Atlanta daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1869-1871, August 27, 1869, Image 4

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TUUU ur I JWfttltll'riUI, l for 0»H», P«r Annum .•■■SS‘00 •• Sli Month* IQC> " P-r Month 90 W«»kty Ero, p*r Annum - $ 00 «•> utauak.1i n uivjucm. -am ABrwmwo mTl **m m—; ttfu hlHM. OStSiST::::. WiMhirda OoiuiMM Not •flyers*-not ‘Tff‘ v “tisHir usiirnu Which to Itouud to fake the place of all ethers; >jm» ij tt^ouuqjrtui (kw JOB PRI>TIX; —:--*r M AMMO TQ ' M make a ijStafF. T«ra« cash, before or »d«fo- Advertisement* nuit U« AJNtlWMimiu taaerted *t Intervals l iu4 alter the lntii> a *V- ox* »»« ■ n* ■ LdverthmaeoU under tbe head <•/ "Spectat Mottoes, “ i weety oaktaper Uimforfaret tueertion, aod 10 oa** Voluntary communications, containing interesting ar f* porta* i news, aolldlof from every <iunrt*r. N<f» totierat i os tbe variona oouutie* o( the Htnto eaperially THE ERA OFFICE N TUB HOICK BUILD1MO OB iUUMi UTOKKT orroarrs tub fwrojmc*, bxtwbbh BttOAD AMD WOTTZHAIX. MIMTAHY uihkctuky. HnKTBT Autrcd H. Tekrt C’tunujMiuhtig Department of tbu South. rKMONAL 9TAFT. Brail l Lwutcunnt Colonel E. W. hlBhi Captain U. 8. Army, Aid-dc-Camp. ihi vat Lieutenant Colonel C. H. G«o»f«, Capiat u l T . S. Army, Aid-dc-Oouip. Brevet Cap'niu J. O. Telford, lut Lfratr ri ant V. S. Army, Aid-de-Cowp. nuPABTur.vr kta rr. lire vet Colonel J. U. Taylor, Assistant Ad- jntaut General, U. H. Army, Assistant Ad jutant GerteroL Bn vet Major Robert P. Hughes, Captaii 8. Army, Anting Assistant Adjutant Qen- 'HklUlK.ll HMNMMM Is de*th." T75SXrt-On«)|K Kemrft,. ** “jaias.'iAtuffirar^ **' “COSTM'8" Standard Preparations aim BE AUTIFIER. ItUCKTHORN SALVE! ■t* •:^ras i ’ lualveur* Address Or Joan 1 1 Dvina* Dames k Co., 11 Park Row. N. Y. •dr For Hale by J. A. TAYLOU, I* U. BJUDFIELD au I ether DruKtota In ATLANTA* UA. KWtmnt k P0t. agent*, Atlanta, 0*. PHINItNO BOOK MD JOB PRINTING OFFICE! Pultun Postponed Mortgage Sale for October. 1 l»!o» Ike OoDrl Hi l |AUuU.ri>IHl>p..n ? tr. <W «Dor 1: Ofc,*oU. mill,— beloMto*. !«M o»ull> piviiert, . I fcr , Ufa* It Ml to Mltofjr • morlfe.. fl Ik leeuS frmu MMiimrtk owl to fc*o» of Calamine Iron wert>*Oo, wiki fhMMftifttee Of Aiaerioe n. W. L. HUBBARD, aug lfrflw-pre faa $f par levy Dap y Bkrlg. P0STP0SEB SIER1FF SALE. UnOMrlHouwiloO lu um rulUB OOUOl,. IU., Oil tiu r oeki, witblu iho lo«ol builn tartfi to-wlt: I, iu tha Util cllbtrlrt #f orl^. Sart°i“ city lot «!. k{Sn«*II front ou Paacklraa rtraet il 1-1 laai. aboutbijMt on MuMU atraaA attaated «■ tka comar of Mebtraa and MarlMM abasia. 0*1 yafAOaata. Oa is a Ibs dni MM tdoro ko«sa ooeupta 0o„ aa an iMm koeaa. Levtad on m tba of Ttiomaa KlU, by yl;tna of and to aatlafy from Pullon Mupartor Court In faror of Wj H Wrlskt ru. Jaioaa 1C. Pan key and Tboiuaa Kile, princi pal. and H. f. llocnar audossar. Proparty pointed out bytt. B. lloyt, plalntUTa Sttorury iu Arat mautlouad flfa. April », Isas. , Also, at thaaama Utue and place, one laiye Iron aafs, Wiidor’s patent, now In tka ofllca of tka ITulUtd HUta# FIVE POWER PRESSES ! Ami an Endli'U Variety of Cy^ K. U. Haaaeaa, oua of Ike dnfaudauts. Julyo.isou Also, st Uie aama tints and plane, part of city lot TB, In Urn l4Ui district. Tbo part ao lerted ou Is lu ward 6, fronting on Broad ntroat N» faet. city of Atlanta. Gg., d adJ-lMtot UU flarmar rastdadea of B. it. Haasoeu _ one side and a lot of L. P. Grant's ou UiaoUier, and running back 100 feet loan alley. Levied on as tka property u] E. K. Hnwso, by virtue of and to aatlsfy a State and county tax tt fa for the year IMS, Issued hy '■ Harwell, T. 0., and property pointed out tpr <m>. S. THOMAS, JOB TYK ABO MATERIAL OF EVERY Attorm ck t Lav ATLANTA, OA. THOMAS G, SIMMS, Agent, OfBi e at tba CloUilng Store of W. H. Lowe k Co., H AVING added Bawarnl TMenaand Uellara wo • Type to our already EXTENSIVE JOB OFFICE ! Atlanta, llcorgla. We take great pleasure li oundug to lyle of tk tka Business Pflblio that wa are now more fully prepared tlian tou aesas, uiovf Sf lSM. Levied l)r. awry W?mUmfry virtue ( tacbmeut A fa lseued from Fulton Buperior Court, lu favor of Busan Blantou vs. H. W. Brown. Property pojutad out ky pkkUrtUTa attorney in this A fa. July Also, at the same time and ulace, land lot No. 68, IU tba 17tb district of originally Henry now Fulton county, (ia.. oontalolng 202 1-2 acres, more or leas. Bald land is now vacant. Levied on as tbe property of Richard F. M. Maun, by virtue of and to satisfy a distress war- sauad by W*. CUnL J. F*. of Bpnlding oounty, . u favor of M. G. Dobbins vs. IUchard K M. Maun. Property pointed out by M. G. Dobbins.— April 27. HMD. Also, at tbe tame time and plaoe, part of land lot No. 72, la tbe 14th district, bounded as follows; Com mencing 14 feet from the .-Ss&^a-gftsg t, I*, fur tk, iwua »Olkt«l »Ul b, .Ud ai — 11MI mil flkM. k MX of ImA SI® Bara Audareon, to eadsfy a tax A fb Aw Ms BtaU and ooaotr •SrSTS. bf ML Harwdl. T. d oMbfMjAr* “ triot *““** V" u "*"*• *• °- r— uxt tx&x & Fa Man oonnty. Gaorala. Tbe *sH ao levied i Ward A. frantlng on Mala and WiUaaa street*, t. . TSi “Sr", w* uid WMalv 1M fWllM 7*or lMW, kiMl bj J. U.llU- w.ll, T. 0. Vroiwru puloud okl b, .«1J Hw»«lL a» »■»>«« «a« Uua lul 4, Uookln.liitk.ellT •mat. Wold lot le lu rwr uf He. klofteii'e, end i owl. |k<ritd wMiktiiropertr ol4innw. to hr. U> a f> tor kle Mkte end cuuntj tan. tor tk. INK. tuo-l by 1. tfTSwtrdl, T. V. Troperty po om by Md HnwoU. Akw. et a* w. tin. 4b.l pliM. ft put olhwAlot Mo. U, U> the UUi DUUlot of oridloUly Henry zz FOR IEV Ml STEAM EIOIIE CO.. Manufacturers of end. Captain C. W. HoUaupillei. U. S. Army, Aeliog Assistant Inspector Oeneml. Major DeWitt Clinton, Jndgo Advocate U. S. Army, Judge Advocate. Brevet Brigadier General T. J. Haims, Commissary of Snbsisteneo U. S. Army, Chief Commis^ry. Biovet Colonel A. R. Eddy, Major and Quar termaster U. S. Army, Chief Quartermaster. Captain G. K. Sanderson, U. S. Army, Depot and Staff Quartermaster. Brevet Brigadier General W. J. Sloan, Horgeon U. S. Army, Medical Director. Brevet Brigadier General John J. Milhau, Surgeon U. 8. Army. AHKUtant to Medical Director, temporary. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel A. K. Smith, Sur geon U. 8. Army, Attending Surgeon. Brevet Lieutenant Colouel David Taggart, Paymaster U. S. Army. Chief Paymaster, office at Charleston, South Carolina. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel T. L. Allison, Pay master U. S. Army. Engine Laths, Planers, Bolt Cutters, l ! p- right Drills, Machinists* Tools of nil Descriptions. L90. manufacture and well Wood-working Machloe- L rjr of every deecriptlon, and Btatlonary and Port able Lutfint*- and holler*. Patent oold rolled Bhaltlup, Leather end Rubber Betting, and all artfclea needlul i machine or railroad repair ahope. OOlee 12C and 128 Chamber* at. New York. GEORGE PLACE, Preaideot. JOHN H. CHKEVKK. Bec'y JelG-tf CHAS. F. HARDWICK, Bec'y. All Descriptions of Job Printing ! Our New Addition* were eeleotad by an Experienced Printer, and oomprlee all Ike latest improvement* in TYPE, PPHSSB^, BTC., And enables w* to oompete *uooenfully with any Printing Kstnbia«lauk«nt In Mae Bon tit. Indeed, we are prepared to priut anything gage fi C teen hundred i tent* ($1,994 11.. leal and all ooaL This done b ~il, 1889. ■ Pitta’ lot Upon said lot there illlug, iu which the defendant iperty of Robert A. Jihn- " and to natiafy aeventeeo |k day of June of John D. Pope, From a VISITING CARD to a MAMMOTH. POSTER ! J aug 10—w4w graft* In a Style to auit the most faatidioua. We have now up and in ruuulng order ROSADALIS, FIVE SPLENDID P0W1 ^ N l'MU Kit ONE THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Cures Scrofula In all its various form*, such aa IS A MAMMOTH HOG CY1ANDKM PHKSS. And 1, • lluge Hoc of MeckJnery, tbe larfteel of Ike kind eoer brenfM to Atlnnu. ThU Preu le cpcUtty odeplnd lu TOein Qoolft A'l'llltlllft end IearfO Fofltors. iber, 1869. IMPORTANT TO INVALIDS AND Pleasure Seekers. Consumption in it* earliest stages, Enlargement and Ulceration of the Glandea, Joiuta, Bone*. Kidney a. Uterus, t'hrouic Rhcumatiam, Eruption* of the Hkin, Chronic Bore Eyes, Ac.; also, SYPHILIS IN ALL ITS FORMa M MUKK TWO In also a Hoe Cylinder Press, Smaller than the Aral, and one of the best Newspaper Prei nilKouly direct Virginia Springs, ALL NORTHERN CITIES. TIE CHESAPEAKE & DEIO RAILROAD o the Greenbrier While Sul NO STAGING. If you desire SPEED, COMFORT and SAFETY, go ax the Great Virginia and Teanrner Air Line. Apply to Ticket Offlce, J'axeenger Depot. B. W. WRENN, jy7-d2aa. Oen. Ticket Agent W. I A. K. B. | SIMMON S tacom plaint are c ■and pain In Uie aiti ■ahoulttor. and is ftfor rheumatism. i, bow- el* in geuersl costive, xometlme* alternating with tax The head 1* troubled with patu a i d dull xcuaxtion m miL, eomelhing which LIVER • symptom* atbstid ^the dMoase, xml at other < d very few of t ; Ihe l.ver la generally DR. liiv l.U SIMMONS’ HGUtliATOH, A preparation of r<M>ta and herba, warranted to be- •inetiy vegetable, and ran do no iujnry to any oue. It bee been uer«l by hundred*, and known for tl leal -M year* aa one ot the moat reliable, • itira. i<>> and Larmles* prvparatloua ever ..tiered to ike sutlei lug. If taken regularly and pentatoiitly, Ilia auru l curs. wp*la, headachy Jaundice, roatlveneea, aick HBR ueadach*, hrouic dia rlKt-a, —-»--^on* of tiie btaftlder. • tly.enterj. adectloiiH a kitin')*. A-ver, tier- t*. thJlta. dlscaaesof ikin, impurity of a of epinut, heartburn Ml* OV ami ague, df»i»y, »■ back and Ihnl wsypelaa, female a®*ctl«»ua, and bilbma only by J. If. KKIL.IN At CO., • 11; by mail ll?f. Drurglsle, Macon, «!a The loHovriug blgblf rsap^ahle T*er«»na can foil) altret to Ike Vlrtnca ot this valuable niedictae, and t- w11oti* we n»<>-t retoxirifolly f*r. (lea. W. A. U«M, Preeldont X. W. It. M. Co.J Rev. J K. Fektav, Perry, tK. { <’oi X. Hpsrfee, Albasy, Ga.; O. * - “ M. W. H. U.| O. Mutts, Bain- Tailahaseae; Rev. . H ; Daotol Uni- i Hlatiou, Macon k Bnisewtck It. K . Twiggs county, Ga.: Greewvtlls Wuo>t, Wood’s Fschw rr. Mssoit. Ua.: Hev. K V. Ksstevling, P. K. Florida CnufcvwaMw; Mgjvr A. F. Wootay, Kiugatou. fla.; Edi- tor Msons Tatagrsph. may 9-dkwtou B. A. FAHNESTOCKS VERMIFUGE, I IIKKAFFH'I AXIt MOST EFFECTIVE UHMKDYFOR WORMS Tlmt tin. wv«r been ilMKVivnrnl. -eg, have cheer- ■ I sxtebalvHy, for tbe alaaple rnetou II blaghat y«• krra dliravcrnl vwlali k raw b« sMbsfM«a4*4 Im It* pine*. id It M given without apjWvhMttton, U«| IM < ever) x'U'eti <I rq owe lt« perf4>ct safety It h 1.1« potofat forever • — • ta auisvlority In , , i. oMh« world. it Is' ttav Isapirallta dsly wt vvvrw p H - rrMttu wal< l< ill* liewltli af Wlaeklld. t*n4 to |, r iivM<- hlmwir wUli IHIa patakl «p«» Be careful to ..nswrvt»l4e tgltlala of the name, and a« that you K' ( Q V / “B. A. rAMNCSrOCK'S VEHMIFUCf K. A Fahoegtook’iSou A WIIOI.I’SAI.K I>l(i;<A«4INTH, PITTHSlIKp, I'd., 'JDiaeasoai of Womonj Los# of Appetite, Nick Headache, Live Complaint, l J aln In the Hark. Im prudence In Life, Gravel, General bad health, and all diseaaea of tbe Rlood, Liver, Kidneys, and Bladder, It Is n perfect renovator. mmBKH THREE IS A 3VtBUIXJJaI HOB JOBBER, NUMBER FOUR IS A HALF MEDIUM POTTER PRE8S. HOSAUAl.lS rre.tlo.tei reducing the alight Km>iiiin<‘ii<l<Ml by the Medical Faculty and many tlioiis-uids of onr hcNt citizen*. For Printing CIRCULARS, LETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS, Ac., and la of very superior quality. NUMBRIl FIVE le a model of Beauty, and turns u l with a rapidity that 1a astonishing; and, yat. In the noateat and most 4F* For testimonials of remarkable cures, aec ■ Hs.lall* Almanac” for this year. Prtqared only by Dra. Clements, Riven A Co., kfan- ufactorise Chemists, formerly J. J. Lawrence A Co., With these extensive facilities for all kind* of BOOK AND JOB PRINTING, t work aa rapidly aa any Establishment south 40Ltr*v A Li MtocTO. July u^nj CHATHAM MACHMERY AGENCY Bowftrd kid Bftrki Stmt", PMlidalphi,. 1 Beam K.tglne, 22-lncb cylinder, four foot stroke, made by Bnttou, with IS boilers, io-lnch diauo 4S feet long. 1 Beam Engine. 18-inch cylinder, fonr feet stroke, made by Button, with 8 boilers, Sh-lnch diameter, 18 feet long. 40 Roller Looms, 42-fuch, 8, 8 and 10 treadles, 1, 2. S nd 4 slinttlcs. romptm Looms, 42 and 40 inch, 12 and 24 liar- less, 3 and 2 boxes, pick and pick, and also 4 ■ossa. (68x48 1st breaker,) Muh IN STYLE AND PRICES WE DEFY COMPETITION All we ask is .A F AIE TRIA.L We are prepared to print HANDBILLS, 1 «llx4’i 1st breakf-i :Uix42 2d :*>x4? Cond.-nser (00X48 1st break* (48x48 2d •• } 432 Spindles (48x48 Condenser. ) g'age Mills 240 iptlidb i 1'4-lu.gags COTTON MACHLNERY for COARSE YARNS. 1 Willow, Hudson's make, large six*, s|«M«b r 38- kMnrli traverse. 1 Ih-ewlng frame, fi With shafting, belling, Ac., Ac. Will falsa part COT n»W In Iradr. on. xuoncAtre UOLUUIN UUH’ppiliwj A.k Ivr iiu ulh.r. (Mm do oOi«r. .Oil vuu will ,.v 11,4,., h4-*iikand money. Il.oisi REWARD for avyMse of ulseaseln any stage rhh'b they tall to cure. Dr. Rkwav's Uflum Raijum Ho. 1 euros Ulcere, lllceretod Mors Thrust and Mouth, Mure Eyre. OateiM*- uu* «r Akin Eruptions, Copper Ootared Rtatabee, (tor.- of Iks Hialp, HcrofoU, Ac. j talks greeteei U. ih» attd bnaUhy. I»r. Ilh'HAUs Got DCS Balms. No. 2 cures Meivuviel AJI.4 Ihins. Itlnweltsui, lu ell its forms, whether Irom Mercury «»r Other cense*; gives IminmUsta relief lu ell H Ho dieting useessry. 1 bnv« t^>useti<U of cer ex nnftuDd wlUieull.lnelLu. iMu.ftutfs bw4U>. nr. Uum.B'a (kun Knua ftHotm. . niM < •.. I.u Kw,wu .rd*wl IMilily lauU O. yMiwi; U>- "Mpi- a ftun II .. H. to N. ai^Mft— BILL HEADS, CIRCULARS, LETTER HEADS, BUSINESS CARDS. WEDDING CARDS, VISITING CARDS, LABELS OF ALL KINDa Together with All Descriptions of Haiiroad Work From a Ticket to a ledger. • else prepared to do all kinds of FANCY PRINTING, PLAIN OR IN C0L0R8. BOOK-BINDERY! ■ wltk oar oRot.. 1 Book.tUn4.rr. la >br,i at dm of Ik. SXMIT 1 lu tk. Hutteft MukM. vhu mu do .U ftMrlftkRu. oft wort lu tk. MVT BTTLB au4 SAMUEL BARD. of land lot ry now Ful- iu Ward 6, ty. Levied on as the property of J. C. Henderson, to satisfy a State and oounty tax A fa for 188th issued by J. M. Harwell. T. C. Property pointed out by said Harwell. Aug. 2, 18C9. Also, at the same time and place, a pert of laud lot No. 60, Id the 14th District of originally Henry now Fulton county. The part so levied on ia in Ward 0, city lot No. 9, fronting on Peachtree street, in the city of Atlanta, containing 2 acres, more or loa*. levied on aa the property of Mrs. J. H. Hester, to aatlafy a Htate and county tax A fa for 1868, issued by J. M. Har well, T. C. Property pointed out by said Harwell. Also, at the same time aud place, a part of land lot No. 43, In the 14th District of originally Henry now Fulton county, Ga. The part ao levied on ia in Ward 8, in the new limit* of the city of Atlanta, and con tain* 2 acres, more or lees. Leviod on aa the property of J. B. Murtln, to aatlafy a Htate and county tax A fe for 18C8, itsued by J. M. Harwell, T. C. Property tainted out by said Harwell. Also, at the same time and place, a part of land No. 76, in the 14th District of originally Henry now Fultou county, Ga. l'he part mo levied ou is In Ward 2, iu the new limits uf the city of Atlanlu. Mad coakuat two acre*, more or less. Levied on *■ the property of Joseph McGinnis, to satisfy a Htate and couuty tax fl la for 18C8, immuik! by J. M. llai well. T. C. Property 1 Knitted out by said Harwell. Also, at the asm* time and place, a nart of land 1< No. 62, iu tho 14th District or originally Itonry no 1*111100 county, Ga. The part ao leviod on ia in Ward 3, city lot No. 32, frontlhg on Terry and Jones streets, in the city of Atlanta, aud containm au acre, more or leas. Levied on as the property of Alexander McWil liams, to satisfy a State ami oounty tax A fa for 1H6H, issued by J. M. Harwell. Property pointed out by said Harwell. Also, at tho same time and place, a part of land lot No. 84, In the 14th District of originally Henry now Pulton couuty, Ga. Tho part levied ou is in Ward 1. lu the city of Atlanta, containing 1 acre, morn or less, fronting on Walner aud Davis street. Hald lot la va cant. Levied ou as the property of Morgan, Putnam ft Go., to satisfy a tax tt fa lor Hta!« and county tax for 18f.8, issued by J. M. Harwell, T. <5. Property poiutod out by said Harwell. Also, at the same time aud place, a part of land lot No. 79, in the 14tli District of originally Ueury now Fulton county, Ga. The part eo levied on is >u Ward 6, fronting on Luckle and Payne streets. In the city of Atlanta, aud containing H of an acre, more or loss. On said lot la a si ogle-story wood house. levied on as the proporty ot G. W. McGuire, to satisfy a Htaie and county tax A fa for 1868, issued bv J. Af. Harwell, T. C. Property pointed out by said Harwell. Also, at tho same time aud place, a part of land lot No. 61, lu the 14th district of originally Henry now Fulton oounty, O*. Part so leviod on is in Ward 4. block 14, city lot 89, fronting on Calhoun street, city of Atlauta, containing X of *n acre, more or less. On *ald lot there 1* one amall house. Levied on as the property of Wm. G. McGinnis, to satisfy a State and county tax A fa for 1868, issued by J. M. Harwell, T. C. ITopeny pointed out by said Harwell. Also, at the same time and place, a part of land lot No. 61, in the 14th District of originally Henry now Fu ton county, Ga. The part so levied on is in Ward 4, city lot 106, lu the city of Atlanta, containing X of an acre, more or less, on Decatur atreet On aatd lot Is one house. J/evled on as the property of Cathai in<> McNamara, to satisfy a State and county tax A fa for 1868, leaned by J. M. Harwell, T. C. Property pointed out by said Harwell. Aleo, at the same time aud place, a part of laud lot No. 76, tn the 14th District of originally Henry now Fulton county, Ga., in Ward 2, block 19, city of Atlan ta, containing *« of an acre, more or lese, fronting on Grew atreet. Levied on aa the property of Alfred Herrington, to eatiafy a tax A fa issued by J. M. Har well. T. 0. Property pointed out by said Harwell. Also, at tha aame time and place, a part of laud lot No. 61, In the 14th District of originally Henry now Fulton county, Qa. The part ao levied on la In Ward 4, block 134, fronting on Houston and Kills streets, in the city of Atlanta, ooutalntng X an sore, more or lees, levied on aa the property of James C. Hughes, by vir tue of and to aatlafy a tax A fa issued by J. M. Har well, T. C. Property pointed out by said Harwell. Also, at the same time aud place, a part of laud lot No. 79, lu the 14th District of orlgiually Henry uow Fulton oounty, Ga. The port so levied on ta tn Ward 6, fronting on Hull and Alexander atreet*. In the city of Atlanta, containing IX oorea, more or less. Levied on a* the property of the estate of J. R. Henry, by virtue of anu to aatlafy a tax A fa laaned by J. M. Harwell. T. C. Property pointed out by said Harwell. Also, at the aame time and place, a part of land lot No. 110, In the 14th District of orlgtnaliy Henry uow Fultou county. Ga. The part ao levied oa ta lu Ward 1, near the breastworks, in the city of Atlauta, front ing on Ireburcey street, containing IX acres, more or lues. Levied on as Ihe property of Win. Hyatt, by virtuo of au<l to satisfy a tax A fa issued by J. M. Har well. T. C. Property poiutod out by said llarwatl. Also, at the same time and place, a port of load lot No. 84, In the lath District of originally Henry now Fulton county, Oa. Tbe part so lerted on ta In Ward 1. fronting on ltac* Track street, tn the city of Atlanta con tailing X of an acre, more or leas. Levied on aa the property of John II. HUton, by virtuo of aud to satisfy a tax A fa Issued by J. M. Harwell, T. C. Prop- erty pointed out by said Harwell. Also, it the same time and place, a part of land lot No. 70, lu tho 14th Dtatrlot of originally llonry uow Fultou couuty, Ga. The part ao levied on Is in Ward 1, fronting on Whitehall street. In the city of Atlauta, ooutainlug •» au acre, more or leas. Levied property of R. J. Johuaon, by virtue of aud a tax 1 fa tasutd by J. M. Harwell, T. O. pointed ant by said Harwell. Also, at the aaiue Ume and place, a part nf land lot No. AI, In (he 14Ut District of origiualiy Henry t Fulton county, Ga. The property so levied on h Ward 4, block 133, In the city of Atlauta, rronilug Builor atreet, and containing X °* •«» acre, mor* toM. Oa aatd lot la a amaU house. Levied on aa the property of Henry BtriekUnd (o*h red) by virtue of ami to aatlafy a tax A fa issued by J. M. Harwell, T. G. Property pointed out by aatd Harwell. Also, at the earns time and place, a part of land lot No. —, In the 14th District of originally Henry now Fultou couuty, Ga. Tho part so levied on la In Ward 4. within tbe new limit* of the oi|y of Atlanta, eon. tabling X an sure, more or less. Levied on as the raru"r.7.^7U°rTj 1 tt o ;*r Property pointed out by said Harwell. Also, st the earns Ume and place, a part of laud lot No. 86, lu the 14th District of originally lieury now Fulton county. Oa. Tlia part ao levied on u n. Ward 2, fronting on McDonough atreet, In the city of Atlan ta, containing 1 acre, more or less. On said lot are 2 email shanties. levied on os the property of Jacob Nelaom by virtue of and to aattsf)- a tax A fa IbmiihI by “ Property imtuled out liy snltl tainlog x of e Brown, to satisfy a tax A ft for bit Htato aud county tax for the year 1868; sold fl fa was lseued by J. M- Har well, T. 0. Property pointed ont by said Harwell. Also, at the same Ume and plaoe, a part of land ‘lot No. 01, in the 14th Metric* of originally Heory now Fulton county, Ga. Tk* port ao levied on ta tn Ward 4, containing WxlUU foot, fronting on Kill* and CoUlm •Wta, in the cltv uf Atlanta. Held lot ia vacant. Levied on aa the' proporty of Thomas J. Barney, to aatlafy a tax A At forkl* Mato and county tax for tbe year 1888. Hold A ta wm burned by J. M. Harwell. T. C. Property pointed out by sold Harwell. Also, at tba same time and place, a part of land lot Mo. 51, In the 14th District or originally Iienry now Fulton county, Ga. The part so levied on is In Ward 4. city lot 14. containing X <* “»«,«« or toe*, fronting on Alley street, near Houston street. Bold lot to levied on m the property of Robert D. Boulton, to satisfy s tax A fa for his State and coturfy tax for the year 1808. Said A fa wm teamed by J. M. Harwell. T. >perty pointed out by aatd Harwell, at the same time and plaoe, a part of laud lot in the 14th District uf originally Henry now Fulton county, Qa. The port ao levied on la tn Ward 4, In the city of Atlanta, and containing one-third o au acre, more or lest, fronting ou James Avenue and W. k A. B. B. streets. Said lot contain* a residence. Lerted on m the property of O. W. Bush, to aatlafy a tax A fa for kto Wat* and county tax for the year 1888. Bald A fa was Issued by J. M. Harwell. T. C. Proi»erty pointed ont by said Harwell. AU«, at the a J No. 76, in the 14th District ox origmauy i ~ Fulton county. Oa. Tbe part so lertad on ia tn Ward 2, block 19, In th* city of Atlanta, fronting on Crew and Washington streets, containing 1M more or leas. Levied on m tka property of 0. «. Jpyton . to aatlafy a tax ft ta for bis State and county twn. for th# —ar 1888, Bold fl t% WM loaned by J. M. Harwell. 1. Property Pointed out by aatd HarwelL , _. levied on la in Ward L in the city of Atlanta, and containing X of an acre, more or leas, fronting on Race street Bald lot is levied on as the property of Henry Beetles, to aatlafy a tax U fa for hi* Bute aud county tax for tbe year 1888. Bald fl fa wm taeuod by J. M. Harwell, T. 0, Property pointed out by aatd Harwell. Also, at the same time and plaoe, a part of land lot No. 78, In the 14th District of orlgiually Henry now Fulton county, Ga. The port ao levied ou ia in Ward I, city of Atlanta, containing X of an acre, more or leas, fronting on Hug* aud W. k A. R. R. streets. Bald lot 1* vacant. Levied on as the property of Mr*. M. A. Callahan, to satisfy a tax ft ta for her Btatoaud couuty tax for tbe year 18G8. Bald fl la was Issued by J. M. Harwell, T. C. Property pointed out by said Harwell. Also, at the same time and place, a part of land lot No. 83, lu the 14th District of originally Henry now Fulton county, Oa. The part ao levied on la in Ward 1, city of Atlanta, 2 acre#, more or less, fronting on Uabbett and Fouudry atreet*. Bald lot ia levied on as the property of Lamar k Cummings, to aatlafy a tax ft fa for their btaie and county tax for tho year 1868. 8*id ft fa was issued by J. M. Harwell, T. C. Property pointed out by said Harwell. Also, at tlio aame time and No. 84, in the 14th District of . PH Fultou oounty, Ga. The port ao levied on is in Ward 1, in the city of Atlanta, and containing one-half of acre, more or Ism, fronting on Walker street Said ia vacant. Levied on aa tbe property of Christopher Conyers, to satisfy atax fi fa for his Htato and oounty taxes for tbe year 1868. Bald fl fa wm issued by J. M. Harwell, T. C. Property pointed out by sold Harwell. Also, at the same ttm* and plac No. 46, in tbe 14th District of oi .. Fulton county, G*. The part so levied on ia in Ward 4, city of Atlanta, containing one-third of an ac less, fronting on DecaAnr atreet. 8*Jd lot Ttittoa county, Ga, The part ft—.— -■-* towrs&x ss 5^*3 •old tot there is oft* urndl house. Lerted ea m bwu*: J&.UI Mw m*Dm MdjFlmftMrtof!u< M Xn. u. k> u. UU iwm oiMtatodtlUaiT ft** warily from /ohm Me tutor*. MiMls tested on aa wi Edward Beale to milady a tax f. ta. for count/ tax for the yea* lam. Meld A. * Harwell, T. C. Property pointed Miya lUrwril, T. f Property bi, aSS) IlStaodplM*. •!»* of U»d bt No. ftl, lk tk. IMkJUotefot of wtftlkiilr Umn — fultou i 4. fo the i le ta ward oounty, Ga. Th# pert ao lerted on ta in eettyof Atlanta, containing aexlta lest. Ceihouu street Maid tot ta tovtsd on as the property uf Anthony Graves to satisfy a tax ft. fa. ter fi- *u»u and oounty tax tor the year AE Bold fL Ik. was ta sued by J. If. Harwell sola liar well. AUo, at the aame Urns and place. Property pointed part of land tot No. 01, In the 14th district of originally Henry uow Fultou oounty, Go. The part so levied ou 1s lu ward 4. lu the city of Atlanta, and contains ou*fourth of an acre, more or 1*M, fronting on Baker street. Go said Jot there ia one amall house. levied on aa the iwoperty of Jehu H. Gad on* to aatlafy u tax ft fa. tor hi* fetate and couuty tax for the year 1868. Bald fL fa. wm Issued by J. M. Harwell. T. C. Property pointed oat by aatd Harwell. Also, at the saino Ume and place, a part of land lot No. 47, In the 14th district of origiualiy Heury new Fulton couuty. G*. The part ao levied on ta to ward 4. fu the city of Atlanta, aud containing two *ud-*-hatf aciwa. more or lees. Bald tot ta within Urn new bmlta Levied ou M the property of William Greer to aatlafy a ux fl. ta. for Lie Bute and county tax tor the year 1888. Bold fl. fa. wm issued by J. M. Harwell, T. 0. i rojM-rty pointed out by mid Harwell. Also, at the aame time and place, a part of land lot No. 63. iu the 14Ui district of originally Henry now Fulton comity, Go. The part ae levied on ta lu wurd 3. lu the city of Atlauta, number of acres not known, fronting ou Waters aud Richmond streets. levied on as the proporty of Georg# Graham to satisfy a tax fi. fa. for his Btata aud couuty tax for the year 1868. Hold ft ta. wm taeuod by J. M. Harwell, T. C. Property point* ed by — M Harwell. Also, at tbe aame time aud place, a part of land lot No, —, in the 14th district of originally Heury now Fulton oounty, Ga. Tha j»art ao levied on is in ward 4, the city of Atlanta, aud ooutatus uao-fourth of an acre, moro or leM, fronting on Oolttos -*—* ta levied on the property of i issued by J. M. Harwell, __t by autd Harwell. k time aiul place, a part of laud tot 1868. Hald fl. Projttrtypolntod No. 61.’ *u the 14th district oi originally Iienry now Fultou oounty. Go. Th# part ao lerted on to In word 4, city tot No. 220. in the city of Atlanta, aud aatd bH contains 1 acre more or less, fronting on Calhoun and Jenkins streets; said lotto vacant. Levied on m the property of A. J. Gtr-lsou to aatlsfy a tax fl fa for his Htate and oounty tax for the year 1868. Bald fl fa wsa issued by J. M. Harwell, 1‘. il Property pointed out by aatd Harwell. Also, at tbe same Ume and place, a port of land lot No. 78, lu tbe l«tb district of originally Henry now Fulton county, Ga. The part ao levied on ia in ward 0, city lot 60, in tbe city of Atlanta, and contains 26 by 80 feet, fronting on Walton atreet ; aatd tot ta vacaut. Levied on aa tbe proporty of Jacob Gunet to aatlafy ft la for bis btata aud county tax for the year 1868. Bald fl fa laaued by J. M. Harwell, T. C. Property painted by aatd Harwell. Also, at the aame time and place, a part of land tot No. 85, in the 14th district of originally Henry Fulton county, G*. The part ao levied on is in ward In the city of Atlanta, containing half acre leas, (routing on Peters street aud Macon k Western Kail road; ou said lot ia one amall house. Levied ■ m the property of John Gallaway to satisfy a tax fi (a for his Htate and county t “ ' L —WAfa .. for the year 1868. Hald fi issued by J. M. Hrrwell, T. C. Property point- by said Harwell. [All the above levies made by T. G. Gresham, L. C., and turned over to me August 4tli, 1869.j Also, at the aame time and place, a part of land lot No. 114, tn the 14th district of originally Henry now Fulton county. Ga., bounded on the east by J. A. Jett, on tbe south by Henry Elliott, on the west by L. Dean’s lands, «.n the north by the widow Eliiott'e lands, containing fifty acres more or leas, raid de scribed laud is now vacant Levied on as the proper ty of William I. UudMon, guardian and ex-oflkio ad- ‘ **■—mervtUe El vacant. Lerted on aa the proporty of 8aliua Collin. ' ‘ * “ “ for her Htate and county tax for the fi fa was iMued by J. M. Harwell, 6, in the city of Atlanta and containing one-fourth of on acre, moro or less. Bald lot ia near Fechter'a brew ery. Levied on m the property of Owen Ualahan to aatlafy a tax A fa for hia Htato and county tax for tbe year 1868. Said ti (a was issued by J. M. Harwell, T. C. Property pointed out by said Harwell. Also, at the aame time and place, a part of land tot No. 84, in tho 14Ui district of originally Heury now Fulton county, Ga. The part ao levied on ia iu ward 1, city lot 2. In thn city or Atlanta, and rontainint/ by 182 feet, fronting on Mangum street. Bald lot levied on aa the proporty of Mrs. L. U. Durham to a lsfy a tax (I fa for her State and county Ux for the year 1868. Said fi fa wm issued by J. M. Harwell, T. 0. Property pointed out by said Harwell. Also, at the same time aud place, a part of laud lot No. 85, in Uie 14th district id originally Henry now Fultou couuty, Ga. The pait ao levied on ia lu ward 1, in the city of Atlanta, and the number of known, fronting on Potara and Walker streets. Haid lot la levied ou m the property of Benj. Dykee to satis fy a tax fi fa Issued for his State aud county Ux for the year 1868. Bald fi Ta was issued by J. M. Harwell, T. C. Property (Minted out by aald Harwell. Also, at the aame time aud (dace, part of land tot No. 63, In the 14lh district of originally Henry uow Fultou county, Ga. Tho part ao levied on ia iu ward 3, city of Atlanta, 1J» of an acre more or leas, trouting on Faith and Connolly streets—said lot vacant. Lev- lsd oa as the proporty of I. P. Calhoun, to satisfy a tax fl fa for his Htato and oounty tax for Die year 1868, said i fa issued by J M. Harwell, T. 0. Property poiutod out by said Harwell. Alto, at the aame time and plaro, part of land lot No. the 14th district oi originally Henry uow Fultou i is lu ward 1, city lees, front- tbe property of Joshua Calloway to aatlafy * r 1868.— Property t fl fa for State and county tax for tho year 1SC8.- '■****’ * *d by J. M. Har r ** “ ' - (r said Hald fi fa insued by J. M. pointed out by said Harwell. Also, at the same tlmo aud place, part of land block 133, city of Atlanta, containing >4 acre more ’—i, frouting on Butler -treet; said lot is vacant Lev on as the property of Mrs. Mary A. Conley to utls- fy a tax fl fa tor State and county tax for th* year 18C8. Haid fl fa leased by J. M. Harwell. T. o. Property 86, iu the 14th district of origiualiy Heury uo Fultou county, U*. The part *0 levied on I* in ward 1, city of Atlanta, containing *4 *cr« more or Ism, fronting ou Humphries and Race streets. Levied on M (ho propert) of Mr*. Buaan Dollar to satisfy a tax ft fa for htate and couuty tax for tbe > ear 1866. Bald fi fa ia- ■toad_by J. M. Harwell, T. 0. Property pointed out by time and place, a part of land lot No. 18, iu the 14th district 01 originally Henry now Fulton oouuty, Go. The part so levied on 1* In ward 5, block 167, tn tho city of Atlanta, oontaiuiug t, of au acre more or Ism, fronting on Hull aud Simpson st*.; on said lot there la a email house. Levied on aa the propert* of J. i. Dunn to satiaty a tax ft fa for Ula State and county tax for tho year 1868. Bald fl fa wm issued by J. M. Harwell, T. C. Property pointed out by said Harwell. earns time and place, a part of laud lot miuistrator of Summerville Elliott. Levied ou to be ment of costa by a decree of th< rior Court of Fulton county, Ga. July 27,1869. . at the same time aud place, the house and premises ou which it ta erected (of the defendant G. Huwaldl, said premises being In th* dty of Atlanta, _ Jton couuty. Go., and situated on the west aide of Peachtroe street, and bounded as follows: Commenc ing st the junction of Peachtree and Hunnicutt sta.. running along Hunnicutt street 190 feet to an alley, along aatd alley south 190 feet, east 196 foet to said Peachtree street, thence north along said Peachtree street HX) feet, containing H acre more or 1cm ; on aatd lot there ia a one-story brick building iu which tbe defendant now reside*. Levied on the property of G. A. Huwald by virtue of and to satisfy a fl fa issued trotn Fulton 6tip«rlor Court in favor of Joel A. Tut tle vs. Gustavus A. Huwald. Property pointed out by M. J. Clark and in said fl fa. July 28. 1869. Also, at the same time and place, a part of l*nd lot No. 83, lu the 14tb district; the part so leviod ward 1, block 3J, fronting on Elliott street, city of At lanta, containing Ifc of an acre more or.leM; on said lot there las one story wood dwelling in which the de fendant now resides. Levied on as tho property ol Henry Thurman to satisfy a State aud oounty tax li fa for tax for tho year 1868. Property pointed John M. Harwell. T. C. July 2S*. 1809. Also, at tbe same time aud place, a part of land lot No. 77, In the 14th district; tbe part ao levied on ia 111 ward 2, block 3, having a front ou Alabama street, oily of Atlanta, 36 feet, and naming back 117 feet; on said ||>I llioftk ia k two •tot]' brick rtwT wvupliHI Dy If. M. k U. J. Lowiy oa bankers aud comm urn ion Hi «rc hauls. Levied on aa the property of James K. Powell by vir tue of and to satisfy a fl fa issued from Chattooga Hn- porior Court iu favor of J. P. Jolly vs. Powell k Hutch lusou, and 11. k J. M. Moyer*, on appeal bond, and J. M. Moyers security on appeal. IToperty pointed nut by J. M. Moyers, one or the defendants. August Alto, at tbe same time and place, a part of land lot No. 16, iu tbo 14th district of orlgiually Heury now Eulton county, Ua , ommenciug at tho northwest said land lot 16, naming east along the north containing 39 acres more or leas; said land i* vacant. Also, part of laud lot No. 16, In said district, commenc ing ut the original southeast corner of aald lot 16, " ' re or to*, a stake and ■, thence at right angles west 1,076 feet loM, to a stake aud atono, thence at right angles south . —, jo a gUkc and Mone * Undillg said lot 16, thence at right angles 1.678 fi >tr the orWtinal line . ... ^ __ oat ou tho original south Uno of said tot J6, ”1,076 fort □ore or leas, to tho beginnlug, containing 39 26*100 ,- res more «>r leas; said land is vacant. Levied on aa the property of James T. Lewie by virtue of and to satialy aft ta issued from Fulton Inferior Court in : H Cicero H. Chandler vs. James T. Lewis in ski and Thomas M. Clarke endorser. l»roporty pointed oulby N. J. Hammond, attorney for defendant. July district of origiualiy 1 BJ aald laud having a tront of 40 feet LSTi kmck/ofc^flttoStafS , move or Mm. On said tot 1, Lanea oam tka ywyaitr af J. B. r a>.tft,»«Miuk mw/m4 £ Mbtl—ftr.Ofc »ftftftrtMlftfa«,aCa Mo.k ftl. frooMftft oa Mm —A Book Tirol gmliis§S£!'< Faitoe county, Os. TW pert so lertea .« , c*ty tot 114, freaking ok Mirielli street, la u, Atlauta, owitainta* IB by MB feet Levtod w rrv sSfrsrwaaw. r * printed owt by saM Harwell. Alee, at the saana Ume end pfaas. a pert M Mo. 77, In tbe 14th dtototet of ortgtoslly ft. ruttou county, Oa. Tka pert ao levied .« is t block 34. city tot 1, frnuttBg on Peters atru city of Atlanta, coeutoiun «M-right* u ae * or lees. There Is a assail bouse ou aald tot, L !rs- pointed ont by aatd RarwaCl 1 Aiaa, at the same Urns and ptoos, * pert , No. 70, in the 14th dirtriri. The tnrt bo leva ward 0, city lot 03, fronting oa Marietta «j streets, tu the cHj of Affafta. eoafaluiitg , a more or ton*. On aaM tot there n , d writing In nMck the Bribe fl net ^ Levied osi m the property of VUM* P. West) by virtue of and to settoiy two Justice «* u sued by T. B. Boggs#. /. P. of tho TOttV 4 M.. iu favor of PTh. Hnuok va. W. IT. Levy mode by D. A. Cook, L. a Mri 1 me Aug. 9, 1869. W. L. HUBBARD, D |_ sag 10 w4 w profs* 92 00 pt levy of M Hues u a WHITEBAIZTWRI FREE CONCERT 8AL0 HIIOOTIIVC; OAU.ri OPEN EVrRY NICHT. ImcUo* in Atteudj WI nr a, Llqno Tbe beat of , Porter, Ale, aa g Brrrea llaad. J. K. BCCHAB, EMPIRE STEAM PLill LTJMBDR YAH) J. C. PECK & CO. largest aud best shsortaeeot of lumber t-ver b Atlanta. Joist of all length* and sizes, and 1 of ever)' variety. Don’t aay it i« not have tvkra a took at our plies. J. C. FECI, sugH-dJni W. O. GREAT THROUGH ROUTE! Carrying the United State AND ADAMS’ EXPIIEN^ I FOR THE NORTHj North Carolina Rail IN UIRECT LINE TO PKTICKSBL'RU, KICII.W). PORTSMOUTH, BALTIMORE, PH1LADEU1 NKtV YORK and HOSTO.V To the Northwest mid We Uolrigli. (luu-lutli-, Columbift, tHtfll This is a Salt mm tip PI O TT T E TOM TIIHOTCH TRJt 31,1363. Also, at No. 85, iu Fulton county, ^ . on an alley and running back 189 feet, and Me# uoith of Ben Thrasher's (p. o. c.) lot; on said lot there ta % mall wood house occupied by George McKlunry (p. >. c.) Lerted on aa tbe property of Jeremiah Thump- ion (p. o. c.) by virtue of and to satisfy a mortgage f a issued Irom Fulton Huperlor Court in favor of Jas. L Jackson va. Jeremiah Thompson. Property pointed •ut by Tho*. W. J. Hill, plaintiff s - - this mortgage ft fa. August 3,1869. Abo. at the aame time and place, part of laud tot No. 50, in the 14th district. The part ao levied on is iu ward 4. fronting uli CoUius street '.M feet, aud running back 200 feet to an alley ** , »- - r *•*—*- ‘ - - * k 200 feet to an alley, city of Atlanta, tketog tbe is properly sold by J. R. WaUace to defrudaut. and a the lands of T. R. Ripley, J. N. Lancatou and J. *■"* J '* property of John 8. J of- y a fi fa leaned by T. B. Joint R. Wallace. Lerted tries by virtue of aud to aatlsfy “ ’ 1 terito| of Johu Brown vs, John 8. '• *' A. Cook, L. c., aud in tne city of Atlauta, coutaiuing 10 acres inure or less- said land is within the new limits of said city. Levied city of Atlauta, contaiuini md is within the new 11ml as tbe property of Dunu’s estate, K. R. Hasscen, ad- ntstrator, for his Btata aud conntv tax for the year 1868. Bald fl fa was issued by J. M. Harwell, T. C — ProjMriy pointed out by said Harwell. part of land lot 5. city lot 46, tn the city 0 1 *e the property t by tald * part of land lot aatlafy II. T. O. Property J . M. liar well. T. C. Harwell. Aleo, at the asms Uni* and place, • |>*rt of laud l»i S street, In the cltV ut Allaj.ta, <«i. i. more or less. Levied ou as the property of Ntaphru Hayw.xrt, by virtu* of and to aat lsfy a tax fl fa Issued by John M Harwell. T. 0. Pro.. sty potato.! owl by arid Harwell, a Alio, to the aame time and plaoe, a part ol laud lot No. V, lu th* 14lh District of originally Henry now rultou oounty, Oa. Tho pert so levied on la tn Ward 5, city lot No. 1. fronting on Decatur Atreet by 40 fta t rusning beskflO fast, ta the city ml AMte. On arid -• oeuptod by defendant as — on aa th* property of Mrs. Jen* Frank, by virtue o« and to aettefya tax fl fa tootled by J. M. Harwell, T. 0. Property pointed oat by said Harwell. AUo, at tbe seme time sud plaoe, a part of land lot No. 46, in tbe 14th Dtotrtot of origtnaUy Henry now k niton county, Ga. Tbe pert eo tovtod on totfl Ward 4, fronting on Jackson street. In ta# city of AMsbta, rfsrvrell Also, at the asms time and place. No. flt, iu tha 14th district of orlgiually Henry now nta. Oa. The part so levi d «»n is In ward * .... ,o1 67< lM * l,# oU y of w»d oo.,- Uiuing M of au acre more or lees, fronting on Collins atreet; on seld lot thore is one hdUre. Levied on as th* property of Richard Dumphreya to satlafy a tax fl r* for Ida State and county Ux for the rear 1868 — .M. Harw rwulL ., ---• — — ——— and place, a part of laud tot No. 01, In (be 14tU district of originally Uoui v uow Fulton OuUiity ,Ga, Tim part ao levlct on Is In ward 4 block 21, etty of Atlanta, aud containing i; of an a. more or tosa. fronting ou Wheat street; Uie said tot .. vooout. Levied on as th* property of Michael Dona- bort ta sausfy a tax fl fa for bta Htate aud county tox fortbs yeer ihsm Raid fl fa issued by j. m. HsVwsli. T. 0. Pro|iert.y pointed ont by Hdd Harwell. Also, at the same time and plaoe, a part of land tot No. 2U. tn tbe 14th district of nrigh.alir Heury now Fulton county. Ga. The part eo levied on ia tn ward 4, to the city uf Atlanta, containing V of an acre more or lees; aald tat is withiu the new limits; said lot ta ueorGundy’aground, oa which la a amall house— Levied on m lb* property or Felix Dei * fr*.** 1 M to for bis Htate and couuty U 1868. 8at.j n fa was leaned by J. M. ] IToiH'rly (volutod out by said Harwall. ri Ike name time and ptooiknw . ... No. 7«, In tka 14th district of orlgtnaliy Henry now ^ Jltopul nrtSfiSinle t? JS5 i, block IU, etty bit 30. ta too Oriy of Atlanta, and non* , V rtrr tomMPg on Crew rimet. I a vied on m tn.. property of G. W. Kraus fo ***'•’> * «»x fl fa loaned by J. M Harwell fttr Ids Htate flffeM'toJjq t '* r "*"■ r ~* w,r A, t!’ V U '** na,,M * “b* 1 ptoo*. a^arl of laud lot o 84, In th* 14tb district uf originally Henry i,n« foifa.* county, G*. Tbe part e.) levlct on lr * ' “ J* |M •* Atlanta, ICt byim feet, m.ntttig on Hayne atreet. levied on P^'Btoty of II. I', Ein.-ry to set Isl) a tax II. fo. ter Htate and county tax ftw tbe year IMM. Hald n. I*. .”irS3S h iir5;. T -" nftLtHVkri Thft ftftH to klk.ilSlunH Boggus, J. P., Jeffries. Levy made bv _. turned over tome. July SI, 1869. Aleo, at the same time and place, a part of land CO. 51, to the 14th district. The part so levied ou is ward 4, trouting ou Wheat and Collins streets, city Atlauta. On said lot there ia a one-atory wood dw* tng in which the defendant now icridcs. Levied on the property of Charles Bchnatz by virtuo of aud ■gffr • ® by T. B. Boggus, J. P. lu favor of Alvin K. Hcago. v*. Char too Bchuata. Iasyj made by D. A. Cook, L. C. and turned over to mo Julv 31 1869 Aleo, at the same Ume aud plaoe, a part 1 i land lot No. 52. in the 14th district The port so levied ou la iu ward 4, otiy lot 28, fronting on Calhoun aud Georgia R. R. streets iu tho city of Atlanta, ooutalntng one- half of an acre, more or lees. On aatd lot U.eivi ia * one-story wood dwelling oocupted by E. A Cook !£!•<? “ *•"> ywy J'. lonu.rly, UK. I ndi.D. Darby, now, Mr*. John M. Baker,to satisfy a Htate and couuty tax fl to for tax for tho year 1868. Property poiutod out by John M. Harwell, T. C. July 3, 1869 V Aleo, at the eauie time and place, a part of land tot No. 78, In the 14 district. The part ao lerted on le lu ward 5. city lot 94, fronting on ltorsyth street iu the city of Atlsntt, containing oue-half au acre, more or lee*. On aald lot there is a one-atory wood dwelling tn which tho defendant resides. Levied on aa th* nrtm- erty of Wm. L. Kxzard to satisfy a Juatlco o*.nrt ft fa issued by U. D. Bmttto N. P. and ex officio J. p n*«: s ft srwurs.*a In ward 6, otty lot 63. froutlug on Msrlotta and Waltou streets In the «tty of Atlanta, containing one-half an two-story On arid lot there 1 brick reridene* In which the defendant rerides top l#, . , .°" M . lhw|>r y» H ‘ r4T of Dr w * Westmoreland to aatlafy three Justice cosrt ft fas. Issued by B 11 Huilth, N. 1*, aud ex ntficto J. V. of the lSttb dlrirtci G. M.. tn favor fV 1) Mann. Herring k Leyden od tw,. ft M.UU, VI w. r. WMlmontUod. To,,-Sr Uolo... U C.. U.t r-tunu-tl to u., *1^ ftlfti, at III. ■>» time auj . .art nl i m j i„, Nmft4.1. th. 14th ftlatrlvl, H. nrv non h. itr»,rtir M ftw Ortwm, hv Mm,. 2 JT *"*y * B fa lewtod by J, M. Harwell T p erty iHdnted out by aald fianrulL ’ ^ Atoo, at the same Utue and place, a part of laud 1..1 o.—-, iu tha UUi district ol oiigtuiK &JST.1S VNUfotieouufyjUa. Tbe paneu levied on Is lu ward L tainting on Ifowlar Urn cRj of AUoiu^IE faUdug ouedourlb of sn acre, mom or JL t THROUGH TICKKTH SOLD AS New Orleans, Charleston. Kichtaiii j Mobile, Columbia, rorlrtuftl Montgomery, Charlotte, Ikihnrtt I Jacksonville, Salisbnry, rtilads^ Atlanta, Greensboro’ SL Lo*A 1 Macon, Ralt-ifil.. LofthfSft 1 Augusta. PctarnOnrj', ludiriNp^fl New York | ARK UOOI) ON THIS KtMTXj Tho North Carolina llaikel Connects with the Wilmington l lUilrodtl, lUloigh & Gaston lUilwal Hichujond A Danville Railnrt.l, ** North Carolina Railroad, n.l Charlotte A South Carolina ***' No ni \.froDltai cm Dana at^Vlu & UlblM oue-balf an sure, mm Og On 2?d\?u a small house. Lryunl „n ** SL bLsiSSe^r its'u’s* ' rirtu, ‘ to tatiafyMrcn to ssht jM^fcrwoaTfttl. Property poinbNl *ul Uy**iSld The Comfort til I'nssM.Kt'r’' C* TUt'ir IUffKftCf CUerkwl Throw) If Cftrotl P»r. Kx|M-rit>itc«l I'romitf and fVmdiictftnt. Coachfs. Palaco Sleeping Can Att) Oood Water, No Ferrj or Tre.ll. W»rkft '**" tire manage n:ent of the Road so a* to #oe«rt 1 Snfo. A«r«o»ble»^ Ql’ICK TRAVKI- ALUKRT' JOHNSON. SupriitaJJ Afvrll 28th. 186*. ^ JOHN IE 3 E3] I1AKER AND CONF®0Tt0N**» MA1UKTTA kiTHK' B ake* every variety of Br-ad and CWAm: nfacturvs OandU s. sud keepe tsm*to«W ALL KINDS OF FRUIT A eft • gefterftl eo»»tior«< * WINRS, MQIlOHS mnd CIO* Jy l «-6w v — WM. WCK>D A 0 CXItEBTAKEK-S A!U> ITM tt TropWif I«tete< wrt Sy rttft Uoraelt. •swetpsamim AS Mftentrm U ftTMCtt* 1