The American union. (Griffin, Ga.) 1848-186?, July 15, 1854, Image 4

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‘ ~>l i ■_. / f ‘. * for hi” ; - i’ ~ ‘ j ■..'<* ilffildW* book, or < m ~’ ,'’ > ~ . ‘rMw* tsecfuih sn<! not kettle Hti.i putting .v .: ;.* ■ mikmmm cup nn<i now a l ~ 1 ’ ‘ “ffilflffilll il ll nr little was she /•■V’ sprol'l-m Whii:li R y ‘ . jfegtestof huwHii inventions. PyfißpppjtMM <L*lra-w itwiehtwl for the im- Mttffl engine termini ’ rwives or rocks nrt* OHpl'ttt alWMKtif, to an idle l>oy being entplow*.! to H that he could rave m ’■';■'■■ ofttending and watching it 1 “ ’ J 5 a Kf'np r| ti ■ part of the machine ■■£■£lo the p)*Mt the proper times, in &*3S , 'S?’A>’ -%•!-&** it prove? That £/%&^ wight be very idle, hut that PSlifega, *lßhßfr tune very inyemoux. It was ‘■ the result of mere accident. o Narration and successful exj-ri SiUmt of EH Whitney, on hi* return from BMeatwrily compelled him to nl>- V t MfljtJMawdffrom home for aeveral days, inquired ■’ cuatom, into the occupations of mm MW imtog hk absent*. He received a good of all of them exoeptEli, who, the house s WHMI telocUntly confessed, had been engaged la miring a fiddle. “Alas!” said die father. | 11l nil orainoui shako of the head, “1 “ MTliMBi wilt here some day to take his por tiM Wrt te fiddles.” To have anything to do - about a flddie, batokened, the father thought, to ffikgqjj im lmin trifles. How little aware was dkt Wflbir that thia simple occupation, far from bateytltaffeUier a inert flddlo-IWlillt*. was the dsWttHfc forth of an Inventive g<-::* .ti* t>. he rank ed among the most effective find useful in 3 ■act to arte and manufactures. Isa related of CJjan 1 1 y, the .viei-re*.-1 s-uiip ■that when a hoy he was observed by a gen tMH at Sheffield, very attentively engaged in rattra S iIUK wUI. a penknife. Ife asked the! M wt ha was doing. “I am cutting old Fox’s head.” Fox was the schoolmaster of the village. OHftte,ti gentleman asked to see what he MNtarapraao unoed it excellent, and peeaented tira jrattb with a sixpence. How many would at _a>wchaWlatewcterixed the occupation of the boy ■■ idle oue, losing sight, for the which every parent should do use, “Never despise small one, the painter, it is said, the Hool hours were filled by ind<*- Hi making experiment*, ami ce discoveries.” One of his found in blowing bubbles. Ulmiring the fine colon tin v - appears that even the soap H, idle tus some think it to he, He to do towards lending the MMMf trttetie mind to discriminate nicely be twaak iaHaato shades of colors. Tt wnt panels on which William Etty, nn IhfHahnfetcr, drew, were the boards of his fifiMlfoMbp floor; and his first crayon a farth- WCMh of white chalk—a substanc e consul end WOW O days almost invariably ominous of ■fable!doing in the hands of a l oy, especially • the Opening day ofthe month of April. Now, Vhnt fim the mother of “little Willie ’ do, on dlworanig the nicely swept floor disfigured with olrtfcMMH Os oouree she scolds, and calls him fittla fellow. No; this not the ?UNtkMatible mother pursues. In an au tehfefmhtaa} latter addressed to a relative, Et tp, this circumstance in his youthful mhaafa: “Wy pleasure amounted to ecaUcv. vlMßrtp mother promised, next morning, if I yrt* a goad boy, I should use some colors, mix adjrtlh gm-watar. I was so pleased l could Hi drtdhr tradition says of Edward Bird. thcklbS WQWra, at three or four years of age, stand n artoot, chalk outlines on the furniture, ami my, with childish glee, “Well done, little Neddy Bnd P Brea at the dawn he would be up to draw figure* on the walls, which he called Vtoffiohrad English soldiers. No doubt the dftaa eegaged the attention of his parents, as to how Tittle Neddy should be broken of the habhU of sketching so much on almost everything about the house. The father finding, however, mat his lore of drawing and sketching SMS bramble, at length wisely ceased to couoter aot kin artistic tendency, and beginning to grow nraipsatataniittoaome account, finally appren tksc lfintaa maker of taa-fray*, from whose MfhMS ererhody knows, he advanced into Aa nraffi afaoknow’ed reoio* Whfamg Weet first began to display and learned from the roaming mthod of preparing colors, he was fifijl Irt t aoaceire how to lay these colors skil- Btdpam jf|jwjghbor informed him that this ’’tWhJmywitil .fcrmhea formed of camel’s hair; ’ America, and he had ro -‘ V- . BipMamiMm back and tail he ■MKa Twa rat was a favorite, and . BpsadHiaa oftMfer was imputed to ■ ’ Jp'JkiijV ooofcrantiT asplafned the cj . Ilh lhe amusement of hi* father, v, ho V’ \ irtlrtUf, hates beeometli a wise | ’ ; ■ :>|ftaflfeation thin in anger. To re veqnir.ul ,•; ih:> part tiofi sufneioutlv <v u : , -w : -nothing ; • d-. . i “ ♦faywaUimiMtft.u..:. i... £,;r adapted to WM Rill I ■ pnetking. Tb. vl . thoroughly studied to their real nature before re course U had to rod correction. Ratline** on the part ofthe parent or teacher is never excusa ble. It should be remembered that iu the plays and pursuit* of the boy, the future man is some times seen, and therefore it becomes of impor tance to kuow how the amusements and guinea of children may bo improved for directing their inclination to employment* in which they may hereafter excel. —Lotion Trantrripl. Professional Advertisements. (WIHCEB K. EOLAE,” Attorney at Xjw, McDonough, Georgia, wn.t. ATTtSD TO aciixass is ru* COU.VTISS ov H*nry, „ ~ Knltw. Sim Ming, DvKalb, Pike, Newton, Fayette, Ja* per, Coweta, Butt*. Prompt attention paid to the Collection of cloimt. March 30. ISDt. _ *y_ W.P. JORDAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW., ZEBU LON, GEORGIA, Will ntlenil promptly to *llbaliieientro*tcdtohl*e*re. May 20,1.H54. _ ly-25 LAW CARD. THK nudarm'sneil hurinir formed a pnrlnerahlp in the PR ACTIVE OF 77 1 E LAIC, nt Meliononsh. Henry eounty, will attend to all hu*inoeoi>fliled to thuir professional management, in the countie* of Wat.Tov, llr'ihv, Coweta. Newton, DkKalb, !Sr*u>i>io, Uutts, FtM.TON, and Monroe, Fayette, Pike. They will also attoncl tho Supreme. Court nt IVcntur andAfacon. 1)0 YA 1, & Reference*- Tiif.msei.yes. January 12, IKTII. Sm-7 A. W. STONE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, FA YE TTE VIL I. E, (I A. J.inniirv 18i54. A. L. BORDEES, ___ ATTORN E_X._AT LAW, GRIFFIN, GEORGIA. Offico on HUI street, ovar J. It J. C. Becks’ Store. December 1, 1853 2-t r U. B. OGLESBY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, miiFri.v, c; \. OFVICE OVER TOVRY t peemisterN store, him. *TREET. _Noy. 17,180 r.. 52- ly DR. J. WASHINGTON JONES, GRIFFIN, GEORGIA. OrncE at ms Dnro Store on Broadwav, . S*pt.l, IWB _____ __ __ ly-II . D. M. WILLIAMS. Resilient I*hysicinn, GRIFFIN, GEORGIA. Office on Hill slrtii, at lilt Drug Store II mII .Stay, •lantinry 2fi, ISM !> L. R. DANIEL, ATTORNEY AT LAW GRIFFIN, GEORGIA. OEKK'E ON sbooxo FI.OOK OE I.OUQU UUILPI.NO, HIM. ST. July 21,1853. ly :j-> Bavannah Mutual Insurance Company. SAVANNAH, GA. tuki’ii ngnlnff Fire oil Mrrclinndifc, Builtlingn and Cotton in Ware- I louses on favorable torms- J. A. It J.C. BKEKS, Ag’ta. (IrifHn, Juno Ist. 1853. —t5. H A K SII A L L HOU SE , 8 A C ANN AH, GEORGIA. a. KAROO Proprietor. February 23, 18M. Iy-13 Educational Advertisements. ~ SYieillEAL FEMALE COLLEGE. THIS Institution bits been in operation during tbcpast year, and the Board of Trustees feel great pleasure iu again presenting it to the patronage of the public, well assured us they arc. that the high character of the Institution will satisfy the wishes of those who may com mit their daughters to its moulding influences. The course of literary instruction is thorough and extensive; moral discipline and religious culture form a prominent and characteristic feature in its organization, while un wearied pains are taken to mould the manners and culti vate the kindly affections of the heart. FACULTY. Rev. CARLISLE P. B. MARTIN, President, and Pro fessor of Ancient Languages, Mental and Moral ssoi- e tree, and Belies Lettres. Mb. J. A. DAN FORTH, (provisiorallv) Professor of Chemistry, Mathematics, Mechanical Philosophy, and Natural (Sciences. Miss AHA E. HUMPHRY, Instructress in Botany, Plivsiologv, and Knglis hßranches. Mr.’ JANETTE BKTHUNK, Instructress in History, Mathematics, and English Branches. D* M. J. DANIEL, Lecturer on Physiology and Hy giene. HERMANN BRAUMMULLKK, Professor of Instru mental Mmie, Monochromatic Painting* and Modern Mrs. IgsEs BRAUMMULER,lnstructress on Guitar - and Ornamental Branches N. B. To the young ladieu of tho higher classes, who araUndying Music, the French Language will taught Without t rim charge. asr Prof Basilmmolur, a scholar of Prof. Beauvais, m-author of the Freaeh Grammar of Hermann et Beau vais, will hereafter teach the Franck language. tlion the Bad M Sadat of-January (the 9th) end ctamoa the Ist Tues day WTaly. The eeeond Term wUlltMleiee an the Bud Monday of August, and close on thegail Thursday of November. JAMES H. B*ARK. • W. J. Kuth, Are>. Pru't BsdAwM^. Ortaa.Gn., Jen, fl, IBM. ts-B MARSHALL COLLE&E. , • -r— “ ■■■■ Tilt first term of thie Tlillmiau nndii hi foosnt) L n emu od nigsnisntiui njtilOTjjTl pK'o'-e nf CSffTge 1 We rti ■pniM to receive of the four o’- ■Etc Classes, as Department. merit at weft as receive the heartv op-ppo ratioa of the frieuda of the Instildtien and of Learning, possibly esaspert with the Ptasf hatnettm *fc litMif Tdtim rtm hjg- MgEft t\Tl eaee ti*e a•• • s eeeaa si fj • V fits esea 990 90 Zmd Duiutag JUwdtyg. WsMbf, AHth- . Qygrephy; Bug- Orum-t-nma lurid, • s Umlmmum 3s. 00 V :* m .te* • 93 00 Graike NtivnL Maml anw ftllallmV M man. a - M.TfrTr:!* 1 . 00 Kcn .^y^.^UO 19 tim~r ’5’ r ’ *sr .*p- -CL “* ‘ C&K&lifil Rifsumi. W. W. WOODRUFF & CO., Ara Manufacturing and roceivlrg a large stock of the Bent CareiaOk* in the Slate, hnh ikej tuUItLL.A as can be bought in tha Soi tker.n Marret; eomisling of Coaches, Hack Wagons, Slide-seat Buggies, Family Wagons, Rockau ays, Top Buggies, No-Top Buggies, Plantation Wagons, HARNESS WHIPS &c. ails, was wsussr vsas& W. W. WOODRUFF, Griffin, On M. C. & J. 11. GREEN, Nrvark, Neir Jersey. OotoberW. 112. 49 GREAT SOUTHERN REMEITY. .w t-Z■ ■ w ma •:■ nau ,m ■ CHOLERA, ) ron ALL £ CHOLERA MOttliCS. DYSFNTICRY, p naa m 7 v m n ■ a < BILIOI S CHOLIC. DIAHKHCEA. ) MIFWft Ij Ij If 1 Ki\We W . (cifOLKKA IXFANTUSI. Alto, admirably adapted to many Dixrrvte* of Females, most especially PUXn’L liIEVOTHIATIOX. The virtues of JACOB'S CORDIAL are too well known to require Encomiums. 1. It ( urn fihr worit cnfs of Diarrlitrn. 7. II Cares Painful Mcustruof lon. 54. It Furrs fhr worst Turin of Dyss’iitcry# 8. It Krllrvr* Pnlii In tlr Back nml Loins. 3. It C*ar>s Cnlffni Mlra or Mrilnui Dlarrttcvn. U. It Counternrts Xi-rvoitsnra nml Denpondniey. 1. II Hillfvtx ihtxf vtn*i (ollc. It). It llrstorrs Ii 14‘gnlni If irs. 5. It Curt s Cholera Morbus. If. It Ilhprls Gloomy mid Ilysfcrlcnl Fte’.lngH. 0. It Care* Cholera Infantum. IE. lt f sn Admlrabir Totilr. A few filiort Extracts from Letters, Testimonials, “ I have used Jacob’s Cordial iu iuy family, and have found it a mod efficient, and in my judinent. a vnluable remedy. ** Hon. HIKAM WARNEK, Judge of Supreme Court, tin. ** It given tne ploasuro i 6 heiug able to recommend Jacob’s Cordial —uiy own pcraoual experieuce,and theoxperi enpe of my neighbor* and friend* around me, i si unfficient guarantee for me to believe it all that it purport* to be, ▼it: a sovereign remedy. W M. 11. UNDEKWUOD, formerly Judge Superior Cuit, Cherokee < t. “ I take groat pleasure in rcconitnending this invaluable medicine to all .*P,icted with bowel diseases, for which 1 believe it a sovereign remedy—decidedly superior to any thing else 1 ever Cied.” A. A. OAi'LDIXd. Deputy G. M. of the Grand Lodge of Georgia. 41 This efficient remedy is travelling into celebrity a* fast as Bonaparte pushed hiscolumns into gain ing commendation wherever used.” Georgia Jeffersonian, May 1 9th, 1853. MM” FOR 9ALK BY —Love & Glenn, McDonough ; Jame* F. Johnson, Jonesboro ; Jones & Cvderwood. Fayetteville; W. S. SANnwini, Thouiaston ; J. T. Thhash. Wamerville; W. S. Lawson, G reonxillcM JL~AV. Perry, J. E. H tT LiN ; M . \v r . It. AL K L k,’ Cull oden ; Leonard Little, -Bann*fvniejDoer, dean, Forsyth. December 1, 1853. 2-ly UNION JOB OFFICE!! ALL IIIXI)& Os - |Moiu k (Dniontfiitnl, PRINTING! FIECI'TED WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH. SUCH AS PAMPHLETS, Circulars. ssma Posters, rntnlngues, Ilaiiil Bills, Bill HeaJs ftGljaL LegaLElanks, Bank Chi-rki, Uniltirii Cnriti, Blank Notes, JoHJJ~x Allro.ns Carls, Labels, Visiting ( arils. Programmes. Freight Bills, aML&ML29 aM. Neatly an I Expe iitioirsty execute ! at the office of tho “AMERICAN UNION. ’’ Griffin, Ga. ORDERS reipt'ifutlt/ entiriled. TERMS CASH. K. G. HURRAY. Prnprirlor. THE AMERICAN’S FRIEND!! HOLLOWAY’S PILLS. To the Citizen* of the United States : 1 most humbly and sincerely thank you for tho immense patronage which you have bestowed upon my Piils. I take this opportunity of stating that my ancestors were all American Citixens, ami that 1 entertain for ail that concerns America and Americans, the most lively sympa thies, so much so that 1 originally compounded these Pills expressly to suit your climate, habits, constitutions, and manner of living, intending to establish inv-clf among you, which 1 hare now done, by taking prrmises in New York. THOMAS HOLLOWAY, 33, Corner of -fan and Na**au firrt, Xeir York. PURIFICATION OF TIIE BLOOD, AND • LIVER AND BILIOUS COMPLAINTS. The citizens of the Union suffer much from disordersof the Liver and Stomach, scarcely any arc free from the in fluence of these destructive ut ladies, hence life wears fast. The fair sex, perhaps the most handsome in the world, up to a certain period when, distressing to say, many loose their teeth and good looks, while yet in the heyday of life. Such sod evils may be effectually remedied bv continual ly keeping the blood pure, and the Liver and Stomach in a* healthy notion, when life will flow smoothly mid resem ble plants iu a congenial clime, where an eternal spring appears to reign. As It regards the preservation of the human frame, and the duration of life, much may be ef fected, and I say fearlessly, that health and life can be prolonged for many yoars beyond their ordinay limits, if Holloway's Pills arc taken to purify the blood according to the rules laid down for health contained in the direc tions which accompany each box. A CASE OF WEAKNESS AND DEBILITY OF 10 YEARS STANDING, CURED BY HOLLOWAY’S PILLS. Copy of a letter from Cajdain John John* on . A*tur Hou*e, Xrie York, dated January tith , 1354. To Prof. Holloway, 98,C0r. of Ann & Nassau sts.N.Y. Sir,—lt is with tho most heartfelt pleasure 1 hare to in form you that I have been restored to health aud strength by taking your Pills. For the lost ten vears, I suffered from a derangement of the Liver and Stomach, and was reduced to mb on extremity that I gave up my ship, nev er expecting to go to see r.y more, as 1 had tried every Remedy that was recommended to me, but all to no par pose ; and had given myself up to despair, when I wasut loot recommended to take your Pills. After using them for three months, the result is that I am now in better health than I have been for eleven yean past, and indeed as well as ever I woe in my life. You are quite at liberty to make this known for the benefit of others. ’ 1 remain. Sir, Tours respectfully, (Signed) JOHN JOHNSON. Thate celebrated PUL art wenAmfuHf if cation < in the foUomag camataeaU: i|W DeMUty Heed-aefce Scrofula, or Asthma Dropsy Indigestion King’s Evil Billons Cam- Krystaalns Jaandins’ Stone It Ors Tel i 6 c, Whatever oaum , sM 4ftfit HoLLWiT, ... ssajwa^u: v ■ .a- BlMaiHiaztW cents, 37 MfM Wholesale of V ‘ ■ Pll4 tteUre - N’ every ■ii-o; .Kt oWWited to tr t ot sal* by W W. LivctikX, Savannah, GeUeral Agent for the Slate ‘U i ; . .■Rot Roiitfh. hut IMf| TUST received a ohoicelot of old VIKOINUTjbr J CO, wklok will be sudlowsrthan ever offered laThii market. PRICHARD k WOOD, GsWn> Jnlyßt, IW9. N. O. Street HoM,Bifnmßd Ornuaentml Pain ting. AMR The undersigned respectfnllv calls the attention of E£ the pnblie, and especially these who live in the that he is prepared te PAINT HOUSES in snpsrior style, and on very reasonable terms. wfc SwtHvrMmrv LIR / ifinj payitT ijMfjTjl j V i foi tuit bjr <*’*■ ’-V -V S. W • \ \lv-e Are Provision store anti Candy Manu factory. ! a'VTTt Till': iindersigm and thankful for part favor*, has fa new and splendid assortment nf GRO. ‘mam (Series and confectioxarii::- u ; der tho “American Union Office,” audnext dou. west oi Hr*. Long & Bli**’ Drug Store, on Broadway, where he will keep constantly on hand, a general assortment in his line, and most respectfully solicits the patronage nfhisotd friends and customers. Among his stock are the following: Sugar,Coffee, Molasses, Syrups, Cheese, Butter, Boston Soda, Butter and Wine Buscuit ; Raisins, Figs, Preserves, Lemon Syrup ; Sperm, Adamantine and Tallow Candles; I Tobacco, Cigars, Snuff, Oranges. L mans, Cocoanuts, j Atmonds, walnuts, Brasil Nuts, Pepper, Sniee, Ginger, Sal .Era tus. Soda. Starch, Chocolate, Teas. Pickles, I Matches : Port. Madeira, Teneriffe and Malaga Wines, ! formedceinal purposes. FLOUR and MEAL, Mackerel, i Sugar Cured llains, Rice. Meal, Dried Beef, &c\. all of which will be sold low for cash. Also. CANDIES at wholesale or retail. J. R. MARTIN, Agent, j Griffin, April 3, 1852. -ts IlardYY'nrc. | C H JOHNSON & CO., ‘...HILL STREET., A R E now receiving large additions to their stock ot Hardware, Cutlery and Guns, to which they call the \ attention of builders and contractors par'irulnrlv. Their ; stock ot Locks, Latches. Butt Hinges, Screws, Augers, ; Nails, Chisels. Saws, Planes—bench and moulding, is now very complete, and will he furnished on as good •erins as at any Hardware Store in Georgia, dill Irons, F an Gearing,&c., always on hand, j Griffin, April 8,1852.-ts ser.E\nin engimvinos ! .FIFTY CUTS A VOfrUJIE. THE PEOPLE'S JOURNAL. An Illustrated Record of Agriculture, Mechanics,Science and Useful Knowledge. j PUBLISHED MONTHLY, BV ALFRED E. BEACH. Every number contain* 32 large pages of letter pre*, beautifully printed on fine paper, and profusely illustra t ted with engravings. Forming, at the end of each half year, a splendid vol ume of two hundred pages, illustrated with two hundred elegant engravings. The entire cost being only half a dollar Farmers, Mechanics, Inventors, Manufacturers, .and pcopl# of every profession, will find in the People’s Jour nal a repository of valuable knowledge practically suited to their wants. Terms.—To subscribers, Fifty Cents a volume. Sub . scriptions tnay be sent hy mail in coin, post office stamps, or bills, at the risk of the publisher. The name of the i Postoffice, County and fetatc where the paper is desired to be sent, should be plainly written. Address ALPJiED E. BEACH, No. Bfi Nassau street. New York City. THE PEOPLE’S PATENT OFFICE. Inventors and others desirous of obtaining Letters Pa tent for inventions, are requested to cowimiuicntedirect ly wiih the editor of the People’s Journal, by whom all ; the necessary documents are prepared, uritb the utmost fidelity and despatch. Patent business of every descrip tion promptly attended to. Persons wishing for informa tion rclatfveto Patents or Inventions, may at ail times consult the undersigned, without charge, ciiherperaonally at his office or by letter. To those living at a distance, t he would state, that all the business necessary to secure a Patent can he arranged by letter, just as well ns though the parties were personally present. All communications and Business strictly confidential. Patents promptly se cured in England, France and other foreign countries. tktT Two volumes are published annually*. Back num bers and volumes alwftys on band for sale. Single cop ies 10 cents each, to be had at nearly all tho Book ar.d Periodical stores in the country Specimen copies sent on application. A liberal discount to the trade. ALFRED E. BEACH, Editor of the People’s Journal, Patent Agent,&eV i No. 86, Nassau street. New York City THE SOUTHERN CULTIVATOR, A MONTHLY JOURNAL, BEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS Qf VJL TMSSN AStttcrT.mtE And designed to improve both tbe ?oil and the Mind; ’ to elevate the character of the Tiilcrsof tbuSpil, ttnd to introduce aiuoreenlighteDedsrstcw of Agrioniture, Horticulture, Stock Breed ing, and General Farm Economy. lUnstratcri with naanerwns Eagravlngi. DANIEL REPMOND, Editors. .. .ys!i*iaTtPdsst|d!siaaswsHlloMsty, 1934, each iHtasfiai wffißHttßn ni!*TT-T*rr) large octavo pages (7j <Wl| ioehes) of etooelv printed Hotter, embracing the aantriOwtions et aoaae of tha Book iatalUgent and procti calploutarsln every aaetioaof (ha Southern ritates. Txaaa.w-1 copy 1 Tear...■>! 00 g jr MakM* g fyi (f)Q * pßtNTON'''] COUNTY. * TymSmry assaranee a* to ndlabUHy required, and should accompany applications. . YYTE shod) b* pleased to raoaiva subseription* by mail, theaountre will greatly faciliut* the delivery ofthe work by gtviug ■* the *** of aome qa*. in tbw Dearest kegal Advertise&eat*. *■* *d on tha East EUrenth .treat, on tl.e ?outh by Tav lor street, Wt by A. A. Porter’., aad North br an al - levied on a* tbe property of Jane. A. McGahaato satisfy two fl f... one from Supanor Court m favor Os Willi.iu M. Leak for tha uae^ of SorEent and other* vs. said James A. McGehee, the other front l’ike Superior Court in furor ol Adam Cooper V. Leak k. MeGobee, and Wesley Leak security. Property pointed out hy Plaintiffs’Attorney. 1 One bay stud-horse, I bay mare, la head of hogsmore or lew, MOlbi of ginned cottar., more or less, and 500 lbs. of fodder, more or less, all levied on as the property of T otßfts Collins, by virtue of two attachments returnable to Spsilding Inferior Court, one in favor of William fe. lleiontou. the other in favor of Thomns Brooks, vs. Thomas Collins, feaid properly to he sold under an order of Court as of a perishable nature. One bay Canadian Pony, known by the name of lotte ry ; levied on as the property of William S. Birge, to satisfy a fi fa from Spalding Superior Court in favor of Milton L- Phillips, vs. William S. Birge. Property pointed out by Plaintiff’s Attorneys. July 1,1854. A. A. WOOTLN, D. Sh’ff. llorlgstfc Sales. , WILL be sold before the Court-house door in Griffin, Spalding county, on the first Tuesday in August { next, within tbe usual hours of aalo, the following prop erty, to-writ: A negro man named Owen, aged about 3>—levied on. bv virtue of a mortgage fi fa from Spalding Inferior ( ourt, in favor of Roberts & Foote v*. Jopn L. George, i Properly pointed out in said fi fa. ( A Negro Woman, named Harriett, .and nor two chil dren. llcrrod. n boy, about 13 years old. and Mary Ann, a girl, about 11 years old. Levied virtue of a mortgage fi fa from Spalding Superior Court, in favor of Charles Day & Cos. vs. Curtis Lewis. Propelty pointed out in said fi fa. May 27.1834. A. A. V, OO TLN, D. Shff. Salt.% TT T ILL be sold before the Court House door in the V V town of Fayetteville, Fayette county. Georgia, on the first Tuesday in August next, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to wit: Two Copper feftill Caps and Worms, levied- on ;is the | property <f Joseph B Breedlove to satisfy a ti fa from Meriwether Inferior ( ourt in favor of James L. Banning vs. Joseph B. Breedlove. One Buggy levied on as the property of Garret L. Wcsly to satisfy a fi fa from Fayette Superior Court in favor* of G. W^Puss vs. Garret L. Wesley. Property pointedout hy Plaintiff’s Attorney. John T. Davis’interest in 100 acres of Land, it being tbe North half of Lot No. 104, and 202 j acres of Laud, it being Lot No. 103, all in the 7th District of Fayette eounty. Levied on as the property of John T. Davis to satisfy a fi fa from Carroll Superior Court ir. favor of Thomas M. Jones vs. John T. Davis and John W. Davis. Fi fa controlled hy Win. J. Uusscll-- j-ro oerty ppinted ont uSr said UiubUSf: July 1,1834. JOHN B. ALLEN, Sheriff. rayello x ale. ITJ'ILL be sold before the Court House door in tin YY town of Fayetteville, Favcf r e county, on Hie Ist; Tuesday i.i S pti miwr uext. w thin the l.g.i) lun -of *alc*. tiie following property. - wit: iwo Negroes. .uucy aix.u two; ry-nii.v* yea • ’.-l - her child, .ib'iut avcu v t vie*l on oy virtue a Mortgage fi a .. . . ..! . .i id 1 leii . j favor ut A?.drew J. Milter vs-John I*. Timbeibike Toe aoove property was levied on by Abner Coker, tonne: Sheriff, and claimed by Nathan Mash: the claim hav ing'been disposdof, it istbereft re ordered by the Court that the property be advertised and sold according to law July 1, 1854. JOHNJJ: ALLEN, Micriff. Henry AiisiiM Salt*, —— TTJ'ILL be mid before the Courthouse d*or in McDon- YY ough, Henry county, on the first Tuesday in August next, within tlie legal hours of sale, the following property, to wit : Miles Hart’s interest in Lot of Land No in the 12th District of lh-nry rou'Aty, Levied un nt the Property of -Miles Hart by virtue of a ti fa issued from the Justice’s Court of the bVith District, G. Al .in favor f Hayes, < iay dcn,& Cos. Levy made by a lawful Constable ami turn ed over to me me. W. C LEE, D. Sheriff. July 1, 1854. e ■ AdiniiiiHr;Uoi’ 1 h SsS<% WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in’ August next. within'‘the hours of sale, before the Court Hnusc door in the town of Forsy :h, the Wi half <-f Lot of Land number one hundred and fifty five in the seventh district of Monroe county. Also, at tin* same time and place, the tract of land whereon Owen Ar nold, late of tne eounty of Pike, resided at the time of his death, being lots number ime-humh\d ami twenty, and one hundred and twenty-one, and ae hundred and thirty six, and seventy-five acres North of the Forsyth rood from Barnesville,*situate in the West sides mints So 152 and No. 153and marked by survey—all iyi*g in the seventh district of originally Monroe county, lmt part now being in the eounty of Pike—the said tract contain ing six eighty acre.l more or lcs*. Sold by order ofthe Court of Ordinary of the county of Pike, for the benefit of the heirs of said Owen Arnold, deceased. The same will be sold on u credit till th*. *>3ih of Dee 1833, and notes approve l security, will h. wooir*d within safe hours. W I! BANKSTON, Adm’r. June 17th, 1834 tds— I ’, WILL be sold Ixifore the Courthiniacdoor in Canton ‘ Cherokee county,on the fiixt Tues.i.iv in August next, within the log*! hours of sale. Lit if Lm.d No. 201. in the 23d district and 2d *,•..-*• if Chci-okeiLCaunty Sold a* part of the real cutalo ol Tntnhiis Cook, lute of 1 Henry couefy. deceased, fur the I. -tic-fit nt the heirs. Juae lb. 1854s SAMUr.L CCHitv, Adut'r. Adinitiiwtritioi’w hnlc, YT7ILL be sold br-focp the Courthouse and i >r in Cassville. ? Cats oouniy, Ga-, on the lirst Tuesday iu August - next, witnin the legal hours of sale, loit of Lmd Au, | 732, in the 17th district and 3d section of Cass county. — Soi l a? part of tho real estate of Solomon Townsend, deceased. JOHN T BENTLEY, Adiu'r. June 10, 1854. SIXTY DAYS afterdate application will be made to (he Honorable Court of Ordinary of Henry county, for lea re to sell a Negro Man, named Eli, belonging to the estate of James H. Campheil, of said county, deceits ed. To be sold for the benefit of one of the heirs. DAW.-iON B. LANE, Adui'r Juno 3. 1854. de b ‘in. urn cum lr.tnmc.itr iiuiexo. SI XTI’ DAYS after date application w;t4 be made to tne Honoiable Court of Ordinary of Henry county for leave to sell the Dower interci tof Sarah t ‘ook in the j lands belonging to the estate of Smith Cook, late of said [ eounty deceased. CASWELL M BLACK, j June 10, 1854. Admit! lit rut or dc bunit *oss. ! SIXTY DAYS after date application will be made to the Honorable Court of Ordinary ofiietiry county, for leave to sell the Land and Negroes bcl4g>gu.g to ihe i estate of Uenry w. McLendon, late of said county, de ceased. CAPLL McLE.NDC'N, Ad'mr June 3, 1834. GKrt ti.l ~ Ul-.NKY t'ofvrv.—WhercßsTobn H Low, Executor on the estate of John D Barrett, late of Henry eounty, deceased, Applies for Letters bhj misstiiy ftom said I xecutvr.-bip: These are thfnvioty to cite and admonish nil audsln gulnr the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to he and appear at my office within tbe time prescribed by Uw, ta show cause, if any exists, why said ietwn should not b* granted. Giron under my hand at office, 4hU 24th day of June, 1854. {6m] QUINCES R. NOLAN, Ordinary. /"V Et> 54 til A ,ii IS Sf RY VfW Tl’.—Tfb e rest! J ohnA. VT Smith applies te me for Letters Dismisoary from the Guardianship of Jame* 8. Boynton, orphan of E. 3. Boynton, late of said county, deceased— . These at* therefore ta oils and admonish all person* in terested to b* end appear at my oQce within tl;e time prescribed by law, te show cause, if any exists, why aotd letters should not bs granted. ‘ - Given under my baud a*office, this Ist day of May, 1884. QUJXCE3 R. NULAN.^dtuL /-tKOKt.iY. lit,-.iu c..iii'a-i*v— XJf r GOBttM.G^WliaA<Hoary ?■ • . c May 20 40d CtKOItGIA, ¥RitiY"COWYTY'.— WhereasJo4agal taaasa£Sßww!?* , !*^” , (HarMu4rt# iVtofft nffitlfi ihli |(Ti of Jthrit Bgftwpreag; appliefto me for irnji.d ..J ——i'' l "* e—M . Gkorgia, henry coßm-Ww*, jt. . Tarner and S. B. Love apply me for Uattan Dio. inisjyrv from tbe Administration af tka aatata- of Mun Jolinscn, sfe of said eonnty deeaaaed: ‘ * These arc therefore to cite and admemab all and sfngn lar tbe kindred and ered.toni and daeey4 to be md appear at my office within the Hm*prescribed hr law, to *hoir cause, if any exists, whjr laid lattmahkih not ha 2Sr “* ’ MEOBGIa. HENRY COVNYY^-WUeraaa U James, Administratrix and Singleton Jobim istrator upon the estate ol Joiiah James, late of.t&i&i county, deceased, apply for Letters of DUmission said administration— . , These are therefore to citeund admomsh all mnd singu lar the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be audi appear at my offico within tbo time pr*scribed bv law, t<>. show cause, If any exists, v,hy said letur* sliould an h, ° Given nndor my hand at office, thi* 6tb of Febrnan. 1554 QUINCES Jt. NOLAN, Ordinary? Feb 28 m(im G KOItGIA, HENRY COt;-VTYWhercasAGir* been represented to mo that John Smith, late of said conn* v deceased, died without any will, and whereas, no person ha* applied tom* for Letter* of Administration on hi* estate, and whereas it becomes my duty to vest the administration of said estate in the Clerk of the Su perior or Inferior Court or some other Bt and proper per son of said county: „ . „ . These arc therefore to cite and admonish all end singu lar the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear ut my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause why the administration of said estate should not be vested cither in the Clerk of the Superior or Inferior Court or some other fit and proper person of said eounty. Given under mv band nt office, this Cth day of Jane, 185-1. ‘ QUINCES It. NULAN, Ordinary. 2a—-30d plKiltr.U. lIENItY COVNTY.—Whereas John fc VX William Alexander, Administrators of Uriah Alex, ander, late of Henry eounty, deceased, apply to metoi Letters Lismissorv from said administration — These are thereibreto cite and admonish all andslngr. . lar the kindred ami creditors of .aid deceased, to be end appearot my office within the lime prescribed by law. to ! show cause, if any exists, why saidletters should not bo , granted. r i iiven under my hand at office, this Cth day of March 1854. QUINCES U. NOLAN, Ordinary. 1 , ._MauA3n6aL— - CIF.OUt.I t. HENRY l DUSTY —Whereas Nancy T Hodnctt, Administratrix upon the estate of Thomas J. ilodnctt, late of Henry county, deceased, applies to in :’>. Letters Ltismissery from said administration—■ ■ j Tie s are therefore to cite and admonish allar.d sirgu <la ki tired hi and creditors ol said deceased to be nrd ’ 11 t- ■ in;, ogive within the lime prescribed by law,to .my exists, why s.iiu Ivilcrs sLeuld not be , n i. v har dat office, thi*ftb day,of March, ! l -i ‘ Qi.LiUi.ri if- NOLAN. Ihihrtuy. V | March SO bin - 1 I 1 ‘ • <IK.\ Ui cut M’Y,-Whereas Mailin •t | IF'!, Ruts. .Vdint’i’srrator npun tire estate of William ituJV. late of said -auniy. deceased, applies for Letters of i, i'!.:issiniitroni said administration— I 3'h-sr are tlierefore to rite and admonish all ai dsingn. lar the kindred and creditors of said deceased to Ire and i- appear at my office, within the lime preseribrdby a i show cause, li any exists, why said letters should lud hr a i granted | iivcii under inr linn*! at fir(*p. tJii? 6th of F brurT, , liC i. QL’LNCLtf li NOLAN, j Feb mtui jiKMtt.l i. * f \\”. K. ock. Administratrix nfkon the tatatc of Vollth. tine Ihock, late of said countv, dec-eased. Applies'fr of ijisnus.'ion froui said adiuiußtiatiei These are therefore to cite acdftdniooish all arc: sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to bo and apjc;;i at in>' office trilUin the time |*ieseribtd bv law. :• <h*T cause, if any exists, why said Icttcis should not bo granted. ii veil under my hand at office, this 6th us February, l&y. Qr’TNCljb 11. NOLAN, Oidiuary. Feb 23 tn6m nKOIKdt, n:\rtY COISTt.-w-kuuaa John \ T -. Adiniuisfrstrtr nj*on the estate of Andrew Njllcrs*, late •! said c iUHt.V, a]>|ditS fur Lc ttUS of lJi>iiiision from said Aduiiuistration: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and airgn lar the kindred and creditors of said dceeuscd to b ar.d appear at iny office within the time prescribed by law, to snow cause, if any exists, why said letters should net be granted. tiven unties tny hand at office, this 14th f Janccrr, K. NOLAN, Ordinary. jaa 26 Cm 9 ('I ’'-('K**lA. i*4K\ti\ ( tit N'l . XVucrfis Jacob T Bernhard. Administrator on the estate of John M. WVi'iui. la to of sui<l eottutj, decea soil # applies for Letters j of i'isuiisslon from said Administration: i The e e ar** therefore so <-?te and nduionisli all and singu r Hirt-he kin-l ed and creditors of su ; d deeensed to lie and ! apjic:::- ul uiy office, within the time prescribed by law, to ; -dioM cause, i. r any eaLts, why said Letters should cot be granted Oiveu under uiv hand st office, this 14th of J&rtarr. 1554. QIIACLsS K. NOLAN. Ordinary. jan 26 fimS pUUTUJT! llr-.vut <771 vi*Y WhereasMTHism ... VI Kimbell, Ex rent nr of the last will and testament of i Bciijaniin KmibcU, late of Henry county, deecnaed, ap pli** ft t LcUersof Dirmivslnu from said Executoi.hip: | These vre thrrcflvrc to cite ond admonish all and ifrgn liu llic kindred and crcditotlof snid deceased tb wud apjn'ar iu tuy uflice withjn the time prose.iLed by law, t* snow cause, if any exists, why said fetters should not be granted. . Given under my h;wid at office, tlrsv 20th ot January, 13. U. QUINCES R. NOLAN, Ordinary . Jan 26 6m9 G~i - ‘‘- ‘lll ( H NT> . —WhereasLnmil f \L 1 argason, A,huinistrt or on the eatatc of Asrisf son \\ bite, late of suid couirty, doceased, upj.lics to me for Letter* l>i*tni.*ory front sa:d Administration ; These are therefore to cite and adueniah aliand aingu the kindred and creditors of said deceased tub. and appear ut my office within the time prescribed by laW,to show cause, if any exists, w+tj- swvd lsttawsboefacot oe granted. , Giron under my hand at nffioe, this ]4th of Jonnory. 1354. QUINCES R. NOLAN, < Winatv. jwaßflffcaß /IstdHMA. HKtKI lUI X'ttHiWiiimM S-’T YT Sappii gton, Administrator on the estate of R. 11. Sappington, late of said county, deceased, applies for Letter- I hsmissory from Mid administration— -1 lies* are therefore to eite and admoiuskall oodsiomv !.;V lb* kindred and creditors of said deceased to be atnl appear at nty office, within the time prescribed by lw. to show hum . if any ——gj mitt Inflan zbniilil am lm grarjted ‘. - ■JtrAaYais ./IKUHCIA. Mitsui w.w--fs!ssaa saHh&J. UttiMiir; fron wid itAlTWlll ir a” nil ;),. ,* ... .1. ~~ ... r :.- |f,„f y nTw mm! 4,. ThTwl*’ jmt .**•*, miywnni * JuK*E. Caotniiiidctbm j ‘V ,’ BH HaW >BU. m EafrWr. ,- B „ , iTfcJw\22!Sfe;?£ *!i*” •“* WSS .aTK;??- ‘ -