, Time J Books, Letter Books, Copy Books, Pass, Memo idums and Dairies, &c , Any style Blank de to order. L. E. WELCH & CO. SCHOOL BOOKS! Large Stock, embracing all the Text Book used in ibis section. L. E. 11ELCH & CC. WAE,BTHTBD 1 OLD and SILVER WATCHES, Gold Chains, r Keys and Charms, Diamond Rings, Gold Set SEWING MACHINES, A T Manufactures prices—simply freight added, at Albany Book Store. STANDARD, Miscellaneous Books, and New J Books of the Day—always on hand. Any Book L E WELCH & CO E have succeeded in obtaining the-services of An Experienced and Reliable Jeweler, am prepared to receive Watches and Jewelry Repairs. Wo hold ourselves responsible for Oct x3, 1866 L. E. WELCH & CO. ROSS & AMOS, —JOHN L. JONES' OLD STAND— DEALERS IN CItOTHIlTG Gents’' Furnishing Goods. Traabs, Valises, Satchels, Umbrellas, DRIED FRUIT! WILL PAY THE HIGHEST PRICE FOR DRIED PEACHES, pealed and unpealed. J. N. SEYMOUR, Nov 10 8t Cherry St reel. *•* X. B. BB2CUS’ (Late of Columbus, Georgia.) HULL & BRIGGS, .OX S2T £E> HO. ft, AAOTJSxSr STREET. N E\V ORljE AN S* Louisiana. September 29, 1806. • » VNIVHJ) e C A B B A. G E S. OUNTRY DEALERS wonting any of the above, will find it to their advante^ to^rderfrom me ■ill tnhlra ,8 a ituai.lilw a# ' t r HHiiiig-umw arrangements to get those good, selected tor me ia the North and West. Ad dress your orders, with cash enclosed, or city refer- ' *“ *■ HENRY .HORNE, Macon. Ga. notice; Feed, Sale and Livery Stable, Just Opened, Corner of. Ilroad Come, sweet one, and sit beside mo. • While I tell thee of my love \ \ See^ the queen of night is shining i f From her azure realm above. Thou, too, art a sovereign, dearest; In this heart thou riirst alone: Thine is all my lift’s 4evotion, All jny. ardent lore thine own. - Would that for thy sweet acceptance '• : I could bring a gift-more meet; , Wete I monarch, gladly would I Lay my kingdom at thy feet. f " . Countless goluand dazzling jewels, W ere these rich possessions mine. Would for tne have little value, Save that I could mal;e them thine. Dearer far than monarches sceptre Is this little hand I hold; And 1 prize each sunny ringlet • More than countless hoards of gold. - Bnghter far than dazzling jewels Is each sparkle of thine eye; Radiant, mirthful, soft, aud tender, Blue as yonder azure sky. Look up, sweet one, dost thou love mo t *hy whole heart ? Tell me dear. Ah! I fain would have repeated Words it thrills my heart to hear. Bless thee for tho s weet assurance That thou lo vest me alone; And Uiy heart, that priceless treasure, ■ Is forevermore mine own. r Years have passed since first I loved thee Li And thy cheek is faded now; Gray are ti e bright curls which clustered Lovingly around thy brow; • '• ejittle hand which rested And tho 1..... Timidly mine own .within, ' Softly its fond clasp returning, Now ifc faded, worn, and thin, From thine eyes the l a diant brightness Long ere this has passed away; But the love-light shines as fondly As upon our bridal dav. For each rose that time lias stolen From thy check so pale ane. worn, In my heart a holier reverence, , Deeper love for thee was born. Days ot sorrow, nights of watching, Dimmed the brightness of thine eyes; And a tale of love and patience In each thread of silver lies. ! Oft this little baud has rested. .. Lovingly upon my brow; Sott its touch of old, but goiter 1 ’ , Seems its tender pressure now. Dear to me the bonnie maided, Changeful as an April day, Who, with all hor witching graces, ’ Stole my youthful heart away I . * Dear the tender girl who softly . Vowed to love me all her life;’ )earmy' " “ ' *■ Fartfi Dear my blushing j)ride, bat deafer than all, my gentle wife* l CURING PORK AND RAILS. A correspondent ofthe American Fanner. Rochester, says: < The management ofpork and hams,though brought under tho same- head, is asscntially and wholly different. • We will begin in the very important item of curing hams. A bright, sweet-flavored ham may at all times bo obtained with a little care. JVei<*h six teen pounds of ham to one pound of salt and one ounce Of saltpetre finely pulverized: rub' them with this in some vessel until wel l in corporated; then lay these hams on a shelf; or if convenient, in a barrel, placing on them the surplus salt; in a few days rub again, and if necessary again, until they have taken in all the salt, when they are ready for smok ing, which should be done before flies make their appearance in the spring, and until they are quite dark, or almost black, when they must be taken down, and sowed liu in. dose-fitting cloth or bag, with a piper II n I oft anvural • . .1 _ . ft®- doubled several thicknesssts on the fllesh * ® “•» *«e closely, hang no and rive r two or three coats of whitewash. They may then hang in the £a Tet-nirsummer, or in any dry place. By observing this method . they ean lte kept any length of t'me, unless they prove so excellent - that you eat them very soon; li'ougli derived from the same ani mal, is of an entirely diftcrent taste, and re- quircs^dtffcrent manageinei.t. In these days . of double ronnetnent, it will be thought Quite: vtiltrnr. \rn snnnncft rA I - . 1—-v ~v vaawuiIMV MIUIU-. suppose,, to give much attention. Jackson S troet*. «. ALBANY, (rEORGIA. Stock Boarded, and Sold on Commission. By GARDNER A KIKKMAN. Sept 15, 1866 . mu WOOL, WOOL! AM STILL BUYING vmvms. Of O OL, and paying J. N. SEYMOUR, curing of pork, and csfteeially to ad vocate the eating of it. But where istheroa family in the days of flies and heat, who do not turn with disgust from'all kinds of fresh meat and open with pride a well kept and well filled pork barrel and if any meat is re quired,prefer it from these ? Slay, say not that may do fof fanners. We once knew a • very delicate invalid—a young lady—for * , whom kindness and .lore' had gleaned from almost every quarter ofthe globe that which would strenghen and invigorate the appetite hut was only at the lust refreshed from tiiis Fource, when all others had proved unavail ing. Broiled and prepared in a peculiar manner by dipping in water, it becomes a verv delicate dish. The manner of curing j»ork is very simple—alav<?r of pork and a layer ot salt, (coarse is the b ' brine (that will luiar an <;< .barrcL The pld brine mn _ scummed, and when eool fi: It is of importance that ’ turned oft*in the spr weather—as it will beec —boiled and replaced. Five oreix thousand boxes ed to Liverpool have been United States, the prices on