Atlanta daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1869-1871, August 12, 1869, Image 2

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DAILY NE^JSI^A. Offid&I Journal of th» United States. THURSDAY MORNING. AUG. 11 1880. Go*. OrtMti- Tsi Pilot wmo cam and will avion tun Suit or 8tat* aarxLT thbouon *vht Htoem. Thi Bra Advocate* uiodemtion in politico, obedience to the Inwff, and absolute loyalty to tl»o 8 ov - Ujraur- Meu who are not loyal to the Goreruiuem aboulil uot aak to enjoy »U benefit* or il* pro* taction. THE NEWS. ■TAT*. Hand organ* m Colombo*. fat them alay there, by all mean*. Dr. T. M. Drummond is telkiug for Tem pcraucti in Savannah. Ur. David Dixon publishes a long letter iu the Southern Cultivator, iu opposition to Chi Cnthbert haa contraolod for a jail worth $5,000. Sandeniville haa osm of the finest Court Houses in the State. It coat $18,000. A couple of rattlesnakes were ahot a few days since, a few miles from Wayneaboro, of them beiug nearly old ouough to vote. The farmers of Elbert, aaya the Gaxette, re port a bad proepect for a corn crop, it having beeu so seriously injured by the loug drought that the rains have tailed to recuperate it. The Dawson Journal reporta, from Terrell county, rain every day. Hunt and wet are killing the oottou stalk. A few weeks ago, the oottou prospect was good, now many think it not so good as this time last year. The Cuthbert Appeal says : “Stewart oouu ty has added $60,000 to her ttubscription to the llain bridge, Cuthbert A Columbus ltait- road, and will levy a direct tax, if necessary, to get ap her $200,000. The Baptist Ministers’ Institute of Georgia, met in Home yesterday. The following Min isters will read essays before the Institute: Iter. Dr. HrautJy, on Ritualism. Rev. Dr. Hillyer, on Systematic fauiflcence. Rev. Mr. Fuller, on Preaching. The Waynesboro Bentinel says : Our town aud vicinity was visited on Friday evening with a very severo storm of wind, lightning and rain, for tho space of on hour or so it was truly terrific. To the amount of damage it caused, we have not been advised, but believe it must certainly have been immense. The Constitutionalist learns from Crawford- ville, that there has beeu but little ■ that region since some time in June. It has not rained enough in the immediate neigh borhood of the village to work in plowed laud sinoe it was broken up iu Maroh. The corn crop is very much injured. Cottou has suf fered. The gardens are burned up. The Savannah Republican says: We beard yesterday that Saturday last, at tho instance of parties interested. Judge Schley granted an injunction restraining the President and Di rectors of the Brunswick, Albany aud Eufanla railroad from all acts looking to the construc tion of such road. We have uot seen the ap plication, aud shall be able to speak of the matter more fully aud advisedly hereafter. The Savannah News tells of an interview with Mr. J. J. Josephus, a native of Charles ton, 8. C., but twenty-ouo years in San Fran cisco, who can supply all the Chinese labor needed. He has taken contract-' for 2,000 in Georgia, and 200 in Selma, Ala. Contracts for one to five years—labor at $100 per an num, and commission fees $20, to be paid by l&boree. Tbe Albany News of Tuesday says: Friduy was a bright warm day; Saturday was cold, cloudy aud eclipsed, but no rain; Sunday sun shine and cold winds; Monday, some sun shine, some clouds and a little warmer. This weather is not injuring cotton seriously. The rust and caterpillar are quivering on a point, while the cotton is growing and making beau tifully. Corn is made, and a better crop never grew in Southwestern Georgia. The Columbus Enquirer of Tuesday says umi. Tarty. Thu able aud feemauo officer has performed BO official aft iu Qaorgia which he would not hft'e cuaoted in MQr of the Military Depart- ■•nts located in the Northern State*. Hlff wisdom and caul ion is appreciated by eeuiibla men all over the country. Iu this connection, we will take occasion to warn LAW-naicAKKiia and disloyalists that a day of severe rvokou- Ing may uot bs far off, snd that the psrpeir* tom of crime and outrage will not be permit ted to pass unpunished. We shall contiuus to sastaiu tbe oivii aud miltliUry authorities in upholding the majus- ty of the law, and we pen this paragraph as another warning to such as feel inclined to puuish people for political opinion's sake. This la now a frva country, and when any class of men become too iutoler^it to allow people to enjoy aud fully express their political seutiments they should be severely rebuked and promptly pun ished as the law directs. Lad us be laiw- abiding. Let un be loyal—and, above nil things, let n» have peace- that peace which passoth all nnderatandiog. Urn.Ursat, the "Dtwufrscr,” Loyalty Ar. The sham Democracy succeed iu debauch ing Andy Johnson; aud in turning his Phila delphia love Feast into ridicule oud con tempt. Aud now, after having fought liuu in- ctssaitily for two years, they are beginning flirtatious with President Grant. JLike tlie imps iu Milton, they leuvo their motives bc- hiud, cease to harp upon Canaan, and offer to meet tbe President upon neutral ground! The ouly condition imposed is, that the Presi dent fursako the party which elected him, and render unto (Arm that honor which the Devil once invited the Son of Muu to render unto him; this dono aud all will he well; the "nig ger" may rota yea, and hold office too, but the sham Democracy must be tho proposed “new party," aud its fossil lenders must be among its helmsmen! Already the President is invited, nay urg ed, by this “Democracy" to treat with Bout- well aud Creswell; to reconstruct his Cabinet, showing favor to tho fossils who would turn his Admiuistratiou into another Philadelphia Breud-and-liutter fiasco! Unless he do this, the President need not count upon the sup port of tho “Democrats" iu the formation of a “new party !” This is sad indeed ! It is highly important that the name of this defunct political organ isation should be embalmed in some now bap tismal ceremony ! Kqually important is it, that the soured and decaying leaders of this purty of National Progress, should be looked after and well provided for! When the Devil said to the Savior, “All these shnlt thou have, if thou wilt but fall down and worship Me,” be was no less im pudent than dishonest; for the old scoundrel well knew that ho possessed not a foot of land on earth. Rut his demand has the merit of excessive modesty when compared with the recent proposition of the Sham-Democrnoy to President Grant; for the Devil did have a provinoe, somewhere in space, over which ho was lord paramount; but this Sham Democ racy has Absolutely nothing, uot oven a re spectable. pretext for a political hobby; and is quite as destitute in its prospects of promo tion, as was his Stygian Highness of visable kingdoms! ‘Democrats," if they would be wise, should hasten to abandon, at once aud forever, a name which 1ms become the synonym of do- lu uuii, cl Oi.bUUx So,III haa ■Ulan to lOoou.iruotion boon no pnoorapotuu, m in On-irgio. Th, party tkere i, HP re |iro«*ipti», IhM it i« la Kentuokj or Mkljlnnil, tad th, nuiraomlfc, kept eliv, by th, newlpeper, ,ud politician, •xleud, m «« here lately Mean, to loroibl, re- aiatauce to tho revenue officer, Th, t-xpol- *fou of tho colored member* of th* fagfoln- tof* after they had participated 1b lb* forma tion of th* new government viTm not ot su premo madness, and wan univemlly de- uouuovd by the Republicans of tho country. It was bold and undisguised revolution, and was followed by many tragioal consequence*. All the outrages and murder* of the last year are directly traceable to tbe passion* aroused and euoouraged by that uot of insanity. The courts of Georgia huvfng decided that it was illegal, au opportunity is now presented to tbo authors of this wrong to set themselves right by restoring the expelled members to thi-ir seats, and by ratifying the XVth Amendment. We are glad to seo that Dr. Bard's Nkw Eka urges this course upon Democrats. Should they rejeot this seusible advice, Congress will take snch measures as will h ud to something like government and |toac6 in the State. — Washington Chronicle, Autjuut 0. ■'resident Urnnt. The Iudiauui>oiis Journal hits the murk hard when it says : Thus in five months of Grant's administra tion the debt will have boon decreased forty millions of dollars, a fact which will go far to outweigh in tho uiiuds of tho peoplu of the couutry the malcvoleut aud mendacious at tacks of the Democratic press at the iueffl cieucy of the President and his Cabinet. He long as tho debt is being reduced at the rate of more than one hundred millions of dollars per anuutn, the revenues of the couutry col lected faithfully aud efficiently, and economi cal expenditures maintained iu every depart ment, tho American people will be free to for give some little npparent errors in tbe ap pointment of some cross-roads postmasters. Personal. We deeply regret to learn that MiTjor-Geu- eral Johu Pope, Commanding the Depart ment of tho Lukes, Headquarters at Detroit, is still iu bad health. A Fact. No mau can be a sound Republican who is not obedient to the Laws, and loyal to tbo Government, No Man at All. A man who is a slave to the exploded preju dices of the couutry, is no man at all. He alone is a brave mau who dare do right. lbe CoJnmnus .toqoirer of lnesriny anya: , , , . t ■ IVM"*—’ the day before were cold.— fwU and “'“1 »u orRanization llmt is The Volet** of Tennessee. The stir and excitement of the gubernatorial canvass, although closed by a majority of al most unprecedented magnitude, has been suc ceeded by a reiuurkablu calm. God graut it may bo disturbed only by tbe stroke of tho loom, tho ring of tho anvil, the hum of the ipiudle, the puff of the engine, tho plash of the water wheel, the scream of the locomotive, the whistle of the steamboat, tho clatter of the grist mill, the click ot the trowel, the thump ot the hammer, the screaking of the -saw, the shout of the farmer, and the rattle of tho reaper, all bleuded with the neighing, bleating, braying, squoeling, grunting, bn-a-n- ing, cackling, hissing, quacking and gobbling, ot horses, bulls, billy-goats, donkeys, mules, hogs, sheep, hens, geese, ducks and turkey- gobblers. No more let the shrill voice ot tho bloody trumpet amt tho rattle of the warlike dram—sounds hateful to widowed mothers— disturb the repose which broods dove-like over tur hills and valleys. Enough, yes, ten thousand times enough of that. Thanks to the friendly spiders who shall weave cobwebs -around our discarded and useless military trappings l«— Nashville 2‘reas <£ Times. Bully iur Skhtku, horses, bulls, billy-goats. and thick clothing yesterday. We d > not re member so cold a spell iu August in this lati tude. The block face given old Sol on Satur day by his amiable Queen created a most de cided coolness on the part of the old governor; but be will soon get his furnaces to work again, and then look ont, caterpillars, rust, ther mometers, Ac., you will be kept hot enough] We published yesterday an account of the arrest of three men suspected of having rob bed the Express on the Central Railroad. — i To-day we get from the Constitutionalist further particulars: “No judicial examination| has yet been held of the parties arrestod md this city, on Saturday night, iu counectiJ with the late $5,000 Express robbery on the Central Railroad. We have been advised that Frauk bland, yesterday, made confession of the circumstances ol the robbery, by which the burden of guilt is fastened upon Win. Hargraves. He reports that on tho night of the robbery be paid uu unexpected visit to a private apartment used by Hargraves, as bag gage-master, on tho truin, when he found the accused engaged iu burning Express envel opes. That he intcirogated Hargraves os to what be was doing, aud roceived in reply the answer: T have beeu through tbe Express, und will divide.' Bland further states that he received but a small portion of the spoils, some $300. As tar as we can learn, nothing has yet been developed to crimiuate Thomas Lassiter, the third prisoner. Hargraves, we learn, has heretofore enjoyed the confidence of the road officials, And of thoso who were acquainted with him in the city. Bland’s previous reputation is represented to have been of rather a suspicions order, as he is now, we understand, amenable for a forfeited bond, with Foster Blodgett as security, to the Superior Court of this county, iu connection with another transaction, in which a man was knocked down in tho street and robbed of $5,000, some years ago. Bishop Early, of Virginia, is ill. Gen. Robt. II. Andersou, in in Charleston. Senator Sherman is at home in Mansfield, Ohio. It is eiported that Qnceu Victoria will short ly vtait Baris. Maj Gen. John Pope is still Mriounly ill in Detroit, Mich. Susan Den in is now said to have married a British nobleman. A f*w ladies at Cape May never bathe—in the ocean. Reason-Hilt water aud enamel do not agree. John B. Baldwin and Colonel Sutherland are prominent candidates for the Virginia Sen ate. A “woman's rights" convention will be held at Chicago on the Vtb and )Oth of September. Idaho, Colorado, with its hot springs (soda) is to become the most popular resort in Amer ice. Eggs, when put iu witter, will, if good, in variably swim with the large end upwards; if not, they are bad. A convention of tbe newspaper press ot the State of Georgia, will be held in Atlnnhi, Tuesday, August 24th. Ex-Senator Hendrick* has tskeu up bis res idence in Ht. Louis, and intends to run for Governor of Missouri. A lady at Newport has a nug out out of a solid diamond, mid said to Im» the only one in the country. Db Chaillu, the gonlla hunter, is dciwribwl a« being extremely sentimental —very Claude Melnotte-lsh. Every boar'e exposure to the light, after an Irish potato has been dug from where it grew, deteriorates it* quality. Washington ha* a “Lady fates" an aged Afrioan female—who march** up M d down th* avenne carrying the “stars and stripes." Pike, the opera house builder, display* at Long Branch a diamond shirt stud represent- ing a dog, and remarkable for its brilliancy and aixe. 0. D. MeNaughton, a Michigander of the class of '09, Yale, is the tallest man that ever grad gated there, being six feet and five inches Blaeqoe fay, th* Turkish Minister, 1* at Whit* Bttlphnr Soring*. He aland* six feet two inches, and is roach given to whist and whisky. G*n. Atwood, for many years tbe editor of the Wisconsin State Journal, is mentioned as b probable candidate of the Republican party for Governor. States upon the basis of Republican Princi ples, and Absolute Loyalty to tbe Govern ment, are tho distinctive features of the great National Republican Party whereof General Graut is representative; and if “Democrats" will abandon their idols, cense their vague searching for living issues aiuoug the debris of a past decade, and come honestly forward, bringing forth fruits meet /or repentance, we are for throwing open wide the doors aud ex tending them a hearty and unaffected wel come. But so long as they propose to com promise, upon tbe plan indicated by Lnciler on the mountain, w« must be excused for de siring to put lliein upon further probation; at least until they shall have acquired a little modesty in makiug known their demuuds ! Col. K. Halbert snd Id* Ulogrs|>hrr. Frauk Leslie’s “Cbimuey Corner’’ of the 7th inst., contains an imperfect and badly ex ecuted likeness ot Col. Ilulbert, Superinten dent of the W. A A. Railroad, and also a bio graphical sketch of his life and public services, which,although it coutains some things grati fying to bis friends in Georgia, is, upon the whole, a very clumsy affair as a literary pro ductiou, and therefore wholly unworthy if its subject. In r bbbmmi with the Colonel's personal friends, we are gratified to see iu priut imperfect ► ketch of his life; but it would have been more satisfactory to bis friends, more worthy of tbe Colonel himself, had the task of writing hi* biography beeu assum ed by ubler and more experienced hands, should also have appeared in »owo periodical a higher merit. From this sketch we leum that Col. Hul- bert was born iu Berlin, Ct., in 1825 (ueithei the month nor the day of the mouth is mem tioued); that he was educated in that State, after which ho sought a home and a name in Alabama, where he rnmuined five years pre vious to his sell lenient in Georgis; that short ly after hii migration to Georgia, he became engaged a|M>n the Atlanta A West Point Rail road in the c&\>anty of Agent at tho Western Terminus, at West Point; that from that po sition, he was soon promoted to the responsi ble position ot Road Master of the same line position which he certainly filled with great credit to himself aud profit to the Road. At the expiration of four years, he resigned this position to sccept another of more ex tended sphere in the Adams Express Com pany -that of Superintendent of its Centrul Division, comprising the (Hates ol Georgia and Alabama a position requiringgreat executive and administrative ability, as well as involv ing largely increased pecuniary responsibility. After tbe war brokeoat, he was retained as the Superintendent of the Southern Express Com pany, in which position he exhibited uncommon ■kill, energy and extensivo ability. In lHfiq, his superior foot, energy and jndgincut, re commended him lu the Government am the pro per person to conduct the laborion* and per plexing duties of Chief Registrar for Geor* gis; end under tbe reconstruction Acts, he received the appointment, by Gen. Po|*e, in Jnly 18(18, of Superintendent ol Registration. In this capacity, his labors were atdous, but they were ably and satisfactorily performed. As Superintendent of tbe W. A A. Rail road (the position which he now fills under m ? BY TELE PH. NOON Dll mule?, hogs, sheep, hen*, geese, ducks, turkey-gobblers, Political Modera tion, and general Prosperity. Let us have pence. A Letter from Mr. Oeo. 1*. Usrunttt. We clip the following letter from tho Con stitution of yesterday morning. It is brief, and directly to tbe poiub Rome, Ga., August 1>, 18G!*. .Vr. Editor: Inasmuch us the bond of the lion. Foster Blodgett has been so closely scru tinized, and commented npon, I, as an “hon orable man and a clever gentleman," .so-ndlrd, take the liberty to say, it tho bond is not satis factory to ills Excellency, the Governor, or such other authorities, whoso duty it is to pass upon the same, let the bond be cancelled at once, and a blank bond placed iu my bauds for solvent securities, and l will guuranteo a bond undisputed, to be given by citizens ot Floyd and Chattooga counties, for double the amount required by law. I aui, respectfully, Geo. P. Burnett. Froreerilnga of the Su ) SPECIALLY roa 1 At tho hour of 10o’clock, a. m., tho Supremo Court of Georgia assembled, aud suspended its regular proceedings, according to pre vious notice, for the purpose of paying suita ble respect to the memory of tho late Hon. Howell Conn. The chairman of the commit tee appointed to draft an appropriate report and resolutions on the life and character of Gen. Cobb, gave placo to IIou. E. A. Nisbet, of Macon, who performed the duty assigned the committee, in a most appropriate, taste ful and able manner. The committee could find no rnoro appro priate method ot commenting on the character and services of tho lute Howell Cobb, than by adopting as their own, the report and resolu tions on the same subject, read und adopted by tho liar at Macon in November of last year. This report, which has already boon spread before the public, does ample justice to the distinguished deceoaed, reciting his many pri vate and chriRtian virtues, and the eminent services which ho had rendered, both to the State and Natiouiil Governments. During the reading of the report, Judge Nisbet be trayed the deep emotion which Agitated bis breast, when there were brought before bis mind in tho reporta vivid review of the life of Gen. Cobb, whose memory lie so fondly cherished. At tlm close of th* report, no one clso offer ing to speak, Chief Justice Brown responded in behalf of the Court to the sentiments which bad just boon uttered, iu one of his nhlo efforts — doing honor alike to bia head und heart. The m|H*rt of Judge Nisbet, aud tho re sponse of the Chief Justice, were ordered to bo spread on tho minutes of tho Court. Tne Court then resumed its regular busi ness. Reporter. Nu|imiir of Georgia-*.Tim* Term , IIASMISOM, RMQ. appointment by Gov. Bullock) h« has shown himself on* of Uteeblest Railway managers in tho South, and w* wish his adinluiNtralion •access in every particular. IM«rstlM. Th* lia* has fought a great fight for Polit ical Modrratiom, ami will continue to fight it out on that line. ptr VT* again advise yonng men in b«*l- tee not to play at games in basin*** hoars It looks bed, and what ii|woree than all, it does not pay. JoaEpn K. Brown, Chief Justice. iiuuil 'wIk.M, j Order of Circuits and uumber of oases from each: Putaula Circuit 22 orach. Southwestern Circuit 32 " Middle Circuit 7 " Eastern Circuit 2 Cherokee Circuit 14 “ Bine Ridge Circuit 1 " Tallapoosa Circuit V “ Atlanta Circuit 8 “ Flint Ciremt 0 " Northern Circuit 8 " Western Circuit 1 " Chattahoochee Circuit 12 " Macon Circuit 7 “ Oomulge* Circuit 3 “ Rome Orenit 4 “ W ADM BODAY, August 11. 1880. |Th* committee appointed to report a tribute eommemorative of Geu. Howell Cobb, sob- milted by Judge Nisbet ite report The Chief Justice, in behalf of tho Court, replied, aud ordered that the proceedings be spread upon tbo minute*. Tho motion to dismiss tho oaso of Jons, *iol vs. The Maoon t Brunswick Railroad Com pany, et al, having been overt ale*), Mr. lfougbcrty proceeded to open the argument i I lending Uis reply of Judge Nisbet, tne Court adjourned till fo o’clock Washington, Aug. 11.—Poore ie instructed to be vigilant and enforce strictly the laws of na tions, and bold only ofltotal relations with tbs Spanish authorities, and insist npon humanity aad justice where the life or liberty of Amerf- QM oitiMM All ilVOlvif. _ The Spanish executions at Santiago de Cuba are not aatisfatorily explained to the Cab inet The Spanish gunboat must remain under seisnre. Farther notion wee postponed until the next Cabinet, called for the 00th. It U stated on the authority of W. P. Ed wards, member of Congreee' from Georgia, that the negro Tamer bee been removed and Washington reinstated In the Macon Poet- offioe. Wofford is suspended and Gibson reinstated in the Corrinlh rosloflice. The President authorizes tbe publication of a conversation showing a strong affiliation with tho Uadioal Republicans of Mississippi and Texas. Liverpool, August 1L—Tbo Chamber of Commerce resolves to send a letter to the Amoricau Chambers, pointing out the system of using au nunecesaary amount of covering and too heavy bands of iron on balea of cot ton, aud Huggestiug the adoption, at Ameri can ports, of the system of allowance of tare, which provails in England. NIGHT DISPATCHES. Mobile, August 11.—Daniel P. Reid, prominent citixen of this city, who was accus ed by the Radicals of firing the first nhot at tbe Radical meeting last Thursday night, gave himself up for trial yesterday, aud was honor ably acquitted by the Mayor this morning. Horns eighteen white and eolored wituesaun of uniu)peaohe<Hatogrity, both for tbe proso. cation snd defense, were examined, and swore positively that Reid did uot fire the shot. — There was bat one witness who swore that Reid fired the shot. He was a negro named Abraham Brown, who has purjured himself. Wasuinuton, August 11.—The following is telegraphed by requeet: The following statement is made public by permission of the President: In an interview with goueral Tarbell, Secretary of the Repub lican Executive Committee of Mississippi, at the residence of Secretary Fish, in New York, on theGth iust, General Grant remaiiced • the small number of Republicans engaged the National Republican party in Missinsippi, using the name of Judge Dent, and said that in his judgment the faot was in itself evident that they could not be otherwise than nieu by the opposition. The President said his only desire was peace aud amity, and he would do anything that was light to bring that sboat, but that these peoole oast suspicions upon their own motives by the .fact that all their efforts seem to be aimed at dividing, not aid ing the Republican party in their xnidst. If they were really in earnest, they would not be so anxious about those with whom they acted. To sincere men it could not be difficult to tell who in the South were aud had been the ad ministration’s friends. The President stated that in his conversa tion with the gentlemen representing the new Republican Party, iu which he had expressed himself much more emphatically against their courso than he had to Gen. Tarbell. He said ho fully endorsed Gen. Ames' administration, aud that that officer would have to do much and more serious things than ho had hoard charged, before he would subject himself to removal. Revenue $379,000. Cnnby, commanding in Virginia, aud the President, had a long interview. Spinner directs the Assistant Treasurer to withdraw tbe legal tender tens from circula tion. Tho speeches of President Grant and the Mexican Minister Marescal, were cordial and mutually complimentary. Not much iu them. The Mexican claims commission organized, but is yet engaged on rules of order, after which it will take several days recess. Tbe President has intimated neither iu conversation nor by letter a desire that Judge Dent should withdraw from tho Mississippi canvass. In view of the present complications, Judge Dent re-assert* that he will cauvass the State|«f Mississippi in favor of the Conserva tive Republican candidates, whether himself ur 4^ r - b -"f'?’.‘l»rtIX.L' ' -s. who ..... .«iu. \ilgust II. —Tb« Hankers pleaded guilty to usury, were fined two hun dred and fifty dollars, except two, who were committed for'.five and ton days. Tho Secretary of State instructs Barlow to deliver tho Spanish gunboat to the custody of the commander of Brooklyn Navy Yard. Judge McCann orders tho discharge of the Texnn, Pratt, but as Prutt is at Fort Lafayette, it don't appear how tho decision can he en forced. Albany, August 11.—Contending parties hold different ends of the tunnel of tho 8ns- qnchanna Railroad, through which there have beeu several fights and several severely wounded. Tho militra Iias gono to the spot. Later.—The contending parties have yield ed tho Road to Gov. Hoffman. MoNTooxrxnY, August 11.—A petition from some of the Republicans of Mobile was made on yesterday to Gov. Smith, asking him to place that city under martial law. A delega tion from tho citizeus of Mobile arrived here to-day, had an interview with tho Governor, which was entirely satisfactory, and resulted in his declining to put tbe city under military rule. Lisbon, August 11.—The resignation of the entire ministry is expected under the censure of tho upper House. Philadelphia. August 11.—Forty-three thousand cigars were seized for non-payment of tax. Columbtts, Ohio, August 11.—Tho Demo crat ic Central Committoo nominated George H. Pendleton, for Governor. Pendleton ac cepts. Augusta, August 11.—The late heavy and continued rains causes rust iu cotton in vari ous eectionti of the State. Macon, Go., August 11.—The first hale of cotton of tho new crop was received here to day, raised by P. W. Jones, of Baker county, and classed New York middling. It will be shipped to Boston. TELEGRAPH MARKET REPORTS Nenv Orleans, August 11.—Cotton—De mand fair; sales 319 bales; low middling 30c.; no middling here; receipts 320 bales; exports to Havana 1,921 bales. Flour firm, superfine $5 65, double $6 50, treble $6 024. Corn, mixed $1 00; whito $1 074. Oats 65. Rran $1 00. Hay 29 to 30. Pork firmer, $35 50 to 35 75. Bacon firmer, 161 to 19j. 194, 20c. Hams 23 to 25o. Lard, tierce, 194 to 20, kog 22 to 23. Sugar, common, 11 to Pic, prime 14Jc. Molasses, reboiled, 65 to 70c. whisky $1 10 to 1 15. Coffee inactive and nominal, fnir 15 to 154, prime 164. Gold 34j. Sterling 48j; New York sight par. New York, August 11.— Governments closed heavy, '62*244; Southerns dull. Money nc- tiver, 6 to 7. Sterliug 10. Gold dull at 35. Stocks feverish and unsettled. Cotton more active.; sale* 2600 bales at 334c. Flour dull; superfine $5 90 to 6 50; common to fair extra Southern $6 90 to 7 40 Wheat dull 2 to 4o loworjduring the day. Corn slight ly favors buyers. Pork quiet at $33 25 cash. Lard firmer; kettle 20 to 25c. Whiaky $1 124c. Mobile, August 11. -Cotton dosed quiet; sales 76 bales, all to one buyer; low middling 30c; receipts 11 bales. Auousta, August 11.— Cotton dull; sales 7 bales;receipts G bales; middling 314a. Baltimore, August 11.— Cotton quiet and unchanged. Flour quiet and steady. Wheat firm; ohoieered $1 GO to 1 70; good $1 50 to 1 60. Corn firm; white $i 10; yellow $1 12 to 1 16. Oats dull at 66 to Cle. Rice 10 to 15o. Provisions not so strong, but prioes well maintained. Whisky $1 13 to 1 14. giuin's, old 48c; G6's 66o bid. Charleston, August 11.— Cottou dull and nominal; sales 16 baleN; middlings 314; re cuiiits none; exporfo coastwise 10. bales. Savannah. August 11,—Cotton rccoipte 9 bales; exports 124 hales. No market. LomsviuJi, August 11.—Flour ft rim taper* fin $4 76. ProTtnion* firm. Mess pork $34 00. Btoon--Shoulders 16c; clear sides 104 to 10|; hams 22 to 22jc. Lard, new 20, keg 214. Whiaky $1 08. Cincinnati, August 11, — Whiaky $1 08. Provisions firm and unchanged. Lard 20o. Ht. Louia, Augnst 11.—Whisky $110. Meoa pork $34 96, Bacon quiet and unohanged. Liviaruor., August U.- Oottou firm; Up land 18; Orleans 18 to 184. Hales 11,000. SPCOIAL NOTIOE. Dr. Foster may now be daily con sulted at his permanent offioes in Markham’s Empire Block, DEAFNESS, NEW maftTMEXENfS. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE /-ynrzuma mm mm. «u ocIomo, nfe- 5Sw" ~ 1 ** tad rtMywd. »»* nttr. UlH —TMM,wUlb*«l|knroa«HT t"»«. V r «UI b. ud uld u .nalon. SltuM^I * “ Vitkin, lo boy, uid evil ou Wd- ,, .1 1,1. .tor. on ■und ttfMt. vberr be Ini Uni bMt ^ _ hlVvm. Mmd M1Ia «*» it lo «ni» -a*-',*■vi-y-dv me fl, saw aa* f*ea agmm, groeenm, rtgnnmm, okra, be., eeru. her, fodder sad ooto, and buys rags, beeswax, sod tore aud dried fruit and and other atfleUa. 1 am oompeUed to sail, and anal Mil to raise money, m I an in debt emd no other —— to rale* tha wluiL BB.KTKAND IA(HU», Bole proprietor of Atlanta Fnr Company, grocer, to* baaeoLlst, (ted etore, vegetable and general variety dealer. aag 12-tnurMunAtttee N. H. fTOWLEK, A iirlionr#*r. I'olUce Dwelling und Large Lot on Hun ter Htreet. O H thla (Tkurid.y) iftoruonb, Au,tut 12tb. mu. »l J 0 o'clock, ou the promisee, we will eell ■ uiee. ootu- lortable, well-Quitotxl cottage of lour largo roouu, pau- try, oloeeto, bo., front and lack pUxx*. This proper ty U on the corner of Hunter aud hell atreeU, pleae- autly located, and In an excellent neighborhood, aud about too yards from the City llall. Tehne at sale. Title* perfect, tfeie pool tire. Immediately after tho above sale, we will Mil TWO BKAUTJVUL UNIMPROVED LOTH on King olre«t, opposite Porter b Butler'a Foundry. These two tote are 00 by 100 feet, each. Conveyance (urultoed. aud will leave at 4:80. WALLACE b FOWLER, Real KtUlt Agents. aag Rank Block, Alabama Street. ASHIGNEK’S HAKE B Y virtu# of an order of the Honorable the l>latrlct Court of the United btatee for the Northern 1>U- trlct of Georgia, I will sell before the Court Uoum door. In the town of Marietta, on Saturday, the 4th day of September next 11 o'oclock, a. m., one-fourth intereet lo ninety acres of Und, including a grlet will • ■ **---* * •— miles ft and wool-carding machine situated two miles from Boswell, Cobb county, Go.; also, 38 acres of Und near Boswell; also, all the Interest of 0. S. King, ss heir in aud to the estate of Barrington King, decesM*l, except H acres of land iu Chatham county, set sport as part of homestead. All belonging to the estate of U. SI. King, bankrupt. Sold true from incumbrances. Terms cash. NOAH K. FOWLER, sag 12-20d Assignee. ATLANTA TAX-PAYERS. Thursday, tho 12th Instant, This is done to occouuuonate those who con better attend after tho hour of G In the afternoon. L. P. THOMAS, nug 10 3t Receiver and Collector. U. W. A DA IK, Auctioneer. THE HORTON PROPERTY-IO LOTS. Fiiday, tho 13th Inst, at O. W. ADA IB. EMPIRE STEAM PLAIII& MILL XitTACBim Y AUD. J. C. PECK A CO., largest snd best assortment of lumber Atlanta. Joist of all lengths snd sizes, and seasoned lumber of every variety. Don't say It Is not iu town until you have taken a look at onr piles. CATARRH, Discharges from the Ear, Noises in the Head, Offen sive Breath, Asthma, Bron chitis, Scrofula, or any Af fection of the HEAD, EAR, & CHEST. Th. Fori O.Ium Ulrfor ««ri: "lUlu fall, vlnoat oTvry d*j, which la . lull, tmubtv- v>mn In former, on Moonnt of gathering fod- d«r. Cora crop, art reported u Mug lu tuo condition. Horn, former* .nterUm fun Hint th. ooullwMd r»l» will be wtjr iujerl. to oollea. It le reported from dif.reu' Jon* of tbe county that the reterptlUr bee eppeered, end It i. feered will do eerluui d*m- kge to cottou. Ovtici Hoorn.—8 A. M. till 0 P. M. (Monday* anil Tuesday* excepted.) City Tux-Payer*, Lookout for the Engine When the Whistle Blows. r| .HE foUowtng resolution puned by Coun. il Friday A night, tilh last., explains itself: “Besolved. Tlut the Receiver aud Collector of Taxes be required to close his book on tho 1st September next, aud proceed as aoou thereafter as practicable, to issue fl las for double tax against all who may fail to give in. aud collect the tax till tbe 20th Septembe ter which time he will ~ - — - - r » those who have failed ■CraTM jiUSlUteJinqucutM- sun 8-auntiU20sep. A New and Beautiful Book. Night Heeiirs in the Uiblc. By lb D., author of - Walks sndHoim McCurdy b Co.: Philadelphia. I IHIS is one of the most interesting ami superb ecu- . tributious to sacred literature that we have seen for luauy a day. It is a volume of about live hundred and flfly pages, devoted exclusively to the events of Scripture that occurred at night, which are presented the bent American artists, which give to it additional value, while tbe remainder of the mecliaiUoal work ai material la of tho most elegant description. It is 0. HARgHAf/S HALE. ft by virtue of* Writ of Here facia* fa*t*d • HoaombUjfil District Court of fo lor th* Naffltorn District ol O*o«#h f th* plaintiffs, tana, Gardner b Co., talk* r _ e*M»to wf<: Dodd, IH of tho dofaodooti on. oodhrtdod koU-tutooM. lo th. Mtoortof b urponolo of lood lying o*t Mao to tho 001 nonoo, Polir, ootf IfarolMW, Mato of doorglo, fix.' Lot ;a, uh JUMrut. Mhdkt, —Stolid » a. Urtrtcl, Id dortloo. —totolag 40 a< Lrtlrt, Mk INatrtrt. M MooUoo. oootalola* U at LrtUL Uk DtatrlaL U kaatlno, — lalatag Maun Lc!Tl)M? 4tb Dtatrkt, M SeeUoo, nrtiUlnlad « rtn. Loum.wk DUUirt. U fort—. aooUloUd *0 LrtUd.Uk Dlrtrtrt. ltd Roctioo, cooUlitlu, 40 LrtiSSotll District, si (taction, containing <0 LrtaU, 4tk DUIrlct. U feoUoo. conUlnlnf W ncr.1 Lrt TM. Uh Dirtrlct, 3i dootloo. containing Vt non Lot Ssi, Uk DtatrtoL 3d fertion, containing <0 ncroa LottlHUi District 3d ftartlon, containing to now mor. or Unn. LM'iie, UlkDlntrlct, 3d Itootlim. containing .0 act., more or lee*. Lot 337, ITth District, Id H*cUou, couioiulng 40 acre* Lof 731,77th District, 3d Section, containing to acre* more or lea*. Lot 782, 17th Distrlot, 3d Section, containing 40 Lo?730. O 17th District, 3d Section, containing 4* Lo«U*l 17th District, Od Section, containing 40 LoTsfll, 17th District, Id Section, containing to acre* mor* or ion*. Lot 733.17th District. 3d Section, containing to LfH724,°17th District, 3d Section, containing to acre* Lof V40,17th District, 3d Section, containing 40 acre* more or lest. Lot 041, 17th District, 3d Section, containing to acres Iy!tvK°17th District. 3d Section, containing 40 sore* lJ?OT1.°17th^i»trict. 3d Section, containing 40 acre* more or lee*. Lot 7M, 17th District, 3d Section, containing 40 acre* more or leas. Lot 738, 17th District, 3d Section, containing to l 1aA64C, 17th District, 3d 8ection, containing to i Lot 086,17th District, 3d Section, containing 40 i Lot 638,17th Di?trlct, 3d Section, containing to i more or leas. Lot CSV, 17th District, 3d Section, containing 40 i Lot 003,17th District, 3d Section, containing to acres more or less. Lot 008, 17th District, 3d Section, containing 40 more or loss. Lot 334, 17th District, 3d 8eotion, containing 40 acres more or less. Lot 801, 17th District, 3d Section, containing to Lot 043, 17th District, 3d Section, containing to more or less. Lot 340,17th District, 3d Section, containing to more or less. Lot 870, 11th District, 3J Secuon, containing to Lot 302, 17th District, 3d Section, containing 40 more pr less. Lot 340,17th District, 3d Section, containing 40 more or lem. Lot 347, 17th District, 3d Section, containing to Lot 374,17ih District, 3d Section, containing 40 acres Lot 375, 17th District, 3d Section, containing to acres more or less. Lot 413,17th District, 3d Section, containing 40 Lot 142,0th District, 3d Section, containing ICO acres Lot 148, 5th District, 3d Section, containing 100 Lot 3C, 0th District, 3J Section, containing 100 acres Ni^iit 8 now iu Atlanta, and v ■ interest of his beautiful work. Tbo undersigned, pastors of churches in the city of Atlanta, having examined, with some attention, the “Night Scenes of tho Bible. ’by Rev. Daniel March, do not hesitate to recommend it as a volume of no ordi nary interest and value. Pure iu it* spirit, attractive iu stylo, free from sectarian bias, full of good B| W. M. CRUMLEY. Pastor Trinity M. E. Church. JAMES O. ANDREW. Bishop M. E. Church South. JOHN 8. WILSON. Pastor 1st Presby. Church. W. T. DRANTLY. Pastor 2d Baptist Church. UUAS. W. THOMAS, Rector St. Philip's Church. F. A. KIMBALL. Past’r Wos. Chap. M. E. C. 8. Lot 210, 0th District, 3d Section, containing 100 acres more or less. Lot 200, 16th District, 3d Section, containing ICO Lot 257,16th District, 3d Section, containing ICO more or less. Lot 148,10th District, 3d Section, containing 100 acres Lot 282, 21st District, 2d Section, containing 40 sort* Lot 618,*21 st District, 2d Section, containing 40 aerts more or less. All being in tbe ooauly of Bartow, 8tote of Ueorgia. Also, Lot 510,1st District, 4th 8ectiou, containing 40 acres, in tho oountiea of Polk or Haralson. Also, Lot 813, 18th District, 3d Section, containing 40 acres. Lot Lot 8V1, 2let - - “ ** « »• In the county ot Polk, State of Qeorgia. Aad will sell the same at public auction at the Court First Tuesday in September iext, between the lawful hours ot sole. Terms cash. Dated ct Atlanta, Georgia, this 6th day of August, FOR CALIFORNIA. ATLANTA, GEORGIA, SAKT FRANOISCO. Western & Atlantic Railway. aBMPCENTENNIAL EXPOS* ATNA INSURANCE 00., HABTFOtn ] j cr J-jTT i, xnee. Au6t8, - - - - Liabilities, - - - $5,352,5 267,0 I5,086,46fl| -SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO., ITS F 1 jfo. @ T. “Hp their fruit, ye in— tkem.* I.ONSKN PAID IN PIPTV TEIM, *25,231,485.31 ITS P XT- ESE N T. The Meat Snrres.fat Fir, £#. la la Aaseta, $0,808,080$);] Three-fourths the Imuraace t'a chartered hare foiled, prerlaf i aud difficulties In a profession bsaadat, ■amity and misfortune, with aa I part of Its development lu the i broad human benevolence. It Is a I and uncommon event for one of them hsl lotions to make its FIFTIETH an port, aad that a satisfactory see - of life’s plainest old lessons, “ As yma that shall you reap.” ITS FUTURE Usefulness and duty must be shaprt n| measured only by the wealth aad of our oouutry. Agents in oil the principal citk» and Uwm. 1 Rotes and terms as liberal as oooAuta«i moderate profit and substantial Mcarity. w. p. pattillo, aug44iilaep4 Agent j DR. HUNT] C ONTINUES to treat ail private diseases, I.. oil forms gonorrhceo, gleet, stricture, pletely eradicated. That numerous class of emm suiting from seif-abas*, producing unmanlicesa a vous debility, imtoblhty, eruptions, somiaal * sions, and Anally impotency, permanently can Persons afflicted with deRowe. intricate, met h standing constitutional oompioints ore pobtefr * to coil for consaRakte*. which costs nothing. ■ enca, the best of Uacbmrm, haa enabled him I trating the t id or single, suffering from ii tious, indulgences, or exposure, may apply « cured. No mattar who have tailed, state yosr a Read what he says is his pom bb let, sent to as; d dress free. Thousands of oases treated aunusti; flee and all over the oountry. Consultation free, | sonally or by mail. Office, No. 183 Third 8tree tween Green and Walnut, near the Poatoifloe, 1 ville. Ky. Office hours, 3 a H to 12 a. FRESH TURNIP SEED. J U8T RECEIVED, 8TO Pounds BED TOP, A BEBDEKX, PLAT DUTCH, HANOVER, WHITE Q YELLOW GLOBE, RUTABAGA, NoRFOLftJ YELLOW STONE, And Otlior Varietie Call and purchase, or send in your orders i P. W. J. ECHOL8, Agricultural Warehouse and Seed S jy 10—tilsep30 Brand Street, by tbe 1 QN.U, after tho 6tli day of August, the ' Ou nut prsmuffNufc,” TOBACCO FACTORY. J have Juat oomplolmi a|large aud coiumodiouif Tobacco Factory, lanta, Go., whon> I aui manufacturtug all grades ofT»hao<v>. H|NK'isl atbuiUoii paid to the followlug ►opniar brands, which will !>• niainifactiired from th* meat Virginia leaf. H. H. Holland’s Cable Twist, H. H. Holland'* Pine Apple Twist, 8. U. Holland’s Golden Age, H. H. HoUand’a Indian Queen, O. M. Hublett’e A No. 1, G. M. Bnblstt. WholeMlo dealers will flud it greatly to their Inter, ■t to call, os I will mauufhctui* any special hraml or lot of tobacco, with their name and place of hustiics* brand) dou each box. If ordered lu sufliolent quautl. 11M* Atlanta. Ok, WHITEHALL STREET. FREE CONCERT 8AL00N AND WIOOITNO OALLEHV OPEN EVKRY NICHT. WKSTKKN Jc ATLANTIC KA1LWAV S158 35. Apply at Ticket Offioe General Pas senger Depot B. W. WKENI, JOHN BAKER AND CONVECTIONEU, MARIETTA STREET, • uUctnrcs Caudles, and koepa conatautly ou band ALL KINDS OF FRUIT And a f ueral assortment of WINKS, MUCOUS nud CIUAHS. Jy 1 t-flm ATLANTA CarrlAgo Ropoaitory. freed mouetsry stringency, I sat offering at Oreatly Reduced Prioes. Carriage Harness supplied a» cheaper rat eleewhera lu the city. Call early and secure bargains In guod home-made work at prices suited to the tunes CHOICE GROCEI AND FAMILY SUPPLIES CRAWFORD ft BIN Peter Hugo'i old stand, Whitehall Street, ATLANTA GA fTtHE undersigned have on hand, wi A for solo for cash, aa cheap as they in any market, e choice supply oi Groceries saJ I ly Supplies, consisting of Sager. Coffee. I Bacon, Lard, New flour. Wines, Lis Confectioneries. Dry and Choice Green J isoa. We wiU deliver all parohaeed artfekals h a in the otty free of charge- Having mads ■ • sell low fcr cask. public patronage, and aa we are determined to pi ail who deal with aa, oall and see us. Jy 18-lm CRAWFORD k 1*01 I PUBLIC SALE. A T Auction, beginning on Saturday. -tOf** 1 180*. at ten oWk, *. m.. ai Depot on Forsyth street, Atlanta, fla, tke fruoto named property: Three Horses, One Mnl«) A Lot of Toata, Taraaaliax. I»4it KONr S* kotoaai PoaohoToaavaa. Smtd> Largo Lot of Uartrvioooait Propatj. oTa. «*M>*p*v Oapt aad A. A. Q. HP-kfL . BonunT, Auctioneer. r work warranted for twelve t A. T. FINNEY, & Granite Block, Broad 8t., Atlanta, Go, The beet of Wines, Itlqno* e. Purler, Ale, stiff Lager fleer aa llunff. aug T-lm J. K. BUCHAR, Proprietor. A T Li A N T A SACK FACTORY ! ^to^^jmdrtmtaosy. ud an uauifutur PMHTffi AND CHAIN SAUK*, Odrt. nifi' Hally uiaitad. MITCHELL S BENTLY, jy3-3iu Conor WWtakoU ui Baator Sta. DH. PQMIIQYSJAU 8SSTQRSR! F0RE8T QUEEN. ft is the only preparation vet dtecoveiwd that mill produce hair on the held bead. It wm discovered In Alhutte. K has baeu tested In Atlanta, its references are la Atlanta. It haa produced hair and whiskers on a —♦* l lilanld AM* an M.1U ..f a^. i It removes oil Itching and heat of the ecaliv U heaps U»e acaln clean end healthy. any man of mature age. Prtpered only by DR. R. «. FOMKROY. No. 17 Aluhamn tip Stair*. IT. S. MARSHAL’S SALE. U NDER and by virtue of a writ oi ter* sued out of the Honorable, the Dtetrict 0*** the United States tor the Northern District of lu favor of the plaintiffs. Don Barkhouw A 0o following oaee, to wit: Bea llurhkoaee dk re., rt» Mletoav* ■' 1 have levied upon aa the j> ro pc rtyof Michael®* aU that lot. treat or mu-oel of laud lyieg ae*m^c the 14lhdietetcto*ertsrlnelB «« ty. »Ute of Georgia, being tbe eorthwsrt land lot No. 8t, coBtainlug 01 Alee, upon Id naree more or leea. foteteg tort £ 3 tbe north, being a part of tbe sobdiritose rt h** Nafitai dancrtbut aa hlonhn He* 17 ajd* ’ ■ubdlvietoa, with a slip ol **d !»*«• 1 5 J running north and south tbe fad teegtk No. If e* the west oade. edteietag laMe rt f" Nonon raasgaasL^g^eemeto. dw atatart Oaurfta, takw Ikla rtrtkjdat »■ bevteg any leMe fcr sole wili de well wfUk>e nnit»rrtg*iI. lie shuffle* *Xdrt!ra5nI. , rtrt'a Rwk tkartuot XUaaka oaakt,«■ Mato of UMiata, aa tke rival TaraSaj ta Sv#temtef va. foe kaaia *“' u **'S»)SSai l\ S. MirAfilH Salr. onto* V. H. Maomiai., Nowteun* Dm Atftontok On., Ang. i ijy i .tne of* writ of rouffttloul ear 15 trout Uh llouonMeUte DtoMctOeurt of tbeff Otetee nw th* Nortbeen Dtetrtrt ef Oeorwio, f eol4 on Tueedoy the Uth DMA. fit front rtlMj Htetee Court Roorn In the city ot AfionU. ce* mShtsmSsnsiaa Boxee of Tobeooo, Torme ooeb. — 1 V. A Doyuly ICoraUnforiLn Mrtriel • /^■OfrOIA. DAWUON OOUMTT.—Two mo* altar Ike eartmMw ef l«e taeatke ftert <•» S H-IT*|*|M*ftii • 00