The American union. (Griffin, Ga.) 1848-186?, December 01, 1855, Image 2

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€|f Imcrinw pio^ ’ : •*itvrr> wrinw—iitvim hi in a “ A* I. lit Ittl r*!Hin null I 1 ririi tin* Details of European Kc'ko By the Crr.ntla The mint ill>j>>t:tit>t fi <'f t!.<• wei l‘s mw- 1 is ll* effort nmdehv Fi/lio <• and Fuglaiid t• 1 .1 ii• -f Sweden into n*Te all Lin. e with Hum. • Fnei nl Cnnroheit i< in Stix khoLfi. u iHi ilii?* . mission, and Sweden is cither tn nsen! or refuse. It is reported so in l?i-i!:• tint 1 m •'V ir La > reventlv made a rmifi.lntiti..! i,• -ti• mmi•• aibm i.. 1 I‘ni-ain and Austivi of his uiL to hm v mg., tiations, mi l tint M t.>>tr>|’nm-\ In, i-t•tri<>*i! i to Vienna wiili fivdi ii'-tm lin , to meet tie- 1 cotitinifetn y *>t” proposals I <on I!:• ■ -'. 1 It :, f. , tiler said tint I’rttiee limtsi !:. 1 1:■ -11. tie- <1 >|•(> istjfroin Vienna, mid l>n*>imi nnnisiiis In in .ii ttvfinail enurts, me eeilHitilv In meel li e < ‘/ai at Warsaw, in tin- middle el’ this menlli. when tbo question of a renewal on'tegotiatinn t will 1.0 settled. It is nlso stated tint tin’ Emperor nf France is favorably to a renewal ,f ihpLuitn <7- AFFAllis in tiik Mitwi:'l lie aimii s are or gaged ill building Intis tortile winter, w itlmeea siottal military pfonietiades imd rr.oliaiioe el : long shot* with the l'iiir I; pi.qit t~. Letters from Sevastopol siv tin; !:u**t m po> 1 jecttles from the liurtli sale icudi almost even* part of the rile, mid lliat a ihstillni) tire i* l kept Up (111 both sides. The allies any that tbo Kusdtii , although ! keeping tip a cotilimial lire, me making prepm.i j tions for a retreat. . i A Vienna paper, tile Id. nub in I Hall. I. ■■ini’ from Oortselmkotfs bead ipniieis tint tin. lot aians in the Crimen now numlu-i gtm.Mi'i men. A grenadier corps Ind arrived at S’inpheinp..!. accompanied |.v S.()()(( wagons, il'.vi nhe o\.-n. ao that (be artnv is poo isieiied |..i six moii'h’ Oortacliakoff will Hot I-Neept eniivov S alter No fetllbcr, win II ttle~sTe|.[ii S, it IS :-v!i.s ■•-•!, will he covered witli snow. The allies burned the village* of ‘La,bit! La, Ki raqiirt, Tutela and I In- tow not s tki: id o, nmin farms and stores along tin- mute, and on the - Itli returned to Kupatmn. An Anglo-French fore from Eiput.oi.i. melei General It'Allnlli ilk*, made a I! a oi.ln.i'. 1,1 22d, fulling in with a hum- tore •~| i'm ■ mi otfervsd battle, hut the lui-staiis o tin .!, .1 or an exchange of a few round- *f m: ii". tv. Intelligence from Odessa of lie- gTdi ‘ >, i. hn says that Todelbon is f.i-l ivml. iiutr N•!-• ll defensible below I‘aska, wliere tin- river is only ttOO fathoms broad. Tbo inhabitant* of N'ii-iciH.M!’ ami Ku. i-iui nr. informed that tlioso cities m.iv hv-nttm !• dr an.l largo nuillliei* liavcg.ihe ‘.(Jit* * tin- it.!, .jot nt g.n •rument oxpeuse. Thk Daniiik. —Tint Ai-triiji iii/. t'e •uthoritalively th ‘I a From h//un ~.: .'.hmen it being formed ut SiHi/lria. Aft A.—Omul’ l’.iejlil has . pcllod fi.emily tell tiont with Selmmyl. SiTmi'Vn. hn i.t.. est. hi,-!, himself at Kr*oinum with tin- lull. !i Imp. rial Guard, wheuec lie mrit.l rhi.nt.-i the rem • t tin Russia n army, besieging Ko •. “.n irl’iel. . ,m (Deuced Ilia ads illicit “ Kts* ir> ~u t lie 2f, li, with twenty-two b.ittalions. Rcmuukk Ih'MiiMinMi nrolNkhi nt :r . \ despatch from Vieiiuu s.\s that a n,ha.l been received ut the TmE-li i ni'.a"y. ’ a’iie. that the lawnbnrdmeii! <•! Nn-u!.i..-iV •-.. too -it.-.-1 on the 29th I>f( feloher. and I-. tl I- ill- u.l ■:: :mg He whole of the following ■! n . lb i -Ft t’ to.* known. It was li.hh-d 111 I! ill. l au. i. vi All \ :• dr bad Ixyn ilisltii-.-.I 111 I. o • ho o’. >• h Ino the boinlmrdtii. nl l*g tn. hot th.. !<..!,. ( ‘•'•■ol tine could not be prevaihd iip. ii t• • .pi t the town. lloli.and. Mr. Fillmore has!., ,n v -inng ■h. King of Holland. ItaLV. — Tile tlliHliders':n ill! / hotwo.'o Sir vjinitt aim! Tuscany rem hik :li-.1. p .T-ng reference to thu cabinets **t” I ’.eg 11 I ait-! Franco. TllO Milling of llii> Swi-. !• n flour Genoa for tbu Crimea is eotinti't I uni I: If •pring. King Victor Emanuel of Sudori.i, ..sls ! aritv in l'ariit on till* ffltlli of N. mi I in I'.- land early in December, mvouij-.i: :.••! I y - tern I Hiemlrcrs of liis* cabinet. The rofrress|>oin!cin e of the l.'-nd -n I’ -.t f;• >ll - iliu JlOth. say-: “Th,ie in I■ ■ 1 1 ! m v doubt that a revolutionary mov, in> u! h.i- Ink n out in Sicily. London, N’nv. -to. A. M. lr ; * ■. Letters front Dart* to the 1. ■>•.l-.ii T-mo atate that business is in a-1 the <lcjuii men! a. From Kusaia the tMinntii’ i --v - ‘em- to cut’ Jtj a more warlike feeling but. th - in y !•,. im thing more than the cover to mi uigent anwiy f>r peace. Tile most favorable feature in tin- lelum of the Bank of England for the week ending S ■ 1 11 ■ Nov. 8, is the inereiis-! in life n-• iv.- elTiotc* •-.11 - sequent on the diniinut.ion in ii %■ . ‘ - i nnn te an I other securities, a. I tile bulio.i shovv-atn fling lecie:ise t>f €-1.17:1. On'Chailge, oil I - Tiilv afternoon. i!-• rates fn bills on Paris were well ntaiiit.iiue-1. owyi.g to the ( firm exchange reported liom si le. From California. Nov <h;i i vns. Nov. <M. l The Daniel We lister ha* timve.i. She htt’ Punta Arenas on the 1 Dth.iiist., urni Ininas t'.d ifornia dales lo the si!t. The latest newsl' the niiin s i-ei-eoiiini’li y : The Oregon Indiuiuf cniitinue ths :r •!< joi -l.ittyii upon the northern settlements. Two hundred men had 1* !’■ S.;n iinn< n'ii i'• ■ join Col. Walker, who i- still ill toenad.i and bad quiet possession of the Transit Route mi tiie 18th. Walker was receiving dai \ m>> —ions to hi* ranks, and his government lig-r been b.u’ v noogoizet) by Col. Wheeler. Diiturbaucc is the Platte Country. C’lllt'A'in, N .V. -'i. Great excitement exists in the I'lalfe *-• -iit i_v in Missouri on amount of I lie ivt.mii i t < ;.*<• Pwk toParkville. A committee* of citizen* •>( Platte city wer.t to l’arkville, end *|i , m in-!• *1 t l*-<t Geo. Park be delivered tip. The, ciii/.cii • •!’ I ’.uk villa refilled, upon which iliivnli* wore m i*!<• to burn the town. Thu ottixem of P.irkvillu there upon held a meetiiu;, organized iny liirceand resolved to defend tlicmselveK. Ilcivihe i.iHt*r rests. A most iutuii*o excitement prevails through*l •at the whole region. SciCIDC. —£ Uebtt-t, an eminent miueralttgiM ■ f North C’aroWmi, committed suicide by cutting, his throat st hts lintel, in Philadelphia, Tuc-ada) i last, on account of pecuniary embarrassments. — 1 ]] was tbs discoverer olguld in Kortli Cmo'i-j OlMfc. ! gk irf in , f;i:oii(;iA. j iSatiii<lii} Yiomiiic. llhtiiilkt I, | < Postponed.* ! Tlio cnv t♦ i*n **f ttnr .AmTi jrvtti ji:n ly |r* ••- •! I fu li‘M in •• mi tin ll'.rli j11 t It 1 ••• u 1 l.y flic I \ M ilt*,\•• ( t Mimit'• * to ! 7V. ■ //>*// *J<* /***"• ut 1 \ in “id’ r piif tun ! In all t!•* <•* (:.!.• ■* of lint ‘-tut.- t'i Iluliy |< Anuriev:*:; of Fayette? County. *I * **ll • < ; \ Hi*- 1 ; l‘ai• v■ If > •:. < •.- tv an ,! •, t ... • | f.- \ t j 'J • , . . t !•■ 1 It li •! !b I III! i , t” -Ii * f tit I.,!'!! 11 ■> lii a < i.i i■... • ’■ • * HIM if .U |\tUV J* In. M itl .’ I. lit oill.- .l L !■* J*li It lAt l 111 In LADIES OF GBIFFIN \tn\ tilftiif *•! t!•* M I. M ‘ 1•’ * tri-- tll ? ! V! I. t"!•. -i !i i\t .‘H \| \'i 1* ~ | • !(n U . ’. v ’’ t tlik *tt* iitf nil \ll ii f ( lilitl'in* l jw k tv.inU 1 1. ci.iu; I t if. n>f our row ‘l*** ’• *, nrn| jy> ‘\ Sri j i f•• 11 i I.- •; t In* a.i*l.. •’ l;i'l t I !... i- t I* i I till 11 illnf ‘ 111 run 11* til fl \ I t 1 .11 \ UI. •I ----i fi tin,, m. :; : i.. in. .* • tii ii a t tens a. I ail | iii u i!iminl i. is .I,!* < t-j • V'i i • j j < !m;,( || Us H .11.! I lit < I .1 ’ 1. \\ l|.; ! ii.t >•• tI , •t; la ll II;t • 1 if. I t mud,* :i ll I\\illI•.\I. f: st, i, ti t lit.? t o rrd.u* mir • o‘l t 1 i • 1. i . . * t III] 1. 11 t! 1.0 I. \ 1 ; • ■, - • i ..I V, ; \V ‘* nil I Ilf* ii t • ‘lit mil * t >J P 11 |i ttl.'M I” 11. j?| • ill •*t ‘ and ii:i'l | •• t k'A ‘*f • I* ’ *m:'\ ll’ i i. f ( Ilrmiim i. i% ii..-.’ j>il < 111 -a in t.t m i.i aiuiti.M )• *i t “1‘ •u v j• • • i Hi lilM {■• t Itit iiH'l In a1! t 111- Ia t •/< *1 <ll ns- i I tin I ‘i It’ ‘I Miltuj, .m*i i■■ •. .| ii . . .1 |. • if-.ft •*j tln 111 *t *l. <t • “ r tU- *li 1| t . i. /*•I *HI (.lit t M W• j .11 < t*l 11. 11. •• t <>W ll <: t ./< II • lid 1 . t -ll.’ ii J. • i I til. I', n.- , 1 t.ljn <I - .11 <1 ll*. I 11l • IIV<• i | ‘l'!, ! .a • it {*limuM I*.*, sun| \vi 1 ..ii.i i,.n l it tt n irr :i.- ‘ ‘.\ llTi 11 * ‘.lllllji.’ Alsu in .Ml p lilU- . 11l tII 111 nil I ill 1,1 , -•!•. ‘ I•. ..•• tnllijf A tin |l .1 | -I I> 1. .til 1 1 t•• r i 11.* • it 11, V. !>:. til l “1 tit’ W'*l ; 'l Oriflin Cotton Market. *>'!.• iii i. ki t it t- I. ti ii fur lln I,i -f f. \s .1 t v ! ... ! ; dud ( ij.t * Is•• i\ y Til-rt ■•ij l * *f Ifuw •ft Will jm,! : ,i.l\ nav h a.OfHi !. ilt In f. . ..,; ! v i.i if “i l! t w ■l. I|;n .s i al. .J li. !i, .*..t. - <n’- In 11 .i- ?j ‘.-rtf • \W ■ | M- *• | J't i-i i\ * ■..!. -.t*>l ‘. . I iii. ;-i ‘.i. )i l ilii. .an 1 , l.iiyri * iv i. t ti. ■* l.tT i|• j<•! it t i'.i •. In ll.** h'!i* •• i. l i'-t “! ti,e lit*’ l ii;M Imv | . irui * m to m.ikc \ tf** j-iT-uu-* H iving l-< inf ly *n ii *•?•*. 1 ;v. 11 1 1 its mi” li.ii, a n i•-1!• ;i 1 1 nidnit;;* incut t •!. tin’ l.t -t ll l* • v* r - In- |nmu!••-. !l; it tii* I••ui■ t•* ; -•! tin* j. i*f i ai-- ii .f < nt m* si run ;••!’■* t* |ii - •pi ill lit'.it lulls In J* ; in’ ‘ltllJ'-'. 11. .1 mil*? tl'.'.v <1” “Ivc up ’..ii 1 1 iiii i! ‘lni'* uiNutimi t.fin* niuM.-sts t!i<‘ ni'W'pip r |ut fi‘-ii . i,l Mij.ply fi.** |li* • i j Ii;• !i i.cnt.ii .1 !o lit \. f iu* I 1 ‘V I I ll’ J t I'? * 1 tla *• l*air *‘l t ri 11 mi imii-* in *i •. f*< lii n .*l m ! 11l In* \% I!lnt.|’. 1 1 “* 11 : I• *.( v 1 up. ll fit’ IF n,I nit in :t” t*i -i!pp*~r fll • v ii ! •ntii'iv uMiJn, |, •s* •> i v-fii'Mit il *!• i’ *'v lit f'.!i l r itii.ti ul’ t ’ll’ lit Milt It ill’ /. ‘ l H• I I••l•• J! - UMM'V It. j , ‘ *V\. I f lli"pnd I it! I) : Mil IHI 51. *• t l'\ ls• :i Ml’ n- 1 tal nil,i ll mil s..c .fi i lial'.ii tel To do t his W itll el ! leet be J|o| / ll.'ee .-01 it Vr> IV Up H the e , p, t'.il; ll i ..I ii nj iu tejl.gio I olid o'j.p . cuil i v•• pub I :i ----i ii,* t ~./<(■ . will i litinu tu t e hi i x ’ lenient of the |lti It I-i J. TI- s nf 1 1,.. inel iMII Party II,! I u*l* 111 s.* llx .la :* Ii ■.. e\. III,!! o - ,-.i *ull : l-ullll* out Ilf N, .’ irel h.* or HI lit he|’ W U.F. ; | ..i*.;i.'s fi t■ rl.iueiig di ‘ -eii’ ||■ •!■ r■ ■ 1 1 x • w ‘ not 1..->. Iby | ore an I pitii • i:i lull because tile pi, it,- | h-s . and that p 11'ty e. on mi ml : : I lent', lies t , 1 - j u I.■ Hii-Ht ,i * t: e uvy b. -t ~a ; ‘ericis of s. iiihein liitet.-'t i I Via! .u :I ] ■ fjtu ny. Tu ill** tl .lllllpll ..f t!o,-i. | hi pi* sri N. w \ ... k vvc are rtidehted tor tiie ox e;;lo ovv ■ a xvn-i ...1,,| \ .ill BllToli ll ees.'il I'.ittatiei.-11l lu t..* r tri* , ump'i in Mu'S.n l,n*etts \xe i \ve the ex. to-.’ .■! a i returning rose ut justice to tln* Sunth. and tlo ; re-eb i-f i- 111 . t I lie 111,111 XX bo V* ! - .*• * 1 I!l * “ ‘ I ‘ II ‘ ail nil. 1 ‘,.ug Ibo I>i l ix*’ ■ 1 i\, 1: ‘ and Ihe oto* int -11.■:l,*: Hlg Jll-i •>• 1. e ng !, r a 1 ! ‘-. I- . tu * ! lee :i'.hl tiv F,, the prut. ipl. -•I I. . \ i-a I lean i ..r* . |tv :11 .-t .ny niu-r rile p. opie ..I lies, i,u* iv I e 1 iil'li ‘ ‘ ■! l a* a i le; :n .ii ie- ..loi'i's w hieli are in* p 11 ; . . i!i - ir.tii my o | our Id vilest .Hi i U an! e.ui\ei ling tho pi;i 1 .1 m ie! t,:i i v ! x, - uno ot into .1 111 le in- int i i.t ot rew.ii'ls pnic-hmelits VM-I |>t. s-s*rt |t •**!■ !• r > ‘.lot- St nil m* ‘’t fit M3 \ ft >’ r t - iniv !•* !•* j> tit tl tit \ ln* Aimm I’ur’ vt! =. l l 1 |n • ..ilit'rs ‘ m* -• |!i it! ii! il i\*‘. fio> i!i-* :>. 111 \• ! i". >* r t!; in I t Is.i *• rw !• .Mti /.••* I'. !i f <m!lv it !•••-. In* •,i l\ i: 1•• * :.* f i la* r*-.t- ii> *!• *is. t j>t. .Mill* llt 111 I* i lli/ ;m 1 t J iti*n lie A tiiiric.iii jm*•• j• 11 * li.ivt* ijfjii i■! i!.c i ‘ t. *!• \ • fill lln’it'Wii fuiintt V. :\> tin* .liuti \ *:.i •! Dili'M ftiiMil •i •** la\ •* to l? nri :i ili* i’ Ii * if! •! tin’ll n .mi-1 tin irii f nMif n itM fi 1*• i-- t!/*\ |i j *i!\ <•**!•* 111 thrill >uici In tiu: 1 h:lI- • I \!ii * i•; 11 *nlt Ml i l!i Ml tin v ul'l hr |[ rlilm-tf*! t tl ** * ’ I* ! rit .'.'-it-. \n It** ci i:M rill\ lju.llliv 111 v* l • •1 \ fru I* I ;l ‘'/’ *>*'! • If** nt tl.i’ oaritiv l v all rnfii*’ t.n 1 1 tiliu*>** • i t’ r :*>•. M<f i.ttitiiu*. :i:i. 1 iin it ii* i.ui** t.t ! t \vn. t mil l tilt V lffitllf t lltin ly •*hiivi ‘ll> t** tilt* t:**'i rt toll -aimilililtv . rUI! l t!i*‘V ha thr ll*’- ..i* thfir tin!tl’m * tl. thr h|M*i |s i l tlit r a t.inii t!* •! -a::n*_r ii*'*iriatit'n*’ <>• lailiri 1 uni. .n*l i• *.* 1 /.>• that ?:.* $ vu ip Ihiin .m l im-s u| in. ;ti><li l mili ■ 1 \vitii thr ins* it ii lions of \mrruM. tiirii forrii;m*r> tlai : with s*un* proprirty. fj' jm•* l l iim! lights 1 \ 1111 t! r li:|t i\r * t*l V 111* , lt , :ill ht*i 1 lolt tf . i- tllf V raun it thi — l* *r \>**u! 1 it n 11. i t civii.l up n tlirir lie.u t** il thr v coul.l. Thi* tiinl. vs !t r •t' , *M full v s**lir‘T< i corimi ..ntU’eef r K | alien tie which lias been e\t.n lci! ! I ‘ l.i> predeee.'sor. if. after trial, lie -ii ill lie deem ‘rJ worthy of it. lie think* himself e.i|nible of. iippreeiating those tokens-of |utl lie tip probation w hich sotnoliinos fall to the lot of edit ors, an 1 tujst* ill t be may re .lize the felicity of their freijnent roe ptioii lie desires the esteem 1 of all honor.tld” per.on-, on l ep vi illy “I his Con- 1 lemtior iry j null oli'ts, l >w,!ii|s wh-in lie will en deavor lo deport li in .elf with get:’ ntjjijy eourte sy—reiving rather up at thu slveogth id. lu< than any ability ofhis own, lee suee .-ssutj emitbet them. Fin illy, let will ea 1 > iv nt i F. whit is rfeV. re-; girdle.sef eoiiseipteop.s, nod if tin foils to’ satisfoCtioti it *will be bis 0.i.l ■i l'ine. i.-i ei I by the solitary 11 'lei :i>ot that he cool Int help il ! Kispectliilly. A I’, Bruit. - - • To Correspondouts. Persons front a distiller living hll-ihe-. t-> transact with us. w II please notice the change in the pro lielor.hip of Ilia tve i ni I ir.ei jiin! di reel tin ir letters either lo the •• Am lie in Fnion.” . ior to its present editor. \ l‘ Burr, by doing so , the, wills..vo us some eonfu-ioii. R vsrti.t v—On'•h.tnrd iv nig t lost, some mali • eb*t|. I-t.secd ohsTl !Jct!- It ’ UpoO the Macon I Jfc, Wester . K.nlre id iruek. neat Howard'* slation ’ iibnut six miles from M-rtsm 1 lie down Ihi-.eo ! ger train came in contact with the obstruction., j but owing to its slow late of speed u 1 vo; y serious | damage was done. A’.armtita nnJ Panic Mon"er3. r p,r,.l cuiitp liftOli ill tin? <l.-piltlllOtU of iomn ilimii in m uiitT-y. h cmislo Imv* Htinm r -Uri* *l si iii.iniii I'-r foreign inti lh^'-n •i 1 flitJ iinnit l uiH'.'stic ruiKiintiiM. i• tli** • jtii’ l l it • 01, *i vf?r *‘i - > i * im j •%• Titurtf on pi-intw.!, jrracu flu* < ‘l‘ iniiH f tf;’ iipje ;‘ti ‘i l'Uii ct: ‘ p ;••• sipp* ar ixt Fcuu ly !u ----• lid “U ll t.*'. cm \ r. tp: ti; ii't lilt!*- ti ii ft ,;11 t'i:i!i|.. I.■ v itu ilJ**. .ii i* :it once in ai f livt! • ;■ u “1 t’u* ru iv-p tpc; iu'o an • in’ ni ! !!<i’ .1 / u ir. I. itl I*. 1 tii*r**tn *ft uni in'll lOll OF t'lO I I | Oil'll*.l ! iOll* • I ”'tl’ I “.) . w w.tkiM up in ill” a lril"*ut • 1 lent p-F ali i 11• *1 • 1-* tin* c ’ i jiji-Mi'’ . I I'-nn t * i.'ir m ni>ti f Hio li uni Tt.isi ‘ of •'.'ir'**. a cerium < Ih'fu'c K'l'lo, ,on I t.i 1, > .h-H .| tin* v\a!"h arc at on t! •• ... t it-; li, * in in tier • ‘w.tiuiali n i.w tin* pr*(jtir.>oF .>f l*l upltoii 1 •••i:.lly Ft ‘l.l (i ’ ! l.w l.c?U. . tilt* two H.,v, imarliN al * “ll the MT/* of uimiiit .111 W.ri- i :.*• Vi fa oh* ?o’ t nil ati'i hica'l *!ulV'up. cx ,:i;'• lulvancc?* jiamc 1 Felon's iHjimij* i he niojicv ‘!• a! 1 1 at* • j •!> tiers •id :hf • titiir c'.iiinna •i .1 \\ iI Ii ‘ ill cunvul-i ui Im*r\ 1* “Iv vv the n* \*. -**. •-: n'*i■■.-* rim l . w With in* I. 11 -• all x: • t y while .i !• w “I the n> : t . > t <•*! tn pm id *■ , 1 ,inj • ‘ • *•••;* 11V a\i ’ l tloaiiM'l \cs ol the f-lit jkjiM i\ cnc',: iii. nt to t,! ti an In li'dt Kti i • “luc .i|t a lew f l.’ ii-vitnl *loll •, s alu'iul tn their I I .ti*--ci ion- wifi, the •• “ i —on otn-s win, pft t i .’ *• i r j faith tit Mi’ it to itfcps to tl,n >ay >o of t!;C I. ci'l ‘M ; l iiin sui it- ‘o \v \ k cofitcfiipor.u ii'H. 1 1 c i<h a of wti I. •’ w• on the I nited States and * f • feat Hi .fain at this time, is .simply li'lienloM -1 If sh” auth ot ••itluT oovenmieitt \vei(? sa I’ ekles* ot till* of t‘u* tW'* IMlllltlies US t' ! eont anplate such a tiling the people tlnanscl,*•< Would Fls” (Ip 111 opp'isitjoil to it lull ih’ l.e is till , u',l ‘Ut"l for the lie I cl that lie* heads of , iuive I"F a iuom**nt c.ont* mplatcl a*l flieulty Ail ■j iv ii'di’ in dispute can c.i>rfy .settled hy ne^o* ! ti.ati .n. an ii; wotil l he t. • extreme of ;,s : well a*< tin* citieme **P wiclo ‘l cv hrt Wu n 11 1 ns. : In 1 lilt;; tin* and inies of tin* civil/. | wuild itl ; their ‘ h :'.isji r - to in a iuv -Uiii^ the p: >Mi'ilti.l, ol coiiiiil"!a;**, he overthrow of no* . ii il on! a*, and t!i” dewtruetii nos an enl and ■ and pr c*-i-,e ■.y.'ciu of hutnati euiatn ; * iti -n if iii i.ieiit.i! and pojit m 1 ! ml \V* htv r<l sipproV” l this tin*)hid appetite f*r pi’.iic ?i\v • wi.ieli -nn the *.ip-m ot;r j ; !•• and t” whi'di we think the newspaper pi e*., t•. i- t* Ii ly panders, fniinii n sense sin.old ‘'X cJ . |-o - Hi” \", \ a pe..jd” h’ i-t ill “1 • tin i. Mip i-r il 1 ‘‘. nil attain,ie:u ‘ ;i'id if !•• at * 11 s { it* c .nii:i■ a s •:i ,• alone w al l ‘."..t i > , id any id’ im why liiendly 11 la i .oil* - lo.ild n >: eont nil’- tn < \ 1 h tw. n ti.i* unv-or ~t.! <•, ,* ddiit iin A.* ,i,e : ' 4 r.* ‘ tie “• i* an - /a? li.i:*; t” tin- fir-* to “inul- - -- • l • .niiii’ :; • \\ !i.c!i o;iei if.-s f.. til ‘ enJ ;,! v'-* ue nt “i t ■ imp *"*’ .uel pr* li - ol’ ti e pi .mil uatof Hut ii’ MI •'! IhelaeP!ll ]>-e n| till.*” \Y • stmiui ite tiu -e p'a melons excoein • Ilfs II .> • i •|mi>; uui i. lie's* We are mad aiir asol :.e pan. - sys;. „ 7.1 ?t.uli ory L °:; iit i o ii. We otih . i:i ,t w •* ;i im •vi s*', id< a’ ly - any “1 that is to |V u!i I” ! 1.0 .’ t.ih* ol fit” ad !*!*u .a ‘-dr : i!! . : .••:•! .i: i> i 1 ’ • nil t !,.’ hid . |{,‘ I,\ (* iil /. SI s, t t ■/ a t' n> of \J n.s ielr.l - !s or o! my !*.•*:* M.*/*‘ win !i ‘h ill i • : a “ to eoni;i!\ *.v ili !V* p"u: - ■ n-as • . tie- iu-vivo ‘iav 1i w. )s. st -,• .)s to;., i • •:: • teo, ir , “Mi n to our o*.\ a eaniuer in t• • i •••'> • . ‘f t!i • -h In ‘ win and oar no ant’ edit• act in tin* . If. iclii. t t it. sii n a a‘-'"l'i ? ";y tn “ivy. sire at l"|st i- im-t ♦ “in “iiicnce and ..ii-itiee aid. • * %•!*'■. ■ d.I Ii- a; 1 Ho (y that thev ‘slcdl s■ • • !, ivi;;'c!t .I in courts !>.• nils’ ol oli r."\ioUs J * •'I it'ivt* e'l ic: ui lits o| ||ie Sta* • >AV -ere I h toe d: ’ *l's J c ‘id i-'iiiplyt.’ -aV. mej-i hants ‘ all no 1 a’ *r roureerdit th;*. la we an. iv 1•• :i- 111 ** • i I!.; i r |lro: !.**r .1 n;t sh in .11 not risk hi’ wares up sin h a coni n::•*.;iry a ’ hi* individual aeeo insuhd'.ty tor tin* :,cd •* cv ay new Mate 1 ittir * Any at! -nipt l y tin* I.-■ lat,if *to interfere w ith the natural , mr.x? ol't ad, will prove in ile. fran tin* Mtuple ho;’ that >•*!! in teie>t (the mt p *\v *rf :l of all i iventiv.-) will din ’it 111 ti e id,allied which pr ‘in..-*•> tin.* •; “at e* s iccc's t hir me. clianf- <1 m ! hii.v . .ti.i’in tin * ■ ot Md'vit' cits . hciMti.'.e of any pirtiality lor that State, hut Vtinply Heeaiis,* t ey ! *’t(/*r t cnid tieue l!. m ele a !i• ’ I'a*, a’. l : (*; 1 i. d* n,o, e yjn[- ir tVuai their tratis 1 • ‘, • v cm Imy k\n\ m .nnhu tnres I Mmsi'Mi its *• cap on credit, tlii Vemi’ IV tie* ,1 s*il| clieip*: - far C t'h : and th” ad> • *••! • f Mr .limes p would itau* the i;V u >implv ot i-li i'i ; u.’ t lie sy*teai man a credit t” a cas|, one- a r* .*hati":i ol •j*i •* • t i"iiahl * ‘C\eritv upon the Northern m"ivliant ’I In* ejedit sV't ‘iu has hee -me generaily j i*.*v.l'*rt in cum iiicreial o> . luunita s iii t a t"i**ed change ot . f. I ad tn temporary tunhari:is>;m nt, l,ut who will sjiv t at the >"uTiiern ilyah r will ti *t • Np;i onco as mu ‘h ot the iueonvi iy*rMee avila* N • th'T.n one dhe whole sell me hoks to IIS veiy tiiU ll Ik • the si it* ai r between t e t Hankers and certain ‘ W ild fat institutions not a tie*a>.m 1 miles trom (inflin. in whieli both parties are re taliating’ oti their *o\vi expenses ’ We think it*a ould better hecotm* tin* dature .ol t call tin* atten'iou ot tho I’.-d r l \duiihislrati-ui t” the fact of any refusal on tin’ pirtof a Northern State to rend r up fu iti\e >|uves, and i-mrfi tin* enlureement ol tlo* law. promptly and with* u? iinnee ssuiy expen-e t • t!i * i parties claiming m cli slaves It the Administra ’ tioti retu ’ sto compel obedience to t-u* laws, or .o knowle. its inability to do so then the State ol .tieorfii.i may \ y properly oiV r its assi>tam*e. ol* t ike re 1.-. M-v ia !i.w o*.vu hauls as the of tin* people may ?e \ to *retalia*iorr we ne\ct |,e;:i it pfoj u'od w ith n* fatieyi an animal k. l .all over w ith *V .j J\- tits matimav * Jure,l at A-u.* M ! ‘ s * ■* / Election of S iTecim C'jurt Julge. We i • **t >ovli to ami mi i e t,*e .de'Otton .f lion, t ‘h.ii ! * ] .Mvd,. *,;d to the s uprt*ue t ourt Bench lho* v *te Ntoml i- . i 3.1 i nii Km:..? • >IH|V --- ill o” 7 HlU'! •I ‘.‘ . 1...1 I. tl IJ I wUi..: nil Hull * O w s,’ it. \ I't :t wtth'lri \ii *’ l. ‘-’7 ‘J* !'• I ....Hi 111 IM 11. ■ |.. .-.- ii !I3 ,23 : •'•■••i'Vii • • ;t Tl.o iri.'itiU nf l liMi h'* .1 Jrnkin>-mut fi'd g r :it tlAJit .iCtbhi ovUrnuu; c> Shi:.btgti'"v.'ti'matc tirvrbich J tiiMjiniiciiil i| Si*’ .tnm-i uro f*'l 1 hy } |i nit’ I- In ;i I..'gi'Titu:o t• i ITomuoV.if ic, lie , r ceivoil within fifteen us ’na many vutM ns 1 Charles J MeDouakl. j T.;o Eesalt in New York. •j iic ,i D'l/i'-ii'ii Ihuih) b-i” the low ing tahl • i*>.fiip:iriiig tin* vut.- nf the recent I'lectiun ‘ with that i.f 1 ‘•'>■, f"i’ i7'iv"i-iuir: „.,l / . . . Kit. , .. , IXV. W-.... 1 - ■ I •■•••; |X.-,| ,'•■ in.l . ‘ ‘. •t... .1 I<•■!„. ■ . •’ • i’ “ -I"'.'** V I .. .1.. I /.-/>'.■ I “ i ” 1 A/ Kil—• _____ - I- . i \ t S , - „>/ M. ■''/*"> h /. Ui 1 , ‘ • •• ;, • “ . • IMi i. !. '■ • in “n* - 1 ,**.> t A; : 1“ of l .: ‘-O li.t'i . • • •1 I 1,-’ ,! . \,.t - o • - In ..e'iiii,it.•i*’ tor tie* Hal'd the I) ‘/e,l ••if vi\ * • \ot ■he :ir•■.•!*>-lon.s to the ianks ot the torn,, r , flic il .r is doubtless comes from those ot the st.! f• who rev !te*i p,. m We C‘<n!c” .'•!,in uppr h* t-*i"fi that 11 **. **• I! I I)cu,"er;.cv o{ New \ irk. hodes no to the .** ..I*!, *1 i,• * l"i:ii'*r are ><t dc ply imhu- and with anti -i \;*i y .'era, We iliii't he ( .\eusetl ft*r doubting ti,” purity of ilieir motive sin j - \\}M^ I’ aMoiio, th ” prt VAortli wliieli still retains tin* mntplen. •• of Natthciii politicians. fie utter j h"peji*"nc'S *if’anv attempt to abeßtioiiize the na tion!! \in liean Haitv. m.y impel the enemies of slave: v to unite, ha purp* '“sot deception, witli ! 11 ,i•*■•* nji-ij, whom no Mi'iiieioti iests. and thus ae* • i iiuir.” -.lilli -i*■ tvt--o,iiti.-|-i,*;i! j.■.-.v,■ r 1 1 • f h‘i*t il tits- ! lru.--.iil I’ii-'i 1 vi!. 111.’ >(>iltll his bc< n ti-ii-ki.'l >. >.!t, ii l>, N ‘lthrrn imlitiiMl schcni.'ix, j.k.i! it ln‘'s lifi- tn vv;iti:h chisi’ly the liiitiiii'U vr-.s ..I p n- y tl.ri'i. Tin- It, m *•-./’ al-ii siy : ‘‘Of the one hun,lr**tl j aii.l |..ri,’ livo tlmusiinil Kiu.vv Nothings, twn Ihinls tiri” . ■nil. /• II 111 I .111- 1 hlfd i U'h gs “ 11i-i-i- tlii-n. is tin- i-nnfi.sxi .u nf our one- I my !hut int’ .. Aimui.uin rnnks is u l.irgc (.I'cpnn ih.rait.'i- nf tlnr si.umh'st p 1 tinil im-n nf tin; uuiiu try tin-t'.fm • ll.n<l h ing intiMnh"! tn imply nut only linstiliry tn s. It Ins.'snilisiii. hut nppu.-i linn t” nny iiifnn ;<• 111 <_• 111 uj.mii the National cun’ stit itl nit \ County liommations. At ;i in/--’ ti ng ..ft Im Ann r.i'.m I’al'ty nf Sp ihiing (•nil .!y. Ini.l nil ‘I ifi-.lay list, (the ].n i.'.e, lings, of wu.iell will he h.iin !in : i •;.. In 1’ eehiTiTTr) the t>'l l .vving iiuiniiuitu-iis wrie ui.ule tnrt uUlitV i.fil.'os: I'uu 111...111. P.Wlii i:::o\vn. lie . ■{; ii \.,i> c in:\!>. 1’ I. C| I’ I, !• • ell. MU! ‘ll! |l r, HiiN ;v i: ll M.I.'H w I'. ft • i;t, i\; i: In: ('..l’ ..T, . j \Mi;s > W.i ;!>. Ice; l> IM NMI V. <;a:ti: i <• im i-:. . I'm: I’ \ I ‘iii.l.f'.l I ,r i:! . iJ: .1,1,. l-'u ; I \ Ki .iIVi: •. ai; •• i.t;i'tfi-a-:. F i-: ( -.1 .tv >t i.v n ut:, UFI.IAMI. Mi K I A V. . Im; t .ut i'Kii,,,^. ij- >;-a.M r 1. ic Ti’.e Southern Culliv.itor. It . ft - • Fus pi” M 1... |.. !■ il 1 ;i::"iitn.ii ‘.. t '.is \e:". 1 1-ie . J-..:. ii! in...i* lily t,v y iritei tig -ut i.irm el Itilgi ttoll el u.stlll.l 1 ill', v.ilne .1 Ml.-li ;i,- :i:i• lwe t .ll'. it for : ill’.'.l ain pie roe iuiier I Vi. i, I im t! it vuhlill ’ I I ei nm ne ■> in .hinuniy in M. vv li in.Fi.- ■ |!.. n ‘.. i-emir niie il'.ll.ii’ iiinl si eur” tu t'nun-"! the. inij,■ .rtaut ni l which the .-..•uthi-tll I ultix.ltor i- so xr It cab'll bit ed to ail .id Audi -s \V m ..'s.'Junes Augusta, t j a. T:, i I'lirt.vt). i.i-iii.v Siti sinv Hi i.t.itriN AVe • find ilp*ur air tibh* a >/ ‘imeu Copy of the ah lll— n:inn--i-]*'i| t-i” - In p .ut ot ty'pug.' lieatne.” ; it- is • ipi il to anv ol on.’ exchanges From a cur- S’ a V g! Hl.-e tillu-.lell it’ C llllllliswe saollhl pr i ll e.l’tee it all i Utelcstiflg tj .e-'ide jull rHa 1. leptete with varied irn.l interesting articles, ‘i Imse ot , our hi. pis who in take Northern in preference to home papers, are invited to ex inline this limn her nf the u vvli'i'b will he found on our ex ‘lni.ig. l t-.1.1e Publish, .1 l.v \h x ind r < uni* , min/'. Phihi.l Iplii i. I'a .at s2 per annum. For list ot Pi i iiiiuni'. s, e tl,.* p ,|.cr >ts. !i. -*-o*s Tin; S\ v iv. \ll Kihi ih ir xx i-oines to tis this XV a k ill a cry genteel now dress. Its pr..prietor. .Messrs Alv x .nder ,N .'ne.’ 1. express a ilrtenninu t lull to k.'.p ii j, with the si'.i it ~, the age. alitl we trust tlo x ntni li* ill-In to ih> so. It in quires both speed and t*. 11 rlqriu th ;t f', hipvcvcr. The Atlanta tl , ■ • u.'t f* llisei/iline has not made i!< up;,eat*lire ■ iii our Sanctum tor a ill,,nth past \\ il it is the iii iTt.'i' ’ ‘oil-, fi lends don't liainp.” vai'selv .s oec nisc Fibtou eovered hersell with gb iy iu the la-t elect! Epuldiug is some. Re lU-igiihuijy. Tns Back Academy. Tin- vvii'i'is i.f t!i s Institution uul commence on M aid iy tire Ttli of Jauiiai v. iTti ioi the cli iige of.Mr NxftjvN I! Dkvke .Mr. D is a youii. j gent I -man of ‘.Vgre.*u!.l • add. ess. and con,ms to-our ; ; city Well roconi-acn 1 and c.i teacher. Wehespeak ; fur lii u a liberal setiro ol patronage, not doubting ; lie will pro-.e himself worthy of it Sec his Card in another column. • , . .. t Good Laml for Sale. We invit ‘ tin* sit: nu nos readers to the advertisement of .Mr t'.mtii--n Here is a chance to secure a h.nly ol go ,! lin I convenient tu I Irilfin. ‘ of whieli persons and isiring to purchase h id Letter _av.ul themselves. Mail Robber Bailed. The Allan!a nap ; s-sav J I Wright, the .2. , travelling lim'd agent w.o> was arrested iu that Ct v s nil” and lys s iu'. ~n th ■eh i.'g •us r ibhi'lg the in ii!. lias Iven . Ito I*til hy the Inferior (* of i'"iv ill. e.iu-i'y. I'lie impression seems to he g .ner il th it the lua r ui* t’..urt has tratis- Cetnle.) H’ p uvers in itl n tt n't Wright t > lull Toe ! h'trk't l."on: tot toe i 111 e I M i'.'s a! me has jn i heti m o. er cases n; thi * n ituiv. an 1 it was nut eoinn *tenr for any other authority to op.MV the door o. c*i'a ,ie lor a sell e ui “oil sxv.ndle I he A'latitq ll ft > tt. says, “about on.* year ago an “11 Whig vv is rem >v dan 1 the pf given to All*. Wright on the score ■ i Deinociacy “ A Fvim'he I here wmave y large meeting at Cm, inn.iti. < >l,io. hist Frid ,yevening, to witness nil attempt to no.vea t a Tie withunrtT-iictiing Ft. hy a spiritual meihuni named Ailson. for the sum ..{ >1 t>dd. otf re 1 in eise of success hy Professor Spenser, who is and liveriug lectures ugiinst Spirit* imhsin Os course, it was a dead failure, the me dium being unnhbi to move *!>• table in cny -ay To Business Men. We nhall he phui'inl tu make contracts with the | ‘buxine** men of Grin nml elsewhere, for yearly iulverti'ing. nml :is we expect tu pat forth consivl ei'.ihlee.xi rtinii in I chalt ot the inimeuiate interests ol* our own section, we tmpC to meet with some substantial encouragement from those who have some patronage to dispense. Our mercantile fiiemis of GrilHu are aware that we are not, in a I eeimiarv point of vi. vv. eipiaLto Cmei-m. urul we depend sum. vvlmt upon their generosity to keep the out 1, tiling ‘ mi l enable us to devote our main eale to the advancement of the city's good. Will they lint give- us a start f American Convention. Giiirt'iN. Nov.- 27th. 1 ! l’nrsunnt ton previous notice the Delegates of the Ameiicaii party, from the several districts ol Spalding county, assemblesi at ti e Court House, this il.iv. an ! organized hy calling .lodge John 11. Aikiti tu the e-hair, and rc pii-sting W’m Al. Cline tu act as Sei'l'etaiy. ‘l'he Cli.iiniMn ad Ircsse ! tiie meeting in a few p i t,i.enFremarks, when t e Districts were called, ~nd, the foil,.wing Delegates appeared and enrolled Ac eir n lines, v z : . lliithn District A A I’orter. A D Niinnitllv, ,J N Sio'inons, .laeoh Andrews. M . Al. ( line. Alt Zien Di-triet 1‘ P Alartin. Thus. G. Hunt. >. \\ beak 1,. Sessions. .1. Deasott. •| i.ird listriet .John t.ossrt. I M. Hoad. li P> anvil. Orrs idstrict (Jo e C. Full r Win. Tbonipson. N. I. Collins. ; Inion District —M. If Johnson. Nt, Atulicws, Jim lluig nny. W 11. p.eeves. .1 N. I).,s’ Africa District.—J. Al .Morris. F. P. Holton. C. C. Coothnau. P. \V. Allen. If. J. Alafily. Cul.i s District.—J. J. F.v.ins. J. 11. t lark. John “I’irecd. l’ ll Johnson. I. Koiin. The i ommittec iippointed at a previous meeting of the American party submitted the following re port, which was rea l and unanimously adopted. | The delegates from the several districts ot the ’ county-, hav ng met in convention to nominate candidates for county officers, deem it a proper time before proceeding to nominate, to declare to tin ir co laborers in the cause of Americanism, and 1 tn the world, as follows: I That the pei io.l in the history and progress of the American order bus arrived when secrecy. ; signs, old g timn>. and ceremonies of initiation have iiccoioplislicd oil the objects of.their original . uij,,ption* find me no longer necessary, and arc therefore abandoned. ’ 2 That t!u* Amcri'c in party of Spalding county ; j reiving upon the correctness of the principles enit.u-ia! ,1 ill t'e Philadelphia anil Al .eon plat*. ; forms, tin’ w i.s.liun of the policy we have advocated | and the justice, imp Tt.iuee. and patriot,-in ot the i gicat ol.jec s we have in xiexv. do lierehy lesu VC ,'iV'i'ives inl.* ;i:i Tipm political party, renounce ill of,!i*'utions. save tuosc ot honor un i pat. ioti-iu. aid invite all iii ui who sympathise with us i ‘.'cling and sentniicut. tu unite wi'h cs and assis* : in ear; vingoiit the maxim that Amcric .ns sh Ti , .IS j guvern A met i. a j ‘i hit though defeated in the last elect. ns in , this State we still believe the interest’ • ! the i South nml of the mth.ii veq ire that the in; tv j lof the party should he in liiit.ained. Me will there:',.l'e. U'-‘ all linn nable limans to secure it’ : aseeiideii-'V : tor though defeated wo a c not eon* .pi.*re I. jit ul witli tinsh i ken c.nli denen in ..ur prtn..* x*ipies, wc wiii insist up .ii their ic'.upt;.,u hy the j pep!". . , . •1 T-Imt we claim for the .Ameiicaii pmty stnet !\; cons.■rvutqe o itheial p:qui'it,l"s. suc’i ns ih - 1 mini tl;.’ respect olatl tin,* patriots : while we r* i.-e! with d.'gU'i th fmi co: itimi. claiming na tionality which i> based a desire for pohti- eol power and the love of public plunder now | f'ornong iiH.cncr the I'nion. A. Tiiot we admit. li.ive ever admitted, do now afitnn. an i wij-l ever i..osftiTTii lire cnnsttttitmti - in • its eiiarautie.s of entire and couipieto rydigio..s'lih elly. j 0 The lows of the Fnited States onglit to be : revi*ed and so amende ! .is to exelude frofn our shores all foreign paupers and c.initials, prevent the many gross frauds hind abuses which now at tend their administration respecting the natural ix it ion of foreigners, and establish uniformity in the notnrtiliz ition laws and their enforcement in the and ts rent States I 7 That a!! p rsons wherever horn, or of what cvei eived. w ho in p iitieil matters oicknowh’ Ige the sligi.te.t obed cnee tint* to any higher 1 w j than tlm constitution, or .• im are not perlectly im- . j Piled with the -p lit. ot trite Americanism, are uti ’ tit t” t 11 anv political nflice. and cannot rccpl'c ; our -upport Adjourned till holt post one o'clock. | Met pursuant to adjournment. t*n motion, p'oeecded to. bilet for candidates . to he run for the several county efh •- s. which re sitltid a. follows : For Slier-'il I'nid llfewn : Pep nty Sheriff i! C. Head : Clerk Superior ("ourt. 11. I! Il'dlid v: <’! k inf r ('out t. .his. S. Wood. <h - - dinai v <lurry < : lax ii A. Ogletree ; lax Collector...line Pcrrell: Coroner, If I. Hobbs: County Surveyor. W I, MeKey. On nn lion. Resolved. That the jirorcodings tis this meeting lie published in the AfiVtTiean 1 uioii. On iiiotiuii. iuljourned JOHN IF AKIN, Ch n. W'.w M. Sec'y. .VICIIIPNT on tut: 1’ Mit.nOllOl NII R.MI.KOAI). — \Vo 1 1, iv e been informed llp.itireli.lbh- allfluirity I I hilt n Vessel Went lisbole \ i'ti rd.ny oil iTilli-ess Ann lleneli. fltecrew of \\!iii• 1 1 i. ••safe,” enttstst ing of enptain, mate, and o negroes. Usually the sliipw teckeil iiinritier is ttonted with kitjil , tie's and I pital’.ty. yet in this inslnnec these i nnlot l nmite in<‘n wore put in jail at l’l inco.s A till ‘Court Iloii.e. there to wai; further proceedings lon the paitofoiir ant Inn it ins, for it Seems that i these tn ‘grocs belonging to some of our citizens, enticed to leave tlieir umstets bv these infernal villiatis. tvdm. aetiieg os ag nits of Northern atlti sl.nerv fanatics, stii eeedeil in getting litem on Uiard of.lheir vos.-d. Wo trust justice will treat tin s.- olleuders t. eiiuiitials. and give to ntlieis, tliit inov at this moment be Unking about our cities. . watnillg which w .11 not soon be forgotten. 1 Wo shall wiile in me of our next is.ues uioi ion this subj ect. —.7 -.c/'dC ,Ic/ay. The ('oluml'ia l imes ot’ Wednesday say*; • ‘CWc regret t- Ic.iru tint on Sttnr.lnv even ing last, Mr. Stephen I *-• liit'll, f •rinci!v a citizen of tiiis di'tiiet, bn! I utterly residing near Lown d. svt!!-. Abbeville I*i*trint,%:|s fotitoi dead upon the road, by one ot his m-grose. ••It appeals that Mr. D.-britltl bail been to a neiglilioi's plontatioii some live miles distant, ser veviiig land, and <m bis retniai lie was either tinman fnwtW bis |mrtS(tn<l k-dled bv the full, or .was way laid and murdoted. There is some ” gi h'ind for tiie belief that flic dcc iiscd was mur dei e 1 by one of bis own negroes, perhaps Mi' 1 one i who informed the family of bis doa'H SUMMARY OF NEWS. Amc.vieT 3° Assassinate —We learn from the last 'Empire State, that Hunt, the man who killed Ualston in Alllledgeviile two years ago, attempted to assassinate Col. Wrightvot Ncwnan, on Friday the 23d ult . in the bn'-room of the Alillcdgevillc Hotel. Col. Tidwell struck up the pistol of Hunt as he was in the act of firing, and thus saved the life of Col Wright. i ‘ii the same night, a man by the name of Choate, .supposed to he partially deranged, shot himself in the throat, the ball ranging up into the head and lodging near the eye. He is not likely to recover. [ The Milledgevii!” p ipers make nonFentionof the circumstance- related above ] Death hiom Campuene —The Central (lenrgi ,ri contains an account ot the death of Mrs. Anna Cumming Hull and a little negro nurse, near Au gusta. on t!.• • I'll ult . from the careless use of a eampli.-iie I .nip It seems that the -negro who had a child iii her arms, hy some mismanagement of a c .utjiheue lump became enveloped in a flume, whim AM s Hal’ seized the child, and in saving it, h.-eani..’ herself a victim—herself and the nurse p:-r. s !ii ng. Smvi.l Pox in VVii.kks—The tli'jiuli ‘ii'iin of the 23d ult says that several cases of Small Pox have occur. 1 in the lower part of Wilkes county, about fillci n miles from Wa'liington. Ilium.i: Urn.vr.—Five spans of the Nashville and Chnitanooge Railroad Bridge were burned on Wednesday, the 21st ult. I.aiuie > mi-memk.s.oe W heat —' There arrived at New York on Wednesday of last week, by the Hudson l iver. ‘.10.000 bushels of Wheat. i:s is PiAt.TTMff-.E. —'The Baltimore /./sav-. it is altogether probable that not less than one hundred and fifty thousand bu. of flour have been bought in our market within the past eight weeks for s:4j.merit to France, England and other pu ts of Europe, besides a huge quantity of wheat and some corn. New VoitU Aloxev Alviiket.—The papers re. port that the hanks are iu-.-reusing-their facilities h r eail loans, and rates ol interest arc easier.— Prime paper is quoted at ‘J to 10 per cent , and second class 12 per cent. Santa Ann \ Den is. The Attorney General has decided that Nauta Anna's drafts for three milie i'.s oi dollars on the natiunal J rcusury should he paid to American holders. F-, im. Ai fitav. -An affray occurred between a man bv the moo.;-of Stoop and a mthcr by the mi ne of l i: ts. at a ebni'liucltiug in <iordoi>, on Tuesday last, ill whi.di the former was killed ‘ey a, -tub troui ,i knile Cmmu ca.ii .M i:j> SiMtiNiu: or .Si.AVEB.--The Norfolk \rgos state- that a piriy of about eigh teen shives. ei !>.,*!l so'.Cs. le.t Norfolk and Foj'ta , •i* m ia-t wo ek IW s. ni” northern port. About a dev;*ri are owned iii and the balance on iha other side of the tiver. They are mostly young, ai. 1 ■•■■ me Pi tie an vain Tile mechanics, val ued an ijs'l.-VM.I to yff'KH* each. Mi.; ijm; or ( (iv; i-s. Ih* fir-t session of tic itli t . ngn -- vv.'l c in.nonce oil Monday next the iof IWciubcr I .Mi iitina ivSiviv, it On Tu-sday morning j. .s', ain :a by the naai ft'if Vrank a bar-, I It,-,-per in I lav wo .and- liU.oift >.il !t. .'■avannali, \va- shot in tiie head and iiistunpjy killed, by some per.-eii unkie wn. _!m:. i: .o ftmu Mi s: r o The thazVn bring* ii-i.iecs fr- to M ‘sh oto tie l Isiffe Alvarez hud enierui the ei: v w.tii •' •* * > in*.n. iltv 1 w.js ipiietly ieeeiv> and I i.e g mi-on had pravian.-ly evacuated i tiie city. at vis government will be per manent!'.’ I': e - v.r i to 1: l-eno ile Hidalgo on the i7:i i< i c'chritit'V ihe Cst feuiilg exists between Alvar anp \ i iauri: I'.ego lias tTcen appointed \iinisi. r to I’rnssiii. N'caeto. Secretary of the Treasury, ha- re-igoed. Akiu -i ok ,v |!i lu.t.A.n.—Chfu’es lb-eves, alias Melville l.ord an ai'e-uiibl ..lied vdiiaii. arm-'.l and i tpllpp. if wit h :di tin lo , e.-saiy nil Us;ls ot tiis | ro f s-i ii Was arrested in, Augusta Nutuliv night la-t. .'-ov.'i'ul hiimlio and and -llai's worth of property, -to!, n f,-,in, various [ els i.- in that city, w,re re covered. I!vii,.':<>.'. nav.wii.s We learn from the Macon Telegraph that t;i” ia-v hav*’ ictimicl a verdict o’ s7u(i.) in favor , f \fahn ia U’iun. and against the M ii .oni Uv ;. in Ivailmad Company, for dam -g. ■e. u-■ and I v a eolli—ioti t n that Ra b”ad in tin- y■ ii, 1< >nr l eaders.,no- doubt reinelii tier the-eireiinistane s The engine eeining in eol li -.-i'. t v vvitoii can i ;ge. eon tabling Mrs IV it n with | three eh ildren. a nd a negro driver, the eonsnpience | was that two of the eh 1 Iren and the driver were j Itilb-d outright that Mrs. M inn sustained a fine tore ot the arm . ami that the tliiul child, the I plaintiff’ in ties e' sustained a very severe frac ture ot tlm from the effects of which site Inis never wiivdlv ucbvcvcd. j * ,# Mi tiPKii in .Vomit: —We learn from the Mo .-Idle A-h* /•• r of the g al ult.. that a Mr. Wm H: -Trone. was -!-.o in lie- bar loom of the Rattle House, in that e tv. ‘ ll the evening previous. |.y a iii.hi from i,multibus Mi-siss.ppi. n iine.f Tliotmt* <1 Ranks Mr. I ione politely declined an invita tion to drink with Ranks, when the 1 ittor discharg ed a pistol loaded with tWo balls into Trone s right breast. Uiling him in af, w minntvs. Ranks was immediately | laced under attest. A Mvrsnw. Shot. —lF K Duil'in. Marshal of : the town of Auburn. Alabama, vtus- shot a few days since. TiyTUyuiing.n an named ll ‘iupdcn llar- J den. while in discharge of official duty it is hoped that Mr. F'uilini will recover. Harden es ’ caped. j Mississtrpt Ri.kctiox.—One American and four Democrat* have been elected to Congress from Mississippi. ,In the last Congress there were five I Democrats front this State. Dkatii of an Ac.kii (,’hizf.n. —Cob Joltn |l>. ,uie of the earliest settlers of this town, 1 (and Hie fattier of Ex I inventor Colib sttnl t' lo able repoiicr of the Sitpieine Court, T. li. b. j Cobb. E-| ) departed this life,’ oil Thilisdav last, land ot, Fri'lriV bis remain* were followed to tin-’ tomb bv a large p'iia i si"ii of our citizens. .1 1In ii.i U'dtfliinint, ‘J'.t th nit. | N’t.w Dost * D'kice-.—Anderson. Siimtei coun ty, (i oigia; Jessy T. Kegister. Dost Mil* ter ‘ j Cedar tirove. Walker, Cieorgin; Henry i- Shelton, I’o-t M ister. ’• Mnkitat * Nttiar t.—We understand DaMw Tiles.l.iv night last, at about half pas! o’clock, as the down trail) oil t!ie-(*eorgia b- I ’* lonj was appm.,eliuig Cbawtorilvnie. soiuc nr* lietniispelsoit attemptedidsliool the Etigiuceb tiling olfa gun at It im, and discharged” |,r load into tile vvimlovv ol the M:ul Ag" 1 11 s teetn* Kortmutteiy none of tin'slnds look effect-’ - yiistn (■ hint. VnrotNlA Kxfoiifk. —Since the IstofS’ U^ ’ her. rn.l43barrels of lb'tif;’itti’d'4;*’9o lir'jd>* >l,< r’- of tobiu'co have been exported from Kiehiu“ m ” ’ Vs., to l’ -r djr. | r’s