The American union. (Griffin, Ga.) 1848-186?, February 02, 1854, Image 3

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Conr**-*** “ and £?T* , iu tltw House of Representaiives, on the 17tli • Mt & debate sprung ip iu Committee us tut Whole, on the Defieiemry bill, when the relative merits of the New York Hard* and Softs Were discussed in the Mowing strain. We copy from the Baltimore American : jjr. WaWi (Mike Walsh,) said that on a for mer occasion he came forward oil the stage to re ply to some remarks made on the floor hikl then announced, when the time arrived for the Demo cracy of New York to speak in their own vindi cation, that yoice would he honid in language which the meanest and dullest understanding would -not willingly understand.... . When he used the word Democracy, he of outse intended it as alone referring to that no- Lie, chivalrous and self-sacrificing party, winch, whether in the tide of victory, or iu the plenitude of power, or in defeat, has ever sustained and preserved the Constitution in its purity and un shaken integrity, both in its teller and spirit, against the o]w’n assaults of the insane abolition isms, against the open assaults of that most dis reputable and hollow-hearted set, which tint cr uized —with an assumption of well dissembled sine.erity —the desperate aud disloyal W bigs, the sore heeled negroes, and abolitionists, and demagogues whose hearts and purposes were as black as the faces of the negroes they were de luding. The time for speaking, to which he had ullu <ded I had inore than fully come. W liilc lie anx ioßsly desired that some of luii associates would give utterance to their views oil this siibjcet, lie •could no longer vciuain silent. It was due to his self-respect that lie should now speak, ilu-v had borne the most flagrant wrongs and perse u lions from those who have !*eeu elevated above llhem, uJid he regretted to say, who have shame lessly violated their trust. Every opportunity had been afforded them to retrieve the blunders and make reparation for the unexo nplcd <>u!- but instead of grasping the golden oppor tunity tHaus generously jnvsentcd, tln-y had mis construed .the magnanimity of die lender, not withstanding tile result, iif the lasi New \ oik •election, the true character of ■u'Lidj the Admin tatration did not understand. The misrepresentatians which have been sc meanly, sueakingly, and porsevei ingl v circulated ! against the motirisi and acts of tlie New York Deinoeracy, their present position, and th-ir pu rest aud brightest men —so flagrant, s-j false, aud so numerous have these Iweu titat he lot one would no longer refrain from doing what he could to rescue the truth from the danger which threatened it. For the Dresidettt, he entertained a very high regard more particularly for his sim plicity. lie is a very kind, agreeable man. In common parlance, among the New York Round ers, he is a glubber, and what the ladies would term ap. 11 1 ■ , pleasing, and affable gentleman, tnore so tl-.-ii. he (Walsh) ever expected to be. (Laughter.) The Presidenthad always treated him with Marked kindness and seeming confidence, but si nee he had ascertained that it was his general disposition towards everybody, he must be com pelled to take a heavy discount from Ids present confidence. (Laughter.) It was in consequence of knowing his (Walsh) own poor human weak ness, that he had studiously avoided calling cm the Preflidetit. lie then proceeded to set forth facts, leaving all to draw their own conclusions, ami referred to the political events,in New York from 184+ to the present time, following up the poiidnct of the Softs, ami expressing wliat he thought of them in emphatic terms. It was a rule iu the Orthodox church that whenever a ninn deserts it. be (tan only come baek by doing penance for his crimes, ami showing a sincere sense of contrition. He knew of lio good reason why the saute rule should not lie carried out in politics. Iu 1832 the Democracy had their platform erected, on which General Pierce was elected, lie having accepted the nomination with the ae t-orupanyiug resolutions, and lie acquiesced in tho principles avowed bec.m-a they were the principles of his past life. these been carnal out in ofliee ! If gentlemen suppose there is seeming opposition to the. Administra tion antoftg the New York Democrats, because of disappointment in not receiving office, they sadly uitder-valtie the men with whom they have to deak When the Administration undertook to inter fere with the local elections and to make <lreene 0. Hrouson do their dirty Work, they could not Hrite kiloWu that liigli-udtided and lmnorahle I lilaii. When the tlireat Was rfuorud bv the Ad- J ttiinistration the. Denmcrnts heard tbe mandate J kith, sorrow, but hn !-d back tins threat with! family indignation. They too triumphed against all tl/d power and appliances of tlie A.hffinistra (idri, arid lie Would lei! the friends of tlie Admiii istratioa that when Lite next election routes they kill find the triinrlpli is ten times nlore signal. The, Barnburners in 1848 were “ Softs.’’ The best illustration of anything “hard” is the dia mond, which is a fairrep'reseiifa'ton of all purity. I Ail know what *bsofi” means in morals, open to any rascality, and what a “soft” head or a “soft” •pot means. A “soft” is simply an individual whose morals aud polities are icady to be ae oommodated to any form. The Democratic party as it formerly existe<l has been a jwrty of well defined aud universally understood princi ples, but the course pursued latterly, recognizing a class of faction ists js> tho favors of the Admiu istratiou, is adegra<lingdeclaration sent forth to the world that they are invited to come together not on any common principles, but like a band of bandita, drawn together tor the sake of yotninoii plunder. , Mr. Smith, of Alabama, said that a very im portant question has risen which he lid mil itn dwitond.—ln order that the didore-nce hultmtu! a Now York ** Hard” and a New York “ Soft” might go out to the coontry. with the gentler mao’s speech, lie desired him to give an explana txreon aa exci ted lead and tons eoHiniii'd Some of the member* -Hreatne-I.) Mr,- Smith, HHBKma, confessed twweply of (NMHpHvmWVira little equivocal. noHtnow whether the “Soft” or the the rogue. (Laughter.) Mr-Walsh—That must be left to the gentle-1 man's understanding. Mr, Bnaith-r-l run really desirous to be inform- j ed. I expected to bear ay answer from the gen tleman ; but being characteristic of the gentle man be has not explained further. Mr. Walsh—l shook! like to know what you mean by “ characteristic.” Mr. Smith—l mean broad, blunt,find not al ways satisfactory. - •” Mr. Guttiug—Do explanation “of the difference between “ Hards ” wjd “ Softs.” It is •imply necessary to give a histpry of the party. Mr.-Smith—l’ll give you ten minutes us un tune. ... .. ....i* I\"_. ‘-i“ iL~LI ;:i Mr. Houston—Oh! no, take an hour. Mr. Walsh —The difference between a Bam burneror Abolitionist in disguise,or a “Soft,” is simply that a “Soft”. nver does anything o- pertly, but Ms secretly, for his own advance- [ meat ami aggrandisement, going over to the en cmv to benefit Limeelf when ne*-essary. . Mr. Srtiiih, of Alabama, resume I, saying at fitst liissvihpathies were with tbe “ Hards.”—j This lie was free to confess, but on a clear ex j aluinalion of the whole question he t>elieved the whole thing ton sfa-timial and too factional to | disturb tli'o harmony of the Democracy through out the cOuKtry. To be a little playful, lie rc-; fertwl those gentlefacfi to the history of the dis- j asters which Gulliver srw in I.illiput, to allow ! the smallness of political quarrels. ~ lie whs sure the gentlemen would remember i that wlietl Gulliver was in Lilliputhe found that: distinguished Government in a great state of trouble, and he enquired very naturally into the causes of it. Otoe party contended that, accord ing to ati old and ancient edict the people were bound to break their eggs on tlm small end— the other party declared there was a more an cient law than custom by which the people had a right to break their eggs on the broad end. It was the big-emlism mid tbe littlc-etidistn con troversy. Eleven hundred thousand of them j fell l>eeatise they would not relinquish tbe right, •f breaking their eggs on the small ends.— ‘ (Laughter.) It is the same question between the Hards, and Suits in this case. They want to stone the I’residci:’ to death, and the question is, whether j they shall do it with Hard or Soft eggs. He. Imped the gentleman from New York would give a history of tlie Hards and Softs. Tie j thought the country wanted to know the real i distinction, and which is tlie right side. Mr. Cutting said there was a period, recent in ! the history of our country, when tlie gentlemen i of the South, did not stop to inquire who were j tlie “ Ilards ’’ wiio stood by them in good repute j and bad: ntid when the storm swept over the i South, they were title to tln-ir constitutional ‘ r'ghts while the South was true to itself. [This [ sentence was warmly applauded bv a large null’.- j ber of members, reminding otic ot a town meet big] Tlie Chairman had some little difficulty in rc- j storing order. Mr Catling resumed : No one tlieti rose in bis -place, and read Gulliver’s travels as a lootut'e to ! Northern men, to disparage them under scenes which were enough to TTifi.’l the st-aitest hearts, when it was insisted that tlie jieopleofeaciiState and Territory govern themselves according to their best judgment. And now, within this short ■-pace of time, gentlemen have forgot ton what that party is which stood by them, aud nailed j their colors to the mast when the ship q{ State appeared to bo setting and sinking. What they did was not for the purpose of cur rying favor with the South. They advocated prin ciples not for the purpose of gaining favor any where, but because of the'principles of State rights on which that par y always stood, and now ad vocate. The party of 1818, now the “Softs,” joined the abolition standard and Buffalo men, and formed the Van l’urcii party. These are tile men who voted against Gen. Cass. In 1844, when Van Huron was defeated in a nomination before a Democratic Convention, when Texas bad applied for admission, when Van Burnt and Clay bad conic out to oppose the organization of that territory, the “Hards” stood by ill favor of the admission of Texas into the Union. That brought about the separation. From that day Mr. Van- B'ttvn look ground to exclude the territory, the “Ilards” meant to go for a candidate favorable to the admission of Texas. Van Burnt was de feated and I’olk nominated. Dem iomts went into the canvass with triie heart*, without men tal rtisorvatiuti.autl jjave the vote of New York to I’olk, which carried him into the Presidential chair. The adherents of Mr. Van Diiron then gturn bled and waited simply for an opportunity to overthrow the patty. In 1843 the two separate delegations froiii New Yolk went to Baltimore, to represent that State. One was headed by Dic.k :iisoh, aud tlie other by Catnhrcleng. The Com mittee on .credentials desired to see whether they could conciliate and hautibilise. and inir<>- din*“d a resolution the effect that caclt due of tlie delegates, should pledge himself to stand by the action of tlie Convention, —and then was first seen their wriggling in and wriggling out. Mr. Dickinson said that he and his brother dele gates would abide (lie dccis'op., ‘ but Mr. Cam breleng and Ids party saaLthey would abide by no such proposition, but would remain open to do as they pleased, after the convention had come to a conclusion. The convention determined that the delegates j headed by Mr. Dickinson should take seats ill 1 tlie Convention. When the division was organ ized, the ‘ Softs” they wriggled in and out again, and declared they would not mind wliat was said, and desired to Ik* heard. Tiio Convention in-ard both sides, and then a great calamity fell upon tlie party. Tin* Convention undertook to create a coalition of opposite principles, which has always failed, and will fail now. Both sets I wore admitted, but oneueautrali/cd the action of tiie other. When Gen. Cass got tbe .nomination the same men who wriggled iii and wriggled out took up tln-ir lints and went off to Buffalo to nominate Van Bnreit. The “Hards” kept away from Buffalo. The “Softs” were found with cpf otvd jiersous—with avowed aUditionistX. He im ant lio disrespect to the abolitionists who par ticipated in that Convention. lie now saw a gentleman (Gnldi ig-) who was there, and who, no matter bow nitieh the “Softs” arc ashamed, is not-aali allied of it. [Laughter,} The Northern men who cheated and deceived the Democracy are “Softs,” those who stood by Casa are •H.rds;” Mr. Catting continued, remarking that lie saw nnother {pmlitionist in the Ilall who wrote a letter to the Buffalo, Convention, sign ed Gerrit Smitli, urging* the nomination of Van Buren. Mr. Smith—l wrote no such letter. cause, for keeping away, but recommended th#j nomination of Vun Buren. Chsrritt Smith—l wfote no such letter or apoM ogy, though the gentleman believes was puriTrslied signeolßerritt 00\h. tHWKT j riot seen the original,NHlHPfpcdged himself to 1 the gentleman to point out on August Bth, Bth or lutli, 1848, a letter published in public prints | which has the gentleman’s name to it. If he should not point it out, he would acknowledge his error. If be should, bis friend would say nothing about it, as silence will amount to ac quiescence. y Mr. Gerrritt Smith—very well. Mr. Cutting. The result of the election of 1848 was that the Van Buren and Buffalo men came out of the-contest without a single electoral vote, and with tho contempt a tbe people. It was on ly necessary to leave liuu where the aggregate I vote of all the states left him after that contro versy. After that they sought to defeat the De moci acy and elect Gen. Taylor, He referred to other doings of the “Softs” in Now York,, well known to history, nttd thou referred to die sup port they gave General Pierce. Whilst- the l ’*■ ** - \. y v>’ [ “llattls” f*)u. ‘\it because they bad a platform j j which mean: s micMiiiig. and which asserted and i carried out prim-iiileit, the “Sofia” went in few the sjioils which they saw offered to them, only I acquiescing in, but not approving of the plat | form. lie then alluded to tlie appointment of Assistant Treasurer. Surveyor, and IWmaster— | the places filled with Free Soilersof 1848. Tbe . old guard stood in amazeincut to know the rca ; sons for these np|ioin'tm*nts. j Mr. Cnttimr conc!ude>l bv giving Mr. Cushing I a severe scoring, and by further definition of the j “Hards” and “Sufis.” Mr. Smith, of Alabama, took the flotor. This 1 debate, he said, seemed to have taken a serious turn, and it became him to reply, lie believed 1 1)0 country really desired Hn explanation of “Ilards” ud “Softs.” The question is whether the country will take tlie explanation as given by the gentleman. He uitderto<xl him to say that he entered into the coalition which nomina ted I'ierce. Mr. Cutting said that hetiied the experiment ■—when the party broke lie fell Imck, vvpere he j would naturally go, w ith his old ft tends. Mr. Smith replied that the question might ! .-.rise w ho broke the bargain. That nothing could jbe done with New Ymk without coalitions— that h coulitiou was always necessary to carry the State. I lie finally, without concluding gave way to a : motion to tnlji um. HARRIED, In this city, on the ult., by l!c\* J W. Attnwny, j lUmkl II >i,ttAM, Ksq , prtncipnl ci gimcr <if Ibc Vt ---| ern & Arlant-c t’ctli-oiui, to Miss KveunX McKev. One of tlie inuat vxijerieiiot'll Physicians of Baliitnore. | says of .-•TABI.KK’ts ANOlVNfc< HKHKV KXPKC j TOKANT ibr the euro of Conghs* CoWi, IhiAtPCiiCSs ! H.ouchifis, Crmip, and of ll.t t.ui.gsai b Throat, “ It u-ill rjtrt mort got and than any f tht numer | tm.i preparations uith H'hith the cuttntiy m inundated” POISONING. Thousands of patents ffao use \ c mifugc composed 01 Castvr Oil. Culoinol. k-* , arc not aware that, while lhe> fl|-pear to beticfit the putient, they urc actually’ laying | flic foU.i.latioiiSfc a scnca of disw’ucs, iuch as salivation, loss of sight, weakness of limbs, &c. . In auotber column will be found the advertisement of Ifobonsiuk's Medicines, to which w® nU the attention oi all directly interested in ttreir wu ns well on their child ren’s health. Iu Liver Complaint?, and 11 disorder’ arising from those of a bilious type, ahould make uj? oi the oaly £cn4tne medicine, liobciisack’s Liver Pills ISt “ Be not deceived ” but ask for Ilobensuck** Worm Syrup and Liver Pitta, and observe that each has the sig nature of the Proprietor, J* N. Ilobcnsack, as none else are genuine. New Advertisements. FiIF.SH AHBIVaL*—I bbl 93 percent. Alcohol; 1 bbl SpiritsTurpci.tiA?; 1 Mil Burning Fluid; 217 lbs Eiisom : Ik>o lbs Whiting; Window Glass. 6% 10 and 10x12 : Wh:to Was ; Chinese Vei’milma : Afr Cayene Pt|per; Fkr. Sulphur. Peniv:iH Blue : Clnoiiic Gieen uiid Ycth w . Ten* dv fienrij Sand Paper, assurtcu, ko.. For sale by LANILL it SEAY. Feb 2, 1454. COXFKC TION \HIEK-Soft Shell Ahnoi-ds; Bra;* 1 1 Nuts: Pecan Nuts; PtU^es; Figs; Steduu Hcfiool Cai.Uiet>, tvl. For #uie by DANIEL it SEAY. Feb. 2, 1854. CIINC tCHOO. or ciII.VKSE PCitAit I’I.VM. in . f:ist..unable- uu*i uutritiuu. lutiilc, cum- Uiiiud with M■illovn ai.d Oinsmg. Foi auic hy DANIEL $t SEAY. F I. 4. 1554. Notice. Aits:; ridin'g and working m \n f. win b<* floi.i it public aucluiu. before the Ma ki-t boui-e. on ilu tii-i Y‘.” Uuy in ] .biluuy. ‘he is wa< w.Uul to be flouml in vc. y jiwi t*’ iUi_r. - - Griffin, Feruury J. i jj-i It-lfl Meriwcflier Match Sales U'll.l, be floUl b>-ti e the Couillioif,Aii'r i Green* iile. Atvnwclbci county, mi the first Tuesday in March next, willi... the u-l<4 hours of sale, the fullow ing |.n-|ierly. to-wit: , .--eveoteen ami a half acres, of Land more or teas, beirg a part of lotNoif t. in *iir i*l, iI iJotret **l Vleriwethei county, w tii tbe .-tore h tueunilotlie! hu.ldingp thfieonr lieviml ou us the property of B. 1* Mianuoi* & ( o. t* •atiflty a tl jirfroiu Sleiiwethei t-uia-tior l ouit in tutor ol L. M. Wliet & 00. vs n l* Soh*'-o>i & ‘ . W. VV. MUifi.LAND, Sh'ff. February 2, 1554 Spiildiilsc >isi*-h >:im*u, WILL tie sold, befuu the Courtlioiiae tloor in GriOa. county, on the firs! Tuesday in MAKCii next, within the legal hums of the following proper ty, lo wit; One second hand hugfey; levied on as the property of David Abbott to satis!'} a fi fa issued frolil the buperibr Court us .-paldink favor of I. M. Chapman va David Abbott, rropciiy pointed out by I’laiutilTs At torney. Felix G. Cobron’s interest in the half lot of land on which be now lites, said iuteiest ben.£ a life estate levied on to fliitiaty seven fl fas issued Coin the Justices Court for tbe IctiSih district, G M., ie favor of Absalom Goiy, lor C. Siia p vs. b'ehx *. Co.irun. Levy maiie aud retu. oed to me by a lavvfai eoustabie. City lots iiumta*rs three and four, iu square twenty two.a and the east |uul of the west half of square uuulher tvv >in tlie plan ot the City ot to'iiiu, said premises c *i. tr i.i j 4 one half acre; levied on lo salist *. a fi la i.-uoed from ijpaldii.g Court iu invni ot *V.I -liamll.C and ilobert V Itcid vs. Cemgt W Whit, and Daniel A. Johnson, i'ioj-e,t} |siiate<iout .nsaidiiia Lot, nuiiiiior not known, toe |Li winrtul. Ldeui u. Espy foriuei ly lived, adjoiiiing the Mirsos tush oo the soa:h, n<i W. 8 Heiuiiton on the north, and Hill street on the east, eoofa'.n ng one and threi-fourths of au acre,’ more or less, with tho imp.or nieots >h run; ievi don as the piuperty of .l,otou l’ I'ursons to st sly a mort gage fi fa issued frwht Bil*ii..g .Superior Court In la}or of Willitiin Waddy vs Johu C. i’ursons Property pointed out in said mortgage fi fa Feb. 2, 1833. A A. WOOTEN. D. Sh ff. . ? In Spalding 8 for Court , ,I'arrM her Term, IMS.™ Axx H 11.. VIES 1 es > 1.13 LL FOR LIVOIICE. Lewd L. J __ . _ . fT spiiSatrtr.f by tht return of the fliitrlf that tin- Dc i fei y vtll is not to be fuu>*d in said county, it is there fore Okßk*BD that the Defendant appvar at t!.e next Term of this Cwfift. jn'ut fbaCin ea. of defaol:, itecas. proeearl txptrlt’, that this itulo !*•* pifbl shod .Duet;, a mouth for thi tfi iuonths previous to the’ next Total By the Court. • Il kG J ft NtArnx, . ..t Aft'ys lor lu'h-llynr - AWTt* extract hum the utiuutes of swrd Couit,’ this lai.uarv 26hb, - ** febsT’W henry b Holliday, clerk. us sPALDim^MQreft^utc^u&T-.xovEyt- ES******jwt Dnroacc. j TT appearing Dmt tha D> HPfendifound in the rSfaf. to fa Oien- K> that tUbjjHpßkt, Elisa A. BtrieMSfi|L KMHt Ethc next terrn'O! tbta Court, and in caawpf dafiiuft, tht said case proceed txpartt; an*l that this nUabapflanlk ed in one of the Gaieties of ti.c city of nWWfefPteftj month for three montbr befoto tbe next Term, •’fiuha.Ya By the Oonrt. H. kG. J. Gatt.v & M**Ttx7^B Att ys t *r Libellant A true extract from the minutes of sanl Court, thte January Stkh 1864 Feb. 2, ’64. HENRY B. HOLLIDAY. Clerk. Miscellaneous Advertisements, DANIEL & SEAY, DRUGGISTS, •BILL STRK jPT r? D. M. WILAJAMB. Resident Phfilelan, GRIFFIS, GEORGIA. Offict on Broadway, next door to JU. Wntmordumi. ->: --- - - - t ■ r Sf- - v*. TJjv-> K •■/ut.-j Legal AdvertisemCnts. Ilt-ury Beri<a|fl Sills*. ■fV'ILL be wild before tbe Cooilb met door in Me Don- : f V v>Ugi, aoLyij, on the first Tu* ala>* in A|nil j n*l, witUa tkc ueual hour* of sale, tho foliuwuig |>|irr tj, to wit: •Six feather btA*, bed dotfit* and btdsttads. Lu rvuu, u:ie metal ludt, and other lmuft lodd and kiirhen f uniturc ; oud km*, one bay hone, ntules, ( •♦- • black, th? other aorrvL) one r*d w.ig*n, niac voko a#] oxen aijti wg<n, twaiuileh cow*, one fuirness. <nd thirty iwal of hg*; all lovjctl on as the riy t.f •Lh H + l* mkftsi'y a mortgage fi fa from ii-RiyJ liifcrinr LuUrt io favor oi jubuf'i.i i.j'hraun 6 Fargnyoti vs. said John Fargaron Jan K.HM. Ugmi, TITRNBR. D* Sh’ff. Henry MarTli Suit*a. WILL be sold before the Courtboure dror in MrPnn ough, Hcury county,on tho l(rhTot'd.i) in Minch next, within the usual hour r of sale, a remnant of a stock of good*, consi.ling of Hats, Shoe*,* Bonnots, 011 c ? 4 n!*no, ‘ oihs net Scale* and weigbti* Window (iian, Hlanketr, Buttojiff, Comb*. l>yc Muffs, one keg Natl*, and various other small article*.* alt levied on a* the property of .1 dm FargfM*n uiui lamhiuhl M • Fargoßon, to r>ntislV a ft f.i from KctirV Itiforlbr CTourt in lavor of Hand, Witltam k Cos. vs iLstor, Odell, tiuue from day ItitTay unfit iflrtnntit: Forty-five Horcs of Land in the Sth District of Henry county, atfioiiiing John A. i'hildere end John Bryan*— i the land return* and it* the achcdiile of Solomon Udell levied on as suid (klell’i pro|K*ity to ratiofy te li 1* from the Inferior Court of Henry county, iu favor of Edwin H. Weftl va- said Solomon < Moll Jan *, MA * LjBVUI TUaMER, P SkHT. tldmiuHraitxN Ault*, AGREEABLE to an order of the Honorable Conrt of Ordinuryof Spalding cmitHy, will he sold lich*n* the v outhouse door in itriffm, on the first Tuesday in Mar. h twxt, within the usual hours of sale, a Negro Boy, hhiiku Ben, about Id year* old Sold a* the property of Snmu ni Byd, deceased, for the benefit of tho heirs mid oredi u>r Terns, credit till 25th lAceuiber, 1 Js4—notes with approved security. JUNAS Jan. 2d, l&Vf. de bonis non. AdiiiiuiMraioiS WILL he sohl on the fir-* Tueplay •! Micli nex* bvtoru ihe Courtu u.-e and jot in Al.-Doiinugh, ll.”u v countv. the Laud* lo the estate of James II •Jloud, late of said county, deceased. Sold unde* an or der of court &AICAH A. CLUIiD, Adi ax. Jan. 2ti, 1.554. __ AdallilliMialol% M|t . AGREEABLE to all order of tin* Honorable Court of Ordinal V of Henry county, will be sold In foie tho ourthotise door ??* Al iJonough./on the tit si in ‘lurch next, wuhin 1 L-. usual hours of sale, Lot of daiml No. 2J4, iii the 7ti dial Henry county Sold as the pro perty of Jtndun Idriver, lute of said ouunty. deceased, for me benefit ot tue heirs aud creditors Terms oil the duy of sale. JOHN KODAHAN, AdmV GiiiUiliuit's Mile. AGREEABLE to an order of the Honor:.hie Inferior Court of Henry county. When sitting for ordinary purpose*,granted at July teitn, IHjO, will be sold at ilu Courthou&c iii McDuimigti. Henry county, on tho fir - Tucsduy in March next, within the usual hour* of salt, rhe tract of Land known as the Bayne Lot, lyiligm ui ihe town of. Mcl>onongh. Sold for the benefit <f the of f'harlcs Buvnc, lute of said county, deceased. Terms on the day of sale. Jan ffi, I’M 4. J A .VIES \V. C ROCK ETT, Guard. Emutrit Sale. WILL be sold nt the Courthouse door in McDonough, Henry county, on the first Tuesday in Man h next, within the usual hours of sale, 75 acres of Lot of Land No. 49, a tlit: 12tli tlist of lieitry county, ami an inti, cst of one-third in a Negro. Man named .Moves. Sold under an order of Court, as pai t ot the real aud personal estate of Haney Goilman, deeeased. Jan 2*j, lssl EDY GALLMAN, ICx’rx. NOTItK. —All persons indebted to the estate of Jor dan Driver, lute of Henry county, deceased, urc re quired to make luitnedmlc payment, and those having demands against said et'ate will present them duly au thenticated iu terms of lair. Jan 2S, I Hal JOHN KODAHAN. Adm’r. Ntt I'iCK.*—All prisons imlehted to the estate of John M. Vand'grilt, late of Henry county, deeen- i an ct|iunitl to make immediate payment, ami tlms- ...oil - .lemauds ugaiust said estate will present them duty an tiienticatcd in terms of law. Jan. 2t>, I ijf, JOHN VANDIGIHIT. Adiu’r GRORCIA, IIBNRY fOl.XTY.—Whereas James W'hitc applies to me for Letters of Guard.un-lup ul the person and property of Henry Harrison iouog, or phan of George \V. Young, deceased — Those are therefore to cite and admonish all persons in.erested to he aud appear at n y oiiii-e within tlie time prescribed by ,law, to snow cause, .f any exists, why said letter* should uot be granted v Given Under my iia.d ut office, this Ifiili day of Jaiiu •iijf, 13M. UfINCES iv. NOLAN, Oidimiiy. jau jJtr itltui) Gvontilt, lIK.MtV HltATl—Whereas Kllsha Hanes applies to me for Letters of Guardianship ot .lie r*ersoii ami pmpcity of lvliza J Russell, minor chilu of william Itus.-eii.ol said county — Tncsear- therefore to e.te and admonialtn” persona in terested to 1,- and appear at iny oitl.'O vnthoi l.’ie time pieaeribed hy law. to show cause, if auy exists, why said letters should, not he granted Given umicruiy aaud at ottiee, this 16th day us Janua ry, 1354. tfcTNCbS If. NOLA.v, Ordinary. v jau 26 ail .Id GIV.OIt<.IA, IlnXitl Uii. ‘TV.—Whereas Samuel T P Camj.helt applies to iii. v Tlr ‘-ettCTS of-Arlmiuia* ■ on ilie estate of William B Perryman, lute .1 said county, deceased— These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singu lar the kindred and creditors of said deceased to he and appear at my office, withiu the tune prescribed by law. to snow cause, if any exists, why said letters should nut be granted. Given under my hand at office, this 16th of January, 1354. QUINCES K. NOLAN, Ordinary. jail 26 Shin GKORKIA. lIKWUY COUNTY—Whereas Richard H. and William O. Hightower apply to me fur Let ters of Administration on tlie estate of Raleigh High tower, late of Henry county, iteeuased — These are therefore lo cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred find creditors of said deeeased to he and appear at my office within the time presetil>ed hy law, to show cause, if any exists, why said letters should not be granted. Givou under my linnd at office, this 19th of January, 1354. QUINCES K. NOLAN, Ordinary. ~ - .T jau -domain RORUIA, lIGVKV CC.t NTY—Whereas John T- Bentley applies for L-tters of Administration on the estate of Solomon Townsend, Into of said eontity. de ceased— Them are therefore to cite and admonish all and singu lar the kindred and creditors of said deceased to he and appear at my offiec wuhin the lime prescribed bv law, lo show cause, if auy exists, why said letters should uot be granted. ‘ Given under mv hand at office, this 14th of January, 1864. QUINCES U. NOLAN, Oidiuruy. j.m 2G M 9 GRORCIA, HENRY COUNTY—Whereas Johu Sellers, Administrator upon <Uo estafu of Audruvr NHers, late of said county, deoe-aecd, applies for Letters of Dismission from said; ration: These a>e therefore to oite and admonish alt and.sioga. Iwr the kindred and orediui.-s of said deceased to he and apiiear at my office withiu the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if aay exists, why said tetters should wet-he granted. . liiven andai my hand at office, this 14th of Junuary, 1354. . QULNCLB h. NOLAN. Ordinary; “—i : ; riwm -It. MKNRV C4*CATY—Wuewm* Jsoklr VT Bernhard, Adailti'sfrator on thaestate of John M Wewme. Utoojem J coawly, for Utters appear w -- yj ; Ar J • . nWMIOUyirENRY county—^WbK William <JT of the last will and testament of late of Heory county, deceased, ap piieo foe Upi of Dismission from suid Executorship: ■ ■ to cite and udmonish all and siugu nHßVHßnarcd and creditors of said deceased to be and iHfMir at my office within the time prescribed by law, to Kuir easse, if any exists, why said Utter* should uot be (ranted. ... _ Given under my band at office, this 2Mb of January, 1854. - QUINCES K. NOLAN, Or Unary jan26<im ~ GKOMUIA, IIJoN HY COUNTY—Wherews Leonard M. Fargaeon, Administrator on the estatoof Ander son Whits, Into of said yoruity, deceased, applies lo me for Letters IHsmissory fioin suid Administration t These an therefore to cite and admonish all and singu lar the kindred and creditors c'f ram dscauscd to be and appear at ay office wilhia the lllae prescribed by late, to show causa, if aay exists, why •aidlvUorsshould am oa granted. . ♦ Given under my haad at office; this:l4th of January. 1864. - QUINCES R. NOLAN, Ordiwe-y. - jan 26 6m9 Cantioii. 4 LL persons ars eantioned against trading for a Prom- A. iyfjy Note made bv me n the. 12th dayof Novssn- Ur Ust, parable to rfsha Wilknsoa or bearer, on the I Prolrssionnl Advertisements. j -s=^- C‘BV'V. 1 LAW CAKI>. THE Olid. r-d*n'l h*vii.g fooutil partMrship In the ’ PRAVTIkF OF 7 tit- I.Alt', at .Mcivuongb, I Usury county, wi!! sUsnd to ell businesssi.nfidcd to their piuttsdonsl luanagcuu nt. In the souiill*s or W'xl.T S, lifcVKV, ('-IWCT4,, DtKsi.u, I|’a : .in Ml, Hr rT'. KTt.Tow, end j Movi-or. Fevin-fT. Ti.x. They will also attend the 3 jprctne f*iU at JVsxtiu and Macon.. lH*. .VL k sFKEtt. Ueftrences—TmjtSEL'ts. ... - ■ j January 12, I3‘a. _ A. W. STONE, ATTOB.VEY AT LAW, FAtF.TTEVII.I.E, OA. Janunrr 5, KM. ts-T A. L. BORDERS, ATTOU K V A T I. A VV, GlilFFlN, GrORGIA. Offlcf on Hill Mrecti over’J. fc .1. G. I’ecks* Stove. I) CM IB •. r l l"*)l j-ts U. B OGLESBY, ATToUNEY ;U - I.AW, (iitH’KIV, (1.1, orFTCK ovnn isev e rtmvttsTXe’s -.1 *vk, iiii.t. r: ■ Nor. 17. 1353. _ _52 1y DR. J. WASHINGTON .OI4AB, GRIFFIN. GEORGIA. j Orvicn vi 11:1 Dtiiu Siotc oa Sept. I, 1353 ly-4fj ;SKY-LIGHT DAGUERREOTYPES lAKKN IN Till: BKST Sl.ll ttK Tllri ART. I ).VG U i-;r 1! lit >TY I’E 3T‘. *< K F<’H -'-ALE. 5V \TCIIES AND JEWELRY It, paired in the best T>'*UN M I.UNQrj.fT, A'i_*. ii. (I.vj Hill **..T liittin, (7a. Savannah Mutual Insurance Company. SAVAS.SAU, GA. RISK. y taken r.gninst Fire nn Mctckftr'tiffr, PiliMlntfp anti C*otlun in \Varv-!lntie!* im frtvorl*!r tenu*. J. .Alt J.G. BEEKS, a\ S Hf. | Griffin, June Ist. !sC3—tf. I ” SYIiUL FEMALE Cliffi ■V v - Inattention lihn >eun it* oj ♦• nt on *ii.. -ug ;lr | I. year, Uinl the Ikhahl tf ‘iViißtcis |.tf<nvi , in ng.’iiii |trcMtMilit'K it t* the vvi.ll nssiiiuti nn tln*y itro that tlo vhttttt’ or ui tfir In-titViOmi will satiety 1 1*•.• irnhrrnf mit their il.mghters to it. •i. llnviii** n Tit** et.unit* ot litermy iiwtruetion is tht>n.;:ch ar**i ettentivv . iuuiul Jisci|tln*i* ami religious uulliu I'g.iu .v on.:ci*t chnractvristi:* fruturv in its o.Knirai ion, while tin w‘ttri‘d |niiiis’ ftro tHcn to luoiilil the luivuucra u*U culti vut the kimiiy atlcctioDtf i t tbe heart. * FAUI/rV. IT kV. (’AIMsISLIs I*. B- MAItTi l J rr?'!rnt.nntlPro* tVd:ir tr Ancient Ljuij'imj;’ *, Mcutnl an<l M<nal • I'lK’l 1 , lllld Bt’lU-K Lt’tlM'H* Mit. .1. A. BAM'DllTll, (provisionally) I'r f of'j (Tu’iul.-lrY . M.ilhciuaticN, .Uccli.ttiicnS !’lillogJ ly, aiiti > *\iltD ‘:l tin 1 3. Mi*’ Ai'A E. lit MPIIRV, lastructre? in Botany} nnil liliramlies j Mi.s J \ :,TTj; BE'riH r \E, iuxtractre.”-iu History, j MntUomiitirf. nml Euslish Branvlics. 1 >r. M. J. DeANU.L, lecturer on Ftivsiology and Hy I j HERMAN v KRAITMMUsLKR. r.ofvor oflnktru-! I mental Music, Monochromatic l* •ii<d Mu*i m • I- I/nci!:iji< s. j Mus AGM.S BR A l r .M MU LEU, Instructress on Guitar i and Ornament 11 1 Inai t ins. N. B. To fin* young Hd : ” of flic arv tinlying Mu'ie, llie French Language will taught; “irithovt extra thurge. £*’ l*iof Hi:at vi virf.i.v.n, n scholar of Prof Reattrai*. ’ eo-nutlior of tlie Fu im-Ii t •litniiunr f iicrninmi vl [Van ; Tillß, will hcruaiu r ic.n h Ilu hit;i h language. TKIIMM. The first Term of the year will commence on the 2i*l Monday <d J jimmy (the ittli) ami clo-vc on tlo Hl'fuuv* * day of July. TUc Bc'cond Te-ta will cotnmyuee un the , 2nd Monday of and time on tin luh Tln’iffi,*y j of November. JAMtIS il. l W.J KKirn, Sec’y. Pn*'t Board Tiutfeea. \ Oriffm <ia , Jan 3.14*4 tft “GRIFFIN FEMALE COLLEG3. FACULTY FOR 1854. 11. E. MORROW, A. M , I’m.-uur vt, and Professor of Math, tiiatio, Asttouuiuy, ecology, l.hclOrU, aud Liuiguagcs. 11ev. T. C. STANLEY, A-sor-isKt Bhirmwii, nn*i ; Professor ol Nmt **,nl Seleovu*, Moral aud [utollceiuul . I'liilo-ophy. and I.locution■ Miss ANNA PARSONS, lustroetress iu tiu L. torsi} | Heparlluelit, anil *n IVawing and Painting. ,Mi:s IN. M. MORROW. Instructress iu I’i rswibigy. 1 Botany and lCmbroi<t<ry, with* geiß'ral sui**rvicioii’ ol all the Pupils Mas. E. A. HILL, lustrurtrcss iu the I’riuaiy De(mrt-j merit Du. H W. BROVYN, I.eeturcr on Physiology ftnd , Hygiene. GEOftGE A BRIGGS. A. M-, Professor of Murie. Wk take pleasure ill unuonr-ring that we hwvo effected an engagement with i’tnf Gkoiok li. UtWfati,- of ftsw j \ oik, ill whose eh luge we have placed the Musie Impart- j mint. This ginlJetoau’s riputntion as ati accmnplWieO I aiiithoiough ttiu-hcr of Ihe above branch, (o highly essential to n young lady’s education.) give* a suffieieut ffiltirarity to all rrssotinblc expcttalioi*. We respectfully submit the follow it g Ti xtilLGniulsi Exhoi I /lion a ttlltr < / Stuulor Rtix, of Ttnnt**t,rijltd TvßtK SfEixon, August Bth, IjO. • • • * • • • * • ._* “ Mrs li directs me to soy that she isplenscd with the progress Jennie made under your lusiruKtieu.and will place her m.drr wlmmsherer you tuay sdvln* j Wish re grets that you are going sway. “ Vours, k * , J so. &U “To Mr. BriggN.” <7i bv’s Fat-tw, November 8,1,1858. Mr. GtiMg 11. fhiiaus, has been engaged with us as Professor of Music for nv er two years, daring which litns lie has devoted himself assiduously to the dntlr* ofwts profession. He has given us the very highest degree of satisfaction, and his irputntioii with us, is that of a gou ilemuii of high and pure principle*, wortliy rke rw-pcot of all men. We|iart witbiuiu ruiuotai tiy,rorUiully wish ing hiiu success wherever o iiutbitMp. Mm. i*. L. 1“-’ <j fia (TTEtO, J. j. Wit-cox,D.tN- We also t.ks pteasui* ill rcewomenum* VBsf.kcfaa- Ptmuaw (iustruetrcss iuLtawlfag ui I’ejaliagYte *k favorable consultratiou of our patrons, the Mega with, her test inmate Is of Ihe bighesi order. f llilslesptSltimwtofsggi- lilt Sresod Monday In Jtlrsmy. i iw. •’ • ~ ‘ ts- — —1- tynn I ret tarts uftbia ! sst H | or ii nj ii -1 • : -i IWWH; ing the tiaesirs, fmjjmtMM'f fm C-.L ‘*-?f ‘ hope t-. ‘.g.imtc >* V/. hjve nf TUKfT Studies, which will Wcare tlienfori fireiiarcd t,* receive either us the four Gof lege Classes, a* weHnwiato our l’rel scutory Ik-qrartuisnU We boiie to merit as well as receive the lu*am co-opc ratioa of tlie friends of tbe Institution and of Loaning, iu our effort* to build up and sustain s Literary lustitu* lion of distinction in tbs ejtj us Griffin. - t Oar tuition is asjuw as cau possibly comport with tire interests of tbe.ln{ituti- n. * _ r; ■■ Plan bt laitnuition and Bates of tfrition ■st r** aciciuwttc iwyx..o Tax tioxaut. f First levoos ia Spelling, Rcwdfag, Writlag nod U Arithmetic .>1... .Dv|ffiß Off spoiling and DeSniiig. Keading, Writing, Arilh-. m metis, Geogrsthy,. Eng. Grammar eou-utut-eta, ; . Oroipßwttuaaud lmilwiMtlou.,.. t&ffik Advanced iu Eng. t.rommar, AntlituuSs,. , ;f Geography;. Ihe Latin Iswtaua** and Nnlueal ‘ F’.ii.mpivy aoanuetvowj, Sp.lliug,* ‘ „ eoutioued , .v.. .v,v ; 5. v ...... 35 W Latin. Greek. M*ihem*ties, Natural, Moral *ud s* Extra Expense*for Fwslper Tope??..l > sMisceShincous Achfcrtiseißeat*. * • ~-r- ; .-r*~- - - i*--0k ffufaji iwr- £ — THE felt trade havirg -renemmeed, w* art now swp. | piyirg ourteiVr* wilhiuu-t h'.i spieod l a- :urunent *< | Pin no I'orles from the rtr Is*/ Jilei nf'asturars t tbe North. ThgJ kk- r, *!••'.& ia r ! * vv4ffsr touch, rblurre ot loswl .larshHh:. ■•-! ri-ati dl <*f Wo kManehip. “nr stiriW coi ritr, ol Die law |.IM s\,vu icdhii i’JjiXOt. < which are uutunab l in voTuJlte of tei-.,-. a, 4 which oevff 1 tail lop!, .i . v.b.i, Leuid Afro *be AUIAAiI TJANO j FfMi n.. wi-*. h ave tees**Rsntd fsv.osWy h|ttwra foe MH i-o *jr7t w.od lo tr.e Ibiftf. Iu ajio-.t; e 1-kt‘e onAlagM tci-d -.u he- ( . **i Mart sif.alltTmtw. IN-no Fcries iefirfajP to .uy whvre Ie ’-e f .uire- 1 e*eri: Ire froth CheYffiHffiM| sk and! |4int(tt up forth very ewvttr a:,.1 St,, ly frr.Uhsdgl and we i*vae! that *it an s|>. ,e -HI them as low as soffw trsrket wi tflo Uufoti, with fHo*‘v dißhrmee. Ar..l f*psg tber. in iosiamww **url*hM>o and prices have tintj ; tivili.l tisgiv,*entire tytiiflati. n. Utites ;roiaff22s WI to Mt, *fi* A written Bua,it” r #ili arc irpp>*7 rittyffisam w *. !!; iiutt is, ‘ tfc sa'p-t twaive nv-.i.Dts Qsibir. itSS ft -1 i-iimn.l, we t it* tits I’ *MT ‘• *A ha I'd! Piit.u* io or *c.r -hie. PrllH from * •* ttu to gut• m. hir .Vji.L’ M :Ll>N".- . .u ueap Rsat-jcrjd eases, 4 so*M OT-t.ifes.'4ol'tele prices V) t'dfjfi. Flwliiiss. A.—* Limb -ur’igrs. Paajn*. In ii.r. O’ alio ‘ ti-(. g Usnaily kr^MffiH M* *e u.iHu (Vva din our.. S • , RM: jnl A iiv'4’ y lot oi >i * D..-*. m> l aui ft- Fin e. FmH andGiiiu., e. ?HL\’ El.l.Ftm^^B: ftrfffio. Ga Tllli *t ,< st P, Iwg s-e. - M-lii - HEW m STORE. ~m On the Erl *Xc ,f Jftfl ,yr./, ewe eftei r Xvtth ffiß9 ir..?ricd ’ G’ilfhsu Rce-lf ~ J.£n4 X V “ •” “hf i;7*,iiv U.t Oil .Si-Oof. *.. • . • m-er.iwv wouland /’ i-/r i jffy turn h * fritodo am* the pu'-lic that, hsn3H CaihJXfJr a very ostciirl,e *toek of ;s School D:t ('lstsalral Doolt*, . 1 larger perhap* then j y In ttc .S-u‘!fSm cthiulry, falH .ro--s o’:*ig i.t'es, Jte hxr doienwlwei -mEm^H f ill, ;* t-i; K ill 1 I ‘l *;, in Jit- fi r'll . [ cro, v*; tjjmß all >-,*•*'t ■ 0 I t 1-4 per tret. <lts> •>>,:-* > otjd jSffiH .ill t'a'li -*i * - *J pov r-rl. dl.voan*. Sfff” TiedflHH i : ie*l e.i tV • i., .-* f,v.T*ra?.le H-.'ine. ‘hO ‘ n w.-.oM t rrrrt : t.. r j..,r<>r TcacV' , >taaß(Bffi i--w iii, v. i J V T iwnix, r.ot tw-wmerst fffiH J.i* it), 1051. , J-t-sJ GI--'!. DUNI^U FEMALOmJ^ f V of Vt.-riwulhm fafclß having por -bii-ed t’c rv-sid..r,*-e lately wieuyied.ffy t o!. J... e| b iJutrao, to-nrlT ‘dwosi'*- H it. Judge rkark’a, - :.r.d t I .i . tni'tit t*- VHb the FrvrjeGu.t respeetfitl- i !, 11 fwms llie’ell!sa*i cf ci.-jntn atci TreiiiHx, wtli i>;.-c,.|iiHhhll teuottwelrt Fli ki dTixAda on uiade-ivlu lertas. ri.. 1 ‘ It t A vT -si 1.1-if.n. D. lub. r 15, li-.u . - 2dy . HEW FUHIIITURE BT®E. .q\ TIIE tindersigusd barn ed iblished. is GriffidP* fL lo w Firii.Vl rCRF H'ToRE, J xbrsriwca oow. 1 fTI; h-le 4lply id I’erltr atnl !*lalt UomWMS ffarni ’ 11:-T uei. ,lr !fur*!:s. t'jhter mW Cfod T*- ‘des. ( 4 vtiogviy amt Mtrht-s t-*iv,,J Warfoobe*. leek ii-o i.iu. ... Hook (yiisi*.*. (.'■ Uaiu—■ Mu!idtoauy Scfti-saak ail l.iii'il of l.a ic, jinking, k. Tugetkat Jffok “ U J com.iCß cn.iiri&j&fc r ±~ | Wash Tit'oi. . I'e-Dtedn,fc;. At) VArkM - •vo wilt •-!! oi ve.-v : • fiii.L- ,1-rtis. T• t ttb -*-M|lL.d | A W. nU vUArf k CAL /’ Hill street, Grtilu, (Irioijei At, UHS3. ts-W __ ! ’ .FRESH CARDEN SEEDS; r \!.A(:*l: Mit-ply. i it ru.itiiFto W"f injuriar ffW.-i*** ° issl| . lor sal-', wi ivtcv.iie oi--* i- tail-, Iv - la -vm, it. WH.UWk r effi<i } Griffin, IVetntV. 21, fi.%- f-. - ’-p—S jW O.Jte-JA? * PSS j svas TtInTANW?:<.,SKyKimIH4R-* f-,* N ~ Vi ‘I ■ r.i liti lie t'losirirl C~HHlrlnrT hero.otoie- eoo.ituHsd Syr JaUUV.LZsa& VII J on :.<.*•, i* now ilis-nnui J, atdjiii hsreaf t- r I e cohduefod by M. M Ln'**iiva wSitf’ the rm well tried nrd^” *pwTteesd a-T-l-atn. cum aatsM csßkJlffir varietta deps.ritnot, aail J ft*FwmmSdAAS awlhsifosm to cue, with th* Tad-iiug in a<Hiueeti:>b sitkfo him >—fa .rill be aide o—R ot g.swi koaSafari as ace vstebrisk u!a|h l iu Ihe North or .'-tatho tend ilaforißiacd mum rdriß ‘excel in point of loaoufacdury in its variousolepaifotij J s ttsiimski MRnmai I hope amt riilieit He funner petlrowranwl many ator agttu onaa lam dtartatn*U thus thus* *bu tsaa JowwCidMk loitli tUcii phtroksgt, kMi #*A I ? J®SS•’:*•- gt 1 *; -i “, ’ V - . M .y t j Jit ON AXUCB, or tar., ‘J-'.f. etui’ - ‘” ‘"j? **’ -1 miyi tunc*, two t.,ile* SV-i 1 b ‘V^en.l'dhgb, Ijfoff jt—tjiflia}gftr. road Wadiog to i oi>tu. ling house, it guo ILoWi i Riti house Uu4 toOlkfaff fiibcs, eriv and at! .ether >r sjtjjlgdiffW jWJWLi new, havuijr been t.tijlt wythiit Ui# faud IWsf yiat*| MBn w, lo of vx ureter ufarit rotsraPfotjft agriiiaa. JO n .1! ‘'-■■*)* jetgn Tglkjhe famt 1 1.* I *,JMfaiwlpaffi •i.vast soasot-s. tt. vuS-urffcrf owningap LalmmVd^iWHj )...!< of sa-ii uii'i. Xu * pi^^u. Si I. oJus.-iShojrl.asa. TbuK I Lee wnaid do v.eli <o end ii :h<tbbM*niajfipliMMppMj day. aa 1 will soU at a Ms- 1 l s hi. king e\pem.uve io tbe JMyfawSt*’ ‘4 ~ _ tur-reDetyinni""rrWTTem:^*" - *"’- • ‘ JLiA cre ‘J V ..r'liffir A'Jffiraffpfinw, ‘i.J I OsrcrXD to tub * And ib-slgiied to Improve bfah tSPgidhfauM tb&< | /l to viev ate w.u t-—dfaiiMra ■ oiil p/sii'rrsiu every met fi vnrHst T JPfif_ >*t <