The American union. (Griffin, Ga.) 1848-186?, April 14, 1855, Image 3

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,>| ‘ ui / i>..H :tt: trmi •“!’* jj^j re {0 Oie uJ)#Jn hi* cxcrtritiio. Orleans MW ’ i tMM iJ.,, *** fotwaul * t XTs£?S3£^3El •irft rt 'veeW‘*<l itai tHi M ‘ fcrttiek* safely lamle. I. ‘ he .'ii.' ‘ ....MA rerelrw in ifie Amertean SgaSSfe^*—^ Tut Cobaw KnAHCUGrt#** Stoht.— Wasktng w April -c—TU* Ntrtioiuif IntelthfunofT’ coii u,„ a TT P ‘ ie Miniver to Gei*. CoWetln, siathurth.-tt <>n theStl. alt. to |.roteot slave nroperty ia Cuba, and that*lnve I.JWers may be Lowl of tßir proiwrty betg secure under tiro change of Government- ■ CoavicTcn. —At tt recent session of Hi* Sußarior Court in Manou county, James Vn k bonse, alia* Jamas Vickhouse Poole, was lrted for •tealini a negro belonging to James S. lloHens hoad of that county foead guilty and sentenced to the lVnitentiaryfor ten years. Vickhouso was reognnuxl whilst passing through Atlanta about six weeks ago .as a form er inmate of the Albania Penitentiary, by a gentleman who at the time he was confined there was an officer of the Institution, and who suspecting that ViekUuuse could not hav • attain ed the property he had about liiin, honestly, had him arrested uud committed to jail. At the time of Iris arrest, he had eight negroes in Ins possession—two from Florida —two from Biker, one from M icon county and two from Cherokee Oeorma. These negroes were none of them sto len, but had been obtained in exchange for oth ers, whom he had stolen at uitFerent times and places ; his plan seeming to a? to sell every ne gro he stole as soon as possible, in order to steal him back an 1 sell him again; By information obtained from the negroes who were with him. all of those he had stolen and sold in dillerent parts of the country, were r.v.iveiv.l and restor ed to their owners. Mr. Holliushead s negro was fraud near Nashville, Tennessee. —-Journal <£ Messenger. Taatuuu: Acciorcxr mv Nkw Jkksv. — He ■ large new glass factory, in process of ereetiou near the Ratlinsreas Creek, New .Jersey, wa blown down Tuesday, by llns gale. Iwmitv five workmen was blined in the runts. Ihe la e>! news from the spot, state that wight lashes had been taken out-of the bad ding, aa i 1 per sons rescued very dangemudv w-ujnde 1. X'lrcrj tho killed was Palmer. “I New X ork eitv. ‘flicfactory belonged to Julius Keller, and the loss by iu destruction is estim i'ed a’ ?!.>,- 000. , (ia*tr Miuraur Rxi’snmox ro rrt : P'.gs —lt ia anaounond in the S’. L me, Rena -It.’.i that orders have h vii iv'vivfol from \\ ashing ton for Lite earlv march off >ur lit nt- n 1 im •}> Wider ll truey. to the W.—Vrn l>’iiiti , walk a viow lo the r.hastiseol oit of !ie Indians who-diaviß, for wars past, bee in den , ; fedatinfu upon the property, an 1 the murder o! isAntttrient citiivn*. It is un lersi.. > I ilia 1 20 ( ) ftlni IWH| re to l*estationed at F-*rt Ltrmiif, 800 at Iteju-imv, COO at Fort Riley, and 1.5>0 the Upper Missouri, Tiiey are to take out a ! jtoar*< supply of provisions. %HJUloit of the New Pre-Paym si Post- AO* l/*av.—' Tile pytl|lasler of New V->rk sla’e ttiat the first two days the hew law requiring letters to be prepaid went into operation, there at? agregife of sixtv-three letters received unpaid. On the third day there were ninety nine/ They tfnry put in bv stealtli and of course non* of them fur vfitri.i .•.<!. Sewn f the nutn- U*r had postage stamp* ob_cut from stamped en- Vutopcs, Chihli are irtirthldiw irlren so transferreil. TStsbiak Blue.—We have been shown, says the Marietta Georgian, a box of mineral sinii- Igf ip all respect* to Prussian bine, so mue.l used M B*iniU,.dyu*, 4c. It was m .de from the de pitfHbmidnenr the Iron W.rrks of Mark A. Cohper, and sent by him to Win. Rout, to be tastod. Mr. B. think* it will eiihaerve all the purpose* of the Prussian Blue. We write this article wjtji ink made by liijn from a piece of il. Wlsi, li—, , ,11 mill IP, ■ ~.1. [I : ...t two Bsmi tlli tltr, wtw tivMtojpl iy Mboa the. tb* Sh lust. The firv -rliisliilMt hslf pH* ?l\ fT'i tit* I *•> rapid we* the pi>grß of.Ui*TUe*, that oonipamtivi 1/ lioue of tin.- CoßmtiPof the building were - 1. _ ... \ I .a. —.* * ..... i.. 1 -s WtWI~ TUB *4506, of which *2500 i fort mint civ eovered ! by inMiranck We learn that there arc strong circumstances feitding to tl|jf suspitAui that the hoone was inulietoiidy firevl; but in the alwence of BccuruUi information we f.oh.*ar further einn ment “for the present. —Columbus Kaquirrr. )yh. u , ABBKtTOF.GRAHAM.THE MrßinatKß.—Lyvek burg, April 6, 1855 —4. Austin Gr*h*iii, the I iipm who Mr. W. 11. Spiller, and shot Messy*. 0. F. Trigg. J. Cox, ami Terry at Wythe vlß*T oil Saturday night last, was arresUnl this 1 morning about twelve miles from that place. — Ho was seen near llrere Monday morning, ami a party of eitixeus started to hunt him. and final captured him. The feeling Against him in Wytheville is intense and l shottUl not lie ttr eiriitc-d if lire people took tbe law into tlieir own utud->. though it is tw lai Utped \liat no . arfeh *h act wilt be connnilted. U* wa*^ lodged in jatl at _Wytheville. C.firi Teleorapii Across the Atlantic. —A dis patch from Halifax says tjnft tlie Provincial Par liament has been proiifne<l. Previous to the adjournment of the Legislature, an important cdiarter was granted to Mr. Charles Archibald, Messrs Brest, and their associates of Lojnlou, which is designed to facilitate the construction jif the trans-Atlantic elect ro-tolegraph, to Connect tho wires of the Nova Scotia company with a submarine cable from Ireland. We understand that the capital necessary for this gigantic enterprise is already subscribed, and that the work will be pressed forward with all possible.expedition. The projectors enter tain no doubt of complete success, and expect to open a direct and instantaneous communication between London and New York as soon as the fall of 1858. Slave Rosetta Case. —Judge McLean lias discharged the U. S. Marshal, arrested for re moving the slave Rosetta, belonging to Mr. I)en nis.m, remarking that lib committal was illegal.i > The Hon Thomas 11. Bayly, of the Avomah list rit-t, in Lower Virginia, is out for a re-elec lion to Congress. A letter in tile Norfolk Her ald says; Mr. Bally addressed the citizens of \X illiams tmrg on Saturday night last. There was a large concourse in attendance. He staled that lie was a caudid.a'e for re-election to Congress, and shoiih) be pleased to receive the sutfrages of the people. He adverted briefly to his career as a national representative, anil had yet to hear the | first objection from his constituency. He had ‘•cell interrogated as lo 1 1 is position on the Klimt Nothing question. Said he was not a member of ilieonle., but entertained their views to aeon -ideraide extent, and advocated many of their manciples before the ordi r sprung into existence. 11-did not believe in proscribing Catholics. He said that hr would nut coir for Mr. Il’mf. Extraordinary Death from Hydrophobia. Mr. A. lio’lgors, of Franklin. Onio, died of by Irophobia last week. It appears he was hit by a mad dog some thirty years ago, from the “fleets of which he recovered, although at irregular in tervals lie (i’ll a peculiar and unpleasant sensa tion. Being a man of powerful physical frame, we g'ling nearly two hundred |mn N, it is prole Pit,- that the strength of his constitulion k’ pt 1 lie eflec's of the virus in his system subdued.— ! t.i the loth of Jimttarv, however, a small, half -tarved il'ig bit hint oil tlicdmud. when he in stantly remarked to Ills wife that lie never tell such a pain. It seemed to (hull his system like tu electric shook. Nothing further, however, occurred at tho time lieyond a very severe head ache amt a slight nervous fever. The DavUm G;ctfo says: The sain* dog wm known to have bitten sev eral hogs, but. not until the it"g’ beeame rabid, which was several weeks after, was t’nij dog sup posed to have been mad. When Mr. Rodgers ltecHtJie acquainted w ith tUoae tacts lie at once fell that, under bis peculiar situation with ‘ the virus of a former bile in bis system, bis ease was a hopeless one, and immediately set shout loos ing up his business, and made his will, commu nicating his apprehensions to no |verson, not even his faintly. lie enjoyed usual health up to Wed nesday before Ilia death, when the symptoms of Itvilrophobia liegan to manifest themselves, caus ing him, however, no serums inconvenience mi fil-Friday morning, when in attempting to wash lits hands and face he tound himselt unable to get bis Itatnls in the water. lie ate but lilth* breakfast and in a shorttloW went to bed. About 12 o'clock, Friday niglit, lie was seized Ivy a most fearful spasm which lasted for some time. After the p*sm passed off he beoamo quit* ealtn, and ftonveTsed almost incessantly, and assured bis friends 1 hj9 Ife wonltk Hot liana them in ufty way. Hi* next spasm was on SatUMlay morning, and more violent than tjie former. The last spasm seetiHiJ Ift lHdfr the sufferer witli the most excrutiating agony, attif wasd wdfut hi the extreme, etreti p wUnem.W During all h tud'erings, to the very moment of hiimsHth, he wa conscious of hi* oohdilton, |tf£f|£sr all nnpwHv nq4 it*ypd So take particular care to harm no oft* tlurthg his raving fit* nithengh -kaava* in no war secured, I and in the rame ioom with hi* foetid* and at- HnJiittr 1 a “•* *£’ \ fc^ H i* certainly contrary to tltmihevim sboiiid remain so loqjr K.ttw.ey*, iem, aiH) give no move decided m*nifttio* of] Bm the 9*** *sss£*s*ip jNflw EstlNfi f||aj A rib wS 1, ‘ r 4*d* • sfiae ■ ,- W u is -i>i4tfatfhdKSdiinf iVMM v*d“ It .nilurassttShend of a lore* of Gttatwn tilsn- had been mated. and dial ttaa.- Cabtf .to*J President ut tiu> farmar <ta>*. *- jr'lfrrfip’tfl ~ th“lis.d ~f 2.000 an wan ia|MhrniHk Kpht •irtiHery. I'Ue moiuiuuwore ut rtanta Cm* hi • •uaicntalu. hadruen against Uw gowrmaent, *nd numberednvm* 1.500 wen. ~ —JotinO’OonoOT, Uteof PawooaUwn, King's Coantjr, trctaml, *<rww to tk Lawton Tiut.s the sot. lowing tetter, muter data f New York. Mnrok ft i “In the name us vod Mid humanity, 1 intrant jon to -aye year powerful and iota, paper to Mop the emi gration of af miserable o.iu.i yinett from dear old Ire land. They nr* aaffin ing alt kind* of privation here.— tkonsaud supportr.lon public charity, lodging in the •ta ttoo-houses. and the thermometer 10* below soro; no work, and no chance es any. In the midst of (his .lintress 1,21X1 pe.*|!* tainted u-doy, aod Utooaands are exported. Are the people mad that they rush on death and destruc tion 1 The Amcricnpe'are liberal pepole ; they do nil they can. but miflidaewUl not sustain the poor foreign ers acre. S>up bouses in oil the wards are daily crowd ed with poor. Uow eon it be otherwise 1 The emi- Es Liu.l here at the rate of IOjOOO a week ; 80,000 nr last year, nud there wilt lie more this year if net stopped by the interference of humane men in Kngtand. The scene hero is heartrending. The work in the ware rooms. canals, and factories is suspended, which odds to the misery I deseriho.” Martin Van Ituren. jr , died at Paris on Tuesday, the Jikh ult. A largo number of Aiuorirans accompanied his remains to their temporary resting plare, in the oriu c-t.-ry us M mtm itre. lie had snnted bimvtf at the din ner table when his head felt forward on hie breast, aud he expired without a word, without A gro in. Nkw-York, April 10. ■file Herald says that Mr. Ponte is engaged in prepar ing a voluminous history of the Ostcud Conference. At* the papers bearing upon it will be translated from the french and SpauLh. The book will not appear before July, it will probably giie an entirely new phase to the diplomatic negotiations concerning Cuba. .Several secrets, not sot surmised, will be revealed, &c., lie. . The Albany Patriot. W e would sav in rt-|>lv to tho extraordinary I article which we find ill the Patriot of the 30tii tilt., that m ilern democracy should keep veiy Uttiet an I silent ttpon the subject of “platforms of principles.” We defy Umeditor of that pa -1 per to show upon what great leading measure or question which enters into the domestic and f-.r ----eigu policy oft hi- country, there is unity nt feeling aud concert of action in the pstudo dem ocratic party, li is for and against (lie tariff— For aud ‘against, internal improvements. For and against tile donation of the public lauds.— For and against the Fa dfic Itailioad. For and against the Wilmot provis.., iivcluding the rc|u-al of the Missouri Compromise. For and against the acquisition of Cuba and territorial extent ion i genorailv. For and against the Union. For and against State Rights, indeed, the only question upon which the “Reunited” agree, is tile spoils question. This is the great central, cardinal and cohesive article in tlieir creed ; and most tenaciouily do they adhere to it, so long as the loaves and fishes hist; but when they fail disintegration and desertion of their variegated platforms follow. For f.vdderless racks and empty stomachs have no charms for the “greaf tiuterrified.” Now whilst it would appear from the Patriot . that democracy needs a periodical convention for the construction of anew and captivating platform ; the Union Republicans arc tinder no such necessity. They have stood firmly and steadfastly upon the Georgia Platform ever since they cottstr tiled it, and notwithstanding the late attempts of the fire-eaters lo wrest if from them, they expect to make it tltvir battle lin the next State and Presidential contests. — Blended with il there may Iks other ami issues, hut the Georgia Platform will embody the primary and leadiag principle* of onr par tv. As we therefore have a platform already, nothwithstaiidiug the attempts of the Johnson party to steal it from us, we think tho Uniou Republicans can very well dispense- with a. con vention.—Southern Recorder. Texas.—A steady stream of emigration has been pouring into Texas from the Gulf State* of the South for the lasi two years, which imtst prove of great value in developing the resour ces of its wide expanse of territory. At Litiwnrid. on tho Nechos river, Texas, there is a .bridge which tho hulk of the emigrat ion passes over, and thou* It the loti taker keeps no record of the persons, tie dues of the wagon*, and those form a pretty good criteriont for judgimm. During the month of December of the year 1854 no less than 550 emigrant wag ms passed over tilt* bridge bound west; while in January, 1855, tile num ber was 700. It is thought that, from the l>e , ginning of December to the end of April, the average will he 800 wagon* per month, and five person* to taudi wagon, making in all 3,000 wagon* and 16,000 emigrants. Senator Rusk is said to estimate emigration to Texas this uea . son at 100,000, Gonzales Enquirer think* tjiis amount accurate. tt~- - —- —--r-‘ ■ A Whole uoa Dwipoiut.—Ex-Govcmor “ S?htlK; df Virginia, dm* opposed to the noroina tion of tho remsg tlo whig Wise, a- tlo* demo ‘ cratic candidate for Governor, and is very Ik>*- this he ha*^fon -aomally beraWl by sonw of “the faithful,” frivlil- took occasion in a late The follow ingi* r ltmwil|: ha,y x lam told that lam not the Extra Billy of ftißoirtrtaf JBp TtatodpA—■!)<” *mn|l- —* icaj my -cradU I eaa clwll-nge devil to detect As, ■ of turn imb from the art litsr | *>vr?frJfiLhl'*, IWMd*> .-N■ v.UI | Uo take u juiri ia IhaaotMdiac.iti of the Ah ‘I i I | "lN\-L^^^L^C>il-t r .n anJ t. BROWN & BUIuOBa ® WILI. I’CIiLTIAStJ AND JtfiLL flllfoxres oii * COMMISSION OB or Ht ilatger ft UVank Old Stand, timer Uv r*n* and Muuraa Sittti. Mor.tfroueiv. Ala. sax n>v\,.,„ ...o. L. WIUIH pr IA, ‘ftft Notftoe to Delhorii. ~y-’- OKirris, January Int, 183 ft. TUT tonn of CopariJMnhip of the urfdvraigni-ithae ex pir'd, by limitation, and W* are r-nnpolk-d to collvet *ll noi.i-y due u. We therefore hop* you wilt ci for ward auil avttl* with os. hoteroen this and the Ist us April, at which tint* the Nutei and Au nity pass from ur control. We hope wine us our trioudr will cum ftUiti, lor wo are oomiKdioti lo coll—it. uprid,’*S WVf A RKOMftfM. I — ITTR At 1 AIN return ourainecre thanks tome oilixcns FT of I.riffinaUil siirroumliaft -HOaiuuily. twltwlikn i! pit r.imgo brMowndapon us. r J with pluoeure bcglvave t vU your attention to our extensive Spring and Summer Slock - —or STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS! CLOTH I NO, lIAKHWARB, LUTLLItY, 4 BOOTS, SHOES, HATS. r caps, ST it AW . , GOODS, And all article” of prime nrceasily, which we are deter mined to sell at prior-a to suit the times, for cash or ap proved paper, as our motto is ••quiet* -a.eea.ul -ore i oi oll—” We would say especially to cash buyers that ia re is raoury to ho made by examining our stork, pri vi -lualilie/aad •tyles,” which will lie found inferior to uo o Catt and trt ut. C. T. It J E. DLT’ULL. N. B. *n urge all indebted to eomo forward uml et tte, es we ore delermin—l to- clone our book* of last year. A word to the wise is sudhieuc. C. T. & J. K. D. Giiifiii. April 12,1855. ~ 19 jrartvs^ liriliin uml ITcst-Point Plank-Raatl CompmiT. 4 X r.Sft titiii will bo hiM in tho Cmri lluuv on ihv /jL li.’sf ,v|i>n lay iu M.VV*f* iVwidtmt fohl *i Diivlrtirt \W tho ni Vnil*i*Bint I’lduk-iiiiiul Cuui{witty,fur t4u v#ar. 11. I*. KIIiKPATKICK, Aj'iil 7. H 55. * Sfcictiiiy. NEW GOODS! —GO— ** r naWfioribcr woiiM renpiMlfall.r iufowi li is* fciomN A nl tho public ffeiiDrally. Unit be ift now receiving,di rect troui New York, u humLsome ituok us STATI.E AND FANCY noadynutde Olotlilng; llula, itoolk anil itlior*; IMarthctirc , Crockery* CIUS A amt tiI.AXSW.tRE, —A NI) PLAXTA TIOX GOODS IX GENERAL. All <>f which, will he sold ou as good terms as can be af . sordid in tJill ■*!>. .. Persons wishing to purehase are invited to call and look before purchasing elsewhere. He also keeps n good stock of GROCERIES, Which he will sell ('iIEAP for CASH only. G.itiiu, April 3, 1 >55. WM. fr, ‘iMlN'fi. UrGHti l Uvlilun iliitl Creditor*. ALL persons imlehti-d to tliecstate of Simeon F. Speer, late of Spalding eonnty, deceased, urc hereby re quiivd to make un ii iiist-. |ntymen<, and those having demands ogai*t said estate, wilt present them, duly iMliehticated in terms nf law. JOHN CAL'THE.N, Adm’r. MAU Y A. riPEEK. Admr'x. Ajirit 7. 1855. 18— BM Aduinistrator’s Stile. jyritSl! AST to an order from the Honorable the Court l of Ordinary of Spalding county, will ho Bold before the Courthoused-ir in lieutin, Spaldiug county, ou the first Tuesday in Jl/ S E uext, within the legal hours of sale. Two Town Lots, iu West GrilHu, Nos ‘J9 and HU. Clntaining one acre each ; add os the property ot J It Jones, deceased, for thi’ lie- eflt of the h lira mid a editors of said deor‘o*od. KEHECCA C. JiJ.SES, Admr'x. Apr LJM. A. B MATTHEWS, AJiu r. POn SAIaO. A GOOD Seeuod-hnuiieii I'tA-SO FOKTE, on mode rate terms. Apply ut this otßce. AUruh 17, 183 ft. 13- if ; LOOK HERE! PIPER & WHITE, MERCHANT TAILORS, ■WKir im>lt or mu. WTRBX”, URIFFJM, GEORGIA. IIAYK lntreceived a splendWi ussortauat Tl of SPRING AND sI’MMKK GOODS for f J Geatlemen’a wear. Tbaii Stock has been fit ** carefully selected byouo of the ftrm, from the latest and Hknet approved styles in the New York market, and I* unsurpassed for beauty of fuahiua and quality oi texture- Confident that they nan reader general satisfaction, they respectfully invito on examination es their stock. The following are some nf tho loading articles em braced in thetrprbeewt extensire aasortuieuti Cloths. Wttok and oolered t Doe-skio Cussimcrs; Fancy P ran oh Caosimers; Ploio aod Fancy Silk and Marseilles Vesting-, Gtovoe, Cravats, Shirt#, <whitenud fancy,) Collars, fed. fits., together with a great fj&r. “ tr ° r FURNISHING GOODS. ‘ ;*•; ■ —AIJSA-t - ,j/i eoqsistlng of Black, Brow* tad > Ola* Freeh mid Soft t oietsi atlas lwt of Whke tdMm M 004*8 fill • Satin m( Fmiey SBh Vouto, .jjprtft* ‘■* - ■***, wtßfiwd ‘ M t§rinmM*reh **** b> . PI ItK. rpxt* *TMATKD'IEftTBA j Trio It flooring IceOeeni, Jettio*, 4u|UlMiy>s|nAl JL” every dvo-ript!*a of iu-"*fo dishe* wad eotifeetidtwy j. Ext. es LEMON PEE., K*L*f , •* OKA NOE PEEL. “ DAMAWIWS* •• ginn'VaU)N “ vSw For **ie hjr W. B SEAYiI Olifflt., Ma eh n,15- f ‘ . ‘ ‘I RICHAIins & BHOtHER KEKI* A WIIOI.RRaLK AMD KMTAIt i CHEAP, CASH, BOOK AJTOXtJUC BTOKS, A* ft/ofcWw'e Brisk BuUilmg tfiU W , Gr&fk, dm. “New books. C|HlLf<rO it Sll P'LEPOItD are *till reeelvlag thMr ■ ’ Mipidiee of -V/vfF BOOK* AMP trj- TlOMhtn V, to whioh they respectfully invite the *uen | thin nf the I VV * uuidtlvc* to sell ut such rate* a*wflr*ftre rtHtfucwfi. ‘ I# 1 Cull at the Mimic Start* East tidt BiH cirtct. i vriffiii, February Iff. _ NEW DAGUERRYAN 6ALIERY ft 1m Uic Telegrn|litc Olßce, flllj-aft- D| HiM W. I’AltKElh"rwejK’OtfoWy anuounem t* the i*"U* Oft; riißn ami. yioulity, that he iiMjuvt rksd nl the abovii room— and having had K-erral yoarw ex iM-rieiiee in the IMiiLhltßEJa AK TANARUS, lie larl.ft hJut ’ Se 1 that he is able to give atl.faction M tl* i*oit fas , tidinns. r * - i'’’. , Lrkuuestes taken in h*"t tjleof the art, In ny weath er. nt vri y low price l iariv rwH. eolicited. | liriliin. PVb Iti, • ~ ,T JUST THE THING YOU WANT! Come soon ud get it at a Low Priee. Bin-EKI-K It i n’s Ut--*l *tyl Hrr HAT#: hiteat | Style Mnt-klu end bearer Know-Nothing. Yp'd Woke, 1 >nr t ‘om.tiy, aud other fashionaht* eUW* of the •lay A* id aaaio imeui of ijiiy’ ad Wuokliat*. of *ll -i*e itndprioes. Ij>r sale bjr . it Ift . Jan IS. (Ah’*. C TrilJ f.WIPHhE. PIANO FORTES. W535S up SSftfm out Stock, Inn ink lan fT 9, Ml Iy**v4 *^t,*ddl tt'.ii- f'.oia til- iti>T ALAKFRB ut the North. IV* are ~.w cnslilcd til olT'-r for sslc a flue vurlrty—Worn tlir ft. IIN SQ U. 4 RE CASE m-thd RiL'H A S VMOtSI EI.AIWHA J'EI.Y CARVED CENTER SEVEN OCTAVO r/ANV. . ■ Our Piano* are unsurpassed, in point of quick touch, durability, power, volume aud brilliancy f tone. Persons buying of ua cnn get them • low ns in aoy market in the Union, with freight** difference. Prices (rum S2i" Ist to fi.iOO UO. ihT V written will neeonipuny every Piano ibis eirect: “ll ut any tla* withiu twelve iu mills using. a iy defect is found, (which caunut he rem edied.) wo w ill take it book mud giro anew one iu Us |,ll *S.<eennd-hafid Pianos to RENT, orforsnte. Frieds from j ot (in tu filso tit). ms iILI.Om'ONS.In neat Rnsotrood asd*. dna* 1 ft octaves, forside. price* ftitl to |73. KI ut inns, Voeordeeos, Tambourines, Banjos, Viotlns, Guitars, Flutes. Fites, and every thing usually kepk iu a Musie Btoru wiUKe/eund in ours. A heavy lot of sSal *f >tic ou hand for Plane,Flute and Guitar. CLOUD ft AH ACKLLFOKD. Griffin, G*. Millet., Fb 10,1864 Hl—iy ” KKNOVAIs. THE SASH. DOOR. ffilEQ AXD ’ FITRNITUJtE SUOPipE TIIOMAS STSIr HAS lu-rii removed to New Orleans Btrm. Otid is now nt Bryln ft tin's: old stood, whore l pW’l lo have all my vl’l custiinsrs ionic iiml icr US*, ftly friends, I do Intend to Soil mv srork V LRY IA>W this v.-nr, ai time* are ba-4 and ldo not expect to get high pri.o-s Urijurlimetoftet UGiUUi ARG AIA Si nor shall Infal yi>u (iff bccaus# yltis skh mt Ifettkt Griffin, Tuneary IS, UMfi. CHEAP CASH BOBK AND MUSIC IN MAUKHA.M'JA-BißClb RlHtpi^G, UiUlrn V ~oW*m,i'ti. Philosophy of health,byY*. b Coles, m. and. Kkv. Ihi CUMMINGS’ WOttlkrt—B volumes. IIARPFIUS MTOHY BOOKS—4 nos l.xmdlvnt Ju-, Ihipoi Hangings slid hordering, Fapvr BfotU 4 Flro r PAI vriai WINDOVr SHADRH, anew lot-heenti f“( PI BN St. L ADI K’B ttETICU LE9 and PORTE .Mnah-3frr— J ~ HiCWAKOs. ft HUOTtILtL ~HX7T\raRfT~ wi;"ssErn^®Wj3i’ Sowing*sud Axtes. Hash Frsmcs nud Bolls, bellows. Hub* and rih.tfka t Parent red linamul leather and’ Orth*, latecs ami Bastgv Tnauuiugs; Sole Uasther, C!f Lming* uni Litelfk Fegi* Shoe Thread; House Carpenters', Blacksmiths', Shoe- ow SWB l,r "7r’ *T *2z&sxsptti& nsrJr^£*Mf ahio terms as oan be hod in th* olig. , V t C. Il- JOHJM© ft CO. Nor. i iwd . g•. wV|f|pr Trnr i • sSr'V’ a •'■rBUBBBCnr ■ gnara’tved in alfraree, *>JH>k4t>ißMbi>li*t||iilf ’BBliHi *!. i.- II. A VKUS * ,£J . ||l4,ifoJpM>pA,*iU’^hl ■ “tit ~t,:i •si* ■SBIAO-lV'j>y - DPI PI ■n ko */ /•••< - Tli. 11. • t;*nn*l Kcn|< 'lfc±*lfciAp. 1 morning. Its great Struts of lbs ‘iy, rejmW itmmMim*. aflmfwnm L-giKlsture, nml r t ohfrcss;MjaHMt'.fMHapfc , tnvtits ; I;.(• oml house i|iiyil| iM!MjW t|p#gf ■I tit I in.mmereml infiiilnstitm, and interest. that have aji-.iirctl la tbs Hkbaip. JbjJLabiAl^nH^ lii. in utl.v |.rimed. Ip fait ty. on t MfebH ‘(iiartn shift of fi>rty*ifbt yTjtoot-eg’ WM y. <|n 1 -mla e s?jJiiijxSCSuH|y||MH^K|^ lv ... failim* five W ttoru ,? *J I ~ ‘ f'liiiiistt pi* fcrre'it . vOJuJM a A9 f - -J ” ”11 1,1.* “.“if/Vi*'}! ’., V*.j