Atlanta daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1869-1871, September 07, 1869, Image 1

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ATLANTA DAILY NEW ERA BARD. ATLANTA, GEORGIA, TUESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 7, 1869. VOL. V.— NO. 1265. ItornoiAL.) [STATES LAWS, t of tho Forty t CMffrfiMM. -ito. i«.) ; MIOM (or Ui# current aud r th* Indian department. »iul MM AM1I NORTH KHN AKA with the aor hem hoe lii'lUim. us,tor tree- B hundred and sixty wight. • tliiitlrili, righteeu hundred "Mm of school house. pur Uwth. eighteen huudred 1 dollar*. * for rwvlM». ol rl. Ui- f truth. eighteen Lon | year ending Jun I and aevciity, 1 IrMay v hoiioaud 14, to be «X|*nd. d by Ike • Unit th • Indian* may Indicate to a treaty May t, mb. eighteen f for the fiscal year eliding aty dollar*;and blacksmith. • thirtieth, eighteen hnu- U*and eight huudred and ad sixty-eight. for the eighteen hu d>ed aud tati on of unodi, aud so nd the Northern r the 11*0*1 year ending <dro*i and seventy, four u AND CLACKAMAS IN- TE VALLEY. | of the third series of au- irle treaty litiudred aud fifty- e of the treaty of Octo- |hundred aud sixty-seven, p Creek, in Kauaas, twenty I aud sixty-seven, seven hth, eighteen hundred d dollars. r thirteenth article a hundred and sixty- hnudred and aixty- I aixty-seven, three thoi t, to lie expended In d trllie who, In the the most valuable per fourteenth article eightocu hundred and | UMPQUA INDIANS, intents of annuity, to be roaidsut, per third arti- r. eighteen hundred and r the pay of a farm- nth November, eigb- i hundred aud fifty | eighteen hundred and ndred dollars. SWAN CREEK. ANI) | VEIL I credit of oducation- iginaw, Rwan creek, M RE SUPERIOR. nt* for agricultnral ndral and fifty-four, i tor moral and dr«*l dollars of which \ band yearly, to ena their village, per [ September, eighteen 1 msand dollar*. ■outs for aix sniitha ti articles treaty thlr- nta for tha support ■ for tho seventh l of shops, per seo- "ii September, clgh- loutAnd and sixty i for Chippewa* of i hundred and six- ahop, during the rtwelflk article treaty HUidred and fifty-four, rventh, eighteen bun- I dollars. i, during the pleasuro cle trosty September fllty-four, and third teen hundred and aix 1 dollar*. t CHIPPEWAS. or the support of tools. Iron aud for tha blacksmith M April seventh, eigh- i thousand five h nay of two farmers, par fourth article treaty fourth Oc- lobar, eighteen hundred aud forty4wo, and eighth sr- tft-ls treaty thirtieth Sept'tuber, eighti-eu hundred aud fifty-four, aud third artlole treaty May seventh eighteen hundred and sixty-four, three hundred and Uurty-tbree dollars aud thirty-three oenta. for fifteenth of twenty iustalmants of annuity lu money, iier thinl article treaty twenty-second K«b us- ry, eighbMin huudred and fifty-five, twenty tliouaaud ly-slx . Mississippi, per third srtkfts treaty August second, eighteen hundred aud forty- I add the Chippewaa « ti thousand dollar*. For second of ten iiistalnicuts jUfH proiootiug the progress of (he people in agriculture and assisting them to become eolf-austainlug, in aooor- For *«scoud of ten iuetaliuento for Uio support of hyeieiau, lu accordance with third article treat; i nineteenth, eighteen and sixty-**-v- aixty-aevou, llirco Imndred dollar*. For Insurance, transportation, and necessary cost of delivery ol auiiuitlM and provision* for Chippewaa of Mississippi, in accordance with sixth article of tha trusty of Man'll nineteen, eighteen hundred and slxty- i, five thousand dollars. CHIPl'KWAH, PILLAGER, AND LAKE WINNEBA- GOHH181I RA N DR. fifteenth of tlilrty instalments of annuity in mouey, par third article treaty twenty-second Februa ry, Hghteeu hundred and fifty-five, ten thousand six hundred aud sixty-six dollars and sixty-six cents. ry. rtfihteen hundred siul fifty-five, eight thousand dollar*. fifteenth of thirty instalments for purposes of utility, per third article treaty twenly-Hcc ml Februa- ry, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, four thousand dol ors. For filteeiith of twenty instalment* for purposes of lucation, including compensation of teacher, per third «rticle treaty twenty-second February, eighteen hundred au«l Aft; ** - — -•—•••• last of flft< muiUihand siuith*' rhops, per twenty-second Fobraary, eighteen hundred aud fifty- wo thousand dollars. last often insUImeut* for j»ay of an engineer to grist aud aaw-mlll at Leech Lake, per third article CHIPPEWAS OF THE MISSISSIPPI, PILLAGER, AND LAKE WINHEBAG0BH1HH liANDS Ol-‘ CHIP PEWA INDIANS IN MINNESOTA. dsni, per fifth gfUeto sto trusty February fourteenth, i thirty-three, and fifth article tr August seventh, eighteen hundred aud fifty-six, six huudred and fifty-sli, two thousand dollars. For eduoatlou, during the pleasure of the President, per fifth article treaty FsL.ruary fourteenth, eightoeu hundred an<? ** *-*- «— ... gust seventli, ssnd dollars. For five per centum interest on two hundred thous and dollars for purposes of eduoatlou, pur sixth article treaty seventh August, eighteen hundred and fifty six, tou thousand dollate. For transportation of such articlus ss may be pur chased for the Greek nation, under treaty of June fourteenth, elghtoeu hundred and sixty-six, two thou sand dollars. For interest on seven hundred sod sevouty-Ave thousand on# hundred aud sixty-eight dollars, •tons of the third krUrto trusty June fourteenth, eigh teen hundred and sixty-sit, thirty-eight thousand un huudred and fifty eight dollars aud forty conts. F or this amount required to pay the expenses of taking s comma and iiive*tigailug the claims of loyal reliigas Indiana and frsedmeu, per fourth article trea ty Juno fourteenth, eighteen hundred and aixty-slx, fifteen hundred dollars. OUOWH. For first of thirty iustulmonts to supply male per- fourteen years of ago with s suit of good Boss, twelve yards of calioo, aud twelve yards cotton domestic, per ninth article treaty of May •••ventli, eighteen hundred and sixt>-eight, for tho fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and aeveuty, five thousand dollar*. For first of thirty instalments to supply the boys aud girls under the ages named such Hauuel and cot ton goods as may be needed to make each a suit as afore* id, together with a pair of woolen hose for each, per ninth article treaty of Muy seventh, eighteen hun dred aud sixty-eight, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred aud seventy, ' Wm" and five hundred dollars. For the first ol ten instalments to be used by the Secretary of the Interior in the purchase of i a for ths support of ■ for ths instruction pnrehaso of Reed*, rttcls treaty of April ^Sixty-six, eight huB- of annuity in mon- Ird article treaty of i and *lxty-sii, three •unuity in pro- jasper third article "1 and sixty. _ Bents of annuity it f third article treaty of * Md ■txtj •!«, *1* hundred gntbb'ng hoes, ten ploughs, ten grind stones, one hundred axes, (handled), twenty spadi eight hundred dollars, and two blacksmiths, c seveutb, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, * bands of Chippewaa, so long as the President may deem it necessary, per sixth article treaty May enth, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, oue thousand dollars. For pay of services and traveling expenses of board of visitors, to connist of not more than throe persons, to attend the annuity payments to tlis In dians, aud to inspect the fields, buildings, mills, and other improvements, as stipulated in the seventh arti cle treaty May seventh, eighteen hundred and sixty- four. not exceeding any one year more than twenty days’ service, at live dollars per day, or more than three hundred miles travel, at ten cents per mils, four hundred aud eighty dollars. For pay of female teacher* employed on tho reserva tions to Instruct Indian girls in domestic ocouomy, one thousand dollars. 0HIPPKWA8 OR RED LAKE AND PEMBINA TRIBE OF CHIPPEWAS. For this amount as annuity to be paid per capita to the lied Lake hand of Chippewaa during tho pleasure of the President, pur third article trosty second Octo- during the pleasure of the Presldi We thousand dollars. For aixth ol fifteen iiutalnu'iit* for the pnrpnso of •npplying tho Rod lAke band of Chippewaa with gill- per third article supplementary treaty of twelfth Apni, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, eight thousand iloi- For the sixth of fifteen instalments for aamo object* r Pembina band of Chip|»cw*a, per name treaty, four thousand dollars. For sixth of fifteen instalments for pay of o ° f Fo! iron aud steel and other articles for blarksmilbing E purposes, per same treaty as above, one thousand five iindred dollar*. For sixth of fifteen instalment*, to lie expondod for carpentering and oilier purposes, j>er name treaty, one thousand dollar*. sixth of fifteen instalment*, to defray expense* more than three of Un* ln- 0RICKA8AWS. r permanent annuity in goods, per act twenty- Kehrnary, seventeen huudred and ninety-nine, for the fiscal year ending Juno thirtieth, eighteen hun- and aixty-iilne. and for llio fiscal year ending thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy, six drod and twenty, ninth article treaty January twenUeth, eighteen hundred and twenty-five, and thirteenth article treaty twenty-aeoond June, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, six hundred dollar*. For jiennanent annuity for education, per second article treaty twentieth January, eighteen hundred aud twenty-five, and thirteenth article treaty twenty- second June, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, nix thou- ud steel, per ninth .nd fifty-five, three hun- upport of tho government, and other beucficlai pit: five, uinetesu thousand five hundred and twelve dol lar* and eighty-nine cents: Provided, That it shall bo the duty of the th^cretary of the Iuterior to sell a *ufll- oient amount of tho bond* of the United Ktaten held in tniHt for the Choctaw Indians to enable him to pay Un; amount of the awards heretofore approved by him In favor of Joseph G. Hcald and ReitSun Wright un der the provisions of tbs fiftieth article of the treaty onnclnded with tho Choctaw and Chickasaw Indian* on the twenty-eighth day of April, eighteen hundred and sixty-six. CONFEDERATED TRIBES ANI) HANDS OF IN DIANS IN MIDDLE OREGON. For last of five instalments, second series, for bane- ficlai objects, at llio <liscrotlon of_lbo President, pe iclo ti second fired and fifty-five, six thousand dollar*. tcnUi of fifteen instalments for jay i, eighteen Ini hundred ami | cento. f the M-eond serfea for . per fourth article . hundred and forty- thin loth Moptsmber, and third article undred and rlxty four, th Maj. elghtesn kfiB* s of th* second aerie* for •to tranter fourth iwo, and sighth Mbor, eighteen hundred h fi gssoad ssrtss, fox I bfotoco, pwr fourth *r- -irwfitnfi for-1 Md tWrt*iroSl*oJ sd and sixty-four, t and sixty-seven • May. MghtesB astr.: ii subsU- blacksmith, and ono wagon and plough maker, per fourth snide treaty twenty- fifth June, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, Uiroe Uiou- sand fivchnndred dolUrn. For tenth of twenty Instalments for pay and sulsds- fence Of one physiciau, one sswvor, oue miliar, one superintendent ol farming operations, and one school teacher, per fourth article treaty twenty-fifth Juno, eighteen hundred and fllly-flvo, five thousand six hun dred dollars. For tenth of twenty Instalment* for salary of tho head chief of said confederated hand*, per fourth artl- '•uty twenty-fifth June, eighteen hundred and ftf- e, five bundled dollar*. CREEKH. r permanent annuity In money, per fourth art!- v seventh August. Rcvnuteen hundred and ’caty seventh August, eigh- x, one thousand five httndrexl For permanent sunnily in mouey, |mr second aril- cle troaty wtxt«-.ntli June, eighteen hundred and two, and fifth.article treaty seventh August, elghtoeu hnn dred and Afty-eix, three tboiiaand dollars. Fc»r permanent annuity In money, per fourth article treaty twenty-fourth January, slghieen hundred and twenty-six, and fifth article treaty seventh August, etgldeen hundred and fifty six, twenty thousand d.d- For permanrut annuity for blacksmith and aoais- Unt, and fo» •hop and t.s>l« por slglitli article treaty Iwenty-Jonrth January, eighteen hundred and twenty- •lx, and fifth article treaty aevrnth Au,nt«t, elghtesn hundred and fifty-six, eight hundred aud forty dot. lsrs. For permanent annuity for iron and steel for shop, per eighth article treaty twsnty-fourth January, eigh teen hundred and tweiity-alx, and fifth article treaty ssvisilh August, eighteen hundred and Afly-sti, 1 hundred and seventy dollars. For pennauent annuity for Has pay of a wheelwright, per eighth article treaty twenty-fourth January, elgh tesn hundred and twenty-six, and fifth article treaty seventh August, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, six )■ usd rad dollars. For blacksmith and a«sUtaut and for shot) and tools, during the pleasure of the President, per fifth arttole treaty fourteenth February, eighteen huudred and thirty-three, and fifth artiste treaty am— - * * * eighteen hundred «f>d fifty-sti, eight hm ty dollars. For Iron and steel for shop during the pleasure of th* Prsebtoot, per fi/te article treaty fourteenth Fsh- rfiory, stgRIecn ha ndred sad thirty thras, and fifth ar «foto treaty seventh August, eight* eu hundred end fit ty-slx, three hundred sod seventy dollar*. For wagon maker, during the pleasure of ths Prssi if ten dollars for each Indian roaming, (one thousand nine hundred and fifty-throe souls), per ninth article treaty of May seventh, eighteen hundred aud sixty- eight, for tho fiscal year ending Juuo thirtieth, eigh teen hundred and seventy, nineteen thousand five hundred and tlilrty dollars. For the construction of a school house or mission building, per third article treaty of May seventh, eigh teen hundred and sixty-eight, two thousand five liun- grlst-mill end shingle machine attached, per third arti cle treaty May seventh, eighteen hundred and sixty- eight. eight thousand dollar*. For pay of carpenter, farmer, blacksmith, miller, and engineer, per tenth article treaty May seventh, eighteen huudred and sixty-eight, five thousand ' huudred dollars. For construction of a warehouse! or store-room for tho use of the sgeut in storing goods belonging fc Indians, per third article of the treaty of May nth, eighteen huudred ami aixty-eight, two thousand vo huudred dollars. For ths construction of an agency building, per same article of same treaty, two thousand dollars. For the building of a residence for a physician to said Indians, per some article of same treaty, two thou sand dollars. For the construction of five buildings for carpenter, s hundred dollar*. DELAWARES. For life annuity to chief, per private article 1 jlemental treaty twenty-fourth September, eighteen hundred and twenty-ulno, to treaty of third October, IfbteSB hundred and eighteen, one imndred dollars. For interest on forty-six thousand end eighty dol- rs. at five per centum, being the value of thirty-six sections of tend set apart by treaty of eighteen hun 1 aud twenty-nine, for education per Senate resolu tion January nineteen, eighteen huudred and thirty- eight, and fifth article treaty of May sixth, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, two thousand three huudred and four dollars. D WAMI8H AND OTHER ALLIED TUIltKS IN WASH INGTON TERRITORY. For tenth instalment on ono hundred and fifty lumaaud dollar* under I lie direction of tho Presi- lent, per sixth article treaty taenty-second January, dghteen hundred uud fifty live, seven tliouaaud five hundred dollar*. ' tenth of twenty iuaUliuents for the establish- and support of an agricultural and industrial school, and to provide said school with a suitable iu- iuMtructors, per fourteenth articlo treaty twenty-second January, eighteen huudred and fifty- five, three thousand dollar*. For tenth of twenty Instalment* for the establUh- i lit and support of a smith uud carpenter shop, and furnish them with tha utoensary tools, per four teenth article treaty twcnly-xccoud January, eighteen of a blacksmith, car]ieuter, farmer, and phy*l shall furnish rosdici article treaty twent dred ami fifty-five, three llioi hundred dol- FLATHF.ADH AND OTHER CONFEDERATED TRIBES. For tho first ol five Instalment* on ono hundred and |reiity thousand dollar*, being tho third neries, for -neticial object*, at the dincroUon of the PreBident, S ^r fourth article treaty alxteenth July, eighteen hun- re.l and fifty-live, lour thousand dollar*. •’or tenth of twenty instalment* for the support of agricultural and industrial school, keeping in re pair the building*, aud providing suitable furniture, books, and stationery, per fifth article treaty sixteenth July, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, three huudred dollars. tenth of twenty instalments for providing suita ble instructor* therefor, per fifth article treaty *lx- _nd wagon aud plough-inakrrn' simps, and providing necessary tool* thorofur, per fifth arlldc| treaty six teenth July, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, five hun dred dollar*. •’or tenth of twenty instalment* for the employ- •nt of two farmers, two miller*, one blacksmith, one tanner, one gUDHinith, one carpenter, and one wagon ul plough-maker, por fifth article treaty *1x1000111 July, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, seven thousand and flouring mill*, and for furnishing tho ncce**ary tool* and fixtures therefor, per fifth article treaty sixteenth July, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, pair the hospital and providing tho necessary mcdl- lines and furniture therefor, por fifth article treaty lixteenth July, eighteen hundred aud fifty-five, three bundled dollars. l-’or tenth of twenty instalment* for pay of a physi cian, pur fifth article treaty sixteenth July, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, ono thousand four huudred dollar*. For tenth of twenty ln*L-ilmcnts for keeping in re pair the bniHlnga required for the various employee* aud furnishing necessary furniture therefor, per fifth article treaty Hixteenth Julv, eighteen linndrod and teenth July, eighteen hundred and -fifty-five, fifteen died dollars. For Insurances: nil provisions, p. i<l transportation of annnlty goods r fifth article treaty sixteenth July, and Hixty-flvo, four thousand tlol- por centum per annum, for education or other bene ficial purposes, under the direction of tho President, per ninth article of trosty of May seventeenth, eigh teen Imndred and fifty-fonr, two thousand eight hun- vonty-flvo dollars. KANBAN. . m one hundred thousand dollars for educational and oilier beneficial purpose#, ss per seoond article treaty May eighteen, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, five thou Hand dollars. For sixteenth liiRtalraent on two hundred thousand dollars, to be paid in eighteen hundred and seventy, |H-r second article treaty eighteenth May, olghteen hundred and fifty-four, ooven thousand doUarn. KLAMATH AND MODOC 1NDIAN8. For fourth of five Instalments, to be applied under direction of tho President, as por second article treaty of October fourteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty- four, eight thousand dollars. For third of twenty in*talmenta for keeping in ro- palr one saw-mill, one llouring mill, buildings for the blacksmith, carpenter, aud wagou and plough-maker, the manual labor school, and hospital, as per fourth article treaty of October fourteenth, eighteen hundrod and sixty-four, one thousand dollars. For fourth of twenty Instalments for tho purohase of tools ami material* for saw aud flour mills, carpen ter, hli ‘ *" ‘ * *■ —'• ' teeuth, eighteen hundred aud sixty-four, one thous and five hundred dollar*. For fourth of Ittesu Instalments for pay and snb- * I* truce of ono superintendent of farming, one former, one blacksmith, owe sawyer, ono carpenter, and one wagon and plough-BUtksr, as ver filth artlole treaty of - ctober fourteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, x thousand dollars. For fourth of twenty instalments to nay salary and -.tbslstonroof ono phyaldau, on* miliar, and two school teacher*, a* per fifth article treaty of October fourteenth, eighteen hundred and aUty-four, three tliouaaud six hundred dollars. MAKAH TltlHK. J... .... .... .nstalments of thirty thousand dol lar*. ibslng the fourth serfs*), under direction of Uio President, as psr fifth arUofo of treaty of January thirty.Aral, eighteen hundred aud Afty-flve, on* thou# and five h on drod dollars. “ h^oftwsn ssry tools therefor, per eleventh article treaty thirty- Arst January, eighteen hundred aud fifty-five, Jlv* hun dred dollars. For tenth of twenty instalments for Uie support of an agricultural and Industrial school, and for pay of teachers, psr slsvsnthartlote treaty thirty-Brat ”— doli*ig **” hoDdMd * nd **7'*™* For tenth of twenty instalment* for Hit employment of a blacksmith, carpenter, former, and physician, who shall furnish medioinss for tha tick, por eleventh artlole treaty Uiirty-first January, eighteen hundred and IHty-flvs, three thousand aix hundred dollars. MKNOMONKEH. For fourteenth of fifteen instalments for pay of mil lor, per third article treaty twelfth May, elghtesn huu dred and fifty-four, six hundred dollars. For fourth of fifteen instalments of annuity upon thro hundred and forty-two thousand six hundred and eighty-six dollars, for cession of lauds, psr fourth ar- Udo treaty May twelfth, eighteen hundred aud fifty- four, aud Honate amendment thereto, sixteen thous and one huudred aud seveuty-uiue dollars and six oeute. . MIAMIE8 OF KANSAS. For permanent provision for blacksmith and asuis- taut, aud iron aud ateel for shop, per fifth articlo trea ty sixth October, eighteen hundred and eighteen, aud fourth article treaty Jans fifth, eighteen hundred end fifty-tour, nine hundred end forty dollars. For permanent provision for talitor. In lieu of gun smith, per fifth article treaty sixth October, eighteen hundred and eighteen, fifth article treaty twenty-third October, eighteen hundred and thirty-four, and fourth article treaty fifth June, eighteen hundred and fifty- four, aix huudred dollars. For interest on fifty thousand dollars, si live per centum, for educational purposes, per third article treaty fifth Juue, eighteen hundred aud fifty four, two “louoand five hundred dollars. For tenth of tweuty Instalment* upon two liundred thousand dollars, per third article treaty fifth June, eighteen huudred and fifty-four, seven thousand five hundred dollars. Ml AMIES 07 INDIANA. For luterest on two huudred aud twenty-one thous and two bundrsd and fifty-seven dollars and eighty- six oeuts, uninvested, at Ave per centum, ]>*r Hen- ate’s amendment to fourth article treaty fifth. June, eighteen huudred aud fifty-four, eleven thousand and sixty-two dollars and eighty-nine cents. MIAMIEH—EEL RIYER. For permanent annuity In goods or otherwise, per fourth article treaty third August, seventeen huudred ul nine-five, five hundred dollar*. For permanent annuity in goods or otherwise, psr ghteen huudred aud nine, three huudred aud fifty id 1 are. MOLEL INDIANH. For last or ten instalments for keeping in repair saw aud flouring mills, aud for tho pay ol necessary employees, the benefits of which to be shared alike by all the confederated ba.ds, per second article treaty twenty-first December, eighteen hundred and fifty- mo thousand five hundred dollars, last ol ten Instalment* for pay of a carpenter and Joiner to aid in erecting buildiugs aud making ure for said Indians, and to furnish tools lu tn said service, per second article treaty twenty-first De cember, eighteen hundred aud fifty-five, one thousand For pay of teachers to manual labor school for all j cesa*ry materials therefor, and for the subsistence the pupils, por second article treaty twenty-first December, eighteen hundred and fiity-flve, tweh hundred dollars. NI8QUALLY, PUYALLUP, AND OTHER TR.BE8 AND BAND8 OF INDIANS, fifteenth instalment, in part payment foi linquiahinent of title to lands, to be applied to ben eficial objects, per fourth article treaty twenty-sixth December, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, one thou sand two hundred dollars. For fifteenth of twenty instalments for pay of in- ructer, smith, physician, who shall furnish medicine for the sick .carpenter, and farmer, per tenth article treaty twenty-aixth December, eighteen liundred and fourth Bsptambsr, elghtesn huudred and fifty-seven, thirty thousand dollars. For support of t*o manual labor schools, daring the ptessare of ths President, per third article treaty Heptomber twenty-fourth, eighteen hundred and fllty For pay of two blacksmiths, ono ol whom shall bs gunsmith end tinsmith, per some treaty, twelve hun dred dollars. For psy of two strikers t/daHu!" For the purchase of farming utensils and stock, dur ing the pleasure of the President, per same treaty, twelve hundrod dollars. For psy of former, per same treaty, tit huudred dollars. For pay of miller, at the discretion of tho President, per same treaty, aix huudrod doliarim For pay of an engineer, at the discretion of tho President, per same treaty, twelve hundred dollars. For pay of apprentices to assist in working the ml per same treaty, five hundred dollars. For keeping in repair the grist and saw mill*, p same treaty, three huudred dollar*. P0M0A8. per second article treaty twelfth March, eighteen hun dred and fifty eight, ten thousand dollars. For this amouut, to be expended during the pleasure of tho President In furnishing such aid and aasistaiKM In agricultural aud mechanical pursuit* provided foi in tho first part of the second article of treaty of nd neensaary, seven thousaud flvo hundred dob POTTO WAT A M1KH. it hundred and twenty-four dollar* aud i For permanent annuity in silver, per third article treaty thirtieth September, eighteen huudred and nine, three hundred and sixty-two dollars and thirty, nine oenta. For permanent annuity lu silver, per third article treaty second October, eighteen huudred and eigh teen, one thousand eight hundred and eleven dollar* and ninety-three cents. For permanent annuity in money, per second art!- e treaty twentieth September, taojj— ’—*“* —I .orouty.-eight, one thousand four nine dollars and fifty-four cents. For permanent annuity in specie, per second article treaty twenty-ninth July, eighteen hundred sod twen ty-nine, eleven thousand flvo huudrod and ninety-six dollars and thirty-three cents. For life annuity to chief, per third article treaty twentieth October, eighteen hundred and thirty-two, two huudred dollars. For life annuity to chiefs, per third article treaty twenty-sixth September, eighteen hundred aud thirty- of an agricultural and industrial school, and support of smith and carpenter shop, and providing the neces sary tools therefor, in conformity with tenth article of treaty December twenty-sixth, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, fifteen hundred dollars. NAVAJOES. such articles of clothing, or raw materials in lieu thereof, for eight thousand Nav^joe Indian*, not hundred and forty thousand dollars. For survey of tho Navajoo Indian reservntioi conformity with fifth articlo treaty of Juno first teen hundred and sixty-eight. tliirty-Hix thousand two hundred aud tweuty dollars. For insurance and transportation- or tho fiscal year tiding Juue thirtieth, eighteen hundrod _ for amount of deficiency expended in subsisting the Navajoe* Bosque Redondo, according to the coutract made by Theodore It. Dodd, from tho twenty-second of May. eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, until their removal to tlieir old homos, ono thousaud one hundred and fifty-five dollars and ninety cents. 8I8SITON AND WABPETON. •y of reservation for tho 8is8lton yeton band* of Dakota or Bioux Indians, aa )>er third, <n, forty-live thousand dollars, or an mujh thereof as a* may bo necessary. NEZ FEItCK INDIANS, live instalment* of seeoutl series for bon- efi> i»l object*, at the discretion of the President, per article treaty of June eleventh, eighteen liun dred and fifty-five, eight thousand dollar*. nth of twenty instalment* for the support of two schools, one of which schools to be an agricultural and industrial school, keeping in repair school build ing*, aud for providing nuitable furniture, liook*, and stationery^ per fifth article treaty eleventh June, oigli- ‘ en hundred and fifty-five, five hundred dollars. For tenth of twenty instalments for tho employment of oue superintendent of teaching and two toarhera, •er fifth article treaty eleventh June, eighteen lmn- red and fifty-five, threo thousand two hundred dob For tenth of twenty instalments for keeping lu re- ,ir blacksmiths’, tinsmiths', gunsmith*', carpcnter*.’- d wagon and plough-makers’ shop*, and for provid ing n five ilrod dollar*. »r tenth of twenty instalment* for llio employuu nt io superintendent of forming, and two farmers, iuilhrs,two blacksmiths, one tinuer, one gun- •h, oue carpenter? and ono wagon and plough-ma- er, i»er lifili article treaty eleventh Juue, eighteen ntidred and fifty-five, eight thousand flvo hundred •llarn. For tenth of twenty Instalments for pay of a pliysi- an, per fifth article treaty eleventh June, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, one thousand two hundred dol lar*. For tenth of twenty Instalment* for keeping in re pair the buildings for the various employee*, and for providing tho necessary furniture therefor, per fiftli ar ticlo treaty eleventh June, eighteen hundred and fifty- ivo, two hundred dollars. For tenth of twenty instalments for the salary of sncli person as the tribe may select to be their lu-ad cliiof, por fifth article treaty eleventh Juno, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, five huudred dollars. For last of four Instalments to enable tho Indian* to remove and locate upon the rcsorvatiou, to be expend- ploughing land and fencing lots, as per first tlanse fourth article treaty June ninth, eighteen hun dred and slxty-thrce, fifteen thousand dollars. For fourth of the sixteen instalments for boarding and clothing tlio children who nhall attend the schools, providing the school* and boarding-ltoases with neces sary furniture, the purchase of necessary wagons, teams, agricultural implements, tools, and so forth, and for fencing of such land* as may be needed for gardening and farming purposes for tho schools, lsrs. For salary of two subordinate chiefs, as per fifth ar ticle freaty of June nine, eighteen hundred and sixty- three, five liundred dollars each. For third of fifteen instalments to keep tho black smiths’ shops in repair and stocked with tho necessary For third of fifteen Instalments for repairs of houses mills, shops, and so forth, and providing ths necensary furniture, tools, and materials, as per fifth article trea ty June ninth, eighteen liundred and sixty-three, two thousand dollars. salary of two matrons to tnko charge of the boarding schools, two assistant teachers, one farmer, one carpenter, and two mlllors, as per fifth articlo treaty Juno ninth, elghteon huudred and sixty-threo, thousand six hundred dollars. OMAHA8. hun- For fourth'of ten instalments for keeping in repair grist and saw mill, and support of blacksmith shop, per eighth articlo treaty March sixteenth, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, and third article treatv March aixth, eighteen Imndred and sixty-five, three hundred ’ollars. For pay of one engineer, twelve hundred dollar*. For fourth of ton Instalment* for pay of ono miller, cr asms trestle*, nino hundred dollar*. For fourth of ten instalment* for pay of one farmer, er same trsatie*, seven hundred and twenty dollars. For fourth of ten instalment* for pay of blacksmith, er name treaties, seven hundred and fifty dollars. OSAGEH. For Interest ou jdxty nine thousand one hmidrod and twenty dollars, at flvs per centum per annum, be ing value of fifty-four aectionr ’* —* * forth, purchased for tho Great and Llttlo Osage Indi an*, or ao much thereof as may !>o necessary, three thouRand five hundred dollars. OTTOWAA AND 0HIFPEWA80F MICHIGAN. For sooond of fonr onnal annual instalment* In coin or tho inn of two huudred and six thousand dollars, being the unpaid part of tho principal sum of throe hundred and six thousand dollars, to b« distributed per capita. In the usual manner of paying annuities, psr thinl article of the treaty of Uiirty-flrat July, eigh teen hundred and fifty flvs, fifty-one thousaud flvs hundred dollars. For interest on one hundred and three thousand dollars, at flvs per oentuas. being the balance of two hundred and six thousand dollars for ths fiscal year ending June thirty, elghtesn hundred and seventy, fire thousand ons hundred and fifty dollars. OTTOE8 AND MldBOUIUAi. For ssooud of fifteen instalment*, being Ute third mom, in money or otherwise, psr fourth artiste treaty fifteenth March, eighteen hundred sad fifty-four, nine thousand dollars. PAWNEBH. For perpetual annuity, at toast one-half whtsh te »Sin goods sod snob artistes ss may be deemed n» osesary for thsm, per seoond sstkto treaty twenty For education, durirg the pleasure of Congress, per third article tteaty of October sixteenth, eighteen hun dred and twenty-six, second article treaty September twentieth, eighteen hundred aud twenty-eight, and fourth articlo treaty October twenty-seventh, eighteen hundred and thirty-two, flvo thousand dollars. For ]>ermaneut provision for the payment of money in liou of tobacco, iron, and steel, per second article treaty twentieth September, eighteen hundrod and twenty-eight, and tenth article of tho treaty of the fifth and seventeenth June, eighteen hundred and forty-six, two hundred and seventeen dollars and for- For permanent provision for three blacksmiths and assistants, and for iron and steel for shops, per third article treaty sixteenth October, eighteen hundred and twonty-eight second article treaty twentieth September, eighteen hundred and twenty-eight, aud second arti cle treaty twenty-ninth July, eighteen hundred and twenty-nine, two thousand forty4wo dollars and nlne- For permanent provision for fifty barrels of salt, per second article of treaty twenty-ninth July, eigh hundred and twenty-nine, three huudred and sev- dollars and forty-eight cents, flvo per centum, in conformity with seventh article treaty of Juuo fifth and seventeenth, eighteen hun dred and forty-six, twenty-throe thousand threo hun dred and oue dollars and thirty-seven cents. To enable the President to carry out the provisions 'of the third article of the treaty of November fifteen, ty-niue, eighteen huudred and sixty-six, by paying to certain members of said tribe who have elected to be come citizen* in accordance with *aid treaties, the proportion of the cash value of the Pottowatomie xty-three dollars and eighty cents, in currency, and c aum of ono hundred and twenty-three thousand x hundred and ninety-nine dollars and seventy-three s, in gold, to bo paid out of the fund* belonging who have actually withdrawn from their tribal rela tion*, aud under said treaties have become citixens of the United States, bo, and tho same are hereby, appro priated : Provided, That no part of said money due ' longing to minor children shall be paid to them, any person for them, until such children shall have attained tlio age of twenty-one year*: And provided patents to be issued, lie shall d shall bo Hatisfled tli tit ed to tho same under the aforesaid treaties, aud he may require the Sot-rotary of tho Iuterior to cause to •aty of seventeenth November, eigh- 1 seven, four hundrod dollars. QUAPAW8. during tho pleasure of the President, •aty thirteenth May, cigliteeu hun- For education •r tliird articlo ■ed and thirty-three’, oue thousand dollars. For blacksmith and assistant, and tools, and iron id Rteel for shop during tho plcasure',,of the Prosi- >nt, per tliird article treaty thirteenth of May, eigh- on liundred and thirty-throe, ono thousand and six ty dollars. dred and thirty-three, six hundred dollars. yUI-NAI-ELT AND QUIL-LEH-UTE INDIANS, or lost of four instalments on twenty-five thousand dollars (being the fourth series) for bonofleial objects, under the direction of the President, per fourth arti cle treaty first of July, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, i> thousand three huudrod dollars. •'or tenth of tweuty instalments for the support of agricultural and industrial school, and pay of suita ble instructors, per tenth article treaty first of July, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, two thousand five hundred dollars. For tenth of twenty instalments for support of smith id carpenter nhop, and to provide tho nocossary tools tenth of twenty instalments for the employ ment of a blacksmith, carpenter, and farmer, and a physician, who shall furnish medicines for the sick, per tenth article treaty first Julv, eighteen hundrod aud fifty-five, three thousand six hundred dollars. ROGUE RIVERS. eighteen imndred aud fifty-three, ousand five hundred dollars. SACS AND FOXES OF MISSISSIPPI, permanent annuity in goods or otherwise, per October, eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, t ssml dollar*. eight huudred thousand dollars, i and four imndred dollars, at five per the direction of tho President, per second article trea ty twenty-first October, eighteen hundred and thirty- , seven thousand sight hundred and seventy dol- For five per centum interest ou two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, to be paid a* annuity, per eighth article treaty seventh August, eighteen hundred aud fifty-six, twelve thousand five hundred dollars. • interest on two Imndred and fifty thouaand dol- it five per centum, to bo paid as annuity, (they having jollied their brethren west), per eighth article treaty seventh August, eighteen huudrod and fifty-six, twelve thousand five hundred dollars. For interest on fifty thousand dollars, at the rate of five per centum per annum, "to be paid annually for the support of schools,” ta por tliird articlo treaty of March twenty-first, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, twenty-live Imndred dollar*. For interest on twenty thousand dollars, at tho rate five per centum per annum, ”to bo paid annually," for tho support of the Remlnole government, as per third article treaty of March twenty-first, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, ono thousand dollar*. • tills amount, being the iutoreat on fifty thous and dollars from August sixteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, the date of the ratification of the treaty made wttli the Seminole*, March twenty-one, eighteen dred and sixty-six, to November twelve, eighteen hundred ami sixty-eight, Uio date when tlio payment of said sum commenced, two year*, two months, and twenty-six days, as per third artlole or treaty of March twenty-one, eighteen huudred and sixty-six, five Uiou- sand five hundred and ulncty-scvcu dollars aud twon- ty-ono cents. SENECAS. For nsriuanent annuity in specie, per fourth article treaty twenty-ninth September, eighteen Imndred and seventeen, five hundred dollar*. For jienuauent annuity tn specie, nor fourth arUdle treaty seventoeuUi September, eighteen liundred and ’ * ten, five Imndred dollar*. blacksmith and assistant, shop end tools, iron or (snd| steel, during tho pleasure ol Uie President, aa per fourth articlo treaty of February twenty-eighth, eighteen hundred aud thirty-one, ono thousand and sixty dollars. For miller, during tlio pleasure of tho President, six hundred dollars. BENA0A8 OF NEW YOItK. For permanent annuity, in lien of interest on st«>ek, por set of nlnetocuth February, eighteen liundred aud thirty-one, six thousand dollars. For Interest, in lieu of Investment, on seventy five thousand dollars,at flvo per centum, nor act of tweuty- seventh June, eighteen liundred and forty-six, three thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars. For interest, at flvu per centum, ou forty-three thousand sad fifty dollars, transferred from Ontario Bank to ths United 8Uto* treasury, par set of twenty- •sventh June, eighteen hundred and forty-elx, two thousand one huudred and fifty-two dollars and fifty ^ ■tWOA* AND BHAWNEM. Foe permanent annuity, in specie, par fourth artlole treaty seventeenth Heptomber, eighteen hundred sad eighteen, oestbonssad dollars. For blacksmith and aaatotont, shop sad tools, sad iron and steel for shop, during the pleasure of the . . . «uiy, elghtoeu hundred and tLJrty-ono, ons thousand .and sixty dollars. BHAWNKE8. For permanent annuity for educational purposes, per fourth article treaty third August* seventeen hun dred and ninetr-flve, aud third artlole treaty tenth May, eighteen hundred and fifty four, one thousand dollars. For permanent annuity, in epoch', for educational purposes, per fourth article treaty twenty-ninth Hep tomber, eighteen hundred aud seveutewu. and third article treaty teutii Mar, eighteen hundred aud fifty- four, two thousand dollars. For interest, at five per centum, on fortv thousand dollars, for educational purposes, per laird article treaty tenth May, eighteen huudred aud ti/ty-four, two thousand dollars. BUOtUiONEB. der the direction of the President, such articles as lie may deem suitable to their wants, either as hunters or herdauieii, per seventh article treaty October first, eighteen imndred and *1 xty-three, five thousaud dollars. KAHTEUX DANUS* sixth of twonty Instalments, to be exponded, under the direction of the President, iu the p treaty July second, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, ten thousand dollars. MOItTnWKSTKUN HAND*. For sixth of twenty instalments, te bo expended, under the direction ol the President, lu the purchase of such articles as he may deem suitable to their wants, either as hunters or herdsmen, per third arti cle treaty July thirtUtb, eighteen hundred and sixty- For sixth of tweuty instalments, to bo expended, inter the direction of the President, in the purchase of such articlus, including cattle for lierdiug or other purposes, as he shall deem suitable for their wants and condition, either as huntsmen or lierdameu, per seventh article treaty October twelfth, eighteen hun dred and sixty-three, one thousand dollars. SIX NATIONS OF NEW YORK. For permanent annuity in clothing and otliur useful articles, per sixth article treaty ssveuteeuth Novum bor, seventeen hundred and nincty-fot and five hundred dollais. 8KLALLAM9. For last of four instalments on sixty-thousand dol lars, (being fourth series), under Uie direction of the President, per fifth articlo treaty twenty-sixth Janua ry, eighteen lmudred and fifty-five, thousand For tenth of twenty instalment# for tho support of i agricultural and industrial school, aud for pay for suitable teachers, per eleventh article treaty twenty- sixth October, eighteen hundred aud fifty-five, oue thousand five huudred dollars. For tenth of twenty Instalments for the employment of a blacksmith, carpenter, farmer, aud a physician, who shall furnish medicines for the sick, per eleventh article treaty twenty-sixth October, eighteen hundred aud filty-flve, three thousand live hundred dollars. TADEGUACHE BAND OF UTAH INDIANS. For sixth of ten instalments for the purchase of goods, under the direction of the Secretary of the In terior, per eighth article treaty of October seventh, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, and Senate amend ment of March twenty-fifth, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, ten thousand dollars. For sixth of ten instalments, per eighth article trea ty, for the purchase of provisions, under the direction for blacksmith’s shop, as per tenth article of said ty, two hundred and twenty dollars. For pay of blacksmith and assistant, a* per same ar ticlo of same treaty, oue thouaand one hundred dol- ’ X8. For insuranoo, transportation, and general inciden tal exponios of the delivery of goods, provisions, and stock, as per same article ol same treaty, three thous and dollars. UMPQUASAND CALAP00IA8, OF UMPQUA TAL LEY, OREGON. For last of live instalments of the tliird scries of an- uity for beneficial object*, to bo expondod aa directed by the President, per third article treaty twenty-ninth November, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, one thou sand seven hundred dollars. For last of fifteen instalments lor the pay of a physi cian and purchase of medicines, per sixth article trea ty twenty-ninth November, eighteen huudred and fif ty-four, one thousaud five hundred dollar*. For the fifteenth of twenty instalments for tho pay of a teacher and purchase of books and stationery, per sixth article treaty tweuty ninth November, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, one thousand four hmidrod | and fifty dollars. UMPQUA8, (COW CREEK BAND.) sixteenth of twenty instalments in blankets, clothing, provisions, and stock, por third article treaty nineteenth September, eighteen huudred and fifty- three, five liundred aud fifty do'lar*. WALLA-WALLA, CAYU8E, AND UMATILLA TRIBES. For last oi five instalments of second series, to be xponded under tlio direction of tho President, per second articlo treaty ninth Juue, eighteen huudrod and fifty-five, six thousand dollar*. For tenth of twenty Instalments for the purchase of all necessary mill fixtures and mechanical tools, mod- iclnes and hospital stores, books and stationery for schools, aud furniture for tho employees, por fourth articlo treaty ninth June, eighteen humhvd and fifty ro, two thousand dollar*. For tenth of twenty instalments for the pay and subsistence of one superintendent of farming opera- eight thousand four hundred aud fifty dollars For tenth of twenty instalments for the pay of each of the head chiefs of tho Walla-Walla, Caytiso, aud Umatilla bands, the aum of flvo hundred dollar* per asnum, per fifth article treaty ninth June, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, fifteen hundrod dollar*. For tenth of twenty instalments for salary for tho of Pio-pio-mox-mox, por fifth articlo treaty ninth ^He, eighteen hundred nnd fifty-five, one huudred dollar*. WINNEBAGOES. r iuterest on one million dollar*, at live per con- . per fourtii article treaty first November, eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, and joint resolution July •ightecu hundred aud sixty-two,fifty-thou- sand dollars. For twenty-tliird of thirty instalments of iuterest on ■ighty-fivo thousand dollars, nt five per centum, per ourth articlo treaty thirteenth October, eighteen liuu- ’ red aud forty-six, lour thousand two hundred and fifty dollars. WALL-rAU-I’E TRIDE OF SNAKE INDIANS. For third of five Instalment the direction of tho President, treaty of August twelfth, eignt thousand dollars. YAKAMA NATION. For last of five instalments of second series for ben eficial object*, at the discretion of the President, por fourth article treaty ninth ~ ’ ‘ ‘ ‘ and fifty-five, eight thousand doll' uses* sad Bhswnsss, sad Quspaws. and tuaks careful investigations of thslr claims for losses, per twslft 1 - artlcte treaty Fsbruary twsnty-thrss, slghtsen imj dred aud sixty-rtofy s«v*u, four thousaud dollars. pointed by ths Secretary of ths Interior, to ascertain aud report th* amouut of money. If any, dss by the United States to said Indians under existing treaties, and so forth, per thirteenth article treaty February twenty-three, eighteen huudred and sixty-seven. Dm thousand dollars. ottow A*. To pay tha claim of J. T. Jones, being, for destruc tion by Are of his dwelling and other property by whites io slgbtoen hundred sod fifty six, per eigh teenth article treaty February twenty-three, eighteen liundred aud sixty-eeven, aix thousand seven handled dollars, ph h > rUMKBfclUW*. rtoBUK, i To amount . oue hundred and alxty-nine thousand six huudred aud eighty-six dollars aud seventy five cents, invested for said Indians, per act of Congress, July twelve, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, per twenty-fourth ar ticle treaty February twenty-three, eighteen liundred and sixty-seven, twenty-five thousand dollars. For this amount, to be taken from the invested fund of said Indians, and to be paid to the tribe, jh-i capita, te assist them iu establishing themselves In their new homes, per twenty-fourth article treaty Feb ruary twenty-three, eighteen liundred and sixty-seven, thirty thousand dollar*. For thl*amount, being tho balance of interest, at fire per centum per month, on thirty-nine thousaud nine huudred and fifty dollars held by the United Htatoafroin July, eighteen huudred and fifty-seven, till vsstod iu Kansas bonds in December, eighteen huudred and sixty one, per twenty-fourth article treaty February twenty-time, eighteen hundred and aixty- seven, three thousand seven hundred dollars. r first of six Instalments for pay ol blacksmith, and for necessary iron and steel and tools, per twen ty-seventh article treaty February, eighteen lmudred and sixty-seven, fifteen hundred dollars. HAC AND FOX INDIANS OF THE MIHHI88IPPI. For amouut necessary to pay te the Sac and Fox In dians, parties to this treaty, at the rate of one dollar oro for one hundred and forty-seven thousand three hundred and nioety-tlir ry eighteen, eighteen hundred and hundred and forty-seven thousand three hundred and ninety-three dollars aud thirty-two cento. For erection of a dwelling house for the agent of said tribe, a houso aud shop lor a blacksmith, aud dwelling bouse for a physician, per seventh article treaty February eighteen, eighteen hundred and six- seven, six thousand dollars. For first of five instalments for the support of a physician and purchase of medicines, per I with tobaoco and salt, per tenth article treaty Februa ry eighteen, eighteen hundred and aixty-seven, three hundred and fifty dollars. To pay the claim of the Sacs and Foxes against the United States for stealing of stock, per fifteenth article treaty February eighteen, eighteen huudred and sixty- seven, sixteen thousand four hnndred dollars. For amount necessary to pay the expenses of n» go- tiating this treaty, per nineteenth articlo treaty Feb ruary eighteen, eighteen hundred aud sixty-seven, fil teen hundred dollars. agent, one physician, and two teachers for the Mission Indians of California, twenty-Iwo thousand dollars. For this amount, or so much thereof as may be nec essary to supply the deficiency m the appropriation for removing th* Indians from Smith's River reservation to Hoops Valley and Round Valley reservations in Csl- iforuis, two thousand five huudred dollars. For defraying the expense of removal and nubs! tones of Indians In Oregon not parti * s to any treaty, and for pay of necessary employees, twruty thouaand dollars. For defraying the expense of removal and suh»i« teuce of Indiana tu Washington Territory not pertles to any treaty, aud for psy of necessary employees, fif teen thouaand dollars. To enable the Secretary oft he Interior to take cliarg< of oertoln stray band* of Pottawatomie and Wiutu to* go Indians, iu the State of Wisconsin, fire thousand nebagoand Pottawatomie Indians now in the State of Wisconsin, oue theusaud five hundred dollars. For payment of interest on one million two hundred and ninety-nine thouaand three hundred dollars, uon paying storks, hold by the Secretary of th* Interior in trust for various Indian tribes, up to aud including tin- interest payable July first, eighteen hundred and six ty-nine, l«a« two wkonthi (seventh*) of six per centum idred and ninety-six thounaud thousand six Ii For paymen _ lars, abstracted bond*, for Uie fiscal y< thirtieth, eighteen hundred aud six Cherokee school fund, nine hundred d For payment i and eighteen dollar* uud fifty - ieh thereof as may be necessary. sixty-eight thousand isirvi'-!! Doima, jor T* ~ “ Ueth, eighteen lniiidrc 'herokee national fund, four thniieand and eighty • lars. r insurance, transportation, and neresoary ofthe delivery of annuities and provirion* i and Michigan, Indian tnbea thousand dollar*, insuram 0 bo expended under 1 i>er seventh article i liundred and aixty- i huudred For teuth ol' twenty instalment* for tuo support of two schools, ono of which is to bo an agricultural and industrial school; kseping in repair school buildings, and for providing suitably furniture, book*, and sta tionery, per fifth articlo treaty ninth June, elghtoeu hundrod and fifty-five, five hnndred dollars For tenth of tweuty ir stalmenta for tho employment ’ ono superintendent of teaching and two teachers, per filth articlo treaty ninth Juno, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, threo tho.mand two hundrod dollars. For tenth of twenty Instalments for tho employment no superintendent of farming aud two farmer*, miller*, two blacksmiths, ono tinner, oue gun smith, ono carpenter, and ono wagon and plough-ma ker, per fifth article treaty ninth June, eighteen liun dred aud fifty-five, eight thousand five humlrod dol lars. sary tools and fixtures, per fifth article treaty ninth June, eighteen huudred and flfty-fivo, five huudrod dollars. For tenth of twenty instalments for keeping in re pair the hospital, and providing the necoasary modi- cinca sud fixtures therefor, per fifth articlo treaty ninth Juno, eighteen hundred fifty-five, threo hundred For tenth of twenty instalments for keeping in re- ir blacksmiths’, tinsmiths’, gunsmiths’, carpenters’, id wagou and plough-makers’* shops, aud for pro dding necessary tools therefor, per fifth article treaty June ninth oightocn hundred and fifty-live, five hun dred dollars. Foi iysiciai u ndred •liars. For tenth of twenty instalment* for keeping in re pair tho building* required for tlio various employee* and for providing th* necessary furnituro thorefoi. par fifth article treaty utnth June, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, three hundred dollar*. For tenth of twenty instalments for the salary of such person as the said confederated tribes and bands Indians may solect to be tlieir head cliiof, por fifth article treaty ninth June, eighteen hundred and fifty- five, five hundred dollars. YANOTON TRIBE OF 8I0UX. first of ten Instalments (second aeries), to bo paid to thorn or expended for tlieir benefit, cninuicnc- treaty nineteenth April, eighteen hundred aud fifty- eight, forty thouaand dollar*: Provided, That no part of tho moneys appropriated to pay annuities duo ilto several tribes or bands of Indiaus named in Hits act shall bo expondod for any other article* of food, cloth ing, agricultural or moehanieal implement* that such as shall bo agreed upon by Uie chief* and headmen of said trib*, in a general council held for this purpose, io to lie «ft i mated for by tlio local agent and •ortlfod by the superintendent of Indian affairs, ex cept where otherwise provided by treaty stipulation. _ by tho Benocsa, per first article treaty Fobmary twenty-three, etghteou hundred ami aixty- !V*d, twenty tliouaaud dollars. To pay for thirty thousand acrac sf land coded to the government by the Hence**, per second article treaty February twenty-three, elghteon hundred and alxty-aeven, twenty-four thousand dollars. auaWMBBs, ' b# ling their homes, por eighth art trraty February twenty-three, eighteen liundred sixty-seven, two thouaand doUora. For first of flvs Instalments for blacksmith and aa- itant. «hop and tools, sud Iron sud ateel for shop, nor eighth article treaty February twonty-threo, olgh teen hundred and alxty-ssven, five hundred dollars. QUAPAWS. For amount to be paid to the Quapaws to assist them In re-establishing themselves at their homea upon their remaining reservation, por ninth article treety February twenty-three, eighteen hundred and sixty-ssvon, flvs thousand dollars. CLAIMS FOB LOSSKS BT THE WAR. To psy s commisAioB, not to sxraad two persons, Io bo appointed by ths ftoeratary of Um Interior, who •hall proceed to the oomrtvy of Ute Iwca*, mixed He- UTE. For construction of a warehouse or store-room at each of the agencies, for the use of tho agent in stor ing goods belonging to the Indians, fifteen hundred dollars each, per fourth article treaty March two, eigh teen liundred and sixty-eight, three thousaud dollars. For erecting an agency building for the residence of the agent at each of the agencies, fifteen hundred dol lars each, per fourth article treaty March two, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, three thousand dollars. For the construction of two sohool-houses, as per jurth article treaty of March two, eight hundred aud sixty-eight, aix thousand dollar*. For construction of four buildings, for carpenter, farmer, blacksmith, and miller, at each of the agen cies, fifteen hnndred dollars each, per fourth article treaty March two, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, twelve thousand dollars. For the erection on said reservation, near each agency, a good water-power saw-mill, with grist mill ihingle machine attached, as per fourth article treaty of March two, eighteen liundred and aixty-eight, sixteen thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may bo necessary. For pay of two carpenters, two millers, two farmers, ul one blacksmith, per fourth and fifteenth articles treaty March two, eighteen hundroJ and sixty-eight, think proper and necessary, per eleventh article treaty March two, eighteen hundred aud sixty-eight, tlilrty thousand dollars. For annual amount to be expended, under the di rection of the Secretary of the Interior, in supplying said Indiaus with beef, mutton, wheat, Hour, beans, and potatoes, uutil such time as said Indians shall bo fouud to be capable of sustaining themselves, per •< If tli article treaty Morel eight nd aixty-eight, thirty thousand dollar*. buiulcrc'd •urance, transportation, and necessary cx- tbe delivery to the Pawnee, Ponca, aud Yarn:- ou mom Indian* of annuity good* &n4 provision*, •ight thousand dollars. For actual necessary expenses incurred, and that may henritcr l>« incurred, by officers of the Indian leparwent iu the rescue of priaom-ra from Indian rib* * and returning them to their home*, and for ex 's, of person* charged with c „ .. disus, five thousand dollar j. To poy expenses incurred in taking census ol Norl Carolina Cherokee Indians, two thousand five liu; dred dollars. For this amount, or so much thereof as may bn n •aaary to ru-euUbliah the Klioabonea, Bannocks, an other strolling bauds of Indians in tlio southern po Uon of Idaho Territory, and southeastern portion i Oregon, on the Fort Hsll reservation on Bnsku rive Idaho Territory, or ou the Siletzwr Klamath reservj tiou in Oregon, ss the Secretary of the Interior mn determine, including the treimportation of all ncccssi cesssry, to aid in subsisting said Indians for ’the fir. t year after their settlement on said reservation or r - serrations, no pait of which to be expended until said Indians shall be so established, and to be applied pr< - rata as said settlement shall be made, tweniy-ii\< thouaand dollars: Provided, That none of the pay ments provided fur in this act shall be made unle** the Secretory of the Interior shall bo satisfied that tl.e tribes bands, or individuals named have observed the treaty stipulation* tinder which such payments Ua\<* become due, aud also the provisions ol any other tr>-a- ties with the government to which they may ho n*r- tie#; c- 1 — -j?—. ' . psy in ei portions of observed all of said obligate made te them pro rata. To psy the expenses of two commissioners, uud* r ten tli article treaty of February twenty-seventh, oi^h- teen hundred sud sixty-seven, with th.' Pottawato mies, two thousand five hundred dollar*. For this amouut to pay for subsistence furuishn to the Ponca Indians, by direction of the Indian peace commission, under a coutract made with J. W. lfos- ler, eleven thousaud nine hnndred dollars and twenty- six cents. For expenses incurred by M. Wilkinson, United States agent for the Aricksrees, Gros Ventres, ami Mondau Indians, under instructions from tho Indian peace commission, to make said Indians, a* tar as pos sible, self-sustaining, twenty-eight thousand two him enty-six dollars and forty-8 For this amouut, E roprlation for pay of commission* y tho President, as per forty-ninth aud fiftieth cles treaty April twenty-eighth, eighteen hundnd an sixty-six, aud Senate amendment thereto, with t! Choctaws uud Chickasaw*, fifteen hundred sml thirl eight dollars and forty-seven cents. For thin amount, luterest due tho Choctaws an Chickasaw*, August eighth, eighteen hundred and *; ty-eight, on three hundred thousand dollars held i trust lor *aid Indians, under the third article treaty» April twenty-eighth, eighteen hundred and ixty-sii fifteen thoi For this amount, or so mi •ssary to enable the Secret u thereof as may I For this amount, to be expended under the di of tho Secretary ol tho Interior, in providing each lodgo or head of a family In said with one gcutlo American cow, as distinguished from ordinary Mexican or Texas breed, and ti sheep, per thirteenth article treaty March lars. i hundred and sixty-eight, forty-five thousand dol- i*ist t of the Indian — a lelves by the pursuits of civilized life, to bo luted under the direction of tho Secretary ol the lor, seventy thousaud dollars. CALIFORNIA. r the general incidental expenses of the Indian relling expenses of COLORADO TERRITORY. For tlio general incidental expenses of tlio Indian servieo in Colotado Territory, presents of goods, agri cultural implements, and other useful articles, ami to assist them to locate in permanent abode*, and sustain themselves by the pursuits of civilised life, to bo ex pended under the direction of the Secretary of tlio In terior, twenty-five thousand dollars. be •xpended under the direction of the Secretary of tho Interior, fifteen thousand dollars. Idaho TERnrronY. For the general incidental expenses of the Indian service iu Idaho Territory, presents of goods, agricul tural implements, and other pended under tho direction of tho Secretary of the In terior, fiftoeon thousand dollars. For this amount to pay the balance due on certain contracts mode by D. W. Ballard, Rovcruor and ex-of ficio superintendent of Indian affairs for Idsho Terri tory, iu July, oghteen huudrod and aixty-seven, ft i TERRITORY. For the gcucrai incidental expenses of tho Indiau Interior, fifteen thousaud dollars. For the general incidental expenses of tli# Indian service in Novada, presents of goods, agricultural im plements. and other useful article*, and to assist them to looato in permanent abode*, and sustain themselves by the pursuits of civilised life, to be expended under tho direction of the Secretary of the Interior, twonty md dollars. NEW MEXICO. the general incidental expenses of tho Indian service in New Mexico, presents of goods, agricultu ral implements, and other useful articles, and to asaist them to locate In permanent abodes, and sustain them- by the pursuits of ctvllixed life, to lie expended under tho direction of tlio Secretary hf tho Interior, forty thousand dollars. RBGON AND WAHUTNOTON TKRHITOMT. general incidental expenses of tho Indian presents, (where no *|>cci*l provision therefor by titMft!••*). sml office and travelling expense* of the superintendent, agent*, slid sub-agents, thirty-five thousand five huudrod dollar*. 'or tlio general incidental expenses of tho Iudian service In Utah Territory, present* of good*, sgrlcnl- oral implement*, and other useful articles, sml to aa- pendod under the direction of the Secretary of the In- ! ■ --— *•- * dollars. i and necessary expenses of the Indiana witliin the Utah tintendeucy, ten thousand dollars, r thl* amoust te carry out the action contemplat ed by act of Congress, approved May fifth, eighteen hundred sod alxty-four, rntitted, "An act to vacate sud sell the prerotit Indian reservations in Utah Territory, and to settle said Indians In Uintah Valley," five thou sand dollars. MIj“CF*.LANEOU8, For the expanses of coloutatng, supporting, nnd fur nishing agricultural implement* and stock, pay of ne cessary employees, purchasing clothing, medicine, iron and steel, maintenance of schools for Indlsna late ly residing in Texas, but now residing on th* Choctaw leasehold, to be expended under the direction ol the Hecrotary of tho Interior, eleven thousand dollars. FOB TO WICHITA* AND OTHER AFFILIATED BANDS. For the expense* of colonising, supporting, sud fur nishing said band* with agricultural implements and stock, pay of necessary employees, purchase of cloth ing, medicines, ‘ ' ■■ .. _ and steel, and of school*, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Iuterior. fifteen thousand dollars. CALIFORNIA. For ths purchase of cattle for beef and milk, togrth- •r with clothing and food, teams and forming tools for Indiana in California, sixty thousand dollar*. For pay of one phyalctan, ons blacksmith, one aa- sfstaut blacksmith, one (firmer, oue carpenter, and one tesoher upon each of the three reservations of Cal ifornia, and one miller at the Round Valley, aud one upon he Hoops Valley resarvattou*, and one special cesaary to pay expenses incurred in making and j paring homes, furnishing provisions, tool*, and ia ing uteuails, cattle, and furnishing food aud tru*i tation for band* of Indian* with which treaties h been made by the Iudian peace commission. supervision of Bre’ uoy, incurred sli and *ixty-eight, ioral W. a llar- tbe citisen* of Niobrara 1 P. | action of ths government in moving the SanteeSfol upon their lands in the year eighteen hnndred an sixty-six, as shall, [be found due,) after proper invest gallon under the direction of the Becretary of the li terior, who aLall appoint a commission to SNcertti aud report the amount of the damages sustained, n< exceeding fifteen thousand dollars, to bo divided pr rata In payment of the claims to be found due, whicl thousand nine hundred and *ix dollar* and thl] Sfc. 2. And be it further enacted. That all coo, and merchandise furnished any tribe or band of l diana tinier the provisions of any act shall bo tun, over by the agent or superintendent ol such tribe . baud to the chief* of the tribe or band in bulk aud the original package, a* nearly aa practicable, and if practicable, to 1 band by the • distributed to chiefs in such beat, iu the Sec. 3. Aud be it further enacted. That the unex pended balanco now stauding to tlio credit of tho Kan- m* tribe of Iudian* ou the books of the Treasury D,- ...^^..,.4 ........ , .- r pr belonging to the :eutr»l Rupcrinft ndeiicy iu tin* purchase o. do* of food and clothing aa may lu his discretiou be bought necessary to relieve Uio most pressing want* Rkc. 4. And bo it further enacted. That there bo ap propriated tho further sum of two millions of dollar*, or so much thereof as may b* nocessarv, to enable the President to maiutaiu the peace among* and with tlio various tribes, baud*, and parties of Indians, and to promote civilization among said Indian*, bring them, practicable, upon reservations, relieve their ne- ' mrage tliair effort* at solf-support; a this appropriation to December next; and President the po ed. at hia dim [erred by o organize a board hereby, autho selected by him from me r any part thoi ul t" V*b the i f tha suhali while actually engaged Ii appropriated, out of any otherwise appropriated, aud dollars, or so much Sec. 5. And be ft forth this act contained, or in Islisil be so construed a* ty made with tary of the ippropriatiouatuadelo Do**- toe President may designate expense* ol transpnrteUoi ii of twcnt\ -A < * thou*, as may be necessary, tod. That nothing lu si t PlhC ieth day of July, eight July ml dol- Bkc. 6. And be ft further enacted, Tha prtatlou of one hundred and seventeen « lsrs made to the State of Mimiesot eighteen huudred and Mxty-fbnc, to t t* U> the appropriation of March third, eighteen hun dred and dxty three, for the coets, charges, aud ex- neiiae* properly incurred by *aid State in *up|we*sing In,Ran hostilities iu the year eighteen hundred amt ilxty-two, be, and the same i* hereby, extended to eui- >rac« such expenditures inourred in the year eighteen hundred and dxty-thn-e, to the amount or twelve thousand four hundred and eight dollar* and four vnta: Provided, That only so much of such expense* ■hall bo paid the ^ lowed by the proper i twenty-second section third, eighteen hnndro act making appe tite government I of the act approved March and sixty-three, entitled -An HflMH'dry civil expens. the year m wired ami sixty-four, t w . tug Juno thirtieth, eighteen hundrod and sixty-three United Stales Mail Stair< FROM ATLANTA TO DAHLONECA 1 KAVRH ATLANTA MONDAYS WEDNESDAYS > J FRIDAYS, at 7 o'clock a. m. Btsgo office in Allan to, at Uie United States Hotel, which is a Arat-cUsa Hotel, lToprteton and Clerk* always ready and w illing to accommodate. Passengers stopping at other hotels are re quested to iretetar their names for a oaat by fl o'clock a. It., of mail days, end they will be furnished s tieket when registered. Baggag* taken to sad from th« office free of charge. JOHN CAIN, J*., Proprietor. Atlanta, Jaauary,30th, DM8. J. S—Expr... |>*-kw»tal«n to matron, th. offl... AH other packages dealrod to bs ssnt by the Hack will be received sad delivered at tbs Stags office end at Mc Afee. Kellogg ft Oo’a store, on Poachteee street. . “1 M ln r®f«rsuo# to any land lot* tn Forsyth conniy. Address me st Camming, <j*.