The American union. (Griffin, Ga.) 1848-186?, September 29, 1855, Image 2

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THnmic A.5 UiliU li . “t'itrin !f>i.r v . * im. ** <1 • “'I i’ ll \\ \ t -11 f ‘ •* *Ii- lot EUROPEAN INTLLLIOEKCE The Baltic’s*Hai!s. Tb* fin• t* N. h ( k tt \Vrdn**tia? Her new* ’-l ♦r iitt 1* ini|> onill \\ \k it.- w.rk IKm . eitrr*itnriW dMitu*.- •“*.- *..! ; n *ri- -u ----cidcnt in rrp*rtii lii n- r.. 1 S,n j’ n arul fi*. tiff tr)*£r*|V: *4 !*• t ! f o l n .tint ■ jis w ri¥fn*ct ing the nr< p r*f i-j the *i< pr hut th t ;i * K’iwuti* on Uif Tohwin.iV* :**• up tin Dr alrnii.g *u at Uck. the alii* *1 army ** n-mplrtflv >t ike a ert ami parties rnn.iin ruiKtiiilljr under m. The ipuest! nin doubt mw i*. u* to wh.-ih •r the Russian* will “Hack the Teht-maya liu* • or Buhiklava via Raid r Viilley Gen Simpson say* tl.nt tin- iiu t. nrci.-titr ly bridging the Imrlsir. have lortifint t*s•* in.rti. W<| <i| Sebastopol and nci ivpil r Thet” i nothing li- W f <<lll 111 111 irk N-.l .1 the Kiltie A liuki-li Bulletin ■! tin I tin’* hitve twit the nil ;m t • nttnek Kirs. nnd ia the recent partial attack they li it siitf.-n-tl !.. No reliable inf-rut iti n li ■* Ih-i-h received ro specting nr^otinti*hut it i* repot t*il that tin- German power* are prep-aring u i * pr.oi;tnnimc to con tine the war (<• it’ ostensible • I ,j- it* It i* rumored tint England instigated by France, ia about to take measure* of Instil ly against Naplca. Itia repnrtetl that *. rGcliak. (f write* that hi* defence* ore <i.,mngcl. but the report is iluuhted Britain.— I here .* not otic w, nl of p,- Ittieal new* of interest in the paper* if except the rumor current in the dub*. that (ireat Hrilain intend* to call Naples to an account, and will ■lake the recent in*ult ol the Nea|Hi|it*n p’ lice to an attache of the Kriti-li embassy as t',e gi.timl work of the quarrel The new* of the death of Ahhnt Lawrence wa*. receitred in Fngland with every i spre- i. nos re gret and sympathy On the < tit ti e American ] •hipc in Liverpool displayed tl.eir flags u t hall I in* at Ararat!—The harvect throng out Austria i~ about an average, neither pu-itively gold u< r the To*rie. Tut ( ‘as non to': ru in R moved The Can nonade. of October last, -ay- the London Time*, tra.t trifling to that of April April mi.passed ‘V tolas hy tarn day*, which preeeiled tJie i .iptuie .1 the Mntnehm, when coiniurod itlf the iron te,,.- pest which will shortly lie p at 1 up n the ‘ e oieged city. The Weight and range o| ill vun tbc numlier an I-ize of the mu tai. .milt . i position of the batteries w ot hy the te tly j•. grea* that ha* marked the Hummer, will tiv tin . endurance of the Kus-iitiis to the ulitn ia - great scale on which -tn li i Imoili ir luu iit is ar nedon.witlitliepreoiraii .il n-.. ,irv :• r its < \ edition, render the i|ehiy> w hah p r . ■!•• it a ina!- ter oflitt'o Mirpri**- Mi ** v r ‘ .v t .- K The t \it ton market is dull, w ith a ilrrline of 1 I<l t i I 1M mostly on Cplalids I'he salesuf the week amount ti) 50 000 Inles of which speculators tool; 7dXk) i bales, exporters a.'oft Letter from Fort Kearny. Tile S*. Louis K jin’ i ih is .T. if. if , Com'*|vndenl vv *... ... II Cutntnaml fr. .rn ! ,! i • ■ I. ny. Thu lett.-r Id ited l l\, 11-2*B. 2*B. We make the f.. b. g .-v ■... ;• I now ti ii. 1 tuyself at Usp ii -•, lixtwen days through w ind, l ain a tl, ,I- * \ well fatigui-1 mid aliui-'.,|. Ii w . g,-,. expected that we-liouM cm.-a ‘. ri- I,i; * (trlmnl and delightful we t her mi li e j. ( .ir., - at tins season of the year, but i-mitrai v t.. tlo-. \ CtfitNlW “f ah tile “I Ic-t ililialiitatits .-in h 1 , i •en tile cits', Tlii-iitipt “to! im- w. a: !„ had it* effect U|iil llm troops an,l vve I ,-t -oven. In cllulur a and t vplnii l fever, I,u’ at'ic • nt 11 ~. un maud i healthy, end we liupe to ic iv , nil behind its oil our forward mari-li n. t • n m Uina. At tlii* place we met I's,l <',.,k wth tw..i ,m ; panie* nf Drag.iotis. ami M.ij. i wi’o lii, companies of the th Ii liil'inftv, win. will l>. i ed to our present f4l V. W c renew our i. i to-morrow morning, mil i-xp.-el to r.-m-li I' |.a-’ ramie in alxMit seventeen d.ivs. I'i. in all w,. i Can learn there are no In.l in- on the mute to ‘.h it poat or in its vicinity. The fbw ihafMiave Udi • •oen this season expie-s the ttio*t ai l. it fiitnd- 1 ahip for the while- slid n-gret the ditlii iihies that have occurred ; hut this wa- to have !-eu i vpeet ed, a* their friendship in n gn at no n-urc ,|, pend* upon the iiuiiilm-i of-..ldlers in t In-ire im - try. (Jen. Ilarnev’- tmop- will have i ijo.-t lutary effect upon the Indians even if..,. |.i. n |., •truck this fall, of Ii lie I.iieni— ~f the -.1 •Imostpreclude* a po— lulitv. In my Opinion a re-pee'.ll,',. on 1 - .ry f. r i e in the country and an int.-id eLup.m ill f...linn trad.- except at ‘he military |H.-t*. will mp all tl In dian troublemin the bud at on.-e, nod<-tb.- peace of Me country in ,-t in,.re efl'eeiuat tiiaun.T than any other plan that .an 1... p ..j and. If, ootke C-Ittrarv, llieastiles are pli-li> and to evtreliii-s, - ■cd the Sioux Indian*, a- a nation, dig up the ! tomahawk, we shall have a war which shall sink into in*ignitieatiee our seven year-’ Seminole war. Il far aa expenditures of money and sntl'eiing an eeoccilied, (lie Sioux p"-i-- hiding place- in.the! Block Hill* and the Sand It.iiLei- In more diflt- | colt of access than ate the • vt tgiad, -and ham- * mocks of Florida. It cannot be that we are to hare an Indian WOT, however, for the ! ..ivernment evidt utlv doc* not intend it, jit ging :li,< . ~'ir<e pur ■Bed toward the Italians. lieliao agi-ros me per ambulating and penetrating the i ou'.irv in s very diredtion. with wagons mid s(< aii.!..,a> |,ia h-1 with triuket* for the Indians. Only * lew dav •inoe, one of these agents p i**..,) lip the Flalie With wagon-loud- ol g,l- for the Sioux Indian ■boat Fort Laramie— the very gentlemen whom Gen. Harney is teut to <ha-tiw. This i* carry ing the olive branch id one hand and the *n,>rd isl- the-ollwr ; iit -a,aa Worthy tis -i-gi—at ,-n"iT Cmerful nation, ami will, no .1 •<?•* makea un-'. vorable impression on our v*i.',| iii.m!, >ii>- prarie*. Tlw wnw com*-* ha* is-.n puso, i • tb* Arkansasby the ug*t in•niu, the Superintendent f In.l. in ,\tf.nt hit.. i. wandering through the eounitv u.•?th .-t t! ,■ V. !- lowatone iu March of the HI i- hf. .-I it i> Mippoaed, at some future pc-rn#.J may ! <■ thrown in contact with white people, and should. there fora, be propitiated in time. TbU ia wandering from the Si, ux esmpa'jyn but I oould'not refrain from ilin tgmg in order lo admire the manner in w hied.. ur Indian nlTaii* •n managed. I have s\itd that wo .'i •. ; teach Fort Laratuie ili setei-letn uaV-v hut i u not then think of tlmt form and 11. the great of nuiner. u* writers. Should we find i! e Imlm -■ -u ~i , v poatod tliere lliit wo cannot drive out n; n . u Miolaa from the high Itank* whi.-ii ...minind , Hollow on all side*, why, then w.- may tniu tt aad laave them ill quiet jtosaeenion regardless of •thoespoM re of fire in our rear. Ta-iit. W.irr* n aad Mr. Carre arrive! here to day. direct from Fort Pierre. They cam” through a country •ever before traveled hr white mm, aud couij •t, t . H .• • 1 t’ • V ’ 1 ; f • . !<• w; .f, ;t t |t#l.:•! *1 h!n.u IVk IfTl Itt i a!.*| ‘ \ ; tilt!. *t’< lit K** I r*Mr •• ill?” |Mt>t. liiV IfU • [ llit \ |4UtUtI U\4 it Ia itlijGal lli ItL. U*t ...x, i. M I lh. \ ihii.k a w aj, r- *i toulii U* t-.iii.ti. Lat**t from Norfolk. K#*r Vt < • 1f vr- •i v. -i t , * r :ii ’ - n s .tu l:v ’t *.i 1 • •’ > i \ 1 f tt' •I*’ v• : i T * 11 !• • I< • - k i . * * *• W.r* II It! • N imi.ll* j\ ‘ ui -*• *. i t Kipt vk **r r<s ! mi N r fit.'k “f !'■ f rli . i mi u.i** .t;'• •, t|)i4Mf tlk * Iti -it r iTti It Mt |ti ’ I r. ’ • ifli.i:;- |.-r (It I ii* *•!* .u. r f t wj, .Tr*k* *1 *t iSiiftiiuprt* n ’IJ. hH-Y * # y J? >n N , t• ik l*riMis;ht iitf|l.g t’<M’ t i, .* -•: *• r- . -ry :ir:t| if :• r*. r.f tii* -nm* .s♦ juM - 1 i f!.*- 1 li. r, j •-.! !'• t* - •*\ ’ i • *. -I * si tKt ,v i rtf. • - ** •■ • •*> Vi ‘ ,it . * ..• . l * ..• 11 i r• l t> -*• i t l r .*•• •ii , - Nt *k i 1 • \ *if tht .1 ; :t Nrf.*!k w J- <il: ii *, • 1:• ’i •ii ! ii* ti- triiH r i* ic *f \ r- .m A i . [.*,♦•* puiifi:*-! I* t !■,*• 1 *• pif-'r d i.d N• :t'. >. p- •• I! !i !i ! mis K-.| J ‘res d* fit ol the I! nil’ was wry -ik \\ >■ Cod to. liieuto 11 of till in l--ti j'l 111 •1 1 a “ft- - •” -late, and ! ; —.■i .|~ *7-r: Ipi..* *. 1 1.i.:. .|..'!•■■! I I f.t i.** it- *g- •"• ‘ • If • u ui’ • • t : t it* t ■■niiiit'iitv, t.fHt ‘. T* P •••MM* < I • M*t t ori'iv !’ | ‘ !• mi. % ! • j -ti •• 1 *t +’ • !..- -- I v• 1 fitv r• • -?• *rt*l t i*** UM*- ! •:* villi * lit i imp at ‘ r. r.y li . n-.t f 1 tl •• ••ipf* iiif'ii 'l '*• Ij* ii* ‘ Ifi.T pr ‘fa *<*'•!•• • r*!’ J til f.tll f up •! >atliniaV f .Kt !’• .1 through l!* tunti* • ***.• . ** • r.f> tli< +•’ who luid tnkfti rvfug** t!: r* u; i * iiu\* r muwt] to fin • t llo* ki ’Mi y v •• virot IrH l * lM*n Du- • ! r !k* ! ’ ■ in Nt r! Ik fin W* l•••*v t ; •i* • 1 ■ 1 * 11 r. nml in r. tI • rin* iniTfMM’ in tint !iumU<4. •f r. .v ri- * :<t tnlutr.i to tl i* ■r* *.l*llll i t ji. v:. 1 it. \<'if> Ik “ti l W-in-- . i\ \ Miu.i .r rin t r: n.iti *1 tin v*;! v t .• i i?i In l7 • . i .t in y j t* \• • pl.t !• .f! . u.i in N\: .< **•’ I*\p• ii * i ir. ’ 1 *l}'o ti’ I.’tl • ! .'I micl i r-uU i 7 • ♦ *•• • i Ai l l mi-1 t” lit If. \ Ml Mi - 1 It I lie I. 1< il lllge |;..p. It. 1 \ : S..ttic night l.i-t “.’ !; .u ’. j|-.• i *hi?iit* *t ip *j *!l'i\\ w t- ! tit ?! •• M ('linr. li. II - p!at. <\ • . ■in 1 vilttV. tll’lt e fil-l p I lv • .u• ■ .•tl ‘ r . -•!• -a! -li. -1 lha l h i- w : i n : i I-.- J . lit .■* til i-< lii.-l. I’m - ! i’ h—VI. ••• tV*lll ‘ : iSft “Il ‘. li ) -o • I - I ■f | ’ I. 1 ■ \ . • , . .. s’ . 11 ; . • \ .!?:• •; ■ • • . • : - • - \ !.* I ■ ! t Ii I, .• t ii rJ • ! *r tl.ifUr*. JK• 1 ***•!♦ • • *• *.! Ti- •. ill!'] i*JU It. • I I:i nil. • -o* - A !* mi ?f \* }* • !. * u ‘ Ts; ; • r lii, • |,\ . ■ t * ! All ’ ’ -'l•• •• ‘• tV- M r s ~ 7 ’t’ • t ‘ ; ‘•■i• I■ 1 ■ • f ‘. ‘ f 1 • ■ 1 til \ ‘ li. I • ;i i 111 V i wax l.t. i 1 11 til, ... ■ ■. ‘ ; tcii'lft |:i* I. ‘• i-i'’ ■ :i; h* in i\ v.n\ *.K |>” **+.-.> !• 1 .. * .ill. sf=rv:n ‘ ‘irl.. 1 1* .■ ‘ .’ . %■ A Si*i.i*k hi* \\ \n. I’ “ ! i • ••u 1 1 Oil! *1 rll; . - l * •l * ‘ • • - .’ ‘ • I V k ’ In.! ■! I V> I | i...-il.i ‘• S •; . £ ••• ‘ .’I, - 11 fi I- .!. I: I•I -■ I > *ll i\ ; ; ! r I• - -! i- ’ . |nrr.-Tnhns~H i —*—.'ji-. W—. - _AI ■ i.l lill ‘ I I ‘ ‘ • (l * ‘ k! \:1 *1 •I.T- jn-.j. .XI! .in. A•I PM of \ ii .! V ‘*M V i \\ ! .‘i V . |>’ V- i.! .1 .• .■• v.. .■; .. 1 i'iim 11: ‘ .ii • : I ■ • i ■ (in. • * . ! ■ ! ; . ; “• l < ••••’. . \\ . • US • siav* l . “A*!{ * ! nv* ?!..• .i •• .u • r . . • • m*nij. i?j• ?i 11, n ! ii< v ■ . : ■ . •;• ;i •‘• ‘ll •.! i; t* • i lit u : n : i w * :i \ !. I : • M . • - ■ •in •: ! i •* v ..; . ? - . !v ** ■ • vA, ‘ ! .111. i'll.!, ‘’ ‘ • lit .V . I ! ‘• t'lV.T'* : \ ! . uni. • < !.•• fi..• i.i* i \ x : . ; t!i:ii 11 .• ‘ *>i.i• . . m i .! 1. 11 <.i\, w , i•* 1 \;i • ‘!. . ..I Im l ‘ !’■ r . \\ ‘ ! • !.*, <it•f Ji A ; \s M • l!. ■ • •• i . I I ‘ “u.i’ (• f;iv. ;in*t p. ! -i * n (n.'.v, i> ti.tiin •! i* •, .u i M. Ui.iwu lkiik*r, cfM:ii’ ><J .. \ 1 (u t. ll s met in <m.,f _ i ; ,Im (lull \N li ti;♦ • :i 1 ’ _ . ! !*t •4 j * - NuJ J ||. \ | ill 111 w anti J. ‘**vxviijgt {,, ,j, t s.- 1 • I,: !, t• *, • ! li! flu* J* .'in. |. *f i.n.'i'tiT *|iiG ‘ . ’ r.i.Mv .-..uli! i. i \ i.:t \t } t". .i. i, - iin !. lii tol taking i.h!^ii.m n ti Mi. | *ui Blnfft* tw■'< ■ : was ;tf firw! wtl'jMS ful. I (* ‘w. Writ }* jli? ta'fon* th** Mai “i Xf-’t ii! .i:.-1 at i t !•• ii g ! !iwni‘itt nt ik'.- tiirir \vn >;a?rinv! ‘. •• . • TtkI!!•) !• fit< i.* t. I*. * if*l\ k j .:• 11 *J fii I v (h*r 4 *wiu i'. Ik J, / lUs ,< . I'rsTHtttivi Him 41 I, i Smith V * \i; oociiri- <1 t Fort Sniitl, \ik >t, . at,out >■’<•* i hmi n.-nti j•> \ ;• broke out in a • alley near •1 i• n \ :,o m i spread t* Garrison nv-tnn- di-sircvii g a u n •dock including the I’,.Jt < ffi-o and •< ,: •. tic host I an,.l ng* in ti,o pi o'” He St < i ; i tci wi oivfire,th.t oe time- Lot. was a 1 1 v -v. and i Huiim lianl.y nmn- -av—e—— —* v ide-ti y-ii ‘ j 0; ist. A . v ♦C‘ ttta.ioo':v I in- fi. \ ! 1 , I ‘• ifj 11 n_u :. Its |,| oi. ... I iji- t,,. „\\ , ever t >vv jtli 21)110 ha- .. t I , ii I with •*'tiii tliing over a liio.i, ,!i.| \V mcttlller tllcSO lhiat.l ail* lild.'tia ‘ ‘ I . trip- a vvet-k and oq to \ a- ..*• • \ ... idea eall I had of a ji I : ... - r ,i r - . a! ‘••• • •;■ i ■ . - _ .it • oiii * in lo o- I, l’ i .i “,’,j too ■p- I iiv. : t V • • ■ • ;,..q |.i|Oi ~ , I • ’ . . . i-- I ■ ‘ I t-om Vv . . -, . |. in i ,i- . : , a tea ll■ at a \'._c_-,->|i •! h.|. | , \- Vet hut ii ,- new • lira im* oia,!-- ;* a t in market. Hu: u,. >, .ui. .• :l mi mok; ,1 ~_.* *J nut, Chattanooga wiliben f'egran arv. We anticipa e i h nv fib aga ns and produce goo-ruin —can't h • t w • , it is in the e.iiintry and tin ugit u: . ■'\ :! tit t-’ tin 1 its way to mat Let. ! r i : t- ! ‘•*■ l fW* i Democracy ind the New York H-irds—A Change ofTnne. V.*. i..u> iN-.m u...i.i.g, v- i'.i t 1 *'* '* interest, i t., -.. wLa* g-.eind the < .eorgta ant: American : 1 \u. i tio • ill t. gat-1 t‘> the present 1 . .- ; ... , New A.'tk. ‘li.cAiv*e has !...., :i ■. . lit” a vey re. cut date, t!. .... - . t! - V’* ’ able re- 1 |. t. ;uM tmlist i - k't.g dove. . - - , :■ r \ ii.g t* ■ -item- of • ’ . l[ s. , , < . .:is, adds : ‘ I. • i. , % is* seel) t-l Whell I New . k t>cl - tttltern 1 \ . . ising the Xebr.ska a •T ‘ . - \ * - “ ! I|.- 11 aids, | w hit h - - - t :- (.■ a i- I lit > . |‘e h • r I me ■ .-f. -.-t.tlltetl'Softhe ‘ tl -Ill’ -. ,t -a. t-” them. W'e :_• ti.-- , i -tlitl.- .-M and 1 •v • .. . . ian N rt! •rn ft .-r.d. fthe| Hu ! i|,.. . ,-t tv-. -•.i . f the r hostility | .1 i-- s. T- • e s'e|l ill till* | • e ■ . ■a • !,-> i; ■ ‘her, w iiich | -i. -1 j > . ‘ ’ ■ at and perhaps the! . f\ i, . .:i f s-.tii-erity .if j th. :M- .* I. • out-t .pt the follow ing ri - . Ti .: r late Coll- j \e|,t ■ ‘* /.- im i.. -I. sl An- j V! s ‘-! t; I ; ..S i • ‘ v : ti-i ■.l I III’ <-<>s r Uir-SCE | ii•: i .-1 : Act! :• AS ft •• ’’ l.ti. VSI. ( . ; It -At . I- It- ‘ r.\t t’Ni'iii’ -\ \i.; i ii \ii"N. ISi - 1 -. | v I ‘I", -r-tv —U||*. c. .tihdilltce itA vin tr-.| i’ Iv"!• r ‘ 11 .1 -1 -me hi ‘ f..r the • -iiitry V. >i ...!v:e ..’I.- ’ ■*. . ‘'. • i .c. -W■ o ! hat I ‘l r iv v. ; t. fore ■ i- can ’■■■’ ; !'./ ~t.. V , .... i ■■ \\ \ -.1 do it ! n,. . • • V tak 11 .- -r. plet, ai: !i iii-'iu ‘ ...! .'ii- ; - I;; j sis’ ce j t tie y i vcj a t • -• 1., i. id- of !? ••: j I ! ’ ■■ ‘ ■ ’ : itia: v :ii. ; ■ - .rt t ‘ ‘a- i:: ■•'.!. !- r their | v.-di.r n sviui- - I ■ i neat 1 • 1 • •w . \ s ■b • ! ‘i<\ :f.i i u *:. • k•! ’ • • mi ’ • *1 t h“fn. | .; , > . ’ r ■ e • • ith 1 ■ . \ it ati me ji .1 light ; I-- ;n \ < tl tl..’ U!.lt< *i\ U ’ . VVa I•* 1‘ t’ i 11 J t • . 1 • u N 1 . !i:~ : i ‘ t • , • | •*;•*• • *‘ ’ • |, . ’ , I • • • ‘ * ‘ - *•- *II ! e•! •. , • \\ • ■ a- ! • :a <■ -\- - ’ ! ’ !"'” - . ’ • y \k ‘ ; * l’ | 1 ■i ; M * . ‘’ y ■ . i crm “t I 1 , • . I ‘ I 1 I, —n r . C ■ r n r I.,|.,:trtig’ I—• >; \’ me. -Ui i !-.•>• it’ . • i * . ... * ..f their - t.i • ‘ - -I ■ - TV, - ate! his - • - • al'ii : i*-A, . . •-,-•! ii ‘ lln and iO - I >. a \\ . Ll;c ~ft -i ... -i ‘i'll-- - -i ■ ‘'., i- trirtui • !lg ■ -.-t the Tl, • Ii” -\Kr.\ •! . ... ’ ■ ■ <\ -v tnp.-i ■ 1 - , v. ■ ! v have the . -W ■ ‘le-ctte d lif-puMi • c. _ i in Now \awk •: ‘ ■ -'T : - * -I- < a'.it. This : \v •••!.- i-.-i “.oi.f ----! hi f. ■- . W , ■ ■ , ,- ■ . i! • Whig* , ■ ! .'ti- it-s'iii ’ t'a.ti: th V • 1 ■ I .-l to n: - ! - - ■ ‘ll ‘...0-nett a. ! ii: - *l. \Y !■■■■ ■ ■ •• -a I,"-'. II “ ‘ o- / “ I.- •II ‘• ’•• pa. i. 1 !. I* _ 1 .. T’ - , . • • -z- I i*i . p;ft \V* •; . .rt ; •* ! : ;! \ . . • 1 ’ jni • ’ii* ‘• tb* ‘ • ’ ’Mirt*. iti ••*. ;f If tsT, u* -!i • • lie’ll! t’*f lit* 11 -♦ I • ■•* (f<t*'t* , \ • * “* -■ -- • .. -i i \* % I*o : . > \. m \ .in •••: - - . Nfi. Si a }:•••> 1 *>’ •:*• !. • M’ .S- I- wliat , pir*. \ Ir* !• ; i • i ! • \‘ **i- 1 i .1 -iff to ‘.‘•Mra'f 1 it. Mi S •.* ii .'Wr!. 1 <*m**- U in ’ ’’ •* m : *.\<-At. -n%! to !f-: - : -I-b - ■laA..lA-A*. U-i*-s in.'ijofrtii? ii*mi a*’ in* i -*. .** t!m • in ’f* iV MK.* , W * N|r. - *’ •*l ‘ ! i|s‘:|!|'|*r. — 1 1 •• M * l -s’ • V-s Jhkf'l ’ ! •” •. -n, hr - , . /of**//* • •T v *“// I> l m.i . - I. I- tide letter . •• !I published :.i ia st it’ the p • lit tins Old ill rev. Mil lit iu State* t \. V- t. Jii.:i J Mi. ii:. * : ii .loiia Mai . H • • : * !. • on \ 1 loti'.| again. 1 •; . !’ ■ • film mi We .k ’•••.• -tist ’t.i I ~ n n Flu | iur*!- , ■ t\. ■i•* i• y “iv* \\ . !. . v • t “.id tiiat Mu- \ ri'.a Kain , 1 oihpiev a-e trying lujiegie .it, Montg me tv aiulw i'l.iut tioWsid: .a 1 1.. aitering it* tr.n'k tu tiie , . ■ w.; . of t o . • ‘rg.a Ivna !. inak” icouj le ■u . ■ui ■ ting link •1 rad front M<>ntg .tilery t” 1 :r!••*< it Ihe track ot the Opelika !.ranch will remain the same wi ith as at present, which will require through freight to In’ unloaded at this place and at Opelt- j k.i l itis wtii materia;iy effect the'freighting bu siness of Savannah W;•i“ a* the I. tt, in ot this, move. Atlanta Auguoa ;• Char! .’“ton ’ GRIFFIN, (pKORGIA. SATURDAY MORNING, SEPT. 29,1855. FOB SALE. HAVING been ci.g*goi ia the publication of thu | a ! tr f r ter. jeare. and definng feme rest, as well a* time , to wind up the business nonnested with the establish ment, t will set: at a lew price the entire office ol the \ertii as 1 s- s. 'together with th.liwins in which it., . ffiee I, kc| t i would !;k. to fell so a. to give pos .. ...,. B at the close of the present volume, whirh will be rt, middle of Noremher The office has now a I g. .. . luu of custom and .-r fair vubtcnp.tiou list for a cuutrv 1 1 -r With good attention and a rpiritwi edi -1,. - m.'.nev .an be made bj :t Any one de-irmg to cn- K%t .- such a business, could not do belter than buy the f5.-e Come up. gentlemen, and give us a bid I w.:i a!.„ •!: my I‘I.A NT.\TI"N. two miles east of It Contain, a full lot of land. (3B* acre.,) well i li-.nbe-i and. alo.ut forty five acre, cleared and in good or l-r f-r cultivation : all fresh, with about t.-u acres of g and r-wamp. wdl ditched, a good framed Twilling li use. w,:h t ur chimneys, and ail beresmry outbuild i: p *a A?k “lit* -iru fr a comfortable residence lit- at ir. ff; .w. il.l -i •hi i! fall ami examine it >••] * J**. KWi A. u. Ml KA A - J.r . r * with whom t x-'hat.p** w:!l cr.f* r a fa t r i •■.xiiusß attention to the jr j*ofed vale * f tbc • • Ask. ’liil ft /.'* * -i'fiisA*. For Governor. HON GARNETT ANDREWS, OK WII.KH.V American Nominations for Congress. First H.-t.—S M VAUNAW'E, f Liberty. .m, |i. r —WII.LI.* A. HAWKINS.ot Sumter. I'II.ITS. iii*r —I’OIH.KT r TKITTK, of Monroe. I ■ r rti lirr—t! MAMIN II HILL, of Troup. . -LEWIS ITMLIX; “f ‘ as. *ix.i! In-T —LI.’ ‘NII'AK FI!ANKLIN.of t !rke. .*tvn\iii I-i —N G FO>TKK, of Morgan, u.liit 1, * r- — LA FAYETTE LAMAK of Lincoln County Nomination*. sp iunyt; l or.xrv r‘ r l n *■■ .pi:—('!!* I. Tl l >T ! 1 1 _ II -r i M-i.r-L- la I-', n- Heel’- KIUKTAIKN i* in:.xn 1 cncSrrY *,\.T i —A1.1.1.N W TVKNEII. I:-.. .... -..ii i- -!■ 11N If AIT.. Joltl AN JOHNSON. ii i k rrp cor.xrv. *, s,. ■ 1 11 N 111 1! Hi:: STM .1 I 1 II IKASSU.L. /'/A t l tir.XTY. * ~.1 •* V .: N O.IVINGTON I:., i-. - i- ii N I •-•XV. - 1.-JH Ms tini. ‘iiif-:it vur.xrr. -k. . • I, I. Id’ Ks> N i . v . . \ I-KLIN M Hi: ANTI.LV. ■ : \m i. HAi.,:i’ | ‘lt.,, i *.::• r> -i:- • & ! ! it< i “ill h* rt w.tSi !ra • l ij ij* i i M* “it M . •!.> t..\ T ai 11 :*•t•J *t •al .'k i .1. J’ Hi’ * I H£- ,u: i • *_ H K.‘l4 *. ;* Gi t* * } \ -rtuiiity I” :!•• v 1'.. - *** i • .**.:• t*< htur tkt* **Nu '. . -• !. •: r i: •tn :li t ;\il. <f f. irr!; >Mif * • ••. “ •.. • k, ou that oCcjiAion. fur the trill j • , . * •• . i ,*♦ •• Cotton Picking Hard to Beat. nt- A* . . ..*i , la*i j'itkcl(’n his farm in •• . \. • iivlt.'* v'.-k, th** tvUußriug liUUjhcr I-I l.i-. i :(!’. i*n. tit*. 2:2. 354. :^k' . . _ 4 22 . 2i> s‘. .;u. 2.'>7. 2'-r Closing Remarks. I hi* i* the last paper we -lull issue the j cieetii ii. .uni we trust that the verdict to he r-ti I d.-n dat the hullot hi x oil Molid iy next will prove : -ati-hietory t ■ the people of Georgia. A great . deal ‘-f l itter and. nunc ntton l a- characterized the amj ilgii n -tv uh. iit t” cb'se but to the reflecting : mind it wdl pa— , if and be forgotten soon n the !,.i l.’ t-i ■ x all deelare the choice of the peo ple Bitter-1 nun iatiT.n* and o. prehrioaaepithet* tb'\v inly IV in mind-, that have aba I eaue tnde ten I. or else are not writ enough trained to'use nr gumeHi- -ufficietit t.” sustain them in the positions J t!i y assume. Hence -uch as use them should he I'-'ked upon with many grains of allowance by all -. ight thinking m. n . I l lie American l’arty have before them ns their j nominee for Governor, a man that evety (jjjorgiun , ’ light to he proud of. He is an honor to the Mate. “To Ids friends and himself—never was an office gogue—but has always been ready and willing to serve his cuntiy in any capacity to which the partiality of friends ntuy have called him. The only office of afiy importance he ever held is that of Judge of the Superior Courts He has held that position long itnd to the general satisfaction of those among Whom he was called upon toadminis ter the laws It would be saving too much to say that lie never erred, because human nature is not perfect and he that assumes for himself or others -iirli :t degree of perfection as to avoid all erroris claiming more than can ever he realized. But we can say with a clear conscience that no man ever occupied the bench of the Nuperh-r Court for the same length of time, and gave less cause of coin -I,hunt than has Garnett Andrews : and as he has acted wdl a- ,t ittdge we cannot doubt that he will, make a go..d G..ver ~r. ('ur present Governor.. Iler-ekcl V. Johnson, has ilvvays been looked upon .is a man more devoted to party t an the interest of the country ; and if other ev idetice tailed to establish that character for i him, l.i* ni;iimg"inent_of the Mate Road is ample proof of tlie fact Many thing* may he charged j against him arc n t true, but sufficient has Keen pr. ven to establish the tact that there is a good deal of wrong about the management of the I Koad. and the Governor having the entire control ol the officiating agents with power to retnoveand appoint others, is responsible directly to the peo ple. for the faithful management of that great work If then Governor Johnson not acted “Tight:-fro nlight to lie turned out. and another put in Ids place ; and we have no doubt that such ■ - mild he the overwhelming verdict of the pie.,pie. were it not for the effort on the part of some to keep up and sustain party. Col. 11 I’ T'rippe. the Ame candidate for Congress is comparatively a young man, but he lia“ a well cultivated intellect and a vigorous mind, with a character fur energy and pers Terence sol ; doin su passed Few men of his age have given stronger evidence of capacity and fitness for a rep resentative. n the national Legislature. < hir can,*’ t* >r Senator and Representative to ’ t.o* aate Leg si iture are of that class emphati caliy denominated.the back bone and sinew of the country both fanners by profession, but sufficient ly well acquainted with the wants of the people to know what legislation is needed, that honesty of purpose, and integrity of eharae ter to warrant an assurance that whatever may seem to be right will be promptly done by them. ; Then let every one who wishes the country well go to the polls early on Monday, and vote for Andrews. Trippe. Pupree, and Kirkpatrick, and our word for it the vote will never l> regretted. The Sale of the State Road Cars. We have teen ilivcrs different statement* of the fact* : nd circumstances attending the recent sale of the cars of the Mate R< ad Nome of the Antie* ) explain It in one way and some in another, but all , with a view to ameliorate tin- grossly bad manage ; ment bf-dhe powers that be. Gen. Wofford, in a speech at Tilton, one of the Depots on the real on Saturday the 14th. ende iv j ored to make the pet-pfe believe that the s.t.e “ - 1 ’ really a speculation ■ n tire, part of the Mate hut added that there was sometliTtvgo f a secret about ! the sale of those cars, and it w, uIJ not suit to have , it understissl at that particular time, why they were let go to sale. But Gen. offord is Ireasu rerofthe State Hoad and if Gov. Johnson is not, re-elected Governor, the General will probably loose his office. Hence his defence of the Gover nor. James F Cooper. Superintendent of ti.e Road who holds his appointment from Gov. Johnson en- j deuvurs to exculpate the Governor by taking the : blame upon himself, and tries to excuse the matter : under the plea that an agent was appointed to buy the curs fur the road, und that really the road lost nothing I-V the sale. The Atlanta Kx iin ner - ’ an 1 • Intelligencer > each give a version of the affair, but then the edi tors of tho-e papers were not pre-ont and reside 13i> miles from where the sale to ,k place. These arc.all on the side of Gov. Johnson, en deavoring to defend him against l : -me. but do tv t agree in their statements. Now hear thy ther side Henry W.” Ksij .of l'h:itt:m-.. ga- 4* ho formerly resiled at | \\ right-horo. t i,'.mnl a ci.unty and vvho ha.- been an effie-.-nt number of the legislature of this Stale from t ,-lunihi.i county, anl whose reputation |..r v. r.iei'v i- unimpeaclmhle. writing to Janies U - j lot.. - E-,| . “f the Chronicle ,V Scntan-l. give- • e f..dlowing tact- : I‘ll U TAM Os. A. Sept UI. 1j Jam is VV Junks. |r >ir \ ours of 2th lt int . was rec-ive.l at 5 o'clock thi-evening, havdiv giving m>- time t.'- reply With tail information a.- I c >ul-J tl-, vv.'.h an i , ther mail Mr. u, I .ert vamp’ ell. Deputy Nheriff! r liatt ; t- ti c unty, levied on lijtceii Oils I 1 .aging to U k Al; 0i.0.i i t ,--iti-l'y oil •ii in hit.,)-of i',.,,. ,v i., and oi •• in fiv r M -lh.r. wh'.elf fi t..- We’.e t: in j.idglo-i,'.-by .Wat i ‘ o ig- - at!,.- - la- i i-y —fiit of parl'a s I I t “’ ‘ |. , ’ tt . • and w ‘ thers were removed m this llaniilton) County These ti fas wire I-. cand 2mli or 2Vth Augu-t and ai.v kmiskp v , mm; to ot 4 a Laws tin days' at iiiiuk rt it i i-LAt I:-in the tdwn ati-1 county. Th'-v ( t c . -i were sold the Mil day of th;- month, at rrr- I . ,'nCHY -o THE H.GtIK-T niMiKli. No it;*:n i o l-ERSON I'OK THE MATI ‘OF Gl.ulilil.t v. , - tiikr.R: even Mr Welsh, tiik vokm of tiie I 11 or hkkk. had gone down to Marietta to his fan ilv. where he goes every Saturday, or nearly ,-v y one Judge Robert M Hooke, whom 1 hate ju-t conversed with, says : he at:ended rnrs-.u. I N IREI.Y AT 111- O'.V.N INSTANCE. WiriiUl l’ THE KNoWLEH.K OK ANY AOK NT olt IIEI'KE-EM'ATIVE ’ k..i GroKotA. and bought them on hi- ow n a<- cm xr Fift'-. n were levied on. hut two hid been in placed and only thirteen vv.-re - Id. which hr light s xteen hundred .m l eighty dollar* ■ “:i av> rage ofofie hundred and twenty-nine dollars, a-, twen'y-tliree cents each. The cars -.v. ic |lo\ in . I’i.ATi , >t. and m r iu: !-km and were -v. than at ci age of lice hundred d-d! .:* itch. (">- H. Judge Hook tkrrß TtiE sa:.k. v .linGutily tdi one of th • Clerks in th<- D- p. r. to -ay to .Mayor Welsh ,-T IMS R‘ Tt ns. tlTnct iriie Wool I pay him tie- money again by the loth In- would give I ---k tie- ears to hm. The money wa-paid on the loth and no extra charge made hy Hi vvho could have done so. as he was not under any obligation to the parties. These judgments for thirty-six .thousand d-dlitrs. have given the parties plaintiff a deal of trouble, iin i every one collected by them has Uccti -. r v ius rui'NT. Thomas Callaway I’p-.-ident of theOcoee li.n k. has been hying th-ni at -uch di.- ■ ur.t a- he could arrange in trade with the parties. I could not see the Sheriff, else I e ui 1 report you - balance is due. Grenville, I’ardue, James. Ram. say and one other have been paid in a heavy j shave Truly Yours. | H. W. Massingale. Beware of Imposition. Friends of the American l’arty should guard well again't the tricks of the enemy. We do not know that any unfair dealing will he attempted! on Monday next. hut it is well enough that all should be prepared to meet anything of the kind if it should be resorted to by unscrupulous dema gogues. It is sometimts the case that base and slanderous fabrications are set afloat among the peop.e-. jus-t before an election, when it is too late for thi-m to be contradicted. Sometimes false re ports are put out and sent to distant part*.of the County. Sometimes spurious tickets are circula ted, and sometimes one trick and then another have been resorted to. We therefore warn our friend- to pay no attention to any handbill, circu lar. or verbal report which may be put out against our pasty or any one of our candidates, and before they vote be sure to-examino the ticket and sec that it has the right names on it. Who is For Sale ? It is currently reported about here that some of the An ies have boasted that they would -pend _/fi nd do ns to carry the election in Spald ing c- utity It is further reported that they are oil’erin.- to give nten. who they think can be influ enced l.y it., money to bet on their side, the win tiiug- u i />• dnnl-'l f'/u t:y. It is further rumored tlmt they are offering whiskey and money for votes. Now, we ask. if these reports be true, who is mean enough to sell his vote ? Where is the man that will barterTu.* birthright avv iy for a lew and liar- ‘ if there are any such, they do not dc , serve the name ~f freemen Vufets of Spalding, spurn -uci, i- -ti!t-ng **ffers (in to the poiis like ntKKVirs. ami verv- for the mriiTT"y,,tir iT oTee’ Do not le, tee t.bjects ~t scorn to those even who would ies ••• 1 1 fi ,i purchase of your votes. Great pkimTF’U..- are ut stake—vote for i tii vt ! ‘I h*-in terests ot your cormitv are involved —vote to ud- \ vance them \ lor your country, your whoip ; countiy. and melting but your country. Gcv* Johnrnn at Marietta. We are cr* .• iv in: i.. : i!,..t <i, v ■ h*..-*.:j in bis jte *|secb ut .n. . • era! veil * over the left should, r i • . ai. The--barges jgainrt : him for un-ii: . -. -ni, bond,have bve: susta: • • ii ~1, ■ ui prinni f irt case, il;„ , r r jut ibe ; -list .1 upon jr--..t of his innocence -,-v w -r.ii m.-a who tia-1 prer.oasly deter min.-l to sapp* . Siui, went to bear his -j- ecti, expecting t° hear his i-v ~,.ce in defence ; but so far front*’offering any evidence bis justification he pa*-ed oyer tlie charges with . flat contradiction on his jart. Those who were loof mg for a legal defence, conc'ii, ltd tha* as he had failed to produce any evidence in rebuttal „f the oha-ge", he ha J none to offer, and consequently theaeeu sations against him were legally established. Taking this view of the case they determined to east tbefr votes against him The American Union. • The editor of the American Union asserts that the last Congress passed a law granting one hun dred and sixty acres of land to settlers in Kansas and Nebraska This is a mistake, and had the /'nK .77 published the entire net of whieh he gavi us a portion, liis readers would have seen what he has overlooked, or concealed, that the 2d Section applies to New Mexico alone. —Atlanta Intelligcn. Crr. W's still assert that the ‘ last Congress passed a law granting one hundred and sixty acre* of land t . settlers in Kanas and Nebraska,” and wc have the opinion of able lawyers that, under the section of the act published in our last issue, any man can maintain his title to lands in Kansas entered in accordance therewith. Besides Mr Cargile, j 0 from Kansas and one of the Inti j.j.icencer's par tv. says that settlers are entitled to. an.J arc no# locating a donation of 100 acres there. >\ ill tb e iNTEt.i.iGF.NCffR cite us to any OTHER law under which they can claim it 1 But admitting (which we do not; that the law does not apply to Kansas and Nebraska, how docs it better the HitxctPLt involved f According to the Intelligencer the last Congr -s.- mn pass a law giving 160 acres of land to settlers in New Mexico. It confesses.then, that an unjust discrimination was made against the >outh : for New M xico is the only one of the r.-rritories that ! os r*. nth of 30 30. and while the Northern man and the foreigner may enter upon SoiTiiKi’.N territory and claim ICO acres of land without price, the Southern man cannot enter land- in \,,i;ihki:n Terr', t ry without paying $1,25 per acre f.,r it’ 1- this the sort of legislation which tin- lot. liig'-nc-r and it.- anti-A met ican co-workers mak” it boast of’ While trying to escape from I on- I, in of ;i dihmma they transfix themselves ‘a- , ntt-.ti.--r vv e - >y. the law denote* land in .■ :. i- im •-. th'-v -ay it i* only given away 1 ii >..uth*-rn te.-ia.-iv. and t'.i it ot*u lauds may he ahsorhi'd hv f.-ri-igiuT* and Northern aholitionists n-. ; . of c st. while N i-tli.-rn - ii i- inacce-silile to a 1 ‘..ii'l - rn m.iii'it of ti c govemm'-nt price of ■ii *l2l per ii'-re. .'•uperior inducements are of. ... i ; ; ,■ 1 ,- t ;t •• no ao I eolitri'i South 1 ti •errit..rv vvlri i• c .--p-tul.o.’ incentive is • ■ fl.-r. 1t , tie* M->n r li- ; a him , ‘ll-- .V rt li rn ter j r'.toiy ‘ll.'* i- t.'-t only an unju-t n ; ci ah 1 a 1 a ■-i- .’ ■ -lavery and 1 , ; v- 1 th-- ‘lav .in'. -’ ‘( I- ok -CEr ; 1 I in- lilt *,: I- . il ]•’ - Web conic to all tho* cai ital they can make out of the udvoca-y of such a policy. According to ocr showing the Southern p ‘ -pje lon e equal right* in all the territories; but tiii.v d.ry that the law •gin-’ O’ those rigiii-. and a"i lie Southern ter torv abaic may be or . s mv.ty. while Northern ter ritory must 1 e bought an ! run r oft ! if a Southern man wants a bit ‘of Northern territory, he can have it by paying Si -5 p’ r acre. If a Northern man want’ Sou.tli.eni territory, upon which to 10,-ate ,-ate freesoili>m. he eoii have it roll mViiiim; So avs the argument < f the \nti-American ,i urnals. Kemcinber that, voters of (.<■ rgia ! - ■ • - Mr. Toombs Against the Soldiers. In Senate July 2". ls-if Mr 0,.i, !in a *jl- ech up n the liono-Miad ‘lull said : ■ A man who lias sliouldi ivd a mii'ket and gene •an on tin* frontier to n pel the connnon enemy of : hi’ State ami the 1 nioti. is entitled to no more credit than I am I’ r-1 ■n i nj lo re and speaking . at this time—not a j article In the wine rpeieh In- -ay’ : ! never have vet : ed f’T y ur military I ui.ib - “ Soldiers who l ave -im-d in the wars of yo ur ; country, remember that this man. who thinks you are entitled oinan r cr.-dit i-a un e rgoing the |>ei iis. fatigue and l inger et war. in dti'ettse of vour countrv. than he is for deciv’.t g voi.r services • ■ • !at o'. • /j„.-.' ars a d.'.y. in t'i ogress, is now stump i';Z the .'rate, a-king your votes to pi q.etu.te the political <!y nacry To, mb'. Sti pliers. < n! h and | J •br.soii’ llememb, r. ’- never vend” to.give you “a military bounty “ Will ?,oe vote to- sus j tain him and fiis ['< frier.ds ’ Answer a* the hat In :-ln ,c on Monday. Imieirll ii; nod S|. n l|ii Voters. W r learn f- :n ‘.ivvc ab f| .* ~f stiftngers, ar r’vr.g a steamer’ to in New York, are mat i g nr i a :g* no i.ts trt punitory m vi tag at r la* earning i.enrgia eie-.-tian*. In t r y< ‘V.i a;ify. rfr. \r >r!; of stealing nfi’ tn*-n who have expo*; - -I tiisie <l,;.'rininuti'-n the a inrr i iran tul.i-t ha* nlrea-iv < a,;. .t. ..I, Will h, io-rable men eI; ” nragi- t.v taeir *uq *■rt a p.i rt v that resorts to i such di'gr.v “liil iia-jit;’ for the n oi.i :•! ue “t . I its pur i posts 1 she parly tliat cant i .■ i ’ y for nitsn?, • ’ • • * I- ’ • .i • i uritv *.f . ; :•.** f: : ; ;.r<ur t tic. vi * *-f then’ w!:” • * :•rj ff I t f r a-i > !.. ;t VUf’ i i.irii iLe e<rru.] ? ii.jri. Mr. Toombs and the Chronicle & Sentinel. Since Mr. Toombs’ return from Kurope. lie has mounted the stiimp and is giving that ‘Whig Trick called the “American Party” particular Jessie — and as tie finds it necessary to attaek the press as well as the individuals who sustain the party, he commences his onslaught upon the Chronicle & Sentinel in a speech made in Augustaon Thursday night of last week. It seems that his pretext for a (tacking the ( hronicle & .'enftnel was the pobli cut.on . t a correspondence from Jefferson county r. lame to a conversation Mr Stephens is report ed to have had there respecting Mortnonism. To the attack of the valiant Senator that paper re plies : ••We will not pretend to repeat the coarse and low epithets which we have heard Mr. Toombs be stowed s-, fl ppantly and lavishly upon the < hron ; ‘' lb Sentinel, or attemj.t to rcspiond in kind— the Senator is an expert ut that gain,. utid I a* ’-'on hunt I* ir,,m ijiany an adveiMiiy “I no re skill than .ve pretend to least We tlier, fore yield the p.tlm t,, him vvithoir a contest. W e are informed, however, he charged in sub “ that ‘the columns of the ( lo • ,-b fv ><-n ore : had been opened t,, thelnwest ai <! >l l -t abuse tfo“ TT..11.-J. rr~Sfephens.” >- will not imitate the coarseness of Mr. 1,, mbs. and say that he‘>’ in making such a •’ it. incut, but we will say. that our columns and every unpi cjudiee reader of the paper will attest bat lie dnJ. His assertion, is. therefore in letter and spirit, in detail and entirely, and no man knew it better than Robert Toombs. We are not surprised at thi-. tor the flippancy with which Mr. Toombs makes reckless assertions, and bis great capacity !',,r economising truth have long keen known to h s intimate aeqiiaintances: and while it was r,'g:ii,|,-,| an infirmity it was:, source of re gr.-t t*> all. and dep|,ired by none more tl-an hi* tie ni Mr -teplietis Tie* existence *-f sue I ’an inti: only vv i not. however, .* - nv , ’ V are iiilorined. t: at i.c b:,.* vv !•’ P r *.nt week declared that nr. nt l if.t ot’ Ht-b ----- US. !. V .loll'. *o.\ , DAM i.ovv-povv N still’ MiltEl quid t’ -be would vote for him ii he kri* vv <• iad srotKN .ui, TIiKMoMY out of the 1 reasury i “f the State.” or hud ‘caught him stevmm; a siikep ■•ut of his pen.” Such a degree of jmliticiil pros titution and depravity we had not supposed the Senator had attained. It seems, however, we had greatly over-estimated him, if his own assertions are to l>c credited. In conclusion, we should do injustice to oof feelings not to congratulate the Democracy f r such an acquisition to their rank- and especially Gov. Johnson, in securing the support of pn# who has such an examku opinion of merits*