The American union. (Griffin, Ga.) 1848-186?, August 10, 1860, Image 2

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■ AVERI6AS 0 MID A. “iXirKII. W( StAND—PIVIItKP, UK PAI I. !’* iIEXIVfIER G. MiRIMY, editor ami Proprlrlnr. ORIFFIN, OA. : Fritlay Moniiii", Ausiist 10, I SCO. rr- •- roll I'KESIHKNT: IION. JOHN HELL, OF TKXNKPFKK. / FOR VICK I'U&MDKNT . ItON. EDWAK!) EVI-HETT, OF MA9K.VCHIsr.TT*. rr-” r** / Mr. Urrrkinriilsi's Rrronl. At TiriHU ASiOK. iii the IVcs'tdentiiil c.tnvA-s es Jfi.jO.Allt. UItKC’KINIUINiK, tlir I: .union < ‘.mi tiidntc for tlio Prcahlincy, uttered the follmviiig language to the people of Indiana : “1 nut enntierW'fl tvitli tu> party tint Ins for it ll object the EXTENSION* OF SI.AVEItV ! I These •entimettts arc ns had ns tiny that Sew, it 1 ever ii! ten'll.] Nor, tvitli tiny hi prevent the people of u State, OH TEHIHTOHY, IVoin ileci lint; the qaes ■ tlOll of if* exiulcnre n ilh then), lor them elves.” j [Douglas’Squatter Sovereignty iloctrine preeisely jj “I happenetl to he lit Congress when tie’ Nebra- | ka Hill passed, and gave it my voice tod vote; awl ; bect*'tro it did tv hat it did, viz; It a< i.nowi :iho u , Title ntfitiT of tiif Pnorr.r. of tiik TKIU’iTo ! HY TO SKTfl.t! THF. qt'ESTtON FOtt Till Msv;t.V! , i and not itRCAt sF. I acri’ospit—tvn vr I tin sot j WOW BBttKVR—THAT IT I.ROIMt.ATi li Sl.WITtv! into Tilts Territory. THE DKMOI ’KATIC | PAItTY IS NOT A PHOSKAVKHY P\HTY V 1 How Southern men can support n man enter- ( taining such sentiments, is truly nstoni -hitip. C". “ 11E1.1., ANT) THE SLAVE TRADE- Political honesty is n great virtue. Indeed it is. j But it Is a principle too exulted to lie even e-rd In certain political editors in this State, Some of them 1 by printing garbled cxlrnru (Yom Mr. Deli's speech I Imve endeavored to leave the impression that tic was in favor of the abolition of slavery, and the restriction of the slave-trade in the District of Cos lumhia. It turns out, however, that Mr. Hell voted . •gainst both. “ < Do these gentlemen intend to deceive the people? Is it their purpose to slander a great statesman t whose life has been devoted to the interest ol the i AYlir.t e country ? Let them answer. It ~ Below W |i| he found the vote on the slave trade |: in the Dislriev, j i On page 1830, Com-"'--! r .... -• < • { pears the folio" in ß proeecdings : “Mr. —Mr. President, I rise to enquire m what !• <n® question before the. Senate '! !, Tnv. President—lt is on the passage of the bill; . “to suppress the slave-trade in the District of Cos 1 lumbia.” ! 1 Mr. Mason called for the yeas and nays on tin - i. passage, and they wore ordered and were as follows ! Yeas —Messrs. Baldwin, Itrnton, Ilright, f ji*, | Chase, Clark, Clay, Cooper, Davis of Mass., Dayton, i Ditktoion, JMgti of Wisconsin, D’litgf of lowa, j liongUu, Ewing, Felch, Fremont, (Sreene, llirin. Hale, Ilamlin, Houston, .Ames, /Arm'., Sow ard, i S’ltVVto, Sprmntoc, Slurgto i, Cnderivood, Wales, Wutkenr, Winthrop,—Bll. Nats Messrs. Atchison, Badger, Barmfcb,, BELL, Berrien. Butler, Davis of Miss. Dawson,! Downs, Hunter, King, Mangnni, Mason, Martin, Pratt, Sebastian, Soule, Turner, Ytiler,—-ID. Wc have noted among the yeas, in italics, th” i name* of Democrat* now in lull fellowship with both branches of the Democracy. Mr. Bell is in nocent of the charge ; yet they reject him and hold on to men who are guilty. If they are honorable, candid men, (and we hope they are,) they will re tract the charge. And it they are sincere in their denunciations of this measure and its supporters they will rut loose at onre from such men as Cass, Bright Dickinson, Douglas and (.win, who forced this “ great outrage'’ upon the South, but who are now in full communion with one or the other of the .“great National Democratic” parties. PROTECTION. We.see that our neighbor on Ilill Street, under the guidance, the present week, of anew recruit front the Opposition, pleases to quote a paragraph npm one of our issues in February last. That paragraph reads ns follows: “ Tfita ides of Territorial proteeiion is a first rate gulltrftp to catch votes with, heenuse it will make A favorable Impression, at first view, upon the minil of almost evtdg Southctn man. lienee we may expect sniull tnln ami political dcinago goes to hurp ti|K)ii it a great ileal; hut, high minded, honorable, conscientious men, who arc able to honor themselves and their eonstitnettN in Congress, will never stoop to the use of such jf deception.” TbW U wbat we said in February last, and we are glad that our neighbor has refreshed our teeol lectlou by quoting it, a; we can now prove every material fadt there stated to. be true. It is only ne cessary for any one to look round a little, and lis ten, to discover th.H “small men and political dem agogues ” are harping upon it a gre i! deal. Thus far, our prediction has come true. Now, to |>rnvc that it isagitll trap to catch votes, wc need only refer Je a few facts that h ive recent ly transpired. Nearly till the BrccMnridgc papi rs hereabouts, in publishing their platform, leave o it the words “when necessary,’*and make their -av ond resolution read so as to guaranty proto, ilon -positively. B it, Tn oilier sections of the country, where protection is not so popular, they put in the words “when necessary,” so as to ease oil’ the rig or of the resolution. Tills proves that it is a gull trap. Oar government has been protecting slavery n er ■since j l has been a government —is protecting it to iday., acd under its protection, the institution has flourished and growu so its present status. All that is necessary to continue it* prosperity. U a proper “enforcement of tbc laws,” according to Mr Bell’s platform. And be wbo pretends that any other or further protection can be extended to it, is act ing the demagogue, and will deceive anyone who pats faith in the dogma. No further protection lx; extended without additional legislation, and even himself, says in bis letter of acceptance, that no additional legislation is neces-_. WT- PH<TKCTI<>.\ IN KANSAS I It is known that the territorial lepi-.fitHi • ot Kansas h is ri fused to protect shivery in tli it t> tii tiny, N"W, if the IMelid •ol Mr Breekiiiridi ’ ~n ! sill! ere in their s q poll ot the Baltimore e\|.l„n.itn , j ry n - r'detiims, they slft.ul 1 by all nu-.n - <h iii.iih i j tin- whole deluoel itii party noli in the support us ! that fni refu.-iug to carry their theory | into pr.r r, id even . e i:i li ei i ; | We . .'! ulteut'im In the following, v> hi ‘i ive ! clip friil l tie t ’.in ‘'tfuti'ii I i*t hr th'- 1 1’ II pose el e ! posing tin hypo riv of !!i it p.ulv “ 1 mil iv illitig t*> intervene ulnp vr ( on-titu tinn il rights are invaded.” So sai l the lion, Hun 1.11 l Tnovtrs. in tii i -pt-ctdl ill the Se’late ml the gist nl May, iwin. This is Mr. Toonilis aid, hit im'.v let ns -eo butt Mr Toolilbs v-ited while Mr. Di trsn were under ili cnssieiii, in the Senate Mr Blown of M; —iptti, desired to have tin- tillli res elution of Mr. Dave’ one-an amend'd hy. stating ill eireel, that ex|M*rien* e Ii iv ilig -how o tliat tie Constitution and inMenoii l.ivv :ire alike <I in 1 1fur the protection l slavery in she lerrjro. I'ies, some havilfg ne. lei ted to luake pniv ision--tjir j il and others pit- e,l. statutes to prevent it. Hu*duty nl Cnligre ile|s,e In intrrp’ -e in tie p: el ei is. It is well known that tie- Tension and Legislature i | Kansas icttisei! to pthtee! slaveiy, and it is well known Hint Mr. Toombs openly deelircd ill the Senal-r that he Is “ willing to intervene where, er right tire iiiv.-ebtl.” If Mr. I'oonibs tldiiks that tlie Legislature of Kansas has the lit lit to n luse to protect J slaverv,'Bn u lie is eoilistei>l enough in Jus euui-e . k):I If be think ■ other w -e, he will lie !it a ‘li tile ill lustier to isi , i-ueih-his wolds and his votes. I|e voted against Mr. Brown's amendment, wlisli Wits intended to intervene again ( the tint ion ot the Kansas I.egi-latnre. It then- is j alii’ (.'e|s!it’l!in:ia! prit)'.t;i!e involved in tle advo ‘ racy of lie’ protcclive |ilieyi fi'e I’n-i kinral .■< j part v I here never Can I*” a l.e wc ie -; ’art a lit e e-r lor , i I evert i- e than that all'olded m vv by Ivan as, afnl : I vet Senators Toombs; Davis, ll m!- .- li-l'di, \\ iy- j fall,and all the plot! limu'W (with the exception | ol Messrs. Brown, of Afiss, mos (ia., and j r ‘Mallory, of Florida,) v ote l against “ intervening j wln ie This i-onsiilnltoTi il ri-gil w <■ invaded” ,in , ICtiu-.) -. | ll the | I ineiple ol pMti-(-t;oll to IV,SO 111 the j Territories i- a praeiird m.itfi r. loi-n it ‘-bould , have applied to li:in-i- il it is s -In er ali-liaeJ.ior, J Then the Seiialots should hive had the Iran kin ss i I l o.say so, uadi, isietly ly wold ,as they have by j il!i ii vufr*. \ I I M. ■■ is, I vet -on. Brow n ami Mallory voir-I in i accord lin e vyitli lle ir mien i pi ine'pler, and an , j entitled to 101 l ell lit due to their evplws n oi l : e.-ev let ii : of judgieret; Imt we ea !t •le vv i Senator I 00. ll h S .-111 i o'l,: is ea *1 i. ■oia ale th• ,1 ( | Hi id • V. i'. Il t)h’ : V’ ‘ i | I \V hat is tlii •p, lie • .-!< H ‘mm ;a. : den jto slavery w iirtli, if it e:t tbe applied in Ktin • ! I now, w beii ile ie i e. ii nilo:id Legsivlaliv e act i j tor tin'prateeii ‘ii ol ~ i.-ii propiuty? _ _[ I’l.iin prar.-l'v il tin uv. ii itm ‘ t'e this .'.at-; ; ter, and they vv'!! to plahl era !.’ a! com 1-i ----j dot -i. # ..... i THE MEET!N<! ON Tl lisDA Y. T i- 1 1:;v !> I iv is ii :;r it day for .ripaHimr eonn | ty. It bad 1: in pit v ‘oii-Iv anno seed that the; ’ people would la- addle . |on that day bv *’ ■!.(’ j I IVcplcs. I brn. I!. I’. Tl ippe an' l t 01, I. T Doyal. j In the ti or.lin/, tbe imoriuptibie y eor.siaery nl j the e. sunt tv ponied into tlieeity Irom all quarters, | I and a! halt p: st ten o'clock tlie large and sp-aeanrs court room was crowded, and many went away! beeanse they e.mld not gel real til. Peeples! rose, and for tin ee bout s v indicate I the r amliilab - id’ lie- I'ninil party ill a speech that’ v. as able, ido | Tpreitf ami tiwihsvv'sabie. lb’ review ml the hi. ten of paitli ; brii liy, and 1 then proceeded to-how up lire. Uimidge .and l.ajie i in their true colors. Alterin’ had torn the mask j from these gentlemen, he reviewed the record of Bell! rlUtl Evcre'l, and prove by ineonle .liidi: testimony | that they are Hie .soundest and tib’-'-t -• j \Ye guess that those who have heretofore t Itar-1 ged John Bell with being in favor of the abolition I ol slavery in the I list riel of Columbia ami of abol ! ishin.g the slave trade there, will no! again attempt j to lalsily live refold by garbling exten ts from life! spedebes. Tlie meeting was large and eutliushistie, and the Speech wns nkeivel with great applause.,--; Those who imagine that the Bell m si have surren ; J tiered to tlie cm my, have greatly mistaken tlunr I character. Tney never sdirendcr. They htlend to ligl.; ip,- battle to tin |iiler en-l. They intend ,to whip the light. The people of Sp.riding ran -1 not tie lied on to the tail of the old Cineinmiti plat I fiirtn. I’he, have 100 much self i- poet to vote for men who have in died themb’> that miserable, | ** > old, rieliety, ib i eitfitl, eontetnplible humbug. ’I iie j Hreekuiridgers mw rave and rant now, but the day . 1 ot the will undeeeive the men ‘who think !th it vve rmlw UT b.< the nose bv i 111 ladders sand otl'u’e seekers, T stmt ::u:<tkns. NimitiiT vnoi.ivv In tliKSiajo Klectinn* were hold on lIn 1 ‘.’ml lor (< i> ini i - ii ! m -nK cisnf the Legislature. Kills wis I lit- Democrui'c Candidate rinniinali'd Ix liirc 1 1<- s;-lit :il Chnrle.sinii and sup p. tttd by both win-< of thi pitly. I*. ole it I lie Hii* Hi ll mill Kvi frit m in. Front Hip return i received, which fovrr nhnnt lialfllio‘Stnip, it i* thought Ilia! Kllis will be elect fil l>v u small majority. Hill is sun’ i*f llii’ State in November ivluii ll'ie Driticoracy divide bilui'.u Douglas aliil HrivUinliifar. Kkmivky -In this Stair tin* election rami’ oil on Monday, Ilrll, Douglas am! ilrcckinridgc Mere each reprcseniv'd by candidal esinnd from tin- re turns received it is calculaiid Ilf it t ii-* Hull man is elected by tO,UOO majority. Mlseotiu—This State also void on Monday last, Hell,Douglas—Hrcchinr'ilge and l.itu On were all represented by candidates for (lovernor. The, race i- between Hell and Douglas, IJrevkuiridge and Lincoln running away behind. Later returns show Hint Semple <>it ij! II mantis elected Dover { nor In yMtHtt-nrljoi'il.V: Hurrah fur “Missouri! J Ai.AI’.aMA— III ibis St Ate the elections of bit Monday are only for e-'utptj ofHeers; In Mont-; .gomery county, the Hell party prevailed by la7 majority with three precincts to hear from which : will I'haugc the result hut little - At the Wetunip-: ha pr i unit the vote stood Hell 1 Jo, Douglas 74 Hm UiiirlOgc Bt*. ‘ -s llu//.a fi if Hl‘U ! I Till! KANSAS 811.1. AND Til s'. AN I’AUTY t.'eriaiu edit* r- who w< re voeiferot:* in de nunciations of the 1C an- .< bi 11,,, a few vc ars ago, seem to lie eon i.ilily e\ . iviM-d in favor'll’ that nii yire th I pn sent tim I’> way of ei udciim in ; John i’- .i lor voting- ...;ain i it. and \V t-lug j thcimu Ives for supporting Breckinridge,they atlirnf*. i now that the American partv la its , v-uii/.ttion denoun. • 1 every body as unfriendly tifjd.intv | who oj posed 11st* 0 Kansas bill. I The statement is a sham TiVl iniN;v,i ■-, -i? : i.i of the truth of history. Mi; Bi 11, in Li- Kansas speech, expressly declared that he was in favor of. the slav i ry feature .of the bill; but could not -v ote for the alien suffrage and Sqinttv r Sovereignty ptinei pies in it. The American party, at the tiiiie retii - ed to, endorsed its slavery features, and den.oun'c l the biihuice of the measure Mi. Fell imtl the Americans agreed precisely-then. and do not at si giec now l ttbli ji the resoiatiuns gentlemen 1 ‘■ ( ir'.sp’ l EV ) I 11. njiimn V 11...1-at. the mill'd’ “W >f Put , t on oinali I'latforiii. aid who is now /isihei ly -npporthlg Ibeekinriilge, hrlrodiiii'l the iollovva.g re olatjon- in'u the V..r.-ai huselts J., ■* -lature, in I- I'd. f 1 ••/>../ ~/, “I'h.Di tv are opposed to slavirv in l evei •. form and fs'llre, and in lav"i ol treedoin aiM ! fre.-oil wherever u. throughout t;.ds ’ j In ril.aye. I I k, \ Tli it v.e are i.pp*.-'*! I<* lb” e.vtiM uon • of h!:i\ . rv to fil l’ lerrilorii.s, and Hi favor of tin e\ j erei.-e of all eoiistitiitioniil and neeessirv mean to j n-triet it to the limits within which it. does, or or lilff'evis! liv the local l ivvsol the Stale.” Then Mi i. very unsound her a ;-i liemoeralie e btors say til it lie e'.prc- id enti ■ aits an'.i “in: tic to the South in ISBII ; lint Mr. | I liillett. vv ho vv a < an unmitigated abolition: ‘■ in 1 * the only man competent to vyrite a plat iirin for S,.u!liern Higlil- men to stand on in ■i I Mini ’ ‘ ben Arkansas np.ri.ed for admission into ’ lie- I Hiori with a slave ('oust it lit ion. ( abb C i di i:i/made the toriovvin” spi'i h rigains! its aduiU* si on : ” Tl,e evtr.i ndin.ou e.’i, am - ‘itnees imder vv liieh I I rise to address tbe Committee impel roe to brrv , if, and SO’ uiirtness, but they would atlord me no i j jestitieatioii |i.r n | a-sive ne'piieseeuee in the ad i mr-- .ei of Arkansas into the i nioil with ail the ! so,v of its Constitution upon it - head. Ibe< on i stituiion of Arkansas, as eoiiimunie'ated toCoti . ! gn -in the tie nioriiil of tlie people i,I that Terri , bn v prai in:’ to ti** adtnitt* and into 1 ne.u. eon tail..- 1 i th* following ilanse: “The (borerai A~r'.nbl\ , I shall have no power to pa-s lawsforth.e cttltite i : paliolt nl laves vvitlioill tliccon “lit ol lit ‘ owner 1 Tie",- shall lei. e°no power to | rev “.it < 111 gram to Thir Slat,- from liriiigyig with them such p'-r-oo !„s are del oie,l slave., by tii” laws of any one ot , j the I nibsl St u, ! This provi-ioii of the Con-miUani of Allen-.i is eoiiilenue-d bv liiO'” vvhrilli I lepti ‘i lU on l hi im-i a-i*", a.l , /.'./< -'••< ns o . gem lal I | ’ 1-ivil polity, and as imju.t to llu a j j lad,it nits of tliy iiruislavo holding Stales. I hey j object to it ipelicin r . in eir. et, a ptov ;-ion to ren j ’ del'slaver 1 . | in III” new Slate ol Alb , a j * ; ,s /,■■■'. , , ,r/,wl cannot. J | i,v a,,\ vote of min,. rit Tv nr ciiielio.'i a Constitn ! i ;i, ni el “, vei line'll I vvliieh U'lderlal.e ~n 11 1 : . vv ay, j If ,-, ‘ . i I advance, lie’ progfe oof ei v\!i/a: and Id” ib fu'ever. \'o|. I p. Ii !.*, BvntotLS Year.. View ,\n I vet ( vie!, (~'n”!iing ,v:i- the IVcsid uit ‘d lib j (\,tn< t:t’ . that iioniiieited Mr. I tv,-ek-it rida I e-ltnlidu'e fit; the IV ittl-l we Hit Hdri.-tl. i! v. Uvn C liiit .hH u A i|,r sc, <dn-’ ( i \.\nr ( ‘• ’ ;• ft •a.t - r ii ,i* lii f 11:11 111 * * b i-itj l.r ■’ i t.f th I. luig -l.t'iik vvltli the Ip; ‘I - ••'. f(h • [ rip, fid; ir g ri;u -< f the .ri !h. I't ki ‘ “lr#ttlg* ‘ii ‘M. I'.i'i ,1 in 1 siniii h .ii!'! ( ‘ M-i ; ; • i\f‘Hie }'l d‘ ll *• S*t th. I l'i •: 1 l>S CF THE.t ‘AMI’AIC V. | 11 u Ivlicjlu tl.*)-*; it*ii!'tl*'ly ;irjin:t** \ : * 1 •"■ rl j !F. i ti l< i: tin! !i *•:’ Y;i:. v\ .'k r - | I,* i i’ iv: •H : j :i!/* 1 ! li* r• ir* t** ,s , ;i!ii. ti-'H il j i \v: I**( • : ;• •14 i‘ T ‘ ’ ‘•> li* ‘ •’ •” ; , | to ri- A .J l’i” *'! 1 . \Y!f n 15:*'fi*V.: t:- \ ; fi; itorn’M.ite I t!’”- !.* i r p v t : t l in (•*:* him, muLhavi’ I.* mli. up H a k* r* Cr ! i :i• •N, \fy j*- 11.* n • Ij. D"'.v v. M c:?:Ty rw ryfliinr I . D- :•.). S uit’ r-i-Ait *-r U-u. v•• and !,. J.’ ;:i 4*i i : IJ, !’ Win ’ tl;< 4'i .; . |t n•‘ 1 *4 1 !T l"' f lTi ‘- 1. 11 i '. ’.. ’ •.I ion :if f !i- ‘ir-1. His! IION , III*. Vir 11-;.* 1.1- 1 l‘> iJ.ti Oi.; ii. it. W ■’ on!\ tin- Y .( tv.fa■:i f ru(. , r*i tl* it Ijuvi* ; <\er, ! at.! lhil llk nljr! *•!’ that la uasnml i* *l>- union. tlir |*4*jtlr Imu* Im-i u t;!w it M Hat I', inn!. ii* M'!n';"ti i- r.*o\. *n ill jni*l <* tint I t I.ltt t. ; , v.-l V 111 I I< , 111 Vlt < ~l*t , lll\” |A’ i I ‘J* * l ’ . ‘ j will lie left :11-*.-• ill tlieir “hny, vvh'i'e iie grit! ! hodv of tis pet'jth’ will .(tippurl Bell or’Kit vile j - . i ! {"th’ ihe fleltiui-ratic -.'ty-i :ttl c\ch::'i ’ iU'f't-e tile < tpji'i.--ifi.ei p ifven t'l g ulll'tllg c.’- il'.l'” ■ , lY'itti Mr. I'.ti t hinnilgtH i i'.mklnrt speech. Is it ne; :v little singular that nut i>nc t.f the p i; el:- pn - fen in; r this t !ta 1:" ■ le.” puhlßhf i Mr. BreetvUti'idg'e i Hpri't h entire ? And yet such is the fact. And vv hy r The reaanit is vtbv i tus. I t - j cch Ms ■ Itr-"l-.iniidge nut on]y a rivet a'; 1 SqtiiiMer riser , (ignty, hut lie rtitlurse* Mr. F.icre't. F"f th -c ri rcavtn-t, the Ib lneeratie paju r- Ij:.\c lliuug’.t it ’ lit -1 -ii a !,.-) publish tb.e luituc speech. p bell: lAkbett mf.etiv; in Fayiitti ,! Atat itlh+g l’i -a |.|i'Vl<i*mi"liee, a r*-■!'•-. .ride lpm l tit es tlie Cenautttioit tl 1 tiliet i’at l v a i tii ’ bll'.l ie ri'l .’ at till’ ("ell! t hell.-C, ill i ‘.IV t t!e\ ill:-, in * | Hie peijbm.e t-f ra/ily itig tin le. mil.alien t.f Bell s'and Ev to : i le;- I’n-ideal am! \ it t I’o id'-nt. I t*n met* hi’ et W. \\ Be. vverllv. Eli Eiiemnd j -eii. I- ;., xx.i edie !le llie ( hair, at.ri 1. lii rl I ill. V I'm .11. *,. . ! 1 . e. t .1 fi-’. .I* \ • liAim y non l1 ■ - * <-• iio nei as s>i rn i oy. t>o motionoij S W. .lon, . 11. t i biiiiailli •■ <u lit o was appointed io report -utC.b'.i’ iV'.'liU: : f i the mri tin g, and to sell ct delegates lo 1!, Slate ■Convention. The Chair appointed as that com mil!re, S. W. .ii ‘.!■ s, .1. S. lb>ll May, .1. Fall, .* . f Hoie. I''-:; , rind Wm W MTafiln ns. , The lamiiiiife !miiijt retired for a few minutes, 1 reported the l'<•!ln*vin4^9' d' :t I<>n*s : Vo ■/, lii* l “i In . ii lily approve the iioiniiui i! -ii of .lohti Ii for flie i',f!'a eof !’ am! bi fete him to lie ire ■to tin* inti-ti t.- in the w hole ipi.olry, ami mere especially to the interests of Hie South, and ttiil ennbally giw him our unditi i I support. /.’• ’ That in I'.dnard Kverett we te. .• •• a man of splendid mode* -a state'-man ami • ‘ >1 :,t a tiiilile and true patriot,'who a* ‘eon ewiiivo c.iltnri’ and patriotism • aul i ‘on e,• i >d!''p;ib!i eim ulli.met*. i .'ist, Tit it we cup’.iiilly apptov c the platform • of.lJie Coiistit:.thinal Firion Part'; . adopted ai the H d’imofi’ Convention, which lia< fc ’ its ,ol jiv!, ” I be (.'oiisibntioii ol’ tbe Cnunlrv —’l lie l ni nos Ihe Stab's, ami fetloivcjni nil ol tie- l ot .” | /,Vv."V,7, That we regard He nationality of the Denim-ratio I’a'rfy as u<> lon a r i \i~’ . ami tliat in tlic Douglas wing \te ret ern • Hie ‘snpportris of Sipiattcr-Sovcreignly. mid tiie foes lo the South, , while hot he Southern wtiwr arc so be found itis- I unionists, anil others who entertain principles tronylv prejudicial to the. Union, of the States.— lienee, we regard the Constitutional Union I'.trty 1 as t'lf only National party now existing—-the best hope of tiie I'oim'ry.: Hie surest, ami perhaps, last ref.igc ot ilie pa:riot. /i’">'i',"crf, we will hail the triumph oj lie’ Constitutional Union Party in the coming contest us the harbinger of peace to oar aha ady diMraeto 1 country 1 )!. i/o >.,Dr. r. J. Fa!!. IY. ,1. Laws. C. ‘I \r:iiihl, Iv. ‘ii rt llrn. i',!', \V. .loins, Lsi|„ ’l’. i >p “P v \Vni. V I i-. -’ey mid D.Mtkl-llcLtu t-is hr -apjS"'.ited deh ga’ < id \ Convention, at Miilisigi \■ i I", tiie.-. to nomiei'u candidates for US’ is if Pt. a.- I\.. eP, idrut,an 1 limy be empowered lo app .hit ti; ir :iP Will, a w.'i,’ mi ‘l'ijtii'ip'd ‘ a lopi ! Alb a vhi. h Col .1 Till H it . Ilerl I'.f : .1 apfirrapTn*:'i"'vn PhT'sitspiiniii r t!ie r . .’mio. - : , I the position iiuiy occupied I. .- Hie C.i.i-tiniiiomd Union Parly,'in wi h lie pomti and opt “tin entir-c Willett -hottill be pursued by cuuw ! >vcr ot tbo Corp'p.tticti. tii'n.l those who are in four of the ” Union cinetlt ol tin I an-.” -o pl-tin that “even a wav firing m in, thdiigh h lie a fool, might .not eir I lien in.” 1 lisspei eh nils log aa! and e. u hls'i. e, reph’ e with gnnrl -'U and i bnililou .-i. ‘. fin motion of Col. M C.ainor, it u..- /.*••.* .'. .. [ % That the “ Aincrieun Union “ rm r~ ‘>.v r tloti .1 Anie ie.iu “be lisjiie ted l i puidi-h the pro reeding* el’ lids uiie'.ing, and all otli r pap: rs friendly to the cause. After which the irccring adjourned .Va/jJA UI.U'DML )N. Cun. r.iiitElt r lU i.N'i v. Sceretury. 1 ay.Pe'. Ga August 7. ltuiii ! “Ihi- ‘rrrtl'rs aim nl IliMintmi- -They nrr iiisiii- ; r,rr il 111 ir Prulrrliuii I'ttßc. \V vsttiN.TON D. < - 1 July. I fit io. I The t'e pie . very a I,.:.!” ‘lf •ioH.V beeomuig „mr- alive to the vaT luteat m ’he pm- , , anv„ • Ever , day re lolly r- •’ Is lb- < ■ rendene . lof-vol : and im.u. bv mme ‘ ,1 lb” inti rv all"!.. ■'-■ A e a,S tow t"-li a tdoo-lv |i vobltioti. Jill-1 lie- I’C'ple ~ are be dulling to m e it. nn l the ranks ol the ‘ “ MTV at: iie -- 1 putt ‘<•! 1 ‘■ 1 ‘ “our r„"-elit i- tbe It” t at, ! b,"t on < ill'll. , •lb I,Op, ll ,ad> I'.e.el 1. ii U■!- r’r p 0., it t.. tear 1 ,|ow ad - fiir fibre- an lin tk” n a lieitpo! rums. N.vlonger can it be ipe-iione l ihiit the c-s -ion at Cliarle-loti and Baltimore . . i 1 not o'riv a deep laid, bat an unmiidy t/, ; J-r ! *•/„’ . It is not open and iiV’Wid. but iMi-oyeli (i and deceptive. ‘Th"! eb r-, uilh v eln iiiemv and I indignation, every where deny that disunion is I their objei!. or any j-H’ e-‘U” : ’ *'>l’ tliy mioti ev ; j„|. ; but lit . are pur ting i li’- p"liey wbaui I inevimldv tbsunio-i tliroiuli a Id. “ly re- , ! volution.’ They pretend to b” lighting mr a prim II,,! are old v getting ;; - into a < •>n.iiti"n w I re unit,n or ii au-1 tbsa-tf* .> rptn nipt .it it i will beTlte inevitable eon equenee. jkir.ei v, Hlielt-A Co.,have Imijr labored to “ lire Uie S.-O'.tiu-ni h” ift.” Imt h ,vi‘ lever sueet ,-detl ill siiliieidntly to lu riig about a di-solution. Hut in all their movements to bring il about all : panics at Hit- South have look,- I upon them as lie | ii,,r I, I .it tie did iho” dilfer with tlnni, ! diealtl Unit thev Weie capable of sill'll dnplieity I ; till if .ondiiT now renders palpable. The pen ! pie of tin South lavg se j.pos. il they were so tit ; Italy reg mllcsi of :he inter.-!s and Ktiitirr of our ’ set ti,. di v ide and distract onre’ .ntiMss.itti an ij. j,, 1,,... i not nnlv unina'erial, but i-- entirely ’ wort bless in , ,fi-v re'sp.s't —at a ilnte so important | as-a Fresidenlial el t ::ou—S', as tiu reliy In secure tie- Himiipli of ii ~',iiia and and deadlyfina a',,--. - No d.mlii l'i” disiniloti If uletv. havo il. -p on'd ol 111-ill:'big- ab, ,il a di- l.'ll ll it'll on its ow ii merit and |ia vt r: sol',eil lo bring it r. bo it at all lia/.:U‘ds. by anv‘ inotint in their power, vv lit tin i fair or lord. — Til,", hilt ml for us 1 t w ake up some niorninjr and l.nd'eau-( Ive ’in th” ini',l-t id a revolution, with out being abl” Ii ted v.ry wi ll bow if happenetl. ami front vv hifh wc cannot escape. To s'.ccecd, tlu'-f have > jetc-tl a.--. heme to ileci Ahe Ein , ~||T. ll ha - I'll n et.'(ieeJ|'-i t-u all iiauds llttib. the ,j, ,-j j, ~j a lea, !, Il* oimlieaii lo the Cre-tdenry would be a i :-t e urse li Ia <li- -1 • i “'ion. Many : prominent inli. !<i'.d-. an! .-yine_ Slabs, sbuul j pledged To ii separation in tin ‘ eon! tiigcm-y. The j Dim icraSh’ party tlie j.i ? Hint had the! •rtrilue to ri'fflt ‘ll” Black', l HO! the sei-e-’er-t have hot • u'y -pi t 7'P an I I''ta. ;• l t: e patty, bn; Five c-"|w.•!!'-’ ‘i -'fa'ltd Southern i,'".'is, !s ali i -‘.Tit'ili'ent a'ld eo'U ! ibutel . to ta:r V'.t-aknes Nt e.v, I 111 ■ - : I ,l', h.■ ■ . i; >■ ! .' ’ ri ,;ri I! i(*H'•'v i*; i. it* vt:‘>,itt)ii,*:iii ; t ;i- 1 . •’ !. i .!’ niitjt t.'j, Nt’ v-*.f i\ • ■ lU* r* \ •ll !'!< ?*i i\ ! v jl’ 1: 11. It ;d- us i* • it.-tilitll V. i. < <)1 A! ii. \ ;; . iii lii - -:, -h n! t-ie itrcrkinrid.gj ~. ,ij; . . 1 waiuhl la-i eve tlieir :ts ’ • !!’ -i .i, llris | ~-i.t. i, - v ere t.iJj purs- mg ;,,, I, it'; , “ V w.ts\ pn -;!:!•■■ i to the S'.uthtrn i “opl.". la i< 1- thelO “* umiv-, in ‘iv . fit rivers i!<".v itriir lia | . m ...V, ,!.'>■■: t.* follow III” !i I 1 •'!’ rin- e me!'. ‘ into a revolution for any . ,iu-n. 1 have t.o eoid'.- d"i:t in tlieir emi-e s or :"! a- .e• ;l Vlerir itlrijt nn-a’ Lv; efy one of Ihi 111. v. 1, ho.'! ‘ sin: ie t-arji lion, i \ t-• bang'd tln ir whol ■ lig.- of public pul- ; i,-, 1.,::.-'. : ‘ Ivvel.v yi a r—U'-i.ay of them in e-s iIT-i-i ■ ‘• IfUi'-.v c-ifiiift.'ii.i'l r our present gov. ton, j: i'slie a ‘ v ‘ “ I |-ol -V, set u H, ir i hurt i period, lam un 1 v nlbu’ ‘oil -t ini ea-t- in I heir in, mis to go into a lieu : iveltimeut through di- ‘:’ :or revobiii.ui. j 1~1 ■ .-m-o|'l • Ito l.rt dving up out ['ite'ent a,vel'i.tilt .; on tlie i.- -e that i- now made, or lilt’ , . tlvai it ma ’ !:■ I.i-I: ■’ i- ’lit vs : it -light io I’ e'.are i'pp ion to ilisi;n!o ■ -j—- o’ sm—it ean,Tilt tin’ satin'j iin,, “,iii i- a.’ lia.v b: ; that tin., t ti uritau-ya-=--y The l .1.,„n ni’ ■’ “\ist - ifis+or e mit-t go 'tt <i ‘ it t; o ‘ !U re i- oil a,” nttii.—tia’ the j s-,ki . , it . ■’ Uil iil.e wblTl I'.IKUII will mi- j like. I ht-b'.ve llet* when the tillli! emtl"< to go I out pi t lie 1.. , i in’ i,t :■ dittil'd we -le ‘.! <!• il J I t aft". I>l v if vv e e in, bwt hot rainy nt ail hazar!-. whi ll v.i le.'i-ri \\ • O’ “ I"gnnlv jrit ,i .. ri to mu.- : •• ■ i- t ‘, St tv.a y is it-, fert'k t, r'.e eitt|! r lor or !1 1 :ra■ re g the ipa -- tinn of lrnw far a territorial g e.enunt iri may leg i i-latet a rite - bje. t to tin- Sapn tile Court ; ami |we haves detfltiiy agreed to rie that iha'ision, I whatever il may tie. If’ Mr. D -bo:.ld iitler ; pget tiie dev tsit.a one way Mr. Yam—y ai<tth j ev, lei. the court put its o.w n construetions on its I Tbs-i-io! v. lii this we are all pie rig 1. The Dc ; mo, ra'je j'.eriv nrlt >p.t t'tl lies a- tin* it .v It-i'iiifiU !of tili- ve'.i'd question. The CHinproini-e nieas litres- ; Is,- Knn-as bill—-the ie|eal'ol’ tlie Missouri ji . -trietioii —ilve plattirrill of ifi-VJ and lN.jli—were vi 1 intend’ l t<> s-tlie tlie ipieslion on tl c prineiple | that Coiigrt -s sho ‘id have nothing to do with it j any way. Hy all Hies,- nn asures it was touglit to j Ilanisli tlie i.'.e !'.o:i tor ver from t'ongi .■• and \ i-ei'er i) to tile 1” ople and to the courts, and no vv lit re else. Evtiyiaan vv ho i- now'on tlie eces sion inu r,en!ii ml,l'm has, at some lit'.)", given in lii-M ndhes.on lo this prim IJ *1 v*. i'iie iliac!; Impish lie.ii.s ami Vl■ i• i ; ■ i■ i : 1 have I) IJ~ lo Hit the DelTi > ot: tl, ‘.'ty i trying to Ineak tip 1 j t’lti -", Hletf"! t t !■’ th"’ (j'ii";'o:i. ‘ ‘i'l,e 1) ni.srits eveiowl. ,e b:,v e ri:i mieri tills as a “in ! pi in, o't : :.d ill . s's-ta: . e,” ami the | it, J tie of the 1 j vv bole f'-ontii Inu •’ emloi -rd this pritm'i leal the 1 Icili'it, 1 \ :i< C'\ c. v o:u* wlioli* i” opU* jilli ]■i■ • 110 n! I. liyjt f if: I er. Now the si*- . - Ir hi to In'ea!: b. ‘ ge ; and they'-.non 1 rhal lie elee!ii-a ;*f l.rn ‘ ‘ :: be tile sure Ie - ill .of lie •\. l b ‘ll of pbe!.’ and p .blie failli ;• Sh ill we i*i* • i . lb ibid it lb inn! And it js eaiis** of i mill” i .:. 1 1 Ilicii by all j.. ilrli Us that the 10.1-iri a ib.. ... i m .I'.ihe eoniitry, are now r.i -mg., up re i. I'yioirr-r rrrrrti m TTTT uiiliullowed proposition. ! ‘ib: [i. h f:i . 1 ‘il mos th i | |ue:ifs ?y',:'A boib, Ni W .!. i “'", am) ‘! ■ - will O'. r I jiji! r! ‘I.• p: I if n ii: ‘dei'-.ililig !lin■in* ,’ hl l -\l o i 1:, o:i i !.:i :!, are.) ei :p!i i..• iiiioierilv di -'. i.ed ri \ ol'.'iou, to lie b.iji .t'/ed hi ‘ row u I'i ii'd in the So üb. in the othe'v ij i.ah -.1 watli joy b h"U lri'dsT'f Hum at; Uof i :tri t v .i on 7|'aod o Ivto -if!': t;< r* i,":'- * tiling t ‘ .r to the. •I e- l-hle end*, a'. 1 i\i our i ouiilry : ni is v. hieli now thn at l iie i ‘i 1 1 •• a. ind-. •■■'.erlff-e I’atrloi'i-m Icb.D up too r v'l w our bleell'lg a. id and% evered e. liplry. II'I I I lbs I,'lt |,I ally for ill 111 ill tills time .flu;,.. •t . . 1 ; and l rue and I uni c hearts all o\, i to eotrpry are luspond ng to iiial e. ii They are rising above ih"ir pn i'eii nees ufai prej l itii'es, for tin'll’ in.iiitry’s ■. !. It is unv a palpo 1 : 1 1* li. ~ 111.'.: I’ 1 le.all of the sc, ->|i'n iiio.'i - mi ni n,':dl< at Ii- nuou—nilwiihstanding id! their proTi -bin , of attaeliiueni to the Uni hi; mi l tin pi h. •. e ti lied p"t a stop to it. 4- Ha! uioi;‘: liiibre mdticbhna shown plainly that i they are . hi t heir professions in regard to Coiigrc'"ional protvetion to si tvo property in the i territories. They say the governin'>it must infer- J vone trtpre’ s| iv. ry in the li. tiMrl -.’ wh. : v'e.- the territorial a'i:li'.>!i;i • Ito do so, or euae'''a y itull:: i'y l.,iv -. ‘the D.+no eratie Sen'Oni'j who, pas.-ed .1 ! >.i. ib p resolutions by such a large majority, say solemnly, on their utile I oaths, that it nuts! do so. fiov. Hrowiipof Mississippi, proposed a bill to carry out i their''doctrine--to pass a law seeuriag the ii:.|uired protection. The Seoul” eoaimiftce og tetvitories reported that sueli U.:v*!.ih'U was not at present, mj-tti” v - ■ I ‘bor-, Tain on their oaths ,uiiopi.aT 1h a iepi.. Ihcty one of tim.-e Segltiirs kr. “v. w hile ge. i eg :hat v.rfe, that Kansas alt I 7\i'br:|sb y ield ebi'bshed ■-! ivi ry t vllt’- Vjs. , d.lttiee o'.. :* !'o’ vV-s it r r . .i”’ : . l! it ”’ i not ie i” o-‘ • j:- I: in v. r■: ; li.. ‘ , any p > • ohiy. - .. a.:y *.: :■ •-. tie: ■, juntio:. ift i*i i i. - * **••| •] ‘ ‘*• ’•• . ‘it ilf• Ii I ‘ if. Agaiu: tle- a op'i” -” I Douglas, and- \l tb” i). . .... rali (at y, bee.-fi ti -:yb • 1 . Hej wpli.fttl’ -ovri.'igrrtyg-i let ‘lb.Uoininated tire* .\inri.ige I o I rise ■ ..i wti ii,.ii ti> in - tensely a -p.ato r. one- „ii a- l)n:i .1 is , aano! he , eliarge.i wdlu No mini hi ties in uitry is more *'. ioiii ■■:'.! el lo .i.*stf*n .’ oi ifeFfoTl .la,! rrit.e'i'i! ‘ gb'nan . nh i"efVrbfnfuy, d'.’.— Do Ii • ai ... • I’ M il it Hi,’ p Airs if ’ ten I 1 . ‘ , •• •• itever ij * fire all st ,■ .’ io : . i i.stiti—in, uml thue- the S iprpi i''Coin! alone can dfline Ihese powers. This is t'lir — it iscuoit; b the So nh hus'agre. .1 to iit tluv- last ten .Trr, lib lu, should not tjow re ’ ntidiute Ic iLAjml so ‘.villi--Me-BrtTktnrtit'i \— ii .-peei In i"i fi'l r.,i oecasii us , illlUlit hilllil 1 tine 1/ air l bioadly to wlialev. r a-*: n a territorial !. eUlat e.i i • ... Ini , ilhout .n. lemt. Wh , ;.= lli v Wre Uir serviliTs hiii* i*r* in ;*re-| s‘ntirm liiL witfi his record ? And w r tii<*v >iiic n*iu tli* ir j.nitf'ftion } j• |*rs<*fill'*l ** < M.H (jKANNV 1. \NE —co\•*r** 1 i| over ! with ‘<|ii:itf( i!>ii as the waters i-ovit t!:-.. of tli ?- iiml hroadlv roniinft*i! t* ih<* muk* , i|o( trine that Douglas .h as j lain as It can! lilt*i i ‘( ! iii • • -< :•••’* r- ar< ri -Mnld I v uiariy as a hui,,i , lui, IliH only oihj. liw in f!i* j u';. • l n r js* -j.i ii ll cusN.|i:m of tin* rulits ■ ot (hr iv * Jin! it ■- of t lif* So'itli; and y \ Ihi v j ‘li iv • ■ ijiinrmalcl ain Ji tr !*r< lit >< < n•* , ’ htl it .l aim nj a* it lie i-, i.o hciiy 1 knows il. I** j! t \onr t< sav who arc trying Jl tohreak 11 [tin \ nit)!*, an.l wlst> an* not; who • | ccrc —w ho miisLfcrii who is .-*<)!ind*sl an*! sa*"t i for I ti* ‘Snath. Tin time lor action has come, and | the lovcm of uni- country arc ranirinif tin ni<* lvc* in line to In- ready. AD KHFkKENDIM. 1 THE DISCUSSION AT WII.MAMSVU.LE. ! Mu. Editor. —Being present and hearing the discussion at AVilliamsviile, Pike county, on Satur day last, in which, according to the opinion of all competent judges, Col. L. T. Doyal completely de ni dished the new recruit to the BrcckinrtUgcrs, A. I). Hammond, I was willing to lot the people who u, re present judge for themselves as to the victor oil that occasion, and would not have written a word about it, but for the tact that writers in lurtli the Breckinridge papers of your city, have done such injustice In our champion, as to allege that lie was forced lo abandon the American plat fol io. Now , sir, when a party writer is so hard run for prop, tot! sinking, aiiso as to assert, or even ittsintl- j ate, that Hammond got any mlvant'ig.'in the arm-.; ::i ‘it, he ought to lie laughed at for his folly in sap- ; posingthat anv man acquainted with bothspeakegs ‘ will believe it. Col. Doyal showed conclusively that i lu and other Ik 1! men stand to-day where the Arne- 1 idea!) parly planted Itself on the slavery question j when it was first organised; ami that John Bell has been standing there ail the time, .and is much inure worthy of support than a man who had always bci n a squatter until the nomination induced him to mount tiie set i lei's platform. \ Eli! i A tri DUTY LAND OF CANAAN. [rtuu IsItKI) 15V ItF.qt l>T.| Vt hite folks, you want a song. And ‘tv. iii not detain you ! >ng. If vou'ii ii-tt-n. 1 will sing to you a plain out*, j About tie mighty ship, : ; D ,t is make a trip. . Aero.- - to vie. lutppy land o’ Canaan. C!!t Hit “: Ok, me. Oh titv ! rit'.lt'.'of pe!!!e",r-f iscomill | Y,’v- i mind and” w. deriiut get ttver tbtuble trouble | For I'm bo'Ui !’ !■ dr it tppy hut lift aaaaa | * ,r. rim nil, lie is so pro'id. Ami !,; !• lasts and <alks so loud, ‘[Jout-bl ■ s-.b* vvlrieii vve ni! can see T fiiliu’ ; ! B o vv e il -end bint qbv r soon A big New Vote lu!'""t. Dill V” 1 U It in ul i tppy !: tit! o’ Caiman. t ‘it me. Ob my ! rie. - j i t lit ! tie I'ie of S in II- vv ill keep it if be em ; | But bis powers in lie vve-t am a failia” It’ lie meets Vv,!lt t.en. Nutt, III’ v, bi make 1-1 -no i.''--: ; !e-!-. F.-.r lie'll blow rie happy land o’ Canaan. “Oh"me. Oil my 1 Ac;- 1) i:* was ol ri John Brown, Who lets heard (le trumpet s inn’ For iii- rtil a! llarpe.’ Ferry was a .vain oh And lie's gone w here I do hope, lie ili.s get a plenty i.'>P't cor io swing him to vie happy land o’ Canaan. (tii sue. Oil my ! Are. Atul old Captain Cook He took his Hun) look, While his powers in Virginia were a wanin'. And lie hits gone, too, For in- hid its all adieu Andre Fred to the happy land o’ Canaan. (>l l me, oli my ! Ate. Oh, tie latest news 1 hear ! ‘ , It is for de ladies, dear, ; -And ‘tis only to de holies worth relatin’. Di r hoop's so big of late, Dry i in'! get through degate,. would t ii;.e ‘em to ricleqq \ laud ■>’ O.innsiw. “ 1 < tli me, * th til v ! ric. ’ I . 1 ‘Bout tie gents I kr-f will sing, T For a brandi p'lnch, or sling. Or a julep, or a toddy is tier failin’ /And is I'm grttin*’ dry, I w ill bid y >u all good bye 1 But I'll meet you in de happy land o’ Canaan. I 1 Oh me, <th my! vkc. ! 'i •’ ‘-F.'H'.ND ttl'lNluNS. , Mr. Ong bt .the hrie ( nion candidate f.,r t'sovcr ■ 11 ’ wof \ irgitiia, aml who came within a few l lions j and \ oics of an elect ion, lias w ritten a letter to a friend in M rvlaml. in which lie says : 1 assure you that I take a deep interest inthe suc itss of the only National Irion ticket now before ihe jicople for tiie of I ’resi lent and Vico 1 ’res ~ i lent if I lie Cain i Mate s headed 1 V the names of V I’ti'n Bell ami Edward Everett. Whilst Inina .Whig', and 1. at ever been since 1 became ronne” , ‘” iiu a.iv v.ay wlt ii public life—long before —'ri- vals m fact -inei’ I tvttauu ri lo manhood—sriii 1 am it ,id\ In rt*lini|iii'-li—tny divn elu i'isiii'd npiiiioi!’ ; a.'id to unite with nil the friends ol’ constitutional ’ KViei'ly in an etl'ort to presene the l iiimi as of value ill n tiit- mcic ai.ivaiilage.-’ to be übiain i 1 bv the suit a sos parties and the nilvnni eineirt i ! men la liiuhand disliHg-iiishi'd slalions. Tiiat l! e Idi's sing. we enjoy ns a nation are in ilang’ i'iif being lost by the triumph of mere sec tional leelingover patnytism—hy the alii nation of one pie tion of the Union Irom another, mid by the i ‘eetion of mere pr- tenders to oltire wilhout re gard to their sentiments, qunliPcations or titne-s. none who observe the course of current events will fir a nmnient deny. Independent; too, of Hie great (jtiestion, in reference to the Union and , its piT'serviition, all men who have regard tor llieir own intere !-.--Ihe h ippiness of themselves or that of their children—should, who is most likely to aid in bunging back the government,” in I il s a Imiiiistr.tti'.m, to something Jike its primitive; purity ? Wbo of all the various candidates’ have : given tiie bed pnd’ that tiiey arc honest, faithful and eapahie Who are most, devoted to law, or al.'rand harmony at home, as u ell as peace abroad ? Who are most likely to enforce tiie laws widen ’ have been enacted for tiie public good ? Who, j whtjii they enter ttpon Hie ilitfies of their respee- ’ tivehiliiei s, will look to the great ends for which govcyniuent alone was instituted? There are no! two ineii in the'Union more likely to do this—men [ who answer better the characters'of wise, virtuous I and prudent statesmegAthan those whom the Hal fill vtv-Conventionof th* !)Il Ilf-Whv .eTTeted a- HiT.-iii.iM",-’ the Const ii uiii ma! party. There is is; I'a.'t no other j'.ciy, this tiiue, deserving the name ‘ a nation'll part;. - ail others are etioind, radical . a i (b itfiii:: o’ utrer ruin -union. Strange it is tii.H thf ill*is] piiidelit and good men of all parlies, ay I we must ;ylmit that there are many such in others, do not at once unite and make, with us, on lip: ■st etrurt tor the salvation of all tint is near dear lo the hearts of all true lovers of their ii *mi! ry 1 ‘Uiii'i'i’ ate taen-ttltim Xorth. a* there are in the Smuh and West, wlm 1 sure will coiue to the resent —whatever may have been their previous party a. soeiatidiis. The republic expects every ni tii t-do his duty. Tiie sous of Maryland will never tajfer—those -of. Virginia will reiuemltrr” Their friends and neighbors :nav they each be found ’iplmlding the banuers of the Constitution when the hour i t trial shall have come. —— -r >, WM. K GOGGIN. 1 sUur TO THE .MKKtUA.Vr* or rue SOI Til* AXD SO l TIP-WEST! U7L. t hr unfit mcrrlianf **’ f (lie cil %of C’h r . !> < ’., ciH-oiiiiip 1 Iv 1 lie mcrt'iv-d i, a t. r.i ip* i--i vrl !.i>t >pm z, mI l*y llie na-uraiHV, rcarhi ii* u- If*.in jll .'•ccViuln* •! tlie ai|^ *f, tint our lioods have eoiii|Mre*l inlv4i,Ya SA . nu.**]y. :tn<l ciu sucres-fully, with thnre in , D .N* h- Voik. bidJ other .Norilu-ri* cititr.aml lirlterin” thiit I'fing I. l it Lhil to tbe |>le<lgcs, inaile in o*;r t?ni Uer (.’ar*l, wc will t-reive riliU greater | atronage. hu\ e p r (.He I ouoi lvtM ftr a largely icreM-d Kail <'nr ’lujtorfvis aiitl .lof Koreign McrchaiDliM have sill l>ven re j.rerouted in lb®* market* ot l.aro|^, >l*i >uuiui* r. either ly uit-mbtr* .f (heir rerpee. fixe fiiuis, or hy Agenli fully- cmn|ivl m to select gt>oJi lor llit* ><tiibrn tr.ide. They have iMiught f*rej* ? h,or Its equivalent, nn.l tlieir selections will toun full uml at. tractive storks tr the inspection ol the interior uier ehaiit. Our facilities for obtaining Duiiestic 4htodfl di ne t from the manufactories, are uiivtiri-asseii by tbe mer chants *•! any **iTy in the I'liion. We. thoeitire, (” iititb ntly invite you to inspect our Fall Moi-fc dI l'ore gn anl k'winesfie (roods, siiit tl ! al! n||. may i|i *o, withoiit prejudice, will make ihei*’ j un*baser in ilii* market. Pur >tmks will bt t .•mj)b*te early in August, when we will be pleased to receive llie visits of our 01l and new mercantile liicuds Mil Y 04K)hS. tiill laiid. Howell &('*.; Jolim**on, Crews |c Co.*, ( liaitibe: lain, M illkT &C ; John 4. Miller & *o.; Nayler. Smith & Cos.; Hyatt, McUuriuy & < ; 4'raile. Ko\l'ton ii. 4 i ; J. S k I* Ji Howie & (.'o * C;o!tw, .Mclvcuz e & 4 o.; Kerrison & ** IIAIIDWAfIK Hyde. Ciegg & Day : W ilmnns & l*riec ; CoutToey, Tcmiiiid &Cos ; J li A*4g*rr & Cos. HOOTS AND SlloKS. I*. K. ri-mirg k Cos ; U. x IViuglc & j,0.; I'i)r* a e& Mitchell: li 1> Stoddard fc. 4o , l tiimliaiu. 1 aft k<‘; Ihiseltine & Wall on. OLOITIINT*. PieiMon, Sinit Ii &4‘. 4’obeii, Willis & ('o.; Wal'kon. Matlhiotien t 4 filar a &4 •. 4 ;H4*CCli IKS. 4 leo’pc W Williams l’o. UHHTvKiIY k 4iI.ASS \VAI*K. Webb & Sage ; IVnwn & Ikr'iua. i)i:r<;s and Mi.idciNKs. I lavil; id. . w *] hi ii; & Cos.; Nelson Carter ; John A: hi uit & lu.; Huff Si Lh.wie. AND FANCY (i* >4)1). . I liev*• n, 1 aster &4 ; J & \V. Kuoi ; ! Dewing, i ha>i &. 4 o ; Alt.eit Leiiguiek ; ! .'.htiriuiil. lluige & t ... j BAT S. ( .VI’S & STb’.WV Ctteps. ; lIo"-<‘V. Aiitei* & ( ’•• ; F. D.‘Fanning & Cos ; JD. 11. W Pliam- fi Cos. S Vldd.US AM) SAHULKIIV H AI! JAVA HE. 11 .t - * .. < ituhiuii t"n : Ti>iii'in9tiii & Cos. i .\; H+■;!<. iIL CIA) I'ils &. WINDOW Cl-::T.UNs. I ..t 1.. : •ii & I leu cil ; .1 <i iii_*s< (* Hi ilic. j\;i • n;i;.* & l>i:aix winks, Muuoits k. sujiAiis; C. Ci.*fi k 0 ; fr niukcr & ;i.*ver. : ;:\!.i.u in [vu j r;:: & i:\vi fi *. [ \-u-o r>. IM. <•: v C\. . U a; l .u* > . |i'll\ t). A. A Ll* O ! > a;.j Ji*s i< mr r) tU-sDbr*f ~tHtf ol ( lull'll** I* fi Slit'. .. I ■ • ••{ |}.v ,*!l fill A!.ll:m;l, tlcctriltHtl, flt \vhi> !. •: i . *i?v ‘ll >;-••• “'Z *’ u::ty : ;%• r it*•••',r. <m? vw*t at’iiionfrU nml siu • 5. f*ti"-'ll .Ufl t Iftritor •* ttf r •ln*\M*-*i*tl. t< , ,t.v r ; - 1. uu ■* :]>.• tii iu I hi* litw f*rr>**rihei hy ; e. *,,u . yt.,*. ;f a . vV.ii-i!*. why Waters* >*fiini!ti fa,. a*.;. 1. Ditiicr m> h:*iif] August ij. !•* i. JCIIN L>. >'V!AV Alf'l*, C'rdinary. (iJ.OKCI \* ( !i ytciu foil ii ty. 1 1 i-ii r A W i W.!i :s ;* ! ii * *•* u.* f<r (offers of Al ---.) t , • , ijiptr*. .V i*"7r. ru/ti t> ftittmiht rrv ntxn % mi r| .■ , • 1 - !p, !;i!u <f >:>il oowtity, ; *; 1 •-i ■ !• Vt tc>b nil ;• t:I j*in H f .it •iy ■ ‘*.it in (Id* lini- p:r*-rrh***! I.y !.-t\v h a • ,i!i**‘. ts :ijv i t why 1- tlor> Ihmi!i| . Alllt.'l. ‘ i.VVU Ml ••.'!’ II>T h.lll't I f mITV •*. Jll!y:ll ;*-oj A J*. Ml N lAV, **rtiin;ity, i; i;; fie, JA . Spa Id fine i otti I \ V h..s W Ci ‘ll Ii .\ n j plies so me for hefters of A-lor i■*■ i-1 ‘•! on ijtv jtv i! William A. 11'iton, io;*- *t viti| i'l'.h.m . ti'-ci : 1 1,.-r* fore totf-ile :inl a>hnonish nil jiiml sin •:!.*r Mi** Uiii lr •! iin i rre!t*rs of >ji<l tl'fi*a>vi! t<• lie it 1 ;rpp tr ;if mv t Wee ivilhin ihe time presoribed bv 1 \r , * h” v t :l.l'', if hliTi'THt*. ’** L y -ainl leMers sit on M I tr* ifitff rjD'ttT Ft V h;iliff * flicO. AtlJP^t I -<.> J‘ U N D. sTI . W.\ !<T, Uriliuary. fLUm SEPTKUBER SU.F. ON ti. - (I r **f i’ue>l;iy i m Sept, brfnrr ffe Coiirf -1,. i.m’ tio*'r in the town ol r.*ui;tv. n i’hitt rbi’ b Mill lo.nrs of sale, will be ••obi, tho ; !Niat'£pi •;• M‘ . J o \ -.t • i , ;p re’ c! I.aioi in tit e rrnrt be.:*( rrtrnrr of Lot ’ . !*•{; in tin* ll’.tf. l i.uirl form rly Kayitte. now i ‘ t •!!• coin t V ; bvifloii a.-* fi;e pn.pert j .* Cilberl . c. t i ;i fi fa Ir**,,. Clayftui i’ fcrr**r # .'ourt, in ‘ i \..ji.| .1. ii. ,i bn.-or. A Hro v<Cil**erf i*oe JOHN l> >1 Ti Li:s, L>. Sheriff. I. 1-r.ff. Si’U,!)!\h POSTPONED SALE. ON the fn>t I ao l.iv in Sepf nexr. before tire Court ly .ai* i*i i t fill* eTTy oT”A irrlhn, r-pablnn: county, Iw * 1 1 iu lit- I j:.! h-tuis of s.| •, will he sobl the tollownj; 1 : . ■ : Ir \ ‘ 1 ■ AI 1 : 5‘ .n ;rr: \ h.t in tin- city ff ('* iffin. number not ’ kiei'ii:. i!.e lit whereon William Allen now -1 , lit, ci M: > \\'i>e and thers. Levied on as the jrop -1 ii V.’ “. mi Alien t<* satisfy two ti sis from fi e ! : . >* i.■ ;*ri ol i lie lOUlst <ii**t riel. C. M , SpaldMijr !.n i'.f y. 4is l.u • rof Win. IL tMirltips & Cos. vs. W il ;ii tin \Hen. IVojevtv poi'.itetl ons by plaintaud lc iiv in.ole .iltd it itu iji'ii lo me bv a eousfabh*. <\'ILUA.'I I!-;\VHlHtKV. I). SlTff ■ Au;ii't 2, I j, I, AMITE’ & E®. It el tile Mek.nt CL 0 T 111 N G At a small advance on NEW YORK COST! As v u\>h f* make room a heavy Pull .Stock. July 2b, Llii)—lf. GUFFiN FEMALE COLLEGE. i.T\ LL TLKM will begin on the 2nd Monday in Au gtisf. aim;nsi:s for the, sixteen weeks: A y Primary Selnml, fOl Pi c | >ti rat or v 13 (Kk I'. JK ■U, wI J W Mr \ drawing and Painting.... Bto 12 J Wi,r< l s'o to 50. Cl *Pf * n c:,fic sicknesjr, and then not for a less time than one month. \V. A. JHipiiHlS, l Test dent. July Jfr. f-t.u —ot. S-IXTY I > A NS aftrrlato son will he mude to flu- il ii ‘ral.h- Court of Ordinary of Spnhbiig coun y, lor leai ■to 1 the lands ami nrgi•. heloi ging to tin- I'S‘afi- of Lhmai-1 Punn, deceased, for the heuetit the lii irs anti creditors. .lum- 2s, |spf. JAMILS LAVLNDKH, Adra’r. N K W BOOK-BINDERY t H'Sr.TXG .VXD BOOK-BINtMN'G. r X , IiL >uh'*i-! iN- i-* rsjio*' , ffu!!v inform th * public that JL i!ic% !;a.u eiMiiuienued in the city of Atlanta, a NEW BOOK-BINDERY. Ca l!t ink Iti'idis. I.ii.tgcrs. li'um.ds. Day Honks, ltliiflrr., Hntilaiit Muli!.* K Docki.ts, Itevoril Hooks, , iv.ilt or witlioiii tti-oiling'i, ami tinted to any Ihl* i r a t-jii led, ina -i; i.-t ii i-ii it, pie neatest and most do inamier iv;to.iiiT d.diiy. St..g;i/.'i,i.-, Musii', .Nens|i.ipers, &e., neatly bound al ;-le:'t ii*l H'e 11. ‘ltd* rs from nny part of I tie Slate ■. ill meet with p.-i nmt lltti'iTlani.’ and Hooks ri-qnin-'l io b tent Uy ini"‘ i,a:o'!. ‘vat'on. i.r I’ailroad, e-ircluily i iiveloped so as t) a\. id l. e to-sdiiiitv of injury liy 11 .i .'|i"rtotion. iM.ii, isail.—tv. j. i’. .mason & co. OIX’l l* I) IVS after date application will he made to m tr.e iduaunihlii! Cent of Ordinary of Hfnrv count ’ V tor iejvtf io se ft 1(M) acres of I.a ml, mole or tew, known as I lie plamalioi: of the late James 1.. Darker, deceased. for the b>‘iieftt of till! heirs and creditors. M CI.MON 1!, UNDIilt WOOD. Adin’r .l une ‘7O. lMl'i.