The American union. (Griffin, Ga.) 1848-186?, February 24, 1860, Image 2

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A595816A8 VMi 6Ky “IvlfMl, WK r.*\o OtVII.MI. W.i I II.!” AIEMWR G. T!I BU.W, Eriiur nntl rroprirtcr. O Ull'l IN, OA, : © . Fri Jay Muriiin?, Frbrnaiy 21. I s > ,,) . S#a-!nirrrours Enmine l. A Ittrgwtrom'ier of the people of t t * A* ua nro i fnflirorol Ntomlntcrcoure'.: with the North, that, to, tbMSouthern hail withdraw tln.r | trofMgr from the Ninth, an a wt.if.t bringlm, Northern fanatics, to thc’r scums, ami fliov. ‘.a:; dim tilr real dependence on slave labor for tJu-h )mw*l; and, thereby, ajj their .t .. I■: •••**••! •bouKkv.ithora imiitullcn*. now much j; >o I. j common tow then* to lit Mir ins <>ur (V > • ‘ Hortbcrn aboUtlontou to Europe an ai l iin i which are worse, weltuvc lhr th?:u to >:clem, >••. There to no doubt but that .* roi-ipb t” rev. >■ ’ >• • • itk Northern neatimsat al n >i <• lx* otlcr'.r-.l • TVs our farmers if they will, for a liine, subarit, b tho prctmiuT sacrifice iMtcoMsiy to bring ii about. But it amt bo a.tuiitsj T >ri, as any considerable number ot thorn refit*! ng to Join la Uo rf!rt would roa-.lor tlwi efforts of others entirely tnava‘l - Arid wo have an doubt but that any untj>- • ir/ pecuniary l us- tn them would he more than repaid in a abort time, if they would carry out th prujact i If our farmers would take three-fourths. of .lie.r. tncaua, now employed in raisin j cotton, an.: u rer li to Mine other pursuit*—to Imil hug Itallroa la, raising sugar, grain of all klml\ hor.e*,, ►!.. c;. *ui h rga; or in mnnufiiitiurin j,m> .w toe;.*, ilyall <>.i ■ ; gmopto with the necessaries of lift 1 , they could, I a projicr s/*tcin of improving their lauds, in a mri ■ thr.e, mike UaMßStlvo, entirci,)’ iuJcpcn lent “i Hi - North, and make the Sot’-i'*, emphatically, liic cn’ dan spot of Clio world. But so l iter n onr priiiei •pal forming capital 1j tMcd in tin; >. .Tin:*. of, COhon, w e urver can eiicet u n et-iti:.-ioo.i: *.* th will avail any thing. When a fanner inukct hi.-. <rop of cotton, he mutt well it, or It is worthlc . t > j ihiai; and If he sells it, the Northern*tl\': -.t'. i WTH get it to keephis mills going, mu'ive*i:i;iluy ucut to his dependents. The manufacturer. ; m” . ter.xuow stand, not onl/pricc t oar cotton, he al io prices the manuf.icture.l article to u ;,'v.i 1 by hav ing the powerlofix the price both wave, the -Nor;'i has an advantage of in that ha*been two I t.i b li! ! up a wealth in the North nt oar cxp.uH*. And j this will continue to l>e the case Just so long a- we j •pend all our energies in the production of cotton. 1 When no raise nothing but cotton, v.o nv. ■ : buy everything elae we need with the in •t - w :•• for the cotton, atnl na we become buyer.), for Vn own Interest, we must buy where we c get • the bait bargains: and the Nr-itli will fur:i.-:U • if not directly, in Urn tty through agenis. , A farmer who is out of debt caul 1 enter upon! till* plan im ned’a'-ely, and the r. >ucn crop hr. th ia cut oft to a great extent the first year, w hie'.i w > il l 10 enhance the price as to enable others to dis charge debt i very fast ; and so soon ns all c,U ting ilghis arc )i..l ai'. c>il I ■■o‘ u- n-s > > i. • ’ taut thicc-lo.irtUsot (lioco.ioi crop, ntui then i. t.dn enough.,wvm; us to supply all our i >. liunie concimptloa, a v.l tin supply of our f. • • xiea, au.l down would go all the NonUcri mils, ftnea'it: they coali not get the e )tto;i to he. ,>tlcr.i going, and llumsauds upon of North ‘rn ! who mow go to the ballot-box and cast lit ir ■vitas for rabid anti-slavery fanatics to annoy and , was urn, wool 1 learn from tvl experience that their bread ii really the product of slave labor. let th <Wm season roll aro.rnd and llu l no cot .0:1 in I What, and they would open their ryea an.l cry I owl, * what’s the matter ?” Wa could respond, * the negroes have quit work lag for yon, and do not Intend to do it any mnv ‘ until you learn to let them alone.” Thla would effectually atop the mouth of nun ; anti-alavcry brawier, a:i I ivo w ) tl t h* ir in tn irr *ff Seward's ” irrepressible contlicl” or of John Brown raids. It would evtse a complete revol t-! tins In action and sentiment nt the North, nud Black Republicanism would be completely bxv.-'.i ! ed from the land. Farmerscoiiltfnot probably hvndlu t.i iclicivi asthey do now alien they raise force cott. rvops. but they could lire better, and cheaper, and area mulai* property foster, by being able to bold nil the money they might got, instead of paying it out for necessaries Now, all the proceeds of abn cotton crop are paid out for a ippllci; theu, ail n 1 eessary supplies would be made at limne, all ne cessary stock raised ut home; tuid instead of Wearing out our lands to muku cotton to > ipport Northern anti-slavery fanatic*, we co„! >, l>y a pro ygi rotation in crops, improve our bin Is and nuke Wham better ail uioro valuable every year. jptjia plain, fbaalblc plan of Non lutcrcotr ■, thUau ha accomplished and carried out if nil i!.<: SouinfenpUater* will do it, Mill they adopt it —That is the Important quevi .u till they yen-intercourse is itnprue tbahla and cannot long as our for Mam spend all their sattgitw UNlliiWii gt-y-nfrnn. i Btaptnaklag any more cotton than is necesoary to rafc&ooorown people, and wo Immediately bring * Xonnkhaitolt term*. The.r factories will 1 ail Adknra, and with them, all the Northern I new made ttaur eaponaa. ■ TheiOM cawwywoii thrrt will fellow will : <joHc probaKly De ahoaMHe-io : • -■- Wk4a .. IW muse* of the Northern people, who ‘'flSy Bake their whole country like a town, and swoW the northern tote to an extent that wee.tnn >t com pete with it et the ball<M-lo\,wi;l l e ihn n < <,t < r employment, and oom)>)ll to welt a living elm: where, and they wiM t>o found decamping like rat* tan a atakbig ehlp. The Nortli will la* liraino,i of ito poptdatlon, touring onjy Hurt number of In hahhaMathere that can make a support from tin ! production* ef tlie aarth, arc I the placoa where lsigs dk-torie* now stand will be tumed into corn and wheat Held.* or potato* pnkhr*. in the tVnrh, fhctorics will spring up, milruaoU will he built, our lands, our slock, aud our material wealth will oil’ N Bel the oooMapicnece will not stop “here. Thous and* of men who now swell the Northern vote against us will be forced be tlie fear of starvation to ft Heat and go to settling up new territory , while probably as many wilt ■*>* South amt lo- aats among da, where on immediate contact with OUT institutions will teach them die felly and abattrd- Uyat their present anti-slavery notions, and they 1 Mill assist mat the ballot-box to beat down the jlhnaUe* they will have led behind. This >vill de-; mwythe dMttlwmt power that the North now holds ’ •Mr at in the {ornament, and render and gfovery ! Aagtiebm wathuly powerless to annoy u# pny t If the eject sand C* ‘He* .jltem (s Stop lur, the ii halt wuid.l he ah qpy c. iud*4d. But there , to (lunger of still Cuniuar cousotpscn. cs. Such a muss of cmi tTauU In Itio Bout*# from the North ; might make ottr population totxfiuu” to tot litvery 1 i remain profitable! mid U* gt' l ’ rpolu I>r til” St lute I race wool ! conic, die black raee m hu • > Igtre wav. In other welds. * many white, emu ling here, might etexxd I t t,x-'". ■ ml in t i t ti’ nli davi Iy 1> til to rolling numi;’ >S> ; I t we ’ nppr.’helld lllut 11 1* true, thtit MV.e 111 bi'"’ i mn. no bear to be i |,, ,Mti'il 1 ill tb i'-I id'a , lor ~ let Wt i d-, I'ilo.i il ii ii an iit oi.i ii red to us in i ■ >r,mii'• ihi : ti,” ‘• l ' ,t : .! ’ll; •'.! be■” I lit,-:,) , i i<.|, mill idroti -l.v y ■line, th dI. r lie n ij.iiil • all b: iny tie 1 •“ u r, ‘ | I’m mil , to tin t ■ n.-” i, it lull iwie,: their pulron , nail tradin:; diiertlyin il irope; Iml in aildii ’ to the gn and ibbie.ilty in b. iiii iiijmihoiit i on- < i t ot, i aetioil ill tliir l-.atti ‘, we liove lull I,the t.illll io iC ri diililm Ho 1011, w our people to lily j i, ,i, sj i tii who yit c l brio In spale, will fur j .'.'me i. il all’ iiiereli ml till not 1 < Noith.j | lint Mop in our Sootiu rn i to bey fond*, tlu’ • \ , ‘in tii fu'toriea w .l! mini Iv ff-tulili di .''yen | ,1 tb . . :tlu rn (lt:i *, and lie.;- ui'ls “f i ’ >■ It lino if l‘ • ‘li! 1 .I.iint .lilt ill fail coin.’ t.ein •• New llnTland” 1 inker ingenuity will; rll:l, ■ ! ruidh US with sol O long V.'e Ii: e ’ the cor ai I’ !’ 111 111, UUil pi 1:1’ ‘ noth Itg li'it I , •'il’ •’ •’ . i y ‘ .lot ’ - I'.l l ie’, Oils I ,uefi it ■: . v.’ I,’ .;! , ,i blow to the im I• | dial el,: ,e” and Oik , ‘"I Ollier I'iCe ‘. who life TC- j Oily (be i i:ly flu” !wi luxe in tho North, but j e V.ld leo tee i’ i the M’lO ; : ’ie! et iv ml T* “1 -b out’ ntTvr*. ilcon tn.-clt. Il it 1 ‘ ti;e ( ‘'toil crop wt>>;>, [ i ti.e ii'ii iMo.ite elicit iv at I “ the tio. ing “ft he fit to ! ! l'l"S Wild Cl'* I OHlJiiete lOU'.e of ltd ttioue ‘b'tli ot 1.l ‘ nrd'e. in tv'it'; tis in ti :n ipive lament and in * j, ;t l the iVillt Ii t plolle 1 j It is Lee, that a■t'f >; :i of Cm cot loti crop , ,vr. il 1 (leile a i r.i-hiu;: < emulsion nil ever tin ; world whore c>‘ 'nil is e-c i t > airy extent, und ! wnulil bring and .hress, m I rid,able i.ti'.i vatloli on ; it,,,, -auds who now t-*. k to lie m.iiiuih'-mrmg hi , !,. s (, f. t ;l tbeir I>r, e! , but ti w !d le.'tru tlieth nlij ; t.-voiid f:itliere rt iitro\<.rsy tint C,'t!<-n ... hint;, and ; that liny re.iliy il. p. ad’ nt on Sotitliern Slavi j I 1 ‘.r t'.r ail t!” ■ i t:j"-.. Tins ;.x “tnplislicd, vve j ! might, in a t'-w y-it, .•'•kail t” m .'do,’ e, tt..n, Be caie fr* a an” faf#l to"!'‘..t.■ >.I on a. ■* tilt “t j our avyrii. a. Tii:’ ('UTN'rV tiiVf. ’ This i.t tl.:- name'ol a I'lipr j.ujdidied **<; ! New Y. . and ;u tc j ! we | !aee Its name • ion oitr e.xchanzx .1 t. Wc like i’- .1. riaN, as; ’ ‘ • ... * ! LIICV f ill il tii 10 ill Uitil OiT (•'.*. 1! ; illKl ‘N j we'po c tin: ad it nr to Iv iioi.eit, ii” would lil > | ( to i: hi'.', a li. vv qit” and l.ope lie will an- j 1 M'.l! ill rxii'i’ r. i lit lit’- ••.'.MI lYiV.n met tiny.’ recent iy Inld in i New York tt'.d i.tlicf N’ rtif. tit e’tii . did any . .. .. . . • . i. tn ‘ of the Hepol-.ii m party.tak” a part V If ■; will IL. -j c u • ■> v .tc a it p'tl.ii; ill tick ’ ct ? P i Ifor:hi.'.-:! men . \p. t l to maintain the f . L oil a of the J'l'ites, :i:t ! -till eont'.iP.e their .open 1 li:. til'.;- to till- ii-'titul ion i f.-iaverv ‘! ii. If Not tin tn. nun d.e. ire to *: t Imenain: ’ ‘preserve ti.e .-ovn i. • : . vv!:,. : it tliat tl icy do not ah union old i i.m .f tin is-w ltd i party ■ ii;,u !i ■*.*:,i .-1 x •'.-.•nil t lat.i•:!:). ati.i ;.rrv their I 1 , l m \ . ‘. > ..i'* S ill ! in.\ :•> ! lii.ik** il l iU’utivr , .4 . vi'ti n'tiM mil t *i 1111014*'. I any,..: . r . • vrit'.i ‘ > tfa .i in .:'’itiona ? I. Ilu Ul’ a••.. ‘ tl itio-i i 1 the®! Noitln-ni ;M'i” *. or i- il otiL pi /'I in Iv-xv Yota; j : for ‘(‘.rev'll ‘','.ai in t.u- ; ..cib V | •. As Hi p;.!,lit'.::i a li , . : . i: pre u’ t arengtii ill deliauid of the etlmt-- of tin- Democra- cy lo keep it down, is there a uc'l I'.uiiuii'd hope j that :i re action i:v puplie sentiment there, will ■ enable Democracy to vvliip out Hipidilicanism it. any cousidcrable uiiin'ocr of t'ne Northern Stales ’ next fall? | tt. If Dciu n'tAi'y, on a” >an', of prejudices | I against thitt organization, e.uinot hip out Rrpub : ltv.misin, e.itt ;t new I'uioii part . In formed with I 1 ;:iiy hope of sicce: s over both Uepublioumsm mid I j I,r ‘“ 1 r.i. y ? | , 7. It tench anew Un'u-tv party can be i -ned, | why do noft-tlit North'vu |>eople orgaui/.e rui.o a j party * 1 t*. If one p. rlieu i's tin Ni llliein y. | h me so pivj i .Ueed in favor of the org.ini/.atiou ealied “the | ■ DcmiKT.itie patty” that tiny will not, abandon it. ■oi l a larger portion of theui an so prejudiced against Unit organization tint they will vole a lie publican Ticket in pr;aeivnee, how can the election , of a Itl ie!; Ib-p iblii an I'reddent lw avoided ‘‘ !•. Do Northern tnen expeyt the p- ople of the | South to submit lamely to the inauguration of a 1 H'-etioinil i’resident, eieeted by -ei tioual votes and j i [till a'tetliijiiil platbunt in hostili'y to Soe.fhcm insvllt-tiotts ? We ask those que-tions in nil candor ami hones- 1 ly, and hope they w ill be lin.sweivii in the same spir t. We w ant to know the feeling, of the mass . e.s of the North, :■•> that we may know how to act! towards them. t):.r name, T'u l iito/i. ‘ is ;t true index to our sen;intent.!. We nrgj&ffi iii'iiiitaining the American bnion. il it can tie done \vi boat degradation to our ow n sceiion ; ‘and it is j for the Northern people to say , not by holding ! luiioa intetiugi mid profitsiioiia of loyalty to the , Union, but by tln-ir uWfoi prompt mid and. eisive at [the ballot-box, whether the Union is to continue to c5Mm NoriliLs to continue to control tlmhollot-box there, xvc do not beliewths Union can be saved. Toombs hot n bail I’rnphrt. While ll n. TANARUS,. J. Gnrtrcll ivs-;Fs!r.g forj [Congress in the fourth District, he found it ncoes-! 1 sary to make a public pledge that ho would not J vote for Dougins, if !,<■ un* nominated at Charles : when Mr. Toombs hoard of it, lie said r tlts-ynt’einan would not stand : pin bis pledge. Daring tho contest for Mpc;ikcdtatWblt was found that Mr Bn.'Oi'k could not lie eleetvdTMr; .M (Irrn.ind of Illinois, the right hand iuiiu of I 1 k-iyiis, was p.u in nonti'iatiiui. aul Mr. Gartrcll j voted for liiiw. Now, we want to know what is’ t’.ie difference between voting for Douglas and for, , Mi Ci niatid w hoU out uiul out a Douglas uvuuuid j f.ilis agues ivnli him in all his notions a ; *>nt terri totkd sovereignty. Mr. (iaitri 11, by voting fur Mc ’ demand voted for Doiigjas'-prim-iples ; and we 1 aj*ptelu':id;t!iat the pi ofne of the fourth District] innlctaUMid lout loeondvtUH the )>riin rjx'm, not the” kiSim whetl he said he Would not vote for Douglas. ’ A fid as he has already violated his pledge It* spirit,; who c m say that he will not violate it in ML ’ when w■ nominated at Charleston ! i We li.ivo rueeived mi obituary notice, signed J “ l-'riend,” v* bo neglect* to inform * of his real ’ name. Our friend* w ill please rtueud>er Unit wc cannot insert Obituary or Marriage notices unto** ] they’ arc nccoqapanied with a rcapomiWe nggw 1 Wo do not wish to publish the death or marriage ■of nor one naira it is true. Oar oorrcsipoudeut t will plc.iee send ns bis proper nauin. and the notice ! shall appear In otr next inane. I otiaislrtif). Mnny eon Cut “ I line enitit i dititr* .re ipiite pro Insflfntheir drnnneiatiotyii of Henry Winter Da-. ; vis, the American lb ptwtibttivi trnin tln*e:ty of itoiliiuore, Im-chum’ In- voted for JVnuington for Speaker on ‘lie imt tialiot wdtieh r*mlteil in His meetleii Wlnti .1 * ivin is openly denounced, by ei me of thrill, us a llhiek ilep'dilieafl. Now, ttf luive no apology to n. die for Hetlty ; Wintei inula, lie viii'(U"i'l’ 1 nniiieUin, and l.v b vole ep ‘edhimSp. her, h: ‘ if any hml col. j , .n,is . !',iv, In til it'll are” lit to bis eonslitm ell! for b', vot''; mill time wi.idd appear “in’ i .a. ateiirv in those v. tin tie, ihnoiinre him, it : tin v u-ottUl deal v.illi ail alike, and l eusnrc otli ers, also, w 110 ere eipially cu)|ul!de. Oil the l ist I tail.oi which resulted in theeleetinn of I'cnninsrian tlie raee ‘vasltetweeti l'eninilgton itnd M' ( tiT'lmndi .1 Illinois, and at the same time that l>.,vi. vot'd I fin IVtinitiKt'im lihurly ail the Southern !•’ “■ rats, voted fir Met'lernund, win is,and lias been all the j w hile, a D.e-.glaa Denim rat, a supporter of Pong , ! m’ views throughout. (iOV. Wise says,that Dour;- I .s’ dor'trine is “only a sliort rut to all the • mb- “!. ’ f>,.p ,1 . ot” This ie nod i ill’ true; and if <> ‘ iherr v as no I Im>:cc, so far as tin inti *e.'ts 111 tae , ■ eith is I ..oo'.'niod, between I‘, tiuington and Me-; j t iernatid, even ii I\vt'itigton to. a 1 Slack 1 a',"d■!:■ , tie v iv who deni iince \\ in : o , | -, vis for voting lor I’et niiigton, “ ill, also, de ; .in ,'.i . all ttiose Smttliern I’eutoeiwts tvho voted (or • .Met ieimnid,tiny will • hmv some eon ’ ‘etiry. Hit, - to ■’ ilmv ti'imin Bthwtt, and, limrelty, tIII-Tt-'V j ,ij:■ jive tin’ net ot these Democrats win* voted tor j MeClertiatid, their censurea if Dayto “id look too. i one sided to have much weight with a scrutinizing• , *:i'o|i!i'. Wlmt is “fain o for the !/""*•,” “iiglit, also, | |lo “satu e tor the gnl'lfrr,” and he v. ho utulenakcs ■tn i tistire, o'odit ‘o ilichule all who arc equally | ’ i-.ljntil,'. Tlie i.iet that Winter Davi” is not a 1 >-• j null rat. and that the other* on Demoi rats, i- not | a valid eM'iise for making a difference between them. liriffin Ltglil fiiitiril. Tin, gallant Coiiipany paraded o.:r streets on! W’ diimd.iv, ””d instant, ft, is one of tin’ finest anil in i drilled (.'ontpanies in tlie .State; ami. tn fn-r, we do no!. hclteve that it Can be ey imV-'', in; tjeit particular, by any Company in //o’ Matt'. Tiim gave ii Patty at night, which, we learn, 1 was a grand atVair, indeed, everything having been ‘•done up”- in regular military style, and at wiiich ..tiie bea’ity of the city was well represented. We wish tlie ” thiflln Eight Cttiiru’’ a long, happy and ; useful career. w <• wnkt’s RfpnMtfiiu.” Title paper inn taken on an entire!;, new and ; l o".ii‘ui dr S', an I In s I'li.'itig” 1 its lettvi” t” the ; ” \Vas!i’:e;loti Itidepi iidenl. ‘ IT” The City “f Home ilia.; was i’ diii l v.iths gas tor the tirs! time, on Tet sdav, Ketiraary 11.— The Ci'tirin’ -1 tin - light is brilliant and sat tory. Tl) ” Coitslitiiff.” Mi;. llliiTO. - :: I will try again to /Ire ymt a levy for tlie benefit of my unkiuni u friend, “ Con-; stance,” and tlien, perhaps, I v.'il! retire. Plea e; insert them; > “Constance,” fijir -eeki'r if “ black c/es, * Since you must wear (In? “A/Vee/t,* I offer, as a compromise, . That you shall make the stiti lies. It > i -i.- !..i me .--igT- ‘ •> >-<m i.Which no man ever frets,) Instead of making pant i.’. -stis, Y"..M make til.- is ; . TANARUS!” when dn 1” it from crown to toes, I liojic Jaufild/iit y. ur man, \\ it ii “coal Idiek eyes” and Homan nose, Wh'i’ll phase you, if he ran. And since “ IVek Hunker ” you n fuse, ‘Who has liis corn and hogs, Ar.d wants a wife who broonis can u.--, And is not seared at frogs, 1 must, to you, sayjiire you well - Wlien next you advertise I Don’t let the thought Hint you’re ahi ile Prove you to be unwise. lint. HiNktut. Zeletlon, I'ebtuary it, I SI Ml. Tut: (IwirntNo ITi t i.s op Washimitl'S.—A ; correspondent of die 11 art ford Post thus speaks of the gambling hells of W ashington ; Udie pani’eiias, it is said, haw suffered severely-; by Hie searcitv of mom v here, mid several well i known i unbhs I intents are reported as nearly bank-! rapt. There are about forty of these ‘‘.hells,”; nto-tly mi l’ennsyhania nvemte in the vieiirty of the National Hotel, although Jo Hall, (who sue c eded Pendleton) lias tilted up a house near Wil lard's. Supper tables are set nightly at all of them,,’ I good fare and choice v.ines attracting many, wild: j afterwards are tempted to play. Os course the” ” bank” Inis great chances in its favor, or these establishments could not be supported, and tills is ! ; generally known. Hut a fascination for the ex-; | eitement, with the hope of a run if good luck,, 1 prompts liundredsto hazard nn>re or bx. Strange lories are told of those aftbete 1 with this a I ma nia of indulging in one of the worst of vita s. A ] prominent, politician now here, when appointed: ! minister to a foreign court about ten years since,! | actually lest tiis outfit and first quarter's salary the | very day on which lie drew it from the ttrasiuy, i • and bad hard work to borrow enough money to | leave the country with. A Senator, more luckv, , once won over eight thousand dollars in a single night ; and similar tales of gains and losses are told about men who occupy ;i high position in po llticnl life, tt is regretted that some legisla-1 lion cannot Ini deli u-tl. by whieii tiiese foul excre scences on life at the National Metropolis cau be ‘ cut off. Fukf Nkiikokh in thk Sovtii.— V writer in n > Nnshvillo paper has coniptU k <l the probable number | ul* froo now in the slave Slates, whieh in diMnlmted as follows: : Marvluml, fo),ooo j Virginia, \...0.000 i North Carolina,. ito.otx) Delaware,^., 20,000 Louisiana, *- v 90,000 Kctitui-ky,. .< 1 1.000 District at*\ ihinibnm-. li,ooo Tennro|r & !.”8,000 GoiwjiW. v 3,000 XPissippi,. .a % 3,000 Alabama, \„... s 3,000 Klmiila 1,900 , Miss: uri 1,300 1 ; Texas, j Arktutsas; . 1,000 i or n e total eclipse of the sun, which will take place on the 18th *>l July of this year, will lie n ‘ very important one to tho sclent die uorld. It will. 1 commence in California mid terminate on the lxir iier, of yite Bcdrioa. Ikissiug along ainiul tlie .tilth 1 degree of ’.ftitude, and <iuiiting tin American eou.-: time at a! Hudson Mtrait, it will cross the Atlantic I to the Spuni&h slew, sml lor some minutes, some- i thing Ilicr one-fourth of Spain will i>c in total dark-] iless. The diadow will continue its course over 1 Africa, crossing the Nile to the uosth of Dongola, and tlnnlly ifiatling the earth in Kthinpia. During ’ 1 tlie eclipse, the ula<iota M ‘rrnrv, Veaus, Jupiter, ] and Saturn, will be visible together, arranged in tlie fonn of a lUmmboid—an occurrence > rare that souis centuries will elapse lieforc such a s|hc- Udc can be w itnessed again, indivd tliu eclipse it self will be. ofa character that will lie utnvpmHed liming the present century, —\*w York Courier. iflniw es Stephen* nnd Hrttft. Cmtu.EsToWvt, Peh. Harper * Ferry I ertminals, Stephen* and Haslet, were te-rlay,,sen-1 teuced to rw* hung on the Kith of Uaieh. Thr I oils!itulitin -II I niu Early. . v ir| Wc think tlie lortnotion of such a party is a r.e -ceskßrnf the titm s. an 1 “hi!” vv•• regreg we are not I mr'irki'd at tin- niiismitau it nieetswith. Ik sides ; being op,msedhy \L,.i ,r se, by men North; mil Mouth who agree in nothing “he save (.aliinp 1 the Urik.n a covenant with I hi, it also meets the opoosition of nundiers ot the imp tbl” at:-* and l)e ----tiniiTat”. dtouni.mists but who. y.. partisans.; te n-die-ii of tin tnove-ment, atgldhe over-1 llitovvof lii-ir o.’ it oi'/ani.’ I'i'iu- I best dung j Iln-se men cun do is the ui l'urtv, and g iti'.n 111' 1 lirst * ; ii//i/7./C"' ; . I Serb• i-ix. we pity tl,” man who ean U"t. n tin,, tiki-tli, . ei'ti.,'!".’ liii'|irejit.!ii es ,ht- -intipa- , ti,:. v hi i art i li i tin:.’, and give tiuii'i If, heart Mid | ‘ That has need “f him - it needs, ‘11,,,ii-in mill ail tlie courage it can enlist to - IVI it fto„i il'-si ru. i ion. Had men have ruled too , 1.1.,,,;. , -*'v. to - V Hi” least, it posidv “"vtl intent, ‘rushi d’ the old Ship of State Ihr out of her C.itisdtma.ual course, and il'.W, ill the v.iltl wa.tei.f water- the temyK-n on; di’- ‘lirhue- me upon tier, at. I tlie v.biti wav • ; wreathing lliiii,*"lv’ ...err'dy u- up< ’ tl,” t. rrilile breabet-s ahead. In Midi ft er.Ms, in .mil thick'gathering gloom,win, will not lend almnd rcdlt tl”- old still', and I” save h-r ln *CU , tune who will not cease die miserable cry ot the ; snoil. r. and join in one more strong endeavor to ! r(|-e die al-'-i of the eovnai't, (j(ml e. V’ !""I anil sivuriU and prosperity t,. oar C ; Tin ti.ii wax .v it'n 111” doubler, ; ..ay tv •/’ [ tier, away V.idi bim who wolnot -ee the danger, <t, wiio “"” ill ii"’ xvofk to a t T. Dill What kind o'’ a ! ototi pad’ saall “c ti.ivi. s ■ oi:nir\, st*<•:< i . i ‘■ ( 1 •• . Hi-! > *|; ,J 1< i• lr:i-!w “1 thd i>.vl partus • -if it 1. to I.” a met. .-I,:;';i:t timh.gttous. ■ licit.hie con- rn- it will prove “f no advantage to tl,,.lain, “hiltever it he to its ov.-nriinp tol""- ;; ./'h a paste the couiit! v does not need it Wants ain’t Itihg.else. Wglov'cdiis l -incerc • u ; it is a seiitltu’ nt with c *, that I.’ ’} w)l ” itH front “ T v.utli. tui'l dh- ‘a-; with our : tua.dioo l. Hut vv” lov ‘ j?; -rn *’- V> •’ f '‘ vo^ • a I'ltiim parlv. org ■: - i-'.< ■ I i.n'.oU ■ ■:. a a and ’ with the sim'] to hni;!"-"rv “t C"Mstitut:"ii and die Laws. W. v..ui) -t ■ we v. ant uoUo ,iv deceiv'd, ."u i nobody ciiea’ t H e want alt • . . 1 1 . r, i 1,. ..lilt., • tilt- li'lPlV tO : die eb'iii’ iiis v. iiieli inn i” comp’ -e die (’arty to ,ns in tit nt --f | Pi t < /aide. a;. 1 want • ; ,|| to ii'-iv • full a.i 1 fair uml"!’ iliidnig <! the !• nid ol I'nion-of the ci.-umis u|.on which we will adiif.d-: •’ th” go cornin’ t.t. if “” g “:"- 1 .. s .inn \V< hall pat It in no c>'V of the l nion, the l .lion for tit.’ ai-..’ of tile !'. - nor for the sal;, . t parly a <er. leifcy. C< “ sh’ to pv erve i this Inion t**r the - ■!- - ■>! the ! !•’ •’ ’•'* ha- -'"tt kcri'i"!. .:>;•! 1 t tin. e vie 1., peit him .-till continue tn cnnlcr upon nr.r children and m.ri inf .rcn ‘chil dren. With all th” -v, ho may kto :;t. the |C- ‘'.ill/ i.ioti. we 111;’- !| ■i ‘ all. beby-goiU.".-* r.el ti.e dead bury lit ‘r lie. I. ‘ ‘ !•’ ‘ ‘• ‘ mews 1 diviirction • In r ‘ ; a” Rno” ii iimohg ns oc a ’ hindrance to any- one < ;-eient .o't-a;. .ling the. sailetioii of ills fount.i v. Let u- ‘’ - t ( '! l '*l s and fricti.i -. to overthrow tie ■■•'■ “ r ss ■or igtiorai ,■. have i.m : .a; ’ be ‘ ?'*l lli ol tae ; precipice. . i.r. adult .-imil 1"’ tie ba an! ;lm new j'Xa • 1.l tin li: -t place-it mu -t lie truly a Limm p.-rty, sliding on middle ground tu tweisi tue * 1 -Is , f >oh .e, teai, reliukit r the fn and. s."a <d inn North an ! ihe - Itr.iPfm of the ’ ‘idii. Its ; teat j ■'aim BS'f't !- I” pre:erir the ! ’ of th c Htincs it ;a .. I tint <at by I. .1 a ( - tu.aliy by | its Ivei'i'tiiln tin fai t as vv 11 iv i.; n nne a ( ■luthin- i ‘ twn-il ptirtv. Not simply Lx ; n;....i:tiltg'h"iau-j li His of fis.ltv to the t distil ad *.*, If.'.t'tse -ill par- j ties sty that, hut sum rMn.r more. The bond ol ; Lnion mss’ in !uue an nneq ■ ’ 1 ■ oge to; maiiuaiti and enl'orec the i c- 1 -. * “ fugt-| tire slave buy < f (Atngi - • ■ . . a “ - iiinm ‘; 1 1 oj •?? hunt xtl.i.h pr.i.:wady 1y | tlie ficl of Congress, or’ liind. fTds etMorccm. n’ In addition the pally must e. n.i.d: i:-, if to the decision of tlu? S .4a In :l tril.tSHi and i>Lj the land, “l.’cii die! iris tliat tiie'.x.y rigid >,t j Congress ov, r the i. :■ -:l>.;i of rv in :L Ti :r:-; feri'..- is the -vV'* coupled wit:, ti.e-. t, .a <so - > I-! , • . .... ~„:a'cr a-tc |.ta‘ ox ti"..!'.'L.; profic.'-| I tv, xv none', er. the same lx—,me-,’ < “'.iry, 1 1. q.. ■ ; i s"'t it.sfHW*'rirt'-rmhiedly a :'v‘,-: u t'n: ■■ •■’ ’•■:tth” -i-m j • at liere.-y v l.ii h c'.i'th. ■■ t'ia-co .neT. -.-ri: “-ial * 1,/,i -Linux.) willi m:v p. .".is i ia- (':. .’ ■: ’ ((’.-I: ,-r-~-i il - .’ p ‘ - .’Il en ter ax -pi-ci Us ‘ |d'-a ,t i'"j, ; o."lx x.'iity, safrcixlci's Fn.x cxia-li- : i.lViiioi.a', riglpaa.;’ liu* c...a ‘<> ttc atl.iti'.u x at ot . ; those wllo are not soxaux igr,*. ‘i las docirme ot : j p"|nda. ~ovl'tc'.x,ify iiniy axother name ti r free | soil, and iu ailvoeatxs, trht /;•’arc free..oil | ei's at ln ai'tf and only deterred l.y/< :, front so de elnring themselves. j The patty xvlikli, in good faith and without eva ! sion, u'llopidtlie platform abov e set forth, will itc conie the tx.vd “ eotistiUitional l nion I’arty” of tlie ! country, whatever may be its n-tmf. And to such ; a party we conti len'ly liojve tiie entire Opposition ;of Georgia am! tlie South maybe rallied, with a majority of tlie Democracy also. Sea It a party, i irith t!f i/.//,? L ithr.t, xxe. Is.-iieve, can carry enough .: x .ie in Iho Nor: hern S’ to its e.tiididtUCß ! for tiie Presidency and \i. -Presidency. “ I’rin cipl.'s, lift men” was once a rally ing cry—we pre I'er principles men, lor tl.eiv is lie.paeiitly att i imaii in the men a, in tin 1 pi ineiph : and it is as ; much a party,/!// to all hononibic means for sue : eess, as to maintain goo i principle.. For of wiiat j j avail can prineipies’ever la 1 , unle v. you >;i organiz.e ’ your fbree.s as t.i secure their sue.-.-ssf-d enforce- . meat? Our opinion then is, that to he a'/c.-ewfi/f, 1 a Southern man should lie the Presidential candi date, with a Central S lie man for the Yirc-I’resi-1 deucy. I .el this not alarm our Union friends at | the North—u <• do vn,t and inand the lirs! ehoiee, hull I we think .success depends oil it, and therefore, we | ask it as a concession from those who hoceme our Northern allies. It may lie said licit we are n't.-n a- to the plat form—that u.e ask too much. M e think not, and wo think ‘.hUghe most opportune time we everj -■nv to insist'’ upon a /<)!! and s i/’ Is | j there oneconseientiotts, honest, reflecting mail in j t!i North who will say we are m i v entitled to an'absolute enforcement of the Fugitive Slave | law • That we are not entitled, under Hot de i eision of our own bigliest t ’ourt, t” tS'oteetion for i our property of all kinds : j, >, let him speaiy atnl give his reason -. We claim to Is- coiiserva t live. Union loving, law-abiding—that has been al : ways the character of this paper, and therefore;we hope our language may be he, did by our North-’ 1 era friends. “ It may be a -i,e,i tho:i. wliat uitraisni and what fanaticism do we propose to light—from wliat save •the country? We answer that we oppose; and we I wish the* Union party” to oppose, on the/one hand ! that fanaticism at Hie North which refuses enforce ; til -at of the 1 1 v, and declares no in irelslave States ! s'i ill be admitted, an I on the oilier, that ultraism at the South w hich declare* for disunion in the event u Republican is elected. We “Oppose both of these, and we would save the country from the j infatuated rule or ruin policy of those who preach such doctrines.— Citron, and: ,N n. Importaiit from the Rio (iramlr, From tin* Browusville (Texas) Flag Kxtra, of sth instant, we extract the following important intolliimnce: / imeiiigrmcu; / LalelaßtnlAt,fwo>onrl.*rs, T N- Stmliom and Nat White, Rrt ivcl from Hu* s!lamer Rnnchero I jrtTTi iTTmmtcjH'-) i;r Mqjor H< U. S. A, Brom Col. Totil, com*o:iniliug Hie UMigcra, and ll.ivut. Langibm. U. ,Y„ ‘ ami a h'tt'oKrnK Kcim<*.ly. from K.lward Downov Esq., w ritti’ i at 1 th<* iustam i* of Cap!. Marlin, of tin* lkmoliero, I j which contain tin/ startling i;;. nrtation that tliel ; steamer wasi attack ‘d at a pi.n*.* < illcd the Balsa, ’ thirty—ix ntiWabovi* this <*itv, at 3 o'clock vest or-) i day. by Mcxlc in*- from the Mexican side of tin* W*iV 1 Grande: over which none have bc*n surprised,! i sim-e it Was known that Hie lkiudn to iiad a v;tiu-. i able IWTgbt rtii l tmprcp irc.l xv ith-tau.l n :it';ick ■ from tiny cousidcrubk* force.* { I Cord-Vird ind Capt. T.ittteton, who left this place with their companies on Tlmr-day last, arrived I opposite the Steamer almost at the instant of the ’ nttnhk, where they met Maj. Tobin and Captain i Tomttnauu w idi their forces who - had Wy tt M means, says Mr. Dovyjjsy in hi> letter, o| ...U'etin the boat on her trip down from Kin Grande Citv 1 Shots wore exchanged N't ween tlie Ran Vrs mid the Mexicans, during which Col. fowl *,v*, (MK . V C my mat wasnnouliv wounded: U'.d f7h.ViTi - that the steamer could not be pmt.s ted otherwise, lie J says, 1 determiued to aussiiio river Wont Mr. Stravhom, of Ford’s command, wei have obtained the following condetised statement ! ! which we regard as altogether reliable. i I Upon the lauding of the Rangers on the left b aß k i i of ihe river, who lutil itreu Htmi|ielled to cross mi -1 ,|era tire from tun enemy, a severe con! a t ensiled; . i thefUngei- slo.vlv udvarotng, untd the enemy! , made a Htaod about tlu- lourths ot a mile Iht. Isiat on the hank of the i l *'’ ‘ ‘‘.'J'* ; 1 ‘an active engagement tool. ’ ee, and led and. and h onUntenntosion, for three .pmini ol :,i. “"tr mlu ring wiii’ ii time a mcaengci arriv’ and and <. I ed to I the guard mi this -Me for utt uumem i.e “ ‘PI’ V I Slntna s rill.- e.utridges, vvhieh were at ‘ I ed over to him in the steamer s sm.dl boat, e “f” i brought a dispatch from Col. fori, dine 1 - • | Hteniic-r to ih'i-ihl the river lor tnepurpos,- o Im. I big her cannon to tour U|xmthe enemy, vviio tii eo'nrier said.was strongly, furled up nni In- . , liank. At. w numit’ s the eouri.-rs 1.-. t t.u i firing had ceased; from what < a use is un,.none,but | we sils|K-et t'oL Ford Ii id laden t>,n''’ t” auait tin nrriral of the steamer with the cannon. Hittec the receijit of tin’ information the most in tense excitement Inis jivevaikil on l<tl> *dcs “t the ; river, and the war fe iinghas been raised to alugli- Icr piuh than ever. We are assured tliat tin- an thorities of have sent out, Min e o'clock last night, two or three armed parties; , whilst Col. Lock ridge, who was upon the eve /'! j <le| irtnre for New Orleans, feeling tliat li'S service j might be needed. • tailed In coiiipany with some | twenty-live more volunteers at i* o’clock 1’ M. to day, up t lie fiver; so that, front all appearances, the hall is open, and a war lias really cotnmatice t. | I! itvlierv ii l - 1 Owed toliiary, murder lias tol : lowed imirder. i ision iris f.'-ilowed hivtts per tiilitv lias followed pertiditv, in suc-li ,uve.-sio:t . . ; rin.r'tp,. nast lour tn .tilths,that our American popu lation i in a .'ate of frenzied bewilderment, <;’ j knowing and liftlc caring what curse is not t lad | upon tlie Kio (iratide V alley. Mr Taylor, one of the TexasCommissiotic,-.who had determined to start tills morning for the yapi-; lal. upon eonsiiltation with our Cii/.ens. li i- deter mined to remain. Mr Navarro, liowevi"-, vv.’li a full report upon Hio I trande ada.i -x trom t ii” •’ , ning of our war to the present,, started to-day for . Austin. w , 1 Tilt? purs* i oi* I lit* Ari/.ouu * J liiit on im* < n an express i-nmc do” n to ira/.os wit ii intell;L"i , ! , e ( Inal t’ortin n laid again rro--a dto tlie Atiterte in side, followed by Ford. |la Lad roliited the nud rider from Kio < Iratide City, and tiirn permuted ; liitn to pass, (’ortinas was about t!nrty ntdes a bovc Brownsville, and had three hundred an a. -• ‘O’ ——- - - - The Polis) us Hi.’ Urmiimtir i’nrty, tit fitrlh by i;s trailers. The lion, linger A. I’rior, it UcprCscnttitiyc in Congress frinn tlie Stale ot Virginia, anti a dist'.i!- gnished ie.uli r among the southern Democracy in ilie House, used the ‘lotiowing laitgna/e in illa-'ra tion ot tin view* and intentions ol tile Nati. ud. Deinocraev. in a recent speech before tlie vvbielt lie is a member: “Be that as it may,/ prof,.*/ tn* u-unn-p ----(ion th at <*t\ hpinitm “n l’t rfttor , :tl purer s'. •” U mailt a t ‘/in in! /<’■ ■■''/. I cvi unde.-tan.’: how the enemies of tiie democracy may employ and nggravtlt” tlie issue as a wedge to ‘. end e.s m dcr tIST unity of our party; but 1 cahrn.t <■ ’ai; e hetfd liovv any D<anoCi: t ean intlio s dcida. operation. In all i"!its .1 oraani/etions iy :-! be some open q : li-nir. i: is xnp".—.! ex t ■ an exact conformity ofoomion upon exety .t'ie.a of speculation, iue policy of the Democratic par ty has been . •’ . ;,, i".tea dltf’ .-ea-e ot “pni.x.t ix this matter oi , .x.,.rial power.” We call the attention oftirx. .etthern j .pi” to this language, an 1 toll:e prinei(de there:tt t e i. i for them to i.i lorse ami eouform to. x. e ~i-: : plainly, llatiy. and shame',W-'.y t id tlu.; it ;.*■ ’‘t;;< ! polk-v, <if the 1) xra'ie patty to ml'-rai ■ a dii.'e,- ‘ ! dice of opinio : x - laa'Xx’ oi i err.tor, op"v a , lor in other wore*, that a man may hx x. tr ■ : accepted Deinocra 1 , tixyond eax il or qxe-it.x-n. r. - I matter what his vic-.vs m tyoc With regard to si va i ry : , We shall n- 1 il. p.o lion of Mi. i’lxor it-is unques' “ the policy of tin* l)om “Tatic party” to do just ashu has indicated ; tha) i a ti-* . I hfave parted vi ill all j •ijii. and sole-respect, and i fiektioxvlcdge'x. -. ■’ - -•! ‘■".■ c ..’ tlicit’ only *i* ufiion. Hie - l*r t-> <• | w! ‘.filler tin ■ soiiiiiu:.; ; t i-.toiiil *tuhi:oi t•>• ‘.< ‘.i doetfine, let it be tt, • | i : “,v f tic Demur:"', i party” or not. Are vve to go torward and get on ‘ 1 icir knees to the’ rv fatuities of the tt.-u” a. j j and iigree to stUTiify o r minds, ossify our iici.; -. tU-’i c-e ‘-.aai and t. i.’ tb'-i’ .ids and it,H'/t ■if oar -eettoi!, fil'd',’ ty 1 e.-. e *'it i dm ; ■ dlcy of ’ the Dcmi'ci,.'!” p “,'iy” iim! Ave .-'h f.ii 1 <! > so? i . ’ in tiic name, ol* i i':,i\ in. v\ !i:.t 1i:... , <: i,,ue oil whieii tae pc ipic if, l,isc,>utliry limu- 0,, n ; divided, alino.u to tue vertrcszldisruption,’ fir lie | last ten years, tint thi> very matter of pow-er over i shivery in the Terrhorii .*? It w . Hie g:f;U issue in ; IHaO, again in IhIS, ah.l n ivvin 1 ej!), x w/ic:i it ha> ; even prevented an urgaui/ation of the legi-iativc j department of tie- government so/ two ‘Xho'c i months and brought the country fine to fie-” xTH3• j anarchy itself. Wimt oilier question is ii pray,that j is now dividing tlm north and the.south, and threat- ‘ cning to uproot the foundation of the ‘govern; cut. i if it i>c noutlie constitutional status of slavery in ] the Tetr.toii s ? if Mr. i’rior's policy be rigid, and \ just, and what is tliere that -i.unt. - us to-day from the Black ibfimblieansof the north. I whom his party have tan ;ld tin- south rn people t,> ’ regard as their bitterest foes? Tim Black ih-pub- , licans have never yet, a-'V-rlc ! the rigid to interfere with slavery in Hi.• Slates where it exist sand it Mr.Prior be right, w liat is it Unit prevents a cordial j co-operation lietwi.i n the Democrats and the lie ; publicans? And again; diould the Democratic i . party go into the earning election with ties pi'inci | pic blazoned on tjfeir banner:—toleralion of ail dis | ) ferenees in ri’feti'ttee to tiiepower of excluding the : j Soutli from tbei njbyment of a eommon territory — ! | what possible otijcethm can be urged by Denny- j | orats should the entire opposition, of every name, : ; except avowed Aliolitionists. unite to opnosc Hem? ; It Mr. 1 ’riot's idea of policy be correct, the mouths ! of Democrats W ‘lild be stopped, even should the : OpjKJsition rally'underthe flag of Win, 11, Seward, i ami with him as thi ll- leader ‘tight out the great I j Presidential battle ol’ iaiiO. TlkTf lips- wouftHicj | forced to acknowledge that they had before them j “a foemau worthy of their steel,'’ and every v, hit as good as themselves. Really, when our ears have been so continually ! dinned with the cries of “the only national party.” , “the only hope for the South and the Union,” and • suchlike laudations of Mr. Prior's political party,’ we did look for something better than a party that could triumph only upon the ruins of tin* South, j and exalt itself to power only by a pusillanimous j j surrender to the enemy and an Open abnegation of our rights us a free mid brnvedicuitcd people. We think we can safely say for the Democracy | of Georgia, that they arc'prepared for no such stir- I render, and will repudiate Mr. Prior, his policy,an 1 1 his chief.—N'r. lirjmbUctin. Sympathy with the Porn.—A large meeting of the Roman Catholics of Louisville, ixcntuckv.was held in that city on Monday last. An aildress \ to the Pope was adopted, with a scries of resolu ; tions which declare that though it is no article of J I Catholic faitli that the Pope shall possess and ex ; crcise temporal dominion over certain definite ter-! ritories, yet they “deem it eminently projtcr on the 1 part of American Catholics, to unite with their | brethern throughout the, world in protesting! against all attempts, whether by governments or individuals, to invade the rights, spiritual or tem-! pond, of the Holy See.” Noxt tx atiox. —Mr Gredy, of the Tribqrm, j n & letter dated at Datteftprirt ***h- the !r,f i 1 havefweo poking through anil taking notes in eaeb of the States northwest of the Ohio, Minne sota excepted, during the past fortnight ; and, though I seldom place predictions on record, 1 uow make one wliii i 1 would not have credited whu I left New York. I predict that Stephen A Douglas will be nominated for President sttMiartes : ton *xt April, ami that most of the slave Suites will give him their votes. Let the ftn*hadowings : be noted and compared with the events. tW During the delivery of the spesi h of C’ol. Memminger, tlie South Carolina ambassador, in the hall of tlie llonse of Delegates, at Richmond, Virginia, a frw days ago, it was remarked by a dis tinguished Virginia who was in the aud ience, that “tifty-fimr rears ago, in that suuje hall, before Judge Marshall, Aaron Rurr was tried, and . aegcßted upon i> technlcalUv, ivjon a charge of : treason for advancing just the tame ideas preseu ted bv the South Carolina resolutions, of which Col. Memminger was the bearer.” “ Aaron Burr,” ‘ added the llwener, “ ljve*l }ir*t fifty veais too 1 soon.” miiRfcSSIO.VU. Washinoton, Fell, p- - Till’ Senate receded from its flunking * n * ment and passed llie Postal Bill, and it j, u , been signed by the President. Aresolotii i, was adopt. ,i authorizing the (l rr te of Mnmllturn Brown, jr., and Ucdpath, for contc lu j of ti.e committee. A hill for abolishing tlie franking priviUg,. # f tir the 15th of April, was passed with only U() di.-settting votes. Mr. T’ otras of Maryland, was confirmed as (1 intesio'.'-r ‘ - i’ati nts. in tb I : ■ three ballots were lui,l f,, r er. lire hi.- -t candidate wanting thus- vot*, „ f auidictioii. Various bills were introduced and roferod, incla ding French spoliations, the tariir, interdiction of polygamy in Utah, and the admission of Kansas a State. “ AVasiiim;to.\, Feb. lc. In the Senate, on the District of Columbia fo* ; iness, the committee appointed reported tliat the inauguration of the statue of Washington will m,. ! place on the 23d. The Senate tlien adjourned ti Monday. In the House several hundred bills frun, a ]| ‘States were introduced. Wa.-iunuton, Feb. 20 Tii” proceedings of tiie Senate to-day wercua important. The death ot Hon. Mr. Goode, of Y a ! was announced, with appropriate eulogies, utter ! vvlilv-Ii they adjourned. ) I", tlie ilouse, M x Lovejoy, of 111., endeavored I but failed, to introduce a resolution of enquiry inf! the e ; !a-i i:i <>f a!> Jiitionis's from the Southern* States Ti.e death of Mr. Goode was announced, an,] appropriate eulogiesrHivered and resoindoitspaj, ed. Ti.” Fortification bill introduce, 1 and refer, red It involves an expenditure of near six hun dred thousand dollars. I Washington, Feb. 21. In the o.itc .Mix Reward introduced a bill fur ■ ti.e admission of !Cat;>as. A resolution was ailop. t•* -1 i* ■ I tire ari'jst'oi ■ Firadx'Us Hyatt, for contempt t.t tii” Until fuftitnittcc. Tiie bill to supplr the • States with arVos was made tlie special or'erof the day ibf Ti.uisday. In tie House, ‘lr. Mmith, from Nor h < ‘n-'dim ..i -iit;. ‘I ids |.i .it: ‘ll. lie stated th it be had never -r>. est a-.x thing l<ut an old liiti:_Whtp. In Commit.’ tec of the Wiio!", on tin- Message, Mr. Davis made . spec i i’ll! “!’ !■!tier iux e. ae a faiiist tlie Mary 1 tud lc .tl-dat It". l."t'i li “ :: to Thur.M.ty. , -a.— \ !/Hiri:i! nl rn” Use \irki:!i:i ! tyy. ’ti'ion. ! ■’ it t'.Mi, \ a., Fill 20. TL D-.. ■ r.itic fyfate (.'onveution udjotimni S . ;.-1 iy night, the lNth, ,i;t ttn o'eio.-’t. X,, prt lx .e “as < :,: ‘V : art e d tar,.* 1 f.,r tin f’t : ’."ic. A m-tjorily of the <i;■ ■.. ‘es gem rally a Southern conference M e, Meeting ; and s'lbseqr. ally the conventinn ii.).'!/• and rcsoi'utioti:* favorabie to tii” proposition ~f So.,:L i’ irolina f.-r a < ..nfi rence. General Peter ii. of it"',xar, i hi,issi.,uicr from the State :’>•!’ Mi-s'/-ij pi t<> \ iri'in'ta, isa- arrived. At Ids rc -111■(. 1 ‘ ii'. aiiii -,i. lie made an eloquent speefh ‘.vili’ ii was Ls- .lily ehecrid. 1 f fti m of the Wnsiinigtoii Matitf. W.vsmN'iiTux, Feb. 2?. , Ti. vv • •'. ;■.! \. :y rainy,.with slight prnspeet of ei'-ari: . - ;in consequence of which.a consultation tor the i-o-Uponemi-ntof themt*. •m'” - aia.; . ti’ n bftln* Wnsliingtihi St at if. ! ii'. N. 7 revsti'.lrili'.'uf tit. 0.71> strung, liivc arrive 1. and Hie Military and liremen - ass i ■ .itioiu are Vuueentrating. AY asi! i xoton, Feb. 19. Tie’ M.i'i ‘.'i 1 Ur.i’ n Kxeeutivf: Committee havs j de.iide.i in hold the Noiiiinalilig Convention at ILI - tini ire. ‘flic lime to be designated hereafter. i F.uiM.ATt t;> this Coi ntuv.—The total eta ! igratioi! from all foreign countries into the United j States for the year ending IN,: tiiber 81, ISJO, was HiU.tMn; !, ■).. - about ten per cent, gain “it IMSK JYII AT I>. : IAS INXENUS 111 DO, IF ISEATKX AT ,t it tin.i ‘i in. ‘ Washington despatch in the I'rihiitie s:ty- ir is now imderstood in political i in'es lii-'i Mn I i.Higlas, failing to secure tin* nom ination Cli'a'rTeston. from the united opposition :"f the agaiust him, will transfer all the j -tn iigih tie can < omnmud in favor of Alexander , !i. S'. |dn tis. He will have power i nougit in the I <'ottii".'ti'i;i to e.'.uiirol tin* nomination of anotlier, tmtwitl.out eing.vlile to command it for himself.” IW The Mississippi Legislature Ims passed & law divorcing.ali married persons within the limit* i of that Stale wliii lived apart 11>r the period of three jear... ( *'l)islres-ed.hearts'’ will now take the mad it i diiyg t” Mis dssippj. special Notices. • Hf* i rAMTli#of fiie fcjimlc contitutirft . .ni‘l iho v;ir us ir .•!.- to whirh the sex is ?übj**cted f de ;miii *1 itn o-c i.4ioi al to stimuliint* It ii im* j ‘-ota it, liywt-vcr. these **!*;• 11 lw of a hnrmlessna ; Mur**, it'i.J :it th‘ -ajn.* tiiMO acc'Mnjilish tho He>irol end. lio .t* ts ( rlchrated Stomach Hitters is the very *r '• It - . ftvdtt in all cases of J t bilitv art* almost nil* £ c il. It r ftoi a the idle of the dipustive organs, in* j Urscs fre!i vitiility into the whole system, and first that • \u erfulm sto t he temperament. which isth# most ? valuable f tuniiuine attractions. The propriftors fsel | IlaH'Mvil, fi’oiu the i:is.t that many of the most prominent , g*’tith'uien in the Union have frefjuenlly te#ted jiiuil There are nnmerous counterfeit* *tlcml f*r sale, all of which ur* •lesiitutc of merit, and j positivc'ly* rnjuiious to the system. TI!E GliEiT OGLISH REMEDY. MB JAMES CLAItKK’S CELZBRA.TED FEMALE FILLS. This invaluable medicine is unfailing in the cure of *ll ! those ]>ainfnl uml dangerous diseases incident to the fs ; male constitution. It moderates all excesses and rcmoTes all obrtrnetions, J trotn whatever cause, and a speedy cure may be relied on. TO MARRIED LADIES it is peculiarly suited. It will, in a slio: time,bring on. 1 the monthly period with regularity. CAUTION. Thf'f T*%IU thouM not U tnktn hy ftmnlt* that art prtf\ THRVE MOX aiS, asthty, sun /o on Infcqrrioj’t * : hirt ot ertry othtr Innc. aurt m rvrry //.•; art y+rffitly sofa. i !m all eases of Nervous and Spinal “Affections* Pni* i in the Hack nud T.imhs, Heavint-s, I atigue on •’ sort ion. Palpitation *H the Heart, l.ounusn of spirtU, Mysteries, dick* head ache,. Whites, and ail the jainfu! ‘l.senses o.’easioned hy a disorder*! system, ‘he>e Pill* wih efTcet a cure when all other n* r *ans have failed. Full directions in the pamphlet around each raekagr. | whi*h should he carefully pi -etivl. A hottltt containing 50 j,ni>*. nnd emdrcled with the *vniunent Stomp of • reat Britain, can be sent port tree tor $1 am t> postage stamps. Sole Ajfcnt f*r the f r ited States nnd Canada, BALDWIN A CO.. Rochester, N. Y ror*.d*by \\ r . ft. SLAV. Agsni i-l For < b iffin ami vieinity. flavitan.l, , c tephenson & Cos., Char''ston. S C., H ’ vilaml. Ctnrhestor & Co t , Augn.-ta, <ia , WbolstMl* Agent*for tho .South muTAtm f mss. ‘ riling >ue or mere of Woopriiff A Co'* Xvithetn madr iron axle wngous*, for 2, 4. or 6 llorie** either to haul iti thefr crop# or to move Wert next Fall# troiUd do well to give their order at onoe, as theee *Hr. ons are made to special order, and will take abort !*♦’ months to get tham out- Thoeo -vllo hvo *b #9 v egon’ say th**v are th • br*t that cnnboi a.i.