Atlanta daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1869-1871, September 04, 1869, Image 1

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ATLANTA DAILY NEW ERA. BAUD. ATLANTA, GEORGIA, SATURDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 4, 1809. VOL. V.—NO. 1263. [OFFICIAL.] STATES LAWS, A flnalM *r tln> Forty Concrww. JSU£ AMO NORTHERN A It A U, to be expend. tl l>> tin D furnish Mid Indiana milt article treaty May tenth. -Xty-eight, for the fiscal year hundred Mti! a*r«*ty. niMtrol aud aflvagtjUix g..l- weaity dollars; ami blacksmith, ~ ty doll are, por seventh article hundred and sixty -eight, June thirtieth, eighteen him d eight hundred alu i t<» be expended ii Ud tribo who. in tin may grow the moat profitable , per uuith artick' truaty uof goods. aud i Cneyoniio aud the North*] jB, for the fiical year ending hundred and seventy, four AND CLACKAMAS IN METTE VALLEY. t of the third series of an- •pcond article treaty -n hundred and flftr- ed iloliara. D AkAPAHOk.1 hiaUi/uri.t* provided to be dred and sixty-four, six huudreil aud ality-aevan do! lara aud sixty-arveu cent*. For third of tan tiistohueols of the aeooud sort**, for pay of two far in era, per fourth article treaty fourth < tuber, eighteen hundred and fori yd wo, aud eighth lid. tul,U.U, Mqil.atar. wilibaii liua*W aud fifty-four, aud third article treaty May seventh, eighteen hundred and stay-four. three liaudred and tturtydhn c 4uUar« and fthirty-Uiroe cents. for fifteenth of tweuty iuataliuenta of annultv money. iwr third article treaty twenty-second Feb jf^hte. n huadr. .1 and fifty-five, twe nty tliouaa For twenti -third of twenty-all luatatamitn. to unid the Utippewaa ut Ml-ia-ipte. per third orti m aty August second, eighteen hundred aud forty seven, out) iho«M|id dollars. • For aeooud of ten Instalment* fit the IKpport of school or school* u|*on said reservation, in accordance witli third article treaty of March nineteenth, eight, hundred and sixty »■ van. Loir tlmiiaand dultara. For second of t«*u instalmenta to he expended iu ting the progress of thaurupUln ugricnlturi sr:.raeaur Sght. . n hundtWKfid ki -eighth, eighteen hundred i dollars. . r thirteenth article trea- ghteeu hundred and sixty- treaty October aadjdxty- seven, three rth article tn*aty ml red and si xty- Ithuuaft, to Mo expended in of eaid tribe who, in tha y grow the moat valuable year, per fourteenth article Ighlecn hundred and AND UMPQUA INDIANS, lualeliucuts of annuity, to be the President, per third arti- elghteea hundred aud dollars. for the pay of» form- elghtoeuth November, eigh- iveo lam.In*.! and fifty eighteen hundred and t RTTETt.' placed to credit of educalion- of Sagiuaw, Swan creek, and clo treaty eighteenth Udo* id alxty-four, twenty thnna- LAKE SUPERIOR. Instalmenta in coin, per leth September, eighteen thousand dollars, instalment* in gooda. liouso- utetmtla, per fourth arttclo eighteen hundrod and fifty- lustaliiunts lor moral and : hundred dollars of which rtagn band yearly, to ena- ' ool at their village, por . fie [item her, eighteen tits for the support _ Ji auil fifth ankles , eighteen hundred and fifty- hnndr d and twenty dob lataliueiita for the seventh pport of shops, p«*r sec- thlrtioth September, eigh- fhoaaaud and sixty Tth and shop, during the twelfth article treaty hteou hundred and fifty-four, April seventh, eighteen him- litmdreil dollars. ND OF CHIPPEWA* latalments, for the support of it, nod for took, iron and **sry for the blacksmith •sty of Apnl seventh, elgli- lx, one thousand five knu- Ulraent* for tha anppo xty-alx, sight huadn-d dot. -lmenu for Uie inntntetioa , and purchase of seed*, third article treaty of April 1 and aixty-aix, eight hun- n-l sixty-Six, three stalmanta of annuity in pro- hundrid and auty dollars. BC •weary i-oat ol ihdivury of ns, imr sixth article treaty inndml aild aiity-«ix, oue dollars. Till MIKHldHIl’l' thousand dol For second of ton instalments for the support of a physician, in accordance with third articlo treaty March nineteenth, eighteen hundred aud sixty-a* 1 . one thousand two hundred dollars, for st*eouU of leu iuHtalnieuU for Him piuvlisse * cessary medicines, in accordance with third artlcl of treaty March nineteenth, eighteen huudred an atxty-sevon, three huudred dollars. For Insurance, trinuportation. and necessary col of delivery of annuities and provisions for Chippewa of Mtasisatopi, In accordance with sixth article ol th treaty of March nineteen, eighteen hundred aud sixty- f thousauil dollsri CHIPPlfWAH, PILLAGER. AND LAKE WINNK1A- thWlllrill 1IANDH. For fifteeuUi of thirty lfiatAlatonts of annuity in oney, per third article treaty tweiity-aoooud Februa ry, rl||liti<(»it bundled and filty-flve, ten thousand aix hundred sad wixty-ata dollars and alxty-stx cents. For filteeutli of thirty instalments of sunnily lu goods, per third article treaty twenty-second Februa ry. eighteen hundred and tlflj-flve, eight thoui dollars. For flftei nth of thirty instslmauts for purposes of utility, per third article treaty twenty-sec nd Februa ry, elgbu-au hundred and fifty-five, tour thousand dol lar*. For filteeuth of tweuty inslalincuts for purposes of education, including compensation of teacher, per third i*rtide treaty twenty-second February, eighteen maand dollars. For last often instilments for pay of an engineer t«: grist and saw-mill at l<eeoh Lake, per third articli treaty twenty-second February, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, six hundred dollars. CHIP PE WAS OF THE MISSISSIPPI, For sixth often instaln witli ten yoke of good wo two hundred grubbing li atones, ouo hundred axe and other fortuiug iiuplei May seventh, eighteen huudred and sixty-foil! thousand five hundred dollars. For employment of two carpenters, one tho eight hundred dollars, aud two blacksmiths, c iveulh, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, seven thou- *n hundred dollars. s amount to be applied toward the support of bauds of Chfppewas, so long as the Preside! deem it necessary, per sixth article treaty Mi enth, eighteen hundred aud alxty-four, one th dollars. For pay of sorvieea and traveling expeuw board of visitors, to consist of not more that persons, to attend the annuity pay mania to 1 dians, and to Inspect the field*, buildings, mill other improvsmente, as stipulated in the seven clc treaty Msy seventh, eighteen hundred and lour, not exceeding any ono year more Ilian days' service, at five dollars per day. or mor three huudred miles travel, at ten emits i i*r mil hundred and eighty dollars. For ]>aj of female t.-ackers eniployeil ou tho r lions to instruct Indian girls iu domestic cci or chipi-ewas. k\)r this amount as annuity to bn paid per tha Rad Lake band of Cldppewsa during tha of ths President, per third articlo treaty secc •, eighteen hull dred tide supplementary t< ii ml rod and sixty-four, ten For tli is amount to the Pe during tho pleasure of the V five thousand dollars. For sixth "t fitn'. i: snpifiying the Rrd Like band of Ohipp hundred dollars. For ssslslauoo iu sgricultursi oiwrrtions, during Uie tdeasur# of the Presideut, per eighth si licit, treaty hundrod and fifty-six, two thousand dollars. For education, during the pleasure of tho President, Per fifth article treaty February fouitoentli, eighteen hundred and thirty-three, siul fifth ixtlole treaty Au gust seventh, eighteen huudred and fifty-six, ousthou sand dollars. Fur five per ceulum interest on two huudred thous and dollars for puriioses of oduoatlon, per sixth articlo treaty seventh August, eighteen huudred aud fifty-alx, dollars. For Interest on seven hundred and seventy-five thousand one hundred and sixty-eight dollars, at the rate of five per ceutuiii, to be oxi«encie<I under tho di rection of tb« Hecretaqr of the interior, under provl i n hundred and fitly eight dollars aud forty For this amount required to |«ay the expenses of taking a census aud invnetlgaiing the claims of loyal fifteen huudred dollars. CROWN. For first of thirty iuaialmeuts to supply male per- fourteen years of age with a suit of good toeu huudred aud aoveuty, For first of thirty instalments to aupply each over twelve years of age with a ihoiuel skirt goods necessary to make tiie same, a pair of woolen hose, twelve yards ofcelioa, and twelve yards oottou domestic, per ninth article treaty of May r eighteen huudred and sixty-eight, for the fls« 'tiding Juno thirtieth, eighteen hundred and i i supply Uie boys ibid aud sixty-eight, forth* fiscal yo*r ending Jane thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy, four thous- d five huudred dollars. ?'or the first of ten instalments to be used by the Secretary of the Interior in the purchase of such arti- am from time to time the condition and uecessl- if the Indians may indicate to bo proper, tin* sum . _ u dollars for each Indian roaming, (one thousand nine hundrod aud fifty-three souls), per ninth article reatyofMsy seventh, eighteen hundred aud sixty- lght, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eigh- turn hundred and seventy, nineteen thousand five hundred and thirty dollars. ||m ol a school house or mission Icle treaty of May seventu, ngh- teen huudred aud sixty-eight, two thousand five hun dred dollars. For the erection ol a steam circular saw-mill, with a grist-mill aud shingle machine attached, per third arti cle treaty May seventh, eighteen hundred and sixty- eight, eight thousand dollars. For pay of carpenter, farmer, blacksmith, miller, ami engineer, per tenth article treaty May seventh, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, five theusaud two huudred dollars. i for .ring goods belonging tc Indiana, per third article nth, eighteen huudred and sixty-eight, two thousand ivo hundred dollars. For the construction of an agency building, per same said Indians, per same article of tame treaty, two thou sand dul.ars. For the construction of fivo buildings for carpenter, jer, blacksmith, miller, and eugi * “ ~ drod dollars each, per same article >u thousand five hundrod dollars. DELAWARES. For life annuity to chief, por private article 1 lnsUliu. nta for the purpose of i«ig ' ig, flannels, pri iuatti-1 other useful *st interests, twelfth April, r milter, sod one termer, per fourth article of same treaty. Him* thousand flvn hundred dollars. Fur sixth of fifteen instalments for tin* purchase of iron and steel ami other articles for hlackmuitbing C urposes, per same treaty as above, one thousand five undred dollars. For Sixth of fifteen ini carpentering imd other ] For sixtli of fifteen instalments, to defray expenses poisons, to attend the annuity payments of the In dians, thro* hundred and ninety dollars. For insurance and transportation of annuity goods UH1UKARAWS. For permanent annuity in goods, per act twenty- fifth February, seventeen hundred and ninety-nine, for tint fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hun dred and sixty-ninn, and for tho fiscal year ending sixteenth N< thirteenth article treaty twenty-second June, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, throe thousand dollars. For permanent annuity for support of light hors<- per sixtli article treaty eight hundred and twenty, niuth a twentieth, eighteen hundred thirteenth article treaty ith October, * ighteeu do treaty January l twenty-five, and imidred aud filty-flve, six hundred dollars. For permanent annuity for education, treaty twentieth January, eigh' id twenty-five, a hundred le treaty twenty- Ufty-Avo, six thou- dollars. For p*mi*nt-nt annuity ft>r Iron and steel, per ninth UcIm treaty twentieth January, eighteen hundred and mity-ttve, aud thirteenth article treaty twonty-sec- id June, eighteen hundred and. fifty -five, three hun dred and tweuty doll. poena, under the direction of the general c ty thousand 1 nliiety-twi: .r odiicatiou, I I .. ri^PsrJ Choctaws, lu conformity with tho provisions contained Uie tenth and thirteenUi articles of tho treaty or enty-sMcond Juue, eighteen hundred and fifty- five, nineteen thousand five hundred and twelve dol lars aud eighty-nine cents: Provided, That It shall lie lh« duty of the Hwerctary of the Interior to sell a sulfi mount of tin- Isolds of the United Htales held ... . tier Hie Choctaw Indians to enabls him to y the amount of the awards hrrulofor# approved by n: .f Joseph O. Heahl and Reuben Wright u dor the provisions of tlis Illtistli arUcle of the treaty nd OONFEDF.ltATED TRIIIKH AND HANDS OF IN DIANA IN MIDDLE OltEOON. For last of five liiAt.dmoiits, second series, for ben fleial objects, at the discretion of tho President, p second articlo treaty twenty-fifth June, eighteen liu drod and fUty-fiv.*, six thousand dollars. For tidlHi ol flfbwu lnetalnteota fur pay and subs fence of one termer, one blacksmith, aim one wugi and plough maker, )s*r fourth triiclo treaty twent filth June, eighteen hundred anil flfty-flve, three tho sand five hundred dollars. For tenth of twenty Instalments for pay and subsis tence of one physician, ono sawyer, oiio mill superintendent of terming opcmtioun, and on* school teacher, per fourth articlo treaty twenty-fifth J eighteen huudred aud fttty five, Avetiioiisand aix hun dred dollars. For tenth of twenty Instalments for salary of tho head chief of said confederated bands, por fourth ok treaty twenty-fifth June, eighteen hundred an ty-flve, fivo hundred dollars. hundred and i cents. a of ths second series fur safiS-l ‘ ed and sixty-four, nd scries ill Ay fourth October, eigh- *, and slgkUi arte-te treaty - knndred and fifty-four, y aavsnih Hal, -lgVtee* hnn Uim* Mmhisand five hundred dol fi»r r fourth article treaty f.mrih 4 ami fortf-two, aud rtghtli fkptembsr, eighteen hundred article *f treaty May s*v*nH.. *>nr, atx kmtidrM and Ot Sarnmd series, tor tooareo, p«r fourth ar- Vstghtew^lwiidrid and tor •ftr'Sur. hundred and sisty-Iour, dollars and sixty-asven dt th* issitei aeries for MTMtk M«r. ■ jixldx 1 s ss-js m dent, t»*r fifth artlcl* treaty Fsbruarv fourteenth, oighl ofa blacksmith, carpenter, farmer, aud physician, who shall furnish medicines for ths sick, per eleventh srtick treaty thirty-first January, eighteen huudred and fifty-firs, three thousand six huudred dollars. MENOMONEE*. For fourteenth of fifteen Instalments for pay of util ler, per third article treaty twelfth May, dred and fifty-four, aix hundred dollars. For fourth of fifteen instalments of annuity upon two hundred and forty-two thousand six hundred and elghte-six dollars, for cession of lands, par fourth ar- M1AM1EH0F KANHAH. For permausutprovision for blacksmith aud assis tant, and iron and steel far shop, per fifth article trea ty sixth October, eighteen huudred aud eighteen, and fourth artick treaty June fifth, eighteen hundred and fiftr-lour, nine hundred and forty dollars. For permanent provision for miller, in smith, per fifth article treaty sixth Octol „ hundred snd eighteen, fifth article treaty twenty-third October, eighteen hundred and thirty-four, and fourth article trusty fifth Juue, eighteen hundrod and fifty- four, six hundred dollars. For interest on fllty thousand dollars, *t five per centum, for educational purposes, per third article treaty fifth June, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, two thousand five hundred dollars. For tenth of twenty Instalments upon two hundred thousand dollars, per third article treaty fifth June, eighteen hundred aud fifty-four, seven thousand live hundred dollars. MIAMI EH OF INDIANA. For interest ou two hundred end twenty-oin e per centum, being t f laud set apart by treaty of eighteen hi twenty-nine, for education per i January nineteen, eighteen hundred dglit, and fifth article treaty of Mnj id thirty- 'ighteeii hundred and fllty-six, two thousand three hundred and four dollar-. D WAMIHU AND OTHER ALLIED TRIBES IN WAfiH- INOTON TERRITORY. tenth instalment on one hundred and fifty iml dollars under the direction of the Presi dent. j>er sixth article treaty twenty-second January, i*n hundred and fifty five, seven Uiottsand five uary, eighteen hundred and fifty- live. throe tliousaud dolkrs. e-nnd January, eight AND OTHER CONFEDERATED TRIBES. five instalments on one huudred and twenty thousand dollars, bring th* beneficial objects per fonrtb article dred and fifty-fiv. wntv Ins Lai mt w , school, keeping in pair the buildings, aud providing suitahls iurulture, books, and stationery, |>er fifth article treaty sixteenth July, eighteen hundred anil fifty-five, three hundred nth of tweuty instalments for providing auita- •uctora that * —" ** * — tec nth July, eightee and wagon and plough-ii tennth July, eighteen dred dollars. For tcuth of twenty instalments for the employ- n*nt of twa farmers, two mtllors, ono blacksmith, ouo .nner, one gunsmith, one carpenter, and one wagon ami plough-maker, per fifth articlo frosty sixteouth July, eighteen hundred and filty-flve, sovcu thousand mndrod dolkrs. tenth of twenty instalments for keeping in ro- pair saw and flouring mills, and for furnishing the necessary tools and fixtures therefor, per fifth article treaty sixteouth July, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, five hundred dollars. For tenth of twenty instalments for koeping iu re pair the hospital and providing tho necessary medi cines sml furniture therefor, por fifth articlo treaty sixteenth July, eigbteon hundrod and flfty-flvo, three bundled dollars. jr tenth of twenty instalments for pay of a physi- i, per fifth article treaty sixteenth July, eighteen hundred and filty-flve, ouo thousand four huudred dollars. For tenth of twenty instalments for keeping in re pair the buildings required for tho various employees and furnishing necessary furniture Uiercfor, per fifth article treaty sixteenth July, eighteen hundrod and fifty-five, three hundred dollars. or tenth of twenty InsUlmMits for the pay of oach Ho lu ail chiefs of the Flathead, Kootenay, and Up land d’Oreille* tribes, per filth article treaty six- ith July, eighteen huudred and fifty-five, fifteen died dollars or lusuraiiceand transportation of annuity goods provisions, per fifth article treaty sixteenth July, Itoeu hundred and sixty-five, four thousand dol- nte’i huudred anil fifty-seven dollars sml eighty i, uninvested, at five n«r centum, per Hen .-..oudmeut to fourth article treaty fifth Jum- ightesn hundred and fifty-four, eleven thousand am ixty-two dollars and eighty-uiii* cents. MIAM1EH-EKL RIVER. For jienuanout annuity In goods or otherwise, pei ** * " ‘ ——* kssdnd For poriusneut annuity in goods or otherwise, per articles tresty twenty-first August, eighteen him’ * amt five, two hundred and fifty dollars. For permanent annnity in goods or otherwise, per third and separate article to treaty thirtieth September, eighteen hundred and nine, three hundred aud fifty dollars. MOLKL INDIAN*. For last of t«u instalments for keeping In repair saw aud (louring mills, and for Uie pay ol necessary employees, the benefits of which to bo shared alike \tj all the confederated basils, per second article treaty twenty-first December, eighteen hundred and fifty- live, ons thousand five hundred dollars. For last oi ten Instalments for pay of s carpenter and joiner to aid in erscUng buildings and making furniture for aaid Indians, and to furnish tools lu in said service, per second arUcle treaty twenty-first De cember, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, one thousand dollars, For pay of teachers to manual labor school for all neoessary materials therefor, ai d for the subsistence of the pupils, per second arUcle treaty twenty-first December, eighteen hundred aud filty-flve, twelve hundred dollars. NIBQUALLY. PUYALLUP, AND OTHER TRIBES linqulshment of title to lands, to bo applied to ben- cflcial objects, per fourth article treaty twenty-sixth December, eighteen hundred aud fifty-four, ono thou- ■truotur, smith, physician, who furnish medicine for the sick .carpenter, and farmer. per tenth article treaty twenty-sixth December, eighteen hundred and fifty lour, five thousand dollars. For fifteenth of tweuty instalments for the support of sn agricultural aud industrial school, and support of smith and carpenter shop, and providing the neces sary tools therefor, in conformity with tenth article of treaty December twenty-sixth, eighteen hundrod and fifty-four, fifteen hundred dollars. NAVAJ0E8. For such articles of clothing, or raw materials in lieu thereof, for eight thousand Navajoo Indians, not exoeeding five dollars each Indian, in conformity with eighth article treaty June first, eighteeu hundred and sixty-eight, forty thousand dollars. For seeds, farming Implements, work cattle, and other stock tor fourteen hundred families, in conform ity with seventh articlo of above-named treaty, one hundred aud forty thousand dollars. For survey of the Navajoo Indian reservation, dm ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred i iity, Miuura, for ed imler the direction of tli oftr<+tyof M«y #* other bcu Hill. eigh- r ninth srtici. ___ n hundrod and fifty-four, Iwo fhoussml eight kill id sml seventy-fire dollars. KANSAS. Kor Interest in lion of investment on two hundred , at five j*er ceutum per annum, per icle lri*aty of January fourteen, eighteen :y.six, I i thousand dollars. KIOKAPOO*. For six icon Ui instalment of internet, at fivo per con- lmu, mi mu' luindn d thousand dollars fur educational ind other beneficial purposes, as jwr second article treaty May eighteen, eighteen hundred and Afty-four, five thousand dollars. For sixteenth instalment on two hundred thousand dollars, to he paid lu eighteen hundred and aeventy, per second article treaty eighteenth May, eighteen hundred and fifly-fonr, seven thousand dollars. KLAMATl! AND MOUOO INDIANS. For fourth of ftvo instalments, to lie applied under direction of the President, as per second article treaty )l>er fourteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty- deficiency expended in subsisting the Navnj. Bosque Redondo, according to tho contract mane ny Theodore IT. Dodd, from tho twenty-second of May, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, until their removal to their old homes, one thousand one hundred and fifty-five dollars and ninety cents. BI8H1T0N AND WARPETON. For survey of reservation for the 8issiton and War- reton bands of Dakota or Sioux Indians, as per third, fourth, and fifth articles of tin* treaty w ith said ludi- of February utnetoen, eighteen hundred aud sixty- *n, forty-five thousand dollars, or so much thereof a may l»e necessary. NE7. PERl’E INDIANS. or last of five instalments of second series for ben eficial objects, at the discretion of the President, per fourth article treaty of Juue eleventh, eighteen hun dred and fifty-five, eight thousand dollars. tenth of twenty instalments for tho support of hools, one of which schools to bean sgricultursi and industrial school, keeping in repair school build ings, and fur providing suitable furniture, lw>oks, and itatinnery, per fifth article treaty eleventh June, eigh- ecu hundred and flfty-flvo, five hundred dollars. For tenth ol twenty instalments for the employment if one superintendent of toachlng and two teachers, .jer fifth article treaty eleventh Juno, eighteen hun dred and fifty-five, three thousand two hundred dob nth of t'vouty instalments for tho employment or tenth of twenty instalments tor keeping iu repair hospital, and providing the necessary medicines furniture therefor, per fifth article treaty eleventh Juno, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, three hundred ' filar*. For tenth of twenty instalments for pay of a physi cian, per fifth article treaty eleventh June, eighteen hundred aud fifty-five, ono thousand two hundred dol lars. * For tenth of twenty instalnsenta for keeping in re pair tha buildings for tho various employees, and for providing the necessary furniture therefor, per fifth ar ticle treaty eleventh June, eighteen hundred and fifty- ivo, two hundred dollars. For tenth of twenty instalments for the salary of such person as the tribe mny select to be their head chlof, per fifth article treaty eleventh June, eighteeu hundred and fifty-five, fivo hundred dollars. ed in ploughing land and fencing lots, as per first clause fourth article treaty Juue ninth, eighteen hun dred and sixty-three, fifteen thousand dollan teams, agricultural implements, tools, and so forth, and lor fencing of such lands as may be needed for gardening and farming purposes for the schools, as por fourth clnuse fourth article treaty of June nine, eighteeu huudred and sixty-Uirec, thre* thousand dol lars. For salary of two subordinate chiefs, as tier filth ar ticle treaty of Juno nino, eighteen hundred aud sixty- three, five hundred dollars e thousand dollars. salary of two matrons to uko cli hoarding *, nook, two assistant teacher*. carpenter, and two millers, as per fifth article treaty Juue ninth, eighteen hundred and sixty-threo, a thousand six huudred dollars. For Uie locnud of fifteen instalments of Hits am being third of series, in money .or otherwise, i»*r fourth article treaty sixteenth March, eighteen hun dred and fifty-four, twenty thousand dollars. For fourth of ten instalments for keeping In repair eight t uusand dolkrs. le treaty l,b ntn. tv. ami fifth art iris treaty seventh August, etgl • *« humteMt sad fifty-six, one thousand Ave hundri ‘‘■•Ry sixteenth June, c | and fifth arUcle treaty seventh August, e'ghtern him (Ireil and fllty-six. Ultm* thouoswd iIhIIih. i. a&i, tSVs*, treaty twiinty-fenrth January, slghh-cn hundred aud twenty*six, and fifth articli* treaty seventh August, X hundrod and fifty six, twenty thousand dol- F*f psvmMMii snmliy tor blacksmith and mmIb- Unt, *";1 for shop and tools, p*r eighth arUcle treaty twenty-fourth January, righti st, hundred sudtwenty- sii. sod fifth arUel* treaty seventh Angnat, right* a hnndred and fifty-*!*, right kindred and fbrty XT- Fur permanent snnutty for iron m<| steel for .hop, per eighth will'k «MS*y t**rty-fn«*th Jsnoary, eigh- tc«*n huudred and twenty-six, and fifth arttele treaty M.v«ili Aagori,rixl.teeu bnndrtNt and fittyndv, two hnwlMd and seventy dolkrs. Fur pormansfti anMttity ftw the pay a wWlwrtght. per eighth arttoktiwsty twenty-fourth January, eigh teen hundred sad Hrraty-six. and fifth arttcl* treaty a. vmrtA August, righteen hundred and fifty-alt, Mx hundred dollars thirty-three, and fifth article treaty seventh August, *f«(Nk*v hundred And fifty-Mt. sight hnndrwdAnd t<*. For Iron and *t**l for *h*p llrllf th« pMAsur* of the President, per fifth article treaty foortesoth Feb ruary. eighteen hundred aud thtiiy-Misu*. sad fifth sc IUU treaty sax snth August, righ»**ti koufired sad flf- IpHfiX, three huufisud and swraotf dolkrs. For wagon-maker, during th* pleasure of tho Presl aimai Isisir school, article treaty of Ootobar fourteenth, eighteen hundrod end Sixty-four, one thousand dollars. For fourth of twenty lustahnenU for the purchase of tools ami Materials tor saw and flour milk, carpen teautli, «fgut*en huudred and sixty-four, ouo thous and five hundrod dollars. For tomth of fift**u Instalments for pay aud sub sistence of ops superintendent of farming, one farmer, one blacksmith, os* sawyer, on* oarpetusr, and one wagon aud plough-maker, as tier fifth articlo treaty of Octobor fourteaiitli, eighteen huudrod and sixty-four, six thousand (loiter*. For fourth of twenty Instalment* to pay salary and ihaistenreof on* physlaian. on* miller, and two _j|i*ol teachers, as per fifth srtick treaty of Octoiar fourteenth, righteen hnmtrsd and alxty-four, three thousand ail hundred dollars. MAK AH TltinE. For last of four lostelmsuU of thirtv tliousaud (lob lara, (bring Urn fourth esrissh u»4«r direeftou of ths President, as par fifth arlkl* of treaty of January thirty-first, slghteen hundred and fifty-Am, on*U»ons- and five hundred dollaw. pH Fot tenth of twenty instalment* for support smith and carpenter's shop, sod to nrovfd* the nee**- eery tools thwribr. pur *l*veath srtirie tettey thirty first January, *kglii**a bandied and fifty-fi*#. flvshun drsd dollars. Por tenth of twenty lastfilraenk tor thu rapport of an MrtratteTUl sod hidnstrisl school, ud for pay of Matter*, pur eleventh article treaty thirty first Jaav- hundred aud fifty five, two tboUten' For tenth of twenty instalments for tlis employment fourth Beptotnber, eighteen hundred and fifty-seven, thirty thousand dolkrs. For support of two manual labor schools, during tho pleasure of the President, per third article treaty September twenty-fourth, eighteen huudred aud fifty- seven, ten thousand dollars. For purchaoa of iron aud steel and other necessa ries for the shops, during the of thu Presi dent, per same treaty, five hundred dollars. For pay of two blacksmiths, ouo ol whom shall bo a gunsmith and tinsmith, per same treaty, twelve hun dred dollars. Fur pay of two strikers or apprentices In black- smith's shop, per same treaty, tour hundrod and eigh ty dollars. Forth* purchase of farmlug utensils and stock, dur ing tho pleasure of the President, per same treaty, twelve hundred dollars. For pay of fanner, per same treaty, dt huudred dollars. For pay of miller, at the discretion of tho Prosidout, per same* treaty, six hundrod dollars. For pay of an engiueer, at the discretion of thu President, p«r same treaty, twelve hundred dollar*. For pay of apprentice* to assist in working Uie mil), per saniu treaty, five hundred dollars. For keening in repair the grist and saw mills, per same treaty, throe hundred dollars. PONCA*. For Hie sixth of ten instalments of tho second series, “to be paid to them or expended for their benefit,” per second article treaty twelfth March, eighteen hun ters. POTTO WATAM1E8. For permanent annuity In silver, per fourth article treaty third August, seventeen huudred and ninety- five, seven huudred and twenty-four dollars and sev- For permanent annuity In silver, per third article rcaty thirtieth September, eighteen hundred aud .ins, three hundred and sixty-lwo dollars aud thirty- treaty second October, eighteeu huudred aud eigh teen, one tiiousand eight hundred aud eleven dollars and ninety-three cents. ~| For permanent annuity in money, per second arti- dollars and thirty-t For life annuity to chief, por third article treaty twentieth October, eighteen hundred and thirty-two, two hundred dollars. For life annuity to chiefs, per third article treaty twenty-sixth September, eighteen hundred and thirty- three,’seven hundred dollars: Provided, That satisfac tory evidence shall be shown to the Hoc rotary of the Interior that the chief or chiefs provided for by said 'idea are still living. 'or education, during tho pleasure of Congress, per third article treaty of Octobsr sixteenth, eighteeu hun dred and twenty-six, second article treaty September twentieth, eighteen huudred aud twenty-eight, and fourth article treaty October twouty-seventh, eighteen hundred and thirty-two, five tiiousand dollars. For permanent provision for the payment of money lieu of tobacco, iron, and stori, per second article treaty twcutietb September, eighteen hundred and twenty-eight, and tenth article of tho treaty of the fifth and seventeenth June, eighteen hundred and forty-six, two huudred aud sevontecn dollars and for ty-three ceuts. For permanent provision for three blacksmiths and assistants, and for Iron and steel for shops, per third srtirie treaty sixteenth October, eighteen huudred and twenty-eight second article treaty twentieth September, eighteen hundred aud twenty-eight, and accond arti cle treaty twenty-ninth July, eighteeu hundred and twenty-nine, two thousand forty-two dollars and nine ty-four cent*. 'or permanent provision lor fifty barrels of salt, second article of treaty twenty-ninth July, eigh- n huudred and twenty-uine, three hundred and sev- eeu dollars and nine cents. _ or interest on four hundred and aixty-aix thous and aud twenty seven dollars aud forty-eight centa, at five per centum, in conformity with seventh article treaty of Juno fifth and seventeenth, eighteen hun dred and forty-six, twenty-three thousand throe hun dred and one dollars aud thirty-seven cents. To enable tho President to carry out the provision* f the third article of tho treaty of November fifteen, ty-uiue, oigbteeu hundred and sixty-six, by paying to certain members of said tribe who have elected to be- oorno citizens iu accordance with said treaties, the pnaotfitB of the caali value of the Pottowatomie an- Prasldant, per feurtfc urttote treaty twentieth July dollars and eighty r currency, aud hundred anil twenty-throe tiiousand six hundred and ninety-nine dollars and sevoixty-three Bents, iu gold, to be paid out of the funds belonging 0 said tribe of Indians, or so much of said sum as nay bo necessary to pay the members of said tribe 1 ho have actually withdrawn from their tribal rela- ninor children shall bo paid to them, or for them, until aucli children shall have i* ago of twonty ono years: And provided ‘ * >ro the President out of this appr d, lie shall cause ( d shall bo satisfied that tho rocipic o the same under the aforesaid trea may require tho Secretary of the Interior 1 QUAPAW8. Por education, during the pleasure of tho President, r Ihinl article treaty thirteenth Msy, oigliteon lam ed and thirty-throe, ono thousand dollars, or blacksmith and assistant, and tools, and iron d steel for shop during the pleasure].of Jtho Presi dent, per third article treaty thirteenth of May, eigh- For pay of ono engineer, twelve hundred dollars. For fourth of ten Instalments for jwy of per asms treaties, ... hundiT< For fourth often tnrtalraents for pay of one farmer, >r same treaties, seven hundred and twenty dollars. For fourth of ten instalment* for pay of blacksmith, >r same treaties, seven hundred and fifty dollar*. 08AOE8. For interest on k *lxty-nine thousand on* hundred and twenty dollars, at five par eentnm per annum, be ing value of fifty- four aaoUona of land net apart by said treaty for ofincetlcnal nun*-' three ... hundred and fifty-eta dollars. For interest on three hundred thousand dollar# at five per oeutum per annum, to be paid semi -annually, lu mousy or anoh article# as Ilia Heorokry of the In terior way direct, aa per first artlcl* treaty of Hcptem- ber twouty nine, eighteen hundred and sixty-five, flf- i* thousand aud six- dred aud thtrty-throe, six hundred dollars. QUI-NAI-ELT AND QUIL-LEH-UTE INDIANS. For test of four instalments on twenty-five thousand dollars ibeing the fourth series) tor beneficial objects, under the direction of the President, per fourth arti cle treaty first of July, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, eighteen hundred and flfty-fivo, two thousand five hundred dollars. For teuth of twenty instalmenta for support of smith id carpenter shop, and to provide tho necessary tool* cretor, per tenth article treaty first July, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, five hundred dollar*. For tenth of twenty instalments for the employ- ent of a blacksmith, carpenter, and farmer, and a lyeiciau, who shall furnish inodicmes for the tick, •r tcuth article treaty first July, eighteen hundrod and fifty-five, three thousand aix hundred dollars. ROQUE RIVEB8. last of sixteen instalments In blankets, clothing, ig utensils, am! stock, per third articlo treaty Heptember, eighteen hundred and fifty-three, two tliousaud fivo hundred dollars. 8AC8 AND FOXES OF MISSISSIPPI, i-rmaneut annuity in goods or otherwise, per third article treaty third November, eighteeu huudred id four, ono tiiousand dollars. For interest on two hundred tiiousand dollars, at five p< r centum, per secoud article treaty tweuty-firat October, eighteen huudred and thirty-aevon, * d dollars. or interest on eight hundred thousand dollars, at five per centum, per second article treaty eleventh Oc tober, eighteeu hundred aud forty-two, forty thous- d dollara. SACS AND FOIES OF MISSOURI. t*'or interest on one hundred and fifty-seven thous and four himdred dollars, at fivo por centum, under n thousand eight huudred and seventy dol' SEMINOLE*. five per centum per annum, "to be paid annually toi the support of school#," as per third article treaty of Mareli twenty dirat, eighteen hundred aud sixty-six, twenty-live hundrod dollars. For interest ou twenty thousand dollars, at tho rate of five per centum per annum, “to bo paid annually," for the rapport of the Seminole government, as per For this amount, being tlio Interest on fifty tli am! dollars from August sixteenth, eighteen hnn and sixty-sis, Hie date of the ratification of tho treaty hundred and ailty-eight, the date when the payment of said sum commenced, two years, two mouths, and twenty-aix days, aa per third article of treaty of March twonty-ono, eighteen hundrod and aixty-aix, five thou sand ftvn hundred and ninety-seven dollara and twen ty-one cents. SENECAS. teen tliousaud dollars. For permanent annultv for educational purposes, l»#r fourth article treaty «Rrd August, seventeen hun dred and nluetr-flve, and third article treaty tenth May, eighteeu hundred and fifty tour, one thousand dollars. For permanent annuity, In specie, for educational .purposes, per fourth arttote treaty twauty-nluth Sep tember, eighteen hundred aud seventeen, and third article treaty teuth May, eighteen huudred aud fifty- tour, two thousand dollar*. For Interest, at five per oeutum, on forty thousand dollara, for educational purpoeea, \«n third arttclo treaty tenth May, eighteeu hundred and llfty-tour, two thousand dollars. SHOSHONES. WKSWM BAUDS. For sixtli of tweuty instalments, to be expended, ” * he President, iu th ’ “ isy deem suitable D r herdsmen, per i oil ' five thousand dollars. XAHTEUN liAKIiS, For sixth of tweuty Instalmenta, to be expended, ndcr the direction of th# President, In the purchase of such articles aa he may deem suitable to their .. . ighU i thousand dollars. MOUTHWKMTKBM BARDS. For sixth of twenty Instalments, to be expended, under the direction of tha President, In the purchase of such articles as he may deem suitable to their want*, either as hunters or herdsmen, per third arti cle treaty July thirtieth, eighteen huudred and sixty* three, live thousand dollars. OOSHir BANDS. .th of twenty instalments, to be expended, under the direction of the President, In the purchase aud condition, either as liuutsmen or herdsmen, per seventh article treaty October twelfth, righteen hun dred and slxty-tliroc, one thousand dollara. 811 NATIONS OF NEW YORK. For permanent annuity in ciothlug and othor useful articles, per sixth article treaty seventeenth Novem ber, seventeen huudred aud nluety-tour, tour thous and five hundred dollats. H’KLALLAMS. For last of tour Instalments on siity-thouaaud dol lars, (being fourth aerie#), under the direction of the agricultural and Industrial school, and tor pay for suitable teachers, per eleventh arUcle treaty twenty- sixth October, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, one thousand five hundred dollars. For teuth of twenty inatalment# tor the employment of a blacksmith, carpenter, farmer, and a pbyaician, who shall furnish medicines for the sick, per eleventh article treaty twenty-sixth October, eighteen huudred and fifty-five, three thousand live hundred dollara. TABEOUACHE BAND OF UTAH INDIANS. For eixth of ten Instalments for the purchase of gooda, under the direction of the Secretary of the In terior, per eighth article treaty of October seventh, eighteen hundred and slxtv-throe, aud Senate amend ment of March twenty-fifth, eighteen hundred aud sixty-four, ten thousand dollars. For sixth of ten instalmenta, per eighth article trea ty, for the purchase of provisions, under the direcUon of the Secretary of tho Interior, ten thousand dollara. For tho purchase of Iron, steel and necessary tools for blacksmith's shop, as per tenth article of said trea ty, two hundred and twenty dollars. For i>sy of blacksmith and assistant, as per dred and eixty-ririy-eeven, four thousand dollars. WTAHDOntBjS. To pay for the aervkas of three persons, to be ap pointed by ths Secretary of the Interior, to ascertain and report the amount of money. If any, due by the United Htetes to eaid Indians nudar existing treaties, and so forth, per thirteenth article treaty February twenty three, eighteen hundred and slxty-ecren, three thousand dollars. To pay the claim of J. T. Jones, being for deelrtic- tlou by fire of his dwelling and other property by whites In eighteen hundred and flfty-alx, per eigh teenth artick treaty February twenty-three, eighteeu hundred and sixty-seven, six tliousaud seven handled hundred and sixty-nine thousand six hundred and eighty-six dollars and seventy-five cents, Invested tor said Indiana, per act of Congress, July twelve, eighteen hundred and aixty-two, per twenty-fourth ar ticle treaty February twenty-three, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, twe.uty.five thousand dollars. For thin amount, to be taken from the Invented fund of said Indians, and to he paid to the tribe, per capita, to assist them iu establishing theiuselvet iu tide of same treaty, i a hundred dol- stock, as per same article ol samu treaty, three thous and dollars. UMPQUASAND CALAP00IA8, OF UMPQUA VAL- November, eighteeu hundred and fifty-four, ouo thou sand seven hundred dollars. For last of fifteen instalments tor the pay of a physi cian and purchase of medicines, per sixth article trea ty twenty-ninth November, eighteen hundred and fif ty-four, one thousand five hundred dollars. For the fifteenth of twenty instalments for the pay of a teacher and purchase of books and stationery, per fin hundredth hundred and fifty-seven thousand acres ceded to tli United States, after deducting tho amount of land set apart for individuals), per third article treaty Februa ry eighteen, eighteen hundred and aixty-seven, one huudred aud forty-seven tiiousand three hundred and ninety-three dollars and thirty-two cents. For erection of a dwelling house for the agent of said tribe, a house and shop for a blacksmith, aud dwelling house for a physician, per seventh article treaty February eighteen, eighteen hundred and atx- •eveu, six thousand dollara. first of five instalments for the support of a physician aud purchase of medicines, per tenth article treaty February eighteen, eighteen hundred aud sixty- seven, fifteen hundred dollars. first of five instalments tor supplying aaid tribe with tobacco aud salt, per teuth arUcle treaty Februa ry eighteen, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, three bundled aud fifty dollars. To pay the claim of the Sacs and Foxes against the United States tor stealing of stock, per fifteenth article treaty February eighteen, eighteen hundred and sixty- seven, sixteen thousand four hundred dollars. For amount necessary to pay the expenses of nego tiating this treaty, per nineteenth article treaty Feb- y eighteen, eighteen hundred aud aixty-seven, flf- hondred dollars. TABEOUACHE, MU AC HE. CAPOTE, WEEM1NUCHE. YAMPA, GRAND RIVER, AND UINTAH BANDS OF UTE. For construction of a warehouse or store-room at oach of the agencies, for the use of the agent in stor ing goods belonging to tho Indians, fifteen hundred dollars each, per fourth article treaty March two, eigh- en hundred and sixty-eight, three thousand dollars. For erecting an agency building tor the residence ol — the agent at each of tho agencies, fifteen huudred dol- xo pay the expenses lars each, per fourth article treaty March two, eighteen • -j - -■ * hundred and sixty-eight, three thousand dollar*. For the construction of two school-houses, as per fourth articlo treaty of March two, eight hundred aud sixty-eight, aix thousand dollars. For construction of four buildings, for carpenter, farmer, blacksmith, and miller, at each of the agen cies, fifteen hundred dollars each, per fourth articlo treaty March two, eighteen hundred and eixty-eight, twelve thousand dollars. sixth article treaty tweuty ninth November, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, one thousand four hundred and fifty dollars. UMPQUA8, (COW CREEK BAND.) For sixteenth of twenty instalments in blankets, Nothing, provisions, and stock, per third articlo treaty nineteenth September, eighteen hundred and fifty- 'iree, five hundred aud fifty do'krs. WALLA-WALLA, CAY08E, AND UMATILLA TRIBES. For last ol fivo instalments of second series, to l>e expended under the direction of tho President, per For tenth of twenty instalments for tire purchase of all necessary mill fixtures and inocbanical tools, med icines and hospital stores, books and stationery for schools, and furniture tor the employees, per fourth lo treaty ninth June, eighteen hundred and fifty- For tenth of twenty instalments for tho pay of each of the head chiefs of the Walla-Walla, Caynse, ami Umatilla bands, tlic sum of five hundrod dollars per annum, per fifth articlo treaty ninth June, eighteen huudred and filty-flve, fifteen hundred dollar*. For tenth of twenty Instalments for salary for the sou of Pio-pi(Hiuox-mox, per fifth article treaty ninth Juno, eighteen hundred aud fifty-five, one hundred dollars. WINNEBAGOES. For interest on ono million dollars, at fivo per cen- i. per fourth articlo treaty first November, eighteen eighty-five thousand dollars, at five per centum, per fourth articlo treaty thirteenth October, eighteen hun dred and forty-aix, lour thousand two hundred and fifty dollars. WALL-PAH-PE TRIBE OF SNAKE INDIANS. For third of five instalments, to be expended under tho direction of tho Proaideut, aa per seventh articlo treaty of August twelfth, eigtiteeu hundred aud aixty- ftve, two thousand dollars. YAKAMA NATION. For last of five Instalments of aecond ecriea for ben eficial object#, at the discretion of the President, per fourth article treaty ninth Juno, eighteen huudred and fifty-five, eight thousand dollar*. For tenth of twenty instalments for the support of two schools, one of which is to bo an agricultural and industrial school; keeping in repair school buildings, and for providing anitablo furniture, books, and sta tionery, per fifth article treaty ninth Juno, eighteen hundred aud fifty-five, fivo hundred dollars For tenth of twenty icstalmsnts for the employment of one superintendent of teaching and two teachers, per fifth article treaty ninth Juno, oightccu hundred and fifty-five, three thousand two hundred dollars. For tenth of twenty Instalments for the employment of one superintendent of farming and two flarmera, two millers, two blacksmiths, one tinner, one gun smith, ono carpenter, and one wagon and plough-ma ker, per fifth articlo troaty ninth June, eighteen hun dred and fifty-five, oight thousand five hundred dol lars. For tenth of twenty instalmenta for keeping in re pair saw and flouring mills, and furnishing the neces sary tools aud fixtures, por fifth article treaty uinth Juno, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, five hundred For tenth of twenty instalments for keeping in re pair blacksmltha', tinsmiths', gunsmith*’, carpenters’, and wagon and plough-makcra's shops, aud for pro viding necessary tools therefor, per fifth article treaty Juno ninth eighteen hundred aud flfty-fivo, five hun dred dollars. For tenth of twenty instalments for tho pay of a physician, per fifth article treaty ninth June, elghteon hundred aud fifty*livo, one thousand four huudred pair the building* required for the various employe** aud for providing the necessary furniture thereto!, For tenth of tweuty lnatalmouta for tho aala'y of aneh person aa tho aaid confederated tribe# and bands of Indians may select to be their head chief, per fifth articlo treaty niuth Juue, oigbteeu hundrod and fifty- five, five hundred dollars. YANUTON TRIBE OF SIOUX. For first of ten instalments (aecond series), h paid to them or expended for their benefit, coiuiuenc- with the year iu wldch they shall remove to aud settle and reside upon their reservation, per fourth article treaty nineteenth April, eighteen hundred and fifty* eight, forty thousand dollar*: Provided, That no J**r1 of the moneys appropriated to pay annuities due the several tribes or bands of Indiana named in this act ■hall be expeuded for any other articles of lood, cloth g, agricultural or mechanical impUmsiUs that such shall be agreed upon by the chiefs and headmen of said tribe, in a general council held for Hit* purjios*, ie same to bu estimated tor by the local agent a * •rtlfcd by the superintendent of Indiau affairs, ( cept where otherwise provided by treaty stipulation SENECAS, MIXED SENECAS AND BUAWNF.E8, QUA PAWS, CONFEDERATE) D] PEOKIA8. KAH- and a shingle machine attached, aa per fourth articli treaty of March two, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, sixteen thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. For pay of two carpenters, two millers, two fanners, id one blacksmith, per lourth and fifteenth articles treaty March two, eighteen hundrod and sixty-eight, five thousand two hundred and fifty dollar*. For purchase of iron and steel, and the hundred aud twenty dollara. For first oi thirty instalments, to bo expended under the direction of tho Secretary of tho Interior, for •lothea, blanket#, and such other article# aa lu* may liink proper aud necessary, per eleventh article treaty March two, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, thirty Jiouaand dollara. For annual amount to bo expended, under the di rection of the Socretary of th© Interior, in supplying found to bo capable of sustaining themselves, per rcilth article treaty March two. eighteen hundcred id sixty-eight, thirty thousand dollars. For this amount, to be expended undor tho direction of the Secretary ol the Interior, in providing each lodgo or head of a family in said confederated bauds with one gentle American cow, as distinguished from ordinary Mexican or Texas breed, and live bead of alieep, per thirteen Hi article troaty March two, eigh- lara. il Little Osage Indt- much thereof a* may bo atocaaary, three thousand five hundred dolkrs. OTTOWAN AND CHIPPEWAH OF MIOHIOAN. For a*oon<t *>( four equal annual Instalment* in coin of th* aiim of two hundred and klx thousand dollara, being th* unpaid part of the urinotpal sum of three buodrari and atx thousand dolkr*. to b* distributed per capita, In th* nawal manuar of paving auuulttee, ••ar third article of the treaty of thirty-first July, eigh- i aud flftydlvc, fifty-otio tiiousand five nd Hires thousand actti 1 ror Interest o.. dollars, at flvn per osuiaxn, being tha hakuo* of two hundred and aix thouaaud dollar* for tha flaoal y*#r ending /Rita thirty, eighteen bnndmd sad aevanty. five thousand on* tundrad and fifty dolkr*. frtTOEN AND MiaaorRlAH. Far asaood *f flftaan inatalmank. being the third a*ri*n, to moony ar mkarwke, per fourth arttclo treaty flft**nih March, eighteen hundred and flfty-fuur, nine thnueand dollara. PAWNEES. For purnetonl annuity, at laont on#-half which to i a in gooffs and such arliola* na may he deemed n* oeaeary for them, per second artlcl* troaty twenty seventeen, five hundrod dollari For permanent annuity In apeclo. per fourth article treaty sovMiteonUi September, eighteen hundred and igiitwio, five hundred dollars For blacksmith and assistant, ahop and tool*, iron r (and) steel, during the pleasure ot the President, aa per fourth article treaty of February twenty-eighth, ‘ghtecn hundred and thirty-one, oo* thouaaud and xty dolkrs. For miller, during the pleasure of the President, aix hundred dollars. AENA0A8 OF NEW YORK. For permanent annuity, In lieu of luteroat on stock, per act of nineteenth February, oigliteon hundred and thirty-one, atx thousand dollar*. For interest, In lien of Investment, on aeventy five thousand dolkrs ,at five per cmituin. per act of tweuty- ■evcutli June, eighteen hundred aud forty-ala, three thousand seven hundred aud fifty dollars. For Interest, at five por contum, on ft>rtjr-thr*e thousand aud fifty dollars, transferred from Ontario Bank to tha United ■ tales treasury, par sot of twvnty- saventh June, eighteen hundred and torty-Mx. twe thouaaud one hundred and fifty-two dollara and fifty conk. fiKNCCAH AND HU AWN i For permanent annnity, in aped*, par fourth article treaty seventeenth September, eighteen hundred sad eighteen, on* thousand dollar*. For blacksmith and assistant, ahop and tools, and Iron and steel tor ahop, during th* pleaenr* of th* _, twenty thouaaud dollars. To pay for thirty thousand acre# of land ceded to th* fovorauMl by the Senecas, per eeooud article treaty February twenty-three, eighteeu hundred aud sixty-seven, twenty-four thousand doll amwNKits. For am ed In o • a huudred dollar#. ytMFAwa, ths Quapiws to assist ■ _ _ msolve# at their homes naming reservation, per ninth artlcl* thirty thousand dollara. niuu hundred aud fifty dollara held by th* United Status from July, eighteen hundrod aiul fi/ty-sevoii, till vested in Kansas bonds In December, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, j»or twenty-fourth article treaty February twenlyHhrta, oigliteon hundred and sixty* seven, three thousand seven huudred dollar*. For first of aix lustahneuta tor pay ol blacksmith, and for necessary Ivon and steel aud tools, per twen ty-seventh arttote treaty February, eighteen himdred aud sixty-seven, fifteen hundred dollars. SAC AND FOX INDIANS OF THE MISSISSIPPI. For amount necessary to pay to the Sac and Fox In- diaus, parties to this treaty, at the rate of one dollar •ro for oua hundred aud forty-seven thousand hundred and ninety-three and thirty-two ono- of land, (h. lug tho residue of H a«( nt, on* physician, aud two teachers tor the Mission Indiana of California, twenty-two thouaaud dolkrs. For this amount, or ae much thereof a* may he nec essary to supply the deficiency in the appropriation for removing the Indians from Smith’s River reservation to Hoops Talley and Round Valley reservations in Oai- itoruk, two thousand five hundred doliara. For defraying the expense of removal and subat tunc* of Indians in Oregon not parti* a to any treaty and tor pay of necessary employe**, twenty thousand For defray ing th# aspen#* of removal and subeix dollar*. For salary ot a apeiial agent to take chaige of Win ncbago aud Pottawatomie Indiana now in the State of Wisconsin, one theusrmd five hundred doliara. For payment of interest ou one million two hundred and ninet>-uine thousand throe hundred dollars, non- payiug stocks, held by the Hecrekry of the interior in trust for variousliidisn tribes, up to aud including tho interest uayable July first, eighteen hundred and six* ty-nlne, Ues two months [seveuthsj of six j>*r centum Interest on seven hundred aud ulnety-eix thousand eight hundred dolkrs, Virginia stock, tor th* pay ment of which provision lias been made, sixty-five thousand Aix huudred and eighteen dollars sud fifty- seven cents, or so much thereof as may be necessary. For payment ot interest ou fifteen thousand dol lara, abstracted bouds, tor the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, for the Cherokee school fund, nine hundred dollars. For payment of interest on sixty-eight thousand dollars, abut routed bouds, for the fiscal year ending Juno thirtieth, eighteen huudred and sixty.nine, of the Cherokee national fund, tour tiiousand and eighty dul- For insurance, transportation, and necessary . eases ot the delivery- ot auuultieo a ' the Indian trilj tliousaud doliara. For insurance, transportation, and necessary ex pense* of the delivery to the Pawnee, Pones, and Yanc- tou Sioux Indians of annuity goods and provisions, eight thousand doliara For actual necessary expenses incurred, and that may hereafter be incurred, by officer# of the Indian deparim-nt in Hie rescue of pria- nera from Indian trite* aud returning them to their homes, and tor ex penses incident to the arrest and confinement within the territory of the United States, by order of such of ficer*, of persons charged with crimes against the In dians, five thousand dollars. To pay expanses Incurred iu taking census of North Carolina Clierskee Indians, two thousand fire hun dred dollara. U thereof a» may Le ue- f Idaho Territory, and southeastern portion of Oregon, on the Fort limit reservation on Snake river, Idaho Territory, or on the Siletzor Klamath reserva tion in Oregon, aa th* Secretary of the luterfor may determine, including the transportation of all necessa ry articles and tho material and labor for the con- struction of the houses and mills and pay [of] necessa ry emploj ees for one year, thirty thousand dollar*. For this amount, or ao much thereof as msy be ne- ooaaary, to aid in subsisting aaid Indiana for the first year after their settlement ou said reservation or re- servatioua, no pait of which to be expended until said Indians shsll be so established, and to be applied pro rata as said settlement shall be made, twenty-five tbo Secretary of the Interior shall be satisfied Uia tribes, bands, or individuals named have observed tin troaty stipulations under which tucb payments have in case portions of said tribes c. observed all of aaid obligations, payments shall be made to them pro rata. a hundred and sixty-eight, forty-five tiiousand dol- GBNERAL INCIDENTAL EXPENSES OF THE IN DIAN SERVICE. the general incidental expenses of Hie Indian e iu the territory of Arizoua, presents of goods, agricultural implements, and other useful article*, and 1st them to locate in permanent abodes, and ana- tain themselves by tho pursuits of civilized life, to be Expended under Uio direction of the Secretary of the nterior, seventy thousand dollars. CALIFORNIA. superintending agents, five thousand dollan*. COLORADO TERRITORY. For the general incidental expenses of the Indian nice in Colorado Territory, presents of goods, agri cultural implements, and other useful articles, aud to assist them to locate in permanent abodes, and sustain themselves by tho pursuits of civilized life, to be ex pended under the direction of the Secretary of the In terior, twenty-fivo thousand dollars. DAKOTA TERRITORY. cultural implement#, and other useful article#, and to assist them to locate in permanent abodes, and sus tain themaelvea by the pursuit# of civilized life, to lie expended under tho direction of the Secretary of tho Interior, fifteen thousand dolkrs. IDAHO TERRITORY. For the general incidental expeuses of tho Indiau mice in Idaho Territory, presents of goods, agricul- iral implement#, and other useful articles, and to a»- _ist them to locate in permanent abodes, and sustain themaelvea by the pursuit# ol civilised life, to be ex- j fi,^~ 0 y roo ft Htlioughtp mica, two thousand five hundred dollara. For this amount to pay for subsistence furnishu to the l'onca Indians, by direction of the Indian peace commiaaion, under a contract made with J. W. Bos- ler, eleven thousand nine hundred dollara and twentv. aix cents. Forexpeusts incurred by M. Wilkinson, United States agent tor the Arickarees, Groa Ventre*, and Mandau Indiana, under instructions from the Indian peace commission, to make said Indians, as far as pos- by the President, as per forty-ninth and fiftieth art' cIob treaty Apnl twenty-eighth, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, and Senate amendment thereto, with tin Choctaws and C.’hickaaaws, fifteen huudred and thirty- eight dollars and forty-seven cents. For this amount, interest due tho Choctaws and Chickasaw*, August eighth, eighteen hundred and six ty-eight, on three hundred thousand dollars held in ' for said Indians, under tbo third article treaty > hundred and ixtv-six iuch thereof a •taryofthe Interio*r te ml allowed by the Indian April twenty-eighth, eight fifteen thousand dollars. For this amount, or ao t cessary to enable the Seer unpaid vouchers audited a dollars. ’ For this amount, to ho reimbursed from the pro ceeds of their lands in Kansas, for subhisteuco of the Great and Little Osage Indians, thirty thousand dol- cessary to pay expenses incurred in making uua pre paring home*, furnishing provision*, tools, aud form ing utensils, cattle, and furnishing food and truspor- tation for bands of Indians with which treaties have been made by the Indian peace commission, under Uie supervision of Brevet Major General W. S. Har ney, incurred since OotolMT first, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, four hundred and eighty-five thous- and aeveu hundred and eighty-four dollara and twen ty-one cents. action of the government in moving the 8antee i upon their lands in the year eighteen hundred aud sixty-six, as shall, (be found dm*,) after proper investi gation under tiio direction ot the Secretary of the In terior, who stall appoint a coiumiaaiou to ascertain and report the amount of the damages sustained, not exceeding fifteen thousand dollars, to be divided pro rata in payment cf tho claims to be found duo, which shall be a final settlement of said chum*. To supply deficiency of appropriation to pay tor de predations committed by Indiana in northwestern lows iu the year eighteen hundred and fifty-seven, ten tiiousand nine hundred and six dollara and thirty-four Skc. 2. And be it further enacted, That all goods aud merchandise furnished any tribe or band of In diana under the provision# of any act shall bo turned over by the agent or superintendent of such tribe or band to the chiefs of the tribe or band in bulk and in the original package, as nearly as practicable, and in the presence of the headmen of Uie tribe if practicable, to bo distributed to tho tribe or band by tbe chiefs In such manner as the chiefs may deem beat, in the preaenc pended under the direction of tho Secretary of tho lit- liorlor, flfteeen thousand dolkrs. government as hereinbefore stated. 8ac. 3. And bo it further enacted, That the unex pended balance now standing to the credit of the Kan os* tribe of Indiana ou the books of tbe Treasury De partment. appropriated for or belonging to them for educational purposes, may be used under the dim tion of the superintendent cf Indian affairs for the utrsl superiuteudeucy in the purchase of auen arn- ml clothing as msy in his discretion be x-of- 1 cultural implement Iuterior, Alteon thousand dollars. For tho general incidental expeuses o( the ludi .jrvico in Nevada, present* of goods, agricultural i plements, and otha *“* ~ by the pursuits of civilized life, the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, twenty louaaud dollars. For the general incidental expense* of the Indian •rvice in New Mexico, presents of goods, agricultu ral implements, and other useful articles, and to assist them to locate in permanent abodes, and sustain them selves by the pursuit# otciriUtod Ufa, to bo expended under tho dirccliou of tho Secretary of the interior, forty thousand dollars. 011*00N AND WASHINGTON TERRITORY. For ihc general incidental expeuses of the Indian ■nice In Oregon and Washington Territory, includ ing Insurance and transportation of annuity gooda and nta, (where no special provision theraior is luado eat!.•#), and oihoo and travelling expenses of the •Intend.' it, agents, and sub-agents, thirty-five isnd five hundred dollars. tTTAit TEnniTonv. tural implement*, and other useful articles, and to as sist them to locate in permanent abodes, and sustain themselves by the pursuits of civihsod life, to be ex- landed under th* direction of the Secretary of tho In- rior, fifteen thouaaud dollars. For tho transportation and ncoeaaary expenses of delivery of provisions to the Indians w ithin tho Utah ed by act of t'ongreaa, approved May fifth. « ight« e hundred aud sixty-tour, entitled, “An act to vacate ar scll the present Indian reservation# in Utah Territoi and to settle said Indiau* in Ulnteli Yallsy,” fivo Uio of said Indians, they being in s destitute and sufferim- condition. 8ko. 4. Aud be it further enacted, That there be ap propriated the further sum of two million# of dollar#, or so much there.u as may be necessary, to enable the 'resident to maintain the peace among and witli tho anoua tribes, bands, and pnOfifi of Indiana, ami to >romote civilisation among said Iudiana, bring them, rhoro practicable, upon reservations, relievo their uc- ■cBetties, and encourage their efforts at self-support; a eport ot all expenditure* under this appropriation t. be made in detail to Coucreaa in December next. aud for tho purpose of enabling the President to ex««uti the powers eonterred by this act he is hereby, author- tied, at his discretion, to organic* a board ot comrni*- st.'tier*, to consist ot uot more than ten persons, to bo emiuent for lbo4r intelli- •erve without pecuniary cutupeiiMuoii, who may, under bis direction, exercise Joint control with tiie beer tary of the Iuterior over the disbursement or the appropriations madeby this act or any part thereof that the President may designate . ami t<> pay tiie necessary exj>en*e* of transportation, subsistence, aud clerk hire of said commissioner* while actually engaged In said service there is hereby appropriated, out of any money lu the treasury not /twenty-A'* thou*, may be necessary, d. That nothing in ml dol 1st * ■oprlatoi t furtli i of Hie provisions thei * ratify parties of Indiana tho appr •hall be *o con* ty made with at atnee the twentieth day of July, eighteen hundred a aixty-seven. Arc. 6. \ud lie it furtiie nrialton of one hundred a lor* made to the Stale o j _ eighteen huudred and .ilxtj -tour, to supply a deficien cy b> tho appropriation of .March third, eighteen huu- died and *uiy three, for tin* coats, chargee, and ex- pciiac* prop.-rlv Incut red by said state in suppressing Indian noatilitie* m the year eighteen hundred and •ixty-two, bo, and the same la hereby, extended to em brace ancli expt ndilmvB incurred iu the year eighteen hundred and sixty -three, to the amount of twelve thonaaiul four hundred and eight dollar* sud four ceuts: Provident, That only so much of such expenses •hall be jvaiel the State of Miuticeota as shall be al lowed lev Uie nrooer accounting officers under the n of the act approved March ng Juno thirtieth, eighteeu hundred and aUty-tlmv. .ml for other purpoaea." A proved, April 10, DfC9 meoKMiiBiM, ) United States Mail Stage For the expenao# of colonising, supporting, and f Dishing agricultural Implements and stock, pay of ae- I FROM cessary employ***, purchasing clothing, medicine. Iron aud steel, malnteusuce of schools fori iidfona 1st. . u .. ...... ^_ ly residing In Texas, but now residing on the (hoctaw ATLANTA TO DAHLONEGA leasehold, to be expended under th* direction of tho Secretary ot Uie Interior, eleven thousand dollars. TOR TIIR WICHITA* AND OTHER AFFILIATED BAND*. For tha expeuaea of colonising, supporting, aud fur nishing aaid bands with agricultural implements and stock, pay of necessary employ#**, purchase of cloth ity U>re«. eighteeu hundred and upon their I treaty February tw sixty savon, five thousand dollars. CLAIM* von LOSSES RY THE WAS. To pay a commiaaion, not to axoeed two persona, to bo appointed by the Secretary of the Interior, who shall proceed to the country of th* Beneoas, mixed He tug, medi.’lm•*, schools, to b* ( . Secretary *1 th* Interior, fifteen thousand dollars. OaUFORKU. For the purchase of oattle for beef and utilk. togeth er with clothing and l*od, teams and forming tools for Indiana in OaRforuk, sixty thousand dollars. For par of one physician, on* blacksmith, one as sistant blacksmith, on* farmer, on* carpenter, aud one teacher upon each of the three reaervatiou* of Cal ifornia, aud on* miller at thu Round Valley, and one npon he Hoops Valley m**rvatlona, and on* si>rcial HID AYR, at 7 o'clock a. m. Stag* o«e« In AUan U, at tho Untied States Hotel, which la a flrat-claaa Hotel, l'roprieter* and Clorks always ready and willing ot mail days, and they will b* furnished a ticket when registered. Baggage taken to and from th* office free of charge. JOHN CAIN, Jr., Proprietor. Atlanta, January,30th, 1809. V. 8-—Kxpre*a package# taken to and from the office. AU other package- desired to b* sent by th* Worth will be received and delivered at the Stag* offioeand at Mc Afee. Kellogg h Oo'a store, on Peachtree street. I will, also, act as Agent In raforeno* to any land lota tn Foray th county. Address na* aft OnmmlBf, Gw.