Atlanta daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1869-1871, August 22, 1869, Image 4

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aatawyg tuu ot at atcHiPTioR For Dally, Par Annum 00 j “ Sl« tfiintb* 00 " P«r Month ~ 30 Wntkly Era, Par Aiwiim I 00 mr ikyabiablt m ADTAFO*. .at VtoBa M will iiatiwu. mum tortuhok In fan. ^TaammVmk! Oatora at Ml OMuoud afwrtk. Ontto- aatMuLwatTu twrud >1 InWrall to^ToliargMl msm , . ,jm “ ham ,nr “•*» udUoo will appao* N - . UrirtiWaUtnd»r the head of "Upooial Notices,** »weaty mmm per Km ter first insertion. u4 lo cents fe* S iom, solicited from every quarter. News various cenuU« of the Mate capertally THE £KA OFFICE 11 IK THK BUCK BU1LDIXO ON ALABAMA STHKKT m tub rotmumcB, bu BBOAl> AND WHtTKBALL. MILITARY DUBCTOKY. Hrktkt Majob-Gbxbbal Altbu) II. Tbbby— Commanding Department of the Booth. fusonal staff. lire vet Lieutenant Colonel E. W. Smith, Captain U. 8. Army. Aid-de-Caup. Urevet Lieutenant Colonel 0. H. Graves, Captaiu U. S. Army, Aid-de-Carup. Brevet Captain J. G. Telford, let Lienteu- ant U. S. Army, Aid-de-Camp. DEPARTMENT STAFF. Brevet Colonel J. H. Taylor, Assistant Ad jutant General, U. S. Army, Assistant Ad jutant General Brevet Major Robert P. Hughes, Captain U. S. Army, Acting Assistant Adjutant Gen eral. Captain 0. W. Uotsenpillei. U. S. Army, Aoting Assistant Inspector General. Major DeWitt Clinton. J udge Advocate U. S. Army, Judge Advocate. Brevet Brigadier General T. J. Haines, Commissary of Subsistence U. S. Army, Chief Commissary. Bievet Colonel A. 1L Eddj termaster U. 8. Army, Captain G. K. Saudereon, U. 8. Army, Depot and Staff Quartermaster. Brevet Brigadier General W. J. Sloan, Surgeon U. 8. Army, Medical Director. Brevet Brigadier General John J. Milhan. Surgeon U. S. Army. Aonistont to Medical Director, temporary. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel A. K. Smith, Sur geon U. 8. Army, Attending Surgeon. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel David Taggart, Paymaster U. 8. Army, Chief Paymaster, office at Charleston, South Carolina. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel T. L. Allison, Pay master U. 8. Army. """SHir THK iIshoF Mir. •imu'UUipii "pLlok t. booud !• tok. th. ytto. at UtaliaH: a nan ■forCiaa*- mTSSBSMSSL' mtiSsssSfu “COSTIR’8 Standard Preparations B E A UTIFIE*. BUCKTHORN SALVK! an _ “CsEtart" Hat, Ihmeh.dto.. Kumaiasum *»4’ea«ar*s" Bed Iss BitrrwlHSlori. ••CMUr'i" (only pure) 1 atari Powder. "Goras,” No. 10, Orosbj «L, N. T.. Eddy, Muor and Qaur- ny, Chief Quartermaster. SIMMON'S !V H* The symptoms of liver ‘ ipleiut ere uneaetnn pain In tho tide. Somr- tee the pain is in the oulder, and la mistaken rheumaUnn. The atom- appetite and eteknesa, bow- i, debility, and low DR. SIMMONS’ LIVER RECILATOR, A preparation of roots and tierba, warranted to be strictly vegetable, and can do no iiijury to any one. It baa beeu used by hundreds, and known for tiro last 06 years as one of the moat reliable, efficacloue and harmless preparations over offered to the sutler ing. If taken regularly and persistently, it la sure to Dyspepsia, headache, jaundice, costiveness, sick '■■■■ 4 headache, brouic dlarrhws, “ » of the bladder, ip dysentery, affection) the kidneys, fever, ner lUsnesa, chills, diseases o _the skin, impurity of the presakm of spirits, heartburn, m a bowels, pain in the head, fever sud ague, dropsy, bolls, pain in back and limbs, Asth- ms. erysypelas, female affections, and bilious diseases only by J. II. 7.KII.1 N <* CO., Druggists, Macou, Qa.^ Price $1; by mail 1125. The folio wing highly respec’ablc persous can fully attest to tho virtues of this valuable medicine, and to whom we most respectfully refer: Oen. W. 8. Holt, President 8. W. R. R. Co.; Rav. J. R. Felder, Perry, Oa.; Col. E. Rparka, Albany, Qe.;G. J. Lunsford. Esq , Conductor 8. W. It. It.; O. Master- son. Esq., Sheriff Bibb county; J. A. liutta, Bain bridge, Ga.; Dykas ft Bparhawv, editors “Floridian,* Tallahassee, Rav. J. W. Burke, Macon. Ga.; Virgil l owers. Esq.. Superintendent 8. W. R. R.; Daniel Bui- ry. Macon. Ga.; bev. E. ¥ Easterling, P. K. Florida Or Jon F. Hi Demos Barnes 4 Co.. 11 Park Row. N. Y. 8BT For Sale by J. A TAYLOR, L. H. RRADFIE1.D and oUtar Druggists in ATLANTA, OA. RED WINK 4 FOX. aganU, Atlanta. Ga. fehAKc GEO. H. THOMAS, .A_ 11 o r n o y <*. t Lav ATLANTA. OA. THOMAS 0. SIMMS, Agent, Office at tho Clothing Store of W. B. Lowe 4 Co., Atlanta, Georgia. 1IEW YORK STEAM IIBIIfi CO.. Manufacturers of Eugtne Laths, Planers, Bolt Cutter*, l'p- rlfht Drills, Machinists’ Tools of all Descriptions. A LBO, manufacture and sail Wood-working Machine- ry of ovary description, and Stationary and Port able Engines and Boiler*, Patent cold-roiled Shafting, Leather and Robber Batting, and all articles needful in machine or railroad repair shops. Office 116 and 129 Chambers at, Maw York. GEORGE PLACE. President JOHN H. CHEEVER. 8ec*y. JeliMf CHAR. F. HARDWICK, 8ac*y. ROSADALIS, THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Curas Scrofula In all its various forms, such as Consumption In its earliest stages, Enlargement and Ulceration of the Glendas, Joints, Boots. Kidneys. Uterus, Chronic Rheumatism, Eruptions of the Skin. Chronic Sore Eyes, Ac.; also, SYPHILIS IN ALL ITS FORMS. Diffoaaoa of Women; Loss of Appetite, Slek Headache, Liver Complaint, Pain In the Bark, Im prudence In Life, Gravel, General bsd health, and all diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys, and Bladder, II is a perfect renovator. M AMMO mm establi M -a BOOK AND JOB PRINTING OFFICE! FIVE POWER PRESSES ! And au Eadlwa Variety of JOB TYPE AND MATEUAL OF EVERY DESCRIPTION! H AYIMG added Several Thousand Dollars wo • Typs to our alraady EXTENSIVE JOB OFFICE ! s folly prepared than aver^ to condition. ■ It /• perfectly harailci eat injury. », never producing the slight- 3. A. FAHNESTOCK’S VERMIFUGE, THE SAFP.ST AMD MOOT EFFECTIVE It I! MEDY FOR WORMS Tliat haa eyor been diacovered. This celebrated sweciftc for Worms in need with tli utmost freedom and confidence by gentlemen who ha\ obtained euilneooe in the medical profession, and man of these, throwing said* their prejudices, have chcni fully gives eemOceta# testifying to ltn superiority. 1 is naad esWuudvely, for the simple reason that Netklng Has yet beeu discovered whirl eaa be sabstDated In Its place. And it is gives without apprebenaloa, baesnas every one knows its perfect safety. It has now been before the public Cor ova* “Four* Foams,” and baa attested ts superiority la Uu.oaanda of cases, throughout It parts of the woriA. It la tlaa Imperative duty af every pta re at ta wateh the hearth orhlschlld, and •rMe himself with this potesit spe- A. FAHNESTOCK’S VERMIFUGft - B. L Fahnestock’s Son 4 WHOL.EHAJ.K UHUOOIHTH, PITTHBUKU, PA., JAME8 M. BISHOP, A1TORNHY A.T LAW, OAWSOJtVILLK, UEOKHIA. P llAfTTlCKH In all thgeMOhM of tbs Blue Ri *g% Otrcntt sod In the WMMri Cfonri of * “ KFcoinmcudod hy the Medical Faculty and man)- thousands of onr beat citizens. 4#* For testimonials of remarkable enree, sea “Ho- sadalis Almanac” for this year. Prepared only hy Dr*. Clements, Rives 4 Co., Mau- ofhcluring Chemists, formerly J. J. Lawrence A Co., Baltimore, Md. For sals by Druggists everywhere. Jy is— Tli) PoTuST, Bysr, i>nd Cneapost CHATHAM MACH1HEBY AGENCY Howard aid But* Stmt", Pkilidolptu*. 1 Basra Bogina, 32-inch cylinder, four foot stroke, made by 8utton, with IS boiler*, 40-inch diameter. 46 feet tong. 1 Beam Engine. UMnch cylinder, four feet at made by Button, with • boilers, M-bich diameter. 36 feet long. 40 Roller Looms. 42-Inch. «. « and 10 traadlae. 1.2. 6 and 4 shuttles. 2ft Crompton Looms, 42 and 4ff-inoh. 12 and 24 Hai j»eas, 3 and 2 boxes, pick and pick, and alno f 66x48 1st breaker,) Mnla (40x42 Condenser. I i «0x42 1st breaker, I 36x42 2d “ J 30x42 Condenser. } (60x48 1st breaker, J *40 splnd Males 432 spindles 8'age ,48x48 2d (48x48 Condenser. , . ... 2 Mules 360 Hplndles each, 2^-tnch gauge. 1 Hargeut's Burr Picker, large sisa, nearly new. COTTON MACHINERY for COARSE YARNS. 1 Willow, Hodson’s make, large atse, speeder SC-Inch, two beaters. 4 Cotton cards, 36-Inch, self-strippers and grimier 60-inch traverse. 1 Drawing frame, four coders, Dumford's drawing frame, six ootlem. 1 Condenser, feeder, 24 deliveries. 8 Hfdnntng Frames, 2-Inch rings, 168 spimlleseach. ilng Madilna, for candle wick, 4c. WU* 4*he part COTrON la trade. CO LOB WOK KM ST. LOUIS. T»uom>ni at toto MMiMn. < r in to I* Uw« DTI. mcUAU’M OOLUKN ItUM’ODIKH. A ** U *‘ ■» oUiw, M.d TOO will ur, line, health and monev jswafRKf* - Ur. Kirauo'n Oau),, BAUU.W So. I aim Ulo«n, VlcanUi toga thatml amt MamIL, Hon trim, o«Un* ou, or Hkln IrnpUou. Conor Oolorod uaaa at Ui« (nip. Hrmflito, *c.; t. II.. nun, AltorMl.r u.l Mood 1-nrllUr known, nniorai nadlmonlro** ton .j.Um, nod law Uw Wood pan ‘ * Suaun Ooun Suiu. *o. I enrn Mnronrlnl All Descriptions of Job Printing- ! Onr New Addition, van scloctod by an Erperluirod Printer, nnd oomprinn nil ItedltolM t*Hprbr,m,Dte In TYPE, euables us to oompato suooassfully with any Printing KstabllahJHaMt ta the South. Indeed, we are prepared to print anything From a VISITING CARD to a MAMMOTH POSTER ! In a Style to salt the most fastidious. Wa have now up and In running order FIVE SPLENDID POWER P&E8S$8 ! NTMHICK ONB 18 V MAMMOTH HOE I V1ANHBU VftESS, nd is a Huge Place of Machinery, the largest of the kind aver brought to Atlanta. Thin Frans la especially Japted to Fine Book Printing aod Xsurgo Pomtorffi. Mi'MUKK TW( Is also a Hoe Cylinder Press, Smaller than the drst, and one of the bast Newspaper Prises in the Hate. Ik HMUhlt THRKB IS -A. MEDIUM HOE JOBBER, For the rapid end nest execution of JOB WORK of every description, sir* has bean pronounoed by competent j udgaa the finest pm in the State. FIUMUEK FOUR IS A HALF MEDIUM POTTER PRE8S, For PrinUog CIRCULARS, LETTER HEADS. BILL HEADS, 4c., and is of vary superior quality. niTMBKIi FIVE IB J\- POTTER OAHD PRESS, s out work with a rapidity that is aatoulshiug; and, yet, in the neatest and moat With these extensive facilities for aU kinds of BOOK AND JOB PRINTING, d can turn out work as rapidly aa any Establishment aouth IN STYLE AND PRICES WE DEFY COMPETITION Oteuwbw. Ira* \t IwU «. by V. *. Brown. d Mnrincu tomto, ttkf «f kltento. OnnnblloVjo n twowtory brink toot, bonnn onowplnd by noott from Fulton dupurior Court Is furor of Wllltem m. Juuo K. Pnnkny nnd Tliuuiw llln. prtWnl- pel, and B. F. Botnar endorser. Property pointed out byg. B. Hoyt, plalnOiTs attorney in first mentioned fi fa. April I, l5S7 Also, at ths same time and place, ouu large iron safe, Wilder’s patent, now In the office of tha United Stall Hotel. Levied on aa tha property of Saaaaan, York 4 .... .m time and plaoa, part of ettv lot 78, in the 14th district. Tha part so levied on is in 6, fronting on Broad street 60 feat, city of AtlauU and adjoining the former residence of JC. it. Hi on one aide and a lot of L. P. Grant's on tha other, and running back 100 feat to an alisy. Levied ones tha property of E. K. Baseeen, by virtue of and to saUaf) a Bute and county Ux fl fa for the year 1868, Issued by Joo. M. Harwell, T. 0., and property pointed out by ■aid Harwell. July 6. I860. . . . , . Also, at the seine time and plaoa. part of land lot Mo. 18, in the Uth district of origin: Pulton oouuty, Ga. J£ha part to b« st SSlMEKtfaE twkmwt fl f* lssasfffrousFulton Superior fkvor of 8usen Blanton vs. H. W. Brown. Property pointed out by plaintiff's attorney In this fl fa. July tha 17th district of originally Henry now Fulton county. Oa., containing 202 1-2 sores, more or less. Said land la now vacant. Levied on as tha property of Richard F. M. Mann, by virtue of and to aatiafy a distress war rant Issued by Win. Cline. J. P.. of Bpalding county, Ga., in fever of M. G. Dobbins vs. Rlohard F. M. Msnn. Property pointed out by M. G. Dobbins.— April 27, 1869. . , tl- Also, at the same time and place, port of land lot Mo. 79, in the 14th district, bounded as follows: Oom- 14 lest from the uoutheaet corner of Pitts* running south SS9 feet, thence west 200 feet, ‘ thenoe east 200 feet, to the be lt 30 {set wide by Withers’ lot. Pitta’ k>t Upon ,ot tl ** r »* rhich the defendant ty of Robert A. Jcbn- of and to satisfy n Superior Court fkvor'ofw. J. Hoast£M.''aMMfei Of the Mechanics’ Loan and Building iMidWlsVlfl .11 lull A. Johnson, trustee for wife. Property MUM Out in seld inort- gagVn fiv Osldland wit baSbfftU lota, and only so many of them sold as will m*ke the sum of nine teen hundred and fifty-four dollars and seventeen cents (»L9M IT), interest from 1st dsy of June last and all cost This done by order of John D. Pope, Obanoollor. June 1, 1869. W. L. HUBBARD, aug io—w4w prsfre $2 60 par levy Dep’y 8h’ff: as the property of A. H. Jc* hie Stake end county said flfa weelasnedky J.M. Har well. T. 0. Property pointed oft by aald flar«IL Also, at the same time and pttu».a port of lend lot Mo. 61, in the 14th District of originally Hensy now Fulton county, Ga. The pert so levied on hi in Ward 4, containing 60x100 feat, froutteg on *Be and Oelltos streaks, in ike city of Atlanta. 0»td lot is vacant. _ Levied on as the prop*rty ef Thomas J. Barney, to as satisfy s tan fl fs for Vis BteteWa eountv tax lor ths tag year 1888. Bald fi la wee tamed bv J. M. HarweU, T. 0. Property pointed out by arid Harwell. Also, at the same tins* and pter-e, a port Of land lot Mo. 61, In the 14th Dtatrlct of originally Henry now Pulton county, Oa. The part so Uvied on ta In Ward 1, l.vlMon Mua »eoiw«F of D. Boullob. aatiafy a tax fl fa tar hie State end county year 1868. Said fl ta was lined by J. M. fl. Property pointed out by said Harwell. Also, at the seme time and place, a part of land lot Sharif Sales for September, 1869. city of Atlanta, Fulton rteedoy In September next,' of tale, the following property i part of land lot No. 84, in the r Henry now Fulton county. Ga. lata Ward l,in the city of *“ aa acre, more or iaaa. tr mid let there is one bones, of Herman Basil n, to mtlafy Pinrlr. Also, at the setae time And in the city of Atlanta, end - lees. Said lot in the new 1 ty. Levied on as the pro' eaUafy a State and county t J. M. Harwell, T. C. 1^ Harwell. Aug- 9, 1869. Also, at the aatne time and place, a part of land lot Mo. 60, in the 14th District of originally Henry now Fulton county. The part so levied on la iu Ward 6, city lot No. 9, fronting on Peachtreo street, in the city of Atlanta, containing 2 acres, more or less. Levied on as the properly of Mra. J. II. Hester, to aatlsfy a State and oounty tax A fa for 1868, lined by J. M. Har well, T. C. Property pointed ont by said Harwei Also, at the same time and place, a part of laud lot Mo. 43, In the 14th Diatrict of originally Henry Patten oouuty. Go. Tlie pert so levied on is In Ward the new limits of the city of Atlanta, and con tains 2 acres, more or lea*. Levied on as the property of J. H. Martin, to satisfy a State end oounty tax fl fa for 1868, lMUW bv J. M. Harwell, T. C. Property pointed out by said Harwell. enry now Fnltou inWerd limits of tho city of Atlanta, and contains two acres, more or lees. Levied on as the property of Joseph McGinuia. to satisfy a State end county Ux fl ‘ , for 1868. issued l>y J. M. Harwell. T. C. Property Dinted out by said Harwell. Also, at the sems time and place, a nart of land )ot No. 02, la the 14th District of originally Henry now Fulton conuty. Ga. The part so levied on ia iu Ward 3, city lot No. 82. fronting on Tarry and Jones streets, in the city of Atlanta, and contains an acre, more oi - —“ ■ ‘ rig of Alexander Me Wil- 1 mnty tax fl toforluos, issued by J. M. Harwell. Property pointed out by said Harwell. Also, at the samo tlmo and place, a part of land lot No. 84, in the 14lh Diatrict of originally Henry now Fulton county, Ga. The part levied on ia in Ward 1. in the city of Atlanta, containing 1 aero, more or lei, fronting on Waluer and Davis ntreot. Said lot I* va cant. Levied on as the property of Morgen, Putnam 4 Go., to aatisfy a tax fl fa for State and county tax for U * ” ” ” *" fi Property pointed time and place, a part of land lot tho 14th District of originally Henry now Fulton county, Ga. The part so levied on ia in Ward 5. fronting on Luckio and Payne streets, in the city of Atlanta, and containing of an acre, i|||-^ “ i said lot is a single-story wood * the property ot G. W. McGuire, and county tax fl fa for 1868, issued by J. M.’ Harwell, C. Property pointed out by said Harwei). Also, at the tame time and place, a part of laud lot No. 61, in the 14th diatrict of orlgiually lionry now Fulton oounty, Ga. Part so levied on la in Ward 4, block It* city lot 89, fronting on Oalhoun street, city of Atlanta, oontalning \ of an acre, more or leas. Ou said lot there ia one small house. Levied on as the property of Wm. G. McGinnis, to satisfy a State and . «“-» •- * Harwell. T. c. oounty tax fl fa for 1868, issued by J. M. : All we ask is .A. F A. I R T R I A. L We are prepared to print HANDBILLS, BILL HEADS, OIRCOLABS, LETTER HEADS, BUSINESS CARDS. WEDDING CARDS, VISITING CARDS, LABELS OF ALL KINDS Together with All Descriptions of Railroad Work From a 'Ticket to n Ledger. llrimmrr'rtariMfZmm u*m. au. RlallXwrito “ft***™!*""* 1 «•" torKteauu «aS£5 whSt^’aTSl *ir J anatom ■ We are also prepared to do all kinds of F1N0Y PRINTINQ. RUIN OR IN G0L0R8. BOOK-BINDERY! r ofltoe, a Mo. 1 Book-Btadery. la okarge of one of tke nTATT l la the United Mtatee. who ean do aU dooeripttoae of week la the BENT ffTfUt ead SAMUEL BARD. Fulton oounty, Ga. The part so levied on is in'Ward 4* city lot 106, in the city of Atlanta, containing of an acre, * T '“ * ‘ " •*•- Decatur street. On Mid lot . I on as tho property of Catharine McNamara, to eatiaf/ a State and county tax fl ft foi house, levied -itirrfj* 1868, issued by J. M. Harwell, T. C. Property pointed Mo. 76, in the 14th Diatrict of origin:. .. Fulton county, Oa., in Ward 2. block 19, city of Atlan ta, containing of an acre, more or leee, fronting on Crew street. Levied on as the property of Alfred Herrington, to aatiafy a tax fl fa issued by J. M. Har well, T. O. Property pointed out by aaid Harwell. Also, at the aatne time and place, a part of land lot No. 61, in the 14th Diatrict of originally Henry now Fulton county, Ga. Thepert so levied on is in Ward 4, block 134, fronting ou Houston and KUia street*, tn the city of Atlanta, containing H an acre, more or lees. Levied on as the property of James C. Hughes, by vir tue of and to natisfy a Ux fl fa isautd by J. M. Har well, T. C. Property pointed out by said Harwell. Also, at the same time and place, a part of land lot No. 79, io the 14th District of originally Henry now Fulton oounty, Os. The part so levied on la In Ward 6, fronting on Hull and Alexander streets, In tho cf‘ Atlanta, oontalning 1X acres, more or 1ms. Levi, as the property of the aetata of J. B. H of end to satisfy a tax fl fa issued by J. 0. Property pointed out by said Harwell. Also, at the seme time and place, a part of lend lot No. 110, in the Uth District of originally Henry a Fulton county, Oe. The pert so leviod on ts tn Wc _ 1, near the breastworks, in the city of Atlanta, front” ingon Treburoey street, oootalnlng IU acres, more or lei. Levied on as the property of Wm. llyatt, by virtue of and to satisfy a tax fl fa Issued by J. M. Har well. T. G. Property pointed oijt by aaid Harwell. Also, at the *eme time and place, a part of land lot No. 84, in tha 14th District of origUtaily Maury now Fulton county, Ga. The pert so levied on is iu Ward 1, fronting ou Itaoe Track street, In the otty of Atlanta, containing H of an acre, more or lees. Levied on the property of John H. Hilton, by virtue of end aatiafy a tax fl fa loaned by J. M. Harwell, T. O. Prow, arty pointed out by aaid Harwell. plaoe, a part of land lot »f originally Henry now so levied on is lo Ward 1, fronting on Whitehall street, in the city of Atlanta containing X an acre, more or less. Levied on as the ~ roporty of R. J. Johnson, by virtue of end to eetiafv tax A fa tim'd by J. M. Harwell, T. O. * w ■tinted out by said Harwell. Also, at the asm# time ead place, » pert of lend lot Mo. HI, iu the Uth District of originally Henry now Fulton county, Ga. Tho property ao levied on ia In Ward 4, block 133, tn the eity of Atlanta, fronting Butlur street, and containing V of an acre, more less. On mid lot is a small house. Levied on as the Property pointed out by mid Harwell. AMD* M the same time and plaoe, a part of land lot No. —, In the Uth Diatrict of otigiually Henry now Fulton oounty, Ga. The part eo levied on Is iu Ward Srt*£S5H-.- ct UM lot '•%£ of Henry sff smutty by AM- Harwell, T. 0. pert M leuA 'U* 4, In the dty of Atlanta, and containing one-third o an acre, more or leas, fronting on Jamee Avenue and W. 4 A. B. R. atiweta. Bold fot oootalns aresktano*. Levied on as the prepity of O. W. Bush, to setirfjr a tax t fa tor his Stale and oounty tax tor the year *868. Said fl ta was issued hy J. M. Harwell, T. a Property pointed out by said Harwell. . . . , 4 Also, at the seme tiaee and place, a part ef land lot No. 76. In the Uth District of originally Henry now Fulton oounty. Ga. TBe^iart ao levied on ta tn Ward 2. block 19. in the otty and Washington streets, lei. Levied on as the satisfy a tax fi fa for his year 1668, Said fl ta ws , 0. Property pointed out by said Harwell. Also, tiff * * I No. 84, li its. fronting Ing IK acre, property of 6. H. Boy ton, to Mate and ; lot Fulton oounty, Ga. Tho part ao levied on la In Ward 1. ta the city of Atlanta, and containing >4 of an acre, more or lose, fronting on Baoe street Said lot ta levied on aa the property of Henry Beetles, to aatiafy a tax fi fa for hie State and county ux for the year 1868. Said fl ta was isMued by t. M. Harrell, T. C. Property pointed ont by aaid Harwell. Also, at the seme time and place, a part of land lot No. 78, ta the 14th Diattlot of originally Henry now Fulton county, Gs. The pert ao levied on la In Ward I. city of Atlanta, containing »* of au acre, more or leu. fronting on Huge and W. 4 A. B. R. etrwete. Bald lot la vacant Levied oa as the property of Mra. M. A. Callahan, to mttsfy o tax fl ta for her State end county tax for the year 1868. Said fl fa was leaned by J. M. Harwell, T. C. Property pointed out by aaid Harwell. Also, at tho same time and place, a part of land loft No. 83, ta the Uth Dtatrlct of originally Henry now Fulton oouuty. Ga The part ao levied ou la in Ward 1, city of Atlanta, 2 acres, more or lees, fronting oa Gebbett and Foundry streets. Said lot is levied on aa the property of Lamar 4 Cummings, to satisfy a tax li ta for their state and oounty tax for the year 1868. Said fi ta was itsued by J. M. Harwell, T. 0. Property pointed oat by said Harwell. Also, at the same tlmo and place, a pat t of land lot No. 84, in the 14th District of originally Honry now Fulton oounty, Ga. The part so levied os Is ta Ward 1, in the city of Atlanta, and oontalning one-half of an sere, more or lei. fronting on Walker street Said lot is vacant. Levied os m the property of Christopher are, to satisfy a tax f I ta for ids State and oounty for the year 1868. Said fi fa was iiued by J. M. Harwell, T. C. Property pointed out by sold Harwell. Also, at the same time and piece, a part of land lot No. 46, in the Uth District of originally Henry now ounty, Oa. The pert so levied on la in Ward of Atlanta, containing one-third of an acre, tees, fronting on Decatur otreeL Said lot is vacant Levied on as the property of Melina Ooflln, to satisfy a tax fl ta for her State and county tax for the year 18f8. Said fl ta vu issued by J. M. Harwell. T. O. Property pointed ont by aaid Harwell. Also, at the same time and plane, a port of land lot ..o, , In the 14th diatrict of origins ly Henry now Fulton county, Ga The part ao levied on ie ta ward 6, in the city of Atlanta and containing mu -fourth of an acre, more or lees. Said lot la near Fechtar’a brew ery. Levied on an the property of Owen Calahan to satisfy a tax fl fa for his State and county tax for the year 1868. Said fl ta wa* issued by J. M. Harwell, T. 0. Property pointed ont by aaid Harwell. Also, at the same time and plaoe. a part of land lot No. 84, iu the Uth diatrict of originally Honry now xne pert mo leviea uu u iu **,a 1, city lot 2, in the city of Atlanta, and containing I by 182 feet, fronting on Mangum street Bald lot ia levied ou as the property of Mra. L. H. Durham to sat isfy a Ux 11 ta for li||titi|M 1868. Said fl fa ’ Ttita fl. ta. taS itrib. Maid fl. Ia woe gttMfcjgatoagtKg Trapattrratmtmtoattr ~ afreet Oti aaid km i*<Mi*»ua(n*l lo aaUatr . ta« fl . fc. »or U U4 cnamlj Ux lor to. ramr 1ML Said fl. fc w tauu bjJ.U. lUnr.U, T. C. Proputj polnUd Ml b, AU<x Ui.tun. Urn. uiaplMfckJUrt ot lu4 lot Mo. 4», lo too Uth -Hitrict ot orftfoollr Hooirno* Fulton count,, Qo. *Oo pwt oo tortod ou la tm 4, In tOo oit, ot Atlanta, and nontalnln, too aod-a-kaU agree, more or laoa. Held lot la within tho new limits. Levtad ou aa the property of William Oreer to satiety * tax fl. ta. for hie State and coonfr Ux for the jeer 1468. said fi. ta. wee loewed by J. M. Harwell, T. O. Property pointed out by said Harwell. AiJKi. st the earne time and ptaoe, a part of land lot Mo. *. ta the 14th district of ortyltuily Henry now Fulton oounty. Oa The peri eo levied on la ta ward I, In tha city of Atlanta, number of acres not knew*, fronting on Water* and Btohmotid efrseto. Itivtad on ee the property of George Graham to setitaya tax fl. ta. far hieBtete end oouuty tax tar the year 18811. Betafl ta. wea issued by J. M. Harwell, T. C. Property point- ed by said Harwell. Also, at the me time end ptaoe, apart of lend lot Mo, —, In the 14th district of orlgiually Henry now Fulton county, Ga The peri eo levied on ta ta ward 4, ta tha city of Attests, end contains one-fourth of on acre, more or leas, fronting on Oolltaa afreet. Bold lot Is levied on the propertyof Mil T. M. Out to satisfy e tax fl. to. for hor Mtete and county tax for ths jeer 1868. field fl. ta. was teased by J. K. Harwell, T. “ Property pointed out hy said Harwell. Also, »t the same time an' No. 61. ta the Uth district _ Fulton oounty, Oa The part eo levied on is In ward 4. city tot Mo. 220, In ths city of Atlanta, and said lot oontefns 1 acre more Or lea*, fronting on Oalhoun and Jenkins streets; arid toils vacant. Levied oa aa the property of A. J. Garrison to satisfy a tax fl ta for hie Mete and oonnty tax for the year 188fl. field fl ta wee lined by J. M. Harwell, T. C. Property pointed out by aaid Harwell. Also, at the same Ume and ptaoe, a part of land lot Mo. 78, ta the Uth diatrict of artataalty Henry now Fulton county, Ga The pert so levied on la ta ward 6, city lot 66. in the city of Atlanta, and contains 26 by 80 feet, fronting on Walton street; aaid tot ta vacant— Levied on ta the property of Jeeob Gunat to aatiafy a tax fl fa for hie State and county tax for the year 1888. Bald fl ta issued by J. M. Harwell, T. 0. Property painted by said Harwell. :. Harwell, T. G. the Mine time end place, a part of laud lot No. 86, in the Uth dtatrict ot originally Henry Fulton oonnty, Ga The pert so levied oa ia tn 1, ta the city of Atlanta, and the number of acre< known, fronting on Petera and Walker streets. Heiil lot is levied on i tiro property of BenJ. Dykes to itis tax fi fa iiued for his State and county tax fo< year 1880. Said fl ta was lined by J. M. Harwell, T. 0. Property pointed out by said Harwei). Also, at the same time and place, part of land lot No. 63, in the 14th district of originally Henry Fulton county, Ga. The part eo levied on 1« in 3, city of Atlanta, 1\ Of an acre more or lew, iron ting fl fa for hi* State and fi fa issued by J M. Harw< at by said Harwell. Also, at the flame time and 84, in the Uth district of county, Ga The p« of Atlanta, containit r an acre more or loss, front- 1 lot is one tenement Lev- tbe property of Joshua Calloway to satisfy ia it i> tor State and county tax for the year 1868. aid fl fa iiued by J. M. Harwell, T. C. Property Dinted out by ltd Harwell. Also, at the ime time and place, part of land it No. 61, In the 14th diatrict of orlgiually Henri - niton county, Ga The part eo levied on le in w’i block 133,city of Atlanta, containing >4 sere mo; lea*, fronting on Butler »treat; aaid lot ia vacant ouley i - - — the year 1868. Said fl fa issued by J. M. Harwell, T. U. Property pointed out by said Harwell. Also, at tho same time and place, part of land lot No. 86, iu the 14th district of originally Henry no Fulton county, Gs. The part so levied on 1s in ward 1, city of Atlanta, containing i* acre more or leas, fronting on Humphries and Race atrccta. Levied on as the property of Mrs. Susan Hosier to satisfy a tax fl ta for 6. block 167, in the city on lid lot there ti erty pointed out by said Harwell. Also, at the eeme time end || No. 76. In the Uth District • fenry lUrrteou (colored) by virtue of and w T - “ >, *t the same time and place, e pert of land lot , ta the Uth Diatrict of originally Henry now Fulton county. Oe. The part ao levied on la in Ward 2, fronting on McDonough afreet, iu the city of Atlan ta, containing 1 acre, more or leoe. On ild lot ere 2 smell aha&tica. Levied on oa the property of Jacob Nelson, by virtue of and to itisfy a tax fl fa iiued hy J. M. Harwell, T. 0. Property pointed out by ae%t Aleo. at the a i pert of land lot time and place, i Diatrtot ot or Fulton oounty, Ga The partao U. 4, fronting on tills afreet, In the city of Atlanta, con taining H ee acre, more « r lei. Levied on aa the property ef •kephm SayWood, by virtue of end to it- iaty a tax fl ta leaned by John M. Harwell, T. a Prop, rty pointed out by said Harwell* iiuMfcStt arc:: Fulton eounty. Oe. The pert eo levied on Is ta Ward 6. city lot No. 7, fronting oe Decatur street by 48 tae t “intag heck 110 feet, ta tha otty of Atlanta. On aaid bv virtue of and tn satisfy e lax fi . Harwell, T. a Propity pointed He{>] ( Atlanta, containing *>* of an ig On Hull and Simpeon sU.; »J1 house. Levied on as the pro pert* ot j. j. unnn to satiety a tax fl ta for his State and county tax for the year 1868. Bald fl fa was issued by J^M. Harwell, T. C. Property pointed out by said Aleo, el the same time and ptaoe, e part of laud lot Mo. 47, In the 14th district of originally nenry now Fulton county, Ga. The pert eo levied on le in ward 4, in tne city ef Atlanta, oontalning 10 acres more or lei; •aid land ia within the new limits of said city. Levied on m (he property of Dnun's estate. EL R. beieen, ad ministrator, for his State and oonnty tax for the year 1888. Bald fl fa vu leaned by J. M. Harwell, T. C-— Property pointed out by aaid HanrtU. Abo, at the tame time and place, a part of land lot Mo. 78, in the lith district of originally Henry now Fulton county, Ga The part eo levied on U m ward 6. city lot 46, in the city of Atlanta, and u an acre mere or lei, fronting on Marietta and Fhu- dry and Railroad etraeta. Levtad on aa the property of Jami Donnelly tot etlefy • tax fl ta for hie Btata mtd county tax tar the peer lflflt. Bald flfa wm I J. M. Harwell, T. O. Property poiated out b Mo. 83, ta the Uth (ll*tria*IB^^^PBHPHH Fulton oounty, Ga The part eo levied on ta ta ward 1, ta tha city of Atlanta, containing hai/acre more er leu, fronting on Petera street and Macon 4 Western Railroad ; on aaid lot la one email houae. Levied on u the property of John GeUaway to satiety a tax fl fa for his State end oounty tax tor the year 1868. Said fl fa wu leaned by J. M. HrrwcU, T. 0. Property point ed out by aaid Harwell. (All the above levlee made by T. G. Gresham, L. C. and turned over to me August 4th, 1668. J Also, at the same time and place, a part of land lol No. 114, ta the lith district or originally Henry now Fulton county, Ga., bounded on the east by J. A. Jett, on the eontb by Henry EUiott, on the west by L. Dean’s lands, cn the north by the widow Elliott’s tends, containing fifty acres more or less, said de scribed land is now vacant Levied on a* the proper ty of William I. Hudson, guardian and ex-officio ad ministrator of Summerville Elliott. Levied on to be sold for tho peyment of ooets by e decree of the Supe rior Court of Fulton county, Ga July 27,1869. Also, at the same time and place, the house and premises on which it is erected (of the defendant G. A Huwald), said premises being ta the city of Atlanta, Fulton oounty, Ga, and situated on the wit side of Peachtree street, and bounded u follows: Commenc ing st the junction or Peachtree and Huunicuti ate., running along Hunnicutt street 190 feet to an alley, along aaid alley south 180 feet, east 195 feet to said Peachtree street, thence north along aaid Peachtree street 100 feet, containing acre more or lei; on said lot there ie e one-story brick building In which ths defendant new reside*. Levied on the property of G. A. Huwald by virtue of and to aatisfy a fl fa issued trom Fulton Superior Court in favor of Joel A. Tut tle va. Gustavus A. Huwald. Property pointed out by M. J. Clark and in aaid fl fa. July 28, 1869. Also, at the seme time and place, a part of 1-nd lot Mo. 83, in the lith district; the pert eo levied on la in ward 1, block 32, fronting oo EUiott street, city ot At lanta, containing H of an acre more or .leu; ou said lot there is a one story wood dwelling ln'which the de fendant now resides. Levied on ae tho property of Henry Thurman to satisfy a State and county tax ti fa for tax for the year 1868. Property pointed out by John M. Harwell. T. C. July 29, 1889. Aleo, at the same time and place, a part of land lot Mo. 77, In the 14th district; the pert ao levied on ia in ward 2, block 3, having a front on Alabama street, city ul Atlanta, SO foi, and running Wit lit teet, on lot-there is a two-etory brick store occupied by W. _ A li. J. Lowry aa bankers and commission merchants. Levied ou as the property of James R. PowoU by vir tue of and to aatiafy a fl fa iiued from Chattooga “ pertor Court ta flavor of J. P. Jolly va Powell ft Hutch inson, and B. ft J. M. Moyers, on appeal bond, and J. M. Moyers security on appeal. Property pointed ont by J. M. Moyers, one of tho defendanu. August 2, 1609. Also, at tho ume time and place, e pert of land lot No. 16, in the lith diatrict of originally Henry now Eultou county, Ga, commencing at the northwest corner of said land lot 15, running east along the north line of said lotto the middle of the common road lead ing to Durand’s mill, thence south westerly along the middle ot said road to a stake along the west line of lid lot, thenoe along the west line to the beginning, oontalning ta acres more or laoa; aaid land ia vacant. Also, part of land lot Mo. 16, in aaid diatrict, commenc ing at the original southeast corner of aaid lot 16, .w—'—‘ rth 1.678 test more or lei, e of astd lot 16. to a stake and , „ _l! rtetaft aa leas, to a stako 1,578 feet more on the original line of said lot 16, thence at right angles east oa the original south line of said lot If, 1,076 feet more or leee, to the beginning, oontalning 39 28-100 acres more or lei; aaid lend ie vacant. Levied oa as the property of James T. Lewie by virtue of and to satisfy a fl fa issued from Fulton Inferior Court ta fa vor of Cicero H. Chandler vs. Jami T. Lewis maker, and Thonai M. Clarke endorser. Property pointed out by M. J. Hammond, attorney for defendant. July Qd place, a pact of of originally t ei md having a front o No. 85, in the 14th diatrict „ Fulton oounty. Ga, said land having on aa alley and running back 1«3 feet, sad lies worth n (p. o. c.) by virtue of » aaid lot there is a George McKluney (p. tyof Jeremiah Thomn- of Ben Thrasher s (p. o. c.) lot; small wood house occupied by > " Jeremieh Thomjv “ty a mortgage fl __ Court ta flavor of Jm. A - VAJeremlah Thompson. Property pointed b y 1 > oa - W. J. Hill, ptatntire attorney, And in •hie mortgage fl fa. August 3. 1869. Alro, at the seme time end place, part of land lot No i. in the lith district. The part aoJerkdwi fa ta ward 4. fronting on OolUns afreet 84 feet, and running back 200 fret to an alley, city of Atlanta, Mna the ime property sold by J. R. Wallace to defendant, and Joint the lands of T. R. Ripley. J. N. Lengatou and J »• Levled on aHhe props. A Jefl fries by virtue of end to satiety a fl fa issued by T B. Boggus, J. P., in flavor of John Brown va. John 8. Jeffries. Levy mede by D. A. Cook. L. C., and turned over to me. July 31.1869. Mo. 77, ta the 14th Atafrfc* ot ortgta^T, uJZ* " FUltou ooaaty, Ga Theptatai tested JL uu*** £S5£*j£*** Mt k, ettl lo, ft, fcoMtof „ k-wlTj ? * k b, rtmwok tomloaadnntmo lanaoam^ntSnt toot In T. S. Bamm, J, r. ot Ik, lluii, M., la tutor at ITS. Ibook T«. w. r. VmSSS *• Oook ‘ 0 ^ ' W. L. JICBBABb.I, AOf 10-wAw M»$, 40 F* Ur, at 10 HornuZm WHITEHALL STREET. FREE CONCERT 8AL0M m SHOOTING GALLGUY OPEN EVERY NIGHT. T,acl1 na In Attondano, The beat of Wien, Llqaeis, Porter, Air, and » BetreaHead. aag 7-fen J. M. BUCHAB, FrofsWtor, WM. WOOD & C0„ UNDEBTAKEB8 AND VtUOLST K EEP ou hand aU quaUtlee of Flak's MeUiic Cases; also, ell kinds of Wood Gott tend to Funerals at any hour, with e be class Hearse furnished or for kite. Carriage, eta., be furnished- *U kinds of Upholstery work ‘ Furniture repaired, varnished, etc. Office in new building on Broad afreet la r Fax office. All orders will he promptly attended ta STUM PUIW XiUMBBR YARD, J. C. PECK & CO., , Doors, flash. Blinds, Moulding*, kc^k. ■cel rias largest and beet assortment of hamber »verbros«tie * Hants. Joist of all lengths and sizes, end seasoned 1 of every variety . Don’t aay it ia not in towu uaMi have taken e look at onr piles. J. C. PECE, aug 8-d3m W. G. UKAMLQML GREAT T HR 0 U GI ROUTE! Carrying the United States Mai AND ADAMH' FaXPRIXH, FOR THE N0RTM! North Carolina Railrmi IN DIRECT IJNE TO 1‘KTKRSBUHG, lUCHMUKft PORTSMOUTH, BALTIMORE, PHILADELP SKff YORK and BOSTON. To the Northwest and Kalciah, Charlotte, Colombia, * B»J U* ward 4, front! i ting < Atlanta. On said lot them fa a ona story wood dwell- Jn« to which thedetaffaat now»eehW UrtedwHe *“ " a6 and to fevor of T*U to a Smfe ami KxpnUtim* H O TJ X B FOH THROUGH T/t.iftt Also, at the ime time e 4 port of fend lot Mo. 61, in the Uth feefrtot o^ originally Henry now Fulton county, Ge. Hie pert so lev id on la in ward 4. block 10. city lot fl7. ta be city of Atlanta, and con- alntag \i of an acre more or leee, fronting on Oollini treet; on aaid tot there la oua houae. Levtad on aa be property of Richard Humphreys to satisfy % tax i fa for h1a State and oounty tax for the year iDfe- 8eld fl fr wm Issued by J. M. Harwell, T. C. Propoi ty pointed ont hy said Harwell. - raafctB5BWb“S! 8L«-« Fulton eounty,Oa, The part block 23, oity of Atlanta, and more or leee. fronting — vacant. Levied on as hart to satisfy a for the year im .... . .. T. 0. Property pointed out by aaid UinrelL Also, at the same time and piaee, a part of laud lot Ateo. at the saoi timeaod plaoe, e part of lead lot the property of Ohertaa Bohnata by virtue of mtiaty a fl fa issued by T. B. Boggus. J. P. in t Alvin K.leego, vs. Oherli fichnetz. Levy m< D. A. Cook, L. C. and turned over to me July 31 Aleo. aft the eeme time end plaoe, a part t f laud lot No. 62, io tha 14th diatrict Ihepert eo levied ou is iu Levied onaathe Derby, now, Mre.)o oouuty tax flfa for _ pointed out by John M. , Mil Indiana tax for the ; of, f< Baker, to Skssr 1 Mo^' la the H dUtrict. lie aurt eoTari^o^te *ta ward 6, city lot 94, fronting on Fonyth street in the oity of Atlanta, containing onwhalf an unTmiw m lrea. On said lot there tea one-story wood dmsUi£ ta which the defendant nidi. Levtad on ea the prop! Kdf avSHEn&j v» x a , wa[ ,tar » ho ‘““- Also, at tha • / v - v VMk. fe leewed bv J. M. out by said Bar weft. Atoo, at the earns Ume end plaoe, e part of land lot Mo. 41* la the 14th Diatrict of originally Henry now katton eounty, Oa. The part so levied on la In taloiug Hrwt sallafy by mM Harwell. Also, at tha ime time and place, a»art of tend lot «4. In tlie 14Ui dlelrtot of originally Henry now for State and oofihty tax for the year wi issued bv J. M. Harwell. T. b. I •■at hg aetd Harwell. Also, at the raise time and plaoe, e pert of band lot Mo. 84. ta the lith dtetriet of originally Hemy now rrotmnr ot an. i s isis i sjs*jx Gtek ^17, ji tTn ~*f° c7 Mo&h Um> Fmp«rtT o< Dr. W. F. V P2 i!Tu€1S5!£ 5h. ta !Sf u , b i5^ h^Hsery Holms. L. a. andrafter^ ^ Aleo, at the same time and plaoe, _ imnu ... No. 84. in the Uth district of orlgtmdly HtenT^niw the property of Petar Oeburn, by THROUGH XICKHTTH SOL*DAt Now Orleans, Charleston, Richtnosi Mobile, Columbia, l’oriiwo*^ Montgomerj, Charlotte, Baltlp Jacksonville, Salisbury, Atlanta, Greensboro’ SL Lofita Macon, Baleigb, IxwsUvt#* Augusta, Petersburg. IiKiianty 0 *^ New York ARK GOOD ON THIS HOl'TX The North Carolina Railroai Coaaaota with tho Wilmuagtna * * Boilrood, Raleigh * Gwrtnn Ritilmt Riohuoad * Duml'.e RaUiua.1. W North Oanlioa lUilnwtl, nd Charlotte Jt South OamUua EFSKSSSVSS srS^ffaj# sk*j; ooaatr.Uk. Th«»erteol«rt*dS, ...... jq* 1 «kaMita,^. e.,h, said UarwelL N Also, at the same time and I«o«Vr tgr rtrta, ol eod te wtatTel^l h kj^M.KwU.T.0. ruJtjFrtafikiuh^TB TS* Com fort of PkooMir^ TMr Bunas* CVekod Thn hr Owl rir. Xx|Mrioaced BtoW* 1 Proaigt aad KOkdaat Owdwrtora. (Veto. Pal*oo Sleeping Car* Attaohti Oood WkUt, Wo PuTForlkoMU Work*, amt •» *”* ukooggoMal <if tha ttoat am at to aotmtaa Safu.Acreeabie »“ QUICK TRAVF.I-. ALBSttT JOBKaoN. AMU IMA. 1MO. wV*- •roiiisr PBBUt RAKER AMD OOMFKOnONNM. mauiktta ptkw every variety of Rrend and Oaiee; II afeeturi Oandtaa, and h^pe cooatanMJ ALL KINDS OF FRUIT Ao* a lawl uuruiul at WINES, MQVOKS aad C'W