The American union. (Griffin, Ga.) 1848-186?, February 23, 1854, Image 4

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Gi&ftli&S R1PM1S0&I, GRIFFIN, GEORGIA. W. W. WOODRUFF & CO., Arc Manufacturing and receiving a large sf4*ck *f ♦ln* !>>t * rt*tMr -in the Prate, 1 flrho li They will •mj a * an can be bought in the B*.t tiiekn M m:kn; consisting •! Coaches, Hack Wagons, S/idc-sru/ Haggles, Family Wagons, Rockaways, Top Buggies, No-Top Haggles, Hhintation Wagons, j HARNESS WHIPS &c A&2L ’W'DiaiE VYA.UiMj&WU-’lJt&j WIiX'JL WXXUsi XV. W. WOODRUFF, tliiffin, (111 M > Sc I. II CIiKI.N. AAir October 15, IH.-,2. • “GREAT MTHEM REMEDY, .■ ,-m ;3 ■*s** :<•■( mm tM m ar CHOLERA. 1 kii* am. t 1 IH >1.1.11 \ .MUR 111 > DYSENTERY, > It ib ■’ I I■, ■ w w w ■. *’• 11 ■ I • 1 1 A'<’ lf'>l.l< DIAKKIUKA. S KWWMjIj ‘ 11’ i|,M( A I \|- A VII .M Alio, mlmirobhj tithtjilol In ///<(// /lisni l of’ /•) mnhi. n/uri<i(/i/ I'AIM-'II. >1 I Ns l id \ | IOV. *. V • The virtues of JACOB'S CORDIAL are too well known to require Encomiums. 1* It ('urri I In* woiet cum af IMitn Ini a. 7. Il < lin n I'itlnfial .Meo-f million. Jl. It ('urra llir worat fiin of Dyaritflrry. N. II Itdli vt l’ulit In III* Hark anil l.oln*. 3. It Cnllfoniln or Mrilcnii Diml'fto-n. IL II (’oiiittcrnrf t \t t yoiiiicn iiihl I)i <4|ioil‘ 4. It Relieve* llir *ev#-rr*t Colic. in. II Heston** la regnlni If le. 3. It Cum ('holern Morhim. 11. II ll|n|h-H niniHii} iiml IlyNh rlnil Fccllnqi. 0. It (’urea (liolern Infant tun. I'i. H'oiii \l in Ia n laic Tonic. A few Hliort KmtrnrfH from Test! nionisils, Kv. •• I have used Jacob*.*! Cordial in luy family, :mt hat-* found it it mo-f . Hi* ont and hi mv judmi nt. a valuable remedy.” * lhN I lilt AM 4\ ARNLR, fudge of Supreme ( ’otnf . ta. ** it given uie pleasure in being able to recommend Jacob's Cordial my |.ei .*nnl * vpcrh nce, and theexperi enco of iny neighbor* ami friend* around me, in a urti< unl guarantee l.r im- i believe it all llyjt it purports to he, tli: a .to v i'it kiii n iikmkhy. \V M II I \ I lEK W< o >D. formerly Judge Snp. i inr < * lll l< l**rokee ( t M I take great plea*lire in recommending this invaluable nn dicinc to all atth* ted with bond di.-eascs for vvhi* li I boliovc it a .sovereign remedy —decidedly mi|*eriur to any thing elm- I ever tried A. A. GA I I.ld.Nt. Ik'jiiity l•. M. of the Grand f.odge of (Georgia. ’ ** Thin efficient. remedy is travelling into celebrity an fast as Bonaparte pH*li*d“hi** r.dumh- into llii.-sia, and gain ing commendation wherever (inn ghi Jifh i A.itifim, Mcu 19/fc, IfCili. gy FOII SALK BY—Lovk It liu>*F fntrv v\\ 1..i.e-1,.'.r0 ; L.\r.s & I ni.i'k vv*.m, Fayetteville ; VV. S. S,\>i!>wiri. Thoimmton ; I. ‘T ‘I lilt imi, W'arnei \ ille ; W S I.wnmin, < ireenvillc ; h W. PCIIRY, I K. II AM., New IIIUI ; ManOIIA.M & Mill 111.1.1., Zelmlnn , \V 11. W'al.l, i;i:, ( ’olloden ; LkoNAHD. Lli ri.l., Barnetvillc, Ikx r. \Uw, r*rsyth. 1.. m 1. r I. IMfiU. 2-ly UNION JOB OFFICE!! • At.!. FINDS OF Mniu k (Dnuitiirntol, ; PRINTING! ! FIECBTED WITH NEITJiESS AND DESPATCH. H IT C HAS PAMPHLETS, Catalogue*, llkiml (till*, Bank Check*, * llu.liien* t nril*, Ulanlc Notea, A I Irena 1 ’nr!:;. j Label*, r. Vlolllog €arl. Programmer, ■ Krorght billr, j *V: M. ~2me, ■ Neatly anJ exficnlsalut theoCLa: j —Of ihT r ‘AMER.IOAN ONION.” Orillin, ia ORDERS respect}ally solicited. TERMS (’.ISH A C. MURRAY, Proprietor. CARDS, &c. FLOYD HOUSE. MACON, GEORGIA. T. A. GOODWIN, Proprietor. T- B. HJUiTVVKLL, Su|Hrintondont. THIS well known and popular Hotel has boon thorough ly ropairod, and is now opon, and superbly furnished for the reooptlonof Boar dor* and the Traveling Gomimi nity. The Proprietor and his Assistants will spare no paint to make hit House one of the best Hotels in the |k|||, .. A. b. Hartwell, 11. C. Cunningham, and S. Lanier will bo happy to receive and welcome theirvdd friends and ac auaintaoeef, aud will their utmost efforts to make tfcm oomfortablo during their stay. Macon; August, 1852. CITY HOTEL, ATLANTA GEORGIA. CORNER OK UOYD AND DECAIt’K STHKK IS, NOT more than hundred yard* front tlf Railroad j Pooonger Shed. Good eating and good sleeping await all at this House *fr_ Servants always at the Cars, on llieir arrival, to | a*nvej Baggage, •* w. L. 11. BUTLEII, Proprietor, Jam, to,m uily. j MARSHALL HOUSE, SAVANNAH, Li A. WM. JOHNSON , I’IIOPKIKTi>K Ootober 4, 1832. J - ly L. R. DA N I EL, ATTORNEY AT LAW GRIFFIN, GEORGIA. OFFICE O* SKOOMD FLOOR OF I.ODUE RUIU>ING, 1111.1. NT. _July U, 1853. ly;8 Mdoilfi A MOOUK, Attorneys at Law, Griffin Oa., will practice in the Court it of the Flint Circuit and In Meriwether, Fayette and Coweta, of the Coweta Ciroult. Also in the Supreme Court at Macon and l Woatftr ANDEKW R MOORS, ANDREW M. MOOKK. April U, 18 1 GLENN <V THRASIIKIt, Attorneys at ljii. Mc- Donough, Ga., will practice in the counties of Mon -1 ajttf ”*?’ ow *' on ’ Euylf°, Go Kalb, Campbell, LVrwca j. or.KNN, a.thrasher. November 1, 1848. -O \JtT f. ijAiHX, Attorney at Fair, Zebuh.n, Ga. Vw . OS)0 above Winbury & Redding's. Jaa 8 GOi-tfw —fbbPtMPliAT MVAN4, A Horary at f.arr. Timmn* 1 M tea, Oa. October, I*l7. 15-tt y\i, ML A. DANIEL., Griffin, Georgia WOffieein 11 HbSht Briok Building on New Orlcan* .Street, op- Wt^tn tot’Hn" u,l ‘ Hotel. August 1. 1351 ts MflWfY. Griffin, Georgia. **-Office ~-j- . • * ■arStWt.opposite the Baptist Chinch-g 1 ‘.7 ‘ Carnage Maker and Repairer, ißimjPifnb ide of the RaUroad. All I ■Ply c x etoTfl iTWfcgUee CM*|{*9 a I litmlltrv RM'iit t| <•!..-:*|lWUCe*d®r THE undersigned tenders services to CnM oitlieus of Griffin aud viciitWy- His practice will be oa the Botanic System ; undfrom his long experience in the practice of physic, he feels assured that he will he able to give satisfaction to all that may call on him for medi cal aid. He will keep on hand a good supply of FAMI LY MEDICINES, such a. No. 6, Cough Syrup, Dyson tcry Cordial, Rheumatic Liniment., Ant Billmus Fills, ‘Composition Powders, Ac. Office on Hill Street, 2 doors above the corner ou J)> Griffin. February 88, IMifljt DSt XiSItOT SNEED, UP-STAIRSrOVBR THE STORE OF A. GRAY BROADWAY, GRIFFIN, GEORGIA. November 14.18112. I—ts - Goods and Groceries. A variety of DRY GOODS AND by PRICHARD A WOOD, GMHHHW New Orleans tret. Griffin, Ga , July , 1882. OZ9ARS. a ‘calcndtil lot of CIGARS, rarion* brands, atlewpri- A Mc~forsale by PRICHARD & WOOD, Grfffia. July , IML N. O. Street. Jfl W. €. WBUCHT.oontiiHJCs torepairWatch-BlVi Ay. caaprfiawalry.lo tbe city of Gnffln—No. aaclridcof HUI Street. Thankful for past favore.he sofio itwaMatlncaaoe of patronage. . -• ■ .. -• T \SISKN< tIHI'MESf) IV. ; NO - 7 - ‘• • \ Regular meeting 2nd and I; li l-’ridji v in.eaeh month. \V. J.'J iismp;v, t i> !!■ \V. Fkiiiiii.i., Selil.e, ; WARE-HOUSE AND COMMISSION “” BUSINESS. : ‘tf / Till-! uiidt'isigiu it iiiivchtkpn charge Vs / w c "x of the large and •• tnm•<li• •nr i? c ‘ 1 .ww &K ir.i/,'/ - nut s /•; ;ii the corner of Hill hii<l I'aylor street**, reeentlv *••- j.inl by Ki; \ i &la w in, and will carry •* the. I .ihove business in all its various hrancht't*, dtiiiiij the en suing rias<*, miller tin- firm name and style id t i A I’L ! Dl\ii, MILL & \ ILL The Ware I lon,so is undergo- j ing thorough rrj aii.s, and will !• in siijm rl unler for tin* [ roteption t! ettoi by flic eumni'Miernn-iit <d the .season. ; Liberal a*l'tiio t.s on t'ottim amlotlifi pp'iliiet in stoic, niinle at ail times, at customary rates ‘l’ln* jH is.nal at- | tfiitmn of each nn iuhor of tin* firm, wdl In* and votel t• • the hußiness, and they hope !<• neeive, a:- they expect !•* • tle.servi*. n liheral shan* ot public patroiiagt*. (t\ itfin, (• , July * I A A. ii ai.uiMi, llknuy 1* 11n.i., A’ 1 rim Vfln M \\ m. Pimiiiim TffHi. D>* F* ‘ • < Imi k, would must respectfully inform all who are in need of full or partial sets of teeth, and who wish them put. up with skill timl ox |riiicnce, warrant - cd to answer every purp*He required, that they can now hesupplied at short notice; and with the same kind put up tm hentit ifill utetulic base, w hieh took t lie premium over all others of the kind, at the late fair in Macon. Mr. < ’ has lately made arrangements so t hut persons living in the I country or m any of the adjacent tnw tinea n, if they wish, eoiiuiiitnd his service* free-of charge, which will seeure them against the many impositions practised by itinerant fpmeksthrtt daily traverse the country. (iritfin, Mee.-1,’51. ’4—tf NEW JOB PRINTING OFFICE, In tilt Brick buthUnii nttnrhrtf to the / Y’nrc-housrof Freni & Hanrork t ofijumtr the Ihi/itist Chu,rch % (irijfin % (in. AM. KIM>H op AND OH\ \I*HSVI'AI. pnn’TING, K'xoeuted with neatness and ilespatch at the New Jon ( >kfick v on Solonnm st., opposite the Baptist < Uurch. Having proeuretl *uo*4f (ii liner's Machine Card Press es, lOOtlto 1500 eartls per hour can bo printed with perfect ease, in superior style J. li, J.tXiAN’ & CO. N. B—Orders bn* work respect fully solicited. Jan. 20, isria. |y-9 / Carriage Tinkers /r'/jjj -I Can now find a eonipleteassortment of Ax - h-s. Springs, Buggy Irons, wrought and ” malleable; Patent and Knainelh and and Oil Top Leathers ; Patent, Painted. Kuhhernnd Knnmel Cpth f.Roes ; Fringes. Damasks, Huh, Point and Sund Hands. < arriage nml ‘l'iro Bolts, &e., &e,, at tiriffin, April 8, l.*Ci2.-tf C. li JOHNSON & Cos* s House,Signand Ornamental Painting. ®The nn<ler*ignp<i respootfully eallsthe attunlinnof the public, and espoeially tliose who live in the country, to the fact that he is prepared to PAINT lIOUSLS in superior style, and on very reasonable terms. Also, glaring done in good stylo, and at the shortert no -1 tice. Oive hiiu a call. [{ . L. HOBBS. 49*Simp on New Orleans Street. (iritl’m, August 12, 18o2.~ttf Provision More nml Candy Manii fuctory. ft l'Ti I*OE undersign.d llmiikfnl for past favors, has ij*im.MH oponoii anew nml xphmdhl assort meat of GRO HHi rFRIES AND ('ONFEC'FIONARIESun der the “American I ! nin Office,” and next-door west oi itrs. Long & Bins’ Drug Store, on Broadway, where he Will keen constantly on hand, a general OMoitment in his line, and most respectfully solicits the patronage ofhisoid friends and customers. Among his stuck are thefollowing: , • s ngar, ('otToe. Molasses, Syrups, Cheese, Butter, Boston Soda, Butter and Wine Bnseuit; Raisins. Figa.FYeserve*, Istmon Syrup"; Sperm, Adamantine and Tallow Candle*; Tobacco, Cigars, Snuff, Oranges, Lemons, Coooanuts, Almonds, \Vnlnuts, Brniil Nuts, FeptK'r, Spice, Ginger. Sal .Bratus, :*>do. Starch, Chocofate, Teas, Pickle.; .Matches : Port", Madeira, Teneriffo and Malaga Wirica formedoelnal purposes. FLOUR aud MEAL, Macker*! SuMrCkred Ilains. Klee, Meal, Dried Beef, Ac., all of WWW fUI be sold low for oa*h. Al*o, CANDIES at whohylaw retail. J. R. MARTIN, Agent. [iffiß4oiHL!lMoßt X ttYS WXulffi I'.J . for sale bv WBMMPpa^sv^WiicilAKi) & wood, Griffin, July T. N. O. Street. NittrntacHj >ltrtisst's! A LOT of fine .Matrosses for sale at prices to suit the totality. Those in want of such an article wotiiddn well to call soon as they go “like hot cakes.” Call at tho Family Grocery of J.K. Martiu and see them, as I chargo nothing for showing. STEPHEN THURMOND. Griffin, Sept. 15,’52. 44—ts llisNolution. r fSHE firm of Robinson, Walker k Cos. is this dav 1 dissolved by the withdrawal of T. L. Walker. K. W ROBINSON, T. L. WALKER. Griffin, Marchß,lS63. T. J. Bt-OODWORTH. *W* The business of the old firm will be conducted in future by ROBINSON k BLOODWORTH. Wc invite the attention of tho public to our Stock of DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES. Comer Orleans and Broad fttrtrt, Griffin, Ga. E. W. ROBINSON. MarchU, 188 [l7-tf] T. J. BLOODWORTH. HAY GUTTERS? front No. 0 to No. 8; CORN SHELLERS, Sub-Soil, Side llill aud Eagle Turn ing PLOWS, for sale by J. A.&J C. BERKS Griffin, Juue 27,1853 .2 I AND WARRANTS wanted by U j. a. k 3 C. BEEKS Griffin June 27.15J3. I.egal Ailvertisenients. .>l*rlw*llier illarch Sale. Ufll.L be M..lii before the Courthoute door in flrcon- Vtllo, Meriwether county, on the Unit Tuesday in Mareli next., within the usual hours nf stilo, the follow iug proiierty, to-wit ; Seventeen and h half acre*, of Land more or lean, being a part of |,ot No 31, in the 10th I of Meriwether eonnty. with the Store-hoiim?and other building* thereon. Levied on a* the of H 1’ Shannon 8l Cm. to •ttti*f\ a fi fa from Meriwether Superior Court iu favor of I. M Wiley Ac < o vi* h. I* Shannon It Cos. W. W. M< >RfcLAM), Sh’ff. Celiruary 2, IHAI. llt nry Alorlgagc Salt*. llf 11.1, be sold before the Courthouse door in MclVorr YY ough. Henry eonnty, on the first Tuesday in Apri* ie-xt, within the usual hour* of .•ale,the following |.ro|H*r ty. to wit . Six feather be>N, bed clothes and bedsteads, one lu ---reHit, on*H*tnl rloek, and other hnuschtdd ttnl kitchen furniture; one lowm, one hay hor - c, two mules, (one bliiek, the other, sorrel,) one road wagon, one yoke ol • >x*■ n and wagon, two inileh eoW*, oin buggv Kiel ham**ss, and thirty head of hogs . all levied on as the property of lohn I- argawon to satisfy a mortgage ft f troin Henry | Inferior * mrt in favor of .folmson fargasonand f'.phriiiin S I urg.nsun. v - said John Farga-on lan 2t*. IH/VI U;\ I II,'H'HNFU,J> Sh’tf. Ilenry .’Alarrli Sul<*h. II r ILL be <>!d before the Courthouse door in Melkni- V\ ough. Henry county,on the first Tuesdny in March next, within the usual hoursof sale, a.remnant.ol a stock us gunds, ciinsisting of Hats, Shoes, Ronnef s,'one Sadillc. one set Seales and Weights, Window Class, Hlankcts, Muttons, < ombs, 1 )ve Stull*, one keg Nails, and various other miihll liftieles* all levied on as the property of John I’argii'-oii and f.eonard M Fargason, to satisfy a ti fa tiotn Jlenrv Inferior Court in favor of Hand, Williams & ’o. v*. I Jester, Odell, Fargasoii & Cos. Sale to con tinue troin day to day until all is sold. Forty-five acres of Land in the Bth District of Henry eonnty, adjoining John A. Childers ami John Mryans— tin- land returned in the sehedub* of Solomon Odell.— Levied mi as said Odell's property to satisfy one ft fa Irbm the Inferior Court of Henry eounty, in favor.of Ldwiu l> Weed vs said Solomon Odell. Jan 2b, I.HT,|. LKVI II TI'MNKM, D. Sh’ff. SpaliliiiK Suli‘*>. WILL be sold, before the Court house dour in OrifTiiu Spalding eounty, on the fir.-t ‘Fuesday in MAID li next, w ithin the legal hours of sale, the following proper ty, to wit ; ! hie sceond hand buggy: levied on as the property of David Abbott to sati-lv a li fit issued from the Supi iioi ( oiirt o| Spalding 4'ountypn favor of I M. Chapman v * David Abbott Property p*inted out by Plaint ill’s At torney.., Ii lix (•. Coliron’s inten*st in tin* half-bd of land on whicli he now lives, said interest being a life estate— lev ted on to sat isfy sev en fi fas issued from tln Ju-t i* ( oiirt for the |tMft li list xi t, ( M., in favor <*f Absalom • iray, agent for < Sharp vs. Filix ti Cohron. Levy made and returned tome hv a lawful e..sistalde. i it v bl* numbers fTirec and f*mr, in square twonty two.and tlie east |;irt of the west half of square number two in the plan of tlie ( ity “I < iritlin, said premise.- con taining one fialt a**re; leviedon t* satisfy a mortgage fi ta issued from >palding Superior (’oiirt in favor of \V iP liam II.(’ mnl Robert \ Reid v* George W. Whit a and Daniel A Johnson. Property p*int**dut insuidfita Lot, number not known, th*’ place whereon Eleanor (fc*pv formerly lived, adjoining tlu* Misses’ 5 ! ash “ii the south, and W* S 1 leroiitoii-on tin* north, and I till street on the east, containing one and three-fourths of an ftcrc, more **r less, with the improvements thereon; levied on a.* the property of John I Parsons t>* satisfy a mort gage li fa issued from Spalding Superior Court in favor of Willi am Waddv vs. John I . Parsons. Property pointed out in said mortgage fi fa. Feb 2, 1853. A. A. WOOTEN, D. Sli'lT. In SpuUUnif Superior Court, •Yovtm* her Term, 1853. M \i? lit \ Ann ll'U.vik* ) v.i S LIBEL Fo|< DlVi'ID’E.*-r* E- I y IT appearing by tin* return of the Sheriff that tin* Pe ti.iiibiiit i* not to be foiiml in said **uuty, it is -fjiere tor** i i:i>h:kh that the Defendant appear at the next I'rrnT of this * nurt. mnl that, iu **ase otLlefault, theeitst prii.*ei*d rx/Mirt*; and that this Rule be published once a month for. three months previous to t he next~TVnn*. Ry the t ’curt. II & G. J. Gkkhy& M vhtin, Att’ys for Eiln*!!ant. A true extract from the minutes of said Court. tlii ,l auiiai v 2<n 1. 1854. teb 2/51 HENRY B 11 >l.l .IDA Y, Clerk. IN SI*A 1.1)1 Nil SI I’ERIOK f OVRT-NOfEM HER TERM. ISSB. Barnabas Strickland ) tv. £ LIBEL FOR DIVORCE. Eliza A. Stkicklanh. y IT ap|s*nring bv the. return of the Sheriff that the De fendant is not to be found ill the county, it is • *ttnt:it- Ki> that the Defendant. Eliza A. Strickland, appear at fie next term ol this < ourt, and in ease of default, that said ease proceed rxpalit' , and that this little he publish ed ill one of the Gazettes of the city of Griffin once a mouth for three months before the next Term. By the Court. II . & G. J Giikkn & M\u riv, Att’ys for Libellant A true extract from the minutes of said Court, this January 2litii, 1N54. Fell 2,*51. HENRY B. HOLLIDAY, Clerk. NOTlt'K. —All persons indebted to the estate of Jor dan Driver, late of Henry county, deceased, are re iiuired to make immediate payment, and those having demands neninst said estate will present them duly au-’ theiitiented in terms of law. Jan. 2t>, IRSI. JOHN RtJDAIIAN, Adm'r. NOTlt'K. — All persons indebted to the estate of John M. Vnndigrift, late of Henry county, deceased, are required to make immediate payment, and those having demands against said estate will present them duly au thenticated in terms of law. Jan. >. IBM, JOHN VANDIGHIFT, Adm'r. Notice. Vl.l. persons indebted to the estate of Jeff-Tson Lane, late of .Monroecounty, deceased, are hereby notified to corns forward and make payment, and those having claims against said deceased are requested to present I hem in terms ol the law. lieu. 2i>, 1853. i WM FREEMAN, Adm’r. Notice to Ileblnrs anti Crcdiloru. AEE persons indebted to the estate of Pitt M. Sims, deceased, are required to make immediate payment, and those having demands against said estate, will pre sent them in terms of Law. Jan. 111. 1854. [Hid] ANN E. SIMS. Adiu’ra. NOTICE. Tv W O MONTHS afterdate -application will be made to the honorable Ordinarv ol Meriwether county for leave to sell one or more of the negroes be longing to the estate of J. M. Shepherd, late of Meri wether countv, deceased. Dee. 15, 1*53. J. L. CALLAWAY, Adinr. SIXTY DAYS after date application will be made, to the honorable Court of Ordinary of Henry county, for leave to sell two Negroes, to wit : Seaborn, a man, 32 years old, and Linda, a woman,47 venrs old, belonging to the estate of Samuel MeClendon, deceased, which were loft by the will to Sarah McClendon, the Widow, during her lifetime—the life estate baviug now terminated by the death of the widow. CAPEL MeCLENDON, Adm’r Dee. 15,1883. with the will annexed. SIXTY DAYS after dutc application will he mndc to tho honorable Court of Ordinary of Henry county, for leave toaell Lot of Land No. 201 m the 23il district, 2d eection of Cherokee county, a* port of the real estate of Thomas Cook, late of Henry county, deceased, for the benefit of the heir*. Dec. 15, MSB. SAMUEL COOK, Adm'r. QIXTY DAYS after date application will be made to -O the honorable Court of Ordinary of Henry county, for lave *ai Tlnueelj fi acre#of Land, a part es 1.. tNo ITlitffifi 12th district of Henry county ; and an interest of one-third in a Negro Man, named Moms, m jiart of the real and personal estate of Haney Gallman, late of said county, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. EDY GALLMAN, Ex’rjc December 15, 1853. v -. C-IKOUGIA, HENRY COUNTY.—Whereas Elijah T Wilson, Executor of the last will and testament ol Joshua Wilson, deceased, applies to mo lor letters of dis ffiisstoufrom said Executorship: These are therefore to notify all persons to le and ap pear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any exists, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office, this 15th day of De cember, 1853. [Bin] ■ HENRY STOKES, Ordinary. ’ C” Hit tRGIA, SPALDING COUNTY.—Whereas James T N. Simmons, Guardian of Franeis O. Smith, miner heir of Charles E. Smith, late of the State of Tennessee, deceased, applies to ino for Letters of Dismission from said Guardianship— These are therefore to oite and admonish all parties in terested to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any exist, why said totters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this 12th day of Janu ary, 1854. J. T. RANSOM, Dep. Ordinary. CN EORGIA , SPALDING COUNTY—Whereas T Charles Hammond applies tome for lettorsnf Guar dianship on the person and property of Nancy Hammond, deaf and dumb— These are therefore to cite and admonish all parties in terested to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show oaosc, if any exists, why said fetters should not be granted Given under my hind at'offloe, this Stb dav of Janua ry. 1554. WM L GORDON ‘Winery Legcil Advertisements. AiKoj;r;iA, SPALDINti C* M NTV.— WUcrcjt- Wil * I liuiii M. Rlanton, Administrator of the t itate of benjamin Blanton, deceased, upplics for letters of D‘-’- mission from said adnituistution : The*e ar* therefore to cite and admonish all and singu lar the kindred and of said deceased to he and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any exist, why said lettei* uhoul 1 not be granted. (iiven under my hand at office, thi* Ist day of Decem ber, 1868. WILLIAM L CA IRIX >N,< Irdinary. (1 K< >I: *. |A, SCALDIN’ t ( <AN 1 Y - Wbcrcae Rob if ert Shield*, administrator de bonis n n --1 tic* ‘ State of ( harles R. Cppedge, de**caaed, applies lor L-tUrsof Dismission fn'iu the said estate ; J' an* tlnTefore to rite and adm nir-b all * ‘ l ll ' l ’ Inr the kiudrod and creditors of said and *-ea-* 1 a ’ : appear Ht my office within tin* tiub* urcscribi and ny i a “ • b* show cause, if any exist, why subi letters* ithuu-d be granted. Uivun uuileriiiV bai4, at tbi.*i adi day af-No* •-t-’i— her, 1833. VVILL'IAM f>. t;oRD;)N, Oidirntry . Prospect uses, &<*. THE GLOBE. The Official Paper of CongießO, and News paper for the People. (N surrendering tny interest in tie organ t .i yr >t po litical party, i herisle and the purposed‘ contuming the Congrcaxioiinl (ilobe, and if possible, in time, to perfect it into a full history ol th • action of* onp;rt -s. giving the ‘debate* accurately ami fully with t lie pn ee * liny- - all -tamped with the verity of an official r !I. I aving -uec*ed'd in my. purpose of pcrfvtii'g tin reports < f tin* debate.* in Congress and giving them the f nffieial stamp. 1 1111 w propose. to send them abroad, in • *>i.oerii<*ii with the riL-vv.* of the day, in such ha-te a* shall outstrip lull anil aceurate intclligenc. -. nt from tie -.-. it ot (l.vcrtmunt in anv other form wliatever. It will even’ anticipate the serap* of new- forwarded to ci tied within two hundred and fifty miles of Washington by telegraph Before the ••vents t bus transmit ted are published in the morning paper*. (t>r instance, of the city “t New V->rk.) the t Holm containing them will have reached the post office of that city by the expres- mail of the previous night. The proven by which this will be eficett and 1 now lay before the public. 1 w ill have a corps of sixteen Reporter- in Congress , each in succession’will take notes during five minutes j then retire, prepare them for the l*ress, put tin in slip by ‘ dip in the hands of. .mpo>itors. and thus, while a debate \< gning ..n in Congress, it will he put in type, and in a j tew-minutes after it is ended it will be in jrn,t. 1 shall ! hv this meutL-; b* cniiblcd to send by Lxpress Mai! of l.„ k p in for tlie La.- 1 . W*-t and North, a: dS* T>Vloek,p 111 tor.t'fee Smtb. all tin* proceeding-ot C„ii -'re.-.- up to the ordinary hour M adjournment ihu- the aerurafe debates of Congress will reach tin* ‘ i’ie- tvv-.| humln and and titty miles 1 1 • m the ( npit- I b.f-*rc their dai- ‘ lv morning papers art. in ciunlation. | ’ The''miscellaneous news I shall !•• r *n! il < * .ga?l.,-r fium rvJiHite.sections ui tin caantry by telegraph. J vv ill j . •*.. ii fi m tin Lx utivc Depart im tits, throi a sfinWcrr^hriinrHcry-ct-TiT' uttrnt ‘TTTT!:^. . and i'T flu hV, •.ntd’’ through agents • tnpb-yvl t'-r tin* j ‘i.j *.-,*. all l iw-uy mvvs j >.f coij-t • jtieiiee ill time to be put ir.t<> t he < Hube and mail ed in tin I.xpres.- Mail trains. lu fli!-way. I L*>p<• I n cre ate anew era in tin* dis-eiuiunt i'n of u v. * t ■ m Wa.-h ----iugton Hitlu rto no iievv paper litisatteinptt Ito giv e.ut thontie aecounts of things dfn in'Wa hingt ly ht fore the | public mind at a di.-tuuee'had received it s In-t impression ! from irresponsibb* ub gni] hie li patch*.-, i by Jitter- j writers biased by pcciiliai vitvv*. j Wu.*Uingtoi*4ui.- now ieeoioe so great a centre ♦( po-j liti and intip st dniTlig all tln y . ar —tin j i e*i :i:g- t tin j L’xceutive Departments and the inl'oriuarioi, .•! L* t• i by ! ( tveti during the r*■•-•••->• -if CongP ■> is and •*> nn:.*h im; rt - j ;t in e tot in* interests of every serf i<m of tin* > ountry- that I 1 shall continue the publientioii *f tin* daily paper perma nently, with a view to become the vehicle et the- ailiest and most correct intelligence. it is part of my plan to reduce the ] .. da* daily paper t<> halfthat of-imilar dally pap. . - 1 Ho p. t... xteml its eireiilatioii-t as to iuv ite a>i. t- I, will ptibli.-h advertisement.- of th- .. . ! !.*;: ! o sub- | | -i-riber.* in the cities 1 hope t.. übmit such ; • :u.*> as will j induce them to adverti.o th* ii busine?—in i vt ry-rtllngc | thrmigh'Mit the Cr.ion. wh r>* tlsc ‘.! be is .-*, r.i tfaiiv uit- | der the franks of the numbers -.f i ‘ongrt -.-. ;•!! “1 w hum ! take it, ami omc of thelu a large number <d’ • ■■■; e-s. j The. installation y.f anew a- liiiinisti at i* u ami r in v. [ Congress portend* much ehange in the rnrrr-e (i ) *tb|h* . affairs us tlie re.'ult *t lh next- >e.siin va*f in-j tcrests which wcr* brought tip in the 1.-t < ‘ongre** were . laid overby the Democratic majority to await t lie cl* etioii I of a D’ inocratic Executive. The n.-w nto-b iing of the j Tariff; flu* new Land System ; the of giving ; Hoim -teiuls, and making ev**ry man a Freeholder who J I choose* to boconi” one : tin*\im.ti*m < f the \tbm i ! tie and Pacifn* oceans by a National j.Diiln ad sn ro.-s th” : territoiy of the l nioii :r* form in the Army, Navy, aid | civil offices —all these great ijtn stions, with u tliou-.u. i ; minor ones, deeply uff: et multitudes ot non in every] State in the I'nion, and will, mvv being matured by pub lic opinion, come tipf<*r the i*vernnvi:! .-d ‘rLn n. ! lie.-e 1 new issues. e**-opcrating witlivobi om*s. coming up to b< disposed of by new actors “ii tlie scenes at Washington, will be up* to modify gr**atly, IT not alter * ntially, tlu > party organizations of the country*. To these element* nf interest, another i- likely to be . introduced by the int crposi tion of the agitations ot Europe. After nearly forty year* of peace in Kun-i-e, there is * vi olently a restlessiie.-.* that now seems fra'u£nt w ith tenden cies threatening war : and if war comes, in all likelihood there will follow sm-h universal change that the l nitod States can scarcely hope to escape it* vortex. Indeed, fnyn late events, it i- a p].arent t hat our (iovernm*‘iit is already drawn into Kui'o[>ean olitficulties Tin* circum stances ar.o.ealciiluted to draw the public mind towards the next Congress with much expectation. The UAH.Y UI.OIIF. will be print* 1 on fine paja r. double royal size, with small type (brevier amhionparcil) at fivk noi.t.vßs v yi*:ak. The LOXURESSIOSAI. (i 1. 011 FI will also beprint ed on a double royal sheet, in book form, royal ipiurto size, ea*TTnumber containing sixteen page*. The Congressional dlohe prop* r will be made up of the proceedings >f Congress anl the running debates a.-given by the report cm The speeches which members may t*> write out themselves will, together with the messages of the President of the Cnitcd States, the re ports of the Executive Departments, and Hie laws passed by Congress, be ud*lcd in the Appendix. K*rinerly* I re ceived subscriptions for th** Congressional < iltd-e and Ap pemlix separately. Put this has not been f*un*l satisfac tory, inasmuch ns it gave an incompb te vi**w <.f thetrans acti*ms in Cong;cl ‘• and therefore I have concluded hot to sell them apart, considering that neigh burs •• hav •• the advantage of both by dubbing in ease individuals shall find it too onerous to be tit the charge of both. To facilitate the circulation of the Congressional t Hob*.* and cheapen it to subscribers. Congress passed last year a joint resolution milking it free nf postage. As 1 **!] the Dailv < ilobe at half th** price of similar publications, so the Congressional (l*\be ami Appemlix is sold for half the cost of so mu**h .eo'mp*, pres*-w.rk ami paper. This 1 can afford t> d>, inasmuch as the subscription *>f (\mgiess almost covers the cost f composition, and thi cnables me to sell for a little more than th*- cost “i wrk ami pajer. It requires the sab* of about fl.OOtl ro piest** reimburse expenses If 5,000 unh wcnVsold, the e*st of eah copy would bo about $lof! The debates in the English Parliament rostahont f/mn tim*s as mueh as I charge subscribers tor the debates in ('migress, equal in quantity, and as well reported and printed. The next session of (,’ongrcss vvill be a long on*', and it is believed the (’ongyesaional (ilobe (**r if w ill reach 1.000 royal quarto pages, a.* the last long session made 3,901 royal quarto pages —four large volumes each session. If subscribers w ill lie careful to file all the numbers received bv them, 1 will.upplv any that may miscarry inthe mails. This work increases in value as it grows old. .The first seventeen volumes will now command 3 times, and some of the subsequent ones twice their original subscription The subscription price for the Congressional Globe (in cluding the Appendix and the Laws) is Six Diu.i.aks. Complete indexes will be made out nnd forwarded t* 1 flubPcriotTß Boon after the session is ended. Subscribers for the Daily should have their money here by the stb, and for the Congressional Globe by the 15th of December. The money must accompany an order fur either the Daily or tho Congressional Globe. Bank notes current where a subscriber resides will be received at par- JOHN C. RIVES. Washington, Oct. 12,1853. SPLENDID ENGRAVINGS! FIFTY CERTS a volume. THE PEOPLE'S JOURNAL. An lUmtrattd Record Asi ieniture, Mechanics,Science and Useful Kneetdedge. ** fVm.ISHKP MONTHLY. HY AI.PBtB K,4?EAC 11. Every MlUiber emituin* 32 large png df lettcr i<l pres, beautifully printed ou fine paper, ami profusely illustn*. liMwith engravings. V Forming, at the end of each half rear, a splendid vol ume of two hundred pages, illustratSl with two hundred elegant engravings. Tho entire colt being only half a dollar .v Farmers. Mechanics, Inventors, Manufacturers, and pcoplo of every profession, will find in the People’s Jour nal a repository of valuable knowledge practically suited to their wants. Terms.—To subscribers. Fifty Cents a volume. Sub scriptions may he sent liy mail in coin, post office stamps, or bills, at the risk of the publisher. The name of the Postoffiec, County and State where the paper is desired to he sent, should be plainly written. Address ALFRED E. BEACH, , No. 86 Nassau street. New York City. SOT Two volumes are published annually. Back num bers and volumes always on hand for sale. Singtecop ies JO cents each,.to bo had at nearly ail the Rook and Periodical store* in the country Specimen copies sent on application. A liberal discount to the trade. ALFRED K. BEACH, Editor of the rooplo’s Journal, Patent Agent,&e., No. 86, Nassau streot, Now York City Shoe Makers and Tanners Arainvitedto examineour stock oi Calf kins ■ Leather, Lining and Binding Skins, Shoe k. ~ makere’and TannersToolsand Findings, ofwhich oar stock isnow completeandaschenpasthecheapest. C. JI. JOHNSON & CO Grifin. Apri!Jß,Bs2 -If .Miscellaneous Advertisements. NKW SPRING GOODS. MRS. M'N'Ql'Ls-T Wki spleasure i.u roturnin* tlinka to her kimt uatronx of th- !>*t SBa.-on, arid wishes tu * 11 their attention t> herncW Sl'KlNk* SIH( K, n*.w receiving, at her old stand *u Hill street; among which she has a variety of .ILW NPUIM, BONNETS ol thi latest and most fashionable styles. 4jT .’-he still Continues to make to order Silk, Satin and Straw BONNETS, us well as any other article in the Millin’ ry line, and hope's to retain all her old patrons and gi*t in any n*vy ones. (Jriffin, March 15.1853. tt-17 To Planters. rpj 1 1*. liidersigncd would respectfully call the attention .1 *.f Planter-* tv* their stock of Farming Toole, consist ing lu'part *f St raw tiers, (’ru Shellers.Sub-soilselt .*hai p*i.*r. 1 lilL*dby> : jn ca-t turn Houghs, Sco \ill’*, IkadeliLaii'i-flihcr-appr*vvd- Ilona in great v.vrieVy. A!-** i liuins of ovirr** and serii>tion —allof whie4 “v are n*.w off ring at a very . .all advance on cost. (iritliu, Nov 11. 185 L t.H Jt H INS< N &PO SALMONS & MOOT'll H‘A\ I. this taken into their copartnership Dr. JAMI'.S N. SIMMtiNS, and the mercantile bui ---!,.*.-■* trf the firm will He conducted in future at the *.ld stan 1, ui! Hill street, under the firm name of SALMONS, !b n id'll & < ‘< L L. s >a„v.ins, > (Jriffin, March 29,1853. Ronr.ui Ho'iTii, / James N S:mvj.>\s. ) STEAM MILL LI MHER. 1 riIHE subscribers having pureha** <1 tin well known [ l Suam Mills .formerly ••vvned by S. II (Irilfin, are j now prepared t<* furni.-h U Mi’l.R to those wanting, at j short notice. < hu* *f the proprietor.* will give hi.- entire j attention t*> the business, and lie being u mechanic and j • *hl .-avvyer, vve flattcroursel .es that we can giv e entire l .-atisfa’ tion in promptness, and quality *t Lumber. We j trust. Hv close application t * business, t* merit a liberal ‘ share .and patronage. WHITAKER & HAWKINS, j The-tilif,vribi*r having\* Id .-us his entire ]M>sscssin, I both bind and Steam Mills, to John 1. Whitaker and I John A F. Hawkins, takes pleasure in recommending! tlielu to his old cu-tomers—knowing tlu into be men of j ln-ii ••-* as.d re-} •■•lisihility, and able to give as good ue- j coinuiodati. in the Lumber business ns .my in this*un- j trv. 1 would further state that they have put the mn liincry in g*d n!'*r. for cutting good lumber. Try them, \ mi net and not be afraid. June* P. 1853. [3m-:?01 S. H. (I Kir KIN. CANDY & LEMON SYRUP MAN IT.U TI !! i:iJ AND .-OLD BY ; .1. !5. .VIA II TIN, I Aider tb>* I .:'t.di t Urea Jway. t iiirfin. < •ry i. ! 10l v 1.5, is>r2 -t t I Ili!Y-(;(f!IDS AM) (JROILIiiKS. \f*re.-h supply <>t Dr> -< tu *!.*- and iroceries. i u-t re- ; c ivcl, vvhieh vve offer extremely low* for ('ASI 1, at j • •ur dd stand bn X. vv t >rl*. .n * Street - I pint hard &wt on. , I, Oct 7. 1 5.52 lla rd wit re. ; r li JoifXSO.X ti. c0....*. ////./. STRKKf.. \R ! i n.-w receiving la-g*- addition.- *-■ tl.*ir >t* *k .t . i i;t dware. ( tit! ry and * t:i t>> vv bi< b ‘lo y . til the lat tent itn “f builder.-and •nt >r-}at *it ul:i: iv . Tin-ir -♦'•••kof lj*.cks % Latebr s. ! utt Hinges. S-:**vv.-. Aug* : -,, Nails. Ciii.M I>, Saw s. Pi a nes—; b>.*ne fi ;.i.d m !ding. i> now very complete, and will le t urni.-b* dmi as gt>d •••rin • a* at any I lard wane Si or** in < **i cia. Li! Ir*ns. Fan t b-Hring. &■*.,alvvay - on hand . (iriffin, April 8, I'C2 * * \ot Roiish, i>nl Rutdv. ; Tl sTr. caived a eh*d.-e L-t -.fold VilM Hivl.V TANARUS dv\C ’ *1 < 1 , vvhieh wiP be sold b*v* r than ♦ i mark, t !’R P’li A U I • ic Wc(D, j (iiiflin, July ,29.-18.52 N. D.NJfrcet Patent Medicines. Stabler'* \ iimlvne Cherry Experloram. 1 1 K COUGHS,!*, BKif.NC !HTIS, CI!‘IT. :0. STABLER S DIARRHOEA CORDIAL. ■rho va’unVilo'ineiliuint.’ alf>vc natnctl, arc tmt t iujiiriun] ] 1 illt arc |ri'jaf:tl in agrcuim iit uith the t x|fri< in*i* <*!'; -oinu of tin* mi)*’t lcuruol amhjudicioiii* |*ra* , titi*4m , r?*, ami arc net seerot, fuvtkur thmi in neces-arv. t j s-Dtucr the . |tr<jiintors :i;nl tho.-o wlm unc them, from In y :i.l 1 imj - riition, lid the utnnjioiient |u rts? Itave been muvlo kii(>wij, i 1 o.nfiukM'lALLY* imin time fo"fTih’6, t” ;5(.)(.• I'llVSiC lA.\<! !! In Mriryhmd, \ irjrinia, l’intriet of ColumUa. f‘hi(*ni:l other f'iaurs, nV of whom, inthmit </ voi'/f i.mj-tun . have : a|>i*ro\ nil of tin* formula, and mn.-t 1 t thorn that they are the r.Ksr reiuedii s that t!n v hate e\* r known for the cure of the diseases for wliit*h they are r* - eonitneinled. < Hir confidence iu exedleiuv of the**e ; lUflieineN. inlded to our desire t< avoid the just jreiudiee 1 of the medicirl profe-ssion smrl nnd yunrk 1105- : trum* s , induced us to aloj*t this camlid course. We ap pend a few of the notices we have received from i’hysi <*i aii>, \ i/.: F.-'fii Dr. IVn. 11. F(irmt\ < f So.or Htfl. Mttrt/lrrn,i. \ (/.% 1 i.’Jia —1 have, frequently in inv } rio. tiui pn-.-< rfh* i| | your “Stahler s A noth no’ < licrrb i :xpeetoraiit‘ , and **i >!- | nrrha*a 'ordial,” with satisfaction to my-i lf’ ar.< Ito ! ’ tin entire n lief of su/di diiises as they profess to cure— • 1 eonnider them happy eoinbimitioiis ol soiuc of our mo.*t ! and safe npents. ar.d must he of in- ; finite worihdUthe afflicted and mankind at lari;.*. In | furnishing the medical profession with these active and j columnt ratel jtreparations, so convenient for udiuinistra* | tion, and of a standard finality, 3011 have rendered them i an eminent service, and 1 en do no le.-s than eurin stlv | recoumiend these preparations f • praetit i< *.ers, and espc- j eialh in the e<untrv, where tiie impurity ol coin mere ini ‘ drills i- one of the great obstacles to the success of tin Physician. j Doct. W. S. Love writes to us that he has administer- ! e>l the Kxpcctorantto hiswife, who has had the hronehitis j for fourteen years, and that she is fast recovering from • her long standing malady✓ It has in af* w weeks done ! her more good than all tin* remedies she has heretofore i usedunder able medical emuisel. From I). H. !*■ ll'orthinljntnl.Mtl. “A months’ use f vour Ivxpectorant. both in my own family, and in general practice. J am confirm* ] ed in the opinion expressed of it, when first made ao- j 1 -ijHrtinted with tlo* recipe. For <>wo 1 thank ymi for c *-* j convenient and elegant a preparation of the Wild (’lierry. ] From Geo. Gerry, JM. />., of Somerset Cos., Mil. j “Gentlemen —I have used many of the different Cherry ! i:\peetorants, and I do nssure you that yours far exceeds any I have ever tried ** From Dr. J. R. a Andres, of Kingston, Talbot Cos., Mil. “Having examined the component parU of “Stablrrs Anodyne Cherry Expectorant,*'also of “Stalder’s Dinr rhioa Cordial,*'and having used them in practice, I feel no hesitalley in recommending them.*’ From K. J. Marsh, \I. D , Kent Cos.. Md. “I have made free use of your Diarrhoea Cordial in my family. It gives me much pleasure to add my testimony to that of others, in favor of its efficacy.*’ From Samuel Mart indale , M. I)., Chesapeake City, Md. <4 I have muoh pleasuro in adding my testimony in fa vor of your valuable Cherry expectorant. I have, after an extensive use, found it to answer all my expectations.” From Dr. Daniel W, Jones , Somerset Cos., Md. “I have given your Expectorant and Diarrhea Cordial a fair tmvand am delighted with thfif never >aT6rnftu*|i.em to fail instance I dntttake pleasure in reoommeudin|nliem. We have be<Slfitfoied w ilh a written certificnte,cheer fully given by numerous Medical gentlemen, in Mary land, Virginia, aud Ohio, which alone should convince the most doubting, that these arc really Good Medicines; after stating that they are acquainted with the composi tion of both the Expectorant and the Cordial, and that they have administered them to their patients, they tes tify “that they are remedies of great value, safe, efficient nnd well worthy of tho patronage of the Profession anti the public, that they are more reliable than other propri etary medicines with which we are acquainted,”&e- The above notices of recommendation from members of tho Medical Faculty, Pharmaceutists of high standing, aud Merchants of the first respectability, should be suffi cient to satisfy all, that these medicines are worthy of trialbythe afflicted, and that they arc of a different stamp and olass from the ‘•Quackery” aud ‘‘Cure-Alls” so much imposed upon the public. See the descriptive Pamphlets, to bo had gratis of all who have tho medicines for sale, containing reeommenda- ‘ tions from Doctors Martin, Baltiell, Addison, Payne, Handy, Love, &c. < For salob3 T Druggists, Apothecaries and Country Store keepers g merajly. h. 11. STABLER & CO., I VholcsaU Drugc ist $, hi porters of English, French and German Drugs, Dealers in Taints, Oils, &e., &c., —i 121 Pratt Street, Baltimore. Agent in Griffin. JOHN W. JONES. ) M J IUMEL fe'CO. < oru S*“ t 1 ’ Annl 7, ISNt. tTth \ ‘sl Patent Medicines. SSOO iIIALLEAGE! Ilobensack’a Worm Sfrup. Anartß-lu founded si-icntiflc piinciplcs, compound ed with purely vegetable aub.tancce, being perfectly safe when taken, and has never been known to tail in curing the most obstinate case. Worms can never exist when this remedy is once used, from the fact that it not only destroys them but removes all the slime and mucus which mav remain. The Tape Worm. This worm i - the rnoat difficnfT one to destroy of all that inbubit the hunian body, it grows to an almost in* definite length ami becoming so coiled and fastened in the intestines and stomach as to produce Fits t St. Vitu* 1 fJann. Ac. which i* the cause of many going to the grate, not believing that these comnlainti have their origin from the Tape Worm: consequently they do not use the proper medicines for their disease. To those who are afflicted wirti this n wful foe to health, I recommend the use of my 4Wa fyruv, un/I J.ivec Pill*; the Syrup to he taken iti doacsof tw*i table spoonfula three times a dar, then take from five to eight of my Liver Pills, to dislodge and pass the worm. By strictly following these directions, the most obstinate cases of Tape worm can be speedily cured. Round or .Stomatrh Worm* This worm is usually found in the small intestines, and is the woriu most common to children, yet it is not en tirely confined to them, as adults have frequently been known to suffer with them. 7%e Symptoms most promi nent while affected with this worm, are hardness and full ness of the belly, slimy stools, looseness of the bowels, picking at the nose, a hlueish streak under the eyes, If you *r any of your children have any of the above sywp j Hohem-aek’s Worm Syrup ean safcl ‘ be depended i upou—by using it you have a certain, safe and speedy ‘cure; and if after using it according to the directions thr ; patient is not restored to health, and the worm s thorough - ; lv eradicated from the system, you can rest assured there* j is no remedy beyond the grave, as for fail, there it no j such word as fail with those who use iny Worm Syrup. AiM'ai’ltlc*, or Small Thread Worms* • These worms, to which the human system is liable, aro I the most troublesome of all others. They are generally I t*> be found in the rectum, and if allowed to remain, from I the irritation they produce, lay the foundation for serious ] disorders, such as inthunation of the bowels, and other > le rang* ui flits of the stomach. The best and safest incd- I L ine that can be used is Hobensack’s Worm Syrup. j Such is the astonishing power of iny medicines over As j tin iti* v, that I defy any one to produce a case where my ! Woriu Syrup and Liver Pills are recommended to be used : they will not cure. All that is necessary is to use the Syrup in accordance with directions on each bottle; and in ca -c a gentle purgative is required in order to allay the irritation they produce the Liver Pills by their sympa thising not i"ii and healthy operation upon the bowels, is the must pleasant medicine tliat can be taken. N” 1* t *f lhe system is more liable to disease than the Lirt . it being supplied with numerous blood vessels and nerve.-, and if diseased, the blood of course flowing through ..ii parts nt thejiody produces Liver Complaint Jinan :V>. Jidli its AJfid ions. Di/sngisin^ Liver ( omplaiut I- at i v.'it h chi .Is, succeeded by fever, severe pains • ‘ lb.** r*gi**l the liver, vomiting*, bitter taste, yellow tu:: < 1 roi.giif, j u!-* full and bounding, the pain in the - ; i- :i.*_i.*:i.- •! by pre.-.-wre, should the left lobe be affec ; ted. th pain is g**m rally in the left shoulder, with a short Ly neigh.'the .%k,n (tn /u/tig *.f u salfuw ajpearancr, and |t: * / ■•*/’ nuy <• /< •/. 1 liis disease can be cured by the >*'• f H. 1 !;.-a k'.* Liver Pills,as tuey act directly upon ih- *vat ot \ he h r.i-c, ami then operating upon tlu* bow • 1- tin y expel all the conupt and vitiated matter from ■he y ‘x iu. J Dyspppda. i I.*** syinj'iom-"f Dy.-}>•} sia, and its various dueasc* an d:?/ine>.- in the head, heartburn oppression after eat , ing in.-.d>.-7M.nrne*s arising from the stomach, kc , and some tin*. -*• general langtmr ot the whole H**ly. from this it will *H> -ceil that tin disease .owes its origin to adisor iraiiized .1 at* of the liver and stomach. Hobentaek't Liver Pills is tin* vei v tucdiciue t* efte<‘t a penuanctit and U*t ii getire. as they act by changing the ecitain morbid a.etioi' "t th* -y-tviu iut* a healthy action, and rendvr ’ i.ig the b;> I J nrc-aud healthy. To 2FVi:tlt*. ’ **•.: will find these Pills an invaluable tmdieine in ina ■ \ • mpi'Min*.- to whirl, you are subj*et in ofi>truetioi;>i .:: rr t r * I•• r pj*rtinl, they l:a vie been found of inert tum id. Hem fit in icatering and purifying the blood and oth -1 * h'U'ls . <* n- t* cun* all complaints which may arise from : teimil* irregularities, as headai he. dimin ss of sight, pain :in th* sih . haek.&e. ‘J’lirse Pills are the only safe and .fi ?*:! remt-dv - to.cur*. th wii g eomplaiMs, (iout, .. i v*.' >i* k Headache, (ii*ldiiii, R hriumit ism . -b* .p. -sing ]'learns, | immss *f Right, or ;n i.i.*t . ; jot the diseases that arise from affect ions of ti.* Live,, impurity ot the blued, or constipution of iht* l.*wc!s. Jlcdit iil EviiUmo, W*• th- undersigned Physicians, having hnd the re i} t •. f tluii manufacture Mibmiited tiv us for inspect ion, that the vi:gr(dieiits of whi< h thev are composed makes them* * tie !>t Pill in use for al! diseases us the ’ liver, imf uittic.* of the blood. &c. t! Et ‘HUE WOOD, M. D. j F. ( ROWEY, M. I). E D'WbN, M 1). 46” Pup. Lase. none but those having the iignature ; )‘*l N. ID ‘!• L\B.ll K,” as all others are worthies* im ! Rations. { Agent* willing new supplies, nr,d all others wishing to ] ‘ “ no* ng r f.. must address the Proprietor, J N. HO. !. N>A( K. at hi.- LTibratory, No. 120 North Second -tr< ."'••Id by all Druggists and AlereLant? in the U. S. Jimic 2,1-858. ]y AFFLICTED READ! ! M IL A f* EI.I*II I A MKDI CA L I! fI, jr . KstaUishti \* years aso,hy // r Kinkelin, X. If*. < * truer ‘jihad and (J non streets, bet men Sjiruee Fine struts, Philadelphia, Penn. I<ll 11.1. .N years ot extensive and uninterrupted j pr;i*tiuf spfTit :n this city, have rendered Dr. K. the ni"st expert ami suuces.'ful prii'ctitioncr, far and near, in the tr i*incut nil diseases of a private nature. Per soes affiirtfl with ulcers upon the body, throat orlcgs, pain- m the head or bones, mercurial rheumatism,strict un-s. gravel, disease arisir g from youthful excesse&or im purities **t the blood, whereby the constitution has be en uu ens ei.ii il. arc all treated with success. II who places hints* !l under the care of Pr. K., may relsgiur*l v coi.fidt in his honor as a gentleman,andcon fidently r ly upon ltis skill as a physic ian. l \Ki. I’AIITK l l.Ali TICE. \ • ung men who haw injured themselves by a certain j*r:etie* indulged in—a habit frequently learned tVo.m eGI companions or at school; tlm effects of which are night h felt, even when asleep, and destroy both mind nnd body, should nr ply iiniueiiatcly Weakness and con st debility, loss of luuseulnr energy, physical las sitmle and general prostration, irritability and all nerv .ou- utT.’ l tions. iudigestion. sluggishness of the liver, and • very disease in any way connected w ith the disorder ot tbe proeredti w functions cured, and full vigor restored. ftti;.*fr! 101 AND TIA^XIOOI>. A \itrornui Life , or a Premature Death. KlnLetiii on Silf-PrniriVullon— Only 25 CfUtl* I his Look. just published is filled with uneful informa tion. on tin* infirmities and diseases of the Generative Or guns. It addresses itself alike to Youth, Manhood an Old age, and should be read by all. I lie valuable advice and impressive warning it JtlTez iviliprevent years of misery aud suffering, and save an miitlly t housands of Lives. Parents hy rending it wilHcarn how to prevent the d* slrin l.iuu oTi heir children. —*— ** A remittance of 25 cents, enclosed in a letter ad dressed to Dr. KINKELIN, N. \V. corner of Third an l moo streets, between Spruce nnd Pine, Philadelphia will ensure a book underenvclope, per return of mail. Persons at a distance may address Dr. K. by letter (post-paid,) and be cured at home. Packages of Medicines, Directions, iic.,forwarded by sending a remittance, and put up secure from damage o curiosity. D Book-seller*,News Agents,Pedlcrs, Canvassers,and al ot the above work at very low rates. NEW SPRING GOODS] C. 11, JOHNSON & Cos., Hill-street, CH “, Arc Ilf receipt es their Spring and Summer * OWs.towUoh attention of b. w *W’^Tr i >d' 1 ’ is ‘lwiifrilli IPB X la their stool PLrjwill be fouiiWWWul sc®j#of J ■ ’ .i>*qLiilfiPr'd Bareges. Barego DcLane^^^^ Rich Crape do Paris and Grenadines ; Rich Fancy Tissues,4l ich French Organdies ; R ich and low Pric’d X’rintcd Juconette ; Rich Brocade Silks—bl’k and fancy colored ; White and Dotted Swiss Muslins; Plain Swiss Jaconettc. Mull and Nansoak Muslins ; Swiss and Jaconettc, Lmbroider’d Edging*and Insertions in great variety ; Ladies’ White Napoleon Lace Capes ; Ladies’ Embroidered Cambric and Muslin Collar! and Cuffs, a great variety, frilled and plain ; Ladies’ Enamelled Cambric, Muslin and Pagoda Undersleeves, Chemezettes, &e : t.orded Bordered Hemstitched aud Itioh Embroi dered Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs; Superior Bl’k (’hnljy for mourning Dresses ; Ladies’ Alexander’s Kid Gloves, Silk Mits—long and short ; Silk and Cotton Hosiery in great variety ; Ladies’ Sandal, Wood and Spanish Fans ; English and ,/merican Prints— large variety ; Pure Thread, Wove Thread, Lisle and Saxony Laces, Edgings and Inserting* ; Togethcr with their usual good supply “ of Shirtings, Sheetings, Linens, and Linen Drapery aud family * goods for children and servant’s wear ; They also desire to call attention to their handsome se lection of Bonnets and Ribbons, and Millinery Goods. A good stock of Clothing always on hand. Give us call—wc lbßd. it no hardship to ?h*w our goods. Griffin. April R Ib.jl ts •