Atlanta daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1869-1871, August 06, 1869, Image 4

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DAILY NEW ERA, SMITH’S Hurley’* Ague Tonic, Public—Mo. la. An act to amend the Judicial ajateiu of the United Mataa lie it enacted by the Donate and llouae of Itepresen- ‘ilimaiJ ll,a Ilalla4 Uialaa a/ - 1 >• From BbolbyvDto, rla Todd'* Point and Prairie llouae, to Moawoqua From Fairfield, rU Mprlngervilto and Xu Hold. to To Ur. lliouta* A. Hurley: 1 hereby certify that durli wiixj Uioague wUUat ui Vh i 'rrvujLnm. dan. UU v*a of the U a fled HU tea of America In 'miih . tnareasad flab eeud.led. l hat the •apremaOonrfiof Mu latead ■! ncrr, tag* and boroafter consist of the Chief Justice of the Uni If )«oMitile. When tai medtSkl attendant o Iiik la large doses-freqnsutly aa high aa dav. anil which must bar* oust aae Mart] suited Ur. Dmlfo. of lawtavUta. and ten* ed quinine and arreulo gMshfoed. which take, preferring to lei thedUeeaetakeh* aimuet bloodlea*. extremely rah*Mated, a ed with enlarged Liver and Mara. Abo the advsrtlasateUt of Hurley's Ague Toul • oily neper, and 1 determined to give II i Htales and eight aaaootala Justices, shall coustUutn a quorum; and for I act there shall be appointed an a jaaMee af said court. Ur. JOHN BULL'S Principal Offioo: 8m'. ‘i. And be it further enacted. That for each of the ulna existing judicial clrcuila there rhail be ap- pointed a circuit Judge, who shall reahle in his circuit, and shall poaaeaa the same power aud JurtadlaHon therein aa the tuetloe of the Supreme Oourt allotted to the circuit The circuit courts In each circuit shall be held hy foejustio* ef the Supreme Court allotted to toe circuit «*r by the circuit Judge of the cl remit, or by tbo dlstrlot Judge of the district sitting alone, or by tba jualfea of the Suureeie Oourt and cironlt jvdga alt 40 Kiflh t'roM Street. >ulavUlo, KoutucUy then, by Ik. othw, who abbU pnalde, ud lb. dMrkt Judge. And snoh oturU may be held at the same time in the different districts of the same circuits, and cases may be heard and tried by snoh of the judges holding any such oourt atttlng apart by direction of LIE DRUGGIST, Atlanta, Georgia. Price «1 50 per Bottle. SA1SAPI1ILLA Drug Store, Waal Point, On. She had beensa Bering severely from sappraaaad menstruction, aud thjs Med* Icine soon restored her to health. Mho is, to-day, liv- From Uosco, via Stockton, Daderillr, Greenfield, ing’s Point, KmbI Veraoa, Mertousvllle, and Gata- WITH IODIDK OF POTASH. W. miuuii uuuug ever/ period of two yeaas. Bsc. ft. And be It further enacted. That any judge ot any oourt of the United States, who, having held his commission as such at least ten years, shall, after bar- log attained to the age of earasty years, resign his of- See, shall thereafter, during foe rtcfitaa li. natu ral life, receive the same salary which waa by law pay able to him at the time of his resignation. Mec. 0. And be it further enacted, That this sot shall take effect on the first Monday in December, eighteen Bull’s Worm Destroyer. with equal racoons: on s servant girl of mj brother- in-law, Professor Butherford, of Athena, Oa. This woman had, I think, been diseased for six years.— She was s house servant, and seemed oured up to the time of "freedom.” I do not b total I to Indorse your preparation for the purposes tot which you recom mend it. Your* troly, J.NO, 0- WlIJTNKli. STATIC DP GEORGIA, Tuour CoUWTT. This is to ocrttfjr that I have examined the receipt of Dr. Joseph Bradfleld, of this oounty, and as a med ical man pronounce It to be a combination of Medi cines of great merit in the treatment of all the diseases of females for which he reooraraends It. This Decem ber 21, 186H. WM. P. BEASLEY, M. D. MoUNTTILLJt, 1HC8 Dtt. J UBApriKLO—Dear Sir: 1 have much pleasuie AfTrrilona of the Bones, Habitual festive* ness, liei*titty, Diseases nf theKMnsys, Dyspepsia, Kryslpells, Female Ir regularities, Vistula, nil Skin Disease*, Llvrr (•wplalnt, Indigestion, Piles, Paine* nary, Diseases, Mrrofs* In, or King’s Kvll, Syphilis. To my United Srates and 1 Vortd Wide headers. 1 have received many testimonials from prolessiousl and medical men. as my almanacs and various public cations have shown, all of which ara geuuins. The lollowing le tter from s highly educated and popular physician Ir. Georgia, to certainly one of the moat sen sible oommunioahons I have aver received. Dr. Clam ant knows exactly what ha speaks of, and Ui* taaUmo- ny deserve* to be written In letters of gold. Hear wbst the Doctor says of BULL’S WORM DESTROY’KB: Villshow, Walker Co., Oa , June 19. IS. Dn. Joan Hull—Dear Sir: 1 have raoently given your "Worm Destroyer” several trials, and Aud it won- Pcduo—Mo. If. An act regulating the rights of property of married women in the District of Columbia. Bo it enacted by the Senate and House of Represen tatives of the United Hiatus of America In Congress the District of Columbia the right mau to any property, personal or ler, with a perfect certainty that it will eradicate the disease, and with assurance, founded on proof, that no harm can arise from Its use far any quantity. That which protects from or prevents this dtaor.lrr must be of immense service la the earn muni Ur* The high coutractlug parties agree that all claims on the part of corporattonm, companies, or private Indi viduals, citizens of the United Matos, upon the govern ment of Peru, and all claims on the part of corpora tions, companies, or private individuals. ctHscua of Peru, upon tha govanimeot of the United MUtee. which may have been presented to either government for its Interposition sine* the sittings of tba said mixed com mission, and which remitn yet unsettled, as well aa any other claims which may be presented within the Him specified in Artteie III hereinafter, shall ha re- ferred to the two commissioners, who shall be ap- polntel in the following manner, that Is to aay: One commissioner shall be named by the President of the United State*, and one by the President of Peru. In cane of the death, ahasnoa, or incapacity of either oMumUalouer, or in tha ovoot of either oommtasiouer omitting or ceasing to act aa such, the President of the United States or tha Prsaidsat of Pant, respective ly. shall forthwith narns another person to act as com missi oner In U>o place or stead of tha commtaslsnsr already named. .The commissioners so named shall meet at Lima at their earliest convenience after they From Uiiwood to Coiumbus. From Ashland to Columbus. Prom Falla City, rta Arsgo, ti Meear*. Jamas Ruddle k Co.— OeuUemso—It gives io great pleasure to eey, after using ell the other 'orin rruiediee mown lo me. with but partial success > my children, 1 was advised to try T. A. Hurley’s, ud since using It my children have become quite ell and healthy. The children would eat it all the me. It la one of the best, ssfest remedies known, ud as surb, recommend H to one and all. JAH. W. Til A VIS. Louisville, June i:i, Ihch. the commission. Prom Pottstown, Store. Debility, I«o«« of Appetite, IVt digestion, wr D> aurpsla, artlon of the Liver or Disorder* termined by lot which of the two persons shall bo the arbitrator or umpire in that particular case. Tba person or persona so to ba chosen to be ar bitrator or umpire shall, before proceeding to act as ' billers Ond nun ration in a form similar to that which shall hava al ready been made and aabsortbed by the rnsaratotaoa- ors, which shall ha entered upon the records ef their proceeding*. In the event of the death, absence, or incapacity of snoh person or persons, or of his or their omitting, or dodlning, or oeaaing to set aa such arbitrator or umpire, another and different person * hall be named as aforesaid to set a* sunk arbitrator or umpire in the place and a toad of tho person so orig inally named aa aforesaid, and shall make and sub T HE excellent remedies of 0. 8. Prophltt, M. D.. need no recommendation, their well-known power in removing the diseases peculiar to our Southern cli mate having already established for them an enviable From Rockbridge, via ( Brown’*, to Irontou. From lola, via New Hop* The eoaimisaionera shall than forthwith proceed to the iavesligaUou ot the claim* which shall be present ed to their notice. They shall investigate and decide upon suck claims in such order and lu snoh tosnnor aa they may conjointly think proper, but mms snob evidence or iuformstlnu au sliaJl be furnished by or on bohalf of their respective government*. They shall ba bound to rcoeive and parns* ail written dnonnssnta or statements which may ba presented to them by er on behalf of their respective governments. In support of, or In answer to an* claim, and to haar. if required, oueperson ou each side on behalf of aaah govermmeat aa counselor agent for such government, oa such and every separate claim. Hhenld they foil to ngtwe to opinion on any Individual claim, they shall sail to their assistance the arbitrator or umpire whoa they have agreed to name. «r who may be determined by Sharons, and Hull. to i Augusta, to Chippewa Steven*’ Point. Prom Black River Palls, v Fate. From llayhill to Hkhora. Proiu Knnoaba to Homer*. Approved, April 10, 1889. to assist nature. I Lave more faith iu yo than in anything else. 1 wish that that ’lease express inn half s dozen bottles, si jjJVagt 1 ' (Printersfern - ) r'l MMU, IdtoUON COUNTY. JT after date apptioatewo wRI hama wruu-a April su, IS*a. ay er of Captain Johnson: husband, Dr. C. 8. Jelni- purposoa aforesaid, and where and upon what l> employed, with tho compensation ]wtd to each. Approved, April 10, I860. TIIK UNITED HTATja OF AMERICA AMD FRANCE OONCKRNINO TRADE MAI1KH. Ill, 1‘rrwiilnit «f Ur Unitrd State* of Aincrlro. WnnnxiA, a convention between the United mains of America and his imperial Majesty, tha Ikpftorwt of dtotnf Fern, hereby sotemnly and atecerviy tba French, was concimled and aignetl by thstr naapec- tfva piefilpotanilariea at tho clty of Waahiiigton ou the leth ttay of April Iasi, which convention, being to tha English and Wench languages, is word for wp*l as follows > The United Hteias of Aiucrioa aud hii the Kiaparor ortho Pronoh. tUstilng «o secure in thoir re- apoottvo territories a gtianartoe of property in tre«le marks, have reoulved to oouolude a special conven tion for thu ...,i Utoti Piah, Maerwtory of Mato, and his MaJeatj the Kroperttr of the French, J. Bartheiuy, Cotuiuaudar of the intparial Onter of tha Laglou ofHouor, Ac., ha. Ac . accredits*! aa his envoy extraordinary and min to tor platopotonurry to tha Halted fontoa; and tha *aM “•*••• •** •••"foi.tolton of their empaa- “va rail power*, which ware found to be in good and J-f*. h * Vl * teirand to and aigue*l tha follow iug nr- AHTIOLS I. Kv#ry raprodnotion iu one of the two oobntrtaa of trade marks aftUedtu tha other to certain RMftbn- Otoe to prove its origin aud quality, la forbid*WUi. and c^s&'irK'-jssr 2 two month* from tha day of their first anhws ln aay ease where ivaaona for delay The Aotnmteatasvara shall be Itoand to examine and decide upon every claim wtthtn ate montha foam the day of their Aval meeting. SHTICU IV. Ail amms of money wkkm may be awarded by tha Barnaul sat in ra. achy the nrbtembii or naapten, nano, aatmi of any claim, shall be paid by tha one govern, ment to Urn other, as the case may be. within four months alter tho date of the deriaton. without inter- nut. mf wtebwnt aay lito kis. ««n na epartrtod to Arthda FL herviuaftor. •■vmnUy. Tb* exclusive *nt of ciMseas ot Frmtoh subjects cannot exist for t law <4 the conuk This elegant coaibtoatlon pas*ss*es all tha ronto properties of Peruvian Bark and Iron, without the dla- agreehle taste and bad affects of either, separately or to Other Kwvarsthms, of thee* valuable insdlrtnes. 11 tented betaken is all oases when a gentle tonic I prsaaton la requited after convalescence from rava s or deltilltailng dheaees, or In thoee distreasing Irregn- torittoa Monitor to fematoa. Ho female should »>* wlthl •A* »t. if habla to such dlssaste, for nothlug can wsl* Six Great Remedies FOX’ REDWTNE BEABFmura OOLUMN LL’S Great Re ics. TWai, uak.k« mill. kSSCSSS ■TSl’SlttaSU «T wxtMi Ol tLj -aijr Mr*" «< «WM>, I wiwn cam • Uw k, nek I—«u,. It, ■HaniwwM.lunalkuiumaL ».u*»;uwli»n*,itk«ku<of^,U.HIMkM." I,ng pu itM h. >nt iMMtkn. ut 1, ouiUfo *■-■ ,l fytn,nlr.Hr,l iMUu I 1 MUUIMU, UdM Item <«, .nU Mhmrtualk.nrtowoouiUnot lt.k.. tub bra urncK le la m smias Btnuuxa o, luwu mm omtn iu ranarnc-K, urmm il mmm mm FORE 8M U E E N . It is the only preparation yet discovered that a t prodneebatron the baldhsad. It wna tewrwt to Attoota. It has bean tasted la Atlanta. It has nrodaoad hair and whiskers oa s gentleman la Atlanta over to years of aga. It remoras scabs, aeurfr, sad daadmff from <n* It rsmovm aU Itching and heat of the scalp. It hasps tha scalp clean aad healthy. It Immediately stops the hair from fotUng out It foresa hair, whisker* and aye brows to grow luxu riantly- It keens the hair from changing otdor from aga It prodnoas a full sat of whiskers and mustache on bay man of mature age. Prepared only by DR. R. 8. POMEROY. No. 17 Alabama Strvw»t, Up Stair**, ▲TXaANTA, OA. B. A. FAHNESTOCK’S VERMIFUGE, THESAFFST AND MOST EFFECTIVE REMEDY FOR WORMS That ban erer bnen discovered. Xfcte oatohratod speciAc for Worms la uaod witli the mtaacet freedom and confides re by gentlemen wbo have obtained —laenoe In the mad Pel profession, and many of then*, throwing aside their prejudices, have cheer fully ftvau certificate* testifying to its superiority. It Is used extensively, for the simple reaeou that flethluc has y«t keen dlamvered which •aa be sxabstttnlrd In Its place. And It is given without apprehension, because every one knowa ite perfect safety. It has now been the public for over ’Forts Yfixaa.” and has a<tested ts superiority in thousands of case*, throughout 11 part* of the world. ft la the Imperative daty or every *»a- rcatU wstrb the health of hlschlld, aad to provide himseir with this poteat ipf Ba eareful to observe the iaitiaie of the Basse, and aa that you gat "9. A. FAHNESTOCK'S VERMIFUCI R A. Fahnestock's Son & . WHOLESALE DHIJOOIS're, PITTSBCRG, PA., sole rmorairrona. wpt-ly JAMES M. BI8H0P, A1TOKNEV AT LAW, DAWSOXVII.LE, (JEOKUli. ^>RAOnCEflUi ,11 the oountiM of tb. Din. hi..,. [ ■yrapioms of Hvrr oiplaiut are uneaaines* 1 pals in the side. 8om<- Uie pain is in tho dor, and is mistaken r rheumatism. The stom- i appetite aad sickness, bow- Ii lax SIMMON’S mmm els Is gaasral ooatlve, sc Tha head la troubled with pain sod dull s of memory, accompanied with palu- (hTfully efficacious. It has not failed iu a single In have tba wlshed-for effect. I aui doing a pretty Urge country nraohoe, aad have daily use for ” * " ie kind. I sns free to ooefees that I ‘ by tha ablest authors a get the modictne direct from you. If I c means to atwiate suffering humanity white I may ba Oiat i reply s Louisville, April 4, I860. Hurley's Kars apart 1 la is what it is represented, aad I believe it the moat wonderful medicine before the public. Nothing under the heavens could induce mu to my bo without proof of tbo strongest aud surest kind: therefore I speak willingly and positively ou tke ibject. My daughter bas beeu aitlicled with akin disease and stiffness of the Joints lor several years. I em ployed uts principal physicians of the t-Hy and they oould not cure her. I gave her »our Sarsaparilla not *-tpectiag It would do much good, but to my great as tonishment she rapidly got wall, and thank God con tinues so. Had she beeu taking any mediciua I would not give this certificate; but your ItorsanarUla, Uie only remedy emuloyrd, leaves no doubt of It* medi cal qualities, and that it alone cured her. (8q?ned.) Mnn RKYWOLDR. Auy person requiring the truth and honesty of Uie statement, wilt find me at my rusU!«-noe, corner Ninth and Walnut street*, Louisville. BRADFIELD'S OOLUMN. im9l 4*11*1 nl jpCure the liver with DR. 8IMMON8’ LIVF.tV Ul.till.VV*> U. It has been used by hundred*, and known for the teat to years as one of the most reliable, efficacious and harmless preparation* ever offered to the suffer ing. If taken regularly and persistently, It ts sura to cure. JxunUri, loativruMs, tick heads*foe, b ronic diarrhrrs, I Ms Section* of the bladder. REGULATOR!";:: J Vvousneas, chills, diseases ol the Impurity of the UfxxLmluocholy, o^cpcesslou of spirits, hesrtburu. oobe or pates in tho bowels, pain In the head, fever aad agM. dropsy, boils, pate back and limbs, Asth ma erjrsjrpelsa, female affecUoiis. and bllkms dteeasua Prepared only by J. II. ZKILINACO., Druggist*. Macon. Oa neTJLBijXegiro isob. SOUTHERN WHITE LEAD k' mm AND COLOR WOKKN, ST. LO UIN. 'DioDfkm «f tki* mum4 Rssto guaranteed equal i to quality to tha beat snaashetwrad In tha ouiin- tey FU» sals LAMNDKLL. MJ IkkH* NOTICE JSrwotaa^sraisjLj to foe Meteaf OeergH, tehee this merited of tat asef A&sataeodH BULL'S SARSAPARILLA. A (iooil Heusoii for tli«-< »plain'i Pfilth. READ THE CAPTAIN’S LITTER AND THE LETTER PROM II18 Bkrtom Ba mack's. Mo., April 30, 1st*. D». Joun Bull— Dear Sir: Kuowlng the efficiency of your Haraaparilte and the healing and l>enericlAl qualities it possesses, I tend you the following state ment of my esse: I was wounded two years ago—was taken prisoner, and confined for sixteen months. Being moved so of ten, my wound* have not healed yet l have not *tt up a moment since I was wounded. I am shot throng! the hips My | * * - HURLEY’S POPULAR WORM CANDY. HURLEY’S STOMACH BITTERS. ■Beets of your Female Regulator In this neighbor- | WM. H. FINCHES. ve repost* r Female Regulator, and hava -—’* O. L. DA via. tomouL.) ITEM STATES LAWS IT An act to declare and lx the states of judge advocate* •mbled, That ny married woman .. , belonging to bar a qaired during msrrtog in any ether way than by girt or conveyance front her husband, shall be ae absolute as U she were femme sole, and shall not bo subject to the die dubte; , via JUtotet and Elba, to Equality. avilte, ami Long ’ From Manna, via Vtemsbur*. Wlaiavrowd, and Gib- awa's there, to Newton. From Moore's Prairie noatoOra. via During Uaiden, Dareevilte, and WHltemrtmrg, to Ashley. INDIANA. From Jeroino to Veal Liberty. IOWA. From Washington te North English. Front Tally rand to BouUi English From Sprugflteld to Viator. From Belie Plain to Waterloo. From Moulton to OaatrwvUU. MICHIGAN. From Morwoad. in Emmet county, via Antrim Oily, to Atwood, lu Antrim county. From Otto, via Douglas and Cobmooaa, to Fa-ba From Hubbardejeti, Ionia oounty. to Alsna. Gratiot ooaaiy. MINNESOTA. From Laku City, via Poll, Forest Mound, Elgin, and them to be very superior. L. II. HHAOBIBI.I). I A.II1111 *41. till. Holo Int lor Qco. M. H.y 1 . Sure Cure for Intcmperiuicc. DR. 0. S. PROPHITT’S Family Medicines. CONSISTING OF HIM CELBRATKD LIVKK M EUICIJN K, Auodine l x niu Kill 1*. V'l' -IIII.I.IOIJN 1’II.I.M, AGUE PILLS, k EA8T POW- an< j bequeath the same, or auy interest the same manner aud with like effect Mmairiod. 8**:. 2. And be it further enacted. That auy married ssparato property in the safof ■*****—■ w* u ahe were uninarrirdi •»*• •witaer her nttsisead me uK property shall be bound by any such contract nor liable foi recovery sgatust her la any eult, but Judgment mt, ... nforci-d by ••xecutlon against her note and ae|iarate es- rng store In the United Hiatea. JAMEH RUDDLE A CO.. Proprietors, Louisville, Ky. oblige. P. flL*—The following waa wrlttea April Cap*. C. P. JOHNSON, fit. Louis, Mo. | “ 1W5. by I surgeon New York, where he died leaving the shove c. P. John •on lo my aare. At thirteen years af age, he had i chronic diarrhiea and scrofula, for which I gave him your Marsaparilla. It cuekd am. 1 have for ten rears recommended it to many In New York, Ohio and Iowa for scrofula, fever sores and general debility. Perfect auccees has tended IL The cures effected lu scrofula aud fever sc >*-ry anxious tor nt> i were almost miraculous. I am ii to again have recourse to yot*» 'fnl of getting s apurioae article. 8eraaparilU. He to fearful of getting a .purines article, hence hie writing to you for it. Hie rtbla, but 1 believe be will rocover. Respectfully, I toads la the above • for sate will «o weH l>r MICHAEL O'llARA Alternate Law, fi0th Ward East Plttsbargh, Pa HXS*I*Q!> SHKKirr SA l.l 0 * l» *Mto» Ml, WIU b*wU to»»lk» Owl Son <toor ulk, low, H Ii., h... jtoojj.tojojto. tael taw*eti ku.wm, ’’Sl'y IwJiu. IM . u to.»«*«of aMaiMUr ta* ta* *Sj r H*°* Mltof. ODHth. pm. MTM.Uto.klM. kMk.l k tom, lto«u.. HLU (Hill li’TIIS autiirntic: uocitmrvtn. HtLiRii tnn.n, TwtlMMjrar MrSInd Mm. Htumkv Point, Whit. On., Ark., M.y ns. MM li>. John Hnu. IUMIi: IMIMtn | |„ I .HII.Till. imr. NN.lMN ItVHNN, Md l »»t7o2. ' ,rf .".Ur ItoNNMTllto M4 (ton, totton ’ Mr NOHAa.tav wk>i »H hum M. |D Mil down wllk TkMtotototo for NOW. Uto., r..WMx. " id BtW ”’ M ’ <lkl * Ptoll .Hr, ItoWAPd work Mr Ik. MO ot four tallow. Iwlowl. iho uLlnn Billon hoo flrn jro, pw poiwIwIlT la U.I. uMto. ■aoal I tMlok 1 ooatd roll . Vnal iwiljulm, toMMaoo tau Ml. npartokp of roar 11.10.. bimSI MJJtortopmlto. •klTwT.l.. Kl-talirSS kitS koottollailT, 0. k. *11.1(1 AU Iko atom nwadtoa tor aala b, L. H. BRADFIELD, obucioimt, wuirxaii,i' sram, Avuirri, oa Ijoulsville, Ky.: Gentlemen: - * s su ff erer seen sdrer- in any ol them. 1 Bittera highly spoken of, and tiled and tried all the tonics I have heard tiaed, with little or no relief from any beard Hurley's Bitters highly spoken ' ........ 1 commenced, and io my aurprisc’snd joy, before I finished one bottle. 1 lelt a great deal better and firmly believe that oue or two occasions it was the means of saving and prolong ing my lile I conscientiously recommended them to all sufferers as the best Bllters known, sad advise them always to ask for Dr. T. A. Hurley's and hav« no other. You can use this as you th" ' will Item-fit others. Yours truly, ela L JOHN W. DIXKON ' you think proper, If it ily, eta JOB! I ouls* lile, Ky., December 1(1, 18CH. NOTICE TO MOTHERS. DR. SEABROOK'S INFANT 800THING SYHUP. Use in the future only HKABKiXJK'B. a miubio quite up with the advancement of the age. Moaai take, harmless in Its action, efficient and reliable cases. In valuable In the following diseases: Hummer Complaint, Irregularities of the bowels, Restivuiiesa, Teething. Ac. Gives health to tha child and re*/ /« /Ac mother. NashvillHi Tknm., Feb, 12, 1HM. Ja*. Huddle A Oo., IgRtlsviile, Wbsn living I rral batth-e of Sr. Heabrook’a Ii 1 toutnl it la do my child mix _ r afteMMing It than any ’ *1 say with confidence. Ml at preseut knowu. her# te keep It. |f S| If not aeUfl y for it at and obligi DR. • >.*u wad ft, and oblige MUH. DAtAll L. KANIMil.P SEAR HOOK’S Elixir of Pyrophosphate of Iron and Oalisayo. James Huddle & Oo., 1-HOHUKTOB8, Lmtormlory .Co. 41, OmUIII tarrr 1 LouiHvlUe, Ky, All tha above good* for sate by RID WIRE A F0Z. Jf u _ ATLANTA* O Puuuc-No. 20. a act to renew certain g xoept mineral toads, shall be sold to actual settlors only in quantities not greater than one-quarter section to sny oue pnrchsser, and lor a price not exceeding two dollars and flfty-conts per acre, isMCAiufe.-u /Wjf/k.1 xiMMAf* Tei.tei Hkc - bo It further enacted, That tbs right, y f <M ft fit #, r flllfl/f sOHIC . < HIW cr and authority ia hereby given to the companies ! building tho aforesaid ratlroada to take from the pub lic lands sdlsccntto the Unas of said railroads earth, stone and other materials for the construction there of; and the right of way ia hereby granted to the ex tent ol one hundred feet in width on each aide of said railroads where they mry pass over tbo public lauds, including all nerosaary grounds for stations and struc tures connected therewith, not exceeding forty acres st auy one station. Ajiprovod April 10, IBC9. reputation in Georgia and the adjoining States. As the n ority of persons living in the Month are predisposed laease of the Liver, it is granted by all intelligent physician* that roost of the pains and aches of our peo ple aro dno to organic or functional derangement of that important organ. PropbiU's Liver Medicine and ADti-BiUious Pills strike directly st the root of the evil. They cure the Liver, which In nine cases oat of ten, is at the bottom of the Coughs. Dyspepsia Colic, Sick Headache, Rheumatism, Constipation, Menatrusl Ob structions, etc., so comniou among our people. Ear ache, Toothache, Acute Rheumatism, Neuralgia, and bodily joins of over/ kind flee before Propkitt’ft Pain Kill It like chaff before the wind. If you have Indigestion or Dyspo|t*la ill any for any othei chronic diseases, use Prophitt’s Liver Medicine. It Is safe and reliable; pure Vegetable, and a liquid ready for us# at any and all Union. Price f'J a bottle 33 I S per cent. d!s**>unt by the doseii bottlos ortioi If you get snake bit, uao 1‘HOPIIITT’H PAIN KILL IT. ui have a freali wound * IT. Il you get dog bit, apply the PAIN KILL IT. Dlt. O. H. PR0PHITT8 Anti-Billious Vegetable Pills, I'nnwlive aud PebriruK*-, s aafe and elfii'lent cathartic in all Febrile aud Acute Diseases of all kinds. DR. O. 8. PROPHITT'H VKGKTAIILK AGUE PILLS, A safe aud,ccrtalu remedy for Ague and Povor, Chills DR. PltOPUITTB COMM OYSKITIHY COIRIAL A safe aud genulue remedy for all kinds of How. I Ms. saih'S. Dysenteries, Diarrluaa, lil.Nxly Flux, fin , It may ba given to all sixes, ague and sexes, ami at all tlmss. with psrfsot safety, where Ihera la suytlilng ol tliet class Indicated. Vemntr Tunic, PUKYFYINU PILLS The Purifying Pills and Female Toulo aasuolated Ifi tha Bill* , ■NHrwUmfor if /mrs. In all oaaas that tlroy ara rooo.u ilia Pills may !w taken in connection with tha Liver Medicine, without the Tnule, when there te any lodtoatlan for thaaa aaah aa fikortueae n. Breath, Mwelllng of tha Feet or Faaa or • Pule. Weak slate of the Blood, or a Flabby tula of the Muscles, aa graeraUy follow Fever aad Oh Uto aad Fever. All of the above Madlcinea sold by Druggists end generally throughout the Southwoat, fosfiwtae A Fax, ourtte fi Lloyd, a Thy lor A Oo., Af — fiy bit. o. a «■■!■■■■ Oovtugton, Us. eotedtos for »olo by L. H. BRADFIELD, WIIOLKSALE OKUUQIST. wHtTMgta. rnuurr. inini. aiokau Fubuc—No. 21. An act concerning the Attorney General. Bo it enacted by tho Hunate and llouae of Represen tative* of the United Hiatea of America In Congress as sembled, That so much of the “Act making appropria tions for the legislative, executive, and judicial ex penses of Uie government for the year ending the thir tieth of Juno, eighteen hundred ami seventy," as ro- peal* the second section of the act of August second, eighteen hnndred and aixty-one, entitled "An act con cerning Uie Attorney General and tho attorneys aud marshals of Uie asveral districts." be, and tho same ia hereby, rencalod; and said section Is hereby declared to be in full force; aud It shall be the duty of the At torney General to report at tbe commencement of the next aesalou of Congress, and to each succeeding sc<- lon, the names of all the persons cinployned M1880URL From Springfield to Fort Scott. From Neosho to Mssisoa From Wheeling to Alpha. Prom Carthage to Sasooxta. ' Berry vilto, hi Arkansas. From Marshfield to Dallas. From Pryor's Store to Gainesville. From Diswsrtsvilto <s King’s City. From Boyd to Band Bpring a. From Watson to Peru* In Nebraska. Peru, in Nc >n to Plato, to Union via Alpha and Liudlcy, to Winter- Maryavills. From MaysvOlo, via Gantry vill*-, to Alban From Iron Mountain, via BeUcriew aud Kdger H1U. to Mountain Grove. NEVADA From Belmont, via Mot Creek, Dtlvor Springs, and From Argeota to AuaUn. From Twin Rivwr, via DUver Peak, to ltoimetto. From PalmeUo, Intersecting tbe Aurora aud Silver Peak route in Fiah Laka Valley. From AusUn, via Hamiltou and Treasure City, 8herman Town. From Belmont, via Han Antonia, Hllvsr Peak, Pal metto, and Fish Laka to Aurora NEBRASKA. ^FrmnArajs, la the Mate of Nebraska to Craig, in From Beatrtcq ( and Cub Creek, to Craig Hiaiioii, MU- From Susan City, via Itloeville, to Wrtla* MiUe. NORTH CAROUNA. From Salem to Jerusalem. From Leakoavill® to Peon's Rte**, in Virginia. From Jonesboro, vis Harrington. Norveli, aud Sum merville. to Harnell Court llouae. OHIO. From Somerset to Lancaster. ■<" -« 'I From Nsw Holland to Panooaatburg. rlaMapto ' herty to I From Laucaxter to Home; From Corsica to Btoam Corners. Fr«im Elinor*' to Diswittville. From Marietta te Cow Uuu. OREGON. From Lowisville to Uk City. PENNSYLVANIA From Howard, in Centre county, Pennsylvania, by — *■- • mi|( j Madlaonvjlle, way of Walker, Hublersburg, Centre Mills, in Centre county. l , 'roin Geueee, in Potter county, Pennsylvania by way of West Brigham and Brigham Centre, to Ulya- t*, lu Potter county. From fhntthport, via Annin, to l*ort Allegheny. From Bowman’s Creak to Tunkhaunoek. From Troy, via Webler s Mlito, t» Lyon s Mills. Prom Hartwell, via Port AUegUcay aud White’s Sum- >m Muncy, via Wolf Run, Huntersville, Bar bour’s Mills, Plunkclt's Creek, and Elk Cieek, to EL Iredville From Liberty Comers, via Htorr’a Mills, to New ha. From Mapleton, Huntingdon county, via Hams Val ley, Naltlllo, to Hcottsvllle. 80UTH CAROLINA. From lb'llnettevilie, via Parnasswa llrownsvilln Selkirk, to Clio. From Wsyiu From M< land. From Waync«l>oro' to CUiton. From Linden to-Waynanboro'. VERMONT. From Marshiield, via Hookarsville, to East Qabot. WU00K8IN. Ghomlcy's Mill* end Join of Uul mm Untte.1 afistee Mm .Msiff Hmstk iMMt’ I U. i. ORANT. By the Fr—iilsat 11; ikr 1-rmUtmt »f the L ! mit*4 Malta «f A PROCLAMATION. nWni mi taUiU—a ulMi to tk* c«nrMiUaa lot Ui. .timruUr of crtmliajj. WrM Um Ukl Ud MM ■j ».ei<wta«tadtaK»i» q— l, **l *r* iJtti and atfiiy-nlse. which addkto—I asttefo being to the Ktigllsh and Kalian languages, is word for word as fol- ft"is agrsad that the eoartadfog paragraph *4 tbs second artieie of th* nnnralliifi fiiarasfili nhaM be so amended ns to rend as fellows: by sny person c HH MfiMafifoMBt •+ cording to tt>e laws of tbe United Rtatse, sofi criminal punfisimsawt aeooedtog to the lawe of Italy. in wttoeea whereof the reepeetlve utooSpotonUtrlea have signed 4ha praaeot article ia dupbeeto, aad have affixed thereto tha seal ef their anas. Done at Washington, the Hat day of January. 1NM. And whereat the aatoaddmooal artiste has ' — ratified on both parte, and tbe respective ra were exchanged st Waehiogtoa oa tbe 7th ia Mow, therefora, bo It knowu that I.U. 8. Grant. Pres ident of the United mates of America have caused the aetd aliihshsl article to bo made publte, to Ue sod that tba asm*, aad every clause and article thereof, may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by Use United Mateo and tbo dttoaoe thereof. la testimony whereof, I have hroeuato set my head, aad caused the seal of foe United Htotes to be affixed. Dane at tho city of Waahlngton tbte eleventh day ef May. la the yatrof onrLood one thousand eight hun dred and sixty-nine, and of the Independence of the United Mates of America foe utnety-third. |SBAL.) u. 8. Grant. By foe President: HuntoM Fra, Hecrotary of Mate. Hj Uip IVeuiilPnt of the Unital HUIm of AMPrftci. A PROCLAMATION. WauauKS, A convention between th* United Mtetee of America and the republic of Peru, providing for foe adjustment of claims of cltteens of aftber country signed by theta y of Lima on the of our Lord one -r*ghi. which Coe- 1, being in the English and 'Spanish languages, te word for word aa follows: WfififiKAS, Claims may have, at various Hates since the signature of the decisions ol the mixed coin-mis sion which met iu Lima la July, 1863, been made on the government of the United Mateo of America by by citizens of Peru, and havs been made by etttaens of tbe United States of America on tha government of Peru, and whereas some of sack claims are still pend ing, the President of the United BUMS of America awl tho President of Peru, being of optaten foot a needy and equitable settlement of all such claims will con tribute much to the maintenance of foe friendly feel ings which subotoc between the two couaUiea have resolved to make arrangements for that purpose by means of a convention, and have named aa their pletd- jMteutiariee to confer and thereupon, that is lo Tbe President of tbu United States names Alvin P Hovey. euvoy extraordinary and minister plenipoten tiary of t-e United States of Aaiertoa near the govern- ineutof Peru, and the President of Peru names hfe excellency Doctor Don Joan Antonio liarrenechaa, minister ol foreign affair* of Peru, who, after having uaaamuntested to aneh other their respective full low ers. found lu good aud true form, bavo agreed lows: sKSSSSSRSSSS tt-JkBSBb* fhp, asaaaaftaL'gja; trs tas jsshESsESsarA*sa (Mtel.1 ^ W. t. fi KA N T By the Praffideat; i. 0. Itatnwi Da vm, Aeffiag lecretary ot Mate. aassr— ,, “ 0 ^V*Kre«-p •ffiter Orowpe—Wtaaoptag ffiffibi. he.. frxeCIsstSsV^Ceuyh ffieoa^y. MOonter rays ItU tho hoot in foe wide world-end U H# says so—It’sTYne—WTtu*~Ws True;aad Ws aro “GOST AR'8” Standard Preparation* BE AUTjFIER. BUCKTHORN HALVE! JBM m «CroteFs" Hat,Msa*b,fir., K> terns ini -Coetssr’a” Sad Bog Bxtermlnntert. t Pswder. I, Cranky sL. N. Y , ! rfofi Detuae itorneS fi Co , 21 Park Row. ». Y. ffigrFor Sale by J. A. TAYLOR. L. K- BRADFIELD and other Druggists in ATLANTA. UA. EKDWINk k FOX. I^mssf - ~ AYER’S AGTJE CURE, ron in nksn ctmn or InUrasHteal Fewer, or Fewer aad Agar, •te watte east Fsrsr, CfolU Fsvsr, Beak leal ilcsdaeht, or ffiAlLsa* PrnLic Na 23. An act to amond an act entitle "An act granting h to aid in the countniotaon of a railroad aad telegraph line from the Central Pacific Railroad, lu California to Portland, la Oragon," approved July twenty-five, t-lgliteen hundred and idxty-tix. Ilfl It enacted by foe Solute and House latlvee of foe United States of America in Congress as sembled, That aeotton six of an act entitled "An net granting tends te aid in tha construction of a railroad and telegraph line from the Oenteal Fat-lfic Railroad, in California to Paettaad, In Orefwn," approved July twenty-five, eighteen hundred and aUtyuix, Im, sad tho same is harabr. amended aa aa te afiow any railroad ooi«temy harotofora daafgwated by foe legislature of for Mate of dragon. In aooordauoa with the fl>i*t section of said act, to file its assent to curb act In tho Department at tba fotartor within one year from the date of foepmaadeef this act; and snoh ru ing of its assent, if done within one year from foe pan hereof, shall bare tha ito and perpeooo as if t yang alter the passage of said eoL Provided, IT Ages, Pori for the whole close af diseases ariftaa*- lac la biliary dsraagraasat, rausffi by Um Males rta • t sttssmatteoraatrira No otxe remedy to louder called for by Me necessi ties of the- A men as ii people than a aare and affia core br from Intermittent*. U they avail theni- eelvcs of tb* pruteclion this refoedy affords. PKEPA&RD BY DR. J. C. AYER & CO., LOWELL, MASS. Rokl by Bedwtste fi Fbx, J ruggtats in Mae* era evarywboce. Wlltean. ami all tb* r all Druggists and Deal j y 1-deod A «-3a EMPLOYMENT ! dhl A i DAY and Oonafont Mnpteymaal guana Oil/ aatsaal to evroy naan and woman ia waat of work. In light, bon treble aad profitable baste**.- Orest Indnoejuanto offered. Descriptive Circulars Appltaallon tar ExmbsUnl /1 nwu. m.Tox oophty —<,*■ m > Vx JMj UM. vm.-Mrn. I use. t*. rseuAX, A. 11 o r u u y Mt Xj« ’ ATIaAN-TA, OA. ar USm. Aro^l O—T. Brom-a Ba.Ua* THOMAS 6. SIMMS, Agent, Offioo a the Otefoiug Dtorc nf W. R. !*>«• * °^* Atlanta, HffiTfU* m nr thi mil kdbil rsKtao Uths lull «'•«*«. te r%M Drtia UtateW.’ 1W*»f aH BtatvIpUM*. »>. mmimw. uj «« —u>*‘‘I'iur. Leaforo and MebhT n **^* *“ artV-tM a**dt*l ie —- ^ 1 — . ..;_ ..j f,rtair abwa United States^ ATLANTA TO PANLONICAJ rJsSreSy 1 * i me atlb»NM*to*.«M> cAurontriA rw**- mail! TAnoa* 1 ®