The American union. (Griffin, Ga.) 1848-186?, July 08, 1854, Image 4

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W, wouMHdtT know the author of ihc following Mat eloqwßt epoetrophe to lit* Bible. Il tfMNHS to ba*e been adUrowxtl to young mitTSKs^lito l *riSom rood any thing fl||A|i • . iKyfeto ’ • , “Stu*r ow to bn wiM; nod in nil your K *t #pg> gtowtdnntondiiig. And MncinUy wouM prurgo hojirt bouud, MM-wrapt niton t'Hon, t bat Book upon wbteh al! feeling* are cott- all opinion*; which enlighten* the r Jsdrreeitt, wldln It mint* the *entimnl% and aooUMa the imagination in *ong* upon the hero tflln “eweet aoegnUr of Israel” That Book xririfitogiro you a faitliful imight into your heart, and conseoiate* ita oharecter in “SkrhN : Seek Mth* ktea teeth effiTlto* •* •• touch.” ‘Would yon know the effect of that Book up toe the heart! It purifiee it* thoughts and Mtitifiee ha joy*; H serve* and rtrengthonsit for the sorrow taMtapeoflife; and when thine t!tal! have Sided, ana the twilight pf death is spreading its Ipair damp upon the wasting features, it breaks Spin the last glad throb the bright and stream "fig light of Storaity's morning. Oil! have you j ever stood beside the couch of a dying saint, “Without ntifh, A ehsnfs af fuaturo or n>ha4*U unit*. Us ssvs hi* h*n<l to th. stern ni*ri)(or. Asa ass gIJ *bild *t*>k* his fsther’s arms, W#t horns. •• Then, have you seen the concentrated infill wace of Uiis Book Would you know its name ! It ie the Book of Books—its author, G<hl—its theme, Heaven, Eternity. The Bible ! Head it, eearch it. Let it be first upon the shelves <>f yoar Library, and first in the affections of your Beaut. Search tho Scriptures, for in thorn ye think ye have eternal life, and they are they which testify of me. Oh! if there be sublimity la the contemplation of God—if there be gran denr in the displays of Eternity—if there be WJthing ennobling and purifying in the revela tion of man’s salvation, senich the Scriptures, I tor (hey are they which testify of these tliiugs.” ii ..i. ■ . ■ -i- i■— Bather Bpicy. A lady of San Francisco, being invited to send in a toast to bo read at the anniversary celebra tion of the landing of the Pilgrim Father*, fur nwhtd the following. It is spicy enough to flu ror half a doaen anniversary’ dinners: The “Pilgrim Fathers,”forsooth I What lind they to eiuTure in comparison to the Pilgrim | Mothers f It is true, they had hunger, and cold, ; and sickness, and danger—foes without and within —but the uufortuuate Pilgrim mothers ! 1 they bad not only this to endure, but they bad the Pilgrim Fathers also; and yet their names are never mentioned. Who ever heard of the Pil grim mothers? Whoever gave a dinner in lion or of them t Whoever writes songs, drinks toasts, and makes speeches in recollection of them? This self-sufficiency on the part of men fcbeyoad endurance. One would actually sup-: pete that New England hud been colonised bv nan, and posterity provided by a special act of Providence! Only Mrs. ilemaus has volunteer ed to insinusto that there ever was a woman in the ease—that the May-Dower ever brought anv ‘thingbut men across the Atlantic. 1 assure you my dear friends that 1 am perfectly disgust ed witfc'tlre self-conceit of tho men : they appro priate everything to themselves —even the set tlement of a colony, and the peopling of a whole continent. I did hope there was one prerogative they would leave to woman. We have submit ted tpiietly to their inventions in superseding us ia many things, but wo will not tamely submit to be deprived of this one privilege ; we will not ourselves be deluded into tho la-lii-f that New; England was settled and peopled entirely by ‘ Pilgrim Fathers, llow could they have been j fathers if there had been no mothers? Ami ij hope, dear Captain, that 1 have succeded in con vincing you that you will be lending yourself to an act of great injustice to us, if you do not pro pose for your toast “ The Pilgrim Mothers.” ___ The Philosophy of Bain. To understand the philosophy of this beautiful and often sublime phenomena,so often witnessed shoe the creation of the world and so essential to the very existence of plants and animals, s tow facta derived from observation and a long train of experiments, must l*j remembered 1. Were tho atmosphere everywhere and at all times of a uuifortn temperature, we should never have rain, or bail, or snow. The water by it in evaporation from the sea and the earth’s surface would descend in an imper ceptible vapor, or cease to be absorbed by the lit wheu it was once fully saturated. t. The absorbing power of the amostphere, and consequently its capacity to retain humidi ty,® proportionality greater in warm than cold . The air near the surface of the earth is warmer than it is in the region of the clouds.— The higher we ascend from the earth the colder! rid we Bnd the atmosphere. Hence tho perpet ual aaow on very high mountains in the bo! test .Itor, when from continued evaporation, tho ttfr !• highiv saturated with vapor, though it be JtoMHp&ne riu cloudless, if its temperature wMSIy reduced, by yld currents descending tooto above, or rush inyßjtii aEighov fb a lower Ii Hails, or by the motion <Sfa warm saturated tor to a odder latitude, its capacity to retain Wo** >a diminished, clouds are formed, and fiugNih la rasa. Air condenses as it cools, sad .Sj|tog|Mga tiled with wstsr and compressed, MgBjHMM water which it* diminished capsci- JHgjffiptjfltM. How singular, yet how simple, What but Omniscience U , J oaya tae is sfledHßSp tfato o* loss elevation as well as by distance MBS tfeg’ Equator, these bets acquire addition al interval. There is this difference, however, topi Utoriavatod points ia the South are exempt o*a the intense heat of the short North ern ssMatnor*. The thermometer never rises JSMfcfcl apper Georgia as in New York or MasMtohasetts. In Atlanta, for instaaoe, the Btotwori hardly ever rise* during a whole sum atrßriw i the shade than *5 or 96, while in Vssiwk it frequently rissa, In July end August, take a tow items from sftos esa-...1050 feet. lisa - j #e • • eeesee *•••• 773 44 PmMssss tsss **•• she 414 M •• •*.. ... *• • • • ••••... 147 44 vHpHßfeiv**'* .go •*•* stsa eve# a•••..•*• 975 ** • •*• ••• •••♦• 341 44 •••a* • •••• pv* 44 CffiMljMflffiO * fits tlasp* •*.. 427 44 . . . . •s• • .#*• • -1050 44 iTPllßiihh Thligi m Profewkmal vdverHsementa. j T ’ fenfferß. HOIAB *• McIiOXOVGH, GEORGIA, will attuso to is r connu r ’ Henry. ,V-..1t0n, Spalding, , Pike, I.ewlou, Frt.Uc, .Tper, Cuncte, TuIM. Prompt alt*'iitiou jaiU to tho Collection of clnimr, March Oil. I-X4 ‘ K’ W. p. JORDAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ZERVLON, GEORGIA, Will attend promptly to all Imaineeii cut runted to hi* care. May *>, IBM __ * L?: 25 - LAW CARD. THE undersigned having formed a i*rlucrhip in the PRACTICE OF TIIE I.AIT, at McDonough, Henry omnty, will alleud to all luine**confided tu their profreMonal manageiutnl, in the countic* of \V Ai.roa, llr.Mtv, Cowsta. Nkwtus, - DkKai.b, Smuii.w, Burrs, Km.ros, *"d Moskor, FarKrTR, I’iKt. They will ulo Attend (ho Supfcm Court at Tlreatur and .vifacori. - DOYAI. It SIM-.i'.lt. References—TueusxlVS*. Januai.v 12, l-CVi. *■-? A. W STONE, A TTOR N K Y A T la A IV, FAYETTEVILLE, GA. .TtuitHtr> •>. IS.VI. tl*7 A. L. BORDERS, I ATTOIINIiY AT LAW, . GRIFFIS. r,K"lttilA. I Ifflce on Hill street, over J & .1. (*. Becks’ Store. December I, IK'iii 2-ts U. B. OGLESBY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, tatii'm, ut. riKFn s: ovi.r niMil i n.nte t i.kV mn:r.. ntt.i.-'i Ki Kr Nov 17. IS.Vt ,V_ l.y DR. J. WASHINGTON J ONES, GRIFI-’fN, GEnUG'I.V. j Office at his Sronr Isi:>ai\vav , flap I. 1, 1888 ly 11 D. M. WILLIAMS. Resident Physician, GRIFI'IX, GEORGIA. j Ofltre on Hilt street, at tht llrvg Stine ‘ Him /•’ .Vnv | JanuarT 2H, IS.>4 i* I M. ! 1 \ NiT.r, ATTWimiY AT LAW GRIFFI V, GEORGI A. orrtcK os -ki->v:> it; in >: ui.unMuvi, mu -i. July 2!, H 53. ly-S3 Bavannah Mutual Insurance Company. .V II I v v 111. GA. RISKr* inkt’ii n im ti. n It■ t har* I■ •. lot. 1. lit mill (.'ottOH in Wai •• f •< on f:i\ •o;f r- t fr.e f \ & .T.r bi:i;k>. \g i-. (.vriffin, Juno Dt u .H A 11 SII A I, L II <1 I S L , SH AWAII, GEORGIA t O. KAUOO I*rii>i lov. ; February 2d. ISSI ly I SKY-LIGHT DAGUERREOTYPES TAKEN IN tilt: llKst STVI.E OK till: AIM. D\Gi i.iiri.iin it. -rut k [ i'U mu: W ATCIIFS AND 11-:\Vt:i :;t 11.-pnired in Hi- l--i inaiiner, lo , 11 N 1.1 Ntfl I : 'I . Aug 2A* |s.-;t (|v] Hill M.'.t.nfflii, on i j jin —ovsis k\ i \aii ni. \ r > ‘**• *• >• s Regular uivWu'g 2nU atul 11 li I \ in It lnontli ! W .1 *.In.N.SL\ , i B W Ikur ill.. Seri It l*rFlit in hi Ter f li. Dr.JF. Y. t lwi k, ivi< <*{ r ctfallyiufui n all * tA'litt ar*> in ?♦ *I .t lull r }•;*.! . 1 1 i s f * •* tli . and . who wish t h"in |>iit up with L; i * and ‘xpui'i*m <-.\vai rani ; ol tiiuusvoa r-utry po* pi.** i.-j*i i i and .?♦*?hr-y ••- • Im supplietl ut *h'i ? notice . *i<i tx :t! i ti•- -mne kind |nt • >on beautilul in<*l .tin bisc.xvh’ ti t'• •!. t lie pn-ihiuin ox. i • ’ others of the k t?itl. if t It.*-1 t i iii Miron Dr C. b. I lately inafilfi* ;irr;iiigtmt m! -- • per.-- !.* h t ing in 1 1: country or mi a'riv of rtii a* jii i *.\\ osenii. if i v u i>ii. i , cminand his * :el e> free .l eharg . xvbr-li w J! -i-eure them again *1 the man v i iujd-i! iuh- practi-l byitmoiaut 1 quacks that daily traverse the r untiy. <. riffiii. Dee. 4,’51. Ediu-dtioiinl Atherti.-emeiits. “ SnUBISAL FEMALE COLLEGE. THIS Inititution has been m operation during the past year, and the Hoard of Trustees feel great phii-ure in again presenting it to th*- patronage of the pubhe. well assured as they arc, that the high character of the Institution will satisfy the wishes .of those who may ‘com mit their (laughters to iO moulding influences, dhe course of litorury instruct ion is thorough and extensive ; moral discipline and religious culture form a prominent and characteristic feature in its organisation, xvhile uu wearied pains are taken to mould the maimers and ('uili vate the kindly affecdions of the heart. E If I I.TV. Rev. CARLISLE I*. 11. MARTIN, Ib. M.l. i*t and Pro feasor of Ancient Languages* Mental and Moral li enee, and Belles Let tic*. Mr. J. A. DAN FORTH, (nrovisionallv) Frofcssor of Chemistry, Mathematics, Mechanical I’hilosopliy,and Natural Science:*. Miss ADA E. HUMPHRY. Intmetres® >?t Botany, Physiology, amt Unglis h Mrancheff. M J A Nl-.i'T K 81-. TH F Ni;. History. I Mathematio., nml Ensli.h BraiK-hr*. I Hr M. J. DANIEL, Lvctarcr wu Pbysiolcgy. aud Hy gicnc. HERMANN BUAUMMI'U.KR. Profewor of InMru mental Mnuo, MonovhmniHti- Paiuting. and Modem I^ktiftnagn. Mr*. AGNEI* BRAUMMj l.Eß,ln*tntctrc*onGuitar asd Omaaaontal Bram-hi-s. N. B. T* the young ladie* of the highrr cl**, who ar* rtudjing Mu*ic, tho Frvurh language will taught: without extra charge. tHT Prof BRarxaci.utß, a toholur of Prof. Beauvais, o-nthor of tho French Grammar us Hermann et Beau vais, Will hereafter teach the Ftacch language. TERMS. The tret Tern of the .year will eooMMoee on the 2nd Meade; of Jamtarj (the'3th) end close eat the letTaee day of July. The Iceond Terra will commence oa the Aid Monde; of August, end close on the last ThnrMe; of November. JAMBS 11. STARK, W. J. KkiTti, .Vrr'jr. Prtt'l Board Trurtft*. Osiffia, Ga., Jee. 5, ISM. 1 1-4 tnt term of U*T&>*ti4*ii*.un<to iHJMMt |J. fjhnwend wjgapaimeacetheSEC^^j ■ < ii i-i ’ ‘ “ien't*-- 1 pfthe t of whom ■opo to -olli-gc Term. wis utVHjga regular course of College Studies, which will toon be published. Wo nr* therefore prepared to receive applicants into either of the four Col lege Classes, as well as into our Preparatory Department. Wihope to merit as well as rereive the hearty co-ope ratioa or the friends of the ItiMiintioii and of Learning, in oar dßat* to build up aud snstaiu a Literary lostitu tioa of distinction in the cit; of Griffin. i Oar taition is aa low as can pottibl; comport with the intaroata of the lastitntir n. Plan of Instruction and fUts of Tuition m wtotAsric tkai or ten wowths. Fimlysootia Spelling, Reading. Writing and and Defining, Reading, Writing, Arith- ** °° matta.Oeegraph;, Eng. Grammar commenced, Composition and Declamation 26 00 Advanced Lemons in Eng- Grammar. Aritometie, Geography ; the Latin Language and Natural Phfloooph;aoattaenaed, Spilling, Reading. Ac. stas ooao S3 00 Lathi. Greek. Mat hematics, Natural, Moral and Mantel Philosophy, Astronomy. Chemistry, tthotoHo, Logie, Natural Histor;, Ac 40 00 Entaa . ... „. uo Board and Lodging ilO nor month U.e-w.J^^l [ l&RUill MHIIIHT, ! (HUFFIN, GEORGIA. W. W. WOODRUFF to CO., Are Manufacturing and receiving a Urge Mock of the Best- Carkmoe.s in the Ft ate. whiih they will peu. a a, can he bought in the Soi'iiitSN Market; conaiating of Coaches, Hack Wagons, Slide-seat Buggies, Family Wagons, Rockawatjs, Top Buggies, No-Top Buggies, Plantation Wagons, * HARNESS, WHIPS, &c. AkiLiL Ty4:&2: ‘Wa&.niOito.sriniaFa ’wmasf TJ'sai&a W W. WOODRI FF, Urijfin, Gn M. C. & J. 11. GIIMI.N, Art mtk, Mac Jersey. October 15. IS.V2. ’ and! GREAT SOUTHERN REMEDY. < ii> ‘ij; i; v for am. f < ‘ll* *i,i-; it a miiiibi f. in si; nti-;k y, > it 11 iv r I > n ■ sy • u u < KILlt *l'S flit ‘1,1(.'. Dl VRKIHKA. S IHIH lilili UISIiASIiIS. f CHOI.I'I! A INFANTUM. A I*o. erhuiruhttf nJa/tteJ to many D!*eei*e* of FeeMlc*, tuo ’ t etjiccialhj PVINPUI. MENSTRUATION. The virtues of JACOB S CORDIAL are too well known to require Encomiums. I. If ( hits tin woiwt cast a of IMnnliwn. 7. If l arm Painful Menstruation. ‘4 K fulfill Hie \ioraf form if llyheutery# 8. If Relieve® Pain In fhr nixl Loin®. ;i. If f nr fin Cal I Torn In or Xfitlnui Dlarrliua. 9. If Counteract® Xrrvoiwiirmt and Repon<leiie>’. | •f. It Relieve® fltr weverrwf C olic. 10. It Re®tore ■*. It Cure® Cholera Morbtttf* 11. It DhpcUOlooni) and Ilysterleal Feelliifi®. 0. It Cure® ( lioli rn Infant mu. 14. I.l’® an Admlratble Toule. A few short H\trsicfis from Letters, Testimonials, (.r. ” I li-n e used Jue.Ai’- t'ordia! in my fautilv, and lia-vc found it a most efficient, and in tnv jndlnent, n valuable ’ remedy *’ 9 * Hon. HliiAM WAH N’KK, Judpe tl‘ (’uurt, *u. i ** It givrD mo |>leaHuro in Imhiijj ;t)>lo t> roeoinnieinl JBcob^Canliel —my own jktsgiuil ex|erioui uiol iheex|H?i i- n<*e of hiv iieighliorß Mini fri i. 1.- around im*. is a sufficient |fiiranli*e fr me to believe it nil that it j<ur|Kr?> to be, \ i/; u Mu,' i.ukig\ hkmkiiy. \S M. 11. 1 \DKKWIH>D, formerly Jutlge Superior ('mrt, ('!ier*ikee ( t - I ** I tak'f great plea-mre in thin invaluable medicine to !I afTietetl vuth bowel Jj.-eases, for \vhK*l 1 . I b* lieu it a reined? -iKeidetily sujM'iior to anv tbinsr eUe 1 ever t’led.’’ \ A. A. ilAl LD! Nt J, Deputy ti. M.of theiirnnd (ieorgia. i I “ Thi.- efficient remedy is trau-Uing into celebrity as fast up I’onaparte pu-hel hi.- *iluim.i* inio l!iusia. and ir;in* • | (*Giui!i: *t*! ■ t itiii wbi iwer u-> I.” (Ihwaii i J ‘lti ‘t'h.i •>. VMii. IS’ilb 1 . ‘ ‘ g* }'l)| <\U’* BY—-Isv; M }. !• v> flt iii*-• \\ S S \n;i\vi< ii. Thoinajdnn ; I Tiikisii, W’atnei viHe : \V. >. Lw, ~ (eli’ ille :K.\\ . * ‘ K ii t - VfMrmuu .\1 k NGUA-4- Si,- Mt* 4F* I . : \V. H; \Y \ IW. ’ • t \SR .• TANARUS.: . ■ j i’ari.ii iii. .I< i i'or-ytb. Dee;uibt il. i*o.'b 2-ly DXIOX JOB OFFICE!! j A 1.1. KIXhS OF I'liiin ?: PRINTING ! FXLIIILD WIT!! XEITMiSS \M) DESPATCH. > t < II V - PAMPHLETS, ’ ‘ - r : - t ntalouur., llouil lillls, AM, l Ilaok < j I.rlk \ I-Ifliiu ( ar<l, ?SI mto effik. C3 Too OIihJ.HS . ■ ‘ 7/Vi’W> CASTf \. <i. Ml KRAY. Proprietor. * A CURE FOR ALL!!! lIOIvf.OW VY’S OJNTMi;NT. ■I . . : , I ■ ■ .* \-t liat .1’ ’ ■ m- tl.f ‘ . ■ ni* ■ ■*:<• Voice. f..-* • *d -f the F iii-ti tV. th* • !. Hie character ] im t w'iih ‘- tuebn*.- Mit sear -It tears B>*ee I- lit h;t -tttainod more eelel tt-s i-- -** :* -- Other Medici**** : .11 - short a i t. I!. *-1 A • A ’ lis, (•,./in; . / ,lau-ntG ; . A >//</•'. A<u- \< ik. . W'U'a: i : L( i ,-r*!;r 1.1 US. AF.TLK Vo; ia us r yNidNu,* I'fpm if a UUtr AfV-m - H J. /-/iig>v. J //?o?Drj,7r, Yadkin Couuft/. .Xuith Carclnta, t Slanted .Viter* UrUlgim. tojr ltK VI) IIIS WOODS. To Professob Hollow at : / Sir—lt is not my wish to become notorious, neither D this letter written*fur the mere sake of writing, but to say that your Ointment cured me of one of the most cutane ous diseases that flesh is heir to. and which was cousidcr ed by nil who knew mo, to be entirely beyond the icueh of medicine. For nine years 1 was ulflicted xvith one of the most painful and troublesome sore legs that ever fell to the lot of man ; and after trying every medicine I had ever heard of, \ resigned in despair, all hope of being cured; but si friend a couple of large pot* of your Ointment, which caused the sores on my legs heal', an.l 1 entirely regained my health t* my agreeable surprise uud delight, and to the ustoni.-luuehi ol my friends. (Signed) W . J . “LA Nt • LL\ • AX KXTRAOHDIXAH\ ( UHK OFA BADBKLA>T, WTIKN NLARLY AT Tilli POINT OF DEATH. Coj>y of a Lfitcr Ji-otti Sl> . H.Dwmit, Xe ic'Orleans, Xo rrmher 9th , lA>3. lei Pii.'i 1 l.i;r.**\VAY,.‘W, (*r. of Ann fc Nassau N Y. ! Dear Sir—ft is with heartfelt gratitude l haxi to in form you that by the use of your oiument and Pills, the life of my wife has been saved; For sex?!* years she had a bad breast with teu running wounds, (not of a cancer ous nature). I was told that nothing could saw lur: she was then induced to use your < hutment and Pills, when in the short spare of three months, they effected a cure, to the astonishment of all who knew us We ob tained your Medicines from Messrs. Wight & Do., of t-hartre# street. New t >rleans. I send this from “Hotel des Princes,” Paris, although, I had xvritteu it ut New Orleans, before we finally left, at that time, not knoxving your address at Now York. - (Signed) . r*. Id'll ANT. Tht f*t Ur rhould he itred conjointly ti lth tht Ointment in most of the faftutttn% ahes .— Bad Legs Contracted and Lumbago Sore-throats Rad Breasts Stiff Joints Piles Skin-.iiscaaes Burns ,/ fistulas Rheumatism Scurvy Bunions Goat SoltKheuin Sore-beads Chilblains Glandular Seaids Lifers ! Chapped hands Swellings Sore Nipples Wounds. j £ Sold at the Establishment of Professor Hrw.TOtVA v, SR, Corner of Ana aud Nassau Streets, New York; also by ftR respectable Druggists aud Dealers in M*.Heines [tluMtghout tha United states, in Pots, at :>?) cents. *7 |3mml gl Meoutsonefe. To be had Wholesale of the rjnltwnpil Druj Hmln ii the Union. aeCMidernbL saving by taking the larg —Dirtetionsfo*the gntdaoee of pat .. every . ...:. •- TBM, Vi.SBJCS . Druggist. 1 W \Y j ed Agent fur the ly ■:j ><> ftnilgil. tsMßrarlt . Jl'ST received a elinit e iutff uWIB&UINIA TOBACrj tX>, which nil’be sold lower t hafMgg market. Griffiu, July 23. 1532. V. 07Street House,Signand Ornamental Painting. dhttt llie undersigned respeotfullr callsthe attent ion of ■ill tlu ’ P ab l'®> smi espeoiaily those who live in the j country, to the fact that he is prepared to PAINT J HOUSES in superior style, anil on very reasonable terms- 1 Also, glaring done in good style, and at the shortertno- ! tiot. Give him a oall. It. L. HOBBS, a*-Shop un New Orleans Street. Griffin, Aagust 12, 1852 ts Rgpfrfine Liquors. 40 BBLS. BALTIMORI& ‘i'mß&ml old RYE WHISKEY, so. sale by dMH prichar and a Wood, Geitu, Jol rt, Ida. N o. Street. Goods aud Groceries. mom. A variatT Os DR Y GOODS AND Hl^.ußoesß.u^jjjrjrja^ HKo*rKßf"” Provision store ant! Candy Manu-; fattoiy. THE un lcrsignetl tlui:l;ful f**r j :;<•! fux*tir. has ‘ l l •*’•’ J sl *• w ami <| F-n.J. 1 • ins nr t.f aamßri:iw:s t v/> tnxi-Et im.\ Ann > u •ler the “Ain'-ri ’in 1 Ofi’-’e.** .<: ! \j . r v\. -r ■: lh laog & Uli-N* Dru ->: . nL’.- ;i-lw;r.. xv.-i • xv il i k‘ ,, n eoiiNtunt ly •>n jut si I. a gem. ru i ;t--... ii.t . li*.e. an 1 inost -}•’ i t fully s !i.i- t-/Hte patriinjg* oflii-nl.! fricj'.d:’ :inl ‘-ti-tfimi r.* <?••* k ;!••; k* S,ig;ir, t \iffcc. M••i as- ■ >y rap-. < ‘!, • . i'.m r* r. Fi .- j . >’oda. Uniter and \Vuie •it : l.aisin-. ! Pre•* i T.“imn Syrup ; Sperm. Adamantine .m l Tail.w t ,:i li. .-: ‘l'obaee<. ('i-rar*. Snuif. \ ‘ranges. L-uiu-. *m:'s. ! Attuoiid.s, \V r<, Brazil Nut.-. Pepper. Spice. Unger. Sill .Hiatus. S tda. Stareli. t.'li'H- !aie. I’-as. Dit-Clts. Matches; Port. Madeira. Toneriffo aiid Malaga AVim-*. for medeeiniil iurpt s FL(M Band \lK.\l>. \la*kerel.i Susar Cured llam?*. Bi-’i*. Meal, Dried Heel*. &*-.. all <ifj which will be s*dd low for *a-h. A’.-*-. ’\ X F’lJ .S whole?,-ilt- or rota?!. J. K. MAI! TIN, Air.Jt. ’ (,riffiii. April Si, K>2. -ts Ila isiwo i <*. ( // JOJIXSOX & CO Jim/ STREET’ I Vl* I.i .W receiving Uige addittm s to Heir stock <*t j .Thirdxxar . t uik-ry and t hm.-, wh-ich they tiril the ■ ’ .it tel t i-n v ! *G.| lei> Hid hi■ r.* ?*i - par*i -al.ii fv. ’l’li. r ..i Latrhrs. Hun tim. .. Augfi-TTT ‘ n:. 11! -V fS. ‘MI-, D1.1,1. and. lit h:l* i* l liloui-lilig. I* *•* x* ry eoinj l i.-, ami will he fiiruiihvd on a.-good • •-rin.- ia! any ll.rdx\.t,e in Georgia Lit inuis. lan • icaring, & alwux • .*n hand. 1 • i! v .H, \* i ;! h, t-N.'.g -u i’ i s’ J v i ■; \ i * \ vn i ji e, ‘j lit m±uu;>-.i- •: ;,v\j.. hi I ’nAi i!f,l Ii ■■■’ I I. i.-.Srinirr , aall-.f, A'. .”1 !•’ •*. Ml M \ nil . ,\ It! Xt I!. I.V *■ X ‘.Miai. ; ,i,. - 32 lurg* * • !*-iiej pres.-, b.-.xut : ly |mill imi fine paj^i. .t:.-d pmtUMiy illu-tru ! 1 xv :; ii -ra x n I ;'*mg. ut tin ei 1 •*.’ tu- ! half x ar. a spicndhl vnl !. a- . *.xo Inn did p igfi -fi. i! ? u-f .i? xx Jli txv** huiidn •! : el* g ll.’ ct.g.ux illgo. ‘Hie e t bt'll.g Olllv liuifu i a: * 1 i iro •!•••!..’ *.e>. luwuio .Munufactwreis. aud i ] , i e **t ‘-very profession, xx .il tii.d in the People*® Jour nal a repository of valuable knowledge practically suited to their xvants. Tisfl.xis.—To subscribers, Fist Cents a volume. Sub scription® may be sent by mail n coin, taxst office stamps, or LilL, ut the risk of Hie publi-hcr. The name of the Postoffice. County and State where the paper is desired to be sent, should be plainly written. Address , ALFIS I.D E. BEACH, No. 96 Nassau street. New York City. THE PEOPLE’S PATENT OFFICE. Inventors and others.desirous ‘of obtaining Letters Pa tent f* r invention®, arercquestel t* comnuiuicatedirect ly with the edito£jofTne People’s Journal, by whom all ! the fiecc’ssaryMbcuments are prepared, with the utmost! fidelityanVf despatch. Patent business 'f every do sc rip- * jiofrpromptly attended to. “Persons wi-hingfor informa-! tin relative to Patents or Inventions, may at all times i consult the undersigned, tnfhont eitlirrporsonally at bin •fiffiec or by letter. T tho>i living nt a distance, ■ he xv uld state, that all the business necessary to secure a Patent can be arranged hy letter, as well as though the parties were personally present. All communications aiil businesstrictlv confidential. Patents promptly se cured in England, France and “tlier foreign eonn’rb.s. to#** Two\olunie? ar® pnbli.-bfi*l annually. Park urn-1 her- and volumes always on hand for sale Single cop- I ies l<D-enN each, to be had at nearly all the Bonk and: Periodical'(tores in the country Specimen copies sent on application. A liberal th* trade. ALFREDK BEACH, Editorcf the People’s Journal,Patcut .Agent.fitc.. No. 96, Nassau -tree!. New YarkrCity THE • SOUTHERN CULTIVATOR, ‘ A MONTHLY JOURNAL, . DEVOTED TO THE INTEREST* OF Sot TIIEKN NliSjFt I.TI RE 1 I And designed to improve both the Soil and the Mind ; to elevaleThe character of the Tillers of the Soil, and to introduce amon oidightt iiud - Yitfi in of Agriculture. Horticulture, stm k Breed ing, and General Farm Economy. Illustrated %ltii unuuioo* Ki grnvrngs. DANIEL LEE, M D.,am> D. HEDMOND, Editor?. | * Volume Twelve will commence Ist January, 1834, each ‘ number will contain thirty-two large octavo pages (7i , by II inches) of closely printed matter, embracing the contributions <>f some of the most intelligent and practi cal planter®ln every section of the Southern States. Teems.—4 wp;^1^yeer,................. 00 Satisfactory assurance as to reliability required, and ! should accompany applications. TTTE shall be pleased to receive subscriptions bv mail. VV and will-enter the names So received, in regular ■ order upon onr Subscription List. (Subscribers living in : the country will greatly facilitate the delivery of the } work by giving us the name of someone in the nearest : town, who WTI receive it for them. To have it sent by mail enclose to us thirty cents as part postage . Each volume a complete work in itself— the let extend ing to theeeinse of the administration of Gen. Jackson, containing about 700 double column royal Bvo. pages and a superbly engraved portrait <d Senator Ronton, price .$2 #O, will be tead; about the 2ftth of April. The work will b* sold exclusively br subscription. JOHN M. COOPER A CO., Savannah, - ■ BRV-GOODS m GROfEiUES. AFrnah supply of Dry-Goods and Groceries.iatt ra emwd, whiehwa offer ait reaely'lo w for CASH, ai oar old stand ha Now Orleaas Street. Grifc.fVt 7, IMg Advertikeinent*. Sfmldlnt A|Wl •*• TT T ILfctbc sold, before the door in Grifllr, VV sSldinc countv, on the Brat Tnowlay in Auguat next, with in toe legal” hour, of sale, the following proper tyTh- House and Lot. number not known. ln Weat Grif fin, known a*tbo lot whereon lames A. Met’Chccformerly lived, eo.-itainiiig one acre mure nr loss. Facd lot is nounS- I don the Fast by Seventh street, on the .-outb by lay-, lor street, West by A. A. l’ortcr’s, mid North bv an aW lev. 1.-vied on uthe property of James A. McOehee to -n't i-f \ two fi fas, on-from S|alJing Superior C curt in, tutor of W illiam lor tin use of Hsrneon J. j >iij-, nt and others vs. -aid Jam* -A . Met ndiec, the othei t- . in I'ik’- >np*rior < ‘ourt in taxor t Adam C.ooper xs. | Aiik & Met and We.“lev Leak security. 1 roperty pfiiinted out by Plaintiffs’.Attorney. One ba>’ jtud-horse, 1 bay mare, 15heal of hogs more or less, 25<)lbs of ginned cottor, more or leas, un<lstJo lbs. fi.f fodder, more or less, all levied on as the property of T. bmas Collins, by xirtuc of two attachments returnable to Inferior Court, one in favorof William llerontou, the other in favor of Thomas Brook.*, xvs. Th*iuas Collins. projierty to be sold under an order of Court as of a perishable nature. One bay (’anailian Pony, knoxvn by the name of Lotte ry ; levied on as the property of William S. Birge. to satisfy a Ii fa fr*m Spalding Sujierior Court in favor of Milton L. Phillips, x*s. William I*3. Hirge. Property iKiinte.lout bv Plaintiff’s Attorneys. July I.JISVi. A. A. WPOTKX, D Sh’ff. Yioi tgiuc Sale*. f I TILL be sol.l before the rourt-hcriife door in Griffin, VV Spalding eomiiv, on the ffrst Tue.-day in August next, within the usual hours of sale, the following prop- erty, to-wit: A negro man named Owen, nged about 33—levied on , byx irtuo of a mortgage ti fa iVotn Spalding Inferior J < furt, in favor of Hobtsis & Foote vs John K. George. * Prtj erty jiointed out in said fi fa. J A Negro Woman, named Harriett, and her txvo ehil- I dren, llerrod. a boy. about ]3 years obi, and Mary Ann, j a girl, about 11 years dd. feovictl on by virtue of a | ; mortgage ti fa from Spalding SiperiorCourt, in favor of • i (’lianes Day & Cos. xs. Curtis Lewis. Property pointed, j 1 out iii said ii fa. ’ May *27. 1851. A. A. WOOTEN, D. Stiff. Faudle 1 TTTilaLbe sold before the Court Iloaffe door in the VV Fayetteville, Fayette cnuty. Georgia, on ! the first Tuesday in August next. ithiu the legal hours of sale, the following property, to wit: Twu.Cupper Still < aj s anti Worms, levied on as the , rirnporty of Joseph R. lire 11 ire t satisfy ali fa from j Meiiwt I her Interior ( ouit in favor .f James L. Hanning X'*-. .1 **.-( i-li It. HreedVve. >i.e tv b-xie'l mi a* iho ] TG]i( ity of Garr-1 C-j U'r ‘y -.ii! -*ya Ii Ii from Fayette Superior Court i. j l.ixor , G \V. !*.■-> V-. ‘i.irr t L. Wesley. Properly j by Plain?itr.” \ttoniey. i Joi.n’i*. ILi \inten -t in PH) acre-’ of Laud, ir hun g 1 tin- N"itlibaJ • J.-.l . 10-1. and 2()2£ aores of Laud. ! it being L*t \ * all in the 7th 1 )i>triot of F'jy'iv'j !i• a• \ ! vi I l In: proj i-rty ofJolii/T. Daxi-toj j wjit *.|V ati In •• *i t’,i :v.|J S.ip?-?1-*r Cuiua Is; fax or of ! 1 h inn- .'C. - - x- .1 dm T. li\i-and .hdn. W. Davis. - ! i l. f iit i ••!!.-•! ■ . Win. J. Kia--.11- jh-i erty poiniud a-*u4--■!*■^V-t-R-l■4-FrH ,, '. , .*llr ‘■ i July I,l*’ ? JI'HN-P.. AIkLKX, Sheriff rayelti 1 T ?crDg:i^j % fe. IX T ILLJ'-■sold b..f, ie th. • * it !L ii .-• in th \\ t ’.linfF.iy ;!’ X . F :y* •?G *'<>UMty. “Il thi* D’ | Tm -Jnv r i. \t. \l ‘hsnthe 1.-gal li-nr.- ol ■ -:ie, ?h* f'dlo'x i ~•: \.t*x\ •r : 1 xv.. szp •\.t i! .i • ’.x : . -:J;?e vrav “M . . ii- V eiiil.l. - “hi. irx ••• I < by vii-tUC •f :• • li ft i--' 1 ‘-'iv, i 1 ’ : . !'.!• i i-*i < \uiLU i-. ! : v- ’ “ . ,' : - ii-o\e j- i'.'ij •. I y jv• *i .n by A l ', i’ i’ S;t r. f.'. iu’ .’ * ■ Dl: JI v. ‘. . t ::,iu M.i.mi : fj** : ‘l.l .1 x t'krii : . t \S\ • : , a j diii. !, 1- >4. ‘ h ’UN B A!.Li.a, Ilriirt . U T !U. b-. 1l b •!•■ the ( ••’.irtli’ G-. -I- ■n\] ! - otigu. H••:*ry •iinJy, mi tin-lir ;la. - l.i\ :• t * ! xv it Kill the legal heats of -ale. Hu- folloxri? g < pr i*<-i ty. to wit : ; AiilcsHart X inter. -! in f..*t of Hand \ 210 in the 12th ! !Vi-tie! •-! llrin v '-ti*t v. l. -xn -J -a a-the P. j•; ty x>! ! Miles Hart by x irtue >d'a ti f.i -m-l f.otu Ja-; * • (o-aii ..Ith • *—Hi I :.~C, \, 1av.. 1 •H. • ‘ den. &’ o. 1. -x; made by a Ha” to! t .t• 111 ; led xirtou? ale. * \\ f . ( Lil.. D. “b- :11. I .1 11 *x 1. Kit. 1-- - I Y<! miitif • ;t!)i N rx;t£t, ll'li !.’• l o;. i’ LiX—in l-ugu .t n*x--^- ’ A > \. f’ ~1 lH••! *n * .*•*. I•. -s.- tin ‘ . : I !zsi®. ; .... 1 . 1 .xvii-oi . - 1 1., th: \\‘. ;‘d Lai;.l i.uiub. , ... !n:i*.ls. • l si li-l fsUx |}xe in the’ j <ex cut I* -l:-f 1 .;t M.air* • 1 r.v.’v Al-at l ip.*.-same ; film- and place, the tract ••! bind wh.-reou \ -• j-iifjliL Lit uL-i-a* - -Hit’s- Pi:;-, r* J :**• .f ‘ ‘ his b >•*. Iwng | r mu U b, .... k . , , , ’an ! ••:. . • . 1 i’ ?-.y .i 1 •• •;• x. >II - x •.1 • .v-jrAi ..* ; jH2 , , . I Ait and 1 . - :-eVelitb -tu- t > t fiifigi.V|olu-. •••:• x. I .i j i t j ituw.iuh g :.iH„: - ..1 . .*;• ,*.k - -.(.J . *.t ‘.- ’ ; •- 1:; .**4 * i+X.’‘-Ti:; -nnr.Ty I 4 1• . ! I•• !i J *d :.1 11. .5 l’ x. . L. •! 1. •• a. 1 Tb* -;MUe nilbes.ld oa a • n.-nt ~ .;i 1 1. J.Vi. : D--. ‘ | -L"o. H'.ii Hot *s XV th apf.roVt i < Mi-i? v. will !.,’ n-j'ii. i .v. ithin >ii - .-njii.'r. W. H i-V ‘ * >.V, .vim’.'. Jug. 17th, I. t 1 All in *:t lo;\ S;t J<’, 117 ILL be fe(.-rc the ( Vu;*th**t!c .loor in (. uistoci r V V ( hcrokce countv, 011 the first Tiie.-dav in August ; next, within the legal hour.-* of sale, Lf of baml No. ‘ 201, in the 2.kl district and 2d sect i..tif t hesukee c<*untv. “dd its part fid the real eat ate *I l liomas Hook, late of | Henry county, deuca^ the hem-fit of the heirs Juu'fi 10,1834 SAM HI.L 1 - K, Adm’r. t Adniniivfia oN salt*. YYT ILL be sold before the Courthouse door in Cass \’i lie. 1 \ V Cass county. •'* i. o i the lir.-t rue-day in August next, witnin the legal hours of--.iii-, Lnt nf Lnnd No, j t 722. in the 17th district and 2d .- etnn •(’ i ’.is* county. — j >'fi>!d-as part of tho real estate of Soh.iivin T“xrn.-ciul, j I deceased. JOHN T BH.sTIiHY, A*lm‘r. June 10, 185-1. SIXTY DAYS afterdate application will lie made t> the 11 itiorablc Court of Ordinary ol Henry conuty,! | f.*r lenre to sell ii Negro Man, n.uu- i Hii, belonging in j the estate of Jam ’s il. ('.imp 1 )-.*11, pf s,ibl *onuty, deceits ‘ vd. To be sold tor the benefit ot one of the heir*. \ DAWS* NB. LANH, Adm’r June 2. 185 f. dr funis a a , ’thi tc-u.tauntnnnr.rn, j SIXTY lAY” aft i date, a; j-lic.tTron v•; 1 be made t<> the I b ♦louable ( “in't of idmary of JL-ury county) for brave tos ll the Doxvcr inter, t < i'S.irnh f ‘o,**k in the ‘• lands belonging to the u.-tute of Smith Cook-, late of said county deceased. CASWKLL M BIjACK, ; June 10,1854. Adaiinistrat ir dt bunu nan. } SIXTY DAA’> after date application xx ill be tn-ade t<* the lloDoniblc Court wf *h dinary of Henry county, for.leave to sell the Land and Negroes buiouging to the estate of Henry W. Me I tendon, late of sanl county, de ceased. CAPEL McLENDUN, Ad’mr. .) June 3,1554. pEORIA, HEMtY ( OlATYU’hcnasJvkn ! VI H. Executor oif the \state of John P. Barrett, ■ late of Henry county, dei ease I. applies for Letters Dis missory from said Executor drip: These bto therefore to ci? - . I aitmoni-h all and sin gular the kimlrcd and ercdiis of said deceased, tube and appear nt iny office x* it win the time prescribed by hw, to show cause*, it any exists, why said letters should uof be granted. I (iiveu under mv hand at office, this 24th day of June, : 1854. [6m]. QUINCErf Ut. NuLAN, Ordinary. riKOKun, UK* lIY C OUSTY—Wl*erca? J..lin A■ VI Smith applies tu jjav.for. Letters Dismisiorv from ’ the (iuardiansliip f Janies IS. lbyntn, orphan of"E. 25. | Boynton, lat• of -aid county; dceeaseel— These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons in- terested to be and appear .it my otfino within the time prescribed by law. t,, show cause, if any exists, why said letters should not be granted. Given under jay hand at office, this Ist day of May. 1854. VtUINGES K. NOLAN, Ordinary. v May 20 40d ■ ■ • a Geout-i t. iiKvitv .aimrev “P Combs, Guardian of Henry P. Smith and others, orphans us Park* W. Smith, late el said otmnty, cd, applies to mo for Letters Dismisaory liom avid Guar-'j * ■■ . | H- - ‘Hffim, aod agflMrqff n> office r ‘ > the time I !•st-rnft|igLAfißri’ ietteissfll^^^Hp^nnted. Given at office, this Ist day of 1854. CilTlN’C ES R. NOLAN. ttrJinarv.’ - Alv2o lOd SNKOHiat. HK.7RY ttkCNTI .-WheroasJohn and ‘* David Dailey, Executors of the estate of Rachael Dailey,late of said county, deceased, apply to mo for Let ters of Dismission from said Executorship: These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons in terested to be ami appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if auy exists, why said letters should not he granted uSr .vKuauWa _tfSSUY cGT*_Wlier*as Parked M Kaaon, Admbnistrglar on tho- eatate of William G. Sown, late of said county, deceased, applies to mo for Letters f Dismission from sold adminisf ration: ,h > ecef j r6 t 2,® ,w aiid adawraish alf and singo lar thq kindred aud creditors of said deceased to be and appear at mgr office, within thotimonrashribed Hy law, to U “7 why said letters should not U Given under my Hand at office, this 4th day of April, 1854 QUINCES R NOLAN, <Jrdi*ry UJ*l f3 Am Legal AdvertisemenU. G~EOHCU. HKHKV COTTSTT—Wbcreja W. F. C‘ Smith, Admlristrntor oo the eatata of Thomaa & Wright, late of Honry oouotv dcctaaed, swUm to m tor Gut tew Diamiaaory fw“ bt adminlatratfoß Thame are therefore to eito and admonish all ssd lings. Itir the kindred and creditors of laid deceased to ba aad appear at my office within the time prescribed hv law, to •how cause, ii any exists, why anidletter*- should not be granted. ..... * Given under my hand at office, this 4th day of Anti], 1f?54. QUINCES It. NOLAN, Ordinary, apl IS Cm f \ BORGIA, HE \RY COUNTV.— Whereaa, A. W, YT Turner and S. B. Love apply to me for Letters Dlk mii'sory front the Administration of the estate of Moon Johnson, late of said county deceased: These are therefore to eite and admonish all and linn, lar the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be asd appear at my office within lh* time law, w show cause, if any exists, why said letters should not bo granted. (liven und*r my hand nt offlw, thi* sth dty of Jnne -1854. QUINCES It. NOLAN, Ordinary ’ J tine 10 6m henry COUSTy— Whereas Sarah James. Administratrii and Singleton James Aottiln, istrator upon the estate ol Josiah James, late of said county, deceased, apply for Letters of Dismission from said administration— These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sinrti* lur the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at mv olfiee withiu the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any exists, why said letters should not bo granted. < liven under mv hand at office, this 6th of February. 1)454. ‘ QUINCES It. NOLAN, Ordinary/ Feb 23 rnthn j I lEORGIA, HENRY COUNTY,—Whereas, it ha* • VX been represented to me that John Smith, lateofaaid ! county deceased, died without any will, and whereaa, no i *crsou has applied tome for Letters of Administration | on his estate, and whereas it becomes uty duty to vert | the administration of said estate in the Clerk of the B*. j perior or Inferior Court or some other fit and proper per- I .son -*ai<l county: These lire therefore to cite and admonish all and ®iogu. lar the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, t> show cause why the administration of said estate ,-hould not he Vested cither in tho Clerk of the Superior or Inferior Court or some other fit and proper person of -aid county. (iiven under mv hand at Office, this stb day of June. ls 1. ‘ QL'iXCES It. NOLAN, Ordinary. , / u:i)(dA, IIEMtY John t 1 Y T William Alexander, Administrators of Uriah Alex* ! aml. r. kite •>! Henry county, dccca.-ed, apply to me foi , i.t iter.- Disuii?.-ory from .uid a<!mini^tration— 'H.c-’ are there lore to eite and admonish alt andsing* i lar tlic kindred and creditors of- aid deceased, to be and aj'i carat my office within the I ime prescribed by law, to show cause, if any exists, why said letters should noth® ! granted. < liven under my hand al office. I hi- 6th day of March K*U INCL.S K. NOLAN, Ordinary. March 30 6m /1 ■ -.iH'.tTi\. IIKVRY <CM XTt . Whereas Nancy * r 11 • l;i• tr. V'tnii'ii.-'t! ;t! ix i!l*or the f.stsitc of Thoniij .I. i'.!■! i.’ I Kury county. tK'i<;i>e.l, si] plies to a ration— * .ir-- tiu- • fori- i * *-ite :inl allmxl ingu !o !. ini' ;i:cl .-aid .U l to be and • ; -!i a? i*i v • • i'.'. • with? ! < tiuic j it .<*cri!u-il by law,to i! a;.y t \v. ‘.y s.ii-l utters ?bould not be ■/ a • t ■ ,l. ‘ ••• ur.Lr roy !.:*:.•] .v •*. :k\- Ptb .lay of March, 1 * QI IN< ML\ N, tWinnry. March SO Pin (J ‘ • Ml'.Mtt t TV—AVii* Martin ’ * • : -*-. r j- j.j : tl • -tat* oPWillinm * ■ •! *( .• . !.: • i;. - Letters of 1• -i i ‘ ‘ • ■ * ;; -i a it*,* •Vu ail mwi.singn- S ato be and - . 1 iby law, to km', it uu\ a •'*. wi*v .-aut letters slioitld not W •rc;j!*t, I * :■ u: ! r siry !.:*•, 1 ;>♦ ..**>•'. t : i- Pb of February, l > ’-4 <J ! IXU> K. \ ‘l ,.\ \. < *j;tlinary. Ft l* 23 mfc'in jjl’OiiM il* <ot ‘ Ti . W hereas Xency * ‘A !“ • iw. \ tti.ui• ti atrix mj ots the cstatoof Vollta • 1. up plies for i i-K't* i- ; I.jVojm saitl a imiiiistration— ■ • : eto •:!*’ :,i. l i.iu. r.i'h ull and sin • -vJ :t:. •I* i, -ii* - if -. i: < | deceased, to b • I;Jl ! . : -V ‘& - u-u4ri the jQr. prcScribecL ly “ • A ■ * .. .fit.ty i.wi-tf. ffliv lid let tern should .*s.f t• 11. ’ *.•• . nn-lei’ lay h r •] m rhi-fih of February, *■“ b Feb 23 m6w ( l\. U o'lU i(H VI’V . Whereas John ’ * v! i: -• ;* > n :!;<• e.*?ate of Andrew ■ >■’*! ■•m iv. and ‘fv.i -vri. aj.| ikv f.>r Letters ;Admihisti ntu .: ! ••!•*. • -ite a.l ;I; r.t all nvd i-ingi •i -f.’ m • i isi.i enoJif.irs of jnirl'e.*;;cd to be aid ii ‘ ‘ J*f> ••■f; - vtiiiiin tiiedme jin *'*iihc(l b\ law, to 1 “ •y I'"* 1 '"* 51 u.iy * Aisif, ay letters should not be ;t ’■* o’- imy I,and nt ofTtee. this 11th of January, I ALLS h. NULAN, (Ordinary. jan 6iu9 / 1 m.Mtv nnxTY Whereas Jacob *} : ’ *rr..l. \ *ii- * rator on the estate of John M. •'* i;: '- ! ‘ l- *u ,iv. de< applies for Leliert ’ . 'Ri ‘ T..ii lroot .-iaid Administration: i ’ 'v iiiv to cite aud admonish all and singa* iai the kindred and creditors of sa : d deceased to be and appear at my office, within the time presented bv law,ls >li<*\\ * atise, if any exists, why said Letters should not be ! granted. •'* eu tinder my hnr<l at office, this 14tli of January, ,{W| * K. NOLAN, Ordinary. jan 26 Ctn 9 Gi i:tlitd \. iILMO ct %TV—WhereasWilliam I Kimbcll, lLxecutor of the last will and testament of ilenjamiu Kitnbell. late of Henry countv, deceased, ap ; 1 I’ r Letters of bismisstou from said Executorship: 1 hose arc therefore to cite and admonish all and singu lar the kindred and m-divots of said de cased to be and appear at tuy office within the time p law, to -h- w ratine, it any exists, why said letters shoo Id Bat la granted. ( ivcn under niv !mnl at ofScc. tUii 20th b! January, QCIXCES K. XOi.ASi.6r.liD4.i7 Jna66m9 ri 1 :; 1 ': 1 ’- Ml-Mil < *H mcrtn.LroD.r* 1 ‘ * icrßa.'m, Aclminlstratorln the cstat of Anirr- I # j ‘ ‘*"<•> li? of *ai*l countv. Jccjnfod, ppHcs to m ’ !,| c *'>■((.,Domii-iory from Mi.d A hiiiSiMiati-in : I lo'sv arc tln-riTore lo cite and ndrnoni.h nil nndfiDg*- : ‘ur i lie Kindred and ereditora c.f paid dcccnrcd to bo and ; nppcnr at my offu e within the time prescribed bj law,to Ainw cause, if any exists, w hy said letters should not 04 . emitted. ’ (viren uader tny hand nt office, this 14tb of JaaaarT, j ‘*• QCIXCKS l!. X'OLAX, Ordinary. I jan2fi6m# / irorcm C. ik\ry t4M Ni l —Wbereai K~f. ’ Mp! it.gleit. Administrator on the estate of R. H. . Nippincton, ljite of said county, deceased, appliaafbr I,'Oter. ] tismissory from said administration— l Itcse arc therefore to cite and admonish at! nod singo hir the htudre4-a,wi-ereditomof said deceased to be aad appear at tny nfliee, within the time proscribed by law.te show cause, if any exists, why said letters should not be granted. y- (jiveii under my hand at office, this 6th day of Mareb, !*>• (iUIXCES Hi NOLAN, fvdlnary. Mareh 16 6m (T VuIiHVH —Whereas Edwtfd r- Ixnott, Administrator on the estate of Hanrj If. I ope. late of said county.deceased, amdies for Xcsttssl Uismtssory from said administration— These arc therefore to cite and admonish rfi and sia pular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to b 4 Ia “and appear at ms ottce within the time prescrib'd w i l;l “- sho Y °- i ai e,f n r cacirta, why said lettraaboJ| not be grantedW mcn this6th day of ,854 ’ JKOWWIIs R. NOLAN, Ordinary. March lbt':n ( tffbXT V -Whereas Joha T , ‘ *” ,L >’ ‘MMe of Jbtak • k.^ljWyaad, applies to me lot 1 u ,h “' 1 *'l iogs ±..r 0 !f2 to be aa< ; tQSt *!t~t ? Uw ’ ta rW'. ■ V*- RDtanA•tsJHßnWßnbwof VisrV Bfru rtf S'.tprrlor oM ***•’ aiV<ni} : *4*ro January, |BM, Julia E. Center ami others > ‘ % Kl Hulsey. £<* mr. •* Oviered, that : tt. s®’ “J”? made a party Df “ f ‘MI and amendment fe h ,Tk P* be>*rT*d by Jnrhlieation for obc month for three mouths before the next October Term of By the Court approved: A - - - iOIfN h PLOYp, ‘%n.rn* c £l .’ A *9* ? f ‘•arin.usbrands.St howjut /V e.fbrwhrby f'ftTt?lJAT,l> A WOOpT O .-fin, *n?t ?!*, IV.? Y ft -