The American union. (Griffin, Ga.) 1848-186?, July 21, 1855, Image 2

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THE AMERICAN UNION, °rmfiP w* ‘Tiro hhHwd * i**i-*. 4?.HlfTl\V, l*Mlei and l*r*)rlt lor LATER FROM EUROPE. or mi: .ut.tao. Nl W Vi (UK, .111!) 10. Tlie tcam*hip Am go, from llniv, artiv*.•! oil Panday llook at noon to-day. Sin* sailed ll* 4th Ihkt., and brings four day* later intelligence. Maiikktf —The Liverpool cotton maikcl was dull and easier, though not quotnbly lower.— Hali 1 * for tiiioo tlav*, U>,OOU klrt, of which spec ulator* took 5,000 and expo!tor* 2,000. Breiubtoff* havi* slightly declined. The mar ket closed dull. Diovisious generally iinchuiig*d. (.iknf.hai. Nr.w*.—Lord Italian, the com tnandcr of the English force* in the t'liuu a, and who was sutVcring from dvseiitoiy at the hist accounts, is dead. (Jen. Simpson succeeds him in tliu command. There is nothing important from the f’limca. The British frigate Atnphiim, w hile rceoiiiioi teiing Sweal org. ran ashore. The foilsojieiicd fire upon her, which she returned, and blew tip n la’jje Russian magazine. It 1* reported that the Ejyglidi had tJcslUlixd klyxtudh. The remaining portion of Ivorlch had also keen destroytd. There has Itecti iniicli disturbance in London in conseipicuce of the lull to prevent Sumlay lial fie.. There had hern an assemblage ..f tin- people in Hyde Park amounting to lOO.immi. ihe police vveroassaulted, carriages were hooted, and a mint her of arrests made. Tiro hill was subsequently withdraw 1. N|ioleon stated at the opening of the French Assctuhlv, that iiuportuiit <pn stions, hot’ll at home, and uhtniid, hud prevented him from going to the Crimea. FliOUt TUB CoAHT OK AkIiICA.- .Vi l/i York, July 1(1. —-Advices from Siena l-vone state that i the English had heen defeated hy the natives.- Fifty were killed. I ‘ruin tie- Sin'iuu’iili’ It'orpinti. THE PACIFIC'S MAILS. I. ATK KIT I* It O M T III'. XV A It . ritmt'Ai. ni'atk ok rttiMis. Tim I’aeilie's mails ti-aehed ns yesterday alt’ 1 110011, We publish the full.'sl details to day They are of great interest show mg n-tnosl eriti cal state of things in the <'riiiiea and through out Europe. From Sebastopol we have lunlier particulars of the assault ami repulse; glimpse. | of the future plans of the Allies; the siekn,*s- j and probable return of Lord Raglan; dilferenees ! ImlWihd the French and English, as also between j the French ollieeis tliemselves. From the Baltic \ve have iieeoiinls of the hoin j burdlliontof Sweohorg mid llango, as also nth* 1 j intorestiug movements. The adniTnisiraiire r> form movements progressed in England, am! niucli importance attached to allairs in I'l.itice. j lIKCI’I.SK lIMOIII. sl.llAslol 01.. Further interesting parti, ularsof the assault Upon Sebastopol'and its failure are at hand. Lord I’aniimre gives a nominal list showing on officers killed and wounded, lit private men killed, 1,058 wounded, and lot) mi-sing (taken prisoners.) General IVli.ssior names :*7 French oHloors missing (prisoners) loti private iitett killed and missing, and Kil l wounded, Total j English horndti romiiit \,M I, French 1t,!).'17, to | gather 4,774 men. Generals Moyraii and Bru j net were severely wounded. The accounts yet received >h> not materially j vary the tit at announcement of the repulse ot the : allies, excepting as regards the number of the slain. Detail*are mix.otc-ly looked fa', iuaauiii. h ! as disagreeable 1 litmus are in circulation. In l’aris, it was reported that the failure was, in a ; measure at least, owing to errors committed by ‘ the British commanding ollieeis ‘I heir errors * are described as twos >ld—first, in not having I fasuiues provided for tilling up the trench within tiro Redan; and next, in not having immediate ly apprised the French commander that they found it necessary to retire. The Bri ish, on tlioir side say that they took the Ivcdan. Imt could not hold it because the French failed to >i leuce the gnus of the Mnlnkotf. Other rumors were current, hut without foim- 1 datinn. It i* said that a buttle had I fought on the Tcliefhaya ; that the Sardinians wereeut to pieces ; that the allies had finally stormed ana taken the M.ilakotl'aiid Itedmi. Hut tin of fleial despatches dispelled these statements, by reporting an entire absence of news. Gen. I’elisaier’s latest despatches to his Gov ernmeut are; Juno 10.—The besieged, notwithstanding our failure yesterday, which they will doubtless rv aggentlu considerably, grew alarmed last night, and for a long time they kept up afire fiom all their guns at empty spare. To-day, at four o'clock, there was an armistice for burying (he dead. Juß# 20.—The besieged, closely pressed on the lide of the (Vntral Ravine, are setting fire to the little fauWuugb at the extremity of the •outhern port. We are erecting batteries w ith guns of heavy calibre on the works captured on the 7th of June, which threaten utoro directly the great port * June 24.— 1 have nothing new to announce. We are pushing our approaches against the Mai akoff, and are hastening the construction of the advanced battery, which will complete the in- Mtlment of the port. We are also drawing clos er wilb our left attack. There are still some cas ta of clrolara. Lord Panmqp, under date British War De partment, June 29. jays: The French and English are proceeding with their approaches against the enemy’s work*, and are erecting new batteries to he armed with heavy guns. The enemy continues to repair the dam age done during the last attack. \ cry little lire on their part. We (allies) retain possession of the round litis* an fort in the ectnetary from whence the Russians were driven, on the Ist; •hoof the Mamelon on thcgoigo ot the valley which divide* the English left attack liom the eight of the south harbfi.L ftr. P*terbi ko, June 28.—A report front Priooe Gortschakotf brings the news in the Cri mea, according to the Russian Version, down to the 24th inst. Tbo Prince states that tho allies fire very lit tle, and he avers that tue troops which had cross pi the Tobornaya, Imd again returned to the left bank of the river. On the night of the 22d the Russians had o!> •erred a great movement in the allicJ squad rotifc ASIA. Tho allied admirals have given oiJers locotn ! pul tha destruction of the fortification* of Anapa I Two hundred pi.-” “ „f can lion (iin-ti'. tw.lir two ycais’ ptovisions sue found 01 the hats. The Circassians plundered the town, tie inhabitants having retired with the gam a acro-s the Kuban, c onveying their most portabl ’ valuables. The Russian forces are cmu.-entiat .110 • at. Teflis for the opening campaign, j 4'otistautiuople letters of the lutli nliunntiee i that the fortifications of Li.zemum a.i” in great ; part trriuinati and, and dial 2,000 link h to ■ have gone to Ihitolini. The .l.iimial of St. Petersburg publish* an .0 , count of the evacuation of Anaj a “for sir.-’ h 1 reasons. ’ SPAIN. I Telegraphic intelligence from Madiid i- to 221 1 June. There was a rumor that the Govern ’ meiit. was about to demand a loan of 200,000, I 000, of reals, to rover the deficiency in the tiunii i CCS. The Epnca says that some letters of Cabrr ra, throwing light, on the plans of the 1 t> had been seized. The Iplet'll ban vi .ited the tie era hospitals. ‘| he government had definitely abati j dotied the project of it torecd loan. Ihe I* \yip * : of the octori duty, for the purpn-u “I 1.0 ing ( | funds for the completion nl the canal <>l I■ .i!•’ 11 ■ : IF, had commenced at Madrid, and encountered no opposition. A despatch from Gen. < ’nucha states t.iat all jis quiet in <’uba ; t ieticia! l.iuiluian and the li! i libtlster leaders have resigned, and eonlideiiee is te-torn!. : VI It I* XT II li IT AI S. A euriotislv eompheated ease has arisen ill the ; House ,ifi'"Minions Baron RothseliiM, the Jew ■ I niertiher for l.otidoii, who virtually lias no j seat in the House, as the I’ailiaiuen ; I tary oat h “oil the ti lie faith of a < *!i 1 i -tiaii” p.” vents his sitting therein, Inis folfciled his sli.'ldow j of a seat l>v having enntraete*| for the ■ recent J.’10,000,000 loan. A select Committee i ap pointed to decide how a man who has 110 sent can IbilVit it. I In* • lovel iinient has intelHgetiee from the Baltic that the Allied fleet have succeeded in destroy iug foitx six infernal machines, which had he* n laid down hy the Russians in the wakes le iwie t ‘rollsl.elt. Mr. I'eahodv gave a dinner iVi In.nor of Mr. Fillinore, to a party of I lit al Richmond, on the ! 2 nth inst. HI A NO I-:. It is tiovv curreiitlv whispere*! that the F.mpc ror \a j oleon si li. n-1 >• teturns to tin- | i.ji t . ; ■ going t” tie* ( ‘| Hlea ; sonic CVI n us-crl that the plan I- ileeided upon, and that hi- d’ p.irtiiie will I take place as soon.a.s-it is possilile to artaieo* \ liiattels (hi re t* * enable hjtU to illidi'l take tiea I voVaee. *|, < l.i tiers from I’aiis state‘an expectation that .1 j tax of In per cent, on the gross receipt.* o! 111 1 j ! vv i\ s i* about t” be iinpos .1, and that railway . , companies wall be nutlmrised to make a prop or j tinnate increase in their taritl's. It is also sai l that, on the meeting ot tin* legis | I latnre a large increase in the army would I • | called for. The question as to whether li elavv j j Ilian of ott),mitl,'MJO fialii'S is to lie I.ii i’d by j I contract or by national subscription, i.- si:!l mice.* ■ ’ lain. 3 ‘ ‘ } (in dit, tlial Dronyii de l.liuy sdoes not eu; A li* sav he has been s.aeldised to the I’.: • li :o |, which lias beenn.e more lilt ill i ‘• ■ 11 :■ * I ! . ever contemplated.- < *tdeis have 111'.' n received at M;• r V.-i’’I .Io pi. i pare f.r the end nkatioii ot’ .'iil.inlll aib! li u. .’ Hoops. The Atlietl'.’ m eli| pel s Moiiai. !i ol ilm j Sea and < •eean Herald ale taking i.i slnd and | shell. Franco lias sent In all 2n(),oiin mui to t!i | taiinen, of whom nearly half are ul'cadv ho dll ! combat, it 50,000 arc ail thJfKreinain m I i.un e, ‘ and this is the very least uimiber that l. ao Ni pvileoti uni-I maintain ill llm country I"I the pi scrvatioii of his mle. lb* may pci Imps easily j send ](1,000 more, I ut in o tier tosetul I < t'‘. I a levy is iiidispeiisil.le. After the great liatth* of the I Slh in t., i inn rs j were actively ciri iilale.l on the Ikiiis B ui-e t■ the total killed at.d wounded vv i- in l Is t! an 1 14.000. of vv hum IH,<u>() vverc Freti, h. Tin* Emperor feels the cheek seven ly, and if j forts are mad • to prevent the public from take g ; it 100 tnucli to heart. N in the liidopcnd.inee, j declares that Gen. I’el'ssiei's coididetiec is in no I wise abated, and tin* Days feels convinced that llm army having loond the way to Ma'akoll once, vv dl soon find it again. The Crystal I ‘alaee is doing well. It • receipt. may bn stilted as averaging fcIOOH a day. li.ieliel leaves liere for Altn lii I, in a (‘ohuis steamer, ii,i tin* first foituight of Angus!. By some she is ,h scribed as being heart brolo li ; by others as Ci'listmied vv it li jealousv and rage. eovi.vicNti virn. i B irnrsvillc Female Institute. 1 ’fir tt •'•Jl.vMit Jltt’ t! 11l i's 111 <-< • 111 It !•’ I. • < 1 1 : If - • | til.: . • \ Aiitin;t t ‘Mu * * li •• h. wiusM mi; ly - *i*• ki *’>!. I .I 1 1 1*:'i r r<’lttl l l ■ it*> ill.* Kit*.w it j; i In.-, it u .•!■ . til i | lw> j.r* Giti at t!* txniiiiiiHt mu .i tit. I t ***- \. 11 i’ltii'!. : It. •: •! it to, lint uiitoln to iit t if’v iti <1 ‘ f* [••.■ i I1 <■ 81*011, Imt alhx I• t*• tin tG'tiio r*-t nil;t 1 1* “I t li*’ fio*jt l l - 11 * • t:; s ; ot't lo sg!d*l. Mr \*.>.*•. tho I’rtip | nl tin? > iiiitiii- j ry, wo iiin.'it K'l t-* l>. a in:: it •*•’ mnoh ;t- l ull.t* Itililv, util woi* z***n .‘•iiti-tix i tli.u hisi.ij.t ,i iii*h j tfiio'm i, worr s Tho rot'll.i.ii'U* id I'io ilil’ •ro* t t- of M itliotn.’t •i< - , wore kifc’itly ittff, ii.< instruotiv*’a J rttt.uitr *I ilt’ iH'lm‘lm o .Mr \*v •* lilt* . }i. ii .t }>l;tr. : ID lill* oi*Ul'BO • I tt!B* 1 Ul't D*ll, W lilt li 1 14 W • ‘ill li: I,|l ly ID i I.llo*l t n|*ro\ • mol far i lift It no*’ : lu* *nl)8 U|*oll tho \ umi; \I ;t 11|* ittfi I > t •*< 1v * |tr<)hl.*iuw in llioir uwu iiiimj- without th* o\torr.- fll u l ul't* -'lit* •*! •! n*i< Im*: ri, Wlt toll tV||trr* - (It |> .Iliil intiir.ito tli.M’i^ht, t hit - ii thorn n linlut of firofoitml thiiil.uifj, wHi ii i*• in .try t< tiio uioloritaiuiiiig miml romly jH'iii t rat uni *l any snhj.Tl. Sx voi al rci t rl.t** *•>‘B I’l-'iioh, i li* ni-try, timl wor*’ i x.imiM*.l. til) • (•f \v!i i!i •I'i.trihotoil jet *itt Ir t>* tho i.t Ih t?u il <.<•/ ’ nioDl ot‘ tho autUs iv. o, u:dl tho inu.TiiDg I’XiTx ..'< ** w* .i t lowml. \\V ilil not t'xpin't mnny <*ut in t!♦• nft , rf , .iM n. ns tin* winth*r win <|ii ■• uul'.iv<ruM* f*n i nlu-uln• v, i yvl wlifn w** ainvi-.l n great many u- iv already Il.*-i*.•. who e mill not f>? *g I )*■ anti i|*ut •<1 j nn:i i•• ,i\ % nl a ‘ prolmlde rail). W are pl> n*ol to .iv tl#;r ox ,•- I tat mu* were more than r<-ii!itl. Wo wn* ntortiiiin'l with proiu(it an*! ms-lligrtit ar.<wrrt in litany, Batumi Mra. .Niiyit!n iii*triit'tre in Mucie, I nnhroidery ami Drawii g, al.-o a •atant in the literary l, pirtinetit has faithfully |>?rhn iiivU her dut y • her pupils, e\ iih • . - ; •f which wro miwr in the rich specimen.* .*i rmrn*.Ti\ an.l t painting, wliieh gracefully :i!*l the w dl- >>i. the I i'lmpel. The delicate an l ;*• i*f I elnsteiing . > fl w - ‘ j was certainly imt h-!g:nl I*v any ether th in a t t i and iu(• j the gay <l ih! a t>/tlie Hied i in. I i.-iiri •*. w | elumnirgly gronjo jin'ue wreathes and .i: ‘ I am* li Ihe natural t! <wet *, 11 at. i| w<• hal iu'l l*i ii .‘ a. exmiinniion, -ur elta* t ;y n* nc wm! l h..\i he* r<- g.lh'd hy int igin.u yho - Th< TtlWifg< wr • v { t:: *i j —faultless The Soft and 111 ivy toiielu •of i! . | i> 1 i were wi ll hlond* •!. uml the j * rs|. etivr nf tin j-n > | , had hoc it s stalled, if then* had I < i im , | contiguous ohje *t- *uie might Imv v sane •*1 liin it t*:iu- ; ing near a erumliing mass of ruins, or i tew mgs mi > mag i uincent ami tuwerufg st ril'd meofm• irn* -r d*i the spectator of some pid >r.i enj-iyment Th -f duct lolls and fell) iiu ue ait was a constant least to out • \ , and so nl -save - ditptiiro, indlilng so eiiitplete!y n; gag. s , the soul as II W, II designed dt aw mg • We vhall not so.n f*uget tlio ewitetuent and Ut light • of the lltli of July, W*. 1 As usual at examination* there wn a eoneert at night \otwitlista . ling the fa-f that m< -l { thi music iu lud nrs were not per feet hr -k i I li*l in the art. lluv yet |*r hiruuul s-dKeiently wrll to show that the rudiment* of music were being thoroughly (.night The e. we were happy to Karn ti<*m Mr V\*. w i written h: the young hide.* t hcim-clv ra—M iii unothv. mark • f th ir jnber ii g Wc •!* U"t •I’ ll in fii’ •'iiie luh’gvwlicti we shv that Mr .N’oyc.l u'fle-sta.i Js how f • m Olid ih- p!-i-tie Him and ih*’ y*'ir g : cmuhiiM g as he d"C ,in h< !i tr * * • kid oss with intellectual ttrustics* We th nk that he > I w nlliy u patrouage. NliTatuk* “j. (JivMi-KiN, r;j-:oi!(MA._ SAXUUDAY ;,IOKUIJO. JULY 21, IT j 5. For Governor. HON GAHNETT ANDREWS, j of Wilkes. For Congress —Third D.istrfct. I uoiikut i*. i;,ii 11* i* r*, i OI- ‘ l N l V ! MASS MEETING nr Tin: amed.i* \n I’Aun: ; Tin- f.isoJs “f I tic AHI l’**'.’ W'U held M-c • i MoctliiK ill <il iffiu mi BATI l.'l’.V V, tbs 2“iJ ■! I'Uv - j li. A. N'KSSir Slut It',a W.MI!SOI',V .!'■’ I. ‘ | I"|||U*. | t'l 11... her*, *!"l I lull < *AIM i I A.l'l liW s. I>l . , II V, ini'l I ilisr nr*<iiiia* ia |...ukrs ha .<• t*-<- • l .nlil > 1 .uel HI” (! \ | el’ <1 I” 11 ( lot li,. “ii,.,....| . rcWoor. 4bb-*r-%"*. Ilsnry, K- 1 ■IV mo I- iev - : lit-r, ani all ‘ ! * I’ *a v tl* I t i ...i,. - i l /. t: ,tn* o a■ I ■ ( The 28th. /.• t rvm/ t‘t u- - f.r, tit f r<t]t tlr off-n j i o/7, \ /!■ rto 110 fort, thill o .l/.f,N'.S'j ■ mi:/:t/\o’ <■/ ih- amij/.i .i.v /\wty: .for t.nnrix,s At mb a v 2 blh tort. --•*- I ,f ■ Want i.f i*""!u ‘•"lapels us to lay over sov .era! eoniiinii'ie'tl-e-Hs-on-l'il'- 7 Mrs. Campbell’s School. Mi-, i ‘amp! • 1. 110 ,-erved!v popncii't’ sch j *'r of gills will o| a her s--li*,o| again on lie- Dt of Align. t. Dareiits nr Guaniiai.s win* *!• lie lie i gill- laugh! in a plop, r manner ai.d j their iinproV'inen! well alli inl’ and 10, cannot ii” I,’ tler than to paiiolii/e Mm. f amid.-ed. XX -pi ;.!. fr< 111 ex; ••ri'.-liee. Central F( male College—Culiodcn, Ga. ‘I la- \ 111 Ilia! t “I II II.C 111 111 “111 oil I.: - I nstitlil i'-n. |i"a l 'il in I lie sou 11’ •vv cst corner of Moiiri"'i • Iv. a hi-allliy loealioli, Minoiilid'd hv ~-g “>d a | epidalioli ns anv in ‘ le.irgi i. talc s p! ice oil tie : 2.Mil instant. T!,e lovcr-s of lean,lng may > v ; i t a r'.i !i lep -t. Third Cougres: ion:*.! DLtiiet. I he t “llVetilioll el l l.i- \ Uteri’ :tl> I.UlVt'ill ■ 8. .. * Mllati* a ‘andidiile lor < • ngi e s ia tin* I i,.rd I’- lrn? lo'll ill Barii""tHe on la dav li t I . x ... * j \V( ‘ \pN"e.l t,, haie. received ft/im Ihe Secret il” a r* p *rt of ;Tx* pr Ini’- in l nae fa this vv , !. • t paper 1.1 l.nx i 111 dl - !p|'-:M and Me lHi however, state that As./'’ eon vi tit ion vv a- a v cry 1u .1 i one. every eoimi v in tlhsgli triet vv is I nllv r 1 sent, I ilie utmost liaiiixeiy and • 1 I In : i prevail I and lo'iu .rl’ I i.T-/ If- ( • I ‘•!■ nr i I vv 11 tin inini iii-ly n la ar. I. alieiNf .e .- on I ,1 i l"l in vvl.o-li lie receive 1 1! v -'.ei a t 2 ‘f r ■ all ..lie rs. ’ The American Fiutv. \ tlo ogh a\o iV. \ .10 . i.i Ia.’ vl. r\ ■ | 1 • 1 r,i i;'11:11 M*r •{’ \ • ,ti in it. *f * i.•■:.*• 1 j<;11 i.’ •, ii!tl ili . * It.ix < li. . n in. I*’ ii ij': •• v , \;l\ t! u !.o I iv, *’.■* -‘ . .1 . \ i 1 . ! t't.u;.! ‘• !. i • 1.1 .l ..'ll’ !•• :'• ‘-1 . ‘ . I'l 111 ’ ! . . • i.- ■ - U . j'die lid, ; and plan of *T* ‘ Xt! ’’ ; . i ‘ ■ 1 • “ 111 :!. ’t!* ’. N W \I ! , i (’ .. . • |” ‘ i ’ \ III! !I v the oil ;. 11.’ t■*i- of |- .L• 1. ....| 1i... ■ 1-rM - I -i...v r ac-j • ■ wa m. >n- ’ v. : • jI i ■ga ■ “11. IVVI l/ | . |.i;’ t j|-111 . in'. ■ ! (.a 1 i id;.l iv. 1 i’ I’.eh vv : - I : : ‘, . 1 .'i. • in eiili'.i n- . | uii'.t 1 and e• I in- : 01.0 lift , • ; | ..■M;• ii. Ihit so ;• ,|i a- Ih” ;• p.■ .• ‘. ■. • oil i 1,, gin In (in.l out vv Bat it vv a-, tb . and n:i 1 it i alid leadily adopled it thein-i lves. ’l ie’ T iger j !in rncss vv ith vvhieli lliev took tiob! iif it, sm. g t ; ! i'i| tin- i,let! i*f m iking it ni •■ \• i.-ive ui'h i■ J who!,’ eoti'fitiv, and of firming a national p .i’ upon cori’ ct national principles ui..h i*. Tb imiihi rn all' in mativ im.taa , . upon the organizati"ii in t! ■ hope of making it I ■ iib-eivi'-ut to tin ir pmp. ses, v.ldle • o':i-. : v..iiv. j in- n n oil'i and- uitii,'!’ iem'iin.d :!. if i* -in id I n’t | lie controlled hv ;r v Mich factioni-ts. lixperiem e had shown l!"it licit tier tint Whig or 1 lemu'ra’ ie p ie; ii - i'oiiM fe tore pe.n • :,:u! ■ p::• • t Jo the com ti v, f..r I lie 11 is. m t' it: nninv place- they vv ere ci nil i.i I.* /l hvaholilioid.-l- in i in M t!i al, ! j ill llm sotitii. No ti;.' iiin! i.'ouveu ; lion of cither’ the W hig or I >ciin c*atic jvuii. - I li.'i.l ado! del Mich a I ”.atf"i in .1 :,a* >■ Ah lit ion !. , -ts could imt stand upon it. i in. ‘; \\ ing par ity had become so much si'ooii ni/cil in t!i.* ■ I north that in ally all the conservative nim ‘ i quit it. and as an il ion ii par’ v, it ha- broken up < and di-l'tilid. I. The I Vinocr.itie ptuiv I uel had t!ie control of the governuicnt tor t nuinticr of j years, and had all cliauces to restore-peace and i Imrtnotiv among tho people and give an n-stir- ! Tiieo of stabifity to ottr institution* if it could ;i but expuricncc liad shown that under its inau agi un uient matters but grew worse ami worse | .liu! tlie abolitioirists who at the on’- t were but , a Jiaiiill'ul, had a powerful and ilatig. r- i ous party. ‘l'ltc conservative men of“J!io couti- • trv had lost all jM.vvor to exert any influence in our national or state legislation, for the want ol ‘proper vigauization, and that concert hf action j which it Mip, riiidileos; anyl the as Well “as state g. V were Colt tliolled l.y the 1111- ci up’.ill'll-, wire-wot !;.•!•< and demagogue-, of par v vv!,. - ii g! 1 1 their own prom.ffiou to tint ctitjre liegh-i't of the inti tv-S i I the [ pie or the s'-ie tv of the t lovenittletlt. I ‘nil* r ilji'hv I'iii iiin>t:t!ters tin* fjomJ ami truo j mi'ii \\ ln i! > tto prosit\o tin’ l t:.*?i ami >!*• i 1 i * urn t<> * :i. !i siviion of tho uotintrv .-!! in rights : nii*l*'r lii*< I'ou.'Htuti.'i,. I..*\• j • i ll * i i!io Amori c:i!i < ‘I;; ini/atiou. Ail in tho Sotitli join-1 ! . il for ;f,i> juii']io.*i. ait.l ilii tho ilo : nos \* r.-*t ii*-*- i; liofn liit* nn.l ...okc.! will* n 1 - :*t ilonl *>i concern to the irWin,o.ul the I'nii ;ulol['lii.i , onvention —iutcnJit u’ that if thoni'o-, liti.hi ititlilor.i'-.’ should j.rov.* too stioi- . tit. r*’. t-* l.ur*t np th.’ •, ml ;• ;•% ; il’uts t!:.. i-.n-.i *■;•;*.> r.:n;c |>rcvst;!.-.l t’ . rt-, nn-1 :t I’!..'form tw* !;.!••}•:*.! li.nt au.j-'y I ‘ccurca t!iv South on the Slut cry ijucatiou, the , I .! t■• I- :.’ W tie* w 1.1 hr n ‘• ‘! hy>h*’ !i - !! tiifv now .lo'ii, vv tligJ-c cot.eeruto’l'C. ; t ,c. mi vJffM'fhe SoMthern states tli \V ‘belli, ti eforeign question is ... ‘">i “ 11 -wV’eiiev. mbch with inditl 1"!...'!’ ft sfavcrv ‘ tiott. V,-; Intis,.tint kjS*r< *r> ,0 V.,,. ■ every ■ her :.1 ‘ ‘ * I I,f imp*',lance, ‘for til” n . very ‘ ; r I , .... ; 1.-. a** • * ! *-'‘’ !! * “M j only t. It ii- italir*!* tiy* j j “ Now the N.uth “111 sjiow at the lid- ‘*’ !.** .Ivkiudmiti'ill t'> -’id", to tic: i'*MS ml ii|*>'*. i cal iv out in fftA faitii sill it-principlcs, the i -j ■ - ivative men north rally t<* it, and a paitv i with sul'd., i.'tii ■!length t.. control til” *g vm.nn .■! j I will I"",formed upon national iT-mii pm. ■ all f.ici.i -r.■ ciii.i.alisin vidil. ‘ pu. downi'i.T | . quiet and It •! “rd'-r J- ‘. i ai.e-ng : IpenpU- , Hut if’U.c>uih nli*dl , l till.Co ! f,,!1„,v the p’,at:‘, :;.i, lid; .". lb d'e ii.i cl acy, : refit c to h,lp th * cot or ‘b- men t'.oi IT l* | climb;! tie,* foreign iutlileiute with vv!,.. i ty aro-.-oivly alllic'ed, they vvdl 10-e all h ‘peol help from tic South and be coinjfie 1 totliiow|e-ia e a,- aia-’ u- ili i-.i a 1 t'. ‘illy * • 1 ” and signs towards llnal’ toVcigu lU.-tUl'tiers, !>\’ uqlk ci 11 of a. t'.oi, at holt.. . ‘flu; vvliole rjue-lidll now rests Upon t: ■ n of tlie Soiitlicrn ] pie. It ve in th • : \o, a- all Dally by mii” vote-. Bio m .*|. v.iii ,!•> |it s’duty. If We lock.-It liom it. .f:.'! !• uT help fiom the imnli, Bie fault i Jos. Bc'Atkrta*?;!!’ j Vi e have la IT .- ‘lol. . i, •-> i t • r , t,. e \ 1 latUa /(■•'".’g/*.*• /•’oi.i’ am ng the boie-t u! : the opposition', niet as little taint, and vv,-;. i !:■: ;ci ■ ■ i’ of iletii'igogiieiil at.,! i lap-traji, t! • liatiinlj of it- position w iid! i n:i:!. lb:! i.-. B>f i tlie Bl'li in-!., piov, -'11,.'.! ll ■■!.: i- I • ■ • p “I , to the lal rill ■ ‘ f ! -tvci ‘ a il* I :n■ “i• | I -••n'ati* n i hai'e ‘eri” - do . \:■. •• i.i • ‘ a :■ b, ■ Va tic ■ a j a ‘hb I 1 say nothing f tin: vn'g.ii ‘ . vv’.h li pel'- \ : and- the , .. :b.!■ w, 8.. O* 1 .nil :t dl:, •i j I , 11 alt q.t not only to .h-coive the j peojJ . h to Cl ate tl tinpr-K uth '. In I!.’ .a I i.bejbag ,V. • ‘ ‘’ ni. Tli.-t. \r ■ “A ‘ ‘ ...,\* j*. :j * I:. ’ i v * *'•• J -* . ‘ 0 Int J stinri ! • ** ’ • 1 • • ’ * the elm,a, •- p, ve | e 11. :.h Be- edd ‘;’ will I tin ! lin'd; to I p:- a i **f p ■'■ ar-pr I a! . f!. . I •:•*■ •'.■ • ‘ ‘.. : ad u “, ::: ‘ . j'i:in th ‘•"• •’ 1’ • ‘ ■ ;■ i / ■’ ‘ ‘ll"’ : ‘■ an Tld 1 ling-. Here , v . ... 1.... . • ~. ... .ais.- /. ■ - ••• ■. t! ■■ * ■;n rirnfheri -I• r • art :n • ■ I ! a i . ‘ - “ -ha ‘ 1 . . ‘ -■ • -V Vei l \ ‘ i.i .. >, r a!! be 1 ti! >” x a i•• ti .. ow a i .ti,y :ii. >i:t - a..-; . • ‘ li tho “atihi dOj and ■ ‘.” ; . t!f I pie. D. I ‘ d] • ■ ■■ I, ,*): . ; v ■ ;*■'.. • • v ;.*’ . I In . i OS’ •: . i ; l>’ *• • i ’ , • ’.•*,•• 1 . .. r !I• .. \ ii* ‘v. - • -■;•!I ;i r .$ ‘ • •■! ! ’ <• <■ oi ri.M'M g•. ,nv imi aS. i.'l.-rn n; ni !,- r’lnav. av. Will v ■■•■:m , ■ • oi ] v i-uture to *uv. Bi it vv I; ii ’ •• m u < ed mil of~sTg!it 1 his ali inip'l taut tiiatter t!, • fussy, say nothing veil.’ .s:i\ ot tluslx.. *... r, lu- j vv it.a : : t:li tl . ,:x I i!vi! • 1 n!■ hi: ci ‘i: t vvaite 1 ill couv ..■ TTo and. vmir tluJild !. l. • .'<■ 11l j * f I . lll'l* I’D l.i . . Ii 1,,! 1,1 i'-... an :v.; ‘.il of A; ‘i i j Would the} hive III.’ 1 j-'-t* <: ::i I whieli A'l ~ji: i'-ai’ iniiot. *• •1. XY.-c ill. \ have and. tic ‘wh.'i*. u* :'.!ier t!.” ‘A :’ i.-.r ’’ n. | el:.! ie p.u t : - have ■ v,ej v. > ■ ■! a; , a ! ,; v ... ; v. . ,!i'” io tl..- Sa>ut!i ■ 1 ■: ■ ti. i aw t’ 1.-:■. ’! i’ eil |! .S that - i I'V ‘ • ai:- ~ :np!::’ii"i, Iu I” Ii er )..'.! a i'il •'i inbi.u'i'of n.'iiiotia! \\ liigu py or uati i.a) I I*.'iix.H-r: -v, li. i, a'.!’. . • v i/!i ..ini. c*t- Tva ;; ve N. live A..; -I i<:: I:: ‘ll .’ li ‘ i kieovs th'.t i,ePli. rof the |oer- ue great na, jii pa".', - have -1 t>> app .’ su**!i a.-t to ‘th:'! N.'lßa r;l e’.i a ... ’.'act ol’ l!i* \vm ‘! ie all ■ l‘hit f .nil, al and that v. ~•!■• ‘ a Deal ‘eraey to do so ; now', il would be at the risk of a • veranco of j } the alli.anee ami tmuilei pn.-iralion ol tlieirpnr- I tisau seht'iiK’S, Let.the lJeuioeraiic.phrly do as; ! much iu defence of Southern fightsasthe Amer- { i iean l’arty, thrmugli its ITiiiadelpliia convent: a.i I has done, and then the p *p!o will he.niot'e >! ’■- - j [.used to credit til** .'uii'ei'ity ot I': a paip. -.- ! But until it.! s this, tL ‘• Am.a'.'ia; I'i ‘ tui i mu-! stand a.- -rf-moiM of snur.d. e :. . , . Soiithelirai.d imlioli;.! and lelliiie-. Couldn’t- liaise, it. • j The Americans lit l'iiom -Jmi. 1; on jeounty, raised a **Liherty Dole” about “ : g!i ft’ t high, il slmrt lim si i. • *•,.'! IB'” \i.ies d,.'!iiu.::n and to ovel'-t< ‘• i: la- i ... :• ‘. ■i. I’ll! alter-a a!el:-’ ing t!” i v. . . . : a ‘ r IVle. re-1 M.ite.l to tin', \i : g ■ K.,g.-hia! n.ade otie’ ; Ifiiti I'lT'l long. llava ; ,'n i!>':i.c. d'!•> fa t !.!e ‘ t,]ie\ di>l not vv ant i ‘ i\i” -vv \.i-long” i , !■ ••*"• ] it. tin X at'ipwin'i and a tin.” •'.! ■’ av T ! !•ilf; b . ‘ fiom the coin.:ix t. a-.-.-t in ini-itig tnerr t ...e. The time anived aud 8.. it ti ietnls eimie, le;’ le t ’ in m.!"’ eat numbers to i . - ■ thdl'o! • !’ in th •gr uitid. r . h . Uig the’ look. l on were mai.x old I'.-tn. era's fivm vvliotu t!.. y . hnl pii v’ ly expect. 1 a rgady. assiktanee, ii'ud • who vvete ixc!,Uih 1 bv tlu:i pr nuticiamettloX Now tlii joke ha* a good ty t:iL. rtv lYil, ii*e t: eil :. it!;!,!, tl.”- of set:'-, t'e .a-, be, a:: 1 in (i- l vvi.a iv-v *’ . *-- sit.) tepia :. * thevaii-e ot Bi.-e v>. ’.oi. , , o’ . .up. •! t 1 them. The AlUerieall Do.’ was tue t.i.ic--t, to be found, ami was of |*ure no tier growth,! whereas the other was a “patched up” concern • “ft. alive arid t'.i.i gn pr<.luctioa mixed in togeth- ! or. and tlie• euiide isoin ■ that a suf dcletit number dev* te* - jie iu’il riot be found t, *-!is*:ai;i it. JI and ■■■. te ominmisofthc result jn (v! ,r. Ti.” p ‘ - * -f :h>* Aim rii'an eau-e ,;ie'. Hake >q much trial they wd! effect noth- I Listea to Kim! I The I'ldlrati* *i pe- ami t'cgwi'esof our lte'.g.i ----1 l.or of tue /;,.*.*>(■ S•••(<■ ‘hould not be ciretim -1 scribed wit!, m tin.'limits of that papers imme | ‘dl ’•? ei'i iihiti.iii. We like to encourage genius ‘ and to di-M-mi .ate r> lc ’* sentiments, hence! ; we publish ti.e foil wing beautiful congh-.mera- j ti,,i: of l.,imba-t .and -hang which appeared in the ; lag Ab oi'/'i Stof , e do ti"t think :!**’ e*, - . !-r will vetituie lip ‘ii the • -;p , .tnetlt x-i /• oti “Sam - back nn re .hall vt-C'. !(<• ! i .;:. ;dy “heap’ dup coal-ot bre against tliecay if \\ lath,” and tin* least he can now .!•> byway , , f at. r,. in. tit i-, to d<* recrite rather tl.ati stiu.a- j i • -i -i Iri! of strife among <ur fdl.uv citizens. “I i J V h!i’rr being*le'peiat• hiiimlvc-, nor e-ten.;i.g; , , :ir can".’ ilvsjiernte, “o <un aliord to council j : 1 hes.)-po-i?e policy may eon.mi nd ! ■ ‘..if;., ;be etrcuuistaacv - ot our opponent-, but j u.'.i t li let t’ e edit'n • film A..>/(■*•’>.■*"’ • . -i .. and,, a, . i’.'i die id. at!, at a'l are rmronlx j iu the \m. r'.'Mti sank-. lo lit.- Heel mg eliqlii j ry we rep!v, that we “ieal|y do think j 1 and thong!, we sho'.ld iT'gi'et tlk* ocea-'.on | ■ i li - d"i",| -o. ~\s to our own part ot the! ‘danger, we shall piohablv c'.\v rcise a prudetit . .;i-ci'ti‘.ii, i.eilliel attempting to butt the engine j HIV fin* track, nor alio • ing ourself to bo butted ; J..|i'br it. We are not a- well nro-wiml a- the] A'. s'. ■, it true, but liieie in a ‘bulwaik’ of Am,".ii'.aii heai'.s. imt ~iily around our , liic. 1 •! aroia.d B;e altar *f lights, which ti:--.ires ii- with I'onruge ‘o tight against for, gn :, . . a ‘al in h-d. .. own, i Ul IcC iv i i .* vv, ! id ok.! to bav.-forgot’ tionr.a . 1 ’ V i;., •.■,.!! v i: tti.a lai “"I a h .:;’ ‘ tr ic'ot'v to ah ex’ and : .:'; -m 11 Jlhir. I. t I ( . g y y . . .. ‘ . t Old- —” :■ . j -■ .;. : i,b. r .!"■■• II -’ I” t; “1 m: -to e v-rv . i/arr r into •, tr-ml n “ ! IT” had ■r e a bu! v-nk ■■■:.. I'd e. : - I , , halt in B • ’ i■■ rt tuk plaea. >.l. file’ ■■ ’ i.-o i-S ■ •/ . ’. ts lo “j ! 1 . j lb; Will llv ti 1 . - “ a- s .. f his j,;.-'.: ■ I • ,'. (;■ i’ ■• = ;.’ 1V tie- ! I'"’ ti . . .1 . -.1 ,’.-!. 1: k. i.'voll vv.,!i! ;• heal -..vv .. I . ~ “.s'. ~ v a will soon have 110 one : .... . : .. y. ... -e.e : v ‘ ,'V W ; ‘... v, 1,,i ii V ;.*.. y. . . .V.i.voii * * , I , • ’ “ X. 11 W . h-.v.-n'M. ‘ I \e ll •-'• • I'. aS;a: -. -lltelwr date. ‘ • ‘ 0 . .•....'!. 4 k'. .4., \x *- * •'* , r • s 1 ,i:.!•.t• • ‘ ,’ ii x’ : .. t a*- ! * l.i ! * • r. • • • i 1 : : ti e ,!. ■ I f-r a ah -1 Tl, .- :. v. I .- A ‘ \. jsqhotit's, in Ba ii a.: t y to ~! . i. : iis r u | ‘■ . ; evety .! ;:* :.r<i'V” i puL .’ \’ ‘ ,1g Ivi !’ ‘W , ‘ • kit! ’ tl, 1> Up ‘” V . .v. ll . iTflo their rwiik-vAyitliout t! a .I. ; 1 :''•<•■ a-ten. t >ur frb ‘ 1- nni"! not ‘ ’ !g: them tin* |■ ■: . ‘ ‘"ft ■ •’ - : -*, i ,tv j” and pTiagiap'i” : ii’ ‘ Know .lot: ng • ’..\ i’ !i-11 :i -.“ a if. !. I'. Aaj t: re itilusioti, -i, i !i vv .ii b” *1: -pi'lle.l th” to : ■ ! ‘ ‘ct.l Ie ‘ v.! <i Bn to;.’ .'.me:. ...I*.. - !., ( V” -*-*•!."': -I Si-—-*-- , a! tlie ballot-box, film • ‘ ‘ > ’• : . ■ill 1 part*’ liie'i\S tbe el.. 1 ~m: -,i■ • :.i.,! p: itv I'.iii'Titi a. From every no:’ the S’ ‘■ v. “hi “"ing neeounts of , ece--i :- to tliMf f. n :."'oi Dartv, an! f.r - 11 !i . vVhu'loav -s the tan!.- ! ••• ■■; ■■ if: • “hiTil- i’ . a ti. ‘ :. Lab : •1. lie \ g .-•! an 1 ti li .• tibgi ; •:•>.” . . . ’ ['•* .\ .'; •!; (* ‘ *.l —tlc ’•K'-** •! triumph i- ‘at tl, j 1. S t-I'ie •t e above was ill type we have re ] iehv ii; ■’ “!• eoiniiiunication frein the'.'th utidiT'j jd i’ ■ 1 b i b. which-ays “the withdravya!.-an j ’ r in ft : to ‘ “■ fi 1 i with renexv and energy, I j ill'll l'liiilied tl ;l no for. g ‘.- In ui'i-t “e'.'.i tr I~] i". ‘ -i v leg v’ ilia lie.-hall any h I'ger lane ]U'e-ei!li , i lienee over native h.ifn Aineiaems ‘” i V/ith'lrr.wals from the Know Nothings. j As.-■• miic!i lias Fen .- lei if late about with ! draxvads from the Know Xolliiugs, we have ta j ken s.<nie pains to nseerlain the facts both as ! ] respects tire numbers and the character of the j men and iuVpliises which prompt their action. We tin 1 there arc some withdrawals, bu’ j i die number is greatly mngviiiicd by the iq.po-! • ’: ; ei .-. 1... -• in !>be a•’ luted I.v prinei;.! • ■ ft!, ■ v bl adage, “tho wish i? J'atltor to the! ’ ti4> ‘ I ‘il t . * And as r.p v.. the character of those who withdraw, vyc find that tin".; may be arranged in i three eh.ssc*: I*l. ‘! lie and -majegue who joined! the organ!/, ition, not tVnin principle, but iu or-1 ’ der to control it lo his own advantage and self-j I promotion. Finding that the obi ct and pm 1 p ‘-c< of th ■ org.a .i’ i >tt .e •in i pure to be pol in’ i a:. I V'oa'i died by .... - ‘ii-hnes-, lie sou ll ! i • .mi: -•! - it. f j ::.. I XVl'! I:v. -. 2ad. 1 itiiji; :-* *. v •*, who 1;:,- 110 oilier mo-, tiv. t!...ti r.KT. iv iii find out the secret—that ac e.'i ; ■!..•!, hi p i'p—e an 1 design art)eomple t i 1. .a ‘if e .nrs •h • lias in. rca-oti to ft main anv ! ng. rin t!:e’ br,‘therlu">d. . ,j, r j b\ the. 1..;,.. i ntum, r ..f th. ->• •vv ho v.. ...Law are m i vv. live n. v. r beel: ae e i-vuni, .1 lo a t an,! for tlit-mlvt*. thev . li ive i.o mi'ids . f th dr ovyti, :n. 1 , ~'y net up i 1 ■! • Being t'tlvl :. tlsfolll vd i .ytilyw ~f! they air e.;*i!y I ! .'., by some • I '|'’ ‘. !*.—,*. . * * i! . s e,,” e! c. ’ nothing but the grH*l of his country and I ■ the organization from pure motives, will find ‘ j all the charges and statements of the oppnsjti 0n j are vile perWmions or misrepresentations, rtn(l the more he becomes jjcqnainted with the work ingsof tlie order, the Irnttor Ik will like it. The Way they do it. AY.- have been informed that a certain tnati in Dike county in his zeal to draw men from the American party, recently told one of them, that if he would come out from the order hi, -moke house should be open to him, and he might j have meat whenever lie wan tod it *. We ;iot learned whether this very liberal proposition ! “n- tnet by a knorfr tlomu argument or not; but we are certain that it should have been. .No’ I roan of proper self-respect could listen to such •a proj.ii.-ition without feeling insulted, and no nt’.ein.'tii vv :iM p:\ -mne to make such an offer. Sun-ly the enemy must be b ird run, when they iiave to resott to .-ueh means to xxithdraxr uie n tr-.en ti” American Dartv. i ‘.. if :;v tVi xty.— A letter before us from Me- D “."ugh. says: “Tho American Party are gain. |ng last iu old Henry. Some days, at our place, as high us thirty members join.” We shall have to commence a record of the numbers coining ir tlie i h'der, a- an offset to the “coming oaf” -tavnients of tlie enemy. XV Could soon fid | Hie pep'-'’- ‘ | * MAtl'NivATtP. \ Mi anxv. KmJ • 1 ear Mr Thereuf poured in the ’Empire State’ of the 11th in-t . a publication j.urporting to have copied from the Celumbus Times & Sentinel’ headed “Kucv/ Nothings at Barnesville, Ga.,” In which it is stated that “a private letter under date ■ f June JUlh. says, at this place we have a r. utii il ,1 Kti iw Nothing*erackcl up for its nuni. ‘ hors : about the 20-l six >f the members appl ed t,,r i!i-mi—al cards, live were granted, and ouewas ’ n iu-vd It .soon foul'd out that the gentle i ci n reiain",! w isj.'inel !>y ten more memben, j “ueh w 1> the “i-uvay of the hrotlierhood that it;..• ;... k ! rt-p. nsil'dity “t relu-iug dismissals ! > ail the iii.'inley* ‘I ho* father of one of the v 0.. in- - >i n- h"ld in !"*nd*. hearing whntwxs 0-. .. I ,q, *,. the village and notified tlie ; v ‘, t l.e had come to have his son s eatd , . r*"'"'!- an i would not h ave until lie hud .1- ~t!,er. this ir- aglit tin* card in short or j uer Wo take the rcs;n i > H.ity” of saying that the . . is n mistutcnicnt of the facts. and make the i u.nj statement> in regard to the matter: . et at a re.: d;W meeting; *<l the t ouncii on the •_ - 4*,.k.ii..0. there were throe and only three up* ( f-r withdrawal cat da. which were -stij’v aov 1 iih n and-granted. There wi.s ...... -i'l-r ti.etal or who hn.d'-s'ated he wished to : wi’hdruw hut was. to t present to apply for the . , is! er was there any written application • tin At the text metting. which was on the a. .1 m.-e in. this member having pro* v . ... aj j inn h.rj| d.s'ei-s .1 u was granted, af :■ ‘ . i the - e day—that is the otHli— a ,i> an up}dication I-r withdrawal cards . • 1. (one of winch was the . ... ~■( .... wi. ■ ; ... ation had been act .i or'*!;: w i niyl. lt nine on the • ,i . and in t v an inveterate enemy of the aiii tig tills mimtier was also ... .. ■ v.iiing niau aiiu led to in tlie* a ’ . .;- n :; a|fd caii. n being irr-'gn . i sl.e eireiuns’an. s atti tiding the same nn . ...i i. ... l ;t pi.ev* .no acti. ti was had upon it i■ ; ti. ,n to ,■ int a committee whose duty it aid ‘ ■ to s. i■ e.eli apnlic.nt and know their . u. ■in it-aid to tho matter Said coin : ..■ e>. a. -r ’ • r. - - ming said duty reported that six ur ... li e nine w shed withdrawals, which have oi atued. ilie remaining three chose to remain ‘■ w;■ ‘• us. We would further state that tito father of the votin’ man nikuh-.l to in said puldieation. d.d wad, ■■ to ti.e i ii.ige and and maud ot the secretary 1 ■ w'.’..drawn! ol hi n. in; being in the village, nn ■m’ .its if tlie foimeil waited oil him to kc v . i ir he wislm Ito withdraw, he answer . a. -i.i.i’ive. it was then granted him.— We i an felt it ear duty to say tints much in via do r.. I I .lih .... ! justice, i’ ! y I id r of 1 lie Council. A .1. 111.a i.ock, See'ry. 1 iia-: vid • ihi . .Uily lth ISAa. !„ .v n ao'e .ii o. rded to the above letter, we learn da. the a ilia il ill i’.arnesviile is in a {lnuriiing e..;e it ion, and that twenty-three new member* ■ have been added since tin* nine spoken of with j drew.— Liu. Am. i.Mo.vj !l MCATKO. TiioM ‘..ros, July 15, 1855. Mr M.litoi*: Hear Sir : I'lcnse timl enclosed j ti.c n.mio amt atlihcw oC i-overul new s-übscribers. Wo bavo tino rains ami very |>rtuisiiig.crops. | ifuiti* a lUtf’ iont aspect dliiliits itself in thecoun* j i nances of the t'anin is and the people in general ! !>ey scorn to be happy with the idea that they will make plenty at homo and not Le dependent upon people a’ road for a support. Sam.’ as in all other places, seems—and not only seems, hut is actually making headway. His progress is onward—still onward, and, 1 hope, (nr* ■ ever. Here, as in other places, the enemies ot the i order, or some ot them at least, are husy cireula* | ting malicious falsehoods about the withdrawals from the order ; hilt will yoQ take my word for it when’ one withdraw* a hundred join. In the whole county, 1 believe, there has been four dis i inv-.a and. neither of whom had ever read the plat* ; terms previous to their withdrawal. In our town | .im vote stands- at present “(j Americans. 24 -'fur* trinors” The . * furriners” here have been very | busy for three or four days past, preparing to raise a pole, as soon as they can get help enough. Some i of them speak of employing some ‘-Africans” to assist them—l have no doubt they will need them- Our friend. Kendall, who wrote such a fiuming ■ letter in -lie •Umpire State,” and which was com* I p.s'd f j list sn di stuff as that sheet only publish* <s I- >p :. u of and is expected to be tin; canVHdst* ’ ot the Turriiu r ‘ party in this county for the Sen ate; s . I sn; p so he thought he would make death stroke before lie started. Couldn't quite j >'■ ni> it liille “Ihtvy"— too smart for yon now Americans, go onward —vou are in the roar, and \viil he more so in October next, if yen run : many of the outsiders are well pleased with tin- honorable Oarnett Andrews, and say they in tend t * support him ibtr townsman, who is the •‘furriner” candidate f -i't on-rev- in fids District, lias lost his charm, ni.d ;s exi.'eedingly hitter in his vituperative de nim ia'ic.ns of’native horn Americans who oppose his election Some time -ago lie went through as high priest of t lie order .with a meek or sham initiation of a certain fellow into the mysteries ot Know Xothiiigism; afterwards he received the nnminnt'ioH-for Congrryvvnnd tOok the same indf \ id ml into the back room of his office and unswor# him . Imt the fellow swears he will never vote far ’ him, aitlnv gh lie has always been a Peuiocrat. Vours, tie., (• Farm* ll ’ i