The American union. (Griffin, Ga.) 1848-186?, July 28, 1855, Image 2

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rniiPKK isioi. “niT! it w *r —im um* w**- rjit i..’* I* M. MI'KRU, ... IMIUfi iiiml PropiKlm i'tiiro ,Hinii< ii’ <’ <1 lli<‘ I.>:>•!• • \*%** FROM SEVASTOPOL. The Attack on fho Redan and Halakoff Towers. The follow!:;;? inf• , ro.*ing ib-’ai's of• tl:<* vm pninafy en<jefiiiil S-vu-t. | on ili>* 18tb of June, were brought by ;li- \ngo: llu< iiltti inugm. Si;vASiiiJ''ii, June 21. The original plan of ultuck, eonlemphiloil a joint English mid Fiencli as-ault of the Malakofl. which a commanding the I vegan am! forming the grand key to the network of redoubt* and bat - teries in front of the place, would, if taken, have rendered the former untcnahle, and placed the town and harlmr at the mercy of the captors For reasons however, which nohod’ under •land, this very sensible and apparently most practical design was abandoned, and (he plan wae changed into otto of a simultaneous uttael. upon the two great works—the Miibikotf lieing undertaken by the French and the lledan In ouraelrus. lbe first manifest tli nidi ant ago of this arrangement was the spreading of our for ces over a field of difficulties nearly double in extent, and enabling the enemy to biing a vast number of guns into (day against ns, which, in the former ease could not have injured a man. To vastly enhance the changes of failure involv ed in this plan to ourselves, our v.hole attacking forco, including supports and everybody else, was limited to some four thousand men ; whilst the French, with a miicb jmlei appreciation of the difficulty that fell to their share, told oil twenty-five thousand. THIS I* AU MIX’ N OKU TO IIKOIN W ITH, Os our handful, again, a large pr-'poilioti con sisted of raw recruits, recently arrived to fill up the gaps in the regiments, which with one or two exceptions, have saffi.-red accordingly. This i waa dona through no want of old soldiers, of j whom the third and fourth divisions could have ‘ furnisho-l abundance—men who have bed) kept comparatively idle whilst their comrades of the Light and Second 1 divisions have been worked like galley slaves. Sirtieorgu Drown is to be thanked for this selection, anxious as he was to Gin fresh laurels for his own comuinnd, though well knew the tnillrritJ of which so large a proportion of its strength is composed. I h.-tvi 1 already mentioned that tlm twenty-third Jb-gi ment find bieu chosen to bad the alien k. and tliat, through a similar motive of mistaken dc •ife to bringglory to his own favorite corps, (ten. Airoy was, at. the eleventli hour, pernutt. il to assign this place of honor t>> thethiily fourth a regiment which, whether justly or not, enjoys only a moderate reputation amongst tin- others now in camp. Hum rat mistakks. Later still in tlio e.veaiag preceding the ns-.aull, I Sir George discovered that the major coiiim.-iml- . ing the 2;td was still laid up with a wound re- oetved in the attack on the tjnarrict, aid that ! the aenior captain—an , officer, by the wav, of some 19 years sei vice— would have charge >f; the corjrs during the storming. “Impossible ; this will never do,” said tlm friend of apoplectic neck furniture, “unother regiment, with a field , officer iu command, must lie subs’ Unfed.". A message to (lifcoH'iict waVT'-logi-nphed to | head quarters, but laird Kaglan, with n degree of common sense which was quite unmi'd.orv, overruled his second's objection, and replied that an offioer of Captain —\ length of service, be his rank what it might, should be quite us fit to lead his regiment into action, ns ,-mv ti-dd offioer in the service, and accordingly, that no substitution should he math-. I merely mention these trifles to show the state of iincci iiiintv and , confusion in which our preparations were till al most within nu houi before iho assailing force j marched down towards the scene of struggle and j defeat. reflection on H ii i"iru. Then another deviation from the o.igiiiil plan of the ntlat-k w.-i* m i le, almost at the eiyv entli hour, by (ton. lVli*sior, to x\hick-Tml.i toil itary WllM ami common sense iigieo in iiUrjlvil iog no small slihio of both the French itn.l our own failure. Though the bombardment had been kept up vigorously the whole of Sunday night, necessarily compelled n slackening of the allied fire, and during this respite there was reason to eipeot that the Russian* would employ them •elvos in making good the injuries done to their batteries the same day. It wa* therefore arrang ed that at daybreak on Monday a teiriMo lire of shot and shell should he pouted into the Ite dan and Malakotrio render as many of tlu ir glint as possible incapable of mischi< I. An hour or so, however, leforc the combined forces in ir. h •and from the eiunp, the Fioueh Cotmumidor in Chief rode over to our ow n lieinlquotei* and de dared that lie could not wait for lb’- pi. imiin.'iM aaaault of artillery, a* he-would djaye many men in his trenches before the MaUikotl’tliat tln-ro would le no cover for them : and, ennsoquentlv•. they sand we) must attack at daybreak, at all haaard*, and lake tbe chance of linding the cm - mv'a guns in the most favorable condition in whiob onr bombardment and their owners'sub aequent illness (night have left them. I>RFI?AT I'lmiilCTKll. Os course itord Raglan complied, though forty bine out of fifty of the subalterns in his camp would have foretold the con'siVpiences to b. e\ peeled; and accordingly, soon after tlm (list atreaks of sunlight broke over the luni/.on the doomed thousands rushed on to defeat nud death. 8o little is even known of the detail* of French C lions here, that I can give you few pirtie of the attack on the; hut their jUn of aatault anp ears to have consisted in *- aaulting tlie work on both flunk* and the front aiiuuluxiieously. .and with overwhelming numbers — twenty -live thousand are said to have been en- I gaged. TIIN ItEC.rX. * In jiut retribution for the disregard of tb-ir general to the good to l*o expected from a short aaoniing’a bombardment, they found the re.luubts ■warming with defenders, and guns bristling from ever)’ embrasure. <>n them, n* on our own OMO, showers of grape and canister poured out literally mowing down w hole bat.illion* at a time; whilst from along the whole parapet the orowd of “riflemen sent Toth-y lifier to!Te\- into their diaorderud rank*, that passed through them like a aheet of molten lead. Three times they gave way, and as often rallied ; but were finally driven buck after a struggle of somo three hours and e balC leaving tlm spaeo between the M.uu elonand Mulakoff literally covered with the dead jtnd dying. AN AWHI SCENE. With our own men, (he *|v> e to lie passed ow from our most advanced trenches to the Re duu was somewhere about seven hundred yards, and from the first moment f i . ; r rushing over the parapet towards the point of attack, they 1 ! w re met hv the rain-- awful and annihilating ■ iiutii of canister and grape. Many fell within I the lilat dozen yards,and thence on to some bri ■ ken ground about liiidwsi, in which the remain j del sought cover, the field was screwed with the slain and wounded. An officer present iir j the affair, and who wii- mu* of tlur few who i - enped tlt'iilifnt|. ib . I ibe.l ihe file t-> me a* be j ing jH ilictly aw fill --much more severe he a* -tiled me, lliau I bill which greeted orpr li -tl at j Alma, where in- .-iUo fought, and iei-i-i\ ,<! a ■I Wound. Few of them ever reached the iihnfti in front of tin work none, 1 1.. !,-vi-, ever saw the deep illicit which piolci Is ilsiij TUB 111.IM I• ‘ I I'VI'I 1.11 . I have ahead.v nn-al.oiied the e-infii-ion which i liaraeti'i ized tin* fiist cijtimcliecincnl of otii inoveiu.-itt; and coupling this with the murder oiis preparations m idi] hy ibeenniiiy, you will be at no loss to understand that success was must improbable. I shall presently mention what the Russian* thuugbt of our generalship, as repeated in my own healing by one of lln-m selves, I taring tin; vi'hnlu atfuir Lord li.aglan and fail tle-orgc lltow i were ensconsed within iilir H gun bull’ ll ; but. though line all uded n good view of tli - scene of I Ins struggle and the disorder which marked it, for some reasons tin known to initiated spectatees, tlu-y a|qn-an-d un able to give any efficient ilireeliuns for the <-or reetioii of our multiplied blunders. When tiro ■ sad scene was vmbsl, our men straggled back to every straight, ftvenu i to the camp, in u stall 'd dispirited confusion, well in keeping with, the inoli like disorder in which tiny had been throughout the assault. IMHO SAI lo.V AOAIS.XI 1 IIK O KM.II AI S. I know not what mac have been the feeling’ of the home public on rending the telegraphic news of our defeat— for I presume the scribes at head quarters made no attempt to eoiii-0.-il the naked fact that mir repulse was m-ifh--r mob in>r less than a defeat, hut ln-n- mingled shame and itidignalinn were general lliriiirghoiit the ■ lamp, * Mlieers and men alike fell that disgrace had. I incurred, an I that in consequence s,h ly of the unredeemed misiminageuieiit of iheii generals. Fituu ilium hoys to Colonels a sense of Ittirnil.-ltTon filled every breast, tlm deejn-r that every body was sensible that, neither men me rigiineliliil ntli.-i-rs had shown them elves d-li cient in what, unji-r propi fgfililatice, w oul.l li •IW command'd hikicfsh, _ Till: FAN NON A I'K KKFCMftD. A Immt midnight on. Monday 1 was r**n*o*d up hy tin* sound of a teriilic < anno!iiia<l\ atul sus tained musk* try atom* tin? u li do trout .from our left to tin* 1 um*:h and on I'Tstctiiii^ nut to tliu ln in advance *f t!u* \ i tt.i,a li; doubt, In ard and witin-s-cd vs hal indu ad nic to !u !ic\e a i;.i*di! alt i< h h .J. bceu mat-Us- I\ • missives Htll til* .! r* If • to Irflicv* the tullUlc of the d.av. Ii• *?11 the Ma!akot] to th*.* *\!r**in* left oft!..- lied an a sji.u;-* t I jib*ut a mile whose li'iids of llaiiii- Imi-sl along tin- lin>'.‘ioin tin-snst.aitil'd ili-.i'h.-ii!', saof “ioiiie two hiilnlied canni'ii, while iniisiietrr ti'h-Vf iip tin- short intin v.ilsliutn hoi h our ovv n a-id ihe t-iit-mv s gum ml. I he-ilight was pitch -lark, and as the storm ol shells whistled through I lie air, nothing could b” giaiuh-r~t.hat the lict v Jiur.ihol ns ol these tetri Ido messimgi-rs, li in hatli-ry to ledoiibl, and from retluiil l hack again f■ > battri v. HtlillilMl SI-UCI U'l K. I leue neither time nor ji >,vi i to ih -ci ih” the inaghifii-enl hut awful pvri'ti-ehnic. seem-. A badlv aimed sh 11 fiomlln- Xl.ilakufl’pavw-il higli over I In- Maim lon, and I- •11 miiik- sixty yards from yyluTc I slootl ; but tb.cigh tics was saf-- enough, i deemed it host to shift inv gii'tinil, and so retinal. A loti 1 , “tlireo limes thltni” rose up on the midnight air from (ho direction of the lie dan; and as one can never lx mist iki-n iii this peculiar product of Hriiish lungs. I jumped tn llie Jilcasant conclu'iim that the day’s stain li.-nl been wiped away, and th ‘I thi* licdau was ours. ! was, however, mislnken ; and the explanation i>f*th<* whole atl'air was this : during tin- night, the Fii-liidi, endeavoring lo lake advanlage of ! •he darkness, had crept out from the Mamelon, jto recover a number of sealing Inditt-t* which I tliev had hern compelled to abandon -lining tie | attack. Th - ltiiN*iatis preccivcd them an I opi-n ----led u smart tile of grape from the guns of the Malakoti', wliicli was icpea'e ! bv a shell from tlnj Mamelon. Almost; simultaneously, a party of the ciiemv emerged from the Redan, in ex pectation of what they deemed a similar attack to that attempted bv the French, and being per ceived by our men, a volley of musketry was poured into litem, and chase gave with the bay onet. \ftcr a short time the Russian* turned iiii-l fled-, and it was a! this juncture that the hur rah* 1 have mentioned were sent after them. After this tho calinoiinado was kept up for some time from both lines, in the iiintiner 1 have re marked. ni nviNii Tin: nr. w>. Next morning there was hardly a gun tired on either side, and about twelve o'clock we hoisted a ting to request tiie necessary truce for the bur ial of our dead. A delay of some minn'es hav ing incurred before an answer was given lint dining which messengers were sent hurrying from the redoubt towards where we supposed the genera! of the Russian trendies to be- the wisacie of all officer ill command uti our side, a guardsman of more height than apparent intel ligence, ordered the flag to be pull -1 down. Five minutes aftci, several Russian officer* mounted the parapet and waved their caps, as if inviting us loreiYew the request; but Captain refused, alleging thatlic must “wait for further orders an-l this, though many of our poor wounded fellow* wen- Jv'mg- witfiTn sight, writhing in pain an-l ihirst under a broili .g sitn ‘ “Furlher orders” were waited for, and no truce, wa agfill asked till'l o’clock, when it was at oiuv mul wlion our ileutl atnl womnloil,’ the Utter in ;i most p:\infni state, were brought IN T K!U( ST IMI INCIDENTS. I Tlie Russians throw out an advanced line of sentinels to keep otf crying eyes from the Re-km, and a similar precaution having been taken on j our side, the neutral space was thus narrowed I greatly. The scenes of battle i .imago have 1 been often enough described, so I noe I ontv say that tills—avas like the res! —harrowing to look on. Dead and dying lay fill over the ground. Dining this pn.coo'litig a number ot Russian ntlie. is mingled among"oitr party, and us *ovcr iil of them spoke Ki.gitsli tluentiv. a good deal was said. Their “pumping” inclination, how ever, was o marked aaittJiiost eases to defeat it self; though otic of our oil},-, r* was guilty of the Indiscretion of informing a very* uave interroga tor that their grape did sad injury to our men in possession of t In- tjnnrries-A-a remark which pro cured his instant order to the rear by ticneral i Airev. * It was by one of lliosy< polite foes that the in- 1 quirv was made of ati Knglishm.'ut at my side , whether “our generals had really been drunk or not during the recent assault.” The Russians having helped Us to gather in the dead, the xvuole sad duty was soon performed, and the truce brought to an end. Since then nothing of in terest has occurred, and the tiling has nearly been suspended altogether. ’ JUDGE ANDREWS’ ACCEPTANCE. i I!li l.S|” ‘Mil ‘ll l|*,i. • i A-- !iirtnn ->Hhv < “•umtus jt l.r..iu* Tin |,1.. -Inly yenihsl. at de- ta.v-i.t.Oa ’ ■ r 111.- .Ane-rn-sii l .irly In 1.l At M... e n the 2Wi .mil i, uiiini , Ai,r-* iiiuniui” ily f.'-iiiia ‘--J as ft l -’ 1,1,1. ~f ,„l I aril !,. el ‘ - rie.r l tilt •IJJ I * Inn,* il’ et I'll. | Ilt-emtssietiveiref t netify n. ef.i.y s, neu.l ----1,. ,i, ||.. , .miauii ,in li, inis Iwi-n I tins I a.x tli Uvi-d. I All,-, n. . or, re*| -- * f-oly .t ■■ urp- “1 --“ .' ~u •len.o|- I inn-'v “I I'll- i-AU-li !.ey : .net tl. it )uur|.lmu- may 1,, a- ,j.* i ■ 1.1 y :i |..,-.i1.1,- h. lon- th- i .e| !•• el the .-Man- Vim snll nllitv uie sun an esrtv re|‘i, ■ >Ut o I>l-. • 11-.ej , J-ieir-l r ev-rile/ie, - WAHII'-’- J>E, t'/uuMH f0“ “iiuniUce ■ W. r*, r, 1 .1 K t .v Is, I e ; I. lie ,s, j, I ummitt,-,-. .1,-us \. .I,,sr s, | II y . .Maun it , | To Ia list it Asnitr.w* Reply of Judge Andrews. Hi., .tuly l>, IK. iJ'-n H’.i-aiiijrftitt ( h.ioman, &.■• I*f \ !."?•• Hm n...V€* l. ts. r w-o- .-iv.t.l. M*.ritv;il. •*'pmiif-s, in I rtin* s.siniicri* Iti l l • t"r ilm l>*n til ..1 in> It** •.! ili i hi I i.ri. r. -t no < **it-| -mlt.'ie e fr* in liMfii.’ In ti< l irwiir'lt *J t*i ui* tlmt I r.*** iv t -l. i l.v ilit* -nn<-intil, llml UfriiKiit } “**'*, ay lli*; r t- j tint, u * hi tie- :i!itf limiii •/1 my -1 . •• • r lem- , . sti'H •!••• so j .j.. >ll oj*i * v w.j* ?iM*iif'*r .-I 111/ rn t >ute Vii. rii t'li 11 pr i lif * -iM*rj ‘*ii'l m which i.t Ttnuuln fel lay iilhum*', I huve tiikt nth- lir-t lilonunt In antuvi i ytiiirctiiiiinuim athill N-iim* li. *ir, *• ■.* iniKht, lu \u iithl oilifr hitaoi.*, ai in in* tliir. r. .l. l l •> my j.ii-ti . in, it uin xjilaiin ‘t 1 fififinhf iiil it ia kn.Amu uj >*u, Wfun nm ii.iifi'-n nu’iifuiim<l in your coin.iminii'.ri i*u, I liml vt i\ |Mi-iioly tlv lin* 'l tlm l.ttntir, wiu< hln affi- L* 1• [it*%i* might ho ti*nHor‘l iu ly tlm M;m‘*n <'ouVMif••. — Tli** nun** r. M.tuu tor I'tuuil a ilt .sim; au /.it * ii fl.uu!*l tit* HiiffV*ri *1 Hint* r v.ltrif i- kiM-ivn ; lit* • o|ninhiii*Tnoe in**iit, whn ti 1 )><*| * 1 v\ miltl ami i> I <alx i*-••! my fVirn I.*, t.>tiiitiil** .amthct I tia-tf-l, tiV thi* film-, tle rs \v<• 1 1• J luave Imcn •i* h t!.*vt ! j im-uts ■is iV’ itlti jin* ifv tno iii .‘in I‘floi ti” <••*!•• hiv <ii i>r- I 111 I Wfllf.x. i’.ut I lli.t*’ ’v t l It ■•III t lit Ilf W- 1 lilt I l;t \ t ati*l ot/mr -unit • that i.<* ui *.• t the ‘ - hun lum m ‘o n i.t, w ill iik* ly t ike |rln* , e.yrr. it i( flmnhl, he .t t* ii itu ie as t* fiij.-<|e tint ui.e vvlu*.- -• nt nut f. r* n> in y<n a;*- A.-* th>* I '* inmn*| ii tim*l i!*iti'*iyi r • t< j-n in .jim < uiut.thiM iii , veui* ut, • I |i i •*1 11 i-i ; !.•* t *.l * limn:*’ tl-i .tli.ta.| • t att v tiimrr him ‘-i t'* tmrrtitmit. ;in*l n. the ,j;*u:ine in j^riMi/. 1 1 1 * iiu;'lit liaVy* ll.'ltl tit'.* stjifH-M't :Miee nt :i .I: I** fi-ii ! •!. % i'*i h ait I'd 1 1 \ in l Ifeiuui, tit. I•. •it in * tjhi It *ie It t le*l f*/ [iftiW fi IJ •• ‘ml*i! it mi f!: • I *h, .* i? • I let v*> . ii a .*lit t/itu nhi, if perlinjo wi,.i- that i.o i.lhl i*.: It if ik> ti j .'•i.f trth'T than uhat :: fn in *n tin- l.'<**ihif mii*- *il i miviutiin I nl\ i ni| 4> u.iii iii- r t|. ii'ihility <*t r*• ti .*■'** an lim*r. t.• • i • 1 ■ I*l | 11 * 1 Hl M ■ 1111 ‘ I ‘! ’ ‘ V m*r .'i I'.iitv, le* >u lii n*t xriw* m.• tit ‘>r ••lifting the n.- wjfii .nt vry vv i.;l.;y, nit t-. r y nit i-*tihle :fi ■ • < ; . .i’i* ■t • lh. r. .* I ! 1 1 uik tlf • ;* i•’ s tin •\\ h * i fh*i|l-| ft*** :*.--■! ..i• t He.i Ml ml ;i J lift t he li t * t-I • t t•; •. liiit * I *l•’ • I win* L i;, 11 ;•; lly *t-- .c-!'*e inlt i-o-'ht . tuh-n * . |-< Hv"< it. *i lit v • t!: n J •} ’ -■ a i :t ’ I. * 1- -ii tu/it t it-it of tin* \ umi ii-:i n I'* 1 1} it* % .* ‘i if st.iit-nnnif ,; u t*-w la.ia ‘Viil m.ik in fill • t ‘t fj>:* i ill | • r’-i-’ <••!’ tie e**ui:tii. .. i• i . -tuul .'*;- ee ;a I fint intern •• ? tin** | .at tv m * i Ii I |t< r.iuv. u*. -n <l I*i* if - t> 11 • ■ * i -I .* 11* l, in the ,j.*r :t • th* 1 •. t*! it tm inan. . f h i i . ■i. -i. .... i ‘.u ,:hi f- i (rt a >/ •*. ’if) J‘ * a th -! Uj ; “i < tv 11 -mh:eh h< ae ihr iff’ t'l lt, I'.IV ft t'l tl (. hy < ‘ff ;'f‘ -) t'. ml |! j.t i . ***.i • .if. f iiilnty tli* I < :*(!••’ .*j-j , iyiu l-eeiuiye **l tin* I \ .-i n • .. r l '! ~. I y tJt■ ■ I .-t!tI'll. I\.II: sis t i lit*.: \ ;!I iii..ii .**|*!**r -i iini■*-i*M! rtiti the I *i v* a -l.t\ . ‘’.ife i tti ‘ till., f.iv. I rhn-.ii, in in hit** let tt*r ..I i-t j-t .mi . . that *’ the nu it ♦••!<*• •! Tt - if l-’ie* - 1 ! * it to 1 .\hoiit. •in •! w n ncl <*r’” -e. In- ••It->.*■*.• **:!n M i* k f.uni’i i .-i Ivm.w (hut tv.div umler fit*- ii!Jj*.| ul;!t inihi. il*. at the Noth .t dm Vrhraaka ami h iii.,i.i hill.) ”*k :i\o* * h et.--l It* t!m m\t ( •>nj're.’- a tif roll off lii.ijeiif y , M !t tlm i?• -o! l i t•* n<*'.v • \!-*ii.f v. I! 11 .•• • ,-tvii n hi: a ii fik* i. * m *.!r ffm I • . m. ii ■ iiiu sh, njt i ii-.i uii.lej- fhi i. mi; iy: trei ♦h-I!1 *h i .I ‘ ‘ •! •V . ■ J .klilUl i..: .- - 1 j. I,t if ’ tie . •!■ I • . 1 . :* - ; I• t tli |in ■ • i it \* V .1 f ’ ‘• i-o I- I 1.1 :! - >•t 1.l 1 . “'I • 'a • \ • f*. r , • !jo i \ ? ! •• • if''. ti • ••; .i n!y jJo It- ‘ ‘ ■ * ! f t . ‘’ • . i*t v * ‘ • I I tl. t. • V 4*l i .. .1 ,1 I V. . - i iio.ii/li 11 • • ‘-*'.t"-. - • : - • ii • ; . i • - ... i rtii “t I ii t■ ’ !•:•*■ i. I- * , r. . - -1. . ,' t t h**ir h* . I • : • lo,c ili . i • .• w •t* . • t. | : t;, j, If M- l linn lit;. .Clih * ‘ .tl l; ,{ ; . 4,;.., ;| ,- \.f e > li’ - \% ||. I •!m ‘ill! i'-M t’l • . .ft K.III s ■ -iia ‘ ■:■- tin il i ■ /• ■i lh • ‘ iii - A j ‘!*, I-i .is iutt* . . l.'.'t 1,. .. I. .'V : i. . .‘•:t .1 ‘!'*’.*• v> •*. r. e : ’ ie n ‘i fe *s •: t f • t \*• rV <i; ’• : x■, j:i. - . /rn i r I’tTn iT y ->.< rT7iJ7I tii ‘-H . 1 1 >'in t li- \.'N I* i‘ l. ii* ■ •! i;. if .an I*.- I { I-*■ It- 11: i. • >* taMl . ‘ ‘ • t.- l■* i ‘ ! , i . ! i ♦ -vi : -.*. 11 •-.!“•• m: *fi f f I ii - : tI ■ 11! \\e|;. I'll *■; : i *'e .I , .. * l >\\ | j 1 i, tt|i ii!,. : i•: \ “’i .1, b.i i.t!’ li ov i rll I . ,oh , 1 ; • ‘ ‘ : - i■ * i ** * 1 ; !“• t •*. 1 : ‘.V !1••i *• V *1- ■ t. i- I * li. I • j- •i* j . . ,nl’ .\ It ■.. li>i t• :*. l I* ■ • r- 1 . 1 1 fi ae. n it • • :m . i ‘ \ 111 ;fi • - . * i • i ••.hi. • i. i i•• ■. i Jtl li il |. O - . ~| *| - • I. ! i. 1:. t. ... , jn.l I * t,.* . ... s.-j *. ie|. * *:*>.: •-• * _ :i. ... j p.i “l's i • \ehf | . i ,lll<i I ‘*!.:’ I’ h, I: 1 l .ilii.l- be. a -j*t ii er t -."jili • • *v** . IdLui vc : ■ ili f**r. *• I ‘aj’! till a* l .•aide.** dim: .1 hi*>: .01.1 .-■ : e;-t n*■ ~: . jell t o. It. l -I. r* In* Jt e <f Ihe I,m 1•-1 • *!; t” h.IM -. 1 It. nu iey ■; ; fie lu t -.< 1 j * wei . i’ll** \m* * 1 1,1 | Hprl if* !v * -enihlt-.l a! I’hil.i h-j fiin, •liter |'.it 11 •; its. It’ ot 1 r |’t • —.i! efein* rs. atn •*■;: * ft*-“ { this *:•*, 1. ‘iit-.1, < }'t-*j.-*e*-*eil it** jm\>*r uii'ier the ei.tof : tnt i*>n t>* ex* Irnle any ti -a tutu the I iiinii hiiesnui* it g * <n-.tifut.ieti if . v ~,• r , *t MV-tem a*-•••iin *t^ ’ h tliat controlling in:ijoiiy <!• |r< . at-• 1 ly C*v. J.-hn-rm. If i liv I>• ni'n-i ii ti. I’.ti ty nepi ut’ ilif itm tu |\.'M‘ :•* t- a Vt . - -'t t-i *tr;i >1 •*! * -Men \ -i i t h. \v •iui ii * !*• v it- I flu n it t hi-* inn, c j we !i. )>.*, .?; j. ;nt ally ay.<>: t tin- .mini* • ■ r \\ ..ttl.i th*-\ n-t ai Ia *• \ in| - * *!\ f*r it tt'i *’ •uct if.t !m ‘ |-ri it -ftheir | all'rm • 11. fUgit ; It* \ti ■ - ;ri Dial Itrie |r.Sif •* itui!it.4>n sit vou it? •*1 i In 1 1 r i l f-i ijtitl * amlin tv join .;'i*s, nlhl i.itf, y ■’ ’lt • fliui- ;i-n ct I - , i- * .t* a ‘lav. .!>- )••!"! *n ihvtr fnai'uiu- tl iicimn ag'ui l. **th -a.iitle'o itni-, ,v tv h-n flk I'm a! t*t>i.i-■ : -liail itiiivt*. I- ■;■ u !.• it tin v It i l l ‘ • ix-n n shat nit a -Mir. :nn| tin* I .'<mii ‘fia-v s J iall lie I•• ti t 1 i a vvo.ik. ( i llif\ wtil.* ar.-tif •itttg to tho •* I :i i-■i* •; i ol I : ti ) 11. n:i. * v. i!i Jiavf it, tinJ lii’li* cotit'* l- •>m -■!.!• t !i-M- n tfr. Ar.’thrv unwilling t • Inn.* it film. It 11 Im* tii'i a lb!in<taii’ v. to! Ate j tiiry unvvtili j s lit* fount ry -*4i ill- iv | tin! -.; .r i lifmo• iif tt* i!! v nul 1h in jft- i !!y only ? I- I>fnm : ■;*<• v liu- ntitna \ atal ilf < .intt v lit* - mmaiy g i * l. t. w ■ ‘.ir.M t. i -’tug *. >.c ! • t*.• .i . fu• i..-; n I’t-'t t*i wit'.* -vt'l ni't r. f i In* 1011, if I.a >1 *l. I’ I *; till iin I in itr nu! Midi’ ifi.t lor 11*.‘ ?, ti oiui>iii- •!, it wu! !;,• tin* • la'v (In *l, ,i*. now, ivtv | att io{ to throw in* •:• ta* !> in tlto way .’ -i nn| a"i ri*nunnv;oii. \\ l irrf(*t<r.'tl.tloi- h-i-t.; i y t hm• i?• *> o. u\ i.-a i. on I JuA. vital !•■;. t 1 all <t li**'**. v <v |> !r‘ ! - ••*:;!♦ ! ii<!r t Inf *\mpathy, <.n t.h*’ •• \*n\ *.* o|’ w in -in t!;.* It >.i r •! ) t rial loay <i4 ( 1 tin rM- of mil 1 I nail, -n- Iv hit is itit* a!! At !- * fiTi.* \ta. iftn idil tin-’ ;ti, ynt i-**. now, op. tfii * vis wol t In* uiikllt i ? Tin* toru’- T t:c.. * its appro!.ati*on at"| irhy I t t’• • • I lit r, %vii• •11 i’ * li*ii lit} t* ltu Soiit!i •!. ;tv ,•; if. The IVtM ‘i ru \ • -*k I• • ’rn -*h porhv m tt? infancy, rs-t o?er a-ti rho jrmur .1 or iii.nirmoutituhh i-i*m*s,’ oil • mhr if 1 ti. tim -!.i vim'.v poxjLion “t ‘s plat’orin, sii. l whlcli w nil tin* South ian*!t \’’ i *:j ort if $ j latlTni it !••• •> j ■ ‘v hi y\|n< * tf’UH tip* Nfl)ra>k:i and i 4 v i-.„iug!i • ■><;:. “ lr ta>.minon justirr* and hiturr ! t * at tdr ly an 1 maintain tin existing lawd uja>n j tin* s'll-.'*- t ‘I -i i’ y, a a final and ■ • I ti.*i\• settle* in -M of that -n in spirit and suh.-t iidt* “ ,\r* Iviip stts atul the I’liiono, ... tilth* ooo.iMpK’ina.:i> to drpead on tlu* i* ‘* is on whi.'li “lh** r- * *!vt- wa-. ;• vft . for our p*rpn** ! Mu t tin* fat >t thiai j country bn p.Tiled <•: t! litV rein o between iw v Ih'-dum and twei’dle-detyl And lint 1>; a par'v w v h. in its last Baltimore Convent ion, d**idand. without tw proving iuexpress ternii*, that they would, “abide by ami adhere to the faithful cwntion <*f the nets known n* tin* em promise liieaftirc.” ” And this by a party protVsAni; to • i in 1 on tin- i • i'oi j i it.! • iu, whieh, in sp akn 4 • t : he ! i**f ien *f < •n^rv*S’ i on the e. nn asuie. de 1 iree, ; that vvii lst tin* Mate - 1 d*ei not wholly ap j{• • “w tluUe. I*,* it a'.l p. t'.M.iuent adju-tnv nt ••! ■ai s : . 1 nt l M \n 1 •! by a partv. wit a r ‘al : i!*mi.t w .-ip,dy nvT f*r n iri;--;• 1 did opt -L 1 i :j> . 1; 1. • St.t* hail 1 • in- m* * the l umii with | | ir wi l n *Mt si iv.rv, (a- pt-v ‘•’• I•. %■ br.i-ka nd j i\ m-as bill.) but were ready bv ii d.srtit tioii to u .. ntaiu . j sneh tl -1; pmval S in. * mtes ;V y eritui-f t h j .... form of the \ ‘ti.’iVßi! pa-tv. heeaitso it pretermits the e.xpr s , 1 *.o i,u; any opinion upon the power ol ess io e-tab- 1 !nsh<: j ohib,: slave*}, ti s tin* sense ~f the na tional eouneil ihat it 1 not t* legislate upon the sub jfvi iu the territories. llii.** by a party w ti A\.\t f<w | short m *ons si c. , was ready to >*•! tire to rVe burr .*rner.- j of tin* eotdr leraev. it (‘otijjrrsy tj .i n,<t liR slate on the j .sahj'vt of slavery m tlie temlorn , by t na!iti£ the Men icon laws j •*hibilino tlie it s t t 1m : -n • t -!• v. s into the territory uei|uir*tl liotn that power. And 1 his by a ! 1 iriy which votevl for Mr. \’a 1 ‘uivu In T • *.*|eni, v iio* ! frotu the Itolifs l'*fo;e him he pret•• 1 milled the exprc“ ; on of any oparmn .s t * tile |Hver of • >i!jfrvK.s to upon the subject ul sla\ cry in tlc l J.sii.. ,• ~f v ..luiulma 1 know that principles ate of the highest iiup**ituare. ’ iut here tUe resolve mail we need, i t it tome from what j uialive it may. j The. inference from all dt eritieism**. i., that Knnwis may bo rejected ami the l nmn dissolved, unit *1 we <un obtaiu v tes ~a .4 pr . vm* ktn v% is inn** *t ble nm! f • in itnumleria!. A party part of ala r mnv po.stblv lesire the adtnisaiou of Kan- s.a, but ihat deatre uu.d be very weak thnt is ‘.v | 1. •. i . -IJ.I r.f tii fiinail ‘ I r j'.i'nft .1 ‘i ‘ “'■.k'lSr.'-i!*'.” -i” -you/inr 1 irti.-ca, -r- a, ,1 ‘ |r!, ~ti <1 S J.lsttoriii of |l. .|.lilhal w.U *’ e ---. rT.r.jorie “f tl’ • te"", K i-..w , 1.-; a*"l - not 1- iMV-pUM'!- ‘• >'. ycM-.r I” ssk*- .'V -"• f.'.vO*u- |- r "” ‘l'i ev.-ry w. tnber “I tlr will -• : • *h* |.latl -ru. m “ - ,u * t * ‘ , i„l.lio, ~ on-l.tul. n . rul ill nmv ■- t 1-. ... .--t |K.*it.l> tn ii" .&ii -o- ••!** "I l ' y; ,r Jv r . icf” U.. 1. M.” “ --V S I""'",'’ V” Am,„n . -r, -i g I.till-jr.;..Cl ‘ liu ” ~nrr‘ nr-’ . !T I” I wh--l.■ r I*l. * I’' 1 1.l • ’ r.. I'. ( „"iu. ■ ‘ tta :.o,'l.""nt-.1 ...” Aa i, r , i.nn-i- I j ..3. -i—Li*. • ... i-sufs,...- liavv nw.-..t ,i, . : ■ 1 i ■ i.t.rl—fitili.* t"s ,'>c*ii,t. r. w. nil w, iiltiltoif ties,< vuf iii.tnit’fi o-.o - e's l” e!-1 l ; ‘ r! > • i 1 ; ;i , |n; ‘.n I -UJa imlijiiTitienit** H’.rti'ny l„ • j ... I- tl,f. tl.r imly■ i ‘ .tl t'.-r the 1i... • -T- my si!>r v- * s- ’ -ii .! - •>;. t*,. rtunry qUMlmiut that Uve I . ‘.,i,ptt>. i” i-harltv I h<t u|.fia.i il., > v, I , eivi-ti t.eul pure utulivv* t'l ju-tief su-i li'k'llt) t-- tl,.- ~-E.iTI., I,t.t tie- i-n -ciit iml..-ati.'te tin-, uiilf-s a,',| ,- inln- 1,.1-1 through II” Ik iie.i-ri.tiii yt.rly. it welnet ,„.,-,-T>t(.l'!'-. i 1,4- noil t'l be 1,-r 1 Vlll'KiarH rath, t than Snith.--rn rln-ngih Tie- 1’ lu'-mie , Ilii.l env ,„j ; -hl wall hsv. f.-lt, at Tieing f.,ni"l in t” t. . no v. ttgltr in si, intj-'-rtittit a neititr. vrieiig t.t li. - tv. i.i m*>u than imuliali/oi at die huuuiia.littn ais *J j 4! Aim ji’ iin Ly eut I* •-ts. * in. :iloi -*sv I; L ho\’ I:n)J tJ . tie *.* .lift, th* af‘*liti u i/n mh i- I then h'i*lv -the first linn*. I hill* . that a |*arf \ h.-e*. it* ~ | . 1 1 1*. i ll uIU iit.'i J’lihhelv It j ii*liute>l a ,„ lif .j JI - I i-. I” I Ull'iiltU'fl.t * ‘ nil f lie ,-lavel W |!lt -t i‘Hl. Ihe I)*-iii'.i-rikf. *• I’arty still ehet oh in tin hr r-nk-fh* \ 5; ! ~-.•*, km. - . .o.M Srs x-t!i• • nun.)” !'. v.-l**l.i r M.i -sh. \.-hra-k.i tt- l r . Bihul (who t.’. nft* (i ) r ivt> ht.*, |.lHtl;*riiH t t -o.ithaml hi-* ar U t-.ti.. N-nlh) , tit ut, h i lh.- • an, I.u kit.- ii, f!r‘.n-on aa.l * ti-i.-v tije nio.-st utmi-uij’r- iui.oftK atul reliable iriem..- th* >. .it I* evil fui’l he\ njj'l th*‘ I’-i’ ; ) .< ■ x:.. ’* la . a i.liU* j-u the frunuL \viui .•'.s.rvw-i, wdlaa the iuci-ivLo vvi ul*l have pj.artil tliiin* ‘ It ha- h • n ol j•-* *• ! that the -'Uji'l |oils** yf.thc \niei iean |>:iit.v .\*iS; • * iusi^nitiV-nnt in nnih*-i - t>* i„- o fie | fill fur UJ | Il net alf vj;. to J 'l lit; • if it uniy.hy the tilin’ KanMiViij'ijlits* k-s a in. -- >ion. la- in**r** i.iiun j"im t han the **outul I h.-iii*" , r-iex .\"i t h lint it iiidltii ‘ not ulu t iii.r it may he ten or tail ty. *ne \,,j. j, iay .! e j. 1. dm .jii ti”aii| uuv* Ii ieh 11 m.- f.iU* of tn n * li. fi.H initv th | finl - It i .uur .iilinii! -1 that il tii- IviiJf.'f bill jjif*t m:i t'h. by i:i a* * s i..| “| .\"i!h**ni v..i<-s. th o.imtantlv r** 1 ui>. h* * w eautfey he hml ? I In- l'eum . v,;i- .'l’hiiirti <1 hy < . h liil .i; ias by tl,, gi. (.tithe \ f'tt'ka Kai ‘ii- 1-:!1. \v hi. f* rtv-tfi:e |..jij ( <l the I-re* s*i!'T.--. ma*h * ayinjc yaity, ant like d• <>!-l W hm*. ’ tnuii e’ Mn*h*r lli* ini* !i<--* fi ! j*-| u!-: r in f : E'im ? ” , i -* •• fateij f.\ tin m!?i.ifM-*s *•!'d ;• f nmase * at the Nnrtii sh e* t ilh.- t.iioin th. *r •!•! I:•m o a t:r j.M jtnlmi'iitei til'* ij i'l.e, t h* y*i .*•••! tby -•ufi'* ore rail ii.'ii• i! v .-A >: ‘ r t ■ *-oii’ . * veil by UL'ty. ft th* e* ! I I>• - ni'oeii’ie | ‘iii* ij h •* m* < xhiiint*-*! as itol only t” he et > a . . .*• m-V 1.l- ‘.the*'> I-i.t ! hehl :Ur • M ••• •-. It isUV.'V-e ti ,-*t h- |•) U...V] ‘•* aee.ovi,,;,. t> .1, -!i illin* *t semi *■- ii.’lt eti 1 i .ii 1 iiieh r r.u i tin- ’-any a- | •s, ” ; j.*- i•XV 1 *- !. -in that tniai Ni 1 . ,V. • , tno-* fryi.n 1 t to w t I met i..; .e. I? w y -ATt-r-* a’l j -• *l. -.-i’ 11. i Ti,.- -::m !*.* it; *:•. in-lv ! if th* t; :.i rial! Mi- o 1 M-tilefu v t.. ihiJM. v.hy n<*t : ik ,• • 11r •- i'.i ■v. i; - * *• • 11..’ i\t•i is •‘i 111 i • -*. ■iAn} •.; it W • ii-i . limy Tm- ••riiy -j ia!t i .. rii i *f it (Vtn-th r- nlut; -t-) a- a |” ry tit I.* to tiV -whole, I il 1 i.f -;ti . tone t< e. *i) y *di.- i : l. v i?*} -iti■ f•• : iii- - !-f i•mutm i• f•e- 1 ::=* ... t.fe-. t !i*.-e v h . J- n-rhl a t ri-mi| : * h-n*: ns lh to ii.. h**|* “I •i :• *. - * -n -t -.i!e 4,-j. sdtiiv? -.I it.- i t :! -1 1; f’ i , - - . i * i . : i shown, • .. i • • i er. . .1: ~ ! i a h*ut t /.’ ‘i nj'ftun • and. ‘ ‘!<:.! • ‘! . - \ !’■ m \. • -fill’-’ ; ill” ! li ‘ .* .* “ in *• 51 ’ ‘tl - ‘tl* • >ia v • .a _• t * list fur A .•i n. *nf ■ :. - 1 ii.. /1 ■•’ ti] -nlnr !. - J e|. fj. e ! IV I- ■ I i’ .’ ;- . ‘ till i ..I I :t. : li M;. tn { In f-..- tn ’|..rati . ‘/./t t>: tai mm !"i-ilis.oiiu* 1 -ti. 11 ua i *lle- -of tli** *-■ ;ee . iiu e v.!... t * mail;?.tin *he j.i hmiplv- !’ lit • I P’-lt ‘Vi m. 1 in 1.-Mi I’ll! little •r i ■!;•■ •• jTllfi oj he t i ties *.'* ft of t . .'■ e.'liE j f. ,'t - i-u-e tlieir * nefnie* india’ •<:*? * >m-r *-<•!•• it. ti*. 1 i.*r-its eoinUrilct-ossM.- i, -•- ii ••'. * it In • . r, mli u >i| * - **, | hi’ • ‘i’ \ •• j n a*! •* * :. ’ \ !., t •-.••- *i i • ■;< >t- •;• |i*. hit-a! e! wh -M: \w- b i<! \ i*. in- js; h rt : i .- 1. .i’ ■; wi.- • -1 I.nke. I: wons- ; 1.l :8. I— — -j V. M • *j : -. .11- t , h.- •--:I•. --1 t h •-1 ti■ V j •Ii 1.l ilnj’ie i 1 - things they - - „11 not ih* ! . - FI ‘* t: n.i :. f n :.. n • ‘ n.• ti i ii.i\e m-.j i | I ‘ • : - • •• k* ‘I • -n ; .? - i'■ in. i! mm . u f'i- I “, .in - -’o- !i*- • i ‘hi .. h t •!. t'o’Ui ]•*■— *; • .;* - * l l - ■ ..‘ .i . I ii m.i ‘-*-: are ero\viimr u - nn*l *ur I . •; ; l’ \\ - iuliili (,t ‘ Ami U* ■■ ‘ i/t f ai i . .*’ at .1 fi ,-o( v rn hv ; ) (•-’ >1 nt. t fit iM. ‘ t-r tr- f't’ *1 .tl’ <(t: - I • r.S Oil W'lllrii ! IfO i h’JIlo •• .it:-- •! \ r “o* i’ * j tr'i- ■ sreM t. ricr-'e. ! may, or lit ! ■*.:, ii .ee lino , u tvtiirh t hi-\ an .e i• w• n . h rile. j aj-].* \rm ri a:- fhirtv, a*l->]*te<j I. ; t .Iyiiie.. |m, -Iw ii h.t the I ,M ii of jici: - ’ *.!.} •. I !■;. ih- in* Nad :-.t! : ! ■;!■-• \ IS! ;>. i .III) a “J,. •*• ‘.. - I'!-> ;.. \ 1w...l w ...;* ‘S he r*_lit ) ~lie\ n* fi. • • ‘ i fit -i.t ■ -*I i. :i mend*-if t A i•'f it * -I’if :i{ j’fc i.’i i la* It--for in \ *l\ * ■!. it Lit’ : | in \ mir 1.-Her, I aeeej t it v..: 1; I!c . a . J- • •i’ ‘ -! i lie r. .j. • urie ‘ i.. ni j.os.l*. * Ai-i “itit; t> a iute ni <i i.nir hto i 1 i.i v.itiiii. m ..! ti.’.-.* ti-•] on-sihiliti ~ aid •m ti •■,. .. i : ,i! -a ea-s *f t la- State. A v• • kt.■ \.- i. t tie v mtin if i, n was i;n ]n*s ii]*<n **!■ after ! • 1 •i it |t, lin well j.i’-a-l :!e- asar- a.- n why I i.i.-.t 1! -i V'-:- 1 Iren *hi ; J- * j;n i iM<* I ah. r. I ! ir, h* u. ver. l-lt.iv • • •;! .i in. re i;u]-. *a*in- imfine, i t o.i * 1 link* f-• *i with an infirn.ify ••I \ i--- • f 1 I-- I fi.t t-i j . :t!, i*- -. -h ! •*j'ju- !i■ i wiii lasi to ,u -i ii earn a s.<un; t !.• State. \ rv r*- -}•(•< t fuli•. v ito >. is. ‘t; A ii N I ;TV WDRKWS. Third District Convention of the American Party- I bis ('unvention Wet n on the ITtli in*!,, mol wns cull.-i! to or-U-r by A C. Murray, of >S|iuMiiig. naming Tli.iiiias \V (lon-lc. K*q. of l ’j>- son comity, a* Chairman;o.. ‘•■in. anil A. 11. Watts j of Moitroß. and b. F. \V. Andrews, of Itibb, as j S.'crctai i-'s Tio.’ ‘ liaimati having taken liis scat, n motlun I wu * mndc and carried that the lVlcgatcs |ir>-svnt I be requestd to lux til in their credential* util on j roll rlio-ir liainos at tlio S.-orot.iric.s’ tat.lo on the ! call of th” counties of tiio District. \\ hcri-ujion I tin- !••!! nviiig cnrollni. nt* t. k place : /. - aI. tl. .—jtill!;*, \\ T. ll.jlJiag-n rtlt. t.. K. W‘ A'litrews. 1 tifi"i-'l Ai't.*i'*,.n, Arltnir K.-sti r mot .I t . i iallll. H-.ll'. M'm , Th-o M ('a-.e. -’.A Natti^g, ! I , 11 :..,, m.o ~.u. |( I-. Or.ovoer *ia.t XV'no l*ukc. j e.afro ;.7 -- Uni \\ L'n|.t” . ...I >l. I ‘ga lr.-.o I // - J'.l.n M.i'i i-l-.i. Jauo .*'linn]., Wm. ft. I < ’ahutoa i*l o l \;. ai! J*..u. ■ * •lh. ....... I!’, li.iii. t.. i,j Miller, M. J. Junes. J. J. VV. f: -s -*. MMi I . Malta. ■ M .nr.. l >r. I ’a\ ol 1.. Tie. Icy. \V .J . ttryaii. .let. Tay : i"t ..i 1- ,x I iu4 !i.” *-.0. I -ix . .-oaaa ;*, A. It. ! Mai I .I. ‘.I I i.ea.-r. .17. W e.j.ixv.u.l, 10l .t’ ii-ier. ii,. It. Atcxaa ter. ; J*iAtiaiiani f* Allxoi, \V TV.c .toi.iaa. T. 1.. I ‘.x-|- 1 er.l'r A \ Wx 1a..-. .I.'hn t! \ mala 11 v. Win \ . ('.. | - j l-tolya. i-', !.. .-.UIMIUI, .1. t . l.ii lei-, .1. i. ■ a -k*oa ami ; vv. vv, ii.-.i-i. ( Syilifin- -W. I> I'nrean. I>avi'l I! .teline.'n, K.ant-U | \V A. lii.yle, A. <.. Aiunny, l talk At. liictviuson mat M - It. J- laisuii. ’ Vtiytrr Jotm Walkar. Win. (‘hew. Ji-tai i-’. t.ock { liart mot Samuel l*. t'orliiti. : / . -i*i. win i m-uu v*. .'tarn'll i i'-i it ht ■’ ■. v. hi. H >i'Rn. .! l. !V**K'. T. 11. Mali'*?:.*, i VV. f’am* I irj.,v a'nt VV in. I*. A!*• I>*n !r r .*• ti - !’ V Iu !, Tan*. \V C.*m tlo, Mit-ajuL !*• Hr>**:i, .lofcn W. Br>*vvti. i t *it im t ioi, a c*>; i-uuU’ov us *tu* from in<h county was* j np|.<*iliU ‘t !*\ ti e- l IntU, tt |K‘iUiHilr*lit ••fi'.cC; a l’.r lit in < ‘<uv t ill .i. Til if* cnmtuitti'c oxiu.'i.-U'l ol A <. .Murray. Sjarks, VV’. \\ r . Tiij'ju*. !*. i*. Itall,J.ihn M. (’liantitin. Or. I). (*. Tiuslcv, >. Ailt-n, !r. folin Walkor. W. P. Mathf\vii.ini! ‘Hid*. K. lVthol, ; wini li ivir.g ri‘tiro'l few lnniiix iitM. tho namcH >l .1 l*. I'iMWu, I". -j ,wi Jiii'h, mm l’roulciit, and A. li . ! Watt-* aul la. I’ V’ . A.t-ii -u . ‘c. ivim ii-s. j fhi luutiuti i.: v A . •■ . i j , I !>!, Resolved j that a nmj it;. • f ;!! tA v ‘ i.*t h • n..- ■•-ary to noiu ? ina!e i vtruld:4{> fof* t'.*r*ru". I On moti nos 1.. !•’. W. Vnd;ow.*, of Fihh, RoHolvodT timt this CiUivtution tio now j roceed to hall"! tor a can* i *ii<ht*e to re |*i osent the Amerienu Paity t tho s*l l ist. yf * i'.Ol £.A 111 l “ Ithoilt a ; llhllO ID'tR! i.,i * i Oil. • A l:t!l*‘t wasaeco.'i • nek Prowrv . rf Tft!h’ t 7 lion. I.- Warren, of iloutou }l liar, jr., ot i-,1 t., l.> It Pills. . { If.trri- 5 j Robert IV Trif|e, of A.oiiroe, _£* [ Rclore pro;\‘ imp t hu.iouv seem.l time, Ur. Andrews, of re j i •-*?.* 1 :!•• *'o i.-. : .u n.t *f> u?o •ii * i am.- l of (len. Wain niu the n >:iru 1 1i• •.x. as !i - wki, .!y ’ not a cundi-hit** f**r t lie sfatTn. A soeoml ballot wn then hold and rt*ti)trd na fo!Ioir : Trij |>o 41; llurdemnn la; Brown 6. Whvro pou the TremdeM an• ouneeu lli'it the Coinei.iiou iiud n.;id< i’h'iD'o v* t i-’ ll>*n Ix l*v;t IV 1 riLja', us -. a** their eandidikte for Cmigr* si*. When, -a mot ion.of t. F. W. | A..drew*, tin ueuiiaut.oii f-i inr. I* *tt an.m u-*, and n Utr of tl., ‘, ‘ .'f M"--rs. Alexander, V. s'l'i m.-l 1... I- V. v -•-■ ‘l l inti I netify Mr. Tri|.| ~1 h'.s n :ni. nlo a let ni'd taWc. ii n mi'li'in. a-- imniu.-.- “t -. v-n, cirtMing of Messrs. Ai.-lrews, Al-. i. br “j-ork-. I iiar|-e, I’yl, Goodeuu.l B. than,-.’mu “i-i-notc-i Ii r ;rt r-s-luti'.asfvr the nc lion f’l th- C OLVenTi* Il> ,-ai I mmi't i.ft.-r , -e- r ectol the f illnwing. wiii'-i iv • ri* Ti<. ii. ill •>'*-- *y • |** * * 1 /.’ ■> it,i- ( ■lo. ‘iTi-.n .l-.'-.i b.-ar'ily cn ier- .eel ■ :.* 11 v t tie I*l. “ i|.l - ‘•! the -AHi.-rii-tn I'aOy. :.s -, 1 1 .; tli in Ml- I'i.itl “in ‘ I nt ‘I A.-U'-ri , >i: ; ~; ;Vl i;n ii ..1 I’.. hell Ic!’ >•'. ii * l it* ih* more re* ent I'iat Innot ih* a*•• f i.tMi. * I *’t t fie (trrfer at Macon : ~| , | ~'r Cos i -hvi'iualij a>..! ‘” tt-’ t is. !s. t” (i. i .si .J .-!]•*! ? .•!'d •am. in* very fair anu l.oiii'li.l-. nay, in ’i. l-r- • •’ , 2 /- •-• r. l ir- ir ltf. noifsimfmn ol lf* n, ‘lai f-• 1 1 Aii’lri w.*, of iA .as tin* eiimliilate f the \ v ; ;i*are< ( ’■>} *rnor. a- mic rwimnt- } v j.i to /e-.o.urj-l tt.. t v m•)i• ii -i t .have, as our rstteiait! x in:in of simh iiht iai. • n*l cos.sera rtiiv e\ u w-. and one vxlio.'*.’ jirivutc * haractcr an 1 puhii-i are F r * worthy ot the vuhlic respect ami coufi]<*nfi* o. /VoAwd Hiiwt in the nominee of this ( onvention, Kohert Ih Tri| ]c, K., , of Monroe, as the Anieriean ('ai.di'iatu foi* ( su, from the 3*l !>itriet of (e*rgin. iTi have si t m*.-.t win* i- fully enpahle of eluciiintiuf; him! the cr.'uf. |if!in i|*!es of American Ivepuhli i-nmsm rmhfj'liuT ill o**r State anl Nationssl Platform?, uiel xvho i? every way entitled to th.r generoiix and zeul .u* su].] oil *'l every imh j.-.-s.d -nt, eitizen with whofu a ],,;,- ~f isfiiry ; s] si iimoiii. t*. fh* trammel.'; of party. | AV.vo/.W, That it is the m of this Convention, thiit tln- American Party -houldi ot eountenaiice any at taek uj **!! and.: history <>r j■ *• li*y of our eountry in the i ii!ef iay? *.f it’national in reference t * the luttii;.*i r.sition ot l-or* iirnt 11 ; hut that the titiie has ar riv.ol win ti f!i■:* policy should he modified coissistentlv with t!i-‘ eonst.; isti-.n, as to suit the present exijjeU'oics ol the Nation. rt./. That the of this ('..nvention 1,. ] uhlirhcl l: all t!:*■ papers *-f the 6tate liiemtly tothe ia vvhi'-h ~s • enj.'a^C'j f. *ii nvstion, the C- uvetitioti th- n jotirncfl siitc iftc. .If *IIN T. IIUOWN, Pres't. A. A. U'.vrrs ) s-cntari-s. L. I . W. Avaiaavs, S dli I I I I N, C i:OUGIA. SATURDAY MORNING, JULY 28,1855. For Governor. HON GARNETT ANDFsEWS, UK Wll.kKK. American Nominations for Congress. I--, |,4T p.<r.— ~. M. V A UNA I’* ’K. of'i-rty -K>ost. I'''i —tv 11,1,1 \. HAWKIN'."! Sumter. ‘i'ninn !sr - KOi’-KKT l’. TlUt’l-H, “f Munroe. I--.., .. u* l r• !:t-. N.IAM IN IK IIIU., ot Troup, l'n hi ! 1 . i.l .'A i- ‘i iA, [.! N. -1 I’a a. Si t.s- it 1: i -N.G. !■ <>S i’l.U, “f Al'.rcan. I c'. nni Hi v. - Jf-ft’ W.-l’i pc Jot-l.iii'’ ci.mmm.ienti.m is in U pi-, blit is llllTlVlii'blbly c!'"W,ll-'l .nlll nf ibis j week's issue. < >ur tiiuii's must exercise pa-j ticncc ! e i ricL Benjamin 11. Hill, Esq. gi-ntlsman iv-i- r. -iiln.-ite-i ns the Anieri- 1 evi eamfii'ato f-.r i *ingr-‘si by *h” * ’'invention h'-til nt \ewnnn I'T ti,,- -Itti il District, “ii the 11 th iii't. We have r- c-ivi .1 hi- h tter of ae ceptanee, but n‘t in time i r ibis w eeks issue. W e will give it in our next. Hut meantime will say to our friends in tin- -till g> it fbjr Mill. He is ol tin: right grit an.l will inak-- yen a r. presen tut ive v ,-,i will nevr have revs -n t, b” asiiarneil ut. i Ton l'"i r . iin .il , -,i v imi I'm sicias's !\i m ,vi. i • tie- i •:!•.- of a lit -.v li.'.ik, just pubiishc-l by a citizen ut <"-'T-gi i an i ru.iy I•• had at eilliev j i.t tie ih-ek St'-fes in tlriftiu it is put up in a f,,rni .suitable -r i ari v .i'g in the j, eket. and will la-in-- a valtr-bit- bunk !• r ev ry head of a I'amily. us well ns practicing physician, by a careful perusal of it. • r l y r. feri-nep t i it when an i cc-a si,,n may arise, every .individual can form a cor rect iud ii” t.t as I*. ;he Tien- an-i T,*i -11 yof st-ii-1- ing fer a physician, as well a t-.i >b aide as to whether a physician is doing his duty. Ifuv a | cpy. use it witli prudence, and you will never re. i gret it. Agricultural Education. U\- invite attciiiion to a h-tter on our lirst j-age from Lev. I’. IS. Alanin. which, according: to our \it-vv. contain* s ii"’ very noi ir.ant .*!goi's tiolis. Vi o know that nil our *u*fciiaiice has to to be. mml.’ from the curtli. un.i wo dohht not that lialf ihfi quantity of latol n nv in cultivation, if ißiprovi-.f by chemical process and reduced to scientific tillage, would produce more and better crop* than we now reap from the xvitli our present mode .of culture. Mr. Martin's object is am-t.g the pe. pie an interest in the subject, and we trust his labors will not be entire ly fruitless. The Vote on the Kansas Nebraska Bill. Hon. A. li. .-tcp'iens, and all others in the south who opp .*•; tlie American Party; paivdeMhe vote in the last l ‘mures* upon tb ; passage of tlie bill organizing territorial g -wriiamiits in Kansas and Nebraska, an 1 assume that all wii voted for toe bdldid so to show their \vfi.bigness to do justice to the south, and as a oil who voted against tho bill showed thereby an opposition to the instituti >n of slavery. Now this assumption wo cann .t admit to be correct. 1 his Kansas Nebraska bill, was intend ed to open those territories for immediate settle ment, and as our own people, the native born cit izens of the Luitod Mates, did not need it at pres ent, for the reason that there iv.d already enough land in market to supply their present wants, every inducement that could be put in the bill to invite foreigners to go there and settle, was put in’ Foreigners were told in the Viili that if they would go there and'settle. they should not only be enti tled to lOd acres of bvm.l, the tir*t choice in the country, but that i; tiny w u] l manifest an in- j tention of becoming citizens they should be enti tied to vote in all elections there, ‘i’he bill wild I got up by the friends <h Mr. I’ierce and his admin- \ tration, and therefore it became jind was nit ad-1 ministration measure: The clause in the bill re-! luting to the slavery question did no more nor less than reaffirm t lie principles of the compromise .of! 1830 and was put in the bill to make it palatable to the south, and it did catch a great many south-; ern votes on that account, lint the passage of tho bill broke down the administration in the north, and is likely to do it in the south. .Not because, it gives a chance to in ike a slave state u£. Kansas,! but because the prompting motive for fin* passage; ot the bill, was to buy up the votes of foreigners’ hy giving them the be-t land in the country and ’ admitting them immediately to ail the privileges of the elective franchise. Those wli'iopp ~ed this bill both north and south did so in anticipation < f the passage if the so call- 1 ed 11 aiestcad hill which was then pending and vb wed the two together as a perfect swindle to . e perpetrated upon our native born citizens.! and an outrage upon the soldiers who had served in our wars. Under tlie laws now existing a cit ir.en of the l nitc-i States cannot go upon any ter ritory and settle without paying government price i and our soldiers who get band Warrants’ cannot locate on any hind until it has been in mar fur a sped lied time, uml no one will take it at gats eminent price. But under this Kansas and Nebras ka hill in conjunction with the Homestead bill, a foreigner who would go there, would be entitled to ltjij acres of first choice land free of charge. ■Had these territories of Kansas and Nebraska iomu.ned in the undisturbed possession of the na tive Indians for 10, 15 or even 20 years, no harm would have been done The lands would only have been held in reserv e for our people when they need ed it to settle on. The way that things are on now. it will not ho a great many years before all our lands will be taken up by foreigners, and when our children and grand children want Jartd to set tle on. it cannot be had and they will be forced to quit their own country and try their fortunes in some other. This injustice to our own people and the using of the public domain as capital to trade on by tlic politicians of the day, in the way of making voters and buying them up. is what has disgusted the honest people of the country ; and as a means to turn out the whole of them, in the hope of filling their places with hotter rneu, is one of the leading motives for the organization of the Amer ican l’arty. This ie what Ins defeated the Ne braska men ai the north and we believe that the same feeling will defeat them at the Sbuth, when ever the people go to the polls. Southern poK tieians may recite the vote on this bill as evidence to prove the soundness of some men on the rights ol the south, but the people believe tlmt where one was influenced by the slavery question, at least two were governed by furtign influence in deter mining tlieir votes. Col. 0. C. Gibson. We do not know that we should have noticed publicly the two Columns of the last Umpire Stale occupied by the Col., if lie had not, as we think unnecessarily, brought up an issue of veracity be tween Inmself and us If we understand him, lie certainly accuses us nf • trunqietting him forth as a retailer of falsehood” and as this is giving us a character we hy no means covet, we respectfully ask him to explain. \\ c saw a statement of with drawals from the order at Baruesville which wae lirst published i i the Columbus Times & r-entinel and copied in tin- -'Empire State” and expressed a doubt as to its truthfulness. If the expression of an honest doubt as to the truth of certain newspaper statements is • tnunpetting him (Col. 1 Piimon, forth as a retailor of falsehood” why we cave and have in- m rt- to say I ,r fear we uiay slan der somel-ndv el.-e. But what .nos tin- l Is who le two columns, eejg tifieatfs, afi* ;t!l * *\ t ! It is ;11 >umtut k *l up in a nut Kf!l. Th* 1 petition tor withdrawals came t<• the C.mneil Ihn m th. ugh the hands **f an *'pon *inl and i;{ pun* nt t*f the order, suid lr that reason n withdraw .! was pr inted until th* ]<n-p ----*-r •iScersoi the Council could haVe a conference with tlie applicants. Ail will regulated societies have rules to he *jM\.Tncd hy. and any man can see in a no ineiits n tli eti**u the difficulties ■ne would likely ir--t into that would prim* dis mission t<* member*- t! • n •( **t aiders. Anv ntcmhir ol the American < rd**r cj.o * j have a dismissal at at y time that he will make jli s w ish known tn tlm j-rojer iiiitimriiii nt tl ,- j Council: I u: !es iipplic.ition must e-mne from Lit. ■-. 1 seif or a mcuihi-r n! i-oum-il m g--. -I standing. In .•(her words a council will nut grant a dism --.I tn anv member in liis ahsem-e up, n ihe men- say sn nt Dick. Tom or Il.irrv. nr upon a written aj pli cation coming from the hands of an i-ppnutt. A ltd in the case under entisi b ration at iiarne-ville. al though a member jv-I'titc l the aj | bo tion in Council, it was presented to him ~- ! y Wn*. L. 1 it-u-li-. r, a-known enemy of the ,-rdt-r, and coming from hi- ihe council very pr-'pcHy refused to act up"!i it mil 1 a ct ilf--ien,-- et-uM he. had a ith the applicants. If Cnl l bhsnn s son luuf g-ine to the iilvl -• 1 1 t,i iijs'lf as he had aright to and ‘D and ri-qU’ -ted it. ,-r it lo- had made nut hisap plication in writing and sent it in liy a member, it would have been granted wi:!e,iit ! i esi tat inn. If the Cnl wishes tn s\v-at and fume, and take up his time in tirades against the American Party, just let him go it” Sam s boy's don’t care tor it, fur they always gain nioro than they lone, and as evidence nf it wo append an extract nf a j letter from a reliable source, whii h says : Bauxksviu.i . July 23. JSSS. Df.ak Sir:—While the Foreign party were en gag'd in speaking in this place on tho “Ist. Sam ■tuck in ‘ thirteen. Vours truly, * * *. Bearding the Lion in iut; Den. A correspondent ol the Washington. Wilkes co nty. ti*i u'lh'.iin. Miys-there was an election.for bailiff ut t rawfordvdlc. Tuliaferro county, (tho place ot Mr. Stephens’ res'.', jicefs on the Till inst.. and that on being oaklh toiiin a candidate against tlie Antics. ••Sam'’ wa keil up to tlie polls and electro ms man ! Tlfc writer says, -the otfico was of no importance to any one, but the fight was one of principle, and the battle of lnkermann was not hotter than this.” If the Americans do such things right under Mr. Stephens’ nose, with in sight ol his mansion, what may xve expect from those who are beyond tlie reach of his angry eye 1 Ihe ‘Republican'’ also says, that the story of twenty-six withdrawals from the American Order in the neighborhood of Dnnbury, is a -barefaced falsehood, hut thirt-cn having withdrawn since the organization of the council in Wilkes county, and that from a personal interview with most of the seooders, the editor has not found one who docs not intend to snpport Mr. Andre ws Consistent! 1 he opponents of Americanism hereabouts, pro iess to have a holy horror fur anything like secret combinations, or i.ny party action which is not proclaimed front the housetops in the face of open day ; and yet they have met in secret and appoint ed committee men whose lm-iness it is to work se cretly and influence, if po.-sible. every ild demo crat who lias joint and the-American order to quit tho “dark lantern” concern and return to the old democratic fold Again, ii is asserted bv muic who profess to know tbatjiotwitbstanding their upon denunciations ot secret political societies, they have in this place a ■Nig N icht” associate n. gotti ti op for the purpose oi counteracting the influence of the “Know Noth ings.'’ And again, it is known that at a special election fir a member ot Council, on the last Saturday in April, ol votes were east fur If .>/'■>. a negro : and as so many votes could nut have been pol oil for the same name, \i itbout some previous understand ing between those who cast them, it follows as a matter ot course that a secret Influence or agree ment v. as at the butt, m or it. They cry out against secret rganhatlons to at tract public attention while tl cv can “8a” Nicbt'* at and •dristoriie” the people