The American union. (Griffin, Ga.) 1848-186?, November 24, 1855, Image 2

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THE AMERICAN UNION. M U*IT*I> XVK * r\Xf> —JI\ ll*FJ> XVJ r.Xl.T..^* MU It It A V*. TCtlto i* Ido r ‘ J \ Pi’nhi ihr MtillffC'iiiu ry AU* i. >'r Affairs Letter fror..D:u. String ’ \ follow. XX 0 pilbUo follow!:, ; !■: r fiun, General j Stnngfellow „| .isßGto. It give* an intonating nntllonq,];.** , -,;. w ~! nnt ter* In Kansas: M at. Hi-iv not fill,, >i "*. MV* DcAR B*IU - Wu* .tllitt'l| reoaipt obyour* of——, and ulco plot* ~-e in re to your enquW*,. | | mvo deferred writing j . unlit I fr’uW givor" the remit of tlio election of j *4iH to CuHtf ra w hicli W(W 1.01. l nil lint I 4t.<livr- T thought it piM „ ii||u t|mt tl.e t nMalt of that election „„ K l,t uff( , rt , nt „ Wl>r | From the threats oft 1,., Abolitionism |„ t |, o eil , t . j nnd tho scoret movomenUuf their omiMariim it, Kanriuvit m lirqi-issiM” to forr Ifco 1 fco what woofi,; at the election. It seemed n * if they .h'-urod a (Conflict, anil I regarded it ns a m jm*il,U',ty ! at some precincts they might bring it uhout I nm glad to lin l that, ns usual, tli-y arc nieiej “‘’■Ulfor#, and vury direful to keep out oftho wav ra<!; , rtrt . , lt | mn d. Tliey did not attend , IliecleOijun; sutfjrsl it to go hy defiu’.t! The re-ult * W hilGtflJ * re-election, though not huh the pro j"? r " to was g’ vet,. Them being no cjmnit nd the mN.'M being l,u*y gathering their ur-p*! and preparing tov veititer ilid not turn wnt The! abolitionist* have „i,^, T a tl.c eon j *?* t,n k t. transfer it to! Tin- I y tlio,■ lm! lan eh etion on tlioir own responsibility nil elect Header hv j M many nominal votes as they to certify, and will rely on the House with its abolition nm jority, giving him tli > seat ! \oum iy think Inm I jesting ns it is hard to miliar; -ueli felly, hut I uni in earnest, and am sau-fi-'l they net un-tir rirtrtee j and instructions from lending ufiolitaxiists in nod j out of the Ilmitur. lam prepared to ace any out- I rago perpetrated liy tticin. Sl,null tlio House giro Reeder this seat and eject Whitfield, what will Southern member* do 1 1 Impu no one ni *them will so far forget fiim-df as to open hi- tip* in opposition to such u movement We Nlimild throw tlio whole responsibility on tin.* North, force them to the issue and make them decide it ’ I limy scum to ho wandering from the matters about whicli you dcsiruinfoimutii'u, hut 1 mu no! If Render he admitted to a seat, or any other in'-{ tion bo taken by Congress, to deprive the people J of Kanans of their right to determine their future Condition, vro shall need the men ut oner- I need j hardly ny to you that abolition cannot he forced 1 upon Kansas, unless the Noilili prove traitors and not then without, more and better lighting men than fan easily he found in all ahohtinndom ‘ I The pro slavery pirty have been indifferent to n ; bnso, to the v lest slanders ; they have siihmitted to j and availed them selves of abolition law have ipii- ; atly. by voting, sneceeded in protecting themselves, j If resnrtT* to he had to other means —to force —j they will be found equally ready, and, I doubt { not, equally prepared. If, however, no extra necessity he treited. I. Would advise you to send thoso of little means in j the spring, They can, hy reaching Kansas hv 1 the middle of March, or even Ist April, secure] themselves a pre-emption by erecting n cabin, and | then find ample employ men 1 , by farmers at good wages, (luring tlio summer and fall. In this way, they can save enough tn pay expenses during the ! winter, nnd have that, time for fencing and im proving their own claim. , There will b’ no election until next October Men who have means can come in the 1.11 —du ring the winter fence tlu ir land, so as to he pre pared’tor breaking their grounds early in the opting. Our crops are aloin.l.nit, u*i I pi-iit'-ion* 1 will he very cheap this winter I lie land is being rapidly surveyed, nnd hv spring all north of Kan j ■a* river nnd a good deal on the South, will fir aurveyed, and no difficulty will attend sotilcm i Every mechanic can tin-) more work at high wa ge! than ho can do. It is thus that the abolition iota get all their strength—their mechanics alone Oan tiro in Kunsiis, ami could .Southern mechanics bo found, theirs could get no oninlovment. 1 * | Any who may come, directed to Thom is.lolmsi'ii. Shawnoo Mission; any of your friends at Westport myself lit Weston ; l’. T. AI ell. or mv brother In. John H. Ntringfellow, at Atchison. Hot onee Oeivc overy attention nnd he forwarded in their Wishes. No healthy, industrious m.m will need •ay help to support him after lie. ivielm here. I Twenty-five dollar* would he more, than enough lo over contingent expei,-cs-wiilic makings 10-] cation. i 1 will say, further, Hint to nny man who will eomo and recti re a jire eruption, thr* money ncees •ary to enter it will ho ndv.inml in .tin* security I of the claim nt reasonable interest. In h'J cases j in 100 liis claim will, when entered, bring tt.'itli*. Claim* cut) n*>\v be bud which will bring on entry |lO per acre, with only a cabin. Out you should not confine yourselves t > send *•* poor men— of ull sections of the I ni.,n, Kan- ; •M to tha most desirable to men of means ~r.--pt* ! cftlly to those who have slaves. It must be one; of the healthiest portions of our country --our tie- j Kroee ate es healthy os in Virginia. They hire 1 for better prices than in any other b'tate in tho I Union. This is conclusive as to tin* value of their : labor. There is as little danger of their escape.! even less than from Virginia. Tin y are remote front any free Mute, have n*> facilities Im’ g.-ttin **. ’ sway, aud our people are more on tin* alert than | elsewhere They have now laws more efficient to protect fclaveproperty than any Mate in the Union ;these; lews have just taken effect, and have already ei leased abolitionists, for in despite of their hereto fore boasting; they know they wiil he enforced to; <be very letter and with the utmost rigor. Not, only is it profitable for slaveholders to go to Kan- j •as, but politically it is all important Krery slave taken there will gain live votes from anti-slavery men. Though in feeling opposed to si i very, those j who have moved, not ntiKs sear to Kansas from 1 the non-slaveholding States, soon become attached to Southern mon and are unwilling to drive them •way, or to strip them of their property, and thus jwutioelly become pro-slavery. Jhtt in addition, the necessity for labor demands tWltmry be brought here, else the peoplo may bo driven to seek white labor, not being able to get negroes, and from necessity, be forced to cx •lade-negro slavery, that white slaves may be in- duced to come. In this, our only real danger, | 1 where patriotism and profit combine to cull South ern men to come. 1 hope they will respond—that they will in t he ('lightened hy tlio idle threats of abolitionists in New York or Boston. They ought to know that nil their outcry is in , the hope that thus Southern men, on the f.rinci-] . pie—u stupid one hy the way-that “slavery is timid will so long us there is :i seeming contest : |„> deterred from coming with their slaves, mid , that thus, after a time, tin y may outnumber us I (>uv friends in Kansas have given evidence that ! should satisfy the mint iiierednlous They have Carried every election- have enacted the most ef ficient laws—arc prepared nnd determined to en force tie Ml I cure not how this has been done if. us nboli- j tinnists sav. Missourians have done it Missouri i uns cun do it again ’ As you know we can, if I driven to it, from this country nluiie, send more j men to Kansas than nil New England bus been I e null lull tn put there If \ye are forced ill self •lettuce, oo will show that wo can do Fur more than l.m'ly In liis ravings has charged iis with doing But we do not wish, and it is not right that wo shiuild ho compelled to depopulate our “ountry in defence of Southern rights. Others should bo not 1 ss patriotic, when, too. they would ho so miii'ii gre iter gainers than we, hy a removal. 1 I he South has not heretoloio been recreant anil 1 j am glad to find she is now being aroused to the necessity for action. You are in the hit*.!..,, rc | mote fioni (lunger. We are on the outposts fight ! ing your hatlle*. Wo will hold till! post while jwo Inti’ e In.iii hit —and if you will give us a lit ‘ | tie help, we will not, only gahin Victory, hut place ; you and your (ricii'ls “out of danger'’ in the lu-j 1 - _ I j I.M’use the length of this lon know how | deeply I l'ei-1 in lids matter. When started, I hardly know’ how to “stop, hut. I know I cannot! say too much emi to one as deeply enlisted us yon. Truly, your friend. It. h. Nr.:i Mili i.1.0w. j Minute of Points decided by the Supreme- Courtoi Georgia at Milledgevillc, Uovem-! ber Term lßhs. jih:ii\s v- noiiti itni'.i.n nto.vt mmu on. ’ 1 A •/ ’ . xvltitll \x .is ( n'im;<|iis|y lil**|, .so that 1 it lln tilin’ it lMfil.ihj tl. |ri'Mu wlnim it \ ’ iiMini xxiis nut ,i ,Jo| tlio ;>u|H iior t.uurl, *i*> ’ not \ oid inii mil y ii i r^ular. *J Nn'h a is uuit'ti'! it II• * ’I Imiims, f K K. (. uljt lot* 11 ll l’crples, Coljli ‘ ,ui*l 1 luil I r I N'l l I4*t.i:n iv. i \*i., t niurtMiiN h:om ill.IT!::, i. 1 a D’ jiUtv MhtiU s to tin* |• l.illtu ti*>:i til si tit ttm ii t,i. ami is toM Iv in in to inter .uul levy too i; In U|>oti si nojru, \vinrli wstn 1 not wren l*v tin: !'o,uty Mksiii. nnd tin* dol t in: li. Id v si t- i bond lr its ii}i}H\ii'tiiicu lioM iluif dll'* is a sind Million-lit lexy. I • I K * lor I*l U I iionius lor Ddd Atviiv v vs imv.wr n;n.M cLiNrri. K v-tu-iiiid stroii/Jy un*l wholly evi ilonoo sliouid Im* sot u-'ido and a ucx 11ml tili! I"i Till Long and L, Mojilions lor iolt. P'SXMII VS. lill.KY lIUIM XI'I'I.IM, 1 It is x\ itl.m tlio discretion ot tin* v < urt to al- U'W a j I il in ti l.i to withdraw Ii its cxocution tor 1 in* i t making atiotlior levy, xxhilo the i*!*iain is |H‘iidiug to another levy nmdc by virtuo (;i tin* sumo ti. .a. - * util kucli porinissioii is given hy tlio Court, thu Mrcnti ih not lisild br to in.iko all ot.or lex \. x\ lull* tin* rliiim is ponding. t olr, tor pi tl - tisuildcn l*y Hams lor Deft. KIMU.W VS 1 H t ,tOM IIAI.DWIN. ]. A widow s claim ot d*xvor is not barred hv reason id a Millwright s lien upon tlio pn'iniscs | tor hiiil*l>ng or repairing done to u Mill upon tlm i same, during tin* Me tunc ot tho husband 1 Im lien ot tiic Millright extends no farther 1 than tlio Mill i(m It. and not to tlio whole tract ot land upon xxhich it is situated 11. I l.i i is, tor pi ti* Hull, J. Wingfield for del t. ruts vs uosc. rnoxi ii rs\M. 1 Where the Mietill* on Mindly ti f.;s. raises sv large sum ol i.ioiieV- In* is entitled to cointui*- s'oiisalbj per eeul on the amount presciibed, t.. i up to the amount next prescribed and I , op *u UIT balrtfu.e ot th*’ imid in his hands. i *J W l.t iv llu* amount ot the Hales exceeds the i ib-du-s in the hands ot tin* .shorill’, he is not cnti tl and toe >miiiisMoo.s oirtiie excess Hudson tor pi ll .No appciratioe for det’t^ II \ U i:IS \4* I’ll Kits X S la'HmiK AI.I.KN HiOM r.l I'KIU. 1 Inb re-1 .slioiild imt he etiarged upon advance* i mi nts h in tin* death ot Inh stato j T. U. ii. Lobb lor pi tl’ l houiaH for def t. i ~ I I -I'S Vs VKMII.M rilu.Vl IKSI.I rilUi'.l'K. 1 \\ hei'i* a p irtner s.-ll* out to hi* eo p.ivtner, the u**et* In cvniie iichviduul assets und shiathl he ] | -ii cunsittc-red in ilistrihutimi id’ the estate id the; deceuMd eo partner I lie tact that the paitncr sinp wa* 1 ntit led dm* mu ehatige tin* rule. - l ulc lot pi ll 1 . U., ‘li. I'nidi tor del l. I JoM sVs. DIM 1.-Ki:<‘\| WlliilKN. I*.” here ray*to B. ‘• cti playd uiisiTtc pro* “ ! ecutc < . and whclhiT I live ov die you shall he Ijaiiil, lieid. lii sl Im* eolistiiuti l * a mere agency, j which cease* at lheTeaTlTN'l ,\. I, llihsoit lor pi ll - I ottlc represented hy Cobb for ; jef t. MANSI I ! V* IHiYAN Kt.OM I'l I.ASI I. 1 An ex inpldieatioii of the record and pro | b-itc ol a vv id is adim**ddc .n evidence, all hough , in. older appear* n-ipi.riiig the will tube recorded j - A here a | >.iri y claims under a p uolgilt from A. proven by tenluouny of the saving* of A ac- j ] Uiiovil.-dging a pieviou* gift. iuher sav ng* of .\| lat utlier lime*, denying the gift, are admissible i j $• W iierc the dotu’c is a m,nor, living with hi* , father the possession of the father may he con j suh'ied hy tlie Jury a* the possession ot the son. t'clu fur pi IT— 1. 1,. Harris for deft. I'RKSSMV (A STWkVv*. TIIE STATE HIOM ,H;U> ti: kit I. If a mistake i* made by the Clerk in the name of one of the Juror* on the original panel 1 ot I’etit luiofs, in the lit furnished the prisoner. Uie correction of the mistake hy live Judge against \ the consent of the prisoner, is not a g “"1 ground for anew ft i. I 11. Ihe f-upri'iiifl Court will nnt order anew ( trial hecaitsc the ( ourt below omitted in charging! Uuv Jury, to snhuiettii their *'“Usui,oation the by* | p thesis ot the innocence ot deft, where the evi j ‘fence makes it haie y possible that such hypothe sis may he true. | A. it there i* no evidence to support a charge! requested, it is proper tor the Court to refuse the charge, and state to the Jury that there is no evi-! dene on that point. ’J‘ B. K ( nlil, for pi ff —L. Ktepliens for deft. M U I IIEW* VS I’OSS FROM FEBF.RT 1. J fie (act a person aid* a debtor tortina w.ay and carry off fits projKwty. with the fraudu lent purpose of dufeatmg liis creditors and suc ! coed* in s > doing, constitutes no cause of action ia favor of ono ot the creditors against such person. T. W. Thomas tor pi IF—T. BK. t\d>b for deft. ri.CM.uiNi; vs. uammuxd rnou txuxßT. 1* Where the evidence is too uncertain to au thorize tlio verdict rendered, anew trial will be granted. T. W. Thomas for pl’ff--Vo Puier for deft. j „ mm man vs. watkiks * |loM oui.t : hohi-k. ! ‘ 1. Where the prooeedingfin the ordinary | to compel the Adm'r of a vend r to make titles do not slmvT that the notice was published aeeording i to the stutute at •• tho public places”—held, fhar; j the Court will presume that it was done according to , , i . 1 2 Where the order was directed to the Aitm r , to make titles, nnd he dies before doing so held, j that the film ri/eft.jni. nun may make tith i out farther order. , .. . T W l lioma . for pi IT -T. B B < ■■'.!■ for del t 1 GUIFFIJN, (I EORGIA. i SATURDAY MORIIIKG, HOV. 24, 1055. | A Griffin Cotton Market. Mnrkct arti; I— . w ';l( - X!( M” vt fioin Hto cnit. ‘An rxtrii fim? ai lide vvouM t. I *ur Imivcia me iiuicli ('iiilhirnu*’ l f**r momiK of >l.t| nciit, tin* Kuilpjii'i falling lo iiij'l'l.)’ Ilc rc',ni-iic miii.lh r ot < :ha. To those Indebted. Having sold out to Mr Burr justice tome cred itors requires that I settle up the fiscal concerns of the office a* soon as possifilo. It is hoped there fore that all who are in arrears for either subscrip tion or advertising will come forward immediate ly and settle. Payment can bu made tonic per j to Mr. Burr at the office, i Nov. 24th 1*55. A. <l. Mi rkav. V:Jw4iCMrp. * Ten years s.go.'Vnvtom and circumstances reqnii'f'j ed that I should make my now into the editorial ! world. Idol so in the best manner 1 km w how. being entirely inexperienced, and was happy to receive the friendly greeting* I did from the hrath- j | ren of the quill. Sineo then my intereuarsi! with | I the fraternity as well a* a large eirelu of friends i j and patriots lots hei-n agree.ihle and iiistriietive. ; I at least to myself, and I would fain hope to them j also. In all matter- of a public nature I have en | dcaiori il to investigate closely both sides of tiie j question, and give to the public such views as my | judgment, prompted hy patriotism, sanotioiied : ! and I am happy in the he lief that those view* have in most eases met the cordial approval of j those with wliotit I have been pnliiicullv associa- ! hted and tin* lcspeetof those who necenpii'd an an- j ! tagnnistie positioo. f | bis ri'fleetinn i* ti source ol ■ [ gratification that I never shall forget, let tho in- 1 j tare develop w hat it may. But a decade in tliccoursc of titrt” has passed hy, ‘ i and another turn in the course of human events j makes it necessary that I should now again.— I laving disposed us my interest in the printing business to Augustus I’. Kirr. Esq. I retire onee more to priva'e life, and hid adieu toall tlm.-e kind iriends and generous patrons who have been my stay and support during my somewhat, protracted ! career, and the impulses of a grateful heart will j I not permit me to do so without a format toiod live, j I therefore say to all brethren of the editorial] corps, and to all'tlio, kind friend* of the American ■ Inion. good bye. and the Gml of peace and love ; he with you. Anion. . Mr Burr, to whom I have sold. lias been with j me as an associate for three years, und I think I ] bastard nothing in recommending him to my oil] patrons and the public generally as a gentleman I every way qnaidie l to please them, and I tlicrelbre j bespeak for him that friendly “aid and coin fort” ! from a generous patronage that shall ett >b!e him j to do justice to him* If and family hy way of u I comfortable support, and to the public by making j an interesting and instructive paper Very respectfully, A. <1 Mntn.vv. American Meeting in Miiiodgeville. j XVe trust our American friends of Spilding will j not neglect to appoint delegates to the American i Meeting to he Itcld tit Milledgcvillc on the lilt It j of Itcccmher next. The intetest* of the party ; call fora lull represcutatioii Griffin Synodical Female College. The friends ol thisTnstitu;io:i will be pic.’ dto ] learn that Bev. .1 ami s (’. I’\Tri:;:son ha* In • n up- 1 pointed President. Mr. i* ha* a high rejoitaiioti: as a teacher, and we hope to sec the iSy/.i lical College lloiiri**i under hi* charge. • Musical Entertainment at the Gris% Female College. We remember with pleasure tlio oratorio given by Mrs. Morrow, at the Gridin I’cmalc tiollcgc; last year. A noth,tr. Called the • Coronation of the Hose.” will be performed on Wednesday nigiit next. The proceeds, we arc told, will lie given to the college for the purchase of more apparatus.— Wu arc ulso informed that I’rol Briggs vvh so rep utation ns an artist is ton * lidl.V founded to re- i ! quire uiiy advertisement.)- will give a soiree mu-i-1 ! eale at tlio College mi the evening id I Itttrsday ! tin* 2'.*th of November. Soirees have been gr (dually growing in ptihl.c favor, and, the I’ml'e.*-j sor’s class lias been stoaddy increasing in numbers! and skiil, untiUit lias become i.i n>;> ? ‘'iu’:/ the best ] . vve have ever bad in GnflTn. Its ri'iiersils an 1 j edneerts ure always looked forward to with cag. r , aniicipatioiis. by lovers of a h;gb oulcr of music. ] wijtlcWhose wlioo/br’ a love for such m i-ic, no “more dare stay away than they would dare to be caught in town in mid summer. Here is the pro-; gramme. * I PART I Cnu'tf* —Wliat delight what joy rebound*. Giiai.i.knce Maiu'ii -arrange 1 for 0 Piano*. ;Hu i aii —O ask me not losing again, by Miss C. t i Porter. —r-. I l>u;it):—Guitar and Piano—Variations- Bril- 1 limit Plot. lirigg-i.ady ‘ tIr.AKTt'TTi; i lie Kclio,The Misses Porter, Law-i son K Ilals't'il. ItoMio Bkii. i.i an r. —2 Piano* —The Misses Pm,dor. | Porter and Prof. B K Lnly. Dcette —Slowly and Softly music should flow Tlio Misses Porter. 1 Sum;—lutty Clyde Master Jas Hill 1 Bi i.iniia (5 w,up.— For 0 Pianos, 4 Violins. Elute, Yiulinsellti and Contra Prof. Briggs PABT U. i ('iiori * —Dome npiin. : l*oi.xa ILui.i.iantk. •*v /*•/•'requMt)ftrrong , (*<l f**r () I'i.uitm. v ir*t. |—NightingaleauiLiiuse_...M*i>Gu.l , ui;U'r. (I*lute old.gain, by Dr. Geo W Emerson ) Sot.o <il lr a a—Polka Bedmia. ,Mi* Ella A iggin* - Gkanh AI a in',i from Lucnzia Borgia—Enr ’ti Pi amis by Prof. Briggs tliinmri; - —Tim Fisherman's i.leo, Ui'ETTE.— 2 Pianos, Favorite airs from Norma hv Prof Briggs K Lady. Soxu - Tho Feinale .aucliunccr—Missti'us Porter To conclude will, Fosters’ justly celebrated OI.D Fot.XS IJf VIIRIEI.F.*, Arranged oxprcs-ly for this occasion hy Professor Baiuns, and performed by 2d of liis pupils. Tickets 50 ets each. To bo hud at tho music store ; j and at the door. U. SLSratok.—The Legislature of Alabama i on Monday last, went into the election for Uni-! ted States Senator, which resulted in tho choice of the lion. Benjamin Fiispatrick. The vote stood Fitspatrick 70 Luke Prior 45. Extraordinary Railroad Catastrophe. i On Thursday .morning, about liill-|>“t G o'clock ] tho express truin from Albany met, in the vicinity 1 of Chatham Four Corners, with one of the most extraordinary disasters it bos ever been our lot to jrecord. It appears the train bad left Albany at -1 i'.B A. ‘ \ 1,. ami arrived at Chatham Four Corners at T2A. with three passenger ears and a baggage Car Af ter stopping at Copake—a station ydrmt thirty miles In-low Chatham Four Corner* the train ar rived at a place known ns the Taeonae or lower i range of lii iksliini mountain*, the boundary line jln tween Massui'liu-ctt* and New York. Thispirt of tin rri.ul is very much exposed to a high w ind. ‘ owing to a narrow valley between two mountain*, which, when the wind i* east, concentrates it. and the most fearful gale* arc experienced mi this put of the road when the wind at other places i-even moderate During the whole of Monday night the wind was very Ivgli nnd a heavy rain was falling, and a* tiie train \va* passing a fearful gust came up 1 from the valley, and the door* of the baggage car ’ were blown in nnd in a moment the ear was burl-! ed oil’ the track, and rolled down an embankment, some lofty feet. deep. Tiie coupling which attach ed it to the engine snapped in a moment, but tlio ] passenger ear* were j.-dt-ed off the track, and were blown bv the wind lifter ihe luggage ear. The scene that followed was fearful. Tim ears rolled over three time*, and came to the bottom of tiie embankment with a heavy crash. At this iW**e of jlie-rfio • ‘ _ pitch dark, the rain f w.n* sassing lira ,mVT*(fwARTe ;:"iiw .ui.j ‘'b>ks of ! the mutilated passenger* were heard with drem. ; I’ul distinctness above even the noise ot the tem pest. There well! two men killed and seventeen injured. ‘The conductor. Mr. It. J Whi'o who was in the ’ middle ear. exirientcl him***!! fr-mi tl.*’ ruin* as j soon us possible, and suim cil- iI in despatching the ] engine to Millertoivn. the next station Ineiuvv. | where aid was proeiited. and the wounded and ! dying I'll red for. I'l rtnnati ly there were but thirty passe,i-ter* in the train and of these, strange to s.iy, some twt 1 v,! are uninjured Fire in Macon. Froth intelligence in this city, we learn tha- a fireoivurie l in Macon, about o o'clock yes terday m<inning, though we have been tilde to learn*but. little in regard to the amount ol'pr -per ! ty do*t roved, none id the passengers hy last, uign! s I Main having e--me through li'otn that city J It origiiiat’ -l hi the Magnetic 1 idegrnfdi t ifi a’. ! vvliii'h’ to.a'tber with nil it* fixture*, is s-.r-i to ] have Keen de-troye l. The Telegraph office is in j li.iwlston'* new rung” of brick buildings, corner ling on Cherry und I liird streets, fnrmiug on the lower floor a eonlieeting !d kof thil'i'-en stores Tiie entire range ha* probably tall* n a prey to tin! devouring element. The billowing i; institute a portion oft be oei'iipajads if tin-t-uiMing* ! )|es-rs. \yre*. Ntubldidii’ld V\ i*e. M-niltoir. M Hull. . n*■ 1 - son. Un . non. ( dfi'-es in si-cond story occupied by Seviiioiir. Slier, and others ; there were also several families on the same story The loss in the Telegraph office lias already lici'ii sop died by in.sti u.iieiit* sent irmu till* city and from Augusta s.i.- /.’ />. 21-f , •*/• I At.i;\antutta. Va . Nov. IT. \ fire occurred I last night in Dow il * China Store Ihe wuii* fell in and injured a large mini her ol piers its ] Eight ibad bodies have been toiiinl ant il i* iievid there'arc still more under the ruiiis. ; .Seven were severely wounded. | Nr.,v \ni;k Novell, Ii she Herd 1 an* j Dietin’ •; the f'o aiu'imi of a gigantic lel-graph 1 <'omp iny with ample eapital, whose intention is 1 to purchase or lease all the old line*, or to huil t l new one-, from New York to every par, id the. I country.’ Thu <'ompany lias already leased the j direct line from New York to Halifax. ■ ‘ i | Mrs. Moure, wifi* of Mr. Monro, pqier maker! at Norway Ale., was so severely burned by an ■ x ! plosion id a emipliine lamp, on Friday list, that j siie died t tie next day. Siie Was attempting to fill a lighted lamp. I’noTKsr Aii.iiNs-r G;:n'. (JerntAN's Desertion’ of TUB t IRAN ('.USE Ihe H il il - < l hit of Now \ ork pnblishis the solemn protest of the Havana | Club against Gen. Uui'mun's “unhsiked for ami I iiojustitiahle ‘’ desertion of the Cuban cause*, in w inch the Club s iy* that “ from a liberator of t u hi ii-'becomes her tyiant and exeentimo r, by having created and upheld lit p”9 which he lias now deceived.” 1 lo.v.ictt!F.. ‘.Ye learn from a gentleman of Jes ferson county, that Huuiilton iiaibird. sho l and ] lull *1 a man by the name of (Yard in that county • a .'dondiv last, flic ddlieulty oci'urred in reia- j ! tion to some hind ol little value. W v"did iuu ! -1” irn the pit iiculars. j Ilm tiraud Jury found a True Bin f,, murder. Hut. SriWi'l in Ti;*:u:i: A terrible hail! i storm aec-anp.inii-d with wind and rail,, passed. 1 liver a portion ot Tipton. Shelby, Fayette and mil -lor couiitic* in ’fennessen. on Nov. Ist. I itdds ol ; ebttoii and corn were totally ruined, and tiie bail kill’ and poultry and pig*, and dim” immense injury ! to bouse*, fences, fee. 1 lie course ol the storm was from the southwest or nearly so. Eiteits of I vivimn \ i ion A man who had been sentenced to death at \ leni-a was iifl’e id a full paid on if lie would eon-ent to pass the night ; in tiie 1-i and ot a person who bail died of cholera In j about lour hours lie wu* s-uzed with vomiting, vio i lent crumps, ami all the symptoms of ehoiei'.i i.'i timatelr. iiy liietlieal a**i t.imie Iris iile was sav. and ] ; ills astotiishm- nt was unlioiiii-h'd wli -n lie was in ] i formeil that the bed wu* p.-flcctly pure. j -s ! Tit;; Mi-siit'ltl'l.tbM'l.Ait lit;. — lu the Misson ‘ .i| 1 -ia~tile.-oil iis- in— l ., ,-i la-*!i'-n to -7-. - i ihlo tin ini i'Moii for I nilcl St i.!-s Si-ii.aiim was ile- . ! leati-il. Imi I *.-ui()i-l.atii’ e.'iueiises ha i 1 >-.-i-ti In Id. - i .ami the lii nton 1)i niocinis p.'isM-il stt'i . Anti-1 Know Notliing ii-soiii'niii*. 1 in* ju'osjiei'l o| aiiv i . * lection ol a 1 inka-g p.m-c is stall iloitot- ! j fill. : Man. ll(iitm-:t;v.—l. F. Wriglit, one of tin-j ] Mail Agents oil the G.coigi.a H;p!lo.a-l, Was nr ] ;11 s'.cl in Atjan'a on the IGtli iti-t on the cli.t; ge I j of omlmzzehnjj fi-ttias l'n-111 tiie itiail hags put in ! ! his charge. \Yo learn I'mther that he has eon- ‘ i fi-ssed tn Mcs-r*. Frierson and Maglliri*. Ihe Spc ! 1 1 1 a I A p'liis ot the I ’ i-t. 1 1 ii * - I* m 1 ! men t, ! ha! , he had taken two ttlollt v letli'ls.-*..l*//x/ Cun- - shlnliumili't. I I>K \ni OK AN < >1.1) N WAt. < tfFU'En.—f'aiil. I I Jona h’u I. Ferris, of (!.*• F. S. Naw, died a; hi* 1 esiiletiee in Norlo.k, on \\ e hiesdav evening. He wits 81 years of age, had lie,-:i in'tlie Naw : It! yea's, and commission as a Lieu tenant, July 13th, 1832, from I'resident Jackson, 1 as an aeknowli'dgtiieut of his gallant services at the battle ot New < h leans. Tin; veriu i u;uN<r\Vu 11 Seward,—'The Alha'ty llegi*t.*r say* that one of the question*! ■ loreed ii(i*ii {■- e* p-5... I-- - -i —tm* S'atc oi'N r w )■h “ at the late eldkiivn w-.t* whether tln-v would en ’ dorse or repudiate AVin. II Seward. - Hi* I',-iciids insisted that this should fie in id • the is-me u.’ 111 • eumpa gh They stump;’ I the that issue. Seward himself tank the field. Hi spoke in Albany. 1 and, lined hi* position, and a* lieutcn nitaTV five n('Kbkfi> Ilf spoke in Butfilijgilefiucd >ll* post | : tl.lll again, and was •" atot, tlirco-tbiiusaml. lie spoke in Atihurn. liis own city, and wl* liVutcn tliere. 1 here is against him on tlm popular vote I I * majority of OUT one hundred thousand The! I people have spok- n their verdict through the hnl ; lot boxes, anil it i* an overwhelming repudiation ot | W illium H. Seward. 1 A most gratifying result to patriotsevcrvwherc! 1 1 priivwr that in his own State Scwardls us iidbuis With the conservative masses as at the South - ] VYlicre he. “ definod hin posildon “ |,c —*-i* tolrave fared worst Scwanlisn, is dead even in New York. Now York hedeclared in tlmnder tones that lie who is an enemy to the Fnioo is a traitor to his State. —Richmora DupWrA ’ 1 Com-|-i>mlvnc- i/f tl*"* t livh i 111 I-re Buu. Washington', Nov. 12. The convention of diplnmats, which was suin mpcd I y the Danish government to meet this ] month lor the purpose of considering her proposi ; tion v* capitalize the sound dues is now in session, ! but neither our government nor that of England nor Prussia takes any part in it But it is now known to our government that neither England nor France nor any deeply interested [. rfy to) the question. w iß asst nt to the preposterous Dan- 1 ish oiler. ‘J fit*,, who objectso .the imposition el tl.e Sound toils will not assdit to purchase ut, ex emption from them. * The proposition i* to pay Denmark forty mil lions of dollars, the sum to he divided between tli” j several commercial nations using the Sound, ec- ’ ; cording to their usual amount of tonnage and com-1 11,ercc passing through the same. This is twenty 1 ] ycaro’s purchase—the dues amounting to two mil- ] ! lions ti year. < hir share would lie small, lott this i ’ government will bu the last to consent to tl e t,r ----1 rangemont. 1 allud’ and yesterday to the naval preparations which mir government is nuking'in view of the I present state of tilings in Central America, nnd j tlm probability of British interference in that, quarter. Com. Paulding left this city with liis instructions ou ttiis subject, lie will proceed to- San ,luau -1--1 \oite with his respectable force— tin- .1 1 ••.wiri-nee and other vessels of war. This j force Will he trim, r* that which willin’ dispatch-j ;ed from the West India fleet, ihe additional fleet j loti !v di'p .tubed from England is under the 0.-m ----m ind of Admiral Ib-rUd.-V. fiat the whole fleet i- j under Admiral I’ranshawc'S command- lYrlutps. j in a m it'er el such moment, one of these suju'ii-! or officers Will he authorized tq hoist the British * flag at Griytiiwn. Nelson, win 11 .Vjuniov.ofliccr. j ! chased sum ■ pirates up t c Ban, liv-r. and | though not Nelsons, the obicers taiw s; nt upon I 1.. ‘ 1 this i-Xji -iliiinii will h ive a -im.lar service t > p, r- . form in regard to 1 ‘aptain Waikcr und his liilibus- • t.-l'S. • >ur goG'rnmciiTlnftnrlsrrdhptxtelteil instructions t to M"r. *V heeler, our minister at Nicaragua, which ol course r-.-hirc to the pri'S--nt’ complicated state j of things in that quarter. l licsc matters a ill give special interest to the ) President ‘* l-ift fie--tiling message. It is siij p ol; that 111 tin- first diV of the s —i"l, General t'a*.- will oiler a ivs.duMon in the 81110(0 for a sieei .l comm:;; le. to enquire vviiat his bceauic of ou: ’ Mtiliru ! and Ct ri:l.- 1 New York i' iion—’l lie New A irk Herald says: I iiequ, - ii.n a- to the result us the Slat-- i-l-*i:t-o,;s (s 11 vv -111!■•• I 111-turn* (V- ,n ail t-.-- e unties in the .'-tile exi'ej-ting some b-vv i.i-im 1 j p-Ttant di'!i ii” - have fieri, rcccivi and. aml tin v gm the |,,|| .wuig t :als : il- a By. Kine.v Notlo-.g ‘m j.jl - Klllg Fi pi,bit---,,, 8 l.'-l 1 ■ 11.1'eli soft -hell di-trioc,',-,t -* ‘ ! . I U urd hard -L. il a- •m.- i-,r. ,J - ‘ ! Mr. II- ..dh-v's i-iiiralitv thn-i far i 1 > >l ! '. .'v- : t!i’ >( r,.-tr c:s h ive Lc*n li- .ir l t’r :>i ia* Imulv xx i I r: V tllv v ;.in^kit\v l- : ui'isncia! *. L: kj>u 1-1 c.Misi !. As Ltr a>, ! a>C"rt..iiH-.l ‘• 1 jviu.xv Aii 1< r.iu r it**. : • j atnl ii*’- rcj-uLlicans have cv.n duicu t* t‘.c As j j semfily. ! Fi-vvirii Las receiv'd several pAiuiruiariy hard | kimck* during tl.e rh-cMi n. Ilc deiitu-d fii- j tion in Albany, and was firoten t v thirty live hundred: di-livi r--d :, spec-h at I'-ufi’a! . :.i I vv.:;- dcicatcd fiy three th usual : an I Md-urii. I.i- r ■ id.-nee giv. -. 1 1’ aI Iy a 111 ijority of fifty i :g':s •v r ! the fu-io . candidate. . _ w Kxt'l 11 N't; In r||,;\T, —Tlrn “Pg E ‘ f- I lie* till- e l'..whig ]-: ’•!•-.* ; I ‘!, Ia - v. . till’ 1 Lid -Villi’ I. lit th” f’ lili-vl, ,- : , [; | v.ital. vvl'd !. i • - ..l.i id ; •'* : I ear l-f.! ‘• Is :i !.) li.ei , t •..!. •!-f ; ! v. •> . : I-Vi C.-l I ! !.'■ I‘ , I is- I- ;-.. I , Ml. ’, ~V* I-. e",i;e I-• !•■; !I.g IU . :: . ,V, ~. }l ■ and l l a ■ •’ ;■■■ :v • ;■■■ bill will :: V thill ‘lt liiiudri'ii ,‘tial si vctify'dive f.-i-t o'Lii, 1• • ii•. --. I■litvv -.a I !,;! !. :i ‘ “it -1. ti it*- oi! I,- i■- i. -dt • ) j ling lctuci'U tli •i••.■ “ fi"-. \\ th • 1 1• i.. 1 lap.ibly lie-irtii’k i *ti und \ ■ i; •.F ,■ -team, drew lea k l!,o leaki 1.-v.-r a; ia;j ‘-d aii - the brake*. i'h” liii-man, S. Si.vder, g.t iLivvi j i.'i the step at th* M.lii of the engine, await mg , ‘h- moment sir;! the train was sttfli dent I v <■!; ■!:- ed to him !•. jumji oil’ anti rnn,ai!ie,a-| to snatch 11.eyliii-1 from t!:e tr ick, vv'-.efi >m,n ~ - ‘"•IFEi■ I. VV Let:, by a • R|i".l l-tlljem eillil l. ),. g.iin.-.j 1 iiicli by in-di or, ihe engine, ati-l the La!.,-v. •- pii'ked Up safely Jitl-I I: ill I’ -I to liis I'.ltlo-r. ‘| !:; j ellgili- 1 I pi' -I 111- ibllv. so \\,. 11 sh.-p I', ; j train can.’ to a -i -tal—si.rp wttiiin Ii; - c. u fi.-i.t i-J' ’ j wit I-’ tlie 1-lii! lIV I. D 'l In- -igfit oft!,. j ‘lifi't'tt, th” ile-i.'..-■t.iiiee !•• it* ] vr.-rit, ti;;. ,nnt,ing Inf lil • 111--! I. tli; lit. IV e'll. tlts.of tile l-tlgioei r, tin ■ screeching of tl; • brake-, noil tin- -: :,tk- of fi,, j lii a! fIeVV jVrm tlicTiadk; Teiafeieil if > it. niTTiTT d'l the liiie-t pi-ep-e i-\.■;ttoinoil —one \v!;ivi,,vvi! 1 ; ‘hell I1 and, jiie i-.oi’ tea, ■ ;i!c t:i'"'by t.'io-e u! j by * 11''; e\ ’ r;a il ’ lilitl y jir. seiutc ol Uiilnj, saved 1 toe clid-1 fioni an awful and alb. - -• j Prosaat State oftho 3i,T.rcnc?s Estwsca KncjlnuJ and tha United Stntc3. 1 Ml” Le.l'ei.i I : lee;, 8” 1. V 1 111 IJ, ]. Vv i.l'ti the war in the la.-i-t fir"’ 1 e*.'A.- on!, and ; , ivigi.tml liiuiea iiefsco in itcvv a-i-1 uiivvonjcii a!U- . ani'C vvilo h iTitiee, aiid an eqitadv bus- j 11 111 v with iiit-.-ia, llicrc Was no power from - aoich she it-i ioi-i a-s’ti amas ot •a; port mote j licat'lv, lit no -■a'l-f tcto!y and moic sponiane.iii i loan Iron) tn ■ l nil.-d 8 ales ot America, Liven i 1 • Vs 1 minister ol the In tun ;a t ids cmiiit rv, tildes - W” at” niisinilii'iiii'd, testilt.-; Ito th. filial svin- , p.-itliy ofllm cabinet of Washington alnl the na-j tion over which it pn si K-, lie expressed an ap-1 prehension as to luc durability of our alliance ] with I'rmice, and our aiiilitv, alone and unaided i to resist flic overwhelming might of liu-sia.— j I nit lie desired us lobe under no apjireheiisiot, I on that account, for the U. States wen, willing | jo make our quarrel their own, and aid us will, ’ tllousalnls of stoiii iicaMs and brawnv anus, as, ready to plti.-Tc down tiie der-jiotisiji of the Hast i as to still lit - t!m wilderness ami level though,,,! lorcst of the West. It flic English government believed these as ! suraiii-i-s. as vve do not douhl tile American miir t'ter believe . them, vve c niuot reason,alile accuse tile!:) of rashness or credulity, or sav that tln*v * adopted, <>,, doulfifu! anlhoritv, a slttinge or rm pinbablc stoiy.* * * * However* it unhappily soon became only too apparent that the American minister and th o Briti-I, government had alike mistaken the dis- ’ ! position of ‘our transatlaiitii: brethren. The sympathies ol ihy? land of treedom were found in j .great measure to bo ciilisti-l on the side of Bus-! sia. Whether it was a jealousy of tha Frei.,-1) J .alliance, a secret syin|tiiy with the spirit of] territorial aggression, whereever displayed, a de-l sire on the part of tlio slaveholding wtates to! counteract influences hostile to their domestic j institutions, .r that the Irish refugees had ino culated the Union will, their hatred of England, we cannot sir ; but certain it is, that accounts began speedily to feucl, this country of the hos tile spirit iu wdiich our attempts nt recruiting were received, and the phiio-Russian tone adopted, w ith a few honorable exceptions, by the whole American press, was but too apparent. The English government did not. wait to bear more; it had been misled, and it basic ed to retract its i-tior. 1 ‘tdi is wet - immediately despatched to ’ America, to desist from all attempts at recruiting, and to give no cause of annoyance to the suscep tibilities of the nation-, In the meanwhile, the American government had, as well ns the Htitisli, made its observations oil the state of public feeling, and determined i not to neglect the opportunity of turning that | fooling to account in the intetert of the coming I presidential election of lfi-'O. I’rocecdings were I instituted against persons who acted.or were snp i pi.scd to act, in the interest of the English rocru iit ing s'-i v and Mr. (Vamp*on, the most popu wl„has evombeen accredited from ,|,i c< un .-vto'diet al'inetat Wasliingtonwii?qade i in- 1- ! • “'t i'flt trie; Lured abuse atTd vilu|vert,lon. \t the same t am, the American governmentde sited tie ir tnitiistor in London to make the !st rongest representation as to the conduct of ] Great Britain, and to demand a discontinu- ance of all endeavors at recruiting m tiie states. The British government answered, in tl, most conciliatory lone, that what was demanded had 1.1” It done, and .'lfeml explanations on the -übject, “hi ’■ moved perfectly satisfactory to tli® American minister, who con'd not I>u‘. remember hi- own sanguine antieiptitions ot a. contrary fcel ; and for a time the matter terminated.— But the American guvci time-nt was not so easily -atisT'.i-d. anil returned to the attack with a des , nf v.hicli we. will only permit ottrselvraio ■ ..;;v that it was ill (udcii’uiod to restore good feel ing between the two eountiies, and by no means i a filling acknowledgement of readiness shown by ] ~ur luinisti v toici-ali a mistake into which they j h-,.l 1 i-i't! so iiiuiii'ctitlv lid.’- To this dispatch ’ lm i'.iit'-lt govi'tnitu'iit has a temper* j fiat firm au-.! liignil’- and reply, and lias second* 1 ll i:> ,1':).!- ni.-ii'V 1 1V -Il'i l.g:l.eniag the West In '. ’ •11” t w;i!i tie’ ship* that have at lived from the I iViliie. ! [a ;| i p-.sidoi, ail:'!* now stat'd, and we np ]jiil to the i-i-u.v :ctton i-t <-jtr readers wlicthcr i ;la -c tiMmartioii- do n--t i!:se!. se on the part t-f our own government am. -I tidal,hr spirit i.f to,ln ;i).)'..ia* a; and luoilil';; .n. Mid -11 the part j.-t'ili” g- vci i.i,:v.t “I tin’ I"i i-ii Mates a dcsiro i ii tec a i|U .Mel ,i[ -an-at a; ei aid w h,-,, we ! in ,v w ■ i! I . .-iq-j-i'"i-il -me. above all thaigs . • j,,■ .-i• •.) i i-iij-ri- : U.'iahy lehutol.s, \Yc *I-- -• t a; to’ Oji; . •-• i. . ■ im:i\ men, f,. r i tl” IV is E- ‘ 1:E V •"C I : 'i wl.u lias j, |.v .U 1 •rTI Ii g ti- I‘ l • “ .- s ! I;;,n that i-f ; an. 1 aid gold-will. I> v.i.-w ‘ and ,-g.-ld a ttlp ';; -ii ill-.,1l -I'i. : ‘ E It-..vv griev ,i tl.tol-e “I I \ a! 1.-'feerahV ■■l :■ . !;t i ■ !-•’ ••; ‘ ‘ ‘'-, U.'.-l a ; lie oj 1 at’- [ - 1 t ‘ Aai-.-l ‘|-:i)i ,ii • ’ \ . v . •• •• I• • : • ■ * Nti'i\’ jj. Mg. E- ‘v -v ; i in • -t• ‘ l <--* dings , f : th- r g0'....;t, v.i i-v tl-v vv id >|,| Ml |; | w ----- 1'• a • - v•• i :ht !,t I-t i all i; tie ’ Ut:'. .-I : ■ f! vv. *. - cinh'i.tig, red, aiei v ,-t t a v i • ••• it-'-'pri-cal. ]ly I- : Ii .! Lfi . •! ; - he of . i ing :: 1 • .. V .1 . 1•i• •. ! | . Hv, ai ,| I itlfllt, t I icg. -I lIVv il l I- ;■! - - gll I-. ; lie, J, I . !ti I- “f li. . tl. Ig’< - . 81. -!y SI” il li nn,.,, ..- i.** Ia •;- •‘I ii tgl ~. ;*. _igj I.; -*i a ’ .. M.. ! i"l * 1 I ! to It- tin „ .V” fir-,'!..;.- : •g. V-.. 1 , :■ I .'• - -g. - : • | ■ e e ■ i a- ;i .- stutipv ..- . :.. ;o i .a-> i: : ; fil-i g : ri• .. ■.ir■ i'• ■). • : .• gi.ii': • it- .! lie v. -.1 if ,|. w - . a i-aei-eut so iru a-,:T a* t t.e j-: i—eiTf - t-f !; ” 1 . ‘ J “ E ‘ r. we.. !i ate lira -fig- -I -i -‘.ra-—-:—up.*, fii -. >j i r 11,1” r-. - V. ‘ - . -a . ii- t - : I II.i:- tI . . .. HE fi . ■i'i.-? ~- ;• 8. . i t • i H.i :: . . . .aaeni •• h- - .ha ;;r •••-.:> a. .-i.-i jir-to t• --y ‘ i •v - .• •■i ■• • r - ga- jt< i V -.. :•) el - I*.; ..! - I-t. t.t vvi;li > !-. . .y. V■ ■i: E- • 1 . i \t. twill)- * •'■’ . ‘•• V aii. -v at -1 ,-i ti i■! ae ■! a- • “ e ‘ r. )■ -:. tiat 11 ev can (■ ..I v v i- ’ i- a, . • ■- a. 110 v.'r, n ifv v -w a, ■ Vilia'li ;i.i y ;:!e. so ri i Is!> - \ mg.t.gihißi, I nil it i- daEgi r. i:s t it w ilii ihe >i;*c,-|it ibil ( ’li. -"I two I! 1. .Ji -j .;i.ii na:hies; . 1 i'i.— • vvlio .-a.- tlilEse.-igitfciu liidl.g out till’ . wa!-’i s!".i.'d i.-i ‘ .- v , o fi whe)lter : till- ,I. :'.” -i- Hg'll Mil’ 111 to id-. >e the tl.x-d ----g'it*'it* - ’ I. “ I avi- • j>. ei I. i.L- !.- -a N- vv *of tl..- tictb. u-t., sjii-akit'g | ’-it “V’ ry di ory t.-r.e in tcgaid to A tact;* ”1 Lo il t I:• of th” Attigtli-y I .l-Eerai of tie ! i: a-d 8- ■ ,-ual i-uiii ( alirn at of the cute ■ -ti iii.ije i.v ti nr. Br.t;-!i govt ininciit, he • tra\ a -i u, .m tie- pari of 1 ’ii-siijvl.t 1 I:e- c;.i-ii;i-t to dtive mutters to extreme ‘'And we li gi. ‘ to add that tin- i-et duet of OUT ] own t ‘.ah'ii-t, in g viegi:* >.meii<.|, to ti ]<irlt Mid irtit :.l i! g stall tm n’ -of tin- case ill to lit* : that! three ||evv-,,:ij.ers. [UiOiS i Brit it is equally : v. in; gai-ad'-il, i ii-ts lad l.'iid bitvvier, Ihe fab irrot. at \\ a-liit-g!i -it .'iiu! St. James’ docs i.ot.wo ■E ar date fi"-in M-slerduv. IIV lure lh!/ 4r< ! E"'//- i.: iti ‘ (if Ihi jnct lint /hr f i. liilh Uhit itlilinS hi’ hi'n ii mir /'n rtii/n a it; cc i/in’ /hr ,\t )iiricnn hw h E ; hi: i r him ahiliii'nl hy uii/ihiinj bill >*’ ] i/iul x/iirit. “I nwairan'ahle aitstocratic supercilionsnrw “ji the one side met Ly nnwataaiitiihlu pef-i-nal sr-ce.plil.iljiy on ihe’i-ti-er. T'leis lie* [ilofalile stale ofall'airs i„ the, otdv cause tM act toitly endangers the amicable t dal ions of two grc.",t peojet.*, allicij it, blood, iittcalud to each 1-y a million tics of si-eiid surd l-tis-intss ('oiiiiecti-uis, each tmahlc to conquer the otlier, but each able to inflict incalculable harm on d>® other. “Will the English and American jioople *l - themselves to be dragged into a war hy ll® sordid self-seeking calculations of factions, * ’ the ]ictM.ii:d sitsci ptilifritu-N of their respeftw® fa hi net.- lor tl,” t imo being T 1 The’ l.ivip.,TT Times of the &T says: “sterday a rtimor prevailed here and in doa that the American minister at. the Uctirt ( Bt. James had either hecii recalled eu’ t'"i’ lh United Slates lu the packet which this day. We happen tn know, lliroagß aP r vat” source, that Mr. Birclinnati had nr, interviy with 1 .i.,11 ('larcniloi) on T'ucsilav last, in ,J course of which his lordship assured the An>® r ’ ican miuisUT that the Biitisl, Government “I informed, on unquestionable authority, that ‘were being built and filled out in the l i Slates for lliu express purpose of making ,)l “ scent ot, Cuba, on tli.; British West Itches, • ,on other parts of the British possessions. 1 “ . the interview between the English Foreign M l ®] i inters and the American Ambassador j friendly that the last-named personage 1 ; Imvo dined with Lord Clarendon ytsterd**** j Friday.”