Atlanta daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1869-1871, August 12, 1869, Image 4

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DAILY NEW BRA, nun or araacKimOa For Dally. P»r Annum— “•*•••' Jg " 31. UM*a-i——i 3 “ " Pwr Month KATKI «*• AUVBUrWINd. nTTi II £5~ jessst-:. auaqMNt.... qurlarMi HAtf Ootaw *83 On* Orinaa ^ »«• owLfton Um alwv* rata*. ror **cfc mmt* of 18 IUmm or tea*. l**r w. fortlaaer- Uon, 91, and for ***h subsequent iuMrttaa M «*••* Tec Um* »f whd aoapareU, or tin e^utvateat lu M*** UlkttM|MM . . .. — ‘ - Ml JmuiiJ a/Wtb* first 1I! *1*. couUiamg iutareallug uvtaaiwn, *oUo4Ud from *v*ry quarter. N*»« tatters i r on lb* oomitta* uairlnr. Nawi m*u m|mcuu: THE ERA OFFICE 16 rw THn BUCK lOtLUlNn ON ALABAMA STftfctT orronm tub roHTomcK, bbtwkbb BBOAD AMD WIITEHILL MILITARY UIHECTOKY. Duvet Uajob-Gbmkbai. Aubeu H. Tekky Oonimnuding Depart urea l of the South. pfbmonal utatt. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel E. W. Smith. Captain U. H. Army, Aid-do-Cunip. Hrev*t Lieuteuiuit Colouol C. B- Graven, Cnptaui U. S. Army, Ani-dc-Cwnp. Brevet Cuptaiu J. G. Telford, lut Lieuteu- uut U. S. Army, Ald-de-Cnmp. DEPARTMENT staff. Brevet Colonel J. H. Taylor, Assistant Ad jutant General, U. 8. Army, Aaeiatant Ad jutant General. Brevet Major Robert P. Hughea, Captaiu V. 8. Army, Acting Assistant Adjutant Gen eral. Captain C. W. liotseupiller, IT. S. Army Acting Asaistaut Inspector General. Major Do Witt Clinton, Judge Advocate U. S. Army, Judge Advocate. Brevet Brigadier General T. J. Iluiuo. Commissary of Sobsisteuce U. K. Army Chief Commissary. Bievet Colonel A. H. Eddy, Major and Quar termaster U. 8. Army, Chief Quartermaster. Captain G. K. Sauderson, F. S. Army, Depot and Staff Quartermaster. Brevet Brigadier General W. J. Sloan, Surgeon U. 8. Army, Medical Director. Brevet Brigadier General John J. Milhau. Surgeon U. S. Army. AHsiataut to Medical Director, tempoisry. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel A. K. Smith, Sur geon U. S. Army, Attending Surgeon. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel David Taggart Paymaster U. S. Army, Chief Paymaster, office at Charleston, South Carolina. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel T. L. Allison, Pay master U. S. Army. X.ABOIR ATOH.T ol l'liunmumliritl and Aiikljtlml Chemistry Wholmiale Drugnists anil MANliriOTdKINU CHEMISTS, Atlanta, Ga., 4 UK exlMiaitoly engaged in III* manufacture < Fin* Pharmaceuticals, Chemicals, ivrfumery, fcc winch far parity and uniformity *r* unsurpassed. ANAI.YHEH of Ores, Kart It*. Mineral Water*. N «a«. Medical t’>»uipouuda. Holla. Guanos, fcc., rt« «U *1 reasonable charge*, by Wkl. J. LAND, Chemist. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. T A Hi IK KTOt'KM ef (>|iluiu, (fculiiliir. Mor- 1 J phtne, 1 alunirl, riiluroforiH, ICtlirr, tMjw* Ala**. Hhsbarb, Nllral* or Bllver. dpli Its of BHi r. |*«r« illri sail Iodides, .lie. Jobbing made a s|>orlalt.v. ( 'all and examine star I and |trier*, at Ih* l »rUg aud Obeaiical Uou** of PEMBERTON. WILLSON. TAYLOR fc CO. PerAimery, Perfhmory l>lf. TAYLOR** PREMIUM UOLOONK, tVicbratad aud u usurps#-oil lu qualify by an I/LOK1DA and BRIDAL BOyUJiTSdiHtilted f PEMBERTON, WILLSON, TAYLORfc CO. TEAS, TEAS, TEAS. ' HYSON. OUN POWDER *n.l OOLORO.juat received, and fur Sale by PEMBERTON, WiLIRON. TAYLOR k CL B. A. FAHNESTOCK’S VERMIFUGE, THE SAFEST AM) MOST EFFECTIVE REMEDY FOR WORMS That lias ever been discovered. This celebrated specific for Worm* 1. used aritb tbe utmost freedom and oonfiden.-e by gentlemen who hare obtained eminence in tbe medical prof ronton, and many of the**. throwing said* their prelndh-e*. Lave the ful!yfflv.!U certificate* testifying to it* superiority. 1* u*ed extensively, for tbe simple reason tbat Nothing hai yet hern ilbrnverul with ran be auhstltMted In Its place. tbe public for over “Fobty Yaasti,” and baa s'teaU-d t* *nperlorlty in thonnand* of cases, throngtont tl l>art* of the world. It I* tbe Imperative duty of every pa rent to watch the health of hlschlld, a; to provide himself with thl* potent ape- rifle. Be careful to observe the initial* of the name, aud ee that you get “B. A. FAHNESTOCK'S VERMIFUCF B, A. Fahnestock’s Son & WHOLESALE DRUOOIKTS, PITTSBURU, PA., BOLK raopRirroaa. JAMES M. BISHOP, A1TOBNEY AT LAW, DAWSOXVILLE, OEOKUIA. I) KACTICE8 in all Ui« counties of the Bln* lu Tbe *yo)i>toma of liver ruplaint are uneaaineas )Ud pain in th« aid*. Bonn ime* tbe pniu ia in th houlJer, and ia mistake or rheumatism. The atou apiatito and sickneaa, bon alternating wltti lax ftil eenaation i.f having left undone sometbiug which ought to have be»*n done. Often complaining of weak- i, debility, and low >innu. Kometlmea, some of '^Itbe above symptom* attend wthe disease, and at other ■time* very few of thi DR. SIMMONS’ LIVER HEUL.VTOU. a need by hundred*, aud known for the last at year* aa one of tbe moat reliable, efllcacioua and bar rule** preparation* ever offered to the aufler- ing. If taken regularly and pentatently, it Is *ur« to cur*. Dyspepsia, headache, Janndice, costtveoe**, sick • headache, hmnlr diarrhea, actlona of tbe holder, tup dysentery, affecti> f the kidu-ya, levee, lu r- ouaDcM, ft,111*, <llneA»< .• of ie skin. Imparity of tin I | Ion of aplrit*. heertNirn, ■ MB - ■ to th* bowala, |*atu in the head, fever and *«na, dropsy, tmlls, pain in bv-k and limb*, Aath- COMPOUND EXTRACT OF QUBEJM’B UEUIOIIT, ptea. Blotch**, Hyphill* in all Its forma. Aa a renovator and purifier of the blood, it hat no equal, it quickly features the system to perfect health ud purity. For sale, wholesale and retail, by I'KMBERTON, WILLSON, TAYLOR A CO. PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, drC. W keep large stocks of PAi.vrs, OILS, VAK.MSIIKS, IIKI'SHKS, IVimlotv (ilass, fcc. At the lowest prices. PEMBERTON, WILLSON, TAYLOR k CO. July 4c. (may lMm.l ROSADALIS, THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Cures Scrofula in all ita various iorms, such a Consumption in Us t-arliest stages. Enlargement and Ulceration of tbe Ulandes, Joints, Bones, Kidneys, Uterus, Chronic Rheumatism, Eruptions of SYPHILIS IN ALL ITS FORMS. In Life, Gravel, bad health, and all diseases of tin* Blood, Liver, Kidneys, and Bladder, It is a perfect renovator. RED WINE k FOX' COLUMN, Six Great Remedies Hurley’* Ague Tonic. Nu Aritnlr-No Mrimry. PERFECTLY RELIABLE. The only remedy for Chill* and fWver, or Ague aud Fever, that i* or can b« depeudod upon la llurley'i Ague Touio. There b*v.- InmiU thousands cured by luing It who have tried the usual reuiedle* wltliot W()|{Til V OF ATTKAITION. To Dr. lln.maa A. Hurley: 1 hereby certify tbat during iMt year I was i with the ague whilst in Vicksburg, Mi**., || u-ked | DH . and ua*d *.'»«■ i-ai popular meduiura with bus temporary rebaf. thi reaching hotnetb»iliar**Rr*fc»*n*din a wore* typ*, If possible, when my inediual attendant ordered Quia- me lu Urge .lose* -frequently as high a* 90 grain# p*r dav. aud which must liax«vu*t me iMNtrly 9 UK). I con siiIWhI Dr. Hmith, of LMiiavilla, aud foimd be jw**orib ed quinine and araeuio combined, which 1 reluned fe> Uke, preferring to let the disease take it* course. 1 wa* almost bloodless, extremely exhausted, and pix>uouuo- ed with enlarged Liver and Spleen. About this tliu*, the advertisement of Hurley's Agu* Tonic appeared in a city paper, and I dttsruiliied to giv* It • trial. I did *o. andbave no reason to regret It. On* bottle restored iu« completely, and since tbat time I have *©eu nearly a hundred eaaea in which it acted wlUi finally happy results, and would certainly recommend U a* prefera ble hi any other tonic before the public. Lou i PURIFY YOUR BL000. mins sminRini WITH IODIDE OF l’OTAMH. IJyape pal. regular ala, Kryslpella, Female lr- InclIfleslIon, I'llea, Pulmo nary, Diseases, Scrofu la, or King's Kvll. Hypttm*. Hurley a Saraapaiilla I* what It I believe it the most wonderful medicine before the public. Nothing uuder tlie heavena could induce to aay so without proof of the strongest and surest kind; therefor* I apeak willingly and positively kly daughter baa been afflicted with akin disease aud atitTui-a# of the joint* for several year*, ployed tbe principal physician* of tbo city and they could not cure her. 1 gave her your Har*a]>ariila not expecting it would do much good, but to my great aa £ toniabiucnt alie rapidly got well, and thank God con tinue* mo. liad *b* been taking any medicine 1 would not give this certittcate; but your Sarsaparilla, the only remedy employed, leave* no doubt of it* medi cal qualities, and tint it aloue cured hi HURLEY’S POPULAR WORM CANDY. [eear*. .Tame* Huddle A Co.—Gentlemen—It give* great pleasure to aay, after using all the other worm remedies known to m*. with but partial sucre** my children, I was ad vised to try T. A. Hurley’s, well and healthy. The children would eat it all* tbe me. It iaoneof tbobiwt. aafeat remedies known, ad aa aneb, recommend it to one and all. JAM. W. TRAVIS. Louisville, June 13, I860. l a COLUMN )v««*w p> DR. JOHN BULL’S Great Remedies. DR. JOHN BULL ui Tuk| »l H» (Wrtwlw) Sinn’s tome syrup, FOB THK OCR* OF AliUE AND FKVKlt, ~4*~ chiijI.h AVI) Th* proprietor of this oelobrateil medicine Justly claims for it a auporiorlty over all reuiedl** ever offer ed to the public for the safe, certain, speedy sad I**' lusmud cure of Ague aud Fever, or GMU* and Fever whether of short or long standing. lie rsfers Ut tba entire Western aud 8.'uthweat*ru couutry to bear btm testimony to the truth of the assertion tbat in uo case Whatever win it fan to cure, if tin direction* are strict, ly followed sad carried *ui la a great many case* a J dose ha* been •nfflcieut for a cure, ami whole ter th* disease has been checked, more esittclally in difficult and long-standing eases. Usually this iu*d|. clue will not require any aid to keep th* bowel* lu good order; should the p*Uent however require • cm- Uiarilo medicine, after having taken three or four do* m «t the Tonic, a single doieof BUI.I/M VEGETABLE FAMILY FILLS will be sulllcleuL Pr. JOHN HUIJ/H Frlnoljial Uflfo*: No. IO Fifth Crow Street, XjoulavUle, YIoHturUy If’ItLU.auUTVSIin*.eMtII<HiM to-> la U. VV ell jf oY A turn*. ruUnn vanity. IH.. am Ui. $i— - at In «M. Hi. I«r*l laairi of «l«. TuMd>, lu Mtabu ueil.wiuJ.. KSaam.,.1« • bat* niUl andshs*r*, and ah th* appurteuanc** UiereanUf belonging. 7<*vted on u th* proporty of John D. Oray, hff vtrtu* of sad to satisfy a morigat* ft f* U*u«d fro» Oatooaa huperior Court In favor of CoJuaabu# Iron Works A Oo., us* of th* United hteto of America va. John D. Grey. Property pointed out bv W. U. Drown, .ua lu »n«. n f. HOB1UUI), ^jgg."K. g 1 ’ ag TOsTcoidh) ihEthkf «i *. W ILL bs Bold before th* Court House door lu th# City of Atlanta, Fulton county, Ua., on th# Flret Tuesday In tteptembur next, within th* isgaJ hour# of sate, th* following property, to-wlt: levied on la In ward S, part of city let CM, having $ front on Feachtre* street 4‘J 12 fret, about BO ft t oo MarUtU street. Situated ou the corner of Feachtre* and Marietta streets, idly of Atlanta. On said lot tlmr# 1* * teru teory brtek store houee occupied by Hcott A Oo., a* au anerton house. Iavted ou as the property of Thomas Kile, by vljtu* of and t.» aatiafy a f! fa Lued from Fulton Huperior Court lu favor of WUUain W, Wrikht vs. James It. Fan key aud Thumsa Klie. prlncb pal, and D. F. Romar endorser. Fmjierty |tetet*4 «>»l by H. U. Huy 4 plainU1T* attorney lu hret mentioned fl fa. Apr *" Atem a# Wilder * L-,.„ — U'Hwl. Luffod on as UteOteoperiy of jountaa, by vtitua of and w» *aU»iy hi tax tlfa, for tax fur tbe year 1H(W. l*roperty pointed by K. R. Haa»e*n, one of th* defendant*. July 0, HM# Ai»<>, at th* samo time and place, |«rt of city lot 71^ In the 14th dirtrtot. 'Hie |>art so levied ou la in ward 0, fronting ou llroad street 50 feet, city of AUsuta. (ia., aud adjoiiilng tbe former resident• of E. 11. [ftateei ... saotft ■BsSMSEM SESiw ■gjiaMmi UOH ADA LIS eradicate liad taint, aud reaUm * the i condition. i perfectly harmless, t r producing the alight. HURLEY’S .STOMACH BITTERS. Hull’s Worm Destroyer. Touiy United Stales <tiul World Wide Headers. cation* hav* shown, all of which at* gcuuln*. The followlnrtettcr from • highly edMhted aud popular physician la Georgia, i* certainly one of the moat fen- aibie comaaaioations l have ever reoelred. Dr. Clem ent knows exactly what he •peaks of, aud hi* testimo ny deserves to be written in letter* of gold. Hear what Abe Doctor aay a of BULL'B WORM DRUTKOY ER: V11. la mow, Walker Co., Ga , June 22,18. Du. John Bull—Dear Mir: I have recently given your “Worm Destroyer" several trials, aud find it won derfully efficacious. It baa not failed in a tingle in stance to have the wished-for effect. I aul doing a pretty Urge country practice, and have daily use for that i writing you ia to find out upon what term* 1 cau get the modlctue direct from you. If I cau gut it upon easy term*, I shall use a great deal of 14 1 am aware that tbe use of such articles la contrary to the teachings and practice of a great majority of the regu lar line M. D’s, bat I **e no just cause or good seuae in (teoarding a remedy which we know to be ctBclent simply because we rosy h* ignorant of it* combination, F ir my part, I shall make it a rule to n*e all aud any mean* to sleviate suffering humanity which I may 1m* able t<> cummaud—not heaUstiug because some one knowledge. However, 1 am by no means an advocate or supporter of the thousands of worthless nostrum that flood the country, that purport to cure all mar Uur of disease to which human flesh is lieir. Pleas reply soon, and inform me of your best terms. 1 am air. most ren]M-ctfully, JULIUS P. CLEMENT, M. D. side and a lot of L. F. Grant’s on tli*other, and running back 100 feat to au alley. Levied ou aa tb* property ©1 JL it. Haasen, by virtue ol and to aMUfy a Bute mi# county lay ti la for the year 1*:h, issued by Jno. M. Harwril.T.O., Mid property jMdnb-d out ■aid HarwalL July kUO'J Also, at the aarne time aud pUc<\ a part of land No. m aud 1«3 in Um 17th district of originally U< now Fulton county, Ga., containing « no hundred and ulnety-sev*ji and a half (1V7 l-2j acre* of land, mor« less. Raid land* *re now oeciinted and in tho po«< Ion of th* defendant Francis F. Durge. levied ou a* the property of aahl Francis F. virtu*of pud to satisfy a fl fa Issued from FuRon Huj»erior oonrt in favor of John A. Jone* vs. Francis V. Durge. Said levy wa* inad* by 0. 0. Gr< *n, former Hheriff, March noth, 1880, Aug. 4, UttiD. Also, at th* Mine Mm* andplaoe. laud lot Mo 18, in Uie 17th district of origlnaHy Henry uowFult'-n« oomy. Ga., coiiUinlug 202 1-2 acres, more or less. Katd laud Is now vacant. Levied on a* th* property of Richard F. M. Maun, by virtue of and to satisfy a distress war rant isaued by *’m. CUn*. J. P., of Hpaldiug ooUiitv, Ga., in favor of M. O. Dobbins vs. ltiobard Jf. M. Mann. Property jiolnted out by M. G. Dobbins.— April 27. IHfiti. Also, at the same time and place, part of land lot No. 79, in the 14tli district, bounded as follows: Coro mooring 14 feet from the southeast corner of Fitts' lot, thence running south 339 feeb thence west 200 feet, | ia• two-siory brick dwelling, ia which i_ resides. Levied on as the property of lb»uert A. Jf liai son, trustee for wife, by virtue of and to satisfy a mortgage ti fa Issued from Fultou Huperior Court in favor of W. J. Houston, Treasure! of tbo Mechanics* Loan and liuikUug Association, vs. Robert A. Jo’ trustee for wife. Property pointed out in said gago fl fa. Said laud will be laid off in lots, an so many of them sold as will make the sum of nine teen hundred and fifty-four dollars aud seventeen c ents ($1,954 17), with interest from 1st day of Juni last and all cost- This doue by order of John D. l\>pe, Chancellor. June 1, 1KC9. W. L. HUBBARD, aug 10—w4w prsfee $2 CO per levy Sheriff Sales for September, 1869. e door, in tbe _ . teorgla, on the Qret Tuesday In Heptoinbcr next,wituta tbe lawful hours of rale, the following property to-wit: A part of land lot No. B4, in the 14th District, origin ally Henry now Fultou county. Ga. The part so levied on ia in Ward 1, in tbe city of Atlanta, containing > a of an acre, more or less, Iroutlng on Race street. On said lot there is one house. levied ou as the property of Herman lfaslin. in satisfy a State and eountr tsx tl fa for the year 1«W, issued by J. M. Harwell, T. C. Property pmuled out by said Harwell. Also, at the same Dins and place, a part of Und lot No. 80, in the Mill District, originally Heury now Ful tou conuty, Ga. The |»arl no levied on i* in Ward 5, in the city of Atlanta, aud containing !, acre, more or less. K.ud lot in the new limits, ou which is oue shan ty. Li vied ou »* the property of J. C. Henderson, to satisfy a State and county tax 9 fa for 1888, isanad by J. M. Harwell, T. C. Property pointed out Ly said Harwell. Aug. 2,1809. Also, at the name time nnd place, a part of land lot No. fiu, iu the 14th DiHtrict or originally Henry uow Fulton county. The part *•> levied < n 1* in Ward f», city lot No. 9, fronting on Peachtree street, in tlie city of Atlanta, containing J acres, more or less. Levied ou a* the property of Mrs. J. H. Hester, to satisfy a Htate aud county tax (1 fa for 1888, Isaued by J. M. Har well, T. 0. Property pointed oiiuby said Harwell. Also, at the same time and place, a part of land lot No. 43, in tbe Mth District of originally Henry now Fultou county, Ga. Tbe part so levied on is iu Ward 3, iu tho new limits of the city of Atlanta, and con tains J acres, more or less. levied on as the property of J. B. Murtin, to satisfy a State and county tax ft fa for 18M, issued Ly J. M. Harwell. T. C. Property pointed out by said Harwell. Also, at the same time aud place, a part of land No. 75, in the 14th District of originally Henry now Fulton county, Ga. Tbe part so levied on is in Ward 2, iu the new limits of tho city of Atl*uta, and contains two acres, more or less. I-evied on a* the property of la for ln68, issued by J. M. pointed o i by u ell, T. uty t •operty originally Henry i in th*- city of Atlanta, and contains au acre, more or 1 less. Levied on as the property of Alexander McWil- | liams, to satisfy a male ami county tax tl fa for 1888, I issued by J. M. Harwell. Property pointed out by said , Harwell. i Also, at the same tim* and place, a part of land lot ] No. 84, in tho Mth District of originally Ilenr Henry i * In Wan _ part of Mad lot ortetnsUj BtMp** ruitou wantr, Oa. Tb. frt au lw&4 «i K I”™ 4, o*ly lot in. oon—1 utaf K of ou tor., rooro or loao, lutboroor ofUMo. Ob wld lot M ou boo»«, Urtoa ou oo tbo proportTof Y,r«foo tbmmo|«olor..'.|, to at- l.f, . to, 0 -to. Wobutouui OOObtr HI. Hownfo -Mod hr 1. M. Uww.U, (. a Vroportr IKitutod ou« ’’ilSefalSu oontoftmoond ptaoo. * port of Und to* bo. n. lb tbo Utk DHtitot of ortftnWlf Hour? now wbrd*l, < bo!Su«’ol!rtuu ltd dl.“ atr**ta, ooutelh* ing thrse-fourths of an acre, more or tew. On reid lot there I* two small kouw*. f<*vted ou a* the prop. tots. II. Boa*, to satisfy a tax fl I* tee his Rtofo irvt' A )*o, at the , . T Mo. il, lu tka 14te District of originally Hsnry now FnHon county. 4*a. Tfl* part a© Meted on te lu Ward 4, block Uh. tn th* dty of At Mute, fronting ou Duller street Raid lot la in rear of Hr. Flckeu'*, kud is va« rent Levied on as the property of J. Itermre. to **H«- fy a tax fl te lor hi# fltaU and eonnty Uxm tor Aha year IMm. lamud by J. Mo Harwell. T. <J. Property point**! out by said Harwell. AIM), at the aamo time and place, a part of land lo Mo. W, In the ]4th Dlrtrlet of orlgtnally Henry now Fulton county, Ga. The part *o levied ou i* iu Ward it, block 2. fifty lot 6, In the otty of AtMnUt *nd coo Laiufng J# of au acre, wore or tea*, fronting ou Fraric- atreet. Hald lot Is urer Uie «^iloi«d Church, and sal tot i* va* ant. Lav led on aa th* prop«ri|P of A. H Brown, to aatiafy a tax fl fa for Ida Htete and county tax for the year 1MM; said U fa wa* Issued by J. M. Har well, T. 0. Properly pointed out by said Harwell. Also, at tbe same Um* and plaoe, a part of land lot No. 04 lu tbe 14th District of originally Banry now Fultou county, Oa. The port *o levied on la In Want 4, containing 69x100 foot, freuUng ou ElUs and CoUWb streets. In the city of Atlanta. Raid lot Is vacaut. Levied on as tbo property «f Thomas J. Burney, to satisfy a tax 11 te for bis fltete and county tax for th* year 1888. Hald U te wo* Issued by J. M. Harwell, T. 0. Froperty pointed out by said Harwell. Also, at tbo same time and place, a pari of land lot Mo. 61, In tbo lUh District of originally Henry now J- Ultou county, Ga. Tb# P*rt so levied on )■ lu Ward 4, otty lot 14, containing .*# of au acre, more or fore, fronting ou Alley street, near Houston street, Hald lot levied on as the projH-rly of Robert D. Boulton, to tisfy a tea fl fa for bis Hut* and county lax for the , jar 1IM8. Said fl fa wa* issued by J. M. Harwell, J U. Property pointed out by aaid Harwell. Also, at the same tim* and placs, a part of land lot Mo. 84, m the 14tli District of originklly Usury now Fulton county, Oa The part **> tevted on 1* in Ward the city of Atlanta, aud containing one-third ■re, more or Ires, fronting ou Jam?* Avenue a: W. k A. it. R. streets, ftehl lot contains a residence, vied on aa th* property of G. W. Bush, to aatiafy a i fl Is for bis Htate and county tax for the year 1WW. Id fl f* wa* issued by J. M. Harwell, T. C. Property jKdnted out by said Harwell. Also, at the aaw« time aud place, a part *f land lot iNo. 76, iu tlie Mth District of originally Henry now Fulton comity, Ga. Th* part so tevted on la In Ward fAth fLu _ , fort, rrenting om isotB.r.f ‘Toyht*,MM»tt.rtt,o*Atl^- 'f^MooO. lSm Sr*rtfto. U o< •olbo vopotlxb H. V. anorr 'tooollofr o u,».fc. fc. MO* 4od ooboly Ux fcTtti ,tar Itti. lout « l». X. C. Vrofrrtj prtoUd AIM. «tbo—Mt**«»4 1*0,0. . port ol IOmI lot sunswUnaiBuraa ?H*es~aKr--“ SBESffiKSttg out bv said Harw»-lL Also, at Ui* ngiu time and place, a part of tend lot No. M r te te* tete dtetefo# ul flrifteifry Mw ^ - . year 1868. Bald ft fa waa issued by J. M. Harwell, T. property pointed out by mid Harwell. Also, at tbe name time and place, a part of land lot No. 84, lu tho 14lh District of originally lit ary now Fultou county, Oa. The part ao levied on Is In Ward ‘ | the elty of Atlanta, and containing ^ of »or lest, frontln " ' a aa the property o pointed out by mid Harwell. Fultou county, Ga. The part so levied on ia In Ward 1, dty of Atlanta, contain! lem, trontfng ou Hug* and lot is vacaut. Levied o A. Callahan, to satisfy county tax for the year 18C8. Naid ft la : fl fa tor ‘©P«rty of Mr*. M. State Issued l J. M. Harwell, T. C. Property pointed out by *ai Harwell. Also, at tlie same time and place, a part of land 1 No. 83, in tbe Mth District of originally Heury no *T 0 levied on Is Hi War ■■WKm. or less, fronting o Gabbett and Foundry streets. Said lot is levied on a tho property of Lamar A Cummings, to satisfy a tax fi fa for their Btaio and county tax for tbe year 1868. Bald fi fawa* issued by J. M. Harwell, T. C. Prop**rty ix>lnted oat by said Harwell. Also, at the name time aud place, a part of land loi No. 84, In the Mth District of erigmafly Henry now Fulton county, Ga. Tho part so levied on is in Wsrd 1, iu the dty of Atlanta, aud containing one-half of lem, fronting on Walker street Said lot Is vacaut. Levied on as tbe property of Christopher ■ yrr*. to satisfy a tax fi fa tor his htate and county No. ■ Fulton county, Oa. The part so levied on is iu War* ■’ city of Atlanta, containing one-third of au aci ire or less, fronting on Decatur street, hsid lot vacant. Levied ou am tbe property of Kalina Coffin, satisfy a tax fl fs for her Htate and county Ux for the ■ r 18tt “ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ' Recommended by the Medical Faculty and many thousands of our best citizens. For testimonial* of remarkable cures, m e “R* tadalis Almanac” for this year. Prepared only by Dr*. Clements, Rive* ft Co., Mai ulecturing Chemists, formerly J. J. Lawrence St Co Baltimore, Md. For sale by Druggists everywhere. SOLD BV ALL GBOCERS. July 14-dly CHATHAM MACHINERY AGENCY Howard tad Btrl* Strwt", Philaitlphia. Eoglns, 24-lotb crliudor, fuur toot rtrok' I made by Button, with 13 boilers, 40-lnch diametei 45 feet long. Beam Engine, 18-inch cylinder, four feet strok* 38 , foet b ^)^^ ll<,,, ' WllU 3 bo “® r ** a,i - ,uc ** diameter, 42-inob, 6, 8 and 10 treiulle*. I, 2. »] ch, 12 a,„l ji Mar. if Appetltr, tVrakn* or Oyipepils, Want vrr or UlsonlerrU Htoi action of th r LI There are no billers that run compare with these in removing these distressing complaints. For sale or can be had at any drug store in the United Htatea. JAMES RUDDLE A CO., Froprietors, Louisville, Ky. and tried all the tonics I have beard of m ..... Used, with little or no relief from any ol them I beard Hurley’s Bitters highly sjioken of, and tried a bottle, with little faith In it before 1 commenced, and to my surprise and Joy, before I finished one bottle. I 1* It a great ileal better and firmly believe that one or two occasions it was the means of aaving and prolong ing my lile I conscientiously recommended them to all sufferers as the heat Bitters known, and advise Hurley’s and hav* i BULL’S SARSAPARILLA. A Oooil KfHHOii for the Captaiu’i Faith. J fronUng on Walnrr and Davis street. Said lot ••ant. Levied on as tho projHrty of Morgan, Putnam A Co., to satisfy a tax II fa for Rtate and county tax for I 1868, issued l>y J. M. Harwell, T. C. Property pointed J out by said Harwell. I Also, at the same timo and place, a part of land lot No. 79, in tho Mth District of originally Henry now Fulton county, Ga. Th® l-art ao levied on i« u Ward S, fronting on Lncklo and Payne streeth m the city of I Atlanta, and containing *„ of an acre, more or less. ml by J. M. Harwell, I No. 81. ! Fulton county, Oa. Pait READ THE CAPTAIN’S LETTER AND THE LETTER ^ 1 .? ck 14 ’ clt > */ II fa for 1868, is* Property pointed out by said Harwell. d place, a part of laud lo FROM H1H MOTHER. ~ Atlanta, containing ; said lot there is one Bknton Rakhack’k, Mo., April 30, 1866. *D1*-PW«I»I baowill, th, rtOri«,io, j the 14th district ol originally Henry ...... ■"! Rtefor' levied on is in Ward 4, m Calhoun street, city of i benefit others. Y this aa you think proper, if i nira truly, et.v, JOHN W. DIXHON. 4 abilities. Cremiitnn Looms, 42 and 48 i pi.k ; ». 3 and 2 bo fnlly attest to th* virtues of this valuable medicine, and to whom wa most respectfully refort 0*0. W. H. floit, President H. W. U. U. C*.; Rev. J. R. Felder, Ferry, Us.; Col. K. Hparka, Albany, Ga.; 0. J. Lunsford. K*q., Coo doctor H. W. It. R.; C. Master- sob. Bati., Mberiff Bibb comity, 4. A. Butte. Bain btidfa, Dykes fl flparhawv, editor* “Floridien," Talkha—se. IU*. J. W Burke, Maro®. Oa.; Virgil ~‘ * 18V.XI.I“ kfoaS •on k Hrunsi Greenville Wood, Wo<Nl'a Facto- K. F. Easterling. P. F.. Florida “ Wooley, Kingston, Oo.; Ed I- may #-dflw6m Twbwa county. Ga.; Ore rr. Maoon, Ga.; Rev. K. CoofoMM*; M*J w A. F. tor Maroa Tatagraph H iXjiHXxmr) loan. SOUTHERN WHITE LEAD ///Sjr BTKICTLV V^k\ F.*v ©UWWttVTX Tv AND COLOR WOK st. i.onti, T3*OCKYOT*«CUtl»M*«blMmuBk narmhud aanal 4 tf&xrfiissssr* - u ”“** rds, 148x48 24 •• ( f 40x42 t’oudenser. J 140x42 1st breaker,) COTTON MACHINERY for COARSE YARNS. ' nu ' r *’ foGP* spaader M-in* b, If-atrippers and grind* r, fore, Dumford’s drawing retire. i Hptnnlng Frames, ‘Jdnoh ring*. 168 spindlmes. b WtUi sbafUng, balUn M ‘. fcc., fcc., complete to run i cotton macbin*rr. ^ Warping Mills by band and ]>ow*r. 1 Balling Machine, for candl* wick, flc. #0,000 Bobbins. . nu. nxoxxAO's GOLDKN REM’SDI F;*4. *«> l-rpo Otw. Ukn no oUi.r, „.d you will 11 ut., b-anb Md mono,. II.IWl RK*ART> for tn, mm i.I ,.l. rr. which Ui*y foil t* < Dr. ftiofl*0*« Goi.dkn Hals am No Ulcerated Bore Threat and M*.»ith. H*. " «oy risgs I ' Ur* a file. Ilcerttcl H*>re Thnsit and Mouth, More Kyra. Cnteim. ‘ ^ M^Hes, S,re. ism of th«. Brslp. Herefiita, hr. • te the greatest Iteno- vator. Alterative and Wood CunH. r k.... w , •II disease Irom tl e system, and leaves th** aud boalthy. NOTICE TO MOTHERS. Dk. SEABKOOK’S INFANT SOOTHING SYRUP. Us« in the future only HKAHROOR’H, a coiiiblnallo: quite up with the advancement of the age. Fluaaaut t take, harm less in Ita action, efficient aud reliable In a cares. Invaluable In tlie following illresaes: Hinuiuju Ooraploint, Irregularities or the b*.w*l« Reatlvensss, Trethlng. fcc. Gives health to th* child and rat to thf moUur. Nashville, Tkn*., Feb. 12, 18A8. Jar. Ruddle A Oo., Louisville, Ky.—Wh»n living In your city I used several bottle* of Dr. Heabrook’s In fant Hootliing Hyrup, snd found it to do my child more good ami It would rest bettor after using It than any , . fj , *? , ® < y 1 0,rflr I eon say with confidence, It Is the t**t medicine for children at present known. I wish you would get the druggists here to keep it. |f any on* docs, pleas* IH me know ; it not send me ons dosen by express, snd I will pay for It st the office DJ{. SEA J* HOOK’S Elixir oi Pyrophosphate of Iron aud of your Sarsaparilla and the hcall'llg*and benofiriri i %, Al ??' ? P 1,oe - »I>»rt of food lot qualities it possesses, I ►end you thefollowlng state- 1 61, ,n thc District «f origioslly Henry now meut of my case: ku ton county, Ga. The j»srt ho levied on is in Ward iken prisoner. J*' C *2J k> V 1 ‘5: ln J 1 ’ 0 clt y« f AUont*. conUiulng of g moved so of-1 f n * oro / ,nor ® ° t r 0,1 Decatur street. On said bit lave not sit up 1", °5 P holl, '‘; °“ “ property of Catbatlne sliot through Slf A 8tot *.“‘ l 00U 1 n, J r u * fl to tor . «...* I H^,l I I "‘ rw< "' T r ' expert)- folnM s wounded two years ago—was taken prison* mflued for sixteen months. Being mr ' ten, my wounds have not healed yet. I havJ 1e lilj’S. Sarsaperilia th you i in anything else. I wish tbat that express me half a do^en bottle*, si Capt C. 1*. JOHNSON, Nt. Louis, Mo. F. H.—Tho following was writtea April :g), 1863, Mrs. Jennie Johnson, mother of Captain Johnson: Du. BuLL-DearHir: My husband, Dr. C. H. Jehu- •on, was a skillful surgeon and pbysidau iu Ceutrsl New York, where he died leaving the above C. P. Jnhn- soti U> tuv care. At thirteen year* of age, he bad a chronic diarrhcea and scrofula, for which I gave him your Sarsaparilla. It rnuiD him. I have for teu years recommended it to many in New York, Ohio snd Iowa, for scrofula, lover sores general debility. perfect success Las at tended U. The scrofula and wtH very anxious for m> effected ln some w*r* almost miraculous. I am to again havs recourse to your JENNIE JOHNSON. by subl Harwell. n pa origins” nty, Oa.. iu Ward 2. block 1 utlug on Houstuu aud Ellis » No. , in Fulton county, Oa. The part so h vied on Is in ward * i the city of Atlanta and containing one-fourth of icre, more or leas. Said lot is near Fecbter’a I Levied on os the property of Owen Calah: ify a tax fl fa for his State aud county tax to: r 1868. Said fl f* was insued by J. M. Harwell, T. Property pointed out by said Harwell. —-»•’ •>*«> Mi**® uuie an*I jusce, a part of land 1. hi. In the I4th district of origtiudly Henry no Fulton county, Oa. Tlie part so levied on is In wsrd , city lot 2, iu the city *>f Atlanta, and containing 03 by 18J lect, fronting on Mangmn street. Maid lot is levied on a* tlie property of Mrs. L. II. Durham to sat isfy a tax II fli for her State and county tax for the vw 1868. Hald II fa wa* issued by J. M. Harwell, T. i Property i>*»lntcd out by said Harwell. Also, st the same time snd place, a part of laud 1* No. 85, in the MtU district * t originally Henry no Fulton county, Ga. The pai t so levied on te iu war fi, in the city of Atlanta, and the number of acres n< known, fronting on Peters and Walker street*. Hsid lot is levied on as the property of Beuj. Dykes to satis fy a tax li fs Issued for his State and county Ux for the year 1868. Raid fl to was issued by J. M. Harwell, T. C. Property pointed out by said Harwell Also, at the same time and place, part of land lot No. 63, in tlie Mth district of originally Henry now Fulton county, Gs. The part so levied on Is iu wsrd 3. city of Atlanta, 1 \ of an ju re more or less, trontiog on Faith and Connolly streets—said lot vacant. Lev- ted on as tlie property of I. P. Calhoun, to satisfy a tax 11 fa for his State and county Ux for th* year 1868, said fl fa issued by j M. Harwell, T. C. Property pointed out by said Harwell. Also, at th.* same time and place, part of land lot No. 84, in the Mth district of originally Henry now Fulton 1, city county, ( The part levied of Atlanta, containing '« of an acr ing on liar* street; on said lot Is one tenement. Lev ied on ss the property of Joalina Calloway to satisfy r less, front- C. C. . Also, st the saine time s No. 79, iuth* 14th District petty pointed out by sabl Harwell! • part of laud 1* - - -J of originally Henry no Fulton county, Ga. The part so levied on is in Ward I fronting on Hull and Alexander streets, in tin* city * Atlanta, containing 1acres, more or less. Levied o ss tbe property of tbo estate of J. R. Henry, by virtu * ‘ Mtlsfy s Ux fl fa Issued liy J. M. Harwell. | Property pointed out by aaid Harwell. ‘ * - time and pUee, a part of land tot * ' jriginaily li Ward dUHVl |.u Dr. Hi* wars OoLOE* Balsam N Affections. KJiemrtloiu. In all its f. lUreory or other causes; give* immediate relief | n at! dirt*** noeooory l hav* thousands of r*r Mrtag tb* ntaMuloiia* nres eg* <*«*d t*> Uire* Mtar No. I or No. 2 |3, ' " Rflort** proving ti HemedtM. Prireo ,»rtM»»• f*»r Nervous J’J-?*■Mtava. run DalHIUy, In old or young; !m l».iprrlM. 4 hravl, I Rark anil Iron, ocUloal Un dk sgreeble taste snd bed «ffis*-ts of sillier, separately c mrion te required alter •onvafosoaao* /*t»m r ». ileblhtstlng ill****#* #, or In those .llstresslng Irregn*. Unite* iNwullar t*. f*m*l**. N.» female sbouhl be w.thl ent It, if liable t*i such disc*ses, for nothing can w*|« James Ruddle & Oo., rnoi’fUKToits, . 41, HulUtt Htrrrt LouinviUc, Ky, AU th* atiov* for sal* by llKDWlNK * F()X. ATLANTA HU’S CE1BM tiTTEHS. Al'THBMTC l)( XT All: VI'S. mo.u. Ti'stlmunj of Mi'illcal Mi-n. Htonkv F.ijht, White Oo.. Ark.. May 23, lN#fl i DearHir: last February l was t of y.ii and soon found W iprovM. Dr. Gist, Who has br*ti In InmI health, trie,I tin he also Improved. Dr. Coff*e, who has lieeti In bad health for *ov«ral year* stomach aud tivor effected -h* Improved very ay* u 7 *»« «*• f root RIW.W. I-J—I. u,. (Mm i>m«i»*V m un.wufe nMit. I Uilt.k I rnuM »*ll • (mi nninllly ol vmir ui-dlrliiM Uil, fall. — (W.ially „( yant Oalrun HUIrr. •ad flamiarlll,. Hlil|c Her M. Mxnptn., k ■*e» Wily. a. H. *U UMktoM WrtWlHRll Iqi L. H. BRADPIELD, UUUUOIMX, wBttEHiLL sTsm, mmi, *a Also, N... Ill), in (lie Mth Distrb Fultou county, Ga. Tbe part }> nw the breastw.itka, in tho city ,,f Atlanta, front Ing on Trebnrcey street, containing i « 4 acre*, more or tea*, levied on as tbo property *.f Win. Hyatt, liy virtue of and to aattsty • tax fl Mlssm-d by J. M liar- well. T. C. Property pOifltad *>ut by said Harwell, Also, rt UMAmaUmt an.l pla®^ a part of land lot So. Hi, in tea Mth District *.f orfffinally Heury now k niton county. Ga. Ill* jxirt s*. toviM on te in Ward i. ir.-nttnn on Ita*® Tmck str*. t,ln th* . uv • ont.dniaff X or an acre, more or less i.„ asjpRaifiSOTSa,'!?? •rty oointed wit by mid Harwell „ A, *°S Mi?■■W' time and ffor*. a part **f land lot No. 76, in the MUi District ofT.rigtnally Henry now Fultoii oounlyM»«. The j>art so tevlcd on I. m Ward l, fronting on Whitehall street. In tbo , ity of Atlanta containing .^ an acre, more or less. Levied ,* n a* tin f Atlanta, virtue . ri 57 ^ M. ilarwoll, l . C. Property — out by said Rarwrti . v Also, st the same time an.I plan No. #l, In the 14th District of o.. Fulton county, Ga. The prop, rty War.l 4, block 11.1, In the city of Atlanta, Ire Butter street, ami containing \ of an aero, more or less. On said lot Is s small bouse, levied on as the I’reperty pined ent by satd Harw. il. Also, at the same time and pl#re. a |«srt of latid lot No. In the Mth District of originally Henry now Fulton county. Ga. The part so levied on is tn Ward pointed out by s Alto, lot No. fil, lu tbe 14th (list Fulton comity, Gs. The jeirt o block 133. city ol Atlanta, containing ■, acr less, fronting on Butler tre*.t; said lot is viesut I^v- led on as the projvrty of Mrs. Mary A. Conley to satis- fv a tax fl fa tor Htate and county tax for tbe year 1868. Haid fi fa issued by J. M. Harwell, T. v. 'property ponted out by said Harwell. part of land lot ileep, fronting on Peters and Allen streets, ievied o; as tbe projwrty *g James Dent, folortsl, to satisty Ux fi f* for bthKUte and county tax for the year 186* Said li fataansd by J. M. Harwell, t. C. Propert points*! out by aafcl Harwell. Also, at the same time and pta* e, part of land lot N. 80, In the Mth district of originally Usury no Kultoi county. Gs. The part so levied **u Is lu ward i, ut of Atlanta, containing > 4 aero more or less, fronting on Humphries and Uaco streets. Levied ou aa th* property ol Mrs. Huaau Dozier to satisfy a tax ti fa for Also, at the aamo time and place, a i*rt of land lot No. 78, lu tli* Mth district or originally Henry now Fulton eouuty, Ga. Th* part so levied rtt ta lu ward 0, Mock 147. in the otty ot Atlanta, containing H of an *"**“ or tern, fronting on Hull and Blmpson *te : ‘ K —* ioil house. Devito ou as tbe » eabsiy a tax li la lor hi* Htate , , „ for the year iwut. Hold ft fa was issued Harwell H#rWr ’ T ‘ <5 ' l * ro »^ rt J r P°i»ted out by aaid Also, st tli* name time and placo, a part of land lot No. 47, in th«> 14tli district ot originally Henry now Fulton county. Ga. The part ao tovito on Is In ward 4. in the * ity of Atlanta, containing 10 acre* more «r lea* aaid land I* within the now limits of said Uty. Ijsvted on as the property of Ihmn’a estate. K. R. *—- fl1tl »,i. mlnlstrator, for hi* Htate ami oouuty tax ft»r the v*ar 808. Held fl fe waa laauto by J . M. Harwell, T. o.— Vopcriy pointed out by aaid Harwell. Also, at the samo time and Mice, a part «»f land M hi. TN, In the Mth district of orlgtually lle.iry now \dton county, Ga. Tlie part *o tevted *m u in ward , city tot 46, In the city of Atlanta, and containing n acre more or le*a, fronting on Marietta and Foun dry and Railroad atreete. Levied on aa tbe proitcrtv of JaniM llennallv tn _■*<>*. . ... r* r. «... JL. ..... — oouuty tax lor tb* y**» IhOh. ttatd fl. wa* la*oed by J. M. Harwell T- 0. Propmty poluted out by aaid Harwell. Al*o, at the asm* km* • i»4 place, a pari of tend Uri No. 01, tu th* Mtu district tf originally Heury now Fulton county, G*. Th* p*rt oo tartad ou ta is ward 4. block 184, Ut the city of Atlanta, containing on* ball* of art acre, more or lea*, fronting on Houston street on aaid tot there ta one houe*. Levtad on m the prep- erty of Frederick Flynn to aaliafy a Ux fl. fa. for bl* state end county tax for the year 1868. Hud fl. ta. wa* Uaood bv J. U. Uarweti, T. i). Property pointed out by said Ilarwi ll. Also, at tn* sai— ■ No. Bl, iu tb* Mth district of originally Henry now Fulton owniity. Ga. TU* part *o levied on ia lu ward 4. hi tbe dty of Atlanta, containing 30x120 feet, n* Calbouu street. Hakl tot ta lerled on aa tb* prop*) of Antbony Grave* tu aatiafy a Ux fl. fa. for bis Hi and touhty tax for tbe year 18*8. Hald ft fa. wa* ta- suto by J. M. ilarweU. Property pointed out by part of land tot ito by J. hi _jid Harwell Ate#, at U»* ■**•*» Hate »ud ptac*. i f— No. 61, lu tbe Mtb district of origtuaUy Henry now Pulton son nty, Ga. Tb* part ao levied ou is in ward 4. In the city of Atlanta, sod contains oue-fourth of an acre, more or tees, fronting on SJakrr street. On said tot liter*■ Is oue omaU house. Levied on as tlie property of John H. Uacinus to *aUsfy a tax fi. fa. for bis rtate by said Harwell. Also, at the same time and place, a part of land lot No. 47, iu tin* Mth district of orlgiually Henry Levied o_ ... . tax fl. fa. for tils’ Htate and county tax for the year 180#. Hald fi. fa. was issued by J. M. Harwell, T ~ Property pointed out by said Harwell. Auo. at tbe same time and place, a part of land lot No. 68, in tbe Mth district of originally Henry uow Fulton county, Oa. Tbo part so levied ou Is in ward 3, ln tbe city of Atlanta, number of acre* not known, fronting ou Waters aud Richmond streets. Levied as tho property of George Graham to Mtlafya tax fl. fs. for hi* Htate aud county tax for tbe yi fa. waa ireued by J. M. Harwell, T. C. Property point ed by Mid Harwell. AUo. at the same time aud place, a pari ol laud tot No, —, in tbo 14th district of originally Henry ■■ Fulton oouuty, Ga. Tbe part *o levied oo 1* in ward 4, in the city of Atlanta, aud contains one-fourth of sr* acre, more or lea*, fronting ou Collins street. Hald tot ia levH-d on the property of Miss V. M. Gant to aatiafy tax It. fa. for her Htate and oouuty tax for Uie year M8. bald fl. fa. wm iaaaed by J. M. Harwell, T. 0. Property pointed out by aaid Harwell. Also, at the tame time aud place, a part of Und lot No. 61. in tbo Mth district of originally Henry now Fulton oounty, Ga. The part so levied on is iu ward \ city lot No. FJU, in th* oity of AUanta. and aakl PH contains l acre more or lea*, fronting on Oalhoun and Jenklua streets; said lot ia vacant. Levied on as Uie property of A. J. Gar laon to satisfy a tax fl fa for bis Mate and county tax for tbe year 1868. Said fl fa was tMued by J. M. Harwell, 1‘. C. Property pointed by Mid Harwell, Also, at the same time and place, a part of land lot No. 78, in tbe 14th district of originally Heury now Fulton county, Ga. Tlie part no levied on is in wsrd li, otty lot 65, in tbe city of Atlanta, and contains 23 by 80 feet, fronting on Walton htm-t; aaid lot ia vacant.— Levied on as tb© property of Jacob Gunat to Mtlafy a tax fl ia for his State and county tsx for the year 1868. ■aid fl fa tesned by J. M. Harwell, T. C. Property painted by said HarwtdJ. Also, at the samo time and place, a pait of land let No. 83, in tlie 14th dit-trirt of originally Heniy now Fulton eouuty, Oa. The part so levied on la in ward . A. Jett. tbo south by Heury Elliott, on the west l.y L. Dean's lands, ou the north by the widow Elliott's land*, containing flfly sores more or Ires, »aid de scribed land is now vacant Levied on as the prop, r- | >f William I. Hudson, guardian and ex-officio ad ministrator of Summerv ille Elliott. Levied ou to be sold for ihe psyiueut of costa by s decree of the Hup-- on which it ia erected (of the defendant G. lluwald), said premise* being In tbe city of Atlanta, lion county, Go., and situated ou tbe west side ol Peachtree street, aud Uovmded as follow*-. Commenc ing at tbe junction of Peachtree and Hnnuiciitt »tw., running along Hunnicutt street 190 fed to au alter. •JoiiL’laid allev south 180 feet, cast 1«M feet to -..'o Peachtree street, thence north along Mid Peachtree street 100 feet, containing acre more or less: ou said on*-story brick building in which the the property of G. resides. Levied c_ lluwald by virtue of and to satisfy i M ut Fulton 8up*rtor Court iu favor ol Joel > MBA* lluwald. Properly jHiinted ri.lwn U-. TR. 1*n K> I.TM oo uS7J?T wttawtM/.tullSlMMIn I.u. Property pouitod oo* by «ld HumoI **'"■ t Ro s' 1‘ i'h« tia, Slsirt 4 J‘SwiLS- r ' .*?}"* X ruHon nasty. Ur Tfc. imn aim,* £?*••» btocb «l IrouUacon QUoUmd Urvt >.,.***“*. Um cky of Atlanta, oocUining ot.»^igbU* of ■» more or te**. Ltrtad oa a* th* rmnnli wi?***’ MaGlanis, by vlrtaa of aud to Mil*/* s i kS? - Uanrrtl, T, C. Properly poat*4 w>x kJ’JJ Also, at tbe Mm* time and place, a pari of u... No. 78. is Ui* Utk district tefornduapT Fttkoo coauly, Ga. TL* part MkvuitoZLS ^ , awn»arsa , S 5S rrrlarv&Ks?rssa pointed out by mM H*rw*lL ' rn l m 7 Atao, at tb* same time md place, No. T7, In th* Mth district rt reteiJgl 1 ^ Folion cownty, Ga. Th. mt oo hS1^2 kKJTT block 34, dty tot 3, froutiof on Pmot. JUl Sernas hn&sti^ Ho. 78, tn the Mtb district, in* ward 6, dty tot 63, fronUng on atrerts. In th* city of Altai i n welling iu wnicn ut* (p-ieunont *ov ngs.' Itevlod ou a* the l.roperiy of Willis F. g IM . by virtue of aud to aatlsNy two Jastlc* court fl fcTT' "by T. B. Boggus, J. P. of Ute 1'£>4th diKrki a M.. in favor of p. U. Huook va. W. F. Levy mode bv D. A. Cook, L. C. and tuned otwa me Aug. 9, 1*09. 9 W. L. HUBBARD, D. taaetf. auflO wtw prsfee |2 60 pr levy of lo llureor kao. Ilarnltton Sheriff Hale, \\TILL b« sold on tbe first Tuesday In Heptswb* YY next, at tba Court Room door in tbe towa g Ha ratoon eoaaty.- retnrned to me by a constable. Da*,on Sheriff's Sale. r in the town of DsvaoavNi ou* tot of land lu tbu fifth district and ft rat ateboa. Holt, to satisfy one Justice Court fl Ueu Court of Um 1178th District O. of said coanty, In f*vor of J. A. Paxaon. Property pointed out by g laud* belonging to the estate of Reuben . _ eeaard, tor the b«aeilt of tb* heirs and creditors <i aaid deceased. B. F. WaTHOR. July 3th, 1869. Administrator July20-w1hn Printer's Ire t« G EOBGIA, HARALSON COUNTY.-Two months* ter date spy huakou will be made to tbe Co art of Ordinary of Haraioon county. Ga., at the first regskr term after the expiraUon of two month* from tbi* as- tire for leave to sell the real estate of T. H. SathfleU, 'ateof said county, deceased, for tbe benefit of ita heir* and creditor* of Mid estate. July 19tb. IMS. 8. M. fc T. M. SATTERFIELD, jy 17—w2m ■ HEAD. *.1 mlnlstrator of Witooa F. Blackstoci, repmasota to tbe court in bis petition, duly filed Md entered on record, that be has fully adroiotatered Blackatock’a iwlste. This to therefore to rite all pers concerned, kindred and creditors, to shew caaaa, if any they can, why said administrator should not to discharged from In* idunmatration and receive letter* of diomiasiou on the first Monday In September next, may 30— A. D.' WOODH, Ordinary. Bl lift; M. J. Clark and iu said fl fa. July 28, Also, at the same time and place, a part of Dm! lot No. 83, In th* 14tli district; the part ao levied ward 1,block 31, fronting ou ElUoU street, city of At lanta, containing l , of an acre more or tea*; on said lot there Isa one atory wood dwelling in'which the de fendant now resides. Levied on as tho property of Henry Thiirmau to satisfy a State and oounty Ux li fa r the year larwell, T. I’. July | B tinie ami place, Property pointed out by ipart of laud lot R. J. Lowry aa bankers aud commission merchant*. Levied on a* the property of James H. Powell by vir tue of and to sattory a fl fa loaned from Chattooga 8n perior Court in favor of J. p. Joll) va. Powell fc Hutch UMOO, snd B. ft J. M. Moyer*, on appeal bond, and J. M. Mover# aecurtyy on appeal. Property pointed out by 3. M. Moyers, one of the defendant*. August 2, 1869. Also, at the samo time and place, a part of land lot No. 15, in tbo 14th district of originally Heury now Eulton county, Ga., comm©nciDg at tho northwest corner ol said laud lot 16, running oast along tbo north liuc of said lotto tbe middle of the common road lead ing to Duraud's mill, thence south westerly along the middle ot aaid road to a stake along tho west line of waid lot, theno* along th* vr**t liu* to Ihe beginning, containing acres more or Iom; Mid laud is vacant. Also, part of Und lot No 16, in said district, coalmen.. ing at Uie original southeast corner of Mid lot 16. Uiauce at right angles north 1.078 lovt more or leas, along the original . aatline of said lot 16, to a stake and stone, thence at right augbs west 1,076 fret more or less, to s stake aud »tou*. thence at right angles souUi 1,578 feet more or leas, to a stake and stoue standing on the original hue of said lot 141, thence at right angles east on the original south line of said lot 16, 1,076 fret moro or less, to the buriumng. containing 39 Jd-luo acres more or less; sa:d lsnd l* vacant. Levied on ss Uie property of Jaror* T. Lewi* by vtrtu* of *nd to •atisiy alt tatMiued from Fulton inferior Court iu fa vor ot Cicero H. Chandler vs. Jaiuo* T. Lewis maker, •ud Tbotnss M. Clarke endorser. Property iMiinted 31**1869*. J ammmo9 *' • ltoru * , y ^ defsndaut. July Alan, at tb* aamo time aud place, a part of land lot No. 83, lu the 14th district of originally i etirv uow Fulton county. Ga, aaid land bavuif a trout of 40 feet on an alley and running back 182 feet, and lies north of ltou ThrMlMr's (p. o. o.) tot; on said tot thereto a •mall wood house occupied by George McKinney (p. o. a) Levied ou m th* property of Jeremiah Tbomp- •o* 1 ip. o. a) by virtu* of and to Mtlafy a mortgage fi ta iaaiMd irom Fulton Huperior Court in favor of Jaa. A. Jaukaou vs. Jereulali Thoupaon. Property tvolnted out by Tboa W. J. Hill, plaintiff’s attorney, aud in this tuortgago Jt fa August 3, 1869. Aha. at the aamo timo and placo, part of laud 60. in th* 14th dtatriot. Th* pari *o tevted oa ta Iu ward 4, fronting on Collin* street 94 feet, aud running back 200 tart to an altay, olty of Atlanta, bo tag the same Property sold by J. il Wallace to defendant, and *- ns the {and* of T. H. Ulntey, J. N. Langxton aud . Wallace. Ix*vied on as th* propei ty of John 8. Jo Not ‘Braudreth'a—not miiir sitter fill (Medical Jovniai *.) Positively the beta Pill In tb* World Thousands of Boxes now used. All Druggist ln ATLANTA aril them. TriNOani says it I* th* beat in the wide - world-sad I He says *o—lt’a True—it’s Tru*—it's True; and Ws ssy Try It-Try it-Try It” (Momina Papfr, Jug. *| All Druggist* In ATLANTA Mil IL “CO sTa R 'S " Standard Preparations ARE HIS BE A UTIFIER. THK BUCKTHORN SALVE! mm riostar’i" Rat, Uoach.fcr., Kxtrrwlastsn “('•star’ff’’ Bert Dag Kitn ^ (only pure) I warn Powder. "Oowtan.” Na 10, Croaby si.. N V . Or John F. Hknbt (Sncoaasor to) Dcma* Barnes fc 0o.,21 Park Row, N. Y. fldTFor Sale by J. A. TAYLOR, L H. DRADFIB* ami other Drugglats In ATLANTA, UK. RED WINK fc FOX. agauta. Atlanta. Ga. «E0. S. THOMAS, A 11 o r ax o v" R t U A V ATLANTA. GA. Wes by virtue of and to Mtlsfv a fl fa Issued by T B Boggus, J. p. f iufkvor of John Brown va, John 8* Jeffries. Levy made by D. A. tXvok, L C., ami of James Donnelly to Mtlafy a tax fl ta fin ty tax for the year 1K«8. Haidflfaw liar J. M. Harwell, T. 0. Props ity )K>lntcd Also, at ih« o time and jilueo. a part of land lot , (Voiitlnjt on Collin. I. fl fli Ptojvy,. projiery of Henry Harn Froiwrty ix.luted out by or lees. I *1 by J. M. Harwi-ii, T." ’aril i'll No. > Full* wm# J. M. Harwell, T. Harwell. Alan, at the Mn No, 61, lu the Utli District Fulton county, Oa. The part u. .. , 4, fronting on tills at re. t. Ill th* «>4tt of Attahla, talnlng an sere, mom nr Ire*. Levied oa aa th« iinqierly of 8teplieu Haywood, by virtue of and to Mt lsfy a tax fl to »MU«d by John M. Harwell, T. C. |*rv,, •rty pointed out by Mid Harwell. ’ R^rt' ' 'mMmr'’ U "' 1 l "' TIM (<wt m l»rt« mu klnVSd (’ltjr lo* No. 7, frcuUp, o. r»,i.lur iliV'pt by 40 fo. t lot Is a Wood buiMInt, now mmM to ttaiaadant *■ .nil .loro. LotMosm Urn ofomrlr rj aim, at th* asm* Uian aud plat*, a part of laud lot ** °f originally Usury now k ulton ooaaty, 0*. Tho jiart so teviad ontainWard Itl place, a pait «,y MUi Didrict t.f orlgiually il.<i - Tli* |«rt * ‘ * Fulton 4. block lrt, Uiulng «, of *n acre mor* street; on aahl lot there 1s one house. f>vted tho properly ot Richard Dumphreya to eattafy ft fa for Ilia Rtate and oouuty tax flu* the year 1868. Hald ft fa was issued by J. M. Hkrw. ll, T. Iwf ly poluted out b> said Harwell Atei, at the same time and place, a part of Und lot No. fil. In the 14th district of originally Henry now Fultou county,Qa, The part an levtrd oii la In Ward 4, block 23, city ol Atlanta, and containing t* of an acre mnra or W-sa, fronting on Wheat street; the Mid lot la as the vacant. Levied on aa th# property of Michael l)on«- hart to Milan a tax fl fa for lifs htate and county tax for tlie year DdW Raid fl ta lamed by J. M. Harwell, T. i'. Properly pointed out by Mid Harwell A Ino, nt ihe sain* time and place, a pari of land tot Ni«. 98. lu the Mth cMriet nt originally Heury mow Fulton < <>wut\, Ga Th* part -*»tevle,| on ta in w»m 4, til tlie c||% ol Atlunta, containing ' 4 of an acre more Of lea", said |ol IS within the n«w limits aaiil hit U near (iuudy't ground, oh which ta a small house.- 1-evt.Hl OU aa the proj>*rtyor Felix Dewberry to satis fy a tax fl fa for hi* Rute and connty tax for th* year 186*. Halil fl ra waa Iraueil by J, M. Harwell, T. ft - Property punted oiil by said Harwell. „ r ■ *'»• »Rb-‘ *B‘‘ Fta«w. * p*rt ot i »nd lot No. 76. In the Mill district of originally lfenry now Flittoii county, Oa. I he pait a*. mi la lu want 2, block 10, city lot ;.u. in Uie city or Atlanta, and con taining h of an acre moro nr b aa, fronting on 0D« W •tew L Levied ou aa the properly of G. W. Evana to aatiafy a tax fl fh issued by J. M Harwell f,>r hi* Htate aud ctuiuty tax for the year 1868. Proi orty^l out by aaid Harwell. ni^ sitesx* Fulton county, tte. Tlie |»rt *o levied on la In wan! •urtMsl over to hie. July*31, 1869. tDtl Also, at tha same time and ptav'v, a part of land tot No. 01, m the 14th dlrtrlet The part so levied ou Is In ward 4, fronting on Wheat and (tolttns streets, city of Atiauta. On Mid lot there Is s one-story wood dwv' Ing In which the defendant now icaldea. levied on the property of Charles HchnaU by virtue of and satisfy a fl I* loaned by T. R. Boggna, J p. lu taror of f*• Obartrs Sobnata l^vy mat D. A. Oook. C. C. aud tamed ox er to me July 31, Also, at the same time aud placa, a »iart x f land lot No. B'i, In Um 14 th district. The part ao levied on la in ward 4. elty tot *8, fronting on t'alhoim and Georgia tu the city of Atlanta, containing one. *. or leas. iMi aaid lot there te a >d dwelling occupied by I>. A. CcH»k. tlie probity of. formerly, Mlia Indiana ltarhy, uow, Mrs. John M. llaker,to aatiafy a Bute and comity ux 11 fa for lax for Uia year 1868. Property pointed out by John II. Harwell, T. 0, July H, Wrna aud pis*'©, a nari of land M It. It. atri'e half of an ■ •'extol*7 ' Ate>. at tbo . _ T11 , No. fH, in the 14 dtetitei. Tbo part ao tevted on ta In want ft, elty lot 94, fronting on Forsyth at real In th* otty ot Atlsnti, «x>iitaining uuo-liaH aa acre, more or •••a. On aaid tot there la a one-atory wood dweUln* n which the defendant resides. levied on aa the nroi>- rty of WtaLKasajd toMtMfe a JuaUre com fl t Isauitl by R. D. flmllh, N/P. and el officio J p for the I i34iU district U. M. Uvy m»U by U,.«ry I*o4^ml • U.. and returned to mo Aug. X Mw. 9 Also, at Ihe same time auJuUcv, a part of tend lot Mo. IX l« the Mth district Th* iwxrt *o tevted on la tn war.l R, dty tot 68. fronting on Marietta and Walton itreeia lu ih" »ity of Atlanta, containing one-half an jar* WMn> or i*m. on aaid lot xhera |* * tw*atorv hr ck r. aldeuc* lu which the defendant reside*. lJ7 tad on aa the proprtv of I>r. W. F. WretMurwtand to Mtlafy I brae JuaUc* iwurt fi ia*. treasrt lu n i» Haatta, N. p. snd ex efctoto J. p. IfiSta <A k4.. in favor of H. 1». Mans. iUmig fc Layd*u and Haase.i fc Maaa, vs. W. F. \Va*tn*oreUml. U*? mS* R. A «; “ IS is: tefr.riMsa.nMw Kultoit ,‘uunly. n>- M Ui» Alkak. “* a*l* WM U.M o* M H.HW -nyofm Morn. ul i.t,.wik kml M J T. C. rroj—rlj ,Hitii.i-. ou* bjr Mi,I Rtf' AU.,, »1 Ui. MW. >Ih,« .1,1 pUo», . •>. Iu»t lo* 5". IW.IH lh« t*Rt dWMM •< MW..MIT Omaty mum ralMw ,-MiMj, Qm. Th. Mi ao l.rloJ li l» »»rd 1, fowl link „n HloiimU ud R.Won MhM. In Um oily of A.lnntn, wnl contWniiMUWMliAif t. .0, % mor. or Imp. Onnnidlo*in.anU MM dmBM«. UM oa nt THOMAS Q. SIMMS, Agent, Bee at the Clothing Store of W. B. L>we k Oh. AtUntw, tifwrgU. It Kf TORI miM Utlll a. Man u tart urer* of Engine Laths, Planer*, Bt»H Cfltter*, Ip rifrht IMII< MaehinlsiV TWh of all Host't'ipt iuns, V l-SO, mauntak'ture and sell Wood working llfK'kta** ry of every description, and NtaUonary and Pori able Engine« and Boiler*. Patoat crtt-ralted *****•. leather and Rubber Britiag, art aM arNete* a**dtal nshctta* or vailr«Md r«|Mdr akasa MBoe 126 sad 128 (fianVm *1, New York. JOHN H. CHMtrt, #w> *!• M OMAR P. IARDWI0K. «M>. WM. WOOD *S: CO., m and pkao*. trirt ot orig • iwrt of tend lot (’MIEKTAKKIU AND VrHOLSTKKa, K txr on nn»0 UI on^IMm mt HMMI. kM*W nu.., Mm, til bnkni* wmkMtah VH nl- ■ lo >MomM. nt tn/ konr, nMk nkMWUfnl kM*; Mm MrnlMd. wninlMk. CALIFORNIA WINES. JT ORT MOPVRP njnofn n*nok oomcrlWn, Ojkif- V £.“***** rexrewi in .MWlltn M tbH, b/ pcMRurraa, atuRON. Ttmaikco.