The American union. (Griffin, Ga.) 1848-186?, July 01, 1854, Image 4

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(OTTIIV ■novimnni w vmn, I I h** asitl all to the gtnt!- ■MMi ioloftd wring to them. I am a lady’* Igigrr ‘i * u <iuu f d p feren< : e t,j IffL/of tire dIT of daring the tension ft young jwntluiMa oifer you their arnu at Nb* #fljP*r oburcbm and ebewhere, and you jlNlMaton and the cU>re, yoa may know “there IRS State do to stop M wwgw of Intemperance ?-they determined I “sfWkHnf a temperance meeting, at which they i Bfeftad a preamble and tome resolution*, one of , ■ph W— to the effect that they would never i MN the attention of aar young man who was ■wetomed to drink too much liquor. Upon Kapobfilbed proceedings appearing next morn pfefe * Mitaia yowaf lady’s name was attached, •to apeak, as chairman of the meeting. Rite ;Wi the belie of the place, and a young man was saylaf Me addiewwr her. When his friends ;gMther DMM in the papers, they gathered around HJwn did yen see tbie r ‘See the deril * he said, ‘I have read it an hour •go; fell all gammon and stuff, and to convince yea that they are iusinoere, that lady has been deed la leeevUh me fur the last twelve month*. I tHII go t? church next Bunday, and present Mraqrana, and you will see if she refuses it.’ +izt£?^ J^j?y 9and n , they a, L T mt ■We IIS fun. Uaorge marched up to fife* aUe with a tittle rattan, ornamented on the top with a gold bead, and, as polite as a French dancing master, he save— “, “Him Swat, ffudt i have the extreme pleas are of seeing you home to your father's house!’ Watt* the retreated with dignity, and respond ■ Hoair-eeP (Laugh ter and applause.) Ha atill preseed his claims, ami stuck his el t ear cat to her, but die refused the offer, and ffMjiffif off further, said— *Hes tir; by the grace of Ood, I have ran my awa thwegh a jug handle for the last time.’ Wow I say, ladies, when young men present wit wkh their arms, if you know they have otaak tec much, dot-lino running your arm thaeagh a jug handle. All Impoutakt Invehtioe.—Thompson’s cel* Crated folding life-preserving seat was fully taatod at the navy-yard on Friday, in the pres eacaaf a party of naval officers, members of Ooegrem and other*, and received many expree sioM of approbation. It forms a bench, or ship atoo! of the usual sice, convenient, neat and suo ataatial, and me be converted into a life pre server it a moment by moving two brass slides which show it to divide andopen, aud then by moving the slide* a few inches more, they hold itfermfy in that position. It then forms a strong feMML with a capacious air-chamber at each end aed the person is supported ill the water with aet effort, the sides coming up under the srm aed leaving the arms and legs free. An experimenter, who had never before seen the Waoblne, threw himself with it into 18 feet ffiffilM; end managed it in many ways with per feot awe. He got in and out of it several thaw la different ways, sometimes raUiug’it with hand oat of the water, and puttiug it over hia hand and shonldem and then drawing the anm through; sometime* putting his feet first at* hnreu the water, Mtting, lying npon it, hold- By resting on the sides with the aSavafba body may be raised considerably higher. He afao moved it rapidly through the WNUt wRI, aad ia any direction, using his hwjdaaad feat without embarrassment; and it fßdaat that a person with such a machine bold up several others, in case of emer while a supply of them, on board of vea laay kind, would, in many cases of peril W akipwrak, Are, kc~, ears score* and hundreds of lives. The danger of panic on board vessels by the general ■ hile many apprehensions Si--.-- 1 1.. l„, intjir inivrtis woum ik* nation of this life p reset-v ----it of it in use, will ena rstand the reasons why it immand rs of the United uer* and others the best Barton Union. tawama Tmtuntc Apparatus. —Tlie <?hyaw, 8. 0. Oaaette, says : few a report es “The committee on Science by Franklin lnftitutc fer the promotion of the Me dkdt Arte.” which has been submitted to our . fMNmd, wa see that Mr. H. 0. Tamer of this pkwakw wade another improvement ia tele t: .‘ii part is quite lengthy and would re- the improvement ie to work Imk) weather, tkorff it alto Iff...Wa awwa tndantaad that Mr, Turner intends offering the II?; .'SUWS *’ '■, ''“I w” ~ ” v ~ t UB111! ikWhjfeffillag with a bone felon, 90 lata A^iotheos^ ft mixed, SEfßjslEPff IP* yre&sjwwjppxna* ft .a j/K-ytw ■ **%■ • v>, i ’ jrtyil r Professional Advertisements. BE n>i b. holahT Attoraor at Zm*w, McUdXOUUU, GEORGIA, WIT.L ATTXND TO SfitJl*S tw rw* OOV.VTIM ar Henry, *lton, sluing, „ DK*n>. _ Ntwtee, F7>-tfe, Siwprr, Cowet*. Bolt*. Prompt attention uuS to too Collodion of olslme. Morchan. rsM r .. W. P. JOED AH, attokney at law, ZEBULOX, GEORGIA, Will Stund promptly to nil biuiDOMontraetod to bieoaro. May XU, ifet. | r LAW CARD. THE nadofrinod hsvinc formed s psrtnjrftip la tho PRACTICE OP THE t.AW, st MoDonongh, Hoary ooaaty, will sttoad to all b*ioMOoetded to their preftaeionol monogocaent, la tho ooaatlot of Waltos, llsssr, Cowxta. Hswto*, DsKai.*, BtaLdio, Butts, Fvt.ton, sad Mo* Roe, Fatitt*. P'*e “~““ p dsyal"* ?™’“ Rofereaooa-TMKMSSLVC*. January 12.1853. 6 >°- 7 A. W. STONE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, FAYETTEVILLE, GA. January S. 18M. ts-7 A. L. BORS2B4S, attorney at law, GRIFFIN, GEORGIA. Ofllrr on IIUI etreVe, ovor J. k J. C. Beeka’ Store. December 1,2-ts ~ U. B. OOLEBBY, ATTOHNEY AT LAW, ORIPFIV, GA. orricx ovku josst a plcxisteu's sroaa, mu. ararar. Noe. 17, 1853. DR. J. WASHINGTON JONHS, GRIFFIN. GEORGIA. Ornca at bis Dare Smsa oa Bboadwat, Sept. 1, 186* tyd> D. M. WILLIAMS. Resident Physician, GRIFFIS, GEORGIA. Office on Hill itrtrt, at the Drug Store of IVm B Stag. January 18,18 M L. R. DANIEL, ATTORNEY AT LAW GRIFFIS, GEORGIA. orriCK ON SECOND FLOOR OF LODGE Bt ILDINO, UILL NT. July 21, y-3S Ssvsnnsh Hntoal In*uranc# Company. SAVANSAH, aA. RISKS taken against Fire on Merchandise, Buildings and Cotton iu Ware-House* on favorable terms. J. A. ft J. C. BEKKS, Ag’ts. Griffin, Juno Ist. 1853 -ts. MARSH ALL ffttflE, SAVASSAH, GEORGIA. U. FAR GO Proprietor. February 23, 1854. y-3 SKY-LIGHT DAGUERREOTYPES TAKEN 111 THE BEST STYLE OB THE ART. DAGUERREOTYPE STOCK FOR SALE. WATCHES AND JEWELRY Repaired In the best manner, by * JOHN M. LUNQUEST, Aug-25, 1853. UyJ Hill tl., Griffin, Qu. KO - 7> *• °- °* F * > Ucr aloe meeting 2nd and Ith Friday in oaeh month. W. J. JOSSF.Y, C. P B. W. Franux. Scribe. ff Premium Teeth. Dr, F. Y. Clark, would most respectfully inform all who arc in need of full or partial sets of teeth, and who wish them put upwitbekiil and experience, warrant ed to answer ovary purpose required. Unit tboy can now besnpplied at short notice; and with tlie same kind put up on beautifulmotalio base,which took the premium over all others of the kind, at the late fair in Macon. Dr. C. has lately mad* arrangements ss that porsona liviug in the country or Insny of the adjacent towns cun. if they wish, command hia serrieoa free of charge, which will seeur* them againstthe many impositions practised byitinerant nuMckstbat dally traverse the country. * Griffin, Doe. 4, *sl. 4—ts , Educational Advertisements. iYHlltil mm Ml rpHIS luotltatlou ho* toen in operation during thepuat X ysar, usd the Board of Trustees feel grout plsasar* Iu again presenting It to tks patronage of ths public, welTamurod ss they are, that the high character of the InstHation will satisfy the wishes of thos* who may com mit their daughters to its moulding infiuenoes. Tbs eouroa of literary instruction if thorough and extenoiT*; moral discipline sad religious oslture form a prominent and characteristic feature iu iu organisation, while an wsariod naios ar* taken to mould tho manners sad culti vate tho Kindly affect loos of tho heart. FACULTY. Rv. CARLISLE P. B. MARTIN, President, and Pro fessor of Ancient Languages. Mental and Moral Sci ence, and Bellos Lrttres. M. J. A. DANFORTH, (prorisionaUv) Professor of Chemistry, Mathematics, Mocbanlcal Philosophy, and B.’HUMPHRY, Xnstruetrsm la Botany, yKW History, Mathematics, and English Branches. Dr. M. J. DAN lELTlLeotarsr sa Physiology oadHy HERMANN BRAUMMULLEiI. Prufcosor of lostru meatol Musts. Moueohromati* IVinUng. and Modem MmTgSeS BRAUMMULER, lastraotress oa Guitar in if firm/ exirtt rharw* ‘-' u •WW* IWIfKIi i.' s *'* ■ : .. • *r Era t luraMPUn, a scholar af Prof. Beauv* n. eomatbor of the’Fraaeb OiMMr W ■MMMt at **a* tab. wtU bemaftar toaoh the Ths Iret Term rf-IWwB fM WMMMUI Mm tad SS'S2£?aSes •v;iga.. r/ . j ?h friend* of this In- KUIUUOu WQIv ia <>nni wnn aumrni •burn of P>tnj>Wll preparatory term which taejnst Horn* WlWmw tweuty young mop etody aHtko Ciaesks, yeopleatoty Mr cjiig—-cf whom wo fc* SmSm.vUAwUTmob bepaUittad. W)MIMkI •rmndtONMiri applicant* into either of thefattrCol- Icgc Gtftooco, as well m into Off Preparatory Urpoi'lnont- We bop* to moril a* well a* receive the hearty 00-ope ration of the friend* of the Institution and of Laaralag, a zs&s&a xsi&tF*? u ■**. ~f"*Ur tke Fl* f Inrtruction Tiitloa ) in tdouaric mi ov ten monte* ffclllMOlh |^||lilf ftWfit&flß Jf/A - aSSfSSiu+Jiki * MM v,x Mai Ci-fe- r - rr .T T nTirrl a7 > • -mSETSiSiI Airri iii ■ MMEiiwWMft XomWmEm HffWßnfo ffft • *** a eeh* sflp Mw f Extra gqjpotojt -Fw*lgto%g'.. lot Me dsmadn*g YanasL. yyi iinfdfflrdih 1 ’ • - - ,i~i.s MP& “ r Clttl&dl MfHIMII, GRIFFIN, GEORGIA. W. W. WOODRUFF A GO.,* Ar Manufacturing aad receiving a large stock of tlie But Cauiaiu in tbo State, which they will sell a ae can be bought in tho Soltiiep.n Market; consisting of Coaches, Hack Wagons, Slide-seat Buggies, Family Wagons, Rockaways, - Top Buggies, No-Top Buggies, Plantation Wagons, HARNESS, WHIPS. Ac. asul ‘jy-Diux w AaaLfesnra9 waotaw v£&s> W. W. WOODRUFF, Griffin, Ga ..M. C. ft J. 11. GREEN, A remark, Setc Jerire. October 15, 1852. <9 liRLIT M TIIKRN’ REMEDY. .TACOatii OaMDMift.L.9 CHOI.KRA, ) FOR ALL SS’I BO WELL DISEASES. A ho, admirably adapted to many DUeases of Females, most especially PAISFVL MF.VSTRt'ATIOW. __ % I The virtues of JACOB’S CORDIAL are too well known to require Encomium*. 1 It Cnrea tlio wnrat essri of IMnrrliorA. 7. 14Cores Pelefffl Meeitmetlei** 51. It Cares the worst form of Dyftciitery. 8. It Relieves Pain In the Bark andLolns* 3. It Cares California or Meitenn Diarrhoea. 9. II Coanteractff Nervousness and Despondency. 4. It Relieve* the severest Colic. 10. It Restores Irregularities. 5. ft Cares Cholera Morbns. 11. It Dispels Uleeway and Hysterical Feelings. O. It Cares Cholera Infanlnin. Id. It’s an Admirable Tonic. A few short Extract* from Letter*, Testimonial*, A.C. *• i hare used Jacob’s Cordial in my family, sad have found it a moa £ T ,* n j u< * valuable rsmedy.” Hon. HIRAM WARNER, Judge of Supreme Court. Ga. ** It gives me pleasure in being able to recommend Jacob’s Cordis I—my own personal experience, and the experi ence of uiy neighbors and friends around me, is a sufficient guarantee for me to believe it all that it purports to be, vit: a sovereign rkmedy. W M. H. UXDERWOOD, formerly Judge Superior Court, Cherokee Ct. “ I take great pleasure in recommending tbmnvnlu&blc medicine to all sf.icted with bowel diseases, for which I believe it a sovereign remedy—decidedly superior to nv thing else I ever tied.” A. A. CvAULDTNG, Deputy G. M. of the Grand Ledge of Georgia. “ This efficient remedy is travelling into celebrity aftfast as Bonaparte pushed hiscolumns into Bnssis.snd gain ing commendation wherever used.” Georgia Jeffersonian, May 1 win, 1863. FOR SALK BY — Love k Glenn, McDonough ; Jamen F. Johnson, Jonesboro ; Jones k Underwood, Fayetteville: W S. H%ndwh*h, Thomaston; .?. T. Thrash, Warnerville; W. S. Lawson, Greenville ;K. W. Perry, J. E. Hall, Newimn; Manoham k Mitchell, Zobulon; W. 11. Walker, Cullodon ; Leonard Little, Barnosville, Duct. Bean, Forsyth. December 1, 1853. 2-ly UNION JOB OFFICE!! ALL KINDS OF IHniit k (Driuniirnfal, PRINTING ! FIECUTED WITH SiE\T\ESS AND DESPATCH, j SUCH AS PAMPHLETS, Circulars, ‘ Posters. Catatogncs, Pufß Ilaml Kills, Bill Heads HtiaAgL Legal Blanks, Bank Checks, ffWSjfig Bn.lurut ardi, Blank Notes, Address Cards, Labels, Visiting Cards, Programmes, Freight Bills, aMr.ffi.Ja9 affi-vffif Neatly and Expeditiously executed at the oflico of tho “AMERICAN UNION,” Orifin.Ga. OR DC ItS re’ptctfull y solicited. TERMS CASH. A. 6. MURRAY. Proprietor. THE AMERICAN’S FRIEND!! HOLLOWAY’S PILLS. , To the Citizens of the United States : 1 most, humbly and sincerely thank von for the immense i patronage which yon have bestowed upon my Pills. 1 take this opportunity of slating Unit mv ancestors were all American Citiren*, ami that 1 entertain for nil that concerns America and Americana, tlie most lively sympa thies, so much no that I originally compounded there Filin expressly to suit your climate, habit*, constitutions, and manner ofliving, intending to establish, which l have now done, by taking pn-misesin Now York. THOM Hi iLLOWAY, ! 38, Comer of Ann and Nassau streets, New York. PURIFICATION OF TIIE IJLOOD, AND LIVER AND BILIOUS COMPLAINTS. The oilmens of tho Union suffer much from disorders of tbs Liver and Stomach, searoely any are free from the in fiaeoeo of these destructive maladies, lienee life wsarsfast. The fair sex, perhaps tbo moot handsome in the world, up to noortniu period who*, distressing to say, many loos# their tooth and good looks, while yet in ths heyday of lift. Sack sod evils sesy be effectually remedied by continual ly hooping tbo blood pure, ood the Liver and Stomach ia a healthy actios, when life will flow smoothly end resem ble plants in a congenial clime, where an eternal spring appears to roigu. As 11 regards the preservation of the human frame, and the duration es life, much may bo ef fected. and I say fearlessly, that health and life can to prolonged for many years beyond their ordiusy limits, if Holloway’s Pills are taken to purify the blood according to the rules laid down for health contained in the direc tions which accompany each box. A CASE OF WEAKNESS AND DEBILITY OF 10 YEARS STANDING, CURED BY HOLLOWAY’S PILLS. Coo* af Letter from Caidain John Johnson, Aster House, Sew York, dated January httr, 1864. To Poor. Hoixowit.lS, Cor.of Ann ft Nasnau its. N. Y. Sir,—lt is with the most heartfelt pleasure 1 have to in form you thut 1 have been restored to hcalthand strength by taking your PiU*. For the lsst ton rears, 1 suffered • feom a derangement of the Liver and Stomach, and was ; reduced to sack an extremity that I gave up my ship, ner- j or oxpeoting to go to sea any mare, as 1 had tried every | Remedy that was recommended to me, but all to no pur- ; pose; ood had given myself up to despair, when I whs at lost recommended tu lake your Pills. After using them j for thru* months, the result Is that lain uow in better f { I health thM 1 bar* boon for (Wren rears pa.-t . anil indeed j ft* wan a* ever I was in my Hfo. You are ipiito Ui liberty ££££*• *&E& *^ tca " ou ''” *** InSSSK gSS*. JmuSEs StonUk <travel I ffjgjßft nm*lt R- lifer Coni- Secondary iMMiVftjiiMwft plaint* Symptoms I iSF’ii ‘ Kyatt jKjv .m** Venereal Affee ■ lions f MdteeOr Hoi.mwav, York ; also W There is a (be taMK or also*. , ,1 N. B —Directions for the wafli^^HiMyatofeafiMHl disorder are affixed to each Box. W, . :>M For sale by WM. B. nBHIittMbM W. W. Uxcoi.v, Savannah, Ga. > Goaeral A (eat for the State. . > taay 4 NTly . T “ I _ . !tt Roagb, bat Brady. TVBTto netted aohoieelot of old VIRGINIA TOBAC- J CO.whieA will be sold lower then ererofhred ia thi* A WOOD, Provision store aud Candy Manu factory. @THK undersigned thankful for past favors, has opened anew and splendid assortment of GRO CERIES ASD COSFEV TIONA RIES un derthe “American Union Office,” and next door west oi Drs. Long ft Bliss’ Drug Store, on Broadway, where he will keen constantly on hand, a general assortment in his line, anil most respectfully solicits the patronage of his old friend* and customers. Among his stock arc the following; Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Syrups, Cheese, Butter, Boston j Soda, Butter and Wine Buscuit; Raisins, Figs, Preserves, j Lemon Syrup ; Sperm, Adamantine and Tallow Candles; Tobacco, Cigars. Snuff, ('ranges. Lemons, Cocoannti, Atmonds, Walnuts, Brasil Nuts, Pepper, £pice. Ginger, Sal .'Eratus, Soda, Starch, Chocolate, Teas, Pickles, Matches; Port, Madeira, Tcneriffo and Malaga Wines, fnrmcdecinal purposes. FLOUR and MEAL, Mackerel, Sugar Cured Ilains, Rice, Meal, Dried Beef, ftc., all of which will bo sold low for cosh. Also, CANDIES at wholesale or retail. J. R. MARTIN, Agent. Griffin, April 3, 1852. -ts Hardware. C H JOHSSOS ft CO. HILL STREET .. All Enow receiving large additions to their stock of Hardware, Cutlery ami Guns, to which they call the attention of buildersjind contractors particularly. Their stork of Locks, Latches. Butt Hinges, Screws, Augers, Nails, Chisels, Saws, Planes—bench and moulding, is now very complete, and will be furnished on as good \ -arms as at any Hardware Store in Georgia. | ‘lilt Irons, lan Gearing, ftc., always on hand, i Griffin, April 8,1852.-ts SPLENDID ENGRAVINGS ? * FIFTY CEITS A VOLO E. TIIE PEOPLE’S JOURNAL. An Illustrated Record of Agrirutture, Mechanics , Sncnce and Useful Knowledge. PUBLISHED MONTHLY, BY ALFRED E. BEACH. Every number contains 32 large pages of letter press, beautifully printed on fine paper, and profusely illustra ted with engravings. Forming, ut the end of each half year, a splendid vol , unit- of two hundred pages, illustrated with two hundred i elegant engravings. The entire cost beiug ouly half a ; dollar. Farmers, Mechanics, Inventors, Manufacturers, and people of every profession, will find in the People’s Jour nal a repository of valuable knowledge practically suited to their wants. Terms.—To subscribers. Fifty Coats a volume. Sab scriptions may to sent by mail fa eoin, post office stamps, or bills, at the risk of the pabltther. The name of the Postoflto*. County and Stoic where tho paper ia desired to to scat, should be plainly written. Address ALFRED E. BEACH, • No. M Nassau street. New York City. THE PEOPLE’S PATENT OFFICE. Inventor* nnd others dselroas es obtaining Lottore Pa ; tent for inventions, are reoaested to eommunicatcdirect | ly with the editor of th* People’s Journal, by whom all the necessary documents are prepared, with the utmost I fidelity nnd despatch. Patent business of evosy descrip- I tion promptly attended to. Persons wishingfor informa tion relative to Patents x>r Inventions, may at nil times consul t the undersigned, without charge, either personally iat his office or by letter. To those living at a distance, i be would state, that nil tho business neeessary to secure a Patent can be arranged by letter, just as well as though the parties were personally present. All communications and business strictly confidential. Patents promptly so j eared in England, France nnd other foreign eonutries. *W Two volumes are published annually. Back num bers and rulnrocs always on hand for sale. Single cop ies 10 cents each, to be had at nearly all the Book and ‘ Periodical stores in the country Specimen oopies sent on application. A liberaldivount to (he trade. ALFRED K. BEACH, Editor of the People** Journal, Patent Agent,ft*., No. 86, Nassau street, New York City THE SOUTHERN CULTIVATOR, A MONTHLY JOURNAL, j DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF SOUTHERN AORICVLTriE And designed to improve both tb* Soil aadthoMind: * 4o elevate th* character of th* Tillers of th* Soil, and to introduce a more enlightened system of Agrioultnre. Horticulture, Stock Breed log, and General Form Economy. most rate* oHk uuwwsui lugisTlsgs. DANIEL LEE. lj. P.,AUq D. REDMOND. Editoxs. ▼olaao Twwlve will ewanoei let Jaaaary, IBM, each nnmber will potato oelaro pa C v (7* mr W. 8. JONEB, AaMBBm SENATOR BBMTOWg ORB AT WORK ! “THIRTY YEARS VIEW 1“ AGENTS WAX fin IN EACH COUNTY. Legal Advertisements. RyaMlai mortgage Sales. lITILL b. told Mon th< Court-ho.t. dww in Otfttor W Spalding county, on the sr*t ‘ln.jd.J la AagaM next, withia tb. utual soar* of talo, tho following pwf negro man namod Owen, aged about —levied on by virtue of a mortgage 5 fa from SnaHing Inferior (jourt, in favor of Roberta It Foote vt. John b. trrorgo. Pronerjv minted out imwald t f*. . _ A'Nogrb Woman, iametTFntrtlett. mnr net two dren, lleirod, a boy, about 13 years old, and Mary Ann, a girl, about 11 yearn old. Levied on by virtue of a mortgage 5 fa from Spalding Superior Court, in favor of Charles Gay It Cos. v*. Curtis Lewis. Property pointed oa Ma‘y 2MB6L A. A. WOOTEN. D. Shg. Fayette July Sales. WILL be sold before the Court House door in the town of Fayetteville, Fayette eounty. Georgia, on tho first Tuesday in July neat, within tho legal hours of sale, the following property, to wit: Lot of Land NaSTit lki 7th District of Fayette county, lei led on as tho property of Jackson C. w. Goselin to satislV a fk from Fayette in favor of R. K Holliday It Cos. vs. said J.C. W. Gose lin. Property pointed out by plaintiffs’ attorney. The west half of Town Lot No. 9, in the town of Fay etteville, together with the store-house, Re., fronting the square on the north side, and the dwelling House and Lot (number net known) whereon Georg* W Poss now live*, on the east side of town. All levied on as the pro perty of George W. Poss to satisfy sundry fl fas from Fayette Superior Court in favor of J. H. Johnson it pro., one in favor of Pcgg & Bonner, ono in favor of K. Iv. Holliday k Cos., and other fi fas in my hand*, va. said Georg© W. Poss. . June 3,1861. JOHN B. ALLEN, Sheriff. Adiniiiiatft'iUor’s Sale. WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in August next,! within the Legal hours of sale, before the Court, lln use door in tho town of Forsyth, tho West half ot Lot ; of Land number chi© hundred aud fifty five iu the seventh district o! Monroe county. Also, at the suuie time and place, tho tract of laud whereon Owen Ar-| nold, late of the county of Pike, resided at the time of i his death, being lots number one hundred end twenty, and one huudred and tweaty-ono, and <ue huudred and thirty six, ami seventy-five acres North of the Hjtrsyth road from B;irnesville, situate iu the West sides of lots No. 152 and No. 153 and marked by survey—all lyii g in tho seventh district of originally Monroe county, but part uow being in the county of Dike—the said traet contain ing six hundrcd&iid eighty acres more or less. Sold by order of the Court of Ordinary of the county of Pike, for the benefit of the heirs of said Owen Arnold, deceased. The same will be sold on a credit till the 25th ot Dec. 1855, and notes with approved security, will be required within sale hours. W. H. BANKSTON, Adm r. June 17 th, 1854. tds— Sail’. WILL be sold before the Courthouse door in Canton Cherokee county, on the first Tuesday in August next, within the legal hours of sale. Lot of Land No. 201, in the 23d district and 2d section of Cherokee county. .Sold as part of the real estate of Thomas Cook, late of Henry county, deceased, for the benefit ol the heirs. June 10,1854. SAMUEL COOK, Adai r. Administrator* Sale. WILL be sold before the Courthouse door iu Cassville. Cass county. Ga., on the first Tuesday in August next, wituin the legal hours of sale. Lot of Land No, 732, in tho 17th district and 3d section of Cass county.— Sold as part of tho real estate of Solomon Townsend, deceased. JOHN T BENTLEY, Adrn’r. | June 10, 1854. JCxonitoi’N Sale. WILL be sold before the courthouse door in Mclkm ongh, Henry county, oil the first Tusday in July next, within the legal hours of sale, one third interest in a Negro Woman, named Harriett, and her child, Orra, belonging to the estate of J hn Ovrcits, lute of said county \ deceased. Sold for the L*en*fit of the heirs and creditors. LEVI 11. TUHNEK, Ex*r. May 20,1854. cqru Executor’s Sale. WILL be sold before tho courthouse door in McDon ough, Henry county, on the first Tuesday in July next, within the legal hours of sale, 210 acres of LAND, more or less, adjoining the town of McDonough, it being the land whereou William Beck, late of said county, de ceased, resided; and uNo the N'UGKOES belonging to the estate of said William Beck. This property bring tho life estate of Boneta Beck, and said estate haring terminated by the death of said Boneta Heck, it will be sold for the benefit of the heirs and legatees. Terms on the day. MILES G. DOBBIN'S, Ex’r. April 27, 1H54. ehg qrn SIXTY DAYS after date application will be made to the Honorable Court of Ordinary of Henry county, for leave to sell a Negro Man, named Eli, belonging to the'estate of James 11. Campbell, of said eounty, deceits ed. To be sold for the benefit ot un of the heirs. DAWSON B. L\NE. Adip’r June 3, 1354. dr b mm .t m rum If a unfuli a .intro. SIXTY DAY Softer date application will be made to 1 the Honorable Court of Ordinary of llmiry county for leare to sell the I lower interim of Surah Cook in tlu lands belonging to the estate of Smith Cook, late of said eounty deceased. CASWELL M BLACK, June 10,1854. Adminutrator-debunit non. SIXTY DAYS after date application will be made to the Honorable Court of Ordinary of Henry county, for leave to sell the Land and Negroes belonging to the estate of llonry W. McLendon, late of said county, de ceased. CAPEL MeLENDON, Ad mr. Jan* 3. 1854. GBOaOIA, HENRY CtMJXTY.— ■Clnk'f Office of tin Inferior Court. —All persons concerned are hereby notifiod that John Cook, a Justice of the Peace in and for tho 1 District, G:*M., transmits to me the following certificate as *aestras, Jo wit: A Sorrel Horse a little ereot fit Hen, a star in his forebeid, all ufhis feet white, fifteen hands and one inch high, and about 16 years old. Appraised by John Treadwell and Darid Baily to be worth forty dollars. A true extract from tho Estray Book, this 13th day of June 1854. KLIHU COPELAND. Cl’k 1. C. GEORGIA, HENRY COCNTY.-Whereas John H. Ijow, Executor on the estate of John P. Barrett, late of Henry county, deceased, applies for Letters Dis missory from said Executorship: These are therefore to cite and admonish T 1 end sin gular the kindred and creditors of suid deceased, to ho I and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any exista, why suid letter, should not be granted. Given under my hand t office, this 21th day of June. 1854. (Cm] QUINCES R NOLAN, Ordinary. GEORGIA, HENRY COCTY._Whertaa John A. Smith applies to me for Letters Dismissorv from the Guardianship of James S. Boynton, orphan of E. S. Boynton, late of said county, deceased— These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons in terested to be and appear at my office within tho time prescribed by law, to show eauae, if any exists, why aaid letters should not be granted. Given duder my hand at office, this Ist day of May, 1854. 4UINCESK. NOLAN, Ordinary. May 20 40d GEORGIA, HENRY COUNTY—Whereas George P. Combs, Guard inn of llonry P. Smith and others, orpnaosof Parks W. Smith, late of mid coufii r, dfcceas *ppli©ff to mo for Letters Dismissorv from said Gisar diaosbip— Th©s© are therefor© to cite and admonish all parties In terested to be and appear at my offioe within tbo time * 0 ’ ‘ f “ 7 WiJ Glow under aay hand at office, this Ist day af Maw 1854. QUINCES K. NOLAN, Ordinary/’ May M 48d nmunu, HBIKY ennee* ’Vhsrsesfshaend Eaaoatoeo f Thaao aM thatoMeo to Mo aad abMriil'aa MMoffiaOfea SSS&MMw£fSSbM “* m vttkU ttN *"• toTBP TbeE(HHBK to and ish all and sinru br tie of said deceased to bo and aMoar at myoßoe. within the time prescribed by Uw, to show eanec, If aay exist*, why said letter* should not be fTMN#B* ‘ 4 h ” “ASS^^ CANDY A LfMON SYRgp^ asmnMhito md . ssnsopDsr “f Legal Advertisements; : - ptftaffi*. vnmisTi—ffktissi W. f.C* lar the kindred and creditors of said deosaasd to M ana appear at my office within tb* by law , to skowcauac.if any exists, why said letters should net ho **Wyen under my hand at *<>••, M;h 4>h4y of April, rail. j ~ Georgia, he shy county—-Whoreos, A. W. Turner and S. B. Loro apply to mo for Utfom DU missory from tho Administrmti.m of tho .statu of Mom Johnson, lots of sold oouoty *****<. ~^ Those are therefore to otto and admoaU* au *M stogu lax the kindred aad creditors of said dooesood to ho aad appear at my office within the time prsserihod by law, * if any exUta, why said letter. shotOd sot b* f, and -r my hand at office, thla sth day jf June, 1864 7 QUINCES R. NOLANTGrttoary Jane 10 ftn G KOKGIA. HENRY COUNTY— Whereas Sarah James, Administratrix and Singleton James Admia istrator npon the estate ol Josiah James, lat© of said county, deoeased, apply for Letters of Dismission tram said administration— , These arc therefore to cite and admonish all and singu lar the kindred and creditors of said deceased to e* ana appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any exists, why said letters should not bo Given under my hand at office, this fth of February, 1854. QUINCES R. NOLAN, Ordinmy. Feb 23 mom /GEORGIA, HENRY COVSTY.-WhercM, it has VT been represented to me that John Smith, lattofaoid eounty deceased, died without.any will, and person has applied tom© for Letters of on his estate, and whereas it becomes-my duty to thendministration of said estate in the C. lerk of i.prior or Inferior Court or some other fit and proper pot-- Tlio-o are therefore to cite and admonish all and singu lar the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to to and appear at my office, within the time prcscnbedhylsw, to Show cause why the administration of'‘dta' should not be vested cither in the C lerk of the Superior or Inferior Court or some other fit and proper person of Given under my hand ot office, this filb day of June, 1851. QUINCES R. NOLAN, Ordinary. £r—oUU CTeKIa7hK*HY COUNTY.—Whereas John ft T William Alexander, Administrstors of Uriah Alex ander. late of Henry county, deceased, spply to me lot Letters Dismiscory from euid administration — These are therefor* to die and admonish all and singu lar the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to bo and a] pesrut niv ofilco within the time proscribed bv lsw. to 3how cause,'if any exists, why coidkHers should not to granted. . Given under mv hand nt office, this 6th day of Mirci 1834. QUINCES K. NOLAN, Ordinary. March 80 6m GEORGIA, HEART COUNTY'.—Where** Nancy Hudnctt, Administratrix upon the estate of Thom** J. Hndnctt, late of Henry county, deceased, appliea to me for Letters Di-mijsory from said dmini*tr*tion-- These are therefore to cite and admonish alland singu lar the kindred and creditors of said deceased to ho and appear at mv office within the tiaie prescribed by law, to I show cause, if any exists, why said letter* should not bo i granted. Given under mv hand at office, this 6th day of March, 1834. ‘QUINCES K. NOLAN, Ordinary. March 39 6m /IKOIUiI.t, HEART COUNTY,--Whereas Martin ll L. Ruff, Administrator upon the estuta of William : Huff, Into r.r said county, deceased, applies for Letters of ! I'ismiasionlroin said administration— I Those aru therefore to cite and admonish all and sings* | lar the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear a! m.v office, within the time prescribed by law, to show, if any exists, why said letters should not bo granted Given under mv hand at office, this Cih of February, 1854. QUINCES R. NOLAN, Ordinary. Fob 28 a*6m MKORGIA. HENRY COUNTY. —Whereas Nancy ‘* W. Brock, Administratrix upon! ha estate of Voiles tine Brock, late of said county, deceased. applies for Letters of IXsmission from said administ ration— These are therefore to cite and admonish all and lin gular the kindred and creditor* of said deceased, to bo and appear at my office within the titn# prescribed by law, to show eausc, if any exists, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at nffiee, this 6th of February, ISO 4. QUINCES K. NOI.AN, Ordinary. Feb 28 mCra CIKOHGIA. HKSIIY COUNTY'.— I Whereas John T Sellars, Administrator upon the estate of Andrew Seilers, late of said county, deceased, npplicsfor Letter* of ItismisaeVn'fimn said Administration: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singu lar the kindred an I creditor* of said deceased to bo and appear nt mv office within the time prescribed by law, to flniw cause, if any exists, why said letters should not be ! gi anted. t iituu uudcJ my h *nd at office, this 14th of January, 1854. QUINCES h. NOLAN, Ordinary.’ ___ jan M 6m9 __ rdKontilA. HKNRY COUNTY Whereat Jacob X Bernhard. Administrator on the estate of John M. Weems. lute of said county, deceased, applies fur Letter* of Dismission from said Administration i These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singu lar the kindred and creditor* of sa‘d deceased to be aad appear at my office, within the time preaeribed by law, ta show cause, if any exists, why said Letter* tMnld net ha granted. Given under mv band at office, this 14th (4 Jaaaary, 1854. QUINCES U. NOLAN. Ordinary. ___ jan <■> Georgia, hknry county— Kimball, Exeeator et the last will aad tMtsmeat of Benjamin Kimboll, late of Henry county, ft soared, ap plies for I .otters of Dismission from said Executorship i These are therefore to oit* and admonish all and singu lar the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be aad appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any exists, why (aid Utters should not be granted. Given nndor my hand nt office, this 30th ot Jaaaary, 1854. QUINCES R. NOLAN, OrJtey G~tKrK<.l.r,TlK.\Ri COUNTY. — Where*.Leonard r M. Farwaaon, Administrator on tbo estate of Ander son \V bite,late of *nid county, deceased, applies ta me Tor Letter. Dismissory from said Administration : These arc therefore to eite and admoniah all aad singu lar tho kindred and creditors of said deceased ta ha and uppear ut iny office within the time preaeribed hr law, to show cause, if any exists, why aaid letters should out oa granted. Girun under uy hand at office, tbit 14th of January, lii>4. QUINCES K. NOLAN, Ordinary. jtn 98 6m9 IIKNR 1 TouAT* —\Pbatwut “K." 7. * tapping ion. Administrator on the attateof R. IL yappmgton, late of laid county, deceased, applies for Letter* Dummsary from sard administration— i f ro , ,b f 1* and admonish all and •tegu lar the kindred nnd creditor* of said deceased ta ba and appear at my oWoe, within the time prescribed by tnw,W grafted"*** ls *“ I eX “ U ’ why “ Jil * lUr •*& nat be HpiSS granted. Henry Superior Court, October firm, ISM, atVourntd to January ,l, JatiaE. Center and other* 1 ’ > y , ‘ 1 ’ lfgi§|gg^