Atlanta daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1869-1871, September 02, 1869, Image 3

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STEW ERA. OITY. nsimR'IU U*h Drug Store" i, yesterday : rxrviii:» To. *• I«?• * pnr i rnrT'k: II w JBionHnucy, Gore r a or Bui- I jenurdny wiife the axcnrakio I ■sdumom.— 1 The litUberl l'mtf to* tfeft city yootoMaj in i the Natfoteftl Hotel. i D. U. Fuuid*, liouie- 1 have two pieces of uew muaio : “**t of Hom«* t " by Welter Ovreu, lelunn," by inn. C. Bodeu. tttylcg. a on. —The fell tra*W undock We Unv«' seen several ■fed hone s lately. Archer | drove of the letter jester- i bed the goed look to meet fe, of the Athens Watch wau, 9 cornea oat nufe from the ex- tto here loot neither euy of - good honior. Fitch, ol tho i Herp. of the Covington Ex- > of thoae whom we mt>U €itv m nmvr. Fiuih Oaow ohu eerred nt the NoUonel HoUl BeeUumut nt 11 o’dock to-day. anp2-lt PexTins deeiring n pare wine one And it nt the Philadelphia and Atlanta Wino and Liqeor Coaopnny'a Store They have jaat received a Pure Old Soupcrooug, which it very floe. Mpl-3U Wamtxd—Gocat and Duck Featbere and oorn ahuokii. A. EnaiMaufonn, Hunter street. Atlanta. nepl4t fe had the pleaeure yesterday Henry A. Wrench, of the »ti*M>; who U in the oity on ltd with hia paper. He aa; the erope in the up-country •Cot now than it did a Hi have fallen recently i lightened up. I 536.”—Tht* was thuendorao- Uer received by us yesterday, aa We saw the auperacrip- r we know just um well us wo at it was “not for Box 335," duly addresf-ed to the Era, » not get it* until through Postmaster ought to have I by this time without half uu GET THE BEST ALL THE TIME. One more car load of thoao flue Middle Tennessee Boavea, roeeivod to-day. You will find it at the corner of l'oachtree and Deca tur HtrccU; on Whitehall, next door to Ha gan's, and at Htall No. 6, in 3d Market Hau- dy to all. 6iMit*a A Txa. nag 27 Ct Just thb Thino n.n Meuohanth.—Call at Chamberlin, Boyulon A Co’a. Get their clever Book-keeper to fthow you their Walk* Book, made on new atyle expreaaly for them. Another onli bo aeon at Pemberton, Willaon, Taylor, ft Co'h Drug Store, then order one like it trorn Wm, It Hani.utkk, Book Binder and Blank Book Manufacturer, Granite Block. Bead the following testimonial: Mb»ruh. Zuum ft Co.,—Gentlemen: I have used Simmons' Liver llegulator not only onoe, bnt often, and oan confidently assert it has done mo more good than any medicine 1 ever osed. 1 think It is the greatest medicine for diseased liver made in the world. Many of my neighbors have used it, ami all will say as much, if not more, than I do, for its vir tues. I shall never be without it Jons J. Allen, Bibb Co. MONETARY AND COMMERCIAL ten Buanixss—Trade continues quiet; bat •hows some signs of animation, owing partly to an improvement in the weather. CoaM—The com market continues excited There ia very little on hand, and very firm at $1 90 to 1 36. Some sales wero made at the former quotation, though many held it at the latter. Ualwin# Markets. The Courier-Journal of Tuesday has the following: Ba.oom—In good demand with sales to-day of 67 oasks dear rib aides at 194c; 2 casks clear sides at 30c; 10 casks of shoulders ut 10Jc; and 70 oasks of bulk shoulders at 16o. We quote breakfast bacon at 304 to file. Hams—Were in moderate request, wilb a sale of 16 tierces sugar-cured and fancy hams at 22f to 234. Plain hums are quoted at 21 to 3140. Laud—Is uuiet and transactions to-day wero small. We quote prime leaf lard in tierces at 204, and in kege at 22c. Wheat—The market continues inactive and dull, and the tone of to-day’s dispatches is anything but favorable for an improvement. We continue to quote Mediterranean at SI 10; amber,SI 16; white $1 26 to i 30 on arrival. Cohn—The dumaud ia good uud prices are held firm at 85 to UOo ou arrival for ear and shelled, uud 06 to 97o in bulk from store; with sucks included at $1 06 to 1 10. Cincinnati! Corn Market. Tho Comm rcial of the 30th says: There was a farther advance iu corn, the receipts being light and inadequate to the demand. No. 1 sold up to $1 10 on the spot, ami this was refused for some lots to arrive Ubxt week. U wm rumored that sales hud been made at even higher rates. Mixed sells for us much as white, and buyers are mukiug no distinc tion between shelled aud ear. OTMLOTirifeimAL EXPOSE ATNA INSURANCE Oft, HARTFORD. JCTXjTT 1, 1008. •ftlS. *'C : 3T Assets, .... Liabilities, ... $5,352,532.96 267,082.33 ATLANTA WHOLESALE PRICES CURRENT. L—It will be remembered [this city, was arrested and ‘ i last woek, on a warrant itisurroctiou. Tho iuves- ced on Morula v, and last- I charges ugaiut lJtckft were • WHtiunt him was required, however, to l to answer the charge of 4ng disorderly .ml riotous, conducted by Messrs, hi Johnson ft Hunt of 9 dr tease wum in the ^ry Jackson, ul this city. UiiX, r We have this popu line for (September, uud it viug table of contents : . Item luces of public M-n. liv Ei Gov. J>. y. l*oem. By Wm. i Irish Story. A Log» ud. » (ot Georgia.) Our Early Fruncuu, ii.irlraui, ale Calhouu, Lowndes, Fiag-r, an 1 others, i from the Sanscrit, i of Friendship.” Trans- f, by ltev. W. W. By Dr. Benjamin , formerly of Charleston, ' >rly Lite. ' Shoulder to L) B< anting the Lion l Boutiers. Editorial Hypothesis, as a Physi- wor John LuConte, Pros ily of Cult fora in, Passeri Authors and Litera- Funny Graphs. Serious arolinn. Odds uud Euds urge. 11k Wise in Time.—llow many are there who, afflicted with disease in an incipient stage, delay from time to time buying recourse to some remedial agent, which would effec tually arrest tho farther progress of disease, snd render the system impregnable to its sidious attacks. It is uufortunattdy too true —there arc thousauds who sink into au earl) grave - whereas ut a trifling expeusc they might have lived to a good old uge. If then be reliance to bo placed in medicine, aud tboiiKMiiils of well attested eases establish he youd 1 lie possibility of u doubt the curative properties of any one particular remedy, then. Hailey's Sarsaparilla aud Potash is unques tionably tho grtuioHt medicine ever introduced to Hit afflicted community Hesitate not. tUer. foie, touH.> it, if aafftring from auy ol the ills which h heir to.- - Herald (Gal vddUm Texas ) June 12-dftwtf. oi’LUiAL NOTICES. Church—Laying the pSTINO Ceuemonies. — very largo crowd of spec- ereud Augustinu Verot, performed tho bwiutiful mouv of luying tho corner- oman Catholic Church, on id Hunter streets. Ex- i had been made for the vd platform had boeu jsrgy and invited guests, P seats for u large number ou to this, seats hud been 1 Loyd streets sufficient to l crowd. There were pres- of visitors from other jtugosta, others from Ma- dumbus, Montgomery and -the distinguished Prelate % ceremonies, there were ■to, of NashviHe, Manuoy, of Macon and Kyau nevoleut Aasociatiou of [in tine regalia, aud Fire all dress uniform. The n and the Fire Oom- on Broad street, i to Loyd, and down • whero a largo ciowd was o'clock the venerable his retinue of clergy iring candles, crucifix, r things to be used in the «nted a very imposing [ rich and elegant canoni- umeuuing the services, ort addre-w, explaining moaning of tho lorms, • attache* 1 to them by the beautifully explained ted with iU emblem aud and the salt as odd and typifyiug by its 9 of Christ. i consecrated -orpatlu-r, a “an upon the place where NJtad—the water being Bishop with a bunch of then returned to consecrated the cornor- ched entirely around the •crated the walls in the same ■ the ■whole of this part of the fLiUuy of the Saints’’ was clergy. A collection was [op for tho bonefit of the "thst thunderbolt of ora ^ wm Jiniodccod. on for the ooonsion. His I second chapter of Epbesi- l the foundation of an argu- i authority and niiauion of t won a strong discourse. > «Urt thst he meant to Wermou, to divest hii dis- ^ of eloquouoe. But that Fattier Ryan can no qnent than ho can help I Cau uo more help being can help whining on a an eloquent j| iH jilo, and one would most hear u feebly voice from l Boi not so. Ho has one of fiog voices ws bare ever ■ea himself easily uuder- l Of a very lar^o audiunco. fey was very short—not oc- tsintitus. At the «)oae iahoo grantimI au indul- . The ceremonial than diction. 0f liiberuians ami Firemen * marched iiock to tb n en Mine of the principal » day woa furnished hy (be sad, under the 0»oip«teui 4bsaor William F. Clarke, 1 the band do better plny- was h most iub-rostiag vel to perhaps moat of the snhbled. and was witnessed ■eal of pleasure. Few if any V oersmooiM were entirely tin NanhkPi Hale. ■At, Mol i writ H mmdrnont ssyo—, it ^Mabh tbrnDUumOrsw* •* Um UuH*<1 ItarfeMm DUMS uf OMMto, will Is* r as *AU lost., in front of Us Units*! * M UM oity of aUsato, sounty of trmimimti m for foil <4i Tktvty-Mvsn Bail m« ossh. „ ORAUBUtUM, t Mnnksi MorUsrn IMstriot of (in. r SR.*27a? UrutjflA 9UU Lottery, for the Bi-ntOtof the Orphans’ Home and Free School. Combi nation OUm, No. 418. The following wero Mio dnurn tinu here Hcptouber 1. 18CU : 6fl -$4—81—4 —74—88—Tl—49—22—73—29—18—1—li w p i-dlt HOWARD & OO.. Mauatfors Axes—f d.»t H. W. CoUius.. Boron—H lb llaius, cunv. 8.C Plain ConvMod. Couutry... “-..'"K -V J*- Kentucky 23(<v27 1 lulls 28(OtWl Bale It opr T. !b Maohluo made.. 10^1 Hand-made 8' 4 (« Ursn—per ton f 22 I American b'ud 7^8 American UoopUflkl2q Nsll Rod U#1$M Castings 7 • to'j Lsid-liff,. 19(<«20j Tierces A bis. 2MX22 1 . 'a K«»gs and t-aus 23^23“ «2i Lend—^ lb. yt|l0 <S*17><! Lmther—H lb. Batter—V lb (tountry.. «H<425 nominal 20^1' 25*4 35 ;oJTre—lb. lUu Prime 24 '^15 (load 22*©2S> I Ordinary.. iVa* 22 38<",<0 H ft. Csn«li IBB 17@ ITS PsraAne 4»V*j.4« ol Ion Yarns—0 5 lb Nos. H and IU $2 l Noh. 8. 10. 12. 2 m<V .17 50 <1* * d. Cowl'cssVliu “ u ufl tfycainn. H lb . 8(^101 White Oak Sol* Hemlock Hole.. Country Sole.. Country Upper $5,085,450.63 M-SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO. A* I T fc3 3P S T. “Hythttr fruit* yr know (Arm.” I.OSSKS 1-AID IN FIFTY YKARS, S25.Q21,4:85.37 xrrtB 14. ei & ill dsr i, The Most Sui'OPgKful Fire Co. in America. C A N D T 0 L K BRADFEELD’S COLUMN DR. JOHN BULL’S Great Bemedies. uufaoturors off 28(a3ft Country Touu. Upper,... Northern V dor. $42'00 Fr. ct V dor....$40(?i>50 Liquors—V gal »u*l *lo» Gl», Holland $4.00(08.00 Amuricau...$1.60f*ii2." ' Rum, Jamaicai.ou^o. A. KH(>K.V/.I NUKIt, Upholsterer Dealer In Furniture, and Manufacturer of Bedding, Hunt or etroet, throe doors from Whitehall, Atlanta, Oa. A. Ergenzinger's Patent Steam Feather Renovat ing Machine for renovating your Feather Beds.— Wool and Carded Hair done the bout and cleanest by ■team For sale a large lot of Chairs, Mattresses, Pillows, Bedsteads, UuMipiito Nets-patent. Agent for Pavilion, Rustic, and Cloth Window Shades. Wouted, Corn shacks. A. EBOENZINUER, Hunter 8t, 3 Doors from Whitehall, Atlanta, (is. ang 31-lm aug 18-16-20 nasomc.—l.s s ., v. *o, i every Second aud Fourth Thursday night In each mouth. Fulton Lodge, No. 216, meets every First and Third Thursday night in each month. Mt. Zion Royal Arch Chapter, No. 16, meets every Second Monday in each month. W. U. Tl'LLLR, II. P. A., Secretary. tfreslt as a Malden's Blush" Is the pure peachy completion which follows tlio ase of Hagan’s Magnolia Balm. It is tho truo secret of beauty. Fash ionable ladies in socioty understand this. The Magnolia Balm changes tho rustic country girl ito a city belle more rapidly than any othor one thing. Redness, sunburn, tan, freckios, blotches and all ef fecta of the summer sun disappear when it is nsed, and a genial, cultivated, freth expression is obtained which rivals the bloom of youth. Beauty is possible all who will invest 75 cents at any respectable store and iuaslst ou getting the Magnolia Balm. t Lyon’s Ksthsriou to dress tho hair. K. B. Marshall, Dentist, Whitehall Street, over lawabe’a Jewelry Store. July 81 (July 1—8m LOCilfftANK At CLARK, AttorneyOf- w ou Brood street, over Echols’ Heed Store. Practice anywhere In tho State, United StatCH Supreme Court, and Superior Court*. )y 26-dly L. B. Davis, Agent Grover A linker Sew ing Machines. nov!8-ly . Real Kstale Age AYER’S A.G4JIC CUKE, VOS THI SriCSDV CUKJC OF Intermittent Fever, or Fever anil Ago llradarhe. and Bilious Fevers, Indeed for the whole class or diseases originat ing In biliary dsrangement, caused by the Malaria of miasmatic countries. r enabled to of- \ with assurance, founded ou proof, that rm con arise from its use in any quantity, t which protects from or prevents this disorder lie of immense service in the communities where It prevails, f'rrnmtum is Imtter than cure, for the patient escapes the ilok which ho must run iu vio lent attseks of this baleful distampar. This "Cubs” sspots the miasmatic poison of Fkvcb and Anns from the system and prevents the development of the dis ease, if tokou on Uis first approach of its premonitory symptoms. It Is uot only tha bast remedy ever yet discovered for this class of oomplalnts, but also Ute cheapest. Tin Urge quantity wo supply for a dollar brings It within tbs reach of everybody; and In bilions district*, where Fives and Auus prevails, everybody •lumld havs U and use it ITaaly both for cure and pro Wotlon. It is hoped this prtaa will plooe it within tho rosch «»f all - tha poor aa wall aa tho Hob. A groat su periority of Uus remedy over any otbsr svsr diseov- orwl for tha speedy and oerUln cure of latoftnitoents 1>. (bat it contains no (Jalnlno or ininsral, oonswiuant- ly It produces no quuisui or other luiurtons sMsots whstevsr upon tbs constttutKm. Biom cur* by It “tjj® 1 * h®4lthy os ifthav had nsvsr hod tbs dlsosss. >t . not •J°no the coussqasaes of the »» dUordw. .rlw rta » Its irritation, among which am Meuralsla. Uhau- 0<) “ 1 ’ fi—dsche, Bllndnsss, Toothache, ram p W* Uw ,. SSS aSUu.* of the HnlennHysterics, "Kin in the^itowsla."UoTle! ^ral/*« Boraagatnant of tlie Stocnacb all of which, whan oilgtnaung m this oai, M .7^ mi'th. ln umltoa UP^or^ooq. HMtodlMl, Thl, ' WSfiSTn immigrants sad oaiwons travaRag or tornnomrl* ra ►l«llog Is tha maUrlou. dlsWteta BfekS mmSmSI ■u Actant qaanttly to Hpa* lato dlasqss. Haaaa It la avsu BOON vahsabWi fov protsatteo Uua aura, and fsw will avar safer from lutannlttanu, u ihss avail Umu- aalves of tha protection this rsmady affords. DR. J. O. AYER ft 00., LOWKLL, MASS. kagwtso ft Fas, 9. ff. Willson, satf all tha *•- by all DrutftsM and Deal- JyTdsodfiw-tai Copperas V »* J.Vu* Camphor Y ft$l 20(a l Castor Oil, *ite. rt.00,*c6, do pin. 3 50^3 75 do gal.3 75(34 tA* Kp halts V it>. «' 4 -f(p8 Iudlgo ft tb. $1 2(1®l Madder f lb. 23^25 Pot. byd- V lb f(i 26 gamine * os. $2 76 Saltpetre, yt lb. 12(^2u Sweet OU > dux 1.50^0.00 do. gal$1.45((43.6U do. pts. doz$8.0U Dry (iooils—1» yd. ilr. 8h. 7-8... % Br. Sh. 4-4... Bl'd fib. u-4.. 1UM 8b. 7-8.. IBM fh. 4-4.. Bro. Drill..., Bl’d. Drill... Ticking 1.2608.00 . 2.0004."" Bourbon do$l.2605. U ibertson do $<a;4.ii Scotch do do . V gal.. Wine V doi Maderu... $2.60^6.00 Sherry. ... 42.5U<#6.0u Port 12.5(1^6.0(1 Chain pnlgne,.... Mackerel- No. 2. v bbl. $18 011 H 8. do Ifl ui “ 1 f V bbl. 2 50 ** 2 do Kits $2.60@3.00 teal—> bu.»1.26<y>1.80 Mess Pork-V bbl. —- .Molasscss- 1546lr> l , New Orleans 00 U(jJ»18 Florida 756580 12(*4i8 ! Sugar House $1.00^L25 5(M 5h ] ..18 ‘,(^30 . 10421 .. 1 H«i SI Cul>a Nalls- H keg 12 *,(<(! 451 4d to 40 10 Gils— V gal... le a. .Igbt 12S Lard Oil drk 12 *•' Liasccdoii.. no*-.. 13*>glCoal Oil can.. 18(^l3> t I Lubr. Oil OSlOsnalMirgs $1.7602.00 l.son»l.M .. 48*.v 50 snM's. .. 20($23 Duchess Li. 15(g) 16 IDS Potash—V case. 75(^s0| BabbiU..... $14.00 Feathers—n. Flour— Putty—ft Atlanta Mills, fancy V hun-'Rlee—V ft Il<ai2 DoSoloi; *,.» Dodo, family 4 00 Virginia 2.30 Dodo, Fulton XXXX !>4h«t~> bog. family 3 75 Tateiit $.140 Dodo, superfine 3 50 Buck 3.75 Do do. Georgia XXXX Soap-* ft. family 3 25 Turpentine 7fo>8 Do do, ship stuff 1 25'steel—^ lb. Dodo, bran 1 00! Plow 12S Fruit-* lb aud bbl. | Cast 25a27 Apples * bn 1.75(f£2.2S] German 18(7X20 Apples dri**d 5(^6 Sugar—ft ft. Peaches, pTd 8*^13 N. 0 15(0116 do unp’d 4(g)6 P. B 15®15S ■ rain—* bu. ! Demarsrs 17(^18 Corn, Wliite. ...1 3o@l 40 Refined A 18«$18S Yellow 1 35# , Refined B 17\«18 Oats 70*u*75 Refined C....16S017 Ginseng C5(jA72 Yellow Coffee. 16(gil6S 1 lass-v box.$3.60(d)7:00 Soda—Eng. V»8©8S Gunpowder flk(-g.$7 25 Starch—ft ft. ..ll(g,12»5 lUflohf. keg $i.oo Tobacco—V lb. RJile qr. keg 2 25 Unsound.. 25^55 Blasting kog fa, 5.25' Sound .506120 “ ’ $38^)40! Extra flue... 1.0001.38 Smoking 50^1.00 U@10. Varnish—-y gal. 1A^20' Copal 3.50®4.00 2O<022| Japan $3.(Kgg)350 1 rvuu-h .6 (06 I lay— * I I Ides- ? lb. Dry Soiled .. Dry Flint ... Iron—f lb. Swcedos American bar 5M16 Macon A Wf.htkrn Railroad, 1 Atlanta, July 1, i860. J W E lisvo arranged a regular system of through tick ets from Atlunta to New York, llaltimore, Phila delphia, Jacksonville and Tallahas see, Florida, via Savannah. Baggage checked through. Only one change of car* south of Atlanta. Also, a system of Elxourfeiorx Tiolxots •ry reduced rates, good from date, until the first day ot October next, from Atlanta, Macon and Inter mediate stations to the Indian Springs (Forsyth), and OltT Tiix-I’aycn, Lookout for tlio Engine When the Whistle Mows. Rockivvb and Collector'h Ovncc, 1 City o» Atlanta, August 7, J809.J against all who may fail t In. snd collect the tax till the 20th September, af- wblch time lie will furnish the clerk with s list of those who have failed to pay, that fl fas may Issue against all such delinquents." “Tlie t! J, 8-RUnUll'JOsep. a good motto. Lt. P. THOM AH, Receiver and Collector. ATLANTA SACK FACTORY ! KLODHAM) CHAIN SACKS, Orders respectfully solicited. MITCHELL & BENTLY, jjr3-3m Corner Whit.hell ud Hunter Stt. I)IL HUNTER g^tONTrNUEH to treat all private diseases, syphilis, \j ail forms gonorrluna, gleet, stricture, be., com pletely eradicated. That numerous doss of esses re sulting from self-abuse, producing unmonHnoss, ner vous debllltv, irritability, eruptions, seminal omis sions, snd finally impoteney, permanently cured.— Persona sflhcted with dnUcato, Intricate, aud long- *“ 'jr invited Experl- hoordtng and sleeping apartments for patlonts requir ing dally personal attention, aud vapor aud chemical baths, thus concentrating tho flamed mineral springs. Both sexes, married or singlo. suffering from indlscnv tlons. tnduifanctes, or expoaure, may apply and be cured. No matter who have failed, state your oasa.. whst he says in his ivambhlet, aent to any al- free. Thousauds or esses treated annually st of nd all over the country. Consultation frae, per- 1. omen. No. 183 Third Street, bo- Walnut, near tho PoatoAce, Liuls lie, My. umce hours, 0 a. m., to 7 r. it.; flundays 10 m.,u> 18 w. Jy l—dly dress flee si amially ASSIGNKK'H 8ALE, )T vlrtns of an ordsr of tbs Honorable the Dlatriot *d MUtos for the Northern Dis I roll before the Court House ! Arietta, on taturdap, tha 44h flay ofiaptambvT next 11 o'oclook, A. M., ono-fomrtli TIT vlrtns of an order of conn Of Urn United 14 (riot of Oenrtla, I wlD sat door, in tha town of lfarlel . Cobb oounty, Go.; also, M aerea of — llialao, oR tbs lntarrst of 0. A. Ming, ss hair in and to tha estate of Barrington King, docaoaod, axoapt I acres of land In OhMh—1 county, sal opart aa port of homestead. All balonalng Iu lk« ostat« of C. A. IHif. bankrupt. Sold free from IncuabranoM Tanas cash. NOAH B. FOWTJ Afefeotfe, $5,8OB.O8fl.06. 1'hrve-rourihM llio IuKiinuice Companies cliartered huvo failed, proving mistakes 11ml (lifflealties In a profession based on ca< Iitniity aud misfortune, with au important part of Its development in the sphere of broad human benevolence. It is a rare and uncommon event for one of these Insti tutions to make its FIFTIETH annual re port, and that a satisfactory one-another of )ifo’s plainest old lessons, “As yon son that shall yon reap.” ITS FUTURE Usefulness aud duty must lie shaped aud measured only by the wealth and growth of our country. AW Agents in oil 'ho principal cities snd towns. OW Rotes and terms aa liberal os coosiatent with moderate profit aud mtbsUulul security. W. p. PATHLLO, a»£4-tilU p4 Agent at Atlanta, IU. FOR SEED, 200 10(1 Bushel* Barley, 100 UiiHlmls hy«S 100 Bushels Red Cl. 75 Bushels IUd Top or Hcard'n Oraxx, 75 HuBliebi Orchard Gram, 50 Bushels Timolby, 5o Bushels Blue (Jraa* Also, Hunp..risD Uraaa, I.ncernc snd White Clover, for solo by r. W. J. ECHO! sug 28— jy 10—tUsej V. S. >1 AltSIIAL’S SALK. Uiiitc.l State* for tho Northern District ol Goorgls, in favor of the plaintiffs, Evans, Gardner k Co., In tho following case, to wit: krwns, Gardner A Co., v*. Cki isfopii Dodd, and Snmael Hhteli Kndorser, I havs levied upon as tho property of Christopher Dodd, one of the defendants in the sbovo stated cose, fcffi? is"wi "counties of Bartow, Polk, and Haralson, Stato of Georgia, Lot 73, 4th District, 3d Section, containing 40 acres more or less. Lot 147, 4th District, 3d Section, containing 40 a more or less. Lot 140, 4tli District, 3d Section, containing 40 a more or less. Lot 431, 4th District, 3J Section, containing 40 a ontaining 40 a WHOLESALE, 20 CENTS PER POUND.? A.JSHD Orachers WH0LE8ALE, 8 CENTS PER POUND. DR. JOHN BULL SMITH’S TONIC SYRUP, FOB TV CURB Off AGUE AND FEVER, -Ol-■ CULL8 AKD FRVK1V Th« ivourMor ol Ihu ubbnw moiletmo Jortj otoloui fa, II • auimnunt, OTU .U renadfa. .... offer- MUtt.yubllofcrA.Mfa, nrtrt.,—nd, .r,d pM “‘SS’ 1 •y*. 0 '“ , 4 or (ill . Uid J.yor wboUwr ol .bort or lone »uudlu|. Ha r^.r. fa • — ttln Wfafar. nd fa3u.M ' e truth u '■atari! country to hear him of tho assertion that In no case •* -U -o«rj, Ufa. dlrectloM u. .trtcl. sizajiirzrirsw fsoHUaa havs been Curad by s Bagla botUa, With a per- use la ooatlaue* iu amoUer doaoa tor s Week o ter the (Usease has been checked, more especially in difficult and Ion ^-standing coses. Usually this medi- clns will not rsqaire any old to keep the bowels in good order; should the patient however require a ca thartic niedlotna, after having taken three or four dot ea of the Tonic, a single dose of BULL’H VJKiKTADLK FAMILY HUB Will ba sufficient Dr. JOHN BULL'S Principal Office: No. IU Fifth Cross Street. Xjoulosrille. Sentuoky CORNER OF ALAIIAMA AND WHITEHALL STREETS, ATLAJN TA GEORGIA. less. Lot 1,288, 4th District, 3d Section, more or less. Let 671, 4th District, 3d Section, containing 40 Lot 116, 4th District, 3d Section, oontaiuing 40 aeron more or less. Lot 286, 4tb District, 3d Soction, containing 40 aero* Lot 363, 4th District, 3d Section, containing 40 acre* Lot 764, 4th District, 3d Section, containing 40 acres Lot 291, 4th District, 3d Section, containing 40 acres Lot 76, 17th District 3d Scctiou, containing 40 acres Lot 216, 17th District, .Id Section, containing 40 acres more or less. Lot 337, 17th District, 3d Section, containing 40 acres Lot 731, 17th District, 3d Section, containing 40 acre* more or less. Lot 732, 17th Dlatriot, 3d Section, containing 40 acres Lot 726, 17th District, 3d Section, containing 40 acres more or less. Lot 148, 17th District, 3d Section, containing 40 acres more or less. Lot 861, 17th Di|trict, 3d Section, containing 40 acre* Lot 723, 17th District, 3d Section, containing 40 acre more or lets. Lot 724, 17th District, 3d Section, containing 40 acros Lot 946, 17th District, 3d Soction, containing 40 acros more or less. Lot 941, 17th District, 3d Section, containing 40 acre* Lot 968, 17th District, 3d Section, containing 40 acres more or less. Lot 873, 17th District, 3d Section, ooutaiaiug 40 acres Lot 786, l?th District, 3d Section, containing 40 acres more or leas. strict, 3d Section, containing 40 acres •□tainlng 40 acres Lot 586,17th District, 3d Section, containing 40 acrea more or lota. Lot 638, 17th Dbtrlct, 3d Section, containing 40 acros more or less. Lot 639, 17th District, 3d Section, containing 40 acrea more or less. Lot 660, 17th District, 3d Soction, containing 40 acres Lot 668, 17th District, 3d Sectiou, containirg 40 acres more or Ichs. Lot 934, 17th District, 3d Section, contain or 40 acres Lot 861, 17th District, 3d SocUou, containing 40 acres Lot 643, 17th District, 3d Sectiou, containing 40 acres Lot 946, 17th District, 3d Sectiou, containing 40 aoros Lot 876, 17th District, 3d Seoiion, containing 40 acres Lot 302, 17Ui District, 3d SecUon, containing 40 a.'res Lot 346,17th District, 3d Section, containing 40 acres l ot 347,17th District, 3d Section, containing 40 acres more or leas. Lot 374, 17th District, 3d Section, containing 40 acres Lot 376, I7th District, 3d Section, containing 40 acres more or less. Lot 419,17Ui District, 3d Section, containing 40 acres Lot 142,6th District, 3d Section, containing 160 acros moro or less*. L >t 148, 6th District, 3d Section, containing 160 acres Lot 36, 6th District, 3d Sectiou, containing 160 arras more or loos. Lot 210, 6th District, 3d Section, containing 160 acres L^t 256, 16th District, 3d Hocttoa, containing 160 acros Lot 267, 16th District, 3d Hec#on, containing 166 acres moro or leas. Lot 148,16th District, 3d Section, oo«tainlng 160 acres Lot 282, 21st District. 2d SocUon, containing 40 aorta Lot 646, 21st Dlatriot, 2d Section, containing 40 acrea more or lass. All balng in the aounty ol Bartow, State ot Georgia. Alan, Lot 010,1st District, 4th Seotion, containing 40 rea, in the coanUea of Polk or Haralson. Alto, Let 81ft 1,’iJj District, 64 Seotion, containing 40 acres. Lot 916, • ...... Lot 88ft list •• •• »• Tn the ooanty of Polk, State of Oeorgla. And will solltha soma at public auction at the Court ouso, in the city of Atlanta, county of Itiitou, and ato of (leorgU. on the Flrtt YnpHd»j In September next, between tha lawful hours ol sale. Terms coal). Dated at Atlanta, Georgia, this Ath day of August, 8i6. aCORGK B. OHAMUHRLTN U. 8. Deputy Marshal, aug 9-td K. D. of da. BEDWINE ft FOX’ COLUMN. THE Six Great Remedies Hurley’s Ague Tonic •• Ar»«sie—Is Mere wry. PERFECTLY RELIABLE The only remedy tor Chills and fsvsr, or Ague snd Favor, thst is or can b# depended upon is Hurley’i A«ue Tonic. There have been thousands cured by using it who have tried the usual remedies without benefit WORTHY OF ATTENTION. To Dr. 1 homes A. Hurley: I hereby certify thst during last yes with the ague whilst In Vicksburg, 1 several popular medicines with but temporary relief. attacked ■burg, Mias., snd used eral popular medicines with but temporary relief. im reaching home the disease returned In a worse type, ** poaalblo, when my medical stleudaut ordered Quin ine in large dose*—frequently as nigh os 60 groins par dnv. and which mast have cost me nearly 6100. 1 con sulted Dr. Health, of Loalsvdle, and found be prescrib ed quinine aud arsenic combined, which I roused to take, preferring to U-.t the disease take Its course. I woe almost bloodless, extremely exhausted, and pronounc ed with enlarged Liver and Spleen. About this time, the odverliaeuieut of llurley r s Ague Tonic at Hurley’s Ague Tonic appeared 11. city paper, and I determined to give It a trial. I did ■*, •ad b»*® no reason to regret u. Oae bottle restored ie completely, and since that time 1 have aeon nearly hundred csss* la which it acted with equally happy results, aud would oor(aiui> recommend it as prefers- THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER, THE MOST POWERFUL AND INFALLIBLE VEGETABLE ALTERATIVE KS0WN. \\ ARKANTEU A CERTAIN CUKE FOR All scrofulous diseases, ulcers, chronic rheumatism, mercurial and syphilitic disoases in all stages, and all skin discsKOs. It quickly removes virus from the constitution snd blood, and restores the patient to perfect health and purity. Try if and be antrinced. I’rcjinrcil in tlio .nborutory of PEMBERTON, WILLSON, TAYL0B, & CO., Wholesale Drnrcists, Atlanta, GeorgLa. Bull’s Worm Destroyer. To my United Sealer ami World Wide Header a. caUonMliarekhown.all of which aie genuine. The following letter from a highly educated and popular physician in Oeorgla, is certainly one of the mo«t sen sible communications I have ever received. Dr. Cletn- eut knows exactly what he speaks of, and his testimo ny deserves to be written in letters of gold. Hear what the Doctor says of BULL’S WORM DESTROYER: Villanow, Walker Go., G« , June 29,18. Dr. John Uvlu— Dear Sir: 1 Lave recently given your “Worm Destroyer” several tri»is, and find it won- dcrfully alUcacioas. It has not failed in a »iugle in *- j mi doiiu- » e daily speedy In its effects. On the contrary, they are uncertain in the extreme. My ob ject in writing yon is to find out npon what terms 1 can get tha medicine direct from you. If I can get upou easy terms, 1 shall use s great deal of it. Is aware that the use of such articles is contrary to tJ teachings and practico of a great majority of the regi a lar line M. D’s, but 1 see no just cause or good sense In ilscarding a remody which we know to be efficient ■imply because wo may be ignorant of its combination, any other tonic before the public. JAMES M * Louisville, fty„ Jane 16, 1866. JAMES MARTIN. Engineer. PURIFY YOUR BLOOD. iMLin ampulla WITH IODIDE OF POTASH. sens. Debility, ill. Dyspepsia, Brystpella, Female Irb ies, Fistula, all .-Jcfn Complaint, Dyapepsl my port, I shall make it a rule to use all and any _ns to alevlate suffering humanity which I ma; able to command—not hesitating because some FOR SAZjR AT LOW PRICES: 600 Ox. Sulph. Quinine, IOO Pounds Balsam Copaivn, 200 Gallons Akujholj Large stocks of puro drugs, me d, and for sale, 5U0 Gallons Linseed Oil, 500 Boxes Window Glass, 60 Ox. Sulph. Morphine, 100 Pounds Blue Mass. 5CM Gallons^VarahRUy^U^sorts.) 100 Pouuds Itoftned Jio; hemicalr, instruments, patent medicines, photographic chemicals, stock, Ac., c lowest possible prices. Call and examine stock snd prices. PEMBERTON, WILLSON, TAYLOR, &CO., Atlanta, Georgia. G. H. & A. W. FORCE, DEALERS IN- BOOTS AND SHOES, SIGN, OF THE BIG IRON BOOT, WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. m*y23-c M. O. MARKHAM, BOOTS -A. IIST B £3 LI O ZEE £3 , SOLE LEATHER, CALF SKINS,IISHOE FINDINGS, AC., 1 :^ EMPIRE BLOCK, WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA ■GEORGIA COUNTRY MER CSH ANTS Will find it to their advantage to examino myfetockjaslit is BUB OT BE) -WXTXX GR.BA.tT OAIRB, Ami imrcItflHcd exclusively for CASH, From tlie Rest Manufacturers. ASSIGN KG’S BAUS. W ILL be sold before the Court Hours door at the Offer Hall, iu tha city of Atlanta, on the first Tuesday ul gociooibor next, between the Uwful hours of eats, virtu* of sn order of the District Court of ths KTuItod Matos lor ths Northsm District of Gwwgf for oash. fraa from lnoambnmoaa, 640 seras of land Vansobdt oouoty, Texas: 1.000 term ot fend In Rme fial ooanty, Oa.; ona fifth of 40 aorta offend In Flu; otranto, And oae Mitt ot tte Bartow ioltpatr* Worl belong^to tho sataM of R. J, Mff 6-wtdl Assignee, Ladies’ Gents’ and Childrens’ FINE GOODS a Specialty. .UK l-Om M.IO. MARKHAM. JORDAN, HOWARD & HARRALSON, TOIIACCO (COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WI10LE8AUS DE.VLEU8 IN LIQUOKS, CIGARS, & c ., ■TnxniT, ATLANTA CEORCIA. . P*-« ftofat uaortmuit of C1UAUS. OUfap common WIIIHKV IsItfttJtlHfiof allgrodos. July 3 3m . ner of disease to which human tleeh is heir. Pic; reply soon, and inform me of your best sir, most respectfully, JULIUS I‘. CLEMENT. M. D. kind; thm-ion- I upt-sk uil'ungly uud positively ou the ttbJwL My dsuglilcr bah been *ttliGc«t with -kin disease and sCiffuets of the joint* tor several years. I em ployed the principal physicians of the city and they could nut core her. I gave her your Sarsaparilla not expecting it would do much good, but to my great as- this certificate, but your Sarsaparilla, the only remedy employed, leaves no doubt ol its medi cal qualities, and that it alone cured her. (Signed.) LUKE REYNOLDS. Any person requiring tho truth and honesty of the statement, will find me at my residence, oorner Ninth and Walnut street*, Louisville. HURLEY’S POPULAR WORM CANDY. rJ«m». R|iit<tn *• Qn - nM>ll«n.»«_T* flive* great pleasure to asy, after usiDg all the other •m remedies known to me. with but partial success to my children, I was advised to try T. A. Hurley’s, using it my children have become quite diildror 1 jd and as such, recommend it to 0 Louisville, June 13, 1868. BULL’S SARSAPARILLA. A Good K pa son for ihe Captain's Faith. READ THE CAPTAIN’S LETTER AND THE LETTER FROM HIS MOTHER. Burro* Baoaacx’*, Ma, April 30,1866. Db. John Boll—Door Sir: Knowing the effioiancy of your Sarsaparilla and the healing and beneficial qualities it possesses, 1 sand you the following state ment of my cose: I woo wounded two years ago—wo* taken prisoner, snd confined tor sixteen months. Being moved to of ten, my wounds have not healed yet I have not ait up moment fence 1 woe wounded. I am shot through Copt 0. P. JOHNSON, St. Louis, Mo. P. 8.—The fallowing was written April 90. IMS, by Mrs. Jennie Johnson, mother of Captain Johnson: Db. Boll—Dear Sir: My husband, Dr. C. S. John- chronic diarrhoea and scrofula, for which I gave him Sarsaparilla. It cpbbp him. I have 2 years recommended it to many in New York, Ohio and Iowa, for scrofula, fever sores ‘m Perfect success has at- Ohfo* 1 1 general debility, dea it Sarsaparilla. Ho is fearful of getting a spurious article, heucc hia writing to you for it. Hia wounds were ter rible, out I believe he wiU recover. Respectfully, JENNIE JOHNSON. nun tiMM Minis. AUTHENTIC DOCl'MENTS. .#RLI.IUV HLISD t' TraUmotiy ef MrSIral In, 8tou< Foi«t, Wlul. Ou.. Ark., MA7 U, MM Da. Jom Binx—DfarfMr: LfatrubraAnr I ww tn MnluvlU. purchfaln. Dfttra. faff I fffa fafa. of jo.r IfanonutHo fait t fatrnn BMfan. Mr 00.1.JAW wko vm with u In tto rtofa. M* boon down with rho.MUtion, far no, Ufao, oommono- odfatt* Muon, nndooon fownd hi. tofafal hooltt ‘“fi'Sfai, who kfa boon I. bod hofah. >rlod *o« fad ’‘VroiSr^hfab-.ttfad hfahh ttrfafaB. BtMere bos given you greet popularity tn this settle- Ithluk 1 tfenWIieT* rea* quantity of your rut, especially of your Oedron Bl a MUp me vfet Momphlo, gore M. mafttetnos this felftj an IfesrasgsrlUa. M 0. B. W4LKJOL All tha above remedies for sola by L. H. BRAD FIELD, DRUGGIST, WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA, (U mnWfadlr HURLEY’S STOMACH BITTERS. Debility, Loss of Appetite, Weakness, In digestion, or Dyapepsl ax. Went of action of the Liver or Disordered Storaitelt* 7here are no bitters that can compare with these in removing these distressing oomplaluts. For sole or can be had at any drug store in the United Suite*. JAMES RUDDLE A CO., Proprietors, Louisville, Ky. This is t and tried all the tenica I have heard of 0 Used, with little nr no relief from any oi them I heard Hurley's bitters highly spoken of, and tried a bottle, with Ultle faith is it before l commenced, and to my surprise and joy, before I finished one bottle. 1 u-It a great deal better and firmly believe that one or two occasions it was the means of saving aud prolong- —•»- - logpoientlously recommended them t- j oilier. You con use this os you think proper, if it will bvtitfU others. Y. NOTICE TO MOTHERS. DR. SEABBOOK’S INFANT SOOTHING SYRUP. Gtvos health to the child aud r*tt to Ike molkfr., Tbbh.. Feb. 12, 1868. Jaa. ltnddlo ft Oo., Louisville, fty.—When living in your city l used several bottles of Dr. Beobivok's In fant Soothing Syrup, aud found it to do my child more good and It would rest hotter after using it than any her rainedy 1 ever tried. 1 con say with confidence, is the best medioin* for children at present known here. Write me wlu id I will pay for It _ , ou send it, aud oh MRS. SARAH L. 1UN the office tilt. SEABItOOK’S Elixir of Pyrophosphate of Iron and Oalisaya. agroehle taste and bad affects of either, asporataly l. In ether preparation*, of then* valuable madkfinea. It should be taken In all eases whan a gentle tonic 1-u preaaieu ie required after oouvafeoeanoa from vbvb * or dohthtatteg diseases, or tn those dlatrraaing trregu. IsritUa peculiar to females. Mo female should be wlthl eut It, if liabfe to iwh diseases, ter nothing can wel. take tte place. James Ruddle ft Co., PliOPIUETORS. Lnfn» ,iloi y.* o. 41, JtMUUM Street Louisville, Ky, All U># shore goods tor mis hy MMDWUU ft VOX* , ffff- A ’ rI ’ AKTA ' ^U*4A„,