The American union. (Griffin, Ga.) 1848-186?, July 15, 1854, Image 3

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hi, .1. mS* <HW Uoi o*|t <M WUMy -i ----,uifrtnt to* l * g*d •*• HgMy better. Safe* for the week, 77,000 bales, of which 17,000 were hr qinrirfritr- end 6,000 by export***.— MittiMa qtee: Fair Orleans 01., Middling OrleSH^ r SWffifafaJfc. Middnng Uplands }i ‘fhe official reply of Russia to Austria has not fr, t - .mniufasfisn Austria will certainly occu py the Principalities. The battle field seems changing to Crimea. The Austrian army, of 200,000 men are pre paring U> enter the Principalitiee, to prevent farther hostilities there. The Anglo-French force at Yarns sre preparing for an expedition into Crimes under Starnard. The whole Russian ar my are falling back on Pruth. The Turkish gar rison are all ready to march on Crimea. On the 27tb Napiet was concentrating his force* pre paratory to an attack on Cronatadt. Both armies m Asia are motionless. Savages or IB* Cholxea.— Chicago, July 10. -The deaths from Cholera in this city on Sun day were ISO- la Cincinnati the same day there were 128 deaths. Coxeaxssioxai.— Washington, July 11.—The House is discussing the River and Harbor bill. Waskisyto*, July 12.—The Senate to-day has beea again discussing the Homestead bill.— Mr. Butler of South Carolina, and Mr. Clay of Alabama, asserted that the passage of the kill would cause the formation of Native American Societies in all the Southern States. The House was still upon the River and Har bor bill. Stock Panic in Boston. — The panic in Bos ton in the stock market is very great. Brokers are failingdaily. From the London Daily News, Juno 21. The Russia* Disasters. We now learn from the Moniteur that Prince Gortscliakoff has been wounded. This news reaches us but a few days after the intelligence that Geueral Scbilders, the chief of the artillery, had been put here de combat. The mishap of General Scbilders.has been preceded by the shooting down of Prince Paskiewiteh. in the Russian accounts of the wounding of the most eminent of the Russian Generals it was stated that his disaster has been caused by the bursting of a shell, but then all the world knows by this time that the Russians never tell the truth. We only know with certainty that the three head men of the Russian ar mies sent against the Turks have been struck Ky shot, and the curious question has been asked whether this result lias beon brought about by a simple fortune of war, or by the Millie Rifle, or by the hands of the Russian soldiers themselves. From all that can be gleaned respecting such a matter, it is just possible that the three gener als have been struck down by their own troojis. All the world knows that such tilings “may hap pen" —of course “by accident"—and when we remember the horrible way in which the poor Russian serfs are kidnapped, dragged from their homes, and flogged—literally flogged—till they fit, like pieces of a machine, into the soulless dis cipline of the Muscovite ranks, there to suffer the miseries of war in a swamp like the Dubrud acha, it,is by no means difficult to imagine that men in th ranks may adopt a treacherous but effectual way of their own for making Russian generals sick of a contest in which they, the common soldiers, get only hard knooks, without any hope of promotion. During an engagement it is impossible to say which way a musket will be levslfeJ, aud a Russian general may be hit by “accident,” instead of a Moslem patriot. If the three genemls had not been “accidental ly” shot dowu by theii own people, the most probable theory about their mischances is that the Millie rifles have done the work. As the war progresses, should the new weapon in effi cient hand* be found competent to the special doty of bringing down all officers the moment tbeyappmw in the field, anew reason will be Nttpplied for supposing that the Russians may be more easily conquered than ever. How disgust ing must any nidi result be to tiie Russian organ in London, which a year ago declared the Turk ish troop* to be a “mere rabble,” utterly incapa ble of standing before the myriads of the Gear. “Rabble” have already beaten the favorite troops 4jf Mm Csar, whenever the latter have ventured to oome lo Mows with their assailants ; and now we find the Russian generals hors dt combat , one after another. If they go on in this fashion the Turks may fully calculate on having, before long, tha weetfrerooek journal on their side, for as rare pa the Ciar gets well beaten, tho Times, whet fa il dowa and helpless, will bo the very upon him with all tho ingratitude pf savage brutality. JkM ACT- Tointteotals CoOVvOT to be called the Sav x^ZZr^Lmmmrnf, IM ftOKTH ALABAMA RalL ma Comsasv, with power to build a Railroad (ram tkld&tM at Grifta, by Ne wnan, in Coweta eoaaty, and ChrroMtsn, in Carroll oounty. to the AAteiu SateVM ftt MJ JxAiit ia Citrron ouun rOMt |AjLx’ A,m • a||A tlyJn SLm ‘., .Ka w n|VAp| 4MWHBK^^iwBHK i y fu’ t ■ ~. - jgasgHas ucrmnueiore name 4 !. or § nuonti* If toitQ, ituui axss&tfiSSbssis shall immediately thereaf&Tifttttnt a cmfapt time and tfloto forth#attsttfag*f the snhtortfetsw for stork, of which they shall give notice in oaftor wore of the public) gsretteeof tM* State, at wfaMf time and ptaee they shall proceed to the election of seven Directors, who shall form and constitute th* first Board of Directors— one of which, mid Directors shall elect as President thereof. And said President and Directors shall bold their ofieee for one year, and shall prescribe in their By-Laws, the manner of bolding the subsequent annual elections for Directors. And ia all cases the stockholders shall be allowed to vote in person or by proxy under power of attorney duly executed. The number of votes to which each stockholder shall be entitled, shall b* Meording to tha number of shares be, she, or they may hold, in his, her, or their own right, or as. trustee, for throe months prior to the election, one vote to each share. Tho said Board of Directors shall have power to fill all vacancies whieh may occur in their Board or other offices, until the regular annual election by the stockholders, and shall fix the compensation of the President of said Board, and all other offices of said corporation. Not less than five Directors Shall constitute a Board for the transaction of! business, of whom the President shall be one—ex cept in cases of sickness, or necessary absence, in which case bis place may be supplied by any one of the Directors present, to be elected President pro. tem. by a majority of the board present. Sec. 4th ; And bo it further enacted, That the Board of Directors shall have power to select and take or receive as donations, such strips of land as they may deem necessary for the construction, convenience and protection of snid Railroad, and in case of disagreement between the owner or own ers, and the said Board of Directors, in regard to the damages or price of any such strip or strips of land, it may and shall be lawful for the Board to appoint-one disinterested freeholder ns an apprais er, and the owner or owners of such land another disinterested freeholder, if he, she, or they should think proper, and the Justices of the Inferior Court, or a majority of them of the county in which the land may lie, shall appoint another dis interested freeholder. But if such owner or own ers shall decline to appoint an appraiser, on his her, or their part, then two shall be appointed by the Justices aforesaid, all of whom shall be sworn by a Justice of the Inferior Court, or a Justic# of the Peace, to make and return to said Court a just, true and impartial valuation of the damages or value of such strip or strips of land thns required by said company—and tneir award shall bo in writing, and signed by at least a majority of the appraisers, and accompanied by a plat and full description of said land, which shall be tuken and held as a judgment for the nmowrrt ugninst the said Company, and inny be enforced by an execu tion from said Inferior Court, and the said plat and description of said land, and said award shall be recorded in the said county in the same manner as deeds, and shall vest the .fee simple right to said strip or strips of land in the said corporation Provided, that if either party Jiall bfe dissatisfied with the award of the appraisers, he, she, or they may appeal to the Superior Court of the county in which the land lies, and have the damages As ccrtaincd by the verdict of a special Jury, at the first term, and such verdict shall bo conclusive and binding on both parties. Sec. sth. Be it further enacted, That the said Company shall build and keep in good order sub stantial bridges or ways of passage across said Railroad wherever it inny cross a public road. Sec. 6th. And be it further enacted. That the books, papers and correspondence, and the funds of said Company shall at all times he subject to the inspection of the Board nf Directors and stock holders at any and every meeting thereof when required, and all bonds, notes, other evidences of debt, or contract, or liability, or Engagement on behalf of said Company, shall be binding and ob ligatory on said corporation when tho same shall be signed by the President of said Company and countersigned or attested by the Secretary thereof. And the funds of said Company shall in no, cose bo held responsible for any contract or engage ment, unless thesame shall be signed, countersign ed or attested as aforesaid. Sec. 7th. And be it further enacted, That the private property of each stockholder, equal to the amount of his stock, shall be liable for the debts of the ncorporation. In the event of the neglect or refusal of the incorporation to pay any debt owing by the same, the creditor or creditors there of may sue the company in their corporate mm*, and upon obtaining execution uguin-t the <'om p iny, it shall first be levied upon the corporate property of said company, to wit tho Road, or any portion thereof, the cars &c , which shall be first liable, and upon the return ol tile proper oflioer or officers of “No corporate property to be found,” said execution may then be levied upon an amount of private property of any s ockbolder of the Company equal to the amount of his stock, if that be not sufficient to satisfy the said execution, then it may be levied upon the private property of any other stockholder equal to nis stock,and soon un til the execution is fully satisfied, and in all coses the levying officers shall be the judge of the amount of private property necessary to satisfy the fi fas. Sec. Bth. And be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of said Company to publish semi annually in some public gazette of this State, a full statement of the names of the stockholders of said Company and the amount of stock owned by each: And that any transfer of the stock so own ed by each stockholder, transferred six months prior to the obtainment of judgment against the Company shall not discharge his private property, but it shall still be bound under the provisions and in the manner pointed out in the foregoing section • Sac. 9th.And be it further enacted, That in case any stockholder or stockholders shall be com pelled under the foregoing section, to pay of the execution or execution* obtained against the Com pany it shall be kept open for his or their benefit, may be levied by him or them upon the private property of any or all tho other stockholders in proportion to their respective shares of stock. IVoriaW. That nothing so this charter shall ex empt said Company from liability, and they are hereby made liable under existing laws or in any other ~r —that tbs Legislature may by law provide, for nil damages sustained byasv individ ual or individuals from the loss or crippling of all kinds of stock, or any other species of pro perty whatever, by the running of the lopoms- Mvaa seen engines, or any other motive power on are aid shall be liable for ail £)**• received by said oa metonatoty the pit of the , stomach, aim aa after isSlunM food } to paid .a nuwmt area es aUear m vim without obtaining aa* tone* j however actnvordt aary it may appear, ha HftgjtH-d in lam than sis weefc* by taking Hollo way’s Mh, AM Cm tha last two rears ha dtoidffiiS/** * 4vhm - “ -i ~i riiiMf .. XASRIXD, At tha rnidaare es Wa W. Chepaan, ®m_ in thta L- 3- Device, Mr. Hm*t T Dort*” and Miss 11. C.'M. ListsßToaughur et Chi. Jas D. Letter. Beth es iky too, Dooljeeuaty ,G*. DIED, la this place, on Saturday crania* Bth teat., Berne Jane infant daughter of G. W. andMrs. B. A. White, aged one year four months and 16 days. New -Advertisements. QftiFf mTemaii colllql^ THE exercises of thin Institution will be resumed aa Monday, August 14th. Experience has proved that Griffin, in point of morali ty, hoalth and situation, is highly eligible asm location for Institutions of Learning. July 15, 1854. 88 C. T. & J. F. DUPREE, DEALER* IN STAPLE DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, , (MUFFIN, CA. t COMPLETE Assortment of LADIES’ DRESS A. GOODS, FANCY GOODS, &o.fie., too numerous, to mention. Call and see. As we do not design to keep Dress and Fancy Goods, you can get what we hare t LOW PRICES, and no mistake, if you pay Cush, or if we ko*w you to be good. Ear Call and examine. We don't promise a great deal, but we give all the advantage we can in bargains. July IS, 1354. _i__ C. T. A J. F. DUPREE, GENERAL AGENTS AMD COMMISSION MERCHANTS, East side of Hill Street, GRIFFIN, GA. (store ix markham’s bitt.dino, oitosite i-assenuek depot.) Strict persona! attention given to all Georgia or Ten nessee Produce consigned to them. July 15,1854. LAND FOR SALE. THE subscriber offers for sale the place at which he now lives, containing One Hundred alerts of Land, with some improvements. The place is situate about four miles west of Griffin, having some timber uud as jmro and healthy water as can be found any whole. In taut it is a desirable location fur. a residency. Qlhet lands adjoining may also be obtained, should the pur chaser desire more than one hundred acres. July 13, 1864. [3t-33] F. G. COHROX. NEW BOOXS—JUST RECEIVED. FANNY FERN’S New Book —SecvntT Series if Fern Leaves; The Lamplighter—afresh supply: The Pil griuisof Walsingham, by Agues Strickland ; This, That, and The Other, by Miss Chandler; A Year with the Turks; Dod’s Spiritual Manifestations, an answer to Judge Ivlmonds ; Woman’s Life, by Mrs. Curlcu ; Gid eon Giles, or the Struggles of Life; A Year after Mar riage, by T. S. Arthuf ; Harper’s aud Putnam’s Maga lincs for July. RICHARDS, KEITH & CO. July 15,1834. Hill Strut. STOLEN , FROM tho subscriber on the Bth dny of July, instant. 1 one Note on Fleming Turner, for Eightucn Dollars, due 25th December, 1852, and made payable to myself or bearer; also two Notes on Gideon Minter, for *t>2 50 or SO3 each, (Din not recollect the precise amount.) due the 2>tli December, 1851, and made payable to myself or bearer. The public are cautioned against trading for the above Notes, as I intend to apply for a renewal of the same. JACKSON MOORE. July 15, 1854 3t-:hi* Execu tor’s Sale— WILL be sold before the Courthouse door at Spring Place, Murray county, on the first Tuesday in September next, within the usual hours of sale. Lot of Laud No. 254. in the 28th district aud 2d section of said couuty, containing 180 acres, more or less. Sold ns the proiierty of Zabud Little, late of Henry county, deefnsed. July IS, 1854. JOHN 11. STAHK, Ex’r. SIXTY’ D AY’S after date application will be imiJe to the Ordinary of Henry county, for leave to sell Lots of Land Nos? 217 and 218, in tho 11th district of origin ally Hunry, a portion of one of the lots now lying ill De- Kalb county. To be sold ns part of tnc estate of Solo- • nion Townsend, sr. JOHN T. BENTLEY, AYUn’r. July 18, 1854. SIXTY’ DAY’S afterdate application will be made to the honorable Ordinary of Henry county, for leave t< sell a portion of the real estate of Joda A. Hood, deceas ed, so far os the same lies in the counties of Henry and Newton. LEVI 11. TURNER, Adm’r. July 15, 1354. A mice to Debtors uu4l t redilors. ALL persons indebted to the estate of Joda A. Hood, late of Henry county deceased, are hereby required to come forward and make payment, and those haviug demands against the same, will present them duly authen ticated in terms of law: July 15, 1854. LEVI H. TURNER, Adm’r. GEORGIA, Spalding County. To the Superior Court of said County, ) May Term, 1854, J THE petition of George W. Anderson, President, shew eth that heretofore, to wit: on the first day of De cember eighteen hundred and fifty two, James M. Word & John E. George, partners using thcflrm name of Word t George, made and delivered to your petitioner then certain instrument in writing, of that date, commonly called a promissory note ; whereby, twelvo months after the date thereof they promised to pay to the order of yonr petitioner seven hundred and eighty eight dollars and eighty eight cents, value received, payaDle at the Planters Bank Savannah. And for the better securing the payment of said note, on the first day ot January in the year eighteen hundred and flfty-ihree, said James M. Word executed and delivered to your petitioner his cer tain deed of mortgago, conveying to your petitioner all that lot or parcel ofland lying and b ‘ingin the city of Griffin, and county and State aforesaid, known in the plan of saideity as the cast part of the west half of square number two, bounded on the east by the premises of George D. Johnson, on the west by those of P. T. Lew is, said lot containing one half acre, more or less, with all the rights, members, and appurtenances in any wise be longing to said lot, conditioned, to be void npon the pay ment of tho note aforesaid. Which promissory note, and deed of mortgage are herein Court to he shown.— Yet year petitioner avows that said James M. Word, al though so indebted, and to pay said promissory note of ten requested, has not paid said note, (nor has the said John E. George,) but the same to pay haa hitherto refu sed, and still doos refuse. Wherefore, your petitioner prays that such rale and order may be passed by the Court according t* the statute in such eases made and provided. ALFORD * MOOR, Pti’jft. Att'y. Ocosm W. Anmvo.n, President, 3 Mortgage Itc. Jam* M. Wono. s** g* ; £3B&s&Sßtifs Word and John E. fSeoise. using the Inn name irf-wbf* k George, made andOeCyewd i vow & their wrUJkwmSSSalmpt, Uurt JaU, %eb7 twelve months after dale (liessf) they, tie said Word k Jda>jt>a;aslsaiwn<dJh> nhehfc cents, value Aml i tMAMSlMSMSmmlmlAmifimStlifalm the rear ;*£ : - v wise HlrSmr James”! Tr if ***** <*>“* “ ttoTt ISKrSSttSZL ‘SfmSiZL TeSfiTaß- intents and iimijiiitijnviT]ffij^Trir I .<* re rn HingQir it ji affijfeftoribnw ttUrtrto* J&wv* ft w jiffijlinrKitffr'flrfi JTf t TT*~t t-erm ffi ll rai riA 1,010 ’ GEOSWfA, tty uLiQMhM 1 fir Vilieaaf **H>g!>*ijhbn a* the estateTwalM *^¥22s* , all and rngu to ihnUailuff am 4 mffipliis af reM tffiess 11 I tube and. .appear at my office wuiitvfvisattoOjiwescriord by law, to mow eauseiif any eaisti, ahy should not be Under my band at offiseAia 14th dsy of July, j ISM >Uk>, Pwliiary. FlXoniilj, HKvixT CXK7BfIrTL-WVwM James v 7 F. Lupo applieatoma for Letters af Administraiion with the will anbexad, on the esttvta of John F. flsnnes •ay,!ate of said eoupty, Tneseare thdrefotw to rite and admonish all and singu lar the kindred ait*creditors of said doeewesd to be and appear at my office within the lime proscribed by law to shww reuse, if any aKiats, why mid letters should not be under my hand at office, this 14th day of Jnly, IfiM. ttiHMCEri R. NOLAN, Ordinary . GEORGIA, SPALDrNO COUNTY.—Whereas Dan iel Karp, Administrator on the cetate of Timothy Dickinson. late of” said county deceased, applies to me for Letters Disiniseory from mi* administration: These are therefore to cita and admonish nil on.l singu lar ths kindred and creditors of said .I,•ceased to be an* appear at my office within the time preeoribed by lnw, to show cause, if any exist, why said letters should not bo granted. Given under my hand at office, ttiip 10th day of j*y> 1854. _ JOHN T. RANSOM, Pep. Ordinary. Georgia” spaldjng otiuNTY —wimrea* wa- Ttiani C. Chnmpin applies to me for Litters of Ad mini*rat ion on the estate of Crawford Bridges, late of the State of Mississippi deceased: These are therefore to eitoand admonish all and singu lar the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to he and rar at my office within the time prescribed by law, to cause, if any exist, why said letters should not ho granted. e. Given under my hand at office, this 11th day of July, J 354. JOHN T. RANSOM. Dep. Ordinary. - Miscellaneous Advertisements. A RARE CIIANCE * TO COMMENCE BUSINESS! WE arc offering for sale our STORE-HOUSE .and entire slock of MERCHANDIZE, and will throw mir customers into the bargain, free of rhnrgr, thereby af fording to any one wishing to commence business, a rare chance of doing so. Our Store House is the largest and best of nny in the city—as a stand, Is fully equal if not superior to any other. Our stock consists <* GHO OBiniES, STAPLE DRY GOODS, Hardware and Iron, in which there arc no remnants or unsalable goods. Our list of customers is fully equal to auy. They have at least dona well for us, and no doubt would do well for our successors. csr Purchasers would do well to rail soon, or they will lose the opportunity • JOSBEY fc FLESIISTER, Fast side Hilt street, Griffin, Go-. July 8,1854. —— At-32, , A Valuable Plantation for Sale. rfliiß subscriber, desirous of making a change in his I busiuesg, offers for sale his PLANTATION, siniics south of Griffin; containing H.ard. id Teii Arrt-d in a body. 1 will sell in quaotifeicc to •u*t pur chasers, but prefer to sell all together. At tho place where 1 reside art* two new frame houses, one u Pflgro bouse, capable of giving comfortable quarters to ne groes ; the other a comfortable Dwelling ; ao cxtot gool Meat House, u framed Gill House, 32 feet square, and Cotton Screw, and all nccossury out buildings. Over . hlf the land is cleared and under good fencing ; sixty or more acres of good bottom lutyl, and abyut. ywety-fiie in cultivation. Apply soon to tho iftbsoriher, ou the road loading from Griffin to Martin’s Mill?, and surh * teVAT ’ SUPERIOR SODA WATER! 3 \V\M. B. SLAV invites attention to bis 2m fjV. proved SODA FOUNTAIN *at the Drug Store JLL on Hill street. To obviate the objection which : t ; ’ b:s heretofore been in ged against copper lining, ! the Fountain is now lined with lil-TIA l*fcK ---! r Gil A. Those who would enjoy the luxury of a cool drink in there hot ‘lays, can gratify ifioiir desires at the very small expense of five cents a m.Ass. s&r Gall at the Drug f?lorc and try U. Griffin , J uly 1,1854. SIR £0)0’ ARRIVAL. ormTis’ MAGNIFICENT MOVING SKY-LIGHT . -■ D*worron G-ftllory, t BIiLUW THE BAPTIST CHURCH, GRIFFIN, PIERSONS desiring GOOD LIKENESSES arc ihvi ■ ted to call and examine his specimens. jJulyJ, 1854. ts-31 LOOK OUT FOR A BARGAIN. tpHE undersigned, desiring to change his manner of X living, now offers for sale hisentlrc Possessions lying 44 miles from DadesvUle, Tallapoosa county, Ala ,on the road leading to Tuskegcc and Oak Bowery, consisting or 1230 ACHES OF LAND, about one half Oak and Hickory.and the other half Pine mixed with oak and hickory; all well timbored ami tol erable farming Land; lies well, with a valuable MER CHANT MILL, oot to bo excelled for making flour in quant it v nor qualitr. Also a good SAW MILL, a good new WOOL CARDING FACTORY, Gin House and Screw, MO acres of cleared land, with other neoewary Buildings. Any person wishing such property had bet ter eall and see, or they may miss a Bargat*. July |, 1854. [3t*] R. H- J. HOLLEY. GIVE IX YOUR CITY TAXES. person* residing within the corporate limit* of ■ the city of Griffin, subject to pay taxes, are bereb’ notified that they must give in at opec, The Book* will positively be closed on the fitst day of August next, and those who do not give in by that time will be DOUBLE TAXED without distinction. Let every person inter ested take due notice thereof. W Clerk * Office oppo site the Baptist Church, up stairs. . By order of Council. J H. LOGAN, GlorK. Griffin, July l, 1894. at ~ 2l CAUTION. rpHE public are hereby forewarned againsttradlng for I two certain Promissory Notes given by myself to Charles T. Foster, one, past due, foringhty d.dUr. the other for seventy dollar*, due 25th December, consideration for which said Notes were given tawing “JAW"r’ffl “"iferafirffir CAUTIOM. W| HEREAS my wife. Anna Caanom, haaUftmy bed | and board without my consent W * hereby notify all persons net to trade Jfttk ****** 7*VZEUSS 9 * *SAMVELC^rBr. y §*t tho AW phifMtuOslretairiMUfil high <Mqresd to ITS .TaqyJirjSretftr jCr. Ssppiagton aw* Tbre. Albmi to to •*rih dßrty ire ot forty doTTbrS. ~~ —■■ .a“ =l TA , aa t riy QIXTY DAYS aftor ffiato aaaHmttou win to mists O lbs llouoruble Ordduary of Usury county, fur Uas to sen the land and usgrues buloaging to the estate of Kaltigh Hightower, dsssussl. RICHARD H. HIGHTOWER, I WM O. HIGHTOWER, J**tor July 1,1864. SIXTY-DAYS after date application will he mud* to lbs Homrebk Ordinary of Pike county for here lo reU tha Personal Property of A. O. Ksid, late of Flhs renntyyfamgse*. ROBERT V\REID, Adm’r. GRORXiIIA. HKXET cot) *TT—Whereas Jesse C. Gres* appllm for Lettore of Administration with ths will annexed, on the estate of William Greta, lots Os said county, lifetotr*i These art tatrtfoto to dtt and admonish nil and sin gular the kindred on* creditors of ml* deceased, to to and appear at my offim, within tho thns prescribed by law, to show court, if any axlttt, why said Latter* shonld not to granted. Given under nv hand at offire, this 81rt day of Jaw, ISM. QUINCES R. NOLAIf, Ordinary. JACOB’S CORDIAL. THE nadarsigned are sole agents for the sals of the above valuable preparation, in Griffin, and will tell Wholesale and Retail. Griffin, June 9,185*. SALMONS, BOOTH It CO. C. T. ROBINSON, PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANT, aivi> dsalk* m ALBANY CREAM ALE AND PORTER, SAVANNAH, GAOKG.’A. . Choice Dairies ts BUTTER au* CHEESE received weekly, direct from Northern Producer*. Orders thankfully received and promptly tUod at the or LOWEST PRICE FOR CASH.*** : lUrsKSTo—W. W. Woodruff and A. W. Bonham, Griffin W. W. Blitt fi Cos., Savannah. March*. 188*. IMS sottoSSSSSdIBSI (GEORGIA) RAILROAD COMBANIEA. Mat I MM. N OTICE is horeby given that, on and aftor the ffrtt day of July next, the Month Cnrotlao Railroad Compa ny’, Charleston, and tho Central Railroad Company, Sa vannah, will diseontiniM tho free forwarding business heretofore transacted by them. Freighters wiH please cease, on and after the first day of Jaly, to eonsiga their tnercjbaudise to; tto KilrpftLA|B*k rtUfigl'J&Ua-.W - heretofore practised. R. R. vvYLEK, President Gee*sal Railroad. JNO. CALDWELL, May 20. [3m] President South Carolina Railroad. FURNITURE 7 WAREROOMsT AW. BKXIiAM fiCO., have a full astortaeot of • plain and parlor Furniture, to whlob thee respect fully invite atleution. lu addition to the stock now on band, they oontemplate adding a greater variety this fall. In the mean time customerslro solicited to call sml look at their Hofas, Uurraue, Centex, Ml* Cared Tables, Ward robes, Lookl ng-Olaasas, Chairs, Am., Air. Any of whieh they will sell on good and accommodating terms. Hill Street Griffin, .Tune 10, 1354. 28—Ts FRKKH~GOODS! BY I.AST STEAMER FROM XFIV YORK, A BEAUTIFUL lot of BEGE CRAPES, SoUdeol’s. il White Silk TISSUES. Plain Bl’k and Foxed GAITERS, and Block Kid BOOTS, Received and opened this dap. Griffin, May 20, 1854. C. H. JOHNSON, fi CO. SALMONS & BOOTH HAY’E this dee taken into their copartnership Dr. JAMEB X. SIMMONS, Md themerenatUe busi ness of the firm will be conducted in futnre at the old stand, on Hill street, under the firm asms of SALMONS, BOOTH k CO. ‘ L. S. Salwom, 1 Griffin, March I*, 1868. RonnitT Boom, ? James N Simmons, j IMPROVED TRUSS. rpHE subscriber ie prepared to furnish his IMPROV- X FIJ TRUSS at the shortest notioe.on application. air Also, GUNS made and repaired ia tb* toet style, at his shop od New Orleans street. ARCHIBALD A. SORTER. Griffin, Oct. 10. 1888. Ijr I*l it u tati o dTwafoa a, IRON AXLES, or two, four and six borees, for sale l.y Y Sf. W. WOODRUFF fi CO. Griffin, Sept. 8, 1868. , . ,43 MEDICAL AMD BUBQIOAL IRTE&MAST, MACON, itBOkWA THIS Inetittttion opened In 18M for the reception Os invalid nrgroee from a dtstonoe, is still under tto tore of the undersigned. The building is located In a healthy I and quiet, part of the city, and sufficiently large to ac commodate 25 or 89patients, Which, hittoorrUngenectef its rooms, has separate establishments far the two sexes Patients are supplied with every rettffflte eeafert or necessary—end provided with Intel Hgeat Owdßeml anrere It is opt ional with Masters of Stores,, whether patients laboring under surgical disease, submit to p uregsssd op eration. But in all oases when such operations may bo considered necessary, they mast iuhotft nr to removed from the institution. Personsilesiring farther Information wiß add*set, Post Paid, either of the undersigned. gThARBISON, M. D. , c. b. nottin6ham,m. a U. L. BATTLE, M. D. April 27,1854. toffi SALMONS, BOOTH Se GO. A HUE no* receiving their stock of KfcW GOODS, ■ selected for the Spring and Bummer tradto, to which they beg base to eall Uw •teeatfon at their friends and the pnblie. J , Their wwai. wiU *f The LAWtog^infisdfialfcay ef-gjy fifilka, Pe f “A iirii* a (iriffin, AprU ffi, Wfffi ; . ~ :iA£ _ ■ T: f JXL J -aLifr.- A~! :V. k- RVlnlvAT. AV YIW, TrViVj- ‘ “v. 1 apffivf fwv* Ar-JSeal H Qjutmtm tft-m - wAiinm a , -f HHr * vis“ jHfcJßßßteißßi:’ a f j from the errs, href e.runeMneseed in qetetre^^ sort liewtMSS ‘ * ~- ,’t r*H ■!>’ •■! ■ ■ late pesee.t which are to •; • word, in I Mir laVorv -jlSj > ’. • to ke*p on band nil %lrnddjWmm&sMSfM v’ * to i-.-r.e any where to be lot mb fi><f|WONate^fa*49|ga ) > ‘‘A est and ol*tnSsr v.p the Ve#f OSty tuMH and weloaetthat we are tfitoW *.*** J market in the l;ntoi. WrtV fifadrtt dlffifaiir ln>. all iuttonee*andprfS . ■ ‘ failed te give entire satMtoS I'r-i-TetVnni t’JJ't 00 fn i ri’ ryifiii rt. mi ywrij w. • * we sell; that Is, *4f,alMrnN& MMSSt “.* ’fIS f -vt •’ ■•'•'. we take the Piano boek ffipl tew gESJ from #SO 00 te ftfO (M. - -JidP:’ *r ‘-t” oetaves, tr sale, price* ffW to fW: %’ JjKi Flutins*. Aecor.leunt,Tlwtouffnor, -i Coitars. Uutee. Fifes, and.every I Mnsto Wore * Gnon'ca miftt., 1 Kjfr-||m pi 1 MERCHANT T|Sfc * sins o xso. ffiffigg _ OR/FFIX, OHORjUd* ,1 HAVE last ceeeietd n spltofU MMrttoM* att j Rvj HPK.iNg AND .>1 AIMER ffiOOPfi toll, t Jjf Gentlemen’s wear. Thei, MtOOg IklmF.V - jUL eorefotly selected by one eTttol&lSffipßNHfa ‘* latest and most spnrnved styl,-. in tto HsitoYtffi affiffiffito and is unsurpassed for beauty of ftoU* aad awmpjywjt ‘ texture. < He’ Coofbleat that they eta rwtdor goner ol nfitfiffiffitM, they respcotfuHy invite an txamtaatioa ts ftdi tttik. The Allowing ore sorts of the httdftfi ffififit tm bracod in their prefant etUMfes mwtnisti : Cloths, hls-V and -fderrd : Doe-sth) CaMmttff; Foooy French Comimoni Ltotn rirlfit, yfiffit tot* fanny ; Marseilles for Vesting; Bite* n| Awm, Uffi Vetting; CHorct, Cratets. SlirU, (irhf>t ~ Collars, fir. fie., lagtthis withUgrtot djffiffiPlilK- 1 ’ vruNwmNft COLLARS, BEIBLH^TaIiMMS*, um^'kopet^^w pateli, and oo^TefiMMille'tmliT Purohasers will ind il to thele alWMnftfl||i examine my stock before haying, a| - im|^fiMMgg|M|’ ■ s *Ki s. ihe hlijp eii HiH tmet. wiA. sack as Sheeting*, f-ntisa UawefrikrsM and YWeMbMeFdIRiMSMMiRR uJyl*L u Dqr q-frfysiftii, aOCiA- Bp|| GtnffiWe Apm, Wf e W ItfflWH 4&S ‘i' r