The American union. (Griffin, Ga.) 1848-186?, August 11, 1855, Image 2

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THE AMERICAN UNION. gfcs^, •• 4* U, HI'HltU. (H.Mltoriinit I'rAlMiilm The Free Qrrmnrs. IVlow we pnblmli the l’lail.'ini <*f .1 • *■i fv >f thie-r<'ttt>f)'V. xl* ** tx.*’ ■ Vr rs ntitti tar strong in iiiont of .tt largo <"ties It is a fine commentary f*j>< •< the assertion of the oppo nent* of the American 1 ’arty, that ftnoignon* nre ns tit reprosenttntivos of rojviblioaiuxnt ns niilixi* ciliten*. We extract from the L*>ui\ il!e, Ky., Jonvnl .* rLATFORM OF Tin: Klil-.K A NS; 1. —M AVKUV IJI KS! lov. Notwithstanding that e eniisiiler slavery to lie a political ntul moral rancor, that .11 hv an I by undermine all repnUicntiisfn, we rh-otii it•’ Mtihiett abolition tieithet p.m*ihlc n*.r n lii-a.; but we as republicans an.l men, doiiiiind that tin further extension of xlnvoiy la* not constantly nrge.l, whilst Hot a m.g’o step is taken tor cxtermiimtion. We (Icuwn.l'lliat at length leal proofs Is* *>vveil t.f tie’ j w ill sootlea I. *:i *. *i of to rein*-ve the evil ; that, in paiticiilar, sta Tory l>c excluded from all liofv lerntoiies in.l". criminatel nnd fmvvor, which measure * is completely entitled ti> pas*, n*anr.liug to the Cons'ittlliotl. Wo demand this the in. i* - ns a repuhl call constitution is guaranteed to imy new state, and alavnv in 1 1 tit It, eanin t bo eon •idored a republican clement or r* .|'i:sito. \\ * further demand that all ami every ■ •ntt.l tie Ico indirectly tr,.importing ilu* ptineiplo nnd tlo- in fluenceof shivery iii and upon tree ‘'ta'es. name ly the fugitive slim- law, shall be rcp*-alc*l, a-. do moralizing nnd .logi ni ng, mid contrary I** rights and to the constiUttioii. Wc linally <!. uniinl that, in all national albiirs, tin* prim i|d<- **l hi**a ty shall he ntri’ tly maintained, and even in tin several Slates it be in* re and nr 00 io;i',..* 1 by gradual extermination **l slavety. 2. Wa> C.ousa.ha tJ.c i.gbl <1 I u 0 x\; ua* id Unions ronscicm *■ uul**-.ndiahh’, as we *h* tin* right of free expression ot opinion in ip-m-ril; we therefore accor ! to tin 10-lis*vcr the same **** erty to make known his convictions a. *■ •!• * the non*holiev**i\ as long ns tin* lights ot otln 1 arc not violated ti** a* by. I hit Inin ;h;s v. iv | *n eiplc of liherty of eo-ism-neo ” ale *1". r‘--• 11 x opposnl to ill! crimp *1 inlb. l’ *1 I” ! *nt 1 persuasions liv laws tinc*iic.titulh*nally l* ‘ri* ‘ o the liberty of expression, l.’Tgion is a pin , inSfter; it has nothing to d*> with p *n-y ; h. run it is despotism to compel iili<.*'i.s by pokti* * means to religions manitot.lallon*. h nils 1 iir> contrary to their private p* I*ll.l i* ns. Wi th a* fore hold the Sabbath haw *. Thanksgiving days, prayers in t \ ingress ami Legishitrm *, 11 r<* oaths ll|*m |lie I tilde, tlm introduction ot lh*- l! hh* ai to tins free acliool, the exclusion ot ‘atln-isis ti*cii legal acts, A as an upon viola! *n of hum in rights as well as .ol the coii-titut I**ll, and *l* 1114 ml their rr-finval. 3. MK.Vsciti.s ran; 1 in; vv .1 r v 1:r: or 111 .n; *:•.’ As the foremost of such ni” i-iiics, *.• .. .. id ; er the free cession ol public lauds !•* all ‘■ *tl l* is, t to occupy nature, the soil ,-is ev-hisiv* p*,■ j**- r; \, * this no unlividti 1! lias n right to do; I*,l *i j the time, the common piim-i *al tun I*l that p* i* mIhUoII which-inhabits 11, ami anyb.dy vv .. to cultivate it lias 1111 c<|ml 1 ight to .; pi n share of the soil, as lai as it. i* Hot *1 ■!•’*■ I for purposes of common inter* s:. ti is high ; time that the ruinous tialli- w t 1 in*- p j lands should lw* abolished, that tin- w i*’ ug ol) them by specuialioli'liolihl i * is.*, r *1 that t!.. indigent people enter upon tin a r g • 1 1 p ■ • •ion. 1 tut if those end’ bo fully attain*'l, it u.d ‘ required to aid pool colonists, at t.i 11 pn settlement, vv ith national mentis, lost *.-, * lire prove useless lot those v>ay pt-• * d wh • most need it. In the closest connexion with the land n* :;n quertioii, (tlaH.ii that ol emigration, which, hy : • general importance, should ho to thci.-ciK of a national affair, and for, which a spec. 1! ‘ 11l * • of colonization and eiuigralion 5i...01d Is *-n i'o I, ns n particular department of the I ‘tilted Si , government. Such a boai.l would haw* to pro ■ vido for the various interests of emigrants win*; are now helplessly exposed lose many suth lings, | wrong*, and lUsv>s from the place of einhaii.a 1 tiotl ill KuropO to tin* place of t lo ir solthmouf in America. North America *s negh .ti*g In rs. ii: when neglecting the einiginiinii, t**r eimgraii ‘ti ia the mother of this republic. The admission of citizenship inn -l bo rend* r ed ns easy as possible to the i migiatits. The welfare of a nation cannot be and periiianeutly* scented mil. ss its laboring. hi es be nnnlu imh p'.*n*|ent oi the oppression of 11 *• - capitalist. Labor has an i noon t<*.*l able claim t • 1 .0 value of its products. \\ lien.* it is prcvvntc !. ! . y the want of the moossary capital, to seeuie t’ * Uof course r.loiio.l to an alliance wc,h capital of others, lhit if no just Mgroouiont e an lie obtained by this a’ss.>j.ia ion with the. pita! ist, then the State, as the ail iliatm of ail voir tending interests, has to interleie.*. Tics must either aid the associiivioti* of woikiug mi u by credit banks, or mediate between tin; claims* ot tlio laborer and the capitalist, by living a miiii mum of wages trjnalling J In* value >t tho labor and a inaxiiunril of laboi ahswciiitg tliedein.m*!’ of buutauily. The lime vs labor shall not exec* <1 ten hours per day. In letting out State contracts, the pti ferem-c •houhl la) given, if it can be done without mim ing a risk, to associations of wankim-ii. lather Ilian to sii*gle conna.-Un.-q dlul wh.-n * m •ingle contractor*, the latter ought t*> give secu rity for proper wages to the workmen employed by them. In order to enjoy “life, liWity. nnd happiness,” nil indiscriminately mnst have the use of free •chook for all brniwlie* of i tiinatinH, in which, wherever a sul'l, i< nt number, *f (Ic.-itntns live, u iierniAii teacher must h<* employed. In order that the attainment of justice may no linger remain a privilege for tin* |>**<s.s sion of money, justice must be disp**ns* and with out fees. * 4.— coNarn.i rsiioxs. Consnlnring, as wo and >, th>* \meri* an Insii'.u -tion as the best now iti existence, we yet think it neither perfect nor unimpriivahle. In particular we hold the follow ing amendments ami additions, likewise acceptable for the State constitution, as timely and proper means to chock the prevailing corruption, to w it: 1. All elections, without any exception,.should issue directly from tin* people. 2. Anv oligihle citizen <>l any State may bn of elected as ino.mhcr of t ongiess by the citizens an y other Slate, and likewise may any eligible denizen of anv county la) elected l>v tho citizens of any other county for : member ot the State I.**- * 3. Any Representative nnd officer may at any time be recalled hv the majority ol the -eoiistityt eots, and replaced by .another. C. FHKR HlXiiK. • We decidedly profess the princijileof froo trade, and will support it in all eases when* it may l* Carried through without disadvantage to the peo ple, ami where reciprocity is accordel by the other side. 7. —Fount*:v i*< 1 1* v. , The policy of neutrality must *•* a* to !.<• an ar tide of out creed, niui ought t*i b<* abambas <><>u ns contrary to the interests of North Ann ri* I . 1:1. The right* of Arin-iicari < ili/* a ■ ai.*l mu or ini’. 1 1 iv .eg dciffiir* *1 tin ir iiit* a’ an’t • b* * . n *• ,! eiii/.ciiK, must the more om-rgdirnHy !*<• protect |id in foreign countries, since < ty Am* licun aj. ! pears to nion.'irchicill andd'e-p**ti* al g**veinni'-nts as a represent ative of levolnte 11 against *1 - pot i*m. and this republic ought t*> honor lid- p nt **l , view as the only one worthy an ! I* *gi':iua'e. 3. —rtninrH of vv <*m. ■>. The I Vdaratinn ol Imlependenee ny*;—that •‘all in n are lirn e*pial and eii hiwe*l with inn lieuahle tights, and t• th****- heloiig life, l*l*rty. .’ i an*l the pursuit of happiness.” We ■; adopt this principle, nnd nre of tie* * p.lo**ll that women, too, are among “all m* tu • f.- iII*.IITS ol- Inn i'l:r:*-o*.-*. ’ In the free States the color of tin* ‘kin <*:inti"l ’ 1 jtis* *! v a *lill*-r* tiec ot I* gal light'. IT* I * nr** n**t jJI 01 n two men of equul color, le. *l -1.11 I* -- I” *• j . ! men of unequal rights. j in.— l is M. I \*.\ 1. It is ~11 r opinion, tout all p* on! laws *-an < 1!* , Imva* the purpose of corria-'lull, but lie*a i l lui a! ‘Old pinpose of expiation. 1 W **. tlier* !* ■r* *, epn aid, r (he penalty ofdenlh, vvtiu-ii e *in l*-s lll** 1 possil.-tit v of correction, to bo iv* irrational a, bin .barons. I**r* *to lh* 1 !!•• Tun i ‘* ■ The American Record at the North—The Charge of Abolitionism ConlhumL and. We luiilerstntid that gross mis slateineiits nr* s#*met lilies liniile hy tho Anil Ailleihali eaudl ’ dates ill this state, ri'lii<*seliting tint lb**. < I■* ’ li.iti* iii the North liunisli emu I*, ive •-v id< -r. - t Ini’ I lie m ‘Vein* ills of the Alliei i. n pur't V I: iv** I AImiIiIioIiISIII. II ll* g • t* the record : for it is lh** l> tl 1 ■•!’ our **pp n-*j. -; to ni.ikil liohi and sweeping a * Us vv itli - .if I *f. . . lif rle- f..i .;*■* *nn rrptecn !•* t! it iron; r ,gg Tl.illi the NbY'l h*-rif Stilt* -. jii'‘ tbirty Ivvo me set ilowti as *Kn**w N.,'!,a*gs to-vvil : T.’ v-ii lo'in Mass;,, hlisi'li- ; ii.** Ir* >lll t'.ii**; I'vv-n ir..111 1 ‘.atu.-v U-.u4:i ’ tan li**m 1 -'in ** ’ * iit : * 1 ,1 <• • fr* 111 New 11 ;11J is 1 111 * . U'ld lw * tl**m Uho*le Maud. let us 5,., wh * b \* U'< ;i turn *1 1 .nt .>f <ifiii'i* to make place t• * 1 11 •• tbutv Iw • in. inb.-is T.f tin* \nn 1 iei,u pally ! bet its .... li* I III* laa-.'lals, .* 1 1 1 .1 we ill till*} that “IK* M.'l the I Mil'll who i lit I < *il IK aol in the 111-! < ‘i.Hgle-s the hid to repeal the Fngit mi* .-i.iv,* l.uw t >i*ven ..lllil’ wel ‘• Ill'll wll'l V *t, ■• 1 t'*r that llllli lllgit ive si.iv law bill ! And ol her us, till* tii.ail w!u), iii 1 1 . ■ * lii't t ~ngie” ; ‘tea- i■, v and hobily a*lv. ,*-.ited upon th* 1 tloor *■! tin- I l**nse ilie s*,ei:il an ! p ilitiea! <*qu-ilitV of lh- e* oo */* •/ lln-j’-l,ih i.a in, uigvd that olio* liiindu and itiei -■ -Xty* a*-tvs **! land * :i. * 1 1, sleitihl be given to tin /*'** /- -//is . e/ if..’ A .fill 1 I'll other* nr!*’ either ant, Nebras ka Ill'll nr tree soilels : mid stia alnsher vv:|s iii \\ i!iu**l I'iaviso iii'*iiihri who 1 is'.•* ted to pro I a,let slavery mi all the t. niton* ‘* f the I’niteil ; ! ‘ s'--! Th**re wen* hut six Nehr.a l.i men rlis- •. |,la •• I to make room I**r as tiiaiiv American-. j ’ win:*- live of the thilty two Wele membels le I -!r clr'tl to till t heir own plea s. \ lit w hilt I * I suits hav** we here f in’ lie* w!e-!e lliiity two ; eieiiibi 1 1 t iirne.l out hv the Anv,■ ii. nil parly, j ’ , of t llflll were tlhoht i* -lilsts, be, •iiel'., ;|l| *. Nie isku lie'll, or null l'ugi'iv*• a. law men ! ; while t> ‘* inelu ling .1. Sent I I l.u 11 -* *u, lie s >uiel , j national wliig, .and estimable son of the lament j ■ed Ihe i.leiil 11 na i-oii, were o* * iia t* *1 as \ III* I j I trails; ami but six Nebraska lie'll vv -in liisplae I ■I. the position <*l the re tiiuing no inher. Man | ineeof New Nhu k eitV, heati-n by Mr. Niiulli, ; An. ‘lira!!, via: liave not I**-* a able ledniiteiy !** ! i* *1 tain. Mr. \ iiuil. lias .I. tin* *1 h.v position j , n a i liailcstnii pap* r as tliat trf-a-••ttml,imttjwr* i !\a:i. e, tini.-ti mall. voiin4 Vhnlitiouisui I S—. li* y I initial out j | lets, I l.i vis of UliO'le Isl.tiel, vv ho mu I'e a l*!:u*k- 1 •r nliolitioii record in the la t i',*i gi * ss than any file i in aither liolll the Noith . lie \ “eni -Ie <’ ! .it” lliomaslt. F.lli*it of Massa.'hus<*:is I vvlei in ! j tro.lueed tie* uiiti fugitive-daw bill In the la<l j j i'.ingresH -they itnnihihiled t nn k.'i’ and I.*l aeuels, and Wallv ami Tapp n, M * ntworth and | ti. kins*,n an I Carpenter, nil • wI• u v >t*'**i t* >r | that ant i ■ fugitive shave law hill ! Tie v put a qtii etnis to .I,>liii i*. t io*!i ieh who not *iiiv void j Isr ill* anil I’ligilive slave law in theia-t < ‘•ingress. * i.nt w In tie’ 1 ‘resideiil of t!;*’ \b*ii'i. 1 bni grant ’ \i.| S nil ‘v, el g.itti/.ed .for th pap -e et Aim j ulioiii/utg the i tor v “I lx a nsa*. 1 hev *'*” j*p ! e,| th*’ vx in.l’ of II mv I Id*!mi I win* in Ist'.*, in ihe N. w II nip-hire b gi-kruie. mli• ..luee*! i'. s--j -lutinns in ;;ng a piohihitioii of -1 I'vetv in all lie* leia i'.'ifes of the I'lii'e.l s-i.o -.a I .i A . n i ll*l—''.l In* votes ot the New lire sir 1 :* gles-u u in lav nr ol Ihe\\* mV , I •’ *. A I vet \ne i * .is are idnog.'d with ‘jimn-otii'g A • ’ olitioiii-m in th.- North ! , 1 In ad i'lein to tie* thirty two w :e> -hveye ei*a-t ed as ** Iv now Nothings,” mol are -,-* .T•\\ :i in . the published list, as sm h, ther* me a I- iv otiiei inenibets who vvre voted lot bv th Aim ; . .:* part v, though not imuting us Aim-. ..'.an . i *!,- 1 .lutes, among whom we now rone mher Mr.’ Wheeler, a liald'liv'll democrat, and Mr. I! o n- I a silver grev whig of New A -*.k both sound ’ i national .men. ‘l <lf lie* idoiern.’.'S ereeied in t'. \ yrt’ ‘til states in tl; * last \. ;,r, four l ave !*• ell ■ ‘*■* Ibl | the American party ; and in one other instate . ! j they run a candidate for < iovernor but ir -ies . 1 . I'nllv. M’. these, tlovertlor t*mi!;..r NI * - i“- • j-cliusett* has evinced his conservative ehar.n t. i in vetoing the bill to rrtnovc.judge I .••ring; mi i Mr. I' liman, who was run in New \ oik, is a sib , ver grey whig sound on the shivery question, t*f tjio liovernor elect of New H-umpshire nnd ot (iovernor I loppin re vice lev! _by the Anieiiian • p.artv in Rhode Island, we have no* I*. n able I to lit. I anv evidence that lin y, me .il„ a * i \ ists. W*> might g*x oil with thTs invest gt! it’a- to public cilices tdleil-by the Ameri.-an. pai'v w, 1 might show that ail the truu. hel'ous ntemhers ..! i tin* N. w V**tk b* g is!,at tire who vule.l t*>r > wad i have been expiiH sl from tho < b.ler ~vve in g t ; exhibit anv aim i*f fai ls slniwing coin hl'ivly ! , that the \m*‘lieiin pally has been b.t'ily * -ng ig 1 .*1 in lopping etl its unsound mentlieis in th* ’ placing itself upon a hroa.i, soiiml, *: national platfoim. lint this would be extending • j the present- article to too great a length. AV. ; have done em*mgh t*i knock the piop- uti.l* r all the big nml little anti- Ameri. au c,ami,dates who j-are spouting through the country to tin* rtlrt ; that the I‘artv are*.ting A‘* *; I tionism. bet them bo careful ltetu how they ‘ [ make their statement*. Let them look to their ’ j ow u records. -j— Tin* nmoutit rifinTiev sent to Ireland from iTied • l*tilted States in ISM was IT.TmUHiO. or nottibit - eight iif ii liv it) dollars, which is one nidi ti ;u,T a i half mote than in lt'-ad. gu irn N, <■ j:ok<; ia. • SATURDAY MORNING, AUGUST 11,1855. For Oovernor. HON GARNETT ANDREWS, i.l- WII.KbH. American Nomittations for Cougrcrs. ’ i • I .*,,,., I*. , ‘M V VUVAIM >:. 11l ISb-rty. , .. |i„ T - W1t.1.! ‘. l! AWKl.N'r<,nf Siunti-r •| TANA- r U* *t*.|. I: T T TKlll'l . *-f M- >*n*. d|'„,:n,i I*!.*, -Hi:V IAMIN II 1111,1., **f Troup. ||- j, It r r.I.WI.'s ’I I MbIN. .*1 1 **■ ,! hi li,-r * i.'e.KMii In i -N. i- H*.-l bit. “• M'm-’aa- I* I I . lUIII II I >l>4 ■ Nominations in Henry. I -*K MliNATfc ■ Attirlran. Kr**iti. Atd.bN .\V. Tt'l’N'Klt. | Dr I.KWIrs M. TYK. for run if • • V I •!!\ !! ‘ IT. | I'AM'n:!.'’ .vnsTKKS I- tRho.N I>• 11 \ **( *V i A ill- A. UvM‘'N- Tgf’. iti Ii ONIM si < Tlm* Ttvor of our f.-iorul I. < I 1 >\fnut), of .filniHtoii\ill* k x M* iirou comity ■l* TiViii*? t)io rfp'.rt of le- wit!ilr:iwn from fin* Aimri* un ttnl*r. :ii"! !’ finui;/ liis -it.i*n. liiis , f iffi'ii rcci-ivt I. Imi t t<* lats f r find iiuv i‘W-t A I•rn-v ;1I will sijipoar n-x\ ! work, if w • t-rni ji.x-iMy ‘I* 1 ‘ ij.h. r lii* nmiiuM-rip* j Anidrinis \jll 11 *v• t > oil** l*i w * tun* A•• ; will and i nir t*i niv*mo'l:tt c “in* fi i* il l’s, l*ut ;it j*;•• s"it W • ;tic TiWl *1 with frilsilO s. j Y l “in :t.i I .*'.*, (Mir tv I•* T. \. .'M! ‘ i: • i.; . sis. ; ■ *••.•. r I* i■ ! •?.,/ !y uft Ml.'.**! It | •• ..*i •. •!,*;. t. t 1 \ ‘it i• >, ti ••ii r*• i iti in.;.’ ■r* .tl i*'.t -i v very n.• i. • American Meeting. Tie* fr.iends of .tie* A iii"ri**;ili I'arty will'have a pulili*’ in ‘''in.', a! tie’ * “iiit 1 1 1*..mOl “i I “ “* i ! n:..*! tTi li ‘iel/iri'ttris Cnillitye tan >.VTI ‘li T> \ V.; the I*’ n \u.-u ‘ •'s* l l.i I .j.'-eeh s 111 IV In* *X p -1• * I < “lie: nil* nn* .all ‘ Mass Meeting in Atlanta. Til.'. \ *i; ! in p i *":: li"!*l it *m .i “,-l -I * U • , • \ : , t,i * i ■ . \• ■ .• i 17 ’ 11 f| .1 if v ** : * ’ ill.* v. 1 . •! i • • 111” VV • :mi,i ! i.. li ■ i’• ili i’ \,y. ! 1 k ji.• t-*i? iv %\ lii . li l . 'U. Vi *l. i ■ Lin ii t !.•• I.’ n|i *; I wif i. , t;, i :n • ‘ •I* fll 111 11‘iiu ’l lull .■'•luy Ill'll 111 * till’ .. * .'.tf tf.t.'iy i ‘jf ■’ t . TV ti* - 1 i. ‘ M'lr.i. tl j .'t 2’t m a ft,* I’ .* : llii t;i ••-ii,'’ / ii •’ !" mi rift tti in iii* ,* \ i’ii ill if, ••.•ii, ii • i i. I *|< .1* I’ \• ‘ t * 1 I *.■{<> 11l 1 .1-1 11l 111 •• III” I lii .gsil * nt Ti in.Milter in tin* t'M!liiii;'. *• State Elections. \ ;. in ( in ti \ v I t*M what •ni jfatlu r. * ’ j * > nil ~f ii .*!;.( .. it ,\\ rll j*m r*'l i ii:i, which w.ip !'” ( ji: .*• 11**'tr.* n mi! \ , i- jiXt*l!*.u * | | i in, i i■ ‘I havin', ( Aii'cricnn ) 2nl “ \V .i it i .'i t “ I l-utti’!, (i\nr.) I* !i. “ l.i* I 1 *: an- h. M hill ) rt It “ I• Vl• I* •. ( Anyri* m ) I*l ft “ Hurl..n ‘■ i aip‘. (I >• Yi| ) 7 . ti “ Ii . 1 I'in ;i iir. f \ nici fviM ) - | h* • i.! v n hoi n.ii’/ *ii*t iid t<- I” In ji r• IM‘; f -the s !• i*. -j* -, - * **| nt in f Is*’ J.i l< t *•■ l*y Mr * M . W • I, ;.. ■. \ urn *'• 11• i'i .tin lw*t * * uni let is. t hi.- - li.-t *id , ‘it I>*.* | | will !t, I. I*. ‘Vi ::f In* ( ‘.in* ri* an. ) ha- n: i ■ 7•: ! •tj *II I,'Mb m*l ■ tic t„ •< . • I.! l! t’ |. !• / in..ii wit! til ai t I I’ri't?y wlt *r >.mh I ‘I . I'.i 1.-t- • ■ ■’ 1 *'■ I ‘- ‘” Lh,,,. ...... . ...e... I . I*. lu .1.1 |tit... ; !..* I j. ts .... -.-..1 St'* ■il F . 1~1 ti.,’ ■!, v,i • \ .*, • ■ • ;I : i fifv •>!’ *>l • • i . ; A• , j , ii 1” ■! }••’ ; ‘ •* • ** { * ‘ : \* ; c i A 1..:';.’ ; *•:. I ■ r:- . i*| . j i, t. : .1 t.jdri! nb.i •; it ii rat*nr ‘lt I III*: ."ciil’ •* V L*i''“ •*'~ “h*l* |j lAt'• V i •' 1 ihr ill.if. I .m.i !*••. i ‘ i’ t .j 11 hi f>* :*iiti. Tho lull returns I ft'OTU r ‘ ‘ ‘ it. : ?!:•. •hL’ ‘ i-iewii” i’h ‘MM!".-. I •!■ i 11, • . 1,,. M I 1.l j.t * - j-.. 1 I ■ , *;. ii’\,V i •■*ri* ”.•iti >• - | I!■*..; * lll A ; I • !'• i ‘:..*!. > •’ I 'h ‘ , ■ l tM 1 *jt it ,y ‘ . !:• ‘. *.I <•: ‘ • ••• ■’ ‘ “ lhal W • ■am* : \ • .thin ... i *■ *•■ As ■ a• m* \ -h: 1 • \ ... >• I. . ’ r"T. t si -1 j llllli V:t‘lMl ‘• ’ *’ •. tl! I • .'■]*"• ! ‘■” < 1 • I 1 •• •h< ; I ‘ui't te ti • amli <1 ih -, lt;i I.iii•!v •htl to i . *s ltmiii ti• I * i *,.*t I *< f. j hi \ if. a. Ih r at V .ic r. l.ciiMat it i• uu-l ’< <m | ;r"tm i, have I*. . i.. hi t* *!. \ nun l ln’ r turns root ivv>i, ! ’.here .'<Tiiis (n lu* iio <l"iil*l fmt tin* Aiinwiinii? tiavv* s\ti'|! tie Mate I.v a larp* inaj'*rity. ‘I !o fi i .it 1. mist 11 i> si.i.vw .1 11 |* • j.l- tln if what tlio fmr-.pi- I’ Moul'l du.if.t!u.\ lu l lin’ i*‘*w* r. ai.l hc \un*tio iii. I !. .1 it j • a m.ijoriU f*r tinir oamlid.ilvs of mj.'uh httii / *.*/ \* t ■ .tl that \ ‘a. N'lflii. truia Tc,^!'. i The Riot at Louisville. In ivfVn'iH't* I** I !i i iti -i.iy ii**t tliat .*<■ u: i * 1 ;* *. u: villi', k V.,oiil*.iv’ i.'y if tin *'!*. * lion, tk*- -’Vt laitla hi ; ! i* 11 in lixt-• ill* !• ti!i\vlliLl i ■‘Himlx* : j j’“A . ’ ‘1 I 1.l 111 Iv■ • W 1.1 *<-•’ 1, !!• ‘ll- ’'■!’• ‘1 1* FIP ‘ 1..; . I I ty.: wluit l'’n*>Ff*Aii ; • . ill . • ‘t /i.i .■*•. i’ : i.l • • i “!?!’•■ } ■ ‘•” * ; :>• tx ./-Ht! : jin. r VM.U i ’iA. . i: *p* *t J . ‘Jo : u..f *r . ti.’ii,. i"i - * f.i> :''T i’ ] •’\ •” ’ :- I .1 - • .* :t ’ ‘ * *- • \tl * 111 I*. T’ * I. •t 1 ‘•-- *i • i* , ■x .. • *.v ‘ -v ) • .* ! ‘ 1 • • * ! j J j * .lit-, i. 11 .i- *l • i . t *n In I*i ;i"i IV.J •‘ ■ ~. . i.i \ i.. 11 t.>i’ k v.* w- . • ; *• • tin * ** i. , i .*i r. -• i’ ;■ t* : “•*•.•• itu- i• i t 11 •• i’‘ ‘• ‘ i t•'’ - ii v% i. ;* i lr j | ! m*l f!> i ••!* rKTT-W •t: • ;•!* I\\ - Vilkk II . \v .il i til- :u If U i* jl* * * 1 1* 'i* fT* •!.•*! 1 lit .I ’ M ’• 1 I'I; u •’! .k k\ ... 1.n.: .. 11. nlf ii ft**- • ~J •, , . \ i lit ;'lj•*in il!• m .f• ■ ‘ t ♦ f—“ ml r v-. .v, -,. -J Tti ,'t ‘i ::U ii •• | * I , : ;• U . I'.’.** l m, * i” jit ltl.M, r •*• *t’ ou* li 1 . 1: ! • I IM-’ .11’ I I*k!!’*ri ; t■ti i .> i. kk r i .i it’ it* - - ••luj •. • *i. . i. t ■ nTT ■. •• • .*•• rnm vi ** t'l K l *V \ *:'. h;• Ml U ill'll W.l< I ‘.* .IT • •k* r I !•! Willi* *>'• i 1.l til * ■ ‘• t: l i I'k , All’i kVv’ I*l*l *h s** ;l tx ,kk Ill'll * k : ‘•x'fttri* !**•<*• i in /•(’ - s • ‘ . j* tit it.tau-: ’ti.- . *. if;* ’l*”* uy.t ’•* •*. , ami i.*r i” *i 11 i• . t • 1 i imm ’*'.!<• ‘ . ti>. ,il • . 1 .a 1 . . I ii \V IIK'II with (i*.* !*,, *, . *■ . i. ...I', tlf tr laitb i* ii"t **ur re n. iiiikl tli ■ •’ 1, I tlt** > 1w• •• *’ ‘ k [ ar-f h-rj'*n , ‘, ‘nTT*rr‘rr'l ly i“• A *’* I !i'* ! *J tin’ : a •’ ~n.i .imi* ot a >.’.i ,it *4*> i *h* ■ t tii • r 1 i< l **m ti i uii.j h.* ii* : li*’ ‘•J•*• • t 1 ‘•!* *k.:‘ w : • I . ! i!i i? >ii**jrr.•'("* hi vt- Ik 'ii t si.** I ..jt •. ih ii- ‘ i Jt > ,s.m li i ■.4 > can h • {la*f'i in uil *. n>*- t• • | \*w, \ u-f tliiiik *, j ’j*.* t’t * ‘ I ‘ ’ ivijjtUTs “1 L-iiibVilU', iiiii(k-! hflis ot wli’ ii . I ‘ :l* in :ul ni’’ Till tA. V*wcal. distil 3. t'. *i j th- Mi'irr* • .. s t i .-i j . hnvo Ik-A ll .*i.i|'j'f*'l I * Am*-i j I ;.ti *! ‘ll •,; * :'MI •• if 1 n:si>i('iiu*'iii‘*r.*. haw n* V. r | 1 ,11 : *;,* iii iii!:- ‘* . . -s.rh t U m'w !ir>w t< ln/hiivf ■•* ’ • • •', * na l • • ••*! ■. \, :i. i hi. *v nn ilhor UP th -l, * : * y :!.. v th. r..v ,t .. *t.. ■i; *r that ot* utlPTr 4 , ; .! thtm I*v • f .. *ll Rtf’!ii}’t4yv*f t"l tho b.illot-j ; ( \,i■ I. . I.M I', ,i . A'n-*'.h • ii a ri'*t in which I s Vt'l .l’ i *<: ■* it.'t'tliT’ l. itll'l ll :- in til- heart -t , i , .*‘*r | pi. i. in Ili ni i-J t I ;kil | ■ j*• * ."• hi. t :i r I'laiui- j iitf I** h .• i \in ii :i ‘-itift’ii. *•* .Auli \nir ri.inhi f*r*-l i);p. a*-"tv. • f.t th.’ I.him.’ -f thi* (h-pra •* lul an I .uvkeU , • ;im.*ii \iti*'iicßrt (it ii*. .\*s*l tiii•* sum*’ oUtor I'r.- t!. i’-j a h li.c .to “••ntMat titvi'i !V’" 01 * in * it. .. iv ij.itJi i ‘„*t • ‘ir Inn i. t- } (Us’ .iii'l .j*k t,v irivl\. • i: thi* i- .. ntt I t try th.i* ! ‘iv. ; > * l a, on *ur l •• {!**,! ia .i* ■; ;!'•.i • i*i tin* it ‘ •.•?. at \ . i-*UM ’*•*t _ Kiiv.w \ [’ i'i.:'in “ ! ..>• sm |*;i ta-ti'Ti * til:.- •TIIJE-’ : l \ I'qri “ t*’ \ lii ’t M :im, ill . \ .if !* 1 * t‘ tin* real • * t*. . .i:'-*’ ;i lhch ‘*t .slriiiH’ t • tnumh* t lu* ( hicks •! any m.iii wh* claiinx thi* fiTinx* *•• A'init: tn t itii n -j . jt‘*j*l(* kuovr h-w t*> r* t hxi* turn Ih’ V ii.ivf li---n a v ii't• itu* it •* tiirtMipi'T t!t .j rnment l \ I >C"inp’ t .uctly asnl o ‘l*r!.V t * the j.- tiutl ca-Unp their. V ,v *k. u -” th. -c tcA'.fO, •,!.•; 7i lout, in: “!r ii nt. ip.-! lit t-• ign ovi'ii • in’ -t’ovv h*• !*•• p** . h?i-1 w. ti *i t” tliiiik t h*y 1 ■* * I * npht t**i.i; rh- y ji’ i( 1. r.'pru*— ’l thnn^h’- U. }’• x rvi cih*.; att. uij'Ut tocai: vt bn th-. .• I way l,y an uuwarrirnUUn silt, the free j vxerrasef tlio rlecttve franrhi*e. The., not. • - i nooiiiiK frcipnnt oflule y"r*; hut they happen no whew ’i , ..... pU.*e, as there h.|*i-n to boa batch of |~f l.iwl Jwr. n*h, i. and any man. horn in Arnorica. j who o* * tit ~!-. thi-lr MU* i” own i.itiv. * country ....'.....ukM toquitcvij society and K“ ’ gth lu-cun sympathize with them | ie- lioartN .■•.iit-'i.t. l Anti-American Nominations. I The a*li -I i--r* ix- |-li’>- *•>• .Wesatezfrnm [fi,. ...veal i|i-*i**t* of ypaMuig ‘•(?. 1,1 lhc “ u "’ | 1. „:,..**. Til T lay la.**. •“ ratify 1 tl “ ! , iii . a ~tLi i***r t fiiU’ Ud In hl on llarly tb *he ilav •"*• Tui*ly, the and. l* gates were *- „„ ne.l to u secret cuuneil in the nUur un.ler ‘’ ‘ , Jiceks-store t..t,.Ml.illeJ into lino. The wm-work mg was lion.* on Mm..lay ■**! *he rnclelatcs a K ree,l on but a-lh.* party holy horror f'*r writ nurting* tho w.i* thought to h,. tie most apprunnate phe'e h* , ,|„. , r op.-r in***ruction of the .lellprt.- ; AxOenUy .IS in the way in making tin* nomination for the N i.ati. (j. J. i ll was the caucus nominee,hut among the ’ - the li.jv.’ Wm. M'.s.'ley had some strong I .m lgeea,r.iei. 1-. who would not willingly give *'*’ j 11, “i,, | this , ballots to d,'. i*le between them, un-, 1 *,fth* tivo-third* rule which wasadopt* | ‘ (M Kin , w,-;. .1, mg for them, however, and .... q ballot M-:■ V was ilo'.rcd :o.*l his 1<"I “ j -* ,r- ink to rise no more forever. Til .;o *s Thrower, the caucus nominee for the H""'* : • throiijfli o>‘ the first ballot, getting all the v >t’ S".x ----... i*.,,. It .civ doubt it was tie* result ol a i ' l '*'’ ’ . t.e. ling got,*- itgo I,* forc haul, they will pi-use j , i..w it ,v.ti,at ,!, y,.’ ..riya.U vobd lor Throw • •r, a:* Mi it> ii.tin* w.- ‘*■ ’*• •'i : ‘ ‘*• Outrage upon the American Flag. ! I ■.. lay ‘* t. tie* AtiAi nI” ill I'artV. or a pot’ : .... “.!’ x lupa pr ••• ssi in *.l earriagya, ‘'aro'oh j ‘... int anie*l xv :'i. isi tons.lda <■” 1 , ,,,.* . \ • . i.b.l : l*iin*l fl -in ... i i.-irp ol d* urrai.g* I Ito ...line :.fl's.nthl.f ,la. lio- till.I! : riot of thiiecmiiu J . . i! ,o. in th pr'ie*--'on wnslhe \mcricnn I lag. ,; .1 \ ito a six *ii ... I . . r!,. t ; ■ I tin- st.'l. :ii**ve lit.’ flu-- \ , I*l I all. I.” T..W. r. Now ..** >• j .i, . . . 1,1, nj , mottoes, and.devi ■ - at*’ ii.l c tete*l j g. .11.1 all I ■* it w. 11 known nxtat.'-'j ... •. . tl.. I'. ‘,.* •’ t” i.l i” to *1 With it- j j ~....... , ..„ !, r .d; ■t t” tli •i! if. 1 "*. | . ~i. ~ 1 , I tl. !’ •: 1 g- ‘t t * wli . e ini. and , 1 ■ . .. re|'.i’ *-( ot* tin- power nt the ■ I* . . .., |. .a II :•*. .. ..... *:. this -a e. was J.llie . ! , . i■, I ; • .*... u*t i. . •: Isive t lmt it was . !, • . | . . ah tle- It* a*hi ‘ atioiiie *l'” t i'i'-’ ~.. . 11• 11. V - •*■ • \ unv -.M. me • . ... *1 .. i:. . s'. V.. iti :• l!• rs” m y lit! mat! *1 \.„f 1, i • . , 1 -*ii. i* : id tl” |T"1” rmi *!: ti. .( .i. ‘.-.r 1..-\>ii* ll*'r tli.* < **ti •! t!•• i *i,: w . iaf if . ;i-.**r \t: ;i .mt t*. tin- Imw-. I*i* l, :!„i'’|fa. i.t- t 1... xv.. : .l ..f Ih. T* ;*;<!■•*'. •* tl.” ‘ !;• ,1 1,1 • V* :*. t;.;- f! 1 tli. \-M *•• I'I.I * ‘-it. “t.!;. .j,. ~ t: r.qi!,..lie .•!,<-!, it is tin.- that Aiifii , ..IIIi ■t tu t .'li'-hM ;i l*r - • t ri:i t li< 11 It ‘ liMiy*} ~,J . * if *, .\ ..'..1 : fit ?. T* V. j-ii.’ to Jin-vst t il** .-t i!m *•> ; j ,ii Mi 1 - t jilwitys i-nislatl r* j ul*ii .!;.. -rn w 1.. i. it in . iii- | >u. r. t\to *\ • th-!• i I*\ iy!i:.irfh!it t]i* > t*r'’=- : : . • m | ; t un i !•• s'iitl i- an <rii:iMi't t. Hiat it w.m . • ia .q • . • • n .t-; ln.t it is ♦ • • late li(*Vv • i ■ ; ,*t t. : mi. . t** try ♦ am w i*t t |*i - ‘ii .! !•• i r 'M V'l• *i* :.••••*! I •!’ ajl-s I” .' ! : . . ni. :(. : \ i- ... , /*■m■ • ..{• :t,h 11. l 1”1 ■.! . ! ? l ; : I :h. y •*. n> I I-* town, it • iv : I. w.i*; t! r* \v| . . t!i< flajf v • j j. •.. ~ i . -Vo . ;ti.*l v. .i< j ii* r* I v>• •;**•• t :*f ; . i il.. j • - ■ii;tiriv *. •i ul t!-.. i .uht • tie. The Barbecue. ;!-*, • 1 | ■,)- ■ ;*'.i, vlt i Hurt ! 1 unT fAh* i; .'t.i i h* • *i-in th I*!i .ni S ifur l.iy Ia j t. Willi rli-!i\* kv,.l .J. -ip’.i *.f i'ii!'"r*-iiip th.-ir I rin. ij’h with lu'.'t. iiiiii t”i’ ni: l U I. where I Uev eciiM >" make im ! itu pi • • • *'ii nii U a i -.'llllll i t s.'aiel a >**uiol j-lat i’< iin : ni.-l ’ . . ‘ • k I aim!*• ‘• 1* t!• : <’*n ••i** •*! th.-ir fl i • j *.. I> * • .** th*\ w*• 11 1 • l ii• • t *lllV* r*ll * i"• -n wh- i i ~• ‘ , . 1 ,i . l.y fV ,t* ! •!’ t In- Am •rioii! “••• *. : * ■ •• t TANARUS! •v i r**: •’ l*e very liUor i • r* j i’ ’ ■ in, wll ii tit* y think - • ;! ‘ ti. • aia a'. h i :t , ‘ *i •Jt •*■ tli'. M* * ‘i. tMi n*! t hev lia*l j • ■,:.:* . !•• Mi*’,;. : j*:*; .ti inp i-r t lie prap'l‘li'i>l;iy ‘ ; j.t: t.iiA* i ; in: t*> ‘j- il< t* t!- j* jh* at their til ‘ |*‘ m.t'i*’ a; y tliji'jf hy In-ir m* • ! inp, we :t\ \ !tl i.l art*’ >ll. <l -dli:* W l|o W•l | IT'"lit 71 TANARUS( -..i.1i it : • ii. it*- *•j’ ii; i<*. 11 tliat eoulil have nut v*te'l ; hem t .i* * ii the piTJUIi l. Let the People Look. The s,i\:ir II ‘/ ill tig .\i tr > .’till ./ mini &, Conriif. two **f tl; • 1* .Jin l: ai’l * Ani*t i an j j• i > *l’ tlio State. ii|*n th-” r* • “i f!. •* (ir r ii:ti Hi _** i*o I. min the']Vnn**s ; s t ‘ • l.h i * -. I • .1. it: the !• ’ilowin*jf >t i a ins : Tin- ,M')ini>.ens, alter returns from the Kmmv'. • w ii.-,'.iy> : \ •i v i:’ • tw : 1 ho !• If T ANARUS; •!■.!• .ipr-ra. v of* I* r ---i . t: ii *i* !at ••: i jew-.*., w hit’ll i'. w*> I t*i . .. a - ’ i . . .;•*:•• J * 11; • tm) *i jnlariiy Ins | i in*-.| Ic.-. 1 j ,i; 11 I*l 1,, ‘ ll.':* l't t ,'t 1> i. I h •*! t l.i I t W J.aily h V I u : i h=•vi- •pi • I Inti* nI in w iie !. hav. n** i li.ii. i. IT .'i.eiahly hehiml his i*wu ti-ket. I- •ii,', tl k*. •• , i:. t-? * * 11- i. *. i ihit'.i man I. ’Mi: tlie • j*i 11 - in- . ’ L• -i \ •*w-vl. >!i*eihl ••* jut in li**min)it inti ihv :i: \ j *- * : r lit- ‘-fli'*’ *•{’ • ;*.k.•!-.!..1- ..t’ a >ftit liern • • th if W * a*’ .! ’I; Il • -I lit the *lv.’tr:if .| .; . .. • ii v\ ; ,.i ;n •■ ,'* ‘M*Ti sell! lllients as i.ii .• . i *v iii t\iii..w .ii ,t !!•;.).;•: T-., *. _*! ly, I ; t• .n\a •> : • * 1 . : ! - ! • _•• l I 1 ;. J t h'.S *•’ 111 * ’ ! li /’ 1 1 < 1 (tl.l th” I’:."|- t■i ■ ; • -jiiee in the Semite nj iI. *\ i f.’i • •! ( Ii- I, r bit itv. T the At hos < h’to . t\ if.’ii .’•* •’ • l t.i right.* a • i in: •: • ‘J’ ’ t the masses. . it --'*•■ * . . . ; w I.: 1j ‘-.sAy m. :in lay.'i* . *•:•.•;.. in that eotiniy re.,. .■! I•. ‘ ll s’ ** - i'i 11. 1'. ’ lyie.-.'eli iUllly thcii— h:"l i. *’i whii it ii. >k * j - ~i'il.* I: t h’l ol tl.- j j*!c *.n*l the ma!i..i’.l v.i,i-h ti.ei 1., .mi \•’ ■• i .i-wi y the l*il i \ i- Mi . I!- and Wc.*! I-: ~ was in_ ; j!., w *,m “ - /. “\ tli ’ ‘ ien A"* m ’*'v * f :'..e Stnti* r*f Tenn • . : * * * re*! > lying *ff the .-'t it* i’.l” • * * ,-:*- * Hill I ‘tti.-ts. -hail hf the Vntilig 1, ’j-ti. iJ -ii. tk .tv: a>.y regard lo the li*rev-tilths of the ; i-jr.” j -. *4 l i *rt. ” • • .!,!,-:!) •- utondcd that tho honest working man fl *. ‘.I im (*!• i, eoutjiy w .•.> I. -n* *1 .ui y the A i i>t* v-ratie ..!a\ * 1...:.!- : - J *! . i'i!- t,; W,'t ‘I .-i.h ‘.'*‘e, ami hi-* fair *l.i *t*; ! i‘ i. r i.*l v:. t ii*ms w ite. ia .h rt he law a*lv*et<*d hy .. j r. w • ‘k * e li. lin th** ha!ai'*-.’< against the ie >k tl.x- | • ti 1 -law hoi hr ! • % *.—':i .ii m m.i’ yi out *4 jla -at theSoutli.” j l . ‘ .r: ;l ix. Courier, in rclVrci*ec to the same rc- t urns, -i \ .'• : “Tli-f r* LT""Pjj fip(*”tint s, eoniinjf fr*>m the three divi t ’ Stall*. !■ •'?, ‘li-i.ll* Lllil U'v.’t IVnuowoe. I ive i • • • tor loiiht.bat that the 1 at.<• party I li, is suth i la ri* us defeat. Nor arc we mueh surpris-: ,i| m it, .l.*hu.’ n their notninet* for t **v-i:i* i it* an nnaiit (h*ma|w'gUe, and a y, rtban a l-'i*■•.-**il* i.— ’ I|e ; • hi\ l-•r\ ’- I fat . imr r n w •t v much less f‘r j tlio i arty who •hy tru* follow e.i t• t. *hta* .a eh made i by him during !• e:t'va.•.-'at Ja< k'Slihoinu^h:** I Ami nfi-r uI ! the sam*’ \tra t iij’>:i which tho ’ News ‘’i'(*l its ;ijrt .*•!•, **'•!(•• niies a* f-.liow? : ••Il kv.k.’ : in.'V s’ -. <:1 *. i-. eerf.iie’y !ii iv ek j.h *■*•.'! t! P:Mh : A * m .V*’f’ f.U‘/V#>rthat I i:. * ei.i. f.*;e ‘ii A;. _"*/• t :♦••*• i * • n.-ii sent in ■ ..i he i :Mr .h -‘ * .* a* rwh* Imiioc'v *htv ated. \V I, .4 \•* !;t: H h'i't 1...*. * h.rji. in ir y hiu’*rMts r tusod t*- \*.fi t: 1 h; .** !i :f jr• .i ‘•!•■ t hat •:< tal* w stts t.i i 1 evl h ‘ * j j** i ••■ui. fr*?-*/:•.'* j.i iueijrles. hceause .*f hi- *1 -k.rii*ni t*> tlie ii'-t•uUoti** “t lln> S*uth. John* •*••'l*.- M ; It -’I lid he a le?.*’ U to the 1 U*!lKi- j I r; ’ •’ “ \ w. th - tw J.v -• are H’Vrt.l e,l organs of the j ,f.: \ n t *Mii Party, :n •• !-•• .-4! 1. ami us a brp* j jxirti n td- |”jhl ok ro them f.*r information, m.d ■ as the *v ul A■ !> uj’on the r w it* )i t .w* r t>* j:uard their’ )i : I int.K- Vki.\ i. i th* <* jaj v rs. know-j it : thi >• facts r ‘ | *-r i 1 _r 1 hn”n\ \ •**;t rilt.ain ai- i . lent until after tl**’ i’k ti**ti a j >v* r ! I•* -it not show ! a dvr*-lie-null ot duty mi th . i r t V W'iiat oiijrht the poo- i j ! t * think ofparty w| . •*■-*. hl a.hrs! Is th-re any eoufidenoc to be j ’ • ii; ti m. - r the party who n :: follow them ! Let :: ;•**p- ‘h-uk t: these thin#’ l 4!i i ad wudy* Exposure of the Know Nothings.^ We see going the rounds ol the “Fureign I’ress a vol ume of matter purporting *<> !,r ’ ‘’ “’ ■; Nothings, their .-.institution, bam *1 - passwords, grij s, &•*• xi-'r-m This remind- us -f the ft.M. oi nos un, ‘V...,0W , Morgan, who. s.a.r',l v-rs ag< . trofearvl ** * M th-'i r*l* et ii o, .! ;t o i'; y. an*, t !■< th. Northern Mat vs .-* r.-I h,*M e! hi i f..” a v.'tl'ti* I.U* exposition of the acting* met'lf’ • *•’ l “ t. rnifj, a.el got up such an ex. it u ihe, < that Hey even I p**!iii*'*'l I-'” ‘ ! *jti. -tj* ii *•! .Masonry :*•! • • ■ )*)X, wi'l !’ l’t ~ lh- - j •*!'!- * r • lin y not only c *him.’.< 'I t.* 1 j (‘ven thviusclvi s that th* yw i‘* f’ ‘• *• J r ( ‘J hv.'ir fiiKl *-\citfnu i rit, t ;| r I;**mi 1 • ; Mahout any real harm, only adlc<l t* their imml” • > iui! >. t ami tin* Nrerct trnt rnity taiuc nut ot tho y. —r- * j •T than they ever wore hot'orc, ami n” * ,iil * * 1,1 i M .‘ : liims-.'lfint*; a regular I.olgo i.o o*hi> -''• i ki *-’ s, ‘ 0 | have Morgan’.** h- ok. _ . j .ludt >f* wc a|*!n h* n*l it will 1-* te ‘v K* “ **• : ings nn-l their oj.poric?iitH. ■:> * n *.v ih:nk th >j h.tV( t"Ulcl a ••l.i.irf'u I u .*■ I*” ;i.*i !• an • 1 l! 1 .!’ lh- oi‘l( r, aid may try i •> i•• th* r"-;- I k,.,,w \. litii'g o’ iu.*il utnUr tlio 1 t* • •'* * '*■ if any of thorn m- -;rr. * ’ ■ *?’ -• ‘ •* ’• • V ; oiiii *u‘ . • It !> v nr- w. !“"ino t-> t A ‘• v - • j iTT.r,".-’ Th'ii: inu'Tr. as iruVuM .*.!y m.-*“ ;.'*>.•• ! just in.l .. .it -• J ll: h- i-■ • • •*'•• • V. ! vhh f the V. V . ii * Aim rwan |'*my, !-j* ** ! h* • • !’ I UI-.’S of tho *•; j t-iiion : lb'M fk’* : *l v. m •••..’ t*;; ni:’ *•l■i ** r tlo*!. lih* 11,0 Tl •’ :*• Ji yw:l ‘ •mrvivo it all mi.'l c"iiio *vi ‘m*i'*'i( • •.n I.- r ”- I ! - 1*1:1.11 of i'*i:. wl-.i* hi> •!’ th- - • ! 1 •’ •’ I",, j. 11 0,.!;,’ a mi.lts lo carry- ..ft ‘i'e “ije'-t* wlve-h ar* j *tl li-iied to the vv-tM. Ith a piln.-ipl. - are so pill -..i".1 -*. ti<! -” ‘ 11 . that *- \• i; i tint it ii ho is <r \. . *of t - t ; :et*’ ■■ ‘s 1 *’ ■■’ ‘ ‘ a*'*- 11 *’ *’ “'"e* . t” ■ ■ is-, ami a* i ism rh'y uH 1 1 will p-.-'-vaif so ,-ortfi t prir.-.pli- v;■ * -*.-tu"o *! ly , m, V,., .',* “• I ••pie. Ur r.gging. .- . . i, r | ... we t UJ httf - till ■it” : • .*■’ V !•’ it- 1 *. ‘•■■'• ‘ ‘■ l! h*- ‘*'*• iters.llia th. . . ■ . , . . ii,. I • “■ . til.- .0 :-. -.•!'* ■'■ ml party : ■ •! th i-r id’ - Mi. ■. iv I ■ :.* tl,t I*- ‘ • nt siren Ai* “ -Ti ’ • 3 J ’1 : j - jf .1 1.1. I” ‘ \ ; x:--v-l.ilxal il* ah . ,*■■>,"!- ■- I” i a*-**■ in-."! - .hi r*. 11, • fact t i 1 ; • : ’ ■ ii' ’ 11 I,OKS that t ■ ‘’ ‘ ‘ jt they tun * * fi*l 1 t" ! ‘•'• ‘ : their ■ i/.atiot hat eot.lid t by n .i!i*. * *-. i.!• ‘. : !•• “ -I ‘>•* ‘” “ pi, ‘ U’by do -. ;*• •:*. ■ -.-*• ‘*"’ 1 “” 1 I lio lia. ” a! n .iv sI • ■ \\ * - * : ‘ >•*• 11 ** 1 “*’ I- : ■ .. ly Kill do them ! iNo le: i.” ■*!•": •• i. ! have -V II CO’i'V.* • if i.ill. ‘ M ; ;• ’• I ■ | tooth ."o'-. ■ ■ ‘ 1 _ Wf.ii't-Sl-unxl Cnrr. rtr i. I Th.. i:.j .rutViV /: * • ■ ‘ I;i- I per,. of 1, 1 . t XI:- r .... .. • “•” *i -I • Mol. t". t, of .VI. r • •• 1 “ * J(ilil Is il It.” •!’ V.i -•-• •! ■ ‘’ •’ ’*■’ 1 ’ , : • ; “ /’ > ■ ’ • , ... . . t , ‘ ■ . j *,y .: I 1 ’ . • * - .V • * W ’* i 1 I • .. • ! ,,n ■; •• JjrV I ‘ * - • ;• - ‘ .... .* •*.■•* 1 ‘ I *tcrt ‘ * ‘ ‘I h • • V • I ’ ; i\V ; s I:.- ■’ . i_- ..Yj• (• : . ;I . • *1 ‘ >.• ‘... Ii -••• ’• .*• ’• “ ,\ \ ■ 1 11 •. ■ ‘ 1 1 ** • •■ ‘ sl.otv , ‘ ‘ I.- ‘ ‘.■ 1 1 • i * • ‘ • ‘ ‘ • . jhouil.l* ::t’ •’ -• i. i ‘ ■*.•’ -i l 1 ims isidd *':i ;11 .*:•.•.•■ I t -It • • *V'v ‘ ’ jin ..* ti .’ h*• h \.* IM * * : ti* i : • tf*'. !i• ‘* •’ *,:li"l ... ‘ - >‘\ In it 1 ‘ . ‘ ! I', l . 1 hv I ■ “ jby li-l •. k .■•, 1. i. •.•:.<*; . .(. Vv j > j thi- *:k i.~ * ■ i ! .*-• n**i ‘ • ’i i. • !’••* ku i i wr ; : :• nhy .i 1 .• iy \\!i• •in m *:y IV* v • i.t : •• i V.:*. :i \iiiiii* r\ ail*l ii iti.i*! •■ *i fh*'tf ‘"f I- t*r*• -h* }.;! . t !,..•• •; • •■ i h i.< *1 ;. i *.u- I *; ! tl,, l *,: ,;. :i ;is . . jM ..--I-* ••• i’t II” ■ ’ UH I. I . ih* ,i ilr 1 • .-•••• , .‘J • **o- *• Ccihoi* Cpal-.Ua:; C > :fy. | ! i* . . I j.i ■ • I •: :■ \ V HIT: i. I Itu nt *.. in- ~ii ii a s:nient ii . ; „ . ■ .... make f i*. I".|. •■>.’ o : ■ i • ii--. i* .... ... n*■. :i : Ac,, si.a ml. I atl <■-’ ’*. t . \'li-:s. I i•• ‘ •’ o . ‘• “ . 1 .S’ - t. ■> ... .'..’ie*."'i.; (V .Ai V, ! \ V l i I) i oi’. •tv. f icu+rjrl;!.. 1 .\ u -U't 2*l. I>'‘) \ Mr A t i Mi tr; S-r;- I'm.;*’ :rom an |*ul'ii>lu'd in tli*> 1; I' t iiiiiii!fi’ of-tlio l-.uij•vi* sotlli* I.l! In who |.lirj'oTied To ll 1\• I). 11l OIK : - li\*’ -t llt'r.- \ x : d.M T*’S j■’ tid ed to ati iuwt.iti 11 to ni;. u.l a in -* i j lt- *t t#s • • ■ Atio-picnti p:irrv i’i ToW.i!: y I.l: 't rm •*. Ini’ fail’d to oiv*.* a el Nil* an l in*]iartial ji?*p mt ol tin* liuin her of tho se jnV*M'iit \\ arjirosum lto impose* Them -4 selves upon us—oi our |>nr vNe lie as * sorts tliat a £ ‘-ueral.invit.tti at wv.s rxt*-n le*l. at hi tlr** doors >v* i;o cl*'vd tluun. \o\v, how they received Mteh invitation is best known a ! niunjj tlien si Ives, as tlui nntctinj; was hold for a I private purpose and no iti vital i u was res'dved i upon hy tin* party. It i: but natural, tin in to sut po**e that they wore verdant enough 1< In* m ii i u | iy same one. our tloor for a little s">i ■ son. because \vo hold it. a good maxim never to 1 c.Tht <*ur j>* irN before swim*. | It is stated tliat sometW’ nty or twenty-five wore | debarred from cntcrinir tin* h u>e. lie chap who ! was so very kind to omnniunicate this iuforinatiou. I must have been trouldi’d with optical deiudoiis. ; or had never learned td count; as ely as ! suoiJiim tliat ten or twelve imr uat) r 1 -elf w* re all who was present, and that thr*** * ti* nuttrl** r did actually conm**t tlirmselves with tin* party, and twootners who were*true repo’ !ica!i nt heart, remained until the business ul tie* m* eth wa> transacted then came into the house and ach men. • I Now whether n-’w** bv I • * r:\njrement from :i tli •’••! i u .* Inn effort to swale w ?}.• .•* failed t.’* I‘Niru to Cou:’A - d* ‘. we do not (ram mo,’ j 4 • -.,•* c.iu only remark th ih* r* i- • - a>. ;wi .u, on certain oc *asi‘ ’.. r-.n t la*l ruu 1 -,au*l that lie mw huiiJr* . I man chide! b’m :;rj t . 1 ; ... 1 *?ib;,:*; <•! ! such a collect;’>n at. \ vaM I• y 1 nuist a I out or two h-'i*toi 1 r a tn ..-ment and 1 replied that lie wa* c -itain that be <1; 1 ***’e Id** ( Id | bob and a Wo would then. r*-m;;jd tin* j * \r.irinMhat bis numbers ar** few in t!b> • :• n. land Sum- that >; *"d old ni*nit r. s*>i.l ui.i-j.* - | —Oh thou 11 p nerate! tall a cat or t\\*>. *.i , I you il prove pussy ! Note. —Tl.. American party is m.ikk j- .’jia ! tic slri'ics in ti.i.s county, ami ;i> y \ u . and ’ 1 has ever taken the r's m -,‘t 1. ,k. < ;* *i* *n entreped ia a mil>kc i; m i a* 1 -v • LATER FROM EUROPE. AuniVAt. m the Baltic \i w Vohk. Aug S.—The Baltic has arrived ,( “i ms —'l be market lias declined J. Sal eg f or 1 the week lU.tHHi bales including ...000 to export, era and 4.0U0 t.i s| eeulat* rs Imports since depar * tore rflist Steamer “ViMO bales, stock on l land ’ ,o; *; t) bales New Orleans fair 7, middling (U ”lf.,t-,i —Market unehattged. Wheat uncb aD V ,and, Indian cel n advanced. ® Mnr •; -te-f trade generally unchanged. The ~ iiti-ni m ws. tie tigb interesting, presents no f ea . i nre * i im) faliee. , It i- rumored that (ien. Simpson and Omar P a . 1 slm haven- cmd. . ‘i he I rench continue their advances upon Mai ! nk* tb which the Uttssians continue to fortify. There had been neither sorties or assaults si nce previous udv.’ccs. lie p, sitioti of all parties in open field is un . ; oban-ed. I Tim British in tlm Fra of Azoff destroyed the ! I.rbl'ep b. at ■< nitrul without loss. | Operations in tlm Baltic are unimportant. | | , *.s !• r a campaign on the Danube con tintte . > , . I'.j , i'. ‘ tuiit.nod and committed great j_ . -! ti lon of the-Arabs at Trf.~ |.,,!i i> reported. It is i* -ported that the r.ussians remain neat I. j l,nt litive ft .invested the city. I | |( . Krcm-ii loin lots been taken. li, .i The Btissians made a sortie on the -J Mil. hut wore repulsed. It is i-;*"l that a secret expedition will at tempt t*. ("ive Nbastopol hafbar while the land force assanlw. , ilh . Aug. (j, noon. —K. N. ticket ahead in tin* eitv at noon. 1.000 votes. Preston will . eii-iitilx be :i'e.l. polls have been , taken bv the K. N s, and several tights taken !*':it r. / Aug. 0. P. M. —Two houses have ..,*i ~ 1,,..] . *■! set “ti lire in the Southern part .t- j. .• •\. \ in* „.• ’ v l.ttt lit. iiittl many houses , tit. *e pot ‘ I the city. Fight or ~ -d t.. !.. k.* I attx! iii;ttry wounded.— V ,i- 1 ■ • ;.‘l t v ill till* Ctty is itlKtUl 1,500. — I; : . |t- , ‘ite :'t"io tlm city on account of ■ ■.V ,• \e. 1 11 *t *. \ !:ug- tire i’ now raging down l„wn. At w - l'.-ti u]> town, hut not | ii, n Inve been lnmg hy the mob. / 7, I! o’elo. k. A. M. 1 here t’ w'.ns.*’ ei*l **f angrv looking men at the nt !...;i-. ‘ll a- i x. itiiiu nt intense. Tl re.-*-i. ,ii. qJ*. thes’ :tre exposed at the court 1"-Use. |: .o *• ■grt is iv.'l i message from a iA. i■ i- g;et “l im dittite.l attack upon i’ . , 1,-. . t,. . . * ; *ii ai. lie- valuables were te :i.* id. .: . lie -css k'■ 1 l*v the discharge c>f a j.-;.. lit I.- • vt- |* • ket., — : Vi I* - o -i.o- vi Amei-icnn this morning, -,!.*: u;i- i'o,'. wo g into a Bookstore and behead* ■ and. A broil'd l ‘t’ vv oot’g"*'gatc*l upon the cor* ‘ *■:*! -’*■ 1 1 ni,.! M•;■ r* streets, where speeches of :ili ~\i"t , i” Ilael. r tile being IllJldc. 1 1 . ii. *i. 11 ; •mu f ill doubt less be Kssalt- A t.■ 7. -1 I'. M.—AVe learn from • ■ • - I. ;k; ; t-!, k, that tvv.. men at ■i i . glit. Two more out of .• live • ‘ ’ ’• I ‘ id .’ ** —one died in Jail.— - ai .i v. \ -iiid twelve t fifteen for d w.-ntv ("I'eigiieis ami ten b N- .1 , <* • x one ii,on killed today.— V.'.- I* ~* ■ r nin tie* v urt lluii'ii ready *’ g ti* v under t apt. lvos- I,” p- be have the it's* lideltcV, and irope t*. prevent ft it her and isi ui bailee. Ihe crowd ■it* .v e.s ii *an i lio [> >iri*t. attracted by cries t.f ig” .’ .A-■ *in to have no settled object. - I\■■■ :\ t ■ x, 11 vx i* <. i\. < ’ x— —-('ol. Many- t ’ * tie .-- “•■* i* of Indian All'airs, met t . i ■ ■ ■ hat dfeil Indians Chiefs, ,ii ■ ..i. !. t. week:. t. .i.-'"i ie be* upon their no-! .I* M _in. Tin Free Press notes -xx i g ii.i i*l* nt that oeriiircii oil the ■i i’i 1 ; -iii exeititig seem* occurred in theCoun • v e~: *t. i.ixii.* - ft* ng. w lien * .mend Cabs entered tlm toorii. A tie- sight of ldm the Ipd>an for got tl*. o 1 ■i- : in.! ;ili the solemnities of tho .H*e:.siuti in tin ir jov at., beliohliiig their old and 1 ,|i-. iigiii'lied ftjetid. and tlt rouge * around him, grasping hi’ hand', ami testifying their grateful Triii’ tiibtmice of tin it- former intercourse with him. •'• -i ir I * ;t's was addressed hv the chief*, : i'e! made :t r* I ‘.y replete with wise atlvice to t lieni.’ I In* Imlians belong to tin* < Mtawas ( hippewas, and I’oHawat.tmies. ami are represented as grave, Weil hehavvl ami verv intelligent. \n lit• ■■. m iis ( ‘mi aco.—A man by the. ii.iinc,,\'as,-,i, I;. Sti-vctis, who lias been a Citi.i r .11 ilir ci’v fur some time past, eloped In mil - eiu a lew i|av- ago with his niece, Jo -• ■!■ 1 1 • i• • M. Woodward,- a sjiil nt’ sixteen years “M. W'le'iu lie induced In leave her parents and home. Tin v ivriit to Melloniv countv anti were ni Miieil, -;i : eo which no trace can be found of tlit* 1110 it! s.I in-o il I's father. Lorenzo Wood ward. I •(.. ell. r- a reward of *2’ 0 for their ap- | >i-!.ensii■ •.. in or,li i to procure the conviction of .Mcici, o|i.,r perjury, in swearing that the girl “a-:ioc, to procure the marriage license.— s'i• vcii> s about thirty vcars of age, and the : girl is ,'. -cri|tci| as very handsome.— Chirayo / m*-, July 2S. tiitAMi ti.vmiuiisu of Litkrauy Men.-— We understand that arrangements are heingjmade to gather to this city in the coming autumn all the authors and puldishers in the fiiited States, of any lii-tinction. It i> intended to entertain them at a giand Teinj ••ranee bumpiest. at the Irvings | or some suiiahle place, and to nitike the affair the occasion for a giand display of the literary , wealth ami talent of'tl* country. The entertain ment will le given underithe auspices of the New York, ihiohseliers* Association, hut the expense “ill be defrayed by private subscriptions. As much as ii tiiotlsmui dollars litis already been sub -i-iii•<•<!. anil .lie J larpers, the Appietons, and all “cr leading pubtisln rs enter heartily into the if a. ‘1 ne most tietive man in pushing the mat r bs'"a .. 1| ■ rlu ting the details is Mr. I.ea <t \ . -ey --tire!, the movement is novel, •-a ii. mi •tu-opt ion, and w ill, no doubt, ■ a'tciij'-,| in it.-. iea;:,:at:oti with ureal eclut.—— Ii i I'uii jo.a Mint. Kxm.ostON. —Gar- esi-iii-s powder .V ills and I try ffouse, near Wil mington, It •).,exploded Friday morning. Four pco- -ns w, !’- kids.l immediately, and seven ” ui.d- lii - 1..,.ji.s am lioriibly mangled. •c” ho ).,• c- citaiiii-d about, one and ti ball tens o| p, wd,,| : nd the explosion and concussion “■ ti •meinlotis. The house had been in “p i. for aleml forty years without tin ac d"Ut ; eoi si •, i. and the house at ti.- \\ • l;s. Ail eoiiio-et-cil with its operations were k...<••! at m.l hey wa re blown to utOIUS and t!:• ■ n-iriait.s wen f,,un lat various distances ’ est lolly to two hundred fiuiu the ” omise.