The American union. (Griffin, Ga.) 1848-186?, June 10, 1854, Image 4

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AMERICAN UHION. fkuUlMlb rn* Vv. The New York Josnul ofCommerce has • well writtee artiefe on the effects of the war ill Europe ikMcMly considered, from which we extraet a paragraph relating to the Bank of Englaai : The British Government, in the first instance, applied to the Bank of England to lend them a few millions. There is an idea afloat that the Bank of England is ao dependant on the <>v ernment of England that it could never refuse such an application for assistance. But the Bank baa, on this occasion completely dissipated such a notion; for it is understood to have giv en, without hesitation, a point-blank refusal. The London Times—the Government organ of the press—severely ami oarcasttcaliy censure* the Bank, and remarks upon what it fallaciously represents as its obligation to yield to such a de mand, at such a time. But nothing, we humbly think, could lie more unreasonable than to ex pect the Bank to act against it* own interest, and thereby, not improbably peril its safety.— Ills true that the Government are its customer* to a considerable and perhaps a most profitable amount. The Bank has the management if the public debt ; it is allowed £348 per million on six hundred miliums, and £3OO per million oi#the remainder of the debt. But then tin*, Government must of necessity employ some com ! potent banking con.vru to do the work, and < must pay that concern handsomely for it, and it may lx* questioned if any machinery but that of the Bank of England could so ably and so safely transact an amount of business of Midi mag nitude am! intricacy.” Tho Bank of England, wo repent, must look to its own interest, and its own security. The Acts of Parliament of 1820 ami IHU ex prised it to tho trying ordeals, even in times of peace; and now that a time of war lias at lust come agni i, it must mind what it i* about. It has mrt the elasticity it once hud —it has been de prived of the expansive resources it formerly held ‘ at it* disposal, by means of u loss restricted issue of paper. Moreover, it is one of tho clfort* of war, to emtso a drain of gold, and thereby still further contract its issues. This is already go ing on to a great extent. The Bank of England, therefore, must, in common prudence, look ahead, and be prepared for any emergency. It must see that its customers’ balances ate well kept up—its principal customer, the Government, among the rent. The whole affair in short, is one business. War will make it one extremely critical, and the Bank must act accordingly. The Consequence of the Batik's refusal of the accomodation required by tho Government has bem, that the Chancellor of the Exchequer has kaued Exchequer Bonds to the amount of £<),- 000,000,—t0 bear interest at the rate of 3$ per cent per annum, —to be redeemed, otic third in 1858, one third in 1859, and the remaining third in 1860. This arrangement wa*, tio doubt, unavoidable ; but it will illustrate in its opera oration bow war deranges the financial affairs of -even the ablest Governments. Influence of Wealth. —lt will be rccollect d, by many of our readers, that some two or three years’ ago nu influential and wealthy plan ter in Louisiana by the name of Liddell, way laid a man on tho road-side, with adouble bar rel gun, and while the man was passing along quietly and unarmed in his buggy in company with another man, that this Liddell discharged his gun and killed both these men, in cold blood, and that too meroly because a misunderstand ing had occurred between a lady and tho man thus murdered, in regard to tho day upon which they were to be married. A few days in, the trial of this man Liddell came of! in Madison Parish and he was acquitted ; lie it said to the disgrace of tho people of that Parish and the Judiciary of Louisiana, and his acquittal se cured by money, no doubt, for a more cold blooded murder never was perpetrated, ami a greater desperado never walked on the earth. Vet be cannot be found guilty by a court of Justice, of a murder he committed in open day light.— Alabama State Sentinel. j Significant.—The New York Times —a Frcd eoil, anti-Nebraska journal—has the following signifleant paragraph: “Some months since, when the question was first primed upon Congress and tho country, we expressed the opinion trial tho result of tho move ment (the Nebraska bill) on public sentiment in the State of New York, would be to secure the nom'nation of Wm. 11. Seward for Governor, and bis triumphant election. The development of popular opinion has been far more rapid, and the public indignation against the authors and agents of this conspiracy lias been far wider and more) intense than we bad deemed possible; and every-: tiling, in our judgment, now indicates that in the event of tho passage oftliis bill, Gov. Seward will be elected President of tho United Status in j 1838, by the largest vote from the free States •ear cast for any candidate. If the slavehokling gUtus are resigned to this prospect, it does aut become us to complain.” There is no doubt that the Nebraska ag'tation Jmwißfmensety increased the strength of Goy. fiaWAaa in New York and in the North. It is quite possible the passage of the bill will non trihate to that strength. But it will never enable bint |o rwsah tbo Presidency. Wm. 11. Sewabd aaa aevqr b* President of the United Staten.— That's aa impossibility; and need not, therefore. ‘inMtmmnd. Slavery will go to Nebraska be- Bymft Seward will ba chosen Chief • la *' w 7 f3QVor “> 1! ff° to Nebras ii|a auite iWroskiaa to the Soathsra ” Abolii ionist ‘ rtfifr IWF- ■ M Bulletin. WBtß’ 1 Tai T nur; aa *Twtao Houaa.”—Tnenew York Kadninf Pent myt : “Thera it a Third Boom at tbe mot of Government, who cell legit latiaa by tbe wholetaie or retail. Os these people ywa may bay lawe by the piece or square yard, by tbe |tw> or riagle doeen. If you are desirous • hare aetataU enacted for your particular ben efit, they are ready to get it passed for you, on oood&oo of being well paid. A good eum of owner lit hand, and aa aaearaaoa of reoainng a handsome proportiea of what yoo make by tbe law, will hire you an active company of eappere 8d tamers, before whom thaeaay virtue of such eGongrees a* we Ujm at present can hardly be •Mailed to tomd k>a£ the wore you give at oMfctofitbt huf >f ariina of your future :• i^wi<^Vss : wr.> p. ate thaaaiaa mediotae yew are giving my Boa Educational Advertisements. SYlfillEAL mill (HUH. rilS Institution has been in operation daring thr past joar, and th# Board of Trust or* feel great plantar# in again presenting it in the patronage of the public, wt'lU*iurcd a* they arr, that in# high character of the Institution will satisfy thewisbttof tnottwho may com mit their daughters to its moulding influences. The course of litcrury instruction is thorough and extensive; moral discipline and religions culture form B prominent nrwl ehu-MusAauilULc its urjraniaatinm while un wearied pains ure token to mould the manners and culti vate the kindly nflvrttwns the heart. K it tXTV. Ukv. CAIIMSLK I*. B M AHTIN, President, and Pro fessor of Ancient Languages, Mental and Moral Sci ence, and Belles Let lr*s. Mr J. A. DANKtMITtI, (provisionally) Professor of < hftinlstry, Mathematics, Mechanical Philosophy, and Natural Sciences. Mia* ALA K. IIUMI’IUIV, Instructress In Botany, Physiology, and Lngli* lißranches Mr*. JANhTTIv BhfHPNK, Inwtructmsin History, Ms!hematics, and Kuclish Branches. Ibt M. J. iMNUX, Lecturer on Physiology and Hy giene. 11 ft It MA X V Bit A V MM1 T LLK K. Professor of Instru mental Music., Mouochjoinatie Painting* and Modern Languages Mrs. aORES HR A UMMrLKU,lnstructress on Guitar and Ornamental Brunches. N. B To the young ladies of the higher classes, wh. arc studying Music, the French Languuge will taught tr it hunt fjrtra < hnrgf mr Prcf Brai mmi i.'.er, a scholar of Prof Beauvaia, <*.author of the Freiudi •raintunr of Hermann ct Beau vais, will hercuftcr teauli the French language. TERMS. The first ‘I •rm of i !i• year will commence on the 2nd i Monday of .January (the 9th) and close on the Ist Tues day of July. The second Term will commence on the 2nd Motiduyof August, and close on the lust Thursday of November. JAM&* H STARK, W. .1 Kuril, Srr't/. Preset Hoard Trn*tr*t. Griflfo* Gn , Jan. 6, lsr>i. if * MARSHALL COLLEGE. r pili; first term of this Institution, under its present JL name and organ i ration, will commence the Slit ’< >NI * M* FMAY in Jatimrry next, and end the first Monday in : July ‘l’lie Second Term will commence 2d Monday in August, and end the 2*l Wednesday in Itecciuhir \Ve take pleasure in informing the friends of thia In stitution generally, that we werefutored with a liberal nliar* of nntrtuißge during the preparatory term which tin* just closed. We bad sonic twenty young men study ing the ( I.tastes, preparatory for t ollege—of whom wo | hope to oigaiilae el least two t ‘ollege ( lasses during next T*o in We ba\> adopted a regular course of College Studied, wbi h will ffoon be p-ilduhed. Wcare there fore (•repined to receive nppticßuts into either of the four Col lege • hisses, as well as into oyr Preparatory Department. We hope to merit as well sg receive tho hearty co-ope ratioti of the friends of the Institution and of Learning, in our efforts to build up and sustain a Literary Institu tion of distinction in tho city of Griffin. Our tuition is as low ns can possibly comport with the interests of thelhstitufioKT Plan of Initruotion and Hate* of Tuition ran nciini.Asrric year ok tkn month*. Pint lessons in Bpelliug, Reading, Writing and Arithmetic ‘ #2O 00 .Spelling and Defining, Heading, Writing, Arith metic, Geography, Kng. Grammar commenced. Composition uiul iJoclnination 25 00 Advanced Lcaeuns in Kng. Grammar, Arithmetic, (•eography; the l.atin Ijingungr ami Natural Philosophy commenced, Spilling, Reading,kc. continued 33 00 Latin, Crock, Mathematic*, Natural, Moral and Mental l-hiioenphv. Astronomy, Chemistry, Rhetoric, Logic, Natural History, tic to 00 Extra Expense* for Fuel per Term 1 00 U* Tuition, if not paid in advance, invariably ducat tho end of each Term- Board and Lodging #lO per month. j. W. ATTAWAY, Principal A. BUCKNER, Assistant. Griffin, Ore. 29, 1883. ts 6 McCORMICK COLLEGE, \ (walk AM) FEMALE,) GRIFFIN, GEORGIA -TMild Institution will open on the iccond Monday in A July, and in which the McCormick Inductive Sys tem of Educntiou will be fully taught. By this syetem more practical and useful education is imparted in one inontb, than is usually taught, by the old system, la oneWear; and by which both rich and Well educated ata trilling expense t Is not only (he most rapid, but more extensive und useful than any other system known to the humnn mind. The most practical male and female Teachers will he employed in the several department#, and no studeut* will be retueed because of thoirodaoations, or being grad uated. The examinations will he publicly and fairly con ducted, and no student* shall be examined in any Text Rook which they may hare studied. Any person snail be at liberty to furnish hook* or work for the examination of students. We can, confidently, assort that thia will he the only truly anti-sectarian College in the Stale ; for the pretension of Theology nor Mythology shall over enter its rooms. Nor win its students be permitted to attend any music or dancing schools, theatre*, oircueca, or any other speoies of monkey-show performances. \ Our object will ho to turnout honorable and wise oknti.kmh*, and leimed and accomplished i.adikx. All superfluities and free-negro show will be rigidly forbidden. Oar pre tension* wifi be few, for the bight of oar ambition will be oouflncd to legitimate education, humanity, atrict honor and morality. These virtue* will be positively en forced, and whenever a delinquency is manifested, n sys tem of close training will immediately follow. There will be but two Rules in this institution—tho first, to learn very fust; the second, to behave remarka bly well. The College Building it of Brick, 80 by 40 fee', and two stories high; and i* bettor adapted to educational purpoiieetbau ‘any other budding in the city, it can ac commodate, most pleasantly, 250 students. The following gentlemen will compose the Hoard of Di rectory, whose duty and pleasure will be to promote the progress, morals and best interests of oar students. Directors. Jrnox A. A.G AULDING, Pres't Board of Directory. Cot.. T. 1). Johnson, Wm R. Phillips, Mayor, Wm. Ma< kby, Esq., f.n M. M. Lock hast, Cm.. 1,. W. Coopbr, Dn. D. M Williams, JrtiOK C W. C. Wkioht, Col. Z. Norton, Ms. Jons SwttriLL, Ok*. K. P. Daniel, JriKieJfS Jons*. U. R Oolrsby, Esq. Judge Gawldiug, having been formerly a successful Teacher, together with his high sense of honor and his prompt business capacity,possese* those qualities and qual ifications for an educational officer, Inferior to those of ao other gentleman in the Htate; while the other member* of tho Directory are woll known for being sensible, high toned and business gentlemen. \We feel highly compli mented by their aid and co-operation iu this undnrtaking uud upon whom parents and guardiana can implicitly rely. B4TII OP Tt'ITIOH, rxn term or rivx calendar months. Orthography, kc L... #l2 90 Arithmetic. English Grammar.kc ... 17 80 Mathematics, with umof Instruments, 25 00 So soon as etudeate or* well Darned tn the useful sci ences, they will oe allowed to eater any Ancient or Mod ern Language at #ls per term. No student taken for a less time Ihga a tana; and all student* must be punctual iu their TOtOeudanee, or be oh rged double price fbr every day unaooMiarily abount. The b*et Inforeste of proper edeoation i nape rati rely de mand the unsLtupulous observance of thoM requirumoute, and they shall be enforced without reeseet to uuruonu.— The ttiard of Directory will ba the ouly adjudloatlng power between the Instltutfiui and otbor partiea. On has loom, the President araojrethar mgwbuv of toe 4|gpp|gnc it ibr mb, 1 fly Btaflfcfltttwt to Qtlffis flffifl’ jMwflkf . m established In Grittn a liLnw STORE, embracing a eom m piste eupplyWarlor and Plain Household Purni -1 ture.tuonai Ma Bareane, Center and Card To- Uus, (Mahogany aad Marble Tope,) Wardrobes, Look ing hi asses. Book Cases. Chair*—Mahogany Sofo-uoat, all kinds of Rocking, ke. Together with a full supply of plain toniifiE vaaißs, Wash gtanie, TaMee, Had*tods, k- fco- All of whisk wa will sell on very favorable terms. Tnv vs. A. W. BENHAM k GO. Hill street. Grittn, October 2D, 11852. ts-48 OANDY & LEMON SYRUP MANUFACTURED wM AND SOLD BY J.. R. MARTIN, Underlie Union Offiaa, Broadway, Griffin, Georgia July 3, • _ PlHßtatloi tfagoni,’ IRON ASLKB, or two, four and six horses, for sole by W. W. WOODRUFF k CO. Grittn, Sopt. A IBBS. 48 Mmwru'Krwi'wu EL BHELLERS, Sab-Soil, Hdo Hill and Englo Turn lug PLOWS, foreale by J.X.fiJ cTbEERS g * thT“ aurtsHsaf Hill Street. Tboakfbl for nuot teUt ItASSOBlitlSfiM of DlltCllAet ‘ mirMvMR w MMIMI Elftilfeif, GRIFFIN, GEORGIA. W. W. WOODRUFF 9c CO., Are .Manufacturing ami receiving lsrgfe ntock of the Best Carriages in the State, whkh they willsei.i. a as can be bought in the Sn thkri Market; consisting us Coaches, Hack Wagons, Slide-seat Buggies, Family Wagons, Rockaways, Top Buggies, No- Top Buggies, Plantation Wagons, HARNESS, WHIPS, Ac. ailil w-n-iax 3 waEasr wsex \V. W. WOOUHIiFF, Urijfin, ()a M. C. k J. H. GKEEN, Newark, New Jersey. October 15, 1892. 49 GREAT SOUTHERN REMEDY. CJUBtUR.ttT^ (Tini.KUA. ) FOE ALL fCHOLERA MORBUS. |)\ Sh STKI! Y, > g* g* uwr g, I ■ n g wv • r> u < 111I.IOl'S CHOLIC. DIAItKIKK4 ) if IP Iw l.lsls IB ■3fc . r# 3 . )cHOLKI’A INFANTUM. Alio, at nimbly aja/tted to many Di*eae of Females, most esjiecially PAINFUL. >1 EVSTKI ATIOV. The virtues of JACOB'S CORDIAL are too well known to require Encomiums. I. It Cures the wr*f riter*of IXnrrlkcrn. 7. It Cnrt-s I'alutul Mt*i linulluit. B t'urss (hr u*rt form of Dysentery. 8. It Relieves Pain !h the Rm k and I*olus. 3. It fares Cullforuln or Mrtlrnn Dlarrhcra. 9. It C'omiterarts Nervnnirto and Drspondeuey* 4. It Rullewett tlir <rvcrrt Colic# 10. It Restore* Irregularities. 3. It Cures C hole ra Morbus. 11. It Dispels Gloomy and Hysterical Feelings. O. It Cures C'holrrn Infitntuna. I!|. It*au Admirable Tonic. A few short Kvtrarli from Letters, &c. ** I have unetl Jocob*s Cordial in my family, ami have fouml it a most efficient, and in my judment, a valuable remedy.” Hot. HIKAM WARNER, Judge of Supreme Court. (Ja. ‘•it gives me pleasure in being able to recommend Jacob's Cordial —nay own personal experience, and the experi ence of my neighbors and friends around me, is a sufficient guarantee for me to believe it all that it purports to be, vis: a sovkreion remedy. \V \I. 11. UNDERWOOD, formerly Judge Superior Coart, Cherokee Ct. “ f take great pleasure in recommending thin invaluable medicine to all tflicted with bowel for which I believe it a sovereign remedy—decidedly superior to any thing cite I ever tried.” m A. A. GAUL DING, Deputy G. M. of the Grand Lodge of Georgia. “ ‘Uhi efficient remedy is travelling into celebrity as fast as Bonaparte pushed hiscolumns into gain ing oommendation wherever used.” Georgia JeUcrsonian y May 19/5, 1853. i&T FOR SAFjE BY—Lovf. & Gi.E'ts, McDonough ; Jamks F. Johnson, Jonesboro ; Jones & Underwood* Fayetteville: W. S. Sandwich, Thomaston ; J. T. Thrash, Wamerville: W. S. Lawson, Greenville; K. W. UEjuiv, J. E. Hall, Ncwnan; Manoiiam &l Mitcukll* Zebulpn; W, H.WAi*KEß,Culloden ; Lt;o.NAEr Little, Baruenvillc, Doct. Bean, Forsyth. December 1,1893. 2-ly UNION JOB OFFICE! ? ALL KINDS OF k (Dnmmpntnl, PRINTING ! FXECI’TED WITn NEATXESS AND DESPATCH. SUCH AS PA MPHLETS, Catalogues, SjgWj Hand Hills, Hank C'hrclc*, llualnrssCards, Blank Notes, iWS| A l .lress Cards, Label*, Visiting Cards, Frogrammes. Freight Bills, Neatly and Bxpp litiouslvoxeoufe 1 attheofiica of tho “AMERICAN UNION,” Griffin. Ga. ORDERS respect/My solicited. TERMS CASH. A. G. MURRAY, Proprietor. THE AMERICAN’S FRIEND!! HOLLOWAY’S PILLS. To the Citizens of the United States : 1 most humbly and sincerely thank you for the immense C-trunage which yon have bestowed open ay Fills. 1 ke this o- rtanity of stating that uiy ancestors were all American Citixens, and that I entertain for all that conoerns America and Americans, tho most lively sympa thiei, so much so that 1 originally compounded those Pills expressly to suit your climate, habits, constitutions, and manner of living, intending to establish myself among you, which 1 have now dune,by taking iireinisesin New York. THOMAS HOLLOWAY, { 38, Comer of Ann and Nassau streets. New York. PURIFICATION OF THE BLOOD, AND LIVER AND BILIOUS COMPLAINTS. Thecilixens of the Union suffer milch from disordereof the Liver and Stomach, scarcely any are free from the in fluence of these destructive maladies, hence life weuisfast. The fair sex, perhnjw the moat handsome in the world, up to a certain period when,distressing to say, many loose their teeth and good looks, while yet in the heyday of life. Such sad evils may be effectually remedied by continual ly keeping the blood pure, and the Liver and Stomach in a healthy action, when life will flow smoothly and resem ble plants in a congenial clinic, where an eternal spring appears to reign. As it regards the preservation or the human frame, and the duration of life, much may be ef fected. and 1 sav fearlessly, that health and life can bo prolonged for many year* beyond tbeir ordinny limits, if Holloway's Fill* arc t.vkon to purify tho blood according to the rule* laid down for health contaiued inthedirec tione which accompany each box. A CASE OF WEAKNESS AND DEBILITY OF 10 YEARS STAN DING, CURED BY HOLLOWAY’S PILLS. Copy of a letter from Captain John J.Jmon, Astir House, Note York, dated Jauwny ?th, 1854. To Pnov Hou.oway, 38, Cor of Ann k Nassau st*. N Y. Sir,—lt is with the most heartfelt pleasure Iha veto in form you that 1 have beeu restored to health and strength by taking your Pills. For the last ten vears, 1 suffered from a derangement of the Liver and Stomach, and woe reduced to meh an extremity that I gave up ray ship, nev er expecting to go to wa any more, as 1 had tried every Remedy that was recommended to roe, but all to no pur pose ; and had given myself up to despair, when I was at last recommeuded to take your Pills. After using them for three a uitha, the result is that lam now ia better health than I have been for eleven years past, and indeed oe weU aserer 1 was In my life. \ou are quite at liberty ; tomako tbii known for the benefit of others. 1 remain, Sir, yours respectfully, , (Signed) JOHN JOHNSON. These cdshraltd Pdts are wonderfully Juaeious in the ntteWPlffC fUfllWfflttW i Ague Debility Head-ache Scrofula, or )fill■>■ Dropsy Indigestion King’s Evil gtUon* Cent- Erysipelas Jaundice Stone k Gravel ahum fMttu lr- Liver Com- Secondary v-^tsse *£22* _ o 2i U * t Weaknra from s o BnIAM tha BMbHshmeai of Professor Hoi.lowxt. ttbmiiwfintsd Nassau street*, New York ; also |?UmmS*To DfUgiat* amt Debtors in Mediotnon HwflllflSe n 11 niton la Boats, at S7| cento, 8T oenteTmid |U9O cent* wet’ T 9 to Lad Whotaals t the prindpal Drag HouweTfttofcto. . There is a oontiderabJlfißWag by Uking tUMtt J eraiso*. W£'’ . - . • ‘VlidH N. B —Directions fortheMMfiaattfpaUnctxixfiMVd disorder are ottxod to each ■ For sale by WM. WtttttAT, W. W. Lixcolw, Savannah, Ga. } v,, .ttKjPtP General Agent for tbs State. } mi#4 TH-I/ rr— .'.llj. ■ u '. . -H-ifiifiJMtt TU ST re w*red U t !f“d VIRGINIA TGBAC- J CO, whin wHlbt *eU lower than ever oieradiatkix market. PRICHARD k WOOD. Grittn, July 29,1862. N. O. Street Houe,Sigiind OrnamenUl Pglnting. • The undersigned rwpeetfully calls tbo attention of ttoMhiio. and eepeetally those who live la tha country, to Urn faet that he ie prepared to PAINT HOUSES In saporioT style, aad on very reasonable Urm>- Aloe, gtaxing demo ia good style, and at the ekartertno tiaeT Giro aim a nail* R. L. HOBBS. JVShop so Nnw Orleans Street. Grittn, Alga at 12.1882—ts Baperfftoe Ufggn. SafIBBLSBMWRIJ T AND WARRANTS waated by . . JL J A- k J O. REEKS GHttx Jnair.lM SALMONS & BOOTH HAVE this day taken into their copartnership Dr. JAMES N. SIMMONS, and the mercantile busi ness of the firm will be conducted in future at the old stand, on Hill street, under the firm name of SALMONS, BOOTH & CO. L. S. Salmons, Y Griffin, March 29,1853. Robert Booth, > James N Simmons. ) WARE-HOUSE AHD COMMISSION BUSINESS. ——~A THE undersigned havetaken charge e of the large and commodious I to*! ware-house paaa l on the corner of Hill and Taylor streets, recently occu pied by Messrs. Reeves dt Lewis, and will carry on the above business in all its various branches, during the en suing season, under the firm name and style pt GAUL DING, HILL k N’ALL. The House is undergo ing thorongh repairs, and will be in superb order for the : reception of eotton by the commencement of the season, j Liberal advance* on Cotton and other produce instore, | made at all time*, at customary ratea. The personal at tention of each member of the firm, w : ll be devoted to the business, and they hope to receive, as they expect to j deserve, a liberal share of public patronage. Griffin, Ga., July, 1853. A. A. Gaulpino, Henry P. Him., I Archibald M. Nai.l. —Premium Teeth. Dr. F. Y. Clark, would most respectfully inform all who are in need of full or partial set* of teeth, anu who wish them put up with skill and experience, warrant ed to auswer every purpose required, that they can now besupplied at short notice; and with the same kind pat up on beautiful inetalic base, which took the premium over all others of the kind, at the late fair in Macon Dr C. has lately made arrangements so that persons living in the country or in any of the adjacent towns can. if they wish, command his services free of charge, winch will secure them against the many impositions practised byitinerant quackstliat daily traverse the country. Griffin, Dec. 4, ’sl. 4—ts Provision store aud Candy Manu factory. HTHK undersigned thankful for past favors, has opened anew and splendid assortment of GRO CERIES AND CONFEC TIONA R/ES un dor the “American Union Offiee,” and next door west ot l)rs. Long fit Bliss’Drug Store, on Broadway, where he will keen constantly on hand, a general assortment in his line, and most respectfully solicits the patronage of hisold friends and customers. Among his stock ft re the following: •Sugar, Coffee. Molasses, Syrup*, Cheese, Butter, Boston Sods, Butter anil Wine Buscuit; Raisins. Figs, Preserves, lieinon Syrup ; Sperm, Adamantine and Tallow Candles; Tobacco, Cigars, Snuff, Oranges. Lemons, Cocoannts, Atmnnds, Walnuts, Braail Nuts, Pepper, Spice, • ringer, Sal .diratus. Soda, Starch, Chocolate, Teas, Piekles, Matches ; Port, Madeira. Teneriffe and Malaga Wines, formedecinal purposes. FLOUR and MEAL, Mackerel, Sngnr Cored Hams, Kiee, Men), Dried Beef, kc , all of which will bw sold low for cash. Also, CANDIES at wholesalcorretail. J. 11. MARTIN, Agent. Griffin, April 3, 1852. -ts DUY-GOODS m GROCERIES. A Fresh supply of Dry-Goods and Groceries, j ust re ceived. which we offer extremely low for CASH, at our old stand un New Orleans Street PRICHARD k WOOD. _Griffin, Oct 7, 1852. Hardware. C H JOHNSON k CO HILL STREET., ARE now receiving large additions to their stock ol Hardware, Cutlery and Guns, to which they call the attention of but biers and contractors particularly Their stork of Locks, Latches, Butt Hinges, Screws, Augers, Nails, Chisels, Saws, Dianes—bunch and moulding, is now very complete, and will be furnished on as good *rms as at any Hardware Store in Georgia, dill Irons, Fan Gearing, kc.,always on hand. Griffin, April 8,1852.-ts Goods mid Groceries. A variety of DRY GOODS AND MB— forensh. bv PRICHARD k WOOD, New Orleans treet. Grittn, Ga , Jnly 29, 1882. SPLENDID ENQRAVINOS ! FIFTY CIS IV TS A TOLDRE. THE PEOPLE’S JOURNAL. is Btonfid Fbmrdsf Agrimltnn, Msekooies,Science 4Md Useful Knowledge. IWMIMMLT.It ALPmXD X. OXACB. tmdSESSmi es rack half year, a (plead id vol tof Itto UktofiMtlMl ima kttiulijJ 1 aferaot Tto mlin wm to to* only totfa WS*r*. MMhoaleßbflFttiNC M~ aad lOCople of every profeieWß, wUi find in the MraMi J*SB Ekal a repository of valuable knowledge practonilysalted Flo tholr wants. Terms.—To suheeribors, Fifty Cents n volume. Sub scriptions may be sent by mail fn coin, post office stamps, nr bills, at the risk es the publisher. The name of toe Postoffioe. County and State where the paper is desired to to sspt, Should he plainly written. Address ALFRED E. BEACH, Be. 86 Nassau street. New York City. THE PEOPLE'S PATENT OFFICE. Inventors and others desirous of obtaining Letters Pa tent for UvMtions, are requested to eonunnnleatodireat ly with the editor of tho People’s Journal, by whom all Um usessaarv doeaasnts are prepared, with the utmost fidelity and despateh. Patent business of tvery descrip tion promptly attmdad to. Perrons wishing for Informa tion relative to Patents or Inventions, may at all times aoosnlt tha undersigned, without charge, either personally at his ottss or by Mips. To those living at * die tan oe, ha would state, that ail the business neeessary to seoure a Patent ana be or ranged by letter, japt as wtUas though tha parttsi were personally present. All sasusunleatioos sad toriaessstrietly soafideatiol. Patents promptly ee evsd in Emgtaad, rroaoe aad other foreign sown tries. tt* Two votmmes ore pnhlished annually. Bank nua bwswd vatammalways a bond to sols. Single eop hte >0 oeste oaeh, to to bad nt nearly aU the Book and Periodical stores in theooantry Spooisua eoptaa seat oaappUoatira. A liberaldiscemntto the trade. ’ s ALFRED E. BEACH, Editor of the People's Josrnal, Patent Agent,to., • No. 88, Noams it root, Now YarkCity. Legal Advertisements. Spulttiag Sarl(H|e Sale*. TILL be sold before the Court-bouso door in Griffin, V Spalding county, ©a the first Tuesday in August next, wiibin the usual hours of sale, the following prop erty, to-wit: A negro man named Owen, aged about 39—levied on by virtue of a mortgage fl fa from Snalding Inferior Court, in favor of Huberts A Foote vs* John i*. George. Property pointed out in said fi fa. A Negro Woman, named Harriett, and her two chil dren, lierrod. a boy, about 13 years old, and Mary Ann, a girl, about 11 years old. Levied on by Ttrttre of a mttrtgage fi fa fr*m >paMing >ujK*rior Curt, iu favor ot Charles Day A Cos. vs. Curtis Lewis. Propeity poiuted out in said fi fa. May 27,1864. A. A. WOOTEN, D. Shff. Fupelle July Sales. TT'MLLbe sold before the Court House door in the VV town of Fayetteville, Fayette county. Georgia, on the first Tuesday in July next, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to wit: Lot of Land No. 81, in’the 7th District of Fayette county, levied on ai* the property of Jackson C. W. Goseim to satisfy a fi fa from Fayette Superior Court in favor of H. K Holliday & Cos. vs. said J C. W. Cose lin Property (>oiiited out by iduintiftV attorney. The west halt of Town Lot N T o. 9, in the town of Fay etteville, together with the store-house, Ac., fronting the square on the north side, aml the dwelling House and Lot (number not known) whereon George w Poss now lives, on the east side of town. All levied on as the pro perty of George W. Poss to satisfy sundry fi fas from Fayette Superior Court in favor of J H . Johnson & Bru., one in favor of lVgg & Bonner, one in favor of R.K. Holliday A Cos , and other fi fas iu my hands, vs. said George W l*oss. June 3,1854. JOHN B. ALLEN, Sheriff. ExerntorN *tlts WILL be sold before the courthouse door in McDon ough, Henry county, on the first Tusdny in July next, within the legal hours of sale, one third interest in a N’tgio Woman, named Harriett,and her child. Orra. belonging to the estate of J bn Owens, lute of said county deceased. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. LEVI 11. TURNER, Ex’r. May 20,1854. cqru Kxecutor’s Sale. WILL be sold before the courthouse door in McDon ough, Henry county, on the first Tuesday in July next, within the legal hours of sale, 210 acres of LAND, more or less, adjoining the town of McDonough, it being the land whereon William Beck, late of said county, de ceased, resided ; and also the NEGROES belonging to the estate of said William Beck. This property being the life estate of Boneta Beck, and said estate having terminated by the death of said Boneta Bock, it will be sold for the benefit of the heirs and legatees. Terms on the day. MILES G. DOBBINS, Ex’r. April 27, 1894. chg n^rn NOTICE. —All persons indebted to tho estate of Ap silla Milner, late of Henry county, deceased, arc requested to make payment by the 25th of December next,and those having demands against said estate will render in their accounts in terms ot the law. JOHN 11. MILNER, } ~ . . May 4,1854. PARKER EASON, ] Ex * *• NOTICE. —Allnersons indebted to the estate of Klisha Akins, late ol .Spalding couiity, deceased, are re quired to come forward and make payment, and those having demands against the same, will present them, du ly authenticated, in terms of law. JOHN 11. AKINS, , May 4,154. 40d W. 1). DU.VCAN, < hl r3 SIXTY DAYS afterdate application will be made to the Honorable Court of Ordinary of Henry county, for leave to sell tho Land and Negroes belonging to the estate of Henry W. MeT.emlon. late of said county, de ceased. CAPEL McI.KNDON, Ad'mr _June 3, 1854. SIXTY DAYS afterdate application will be made to the Honorable Court of Ordinary of Henry county, for lcavoto sell a Negro Man. named Kli, belonging to the estate of James 11. Campbell, of said county, deceas ed. To be sold for th? benefit of one of the heirs. DAWSON H. LOWE, Adm’r June 3,1854. cil bonis non cum testamentu nnnexo. SIXTY DAYS after date application will be made to the honorable Ordinary of Spalding county, for leave to sell lot of land No. 118. in the 16th Pistrict of origin ally lKioly, now Worth county—as part of the real estate of Jefferson Lane, late of Monroe Count v. deceased. April 20, 1854. WAI. KKLtvAIAN, Adut'r. SIXT\ DAY S after date application will be made to the honorable Court of (Irdiuary of Henry county, for leave to sell that portion of too real estate of Solomon Townsend, deceased, lyiugau Casa cuuutv. to-wit, one l,ot of Land. JOHN T. BL'NTLY, AJmr. April 13, 1851 GBonttiV.Rßititi oi vn.- winr,a, r,.:,., a Smith applies tome for Letters Ifismissory from the Guardianship of James S. orphan of i.. S Bovnton, late of said county, deceased — These arc therefore to cite and admonish all persons in terested to lx-and appear at my office within tho time firesclibc.i b.v taw. to show cause, if any exists, why said ettere should not be granted Given under my band at office, this Ist day of M ar, 1854. ll. Nt l LA.n, Ordinary. May 20 40d GEtR.,| . fIKXtY COUNTY—Whereas George P Comb*, Guardian of Henry P Smith and others, orphans of Parks W Smith, late of said county, dcceas ed, applies to me for Djtters Dismissory from saiii Guar dianship— These are therefore to cite and admonish all parties in terested to be atul appear at my office within the time fircscribed by law, to show cause, if any exists, why said etters should not be granted Given under my hand at oflW, this Ist day of May, 1854 liIdNCLS R. NOLAN, Ordinary.’ May 20 ttid jIKOKt.IA, HH.VRV COI'XTV —AVheress.lnhn and ” David Dailey. ICxccotnrs of the estate of Rachael Dailey,late of said county, deceased,.apply to me for Let ters of Dismission from said Executorship: These are therefore to cite uud admonish all persons in terest >il to be and appear at my office, within the time fireseribrd by law. to show cause, if any exists, why said etters should not be granted Given under my hand at office, this 4th dnv of April. 1854. QUINCES R. NOLAN, Ordinary. _ api 13 Bin iJKOHi.I . H .iiti nnATl—Whereas Parker ’* Eason, Administrator on the estate of William fi. Brown, late of said county, deceased, applies to ms for Letters of Dismission from said administration: These are therefore to cite and admonish all ami singu lar the kindred and creditors of said dee. n-ed to he and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show euuso, if any exists, whv said lefts rs should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this 4th day of April, 185-4. QUINCES R. NOLAN, Ordinary. api 13 6m t. lIFAHf COVVTf —Whereas BY. F C. Smith, Administrator on the estate of Thomas 8 Wright, late of Henry county, deceased, applies to me for letters Dismissory from said administration— These are therefore to <;ite and admonish nil and singu lar the kindred and creditors of said drrtasedto bound appear at my office within the time prescribed hv law. to show cause, if any exist?, why suid letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this 4th day of April, 1854. QUINCES R. N’ULAN, Ordinary. npl 13 6m .henry COUNTY.—W hereas John k William Alexander, Administrators of Uriah Alex ander, late of Henry county, deceased, apply to me lot Letters Dismissory from said administration— These are therefore to oite and admonish all andsingn* I*l4he kindred and creditors of rniri dirnqsf and, to be aad appear at my office within the time prescribed by law; t show cause, if any oxiita, why said letter* should noth* granted. Gitrea under my hand at office, this 6th day of Marah 1884- QUINCES R. NOLAN, Ordinary. ■ March kXm* nffiORGU, henry cotUNTY—Whereas Nonet >*L*i** rt *. Admiaistratri* upon the eetau ofThoauw J. BndMtt, late es Hsory county, deeeeeed, snUas te awtor Utter* Umalasmy from add . Xkam on tberefcre te cite and admealsh oHand Earn. W tkn - P- E . w xiiL* fiSS ™ “*•ffiJT*ttdletters abhuruaLke *£} thi * 6th dsj of March, 1854. QUINCES R. NOLAN, Ordinary. March 30 6m fJtCOROIA, HENRY COUNTY,—Whereas Martin L. Ruff, Administrator upon tbo estate of William Ron, late of said county, deceased, applies for Letters of Dismission from said administration— These are therefore to cite and admonish all aad lingu lar the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office, within the time preseribedby law, to sho# cause, if any exists, why said letters should not be granted Given under my hand at office, this 6th of February, 1854. QUINCES R. NOLAN, Ordinary. Feb 23 n>6n Q BORGIA. HENRY COUNTY— Whereas Sarah James, Administratrix and Singleton Jams* Admin istrator upon the estate of Josish James, late es said •aid* otialaintnUlojv? 11 forL *“* r ’ of DiraaiMioafrom Thee# nre therefore to eite and admonish all and singu lar the klodred and creditor* of said deeeased to be and •PP** l, 4aj office within the time prescribed by law, to •hnw cause, ts nay exists, why said letters should ant be IftMMi , CH™ tinder my hand at office, this 6th of Febraary, 1884. QUINCES R. NOLAN, Ordinary. Feb 23 mffin Legal Advertisements. GEORGIA, HENRY COUNTY—-Whenas Nancy W. Brook, Administratrix npoathe estate of Vollec tine Brock, late of said county, deceased, spptise for Letter* of Dismisiioo from said a dost ui at ratios— These are therefore to oite and admonish all Radffix golar the kindred nod crediton of aaid deeeased, le he and appear at my office within toe time preecrlhed by law, to show caaie, if any exists, why said letters *hetd not be granted. Given under my hand at offiee, this 6th of February, 1854. QUINCES R. NOLAN, Ordinary. FebHmdha Georgia, henry COUNTY—Whereas Jeha Sellers, Administrator upon the estate es Andrew Sellers, late of said county, deceased, applies for Utter* of Dismission from said Administration: These are therefore to cite and admonish all aad singu lar tha kindred and creditors of said deoeased to bn aad atipear at my office within the time prescribed by law, Ur •how cause, if any exists, why said letters should not be granted. Given andci my hand at office, this 14th of Janaary. 1854. QUINCES h. ftoLAN, Ordinary. Jaa266m> C'IKORGIA. HENRY COUNTY—Whereas Jacob T Bernhard. Administrator on the estate of John M. Weems, late of said county, deceased applies for Letters of Dismission from said Administration: These are therefore to rite and admonish all and singu lar the kindred and creditors of sa ! d deceased to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed bv law, to show cause, if any exists, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand nt office, this 14th of January, 1854. QUINCES R. NOLAN, Ordinary. | Jon 26 6m9 GEOKGIA. IIENRY COUNTY—Whereas.Willism Kimbcll, Executor of the last will aud testament of Benjamin Kimbell, lute of Henry county, deeeased, ap plies f r Letters of Dismission from said Executorship: These arc therefore to cite and admonieb all and singu lar the kindred and creditors of snid deceased to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if uuy exists, why said letters should not be granted. * Given under my hand at office, this 2f)th ot January, 1854. QUINCES K. NOLAN, Ordinary jan26 6m C4K IM.I.IIKMII COUNTY. —Whereas Leonard T M. Uarguson, Administrator on the estate of Ander son White, late of said county, deceased, applies to me for I .ct t ers Dismissory from said Administration : These are therefore to cite and admonish all and lingu lar the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law,to show cause, if any exists, why said letter!should not oe granted. Given nndermy hand nt office, this 14th of January, 1854. QUINCES R. NOLAN, Ordinary. jan 26 6m9 fIKORGIA, HK.\KY“('(>l: NTY. —Where** Elijah VT Wilson, Executor of the last will and testament of Joshun Wilson, deceased, applies to motor letter# Os dis mission from said Executorship: These are therefore to notify all persons to be and ap pear at my offiee within the time prescribed bv law, to show cause, if any exists, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my liand, at office, this 15th day ot Vt~ cember, 1853. [Cm] H EMK Y STOKER, Ordinary. CIEOROI.t, HENRY COUNTY* Wberea# R. T T Suppington, Administrator on the estate of R. H. Sappington, late of said county, deceased, applies for Letters Dismissory from said administration— These are therefore to cite and admonish all and aingn lar the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law,to snow cause, if any exists, why snid letters should not be granted. Given under ray band at office, this fithday of March, 1854. QUINCES K. NOLAN, Ordinary. March 19 9m KOIU.IA. IIKMIY COUSTY-Whereas Edward V.T F. Knott, Administrator on the estate of Henry N. Pope, lute of suid county, deceased, applies for Letters lhsmissory from snid administration— 'l hese are therefore to tile and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office within the time preseribedby law. to show cause, if any exists, why said letters should not be grunted. < liven under my hand at office, this fith day of March, QUINCES R. NOLAN, Ordinary. March 16 6m SPALDING COUNTY —Whereon John B Tiiwlov, Administrator on the estate of John I iosley. late of said county deceased, applies to me for fitter* Dismissory from said administration— These arc t horelore to cite and admonish all and singu - the kindred and creditors of said deeeased to be and iH my frfßrr wrThtn ttlPTlme pfeserib* and by law. to *!nw cniL<e, it any exists, why said letters should not be granted. * • i vcii tiuJLr my hand at dm*e. f hi- 3#hh March, * W If.LIA.\l L. (r(JKIM).N, Ordinary. riEORC.IA. SPALDING COUNTY.—'Whereas Wil- Va ham AI Blanton. Administrator of the estate of benjamin Blanton, deceased, applies for letters of Dis mission from suid ad mi u> station : I liese sire therefore to eite and admonish all and singu lii* the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and np| ear at ruy office within the time preseribedby law, to simw cause, if any exist, why said letters should not b granted. < riven under my hand at office, this Ist dav of Decem j h( r - Is **3 WILLIAM L. GORDON,*Ordinary. riEDliou SPALDING C( >UNTY —Wbe.ra* Rob ri i ,f administrator de bonis non of the estate oi t buries I*. ( Cppcdge, deceased, applies for letters of Dismission from the said estate: Thcso arc tlicrcfure to citesn.l admonirh all and eingu lartiie kindred and creditors of said deceased, to fcesnd appear at my office within the time preseribeil hr law, to snow cause, if any exist, whv said letters should not be granted i e,i I t^, *! ,nderm 4 vhamI ’ at °®co, this Bth day ofXovem’ br > 1533 - William L (KIRDON, t)rdinary Henry Superior Court, October Derm, I s3 ®) adjourned to January , 1884, Julia E. Center and others 1 Eli Hulsey. ,x E W ,r,. THE Court having adjudged that Samuel B. Barron was a necessary party to the above stated Bill, and it flirt her appearing that the said Barroß reside! bevomte the lunitsot tlie Btute of Georgia—// is Ordered, Thar she said Barron be, and he is herehv made a party I)e ----fen.tant and that service of said Bill and amendment making him a party, be served by publication for once a month for three months before the next OctoberTeim of VOUI t V By the Court nppiovcdt JOHN J. FLOYD, . , ... Sol. pro CompUts A tr.lo extract from the minutes of Henry {Superior Court for October Term. 1853, adjourr ed to Joi.aan “J* - HENRY STOKES, Clerk. May 20, 1854. THE SOUTHERN CULTIVATOR, A MONTHLY JOURNAL. OEViirxn TO THE INTERESTS of SOUTHERN AOUICrLTI XF And designed to improve both the Soil and tha Mind; to elevate the character of the Tillers of the Soil, aud to introduce a more enlightened system of Agneultnre, Horticulture, Stock Breed, ing, nod General Farm Economy. Illaotrated with nnmerou* Engraving*. DANIEL LEE, M~ dTanp dTreDMONP, Editofs VtJume Twelve will commene* Ist Jannary, 1884, each number will contain thixtt-two Urge octave pages (74 SSSS! eal planters is every section of the Southern State*. Tesro.—l copy 1 year,.. i #1 00 y ... 8 00 g :::: w ,I‘lxuul .... T *oo “ thirty'"TOAßaftHSr r AGENTS WANTED IN Satisfactory assurance os to and should accompany applications. WE shall be pleased to receive subscription* by mail, and will enter the names so received, ha regutir order upon onr Subscription List. Subscribers Bring In the oountry will greatly facilitate the delivery of the work by giving us the name of some on* in the nearer 1 town, who win receive it for them. To have it cent by mail enclose to as thirtv cents a* part postage. Each volume a complete work ia itself—tha Ist extend* ing to the close of the administration of Gen. Jackson, containing about 700 doable column royal Bve. pages and a superbly engraved portrait oi Senator Beaton, pries #2 50, will be ready about the 20th of April. The work will be sold exclusively by subscription. JOHN M. COOPER k CO., gavtuiab, . General Art's for Georgia and Florida. March, 1884. As requested above. Ordered be the Coart, That tbs Ptescntmcats be published in the Grittn papers. IMPROVED TBUSB. fPHE subscriber is prepared to furnish hi* IMPROV- X TRUSS at the shortest notice, on npplioetion raW Also, GUNS made and repaired in thebeat style, at hit shop on New Orleans street. __ ARCHIBALD A. PORTER- Grittn, Oet. 10. IBM. It