The American union. (Griffin, Ga.) 1848-186?, August 24, 1860, Image 4

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DR. E. F. KNOTTS j pm if a til RciiQOi. or .iedicim;i OItIF FI N. OKOKOIA. rpillS School will b epee -1 on the first of Xuvei.itii-r, 1 m Mnouoccl in Circular.for the rccc,ilimi oi rtu •m • Ttioh*erihcr doea nt de*iu it ntr-usur, ritiln dslail respecting hi. mat hod of teaching, or Imparting Inal ruction to hi. rtudenU. on* intcll'foot |>crn..n mu-t •nnraclate the advantage* • rlndent will hai” in each a Schooloomtoanpl.iloA under th Jiruwrmt •>*!• m, mol ■ ledge* himaclf that Mj time .r.l eftergie. Mfleiew* Loilcrolcil lo the Hniiocm. nt of hU fifth, wl ‘■■* ■othing will he --.ntltg to mnk* their tluOiei n> iu.tiue branch nf .M.-lbeiil anil Surgical review will he ,fc aMWilM* , freViViioeor.Uneewiih tin-time eeb •anil hut been atadylng Hegulnr"n nilllo hel l three timer week on U.e rrtoo*hran-10. A few of the aJventagei of thlr School of Medicine he brie.’\.-nntoreiel. nam.tri ... The euperlor opportaniticf of *1 intvlng practice 1 Anal, •me, the abundant of Material. the |ii.*rnngj Boom being ample for ell th- elcmee nr..! the e0,..ti...t i ntteiulnnee of the MlV.'rlher, nr one of I he two, w 10. o-ll I ■eriet liim In dewnnal rating, to afford nil n in-j formation to the gbttlietui-n who n.; y he dr-reting He hnoirwiehrtit diet.n-tIT ret I that tln.| Behind no wile, Interfere with m.y ofthe . !i..n. •4 achoele of the country Mtutcnta will flint tin..h0.,1 highly udrantoueone. Mi<l U'Seh more agreeable th.n, .. public college, for Ihc |m'pn.e of lliv.r Brel m elruetion In Medicine mol Surgery. They enn.el ill timer.have on opportunity of ai-quli log a knowledge of pra.tical Anetorojr.mi l the pnicti. , •foiwrelice Surgery upon the rl. e,I anl.Ject Ttie Oienenerry nn.l liiflrrourv of the j will be opened, ut the rime nine, will affordim upper-j tunlty lo hia rludcnte of acquiring great Inf ruintmn rod , •drmft.eaa in the art of preacrihii.g by Tiaitmg the , tiente, canmlning th* caeca daily, and carrying out ■revriptiona under the direction of the prop- . I-,,. Ibey will alee have an oppoi'lunily wh< ‘..v. r e,.nr* < •nee will admit of viaiting in corontn.,’ with him th. i . tlentaof the proprietor in rotation wherein they and riee great heo.-tlt in a practie.,! poir.t ~f tint, m le irn Ing to dUghoi*’ftftd treat variuu*<li van x. I* must In apparent to exr#ry one l hM, poM*‘**itif theto nml many other urirantagc* fbr the eftnly *f Medicine und Nut#* i\, thi* School rttintl* unrivalled In tlm Im * lit it■ if oilluf tonl the medical student in the *opi*tli<m of a thorough And practical primary course ol uittructtou iu his prut* *lon. Tht *uberiher, fully relying up**n the c*unt**minee. Aid And support of the lutxticul faculty ami an im> Si• k• ‘ * ymblic, confidently enter* upon an entrrpri**’ who h in his •• ion, ly supplying a de*hler*tuii in the *• - •inn will greatly behrfll the piit'K.n* well a* h\ate lb* standard of moilieul seiene*. For term* nnd other puriitu!*r*,‘MrrM the pr*| ru t u •lUrißn, Ueurgia. ~ p KN ,, rr N. B. All gentlemen es the mr lieal ftroh--ii.ii who may Tilit (iriffli) t *r# ruriliAlly H>wi ino*t r* up* elfnllx in to visit tbi* Srhnol, •nl th* |r|i iet.*r vril* take 4|rf*t pleasure in ithowing them around. (iriQlu.Octoberßth. Iwi THE BLANCEVILLE SIIA T E uUAIt It Y ! V.U WMHT, roiaUL CO., fir.ttftMt BRANCH k OKVKR now h*\e their <|ihrrj fully onened, Anri ure provided with • miffieh-nt hkiii br of worttnen to All order* in *nr part of tht* Smili Tht quality of their ."‘lnto h** been fully tested, uro! It* boAuty and eieellene* run be*rn by aiki*tii*nin.ition if *cvc?al building* in Rome cov re I wiih from !-!•♦. Quarry. Thty propose to furnish J*** us mi p"ut m fteorgin, Abifmiun or Tennesr*, And, wbt n and nred. I • \ ft roof ut on czpen.-y nor rteytdiog the eo-l -t Tin Hoofing. ConfrAeteeun he made with .“v W. tl*ner. ftncrAl Agent. At Vn Wert, folk count\, I'* May 2il, I-.VI. If IN TOWN AT LAST ! A. GRAY & HARRIS TTAVE remosed from thrir old iliiliil. on lirordwny. JT. and are now in the now Iron front ITrielt SI. r•. on Hill street, opposite t'herry A Hro .andto si .1” t i.i 11. ■auks’ Show Store, where they Unto oii 11-uJ * Sfrjrf ■to. k of STAPLE IWJ4H HEgODDS, fcr wear. uLOTIIINO, HATS, OAI’S, IK'NNUTS, KIVIIUS, FLOWEItS, hoots, simi;s, AM) PANOV GOODS, Os almost erery description ; also a grneriil nsenrliarnt of BRRRS ANQ HEQICINES, Whloh they are determined lo tell on os poo.l term* “ any other house in the city. They ho|.c to see nil tin ir •l.f customers, nn.l in the inmy new ones ns possible, tile* them n triul—they think it will lie to your inti rest. Griffin, Octobor at), lt*K.—tf. GREAT ATTRACTION ‘• AND • LARGE ARRIVALS NEW GOODS, AT TUB MTKCWT W'Ji’ffi* *J* *o Os IIBIIVS. HffTSI & UICKELBERBI. AT Tim OU> ItTAND Os C. H. JOHNSON, o,\ niLL ST., niFFl\,<;!.<>. WHERE may be found a senerol entireties and thor •Bgh Assortment of tbs most UesirAblt \ fashionable <£aoik To wMwfc the Attention of the citisen'of Griffin nn.l nd- J Acent eoniftry, (And BSpacißliy the Indies) is respectful- IflsriM. They will toko are nt pleasure in snowing their Goods, And ohafgs Bathing for their trouble. Tbs members of this tm being old And eaperienecd Merchants, and Intending to establish A PERMANENT BUSINESS At this point, nrs determined to do nil in their power to ,Shs it to the interest of the public generally tog to ’ IMat A liberal share of patronage. Their motto will be: . GOOD GOODS IT LOW PRICES, FOR CASH ! Or, sa time Ay prompt paying customers , \ JOHN ANUHEWd. CHAR LEM K. MjWTOV, WWu fl C. MICtdCLBEiK V. Griffln, March 29, 1 CANDY MANUFACTORY ! riIUK iubicribcr having the entire *tnnk **f % J. K. Martin, will continue tbt l lm*inr< nt flu*mhi’ [ |>lice, find will keepcountuntlv on bnii<l nil Krttclf* u.-u- 1 allr kept in tbo line of Contort low rie* The ry | and Candy Manufactory will al*u be continual li * ! t:\Tl.\t- SALOi\ In now neatly fit to J up, and every effort will be exerted to acenintuo- dutu the patron* of bio eotaUi-h raent. It i deemed unneecMarv to enter into a detail of tbe various arliclra kept, and be only aolieito a e.tll from every one, that they may exainiue lor themielvro .JV The busmen will be confined olrictlv to the CASH SYSTEM JOHN L. DOYAL. lirlfl), October 18, 1859.—1 y.’ N m SlvMB RhPlltLKi.V: A! RELIABLE Commareial and New* Journal, i* .published Daily, Tri-Weekly and Weekly. I’rict 06, $4 and $2. JST Letter* containing money for the office mutt be J.R. SNEAD.Editor. JM , 59—ly F. W SIMB. Pro victor. SIXTY DAYS after date, application will be made to tbe Honorable Coart of Ordinary of Clayton cuun ty, hr lean to fell all tho Land nod Nagroex belonging It Ike eotate of Jamea McConnell, Ute of aid county, iaowed, for the benefit of tb* heir* and creditor*. a. *. NOLAN, Adin’r. J*j 13, IMS, g. V. MoCONNtiCL. AUul r , ‘ | NEW FURNITURE AT A. W. BENHAM A CO’S., mu Slvrtl, Ui'iiKii, frj/lf. r ■ KKUNrii M-FAS. KINK ‘<*f l PE Us, TET’IATETES. MIRE M'S, SF.i.KETA r.!E.', I AhLtS.kc. tiik most com id.i: ri: sto(.k Ever at this Mnrhtt! e'-v** f ! rV-Y c'i ■/ cHAins, A croj i* t* 4 ply of i tt v. rv fi . :.i bt •! i’ A !:!.•'• •• iU- ivlNi*. S 1 a W I \ I ’i i',d ’Her t il A l US A1.... I .;l* 1 I. M -l*W'„.d 1 1 M , t;„ r , f,.r I’iet .Ire I’rnln. - &• with 1 - I i-i t'> -ml. ~,v ~fa I,;, li viil! he tilted up n. the l.i t .il le ai fh..,t u.rfiv \te’ srr gjiidi El.raminr.jJT I ‘ OriS tl< |uf,7: THE TIN TRADET n\ \ I Nil i>e*n •♦•gojfed in the Tin bu*inr • for t’o* I,l*l flift V b II and, t ffl it hfd I It. 4 111 til*’ t'i t \ .f • irirt-n, th• :-*• % pr-.\ mg in % seif to hr ..n !i ;ni • x prfi*ner*l woikitmn -md, lo r*< r* r. ; ! if l• ti t. roMi*. !••( with m t.u-, i•* in t pi i< r. nm wall known t.. I* e |*oJ ■ f t’le SUM tin ling • M let iy , who have f*r i nun !• r • f uiir* ti i \ *nd u•• I n.v TirWfißES: STOVES, I'KONul N( IN*i THEM ALL HOOD. Ix | i riri in <1 • oil li in riij!.\*- I- j> t :*■<! •ut d'o r . Work do • :*•*! c* “• i snTTI .i r •;>. ipi “ . >*• re | ldt\ l..t* 1 lie l* put nl. of lie b K"o. J and fid- n . • <l. fbeit I ell for > .•- ‘• 111. rll- • t mv wu* cm i I tie |i to moil* lh*o i/h’ \ I*-l i ‘‘ ‘ h l"i ‘ toll <l. , of r. ud \ in** l I(NU All lea a-T* ’V I.- Mini evi i> ; ■n i!.• n\ i.! v . i.. ."loir on tll**ndw'iv, bib w she M.irt.rt J.i .1 ill jr.lh, I-lilt if a*"A\| le I'll."I lia\, A“t THE CHEROKEE RELIEDY r-'-Sl fyfc* Cf~ L /\ ■ - f <:MI :' V •’ ~ ; J m ml fii£” I AN I MAI I. IN*i 1 I IK. I1 1 1 } (ionorrlitru nnil all liistiisin us Hit 1 1 mnnOrntr*;. b’l.M! |i> tirf 'i"i ii!l ofh*r j**f tr.*’ If ill hi tritin li u*ililvt my *• ?*.*• r ••m• | **if.• >-wntait*ing nM 1 ** I’ lofl t r K 1.-1 1•* 1 1 ;a- if .and pi f p>lt |ai!. ly tl 1 fil b.. f . i’il k • 11 1 I I. .VI .. .•. • •ill.-* Iu i ll lilllnlril lion tl, tl mil ‘ Mr i •f. rut i"il t'f .1 1 : "‘l . •! the < heroke* Imliii.n. If jx ,*>. r*-l In !’.* |1 l ’<• nf. if'fWti tnfriiiMr meiif* ‘l I r lof rtm*-te, nf •it, will lir ri'pii'l by n.xirV f!• i- b'tfm'ilv. io-r-.iil •.f pbieiiitf fhcmj*cl?** at tin I*loo IJii.-o k*r |‘rb*-r I'll i * ft r invd T if I Hit - all h r ...FTf fh** *ll -♦;-♦ : it* toml •• not ‘• Ily l.i*- Ay ff,,. f , , v.y k y; . Ki mi.wjhc on which it it p**i*'lh I nil ilir* < f m.;o- j •T. ll fill pt I filil lu lJ lit t ii!h ith .1 bv tli I.'* m* *ly, in all ,11-c of \ IbiM. ( Whitei* in I noth .1 >ll oi *a•* • *t sh J l’ fin af v ( h jjit if*. It :• m a>t oi! -hi'il Ihr in’ t >i* ii’it*** it. • u [ us till’ . This 11, mt ll\ r.l t oiilv •ra li.*;t* •!! !*> *••: ti.iiii I 1.0 ,^ytelit bill 1 1.\ i,;orat* - tlo 1 .•• t *h li ift cmi .-t it ot ion. If *l"f tint aR'-el f b*’ bn .i* h * rii t* rf< re iM sr x ! i'!i ut bti-h.t or it ■['w:*’ a. Vh \ i.ilmp ti*-!;. !It nil r al diet tm~ It r<'t|iiirt sno a i'laii* • fi*iu “tht r iu* i1 <• • ‘■ tjl A 10l w lot t< 1 I mi i •1 i- v - l •11 • it i.M Nau > ‘I•• ;■. 1• 1. •; I ■’ i 1 lifioiid Nrrup Milt I. iJptr !'‘TTI.r., Mi; ’I HU 1: 1 C*4 ru.: I'Mi: i** l’OT’l IU (i ML!; WIN, K. le f’l iir * r . M I.u li: u V". S*bl in Gtiffin I v V’ It v ! \N . I nml nil rc!*pofifible *lenl#rA in nirtlieiiu* tbr n/h*nt tim I * nil 1 -I Mate ‘ ILW 11. \M). M l VI N t< < ” . (’ ha 1h * full, P‘. < , Wholesale A {;• :. t?. Msrrb 1". lx ‘EH L IMPnV V ten WWf lin it li i m (A ’ Mil*. .1 M 14 HON t.tUr* I'li'iHuro if* nnhnnneiito tin’ hulies ol tirifin .ml n<)j in nl countrv, p)u* i■; now rroritiitg her >| nop i t Miiiiiiuurw oooDa Os every <leerl|*tim Her Moek i i'*.\t • in| ! I". , r. ! p•• n lion \ ail il* in \r h f* Mr 'o’ n lin I l * iii ir k l >li Will he r••• i\ in;* t• \t J- I|'O I\• i V v* . >1 . I 1 iU.■ II k y* | r mil I'.iv r (it ij. I lie ime p-rwrU 4.. iv >. \ - rr he n oto'ri ‘l In-ton’ iii Ihi <t> . c: z.-w&j n n Thnrikfol fr Iho \ <•* vlitui .• I | ti tm:;. t■**’ <f. r, or I .-I. ill’ll f- 1 If. fill NJi I • 1 t I 111 Ml. I’ * lit I’ • •*.* T|. ‘ i,• • I ii.j* tin ri hi lo pi w < lit in* f it i.*■ 1 .i• ! imi to h. r eti-l* . i ii Al t reh I, I ‘MI 1 1. c z a si’ * rs la u :u cr j AM) ~ ~ k. W • y ‘l'll 1. uiiih i oc* • I w-nhl't i-• r Ttv i•, itm *’• ‘ .*i I r< It <4 of *i i tl'l’l M* 1 •'j !•’ * t I I . ‘ IH I “ 111 -• ~,-iw .i ;im a< mnM, o L..m i m . *.. a the home fn mril v | Ih\A! i•* .1 !. -.• •- . -*M •• i r.erv r<t ihli-lnn< it. i \t <!-r !• ! w IV w t o ,iee tl ! i r \. * lull’ lie M l!| k 4 | 1 oi.-1.1l ‘iy I I! } .It-! .1 IMI JIM* MUtniom i t CLOTHING OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS ANI-MU'iM LEMhN';-1 l KNI.MILM. <H MH>S. , !!*• will <rl! low I*r < \ —!) ‘I h • | u\lie arc in’ ite 1 t• * j call, if they * II 1..\ I’s H-< *!“>. |T. M. I \CKSI\y. frf t. >’ tlriflin, (~ Jnn , lf)ih, It* : ‘ 1 t! STEAM GmST-r.'iILL An it /ucUmf for &aU\ r |'l! L ilIT rs r “tile th ir ‘ ‘nui Hrl*t Mill 1 mi I Woo! t ret ii y. -i-t n/ <1 ih t 4 iiiilu r ( M('li t-n wh.eflt no 1 corn, uiol two’ Wool ( .it ■! s . V To “nny |*er-n li-ith e, tlii- i** n ehniii'e for w | • fit.'ihlo iii Vi •fluent. i* |i Jin! ;i> t!i j • |t | ■ l’ \ |. to I lie mhlt of n Hirmiip nml town, ii'nhomhi:iiMo to the liutlronil. tin re i. ti remli Itimk* f Im fl. f n<lno tionn of the Mill, whieh, from tln-ir mi|>< rim ijii.ilii v. h*ve ulwhv# etrtnin'iuJel’iho h'ptie.t | ii. hoth jit h wmi tt*l aKrt'il I'Mhli* ninv t*e n*l.l.| t„ |.i,t that,, tliitiog * In- very *l v ikouicr-. to wliieh we are m nftm roihjeet, it the mi! \ muT'iftf Hill n circle of l weiity luilvrf J iMii he !• |.tnh I mi for j-nhlifi j*riiilii'p. Hie Wool ( .it.l'l fcT, wlileli i. i ril on in llmi fame* hill Mil g With file I* ill. I* I Ii • I*l. e I W!l 4. . T *o'!\ w.iufj. Mifl.eient e.ijo'al wrh | • i |> i . • ‘ to I e.Vteloh ii i I l*e ih <\ e j foj.. rly ill h • •! I .<m •! ill* * • ‘•rill’ 1* f 111 1 “v* -0, 11 11. V l I'.o ~1 tit till ‘io 1 el’ ,1 , M • ottuiluil hv nj j.u;i t. i . ■ roll - ‘ \• . u \.l u v; . v. 1 ii. ii; i \i.. hiriffin, r *-h 2"*. 1-m ) ts and. W, BULLARD, HIKIAHU IV, \, : I S prepared to do nil kinds *f ! *• •*! and M-.e tonkin:; i i and repairing at tin* *• -t imhe.*, iihl i .•!. ip ,i ---| nii\ other workman in tii-mgi* /.II • Us\ matdod *T Mrop on Hro dw , ;rt ‘ ienrge \Y Thom is’oi l stand, iiivo him n mil. 4*t £ 1 I * l\ lii:ot:U A. *piil<!iiig County. David r. in>i:vn.i Jons n. ih.tki.v. a. | iuiui*tr4iuf> of tiu: fatale ui :?.uuui.i Ala.i.i..*, 4 *f- ! of told county, decciood. cjjlv t trio fur Letter* e! Dismission from the said Administration: Them? arc therefore to notify nil persons concerned to l> nn.l appear at my office,irithin the time prcsentied by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said let ters ibould not be granted. Ohm under my hand, at office, Hay 10, IHCO. JOHN I). STICWA IST, OrJ.u.rv & asaa©3Sto , i ('i:i ( i;ssoi:s to j-osskv a kkkvks.) CORNER OF HILL AND'SOLOMON STREETS, WJI- C B B.'” Jir B BO DC W 9 w ncAi.r.its in Family CJrorcrics, Staple Dry Ooods, Heavy ITanlwiire, Iron, asliugs, ’ Wood and Willow Ware, ~ See., are now receiving tlieir FALL Si:ITLIKS in Inrirc .pianlilies. l i.i lirg the Ch Sv*n. . *'.rk ... well, w* l.a* adapt, and .t Ulh ii, ■’ ‘’ ‘"’T, I- 1.. 11. r t..r 1 .-b, a.,.1 ..... . li.. cahl.-.l .... ’ • ‘ le hl py All ..ur ..111 1. la a. .1 ■ u-1..... 1* >• e-pciially ...*.ud lu "Ujt aud •u. . *•*. •* *<“• ■ -< * * ioml'V new outs. 1 t.l „ I* w 1 Le .fli *el tcr\ bill Mill-- fo.ilTri'i.i.tnuc tht tra lc iu Wiut* and I ~n r preent fto.-k “f |,,f ’‘ “ . ■ ... - \‘i; ii. • 1 * i ; s 11 n; F * A K ! * s. ai. i :.y - . b ai'. *y < ! , CAR . 4 1 *1 ) F I U \ i t I K I. . : roixuE 11 i;\m I’E. b_’oipr> ft ‘ •: mi.* 11 i i It A rdf. ‘•O V i't. # i. “it k - t W ■ M * i.“• • Stii.d. * ur 1’ • ■ • ar. i • ioMikii g • . Scrofula, or Kind’s Evil, I* a coti'titu’iiiiu.l ili.eft.r, a corruption of the 100. -d, j ty which thiv ‘,’iui.l Uvotice v.t utc‘l. wiuk, '■<* j.or. icing in tint ia i-nluti.:. it pervud u tl.o 1 T.I, ,1c Uulv, til.a may l.ur-t uut m lw*< **'■? 1 g.i.rt “f it.’ No organ i free Imm its a't.n d-. tmf I[, thtriMj'ie which il may tnVaUsui.y. ‘ihc M -1 civ taint it eoly Ly lucrciitial di cn* I ', P.w living, liisonli n and *.r unhealthy l.url, impure ar, hlth and lilthy I a'.l*-, the th prv: rinvf vices. . and, a’ove all, by the venereal inP ctimt. bat- , ever 1.0 irw origin, it ia hereditary in the coretitu- ; tinn, ill Mending •• from pari tits tn children unto the thud and fourth geneiutmn imf eU, it te la- th red if Him wliu cays, “I “ill the iuinuitii * nf the fathers upnti tlicir rluldren.” Its ctli ets cnmini nce by depositimi tiem ths |)p.,„| i.f currnpt nr ulccriius mattci, which, iu tile lungs, liver, iit'd internal .nrgans, is tornnvl tulmr clcs 1 in the glands, swi liiiigs; anil on the Mirtaee, it 11 pi in! IS I r enT*'.-. lI.IS Inlll Clirruptinll, whu U pi lid’ IS in the bleed, • pi“i s the em i;;i’ -ut liie, i .... t tin t sernfu lens const il u (inns nnt enly Miller fi an j M'li.fullam I ninplaints, but they have lar less pi.wi r i to w illistimd the attacks of ether ihst-nsi-s ; con : eoreii titlv, vns-t riimhi o peti-U by ill mill rs w in. li, ’ although imt hlefaUiuk oi tlu n- tmture, urettill nu ! r . il 1.,!al by tlii taint in the system. Must nf the I niisii'iiptinii w lie Ii il’ i imates tin- bunciii family Ins its nr 1 it u dir ‘ tlv in This arrotliloua contlimioa 11*ai ; and many destmetivo diseases nl the liver, J.l,buys, brain, and. ed. nf all the uigiius, iitiao j fioiii nr are, migravai and by the same catisi*. One cj iait rnl ail cmr p’O-plo ale f■ mfuli ; ! tl. ir pet'-nus an-inv id dby this lurking in£’i tinn, ! and th'eir health is uniloimitiod by it. ‘ln cleanse I it lenn the ►> -tl 111 we mu-’ lonnvatc tin: blood | bv an alt. rative meilieini', an 1 invigoiate it by I. cal thy loud and exercise. Nash a medicine vvw supply iu AY IT 11*S | Coiiipcninl Extract of Snrsnj'nrilln, the mnt * f *ur tiling tan dcviv’ IV •i* thN v * htT*.* ]•''- j \ aiol i.ttul in .i * ily- It m li'iu the 2:i*•>t u ftvo irim'linN that bav** l**i *1 l‘*r j tli i Yjvirit'atinn -t tliis fml iii*t rdcr iV'Wflit* !!• <l, I nail tin* ilmuc ia.‘ tho ty-tv; m tt :n its tl* ’native ~n ,11*1.1 oh. 11. -i t- i►!t■ ►! <ull I<’ *iijjl**y‘<l It r t t*i<■* ic ol* i:.*t fiilv *cirfa!, lut uil’-o tli**v otli'r nMt-ftion*! whit It nri-i* fmni it, Mirh *** Liu piivij pad Sj 4 1s Ih.hi:\v| h, ,Sr M Antimnx’h l‘nu'. U **••• ur IIr.AiNH ami Ihui.i, TANARUS mh:s Th ilk mul r Kill I M, St AI M 111. All, ’ 1 :>m, S\rMiMiir uml Mikmuiai. Dihl.vms, Kuorsx’, ] i*ma, I)i .uiMT'V, and, indeed, ALf f.*o!ll*L.Vln akmmi ni'iM V iriATi n on Imimhi: K , .:jj,ii. ‘I he la lie I*in ** i/a/a/r/.*-, ‘n'rnrhlmd” i- fmn<lid in truth, for f-eroful.i is a l* , i*i?HTatlon of the blood. | —Tim pm tii idur }*ui jh.m* h 4 virfttx— rilla is to purify and rrecruTate this vital fluid, j x\ it bout A\bnh mhiiml health is in ton tainmatcd constitutions. - Ayer’s Cathartic Pills, ; rc'l ALL THE FUr.rOSES CF A FAMILY rKV£I3, nro so compost tl licit within tV* ransro of th* ir a ti *nr.t:i iai* !y uitlist uul or cy:h!<* them. ‘lh.irpcn- Hr.ili:i>r proj trtii"* M-ari h, anil clfm-**, and invhror. to <>.V ] ‘ltit.M of ll:*’ lu.Hl.t!l on-.lii* fit, • 11•! it t itA tl v.-• *1 o, am! rt'siurii i:ht .iltby \ i?.. i t i. A a a tM- -t |ti i.<f of Ih* -o piopi rtirv. th* i* v/.hi who i, how* .1 ‘!.>nii n i!t p.'iu or pov - • I -W i-ilii vi. i st-'i-i-ln l | t” t...• 1 ! • !t li • :.*i>;\ ii t'licti ly a remedy at | N-* only *h tin y niic the every dnv rouiphiiii’H *>f j rvei) both, !.;.t ..!•>* in my fonnitl.i'.-h’ ami fl.mnorou* l diM* o-i'H. I l.i• :ttr ut Iriow ii.init il is plf .M’tl to furniwli i pt.MiH my Amrti'.u .Mmittie, t *Mii.iiuit lj i rt iti .it J of their cure. and uin tli ms foi tht ir om* in th*-follmv liiiht iinplaiiifN < ‘n.stiu ms\ % llmrt^hrn, ari%iiit/ fr'n/ti dironf> rMi stiinio /i, N llast 11 % I ’iln/t | I''.mm ‘i>t! Mntfjni ltnuh<.n vs thr l‘<>nxh, I Hin'cm 7, • />s > f f i;.i t t’-, J i r, ami oth r !.i•:!><*tl om pl.iim •. ‘it ‘id’ fro'u u low state of the body or obstruc* lion of its IjUiiA'ltoiu, Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, i Kill Till'. llM’tn - I.* A* 1 < o rpV, ( olils Ir.nucn/ t, IJ* iim mcm.Croup, Ki>Mi !iifiN, liK ipjt us ( ott’(intp.f ton* titid for fho ridii'l* oL i i\ o Ihitieiits iu ad- Xitnrrd *.!.!••*. ol liie iliM'inc, S” v 1 ’• is tli- ♦ hi *if if* r.vf* •• *n* l *!'• 0 jfVi* \ *jr . • - >t - til.*, t* 1 ■ ‘l•x. tx ■’ tis I iiTprv - in | Tv!.- |'. • t v t. vho h.\ c ’• ■ • I * •• -t tl"". ■ I • • 11 ‘I • r., • oft I•yjt*l *•.t • • \ . :ts j Mi’Vjh.':•% j\<■* t tv iw,., rt.r a, ;.:i. ii, t.. i Ia IM 1.1 t;i *• • .I*e a|*:•t •I’ v t .j • , It \Vi. •It |S Ml ‘.l'S | at • ikii mTi, iifl .. i■* !•* .■ 1 ! :t.,t •v h •.? ai'fi >c I t • cmpi'O J 1 : ■ • 1: •*1 t T !•'. •• - :•:ia. : *ns t'f th' 1 | .y < M’ tii t* .ft 1 • i*’* • t ‘to *• tr , bn- t\i\ U its!** !•.••*. iii'fi'or r'‘m<* :ir < t- u-t i:r m to • • • v I in f i o„: h. fu *-.-.. 1 V. ‘. tliiw fi is • p i *‘i \. h. t\• rv • i-I, “tilVt 11.! ;.f M-on the. ah* i • uuau rotcw a’utl t-> i 1 o'vti i t !• i*>:gotten. I K 1.l ‘A U 1I * W Hi:. J. ('. AVS-:32 & CO. J.OAVi LL. MA^. 1 f*fr •Alt', IW 1 Iri ‘hi. \ i It t i narv ‘J h 1 - • I . \7 V. SLAV. r'pff| “* * • u C s a a M r 1 l 111 ‘I- 1 1 111-: 1 .1 ,- f. 1-1 I T I.V *.f 111 llnll. Sit. jM-lt .* \ ‘f’ f * ‘I!••'1 ‘‘ S’ •■lI•’ IV, :i 1 ttll ,f) f. f.. U*. -i. u; :im - .mi IK; I 1- |!r r■ii. mi 1 ttt’l li-i'i ‘t - .-htl- I, **. *Mi- .1 ; ••! w*’ r, 1 ;'tl. 1’ ld ‘lt *:lf I h.,ii !'. • -’ . {*.a - - .on • i” If u • i at a.t\ ttuif. ■ i a £•• 1 harc.iiu ii.i t. Vi tly I . * Vt'M. 1 UHJiUiI LV. M.i\ U. Jrti'h —ts. GEORGIA, Spultling County. N r .\Nt*V “II Pfl A hnini-fratrix on the ctntc Win 1 | lot htte ot anl couoly, th'*u , *uu.'J- . •I ; lit •, t*. nit* t*• t !. :ui> of I*i*mt!!<**n front saol A*l -111 o- i <f 1 .1 1 ; 1 II : lio .11 .*, th *n f rt, to fit- aivl nlM’ *i ’‘!i all at; 1 ■o.*;uLr. Ho- pi 1 - 1 - 11: ti **.-f *••!. f•• 1 <■ ;• <i up: lar iif toy , •?!:w 11 hin Ihr t iiu* pn •* 1• l •••! y low. t*. - •\v f .in-i*, it any tlu->, why ii Letter.’ .‘lmuM n*t j e*l. Given,under my Inn ? and oT iil : ■ *fm. . t!ii< I*l It |Mm , Mil). ‘ lb >’i KW l i. 1 ~!.i. iiy. j is m if IMiRtMIW lUlt V. in ! , \ i ,• t ,• i i,. kin<l.ur C.utn:\TEßS* I W* i y.iui!. I ; . nodal abort notice, j'.:;.’ T> U uofAl.. . > I. .I . I v 11. I- > 1-. ! o'M \ ‘” ‘ • • ill jI ‘ I ..•!!•’ • • • t . , , . }! : v• ■ ?v. || • r leave to •• n• ,i l In . • . •If or I• : % • IT*. * *• ‘• ‘ • : Li? my > ut.?%, ia t !.e r. a! t • .f. • I I *V” ■'•*"••• | Li' A.,Mi .1 \ .1..i T •% /I. 1 • it >1 t, t (tiiiniv, 1 4 *: MAf >\ I .:; !•! -f • T.. ■ r r •• f V!- ;\ i)n *i- i'io *’l tl. • >■(* t'i U . .tl Ii .n, ill • -t •.; I -Miotv. .1. • i 1 : lln •* aio t h i* ‘‘ i * {• . • • i I iln • !•. ii’i .u: \ - n g 111 AT ‘ln h'lldl *d .111 I •'• h * 1 “ • i■; •’ >1 I” lo* .•nd N| |* :r ;t my of e within *';.•• f•.• -i i •*.! I y law. t*. *li.w . .1,-. ,it ,t \. \i t-. x’ ! \ ..j ! r Ji i * t l ’ no! he gliinti and. lihvu under mv ! .• !.<♦•* e. July iil i M-tl. A J Ml M>.\ V, * *rliii ray. UKOlit.lA. Kttffw fmoiti. Ill; V! AMIN* .1. BLNVLT Vnj pli to me hr fitter* II of |>iMiti>jduu from the Lx< * u’orrbipo! (Uela.-t and Test mm tit of iliaasi J: These are therefore to notify all persons conferred to He and ap|ictr at ury office Within the lime | rescrihed bv lair, to show cause, if anj* rxists. why said L tiers should not be ;rSulil. liiven under uiv hand at office, February lb. I*UI JAMr.S S. BOYNTUN, Ordinary. ■ - -i MlllUi.i: il CGILLICE ’ f * 111 I .;.!><• ~f I. ! .re* bi ll.ic in-'iH.1..... wdl rein | -mn-c.l- ‘V..le.'.ln> null Vlie ‘ eimui .Him. 11l <ll. UIC ..iat >* emus (l,.v m January. • ‘ iw< t ’ I /rv ; 1., 1. SAUNDI'.IIS, M. I)., . • I'** |* - or oi Auatoni% \ } JOHN T. RANKS, M. TV, I'm I el >!Hp I.V I R. R. (JARUNKR, ’>., 1 I'rofe*M’r"l Mu'.lin Me lien i.iml'l-Im riipeuties S. It. SM'NUI.US. M -lb. I’l'l --lil- el M.'i le’il I .1 llri-prlltleel'O. K. o l> \N N EM.V, M. IV, |*ru! - ,-r el I'li : ‘iucy m--i Ikillmlu^y. I. .1. RORKRTS, A. M., M. IV, |*ruleut ui .Mi i'uml Pin ini-tiy. E. F. KNOTT, M. IV, • l’li.f. Mcr .■!’ b -titii'i.- n ‘I Ik ii ei ice I.f ‘■ I l'il ci I, r T. M. DARNAI.R, M: IV. Iki.t. “I < ■!. i. Hu-. M. .1. |)ANIE4^:|E-IV; I'r.if. s~lif Ik ..!■<■- ul’W ..i.i,ti f.lubtreu. J. 11. ( (INNAM,V, 5.1. IV, | 1 •aa-'iMti'.'lor ! Aoa'oiuv. S. 11. SAUNDIETS, Pain. \ < m if!h>. l i. ‘lmivli l *i. Isi n ♦ mi. || l UIDal \, 111 )t . tllll,). *■ ew 4 {•HIN .1 • 111. 1*1! IIT. < liuird sin i.f Sn an*'• Ii !l"-i t. sij j• i.. stoui .* tor I thra-d I'i siuv-'iou fiom e.iid • . ii • i diiii ‘hip : ‘I ii .ire h< r for.* to i.n! if 4 f nil h.- and ;ij jet at nr, oil'.-, vx t!,i- t hi- lino- j • •>-1 io* and I \ la. t” ‘!. o,v c• u .st any rx •-f s, why s> ii lot for. 1 * *h"iiM i not In’ **rant '*d •Avon u.nhi liiy luuidat •*’.':• o. th- U-i vi.i vii Mat oh I*'” ■ est i-\rr.>"'Tr: noi.'.n'. < ...y. SP* ! \ IL\ ys lll'o|- I:? 1 1* :> J J li’ .)! i'.u \s i!l In lUTi'r In li..- Ii" Do. ,LS* i .-oi tt f I*i•ii •;?r vif I lorry c-omuM I.f ii .i 4 • to •:l f I linos .1 “ and n*-^• ‘I - I* !•i• ;f i’ is to tlu • -tin* “! ‘ ‘.shill 1•. ; ‘ -I. and o i ■ I. w t;;. 1) \\ . If! I \ t !i* 44 .1 sh 44 : i'-"\ 1.. - liio, r ht.- bull til .1)1, l-O 1 lin. I lit ol llie in-si.*’ bliW'l< A. JAI K'-'V. U'.XKIIKN T. ,l.i K'i'X. A UR t \ **'. Ij • 0. Ixo II ?OS s, • vi TI lIM.S • MINIS, \.!n!iri't:;.f- Umfn'piT},, j li i ’ ii mi) ot thorsf•! ft” “* ,V * , ,ir I.i • o )-! -.i id •* tin ! t v.-d.. • m.* ••• *' l .. (•> an lor leottur.- <1 I’l -is:if‘t'n troiii -.4 -i .i TTTTTTntTTrrri t i | lu’ -o MM* I'l'i. ’lo.r I'l no! ifv Sill pot “I'* f•’ C and to ! r and ii onr it my oi'.'i within tin- tin .■ pn*.-i*i .1 .and L\ llnw to .-how 0,1 iisr. if any os i*l s. winsa .and lot so■ s should ♦***r I*,. -< *.v*c4’ -MOV hand nt ohi*r; No V ini. i 17, I- •! >• i NIL- It . N • -L \N. ( ; LF.UUM !•.> 4"I” •). IA.MKS li. U.\Vl< and l-axid K l.ewi". Admiid-- .* trato-* i.f t .•* t-t.'to .1 •nu-s (ir-'V. ot > i: oounty. and. aj't ’\ t- mu* tr l.rttcrs- : t ~;i- i*i. | f,mu t!u *id iol-ni., :i and : ion : ‘I ii. ai) , t In*.i 10. to oiio and i tunnd -h 1 f •*• i -ui.- i . o.a , tin ‘! f I. a .l a} rat m v a w !hm t .ii* tii* : | ivu i.ihod hv l.;w t” ‘.u• xv I'.i'i-r. it iinv i.u.-t.s. why ?..i i la* Iti l s -iuilild |M't ho jjfi a S.t id . l4i\i.ii undel u.y *da tI t •* -I I’ Ibirv O id !.\i t.s ;;. .V'I.ANVOi it.ary. . <. I llKfl \. ••pot'll) \£ ( “(inly. 4 i‘. \ I.i M i; L./i }.’ II! :*! L-M mo for hot** r< !i \ d-r i'sL.n lj.'io flu I : . • i.. o*!.i pus M.iji * • !.. I .!*..) if. i-... iv M it! ha !.. IV-lli ii"Y , :il i l ‘uru I iil l ulln'il | now < ‘in n iiii I ‘•/! tin : I li* an tlu ii toro to uifu and ndmnni-h all mrr ‘rood !i’ an l i| ji.i ro t tux “Isic-** \x it hin tho Lino j ros-rii •and I \ 1 v t.. - hoxv r m>o, it any •, x\ hy raid kl for? >hoithi ! not !>•’ aut< and. (ii. i u ui.d) rin V !•*•. 1. sit of'.oo. | • 1>! i!:• t \ 1 *LD. ’ .l(>iin i* ."Ti.w vi;t. i 11. u•'. v __ <* l-.OIt fel \, I OttlllJ. 1 \M ! “ ( (*| r -\ •l■*i■i- * n -r of fh* r-fa'i ’ •# ‘ I t ill 4V ‘ e ‘• If. , 1I f ‘•! s . , r fv . ll ■.- ! > I . ( 11 J’ • to |n • |o| Ltf 4 ttf (illllt. ‘ l ..fll tho ‘.) j ai. *• il.l -11 at mil : * ’I !u .1 I!urfio t• o : o and a hr. n i-a all ati 1-i i* | kTul . i t 1.0 kiudi. I.H 1 <’i i■! |-aid di o -. st* *I - )••! •• j; • r at lav •-'■••• xx.t hin t !•’ t ifo- s• - • i * •* *1 l.y i.nv, i.. -h .\v • i, • it a \ . >.'-!•, xv 114 ;..i hfti j. *!f.n'..| I not ho t'u'ntol liv it uisdof m\ ha I0•: ■• . L.i na .. j.. i • . (il !\i i; ‘•\i l. \>. ■ ; ■ ■ v,’ \i \ I’ V \ a:: ir-ii* ■ a j.jd 0.. 1 mil v. ■■ t. n oo l • j * ‘ 11. • f! LI t oj i • i.'.'iy if l I.i >t. n i..-on ll\ !• v •), •.’ •!!,\J. .. l v no-m mu., l •In • -.f /s 4, I, < old. hoh.ujYoi: 1” tin of ! m. M) < - . 11. Lit. .•! •ml oottnfy. doo i 01. t- rth • L s.o ----: lil of liiA hk . 1.1 lid ‘ - Ml |\t INS K. ST(TI \ \' t \.!*• i*r. MA K> V. Mt oNNivUe, .\ iinV . Ft hr x 1 • 1 (.1 !.<.I I|ill** I otn 1} . I.I MMI lies to mo f-r l.- tf-rsid I* j A s io ‘ inn n-i iho . •ato of • < rtn*liu” ! anasnu - . 111.- .t •.. ,*! so-: t\ , dcooa'. and : I !< *o a. o, t• i• -1 cion?, to oita m l adtii"i'!s!i sill and • ir -1 filial t lu- Ivin l:\ l -ill-1 ‘•l'O’i’ f Vii f >i ll and ifi 1 , I Id 1,0 jli l.ljj’ lit MV )>l'u' , o 44 if ,i: a Mu- f inn* p'-)'wo; I Lo)| Lx j 1.. 4v, io •• .xv 4ait>4', it any )\i.*t.s, \4Uy nani loll• i- • lu*u!il 4'd. - I 1 )t\. n uii'lor tin h'lid at ufil•Ma “l 2h I -hO. ‘.I A.M i.> >. h’ ,x . NT N. < r- inary-. j r.<!ji.i \, ii. ..., ... ty. U 1 7 I! .1.1 \W I! M’VM-'lKM)|>j'licl'i mejur I ! ! (Ina ! dial’*hi|i j.-r J! ‘ o it a;,d |*i- •j* 11 Y : iI .1 iml ui .ii.!’ Id. ni |dian. hi ?:• L| p.m ‘v : ‘li .:ro *!n : o.oro to ’-.itil'v all p-••• n.s (‘oiii’o/ni dt” ! I ip; iriit my olli • • xvifhoitii-’ fiuio fi*** ■’ •ti!•*•* ‘ •hvLi v t • s'how ni l-, if a-ay c.u.-ts, why .s.iid Ictfir* i->l.’ lif t I*. griMiti I. • • 1 41''ii tn. h r my f.lTi.n*, this l.Jili d.iv f April Im.d. 1} I | Ni'i.S j,'. N<‘l, AN. <>i iimiry | ti IClkISf i I, Ilfin'y conit I }*. IA At V VM'l'l.r.!*, AdiiiiuTstratiir un flu ; j\\ ‘Do us i’.li/alhot ll Manfildd. lafo of -aid ty ih o. ,i . -I. iij j,ii• -tn tiu’ lor l*4ttcie of ltiiuttie.-ioti ; li'-ni -u; • l A Inn i strut ion : Ti.i'Mo, thorulorc, to rite ami admonish all couci-r4'd to ho noil appear at nt4 ‘.:*: -o witisin tlio timo i-to-i : i’-. and Lv Li4v,.Jo ‘hu4v 4*, if .ii y o\i.*t?, why -al'l Lott, , >lu.n!d iotl ,• *l t• t\ iti ui. Urmy I • I. a’ ntlioo, V|• iI I?. l|l IN* iit. Nb^LA, t hdiunry. j I.I.ORCiA, SJ’il tiii lit: <ll Illy. |< * H \\. I ITI- i.V. I.vtoutorol the l.i*t Will n?u! 1 • I ‘lV.ofainont of Lh amir Madd “t said • .iioi y j .l, itjfplic.H to urn for Lett)i.‘id idiiiie.-iu tn-m jliis* aii Ii u-l : j ‘J’lt-Mc hi4* therefore to fi r fv till persons* eonc/rnod to ho ami HppcaV ifui. \ ‘ un the tinm pn-eorihod . ly lair, t * x u v have, whv eaiu lot tejr * ‘ ‘•'• and. *. .it uuder my ltuud, at 0f ... L.xP , l ‘*.D •I-MIN* t M'l.W \HT. Oni'miry. THE (iKORDIA PUJIF, IN'. I.N I 1.1.1 15V eIOH.N ,T3. M' \t}\ 'KWT, ! I"’ ’ v n ‘)• o* i*'..:, .t !, 4 , ■ L'liop, all .1 jn '■ ‘• i • • i* • it. a’ t In*, mot Wii it uni \ -i'* a 1 e*i I ‘ ii 1 in 4. i- . i iii want if ;i iui - J ’ oud j .a . :: nl } tup. I.y sending mo lilt? •i* * ! •it i. r'* ■ i. oan i iiuo m and -rod t o suit. Will, a! ;iin.'.ii t f t iuiwo. tiio.-t* pump* can h# , m... Io t ’ s-1 vo ii x) ry lift ful ptirpu*# in can 4 of lire upon] t lu- pr tn i-o *. cw. aid ‘• untv Lights fur sale. • ini ii. * h'tol/i r 2*l, i’v’i'.t I—Miti IMTiiltfl'-'-- FHI.ISIII .'t in (lu* cv ,if Mcic'.'u, (ii',l rgl n . every lumnieg. ('un-i iv c-*e|.tv4 ) I'cvotrii to Pulitusi. New-. Agrtcnltnre. & I > AIIA I’AI’KC od WEEKLY I’AI’EK e oo tr No payer ecu’ iinle-e (he m.iney nc-ompanie* the orJer. JOM.l'Il OLISRY. Ltlilur 4c l’rvrrictor I . . HOSTETTER’S STCMftGH BITTERS. Ti;i;S car. appeni wub perfect c.i.ti iemc to pliVHtc'i'iii -■ mi'l net 1 ‘ ge*erully •! (be I “*’'* Liu-*, because tie* nide bus utlnmed krepu- ■ tmi.iii licre(<>t"r 1.11*1.0* n. Afiw <’ “l’ “ tb,- point will |-k c ore p..w.rluby (bau *. Inn.*--. I.f bre rill nos bi ■um"g | l ’' fl r y. •lin- s M<m*en (, i ?, i- r (be (~< (mr ntii.,i(-tel to ~*. r * iiul,->'*.. belli’ a. till 1 In,l'l ‘is (•',*n.t*'( J im* in lime” J'-sst. II ise.i'ienl lUt nuting li,e co.uit.jr v.:r li e <oi.'iimi (i"i. w.ll rte-li I.e niiiii übtede-. ‘ll iii.tnei.sksue j e,,n! I ii'-ser lmxe,bk.n fobl but fur ‘be tore n.e'iit pr ponies ntiii.r vi ‘be 1” 1. dull, met tne- smietii-n ■( die most | *.n..n'nl r.i ,-I,'iitns in tlii-f. 1 sei tii.s nf ti e eouutrjr wii'i te (i.e nctiele is 1,-t Lm.vti, wi.o re I only v.-e.-cmelfi li e l In ll.eir puli't'U. but If til nil time- I” pi\e test im.'iiini -‘• tr <■ vin i'll <i-s “I tuniHi l,ic tU-ri.lige-tnkfitS un i:se ui •••:< -i- - Ititij* tl < letiutn. •j . i trinj I 'my | | tilm it;.. ‘ ,'tnitie.l ,i v. bi ft- in ti e w:.y <-t Item* ‘• , .til- rule's. I itl'u .’ Tel i ! :.m .‘t'utw. “Mm” e .'e' v-i :. li ii ; .1. . i 1.,- <n > rn.g ‘-tm • ’ , M,b iit tees I 1 rnxnl j n. i-. .1.. i 1 ‘ • “Etc te'.r pel ;•<* tut I ‘Hi""’ 1 ’• n-l t cir \ieiim 11 ’’• able i” dd’e > 1 ’ *'•- nv *S 0011-lin 4UTO TANARUS(/ “ J’Uj’ri-m e... ■ ••••s di'-ii’- i’ i” i'u” 1 * * v - :l >• 1 - ( o ( J in iilluy i-l' 1 l t ‘■ ‘""m. t l-.l p.MH r IVoill I.e .Mot:. ‘■■■ | i-‘ ‘ I I.e blo.'-r. fill i. I'* tti'i; i 1 l'-e tietynm-sysrcm, pi.,;'.: Ilml -I •nel-p v ii.i,-|.ienlTe I I- iI - I eii .. ll;. n --I i I I'd •'*'*’ t 1 11 t. 1 • f•I .• : 1 gt-M 4 0 (.! ! : l.s. i s Lot p..\‘oi i*rl\. Mi i u n-'U : -i m 1.. a t-ujui -i i ‘•••• nt • i tu i h)uii-\ uir< Sii't pC us i : - :'. oii I, of I! :o. I, i- 1 ‘ • •’ 1 1 ■• ? ... .’ ,’ • : J'Of lh I'O’ : ; :>t. Ul t ‘ ‘ i• ’ - ‘ tui I!’ * 4 1 t 111 i t ir a- i’i 11 | 11 a: i;. :i. jM nll *•■ r N-i t <1■ **ii ?s’ 11 : x -at- a 11 i * Ji* u uf.t t- li o { ; : >\ in\ •;/'!• ; ‘ ‘ll -)V . - - r\! I • ‘• *- -‘‘* an l u;n vr n u istu r.- M.y. V•ha v; :. <*% t d *it‘ 1..'. * •- tu ?,L U tl.t n J'fi'i Y.II *!1 1 v t,o hv, -4 o’ j• . -ii Ls (! tl.*- M tu. ft -i'l i. • i .ii s i ju • pv.’- i L.'.• >• i. . i .nt *: ui ‘p: t sc i • .1 - ..!• .•: • ‘ 1 -, ‘ ( h.’ •• I | ... ul jv • . s.' 4 . try , Ax• o.i ‘• m and i , ( -j !, !•* drugs aid tan ly M i -a,;. >. >• ! p*-:‘ i fM'X i* • ‘-r ff )••!*!* 1 -v. <.i ii. tirtat o> :•!>’s * t.:*r -n-vr i >• *• vi. * ‘ •. jih ivj. r t *• t: i kl. if r t n <-t i. *'*•!• r.n i ( hil t is *-'• at • r‘ : . . 4 \ 1.. ! M. I • ■*•.* ‘ f **’ * r J t * ‘ f.iri: I i.’ * 4\ii Ii .! h ut• r % v • -M) 4 - t 1 iu-t i :.1 t. > ; - ‘ 1 : I t It 1 . I’ ; a’ • • 4 tu • TVs’ .i i.l Ml * •’ - . U. t!.o # ‘ i •i’ I ) -u •; it n.- * ‘4 . -* 1 !''••• I r l r* ••) •* ‘ I/- -■! tu Ml ft-- I: 1’ ‘ I ‘ * ! f • • ‘ I .* ‘ • t . ’ • 1 t r ‘-- I’ l I ‘- o ! | rally ;11 . u■ 1 •'”* 1 >•’ * •* t'h l Lit It t- ‘ ‘ ’ • : • ‘ V : ‘ ! *'* . ‘ ; i.'-us- It •-.• ■ ‘ r ; ; I Well >* *-*•••••* •* l. 1 ‘ ! ' ,? t C. ‘ A.: ll.’ -'• i■■ • : I” V,. I W. , 1 mn- it l tidy !>• ‘.. :u ‘ t > •#;* :.?*'!• -'* • trrm j. .7 •.. r* • .1. i4 w<-ni* • . it. t :►- ■. - oi i- * : * 1 all !:-■ e - i’t* i* i;.t • * •'!•*).' * • : su: •■’ a 1 n .a’ f<l iti ir A • p • r • * - “ k ’ >’ 1.0 1 I ’ i.. at) 1 1.1 - • >• 4 - ‘ tluir oh.i ; !u. • ■ . r- * \ s**i * *• ‘ ‘s t *-! f*• • • o * v 1.4? ■ .■%: ( . i it t * *-* a !: l I'.u ‘i l•’ N VM . ) ■ , i:-l ii-ir/g r:tiy t-f ti.o j. nm it r. •< r -- . .k ‘i. i nv- ‘ vr* S ;;iM \ ;’ i- 1 ; i • yr • • *• ~ r • ••■ . s i ti*•"%*•'*i ‘s •• \'\ . a 4 ; * * • h ) ‘■.'-'ll vii i. o N •;* 4-f I * : - • r r o ‘* (’ll lil*’ t: a! 1 v t ‘u4. . | i vvu --rrt-./tn; . a t * . - r t• •* ldo! v- r, a * ;?: ’ jttttt u* > tk .* SMITH, I'Tfi-ouM .. r b., s*. ; v.- •. . - ? i d-'lL'i ist*. 4*; •• •’ ‘.--le*'” ►- .* v u; - hc”i! ti.u T ‘-u -i , t 4 vi;?h At; #• ru*a. nial C • et ! a.-.v. ’ rld by A’, iv. .".iv, <).. ati: .*'■ Ixv. !! A !* •* wt, ’ - I)n oiid |, ; !;. .1 Ilariis. tdri:.\.:!(■: and I’ !iiee. Nxv j ran.; T. >. io adhn and. f .a'’ rn /• ; <l. *M . 1* cv L#v li | ia: nv\ ii’.o : \ 11. M.i < •!, I oim *h j dant uy !. I'M! Lrlr • fa iI. Vh iniiFldi!'. 1 ‘ I. 4 UGi'. • > mi l V...!s ?,* -‘ r . . 1 , : ‘O.I ! * J .-VC I’VM *!l **f W . I li.-iil - t- j- -: hi I . i. •V. . . ;! 11l - 5 !'• :t- fit ; ‘f it n I . • \) ti V 1111 •• ‘ I v ‘-re- >eh -; r 1 out ; •4 • \ 1- si • • - . • -y iv 1 1 A CARD. j.” j : r-G'Xfw 1 Pi , v*.v-'v *l-o*l Trr ’ I > VI.i;N:;I t ;■. ( !•• iu •.> •*: it - - • •• D. . X - ..’ • Ll LU . ■ ‘ •• ’ ‘ (lull if ‘1 1 ..x!** • •*. : k •” . A u mi Lvllle 1 q.iu*- I’! . . . . . .w; . N. i.; t S ,kro. liiiiLr/s r-.~ fj r .• r AW J ■ is*v ww'Jdil L jAL Ol A cr/t/fii cm* ('pt j’ii. r- tn'hittt, A*thin I. I’ ‘ll i I • } ’’A : uhrt I'rutiJ', ir. /;/ ••’ h .1-., )t- , I ft tin -(/v* 4 fr ii TlL** 4 a |.: 1 >:> .t i.i* -I !1 t c.*’. j lid’'h’ ‘m -1:.• *• I It*’ I I •',(.• ir • • • Hu* tn t 4 1 , ■’ v • 1 t j f.l. • ■ ; IlC.iy kt; 4V ll • • •-! *1 ‘■.'• M . ttil* M-*t V • “lit 111- it , f*■ vil I-ll'-* • r .If 1.1 ‘■• : I*l *V .(f t • >Ui.xr 4- t-*-, , thn.-'t t- •• *Lr (!• Ity 4- *•’. t .v*> I *-• .4 1 |-**m,*: ly •” Iv*•J ‘y 1, .: .1 ?"• -vv !> : . ‘ L,i 1 vl* •*• •*\p.-.-; •1 . .\4 ’■!’ •. :-t • ii k * :i :JWl'.'<'N.ll “Uu*l p.u iia ui.t tj al. ••<ui-■ hi MtiS.u liJTTLI/a FRENCH rviiXTURE. ThW a* pu p.tiT ‘l fr.'in a Pi-fn-h K- •- p ’ in tb* forrtt* of NI .1 il ‘J. Me ti t td il.e :i i.*-, an.i N ■ il •’ *r i.e • t ‘• (....■ Ci iau■ L-aa)<ii(apUwk -ii<-** h i l k- y 1 1 mi j*.-i ;< •!•• r\ 1 y ‘(•!',• r i.Tu.'.ty f r lll*’ nip-: . i .i'i-s t ih. l\Ti i. V'L .v.itli i, (• •norrli', l i-iin'rrive t:. u<**|- l.Hneh- 1 ritva! ‘or Kin -r Ail-i’** nti-i'uoiu lli> ( \ >ti-.vh e >|iip utul comb ne* pt -i jT*Mt e.* tt i!:y ."k-nl m taoi** mui ctiitnec**r from auy thinjr t ln fnHiid In lh* f*n:t*-il M im* i'imrtnaci'ptpiti; au.t iu p.'iuiul’ Kaf. •* and r.|li ’ cli'iiry U u.>; r.v.uied In Aincrit-a E, 1 T T I. IU S Rik’G'.VCniM ti, TETTER CiMT.VENT. l VMi J Is, x„. -i. | ? ■:• Jr. ,t* ~f r.i .. ,f i | 1 u'..- !'• tt'-r- ‘•c.'v’ ! Kr-'i*. ail *■ .•*•...•/ ti.H **k,n 11* ... y. I a - . • L. 4ii fu.-.i by id r in-*!y* ;11 ml - i.n* u.- uut.'ilm •ui if iln >’ -!. .a li’ .i* i *i. .uj'T .-.-y an e* li.i- b-* u T*•; 11.• I that ;t vi 1 h r i-.d tu:.,. .y •• 111 a -li-it unto tor the* (u&* • rns Sr*-s ami r:rT* 11 ic 1.1 th*’ li tu of pl.t-tv-rs, anil ic allii"‘l 11. fail I*.i*. lu in.'ti* loan ixv*) hundu’il plaeoD in ficoryiß. and J> iu tho .SoatluMu Miih'.*, t ar4 lu he hail; aud R ihi-ri’an* M-ampc nb- ui who srs euuiiU*rfe2t u< his roiucdo’s, ly in 1 hi* oif their Dwn or N'imHhhij •Im*. by iicJu/ tho sßiue ABdHti’.ctr r. line* *fnr no pa lenl ii WHiilf'l or HeMirert .In. •! t'.*- ah*iinl paLMit-* “f t* • 1y ’ tai n't T'.* 1 id . i.. .1 i-( lo.'lv well lr the c itiuiv 1 Lo- i'rop'v-i-e, iuu.— iuJ uhu 1i..-* u.uat: hlu44 - u th** y!:4(* of each bottle C4l’ All orJor* ami Isttor-* to be Rihlrec-ed io LITTLE (S: EEO., Wholesale I>IL Ll ITU'/S I'm:Mstl MIXTPII!-:— 1..1- W t-ufeliorrho'aj Ac] Pit! Iliil.l/s UIXCWOLM A N I) IKP/i-fK < i N'i’MKNT. SM by W B. Simy. & Pt!. (’uw At.i.v, Gflffin, Georgia. A Ik i’.r ‘ 4V v, fl.'l tTWirgiftr M k\a:D & t “aci'i 1 is. Mil .u. <. 1 JVi ‘:i’ & Lu.i'k .k VVm II Ti rr. Augusta. ! Aio! Me ri I and Druggists generally. V! ’oh :n . V. . DR. M. J. DANIEL. j ! OKFK'K-kAt W. B. Seay'* Drag Store. Hill St. | .. UUIHIN.ISA | I Mtc!)H,’S7 j GKORGIA ARSAPAIULLA COA'I’W’KD DENNIS’ AETERAITTE, In Pint Itotttrs. THE Pl ITEST AND THE REST. /■'nl’ Pit rijyimj the JUootl it mt Ptitcnincs oj the Liter r f -111 >is the lus. Mctltvine nf the d.,y It Ike l.ivep 1 anil are kept in a healthy ci>.’ ‘lit'on by tbo iiibis ccmpuuml .'arsnpiirilla. il “ill ."rove a great pic-v. ntivo of sickness, ami a great saving of expc'Smr* - * M edieince:. X'cuinlo Oomplainta. I'ur f’ t.mb s, it is excellent in diseases aii.-ing f r „ m general llebilily r a tn.pi.'l state o( the Liver, it, occasional use. adds ablmi> g vigor to tl.e Complexion. For Children, This is the lost medicine can bo given, especially to i.i a debilitated state of health, or 1r0u1,|,.,| w ith Worms. A few doses given to a child “lien it fn-t appeuts unwell has a powerful effect in preventing ’ Its i ff.-ct in preventing diseases nf children make* it a valuable I 4MILV Mi l'll INIi. Sav.-tli". I’.upi ietor ot tlie -” < iissville Stai.'lard •• I can find nothing ’but proves solion-tivial in eleans ii,g the I’d” ..I ‘■( its imparities, restorieg tfir appetit,, . ,'i slrei giln I'ing t!ie svstem as I's.vms’ ( oni|aiuud'a. ’* „ ~ , , „ I sab- bv lirnggistsgenerally. Also, by A. bray |c ‘I. illin. dii. I’.iec §1 per Dottle, i Jan. g(i-i., IstSl.—bin. 3NTI3’C I V ~ HRRIIGB liI'IPOSITOHV! Hotl,MT 4 fflf * \|J p. in.xv rc* 4 *-?ving niViilIKS iind <'Al l l.\tK.S <*t ul! ih soript*o.s from tin* vkhv hksi Miiiiii'iic* tm i.*s ;i I tho Nottli, \v!ii( ! tiny piopo.")* rolling outht ui"'l L* vtuuiblo to^'u- tut - t -;-!• • Ih • advanlugt* of buy. ,l, ...dv til cxvrv th -ol iptioll for o:s!l ill l .'idling tin tu t ii nr hi /'in i- om* to il has boon so lliorou*.-hfy dnu ,*nsit.ifi and iri tin’ i• ity that xvo h..\o ih ho-itmioy m six i?tg I !t:i t U'K LAN \ Nll U’il-Lm.'ke it an ob* jft I**4- pur. hii'ofs to at loust gi vo US’ a fill. • ‘itrsttM-h “Hip'is* s flu’ most jifprovod style of Ilocltaways, rhaoton®, C aVt'ilDA,?Y’ aud • f ul! desoi ip!ii iis. xvhiol). f*r fi t ‘.ossof -h uP . durnbi). iiv :t and r *.. 4oi.i t."‘, * ANN** l UL IA LLLLLh-s Aim ng ovlu r ailu lt s. the f .itu-t;.- Till I’!.\M ITIUN WAGONS 4re :itl::telicg special ..• r.-litiot.. in- l.'i-posttory iu the rear ol li. I'ffurd's Saddle and Hiiiness >iiep. ‘ January 2% JbTO.--bui. un, i Ai their s-itiit.l, I'i.i'iirtlv occu j.jvtl l.v Duietli it ?)).,, DILI. dT.. UL! 11 IN. (ilinßClA. rrriMANKrrr. I'l pmi I'.nora, conliallv invit* i'J. tin 1 .(’ t . :-v •( : I .: I-.. .11 i ; ■ r (M-.iii'n to tlieir xr-lrn ! r,l ... Well - ! it.'W stuck cl ‘ ns 10 Mil m, 1 ('ut.’ * : ■ ! • r i*. ‘ * uii - ..l v?t !i ; i : . id/y <doods, ( lutlt* i HAT > AND CAPS, *v\’ri! I;• • :>•; } .! ?\i !rv, Ti'li iccu an<l Citrars, tm! 1 ■ ‘No { !'.t I T V ‘ * 1 f “Ll t •<) lUtnHTo’.iS It) ntfit •. ~i xv ii • s4)h! nt nti:rh low<*r j>ri .-uw 1 li.tsi ;tl .ii., j tvv lui’s scaM.m. *. “i ya! t !:;v. )• i.i •: re, I Yu:::o YAI’.RS •• ••. EAST nn.l ‘RED KNc'll RRlN'l'd. i ■ :. :■ ■/ ■'.. • i r;: % n::; cent, rei.onv ‘•i vM . n RETT.’ i't.i’ 4.5, tsiul 100 DOZEN I i I - !:- STI! VXV HAT-, nt FIFTY HER C ENT. jDKi.UW ,'i’iANl i'AC i l RKR’S I’RK'KS! These !(• •: sv. .1 h.i.o ;.i bes.. Icl Mien, tn make roir. tor -•.::i larger , : ie. j .1 f- hit: • ate also inaelo in CLOTHnJO, Ri i. ITS AND SHOES, the bnv prices of which “ii!;:- liiir-it it'tyctr ■: ui l ,el ail ((iinpc iit'.on at ile ; Ail y. e ki- a e-ill IVctn <u;r Irii'inls lii-fcre they pin 1 ..’: •• 1 ’ -w her... We Ine.•/{it nur ( ex -1 iin iy ami are willing to let the public : vi ire the liec.-iit with us. I “ i' e alill iullicre tc car luetto : ■ “S'JV itifi (J"H- Sins” Pair and Srqnart /}.... /'/,.■ tr/f/i tet I'l,’lt nil/. NO OH AIR.! K I'OU SHOXVINU OUU GOODS t 1 Try us !■ Try its!! a', the •■or!'ji.n\l i’i:or!.i;s’ ntnp store i” Et-SHERMAN, K. Fi'.tOiLTW ANGER March istit).—Cm. 3NT E.W **•*> AND SUMMER GOODS! I J. A. GEEKS & CO., nAVI* in t**'’*e, mill export to hoop, the bent. *eWtrd stock of (looiLs we hnvoovi.r oil red lor g*ley.yon- I slailit oif f tuple and s :\wty grij 6 ot\% <icOrin\<a, GOODS, es.iTs, c,tps r HOOTS A XI) S AND ip T n Q Q Jis M> & &. 9 At'd n tunny other (loo!?, xvhieli xve invite our nod the |mb!ie jr nor.iHy t” eul! mid ox.iinitn*. W•• y.d! on th.- o iml tiino, am! xvill itiaki’ a !i!)eral do . diictioii t<Lo..;*h ou-t"iin rs. r |'hatd<lui hr tle lt*K ~n<* liberal pat innate liort tofere extended l lt*. wo pledge “tits'lvos to tuiikc it to the interest of our customer* ; to <•• i,tinuo it Cii illitL April 12, I SCO eqly. ; ar.Onr.*l\, C'nunly* Benjamin ii. i-ortson. AdtninG'rni.u.nnd eh*-. aht-tb J—!?eeyos. *t fbr-tM***- 4 * j W*i 11 iiiui H Lot vi’s. l .to nf said county, deceased, apt'X it” tno lor Letters of i ‘istuUtdon from the said itdmitd 5 * t r.i t inn: These ore therefore to notify all persons concerned to jle and appear at my office within the time prescribed hv I law to kliow cau<e, if any exists, why said letters should r.ot be granted. 1 Givt'ii under my luind, at office. Mav 21), JOHN n. .STLWAUT, Ordinary i l>fl. a’rm.irs VKHMIKni;?:. |)i;. UTrfjJ-rs |\XOI>IXE cot tar t-ifre f..T- CoairlisApoMs. Cn.iij., and I{r.ni4ntis: