Atlanta daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1869-1871, August 17, 1869, Image 2

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DAILY N*W Offioiai Journal of tt > United States. Jyl.7 .*1 «d upon Of n Trrry was Inmiquate to tho «u- TUE8DAY MOBNINC . ADO. 17. 1609. j forptfUJCUt of ^ ^ the r . atonuioii o We »«it hews Ifiarltf wUM t Irll Un». liroulblv-WIthait It, If Me* rr««ar}p—<*•#. Terry. When wo UrtllBAtiMl u tow ddja kincc, tbftt, luaaaucli m tk« authority at prosen I confer* Uraau- Tn Pilot vm oak aii wm quid* nut Snip or Sf at* liitLT tsbooo* mu Btoim. THK NEWS. AT AT*. Doll, dry Uum in Haraamab. Rein la unM in Haaoook county. The echpaa at K1 barton waa a perfeot ano- OM The gnata are playing tor the aeaaou in Co lombo*. The people of Hancock coauty oppose im migration. A bale of uew oottou aold in Haraunab on Friday, at SO oeut*. A masquerade ball came off at Indian Spring* last Friday night. Two runaway matches at Athena one day last week. Both successful. A bale of new oottou sold in Columbus on Saturday for 30 cents per pound. Arrangements are now in progress to bring Cootie a Into the State of Georgia. A new railroad bridge is about to be built over the Savannah river, at August*. The Selma. Borne and Dalton Railroad has been graded seven miles beyond Home. The work of preparing the. ground for the Grand State Exposition has commenced. The Sparta Journal hears complaints that the rust is strippiug the cotton of its foliage. Cotton ia beginning to open in Snmter county. Many plautera will commence pick ing this week. Two bxles of new cotton wore brought into Baiubridge lust Wednesday. It waa aold at 40 cents a pound. Lookout for one Wright who passes through the country trading ou counterfeit money, says the Amencus Courier. There was an enthusiastic rrilroad meeting in Preetou, Thursday, considering the con struction of the Lumpkin Branch, from Amer ica* via that place. A friend from Webster tells the Americua Republican the corn there waa caught by the drouth before maturity, and much injured. Cotton hurt by ahedding aud rust. The Southwestern U a 1 road Company has declared a divideud of 94 per ahare on the capital stock, payable on and after the 13th instant. The revenue tax will be paid by the Company. A bole of uew oottou, raised iu Mitchell county, by Mr. W. R. Brown, ol Fort Valley, aud weighing 565 pounds, was aold in Savan nah Thursday, lor 42 cents. $237 is a good price for a bale of cotton. The Macon aud Brunswick railroad is being pushed far ward rapidly. The citneus along lta tine are in high spirits and pretty full ol j or that he is himself money. Most of them whose lands are crossed by it are expecting or trying to get a depot. The Georgia Railroad, with its characterist ic liber Uity, will pass parties wishing tc visit the Marietta Fair for one price; that is, full fare going and return ticket free, on presenta tion of certificate from Mr. Wm. Lt. Mansfield, Superintendent of the Fair. The Athens Banner learns that a lad named Coleinau was shot in Jackson county a day or two ago, ouder rather mysterious circumstan ces He was in a corn-field watching to shoot squirrels, while the family went at church, and was found shot through the back of the head, from which he evidently died without a strug gle. The Macon Telegraph says: A gentleman just up from Southwestern Georgia, says oot- luu, as a general thing, does not look so well ms he expected to dud it, when be left hero r ord r in Georgia, it wight become necessary to set aside the civil government (in so far aa U, through iU * ttcera, had proved an impedi- ment to order,) wa Hated nothing but what ia vhol.y within tha tange of raaaoaabla probability, Under tha present arrangement, Gen. Tarry la powarlaaa. Ha may not inter- pose hia authority ia tha suppression of law- laflMMa uuleet called upon to do so by the oivil authorities ; and as these, in many in- atanoea, refuse to enforce tha lawe themselves, or to call upon Ih* Military to do so, it is clear that, to that exteut, the oivil government is uot only aa expensive naiaanoe; bat is a positive ally of evil doers, lu that it effectually soreena them from retribntlv# justice. We once more earnestly invite the attention of the thoughtful reader to thia subjeet The war has been over now nearly four years. — There has been ample time for the passions tuciJeut to auob a conflict to subside. If meu are not now diapoaed to be reasonable aud law-abiding, it is not probable that they will ever l>eeoiue so of their own choice. The whole oouotry ia responsible for those infraction* of law, aud those systematic out rages which are beiug constantly perpetratod in defiance of (if not in connivance with) the oivil magistrate ; and if our oivil Govern ment ia incompetent to afford that protection to its citizens which it ia the purpose of all governments to guarantee, then there can be no valid reason why it should be kept up at such au euormous eipeuae to the people. Iu other words, if order and security cannot be had short of Military Rale, then why tax the people to death to support the useless euoum- brauce of civil government ? This 8tate must be reudered safe, both as to life, liberty aud property, to all its citizen* iu all its territory. Men must be protected iu their rights of opinion, free speech and of person and property. Thia is the primary ob ject of all Governments under oar Republican system This is the true object of legislation; aud the first duty of the civil magistrate is tc see that all laws, enacted for the protection of tue most humble citizen, be rigidly enforce.!. If, therefore, the civil magistrate cannot, in some sections, bring offenders to justice through^fear of social ostracism or public opiuion, it argues one of two things : either that the people by whose suffrages be holds his office, are iucapuble of self-government ; collusion with evil doers uud misrepresents the sontiment of his constituency in order to justify his own mal feasance. In the first case, nothing short of Military Rule will restore ordor; in the second, civil authority is a nuisance and should be abated as part of the ultimate disorder of the State—at least uutil honest and capable men cau be elected to office. Let it not be said that we desire military dictation iu lieu of Constitutional Government We want just the reverse; and to that end have zealously labored for the last three years. But the paramount good of the State is peace and or der. Every citizen in every county must be made to feel secure iu his person and property. And if this state of things cannot be had under the the early pari of the week. He says the rust i preseut civil government, it must be had with- had bod I y injured it on placts that be had ! out it. It is paramount to everything else; visited. and if our people would preserve their civil Ths AthMLS Banner mentions » cotton .Ulk g0V( . rumtmt th ,. y maat by pressure of public ouly 28 inches high ou which there are 751 . , / . ’ * ■ \ bolls, And there are five squares which afford ; °P in ‘ 0 “' forCu the cml officers to discharge 13 bolls. One of these affords 5 bolls in one then duties, either in the enforcement of the laws themselves or in calling upon tho milita ry to aid them in doing it. In default of this, authority must be conferred upon General Terry to suppress this lawless spirit which is rapidly uudermining our civilization. square. The 5 bolls come troui 3 blooms—all iu the same square, with uo separation be tween them whatever. The Macou Telegraph thinks cottou on sandy soils in Georgia is struck heavily with iliu rust, aud will bo cut short. On clay soils it has uot suffered, aud w^l make a heavy yield. As a whole, the crop in Georgia still threateus to do far better than last year, and wo believe such will be the result. John C. Breckinridge says he shall locate The Macon Telegraph, of Sunday, says : — | rt *‘‘ w Y er * »t Lexington, Ky. Messrs. Hardeman A Sparks received the first ®* ue w hit*’ striped greuudiue is the la- bale of the new ciop of cotton, from Houston : vor,tu material of tbu Princess of Wales, county, yesterday. It was troui the plantation l There is ouly one wornuu in the Oregon ol Mr. \V. H. Taltou. It classed as New York 1 State Prison—Misa Mary Collins—who is in Middlings and sold to Mr. W. T. Helling*- for steeling. worth A Co., of this city, lor 32 ceuts per pound. Enoch Parker, a color* d school teacher of Bibb county, organizes a Kuuday School at Stone Creek Chnrch, tw-ive miles from town, in Twiggs county, the L urth Sunday in July last, with fourteen pupils, and the second Judge Ridgeway, noted as the inventor ol the Ridgeway revolving turret, for irou-clads, died ou the 4th inst., aged 56 years. Hariiet Beecher Stowe is going to tell the "True Story of L.uly Byron s Lite," in the September Atlantic. Swinburne has lately been characterized by Sunday in August the school numbered 148 V"" utM “ ““L. , i } pupil, lie luu, now Urn-.; Sunday School, iu M “ , u ^ M T“g P * r “ ,b ' cleTer - b ‘- £b«(p. am) a l.r K e .lay nean.,1. c, - ul ' 1 uot “f uioral - S *i»bonw. A Dawson correspondent of the Macon Telegraph soya : "The tir»t I* de of Woiuau’s Suffrage Convention, to be held at Newport, R. I., on the 25th aud 2Gth h ma)* : "The first bale of new cotton j ,, j. ' * , n . u this county, waa received tbia morn- **"• *’“ ubn, » U “'- iag at the wui-boa* of M.,a„. Loyleoa *£•£**, ?*!; ‘V?. ?!?’ h , Onflia. from Ibe pi .turn of Meaara, l)ri 8 ht- i in £ > ' “l 41 "' 1,t,echcr well 4 W.lha.uaou It w.-.gued 470 pounds, ! Hoolil ' r W,U bc » a *°“8 “*« “peakera. was sold to Mr. J. B. Crim for 35 cents per Lord Taunton, better known formerly as poand, and was shipped by him to Messrs, i Henry Laboucbere, paid buck £100,000 coin- Adams, Jones & Reynold*, Macon, Os.” pensation money which the Bristol A Exeter Ou the 24tb of July. Mr. Sila. OQuin, ofkdl.oadCompauy had paid b.a father for Appling county, aged eighty, gave a birlh lay I c0 . u ' n « ,hr0 “*“ b» lunda. He saw that his to which hia deaceudauta were invited. There 1 e f ,ft *1 were euhaneed id value by far more wen eeventy-lhree penona.eod ihirty-; ' b " u ,b<l I'" 00 of tbe '“"J four absent, making iu ull ouo buudred and | Dm> * Couut Fraueis Pulasky, who came to this country as Srcrotary to Kos*uih, and who, after his return to Europe, was for years a correspondent of the New York Tribune, is now nconciled to tbe Austrian Government, bus hud his largo estates (formerly confisca ted), restored him, is right-hand nmu of Denk, the Hungarian Prouiior, and was spokesman of the Hunguriau deputation nt Vienna on Friday last. The West. seven. At this golden party, the old man looked back upon a sell spent life. With M vcuty-three of his descendants around his board, all well-to-do aud respectable, doubt less his bosom swelled with Abrahamic pride. Crops iu Cliuch aud Wuro counties are first rate generally. In Pierco aud Appling they ore uot so good—having suffered much in many places for want of rain aud from severe storms. Mr. Berry Henderson's house, of Pierce couuty, Uhh been partially stripped twice tbis year, aud moat of the fences and green timber in tbe vicinity were blown dow r n. r v, r i . , 7. . , ' i uiiucuranti, the ou Oropa. .bade and frau trcca m that uud other i lUoril j cg ot Mia.ouri. localities were mach irjared. . 1 Velocipedes! riaus Albany, Ind. Rct. Dr. Punshon says that at Chicago The Columbus Er.qu.rer, of Sunday, says:’ “The plauU-rs in thia stetion are suffering ter- { ribly with rust We hc*r tnanv say that it is | Hildebrand, tbe outlaw, still defies the ut liable to arrest iu Ne worm* than the .caterpillar, and that, notwith- J r >'4>°<ly s* ems to be goiug to some place ; at -landing the hopeful pr spect for a good crop ( "" mimti tin y look ns it they bad MM MmI two weeks ago, tbe yiel i this season will h® I reiurued. « than it was lost. I> is saddening lo hear these men, in whose success or failure we are all so largely iuteresUnl, give such gloomy ac counts of their fields. Nearly every farmer rej»orts good com." Tho Wilmington (N. C.) Journal reports that Sargent, the wizziru, ventriloquist, ma gician. ex-actor and ex-tbeatrleal manager, a*id more recently prop tutor of a gift *how resembling that of fheYiukee Wyman, was si rested in Kdeigb, on W tdawdaf, at the re- .('■'-ot of ‘ho Clerk of Ih - tipvcial Court ot I hoo.i iiittoa by a'rabid antmaT A champion laugher is the latest production A walnut tree, petrified into soup-stone, was lately found in au Illinois coal mine, one hun dred and so von ty-ft vo foot below the surfaco. The treo is eight foot in diameter. The Mupreiuo Court has refused to graut a writ of orror iu the case ol Thomas Marshall, sentenced to bo hanged nt Cleveland on the 26th instant. John Mull, of CoustAutiue, Midi., has had the most aggravated symptoms of hydropho bia, and jet has no recollection of having Wilmington. He is i i the custody of the shenfV of Wake. A true bill was found! ,V t ,r Vr i u . k , »' r , 0 ' Ul r“ >u againat Mr. KargMit t.y tb- (Iran.l Jury at Ibe H " l * n « b « lowlor. dorp. Apr.) taro, of ihv ala.v. Court for oou.looUMf Z' f,.,. . . ;' “••“•acuity April farm of lha ab.iv. Court lor ooBduoUag | lb ’, u |U “ ot|lcr The Cuthtert Appeal of the 11th says: "The past week has ts*< n unusually rtiol and plsaaaut, aud the rains have oeaaed. Planters have had a fine time lor saving fodder. We hear but little more concerning (hecuteruillar. The present crop has wound up probably. Rust continues to prevail, aud will prove ae- noosly injurious on old and sandy lands. The weather of the putt lew days will greatly hasten the maturity of the cotton crop. Tbe cool clmngo will check the exuberance of U»« growth, and promote lbs development of the young fruit On the whole, tho crop situa tion ia more favorable than at tlm date of our last report i peach. id llie yield i ten and a half inches Florida rail in diameter. A farmer In Cambridge, Md., says that ho lias a fame crow, which saved his potato vines when attacked by bugs, aud *ut)*equ«»tly put to rout sn army of poisouooa worms which had threatened his tomato vines with dent rue- Hoff. Governor Mitchell, ot New Mexico, has iseued a proclamation declaring all Nava- joe and Gila Apache Indian* outlaws when ever found outside of the limits of their re- eervath *r, and authorizing tha citizens of tl.a Territory to kill • very such depredator. in the Htate, Postsl communication with the spirit world has been opened in Indianapolis. Letter* sent there sre opened very cleverly by the mediums by the use of stemit. before they sre forward- ed. Of course the letters are nnmrored. About fiftecu Hlackleet and Pigeon Indiana attacked sn ox train twenty miles from Camp Cook, on the 8th instant. A while man named Samuel Paxou was killed nud number wound ed. Twenty bead of cattle were shot. Two Indians were killed and several wounded. A colored cabin boy ou the Mississippi steamer Columbi-, was recently suspected of stealing a couple of shirts. lie denied any knowledge of the ar’.iele*, and to make him tell Where they were, he was tied up by tbe thumbs like a slaughtered pig, with the ti|s« of his toes touching tho deck, but Him tor inn* did !)»t have the desired effect, ns he persisted iu saying be did uot know. A Uuiu-d States liMUtaoant on the steamer is aaid to have or dered tbe barbarous prooeeding. Two Germans and their wjves recently made the asoeot and deecaut of a big bill iu tha neighborhood of Mionx City, lows, in a novel manner. Arriving at the foot of if. tbe ladies wsra oarried to the top on the l»aeke of their lorde, aud after viewing the scenery to their satisfaction, they olasped each other firmly about the waist, Uhl down upon I bo ground, and rolled, with uatouisbing velocity and iu blissful oonfusiou, down tus stern bank to tha bottom. Y Tha kindneas of distant friends is like the poUr snn, too fsr removed to warm us. All Oorts of Items. llafigiug gardens—Jall-j irda. Matters of iurga publio iutcrest—OoujK«UB. •Sure cure for ofHco^eekers^ffine-currs. When a lower doles Off liis darling, n ryfusul act* as au auttdofc*. IU who pokes his noso everywhere will sometimes poke it betwu«u a thumb aud fore finger. The mau who tied a kuol in a cord of wood a tabes to kuo* if you ever heard a hay-cock erow, Meu who ere all olzeek are rarely men of brain. Nature can’t support too rnuob iu one establishment. Tombstones are but marks oo tbe road to zhuw ua where the mortal aud immortal part- ad company. As iu the game of chequeia, so iu life, meu acquire a double jumping power by getting into the king row. A boy's definition of gregarious was, "Lota of things together, like State Constables, aud othsr misfortunes." What is tho difference between a watch maker aud a jailor? The oue sells watches aud the other watches cells. It is conjectured that bootmakers geuerally do well because they peg away so luduetri- ously at their business. "A dreadful little tor a shilling," aaid a pea- uiious fellow to a physician who dealt out an fiuetic, "cau't you give any more?" If you aud your sweetheart vote upon the marriage quantum, you lor it and she against it, dou't Hatter yourself as to its being a tie. Loving wife at Long Branch : "The horrid surl makes me keep uiy mouth shut." Sar castic husband: "Take some of it home with you." Oue who complains that the watering place hotel where he stops furnishes "leathery" meat, is comforted by being tolu that it is "bully." The Revolution wuuta females ou the police, but we fear this would uuguieut the "won’t go home till morniug" fellows to au alarmiug de- gree. Under tbe head of "Broken English," a paper places such Londoners as get mashed up by railway collisions, or who financially come to grief. It is reported that Berge, tho Proveutiou- ist, will prosecute the California silk-worm calturists tor, feeding their worms on m liber ties withes' cream. A country uewspaper states that u youug la dy at an amateur concert wou a well-deserv ed eucoio by tbe exudisite taste with which she sang "An Angel s Whisker." Which is the most horrible death to die?— To be stared to death by cross-eyed snakes ; talked to death by red-beaded women ; or played to death with sn incipient family mo- lodeOU? The young man "of the period" says there is oue particularly good point in a voyage across the ocean, which is, that oue can get as "tight" as ho pleases every day, and every body thinks he is only sea-sick. A Dublin professor has lately analyzed the milk of the sow, and found that it contained fifty pereent. more nutriment than cow’s milk; but it is not easy to get, sows not being very susceptible to coaxiug- Belgium in becomiug uolorious tor the manufacture of butter out of beef talloic ; aud of a kiud of driuk called "light wiue," which yields the kuaves who muko it a good profit when sold at twenty conts a bottle. "What shall I do?" exclaimed a superfas- tidioua exquisite, us he paced his elegant apartment m fine frenzy. "What is to be doue? I have scented my hair a la violet, and my laundress has seated my shirts a la rose !’ A man who cheats in u small measure is a measureless rogue. If he gives short measure in wheat, then be is a rogue in grain. If in whisky, then he is a rogue in spirit. If he gives a bad title to laud, then is a rogue in deed. A friend asked a little girl: "Which do you lovu bust, your eat or your doll ?" little girl thought some time before answering, and then whispered iu tho ear of her qtios tioner : "I love my cat best, but please don’t tell dolly.” A gentleman who had amassed a compe tence, was recently asked by a friend the se cret of success. "I have accumulated," said be, "one half of my property by strictly at tending to my own business, and the remain der by letting other people's alone. People are content to walk for life in rut made by tbeir predecessors long alter it hus become so deep that they cau not see to the right or left. This keeps them in igno rance and durkness, but it saves them the trouble of thinking or acting tor themselves. Tho women and men change places in some parts of China. At Foochow a writer recently saw a stout fellow sewing laco on a bonnet for u Portugese lady, and ou going to the land ing, behold ! all tho ferry boats wore rowed by women. A young damsel entered a New London drug store and asked for Kissc-ugeu water. The clerl^iuquired if it was for la r mother, when the damsel, replied: "Give us soni jourfizfiz young fellow, and none of your quiz quiz.” The young fellow came dowu with his Kissengen without further parley. Patrick saw a bull pawing iu a field, and thought wbat fun it would be to jump over, catch mim by the horns, and rub his nose iu tho dirt. The idea wo* so funny that he laid down anu laughed at it. The more ho thought of it, the luniiier it seemed, and he determin ed to do it. Bovus quickly tossed him < tbe fence agrin. Somewhat bruised, Patrick picked himself up, and said, "Well, it is a mighty fume thing I had my laugh loorst." "Well, I went to Albany and took diuner ut a tavern. Right beside me sat u member of the legislature from oue of tbe back town*. Before his plate was a dish of peppers, and he kept looking at them. Finally, us the waiter was very slow briugiug on the things, he up with his fork, nud iu less tbun no time soused one into his mouth. As ho brought dovn his grinders the tears curnc into his eyes. At last, removing the pepper into his bund, he laid it down by tbe side ot his plate, nud with a voice that set the whole table in a roar, exclaimed: "Just lie there and cool." Spray. PliiludelpliiuuH are partial to Newport. Lako George is a fuvorite resort this season. Cold weather checks White Mountain truvel. Morrissey bet largely ou tbe Haymakers. M. T. Warwick Walworth is at HarAtog.i. Philip Phillips has beeu warbling at Cape May. About 6,000 visitors were at Atlautie City on Sunday before last. Thouipuou’a hotel at Lake Mahopac ia to be immediately rebuilt. An unusual uumber of private dwellings arc being built iu Sarutoga this season. Tho Punch and Judy exhibitors aru doing a good business at the sea-shore resorts. Dress coats with guilt buttons and laveudvr colored pants are tbe latest stylo iu Saratoga. Base bailers are obliged to pay an animal liceuao fee of ten dollars, uud u tux on re ceipts. A party of Now Yorkers have gono to the Adiromlaeks, accompanied by n French cook. Fashion decrees that chignous shall be abandoned. What horrid things they will soon bo t Capo May is said to bo OroWiled with tho best society. A good joko is related of the Hon. John Morrissey, of New York, whose education is said to lie somewhat limited. Like the im mortal MUIlins and Whaley, he don’t claim an immense -mount of " book larniu." Although sn " M. C.," John don’t carry on a heavy cor respondence with his constituents. If ho mintage* to write one letter weekly to " Mrs. J. M N«w York Citty," he congratu lates himsell upon the result of his epistolary efforts. A friend of his.recently said, " Why, Mr. Morrissey, jou spell city with two t’s.— How h that?" "Oh,"said John with the ut most eoolnesM, "New York is a big place, though. It requires tw» t's to spell as big a place n*4 that.” That w»s a settler. The Di-niocraoy of Ohio have finally solved tbe question of the candidacy for Govornor by nominating the unmistakably Democratic George H. Pendleton, the great repudiator — Their notion has been just what we felt certain it would ba. Failing to sipure General Rose- craiis sa their candidate, they have fished up outol noliUcalolMiouilly "Gentleman George, ' who, fuiliug to obtalu tho uoiuinatiou for the Presidency, hope* to redeem hie ill-fortune by semiring the Governorship. It remeius to be seen whether his aspirations are to be grati fied, or whether bis scoepUnoe of Uio nomi nation is bat preliminary to hi« final retire ment from the political arena. - Waekkujton (Jhronlde. BY TELEGRAPH. _ mvjumumgn. A SSOCfA TKl) MARK W. J0!fN80N, BUNDAY'B dispatch- WamhinotoM, August 16.— Congressman Uoweu has oommenoad legal proceedings agaiutt the Meokeya for alleged slanderous publications In tbs Charlsston News on the 13th. Gov. Boott, of South Caroline, is here, aftsr that State’* quota of arm*. MONDAY’S DISPATCHER Wasbimoton, August 10. •—A latter from Gsn. Dent to President Grant la published, where in Dent proteete against Gram's support of the •'bitter enders,'' claiming that tbe govern ment foiled the ••bitter enders" in getting pos session of Mississippi under the defeated con stitution, but now support* them. Dent ex presses the opiuion that, notwithstanding the Cabinet's support of tho ••bUter enders” they will be defeated in Miseissiupi. Supervisor Prosser, of North aud 8outb Carolina, ia here, aud reports tbe seizure of forty thousand boxes of tobacco within hia district, and much machinery. It ia confidently stated that tbe assertions regarding Hoar’s opiuion ou the Cabinet's in structions and Cap by’a intentions regarding tbu exaction of the teat oath from the Virginiu legislators, are speculations. Nothing bos been definitely determined. i'll I LA DELPHI A, August *10. — Tho Nutioual Labor Convention assembled—two hundred delegates being present. Havana, August 16.—The Commission reporter for the Associated Trees and theCen- sors, compromised by De Rodaa ordering the news, whether good or bad, to be transmitted. Thu newspapers represent that .Jordan has tied to the mountains, but that Quesada ia threatening Espenita Santo. Paris, August 16.—Iu honor of Napoleon’s hundredth birth day, the Emperor has am nestied the press aud political offenders, and deserters from the army and navy and mer chant marine service. NIGHT DISPATCHES. Miami AM) mmm riiciiam, ROAD it rumr, Um last rsealvMl tbs bast Oottou ffrWu IS slaawbsra. I *l#o | ran hnOu Oouo, IHnoln. kw L.UI flu Ul, hit. h* tool <20409. tj»p*n>Oo.lfi»tn—IMiiu.u No. 1 iod IMfnou No. 1 -IIOM cWiMtou, *0. .loo,. oa hMid .t ni, Uuooo DoDot, Brood iSMA A .mill lot HoiMTiur Hnd OtU JuM im-M.mI aaglTo partieul aieawbare. I am also prepared to tarnish if 1KJ1/ • Claes's satote; this la, tRsrs- petition, duly tied tally adoAiolstored Mit _ tors, to oils sU persons concsruod to show any they son, why said administrator should nut he discharged from his administration, end receive Utters or dismission on the first Mouday in December, ISetl. This August the Id, 1M9. augl7-m6itt prsfss$0 FOR SALE. alas brick aolll, with two run of stones tor corn, wheat, rye, *c., iu complete naming order. Mo better water power mill property tn the State of Georgia. Other machinery cau be attached, as the mill does uot ooo- eume oue-half the water. Thle is e valuable water- •wer. Gome and see It For further particulars, apply on the premiers. sugH- Jt* Billiard Table For Sale. power. terms, J aug 17-lw J. H. BA Hit JETT, Auction and Commission Merchant, Peachtree street, Atlanta, <Ji. N. K. KOWLKK, Auctioneer. The Barnes Lot, on Crew Street. ^ 1809, at 6 o’clock, on the premises, the above property, subdivided luto three lots, as per plate at our office. These lota are acknowledged|by com pete ut judges to be strictly first-class property. They are ou tho right side of the street, lu the right neighborhood, right dis tance from Churches, Hchools and City Hall; right dis tance from business portion of city, aud right every way as a place of residence. Oue of tbe lota has a nice Terms: Half cash, balance ii aud C mouths, with tn- WALLACE ii FOWLEIi. Heal Estate Agent*. aug 16-3t bank Block, Alabama Street. 6ERMAN-EN6LI8H SCHOOL. A DOtJT the mhUfcWf September, I wBtpett. lathe cjty of Atlant%^ / A SELECT MfXCD SCHOOL, For instruction ih the German LangRfiffe, and tbe piglleh Branches. The German will be uuder my owu personal charge, aud the English under tha charge of competent leech- ore. Tsrins, Including (irrmsrt *#:< U> *4. 1 will give private lnstreothm lu Gbwrnutn jtnd M storsw, >t my residence, on Whltshall sireet, Id door from the comer of Peters. BEV D. BUBGHEIM English Teacher Wanted. 4 OOUD TKICHNH.oLp U 4 (TOllUU.oMUO-Uul tu ,\ (tv, UtMnioOoo lo .T.iiiMnurr, 4, u tutor r* h ™*~- ■“ - ■ “ aug 14-eodSt Whitehall at.. Id door from Peter*. U. W. ADA1II, Auctioneer. THE BATEMAN PROPERTY! On Ike tieorgU Kailroed. O N TUESDAY. 17th fort., 4» S ■; o'clooh. I will toll, on Uapnoln, TBUtTY MX ItKHIUKNCK LOTS, on (hot hl(>i blU wuih.ld, of Ih. Hoorn 1* Itetlrood, op- poeltc the Pope place, commanding a view of all the TL all U® well, are oruamentod with Rne native s“ade trees, and have agreeable surroundings. Platts “an 1 KXTHA PAflBKNGEB TRAIN will leave tbe rnll- roed croeelug at precisely 5 o’clock, and return alter the sale. Terms: One-third Gash, remainder 1st November aud 1st December, with Interest. augU-St O. W. ADA1B. NOTICE. WEHTEKN k ATLANTIC UAILBOAD. j Omen Umu or TnamronTAno*. ] Atlanta, Ua., Anguat 13, 1809. J 17th to the 21st. Inst. so- TICKETS U* cents, t Return on Certiflcute of tbe Manager. Visitor* can return to Atlanta daily at 8:18 r. M K. u. WALKER, aug 13-till 91st Master of Transportation. Tax Payers, Once Morel r September, and all who fall It ia necessary to give In— 1. Poll tax, if you are under sixty years of age. 2. Streift tax, ii you are under 45 year of age, aud ELEGANT COTTAGE HOUSE I On “Toylor‘h Hill,” r o h s a n b. rnHIS delightiully located residence, fronting ou that JL splendid shady grove on •• Taylor’s Hih,” la now ! l ° rm ‘• "• W «•' aor~.. OurtftLtod Uu,gl„. The lot is one-hair acre in size, and is sitnated on the corner of Davis aud Garter streets. The house is two stories high, and contains five rooms, four of them beiug 16 by 16 feet, with a hall not a fireman c of the exempt under the State aud vestibule. The rooms sre ueatly aud tastefully fiulshe<l, the parlor room being of hard finish, aud oue of the inoat elegant lu the city. The mantels aud doors aro of oak, aud each room has a Cre-place aud closet. There is aueat and substantial kitchen of two rooms near tbe house. There Isa well of water lu the yard which lias uo su perior in tho world. It Is “bricked up” ou tbe Inside Hie fruit trees were set out with great care, aud the ^ varieties are select About twenty young shade trees ou the spot are iu a I prosperous couditlon. Tbe entire premises are under good fence. 4. Furniture over f 300 iu value. 6. Money, solvent debts, bonds and stocks, outside of your regular business. 6. Real Estate- aug 15 evry sund’yid J. L. THOMAS, Receiver and Collector. CINCINNATI LAGER BEER! “DUTCH auglS-.1t PETE ! Cltf Tax-Havers, Lookout for the Engine When the Whistle Blows. I <HE following resolution ]>asaed by Council Friday ‘ L, explains itself: New Yore, August 16.—The Federal build- g ou Chamber* street is crowded with peo ple auxious to witness the proceeding* iu tbe Pratt case. The United States troops are well supplied with balls, cartridges and rutiouH, ard are still guardiug Marshal Barlow. Pratt will be produced before the United States Commissioner at 2 o'clock. It is rumored that a requisition for the prisoner bus been receivod from General Reynolds. Later.—Proceedings in the case of the government against J. H. Pratt came to a stand this afternoon by the discharge of Pratt by United States Commissioner Osborn.— The announcement of the decision was re ceived with cheers by an excited crowd of about two thousand persons. lu discharging Pratt, Osborne said that himself and tho Attorney General had pur sued the course they had because they deemed it right to maintain the authority of the United States. It was simply and purely because there were no facts sufficient to bold tho prisoner, aud that ho should order his dis charge. Pratt left tho Court with his friends. 1 he soldiers returned to Fort Schuyler. George W. llutter, the President ot the First National Bauk of Memphis, whs arrested hero, charged with the embezzlement of $600,000 of the Tennessee School Fund. Rutter is iu jail. Washington, August 16.—Acting Secretary Richardson has prepared instructions to Col lectors, Naval officers, Suveyors and Apprai sers, in which he reminds them that in accord ance with existiug regulations no subordinate officer of the Customs cau be removed or ap- i uuuor «uou < ri . pointed without the previous sanction of tho j d^tabLe 1 "^ I’ ^ht. cth Secretary of tbe Treasury. j Uun , iu Atlanta for heelih, u well u neighborhood I. "Memilsed, That the Receiver aud Collector of Taxes Receipts from Internal Revenue from all aurrouudlng*. It 1* suited to a medium sized family, | required to clone bis book on the 1st September .ourcex lor tho yenr ending June 30th, ere us « r »“* P ruT « » •““! iuvMtmoi.1 u. «nuo on. n..iu« t*h,P^4v“&jj' £ tulljwn: Di.tili.d s[jirits. $43,800,000; tobac- i mornl'S WallYi'K i 2iw2.EI<° r A’.tomI i K 1 " >"• •"<' ">»«•< Itn'UxTllI tu.- loth tootomtor, ,f. CO, $22,2UU,000. fermented liquor, $5,600,000; elreet. Where a goo<l bergalu c*u be had by «’cash pur- I Ur wWcU tlmc ho furnish the Clerk with a list of income. $23,100,000; sUmps, $15,505,000. ebaaer. augl5-2t th^e wh«» have fWled to pay. that fl fi,s may tosue Total, $110,205,000. Seventy .seven DWricU - ! SLo to^.trt 3 come lo timo is, good motto. are yet to be heard from. xi »■* a ia a a zi L. P. thomah. Revenue to-day. $705,000; coin in the U. If • AUAIK, AUCtlOHCd*. aug 8-aunU1120aep. Receiver and OoUector. Treasury*. $107,000,000, iuclnding certificates, j 1 The Interior Department is drawing heavily * OomiDf? Rea! Estate Auc There aro $68,000,000 worth of legal tender 11.011 Slllos tens afloat. $25,000,000 worth have boon taken up siuco tho order for their witdrawnl. Philadelphia, August 16.—Tho ex-block ade runner Hornet, hailing from 1’ortland, Me., cleared for Liverpool, via. Havana, was captured ou a suspicion of inteutiou of viola ting tho neutrality laws. The Hornet had 250 men on board, armed with revolvers. She was attended by a tng, which escaped, g Charleston, August 16.—The base-ball match betw eu the Savannah and Charleston clubs passed off quietly this afternoon. The former were victoriona. Very few negroes were ou the ground, aud there was no attempt at disturbance. ArarsTA, August 16.—Accounts of tho cat erpillar iu cottou continue. The weather is hot and cloudy. White Sulphur Springs, Va., August 16.— Tho committee appointed by tho National board of Trade to report upon tho most feasi ble route for the transportation of tho heavy products of the West to the Atlantic coast, met here to-day. Reports wore submitted from Win. M. Burnell, of New Orleans; fhos. M. Monroe, of Dubuque, and ltobt. W. Hughes, of Virginia, were read, aud ull three referred to Mr. Hughes, to bo digested into form. Tho committee will remaiu iu session several days. George Beabody has donated to the Trus tees of Washington College, of which General Lee is President, sixty thousand dollars to establish an additional Professorship, receutly proposed by Lee. Mr. Peabody’s health is improved so much that l*o was able to dine at the hotel to-day.— He appeared leaning on General Lee’s arm. The crowd gathered around with demonstra tions of congratulation ou bis convalescence. telegraph market reports- New Oleanh. August 16.—Cotton sales 75 bales; low middlings 30 to 304c; receipts 75 bales. Flour; superfine $5 75; double $6 50; treble $6 75. Corn dull; white $1 00. Oats 64 to 65c. Bran $1 00. Hay $29 00. Pork held at $35 50. Bacon 17, 19j to 20c; hams 23 to 254c. Lard; tierces 20 to 204; keg 22 to 23c. rSugar firm; common 11 to 12c; prime 144 to 144c. ’Molasses dull; reboiled 60 to 70c. Whisky $1 124 to $1 15. Coffee inac tive; fair 15 to 154c; prime 164 to 16|c. Sterling 474. New York sight | premium. Gold 32L Cincinnati, August 16.—Flour higher; family *6 (K) $6 30. Provisions quiet and firm. Mess |>ork $33 50offered; $34 00 asked. Bacon shoulders 15|c; clear sides 104c; hams 23 to 24o. Lard 201c. St. Looia, Angust 16.—Whisky $1 15. Pork $34 25. Bacon firm; shoulders 154 to 16c; sides 19 to 194c. Mobile, August 16.—Cotton closed dull, sales 30 bales; low middling 30c; receipts 18 bales; oxiiorts 175 bales. New York, Aug. 16.—Governments closed steady. Southerns weak. Mouey 6 to 7. ex ceptions at 5. Sterling dull at 9] to 10. Gold heavy nt 334- Stock* closed steady. Cotton quiet hut firm; sales 400bales, at334c. 1'lour firmer scarcely so active ; sunerfine $6 to $6 GO; Southern unchanged. Wheat 4 bettor but leas active in consequence of extreme scarcity of freight; wiuter red Weatern $1 704 to $1 75. Corn—Weatern mixed $1 17 lo $1 20. Pork steady. Lard ahado lower: kettle 204 to 20|o. Whisky active at $1 15. liice quiet uud firm; Carolina 84 to U4o. Sugar vury llriu. Coffee active. Louisville, August 16.- Provisions firm. Pork $34 50. Shoulder* l«4c. Clear sides 194. Hama 22| to 23|c. Lard 204c. Whis ky $1 09. Charleston, August 16 —Cotton quiet; sale* 23 bales; middlings 31 |e. Receipts uone. Wilmington, August 16.— Spirits lurpoutino 39, Roam steady at $1 60 to $ 1 644. Crude turpentine 24 to 3. Tar a shade lower, $2 25. Weather clear. Wind South West. Tlior- mometer 84. Liverpool, August 16. —Cotton firmer; up land* 134d ; Orleans 13|d; Bales 15,000 hales, whereof 5,000 were for export aud specula tion. Baltimore, August 16. Cotton uomiusl at 334 to 334<l Flour, small business. Wheat firm; red $1 60 to l 70. Com steady; white $1 10; yellow $1 14. Oats flfl to 680. Rye $1 10 to 1 18. Pork $34 00; nhouldei* 164c; Lard 20 to 2ic. Whisky «1 U Aogumta, Aogost 16. Cotton market inac- tlve; sales 96 bales; receipts 4; middling 304 to 31 e. ext Tuesday, 17tD A New and Beautiful Book. Night Sconce in the Bible. By Bov. Daniel March, D. D., author of "Walka and Home* of Jesus.” Zeigler, McCurdy h Co.: Philadelphia. 2* 20th bt-tween Marietta aud Peachtree j mills is oiji in*L aa rosidenco lot*. po**Min<;r train ; plat at my otllce, THE DAVID MAYER PROPERTY. Next Fiiday. I X trlbutloaa to Keen'd literature that we 'A') residence lota, ou North a* uui * , tor many a day. lt i« a volume of about flv t interesting and superb c t of tho Rolling Mill. 4. Beago, adjoining 1L U. Broouihead; 5 street on throo sldca; house of 7 rooms, now, clt K 'sut, well finished, modern atjrle; servants' houso, barn. l . S. .MarxIiuTs Sale, U NDER and by virtue of a * rit of flera faclaa, laaued out of tho llouorable, the District Court of the United States for the Northern District of Georgia, in favor ot the plaintiff, WtlUan Delany, lu the following case, to-wit: William Delany vs. David J. Bailey, n fifty pages, devoted exclusively to the evente of Hcriptnre that orenrn-d at night, which arc presented with gro»t force of language and beauty of imagery.— The work is elegantly illustrated with steel plates by the best American artists, which give to it additional value, whilo the reniaiuder of the mechanical work aud material ia of the moat elegant description. It i* charming book to read, and no more elegant ornament for tho i»arlor table or library haa gone from the Amer ican proas. agt now in Atlanta, and *111 call upon iuterost of his beautiful work. The undersigned, pastors of churches in the city of Atlanta, having examined, with some attention, the ’•Night Scenes of the Bible,” by Rev. Daniel March, do not hesitate to recommeud it as a volume of uo ordi- uary lute rest and value. Pure in its spirit, attractive in style, free from sectarian bias, full of g«M>d sound religions instruction, it ia a book that must do good, extend and deepen au interest iu Monroe, state of Georgia, on tho north side of the 1 road called the “Plank Road," loading to the city of ' Grilttn, containing thirty acres, more or Iota, aud be ing the place upon which David J. Bailey now reside*, aud tho same described and bouuded iu deed of C. C. I Collier to David J. Hailey. And will sell the same al Public auction at tho Court R. W. FULLER. Pastor Trinity M. K. Church. J A MEMO. ANDREW. Bishop M. E. Church South. W. T. BRANTLY, Pastor Jd Baptist Church. CHAR. W THOMAS. Hector fit. Philip;* Church. F. A. KIMBALL, r Wee, Chap. M. E. C. 8 REDWINE Sc FOX ATLANTA, OA-, "W HOLH8ALB And Dealers in BEED, OARBBICH ft aBDBUS* Standard Chemical Preparation^ A Pare Article of Sperm Oil, A Fine qsallfy of Wool OH, The Best Bra ads of Lard Oil, Itrktly i'si't tiraii'i COMBINATION SPINDLE OIL, FOR MACHINES*. REDWINE ft pOX, U. 8 MARSHAL’S SALK. U NDER end by virtue of s writ of flera facias issued out of tbe Honorable the District Court of ths United Hlaloa for the Northern District 01 Georgia, In favor of the plaintiffs, Evans, Gardner ft Co., in the following esse, to wit: Kvass, Osrdaer ft Co., vs. Christopher Dodd, sad Ismael Sheets Eadoraer, I have levied upon aa the property of Christopher Dodd, one of Gie defendants in the above elated case, one undivided half-interest in the following lots, tracts or parcels of land lying and being In the counties of Bartow, Polk, and Haralson, State of Georgia, viz: Lot 73, 4th District, 3d Section, containing 40 acres Lot 147, 4th District, 3d ttection, containing 40 acres more or lees. Lot 149, 4th District, 3d 8ection, containing 40 acres more or teas. Lot 431, 4tb District, 3d Section, containing 40 acres Lot 1,280, 4th District, 3d Section, containing 40 acres more or leas. Lot 871, 4th District, 3d Section, containing 40 acres more or leas. Lot 116, 4th District, .‘id Section, containing 40 acres more or leas. Lot .84, 41b^District, id Section, containing 40 acres Lot 383, 4th District, Sd Section, containing 40 acres more or less. Lot 764, 4th District, 3d 8ection, containing 40 Lot 291, 4th District, 3d Section, containing 40 acres Lot 837, 17th District, 3d Section, containing 40 acres Lot 731,17th District, 3d 8ection, containing 4( more or leas. Lot 732, 17th District, 3d Section, containing 40 acres Lot 723, 17th District, 3d Section, oontaiuing 40 more or leas. Lot 148, 17th District, 3d Section, containing 40 acres more or lea*. Lot 8G1, 17th District, 3d Section, containing 40 acres more or less. Lot 723, 17th District, 3,1 Section, containing 40 acres more or lose. Lot 724, 17th District, 3d Section, containing 43 Lot 948, 17th District, 3<1 Section, containing 40 Lot 941, 17th District, 3d Section, containing 40 acres Lot 958, 17th District, 3d Section, containing 40 acres SEMI-CENTENNIAL Liabilities, • - First Tuesday In September tobacco FACTORY. Warren, lh« Bostonian, who wa« arrff*t«fl during lha reeapt election riots iu Fart*, la about to aun the French Government for 000 franca damages. V. S. MARSHAL’S SALE. facias, la T *** T0 Just completed a'large and coiniuodioiul ~ il 1 the Uuitod Htate* for the Northern District of Georgia In favor of the plaiutiff*, DonJto■■«-».—... following case, to wit: Don llui ItRouer d* Co., Michael Krcl*. the north, being a part of tbe aubdiviaion of land lot No. 88, aud daacribed aa blocks Noe. 17 and 18 of said subdivision, with a slip of land 129 20-100 foot wide, running north and aoutb the tall length of eaid block No. 17 ou the weet tide, adjoining lands of John I Duane aud lt. Gardner on the east. W. P. Inman on 1 ■outh and west, and W. Petera ou the west Al*<>, that tract or parcel of land lying aud being in aaid district aud county, being the uorthweet corner of lend lot Hfi, bounced aa follows: Lying north of Levi Robinson’a lot and running with the original 11s the oornor. thence along the orlgtnal line to a •greed upon, containing In all 33 7-10U acre* mor H8, lying In the 14th district of the county aud Htate, eoutalntnu 202 1-2 scree more or Icaa. And will toll tuo Mint at public aucUou at the Court House, lu the city of Allauto, couuty of Fulton, and Htate of Georgia, on the Unit Tut-Mlny tn September Terms cash. a: n« xt, between the lawful hours of aa(e. Dated gt Atlanta, Q*„ this flth day of Auguat. i860. GEORGE U CHAMBERLIN U. 8. Deputy Marshal, S. D. of Ga. tllPAKTNBilMlII* NOTICE. Atmuar 9,1889. I IIAVF. this day taken aa a partner in the Watch and Jewelry Uueineee. Mr. W. A. UAYNEH. The bnaiue** will lot conducted aa heretofore at the old stand, under tho firm name of LAW.-IIK ft llAYNEfi. ER I.AWHIIK. augli-St i\ 8. MambAl’i Saif, _. *rom ih. Honorable the District Court of the United Mtatwe fi*r the Northern Dlelrtct of Georgia, will be ■old, oa Tueaday the 24th Inat., In front of the United tee Oonrt Hoorn. In the city of Atlanta, county ol rulton, the following property, condemned ae forfeit- United Slates, to-wit: Thirty-seven Half Uoxaa of Toheooo. Term* oe*h. Gila a. CHAMBERLIN. U. E Deynty MBraltal Northern DUtrtot of de. aiiiwm Tobacco Factory, Ineat Virginia leaf. 8. U. Holland'* Oablo Twiat, S. H. Holland'* Pluo Apple Twist, 8. H. Holland’* Golden Ago, ft. 11. Uolland’a Indian Queen, 0. M. 8ublett's A No. 1. a M. Bublett. Wholesale dealers will find It greatly to their tut eat to call, aa 1 will manufacture any special brand lot of tobaooo. with their name and place of buetueaa branded on each box, If ordered lu sufficient quautl. tire. O. W. HALL, for 8, H. Holland ft Co., HOUSE AND LOT FOS SALE, ' acre*, well enclosed, good aub- oall soon and exandue tha premise^ and celf on Wal J*®* ft Fowler, or the undersigned, at hia store Mitchell, heed of Broad street, where he hea the I of LICA F TOBACCO, and sells soda at 10 oa l>er pound. 6 caudles tor 20 cents, 14 pounde of naiia tor il, snuff aud good cigars, groceries, vegetables, okra, ftc., corn, bay, fodder and oeta, and bays rags, beeswax, ami tar* and dried fruit and and other articles. I am compelled to sell, and must sell to raise money, aa I am In debt and no other mean to rales the wind. Hk.RTU.tNl) XACIIHV, a| lha first regular term » month, from thle notice. 1 No 92. in the 12th dletgfct Or.lli.sry of \te< _ afUr the agptratkm of two for leave to sell lot of lend „ ... “»•! Gl motion of l.uupk-n oounty, helfMgUig to ‘the KSSfiV^T A ^ p> _ JOHN FOOTS, JOURDAN ANDBUON, Je.17wHwpr.fee 8 00 Admlrlatratore. EMPIRE STUI PUI1 HILL LTTMBDn tars. J.O. PECK & OO,, Seeh of all alaea oowetenUy on hand. Ne have now on hand, end are daily receiving, the UgjH-ta •—ovttoent of lumber ever hrongki to Jolal of eU length* and Mnee, and eeaeoned toother 2SS have taken a look at oar pi lee. Lot 786, 17th District, 34 Section, containing 40 acres more or leas. Lot 798, 17th District, 3d Section, containing 40 Lot 640, 17th Diatriet, 3,1 Section, containing 40 acres Lot 686,17th Diatriet, 3d Section, containing 40 more or leea. Lot 638, 17th DLtrict, 3d Section, containing 40 more or leas. Let 63V, 17th District, 3d 8cctlon, containing 40 acres Lot 609, 17th District, 3d Soct.ou, containing 40 aci more or leas. Lot 668, 17th District, 3d Scctlou, containin'' 40 ac more or !e*w. Lot 934, 17th District, 3d Section, containing 40 ac more or leas. Lot 861, 17tti District, 3d Section, containing 40 aci more or leas. Lot 643, 17th Diatriet, 3d Section, containing 40 ac: more or less. Lot 946,17th District, 3d Section, containing 40 acres more or lees. Lot 875, 17th District, 3d Section, containing 40 Lot 302,17th District, 3d Section, containing 40 more or leas. Lot 346, 17th District, 3d Section, containing 40 more or leas. Lot 347, 17th Diatriet, 3d Section, containing 40 more or leas. Lot 374, 17th District, 3d Soction, containing 40 acres more or leas. Lot 373, 17th District, 3<1 Section, containing 40 acre* more or less. LottDi.nthDiatrict. 3d Section, containing 40 Lot 142,6th District, 3d Section, containing 180 acres more or Ires*. Lot 14H, 5th^ District, 3d Section, containing 160 acres tot 36, 6th District, 3d 8ecUou, containing 180 acres more or leas. Do4*16,^6th District, 3d Sec lion, containing 180 acres IaS 286, 16th District, 3d Section, containing 160 acres Lot 237, 16th District, 3d Section, containing 160 acres Lot 148, 16th District, 3d Section, containing 160 acre Lot 282, 21at District, 2d Section, containing 40 acrei Lot 648, 21st District, 2d Section, containing 40 acre, more or leas. All being In the county of Bartow, State of Georgia. Also, Lot 610,1st District, 4th Section, containing 40 acres. In the counties of Polk or Uaralsou Also. Lot 916 District, Sd Scotion, coutaimug 40 acrea. Lot 883,’ 21*t •• In the oounty of Polk. Stole of Georgia. And will aell tha seme at public auction at the Court House, in the city of Alknta. county of Fulton, and 8tat* of Georgia, on tbe First Tnpgdsy In Sept*nl*r next, between the lawful hours ot sale. Terms cosh. Dated at Atlanta, Georgia, this 6tb day of August, JOHN MAKER AND CONFKOriONIR, MARIETTA NTREET, B akoe every varUty of Bread and Cakve; also, t ALL KINDS OF FRUIT And a general assortment of DR. POMEROYS HAIR RESTOHERI F 0 R E S T Q U E E N . It ia the only preparation vet discovered that a IU produce hair on the bald head. gciiilcman It removes scab*, ecurfeT and dandruff from the in Atlanta over 80 years of age. It removes sU Itching aud beat of the scalp. It keeps the »calp clean and healthy. It Immediately etooa the hair frees failing out. riaiiUy*** wW “* r * *** l * OVl *° trow lu su it krona tbe halrfrom changing color from age. It produces e tall eat of whiskers and mustache on ny man of mature aga. Prepared only by DR. R. t. POMEROY. <«•. >7 Alnlmm, HtrtMtt, Up Btntra, ATXaANTA, OA. mat T-UkUcM /ETNA INSURANCE 00., HARTFOM J CJXjY 1, 18C9. - $5,352,5311 267,00 $5,085,4501 -SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN T(X ITS TP Jb.. ST. "■By their fruit * ye know them? LOSSES I’AIU IN FUTl' VEAX\ S25,221,4:85.3'! ITS r H ESENT. Thp .Vest Seccessful Fire Ce. In iarfia, iEaaota. SB, Thrc -fourtln llie In$nrur« Ce i-lmrlriTd h»ve faiM, prorlnp nbbhi ami Jifflcaltles In n profMnian baited u • Umltj and misfortune, with an lmpwbn part of Its derelopmeat lu the sphend broad human benerolenee. It Is a nn and unc ommon event for one of these h* tutiuus to make ita FIFTIETH annul n- port, and that a aatlsfaetorj one - or life’s plainest old lessons, “As jmm that shall you reap.” ITS PUTUH E Usefulness and duty mast be shaped ml measured only hj the wealth and rmrtk of oar country. er A.piiU la ch, priocl|wl .OtiM ud 1— ae- iuuo ud Mna, u Kt-uoi u ornmum aa mod.rat, profit ud nbauul Mcoiilr. W. P. PATTILLO, ,u^4-UIUcp4 A*. Ml. HIJISfTEB )NTDfUK8 to treat ail pritvlc dlaeaaro, all forma gooonheae, gleet. aGicture, h«- hly eredteeted. That uumeroui ctaro of mm m ng from self-abuse, prodecing unmaaUDem NT- * ueblUty, irritability, emptioM. mm** Mona, and finally impotoncy. permanaotly mmk- PereoM afiftetod with dettoato. intrtcata, ut steading oonatUuNon*!oompUiutaare pa*#** which coeta nottoag. Art* re. haa enabled hua »• «s=sa»aaaas bmi mim, buitm w ai,i, muming aw am WdsltwclM, or Mpctac maj anST ■* h corad. No asm »ko Sn luted. US. jo*r s«- Read whet he aaya ha hie r»-‘ r kU ‘. Beat to aay >> drees free. Tboueendaofoaaeetreated aanaally dft ftce and aU over the country. Consultation trm, ff' eooallyor by uaaU. Office, No. 183 Third Street* tween Green end Walnut, near the Foetofltoe. «u«,nr. OBookonra. • a. s., lo 7 r. * : - - - — - u I-to FRE8H TURNIP SEED. vJUBTNnCirVTD. 800 Poand* RKD TOP. ABKBDKIN. FLAT DUTCH. HANOVER, WBItUttl YELLOW GLOBE, RUTABAGA, NORFOLK* YELLOWSTONE. VffiTlOtlft* Cell AgrtowRurel P. W. J. Breed Street, by the CHOICE GROCERIES AND FAMILY MIRWLlEt CR1WF0RD A RROX framr hh.i oU and, nuosi ana. ATLANTA OA- NOTICE. 3S Me unkee eele 1* aSkatoA^^ n A .T77n“ *"• "* *iS‘2mpiS2iitt:»». *?*^** T fr** ** «*MUQ ■»T*!a l 'iiL£ m* oaawroRD a Bans. PUBLIC BALE. on ronrtk sna, uuw, Os. Three Hone*, One Male, idi •Tmiwof toatamiaVll LSaftKT' ‘