The Albany patriot. (Albany, Ga.) 1845-1866, December 15, 1866, Image 3

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AMiAW S-aiCE CtlUMOWT. i l'loury per bnrri'l, I Corn, iif-rljusUt-l, -■ | Corn Moal “....- g, I Cow Peis, .' .. »Cronin! Pea . per buun-l,. - | !!:ico.n, per- pound Irani, " bv tfm barrel,. ^•uButter, , ' .... ;A - . A. , Beeswax,"..;. -Soap,U’urnoutiiie,-per ii, is- S.ik, Liverpool, ptr sack Se- ' : SBgaivkrpv.-ii,. per H,• 51The.Radicals’ May Howl IT . V BUT THAT WILL NOT PREVENT 1 - MEG-RATE, PATTERSON & CO. . - T7VROM offering to the people of * South-Western Jjj Georgia their Fall Stock of - - Staple and--Fancy. Groceries, .l] : ; INQUEST & MALLORY’S IC.Ol) J .a--'Cni 1.50 {BaBHMap| i-2551 1.30 ■ 1.00 •J«:S no • . 1<A i* - - yOiV/, 35 10] I .yiCA:;:: BUlLWXt;. LOTTOS AVJ-.NTE, . MAOOV. KEOitGIA. CHEAPEST Or A3LX.SS.>r ITT the- CITY. S.5Lu---"’-V'.‘'hn];''-VY. I Call and examine our Ale- Vc? : j gant C a rtb' Tin Yrsir x? . ^“‘55,■*. * - - J softly toil' I , : . ..v- A - ' . i A'- ‘ • delecately tinted Foco - -Ay.' :*•&''' : MIXES, and those-pre«tv AVk ' * -A- - A- y little Gem Photograph s The- latter only $2, CO i cm - • ; ? *.' * (lcjten. Strangers visiting tlie'city can have Photograph* • .finished yr time forth* evening train,: fey culling at the Gallery it any time before 11 o'clock,' a. M... l*o’t jcuUir. a{ t ent ion given* to copy ing and enlarg ing Pictures. . Copies sept by mail or Express, wiU receive prompt liftefttion. Life-size Portraits, olc- > gautly colored, $76'. -A * 4. .Mr .LvxijrEST. '' .:. : Lrk Mallobt. . September'15, 18GG' Cm - Fine Liquors and choice Wines, etc. It consists in p^iislollows: 50 this A, Band C, Crushed and Powder’d Sugars 2 hh(Island 5 bbls Muscovado Sugars, it*.-slicks lilo Coffee. Vf A ’-*$ •• Java-Coffee '. . r and oG Sacks and half sacks Flour. ‘ .'v • felOa G«baMolasses., -^.‘ v •; . v ‘-.5 bbis Sugar House Syrup, > Hams. IUf£ V .Mew Mackerel, in barrels, halt* barrels, quarter Vrois>udkit f: • • In Fine Groceries, our Stock cannot be.excelled. The artiqleS arc fpo numerous' to mention—but of the^very- best quality, and at'the Very Lowest a We offtq\Tcn Bar ek of Georgia Corn Whi«kcy,ftt .$‘2,50 to $2.75 per g-iliyn. and good Bourbon at §2,25 ty §2,50; and prime lJourbon for §.*» to §-t. We also offer a 1 irg< stoe*.: of .* iriiie \Vir«5«^ and Iiljciiiorsf'Sly and as wc buy"and sell only ryn CASIi, wo otfcv BARGAINS. Megrath; Patterson & Go. JONES & 50© 1.75 ,H@ 15 UJ© 1% S5© loo ' Z&(a$ 80 35©" .- 40 40@ 00. 75 tu .1.00' ; 32@83 Uhoesc. TJaMlA,...-" C.m-'llcf, sjioi-m. por jt>, OsnaliurgH, i>yr.v uY- SUoetiojr,.J* 1 .. ;... Patfc<oe» v e. 55e;Xai-s, jtorjthbimnjt,, Stvnip, cant, pcr'jM&oi Whiskey, •. .’Jrasulv; “.... iViut-sA,. *"..., \'ir-<-_ru-. - 1 - -Cira' <111, ;*. .... : Effys,-4wr,(ttopn,. j WYkViiiT^j.Ti tin CwHi Jt. in i- . 'j v'r;wktrs,.‘- , Piv-V.fS, JHT piV, I C.uulL'fe, pur !i‘, 1 C<ftn T'nilt?*, cat’h...... | Oysters. (':>yt', pJr L. S. : S-TR'S: xci^rKNrpa j'OFiJUOGIl :.v.ninoui;Ce ihfi rianvo of Col. i i i city as V candidate lor 1 hu * I’.pci ier'-C<ntrt',of the •A. 1'ieu.icij iii-January next. H AVF/ J US-T RECKIYK’D a LAUGH, Complete and beautiful assortment of ' - LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, SILKS, MBRIXOBS-, WOOL DeLANES, BM-; PRESS CLOTH, E3HlU.t)IDERlES, LACES, RIHONS, HATii. AU T FFIB IAl ’ ' ELOVVERS. ’ r,oNNi-rrs ane Hoods, -. | HOSIERY A N D S H O E S, i DRESS TRIMMINGS—a it oololis, i AND OF EVERY DESORlin lONSi , | Balmoral and Hoop Skirts, i. . <S$o., S?g., jSsO r . • A General Assortuifcut of % ;; , - | Boots, Skoos, Hats and Caps, KEABY MADE CLOTHING. • A —Gent’s r'urjlishin" CJooils,- - Fine Cloths and Cassimeres, SHIRTS, COLLARS AND CRAVATS/ Together with "everything usually; kept ia A first* ? j class Dry Goods and Clothing Kstkhlishtnegt aH of. ! which 1 will sell at Savannah C.\sif’ Prices. | s§f*'G ire me a Call, and I will'guarantee satis- 'OP JUDOB. . anaount o'the namp.of Ifoii. :rou?h, os a oundidato for the * U-west -rnX’irowlt,; Elec- . Nwv *4 :■ -.1ido • TTTQULD Itcs^cetfn’ly. inform his. friends,*-gad Yy ' the.citizens of Albany and surrounding4ioun- T 1 try, that he has just-returned from New York i with a choice selection of the ' • Finest Gold and Silver Watches, TCuvi.rss CiiaoxoMKTKEsi, the most- accurate andj perfect timekeeper,- nindo^or the Pocket. j Levis'\uid H. .-'zeniv\ by the best Ameri-. can, English $r,d Curopt an’-Mariafiletureis. ELEGANT JEI^SLKy, .. ' j i Ladies aad Gcnfs* Khic Gold (bains.! I Signet and Gem Rings. Pin?, Sleeve-STuds and ; I Buttons, Brooches. Seal;, Iveys, and . ] 1M a s o n i o E m blems. i A\ r edcling- 11 i ri a - s , ' COLD AND SILVER THIMBLES. ! Saptrior Gold Pens wilk Diamaui! Points, Silver auii i’lateil Wr.rc. :-l Wo.-i5nI.i>lKS’ sii r orl*r,-Hret doss J ti ill e i* y, Desert Sets, Razors, Scissors, Pcxfkct IMPORTANT to the TRADE, 3. H.v-AN1)KIU0N 4 I0UJ8 iV AMVKRSON r ,' Ji X. WALK**. RE M O V .A h- J. H. ANDERSON & SON, Grocers and .GommissionMerch’ts AL i a e o n, .G - a - > XTAVC removed -from their eld stand'to tbeir I 1 "NivW^TOItEon PopIar;htrcet,(between Second the name of N. a cutidtd'Ke for e .Soutit-Western 20 to 25 -10 to 2.00 WE ARE JUST- RECEIVING AND OPENING OUR STOCK OF Dec 1,’ tdor^^Kl l«uiuoriztu] to an- «»ilN (’. R.;THbT»F(UU), j uid.ida'e ' for, h A.icitor aud.Third stycets, where* they keep constantly. on* hand rt large and.cotnplelb stOckiof - GROCERIES, * PROVISIONS,, andPLA-NTATCON SPPPLIESv A K Ag\.r.ts~for Pratt's COTTOlUGINS, abd IRON TJES’—BAGGING aud HOPE, alwnymon tiond. --- We solicit con-signmentsofP;oduoe. and Cotton,, i and are prepared to receive; sell. Cotton far I Planters. Cornmi^ssfoh or StoragCi bCt.-cents'per bale—Selliug 1-J per cent-. ' A. . j Macon, Sept 15, Ifbli). ' -•» ' -A:-.*: 3til }i \vu iidgnd L. EUMCNDSONL 3. LAWTON*, LAWTOX, Wri hig and Drcs-iug Cases, Wallet3,-Pocket Books, Toilet Setr, Combs, Prnsnes. , &c. Warrant’d G.-nuine Meerschaum Fl;ies fi: Stem? Walking Caues,. &C., ^c. Musical Instruments, .. Ghiiiavs, Vi*.‘Iirf.«, Lanins, Plules, Accordions, and .M.USXG BOXES. BrownHouse Stre&ty ' Maco n, Georgia. «T HOLES,U.a.DBAtiiut -in 'EagglngTRop*. : • ..Jl-J ivfa Lc r of i'cifniTivi-y, .um.s, C»:l ;-.’rii«r: Jiu-fs will C‘H;dilc ,.i t!i.»c wlio will JCNESBOEG, GEO VY Corn,; Hay, Oats, Bacon, Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Leather,’ Mackerel, &c„ &c. . Having rentqvwl tQ^aur ConiuiqcUous ^Sloire on. Fourth st reef, -.and having ample/storage room, we have concluded to accept Consignments of Cotton, B.ioon, Flotir, fee., &c., in bulk. Cash. otder8 promptly attendedfo. a LawtoK,' Lawtos.& Co.. . 1 1 r\* ' *■ ' - . !.in , - - I1DI3TIKCT COPY practical ih; {-lecrgia.- unply ettppSed. Wj Imve h!>o k splendid stuck < ENGLISH, FRKNCil AM) AMERICAS :assimhres and broadcloths. uorm »1 Macon,NepL 15> 13(56. D.u {’-asiejto €om»n' Two 22ma«l 2><tl SAM’x. r. 11KLL, CEO. W. WYLKV. HCNRrn. cffKISTli-X BELL, WILEY & CHRISTIAN,. 1 OTT f N' J 'A exo ns f A^STIS) '. . -:A;: ,-;;. : .. General Commission Merchants, .&NHAK, OSOB6IA, 8 ^ BRCIAL Attention given to orders frr purchase. of all discripUans of Produce ahd Merchandise, aud liberul advances made on consignments to up, ov friends, in Boston, NfcwYbrk, .Philadelphia, Bal- itR isit i.,r.^i$zs:H and lie.'jfiitutor h} r!;---uio; - ;h* ;iiionninn, .*»»<•* S ‘ . 'it* Cviirbu matyiiitMby i \\T - A .i ll Am - \v":V.!_ \\ '$*$ V. orM. 1 j Utl of -.Jewel Byxe - »il by a»v wjii'.-h hasT viu* f’ c . r ^ ' l ! IS NOW UNDERWAY.AT COTS AND SHOES J. I. SEYMOUR vorih UK‘- Their jloabl ^sUvriif iippidr in bm* uc^t iv-; •r ‘uV to* fr(Vl liut till' unsn^fKtss^d by ,v y Ih. E ENE>V x4*<5- tender of their Services to die Plain- tors of .Georgia, and the Public generally, as Ware House. and. Commission .Merchants, and arc prepared‘to receive, store, and sell Cottcn, or othcr efitrosted to their earn * >Ve flatter ourseb '3 that an experience of thirty years in the .business will enable us'to give entire. satisfaction to those whoLCtitrust their business in our banns.- >. In the sale of 0 itlon, especially, our knowledge of the markets, :uid, piirticularty of those who wi»h to purchase, aud the quality and grades of .cotton desired, by them, will ehhblo us to sell cotton on uiore advantageous terms than the producer can—r tlms securing to-him th^ higlieat market price at ‘ the time of sale: » ' i.I0EH\L ADVANCES wade o’n Cation, iaStoro*.. Our efforts will be to please ihoso who po|roniza ns, and our'reference is to planters from, every, sec tion of tire Sfate. Avhose interest we have for yeara struggled to maintain and promote. .; Oct i£i!r.60 -8mT A;' ,. BROAD STREEt", - - ALBASV, GEO. S. hi r l? i t A. U S. A!;^.-.y,.0slol:;-.-.27,lSC , 'i • lfc«8tl/ Men’s and Boys’ Fiats, ;h«oM everyth i.i ii»>t l»e f‘«»r \viihrof leenlle.l bsyali.d . ofl!u* .tliv-so h i mi t.iviIy, a» vojys,- ayl* biteitJ bn by :Gi>y p ^si'bk': BOOT AnO mi MANUFACTORY, Hew Stock of Hp SroceHes- CHEAP FOR .CASH l tiu is row R Reviving a Stipiity if ester n 7*r o.nkv GeutK'tnuiB^fluo B Shoes, Co! of the linest Fretalr Calf-skrn—also, Muvocco oh‘or Lad fJ’nCary liYc are now prepared to do - • AND GENERAL GROCERIES ' 10 J’JJlC.VSt.lio* OH iir.,L.M-o.••.iu!.-.nliy rm-:vi»j. »«J Lc,!. -,l ttwTlTamUy G-rocerioi*?, • « y 1 - I'.trhijjlt they ><yl so «*ur pubiic at as r •••. -r i *y.can, r!!a,r ^ c j::, N‘l" ; ;i • .v,-i ,.f 'be Ibii \ y :«•■•.v- : •abl . T’.'ie'ChlLa: J/Fjonr. Gugv.T.Coff'.v. Butr. i.2. 5 Jiijis, K-n.iti.:. Prc.-?r«-I m • - 1: . . , ' .-iMs.aud Sa»»KUis‘Tobisfco. 1 ‘K- 1 - 1 - Jills i blsfl,.Mil.Is.. AIs.i, -lUfie, r,r..i 4J nils-.; ihF BaUlc. IisitiJL v. it!: :T-' l**« Rbsw. Aral il^c. A ; c aad-Tfitc.-: DaoU.-t*: | IFt#,V:n-c! *»J inaiiy urric'-ca to/. au:nii;'« me.' '-.I - .lAliM.iFS!- m'.ivlicl j'-'-c will Vop'ii'* r,„- nUOiidi '“it-. •of’C'ML'JTUV I'lHiDUCB." ciil.criii CASH or tanrr Ill'll - Ritr'-dUy Ni-: < 1-.V ti tutiJs-iriil tint, it iKu.tleu.;. ..■'nil ' i..tUri?ttU<l«-t W S iv.: tt.a«..« trf-.rr ^roo;....-, 4 >r«.n\P. *h.: - ,*.!•*.• 'A?E*»}r, •&<»• -V' '* aoi nc opposite to up stairs 7n M Jenniogs’ ofijy Albany. Oft. HENRY HORNE; . GO, •; HOjtNB’S BLOCK, an EUR V STREET:,..:. MACON, GA. FFKRS for A‘d«* at Luwcst Muccw. Prices, fpr f CASK,. ■FV.surUd brands, Sheet iiKj, He also keeps (in hand Bagging, Rope, and Twine, naiuj,•'•■■ - A'-; • • fOSACCO.. • ' - - C10AJ13,. -i< - 'LOWLLARfVS -ssorT-: si.'Otou t-.j-.a macaboy. HSOKI-Sq TOHA|',tX) F( Jjrlills ) . Li-jnors, in Barrels aud-’ Cases, Y 0 R K t'dncy-ilahi.*; Beef Tonjpu-s. A. U O. Cr.i'hvd r.r.fl Powdered Sugar. Pow JjUbl and t*ap^, Flour, ait grudti t’’r»ck-wg*s..hiiHt*. Cigars of all g,*a-lf*s, Sffickr>g. To-; a $30 tied 100 lha. B'uF F:sh, 150 barrels Sugars, Assorted. 50 j boxes Tchncco. all gradea and, quahfi iceo r C> _ aud ^aij, <ca«veX Cod FM» * blu« Fiah, White done. Matches, Soaps, ei,TT;jyjng thirds; Spices. A.T THIS OFFICE, 7-> ki'^s hud;>, 75 boxes bv.g.s Shot,' 75 k's-oo—1—-.I-2 S 50 Clips-, 73 I.eA5;0, 7,8,10,.13,‘ It »tiil t ntingn, iliibberCfiilntj,- ; : v 40 Irixes Oliccsc, , ' anbt'sri itefring-v 40 d':i. sctvfs,-- • I;.'.. . •to rl.-zlfreoron, , - - . $nWpp». hnod Sii.-ftt*. Cindy, SiSdfepy SiSicfi, SS-.Vjts,;l'<;a, . ' df.iciei-s, Pina AppL-s in citfiej - ‘ Raifitti, indigo, SUdjcii C»,n-..- '»i! in m 'v Cues L'-.-jnoiv, •%* '-;fA ..^lers .-trj r.i^Kjjti'c!!j-> ! <’ja#-!*?- to-?.?* A#w|^«A-i,l wb '.-.-Ml nyj-c.jyo ! : .tttfrcM to cxnt.i*.:4 onr gt-odo snJ j.ncts. tin* tqdiT.niv of tbuT C'.>:*!.jress siipuUlT /t;ui ^ovcmbTetir. of JyH a . laypJ I«jiTiD'»r7al..[/ strong, force of tad net: ^ I pul up yc*uV purchvae!! Macon.sticli Candy,-Northern stick caudy, French ' ployed additional htlp. slick candy, Gmo drops. Liquor tlc.-jvs. Cake Tri . CT ji,.Cucoanuta t Almomls, Pe3-in:s‘, Bratil Ny Tflbcifv, Fig.-, iCitron. Currants,- Raising, Engl Diokk-s, Amcrirau Pickles,.fellies ainfe’Prcser-ves mtm.-& YQUK 'OX I r acTors ; - Afex ! Commission Merchants.; With Neatness and Dispatch ' 1 ar.iuiiLy \vit!i ti'.L iel>i ■ll!"--i)l'i^ 1 .;;s,-CX!H-U«SCiV :i^ |' • i -mii -4l-:i "j,iitvitlo for ;i {| ! I'-M-M ini L-.i- i- i.f' ■ :jj,) r o;ivv;’.LO <*..«- i. ; • >11 ■ .1:, i: i i v f watahg^gH ■-t-vl .‘Al-.lti-. Macon, 0dt:li7,‘ Dd. Sat, 2^sw* toxik ; > to ^.t-s ,1, «M«..-&0.;-*cAtupl its — of ovtrT'DMcripiion. SP — - hirabus,-Gs., tip. Apia Fa 4 r^lilK “FLOYD PLACE,inJhe First P- X BisiVlctof Lee county, will be rented , to the highest bidder>ht the Court House I in* Stnrkville, oji the fi^st v Tue$day‘in De- .. I ceiuber next.- The place contains more • j LurxUucd ncreaopfn Iniwly lri a good state ’ I.-.::, !. I' not The Best'Land, in Lee- county, • i A cottiforinblc dwelling, good gin house, gin aud • scvMr. and is as well watered as -oould be desired. ,i .yd teal estate yiU hi required. I am aut'iiofiteu _ : state that seed corn, cettcn scf.l, and .stock jvC .Castnibntf VIo. I'va’idv, Atifsf- qiiaUty. America brandy, Holland-Gio,'American Gig. CaUvrt }Vhi: key pCISb*, very fLic: <d 1 b’^urht a ^»u;-ke\; Tii n :: loosa whiskey, vhtAv^ciX; ikirtt^r Jfb«^ r j I cheap !-•. ; ^" ’ / -:Pruits. «ttd-^sctabiesi: j Tiafaoh- ,0ran|agA..-.Sojt ^grtr Ap^cg; AVlrtievn .-Vpj>l< fejT T^» ■ feofeio 18 tL^®b n tf^n\TXr o ..£ A : • -V a g- .v persi.i sek e Ufeg-inj; Fruit a T n»4,y*yg. A;i :AA\‘ : -;vr AA: m.I'A. " ■.iUst rrsfi!--nairtt Ss!'.-J-fa;b Ttrr. than c- Young,'* li'DiiUbni y n fc tv. Steggstsuw.-rfd iJm’ ‘ ‘* a TitvVi jiWi t " r H’v'' 5 ’ , 'T'. Vlb "^ for